#though i love his theme!!! when he got revealed in this game i literally just walked around not doing anything in game cause i just wanted
rielzero · 11 months
Just saw your post about ascended Astarion and male Tav fanfic. I am willing to rise to the challenge
If you need any prompts! here's some concept I've danced with in my head (up for anyone to use) inspired by my own character's potential AUs. Please do not claim ownership over the ideas, I'd love to see people's different spins. Please keep it to Male Tav, there's so many Female Tav fics out there already- I had ideas specifically with a male character in mind. M x M focus is preferred. I'm not bi or pan, so anything hinting to tav being exclusively gay is nice.
THESE ARE all PROMPTS / IDEAS not demands. I'm not here to control anyone's creative progress :V
I'm just a nerd be nice
Brain Damage Tav has used the tadpole powers but refuses to become half-illitid and keeps it how it is. Tav ascends Astarion- but is convinced by Jaheira or someone else that he is incapable of feeling love now and becomes afraid of him- (Astarion still is very much capable of love) Astarion responds of course like a scorned ex, and lies through his teeth when the break up happens and breaks tav's heart. Timeskip- it is revealed Tav's altered brain still has mindflayer powers, but because of the trauma of the final fight he suffers from severe memory loss and pretty much got themselves in a position were he is dying- only for Astarion to come around and save him by turning him- then be met with guilt and over-protectiveness when he realizes Tav does not remember their time together anymore. (would work for a series, this concept is what I intend to use for an AU of my character but it would be very different.) Lots of angst but soft ascended astarion towards male tav :3 very gentle- very protective.
You were There too AU were Tav was kept by Cazador but never turned, just kept as a snack- so Astarion knows him and they may have fallen in love during that time. During the ritual Cazador threatens to replace Astarion with Tav- Astarion goes feral.
I forget you're an Urchin Playing into the fact that Astarion was a corrupted Noble- knows what luxury life is like- inspired by how my tav is an urchin and very unfamiliar with luxury- Tav is Astarion's consort- but is very awkward not knowing ANYTHING about noble life, from etiquette to wearing jewelry and fancy garbs. Wholesome stuff- Probably lots of fluff. Astarion spoiling Tav and showing him off.
Three of them AU were Gale and Astarion and Tav are a in a polycule, after ascension Astarion becomes a little overly possessive over Tav- Gale notices a bit late and feels left out, but supports his loved ones new life goals... Of world domination.
I'm married, get over it Au were male tav has an horrible ex who breaks in the mansion because he thinks tav is enslaved to Astarion- but he's not- He's just as evil as Astarion. And they're very affectionate- Astarion enjoys rubbing it into the ex's face. Extra points if the ex is a human cleric, paladin, or bard with too much facial hair. (COUGHS)
Warlock? cool Any fic that plays into the warlock theme openly for tav, not similary to Wyll- all though I don't want to restrict anyone to a specific type of patron. (my patron is a great old one) keep in mind there's warlock patrons outside of the subclasses in the bg3 game if you need inspiration. If tav's patron is female, give them a mother-son kind of bond since tav is gay.
Other, Tropes I like described vaguely cuz my brain stoopid but ideas that can be expanded into one fic or more -oh shit you're dying don't worry I can fix it with a bite -you're so beautiful I want a 100 paintings of you akjdkhgkfhgk -The gods literally made you to ruin me god damn it I should've known -tav is small / fragile looking man but he can stab you 100 times over -tav can sing, or is creative but he doesn't like sharing this side of him (loki is 100% exactly this lol) hes easily embarrassed -tav is internally panicking because he is very very very gay. -tav has scars too and is very insecure about his body. -overprotectiveness, lots of handholding keep you close kinda stuff -wholesome physical affection, does not have sexual implications even if they talk dirty or flirt silly -words being used like petite, twink- or cute in the right context. -maybe a fic focussing on tav being half elf and the struggles that come with it. Otherwise leave race up to reader. -Tav was already a vampire before they met, or is a dhampir -Astarion and tav knew each other 200 years ago -I will pet you aggressively and affectionally and you will like it -who the fuck are you drawing? wait thats me??? oh -Astarion is creative too and might doodle. -love at first sight but in denial.. cuz its funny -tav has insomnia and needs cuddles... -tav is a necromancer and familiar with vampire lore. -anything reflecting the vampire bride/groom lore in a scene. (there's a reddit post explaining this) -Vampire hunters coming after tav in attempt to hurt Astarion because he's become pretty untouchable -Vampire Tav does not want to feed on his victims because he finds that too intimite -Vampire tav is a vampire lord too- but not an ascended one- and he isn't corrupted by greed. -Astarion technically can compel Tav, but has no desire to do so and voices this openly to anyone who tries to argue Tav is a slave. -If Astarion hurts tav by accident in any way he feels horrible and will shower him in gifts or thousands of love language things just to affirm that it was an oopsie and he did not want to do that. He'd never do that willingly. -consent consent consent anything with consent- love language is consent -tav was a sex worker himself before they met but not anymore -lots of fluff stuff -scheming husbands plotting the downfall of the world together, bonus points if tav is the mastermind and a genius -Polycule with Gale, either as Triad, or Triangle -Admiring from afar, staring- lots of staring- intense consential staring -astarion beating up tav's abusers while tav sips from a chalice like a spoiled consort -dramatic vampire parties and all the normie vampire lords are scared of Astarion and his consort -vampire politics are kind of like ballroom hissing contests with fancy banquets and showing off your partner -I will go feral if someone hurts or touches you -steer clear of the consort, or the master will gut you -jealous vampire lord tries to seduce tav but tav is very loyal to astarion and not having it -astarion gets a cleric or powerful mage in his court just to revive tav if tav dies -You offended my husband? I'm setting your village on fire -Everyone thinks the consort tav is weak- but the consort might actually be more dangerous oh no -None of the above lines have to be necessarily restricted by ingame universe, can all be AU- does not have to include the whole mindflayer drama. Rule of Cool.
Avoid these please? I personally dislike that -misgendering tav (babygirl, queen, girly, strictly effeminate- any words that might demasculinize tav, as a gay man this stuff makes me really uncomfortable) -Overly describing tav's features as if they're set without leaving it open to the reader (long hair, skin color, favorite colors, etc) -Astarion knew tav when tav was still a child and Astarion was an adult. -Astarion abusing tav physically, just.. Please no. -...they're teenagers in high school... *dies* -brainwashing.. No offense to people who like some tropes I don't- You're fine :V We all have different tastes!
Headcanons for how Ascension works that you can use (inspired by ingame dialogue and such) -Tav isn't a regular spawn, but a vampire groom- He was turned differently, not buried for 2 days. Astarion can sense Tav is in danger if he is a groom, or sense strong emotions from him. -Tav is not immune to sunlight unless he stays in close range of Astarion. (based on dialogue) -Astarion might be a bit warmer to the touch since he is a living vampire now. He does not have to feed on blood- but Tav still requires blood and is cold to the touch.
Might edit this post later with more.
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malevolentmango · 1 year
meta thoughts on Loki's role in What You've Already Buried
Yes, this is a meta post about my own fic. idk how I got here but I do in fact have a lot of thoughts about Loki and how I chose to combine the p5r persona, the actual mythology of Loki, and Goro's character arc, so here we are.
If you haven't read the whole fic and you care about spoilers, make sure to leave this for after! Also, this got... really long and sort of all over the place. I tried to organize it all but alskdjfa oops?
So, to start, I'll go through the various stories I referenced in the fic. Obviously we're playing fast and loose with the mythology here in general, but stick with me.
Chapter 2
The dream in chapter 2 was the result of me mashing together two different, unrelated stories. The poem Hyndluljóð briefly references Loki eating a woman's roasted heart, and no matter how many times I told myself I didn't need to include that imagery anywhere in my fic, you can see that it ended up there anyway because it's sexy as hell. The rest of that scene, where Goro/Loki talks about his fate and how they will always end up here, is a reference to Loki's role in the death of the god Baldr, which results in Loki being bound and eventually starting Ragnarök when he breaks free. This is the first real hint in the story that Loki is behind all of this - particularly when he refers to Akira as "the bleeding god," which is an epithet for Baldr.
Fun fact about the dream sequences, actually: originally there were only two, the very vague one in chapter 1 and the binding in chapter 3. As I was editing chapter 2, I realized that I wanted to start building up to the eventual reveal of Loki's involvement much earlier than I had while writing (and in fact, when I first started writing this, I hadn't even decided who or what created the app - I just wanted to get the concept down, and it all kind of snowballed from there).
From there though, I picked up a bit of a theme, and a progression. The dreams were meant to parallel certain scenes we get in Goro's confidant route - things like him joking about taking Akira out at the arcade, and the game of billiards that's one big metaphor about Goro's subterfuge. They act as warnings, and in the case of the dreams, rather direct ones: Goro is literally eating Akira's heart. Goro is the one who wanted to kill him, and therefore Loki, as a part of his heart, is a danger to Akira. But Akira never takes them as warnings. What he sees are cries for help, a cycle that Goro can't break out of on his own.
The parallels between Goro and Loki are pretty blatant in this one. Talking about his lies, the people he's killed, how "I can be no other than what I am." That line is actually a reference to the song No More What Ifs, which plays in Jazz Jin: "I do not / regret with my choices I'm rather proud / ooh I know I won't change anything / because I can only be me."
Chapter 3
The dream in chapter 3 was, as Goro himself explains later, the binding of Loki from the poem Lokasenna. This one is actually pretty close to the original, with the major differences being that Loki was bound with the entrails of his own son and the "poison" is actually venom dripping from a snake. I think it's neat that Loki's reaction to the venom touching him is what's thought to create earthquakes, so I wanted to include that as well.
As mentioned above, this dream was actually the first one I wrote. The idea just sort of came to me while writing and I really wanted to include it. This is why it's a bit different from the others, in that it doesn't take place anywhere that would be familiar to Akira, but rather in the Void itself. And I think the result is that it's even more pointed than the previous dream. This is Loki himself showing Akira exactly what he's getting into - that Goro, and by extension himself, comes with a whole helluva lot of baggage. That if Akira goes through with this mission, he will forever be the Sigyn who loves Loki too much to let him be hurt, and must watch him hurt anyway.
But as we know, Akira is too stubborn to let that stop him. Akira believes wholeheartedly in saving people, but especially in saving Goro Akechi. That determination is really put on display in chapter 4.
Chapter 4
The dream in chapter 4 is different in that it's not based on an actual story, but rather on the etymology of the name Loki, which is thought to originate from a Germanic root word related to loops, knots, and hooks. I'm just gonna include the direct quote from Eldar Heide that inspired this because it's pretty great: "There is quite a bit of evidence that Loki in premodern society was thought to be the causer of knots/tangles/loops, or himself a knot/tangle/loop. Hence, it is natural that Loki is the inventor of the fishnet, which consists of loops and knots, and that the word loki is a term for makers of cobwebs: spiders and the like."
It's important to note at this point, I think, that all three of these dreams take place in the story after Akira and Goro have a conversation in the previous scene about who Goro is and what he wants. In chapter 2, Akira dreams of Goro eating his heart in the interrogation room directly after Akira tells Goro what he learned in the Velvet Room and Goro tries to convince Akira that he isn't worth saving.
In chapter 3, Akira dreams of the binding of Loki after Akira tells Goro that he's worthy of Robin Hood, and then teases him about how he found Black Mask Goro, and by extension Loki, attractive. This was partially just for fun (I was imagining it a bit as Loki going "you don't have a book about me yet? well check this shit out--"), but it's also another moment of Akira reaffirming that he wants Goro around.
So chapter 4, then, takes place the same night that Akira sends the thirst trap pic of himself to Goro, and Goro responds with a last ditch attempt at intimidation - trying to insist that even if Akira cares about him, he won't be able to handle the depth of Goro's feelings for him, because they're too much. He's too selfish, too possessive. Unfortunately for him, Akira is into that.
And this dream thus breaks the pattern. The previous ones were about things happening to Akira - he couldn't even speak in them. He was a bystander, a victim. In this one, he is literally bound, a treat all tied up for Goro/Loki to enjoy. The more Akira tries to escape, the more Goro/Loki breaks down, talking about how he can't let Akira go, that everyone leaves him. And when Akira does escape and goes directly to Goro/Loki instead of leaving, he delivers on the promise he didn't even realize he was making two chapters ago: that he will pull Goro out of the cycle and set him free too.
Chapter 5
The PTs genderbending and being chased through a forest came from the Gylfaginning book of the Prose Edda, which details how Loki turned into a mare in order to lure a builder's stallion away from his work and thus cheat him out of his payment from the Æsir. This encounter results in Loki later giving birth to the horse Sleipnir.
From the same book comes the story of Utgard-Loki (technically written Útgarða-Loki, but I chose to leave it as "Utgard" the way the Persona series does). Utgard is a giant who agreed to shelter Loki and Thor for a night in exchange for performing a feat. The reason the Thieves have to do four feats is because there are actually two children with Loki and Thor in the story, but I didn't want to get into all that here. For similar reasons, their feats are a lot more straightforward than, for example, Loki competing in an eating contest against the personification of a wildfire.
Fenrir, Sköll, and Hati
Next, in the forest, we get Fenrir and his sons Sköll and Hati. The two younger wolves are said to chase the sun and moon across the sky until the onset of Ragnarök, at which point they would be caught and swallowed. In the fic, this has already happened, as their light is visible when the wolves howl - implying that Ragnarök has already started, and the Thieves are moving closer to the final battle.
The place they lead the Thieves to, Fenrir's island, is a direct reference to the island Lyngvi (meaning "a place overgrown with heather") where the Æsir bind Fenrir with Gleipnir, as described in Gylfaginning. They do so by tricking him and questioning his courage, saying that if he truly can't break free of this simple ribbon, then he must not be a danger to them after all. In reality, Odin feared Fenrir, who the prophecies said would be the death of Odin, and the gods considered all children of Loki to be too dangerous to be free.
This is where a lot of the threads start to come together with regards to how I chose to portray Loki in this fic: as a deviant, as a trickster, as a murderer, but also as someone who (like Goro) was a victim of his role in the larger story he's part of. Ragnarök can't happen without Loki - it doesn't matter how much he aids the gods, how much he's a part of their ranks. The moment he pulls the strings of Baldr's death, he's an outcast. He is the unwanted, the persecuted, all because it's foretold that he will be. He cannot escape the cycle. No one escapes Ragnarök.
In talking about this story with a friend, I described my portrayal of Loki as being more sympathetic than a lot of other ones I've read in this fandom. I think that really comes through in this scene, even though Loki isn't in it at all. Part of that is because it's from Akira's POV and he has a massive savior complex, but really I just liked the idea of twisting the lens through which we think about Loki as a character and how we connect him to the actual stories about him.
When I was reading about Loki for this fic, the idea I kept coming back to was that he just seems... tragic. That as much as he delights in causing suffering, it comes at the cost of a deep, personal pain. Imagine having everything you've worked for, everything you've done and created, taken away from you at the whims of someone more powerful than you. A player in a game you were born to lose. That's Loki, and it is also, of course, Goro Akechi.
Loki in the Mead Hall
This piece was, of course, inspired by Lokasenna, Loki's Flyting. The Thieves hear the gods reacting angrily to Loki's insults as they approach the building, but ultimately don't understand what all that vitriol means. This was partly because there was no way in hell I was writing an actual flyting, but also because I wanted to show off a bit of Loki's power over this space. It's his realm, after all.
(Fun fact: the descriptions of the mead hall and the forest from the previous scene were loosely based on the truly batshit amount of time I spent playing Valheim.)
This encounter with Loki was actually the first thing I wrote that took place in the Void - I think it was around the same time that I wrote the dream in chapter 3. I wanted to show that Loki is someone to be feared, someone who by his very nature is crafty and powerful and terrifying... and I also wanted to show why that doesn't make him evil by more directly stating his intentions. This is the scene where the Thieves actually get an answer to why Loki is helping them and Goro - because he cares about Goro.
Which sounds like a simple answer - of course the source of Goro's persona cares about him - but it's not. One of the things that trickster figures are known for is defying expectations. The expectation for a god living separate from humans in the Void would be that they don't have particularly strong feelings for them one way or another. We see this in the previous scene when the Thieves encounter Odin, who was once Akira's persona - he acknowledges that connection, but still plans to trick them.
From the moment Loki captured Goro and then gave Akira the Crow app, he was defying his place in the cycle. Loki cannot change his own fate, but he can change theirs - that's what a trickster does. Similarly, Akira also defies expectations when he tells Loki that he wants him to be himself - Loki, who is meant to be a shapeshifter, who is meant to bring destruction by his very nature, is being told that that's okay. After all, Akira loves Goro just the way he is. Why wouldn't he do the same for Loki?
Plus, I just really wanted to make Loki sexy as hell in this scene. I mean Look At Him.
His appearance is brief and not as important as others, but there two important bits to take away from this. One, that Akira continues to empathize with Loki and his children where the Thieves are still frightened (this is more just to keep on theme). And two, that Jörmungandr is free - he's not biting his own tail and encircling the world, another sign that Ragnarök has begun.
Fimbulwinter and Ragnarök
So obviously there's a lot going on here. I wasn't pulling directly from any story here, just the general themes: Fimbulwinter is the harsh and unforgiving winter that precedes Ragnarök and puts an end to all life on Earth. Ragnarök itself is then characterized by the great battle in which many of the Æsir die, after which the world burns and is then completely submerged underwater. Only then can the world rise again and the cycle can continue.
An interesting note: While the Thieves battle Ragnarök Loki, the form that Goro's shadow takes, they never actually enter the part of this realm that is Ragnarök. They remain in Fimbulwinter because that's where Goro was being held - because Loki had to keep him far enough in to be safe, but didn't want to put him in the place where Loki himself is doomed to repeat his own death over and over again. It's another example of Loki's strange brand of kindness.
I'm actually pretty happy with how Shadow Loki turned out. The idea that Goro had to face his own shadow was one I took from P4, which a friend was streaming for me and a few others at the time I was writing this. Of course, in P4 it's about accepting a part of yourself you don't want to acknowledge or come to terms with, and that's not really the case for Goro. I think he knows exactly who he is - he's told both Yusuke and Haru outright that he doesn't regret what he's done. For him, facing his shadow is about proving that isn't all that he is - that he is more than the smiling prince and the bloodied assassin and the unwanted child.
