#tiktok gentrifiers
slightlyemoelephant · 7 months
i NEED to ramble about the ‘tiktok brainlets sayinf goth/punk aren’t music based subcultures’ topic from @dreamspring ‘s post because it is ITCHING my autistic little brain
they want to be part of the ‘aesthetic’ without doing any of the actual work (ie. listening to music they don’t like) or understanding where it came from. these mfs do NOT know that Crass refused to sell their records for profit and have NOT listened to a second of bela lugosi’s dead. they’re just stuck in this infuriating little trend cycle that consists of black clothes and shein chokers.
the POINT of these genres is that they aren’t intended to be digestible. they aren’t supposed to fit into a box. late stage capitalism is suppressing the meaning of subculture while churning out endless piles of consumerist junk for people to buy to call themselves alternative. you could argue that this all started during the ‘2020 tiktok alt’ phase where people started wearing demonias and listening to 100gecs. this aesthetic didn’t exist outside of the internet- it had no grounding in real life.
i’m not gonna say that the tiktok alt bunny hat demonia monster energy 100gecs bollocks is cringe because sometimes when you’re a teenager (particularly a queer one) you go through weird phases. it happens to the best of us. but what i WILL say is it sparked so much debate about ‘what counts as alt’ from bunny hats to lace code ??? (yeah ppl liked to bring that one up as some kind of gotcha or i-know-more-than-you thing).
the difference here is that goth and punk ARE and WERE real life. they started as subsections of society with attitudes, clothes, ways of living, and MUSIC. the music and clothes are expressions of attitudes and they’re too connected to separate.
it’s like this weird chicken and egg situation for them when in reality they should just get a grip and TRY listening to some of the music. TRY going to a show or doing a bit of DIY. it’s more than just a little sticker you can put on your lil peep spotify playlist.
and at the end of the day, you don’t HAVE to be a punk or a goth to have left wing views!! it’s fine if you aren’t! and you can try different things out and maybe … learn something new … outside of the tiktok hyper consumerist bubble! what!!! no way!!! it’s almost like the app is designed to monopolise your time and thoughts and categorise everything into neat little sellable aesthetics !!!
it’s all just so WANK how these ppl are afraid they might overstep or do something wrong or somehow appropriate something. if this is the case for you then KILL THE POSER IN YOUR MIND.
in conclusion: if you can’t at least TRY a LITTLE BIT to explore a subculture style in a way you’re able to (outside of the tiktok comment section) then PISS OFF you little poser. xxx
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mothingness · 2 months
in hindsight we didn’t know that tiktok was gonna become a thing when we decided to take the word poser out of our lexicons
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oofsims · 1 year
i can’t hold it in anymore
pedro pascal is fucking unnatractive I am so tired of all my favorite tags being filled with pedro pascal porn. I have heard the phrase “daddy pascal” multiple fucking times its so fuckig weird for people to act shamelessly horny in public for a man thatms MID. HES FUCKING UGLLYYYYYYYY. HE IS NOT CUTTEEEE. AND IM TIRED OF HOLDING IT IN I CANT GO ANYWHERE ONLINE WITHOUT SEEING SOME WEIRD FUCK. SAYING HE’S HOT IN TIREDDDDD. he is not fuckibg attractive. in fact he is quite funny looking. I HAVE THE WORDS PEDRO PASCAL MUTED. I have muted the TAG “Pedro Pascal” — everytime I look up my favorite game on this app??????? Pedro Pascal 🌽. Pedro pascal p3n!!$. Cannot escape it. I am in a fandom where I can’t escape this fugly nigga. a once flourishing fandom gentrified by horny teens inexplicably obsessed with some old guy. imagine if some 15 year old pointed out some random middle aged man on the side of the street and said “he’s so daddy pls impregnate me babygirl uwu” — you would think something was fucking wrong with them but i live with these people EVERY DAY. I will not disclose what fandom im in (although its obvious) because those fuckers will attack me for not worshipping their ugly ass god but lets just say while I enjoy the tv show adaptation, I am in this shit FOR THE VIDEO GAME. and I STRUGGLE to find people who don’t just post about how hot pedro pascal is all day.
its great that actors who don’t fit the beauty standard are getting opportunities I guess? idk
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snaillock · 11 months
Bro I’m so done with France, now people in my school do witchcraft for real 💀
oh for real? that’s crazy😭 lmaooo they probably not even doing it properly
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ariminiria · 2 years
anyone using tumblr live gets blocked by me
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vrronica-sawyer · 2 years
the ppl who move to LA and then complain abt the other ppl who move to LA as if thats what LA is are annoying but at least they create a little bubble of annoying ppl the natives can safely avoid instead of spreading out 
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Hear me out I hade the weirdest thought evr: Copi and Ghoulies being like a Death Metal band and their songs be like "RIGATTONI", "PIZZA", "PICCOLINI", "CAPUCCHINO" etc. in Death Metal voice ( srsly imagine Copia singing such stupid stuff like that ) 😇💀🔥
thats already what i hear every time copia opens his mouth. and i can tell you. it sounds silly. in other news i would love to hear tobias yelling CAPUCCINO in a mary-goore esque styling but i think copia already sounds like enough of a parody of the band ghost on his own that if they did make a sesame-street-satan song like that it would sound like... the usual
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copperbadge · 2 months
This is not to sniff at packaged food in any way, because cheap, uniform, nutritious, premade food is important and necessary. And despite what your local tiktok orthorexic may tell you, packaged food is still capable of providing solid nutrition.
