#WOWOWOWOW I love him XD
Could you make headcanons for Cheslock in modern times, please? Like, what he usually does after school (or uni), how will he flirt with the person he likes or something like that. I really want to see what he's like in modern times. Thank you 💖🥹
of course, modern AU is always fun! <3
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Definitely much more openly punk in the modern era because he doesn’t have to hold himself back. (Not that he isn’t nonconformist in the Victorian era, but.) He’s got several more piercings, a couple more tattoos (in addition to the music note on his ankle, he also has one on his wrist which reads, I can. I will. end of story. and a skull with roses on the opposite forearm), and wears more revealing clothing. It’s all tank tops, jeans, and shorts and he isn’t the least bit ashamed about it. His hairstyle hasn’t much changed, though!
He tends to just hang out in the dorms after he’s done with classes or in between classes. His home is about an hour away from uni, so he’s not usually up for the drive unless it’s a holiday or he really wants to see his mum and sister. Not to mention, his father’s an abusive arse, so there’s no way Cheslock is going to risk that daddy dearest is going to be home when he visits unless he has to. He rooms with other creative types, like upperclassman Gregory Violet, so his flatmates don’t really mind him practicing the violin or other instruments in the dorm.
More than once he’s just decided that, fuck it, he’s learning the material fine in one class that happens to be fairly early in the morning. He’s got notes. He gets all his assignments done, and he can get notes from one of his classmates who’s a morning person if he needs to. And then that day he sleeps till noon and regrets nothing… especially if he happens to have a S/O who slept over so he gets cuddles and possibly morning sex as long as his flatmates aren’t home.
He loves flirting with people, even if he’s not expecting anything serious — if it turns that way, great, but sometimes it’s just fun to flirt without any strings. How he does it varies on what kind of person he’s trying to flirt with, honestly. A fellow music enthusiast will be treated to him playing an upbeat, fun, romantic pop song from his phone in the hopes that they can talk about it. Someone shy will get him making a joke about something nearby, crossing his fingers that he’ll get a laugh out of them. He does tend to be quite cheeky and playful with the way he flirts, regardless. His end goal is always to make someone smile or laugh, so that they associate him with a positive feeling.
… Secretly, or not-so-secretly if he knows someone well, nerds out over video game soundtracks. To prove that fact, he wrote one of his papers on the music of Undertale, complete with him performing a medley of songs on his violin for one of his graded performances. And brought several people who were also familiar with the game to tears during the end where the leitmotifs from “SAVE the World” and “His Theme” came in. Video games are his second passion, so applying his foremost passion of music to them is a winning combination. He can’t just be normal about a good video game soundtrack… even if his friends literally beg him to SHUT UP about it already!!
Not as much of a drinker as one would think. He’s not a teetotaler, he definitely does drink, but throughout his entire university experience, he got drunk maybe three or four times. Something about the feeling of being hammered just doesn’t appeal to him, even though he likes to drink and is fine being a little tipsy. Mainly it’s probably that he doesn’t enjoy the feeling that he’s not in control of himself, so he tries to avoid getting outright drunk. Of course, when he does get drunk… well. Gregory has a video on his phone of an intoxicated Cheslock loudly and publicly singing a stupid love song in the common room, sloppily kissing his S/O and declaring that he “fuckin’ loves ‘em”. And another video of him passed out snoring in his S/O’s lap. Yeah, he’s never living that down.
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heart-of-the-party · 2 years
Ok I can finally post my Thoughts about everything that happened ;w;
Under the cut cuz these posts are long af:
- The steps of faith made me incredibly emotional for obvious reasons. But the actual trial was kinda hilarious because I was dead for most of it lmao. I think both our healers were actual sprouts so they had a tough time with the heals (I saw a few others go down and stay down for a while lol)
- Anyway back to the end of the steps of faith. Estinien calling me aibou still makes me feel things (even if he’s desperately asking for death). I am started to grow incredibly fond of alphinaud now, something that struck me as we pulled out nidhogg’s eyes together.
- I was happy enough seeing her but then Haurchie appeared too and I was so close to crying again. I miss them so much., I wish there was a spot for ysayle too where I could visit and tell her what’s going on.
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I love you two so much, you don’t eve know ueueueue. Haurchie’s face always makes me feel so incredibly bittersweet, I love him so so so much.
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This was pretty cool. I hope nidhogg finds peace.
- Also hey your idea of “destroying” the eyes is to chuck them into the abyss??? WHAT?? Isn’t there a more reliable way??
- Aymeric and Estinien are pretty gay. Understandable. They’re both very hot.
- ngl when that cutscene started and alphinaud was crying I honestly though estinien was dead. I was ready to angrily type to my friend for not telling me HE also will die on me. But then he spoke...
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SIR WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE???? I love his slightly upward pointing ears...
- At this point I have to say that while I was already thirsty for him, seeing his pretty face has made me many times thirstier. I think it’s the contrast between his grumpy personality and his handsome face with the luscious locks (it looks so impractical but thank you for growing out your hair estinien. Though imo he’d still look hot even his hair was short)
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- wowowowow dinner date with aymeric???? GASP
- he looks so cute in his casual outfit (easier to draw too)
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- ofc it has to be interrupted.