And of course, the reason his shadow takes the form of a sort of amalgamation of Loki and his own Black Mask outfit is because Loki is the source of all that. He's the one who gave Goro the power to kill, and Goro used that power without restraint. Goro stepped willingly into the same cycle of violence that Loki has always known, and in this scene, he's finally breaking free of it.
After the fight, we finally get Loki explaining to Goro in his own words why he's done all this. It's slightly different from what he told Akira in the mead hall - to Akira, he admits that he cares for Goro, whereas to Goro himself he says he wants Goro to live because "one of us should." Both answers are correct, but I think the second one is more true to how Loki sees himself and how he sees Goro. Loki is limited by his nature as a god to never change, to always be both an agent and victim of fate, but Goro isn't. And rather than attempt to change himself using the so-called "leeway" afforded to tricksters, Loki uses that power to give Goro the life he himself can never have.
And finally, we have the moment where Goro gives the treasure he took from his shadow to Loki. As Akira learns later in the epilogue, this is a hair pin that belonged to Goro's mother, which he would use to hold a blanket in place around his shoulders when he pretended to be a hero. That he would give such an item to Loki - something he lost years ago after his mother's death, something he will never see again in reality - and thank him for lending him the power to survive as long as he did is, I think, really telling of their connection to each other. In a way, it's almost a challenge, even a threat - Goro is telling Loki not to forget him and what they stood for, no matter how many times he repeats the cycle. He's taking his own stance on the idea that Loki can never change, and that stance is "Try harder then."
And maybe he can. Or maybe he can't. One of the things that I really wanted to explore in this fic is the idea of how a persona and its user overlap with the stories that persona comes from, and Loki and Goro are a great example of this. Two characters bound by fate, doomed to die by their respective narratives. Of course they found each other. And of course Goro would never be happy with the idea of a part of his soul being controlled by outside forces. Whether or not Loki can really change, though, is up to interpretation.
In Conclusion
idk I just think he's neat. Which one of them am I talking about? Yes. If you read all of that nonsense, you're my hero.
And just for fun...
I actually did write an entire move set for Ragnarök Loki, even though it was completely unnecessary. Figured I'd include it here for anyone wondering just how tough a fight that would be!
Ragnarök Loki (2 actions/turn)
Call of Chaos - Boost self's attack but drop defense for 3 turns. Laevateinn - Colossal Physical damage to 1 foe. Megidolaon - Severe Almighty damage to all foes. Concentrate - Multiply user’s next magical attack damage by 2.5. Sigyn’s Burden - Inflict Despair (high odds) to 1 foe. Hel’s Retribution - Decrease ATK/DEF/AGI for all foes for 3 turns. Jörmungandr’s Venom - Medium chance of instantly killing all foes. Fenrir’s Hunger - Heavy Nuclear damage to 1 foe. Medium chance to inflict Hunger. Fimbulwinter - Severe Ice damage to all foes. Ragnarök - Severe Fire damage to all foes and inflict Fear (high odds)
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Could you make headcanons for Cheslock in modern times, please? Like, what he usually does after school (or uni), how will he flirt with the person he likes or something like that. I really want to see what he's like in modern times. Thank you 💖🥹
of course, modern AU is always fun! <3
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Definitely much more openly punk in the modern era because he doesn’t have to hold himself back. (Not that he isn’t nonconformist in the Victorian era, but.) He’s got several more piercings, a couple more tattoos (in addition to the music note on his ankle, he also has one on his wrist which reads, I can. I will. end of story. and a skull with roses on the opposite forearm), and wears more revealing clothing. It’s all tank tops, jeans, and shorts and he isn’t the least bit ashamed about it. His hairstyle hasn’t much changed, though!
He tends to just hang out in the dorms after he’s done with classes or in between classes. His home is about an hour away from uni, so he’s not usually up for the drive unless it’s a holiday or he really wants to see his mum and sister. Not to mention, his father’s an abusive arse, so there’s no way Cheslock is going to risk that daddy dearest is going to be home when he visits unless he has to. He rooms with other creative types, like upperclassman Gregory Violet, so his flatmates don’t really mind him practicing the violin or other instruments in the dorm.
More than once he’s just decided that, fuck it, he’s learning the material fine in one class that happens to be fairly early in the morning. He’s got notes. He gets all his assignments done, and he can get notes from one of his classmates who’s a morning person if he needs to. And then that day he sleeps till noon and regrets nothing… especially if he happens to have a S/O who slept over so he gets cuddles and possibly morning sex as long as his flatmates aren’t home.
He loves flirting with people, even if he’s not expecting anything serious — if it turns that way, great, but sometimes it’s just fun to flirt without any strings. How he does it varies on what kind of person he’s trying to flirt with, honestly. A fellow music enthusiast will be treated to him playing an upbeat, fun, romantic pop song from his phone in the hopes that they can talk about it. Someone shy will get him making a joke about something nearby, crossing his fingers that he’ll get a laugh out of them. He does tend to be quite cheeky and playful with the way he flirts, regardless. His end goal is always to make someone smile or laugh, so that they associate him with a positive feeling.
… Secretly, or not-so-secretly if he knows someone well, nerds out over video game soundtracks. To prove that fact, he wrote one of his papers on the music of Undertale, complete with him performing a medley of songs on his violin for one of his graded performances. And brought several people who were also familiar with the game to tears during the end where the leitmotifs from “SAVE the World” and “His Theme” came in. Video games are his second passion, so applying his foremost passion of music to them is a winning combination. He can’t just be normal about a good video game soundtrack… even if his friends literally beg him to SHUT UP about it already!!
Not as much of a drinker as one would think. He’s not a teetotaler, he definitely does drink, but throughout his entire university experience, he got drunk maybe three or four times. Something about the feeling of being hammered just doesn’t appeal to him, even though he likes to drink and is fine being a little tipsy. Mainly it’s probably that he doesn’t enjoy the feeling that he’s not in control of himself, so he tries to avoid getting outright drunk. Of course, when he does get drunk… well. Gregory has a video on his phone of an intoxicated Cheslock loudly and publicly singing a stupid love song in the common room, sloppily kissing his S/O and declaring that he “fuckin’ loves ‘em”. And another video of him passed out snoring in his S/O’s lap. Yeah, he’s never living that down.
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lunarsilkscreen · 11 months
The Comedian and Silk Spectre (Watchmen)
I have to preface this by saying: "I don't support beating spouses or women as a means for dating" and I *DEFINITELY* don't support rape.
I'm talking about an imperfect relationship between two people in a fictional world who are both suffering from gender stereotyping, PTSD, and being gritty superheros post vietnam war horrors.
It was the particular scene where the comedian attempts to rape the Silk Spectre, that I learned something, this was Eddies f* up way of flirting. And, because of where it took place, he knew he would be caught, and that was part of the game he was playing. (As a comedian, the joke maybe.)
The comic book might have different connotations. But in this movie, after the attempted rape, Sally eventually does what every person suffering Stockholm syndrome does; f* her abuser, and has his child. It's emphasized that the second encounter was not rape, and her own decision to keep her child, whom she loves.
Because she understands the nature of the relationship with the comedian, they don't acknowledge any kind of deeper connection that they *might* have.
I have to state again: I don't condone that kind of relationship, and both the movie and the comics reinforce the idea that the relationship is not healthy, and certainly not any kind of goal. And, maybe it shouldn't even been depicted.
In the comic; Her agent even persuades her not to press charges against the Comedian for fear of damaging the group's image. Which ensures that EVERYBODY in this situation believes it was a legitimate rape. And since it was the 70s, can't be damaging the superhero groups image, even though they (the group) want nothing more to press charges.
And because they don't, they treat comedian as a complete outcast, going as far as to exile him from their group, and completely severe ties with him.
It's this isolation that causes him to commit harikiri.
But even after that, the comedian's death affects Sally deeply.
Now why do I think that rape wasn't Comedian's intent. (Still not saying it's right).
Even today gender roles are ingrained behavior in a lot of people. Men are men women are women. And because women are women, it's women who are exploited and mostly saved.
Silk Spectre spent a lot of time saving and protecting women, but never got to experience being saved herself.
This is actually the entire premise of Watchmen as a series and a movie. "Who watches the watchmen?" There's a line constantly being talked about: Who protects the watchmen?
When Silhouette (Ursula Zandt) was found out to be a lesbian, she was expelled from the group too. Same punishment as Comedian. In the comics, it's explained that it was to protect the gay men's reputation in the group.
Later Ursula and her Lover Gretchen are killed in their apartment, and the minutemen aren't there to protect *them*. Nobody even cares about that part, but they did protect their group from raping each other!
These themes are constantly following the watchmen around, when one of them becomes a literal god that can and considered just wrecking humanity, and another the smartest of all paints that "God" as ready and willing to stop humanity from sinning. And the only one to reveal the truth was Rorschach.
Rorschach himself is personally tortured for a multitude of things, one is because he kills a person without evidence that he kidnapped and killed a child. (Depicted in the movie in such a way that makes the audience as mad as he is.)
I'm not saying he was wrong, I AM saying, he didn't have all the evidence.
Remember what I said about the sexual themes above? Gender roles, anti-gay rhetoric. Gays against lesbians. Rorschach himself literally wears a woman's dress as the main piece of his costume while covering it up with a trench coat.
All he saw were some bones and some panties.
Albeit, in an incredibly precarious situation.
But he never verified that those bones weren't chicken bones, and he never verified those panties weren't the size the man he killed wore.
That's the playing with those gender tropes I'm talking about. The things we don't think of when it comes to the LGBTQIA.
This gritty realism where the superheros are working with limited information, outside the law, without ever arresting anybody. In one case murdering an entire prison just to get off in an owl spaceship.
Doing the hero thing cuz it's sexy, not because it's the right thing.
Everybody doing exactly the wrong thing, because they have all the powers and nobody to keep them accountable, or safe.
So what about the Comedian?
Sally has spent her life as a sex symbol, it's cannon that she is "a big fan" of her Tijuana bibles. (That depict her in all sorts of sexual ways). The villains she captures give up, just because they don't mind being caught by her. (And it's possible that they even commit crimes in the hopes that she is the hero that stops them!)
She is both the objectified comic book hero that we complain of existing in comic books, the result of the people with high fame that are in those positions in real life, and molded with that female gender stereotype, that every woman gets to be the damsel *except* her. Because she's the "strong one."
And the comedian sees this, and not only *doesn't rape her*. Intentionally gets the shit beat out of him, just so that she can get the experience, one time, of somebody coming to her rescue.
The alternate view point being: he did it in a super hero club house, with everybody there, including Sally's closeted gay boyfriend, making all the noise to get other's attention because he thought they would let him get away with it.
Or you know, everybody was kind of a piece of shit, and f* up from all sorts of trauma.
I didn't write the thing. But it's definitely weird how the whole thing is centered around keeping one man's identity (Hooded Justice) and sexual orientation 100% secret that kinda allowed all sorts of misogyny.
And sacrificial lesbians.
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fortheturnstiles · 1 year
4 & 14!
4. Is there a film that you love except for the ending? What would you change about the ending? -- this question kind of stumped me in a way that i didn't expect but i think i have a couple. i rewatched The Nice Guys (2016) recently and upon revisiting i think the ending feels a little tacked-on to me, for the sake of tying up lose ends in a nice little bow. doesn't really do it for me i think the movie could just do without it. the ending of After Hours (1985) is okay but to me it kinda would have been funny if he died. maybe that's just me though. ok ok my actual Real Answer for this actually is Sleepaway Camp (1983). i saw this for the first time fairly recently and the experience of finally viewing it was both delightful and confounding. it's got basically everything i love about early 80s slashers -- simultaneously scary and funny, men in exceedingly short shorts, gruesome kills -- and then Boom. the ending...... i've seen some of readings of the film that embrace the perversity of it, but there's no getting around the film's ending as making a total abject spectacle of the transfeminine body, for the shock and awe of the cisgender viewer. and i wouldn't change angela's transness if the ending could be different it just wouldn't be centered around witnessing the reveal of her naked body as something horrific and purely on display as a means to evoke disgust. all that being said i love trans monstrosity and scaring cis ppl and rejecting the hegemony of "proper" bodies etc etc in but that movie was obviously not going for that it was made in 1983 by a cishet man lmfao. for the record angel was kinda right for killing all those ppl who were mean to her they fucking sucked
14. Who is your favorite director? Why? -- literally the hardest question for me to answer ever because i have a handful i love for various reasons i was about to just list a bunch of them but you guys probably already know based on the movies i post about on here lol. i think both in his approach to filmmaking in a philosophical sort of sense as well as his style and frequent subject matter amongst his work i'd have to say david cronenberg. kinda goes without saying i love the commonly occurring subjects and themes across his filmography (bodily transformation, perversity, crossing boundaries between the physical and psychological, disgust and desire, disease, technology, etc. etc.) -- when i first was getting into his films something that i deeply appreciated and was really refreshing for me was the way that his films are first and foremost presenting ideas in a manner that is open for interpretation, and typically avoiding any sort of moral judgement upon what his characters are doing or events in a narrative. there's so many ideas he'll put forth in a given film and they're not being set upon the viewer as absolutes or indisputable truths but as ambiguous and complex ideas that are meant to be questioned! his sensibility about film in general in regards to high/low art and sex and violence in the movies and the nebulous nature of the horror genre and whatnot overlaps with my feelings pretty much completely. i think he's never really compromised his vision for the sake of popular appeal or monetary gain he just makes his weird little movies and some people love em and some people don't. i sure do. also he's clearly a fellow sick bitch who likes freak sex. make horror cinema erotic again long live the new flesh let's all crash our cars into each other
movie questions ask game
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togamicrying · 2 years
honey you e got a big storm coming
35, 39, 47, 48, 51, 56, 83 hee hee
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35. A character who should’ve got more character development?
like. sooooo many of them lol. can i say the entire cast of v3? because honest to god that's my answer -- even my faves in v3 leave Something to be desired
beyond that, i actually think that thh and gbd do a really good job of stretching characters to their maximum narrative utility before killing them off, and i do feel like in both games the most narratively flexible ones are the ones who live. i think if i had to say anyone from those games it'd probably be leon or sayaka just because the way the free time events work in trigger happy havoc work mean they get like three events and then they die and you never get to know more lmfaoo (but even then i still don't think their characters are Lacking in the way that the v3 cast is for me. sorry for being a v3 hater lol)
39. Smartest murder plan?
komaeda's, obviously LMFAO. god every time i replay sdr2 chapter 5 im struck by it all over again. like they literally had to guess!! even with nanami revealing herself! even then! they still had to be like well. hope his luck actually worked out! king popped off and the entire trial is SO good for advancing the plot and tying off hinata's dynamics with BOTH komaeda and nanami! the moment of sickening clarity when hinata realizes that he DOES understand how komaeda's brain works, and knows what his intentions really were? nanami and hinata's final goodbye? uuuugh sdr2 chapter 5 i love youuuuu.
rest under the cut bc Long.
47. A headcanon you have about a character?
*pushes two million unfinished drafts of Togami Headcanons to the side* i am going to talk about komaru. i think she's a butch lesbian and every time she's depicted as feminine in fanart my soul dies a little even though butch komaru exists solely in my head. i also think she's really sporty, but i've talked about that elsewhere hehe.
ok i'll talk about togami a little bit. it's 100% projection but i think he's agender. not in a way where he like. actively thinks about it -- even at Full Self-Actualization i'm not sure if i ever see him actually realizing it and actively thinking about himself in that way -- but i just dont think he as any particular connection to being a *man* outside of how it plays into his attraction to other men/his family's expectations of producing heirs. like he just kind of is how he is and doesn't feel compelled to make any particular effort to present as masculine. i could make a joke here about his gender just being Togami, but genuinely i do think that rings true. he's not a boy or a girl but a secret third thing (byakuya togami™️) does this make sense. like. to anyone (<- projecting and insane) whatever. i think he would look nice in a floor length skirt.
48. Favourite OST?
i... usually play the games on silent :X legit i know like 3 songs including mr monokumas lesson. just tried to remember what beautiful days sounded like and the wii sports theme is what my brain supplied (<- embarrassed)
i WILL say that i think drv3 has the best opening track of any of the games. its so jazzy and fun hehe
51. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
mmm. hard to say, honestly? it's been so many years since i formed first impressions of the thh and gbd casts that i kind of dont even remember what i first thought of them? i have a lot of v3 characters who i thought i would like and wound up feeling kind of ehh about, but that's not the question lol
i think, Big Terrible Writing Choice aside, i was really surprised by how much i wound up actually *liking* korekiyo? like okay OBVIOUSLY they took his character in a terrible direction but before that when he's just like, a weird little freak? that ruled lol
in terms of characters that i've had full turnarounds in opinion over the course of 2012-2022? i remember not particularly liking/caring about kirigiri, sayaka, fukawa, souda, or gundam when i first read the playthroughs of their games, and now they're some of my favorites hehe. but that's less about me going *into* the games thinking i wouldnt like them -- because in both cases i went in completely blind -- and more about them growing on me like a fungus over successive playthroughs lol
56. Best free time events?
ok. take this with a grain of salt because i'm stalled out in my sdr2 replay rn so i haven't redone the free time events for that game in awhile/haven't done any v3 ftes besides maki's and ouma's because im a hater.
i think kirigiri has really good fte's. i love that she gets a little sillay in them and how subtle her progression from "why are you talking to me" to "i care deeply about you" is. i also really appreciate how the game cutting her off as an option for free time at certain points serves to make that progression feel really natural with the game's actual plot. love you miss kirigiri.
mondo's are really great as well, he's such a fun guy to interact with and him talking about wanting to be a carpenter and loving his stupid tiny dog and being too nervous to ask girls out all add such levity to his character and make it SO sad when he dies. like damn that biker gang leader trapped in a murder game really is just like. some guy in high school :-( i also loved that they brought him wanting to be a carpenter back in dr:s! made my heart soar uuuuugh i love you mondo, sorry i never ever talk about you
komaeda gets an honorable mention for his botched love confession. buddy you did So Bad.