That said, I've been making my own bread for about twenty years, and for the last ten or so it has often been easier to make bread than buy it, solely because I don't need to leave the house to do so, and I live alone so a decent loaf can last me a good ten days. Being able to make ones own bread in this modern era is a product of privilege -- the resources to buy the ingredients (especially high quality flour, not cheap), the time and space to bake, the stamina to knead or equipment to make kneading easier -- my breads improved a lot when I got a good stand mixer, and those aren't cheap. But also, to make a decent edible boule you can get by with flour, water, yeast, salt, and time. Throw in a little oil and you can make pizza crust; add in kneading and a bit of sugar and you have bagels.
It did somewhat change how I eat, because homemade bread is often a little difficult to make a sandwich with, but I was never a huge fan of sandos anyway. These days I often don't even make loaves -- I make rolls or bagels, or flatbreads.
But all of this is to say that because I'm now accustomed to eating my own bread, which is necessarily small-batch and produced without stabilizers that make commercial bread so soft and uniform, I am starting to struggle when I do buy bread because the flavor and texture often feel off. It's not that it's objectively bad food, but it's very different from what I'm used to, which is unpleasant. I've been aware of the issue for a while but previously even if the bread wasn't as good to me as my own, it was edible and convenient, so it was fine. Making your own hot dog buns is a pain in the ass.
I just bought a loaf of Italian bread, reasonably fresh, a brand I used to eat regularly, because I wasn't feeling up to baking anything. I've been making toast with it mostly. But yesterday morning -- admittedly while dealing with some nausea -- I bit into a sandwich I'd made with it (cashew butter and strawberry jam) and thought, "this feels like eating upholstery fabric."
I haven't been able to eat any more of it since. The soft, dense texture, the specific preservative flavor, the mouthfeel. I tried to eat some toast just now and had to spit it out because it felt like buttered brocade and I started to gag. I'm kind of mad about it, honestly.
The bread won't go to waste -- if I can't eat the rest of the bag I'll dry it out and crush it for breadcrumbs for fried chicken or a panade -- but it's both sad and funny that I have functionally baked myself into a corner where packaged bread is no longer even an option.
It feels like I'm becoming one of the middle-aged eccentrics I used to know when I was a kid -- older people or couples in my church, sometimes parents of my school friends, who were just kind of oddballs, hippie leftovers, what I still think of as Berkeley Weirdos (affectionate) even though Berkeley has long since gentrified. The lady who didn't have a functional oven or stove because she ate raw vegan or the family that converted their old station wagon to biofuel but kept the rear-facing back seats with no seatbelts and would give us death-defying rides to the community pool in them. I'm already growing my own basil because I eat an unlikely amount of pesto for one person. My signature potluck dishes are kiwi dip or egg-free meringues.
I don't mind, exactly. I loved the Berkeley Weirdos and the community they built for us kids. But it's definitely not a place I imagined ending up.
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junglejim4322 · 3 months
Remember when they were making gentrified lean on tiktok and calling it a sleepy girl mocktail
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junkartie · 10 months
Im sorry someone has to say it. I HATE how the only media people find consumable anymore is 8 second videos. I HATE having to edit things over a trendy little sound. Let me stare at a funny image for 20 seconds and go. Let me read a texpost and chuckle slightly. Somehow memes got gentrified and all popular audios are shit that have been carefully curated for profit. Im losing my mind. Next person to say shit like “rizzler” to me is getting a gun pointed at them. One more artist making a shitty song for their 8 second tiktok and theyre getting their firstborn stolen by me personally.
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aaashifts · 6 months
daily reminder that “shifting” is a gentrified concept.
gentrification- upper class, sometimes white people taking certain concepts mainly used by other cultures and turning them into a “white people” thing. for example, some people calling lean which is a drug that is mostly associated with the black community “sleepy girl juice”, is gentrification.
a white girl during the pandemic accidentally “shifted” and gave it the name and terminology as we know it today, including dr, cr, scripting etc.
shifting as a concept has existed way before white people on tiktok discovered it.
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in the Buddhist concept of Iddhi (supernatural abilities which can be mastered through meditation), we see the mention of two abilities which remind us of our modern concept of “shifting”.
isn’t it kind of funny how African and Asian spirituality was vastly slaughtered by white colonizers in the name of Christianity, and now they take what is an aspect of that and they take it and rename it to their liking?
this has existed way before tiktok. shifting does not belong to white girls who shift to hogwarts, never has and never will.