- ALISAIE!!!!!
-SHE!!! IS SO CUTE!!!! thankfully not a tsundere  (i was very worried about this)
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- I was about to make the “i’ve known gu bu only for a day...” meme WHEN SOMETHING REALLY DID HAPPEN TO HIM!!!! I AM SO MAD AAAAAAAAAAAAA
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-This scene made me emotional (do not look at me hanging out alone in vc, I forgot to leave when the others left)
- URIANGER LOOKING UP AT THE STARS AS HE TALKS ABOUT MOENBRYDA ;;A;; her name means the moon’s bride, right? urianger..... i feel you ;;A;;
- The warriors of darkness feel so found family, I don’t really wanna fight them u_u
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he’s so dramatic lmao, also wtf when he smiled i started to feel things again. these elezen will be the death of me i swear
- Okay look I was not the biggest fan of minfilia, I thought she was kinda just there.. but this scene really made me emotional ;;;A;;;;
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I will miss her :< And that scene with F’lhaminn made me gasp out loud. ;;;A;;;;
Gonna continue in another post cuz this feels pretty long already xD
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99liners · 3 years
I heard we were doing fuck marry kiss & kill Tatemae version 🤡!! Here's my take-
Fuck- Adronitis!KNJ (cause he daddy 🔥🔥 despite his toxic traits)
Marry- Psychomachy!JHS (Call me whatever but I don't see the point in rejecting a multi-billion dollar business man! Alexa, Play Money by Lisa 😎💰💸)
Kiss- Liberosis!MYG (cause despite being a closeted arsonist and paranoid asshole i still felt that he has a soft spot somewhere!) Nodus Tollens!PJM (nothing serious here, just a simple makeout session)
Kill- (you probably anticipated this) Kaiho!JK (when i have to chop vegetables, i imagine it to be his character in Tatemae series 🔪🔪) and Aphotic!KSJ (listen idk what you're planning or what he has done, if he touches my little baby Inaya I'll beat him up with a crowbar!)
Hope you're having a lovely day love!! ♥️♥️♥️
i am getting to this so late ughfhghghg sorry.
we all wanna fuck daddy joon,,, i personally am not someone who will ever go for dating a professor but joon is a physicist and my small ass brain can never study physics at such level so he just seems so enticing.
wowowowow, honestly though, if you can handle his family, you life will be literally a fairytale
ooof, kiss yoonmin yes
and please someone kill jk xD just kill him already ahahaha the amount of nazar he has got lmao.
thanks for taking part in the hunger games xD
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guardeddreamweaver · 5 years
Plotting on Shutara
Okay…so things are being planned and picked up.  
@i-am-the-kenpachi We can finish the one thing since I’ve already told you how it ends.  I’ll set that up first, and then since I’ve fully fleshed her out in that universe and am offering it as a full AU, we can continue with whatever he decides to do with her “gift”.
I’m totally game for setting up something in her Black Widow verse.  I can see her gathering information on him for Yachiru/Retsu anyway given what she does.  And depending on how he handles her since she’ll probably approach him in an intelligence role rather than that of a fighter in that guise, it will either be fascinating…or she’s just going to sew himself…to himself…and just fucking leave him there.  XD
And I mean you know where to find me when I’m in late-nite clinic hell.  =_=
@ambivilant-quincy It’s up to you whether or not you want to continue the bar thread or go forward in time, given that they’re further in their relationship now.  
And we should probably pull out something for their HDM world.  Could actually be fun to do somewhat established relationship in this one that we can pull Uryuu into. I figure I can always write him into her entries just because I handle them both. Dysfunctional families are A+ and dysfunctional do-what-I-say-not-what-I-do asshole families are even better.
@desk-work-expert Furtive Glances I just reread from beginning to end and I’m 100% all about this since we’re fast speeding into that holiday anyway.  Full-speed ahead ship captain!
Minded of course is a go now that I’ve written more about the universe for the verse page.  And I’m 100% amused that my education in cognitive science and animal behavior is being used for A/B/O dynamic RP…oh if Dr. Kay Holekamp could see her hyena research now….  
@playkinshara We will get to She-wolf.  I’m genuinely curious to see what she’ll do with him, lol.  Especially since she can exert power that Szayel never would because of the savagery that’s inherent to that side of him.
@hope-is-the-best-medicine Ugh…we need to figure out where we want to go. There’s just soooooo much stuff and universes upon universes.  Like...it’s both exciting and overwhelming.  WOWOWOWOW.
Perhaps a thread on Shun would be a good idea with her too?  
Maybe one day she and Shinji will be able to be in the same room without World War III erupting…probably with Szayel there to start with.
I know we had a thread at one point, but it’s been your turn for a while.  I don’t know if you wanted to do something else since both of our character concepts have evolved since then.
@lying-prophet …we need to plan something, I’ll look and see if we had any random ideas.  Sorry I’ve been out of touch
Other stuff I am tentatively dropping though I can be convinced otherwise on pretty much anything. I’d love to write with her with anyone on pretty much any topic.  Especially now that I know her so much better than I did when I originally picked her up.