83. Least favourite chapter?
[staring myself down in the mirror] i will not hate on v3 this time i will not hate on v3 this time i will not hate on--
chapter 4 of v3 was soooo boring guys. i hated the virtual world and idk if it was just me but the controls for it were just. nightmarish. whatever lets talk about the games i do like.
i also agree with @ovidiomedes about thh's c3 kind of dragging. it's one of my favorite trials, but the actual chapter is. really slow lol. i think part of that is due to the anticipation of chapters 4-6 which are some of my all time favorites across all three games, but i think it has larger narrative problems that contribute to that dragging feeling ://
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riddlerosehearts · 4 months
getting very very close to the end of baldur's gate 3! of course, i plan on doing many more playthroughs of this game, but--not counting the things i finish up in this post--i only have a handful of things left to do in my first playthrough and it feels so weird. i'm excited to be done with it but at the same time i don't want it to be over for some reason akfjsgsdf
went to go fight orin, completing the dribbles quest on the way and getting some gloves that apparently used to give a really OP bonus to magic missile but don't anymore?? well, the description makes it sound like they should not work with magic missile, so i guess that was a bug which was patched... but in that case i don't know if i want to bother with finding dribbles in the future lol, doesn't feel worth it for all the trouble you have to go through. anyway, i have not fought gortash, but that's okay because it was extremely easy for my tav to just straight up lie to orin about it!
god i missed lae'zel so bad, she's honestly become one of my favorite characters over the course of this playthrough. in my next playthrough i need to make sure someone else gets taken so i'll get to hear her reactions to all of the things she was gone for during this one. also, minsc did have a lot to say about her and about githyanki in general! i still wish i could've gotten him to talk about shadowheart, not sure why he wouldn't comment on her.
i'd say i can't believe raphael wrote an entire 100-chapter novel that’s nothing but descriptions of different scenarios of him being crowned and coronated as archdevil of the hells, but i can absolutely believe it. i mean, this guy literally has an incubus that's basically a clone of himself--and not only does haarlep tell you raphael is a bottom, but i've also heard it's possible to get him to tell you raphael is bad in bed LMAO?!?! he is so over-the-top arrogant and vain and for what? his own incubus to roast him and reveal his secrets?
anyway, i have loved exploring the house of hope, but now it's time to go kick raphael's ass!
...okay i was super surprised when not only did yurgir show back up, but my tav was able to persuade him to join them in the fight?! i meeean not that i'm complaining but they kind of persuaded him to kill his minions and himself before, so. i guess maybe he respects their cunning and/or feels like their hand was forced by raphael, or maybe he just doesn't give a shit since defeating raphael is more important now. and it was a DC 30 roll to persuade him. but that is still pretty wild lmao, i kind of wish someone had mentioned it.
raphael's final act goes so hard that it almost feels like a waste of talent to kill him. and at the same time it is hilarious that this overdramatic fucker who has 666 HP is also singing his own battle theme. i keep imagining my bard tav clapping back with their own song about what a loser he is, with gale and wyll forming a backing chorus and lae'zel making some snarky comment before very reluctantly joining in.
makes me so sad that otto's irresistible dance incapacitates him but doesn't make him actually dance :( i'm a little confused though because i'm unsure whether i'm encountering a bug or i'm misunderstanding the game mechancics... raphael has a buff called inevitable resolve which says it makes anything that incapacitates him only last one turn, which holds true when i have gale cast hold monster--he breaks out of it on his next turn. but otto's irresistible dance didn't trigger that for some reason and he stayed in it for several turns before my concentration got broken. well, not that i'm complaining!
i found mol's contract in the house of hope, and went and told her we killed raphael. not surprised that she was all mad about it--she's a kid, and kids love to think they can do anything they want without consequences lol. we can only hope she'll grow up and be grateful later.
the order of events during act 3 has honestly been a bit confusing for me and i'm not sure which is the "best" or most logical way to do the whole steel watch/iron throne/killing gortash set of quests in, or if it even matters, but... i stumbled upon the way to get to the iron throne while doing the avenge the drowned quest, so i guess that is where i'll be going next!
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surrender-souls · 4 years
just finished the diabolical box
#IT GOT TO ME!!!!! though i couldn’t cry cause i wasn’t alone...#also i guess my theory about the box was close#i thought that the box was made of that new substance they found in the mines which was poisonous and when people opened the box it got too#but i was pretty close!#and i guess everyone saw anton as his younger self because that’s literally the only image they have of him around there#i also wish beluga and anton got to interact... at least the one picture in the credits is there#hmmm maybe i could try to make some sort of family tree out of the information given? cause i’m not sure how sammy is related here... idk i#i’ll have to look through the wiki pages about this#i don’t have the 3rd game yet cause we only had the first 2 of the trilogy but i might get it soon...#i wonder if the stuff with don paolo will get cleared up cause we still don’t know much about him 2 games in#though i love his theme!!! when he got revealed in this game i literally just walked around not doing anything in game cause i just wanted#it’s pacing music... music to pace to... or run around... same thing#i speak#i pace a lot idk if i’ve ever mentioned it... fast music is really good to pace to cause it makes me very energetic#wait is that stimming? cause for me i do it in the context that most people say they stim#yeah i guess it is a stim... for me i’d say it’s my most common or at least very common and very noticeable... my parents both noticed it a#i do other things but can’t remember them so well like i flap my hands but mostly at the wrists but that makes my wrists very tired quickly#it’s not that bad with most of the people in my classes cause we’re the same age (i’m probably one of the older kids cause my birthday was#but it makes me get really self conscious around the seniors cause they’re so much older than me... i’m getting off track this was about pr#this*
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Okay, so you know “Justice League meets Batman’s kids, who they’d previously been unaware existed” AUs?
So picture that.....but this time, instead of them just having no knowledge of any of these other Gotham vigilantes at all....the Batkids all migrate to various cities as they get older and become known as their protectors - Dick in Bludhaven, Tim in San Francisco, Cass in Hong Kong, etc....
Meaning they’re all established figures, the Justice League are aware of them as solo local heroes who stick to their cities and so they just don’t interact with them much if at all, or else some are members of team lineups but are particularly vague about their histories or life outside of the team’s adventures....
So the big reveal isn’t that they become aware of all these other Gotham vigilantes all at once....its that some big conflict or whatever requires a huge team up of all available heroes, and in the aftermath, they figure out that like.....despite being known as solo heroes who work alone or loners outside of their team settings, 80% of these heroes all not only seem to already know each other, they seem to be related.
And so naturally they all turn to Batman, who has profiles on every known hero and they thus figure had researched these individuals too and just never mentioned this little detail, and they’re like, “Did you know about this?”
And then Nightwing turns to him too, arms crossed and is like, “Yeah Dad, did you know about this?”
And the infamous Red Hood is all: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have never met any of these people before in my life. Lives? Whatever.”
And then Red Robin moodily grates out “I have no siblings.” Since he’s nursing a grudge since Dick and Jason broke into his apartment the night before and replaced all his custom Red Robin gear with Darkwing Duck merchandise and his vengeance will be swift and also totally disproportionate because things escalate quickly in this family, that’s true in every universe.
Cass meanwhile has deftly skewered Jason’s lie by walking over to him and brazenly patting down the man with many many guns with no fear whatsoever. He squawks and futilely attempts to bat her hands away as she riffles through his many pockets, but he doesn’t seem shocked, just annoyed. Eventually, she pulls away and triumphantly reveals a box of Hello Kitty themed band-aids.
“So these are yours then? Just for you?” Black Bat asks smugly. Red Hood squints at the box.
“What the fuck? How long have those been in my jacket? Why are those in my jacket? Did you freaking plant them in my jacket just on the offchance you could at some point in the distant future use them at my expense?”
Black Bat frowns, puzzled. “Yes?”
“Oh come on, Dead Hood,” Spoiler says with an exaggerated toss of her head meant to convey she’s rolling her eyes beneath her own mask. She skips her way across the room to Black Bat and then drapes herself languidly all over the smaller woman. Who in turn doesn’t so much as twitch beneath the sudden added mass as Spoiler holds out her hand towards the box of band-aids. 
“One please. I have a boo-boo,” she says with easy familiarity straight into the intimidating cowl of Black Bat. Only then does she deign to finish her train of thought with Red Hood.
“I mean seriously, are you saying you don’t have potential blackmail set-ups, pre-rigged releases of incriminating material, and a random assortment of traps, pratfalls and mortifying scenarios in place for the express purpose of being able to humiliate any and all of your siblings at any given moment, without any need for additional prep time?”
“Is this true, Little Wing?” Nightwing whirls on the larger Red Hood with a faux-scandalized gasp. The founder and leader of the Titans, formerly the Teen Titans, renowned for his stratagems and calm competence when directing squads of supers in the heat of battle while he keeps pace with nothing more than naturally acquired acrobatics and a utility belt that apparently uses the same technology as Wonder Woman’s invisible jet....now appears to be....staggering with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead, moaning about how he felt....faint? 
What is happening right now, several dozen superheroes want to know. Is this a drill? Are they supposed to be checking for signs of a mental ambush from undetected psychic saboteurs? Did they all hit their heads at the exact same time and are now experiencing some kind of shared mass concussion?
Look, that wouldn’t be the weirdest thing to ever happen on the Watchtower. 
“Have I failed you so utterly?” The veteran child hero bemoans with a dramatic twirl - that when contrasted with his stern demeanor of a mere ten minutes ago - makes the fears of telepathic infiltration seem less paranoia and more....concerningly probable. “Did you learn nothing from me? Did you learn nothing from B?”
He stops and jabs a finger up at the sky. “Quick, everyone! What is the very first rule of Living While Batty?”
As if by rote, over a half a dozen voices chime in from all over the room, causing various heroes to jump. Spooked by yet more and more vigilantes joining in some kind of mass recitation like they and they alone have some kind of clue what the hell is going on and everyone else just hadn’t been invited to the party. Which is just rude, honestly. Nobody likes feeling like they weren’t invited to the party. Not even superheroes. 
“If you’re not going to bother preparing for every possible contingency and at least six impossible ones, you might as well just stay in bed.”
Even the Red Hood joins in the Illuminati chant or Cub Scout pledge or demonic ritual or whatever the fuck that just was, though his slumped and exasperated posture gives away every hint of sulkiness his headgear otherwise would have kept safely hidden. He’s surprisingly more...expressive, than most who’d only known of him by reputation had expected him to be. The day continues to yield surprises.
“Of fucking course I do,” he growls out, snatching the box from Black Bat. She doesn’t even fight to hold onto it, just lets it go with a knowing smirk. “I wasn’t surprised by the idea of it, I was just surprised she bothered with such a weak effort. Like yeah whatever, actually those could be mine. I use those all the time at home. So what?”
He aggressively yanks one of the band-aids out of the box, fumbles with the peel-off strips with one hand and he roughly rolls up the sleeve of his jacket with the other. Then just slaps it on his forearm and raises said appendage high, showing it off this way and that. “See?”
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Signal drawls from the other side of the room, nodding his head approvingly. “Totally convincing. Nice job walking that one back, you really showed them.”
Red Hood’s head snaps in his direction with ominous intent. “Watch it, Day-Glo.”
Signal just snorts.
“Yeah, like I’m gonna take constructive criticism on my name and costume from a dude who’s spent the last several years calling himself Red HOOD while running around in a freaking HELMET.”
“Its not meant to be literal, you fucking pedant.”
“So wait, its not literally a helmet? Huh, does it at least protect your head literally, or just like...symbolically? Like if Bane were to clock you across the head, would your concussion just be a metaphor? What’s the treatment protocol for a metaphorical concussion? Fluids, bedrest and a philosophical prescription of two chapters of Chicken Soup for the Soul as needed?”
“Laugh it up, KC and the Sunshine Band,” Red Hood bats back. “You just got yourself disinvited from Thursday night’s poker game.”
Signal just grins and folds his arms over his chest cockily. “Please. You’ve been looking for an excuse to ban me for weeks, cuz you know until you can prove I’m using my ghost vision to cheat, you can’t actually bring suit against me for it in Family Court.”
“That, and also Family Court isn’t a real thing, you toddler. Stop validating Wing-a-ding-ding’s obsession with Shitty TV Nostalgia and just call it that thing where Oracle traps us all in a room until we settle our latest fight without anyone getting stabbed.”
“Yeah, but like, say that five times fast,” Spoiler pipes up. “Its just not practical. Family Court’s way easier.”
“Says the one who’s not even in our fucking family.”
“And yet I grace you all with my sublime presence anyway,” she blows a kiss at him, beatifically unbothered. “You’re welcome.”
The Red Hood scoffs and rounds on his heel, zeroing in on Batwoman in the far corner.
“Hey Auntie B, my siblings are all dead to me and I just helped stop an alien invasion so I deserve nice things like a fun Saturday night. Can you get me into Dad’s fundraiser so I can crash it? He won’t put me back on the list until I promise not to bring any C-4 with me and I won’t promise not to bring any C-4 because he should just trust me that I won’t when I say I’m not gonna and he won’t trust me that I won’t until I admit I shouldn’t have brought any to that sting last month where three tiny little yachts blew up through barely any fault of my own, and I’m just not gonna do that ever because I have convictions and I feel I shouldn’t have to be punished for that. Y’know?”
Batwoman blinks at him. “Kid, I’m not gonna lie to you. You’re my nephew and I love you, but I stopped listening three seconds into all that.”
“Ugh, fine. Can you help me crash Dad’s event tonight so I can teach him a lesson about why he should just trust me not to make a scene so I don’t have to always make a scene to make a point.”
“Tempting as you make that sound,” she says wryly, “I have a strict policy for dealing with you lot and your......everything. I only worry about tolerating one of you at a time, and there’s seven of you, and seven days in the week. You each get your own. You know perfectly well its Robin’s day today. You get me on Tuesday, just like always.”
“Auntie B, we’re not like other families, are we?” Red Robin’s delivery is sarcastically childish and his question clearly rhetorical. Most of his attention is fixated on whatever it is he’s doing with his wrist-mounted computer. 
“No sweetie, we’re all severely fucked in the head and a little bit too comfortable with that.”
“Just checking. Oh hey, Hood, I just emailed you a patch for the hole in your firewall I exploited when replacing all my shit using your accounts just now.”
“You did what?”
“Used your accounts to pay to replace all my stuff that you fucked with last night?” Red Robin says slowly. “Did you not realize that I’ve been sticking within ten feet of you for the past five minutes just so I could clone your devices and do all that while BB and Spoiler kept you distracted? I gotta say, bro, I feel like that’s on you then.”
Red Hood swivels his helmeted head in the direction of the aforementioned two. Black Bat waves. Spoiler shoots him an utterly unrepentant thumbs up.
“You’d side with your ex over me? That’s what its come to?”
“My only allegiance is to chaos,” Spoiler says brightly. Black Bat shrugs.
“Plus he bribes better.”
“Hateful,” Red Hood points at Black Bat, moving on to level the same finger at Spoiler, who curtsies in acknowledgment: “Hateful-er.”
Then the finger rounds the bases to aim judgmentally at Red Robin. “Hateful-est. And that was all Nightwing’s idea anyway, not mine.”
“Oh, I assumed as much,” he says casually. “Your idea of a prank tends to have more of a Carrie vibe. Or be a literal literary reenactment.”
“Its called an homage, 4chan.”
“Whatever, plagiarist. And anyway, I couldn’t go after ‘Wing for payback on this one. He used an Immunity card. If you didn’t want me getting back at you, you should have used one too."
Red Hood looms aggressively. Red Robin ignores willfully. Round and round they go. Superheroes who can survive excessive G-Forces are getting dizzy just watching them have a largely motionless stand-off. That shouldn’t be how that works, but whatever. All the most infamously reclusive and isolated heroes in all hero-dom are apparently part of the same one big reclusive and isolated family of fucked up weirdos and they’re all officially bonkers. Nothing makes sense anymore. Reality broke. Try another stall.
“Okay, but see, in order to have an Immunity card, I would have to participate in one of you losers’ stupid Immunity challenges,” the Red Hood drags out with exaggerated patience. “And I’m just not going to do that, on account of those all being fucking stupid. You see the problem there?”
Red Robin just shrugs. “I don’t know what to tell you, bro. You can have principles or you can have an Immunity card. You can’t have both.”
Meanwhile, on another side of....the same room.....look, its like, an octagonal room, probably. It has a lot of sides. Robin fends off questions from an aggrieved looking Superboy.
“You never told me you had a bajillion brothers and sisters!”
“Yes but I never said I didn’t either.”
Superboy rolls his eyes. “Oh yeah, so I should just assume everyone I meet has a bajillion secret brothers and sisters?”
“Well clearly it would have worked out in your favor in this instance if you had, now wouldn’t it?”
“Assuming of course that you can trust what has been said or implied here today and I am actually related to any of those numbskulls. Which I am not actually admitting to,” Robin tacks on hastily.
Superboy eyes him dubiously. “You joined in the same creepy chant all the others did and then got super self-conscious and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. Which uh. I did.”
“First off, your interpretation of body language is abyssmal. I do not get self-conscious,” Robin says with a delivery that probably could have benefited from being a little less self-conscious. “And second....that proves nothing. I guessed what they were going to say.”
“Word for word,” Superboy says super-skeptically.
“I’m very good at guessing things. You know this.”
“Okay. Guess how much I believe you right now then.”
Robin glares and folds his arms grumpily across his chest. 
“And what was that anyway? Was that like....you guys’ family motto or something like that?”
“Oh no,” Spoiler pipes up. “That’s much shorter.”
Superboy balks at that. “Wait, you guys actually have one of those for real?”
“Yup,” Steph says, counting out the words with her fingers. “He who laughs last....probably works for the Joker. So tranq him just to be safe. See? Only sixteen words. The first rule of Living While Batty is way longer, and what we said was just the abridged version. You should hear the original, before Black Bat put her foot down and refused to memorize it unless sizable edits were made.”
Superboy hovers between her and Robin now, both in mid-air and on the verge of taking Spoiler’s words as an invitation to hear just that. A low growl arises from Robin’s direction.
“Must you?” He asks the older vigilante, with a most put upon expression.
She looks at him pityingly. “Do you actually need me to answer that? Like, we’ve met, right? Hi, I’m Spoiler.”
“Wait, so Robin said that I just never specifically asked him if he had a bajillion brothers and sisters, and that’s why he didn’t tell me, so that means he wouldn’t have just lied and there’s not some code of secrecy that flat out forbids telling other people stuff, right?” Superboy realizes excitedly.
“Yes, excellent direction. Go on,” Spoiler says, steepling her fingers. Robin buries his face in the palm of one hand.
“Soooo, what other stuff could you tell me about Robin’s super top secret family that I wouldn’t think to ask about but that he would tell me about if I knew what questions to ask?”
She claps once, lightly but with emphasis. “Well done. You’ve passed the first barrier. Untold secrets await you behind just a few more.”
