#three more chapters to go!
jaynovz · 2 years
Hello lovelies thank you all for the comments on chapter 9! I will reply to you all individually in the next few days. As always your support is invaluable. 💜💜
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tsubaki94 · 7 months
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Phantom Comic Ch.4
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venomous-qwille · 10 months
Dear 5+ asks I have had since last saturday which I wont be answering individually cause I don't want to put a target on your back:
Don't send me messages asking about GITM updates without reading my bajillion posts/ANs on the subject.
'not trying to be rude' - well you are being rude, actually, friend. receiving these messages doesnt make me feel good. In fact, it makes me feel very bad. If you spent half the effort it takes to write an ask actually reading the information I have already given people, rather than demanding a personalised answer, then we would all be a lot happier.
Another reminder, a bit louder for people in the back:
My chapters are now 12-15k words each for gitm, because of this I am now following a 3 weekly update schedule. I work full time and write for hours every evening. If that is not good enough for you, you can kindly fuck off.
peace & love, and all that
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andhumanslovedstories · 2 months
Look. Is the transmigrator danmei The Disabled Tyrant’s Beloved Pet Fish a poetic and nuanced literary achievement? yes. But it’s also so fucking readable.
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ryeallytired · 9 months
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Finally had a chance to finish detailing the frames for these two @sanctus-ingenium prints I got a while ago!! (breakdown of the process under cut)
The original frames were just a flat, plain black and white. So the first step was spray painting them neutral gray primer, then with a black, faux "hammered" paint. Once that was dry, it was doing the subtle, gray fillegree/detailing on the front and sides with acrylic paint (freehanding it initially for the Pantera-themed frame, then getting smart about it and making stencils for Leun's (it went much faster)). Next was cutting out the cardstock, coloring them with alcohol markers, and detailing with microns and white ink. Trying to mimic the headpieces of each Holy Beast for the tops of the frames with some reference to their element in the side bits. Flowing acid for Leun and a smoke for Pantera's flames (which I think could have been pushed a litle more and I may redo one day). Each part is typically a double layer of cardstock for a smidge of depth, but Leun's headpiece ended up being three. Then it was just using double sided tape to attach big pieces, and gluing all the smaller, fiddly-bits. Overall, I like how they turned out. Still might redo Pantera's to up the color's contrast to better match Leun's.
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marcelineuntitled · 3 months
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fanart for This Is Not The End by @kings-highway
potentially my favourite fic ever!! <3
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olasketches · 23 days
so because we have only three chapters left, I’ve decided that I’m going to wait for the official release instead of going through the leaks as I’ve been doing for… almost the past 2 years. I don’t want the leaks and the fandom discourse to ruin my last experience with jjk as a still ongoing manga… plus I thought it would be more fun and enjoyable this way... more special ig (I’m being so sappy ik) wish me luck guys!!
