if you support Israel, fuck off from my blog
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I really like it when people come by to say hi 😊 (She/her), (queer/questioning) (20s), (Chinese, Buddhist), (Singaporean 🇸🇬) A woman in STEM, who also aspires to be a woman in PHLEGM (philosophy. humanities. languages. English lit. music) Very tired. Done with life. I'm rooting for any character who isn't white.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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icedsodapop · 7 hours ago
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Maybe the actual feds derailing labour movements were not the Black leftists calling out the weird celebrity worship and desirability politics, but the weirdass thirsty stan accounts after all 🤷🏻‍♀️
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So are yall saying that the Right are eating themselves?? Are these examples of violent in-fighting among the Right??
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icedsodapop · 11 hours ago
Anyways, so my homophobic younger colleague is a Chinese woman whose dating a much older white American expat bro (he's a crypto investor btw). She traveled to California with him to attend flight school and met his buddies. Her experiences sounded like a horror story to me. She found out that his buddies are white men with Asian wives. A cab driver saw her and her boyfriend and told her that she was lucky to have a rich man provide for her, and her boyfriend thanked him even tho my colleague has a uni degree and works in research. She would be told by pple that she was lucky to have met a wealthy guy like her boyfriend.
And thats the reason why white expats often date the local women, it's becos we are status symbols to them. They love the idea of appearing to have achieved a level of financial stability to attract the poor local women who need their help to survive, becos they get to brag about it to their white male friends.
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Of fucking course you are an expat. And a finance bro.
I find white expats' victim complexes utterly fascinating. Even tho these are wealthy white men who have the privilege of being able to choose to work in developing countries with histories of being affected by colonisation or wars caused by these white men's own home countries, they still very much believe that they are victims at the hands of the locals. Whether it be reverse racism or being targeted by the predatory local women for their money. 🤡
Anyways, if this man's story about his ex-wife is true, good for you girl, get your reparations.
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icedsodapop · 11 hours ago
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Of fucking course you are an expat. And a finance bro.
I find white expats' victim complexes utterly fascinating. Even tho these are wealthy white men who have the privilege of being able to choose to work in developing countries with histories of being affected by colonisation or wars caused by these white men's own home countries, they still very much believe that they are victims at the hands of the locals. Whether it be reverse racism or being targeted by the predatory local women for their money. 🤡
Anyways, if this man's story about his ex-wife is true, good for you girl, get your reparations.
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icedsodapop · 15 hours ago
Okay I got a chance immediately 👍
“Although Locke is one of the rare out LGBTQ actors to play a queer superhero, he isn’t Jewish; Schaeffer’s father’s side of the family is Jewish, but she was not raised religious. They both say they are acutely aware of how the decision to cast him as Billy put even more pressure on the show to portray the character’s Judaism faithfully.” <- weird to laud him for being a rare gay actor to play a gay character when he’s not even the only one in the show imo but I’m probably being a bit harsh.
No, be meaner, I love it.
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icedsodapop · 16 hours ago
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WICKED Costume Design from Stage to Screen ↳ part 2 / part 1
— by Susan Hilferty — by Paul Tazewell
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icedsodapop · 17 hours ago
The infantilisation gets really frustrating becos while I agree with them that the take of "Galinda is the real villain of Wicked" is bad and does a disservice to Galinda as a character, there isn't the same knee-jerk defensiveness when other pple are making bad takes of other characters? Takes like, "Boq is an incel" or "Nessarose is the true narcissist" don't really inspire that level of defensiveness but why does Galinda? I just think it's so fascinating.
It's annoying how many Glinda fans, specifically a certain type, act condescending towards people criticizing Glinda's actions and her as a character, calling her out for how she operates in a way that benefits her by saying "Oh, these people don't know anything, they haven't seen Act II or read the books." But when they are told that both forms of media have been seen, they still get in their feelings, especially towards black and other poc fans who, when discussing Glinda, talk about how she feels very reflective of white feminism, respectability politics and performance activism (which she is), something that they know probably what it's like to be around people like that from personal experience. Just because you like a character, especially one who does bad things, doesn't mean you get to be rude to others or downplay their intelligence when they call these actions out. Glinda is often infantilized a lot in this fandom, from what I've gathered, even though (speaking from a movie standpoint) she literally sings about how she understands the way her society works and how she uses those rules to her advantage. There are many things that Glinda does that are fake and catty, and there's nothing wrong with calling that out. Also, another thing, yes some people haven't seen the musical (in person or in full) whether it not being available or just lack of interest, but there are ways to still learn about Act II before the second half of the movie comes out, whether through a quick Google search or just watching bootleg recordings of the musical on YouTube, people can learn, but you acting pretentious and downright hostile probably makes them want to avoid this fandom as a whole. Then you wonder why no one wants to engage with Wicked. You can like her as a character, all good and well as even I can find myself drawn to her, but let's not let your enjoyment of her cloud your judgment and having you lash out at people, because that's really uncalled for.