And I should make some sort of wishlist.
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crimson-chains · 5 years
AHHHHH! If only you had Marik as a print at coaf >> I was cosplaying him, it would have been perfect. But i love it still >3>
OH NO!!!
Bad timing!!! XD
But wowowowow, that’s cool, Marik seems like a fun character to cosplay! ^W^
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otabekskitten · 7 years
when i saw this fanart I had this idea
otayuri are constantly crossing paths but haven't met just yet, always in passing missing each other by a glance but when they finally meet face to face destiny falls into place once again >3<
they unknowingly take the same train home at night from their jobs. they see each other from time to time but they don’t think much about it. they’re off in their own world and their own lives.
one day Yuri accidentally bumps into Beka dropping his things and says
Yuri: woah sorry about that
Beka: its no problem 
Beka then helps Yuri gather his things and they touch hands on accident x3 and then they look up are like wowowowow and time just seems to stop for them both
then someone accidentally walks near Beka causing him to lean more forward and its just like well hello there handsome 
Yuri ends up breaking the eye contact while blushing and finishes getting his stuff and Beka is like oh right and then Yuri says
Yuri: ah thank you for the help kind stranger but my train is about to leave soon. so I better get going. 
and then Yuri turns his back almost about to run off to catch the train when Beka says 
Beka: wait! (while lightly grabbing onto Yuri’s wrist)
Yuri: yes? 
Beka: oh um I didn’t catch your name.
Yuri: it’s Yuri
Beka: I’m Otabek, its very nice to meet you Yuri
Yuri: its very nice to meet you Otabek
and as Yuri is about to walk away again Beka says
Beka: wait! (not wanting to stop the convo just yet >3<) what train are you taking? I mean I’m taking one too, I’m not just trying to like follow you or anything...
and he continues to ramble out of nervousness x3 Yuri laughs at this and thinks is this guy trying to flirt?? xD then he says 
Yuri: I”m taking that one right there. 
Beka: no way that’s mine too!! 
Yuri: pfft yea sure it is buddy
but continues to play along thinking maybe he’s just trying to tease Yuri or that they probably won’t cross paths again 
they end up talking on the entire train ride back to their places and they continue to meet up after work and so on again and again and fall in love c:
they go on mini dates on the train ride, they talk about each other’s days, they exchange numbers and text each other constantly, they go to the movies from time to time, and sometimes when one of the boys finish work sooner the other than they wait for their love with flowers in hand <3
♡ they soon start their lives together finding each other again after so long because its natural that they were together in previous lives before destiny is at work once again ♡
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eternal-chanbaek · 7 years
Exo Cup Fanmeeting in Japan 170514
Wow were we blessed today
Japan has now become my second favorite place for CB moments~ 
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They were the same team (the blue team) and look at how our royal couple absolutely wrecked the other two threesomes wowowowowoowowowow we always knew they had great chemistry :D they just work well together
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WOw. Such a lovely view of their backsides :,)
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Mmm yes Park Chanyeol demonstrate some more please (Lol I’m that girl having a seizure in the right corner)
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If y’all already don’t know, this is the ballon popping game they are demonstrating (y’all can already smell the fan service can’t you?)
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Lol. Me being the evil fangirl grumbling “Seriously? The ballon is such a cockblock”
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(Chants: “kiss kiss kiss kiss”)
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Lol I love that the ballon is a heart. It really accurately represents what’s about to happen. 
Now...let the games...begin
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Bless. I love how Baekhyun is just low-key hugging the man’s Park Chanyeol (I KNOW IT’S FOR THE GAME BUT LET ME DREAM. THIS IS THE BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE OTHER THAN OTHER CB MOMENTS)
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Now a backside view. The games haven’t even started and Baekhyun is already putting his arm around Chanyeol’s waist ahhhhhhhhh
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MM they look like they’re on a honey moon
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Lol even closer please
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Baekhyun’s so ready for this
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And here’s a closer view
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“Ah yes we are Korea’s number one coup- I mean pair ahahaha.”
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Awww Baek looks so fond I can’t
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Ah yes Height difference
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What an aesthetic couple
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Aw Chan looks like a kid XD Showing off his prize
Baek: “We may have won this trophy but we already won each other’s heart”
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Oh look at that eye contact. Wowowowow did you see how Baekhyun leaned in slightly looking straight at Chanyeol? Hmmm why did Chanyeol look so startled. I wonder what he thought Baekhyun was doing. What if he thought it was...a kiss? AHH LET ME DREAMMMM. But honestly that eye contact and the way Baekhyun kinda just instinctively leaned in. I mean yeah Chanyeol could’ve been surprised that Baekhyun was staring at him but really I feel (or it looks) like there is some tension. Sexual tension maybe? Just the way Baekhyun is looking at him like that really gets me slightly suspicious
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Lol I wonder. Isn’t it uncomfortable for Baekhyun to lean on Chanyeol like that since Chan is taller? XD
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That looks so awkward XD
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And ending with some creepy synchronization XD
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