#Plus I want to know what it feels like to read a jjk chapter without the leakers’ wonky translation and shitty panels quality#also… I’m soooooo tired of the discourse I’m genuinely over it.#I’m trying really hard to avoid it and just enjoy the chapters#cause even if I had my own doubts (that expressed here) about certain things#they were more or less later addressed in the next couple of chapters#so at this point I’m like ok I still don’t know what to expect or how gege is going to tackle all of it.#I have more questions than answers regarding characters like sukuna yuuji or megumi.#yes I loved sukuna’s conclusion and no idk how certain his ending it is as everything about it felt quite vague and unclear.#so yes I’m happy but I’m also open to whatever gege has planned for the last three chapters…#and basically whatever. just you do you gege I really don’t know what to expect. AT ALL.#all I know is that I want to let gege finish his story so I could have a full picture in mind#I’m tired of reading and going through assumptions criticism about new released chapters#while knowing that there are still more (now just three) chapters left#this was basically my whole jjk fandom experience after EVERY new chapter “this is bad and doesn’t make sense” like…#the story is not even finished yet 😭#I just want gege to finish the manga and then we can talk about what went well or what went wrong… and all#but in the meantime I just want to enjoy the story for as long as I can#that’s all#jjk#personal
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emily-mooon · 3 months
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Nancy Wheeler the shoujo manga protagonist you are what with your love triangle and everything about you my pookie <3
#the fake shoujo manga chapter divider in a shoujo magazine is complete!#this took me like three days to finish and needless to say I’m proud of it 😌#ok maybe apart from Steve I’m not too happy with how he came out#everytime I draw his s1 hair apart of me wants to explode cause of how confusing and hard it is to draw#I imagine that this (fake) manga starts off as a regular shoujo romance but slowly escalates into a sci-fi horror#I’d like to thank Betsumas online archive for giving me references of shoujo from the 80s and 90s#ngl this would have flopped without it#I took some inspo from the many different art styles I saw in my betsuma refs and added aspects to my already pretty anime style#I also stylized Jonathan’s hair differently to how I usually do it to go more in line with how I think it would be stylized#in an actual shoujo#same with Nancy too#I also did more softer shading and tried to make it look watercoloury as alot of the shoujo mangaka I like use it for more fancy art#in relation to their work#i don’t think it comes across that way but hey it was worth a try!#I’m either proud of the title of this fake ST manga or ashamed of it idk I can’t decide#anyways I might do a part two to this? idk it was originally my intention#hope y’all enjoy!#stranger things#nancy wheeler#jonathan byers#steve harrington#barbra holland#jancy#I’ll add the jancy tag cause this piece has the pairing in subtext (lmk if i should remove it at all cause this isn’t an obvious jancy thing#)#cw eyestrain#tw eyestrain#<-adding these tags cause I think this could cause some eyestrain
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trensu · 1 month
do you think you'll put "Stasis in darkness" on AO3 eventually?
see, when the idea first came to me, I hadn't really planned on doing anything with it because I wasn't sure if I could make it work. there's a level of gravitas in the relationship between a god and their devoted servant that I didn't think would translate well to steddie because, let's be real, those boys are goofy dorks. but the idea wouldn't leave me alone so I typed up the original post in an attempt to work it out of my system and move on.
(the post kind of blew up, which I was not expecting at all!! like, not even a little bit! i post all sorts of rough little ideas for my own amusement and I've been able to do that without drawing much attention until that point.)
Anyway, I wouldn't have done much with it but @acowardinmordor left some comments/tags/what have you that helped me nail down the setting in my head which really opened the door for me to explore how the story could progress. (apologies, strife, I'm not sure I ever properly thanked you for that burst of inspiration, so please accept this shoutout as an expression of gratitude). And the amazing @ent-is-indecisive allowed me to rant about it which really helped flesh out the story. Seriously, there are elements and lore coming up that would not have existed if it weren't for ent. (and thank you once again ent for the ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL fanart you made for the reveal scene, I'm still overcome with joy whenever I think about it!).
Once it got to that point, I knew I wanted it to be a self-contained story and I was afraid that if I did a multi-chapter fic I'd lose the thread and never make it to the ending I want the fic to have. (no, the end scene hasn't been written yet but I KNOW what it's going to be and I hope everyone will love it as much as i do). So I promised myself that I was not going to post it on ao3 until the whole thing was written out completely.
However, I occasionally need a confidence/motivation boost so I've been posting consecutive parts of the rough draft here. you have no idea how much the people who reblogged with tags or left comments have helped me fight off the discouragement my brain likes to bog me down with; off the top of my head, @godsweakestboy , @redfreckledwolf, @fuctacles , @spectrum-spectre , and @lawrencebshoggoth have given me lovely, enthusiastic words of encouragement. and they're only the ones I can think of at this moment. there's so many other people who've done this, so if you've ever left me nice tags or comments, please know that I've read every single one of them repeatedly whenever I need to get over a slump. I'm so grateful for all of you!
