#thoma is endgame
shankseren · 2 months
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cherie-luvv · 2 months
When Newt is about to die and he says “Tommy” I can’t help but just wonder what he was gonna say after that. “Tommy, I love you”, “Tommy, I’m scared”, “Tommy, I don’t wanna die”, “Tommy, it hurts”
They are going to be the cause of my death
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freemaagyemans · 4 months
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eddies-guitar13 · 2 years
Thomas: whenever Newt's mad at me, I tighten all the jar lids so then he has to talk to me.
Minho: I don't think that's gonna wor-
*glass breaking in the background*
Minho: ...
Thomas: huh. I was sure that was gonna work.
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villruu · 6 months
Wanna read a time-travel fix it au of Marble Hornets where everything still (comically) goes to shit?
A fic where Alex gets help and support?
In honor of Alex Kralie's birthday, behold:
too sweet for me by KryOnSeries (that me!)
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k-writer17 · 2 months
First time in forever I’ve done some Loki fluff so here you go!!!
I’d appreciate it if you read it on Wattpad but it is also down below lovelies 🫶🏻
"Hey loki" you smile as he takes a seat beside you in the living room.
He just gives you the side eye before opening his book and finding the page he ended on.
"Okay then" you sighed awkwardly unsure of what to do, as you weirdly rub your hands up and down your legs as you sit up.
"I guess I'll go..." you say confused as you start to get up.
"Stay" is all he says.
"Are you sure ?" You question but get no reply but a slight glance your way.
"Alright then" you mumble settling back into the couch as you reopen your kindle.
You give Loki a quick glance and see a faint smile on his face.
You sit there for a few hours reading before people come piling in as the day grows older, settling down to watch next episode of the evening drama.
Loki sighs and get up as this happens, you watch him confused as to why he is leaving and all he gives you is a slight raise to the corner of his mouth.
A few days later you're in the kitchen with a few people having a friendly debate on whether pineapple belongs on pizza (it does not!) when Loki silently walks in and heads towards the fridge.
You watch him as he opens it and rolls his eyes which makes you silently laugh a little. He glances over to you then to what you're cooking on the stove before closing the fridge door and leaning against the cupboard near you.
"Do you want some Loki?" You ask to be friendly.
He's eyes meet yours to check your being serious then he glances back down at the food again.
"If it's not too much of a fuss"
"Of course not" you smile softly, he sees this and his heart skips a beat causing him to return the smile before he quickly corrected his expression.
It felt like a small victory that you just bought a smile out of him, it making your heart warm a little.
By the time you had finished cooking people in the kitchen had fizzled out to do their evening workouts or to go to bed.
You plated up the food and slid it across the island where Loki had relocated to watch you cook,
" there you go" you smile.
"I'm going to eat mine on the terrace, you're more then welcome to join me" you say walking out of the room.
You get seated, overlooking the floral fields on the premises, as you take your first bite you hear a click of the door and seconds later a seat being pulled out from beside you.
"It's my favourite place to overlook, I hope you don't mind"
Loki speaks softly, eyebrows tense with nerves as he waits for your approval which makes your heart soar, you wanted to run your fingers along his face and relax the lines of worry that currently overtook it.
"I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't want you here" your laugh gently, making him laugh through his nose quietly as he claims the seat beside you.
It is a rainy and dull evening, you have found yourself in the 360 bubble that hangs off the side of the building, which you decorated into a reading nook.
Sofa pillows and cushions and oversized fluffy blankets covered every inch of it.
You found yourself distracted from your book as you watch droplets of rain smash against the top of the dome and slowly roll down the curve of it in an almost poetic way, as if it were dancing it's way to the bottom.
You were broken from your trance when you heard the curtain at the entrance being pulled open to reveal Loki.
He was stood there with a new book occupying his hand, baggy black sweatpants on, that same for the top, and his hair messy as if he'd just woken from a nap.
"Oh I apologise" he mutters.
You are frozen for a second, butterflies taking over your whole nervous system as you try to hide your physical reaction to how flustered his look has made you feel.
