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everygame Ā· 2 months ago
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Special Delivery: Santaā€™s Christmas Chaos (C64)
Developed/Published by: Dalali Software / Creative Sparks (Thorn EMI Computer Software) Released:Ā 1984 Completed:Ā 05/12/2024 Completion: Got a high score of 8750. Iā€™ll take it!
Writing about old video games for an audience of very few couldĀ seem like a thankless taskā€“especially when theyā€™re as awful as Christmas Crackers. But thereā€™s a reason I do it. One, I just love playing games, even if theyā€™re so crap I give up on them in minutes. Two, I just love learning. I love discovery, I love finding out things that are new to me about video games and their history. And sometimes, if Iā€™m lucky, I find out some things that no one has really paid attention to before.
I never thought playing a completely random Christmas cash-in on C64 would bring me anything like that.
Special Delivery: Santaā€™s Christmas Chaos is a game for C64, Spectrum and Atari 8-Bit released by Dalali Software under Thorn EMIā€™s ā€œCreative Sparksā€ imprint. At the time it sank without trace due to, apparently, a lack of marketing. After playing itā€“and I will get into thatā€“I did my usual investigation into the developer, and was quite prepared to dismiss Dalali as one of the many fly-by-night British game developers of the 1980sā€“they appeared to be only a going concern between 1984 and 1989 and didnā€™t have any particularly notable games to their name. They were responsible for ports of Rescue On Fractalus and Lilttle Computer People to Amstrad CPC, but largely seem to have had the bad luck of being most related to 1986ā€™s Biggles game. The weirdest thing about that is that not only did I really like the movie on which it was based (which Iā€™m sure no one else remembers but me) when I was a kid, watching it on telly several times, Iā€™ve actually played the game! It was on Amstrad Action #68ā€™s covertape (along with How To Be A Complete Bastard!) and, as vague as my memories of it are now, Iā€™m sure I played it loads of times. Less than How To Be A Complete Bastard, admittedly.
This led me to dig a little further, and sometimes things just fall into place, because I found an astonishingly in-depth article from Sham Mountebankā€™s When Were They Now? blog (a new one to me) all about Dalali. I think Mountebank slightly buries the lede however, because digging into the linked articles it seems absolutely remarkable that Dalali is not only in the ranks of the earliest companies to have been founded (or co-founded) by a woman, but very likely the first game company founded by a Palestinian: Hanan Samara.
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Hanan Samara, pictured inĀ Computer & Video Games March 1985.
Game companies had been co-founded by women beforeā€“most famously Sierra, by Roberta Williams and her husband Ken in 1979ā€“but I think Samaraā€™s story might be unique. Ā According to an interview with ANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast she believes she might have been the first female assembly programmer in the UK, starting out by converting software to work for the Arabic market. Moving to work for Thorn EMI, sheā€™d see a Humpty Dumpty puzzle gameā€“programmed by her future husband(!) Chris Jamesā€“and be ā€œhooked.ā€
After coding Jumbo Jet Pilot for Atari 8-Bit for Thorn EMI, it seems that she made the leap to founding Dalaliā€“named for her motherā€™s maiden name (as her mother said go for it, while her dad said to get a job at IBM...) with another ex-employee, Adrian Wadley.
Something I really appreciate about Samaraā€™s story is that she immediately brought herself to game design, with Dalaliā€™s first game ā€œJinn Genieā€. While this kind of Arabic-theming undoubtedly seems stereotypical today, in an interview with Popular Computing Weekly it is clear that this is an early example of someone trying to represent their culture via the art of video games:
ā€œJinn Genie is a game that incorporates many of the basic myths and childrenā€™s stories of my cultureā€“I am an Arab, a Palestinian, and all the ideas of genies and so on are familiar to me.ā€
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Jinn Genie, on C64.
The most disappointing thing, to me, is that Samara is, at this point, unheralded outside of a blog post, one short podcast, and aboutā€¦ three short articles featuring three pictures that can be found on archive.org! Sheā€™s one of the UKā€™s earliest female programmers, game designers and founders, perhaps the first Palestinian game developer, and she has managed to run Dalali since 1984 because itā€™s still goingā€“they just stopped making games.
Samaraā€™s story isnā€™t mine to tell, so I hope that institutions like GDC, The Video Game History Foundation or The Strong can find out more and champion her. Figures such as Muriel Tramis have gone from overlooked to winning the Legion of Honour, and if I can help get the word out about Hanan Samara, just a little bit, Iā€™ll feel Iā€™ve done my part.
But I know what youā€™re asking now.
ā€œBut how good is Special Delivery: Santaā€™s Christmas Chaos???ā€
So let's return to regular programming. First, Iā€™m going to note that I believe I have played the wrong version of this. When it came to games, Samara was an Atari 8-bit coder, and it is absolutely transparentĀ that Special Delivery is based entirely on Jinn Genieā€“both feature a flying section, a climbing section, and a section with floors and ladders. It does feel like I should have played the Atari 8-bit version to experience the most representative version, as I did with playing the C64 version of Pirates, letā€™s say.
(Itā€™s worth mentioning here also that the ANTIC podcastā€“recorded sevenĀ years ago nowā€“even notes that the version of Jinn Genie that Samara coded, for the Atari 8-bit, seems to be lost, although Samara does say that she has a copy of it somewhere. Aforementioned institutions could probably help with that too. What that largely means, though, is that the Atari 8-bit version of Special Delivery is the closest you can get to playing the original Jinn Genie.)
To be fair, the C64 version seems pretty close to the original (the ZX Spectrum port isā€¦ not).
As Iā€™ve said previously, my expectations for a Chrimbo cash-in have been low, and no matter how much this is sort ofĀ a reskin of a previous game, that itā€™s got an idea and an actual design exceeds anything Iā€™ve expected. At first glance you might go ā€œwell, isnā€™t this just Santa Claus again?ā€ (or even Santaā€™s Sleigh Ride.) But itā€™s honestly much moreā€“even if it is still a bit weird.
