#hello.layla πŸ“
m-ilkiee Β· 16 days
"Within a span of one month, (name) (last name) has been physically, emotionally, mentally and sexually assaulted by two out of three Sano brothers because their egos couldn't handle being called out on their horrible treatment. Unfortunately for the poor woman, the mental strain took a toll on her and she attempted to take her life. She survived after desperate attempts to resucitate her and was rushed to a nearby hospital, where she was treated. One would think the Sano brothers would feel some form of guilt for pushing her towards the edge but no. In fact, this was just the beginning of the horrors (name) will experience in their hands." Layla's commentary podcast on chapter 1 and 2 of "Monsters"
Welcome to Monster's first ever poll! I have teased this since last month, but unfortunately, I haven't had the energy to do so. If you haven't read the last chapter, I'd advice you do so before we continue.
So, we've seen the two brothers in action. We've seen how manipulative Manjiro can be to bend the truth to fit his ideal and we've seen how cruel Izana can be, to make sure reader stays silent. With the two of them already made their move, the stage is set for the horrors yet to play out.
However, I am curious, the two of them went to such great lenghts to make reader miserable. Mikey gaslit Reader until she had no will to do anything and Izana reminded her of a past she would rather forget. Mikey broke her heart and Izana put cracks in her spirit, both different ways for the same goal, silence. so who do you think did was far worse and why?
(If you're too shy to comment or reblog your answers, my anons are wide open.)
(As I promised, I've decided to add something extra! Blind items! These are to add more context and shed more light on parts of the story I couldn't get in. Blind Items are submitted by an anoynmous side characters and if you can guess correctly who, I'll give you a special shout out in the next chapter!)
#1 Blind Item: Bruised Ego
"When reader came newly to school as freshman, the boss(Izana) had an actual interest in her. It even got to the point that he wanted to invite her to one of our parties to know her better. Unfortunately, he found out from (name)'s roommate whom he was hooking up with at that time, that (name) thought he was scary and preferred Mikey. This hurt him and made him want revenge to teach her a lesson. This is why he has all her past information at his finger tips, because he wanted to torment her since she unknowingly rejected his advances. He only paused because Emma later became friends with her and kept it in case. I know this because I travelled to (name)'s hometown to collect some of these information." - Submitted by an upper echelon in Tenjiku
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m-ilkiee Β· 16 days
"After many years of searching for Megumi and finally finding him, I'm supposed to be happy. I should be happy, Miwa. But something's wrong with Megumi." Your voice breaks as you struggle to get the words out without bursting into tears, remembering how he humiliated you in front of all his frat members and friends, with a smirk, a knowing look in his blue eyes that said it all, that he knew exactly what he was doing. "He's acting weird, like he never knew me. And he's doing this intentionally." - y/n to Miwa, chapter one "Love at first sight"
Welcome to the first ever polls for E-boys Ruined my Life! Now I know the first chapter hasn't come out yet, but for those who have read Stupid Lβ™‘ve, you'll have an idea of what E-boys is about. If you're seeing this post for the first time, I have a new fic coming out, E-boys Ruined my life and if this intrigues you, stay tuned.
I need help though! So I'm kind of stuck with picking a nice aesthetic for Megumi. Ultimately, I've narrowed it down to two. Punk "in your face bad boy" and Dark Academia "unassuming bad boy". Whichever aesthetic you choose will affect how Megumi will behave and how the story goes.
So here are some inspos for the two with propaganda:
Dark Academia "unassuming bad boy": Well kept and nicely groomed compared to other guys in his frat, as well as coming from generational wealth, he's the definition of every girl's unattainable dream. But don't let his rather aloof appearance fool you, beneath it all is a certain callousness, manipulative tendencies and the thirst for cruelty that lies within all that come from the Zenin family.
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Punk "in your face bad boy" : A lot of people fear him, but can't help but be drawn towards his rather engimatic aura, assuming there is a heart of gold behind his tough act, thet his family made him this way. Little do they know that his true nature is far worse than what he lets on and just like his dysfunctional family, is rotten to the core.