He steps back, about to close the curtain again when you stop him,
"Wait!" You hurried out, he stops and looks as you with such a vulnerable expression, doe eyes and lip quirked to the side a little.
"You can join me, there's more then enough room for the two of us"
You bite your nails from nerves, just hoping that he'll say yes and fill your presence with that beautiful pinewood smell.
On the other hand, Loki was trying not to combust from his overwhelming crush for you as you sit there with such a hopeful look on your face, pending his reply.
He's sure he's cheeks have only grow rosier since the moment he pulled the curtain back and saw how beautiful you looked with your messy bun and oversized jumper that hung off of one shoulder. You looked so comfortable tucked underneath one of the blankets that laid over the small space, all he wanted to do was join you under it and wrap you in his arms until the stars adorn the sky.
"Okay, if you're sure" he smiles.
You move your feet so there is room for him to sit on the opposing end to you, once he is comfortable he pulls the curtain closed sealing the two of you into your own world of peace.
You just stare at eachothers eyes, both glistening with admiration that you're both too oblivious to read.
A smile slowly takes over your face, you see him glance down to your lips, his pupils growing as he smirks, your breathing quickens at the tension, it's thick enough to cut with scissors, you felt like you were suffocating, like you couldn't breath.
Quickly, you blinked, looking up to the rain,
"I like to come in here and watch the rain run down the dome" you whisper as if it's a mere thought that nobody was supposed to hear.
"Me too. Want to see what I do when I come in here?" He asks excitedly, wanting to enhance the experience for you.
You nod, just looking at him.
A light green glow then starts from the top on the dome and circles it's way all the way to the bottom, as the light went down the muffled noise from the compound and cars disappear.
"It's a silencing spell, so nobody can hear in or out." He explains shyly,
"So now you can fully disconnect from the world and have a real break" he smiles, waiting to hear your approval.
"How can i have a real break from the world if your here" you joke with a grin on your face, looking at him.
You see the happy expression drop from his face, "oh" as he looks down to his book, "I didn't realise I was bothering you, I apologise" he mumbled embarrassed as he sits up from his laid back position.
You quickly grab his leg, giggling when he looks at you confused,
"It's a joke Loki" you laugh.
He huffed out of embarrassment and continues leaving.
You quickly grab his hand,
"Hey, I'm just playing you, I thought you were suppose to be the god of mischief" you tease raising a brow with a playful smirk as your thumb caresses the back of his hand.
"That I am darling" he smiles proudly glancing down to your hands, settling back into his seat innocently, not realising what affect that word just had on you, like he just sent tiny balls of nerves pinging throughout your nervous system, your body feeling fuzzy from it.
You just smile at him because he is still looking at you, you lean back, you hand slipping out of his as you do, then you get back to your book.
The two of you spend hours in there, reading and as the day becomes darker you begin talking about anything and everything again, illuminating the space with warm fairy light your strung along the curtain.
The evening becomes night, the night become early morning and before you know it you have dozed off, sunk into a pool of cloudy cushions and fluffy blankets.
Loki watched as your eyes slowly closed, you fought to keep them open for a long time, he found it endearing as you didn't want to end the conversation you were having but your small mortal self finally gave in as he watched with a loving smile.
As Loki watched you sleep for a while, your chest evenly rising and sinking, he realised that after today he wanted to spend every moment he could with you, whether it be reading, eating, walking, even watching that horrendous show that you settle down in the evenings to watch with everyone else, he'd do it. Because one thing he now loves more then pranking his brother in any way possible, is being in your presence, talking to you, listening to you, looking at you, really anything to do with you, he loves it, as, (although he might not want to admit it because it hasn't been long), is that he loves you.
After a while he carried you to bed and called it a night, feeling happy with the way the day had turned out.