“I’ll get you for this,” Robin vows calmly. She waves a hand at him.
“Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you do it before January 1st, remember? You’ve promised retribution like ten times already this year and those don’t roll over, y’know. Rules are rules.”
“Enough!” Thunders a voice then, from the front of the room. Well one of the fronts anyway. Like sides, it has a lot of them, but this is the one where Batman’s standing. All eyes snap to him. Which is kinda just what eyes do when Batman says stuff like that. Its like his superpower, except he doesn’t actually have superpowers, which is what makes it scary. But where the snapping of the eyes (directional) is usually followed by Batman saying something else besides just “hey look at me,” here he pauses in the wake of his own call to attention’s waning reverberations. Uncharacteristically silent.
Not that, y’know, he’s normally Mr. Talkity Talk, but usually his silences feel like he has the words to fill them, he’s just withholding them. This though, this feels more like he doesn’t have any words at all. And he’s as confused by it as any of them, and most everyone else is confused by Batman being confused, and its this whole trickle down economy of confusion and its wrecking havoc on the value of the golden silence standard.
Of course, not everyone present is rendered spellbound with confusion.
“C’mon B,” Nightwing cajoles, leaning forward and practically radiating delight. “I think you know what you have to do now. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Its not likely to come around again.”
Red Hood snickers beneath his helmet and chimes in. “Yeah Pops, go ahead. You do this and you’ll actually have my respect for a whole twenty four hours. No, wait. Sixteen. No! Eight. Yeah, eight. Still a good deal.”
“Carpe diem, B,” Red Robin grins, leaning back as if to enjoy the show.
“Hey! Infringe on my trademark one more time, dude,” Signal throws a faux-glare at the former. Red Robin just quirks an eyebrow.
“And what, you’ll start saying Yum every time you eat a burger? Oh no. I’m hoist by my own petard.”
Signal flips him off with a grin and then redirects his attention back to Batman. “Yeah seriously though B, you kinda gotta do it now. Because if you don’t do it, then you’ll forever be the guy who didn’t do it, and you don’t want to be that guy, do you?”
“Yeah you really don’t want to be that guy,” Spoiler shouts out. “Nobody likes that guy. He’s the worst.”
“Do it, do it,” Black Bat starts chanting beside her, steadily picking up speed and volume. Several others start joining in. Even Robin appears to be slightly anticipatory, albeit trying very hard to hide it.
Batman sighs, and somehow everyone manages to hear it. Stills. Waits for....something? Nobody but them seems to have any clue what, but the air is thick and heavy with portentiousness. Something is about to happen, and all most of the heroes present could say for sure is it was something they never would have in a million years seen coming.
Finally, Batman straightens with the resigned air of a man about to have oh so many regrets. He crosses his arms, shakes his head, and in an absolute deadpan monotone, says:
“You are awful children. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing your father.”
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dudeandduchess · 3 years
Baseball Player!Kyōjurō x F!S/O: ❌📛🔞Locker Room Fun🔞📛❌ (Modern AU, NSFW Scenario)
Summary: (Y/n) visits her husband during training, and is in for a surprise when he makes the most of things… in the locker room.
Note: After a while of thinking, I decided to finally pick this back up. Also, I didn’t have much time to research, so the description for the stadium’s interior is based solely on my experience. 😅
Warnings: Smut, Teasing, Vaginal Fingering, Mild D/s Themes, Daddy Kink, Creampie, Hair Pulling, Loud Sex, Mild Sadism, Semi-Public Sex
If (Y/n) were to take a guess, she would say that Kyōjurō was doing what he was doing just to tease her. From the way that his ass looked so good in those pants, to the way that he would stretch his arms up over his head and show off his muscles— she had to admit that he looked scrumptious.
Tasty enough to make her bite down on her bottom lip, as she squeezed her legs together to alleviate the need building between her thighs.
But, as far as she knew, Kyōjurō couldn’t have known that she was there— since her visit was supposed to be a surprise. That fact made it so that Kyō wasn’t doing anything on purpose; he was just that naturally sexy.
Especially with the way that his uniform clung to him, and the way that a few strands of his hair peeked out from beneath the cap he wore. Everything about him had (Y/n) fighting back her lust, and she was barely winning.
However, when Kyōjurō spotted her in the stands, he gave her a cheeky grin and wave— as well as a saucy wink— that had her practically swooning in her seat. It was just fortunate that she was good at keeping a poker face, otherwise everyone would have known just how flustered she felt inside.
And with the way that he started stretching his legs, and squatting on the field… (Y/n) swore that Kyōjurō was really trying to get mauled, by her specifically. Unfortunately for him, his wife had more self control than he gave her credit for.
If anything, he was the insatiable one when it came to sex.
So, instead of outwardly feeding into his provocation, (Y/n) merely clenched her thighs tighter together; simultaneously wishing for Kyōjurō’s practice game to drag on, and be over already— because it meant she could either keep on ogling his sexy ass, or she could finally get the kiss that she’d been craving since after he left that morning.
An hour and a half later though, the game was already over with Kyōjurō’s team winning with a two-point lead. Cheers were thrown around, as well as friendly thumps on each other’s shoulders— yet Kyōjurō merely grinned at his teammates and threw a wave over his shoulder, before dashing towards the ground railings and lifting himself up onto the bleacher area with ease.
He even found himself taking the stairs two at a time— like that would help him get to his wife faster. Meanwhile, (Y/n) got out of her seat and met him halfway; arms wide open as her husband wrapped his own arms around her waist and hugged her tightly to his chest.
“I missed you, baby!” And without so much as a care about their spectators, Kyōjurō leaned in and slanted his lips against his wife’s delectable mouth. He even went saucier and opened his lips to snake his tongue between her lips— loving the way that she immediately gave in to his whim.
From below, they could hear whistles and cat calls, yet they paid it no mind. Rather, (Y/n) couldn’t focus on anything else except Kyōjurō’s lips sucking on her tongue, as well as his hands making their way down to her ass. And, unmistakably, she could feel his cock slowly getting hard against her.
“I can tell, Kyō,” (Y/n) answered with a cheeky grin, catching her breath during the reprieve that her husband had given her. “I can help you out with that… at home.”
“I can’t wait that long, (Y/n). I want you so bad,” Kyōjurō whispered heatedly, cupping her ass in his hands and pushing his erection more insistently against her body. He would have given in and just fucked her right there, especially with how tempting she looked from the moment he saw her, but he really wasn’t in the mood to be fined for indecent exposure.
So, as if a lightbulb went on in his head, Kyōjurō put a stopper on his overflowing need for his wife, and blurted out, “I have an idea… but we just have to wait a few minutes.”
“Why do I both love and hate the sound of that?”
“Trust me, baby. You’ll love it.”
And not even half an hour later, (Y/n) found herself getting dragged into the underbelly of the stadium; her footsteps echoing against the concrete floors and walls.
Everything was so wide and spacious, with carts going to and fro every once in a while. It was honestly a little daunting, which was why (Y/n) found herself hugging her husband’s arm; on top of already holding his hand.
Kyōjurō also smiled and waved at a few people, even going to accept a few hand shakes and pats on his shoulder from people they passed by. He was the epitome of a golden boy in baseball, that it was literally stated in his contract that he had to keep up a good rapport with his fans.
And (Y/n) couldn’t help but let her thoughts get the better of her— admiring her husband so much, that it made her want him so much more than she did before. Everything in her told her to pounce on him, like he had with her, and she was about to…
That was, until she and Kyōjurō reached a door that led off to a carpeted— and much quieter— area; away from the hustle and bustle of the people outside.
It smelled like disinfectant in there, and a little bit of sweat, which was why she was thankful that Kyōjurō practically ran with her deeper into the room; until they reached the showers. On one side was the communal shower area, and on the other— where her husband was pulling her to— were a few shower cubicles.
Kyōjurō wasted no time then, merely looking around to check if his teammates were already back from their cooldown workouts, before stripping his uniform off and heaping them in a pile right outside the stall.
All the while, (Y/n) could only bite down on her bottom lip as inch upon inch of her husband’s skin was revealed to her. And from the way that his abs looked, down to the way that his muscles moved— everything was making her so wet and needy.
Especially the sight of his big and hard cock.
Before she could stop herself, she had already pounced on him; wrapping her arms around his neck, while he lifted her up and held her up under her thighs. Thankfully, she had conveniently ‘forgotten’ to wear any panties beneath her sundress— as if a part of her just knew that it was going to happen.
Kyōjurō then pressed her back flush against the cold tile in the stall, making her gasp at the sudden temperature change, and making his cock twitch right where it was flush against (Y/n)’s pussy.
“Be quiet, baby, otherwise we’re going to get caught,” the young man teased with a grin, leaning in to kiss his wife’s lips, before nipping at her bottom lip with his teeth.
The action had (Y/n) chasing after the blond’s lips, making the blond chuckle as he gave in to her wishes; capturing her mouth in an open mouthed kiss, which she gladly reciprocated.
Until Kyōjurō inched his right hand higher up the underside of her thigh, pressing his fingers against her entrance and even pushing his ring and middle fingers inside up to the first knuckle.
That action, however, was already enough to have (Y/n) moaning in pleasure, all while she crossed her legs by the ankles— using that leverage to start rubbing her clit against the underside of Kyōjurō’s erection.
“Please, Daddy,” (Y/n) whispered in a plea, eyes fluttering closed as she felt his fingers going deeper inside her— scissoring within her walls, all to get her much wetter for something bigger.
“Please what, baby? You have to tell me what you want,” The young man teased, kissing his wife’s cheek as he felt her thighs clench harder around his hips.
And, as if to stir her up even more, he began to move his hips against hers— dragging his cock against her clit, in turn making her eyes flutter shut as salacious moans spilled free from her lips. “Please… fuck me. Fuck m-”
(Y/n)’s words were brought to a pause when she felt Kyōjurō’s fingers pull out of her, leaving her pussy feeling so empty; much, much needier. However, before she could even beg for more, her husband had already taken pity on her and lifted her up a little bit, if only to align his cock right with her entrance.
Then, he pushed in the barest inch— making (Y/n) moan aloud as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her breaths came in short bursts then, with her head feeling so heavy and her entire body getting so warm for him. It was as if an electric current passed through her, with how much pleasure she got from that one move alone.
Kyōjurō couldn’t help himself, he pushed in even more, gritting his teeth when he felt (Y/n)’s hands at the back of his neck— one of them scratching at his nape, while the other one curled into his hair. “Fuck, baby, I didn’t even eat you out but you’re this wet.”
“I’ve been wet since I saw you on the field, Daddy,” The young woman admitted through a moan, eyes hazy with delirious pleasure even as she tried to look right into her husband’s flame colored eyes.
At that, Kyōjurō claimed her lips in a kiss, letting it consume both of them until he moved his hips to begin thrusting against her. Every push of his cock inside her had her moaning against his mouth, all while her fingers kept tugging at his hair and gently scratching at his nape.
It only served to egg him on, to the point where a part of him didn’t care about how loud they were being; not when he was drowning in so much pleasure, and so much warmth in his wife’s arms.
Really, he’d already known that he was so lucky to have her— that moment was just reminding him of how much.
Every move felt like it was knocking the breath out of (Y/n), yet she held on tight and let herself sink into the heady pleasure she had been craving for. Especially when Kyōjurō pushed in really deep and brushed against her cervix.
Her legs tensed up at that, as a mix of white hot pleasure with just a hint of pain, ran down her entire body. “Deeper, Daddy! Deeper, please!”
Kyōjurō did as she asked, angling his hips to hit the part that made her absolutely crazy, only to be rewarded by her tightening her legs around his hips so she could meet him thrust for thrust. Her efforts weren’t doing much, but it was enough for him— given how he had her pressed up against the shower wall.
In the midst of things, he’d almost forgotten about his teammates— and how they would be done with their cooldown workouts soon— so, when the thought hit him, he began to thrust faster. He chased after his and his wife’s orgasms enthusiastically, not minding the noise they made since he was sure that no one other than them were in the showers.
If anything, them being so loud was turning him on even more. Especially with the way that his wife kept moaning his name in between kisses; he was loving every second of it, and wanted to prolong it as much as possible.
But slowly, he could feel the pleasure finally about to reach a tipping point within him. It was evident in his wife too, what with the way that her walls clenched down around his cock.
If he didn’t know any better, he’d have thought that she was trying to keep his cock in her forever. A hot thought, but definitely well within the realms of fantasy more than reality.
“Fuck, baby, I’m so close,” He whispered through winded breaths, keeping up with his initial pace before going for one last burst of speed— a move that had (Y/n) keening in pleasure, as she threw her head back and came around his cock.
It was the headiest thing that he had seen since the night before, when he’d fucked her much harder with her all tied up in their bed. And it also served to have him opting for slower and deeper thrusts, all so he could savor his own orgasm— and maybe wring out another one from her.
Her walls fluttered around his dick, adding to the headiness he already felt bubbling within him; pushing him closer and closer to the edge, until he couldn’t take it anymore and gave in— sliding his cock in to the hilt and pressing his slit up against (Y/n)’s sweet spot as he came.
He could even feel her shaking, as it triggered another orgasm from her.
And by the time that his thoughts were clear enough to make sense of what had just happened, he pulled back a little to look at how blissed out his wife was; feeling the corners of his lips tip up into a smile, before he leaned in to press the sweetest of kisses to those lips that he loved the most in the world.
“I’m so lucky to have you, baby. So, so lucky.”
“Has anyone seen where Rengoku went?”
Kyōjurō’s eyes immediately widened when he heard the voices coming down the hall— right into the shower area. And with a panicked look over his shoulder, then right at his wife, he had only realized that he didn’t even pull the shower curtain closed.
So, with his quick reflexes, he pulled the curtain closed just in time to hear the first of his teammates enter the shower area.
“Hey, Rengoku’s already here! His things are on the floor.” And those words had Kyō panicking even more, because there he was— with his dick still in his wife— in the team’s shower.
“We are not doing this again, Kyōjurō,” (Y/n) hissed under her breath, all while praying that no one would mess with her husband and open the curtain. Because really, they’d get more than they bargained for.
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kkusuka · 4 years
HQ poly Headcannons  pt. 2
Poly Headcannons <3  part 1 
pairs: Oikawa & Ushijima, Hanamaki & Matsukawa, Suna & Osamu, Kita & Aran, iwaizumi & Kyotani, and Oikawa & Kageyama
nsfw and sfw
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Oikawa Tooru & Ushijima Wakatoshi
This was an interesting match up
Considering the fact that Tooru can barely stand sharing you sometimes, they seem to make it work!
You were most likely Ushiwaka’s girlfriend, and Tooru just couldn't stand for that
Well at first he didn't really know that fact
He met you in the stans after an Alders game that he 100% wasn't there to spy on Toshi or to see how much better he got, no way
But luckily, you the beautiful angel of light, sat next to him to cheer for Waka’s team!
So after the game when Tooru was flirting with you and you completely ignored him to go to your boyfriend, Oikawa was more than let down
And you ignored him for the brick wall???? He just didn't understand.
Now he wanted you more than he did when he saw you, even more so that you belonged to the bastard Ushiwaka.
After almost 8 months of befriending you, he finally weaseled into your relationship! And Ushiwaka was so whipped for you he let it happen!
But at that point, he was so whipped for you that he didn't even care that they shared you!
Your guy’s dynamic is a bit twisted and hard to get a good understanding of.
Where Tooru makes it painfully aware to everyone that the two of you are dating, Wakatoshi is like a silent predator
He’s silent but deadly, and you’ve known him for far longer. That means he knows what you really like.
It's simple, he let’s tooru take you on extravagant dates and all that meaningless stuff.
But Ushiwaka is always there waiting at home to cuddle and watch a ton of movies with, he even lets you climb on him and cuddle him like a big teddy bear
This is one of the pairs that I think you're fucked in
It’s a silent competition of who can wreck you worse
Unlike some other Oikawa pairs, I truly believe that Oikawa would top
But Wakatoshi is also a top, a big man who has big needs
This ends up with you most likely with a two cocks one hole situation
If not that, it's the classic split roasts or Eiffel tower!
Oh to have Ushiwaka reaming you with Tooru in your mouth, yeah it's not as peaceful and soft as it sounds
But it’s still worth it
It starts softly! Then they go harder to try and beat the other! Then they really just treat you like a fleshlight.
Thankfully Tooru knows good aftercare techniques
But you still can’t walk for a while
“You can cum for me, show Toshi why you like better, go ahead”  
“You stretch so good for me, even after Tooru’s turn, you're always so tight”
“Look at her little clit, did Ushiwaka not pay enough attention to it? That’s ok! Tooru’s gonna make it all better for you!”
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Hanamaki Takahiro & Matsukawa Issei
Let's be real here, you met them at a spencers or a sex shop in a mall.
But it was a cute meetup!
After that, you guys just seemed to keep bumping into each other and became close friends
The initial relationship was started by Makki, he was the more open of the two so it made sense
And it’s been smooth sailing from then on
The amount of inside jokes you guys have is almost ridiculous, everywhere you go in the city you have a joke
You guys spend almost every waking moment with one another
One of their favorite things is to take you shopping, so you can do a little fashion show for them with anything you want to try on!
As in them make you try on revealing outfits for them
Dates normally would include random dinners at restaurants them a movie night/ sleepover
Like you guys would just stay up an fool around for hours on hours
They literally have no problems sharing and are always making sure you're perfectly ok with everything they do.
As expected you guys are very adventurous
Daddy Matsun got you and Makki covered
Well that's when Makki isn't trying to ream you into the couch
They both like toys, like a lot, a lot
Punishment is where the toys really shine, but you can't really call the toy punishment, punishment because you feel really good during it.
And it the most repeated thing you guys do
Mattsun’s the punishment dealer, so he’ll give you the biggest dildo that you guys have, no lube, he’ll tie your arms up and make you try to get down on it
BUT if he’s feeling a bit more punishing, he’ll set up a vibrator and set it to your little clit and turn it ALLLL the way up
But if that isn't enough, he will either let Makki in your ass, or the fuck machine will come out
They really love watching you try to get off, it does two things
1-  it gives them new ideas
2- it shows how much you need them, and their cocks in your little aching holes
This lead to them having you wear plugs in public, which moved to wearing a vibrator
Sometimes, they make you wear a mask, but under the mask
(come here)
They make you wear a ball gag under your mask
Good babies do what their daddies tell them too <3
“Look ‘Kawa, her hole is so tight she can barely fit both of us, just relax baby. They’ll get in, we’ll make sure of it”
“Makki, spread her legs wider, don't let her his from this”
“Don't make me gag you brat, you’re lucky Makki is in good mood, huh?”