In Special Delivery, youā€™re first flying across the screen in Santaā€™s (somewhat confusingly drawn) sleigh, collecting presents thatā€¦ angels are dropping. Which implies that this is in fact the historical Saint Nicolas, or maybe Iā€™m just overthinking it. Youā€™re trying to collect a target number of presents, but you lose them if you crash into clouds (odd) or accidentally collect a demonicĀ present dropped by a devil (who appear rarely, but look very much like angels, annoyingly.) Losing presents wonā€™t kill you, but Santa has a set amount of hours in the night, and you lose an hour if you get struck by the lightning that occasionally appears from the strangely firm clouds.
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If you collect enough presents, you get to land on a big house to put presents under the tree. First this requires you climb down the chimney, which in this situation is: huge, full of ladders, and lit so flames keep climbing the ladders that you have to dodge. Once youā€™ve done that, youā€™re actually in the house, where you have to Solid Snake your way to the tree, drop off the present, grab the front door key, and then leave through the front door, while the residents run wildly from one room to the next, seemingly out of their nut with either excitement for Christmas or hatred for Santa. Get hit by a flame or grabbed by a resident and youā€™ll lose an hour.
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Interestingly, if you donā€™tĀ collect enough presents, you donā€™t get to go into any big houses, but you do get to drop presents down the chimney of some wee houses. You only really pick up big points for going into big houses, which raises the concerning idea that Santa only gives a fuck about you if youā€™re rich enough to live in a big house.
But to be fair, the people in big houses seem absolutely determined to notĀ get pressies, keeping their fires roaring and attacking Santa on sight, so perhaps he just likes the challenge. ā€œI hope Santa doesnā€™t show upā€ theyā€™re saying, ā€œweā€™ve got all the stuff we need in this big house. We donā€™t need wooden toys or whatever the historic Saint Nick would be handing out, he should give those to the poor people in the wee houses.ā€
More fool them, I checked Wikipedia and he was dropping off bags of gold coins through peopleā€™s windows. (Admittedly to stop them being sold into prostitution.)
Anyway. Even before I knew the exciting context for Special Delivery, I was struck by howā€¦ weirdly ok it was! Maybe itā€™s just how bad the other Santa-em-ups have been (well, I guess I didnā€™t hateĀ Merry Xmas Santa) but the different sections largely make sense together, undoubtedly because itā€™s based on Jinn Genie. The main problem really is that it just doesnā€™t control very well. Flying the sleigh is stiff, and when youā€™re actually controlling Santa himself, he reacts very slowly to your input, meaning you have to time presses based on the lag, and I probably lost most of my lives in the chimneys as a resultā€“it might be better on the Atari 8-Bit, so more fool me.
Special Delivery is not really the kind of thing thatā€™s going to hold your attention for very long, but it does actually manage to be playable and feels properly festive. Iā€™ll celebrate that.
Will I ever play it again? I was surprised to see a non-zero number of people say online that playing this is a bit of a Christmas tradition. Well, I donā€™t think I will be taking it up, but I do fancy playing Jinn Genie at some point now--maybe once that Atari 8-bit version is found!
Final Thought: In my research I was surprised to discover not only had I played a Dalai Software game before, Iā€™d also played a Creative Sparks game, similarly loads of times: Danger Mouse In Double Trouble. Strangely, it has the same multi-game design as this (and I guess, a lot of the computer games of the era) but suffered a lot more for them not having any meaningful connection and mostly being rubbish. Even as a child I remember enjoying just the jungle level and suffering through the rest to get through that. The things youā€™ll do when youā€™ve got nothing else as a child.
Every Game Iā€™ve Finished 14>24 is OUT NOW! You can pick it up inĀ paperback,Ā kindle, orĀ epub/pdf. You can also support Every Game Iā€™ve Finished onĀ ko-fi! You can pick up digital copies of exp., a zine featuring all-exclusive writing at my shop, or join as a supporter at just $1 a month and get articles like this a week early.
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bkenber Ā· 1 day ago
'Amadeus' Movie and 4K Review
The following review was written by Ultimate Rabbit correspondent, Tony Farinella. There is a lot to like about physical media, especially when it is in the 4K format. There are the special features, the audio and video quality and, of course, the fact that you own the movie.Ā  This means you never have to worry about a streaming platform taking it down and then having to hope your local libraryā€¦
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miscpav Ā· 2 years ago
Thorn EMI Video logo
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paintedcrows Ā· 5 months ago
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 Ā· 5 months ago
The Smiths - The Boy With The Thorn In His Side
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totaleclipse573 Ā· 3 months ago
Do any of ur ocs have a super form?
Super forms specifically? Thereā€™s a huge difference between main ocā€™s that do and fankids that do but Iā€™ll gladly list them
Main OCā€™s
ā€¢ Terios (though itā€™s highly unstable and doesnā€™t last long. Hes the only one Iā€™ve actually drawn a super form for šŸ˜…)
Fankids, normal and stable super form
ā€¢ Arthur
ā€¢ Emi
ā€¢ Veola
ā€¢ Thorn
Fankids, unstable super form
ā€¢ Dagger
ā€¢ Soren
ā€¢ Ember (depends)
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thebiscuiteternal Ā· 23 days ago
This month's update is a bonus chapter. I understand why some would be disappointed since Pina's fate is still being dangled in front of us, but there are some really fun character bits to chew on here!
The main storyline didn't really show us much of what was going on with Stefan like with the other love interests, but here we see that his continued association with Willard and Pina is causing him to be actively shut out of matters that he would have once been considered the go-to expert for. Sucks for you, bud.
Also Viscount Lorraine teasing Thorne is super cute.
And of course I'm always up for more of Remilia's adoration of Emi. Her mental image of a hypothetical play about them is so pretty.
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artstar1997 Ā· 4 months ago
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Here are the favorite OCs and Trollsonas I wanna add to the Monster au. Owned by @georgi-girl , @groovinyeen/ @yeenstrollart, @x-elyssa-x and @jade-green-butterfly, I couldnā€™t wait to add them in my story.