Over the next couple weeks you noticed that Loki was joining everyone to watch the evening drama show, always getting there early enough to get the seat beside you, there was one time when you were sat in between Tony and wanda already, you watched him walk in, look at you and the seating arrangement, clench his jaw and turn around to leave which you thought was odd but it made you feel all giddy thinking that he doesn't want to watch it unless he's beside you so you made sure there's a seat free by laying down and then when you see Loki enter, you sit up giving him enough space to sit beside you which he'd always thank you for. Although you have caught Natasha watching you with an eyebrow raised for a couple days in a row now.
Tonight was no different, you had your seat, laid across two spots, nobody else had joined you yet.
"Waiting for Loki are you?"
You heard someone question.
You look over to see Nat entering the room, you cheeks go red and you stutter,
"What- I- im not quite sure what you're on about."
"I'm a spy I can read the simplest of movements, it's obvious when two people are in love with one another" she smirks, taking a seat by your feet.
"In love?! That's absurd" you huffed, avoiding eye contact.
"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love him. You save him a seat and in return he brings you a drink and a small snack...every evening" she said before taking a sip of her drink.
You sigh in defeat, smiling to yourself realising that he does do those things,
"Okay fine....I think, I am falling for him," you blush,
"But there's no way he feels the same for me, he's a god for crying out loud" you argue.
"It's all in the eyes Y/N. Just look out for it" she smiles, sitting back with the remote, turning the channel over to what you need.
As if by magic Loki enters the room, one hand occupied with a drink and the other a bowl of Doritos.
You quick glance at Nat and she smiles watching the two of you before you look back to him.
"Hey lokes" you smile softly as you sit up.
"Lokes? That's a new one" he chuckled nervously as he claims his place beside you, legs touching, even though there's enough room between you and the armrest for him to move over.
"Yeah, I don't know where that came from" you laugh embarrassed.
He looks to you, locking eyes with a blush,
"No, no, I like it" he mumbles just loud enough for you to hear.
You just stare at him with your smile reaching ear to ear, your eyes looking down to his lips as your hand rests on his thigh.
Loki is sure he doesn't have a pulse anymore, your touch on his leg feeling electric and sending it places, it shouldn't be going right now, he watched you stare at his lips, running his tongue along the bottom one which he saw made you bite your lip.
He lent back, placing his arm on the back of the couch, his fingers brushing your shoulder closest to Nat.
"Let's see if they finally figure out what happened to this woman" Tony claps as he strolls into the room, making you both jump back. Loki coughs to clear his throat and you awkwardly side eye Nat who is silently laughing at you.
Weeks go past, tension building between the two of you every time you see each other.
You have found yourself hidden away from the world in your reading nook whenever you had time to kill, which you found was all the time when you wasn't training or on missions, because you seemed to find any excuse to spend more time with one another.
You wake up, excited about your plans today, you're getting training out of the way, then you're going to meet Loki for a walk in the meadow before settling down in the hammock on the roof to read for a while.
You meet Steve for your one on one and distract yourself from your excitement by trying to beat him every round.
Once you were done you run to get showered and ready before waiting on the stone bench in the gardens.
Hours went by and there was no sign of Loki so, defeated, you decide to go and find some people inside to hangout with.
You find Tony, pepper, Sam and vision in the games room playing darts.
"Hey guys"
They all greet you and offer you a drink which you gratefully take,
"You not hanging with mischief today?" Tony asks with a smirk.
"Ummm nope, not today" you shrug rolling on the heels of your feet.
"I'm assuming he hasn't asked you out yet" Sam asks casually before throwing his round of darts.
"Asked me out?? Why would he do that?" You huff, nervous of the conversation that is occurring.
"Maybe because you're both like giddy children around each other" Tony smirks.
"We're just friends" you state, ending the conversation as it is. You grab a set of darts and throw them at the board with frustration, all of them hitting bullseye.
You look at everyone smirking at you as you pick them off the board and moving for visions turn.
You find purchase leaning on the pool table with pepper, she leans sideways into you,
"Just to stop your mind wondering, him and Thor have had to go back to Asgard to deal with something"
You look at her as she leans back upright and you both share a smile.