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(You can send me an anon or comment on why you chose which one!)
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m-ilkiee Β· 13 days
Me after saying it's not that deep:
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m-ilkiee Β· 19 days
Was playing around with the winx club dress maker by @divine-lyn and I decided to design with what I would look like in winx club. Which is your fav?
(The casual outfits are similar to outfits I've worn irl so yeah. The magic winx are variants lol.)
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I wonder what I'd be the fairy of? Imaginations? Fairy of imaginations? Dreams (since I like sleeping a lot πŸ’€)
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m-ilkiee Β· 16 hours
I love love love Pink Pantheress. She's just so me coded πŸ˜πŸ’ž
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m-ilkiee Β· 17 hours
This is why I took a break from this app. The toxicity is so much, you try to find the good in the fandom and you're just frustrated because every platform keeps pushing ragebait on your feed. I cannot even touch my fyp anymore. I just want fanfictions please.
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m-ilkiee Β· 17 hours
I feel like I'm gonna have to change the summary of Eboys cause I'm not vibing with it.
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m-ilkiee Β· 2 days
I used to be afraid that someone would sell my fics or steal my fic. Re-reading the shit I wrote I realized how delusional and overconfident I was. No one's gonna buy that shit.
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m-ilkiee Β· 2 days
My for you page is well ... idk it's not looking good. Please let us turn it off tumblr.
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m-ilkiee Β· 2 days
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(Left) Rebecca Okoye (Right) Junko Aoki
Rebecca and Junko are my ocs from my wattpad TR fic "Bambi". They are inseparable best friends who promised to have each other's back right from when they met in elementary school.
Short information on their background.
For those of you who already know Rebecca from my 15 lines of your OC, this is how she looks like. As you can see, she's a nigerian immigrant whose aunt later naturalized her to be a Japanese citizen after taking custody of her when her parents died. (Yes. I searched for how to get citizenship in Japan. Yes I searched for how adopted children can get citizenship. My search history believes I want to be a citizen of Japan now). Her colour scheme is red and alternatively she wears pink with touches of white or red. She doesn't know what she wants to be in the future (there's a reason for this) - but being an aesthetician doesn't sound too bad as a back up plan. She has a bike named princess.
Junko is half-Japanese on her mother's side, half-jamaican on her father's side. Her father is not in the picture and her mother doesn't talk about him. The complicated relationship between Junko and her mother makes Junko spend more time in Rebecca's house than hers. Her colour scheme is purple, with alternative of light blue and brown. She wants to be a computer programmer when she grows up.
Lmk if you wanna know the pic crews I used. I'll talk about them more in subsequent posts
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m-ilkiee Β· 3 days
Good night guys. Idk when next I'll see you but hopefully soon.
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m-ilkiee Β· 3 days
I'm going to be answering a few monster asks today. To anyone who sent a pregnancy ask, I'm very sorry but I deleted it because I'm not really a fan of pregnancy and I don't feel comfortable talking about it.
I'll also give sneak peaks on both chapter 3 of monsters and chapter 1 of eboys tonight.
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m-ilkiee Β· 13 days
Should I talk about more interesting things? Hmm? I really like fashion but I don't think anyone's on here is interested in that. Should I give tutorials on how to do aesthetic covers? or aesthetic themes? I'm not really sure what to do?
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m-ilkiee Β· 22 days
2021 the girlies were eating with all the dark megumi fics πŸ˜” I miss that era.
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m-ilkiee Β· 22 days
tw: jjk spoilers
I got back from a stressful day at the hospital to see my boy Megumi is BACK! THANK YOU GEGE FOR NOT KILLING HIM πŸ˜ƒ
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m-ilkiee Β· 23 days
The spotify playlist for Eboys is finally done. And honestly, I can't really explain this one except just have fun listening to it. Link is on the masterlist.
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