Dewdrop is a nixie who lives in the river with her community, led by her mother, Dewfall, who is the matriarch of her family, since gorgons, banshees, and nixies are some of the monster species that are matriarchal. Dewdrop allies herself with Roseā€™s cause in terrorizing the Divine Republic but whenever she is with her family, the Snack Pack would provide them prey by leading them into the river where they live and let them tear them limb from limb. Dewdrop is also in love with Hickory. Like the gillmen, nixies has aquatic features, like webbed hands and feet, fin-like ears, underwater breathing, amphibian abilities, aquapathy, sharp teeth and water manipulation but nixies have hypnotic voices, weather manipulation, and frog-like characteristics, rather than fish-like traits.
Jussy is an alura-une, a type of plant monster that absorbs blood from human prey. Also known as a Venus weed, her species can also summon thorny vines ands shoot rose thorns as darts. Unlike the other alura-une, Jussy was born from the seed of one of Roseā€™s biting roses named Ophelia. When Rose decided to introduce Jussy to the other monsters, Cooper soon laid eyes on Jussy and they became an item. His family are also accepting towards her as they help the Snack Pack and the Boo Crew adapt in the monster world.
Emi is also a plant monster but she was born from the seed of a marigold plant, so aside from the typical powers of a plant monster, it gave her mediumship powers, which was channeled through her pollen to speak to the dead and travel to and from the underworld. Emi is in love with Prince D, and she was also welcomed by the Funk Plant Family as well. She is also friends with the Snack Pack, the Boo Crew, and the other monsters.
Synthā€™s boyfriend, Kanye is also a gorgon but with hypnotizing eyes on his snake hairs, aside from his petrifying gaze and venomous bite. Aside from a caring, loving and sweet boyfriend to Synth, Kanye is also friends with the other monsters but he is also protective of them that heā€™d use his gorgon powers to fight their enemies off.
Amalthea is a werewolf in the monster au, because John Dory and the rest of BroZone are also werewolves. Coming from Greece, she has an interest in astronomy and constellations, especially the phases of the moon. She is also good friends with the other monsters, including Cosmos and Nyxx, who are aliens.
Lilā€™ Ted, on the other hand is a Minotaur who may be shorter than the big, bulky, muscular ones but he makes up for it with his superhuman abilities and his big heart. Despite his stutter and shy demeanor, Holly Darlinā€™ loves him for who he is on the inside and out, and he would protect her and all her friends from monster hunters and Gileadeans alike.
There would be more to come so stay tuned, ghouls and mansters!
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ddreamghost Ā· 5 months ago
Guys. I need to get this off my chest because I fr needed to get rid of this obsession of this Smug Gremlin Merchant and the ship itself,šŸ§and also how I felt about Remilia ending up with The Demon King. I have actually created this a long long long time ago because I was too shy to share my thoughts but then I remembered, Who cares!?
So lemme share y'all a madman obsession, all because of a Smug Gremlin Merchant.
Do Note: This isn't a proper paragraph text because I just copy paste from my Google Docs, So No Beta We Die Like Men.
āš ļøChapter Spoilers Ahead and Madman's Ramblingsāš ļø
The One Within the Villainess
Reasons why Remilia (Remilia Rosa Graupner)
the OG Villainess should have gone the romance route with Thorne the Merchant/Shopkeeper.
(The symbol or emblem should be Thorn vines shaped like a Web with Purple Rose in its Center)
- Okay seriously you could do a freaking lot with this like YOO! Have you not seen it?! THE POSSIBILITIES OF THIS SHIP?!?!
- Like obviously, it ain't the Demon King, it ain't the soon-to-be King aka Crown Prince or motherfreaking Powerful asf Mage but A GUY WHO IS A MERCHANT
- Plot Twist but not really, HE IS A DEMON
- There is probably one but SEE, IT IS FREAKING RARE
- I also want Malewife and Girlboss Dynamic
- Like Charming Sly Malewife and Powerful Cunning Girlboss, they're both intelligent in different ways
- For Thorne, it will be People Skills aka He has great interpersonal skills or is great at being empathetic and communication skills (Ironic kuz He is a Demon) and is great with finances (His a Merchant Damn it!), also he should be great at being an alchemist (Kuz I am taking this idea from the premium items he sells), and appraiser (kuz obviously).
- While Remilia is somewhat good at those things, she is mostly great at being a Battlemage or mage warrior (Thanks to Emi), politics, strategist, smooth-talker and most of all being a badass queen (Honestly Remilia is too Badass OP, that I will think again what she is great at)
- I want Thorne to be great at reading people's body language (Merchant) or great at reading at people in general and can clearly tell someone is not whom they seem
- As much as Remilia is good at reading people, Thorne is way better because of his merchant experience and his high Intuition & Instincts, and he may not look like it but he is quite observant that he is able to tell something is off from someone, especially if he has a lot of information about them or knows them well enough
- Like Thorne has Kinesics(?)
- Also Thorne is secretly skilled at using plant magic since he is quite proficient at using plant magic
- You see where I am going with this? HEHEHEH
- So I find out from Chapter 9, the reason why Thorne doesn't have demon-like features is that it is a sign of lower or weak magical energy/power
- Usually, that will prevent me from making Thorne a Powerful Plant Mom Demon but I did type a skilled plant magic user, So Thorne is still a Skilled Plant Mom Magic User
-So I also find out in Chapter 9 about How Thorne believes that Remilia will make the Demon King, Angel Happy and erase the pain that has burdened him like the chapter was literally dedicated to Angel's Lore and Suffering, and how he deserved better which was stated by Thorne.
- and I am like "Oh Zhit, HOW AM I- OH BOI- OH NO- FU-"
- But then Remember why I was very hyper-fixated or obsessed with this ship of mine
2.) One of the reasons why I was obsessed with shipping Thorne and Remilia was that I DID NOT LIKE THE REASON WHY REMILIA AND ANGEL ENDED UP TOGETHER! (Update Again if Big Change Happened, like Chapter 9)
The reason was that Pina the Bish, favorite character was the Demon King, and Remilia who was out for revenge was like "Oh? Thats your favorite character? And you want to Marry him? WELL SIKE!! HIS MINE NOW!"