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boccher · 1 month
I'​m not sure how blessed or ignorant I am for having zero context for what the term "pretty privilege" is supposed to mean. Like is that an incel thing or a tiktok thing or is it an actual concept that got gentrified or what
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maegorsbignaturals · 19 days
How would the Targaryens react to the modern times, not modern!Targaryens but canon!Targaryens/medieval!Targaryens? To meme culture, to our fashion, to our technology?
Maegor WOULD NOT survive one minute of exposision to Skibidi toilet. Probably thinks Vapes are for the weakest links of the chain but he is a huge fanatic of over priced gentrified chain gyms. Loves polygamy but doesn't understand neopronous and neither does tries to understand them. He would love to scream at strangers through his car window when all are stuck in the traffic.
Rhaena the lesbian my sweet baby girl, i think she would like to read some female poets that struggled with mental health a lot like Sylvia Plath and Alejandra Pizarnik. also like every average medieval woman she would love how free and more permissive modern times are with the women in general. She has No Reaction to men like Andrew Tate because i am sure she has seen men with faaaar more worst opinions towards women in her time. In fact, i think she would mock him severely.
Naerys doesn't like Ethel Cain. Like yeah preacher's daughter has a lot of things that she could relate but she considers the whole evangelism thing as a mean to abuse a woman as blasphemous. Probably enjoys Alexa praying with her. Loves the 'puter and those online blogs with threads where she can exchanges her experiences and not be judged and belittled by it. She gives me the vibe of being a Calico critter girl, probably a pochaco girl too. Like this is literally naerys
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Visenya would love mixed martial arts. She would enjoy seeing UFC in the front row and screaming her lungs at the fighters. Rhaenys would really enjoy going to concerts and museums. And definitely they would adore those multiparts long ass tiktoks of some obscure reddit storytime with minecraft parkour background or subway surfers background
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andreablog2 · 19 days
I had like a cold ass “Buddha bowl” in an outdoor dining setting w “friends and colleagues” and it was breezing on me and I had to listen to people talk abt how 600k isn’t enough for her parents to retire and she’s worried abt them. One girl kept on bringing up how she hated this “ratchet” girl in her running group but made it very clear the girl was white, and she was designated ratchet bc of the songs she uses in her running TikTok’s. Ummm one girl was like “would you eat 10 hot dogs a day every day for a million dollars” and the other girl was like “fuck no that’s not enough and id die within 6 months” just like crazy crazy things. Omg one of them is gentrifying Oxnard which already seems gentrified to me but she was saying she is thinking about buying a multi family home then using this property management company so she could keep the income. just like sociopathic comment after another. The meanest one had a hot boyfriend who kept on riding up his shorts for attention. I don’t think I talked about anything except one person I’m actually close with was like “´my alma matter has a networking program that’s great if I ever need a job it’s like a bougie temp agency” like ….this shit is in different areas…I couldn’t even calculate a passive aggressively snobby thing to say I just kind of nodded l affirmingly and picked out the undercooked beets in my Buddha bowl. Honestly need a cigarette. I periodically smoke but I feel like smoking a cigarette w some Rando would be healthier than whatever the hell i just went through. Didn’t mention anything I had going on for a variety reasons took, like so much is up in the air currently and I don’t want to jinx it or have anyone somehow use it against me. Very challenging in general.
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deadthehype · 2 months
For months, I've avoid listening to that Ian rapper guy. I refuse to embrace another white artist coming into Hip Hop and stealing other rapper's styles. Gentrifying the culture. And you know they will leave the first chance they get once mainstream media is interested or they get into a predicament and start blaming Hip Hop. The shit don't feel genuine.
But I ain't gonna lie to y'all bruvs. For weeks I've heard the snippet of the unreleased Ian & Lil Yachty song on TikTok. And that light almond colored white man was gettin' busy on it. I can't even front.
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icedsodapop · 8 months
Okay like, I'm actually not angry at Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift for gentrifying fades. My beef is with Alyson Krueger, the damn writer who wrote the damn article, and the New York Times for publishing the article in the first place.
Alyson Kruegor is literally just White mediocrity embodied. Like, imagine being a lifestyle writer and not actually knowing what a fade haircut is, much less knowing that the existance of the haircut preceded Travis Kelce? Justin Bobby has pointed out on Tiktok that Will Smith (back in the 90s on Fresh Prince) and Drake have actually worn the fade before. Also, as a writer for the New York Times, a very well-known news outlet, does she not do her research? How embarassing.
And as for the New York Times, how does the 2nd longest running news outlet in the United States, with a total of 10,360,000 subscribers as of Feb 2023, not have fact-checkers?? How was this half-assed article even okayed by the editor?? My secondary school English teacher would not even pass this article!! The headquarters of the New York Times is situated in Manhatten, which has 199,592 Black residents as of 2020 according to Wikipedia, how did nobody at HQ who read this article look at Alyson in the eye and go, "Honey... this won't cut it."
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