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Suna Rintaro & Osamu Miya
The way you got together was like love at first sight  
For both of them too
You met Osamu first, you were seated next to him at an Italian cooking class
You guys had joked around and he was so impressed by your cooking that he got your number!
(he won't tell you but he had already sent pictures of you to Suna, and he was doing it allllllllll night)
He immediately invited you to Onigiri Miya, where you met Mr. Rintarou
Who was already practically in-love with you just from pictures.
You were clearly drawn to them, they were so cool!
They made a big scene of asking you out too
They both took you to one of the best restaurants in the city and had a private balcony dinner
After dessert they took both of your hands and asked you, in sync nonetheless, you do wonder how long it took for them to figure out how to do that
Clearly, you said yes, and that was the first of the many great memories you have with the two!
Since they both have pretty busy schedules they can't always come to you, so you go to them!
Even if they assured you that you didn't have to work, that never stops you from taking up shifts and Onigiri Miya on Monday and Fridays, (sometimes on Wednesdays if Osmau relents)
Even when you do work, you make time to make and bring Suna lunch every time he has all day practice
(you make them both lunch every day, but they can get it themselves, they are grown men, and you serve no one)
Traditional dates are less common, you guys mostly just like to hang out with each other
Like 3 am cooking challenges and asking to get ice cream from the shop down the road
You guys also, when you can, just spend hours cuddling in your bed or on the couch just in each other's arms
(can you tell i’m uwu-ing)
For having a busy schedule you guys sure do have time to fuck
A common theme is having Samu fuck you when Suna watches
God, watching you fall apart around his best friends dick will never get old, so so pretty when you're all fucked out and begging for him too
Sometimes hell have you suck him off, but he isn't unstable he can wait his turn~
Osamu works just as hard as he does, he has to let oust some stress and, you're just so good at making them feel better
Remember the cuddling?
Yes, that's a guise to cockwarm you, let them relax you always feel so good and today was s stressful
I can tell you saw this coming but, Suna likes to put whipped cream all over you, it gives him an excuse to eat you out for hours and Osamu and excuse to have you naked and able to eat as much whipped cream as he wants
Do they like double penn.?
Yes, very much so ma’am.
Just know that you are stuffed at any available moment they can manage
*cough*  whipped  *cough*
“look she’s grinding into like a circus whore huh ‘Samu? go harder” 
“look into the camera baby, tell them all the things you’d love for them to do to you” 
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Iwaizumi & Kyoutani
This was an interesting one for sure
A senpais pretty girlfriend thing too
Iwaizumi knew Mad Dog had a crush on you before he did, and he did everything in his power to deny the accusation
The entire team could see how the second year was calm and behaved when you were around, so taking the high road
Iwaizumi came a with a plan: bring you and Kyotani as close as possible
All with consent firm you and knowing he was ok with anything that would happen
Suddenly inviting him to hang out with the two of you
Then it was letting him have you in his lap while you watch movies
And that progressed into letting him cuddle you after bad days, never  without Iwa of course
Everyone on the team could tell the effects that it was having on him, he was calmer and easier to get along with.
He even started listening to Oikawa when he spoke, it was like a miracle.
And k\Kyotani finally got enough courage to tell you!
(you had pretty much known, but wanted him to say it himself)
Thus began what I would call that “Kyotani learns how to love” saga
Dates were first, they both took you to a small field of flowers to have a picnic and when it got dark out you guys set up a sheet and watched a movie!
For the both of them being temperamental, they got along really well
(mostly because Kyotani hangs off nay words you or Iwaizumi say)
You also make the both of them lunch and some afternoon snacks for practice!
(and if anyone who sees you guys, they’ll never mention how odd the two angry boys look next to their sweet little princess)
Sir Iwaizumi holds the torch
He’s the main dominant force, though Kyotani tries oh he does
Yeah, hate to say it but you bottom for them, every time.
A big thing is when he lets Kyo get you alone (while he watches)
Yeah maybe he lets kyo take over every once in a while, he’ll let him have you
Iwaizumi love having you under him, putting you in the mating press while Kyo watches from a chair a vibrator tied to him, just watching until Iwa finishes and leys Kyo try and breed you
You guys have also dedicated hours to getting you stretch enough to take both of them in one hole, but if not that then one hole for each of them will do
As you could imagine, they both love marking you up
You always come out of sex looking beat up
Most of the bruises are on your neck and inner thighs, but the bites on your nipples and the curve of your ass beg to differ
Now the real question is when Kyo is being bad!
Feathery kisses all over him, that's not where he wants your mouth, lower go lower
Don’t leave him!
He always learns his lessons after hours of waiting Iwa breed you
You being bad?
No cumming for a week, they can play with you but unless you want the time to get longer you don’t even think about orgasming.
“Calm down Kentaro, it’s too early to break her, we just got started.”
“Yeah i let Hajime have you but you still belong to me too, don’t forget that”
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Kita Shinsuke  & Aran Ojiro
This was the perfect girl next door story!
Middle school aran was so thankful to have you calm him down after yet another Miya twins episode
So as the two of you grew up it was natural that you became friends with his friends!
Namely his bestfriends- Kita!
Who was practically at your feet the second you met
From first to third year, they both grew to REALLY like you
They were both ready to spend the rest of their lives with you and were prepared to share if you wanted that.
The day you guys all got together was when they lost to Karasuno at nationals
You guys went back you the hotel room and just sat, cooing how well they did and how great they were no matter the outcome
It wasn't out of the normal for them to be all over you, both of them got a hand, but Aran was nestled into your lap and Kita was snuggled into your chest
Nothing was planned either, at that moment they knew that it was their chance!
The look on their faces when you said that you felt the same!
From then on you were treated even more like a queen
Every Monday before school one of them gets you a bouquet of flowers for the week and the other comes up with a date idea!
You're involved in the dates cycle and that now have a pile of stuffed animals that you got them from things like festivals or the mall
Since your relationship started with a cuddle, it's a favorite between you guys
A movie and some take out. Making fun of the Miya twins, and when Kita won’t admit it, you guys watch a rom-com, where you and Aran laugh at Kita's confused face when he doesn't understand the joke
Even with all of that, the real favorite between you guys is staying after practice and just having fun while cleaning up.
They just wuvvv uuuuuuuuu <3
Even if Kita is the commanding voice, Aran id the driving force
Kita likes when you two put on a show for him
Not that it's hard, even if Aran wasn't half as good as he was, your faces could satisfy him until his dying days.
Speaking of shows, Kita is a dictator, which means punishments
One of his favorites is having you finger fuck yourself in front of him and Aran until you can't move
Another is tying you up at having you watch the both of them jerk off to seeing you try and get off by grinding on the sheets (which does not work)
Aran, whether he admits it or not, he took a page out of Suna’s book
His entire hidden photo album is of you either being fucked by him or sucking Kita off
He also has an entire recorded version do you guys fucking that he and Kita watch when you aren't home
When Kita does have you to himself he takes on the Dom/Sub kinda thing
Aka borderline pet play
You sit and listen to him and what he says like a good pet, and you get a reward!
He dresses you up in little white dresses and he has you kneel in front of him and cockwarm him while he works
When Aran has you alone he takes the chance toooooo
Breed you!
Like a good little girl!
You take his cum so so well, don't you!
Yes yes, you do!
“Don’t let her walk all over you Aran, breed her like a good cow” (i had to, I really did)
“You look so pretty stretched around my cock, you're a good breeding whore, right? Yes, you are!” 
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Oikawa Tooru & Tobio Kageyama
This was a classic “in love with my senpais pretty girlfriend” kinda thing
Kags didn't mean to
He had known you from middle school and had a huge crush on you, but he knew that was as far as it would go
But when you came up to him after the game with seijoh and told him that he would have better luck next time
It was the hug that got him and in true Kageyama fashion he just couldn't help the words that fell from his mouth
“Thank you, you're still really pretty, and I've always loved you!”
He couldn't even apologize because Oikawa was already on you yelling at him about never letting you near Kageyama again.
Yeah you had calmed both of them down, telling Tooru that he was overreacting and Kageyama was harmless to your relationship
After a few days of silence, you had invited Kageyama to have a “talk” with you and Oikawa
It was really just talking about feelings and ultimately Oikawa admitting that he was willing to give it a try, but you were his first and foremost and that won’t change
But you were quick to realize that they were actually really good together
The rivalry between the two always kept you on your toes and fueled both of their superiority complexes
Dates were always happening all the time, anther constant competition for you to like one of them better than the other
It's mostly movies and take out but its a date nonetheless
One thing they love to do is try to teach you how to play, all the time they try to get you to hit their sets
Even if you're awful at it, they appreciate you trying to learn more about their greatest passion.
You also try to go to as many of their practices as you can manage, they really love having you there to cheer them on!
Ok so at first Kageyama had absolutely no idea what to do, so some exploring was mandatory
Finding out he was a switch was a happy surprise!
That leads to things going two ways!
You could have Tooru taking his throne in the bedroom and he commands his two peasants to do exactly what he wants them too
This can include just regular soft sex with your little tobio gazing and longing for him, while tooru watches
Tooru will have the two of you grinding, Tobio with a cock ring and you a strict order to no cum until told.
Or maybe he’ll have the two of you ride dildos, tied up and making a pretty show for him
Or you could have Tobio dictating both of you
This is mostly having you ride him while Toru watches, but he can't touch
It also might be Tooru eating you out and kags in your mouth, fucking your face. <3
Whenever either of the boys wins something you take all the time in the world and worship him as he deserves!
“Aw! Tobio I know you can go faster than that! Oh ho ho, ~ y/n I know you aren't about to cum! I didn't give you the go-ahead! Hold on, baby!”
“Tooru you look so weak. You haven't even touched her and you're ready to cum.”
“You look so pretty under me, Tobio~ let me and Tooru take care of you!”  
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goddess-of-green · 3 years
More Tobi please !!! It’s so good 😫🙌 I love ur writing so much 😊
I'm running out of Tobi gifs you guys (Part 2 here!)
Warnings: Language, suggestive themes, submissive reader
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"Yay! It must be Tobi's lucky day!" Tobi exclaimed as he threw down his cards—his winning cards.
You paled.
This generally wouldn't be such a problem.
Sure, Tobi was suspiciously good at Poker when he needed to be, but you never minded when he beat you by a landslide and proceeded to gloat until one of the other Akatsuki members had to shut him up.
Although, since you didn't really want to wager money on the game -your savings had been dwindling recently and you jumped at any opportunity to save some extra Ryo- you and Tobi decided to instead, make a bet.
If you won, Tobi would be at your beck and call for 24 hours; if Tobi won, you would be at his beck and call for 24 hours.
You knew such a bet could go either horribly wrong or horribly right.
However, you hadn't really let the implications of being at Tobi's beck and call hit you until you saw that winning hand.
Tobi was completely unpredictable and a known troublemaker.
He was always 'innocently' finding ways to insult people or taunt them. You were fairly sure he had some weird sadistic hobby to see how far he could bend people before they reacted violently.
You and Tobi had meshed so well in the organization because you were extremely patient and always reacted positively to Tobi's teasing and jabs.
After a while, Tobi seemed to realize that his taunting and teasing wouldn't make you upset, so he claimed you as his "best friend" and took to following you around in his freetime, you being the only one who could handle his overbearing and deliberately annoying nature.
Tobi loved to cause trouble and make fun of people. Despite his 'innocent' nature, you knew his humor was a little twisted at best.
What the hell did I get myself into?
Tobi was giggling like madman at your expression, a hand raised to where his mouth would be to ineffectively muffle his snickers.
"Y/N-Chan's time starts now! She has to be Tobi's maid for a whole day!" Tobi cheered, throwing his arms up into the air.
You blinked.
"M-Maid?" You asked, already knowing that no matter what he responded with you were screwed.
Tobi giggled a bit more, "Yep! Tobi's even got Y/N-Chan a cute little outfit to wear while she does everything Tobi desires~" Tobi explained, his amusement coming off him in waves.
Maid? 'Cute little Outfit'? Tobi's desires!? God, help me.
You sighed, "Very well, Tobi."
"Actually, Y/N-Chan...there's something else Tobi would like you to call him~"
Here you are, dressed in a maid outfit.
A frilly black and white choker secured around your neck and your hair down, your top doing nothing to hide your cleavage, and your skirt giving you about two inches of leeway.
If you so much as bent over, your panties would be revealed to anyone in the vicinity. To top it all off, you had a white waist apron with little frills on the ends.
It covered even less than your skirt.
Kami, where did I go wrong? What did I do to deserve this?
Your internal lamenting is brought to halt as you hear Tobi cooing at you.
"Y/N-Chan~ you look so nice, all dressed up for Tobi like this~" He put his gloved hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him as he continued to inspect your form.
You swallowed, "Thank you, Tobi~Sama." You said softly, as he had requested you call him.
You blushed in embarrassment as you said it, unintentionally making yourself look even cuter as you looked up at him through your lashes, hoping he wouldn't make fun of you.
Tobi was unusually silent as he stared at your inadvertently coy expression. His hands still on your hips, and his expression unreadable through his mask.
After a moment, he started giggling.
"Y/N-Chan is such a good little maid for Tobi~ Tobi has a feeling he's going to enjoy this very much~" Tobi purred as he brought his arms up to wrap around your waist and buried his masked face into your neck; his body snuggling into yours in the process.
You gulped as his warm body encased yours.
Is it just me or is it a little hot in here?
You would have tugged on your collar if you had one.
Tobi pulled away from the embrace with excitement as he grabbed your hand.
"Alright Y/N-Chan, you're going to make some for lunch for your master, and then we're going to play a game~" Tobi said brightly, a teasing tone slipping through his usual beaming attitude.
Something about the way Tobi said "game" raised some flags, but you complied nonetheless.
You certainly didn't want to give Tobi a reason to punish you, as he had warned.
You shuttered at the implications.
He didn't mention or signal any sort of sexual things happening, but you could never be too careful. This entire situation was more than a little suspicious.
He's already made it clear he's got a pervy side, if the outfit was anything to go by.
You sighed lowly as Tobi's hand slipped from yours and he wandered off to wait in the living area of the base while you prepared him something to eat.
"It's too bad Tobi has his mask, or he would love to have Y/N~Chan feed him~" Tobi sighed wistfully as he walked off.
Clearly talking to himself, but you were sure he meant for you to hear.
You blushed at the thought, shaking your head to rid yourself of such thoughts as you continued on your way to the Akatsuki base's kitchen.
After you finally washed your hands and got to actually making something for Tobi, you ran into a little roadblock.
You had no idea what kind of food Tobi liked, or even if he had any allergies. He rarely ever ate around you, and when he did you tried not to stare at him too much and respect his privacy.
(Even though you were definitely curious as to what lied underneath his infamous orange mask.)
Even if you had paid attention, you doubt you would have caught much anyway.
Tobi is very sneaky when it comes to keeping his face hidden, and his food is off the plate and in his mouth faster than anyone can even tell what he was eating.
"He's so annoying all the time, yeah! The least he could do is let me catch a glimpse of his damn mug for once, un!"
You smirked as you recalled Deidara's ranting.
Remembering your situation, your smirk slipped away as you considered your options.
You could take a stab in the dark and make something that Tobi may or may not like, or you could go back out and ask Tobi what he wanted.
Neither were very good options.
If you took a wild guess then you would risk Tobi either not liking what you made or having an allergic reaction to it.
The last thing you wanted was to make Tobi sick or unhappy, but going back out to ask posed its own risks.
If you went out into the living room to ask Tobi what he wanted to eat then there was a good chance one of the other members would see you.
Then, they would ask questions.
You knew that Tobi wouldn't hesitate to embarrass you and go into great detail about how you were his cute little maid who would do anything to "satisfy" him.
Your face heated up in embarrassment just thinking about it.
You sighed, biting your lip as you ran through the pros and cons in your head.
You wilted after a moment, your morality winning the internal battle.
Discarding your dignity, and swallowing the last of your pride, you turned around to exit the kitchen and go find Tobi.
"But D-Deidara-Senpai! Tobi's not lying! He swears!" Tobi exclaimed, waving his hands around wildly as if that helped his case.
"Tch. Sure Tobi, un. You really expect me to believe that you got Y/N to be your maid?" Deidara scoffed.
It was then that you peaked from the hallway. Calling Tobi's name and desperately hoping that he was alone.
"Ah! Y/N-Chan! Impeccable Timing~!" Tobi said happily, Deidara snapping his head over towards you to see if Tobi really wasn't lying.
Uh oh.
Your face flamed as you tried to retreat back into the hallway, Tobi one step ahead of you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into the living area for Deidara to see.
Deidara's eyes widened as he looked over your form, clad in a skimpy maid outfit complete with the lacy little headdress on top.
Deidara slowly but surely flushed, before turning to Tobi.
"I want in." Deidara said earnestly.
Your face flamed and you literally wanted to die in a hole of pitiful embarrassment.
Completely appalled, Tobi gasped quite dramatically at Deidara's words and pulled you close, as if protecting you. "Deidara-Senpai! You can't! Y/N-Chan is Tobi's maid! And Tobi doesn't think you would appreciate her like Tobi does!" Tobi said indignantly as he snuggled into your chest.
Good lord, you felt like your face was permanently pink today. From all this excitement you had nearly forgotten what you came out to ask-
"What?! Tobi! You can't keep her all to yourself like this! You're being selfish!" Deidara yelled.
"Nuh-uh senpai! Tobi won Y/N-Chan's free will fair and square! And why would Tobi share? This way she's all mine~" Tobi exclaimed, trailing off into a creepy giggle at the end.
It's like they're two kids fighting over a new toy... You sighed.
You blushed when you realized that you were the toy.
Before Deidara could fire back or you could finally ask what the hell Tobi wanted to eat, something awful happened.
Hidan walked in.
It took him five seconds to skim his eyes over your form, Tobi's face pressed into your chest and Deidara blushing... and burst into laughter.
"Pfft Hahahaha, what the hell kind of kinky shit is going on in here?" Hidan howled, bent over and holding his stomach from laughter.
Tobi hurriedly let go of you and turned around, putting his arms in front of you as if to hide you. "Nothing Hidan-Senpai! Y-You don't have all the information!" Tobi exclaimed, his slightly shaky voice not convincing anyone.