And thats like one of the greatest revenge ever but I found out even more that Remilia didn't marry out of Love for Angel, She married out of Spite to Pina's face
And She doesn't mind marrying Angel because he loves "Emi's Remilia" but I, the Hopeless Romantic Fool does not consider that as Love at all! I rather if Angel loves Remilia for herself! Even if it pains me even more that Remilia and Thorne will never be a together.
And Angel deserves someone who's freaking honest, isn't used for the sake of revenge, and is an actual LOVE! I mean chapter 9 was literally dedicated to Him freaking crying because he is killing his own people (and his brother, which I know won't happen kuz Remilia is gonna prevent that) and the burden of being King who has to kill his own kind just to stop even more killings
It honestly hurts knowing that they "Love" you or marry you because of revenge, To Spite a motherfreaking bish. Angel deserves better. Angel deserves someone that actually loves him
If I guess, Remilia could slowly fall in love with Angel when they are married but that's a big "IF" and knowing that she has to pretend to be "Emi's Remilia" to him and not herself in front him is already a no-no
I just want Remilia to be herself, even if it is only a single person, and also talk about Emi (LOL She needs to boast about her favorite reincarnator)
3.) Why Thorne? Why Him?
I can't fully explain it since I am clearly bad with words and constantly forgot the knowledge I learned, especially with my vocabulary. So I will say this as I explain in number 1 but let's add more. The reason that I have chosen Thorne, and why I was hyper-fixated with that character and would love for him to be the main love interest for Remilia is because of how he was drawn. His drawn cat eyes were the moment I instantly love this character and the way his personality showed the more you look at his expression whenever he reacted to Remilia's words or actions. Honestly, I already explained more in number 1 that Thorne and Remilia will be interesting asf, and something brand new or something fresh of breath air.
I also wished Thorne to be ML because if I tried to understand based on chapters alone, Remilia always went out to grab the quest items and always come back home to either spend a day or a few days. So it probably means Remilia and Thorne also spend quite time with each other, and it's usually because of business but don't you bond with your business partner? Yes! Yes, you do bond with them, which means their connection with each other will go better and stronger. So, I know Thorne is merely a merchant but that's the interesting part he is merely a merchant which is a breath of fresh air since the male leads are always either, a crown prince, a knight, a powerful wizard, or a demon king. I mean sure the plot twist of Thorne was him being a demon but that's it.
I am just taking advantage of the fact that he and Remilia spend more time together than Angel and Remilia because I have a headcanon that Remilia is a type of person who falls in love with a person if they bonded emotionally or spend so much quality time with each other. Usually one of the factors is her love for Emi, thats like the biggest reason she started her revenge but what if Remilia also fall in love while still doing her revenge for Emi. Because I just imagine Remilia remembering Emi's wise words as she starts to slowly fall in Love with Thorne's being, his expressive face, his wit, his cat smug face, and his honesty with her as they bond together.
I want Remilia to slowly fall in Love, and finding out this how Love is, and how different loving someone like a family and a lover. Of course Thorne will be similar to the original but let's make his personality even shine more, especially the way he reacts, talk, and How the hell did become a capable chief!
4.) Thorne is Cute ASF, and he probably is one of the people who understand her way better especially if she confesses about Emi and more. No.3 explained better.
- This on Reddit that was explained way better but Yes. The 2nd Picture was my Response.
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5.) Thorne's Headcanon full name is Thornevine Amin Ginton
-Actually idk if I prefer Thorne Amin Ginton or Thornevine Amin Ginton, I just added -vine on his name full name kay I thought it sounded good (PLEASE DON'T LAUGH-)
-Amin means Devoted and Ginton means Garden
-A Devoted Garden šŸ„ŗšŸ’–ā¤ļøšŸ’–
-So I found out Thorne was an Orphan Kid from Chapter 9, So I will headcanon that he learned those words from Miss Mizari or a wise old person and instantly falls in love with it, and turned into his full name
-OR! When Remilia and Thorne decided to become a couple or Married even šŸ˜, They will make their own last names together!! TO REPRESENT THEIR LOVE~! šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ’–ā¤ļøšŸ’–
I can't believe you just read all that. Here, have some of my Fanarts that I didn't get to share because I was Internet Shy-
I imagine a scene where Thorne is asking Remilia if she is willing to forgive him for what he did to Emi (The Love and Charm Potion/Perfume)
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[I have no clue what Remilia is wearing on this one ā¬‡ļø]
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This was just my take on Manga's "ML" in every otome romance manga. Also this whole time, Thorne isn't Tan Skin but a Milquetoast Guy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
So anyway, Thank you for Reading a Madman's Obsession throughout Last Year-
Will this obsession be over? I have no clue. šŸ§
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uzumaakies Ā· 4 months ago
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The Return of the Living Dead (Thorn-EMI HBO, 1986ish, Director: Dan O'Bannon)
Details from the boxless ex-rental VHS tape I got at the video store's going-out-of-business sale.
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dapperbasil Ā· 5 months ago
13 for Tammy, 47 for Lillian, and 46 for Thorne?
Yippie! Thanks Emi, especially for the Tammy question. I was hoping to get to answer this one for her.
13. Was their embrace painful? (Either emotionally or physically)
Ohhhhh boy I get to talk about her embrace. Tammy didn't fit Zacharias' feeding preference at the time of her embrace, so he was unable to give her the kiss to lessen the pain she felt. His solution for this was to make it as quick as he could, while keeping her comfortable. While she died from bleeding out to a stab wound that she still has the scar from, her sire held her in his arms so she wouldn't die alone, as afraid as she was. The pain was overwhelming, to the point where she didn't even remember everything else after, despite Zacharias quietly making a promise to take care of her, that he won't be like his sire.