It's been two months since that day and it's safe to say you are hopelessly in love with Loki. Each morning you wake up, your heart yearning for him more than the day before. You've cried a few times over how much you miss him and want to be with him, all you want is to be wrapped in his arms for hours wordlessly.
You're currently in the mission quarters, leaning over a screen with some others as agent Hill talks you through the mission.
Your all suited up and ready to go as soon as she's done talking.
As soon as his feet touched Midgardian soil he came rush in to find you, wanting to just be near you again, for two months his heart has hurt for you and he knows that all he needs for his heart to heal to you see you, and feel you.
After finding out from Clint that you're preparing for a mission he heads straight for the board rooms.
As he enters the quarters he sees a group of you heading towards the jet as you load out of the board room.
He walks towards the board room where people are exiting when he sees you, his breath getting caught in his throat.
You spot him as soon as you walk out the door, so instead of walking straight ahead with the rest of the group you make a quick diversion to see him.
You smile nervously as you stop almost inches away from him.
"Your back" you smile hard enough that your cheeks start to hurt.
He smiled back at you,
"That I am sweet thing" he mumbles as his hand reaches out and runs from your tricep slowly down to the palm of your hand where you decide to take the bold move and intertwine your fingers and step a bit closer.
You say nothing and just look at eachother for a while,
"As much as it kills me, I have to go on a mission" you say as a whisper.
His brows tense and frown takes over is expression,
"How long are you gone for?"
"A few weeks" you sigh.
He just looks at you, his free hand coming up and cupping your cheek before he slowly leans forward and leaves a lingering kiss on your forehead,
"Go, and be safe out there" he says regretfully.
You look up to him and sigh,
"Message me about the books you read while in gone, I still want to hear about them" you smile before slowly stepping back. His hand falls from your cheek and your arms stretch out until your fingers slip out from his grasp as if it were in slow motion.
"Of course" he replies as he watches you jog away to catch up with the rest of the group.
True to his word he messaged you everyday about a new book he had read. Truthfully, he made sure to read one everyday so he had an excuse to message you although it always took you a few days to reply and even then the messages were short because you barely got a break.
Finally, you make it back to the compound, your eyes practically shut from how tired you are.
It was a gloomy day, the day dark although it is only 1pm, you decide as you are walking out of the mission quarters that the reading nook would be the perfect place to nap right now.
So with your shoulder slouched and your feet dragging on the ground you make your way over there.
After what felt like forever you found the curtain you were searching for, you grab ahold of it and pull it open, revealing Loki laid there with a book in one hand and a whiskey neat in the other.
Wordlessly, you climb into the nook, turning and closing the curtain behind you before turning to look at Loki.
"I've missed you so much lokes" you emotionally huff with a tired smile.
You shuffle on your knees closer to him, he just watched you, not a word had been said yet, as he is still processing what you had just said and the fact that you're actually back.
You place your hand on his blanket covered thigh for balance in your sleepy state as you grab the drink out of his hand, which falls to rest on your leg.
He watches you as you down his drink and place the empty glass beside you, which he uses his magic to make it disappear.
You then lift up the blanket he is under and throw it to the other side of his body, you balance yourself on his chest as you climb over his leg so you're knelt between his legs, making him sit up a little.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" He asks, grabbing ahold of your waist as he sees you wobble to the side.
"Fuck the tension and pretending that nothing is there anymore Loki" you huffed with frustration,
"After a long mission like this all I want to do is come home and lay in your arms. But I can never do that because we keep pretending that we're just friends and not in love with each other and I'm sick of it" you whine as you lean forward so your head is rested on his shoulder.
"Let me just sleep" you sob out of exhaustion.
"Okay, okay" he comforts, placing a hand on the back of your head, his other arm as leverage as he slowly lowers the two of you back to lay down again.
He looks down at you and sees that you're already asleep, which makes his heart soar. He uses his magic to change you into pyjamas before covering you both in the blanket he was using. He kissed your head and goes back to reading his book, which he eventually goes to sleep reading.
You wake up in darkness, the windows are stained with leftover rain as the stars glow in the sky. You shuffle slightly to realise you're engulfed in a big fluffy blanket, laid on the god of mischiefs chest.