"Tch. Tobi got Y/N to be his maid, and he's keeping this opportunity all to himself!" Deidara scoffed, crossing his arms indignantly.
Interest piqued, Hidan walked over to you, promptly pushing Tobi out of the way and grabbing your jaw.
"His maid, huh? And just how'd he manage that...?" Hidan said, his voice quieter and more husky since he was so close to your face.
You tried to repress the shiver that threatened to crawl down your spine...Hidan had always creeped you out.
Before you could stutter out a response, you felt a stinging on your ass.
Oh my-
He pinched my ass!
You squeaked involuntarily and pushed Hidan off you, Deidara starting to fume as he realized what happened.
"Hey man! Don't touch her like that, un!" He exclaimed, though he probably wanted to do the same thing.
"Hidan!" Tobi gasped, rushing over to pick you up bridal style and cradle you in his arms.
"No one is allowed to touch Y/N-Chan like that! She is Tobi's!" He exclaimed, and you would have been happy for his defense if he didn't keep referring to you as 'his'.
Deidara and Hidan were now straight up fighting, Tobi's yelling falling on deaf ears.
The lewd things Deidara and Hidan were saying about you as they fought had you desperately hiding your burning face in Tobi's chest.
Tobi pet your hair in a soothing manner before running off, with you still in his arms.
"It's too dangerous out here with all the other members! Y/N-Chan will just have to serve Tobi in his room! Alone~"
Lunch completely forgotten, you worried for what was to come as Tobi carried you off, Deidara and Hidan still wrestling on the floor.
It was then that Kisame and Itachi walked in, just in time to hear Tobi's exclamation as they saw you being carried off by Tobi while Deidara and Hidan were rolling around the floor and pulling at each other's hair.
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yedamismymom · 4 years
Reaction to you teasing them (legal line)
lmao i finally wrote something for treasure..hope ya like this and thanks for requesting!
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Treasure’s Reaction to you Teasing them
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Pairing: Legal Line x Reader
Genre: Reaction; Suggestive, Sexual Themes
Words: 900+
Warnings: Sexual Themes. Please read at your own discretion. I tried writing for Yedam in this, wasn’t so bad, his part will be under the read more in case anyone wants to read it.
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You squeeze his thigh and drag your nails over it
I see him getting very flustered initially
He doesn’t understand why you did whatever it was that you did
But when you do it again, he gets the memo right away
Suddenly he doesn’t know what to do
You’re being very explicit with your actions
The longer you tease him the more it’ll turn him on and the harder it’ll get for him to stay still
It won’t take him too long to give in
He’d probably want you to go down on him and give him a nice suck before really getting into things
He can’t resist teasing for the life of him
You sit on his lap, facing him and leave a feathery kiss below his ear
He knows exactly what you’re up to and he refuses to give into you so easily
There’s no point in teasing the biggest tease ever
He’s just going to make this harder for you
He’ll grab your waist, preventing you from going anywhere and start kissing your neck
But the kisses will be very restricted, like he’s not giving you as much as you want
He loves hearing your needy whimpers
Its not easy to tease him
If you want him to fuck you all you’ve gotta do is ask
There’s no guarantee that he won’t continue teasing you though
You wrap your arms around his waist and slip your hands under his shirt
Your touch certainly isn’t subtle so he gets a faint idea of what you’re up to
He likes when you take incentive to initiate things 
So he’ll let you continue for just a bit before turning to face you
Once his lips are on yours you know he isn’t going to disappoint you
Maybe he’ll take you right then and there (depends on where y’all are at though)
He will never pass up an opportunity to satisfy you
So just know that even if his reaction isn’t immediate, he will still give into your secret demands
He’ll most probably treat you better than you’d imagine, simply so that you know he’s always gonna give you everything you want
Maybe you whisper something naughty in his ear and give him a certain look
He might scream
So be careful
Mainly because he’ll be caught off guard
Teasing him can be very entertaining
He’ll be so conflicted and say things like “really? now?” or “omg someone might hear you!”
Nervous gulps x 100
He might even start sweating because of how anxious it makes him
He obviously wants to listen to you and give into your demands but the time and place is too sudden for him
That’s why you’ve gotta leave him an ultimatum
Do that, and he’s running behind you without another question
You wear something revealing on purpose
You know he loves catching small glimpses of your body
He’ll just smirk shamelessly
Maybe he knows what you’re up to, maybe he doesn’t
It turns into a whole game 
Who’s gonna make the first move
Eventually one of you gives in 
Everything that proceeds from there is incredibly rushed and super needy
All in all, he can put up with teasing, but not forever
Please you literally just tell him that you’re horny and want to ride him
He giggles
And then he realizes that you aren’t joking
So now he’s like super expectant
You probably have to tease him some more to rile him up
Cause he’s just gonna be fascinated by your straightforwardness
I think I’m going on a different tangent with this (hit me up if you wanna know where)
So yeah I think if you tease this boy first he’s not gonna know what’s happening and when he finally gets it he won’t know what to do
Super clueless but at least it gives you a chance to top him
You lean in to kiss him but just before his lips can touch yours, you pull away
He hates it
You can see it on his face, all that dissatisfaction 
But instead of getting what he wants he’ll be super stubborn and just sit there
You could’ve gotten what you wanted but its your fault that you decided to be a tease
So even if you apologize and start begging, he won’t give in
That’s a lie actually, if you keep begging then he’ll get impatient, stop holding himself back and give you what you want
Well not what you want but more whatever he wants to do to you
You just need to shut up and take what you get and stop being a greedy little whore (i’m sorry i went off)
Tease him and face the consequences my friend
Yedam (this is so vague lmao fuck me)
So you both are cuddling and you rub you ass into his nether regions (i’m sorry)
He doesn’t know if you did it on purpose but he definitely felt it
But since he’s unsure about if you were trying to initiate something, he doesn’t say a word and tries his best to control himself
However, since the action was intentional, you keep doing it
Kinda embarrassed, he grabs you hips and stops you
He doesn’t know how to tell you that he’s got a boner, even though he’s pretty sure you can feel it pressing into your ass
Eventually you have to turn around and face him, asking him if he wants you to take care of it
He’s so thankful for that…lmao 
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kimnjss · 4 years
petty games | pjm
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⇢ pairing: ot7 x reader // jimin focus. ⇢ genre: smut. // pure unedited filth. ⇢ word count: 6.2K ⇢ theme: established relationships. ⇢ rating: explicit. ⇢ warnings: cursing, slight dirty talk, fingering, light dry humping, oral sex (m. receiving), orgasm denial, jimin is petty as hell lmao, squirting, unprotected sex, two quick handjobs, interrupted orgasms, blowjobs, masturbation, finger licking... i think that’s it?? idk let me know . ⇢ A/N: sooo if this feels all over the place it’s because i wrote this nd the newest update for ‘be my baby’ literally an hour apart from each other nd my brain is fried.
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Jimin has always been the biggest tease out of your seven boys. He loved to watch you squirm and never passed up an opportunity to make you beg. You could always tell when he was in a particularly teasing mood because he'd always start out by flat out ignoring you. Denying you the attention that you wanted throughout the day, that sexy smirk weighing on his lips the entire time.
Today was one of those days. It had started when you opted to ride with Jin and Jungkook on your way back to the mountains. A lighthearted joke about his reckless driving which was met with a playful eye roll and mocking laughter.
Not thinking much of it after that, you enjoyed the smooth ride back. Filling up on the yummy food from Tae's mom and chatting with the other cars through the walkie-talkie's.
It's when you're pulling up to the house land do you realize your mistake. May have laughed a little too hard at the fact he left his luggage behind, joining in with Hobi on the teasing. Jimin laughs along too, not entirely annoyed – especially after he's finding out his luggage is being brought in a different car.
That didn't mean he wasn't going to get his own version of payback for all your teasing in the few hours you were with each other.
He's moving in close as you make you way up toward the house, strong hands landing on your hips as he halts your step – pulling your body into his chest. You're instantly surrounded by his warmth, can feel the ripples of his stomach through the fabric of your clothing. The blow of breath against your ear has a shiver running down your spine.
And warmth pooling between your legs.
“You just think everything's so funny, huh?” His voice is gruff in your ear, much deeper than the usual sweet tone he uses when he's talking to you. Without even making the effort to peak at his face, you just know there's fire in his eyes.
You were never one to just cower away, though. “Is it not funny?” You challenge, feeling his grip slightly tighten around you.
He's scoffing quietly in your ear, brow lifting as he tilts his head. Your body shivers when you feel the sharpness of his teeth nibble at your lobe. “Alright, we'll see.” He mumbles, all at once releasing you.
Walking the rest of the way into the house as if he didn't just shake you to the core. Easily had you near drooling, ready for him with a set of simple words. 'We'll see' and you were more than ready to figure out what that was.
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After a delicious lunch, where you spent the majority of it sat close to Hoseok, joining in on the random conversation that flowed around you, you're following Yoongi up to the Upper House.
The entire short walk up, he's filling you in on how much he improved on the game he was currently interested in. A long arm wrapping around your waist as he speaks. Not forgetting to mention how he once asked Jimin what his score is, laughing cutely when he reveals what the young boy's answer was.
Yoongi is easily pulling you into his lap as his long fingers tap against the mouse, waking up the desktop. You're able to relax against him at once, his strong arm wrapped around your waist and your head resting on his shoulder.
The sweet smell of him intoxicates you, always smelt a bit like honey. But beneath all of that a scent you can only describe as him. His chin rests on your shoulder, eyes staring on the screen and you're sure this is the most comfortable you've ever felt. He's focused on the game but the gentle stroke of his fingers over your belly never falters.
Drawing random patterns against your skin, soothing you against him. You don't talk. Simply enjoying the comfortable silence that comes with being in his arms. Watching as he mumbles at the screen, controlling his character on the screen in hopes to up his ranking.
The touch against your skin never strays too far from innocent. Even with the cool dampness of his fingers from his drink against your warm skin, he doesn't push it. No matter how many times you shift in his arms. Fingers dragging down the front of your body until he's able to grasp your thigh, the shorts you're wearing allowing him to meet the smoothness of your skin.
“You just shaved?” He wonders, eyes never lifting from the screen. He speaks like it's an afterthought, a mere observation instead of something that was done for his benefit. Either way, you're nodding, tilting your head up so you can steal a glance at his features.
Lips brushing gently over the shell of his ear as you speak. “Full body wax,” His brow lifts, fingers twitching against your skin as if he's daring to check just how 'full body' you're talking. Yoongi doesn't go right for it, takes him time with his advances. Half his focused still on the game, but now he's a bit more tuned into you.
Open-mouthed kisses are pressed against the skin of your shoulder, tongue lightly brushing you just before he's closing his lips around a bit of skin. That paired with the teasing stroke of his fingers on your thighs has you squirming in his arms. He's gentle with the way he touches you, simply enjoying how soft you feel underneath his fingertips.
Yet, each movement is inching higher every time. His kisses growing a bit more heated, teeth coming out to scrape against your skin. Still, one hand still remains on the mouse, directing his character on the screen and even though he wasn't doing all that well, you still didn't have the full attention you wanted.
So you're shifting in his lap, wiggling until you're straddling his thigh. His eyes flicker from the screen to your hand that travels down the front of his body, the tips of your fingers sneaking underneath the waistband of his pants. And he hisses, you've barely touched him and a sharp hiss has left his lips.
Sat in anticipation as you take your time with lowering your hand underneath the band, fingers tense on the mouse. “Shit,” The curse falls from his lips in the same moment his character loses, but you're positive he's referring to the fact that you've wrapped your hand around his shaft.
He's warm in your hand, quickly hardening as you move your hand toward the tip – rolling your thumb over it slowly. Without the game stealing his attention, Yoongi's hand moves more deliberately on you, fingers sneaking into your shorts to meet the lace of your panties.
“Let me take care of you, baby.” His words mumbling into your ear, free hand lifting to pull yours from his pants. Needing a clear head to concentrate on pleasuring you. A jolt of pleasure rushes through your body from the feeling of him teasing your clit. Slowly rolling it between his middle and ring finger as whimpers fall from your lips. “Feel good, baby?”
You're nodding, breathlessly, legs spreading wide for him. It's not long before a wet patch is forming at the front of your panties, the fabric sticking to your skin as he strokes you through it. The feeling has grin pulling at his lips, instantly sliding his hand underneath to meet the softness of your bare pussy.
“Soft,” He sighs in appreciation, a finger dipping into your wanting hole. Walls squeezing around the digit, protesting each time he draws back. His thumb comes up to tease your clit with each thrust, loosening you up until he's able to slide another finger inside of you.
Yoongi pushes in deep, despite the tightness of your walls around him. Groaning along with you when they constrict around the digits. “You're so tight... would feel so good around my cock,” His hips lift at the thought, ready to try out his theory.
He doesn't make any moves to do so, fingers staying buried deep inside of you as his thumb teases your clit. Your hips are doing all the work, fucking yourself on his fingers and he watches with great fascination each roll of your hips. Soft lips press against the side of your neck, allowing you to have your fun.
But only for a moment. It's not long before he's lifting his hand, stilling the movement of your hips, and pulling his fingers back. You're whining out in protest, attempting to chase his fingers with your hips – but he's got a good hold on you. 
“Oh!” You're shouting when his fingers drive back into you. Curved upward to drag over the most sensitive spot buried inside of you. Your legs shake with the sudden pleasure, fist gripping his thigh, taking advantage of his loosened grip to rock your hips. “I'm c-close, fuck, Yoongi!” The tingle starts between your legs, quickly traveling throughout your limbs.
It's not long before your hips begin to buck, walls clenched tight around his fingers. Eyes rolled back as your teeth cut into your lower lip. So close you can almost taste it. Just needed a bit more...
And then it's gone. Ripped away from you so fast it takes you a moment to piece it together in your head. Yoongi's pulled his fingers from inside of you, busying himself with licking them clean. An innocent smile spreading across his features when you whip around to face him.
“What was that!?” You're out of breath and it's evident in your tone. Cheeks flushed and head foggy from your near orgasm. Barely able to sort out your thoughts, but that doesn't stop the glare from forming on your features.
He's leaning up, wet lips pressing to the tip of the nose. Finding your angry face extremely adorable. “What was what, baby?” He asks pulling out, so casual that you're wondering if you hadn't just imagined the whole thing.
But the shine on his lips says otherwise. Yoongi's leaning up once more, lips catching your cheek this time. “Think I'm pretty tired. Wanna go join the others while I rest?” And you're so confused that all you can think to do is nod.
Sliding off of his thigh so he can stand, he gives an exaggerated stretch before he's leaning down to press a soft kiss to your forehead. You watch as he takes lazy steps toward the outside door, hand lifting to ruffle his own hair.
Your mind stuck on one thing. What just happened?
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Taehyung is the first person you see on your way back to the Main House. He's heading in from the lake, shirt slightly damp and hair floppy cutely around his face. He smiles brightly when he spots you, an arm lifting to wrap over your shoulders – tucking your body into his side.
“You look happy.” He nods, the cute smile he wears growing slightly. “It's so peaceful here,” There's a dream-like tone in his voice which has a grin breaking onto your features. Pleased to see him so relaxed, so in his element here.
It's what he deserved with such a hectic lifestyle. It's what they all deserved. Your arm is wrapping around his waist as you nod in agreement, walking wrapped around him the rest of the way to the Main House.
A sleeping Jungkook is the first thing you spot when you're entering the house. Sprawled out not too far from him is Jin, who is also fast asleep a rolled pillow underneath his back. Hoseok and Jimin build quietly side-by-side, cautious not to make too much noise in fear of waking them up.
Taehyung is carefully unwrapping himself from you, moving to take a seat at the table, finding interest in the half-finished game laid on it. Just with a quick survey of the room, you're instantly noticing someone is missing.
“Where's Joon?” Words directed to either Hoseok or Jimin, but Hoseok is the only one that turns his attention to you.
Jimin on the other hand doesn't look up from the game that he's holding, reading the words that are printed on the back as if his life depended on it. Not paying him much mind, you shift your gaze onto Hoseok.
“He went upstairs to read his book,” He tells you, eyes dragging over your frame before he's turning his attention back to the building blocks he's been working so hard on since you've arrived.
Joon is as advertised, sat in his room with a book in hand. One long leg cross over the other as his large hand holding up his face, pretty eyes scanning over the words on the page. His head turns to you as you enter, lips lifting into a smile while sitting up, tucking the flap of the cover inward to hold his place.
“Don't stop cause I'm here, I like watching you read.” Sinking your bum into the comfort of his bed, you lean back on your elbows. Able to look at him over the bridge of your nose and boy, does he look handsome.
He looked really good in nature, you're deciding. Of course, the hairspray and makeup that came with his one stage persona were eye-catching, but there was something about a bare-faced Joon with messy hair, doing something as simple as reading that had a different type of feeling bubbling in your stomach.
With a quick shake of his head, he's standing, setting the book down on the wooden table set at the foot of his bed. “I'd much rather pay attention to you,” His voice is deep, smile revealing the dimples you have fallen for ten times over.
The bed dips as he lifts his body onto it, arms caging you against him. His face is just inches from yours, close enough that you can see the shades of brown hidden in his dark eyes. Soft bangs tickle your forehead as he leans in, the gentlest of kisses pressed to your lips. “I'm glad you came back with us. They've missed you.”
Always one to speak for the time, hardly ever bringing up his own feelings unless he's provoked. Usually, you're taking what he says as a whole. Assuming that when he speaks of the other's he's also speaking for himself. Not this time, though. 
You want to hear him say it. They had gone back to Seoul for a few days and with how busy their schedule instantly got you weren't able to see them at all while they were there. Which wasn't unusual, considering how in demand these boys were. But, it was a harsh change from being able to fall asleep with them, wake up in their arms, play whenever you wanted, laugh happily together... to absolutely nothing.
With the lift of your arms, you're able to wrap them around his neck – back falling against the soft mattress with the absence of their leverage. Joon's leaning with you, arms moving quickly to keep himself from completely crushing you as he hovers. “What about you?” Eyes searching his as confusion furrows his brow.
“Did you miss me too?”
There's a soft tint in his cheeks, the dust of pinkness that gives way just how much he missed you. Either way, the sight of the blushing smile that pushes on his lips, the heartwarming: “Missed you like crazy,” That falls from his lips, has your heart rate rising in the best way.