It took a toll on her emotionally as well, the pain as well as fear and confusion mixing together as she died which contributed to her mind blocking out much of the ordeal. These overwhelming emotions continued into the next few nights as she came to understand just what had happened.
47. What are their desire(s) if any?
Lillianā€™s main desire that sheā€™s been chasing for the past century or so has been figuring out a way to separate Iagoā€™s soul from herself. For very obvious reasons diablerie isnā€™t a very widely approved area of research, so sheā€™s had to go through some very interesting avenues of thought. It's what she wants more than anything, so she can finally gain some semblance of peace and so he can be put to rest finally. She knows she wonā€™t immediately be better once heā€™s gone but its the first step, that she desperately wants to take.
46. What are their ambition(s) if any?
This is a difficult one, considering who Thorne is. For as long as they could remember, there was little reason for them to seek to be more than what they were. Every milestone they achieved, every fight won, every accomplishment was all for the sake of Lady Thalia. None of this changed much after their embrace. They were her sword and shield, and that is how it has remained all the way into modern nights.
Now with their place as a Paladin in service to an Archbishop, they still have few actual ambitions of their own, none of which have anything to do with their role in the Sabbat. Quite strange to have an unambitious Lasombra, more so to have one more interested in furthering their skills in artistry than improving their status. Thorne is quite happy where they are now in modern nights, and any ambitions they have are purely personal.
(VtM OC ask game)
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faustfelmouse Ā· 4 months ago
Faust, little Fel Mouse
Tucked into the hollow of a set of bounders and briar bushes, stone walls shaded by large thorn covered branches arching overhead made a comforting space that even adults could comfortably move about in.Ā  Within this hollow, sitting cross legged as evening light filtered faintly into the space sat one Falin Goethe.
Hair a tousled brown, with eyes a vivid green, and a puzzled frown tugging at his lips the young boy pondered what lay on the page before him. A thick tome, nearly as big as his chest, sat open before him.Ā  Its pages lit by two nearly melted candles as he leaned over the runes and sigils that covered the pages.
ā€œEmi, whatā€™s this one for?ā€Ā  The question was asked as his head raised, the hood of his cloak falling back.Ā  The question was offered to the other figure within the confines of the hideaway.
Sharing the space was a tall rather voluptuous woman, skin a flushed pink.Ā  Dressed in almost nothing but what would tease the senses of anyone but the child before her she truly was a sight to behold. So long as you didnā€™t gaze too high or too low, horns and hooves were less pleasant to look at than sinful curves of the flesh.Ā  Fel green hues watched the boy with lazy, but watchful curiosity.
ā€œThat is not for you yet little mouse.Ā  One day perhaps youā€™ll get to use that particular little spell and rain down living fire and brimstone upon the world.ā€Ā  Her voice was a smoke filled purr as if she was already imagining the delightful destruction such a thing would offer.
ā€œAwā€¦so much of this is off limits!Ā  Can I do any of it?ā€
The woman mused then crooked a finger at the book.Ā  ā€œTurn a few pages back mouse, a little more, ah that one.Ā  That could be within your level.Ā  It will require some sacrifice on your part if you feel ready for such things.Ā  You have that little dagger you snuck out of the kitchen-ā€
ā€œN-no I didnā€™t!Ā  Iā€¦.well I-ā€
ā€œHush Faust, Iā€™m sure your mother wonā€™t mind so long as you make sure to put it back.Ā  Now do you remember what I taught you?Ā  Focus, recite the incantations, and feel the power within your very soul.Ā  One day you won't even need an incantation.ā€
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The Sayaad sat up as the boy began to murmur under his breath.Ā  From here she could see how his little brow furrowed in concentration even as he pulled sleeves that were much too long for his arms up to free his hands.Ā  There was a shift in the air, like all the wind was being sucked out of the space to encircle the boy.
Faust was her fourth master and while each had been more different than the last there was something soā€¦enthrallingā€¦about this one.Ā  The first had been an old fuddy-duddy, quick to lash out in anger and prone to smacking her around.Ā  The second had become an amusing toy for a time, heā€™d believed he was in charge even while she had begun to slip a collar around his throat and slowly tightened it across days and months until sheā€™d whispered in his ear to give her his heart and he tore it out for her still beating in her grasp as the light faded from his eyes.Ā Ā 
The third was this boy's father.Ā  So very careful, he had access to such magic and secrets and did little more than bind herself and a few others under his thumb.Ā  Sheā€™d never heard of such a clever binding until sheā€™d found herself under its control.Ā  But the man had a weakness of his own.Ā  A wife and son heā€™d do anything for.Ā  And for a man who didnā€™t so much as cast a single corrupting spark of Fel Fire, he had reached too deep and tried to bind too tight a thing that should not have been bound.Ā  She could still hear the way the pit fiend had laughed as both the debt collectors, their bruisers, and the man himself were dragged away to whatever dark pit the creature had been called from.
But then there was Faust.Ā  So much like his father, and so much more as well.Ā  Arranged into the tome the boy read from was every trick and chain his father once used.Ā  But there was such a thing as too careful, too untrusting.Ā  The boy had no fear, no distrust, and nothing more than simple desire in his calls.
More than that as fel runes began to glow, as Emiria basked in the purity of Faustā€™s magic, she couldnā€™t help but marvel at her little master.Ā  He gave himself completely to the magic, his entire soul laid bare into the magic.Ā  Fel take her, she wanted to push him further, to goad him into higher heights.Ā  She would shape him, guide him, train him to the pinnacle of the craft.Ā  And he would be all the tastier for it when finally she claimed his soul for her own.Ā  Nothing could stop the hunger from her gaze or the cruel twist of her lips as the spell neared its peak and the boy lifted his pilfered blade to the palm of hand.