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icedsodapop · 19 hours ago
Honestly, to me, this show reeks of the white liberal self-congratulatory behaviour. This whole, "look at me making fun of other white pple for not being as woke as I am!" Which is why I personally can't stomach this show, becos other than smugly mocking the ignorance and lack of self-awareness of other wealthy white pple, it doesnt turn the camera/critique inwards. It ends up repeating the same problems in western media where the white characters have the spotlight and are humanised, and the locations and the Brown peoples are rendered exotic props and backdrops. The show, in a sense, are exactly the same ignorant white pple that they are mocking. So, is the show really doing anything different?
I honestly will never take White Lotus seriously as a show after finding that Mike White created a show that was initially criticizing wealthy White tourists in Hawaii while he literally owns a house there. Bitch, you are part of the fucking problem you are criticizing, the self-congratulatoryness of it all I fucking cant- 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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icedsodapop · 21 hours ago
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Fiyeraba parallels (3/?) ━ The poppy = being asleep & being asleep = ignoring the truth
Throughout the movie, and especially in the scenes with Elphaba and Fiyero, the theme of sleep is being tied to the poppies. The poppies are used in the spell cast by Elphaba to put the others to sleep, but Fiyero, who claims earlier that he is either "running amuck" or "sometimes is asleep" remains awake. He questions why this is too, and Elphaba doesn't really know the answer to that either. However with the theme of sleep and the poppies tied together later with finding out the truth (about the Wizard, and what's happening to the Animals) it is clear that the reason why Fiyero did not fall asleep was because similar to Elphaba, once he realized the problem, he couldn't ignore it anymore. "He started thinking." Similarly, Elphaba is so close to getting what she wanted, but she "can't want it anymore" because she woke up to the fact that it's all a lie, and she needs to take action. At this point, Elphaba and Fiyero already rescued the lion cub together, and while Elphaba put the students to sleep there, it was Fiyero who knew how to act, despite Elphaba calling out "what are you doing" he just jumped into action, trusting his instincts without hesitation, but he needed Elphaba to almost literally open his eyes. But Elphaba learned to trust her instincts from Fiyero. And she uses what she's learned from him to invite Glinda along as well, hoping Glinda will join her, just like she promised. Glinda however breaks her promise, despite giving her word that "she would have helped" Elphaba with the lion cub if she was asked. Glinda feels that she has to stay behind. As for Fiyero and Elphaba, netiher of them can go back to sleep anymore and aside from the fact that this parallels and complements their arcs very nicely, it also sets them on their somewhat doomed conclusions for the second half of the story.
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icedsodapop · 21 hours ago
i enjoyed the wicked movie i really did, and cynthia erivo is a fucking powerhouse in it. but i feel like a lot of people are, like, overly enthusiastic in proclaiming that wicked has always been a super progressive story, racially speaking. like yeah, it’s true that the story has always heavily featured ostracism because of skin color. but if producers and creative higher-ups were always interested in utilizing this story to condemn or comment on racism then…why have SO FEW black women played elphaba full-time, either on broadway, west end, or tour?? saycon sengbloh was the first black woman to play elphaba on broadway, and she was a standby for a few years, meaning she only had a handful of performances. as far as i can find, alexia khadime is currently the only black woman to have played elphaba full-time in any production of wicked. that’s INSANE. idk, i just feel like we shouldn’t rush to give wicked as a whole an abundance of brownie points when it comes to race. just my two cents
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icedsodapop · 21 hours ago
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ELPHABA with NESSAROSE & GLINDA Wicked (2024) Dir. Jon M. Chu
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icedsodapop · 21 hours ago
I think it's extremely telling that when you goggle Matt Rife, guess who is associated with him?
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Hmm... this is literally a panel of MAGA, alt-right adjacent assholes and Netflix + social media has given them too much power.
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He's right but I'm seeing a lot of people praising him in the reblogs. And he's still very much typical cishet White guy who is misogynistic, racist and transphobic.
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I feel like, a lot of white pple broadly support socialist policies and are anti-billionaire, but it's not becos they care about equity or what not, it's about getting theirs. And that's how you get a lot of reactionaries making statements that align with left-wing ideologies but it does not mean that they are on our side.
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icedsodapop · 21 hours ago
you ever open a message and think ‘what the fuck am I supposed to say to this’
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icedsodapop · 21 hours ago
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𝐅𝐈𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐀 𝐅𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 ━ 𝑑𝑎𝑦 5. "𝑠𝑢𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑛" 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑣𝑠. 𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑘
"Alice (Brooks, director of photography) and I always talked about how the truth is in the darkness and the lie is in the light." - Jon M. Chu
bonus flashy gif under the cut <3
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icedsodapop · 22 hours ago
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✨toss toss✨
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icedsodapop · 22 hours ago
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icedsodapop · 22 hours ago
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It's me. It's me!
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icedsodapop · 22 hours ago
Elphaba: oh oz oh oz, I just put everyone in the classroom to sleep. what do I do? what do I do???
Fiyero, who took one look at his passed out classmates and immediately decided it was time to commit several felonies: idk what YOU’RE doing but I’M kidnapping this baby and sneaking him across the border. viva resistance.
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