So much so, that you don't hesitate to press your lips back against his. Mouth moving over each other's slowly as your fingers knit themselves in his soft hair. His lips taste like sweet coffee, warm. He's able to pull a soft moan from your lips by sucking your lower lip between his teeth. 
Hands sliding down to grasp your waist, holding your body to his just for a moment before he's reaching down. Joon's fingers dig into your thighs as he lifts your legs, wrapping one around his hip so he's able to lower himself in the space he's created.
Your hands slide underneath his shirt, nails scraping over the toned skin. His cock jumps from the contact, paying great attention to the drag of your fingers that seems to slip just low enough to barely graze the growing bulge in his pants. He's pushing his wet tongue past your lips, rolling it with your as his hips roll down.
The slow drag of his hard length against your cover clit has a whimper falling from your lips. Hips lifting to his, moans dying on his tongue. His hold on your thigh tightens, tugging your body flush against his until it feels as if there's nothing separating you. A loud pop parts your lips, and you're only allowed a moment to admire how he looks right now.
Eyes hooded, cheeks flushed, and lips wet and bitten red from your teeth. Joon is quickly lowering his head into the crook of your neck, sucking marks into the skin as the thrusts of his hips pick up in speed. He's using his grip on you to guide your movements, ensuring that your clit is meeting his cock with each lift.
Quickly, you're growing desperate. That familiar pressure building in your stomach from the consistent stimulation to your most sensitive area. Lips, teeth, and tongue work to create pretty bruises on the skin of your neck, following a wet trail until he's reaching the tops of your breasts.
Light kisses are placed against your cleavage, while a hand sneaks up to tease your nipple through the fabric of your shirt. This has a pang of arousal shooting through your body, back arching as a panted moan flies from your lips. “Fuck, Joon.” There's no point in hiding the whine that coats your voice.
His smirk is felt against your skin, teeth baring to nibble at your skin while his finger tweaks and pinches your nipple into a peak. All the while, his hips haven't slowed down their roll into your core. Legs wrapped tight around him, you can feel every inch through the fabric of his sweats.
You're close, can tell from the way your walls clench around nothing. And he can tell from the frantic lift of your thighs, desperate to reach your high. His hips slow, head leaning back to reveal that teasing smirk to your dazed eyes. “You close, baby?”
“Yes, yes... please,” Not even able to finish your sentence, because his hips are stopping completely. Stealing away any ounce of friction you once had. A soft kiss is pressed to your protesting lips, body moving from yours before you can properly objection.
Scrambling to sit up, your eyes narrow at him from where he now stands across the room. Picking his book up as if he hadn't just had you right at the edge of an orgasm. “Joon!” Your shout has his head lifting, mocking confusion written on his features.
“Yeah, baby?” A wide gesture of your hand is directed toward you, in a type of 'duh' motion that's also written across your features. He acts as if he has no idea what you're talking about, hand lifting to push his hair back on his forehead. “I'm gonna go shower, I'll be back.”
Despite your annoyance, he's still leaning over the bed to press a soft kiss to your forehead. Hands buried in his pockets to keep from pulling you toward him or anything of the sort. His book tossed and forgotten on the chair and you're laid back on his bed watching as he stalks into the bathroom.
Not a care in the world. Not even sparing a backward glance.
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“Jimin, do you want to come play ping pong with me?” Asking as you enter the room, Hoseok in the same spot as before with even more Lego pieces placed out in front of him. Jimin holds an iPad in his hand, eyes focused on the TV as he scrolls through for a song to Karaoke. 
A quick glance is spared in your direction, so quick if you hadn't been staring at him the way you were – you would've missed it. “No thanks, I'm gonna do this.” He's gesturing to the screen, a pout instantly taking over your features.
“Are you still grumpy with me?” He's not answering, ignoring you with that smirk on his face as he waits for his song to load.
It seems like whatever he's on has spread throughout the house. First the build up with Yoongi, that took you longer than it should've to put together that it wasn't just in your head. Then, the whole thing with Joon upstairs. Being teased by both of them and ignored by Jimin who couldn't seem to get rid of that smirk.
Yeah, something had to be up.
With nobody to ping the pong with, you're entering the room. Sitting crisscross in front of Hobi while Jimin sings his heart out behind you. “Can I build with you?” He's nodding instantly, two large hands pushing the pieces closer for you to reach. The rest of the night continues like that.
Happily building with Hoseok as Jimin sings in the background, now joined by Taehyung. Joon chimes in here and there from the deck where he paints. If it weren't for the dull ache between your legs, called from the two denied orgasms earlier – you'd be the most relaxed you've ever been.
Because it's nice. And you're able to stay in this semi comfort zone until dinner is rolling around. Called up by a hurried Jungkook, a proud smile on his face as he fills the room in on his newfound flat fish filleting skills. You're all heading up to the set table at once, taking seats around.
Sat between Jungkook and Jimin, body leaning toward the elder subconsciously. In need of some type of attention from him and he's enjoying depriving you of it. Not sparing a gaze as he shovels food into his mouth, but you don't miss the way he transfers your favorite bits of soup into your cup.
Still grumpy with you, your foot. It's sad, how the simple action has you buzzing, but it does. And the dopey smile doesn't drop from your features the entire time you're sat beside him eating. Something as small as this having you swooning, so imagine your excitement when his arm is wrapping around your shoulders as you stand. 
“Think you've been teased enough tonight?” His words are mumbled into the ear, the only thing you hear over the member deciding on who was going to stay back and clean up. So he did have something to do with it! Not sure how or when he rounded up his Hyungs to play along with his little game, but it made so much sense now that you knew they were in on it.
The 'we'll see' he had mumbled in your ear earlier holding much more weight now. That doesn't keep you from leaning into him, nodding your head quickly. “It's not so nice, now is it?” Sharp teeth graze over your lobe, the heat of his body pressed to yours and if you had a little bit less decency you'd be pushing him down onto the now cleared table.
The thought lingers in your mind a moment longer than you're willing to admit.
“No, it's not.” You try not to pout, but it's hard when you're emotions are on a high and all you want is some type of release. It's like Jimin is somehow reading your mind, his hands dropping to grasp your hips. He's leading you away from the table and into the house.
The giddy feeling grows in your stomach, the closer you get to his bedroom. 
The moment the door is pushed closed, his lips are on yours. Body pressing yours against the wall as he moves his mouth in time with yours. His hands dropping down to reach for your thigh, lifting it off the floor to wrap around his hip.
“It's so hard to stay away from you.” He's mumbling through a groan, the pull from his teeth on his lower lip sending a shiver down your spine. You're pushing into him, arms wrapping around his neck as you pulling him closer. Wanting to feel more of him. Desperate for more of him. So worked up, from the teasing through the day. You're sure you'd fall apart with a simple swipe of his fingers.
Words swallowed by the plushness of his lips. “Don't do it again,” He's grinning against your mouth, pulling back to show off those straight white teeth of his. Loving the sight of the pout that curves your mouth. “You're so cute when you get pouty, though.” As if he needs to prove his statement, his fingers are reaching out to poke your pushed out lip.
“Never again.” You warn, attempting to sound intimidating, but it doesn't work in the way you think. Jimin's arms are reaching down to circle around your thighs, easily lifting your body off of the floor. Body higher than his, you're able to look down at him. Hands braced on his shoulders as he rests your back against the wall again.
He's leaning up, mouth attaching to the exposed skin just above your collarbone. It's the slow drag of his tongue that has your body squirming in his hold. Lips parting in a gasp when his teeth tug at the skin, your fingers curling into his messy hair. Your hips roll against his in response, pulling a grunt from his lips at the friction.
His shaft gently pressing against your thigh has you aching for more. Quick to reach your hand between your bodies, determination in your movements. Jimin's hissing out a breath when your hand is covering him through the fabric of his jeans.
Only resting your palm over his bulge and it doesn't take long before he's grinding against your fingers. His mouth on your neck leaving much sloppier kisses, concentration faltering with your hand on him. Meeting him halfway, you're stroking your fingers over him, spreading them so you're able to reach his balls too.
“Fuck,” Jimin grunts, head bowing so his forehead is rested against your shoulder. You feel him harden under your touch, his hips rocking freely in tandem with the movement of your hand over him. Hips twitching as your fingers squeeze around him, teeth digging into the plush skin of his lip.
He's reaching down, grasping your wrist in his. Slowly, he guides your palm into beneath the elastic waistband, lips finding yours at the same time he's curling your fingers around his shaft. A moan is falling from your lips with the feel of the velvety skin. One experimental thrust has a drawn-out groan falling from his lips, hips lifting to chase your hand.
You've shifted in his arms, managed to straddle his thigh instead. You're impressed with the amount of strength he's putting forth to hold you up, all while pleasure racks through his body. Not one to have a muscle kink... but right now, who knows?
Jimin's moans follow the movements of your hands, the twist that you had when you reach the top. How you've still managed to palm his balls with your free hand. It's when your thumb is teasing the sensitive clit that his hips are stuttering to a stop, a murmured cruse falling from his lips.
“Suck me off,” Enough space between your faces now that you can clearly see his face. How fucked out you were able to make him, just in the few minutes you had been jerking him. “Please.” He adds, not wanting his desperation to come off as rude. Which has a giggle falling from your lips.
Clambering down in front of him, kneeled down in front of him. And you look pretty even at this angle. Lips slightly swollen from the amount of enthusiasm he put into kissing you. His hands scramble to lower his pants off his hips, your eyes being met with the large bulge that strains against his briefs.
Hands moving faster than his this time, you're grasping the sides of the underwear, taking your time with pulling them down his legs. His cock bounces in its release, long, pretty, and glistening with a thin layer of precum, which has drool pooling on your tongue. Hands set on his thighs, so he's reaching down to wrap his hand around his shaft.
The muscles in his stomach constrict as he strokes his palm against himself. He looks so good standing over you like this, firm grip holding his cock in place while his free hand reaches to pull your hair into a makeshift ponytail. Jimin uses his grip to pull you closer to him, and your mouth is opening instantly.
Tongue pushed out, the head of his cock is warm against the wet muscle. The breathy moan that leaves Jimin's mouth as he's pushing deeper into your mouth fills the room, sending a shock of arousal throughout your core. A single hand wrapped around his base to properly guide him into your wanting mouth.
Hips following the movement, eyes fluttering as he glides deeper past your lips. “Fuck, so warm, baby.” Fingers flex with the grip he holds in your hair, hesitating to pull you further onto him. His hesitance is met with the way your hands slide from his thighs to the roundest part of his ass, tugging him closer.
A hissed breath falls from his lip, the hand that had been clutching his shaft lifting to move his shirt out of the way. Only so he can watch you properly, hips slowly thrusting into your open mouth. Eyes lifting to take him in, head slightly tilted back, jaw clenched revealing that vein at the side of his neck.
His eyes are meeting yours, which awakens a fire in his stomach. Pulling back slightly, only to push back harder into your mouth. He watches the way you're able to swallow him down with each thrust, mouth wide and watery eyes staring up at him. “So pretty,” Jimin mumbles, fingers tightening in your hair.
He holds your head still this time as he pulls back, moving slowly as he pushes further. Throat instantly constricting from the tickle of his hip, you fight the cough that claws its way up your throat, urging your throat to relax.
Jimin's quickly falling into a steady pace. Hips rocking against your face as he watches his cock disappear inside of your mouth with each forward push. Drool pools around your lips, mixing messily with the precum that leaks from his tip. Eyes watery from the strain, but still pretty in Jimin's eyes.
There was something different that came with sucking Jimin off. The way he looked at you, the desire written in his lust-filled stare. It always made you feel hot. Wanted. And this time is no different, wetness pooling between your thighs and you're not sure if it's from his stare or his cock between your lips.
Either way, it has a hand sliding down the front of your body. Two fingers easily pushing past your dripping walls. Jimin's eyes are following the movement of his fingers, a soft gasp falling from your lips once they're between your legs. He fastens his pace almost on instinct, never tearing his gaze from the push of your fingers inside of you.
Concentration split between sucking him off and fucking yourself, hips rocking to help you along the way. The movement of your fingers matches the roll of his hips. Heel of your hand hitting against your clit each time you're pushing in deep, forcing a muffled moan through your lips.
He watches the skillful way your fingers move inside of you, how deep you push them, and the attention that you pay to your clit. Hips rolling to meet the thrust of your fingers. You had been so worked up all day that you're reaching the edge sooner than usual. The stretch of your fingers, paired with him cock down your throat has you teetering until you're tumbling over with one powerful thrust.
Your orgasm washes over you like a wave, thighs threatening to close which only results in lifting your hips. The spray of your orgasm is forcing your fingers from inside of you, quickly lifting them to tease your clit as ride the rest of it out. Whimpered moans muffled by the cock in your mouth.
The vibrations of your voice shoot through his shaft, stomach caving in while his cock twitches on your tongue. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” His chant is followed by the drag of his cock leaving your mouth. It's wet with your saliva, a thing line of it keeping your lips connected to him. 
Jimin scrambles to reach for you, lifting you off your knees. There's haste in his step as he crosses the bedroom, laying your body onto his bed. He's just as fast with hovering over you, mouth capturing your as he pushing his tongue against yours. Tongue twisting and swirling with yours and he can taste himself heavily through the kiss.
One hand nudges your legs apart, the other wrapped firmly around his shaft. “I didn't want to cum before I fucked you,” He's explaining through an embarrassed laugh; which has a laugh falling from your lips as well, legs parting wider for him. “Fuck me, then.”
He doesn't need to hear it twice before his bulbous head is pushing against your entrance. Wet from your previous orgasm, the wet squelch fills the room as he breaks through the first ring of resistance. 
His dark eyes burn into yours as he pushes his way past your tight walls. Soft groans falling from his lips with each inch that sinks deeper into you. Your fists grip the bedsheets beside you, the pained pleasure of the stretch of him clouding your senses. He's got one hand firmly set on your hip, the other keeping your leg lifted and out of the way.
“Oh, God.” You whimpering, when the last bit of him pushes past your walls. Hips flush against yours. His grasp is moving from your hip to lift your other leg onto his waist, sliding just a bit deeper.
Only a moment is spared for you to get used to the stretch before your hips are wiggling, silently begging from some movement. Jimin's quickly drawing his hips back. “Your pussy feels so good,” He whines, the feel of him and the sound of his voice pulling a moan from your lips.
Hips meeting each other's in stuttered thrusts until you're falling into a steady pace. Jimin is rolling his hips against yours, smoothly pumping in and out of your aching core, and you meet each one of his thrusts with one of your own. “Look at this greedy little cunt,” He's pulling back until his head catches on your entrance. 
“Desperate to cum all day, huh?” Surging forward, forcing your body upward on the bed. He repeats the action twice more, broken cries falling from your lips. “Yes!” Head bobbing up and down in agreement, which has a smirk lifting onto his lips.
He's fucking into you with new found confidence, pleased that his little plan to get you worked up had worked. Eyes widening, a whimpered squeal leaves your lips from the feeling of his cock brushing against your gspot. Back arching as you reach for his arms. 
“Right there, baby. A-again.” You gasp. And he's granting you with the same swivel of his hips as before. “That good, baby?” Brain to fogged to form a coherent sentence, you take to nodding your head, a long hum sounding from your closed lips. He's concentrating his thrusts on that spot, loving the way your thighs shake against him.
Your orgasm nearly knocks the wind out of you, walls constricting around his shaft as your back lifts off the bed. Broken sobs of praise and his name fall from your lips, toes curling as your hips buck. Jimin manages to fuck you through it, groaning hotly in your ear from the new tightness that comes with it. It's not long before his thrusts are growing sloppy, hurried as he chases his own release.
“Fuck, Yn!” He grunts, pinning his hips to your as his cum leaves his body. Painting your walls in thick spurts, that has a buzz of pleasure starting in your core. Out of breath and sweaty, he's placing a quick kiss to your lips once he's regained his strength.
The smile that takes over his features has your heart skipping a beat, hand lifting to push your hair from your face. “You're so perfect,” Sighing, he leans up for one last kiss, drawing his hips back to pull out of you.
Both too tired to go properly wash off, you're falling asleep wrapped in each other warms. Enveloped by his warmth and the gentle stroke of his head on his back. He's asleep before you, the steady rise and fall of his chest lifting your head.
Not far behind him, you keep an arm wrapped around his torso. Legs intertwined with his and a smile on your face. Yeah, you definitely had to tease him more often.
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- seven days in the forest spent with your seven boyfriends while they film their upcoming reality tv show. there’s no telling what the eight of you will get into when the cameras are off.
⬷ masterlist ⤖
⇝ taglist: @randomkoalablog @smoljams @dee-ehn @jaiuneamesolitaiire @hehehehahahohohuhu @sw33tnight @butterflylion @withlovestudyblr @soulstaes @bangtansonyeondayyyum @samros95 @korkanswers @houseofarmanto @marifujioka @tae165 @uxwi @jinhitwhore @preciouschimine @yeontanie21 @aa-ronpa @taefect94 @lee-karliah @codeinebelle @mochibabycakes @diminieshoe @fuddyize  @soloikeadates @0xmysticx0 @bbyjoonies @amoreguk @tricethecharm @diminieshoe @jayyayyy17 @softlyjins @bangtan-noona @fan-atic-blog @fuck-expectations-people @paradisetaemin @nyamjinnie @lilacdreams-00 @vsugakookie0104 @koostime @la-evforia @betysotelo18 @chocobetterknot @simplysanha @delicategukkie @kookieswithtaeq @jeon-ggukkie @angjeon @bangtansbun @flamboyant-louie @elliemeetsevil @angiexyoung @stonyiscanon @strawberryforever25 @mipetronella @rageyoudamnednerd @hellotherehoneybee @joonies-babyy @mypurplelamp @jikooksgirl19 @sushi-date-ghost @bigimpression @kookiesjoonies @amour-quinn @diamonddia-mond @alterlovess @gemad08 @daydreambrliever @acc3ssdenied @silentlyimpractical @bella-victoria002 @ashleyjoyx @yoooonie @diamonddia-mond @btsbed @sungieshines @thia-aep @taeshuworld @hopiebabie @trynavibewhileicry @illwritetomorrow @kookoo-kachoo @prettxyliies @triviasjms @ratking101 @elephantdoors @feel-like-gold @kelitt @itsponybeaches @alpaca1612 @jeonkookiebangtan @rather-not-sayy @kimsouthjoon @beeeb05 @dreamcatcherjiah @yoongiverse @aethrav @studyroy​ @miinoongi​ @fangirls94​ @catsandstrawberries​ @jiminsreads​ @gee-nee​ @dreamingaboutyousworld​ @seokjinslittledumpling @meowmeowyoongles​ @loisje123​ @honeyspillings @taehyungsmatcha @kuppyjiminie @kookitykook @rjsmochii @hobidyll @jrobmorebangtan @xxstrangegirlxxx @saymynamewithluv @kookunot @stvvcks @moments-of-melancholy @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @holaaaf @hobiismyhopeu @ayyyocee @purpleheartsfortae @cecedrake2217 @joontoxicated @uppiespuppy @cjphoenix135 @kookscrescent @oii-f-eli-x2 @aesthetic--fangirl @sweeneyblue1
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xhisokas-harleyx · 3 years
Helloo! I don't know if i can just request something, if requests are close or something please just ignore it sorry qwq
What do you think Hisoka's reaction would be if he saw Reader in yk,,,, maid outfit or "cat" outfit idk what they called. Like ears+tails. Who knows why, maybe they just wanted have fun and dear someone never knocks 🙄 ilovethismfsomuchistg- Anyways, wishing you a good day or night! 💛
Thanks so much for your request, sorry it took so long. I hope you still find this!