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ā€œMy little Mouse!Ā  Where are you?ā€Ā  The womanā€™s voice called, ā€œItā€™s dinner time!Ā  Bring your friend Emi too!ā€
And then the spell was broken, the magic released to fade into the ethos.Ā  The succubus settled back as emerald hues opened, faintly lit from within by fel magics for the briefest of moments.Ā  A childish grin came over that thin face as the boy scrambled to his feet.Ā  Blowing out candles and grabbing up the tome Faust was up and trying to pull her up as well.
Once both were up the boy took off running, ā€œComing Mama!ā€Ā  So quick his steps moved that he stumbled over his own pace and fell, spilling book and other odds and ends from the confines of his robe.
Amused, his companion approached, bending down to assist the fallen boy.Ā  How claw like fingers itched to take up the tome that lay spilled before her but instead the boy was helped up with a gentle touch, hood pulled snuggly over his tousled hair and the worst of the dust brushed from his robes.Ā  ā€œCome on, what kind of powerful man sheds tears for a little fall, hm?ā€Ā  The Sayaadā€™s amused chuckle came with a pinch to the boy's cheek as a quivering lip turned into a determined frown upon his face.
The boy picked up his tome, roughly scrubbed his face with his arm and took off again down the path to the small house sitting tucked up against the crags and cliffs.Ā  ā€œMama!Ā  You shoulda seens it!Ā  I was gonna make a health stone!ā€
The Sayaad was slower to follow, amusement still covering her gaze as she snapped her fingers fel magics shimmering around her as a simple linen dress covered her form and horns and hooves faded from view and blood flushed skin took on a paler hue.Ā  She came along after the boy, smiling at her third masterā€™s wife, and fourth masterā€™s mother as the pair were ushered inside.
Yes, sheā€™d make sure Faust became a powerful man.Ā  It would make claiming his soul all the sweeter in time.Ā  A steady hand and the patience of eons made for the finest of wine after all.Ā  And what a fine vintage he was already becomingā€¦
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secondgenerationnerd Ā· 29 days ago
Mari: how old are you again, uncle Roy? 35?40?
Roy: Iā€™m 37, you little shithead !
Mari: and your shoe size?
Roy: 11
Mari: that says a lot about your maturity
Roy: listen here you little shit-
Some random : if she canā€™t talk to animals, she isnā€™t a princess
Jai : * points to Mari arguing with Emerson in her bird form. She got a thorn stuck in her foot cause of marā€™iā€™s flowers*
Why can I see
A. Roy throwing hands with Marā€™i and getting his ass handed to him
B. Emi pecking at Marā€™i and marā€™i cussing her out
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totaleclipse573 Ā· 8 months ago
*Chucks EVERY. SINGLE. FANKID. into Deltarune*
Welp... There they go.
What do you think their soul types would be? And would they side with the fun gang or the Antagonists? Or would they just stick together?
This should be fun jhdfbsdjkfj have to warn you though, I'm a little rusty on the UTDR stuff. Sorry if I get anything wrong!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there only two soul types in Deltarune as of now? (Hopefully I haven't missed anything šŸ˜­ I've been more focused on other fandoms) I know UNDERTALE has seven soul types, and essentially, Deltarune goes off of the same kind of thing with the souls? Be warned, I have a lot of fankids lmao, some I haven't even drawn yet :
Since I don't think a Mobain could count for the HUMAN soul, red isn't an option
Patience (light blue) : Ember, Stumble, Trove
Bravery (orange) : Orion, Coco, Stella, Dagger, Vivian
Integrity (blue) : Arthur, Daisy, Archie
Perseverance (purple) : Venice, Thorn and Rascal, Piper
Kindness (green) : Soren, Rocket, Tulip, Veola
Justice (yellow) : Emi, Lumi, Beau, Demi
As for sides, I can't really see any of them siding with the antagonists, SOME would maybe side with the antagonists if they needed to/feel it would benefit them. That especially goes for Team Rebel.
Speaking of them, Team Rebel : Orion, Piper, and Demi. They made this sort of vow to stick together, they're like a found family for each other at this point. So they'd probably be their own group (stick together.) They're the most likely to side with antagonists if needed, specifically Piper.
Again, sorry if I got anything wrong šŸ˜­
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laylajeffany Ā· 10 months ago
If your still taking one-shot requests perhaps may we see some of that Josie/Emi šŸŒ¶nsfwšŸŒ¶ from the night Em proposed. Perhaps Mayhaps?šŸ˜˜
Love all the work you došŸ˜Š
I have an ongoing NotesApp file of prompts, will add this one! (I started to write it probably in...November? But never finished it because I just wanted to finish Chaos before 2024 - the WIPs of one-shots from the Chaos universe and beyond that I did not complete is embarrassing lol).
Here is the first spicy Josie/Emi content I wrote and then changed what I was doing with Lovely Thorns so it hasn't been up in a long time...
And if you'd already read that and it wasn't enough, I do have some šŸŒ¶ļøexplicitšŸŒ¶ļø Wenclair content coming when I get back from work today when I post the first chapter of my new multi-chapter adventure. šŸ˜
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densesindealer Ā· 1 year ago
My Full Muse List, Updated
I decided to go through and update my entire muse list, adding and removing characters, and I decided to make a post with the list that I intend to give easy to find tags on my blog, or to pin it later on.
All male muses can be used for gender transformation asks, and any males from their series can be used for gender transformation asks so long as they follow the other rules of my blog. This applies even if a male character from the series isn't normally on my muse list as their male counterpart. I.E. Byakuya from Danganronpa as a woman with Makoto, or Bakugou from My Hero Academia as a woman with Midoriya.