Anyway, all this is to say yes! It is going to be posted as a oneshot on ao3 once I've finished writing it. <3
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blood-mocha-latte · 1 month
back in demacon hell. yes it is an atrocious hour thank you for noticing
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
my personal pipe dream is that one monday the egg statistics drop and flippa (and maybe tilin) are just there. at the end. with one heart, and one gray checkmark.
what i imagine is the server flips their shit. alive!!! alive!!! but they log in and they don't see the eggs. instead they get a message. i do not care who it's from or how it's delivered. they're told the eggs are being held captive somewhere, but they're alive. all that's left is to find them, before sunday at midnight pst. bc if their tasks aren't done, they die (one checkmark, one quest set. once rescued they become triple check like the other eggs)
slimeriana come CRASHING back into the server, they don't know jack shit, ESPECIALLY mariana who doesn't recognize 90% of the island anymore but holy fuck, flippa is alive somewhere and they have to find her. and maybe mariana's still in the old server days mindset of raising his kid alone but slime's slowly been indoctrinated into "it takes a village" and honestly the absolute second mariana logs on, someone's gonna be in chat already like HEY MARIANA CAN I TALK TO YOU? be it baghera or cellbit or forever or bad or I DON'T KNOW, COULD GENUINELY BE ANYONE LMAO but like mystery and eggs in danger is chumming the water for this server
which is great bc A) mariana has a concrete goal for logging into the server (finding his daughter) and B) he would be interacting with the rest of the server along the way, because he's not going to be doing this alone (he wouldn't even be allowed lmfao the rest of the server would be at his doorstep asking to help him in like 15 seconds flat) which means C) he might get reasons to log in extending outside flippa and slime. bingooooo
i call this a pipe dream bc i can poke so many holes in this even rn (does cc!mariana want flippa back, like fr? i'm not up to date) but can you IMAGINE. LIKE DAMN. i'm putting this idea into the public domain fr go nuts with it.
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snakebites-and-ink · 4 months
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CW: Deception/betrayal, internalized dehumanization, angsty dramatic irony
Everyone was ecstatic when Hero made it back largely unharmed.
They were a little worse for wear, of course. Hero had amassed a collection of bruises and abrasions. But considering they’d been in the hands of their nemesis, they’d gotten off easy. If Villain’d had Hero trapped well enough to hold them for that long, it was lucky enough they’d escaped in one piece, let alone without serious injury.
When they arrived at the hero agency’s base, there was a flurry of excitement and Hero’s colleagues and teammates were quickly fetched. Quite a few excited greetings were exchanged, and Hero was whisked off to the medical wing.
Medic welcomed them and a team member explained that Hero had just escaped from Villain and needed their injuries checked.
Medic looked over them. There were a few abrasions and a number of bruises in various stages of healing. Most of the abrasions looked like they were from not-so-gentle restraints holding the hero; most of the bruises looked like they were directly inflicted by Villain themself.
Not a comfortable thing to go through, but it could have been so much worse.
Medic conversed with them as they worked. Hero expressed how glad they were to be back. Something in the way they answered didn’t really sound like the usual Hero, but Medic supposed they couldn’t expect them to be quite themself after being held captive by their enemy.
Medic asked them questions about what they’d gone through, partially to find out what they needed to treat, partially to check in on them emotionally. Hero told them about the treatment they’d gotten from Villain. Maybe it was because they didn’t want to talk about the unpleasant experience, but the details were a bit vague. Medic gave them a scrutinizing look.
The more the two talked, the more Medic could tell there was something Hero wasn’t telling them.
They were a doctor, used to respecting patient privacy, and they worked with heroes, so Medic could respect that some things had to be kept secret. They weren’t going to force Hero to tell them whatever it was they wanted to keep to themself, especially not right after they got home from the clutches of their enemy, but… “I just need to know whatever it is you’re not sharing won’t put anyone in danger.”
Hero smiled. Somehow it didn’t seem quite real. “Of course not. Have I ever been a danger?”