(hope you don’t mind that I sort of ran with this one!)
Warnings: sensuality themes, absolute PAMPERING of your man Hisoka. I mean, serious spoiling kink. Body worship
Enjoy 😊
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Hisoka x Reader: Kitten
word count: 2700
Well… you were a sight, that much was certain.
Your eyes danced over your form as you twirled in the bathroom mirror, appreciating your bare thighs in the short kitty dress you were wearing. Your black tail swayed along with your hips, your lace gloved hands placing the kitty-eared headband atop your crown. Your bust was showing through the skimpy black material, and the size of it barely allowed your rump to be covered with a thin ruffly layer of fabric. It was promiscuous and you weren’t sure it was your style… but if Hisoka picked it out for you, you were open to the idea.
Well, technically you’d stolen this item from him, but something told you he wasn’t going to mind.
As you’d been cleaning your and Hisoka’s shared apartment earlier that day, you had unassumingly stumbled upon one of Hisoka’s hidden treasures when you were dusting under the bed. There, beneath the box-spring, you’d discovered a white container which looked as if it hadn’t been touched. Normally you’d never go snooping around in Hisoka’s stuff (not that he had a lot of stuff to snoop in anyway), but because you hadn’t seen it before, curiosity had gotten the better of you.
When you opened the box to reveal the cat maid outfit, your jaw dropped, your mind baffled and scrambling for an explanation. However, it was obvious, right? It was for you, who else would it be for? It made sense- one of his favorite things to call you was kitten… you could hear his lusty voice coo it in your mind even now. But you had no idea he could take things so literally!
You’d been wanting to spoil Hisoka for a while now. He’d been coming back hurt and exhausted from his strenuous missions with Illumi, and although you could tell he wanted to spend time with you, he was always being whisked away to fight his next foe. Many times, he didn’t even get to sleep before the next mission called him. Your little discovery had given you an idea, and currently you were planning it carefully in your head. You figured you had at least a few hours before he-
“So, you found your birthday present.” Hisoka’s voice startled you, and you wheeled around, amazed at how silent he could be stalking up behind you like that. Your face turned bright red- whatever chance you had to back out before was gone now. You took in the tattered appearance of your boyfriend, complete with blood on his face.
“MY birthday present?” You asked, placing a hand on your hip sassily, and cocking your body to the side. Hisoka loved your normal fiery attitude, which could go toe to toe with his own sarcastic and sharp tongue. He knew you still had a soft side, that desire to be sweet to him, but with how far apart you’d been recently, he hadn’t seen it in a long time.
Hisoka chuckled as he captured you in the cage of his arms, his nose burying in the crook of your neck and breathing in your intoxicating scent.
“Fine, you got me… it’s really MY present.” Hisoka smirked against your neck, already parting his lips to nibble leisurely on your exposed skin. Even in his words and his voice, though they were passionate and fervent, you could sense his exhaustion. The cuts that littered his exposed arms worried you, and in a moment, you drew back, looking up into his golden gaze. Bags were beginning to form under his eyes, and although they held a hungry gleam, you could tell he was close to collapsing.
The sight of you in this outfit, however, had him teeming with excitement despite his need for rejuvenation.
“How many times have I told you not to rummage through my things, y/n? Tsk, Tsk.” Hisoka grinned widely, his own catty eyes monitoring your body hungrily. He dearly appreciated your bust peeking through the fabric, your perfectly shaped thighs accentuated by the half white laced stockings, and the collar around your neck with a small bell that showed how possessive he was of you. If you’d paid even the slightest bit of attention when putting it on, you’d have noticed your name engraved on the metal tag. Of course, it was his plan all along for you to find this little secret, and you could sense that he was trying to be his normal difficult self in denying that fact.
“How many times have a told you not to hide things from me?” You fired back, causing him to withdraw and place a spread hand over his chest.
“Ouch. It seems you’re really in character tonight, kitten.”
His use of the nickname made your blood boil, and your aura pique a little at his purposeful insult of your methods. You wondered what his undercut insult truly meant to call you, but you allowed it to slide. For as much as he could be insufferable, you still had a deep desire to please your lover.
“And…” He just had to continue, his words grating on your nerves just as he wanted. “…since you’re already dressed the part, why don’t you get to cleaning?”
You felt enraged at his comment, for a moment letting your anger get the better of you and distract you from your goal. “I-I’ve been slaving over this house all day, what is there left to clean?!” As soon as the words left your lips, however, you realized you ‘d played right into his trap.
Hisoka’s thin eyebrow kicked as if he was surprised that you don’t know... but as soon as you saw his expression, you got the idea.
“Me, of course,” He reiterated anyway, a sly grin painting his features.
Little did he know, you already had quite the plan in mind for him- and it was something not even he had anticipated.
After promptly shoving him from the bathroom, you began to set up. You’d requested that he give you ten minutes to set up for him, but knowing how impatient the bastard could be, you swiftly tried to get it done in five. Lit candles were scattered throughout the bathroom, the tub in the center of the room being filled with hot water, almost scalding, just how you knew he liked it. Evening light filtered through the sole window in the room, painting the water and floor tiles with an orange cast. You scattered some bath salts into the water, as well as some cotton candy scented bubble solution, which you knew he loved.
That’s when he came barging through the door, smirk on his face, without so much as asking for your permission. You half expected him to be naked, but he still wore his tattered clothes, and you figured he was just that tired. But as he took in the surroundings before him, his eyes widened, and he seemed surprised that you’d been able to do so much in such a small amount of time.
“…” He didn’t say anything, and you quickly assumed your role in his relaxation before he got the chance to question your motives.
“All for you, Hisoka, my darling.” You threw in a small bow, playing the part of a maid just as you’d practiced in your mind. “I hope that everything is to your liking, my king.”
That nickname made him realize how touch-starved he felt in that moment, but he swallowed the urge to foil your little game so quickly.
Seeming to realize he was visibly gawking, Hisoka closed his mouth and smirked, sauntering forward and reaching for the hem of his shirt to peel it off. Though he couldn’t bring himself to say so outwardly, he was very taken aback that, contrasting with your earlier fire, you’d gone to this much trouble on his behalf. Part of him wanted to patronize you and make you angry, but the other wanted to see when this attitude was taking him.
“Let me help you with that.” You floated forward, dropping your voice an octave to reflect the sensual atmosphere you were painting with your environment. Your hands moved expertly to the bottom of his skintight purple undershirt, where your nimble fingers ghosted just under the fabric, grazing the V-line of his pelvis as you began to slowly remove his shirt.
Hisoka allowed you to do so, but he seemed dazed by how angelic and feathery your touch could be. The skin of his chest burned with passion as you pulled his shirt above his head for him, fingertips grazing tepidly over each muscle as you discarded it to the side. The care you touched him with was something he was unaccustomed to- typically when you touched him, you made it clear exactly what you wanted from him. His gaze was intent on your face, and while you could feel him staring, you paid no mind to it and moved onto his pants.
You coyly shimmied the elastic waistband carefully over his hips, ensuring that the magician would be mesmerized by your slight of hand illusions and the ability to make his worries disappear. It was as if you were the only thing grounding him at this moment, as his breathing picked up.
"There...” You dropped to the ground submissively as you beckoned him to step out of his bloodstained trousers, and along with them you trashed his underwear to the side. You ignored his obvious excitement as you reached up again to touch his thighs.
Hisoka’s breath hitched in his throat as your gloved hands traced the detailed lines of his muscular legs, praising and appreciating every mark and every muscle, your eyes remaining in sharp contact with his all the while. You were numb with appreciation at this point, and you let it show in your every motion.
“Look at you… you are so perfect.” You purred up at him, pushing past the moan he accidentally let slip. “Your body is so gorgeous. Every muscle, every mark, every feature is something that should be admired.”
His mind was a wasteland, driven by his willingness to let you talk him up, edge him closer to snapping just with your words. He had a shameless kink to withhold his own pleasure until his very breaking point, and you were unknowingly expertly fulfilling that desire.
~Oh, don’t look at me like that, y/n… you know I just can’t contain it…~
Hisoka’s body truly was like a finely chiseled sculpture, and it made you so pleased to worship him as you felt he deserved. Even if he felt like he needed to cover his imperfections with Texture Surprise, you always had a way of letting him know you appreciated his scars and flaws. Positive affirmations hadn’t been a part of the magician’s life before you came along, but this was on an entirely new level, it was delicacy, fragility, like he couldn’t comprehend.
“Now, if you’ll just step to the tub.” Hisoka did as you asked, his hand moving into yours, and you helped your man step into the scalding water, watching as he sank down into the tub, coloring the water pink with residual blood.
“Well, Well.” Hisoka snickered as he fully relaxed in the tub, and it seemed he’d gotten his spunk back. “What’s gotten into you, y/n? What game are you playing with me, hmm, kitten? You’re not usually this... eager to please me.” His voice was like honey, his eyes closing as he began to soak. You kneeled, and took your position just behind him, sitting on the floor where you could easily access his body from outside the tub.
Your small, heated laugh sent chills up his spine, because you sent it right into his ear, as your now bare hands began to trace his chest. “And why shouldn’t I be? You are THE Hisoka Morrow. You are the most powerful man around… you deserve this.” You got some soap in your hands, beginning to wash the dirt and dried blood away from his body in circular motions. You did mean your words- while you two loved to play fight, you did have a deep, almost obsessive adoration for Hisoka, and knowing that you could serve him like this was a major turn on.
Hisoka shuddered when your compliments continued into his ear, your teeth grazing up his neck, and to his earlobe, where you nibbled lightly. His body was submitting to your touch, his tense nature flowing out of him as you placed him under your spell.
“You’re so good to me… I’m so lucky to have a guy like you.”
You were being so submissive and serving that Hisoka thought you might have been under some mind control or something. This was like a fantasy come true for the magician- of course he feels like he deserves this kind of treatment from you. He ate up your compliments, they made his ego (and something below the water) grow to painful size. What you were saying was all true, of course. He is the great Hisoka Morrow, and you belong to him. Why shouldn’t you worship him like a God?
But as it played out before him, your reverse psychology got the better of him- and Hisoka ended up being the one questioning his worthiness. He expected you to get mad and retort at him, but you were dedicated to showing him how you truly felt.
He had the tendency to be so brash- sometimes he came home and ravaged your body before even saying hello- that was how strong his hunger was for you. But tonight, you had the ability to read the situation, and knew this care, this pampering, was exactly what he needed to recover.
“Let’s get that face, hm?” You nearly moaned, scooping some makeup remover into your palm and beginning to massage the faded paint from his soft, pale cheeks. Your hands moved back toward his hair, fingertips spreading over his scalp as you massaged. But this seemed to be the final straw for Hisoka, because he startled you by grabbing your wrist with such force that you thought he might snap it. You yelped helplessly as his golden eyes flew open and looked into yours directly, as if he were feasting on your soul. You could feel the weight of his aura rising, your sensual touch becoming too much for him to handle.
You knew that look; you’d seen it countless times before. His honeyed irises reflected a deep lust, accentuated by the offset of his tongue on his bottom lip. Your normal reaction would have been to struggle against him- but you submitted to his will, letting Hisoka’s hand pull yours back to his chest… and then lower.
All was silent as you allowed him to force your wrist below the waterline- and you tried to hide your panic when you realized where the magician was leading your hand. His traced his own V-line with your splayed fingertips, as if teasing himself just along the edges of the pleasure he so desired.
“Hisoka- you’re not being any fun.” You stopped him finally, your orbs reflecting a sense of disappointment, when he let go of your hand reluctantly, but not your gaze. He knew you’d truthfully be more than happy to oblige him- he made sure to guide you toward his end goal.
“You’ve had your fun… and now, I want to have you. This was always the outcome, y/n.” He droned dangerously, relaxing into the tub for a moment longer before he sat up, bringing himself to a standing position once again.
His words broke your resolve into shards, and a small moan escaped your plump lips as your tongue grazed across them. He stood up, confidently putting his manhood at your eye level, droplets of water cascading down his glowing body that was bathed liberally in the setting sunlight.
“I believe it’s your turn to get cleaned, kitten… But let’s get dirty, first.” With that, he snickered evilly, and pulled you into the tub, eager to put your newfound submissiveness to the test.
I likeddd this one :3
Hope you enjoyed, please feel free to leave a comment!
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everysongineverykey · 3 years
so i'll try to go in order here. uhhhh... there's a LOT i have to say. first: toriel giggling sprite my beloved
ralsei's, uh... kinda sus. the whole "recruiting" thing REALLY sketches me out. and he looks kinda... smug, all the time, like he knows what's going on.
so before i entered the city there was that pre-city area? that looked very much like the city? except it had different music? and i thought they'd cut welcome to the city and i was SEVERELY disappointed. but then they didn't! just something i wanted to mention
throughout this game i went from despising berdly to feeling bad for him to not really liking him again, but not hating him as much as before. he'd better stay the fuck away from susie though
the queen is the best villain. she's the kind you love to hate! she's literally so funny AND her boss battle is actually tough (rip to the king but he just. wasn't a formidable enemy at all lol)
the puzzles in this chapter were genuinely really impressive! i especially loved the word search puzzles and the ice-ee undertale word search reference💙
that being said. the mouse puzzles were SO fucking infuriating. i caused poor noelle a LOT of grief with those and i feel bad.
SPEAKING OF NOELLE!! the scene where she and kris are walking through the puzzle, the one that spells "december", and she's talking about when they were kids, how she loved sneaking out? beautiful. the cinnamon tography <3 also i guessed dess's full name was december a while ago and while i guess it was obvious, it's nice to have that confirmed!
also, i love that susie and ralsei are real friends in this chapter! he taught her a healing spell!!
ugh. fucking berdly. so smug and pretentious. i love queen's desire to be as far away from him as possible though
i also like his backstory. it gives his behavior, even if it's still annoying, at least some context. i get the feeling of feeling like if you're not smart, people will forget about you, and that's scary.
anyways. time for me to talk about the only thing that matters in this world: suselle. i mean, did the gays win in this chapter or DID THE GAYS WIN IN THIS CHAPTER?? THEY RODE A HEART-COVERED FERRIS WHEEL AND HAD A HEARTFELT, TENSION-FILLED CONVERSATION!
"did you ever wonder why the real susie never picked on you? well, maybe it's because... when you were both new to class, you lent her one of your pencils, like... maybe a dumb one with candy canes on it or something, and... even though it didn't actually taste like candy, she... remembered your smile." okay god thanks toby it's not like i needed my heart or anything
SERIOUSLY. TOBY "i'm gonna give the gays everything they want" FOX IS BACK WITH ANOTHER BANGER LADS
the way my heart BROKE when lancer turned to stone good god thank GOD our boy's okay
also!! kris and ralsei's little moment on the swan boat💙 i wasn't a kralsei shipper before but uh... that may be starting to change
it's hard because ralsei's still suspicious but at the same time i love him and want him to be happy. i don't know how to feel
also, if darkners outside of their dark worlds turn to stone after a while, why didn't ralsei? that's, uhhh... VERY sus. very weird. mr fox i need ANSWERS
seriously the thing that peeved me about ch1 was that the last save point was on the battle stage and if i wanted to play the epilogue again, i had to. do that entire battle all over. BUT NOW THAT'S BEEN FIXED!!
on that note: "looks like a car. this one has a man in it. he waves at you happily." AND THEN THE MAN'S GONE??? HEY TOBY???
and yes yes i KNOW kris slashed toriel's tires. that was extremely troubling. but THEY MADE PIE TOGETHER!!
"leave the chalk alone, kris" TORIEL!!
sans and toriel making egg puns and asgore running in and going "don't forget me, your eggs-husband!" is the FUNNIEST sitcom moment type thing ever. GOD.
on the other hand sans let me meet your brother god dammit i'll kill you
RUDY... "who got you these flowers?" "is it weird for a married man to get flowers?" "so your wife did?" "oh, no! kris's dad did!" "...not even gonna try to understand this..." TOBY STOP ITTTT YOU'RE GIVING THE ASGORUDY SHIPPERS FALSE HOPE. YOU KNOW YOU'RE JUST GONNA KILL RUDY. YOU'RE JUST RUBBING SALT IN THE WOUND!
seeing kris repeatedly they-themmed by multiple characters makes me so happy <3 poor kid... "college summer vacation when" "you opened the door with your eyes closed. you saw nothing" kris....
the staticy tv appearing in the dark and a toothy smile slowly fading into view in the center and lingering there ominously for far too long >>>>>>> every hollywood horror movie ever god. GOD
snowy and monster kid checking out the red door. implying there's something in there. something that kris knows about. knowing we won't get any more deltarune content for 5+ years does NOT fill me with determination
also. gaster's symbolic theme being mus_smile. and the final image in the game being a smile. god. gaster's COMING lads.
onionsan hears a song at night... a familiar song... memory, perhaps? or maybe a certain... four-note arpeggio that's hidden in a sound test room in undertale? who knows? guess we'll just have to wait for chapters 3/4/5.
this concludes my ramblings for now, but don't get it twisted- this is FAR from the last post i'll make about ch2. this whole chapter was absolutely amazing! brilliant! showstopping!! i'm genuinely soooo super impressed and excited for the chapter 3/4/5 bundle!!!
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