Makoto Naegi
Junko Enoshima
Mukuro Ikusaba
Celestia Ludenberg
Aoi Asahina
Sayaka Maizono
Kyoko Kirigiri
Sakura Oogami
Toko Fukawa
Chiaki Nanami
Mikan Tsumiki
Hiyoko Saionji
Akane Owari
Peko Pekoyama
Ibuki Mioda
Mahiru Koizumi
Sonia Nevermind
Komaru Naegi
Kanon Nakajima
Hiroko Hagakure
Kotoko Utsugi
Monaca Towa
Chisa Yukizome
Miaya Gekkogahara
Seiko Kimura
Aiko Umesawa
Ando Ruruka
Kirumi Tojo
Tsumugi Shirogane
Angie Yonaga
Tenko Chabashira
Maki Harukawa
Miu Iruma
Kaede Akamatsu
Himiko Yumeno
Spy x Family
Yor Forger
Anya Forger
League Of Legends
Miss Fortune
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Momo Yaoyorozu
Ochako Uraraka
Mina Ashido
Tsuyu Asui
Toru Hagakure
Kyouka Jirou
Mei Hatsume
Melissa Shield
Nejire Hado
Nemuri Kayama/Midnight
Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko
Kaoruko Awata/Bubble Girl
Emi Fukukado/Ms. Joke
Ryuku Tatsuma/ Ryukyu
Yu Takeyama/Mt. Lady
Shino Sosaki/Mandalay
Ryuko Tsuchikawa/Pixie-Bob
Tomoko Shiretoki/Ragdoll
Inko Midoriya
Mitsuki Bakugou
Kinoko Komori
Tokage Setsuna
Yui Kodai
Ibara Shiozaki
Pony Tsunotori
Itsuka Kendo
Reiko Yanagi
Himiko Toga
Manami Aiba/La Brava
Nana Shimura
Camie Utsushimi
Chitose Kizuki/Curious
Fuyumi Todoroki
Rei Todoroki
Kaina Tsutsumi/Lady Nagant
Merlin (BBC Series)
Merlin Ambrosius
Morgana Le Fay
High Priestess Nimueh
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Cho Chang
Luna Lovegood
Fleur DeLacour
Gabrielle DeLacour
Hermione Granger
Katie Bell
Alicia Spinnet
Angelina Johnson
Lavender Brown
Susan Bones
Hannah Abbott
Daphne Greengrass
Astoria Greengrass
Bellatrix Lestrange
Narcissa Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Nymphadora Tonks
Andromeda Tonks
Aurora Sinistra
Septima Vector
Tracey Davis
Rowena Ravenclaw
Helena Ravenclaw
Penelope Clearwater
Amelia Bones
Lily-Evans Potter
Rose Weasley
Lily Luna Potter
Sue Li
Romilda Vane
Padma Patil
Parvati Patil
Mirabel Garlick
AI The Somnium Files
Kaname Date
Shizure Kuranushi/Boss
Mizuki Okiura
Iris Sagan
Amame Doi
Phoenix Wright
Phoenix Wright
Mia Fey
Maya Fey
Pearl Fey
Trucy Wright
Ema Skye
Franziska von Karma
Athena Cykes
Lana Skye
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Ryunosuke Naruhodo
Susato Mikotoba
Iris Wilson
Nikolina Pavlova
Gina Lestrade
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Hazel Levesque
Piper McLean
Annabeth Chase
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Thalia Grace
Zoe Nightshade
Clarisse La Rue
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Silena Beauregard
Sally Jackson
Bianca di Angelo
Norville ā€˜Shaggyā€™ Rogers
Daphne Blake
Velma Dinkley
Tanis The Mummy
Sibella Dracula
Jaune Arc
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Yang Xiao-Long
Pyrrha Nikos
Nora Valkyrie
Coco Adel
Velvet Scarlatina
Glynda Goodwitch
Cinder Fall
Emerald Sustrai
Ilia Amitola
Winter Schnee
Willow Schnee
Kali Belladonna
Summer Rose
Raven Branwen
Penny Polendina
Neon Katt
Saphron Cotta-Arc
Terra Cotta-Arc
Street Fighter
Cammy White
Rainbow Mika
Mortal Kombat
Johnny Cage
Cassie Cage
Jacqui Briggs
Li Mei
Fairy Tale
Erza Scarlet
Lucy Heartfilia
Brandish U
Avatar The Last Airbender
Toph Beifong
Ty Lee
Danny Phantom
Ember Mclain
Dani Phantom
Sam Manson
Jazz Fenton
Madeline Fenton
Johnny Test
Johnny Test
Susan Test
Mary Test
Sissy Blakely
Lila Test
DC Comics
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Thalia al Ghul
Zatanna Zatara/Zatanna
Barbara Ann Minerva/Cheetah
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Teen Titans
Richard ā€˜Dickā€™ Grayson/Robin/Nightwing
Rachel Roth/Raven
Tara Strong/Terra
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Barry Allen/The Flash
Nyssa al Ghul
Sara Lance/White Canary
Laurel Lance/Black Canary
Thea Queen/Speedy
Shado Fei
Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl
Marvel Comics/MCU
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Leopold ā€˜Leoā€™ Fitz
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Mary Jane Watson
Gwen Stacy
Susan Storm/The Invisible Woman
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
Kamala Khan/Mrs. Marvel
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel
Felicia Hardy
Kitty Pryde
Ava Ayala/White Tiger
Lady Sif
Daisy Johnson/Quake
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Genshin Impact
Kamisato Ayaka
Raiden Shogun
Kujou Sara
Yae Miko
Hu Tao
Sangonomiya Kokomi
La Signora
Code Geass
Lelouch Lamperouge/Lelouch vi Britannia
Cornelia li Britannia
Euphemia li Britannia
Nunnally vi Britannia
Kallen Kouzuki
Villetta Nu
Kaguya Sumeragi
Shirley Fenette
Milly Ashford
Nina Einstein
Cecile Croomy
Infinite Stratos
Ichika Orimura
Chifuyu Orimura
Madoka Orimura
Cecilia Alcott
Laura Bodewig
Lingyin Huang/Rin
Charlotte Dunois
Houki Shinonono
Tabane Shinonono
Tatenashi Sarashiki
Kanzashi Sarashiki
Maya Yamada
Guilty Crown
Shu Ouma
Inori Yuzuriha