The heroes had accepted the weapon’s cover completely, just as Villain had predicted. They welcomed it in as a friend and ally and showed no signs of suspecting what it really was. The doctor seemed to have some doubts but ultimately let it go.
When night had fallen, the majority of the heroes had gone to bed, and the excitement had died down enough for it to escape their attention, the weapon contacted its owner. It sent the preestablished signal that would broadcast its location to Villain, leading them to the hero agency.
Then it moved on to its next task.
Villain’s weapon went down to the basement level of the hero agency’s base. It didn’t look like much, but it was vital to the building’s structural integrity. The perfect place to target for maximum damage with minimum cost.
491 found the structural support piece it was looking for. Well built, but everything had that one special frequency that was perfectly tuned to shatter it. And one of the weapon’s abilities was finding such a frequency with minimal effort. It was well-attuned with sound.
It summoned soundwaves between its fingers at the exact right frequency, then sent the vibrations through the support piece, raising the intensity until it broke. 
The building groaned and tremors started running through it. With the job done, the weapon knew it had to get out of there quickly to make it back to its owner in one piece. It dashed back up to ground level, dodging falling rubble and new cracks on its way to the nearest exit.
The hero team fled the building too. They met up outside, watching the building falling apart in horror.
The team was devastated. They’d all made it without major injuries, but their home and sanctuary was ruined. Distressed cries and exclamations of “What went wrong?” sounded around the group.
But it wasn’t over yet, which none of them were prepared for. They were expecting this to be an attack in and of itself. They didn’t realize it was only to make them vulnerable to the enemy’s real move.
Called by the signal, Villain arrived, and caught the lot of them with far more ease than the villain could have hoped for before.
Tagging: @whumpsoda
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
good morning folks.
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in the trenches and blade still isn't getting any from n darling. 🙏 keep him in your thoughts and prayers
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emmie-writes-stuff · 6 months
So latest chapter was something
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First off, can we just talk about how fucking AWESOME Kunigami was here???
Like holy shit!!!
I love that second image of him full on just shoving Shidou to the side, (plus Kaiser’s face- he’s trying to be relevant where he doesn’t belong)
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I had no idea that I needed to see Charles interact with Raichi but this made me giggle
Fifteen year olds are brutal, what else can I say?
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I really love that he’s going back to the video game analogies, it’s one of the things that had me really loving his character at the start and it’s something I like trying to write in when I’m working on Hiorin fics in my limited spare time
I didn’t expect him to have this little rivalry with Charles but it’s fun so I can’t complain
Plus the video game boss Charles is SO FUCKIN COOL
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Rin deserves better in this game, I’m kinda sad that he’s taking a backseat rn because he’s one of my favourites
But I do love how annoyed he is with Charles-
The only one who seems to like the kid rn is Shidou, so it makes sense that Rin would be annoyed by him, given that he hates Shidou and Charles is like a mini version of him
I really hope we get “kill mode” Rin in this game, I wanna see him go absolutely wild (I kinda really don’t want Bastard to win this game, I think it’s high time Isagi’s plot armour runs out)
Ah shit, I’ve run out of images I can include on a post-
Imma have to do a part two in order to include the rest of my commentary but OMG THIS CHAPTER WAS SO HYPE
This game was a long time coming and I’m so glad that it’s living up to most of my expectations so far!!!
Part two of this ramble
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percabeth4life · 3 months
Not being able to write when I have multiple chapters for fics I need to update plotted out fully, multiple new fics in progress of plotting or completely plotted out and literally nothing to do at work is killing me.
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animentality · 2 months
people were upsetting me in the comments on one of my fanfic chapters, so I just deleted it.
i was going to write 5 chapters, but since I deleted one, and don't feel like posting the other one now, I think it's fine to just leave it as a trilogy.
i'm not sure.
am I losing my touch, or is that particular fandom really touchy?
i swear I never got this much complaining when I wrote durgetash porn...
maybe it's because that's a more adult fandom.
i don't know.
feels bad, though. kinda feels bad.
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