You look to see him sleeping peacefully, so gently to lean up and kiss his jaw before snuggling back into the crook of his neck.
"Did you mean what you said?" You heard him whisper.
"What did I say?" You ask, not having any recollection of even talking too him because you were that tired.
"That you love me and you're sick of us pretending we're just friends" he recapped.
"Yes" you kiss his neck,
"I do love you and I don't want to hide it anymore" you proudly say, feeling free after confining your feelings for so long.
You feel his head move away from you so you lean your head back so that you're face to face with him,
"I love you too Y/N. I just never said because I said scared to make things awkward" he smiles.
You don't do anything but surge forward and connect your lips to his in a passionate kiss filled with all your pent up emotions that you've felt from him. Your hand moves to the side of his faces and his too your ass as you deepen the kiss, it becoming even more passionate.
You fully mount him so your legs are locked closely to either side of his hips and you hold onto either side of his face, the kiss turning into a full on make out session.
Quickly, you get interrupted by the curtain being opened and his silence spell being broken.
You pull back and fall to lay on him again when you see Nat and wanda stood there.
"We wondered where you had disappeared too when you diverted from the group after landing." Nat said.
"Safe to say she has her priorities straight" Wanda laughs.
"It's not like that-" you try to explain.
"Hey, I'm just glad you guys have finally admitted the obvious" she smiles as she walks off.
"You guys are cute, I'm happy you've finally spoken about the one thing you've avoided talking about for months" she jokes as she closes the curtain, Loki's spell reactivating.
You laugh as you look to Loki who's never looked so shy and nervous before in his life being caught in this so vulnerable in this scenario.
You hold the side of his face and turn it to you, pecking his lips softly.
He reaches up to told the hand that's on his face,
"Y/N would you finally be mine please"
He practically begs with a hopeful look on his face, his sparkling eyes staring into yours.
"I'd love that lokes" you grin, kissing him softly.
You spend the rest of the night cuddled under the blanket, slowly sipping on wine as Loki reads to you and you catch up and converse about what you've missed when you've both been away.
Word count: 4,073
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thelookofmiggy · 1 year
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“Because I love you”
“I love you too. And I think I have for a really long time”
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introspectivememories · 8 months
i hope i am not just your average dc enjoyer to you but also your favorite timbern poster
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purgaytorysupremacy · 1 month
I just started the series finale of Black Sails and if Thomas Hamilton is the prisoner they’re looking for on that farm I’m going to DIE.
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baylardian-1 · 6 days
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liked the idea of jj going fishing and peppa swimming and catching fish like a freak. chakotay go with him catch and release dw about it
also we watched endgame so admiral and old balding tom paris but i drew it inadequately haha
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sadp3rson · 3 months
A little bit about me!
Im Al 😋
I enjoy reading and writing fanfics, listening to music, and making playlists!☝️🤓
speaking of playlists, here's some that ive made.
Stanley Uris
Richie Tozier
with my fanfics, I mainly post them on Wattpad, so I'll go ahead and link my account so you can go look at some things I've written 🤗
i think that's it?
bye bye!
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jamiewintons · 2 years
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the-unconquered-queen · 9 months
*This does not include LIs whose feelings for MC are necessary for the plot of the book, such as Liam in TRR or the MTFL LIs (because without theirs and MC's feelings for each other there's no story to begin with), just LIs who happen to like MC no matter how you play
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adamsvanrhijn · 3 months
god i wish i knew thomas would canonically have a boyfriend who lives in america before i did the thomas sybil au... would have adjusted the structure...
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alphawave-writes · 5 months
Kill your Darlings Chapter 10: Kill your Darlings | Tom Zane the Filmmaker x Dr Casper Darling
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It's the title drop chapter. The ritual is clear: Darling and Zane must kill their darlings and they will be set free.
...But is killing the only way out? Or can Casper find another way?
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thelookofmiggy · 9 months
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His Look 😍
Her Smile 🥹
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