Hare Menjou
Haruka Ouma
Mana Ouma
Ayase Shinomiya
Mikado Ryuugamine
Celty Sturluson
Anri Sonohara
Super Mario Bros/Super Crown
Princess Peach
Princess Daisy
Shy Gal
Five Nights At Freddyā€™s
Toy Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Glamrock Chica
Every Male Animatronic As A Female
Kingdom Hearts/Disney
Go Go Tomago
Snow White
Helen Parr/Elastigirl
Violet Parr
Judy Hopps
Your Turn To Die
Sara Chidoun
Tia Safalin
Reko Yabusame
Kanna Kizuchi
Tiffany Maye
Audrey Belrose
Kyu Sugardust
Kyanna Delrio
Celeste Luvendass
Persona Series
Yu Narukami
Akira Kurusu/Joker
Chie Satonaka
Yukiko Amagi
Naoto Shirogane
Rise Kujikawa
Ann Takamaki
Shiho Suzui
Makoto Niijima
Haru Okumura
Futaba Sakura
Kasumi Yoshizawa
Sae Niijima
Tae Takemi
Sadayo Kawakami
Leanan Sidhe
Hua Po
Pokemon Series
Officer Jenny
Nurse Joy
Magma Admin Courtney
Professor Sada
Professor Juniper
Doki Doki Literature Club
Hana Song/D.VA
Amelie Lecroux/Widowmaker
Ana Amari/Ana
Angela Ziegler/Mercy
Lena Oxton/Tracer
Olivia Colomar/Sombra
Fareeha Amari/Pharah
Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe/Ashe
Brigitte Lindholm/Brigitte
Mei-Ling Zhou/Mei
Kiriko Komori/Kiriko
Illari Quispe Ruiz/Illari
Zero Escape
Sigma Klim
Clover Field
Hazuki Kashiwabara/Lotus
Akane Kurashiki
Resident Evil
Ethan Winters
Leon Scott Kennedy
Mia Winters
Claire Redfield
Jill Valentine
Sherry Birkin
Ada Wong
Rebecca Chambers
Sheeva Alomar
Bela Dimitrescu
Ashley Graham
Dragon Ball Z
Android 18
Android 21
Bioshock Infinite
Booker Dewitt
Elizabeth Comstock
Kim Possible
Ron Stoppable
Bonnie Rockwaller
Kim Possible
Monster High
Clawdeen Wolf
Cleo de Nile
Lagoona Blue
Toralei Stripe
Abbey Bominable
Venus McFlytrap
Spectra Vondergeist
Final Fantasy
Tifa Lockhart
Aerith Gainsborough
Yuffie Kisaragi
Jessie Rasberry
Stardew Valley
Animal Crossing
Infamous Second Son
Delsin Rowe
Abigail ā€˜Fetchā€™ Walker
Saints Row
The Boss
Kinzie Kensington
Asha Odekar
KiKi DeWynter
Viola DeWynter
Sam Winchester
Jo Harvelle
Ellen Harvelle
Ava Wilson
Bela Talbot
Sarah Blake
LOTRā€™s Shadow Of War
Adventure Time
Marceline The Vampire Queen
Flame Princess
Ice Queen
Scream TV
Noah Foster
Riley Marra
Brooke Maddox
Piper Shaw
Corvo Attano
Emily Kaldwin
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Xander Harris
Buffy Summers
Dawn Summers
Willow Rosenberg
Cordelia Chase
Jenny Calendar
Amy Madison
Faith Lehane
Tara Maclay
Until Dawn
Chris Hartley
Matt Taylor
Emily Davis
Jessica Riley
Samantha Griddings
Hannah Washington
Beth Washington
Corpse Party
Ayumi Shinozaki
Seiko Shinohara
Naomi Nakashima
Yui Shishido
Date A Live
Kurumi Tokisaki
Tohka Yatogami
Yoshino Himekawa
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines
Pacifica Northwest
Wendy Corduroy
Total Drama Island
Charles ā€˜Chuckā€™ Bartowski
Ellie Bartowski
Sarah Walker
Carina Miller
Lou Palone
Anna Wu
Alex McHugh
Beautiful Creatures
Ethan Wate
Lena Duchannes
Ridley Duchannes
Olivia ā€˜Livā€™ Durand
Jurassic Park
Alan Grant
Zach Mitchell
Owen Grady
Ellie Sattler
Lex Murphy
Claire Dearing
Zara Young
Telltaleā€™s The Walking Dead
Lee Everett
Javier Garcia
Freddie Benson
Carly Shay
Sam Puckett
Jade West
Tori Vega
Trina Vega
Cat Valentine
Alice In Borderland
Ryouhei Arisu
Hikari Kuina
Rizuna An
Yuzuha Usagi
Asahi Kujō
Saori Shibuki
Elden Ring/Souls Series
The Fire Keeper
Lies Of P
Red Fox
Youngest Of The Black Rabbit Brotherhood
Wendyā€™s Mascot
Starbucks Girl
Samsung Sam
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Chika Fujiwara (Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War)
Hinata Hyuga (Naruto)
Akeno Himejima (High School DxD)
Rin Tohsaka (Fate/Stay Night)
Hestia (Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon)
Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Samus Aran (Metroid)
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars)
Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw)
Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)
Kitty Katswell (Tuff Puppy)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Faith Seed (Far Cry 5)
Marge Simpson (The Simpsons)
Lois Griffin (Family Guy)
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz (Phineas & Ferb)
Ciri (The Witcher)
Quiet (Metal Gear Solid)
Loona (Helluva Boss)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Frankie Foster (Fosterā€™s Home For Imaginary Friends)
Super Sonico (Nitroplus)
Faith Connors (Mirrorā€™s Edge)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
2B (Nier Automata)
Alice Angel (Bendy And The Ink Machine)
Piper Wright (Fallout 4)
Saeko Busujima (Highschool Of The Dead)
Komi Shouko (Komi Canā€™t Communicate)
Rem (Re:Zero)
Raphtalia (Rising Of The Shield Hero)
Velvet Crowe (Tales Of Berseria)
Smurfette (The Smurfs)
Lady Love Dies (Paradise Killer)
Tatsumaki (One Punch Man)
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