g0atisgoated · 2 days
Buck: Tommy…did I ever tell you how handsome you are…and how strong…wow and that shirt your wearing really makes your muscles look HUGE and-
Tommy: you only do this when you want something..what do you want.
Buck: what! No I don’t! I can’t just complement my man!!
Tommy: …
Tommy: you want food don’t you.
Buck: I’ve been craving Italian :)
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tevanlounatic911 · 27 days
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Because I needed to see this master piece again :)
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fenrirscarsback · 4 months
Many very good things in this 10th episode of 9-1-1.
But, my god, Tommy’s joke about fathers and his little smirk is going to kill me 🤣
I spit my water on my computer and I cackled so hard that my neighbors must heard me.
Lou Ferrigno Jr, THE MAN THAT YOU ARE.
See you in season 8?
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g0atisgoated · 10 days
Maddie: i thought you hated basketball
Buck: I do..
Maddie: okay..then why are we here. I would rather be at home watching the Bachelor. 
Buck, not taking his eyes off the court: important business
Maddie: like what..? *looks over at what bucks looking at* oh brother…
*its Tommy shirtless playing basketball with Eddie and some other guys and he looks over at Buck and winks and blows an air kiss his way*
Buck: .*holds his hand to his heart* my boyfriend is so hot…
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g0atisgoated · 1 month
I feel honestly feel so bad for Lou.
Like the disrespect he gets it’s so sad. He’s just trying to do his job like everyone else. He seems like sweetest man EVER! He’s funny, kind,a pretty good actor and has the most charming personality,smile, basically everything abt him is so charming. I don’t understand the hate all im getting from it is that he’s not Ryan. Some ppl need to grow up.
I hope him and Oliver turn out to be good friends
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g0atisgoated · 9 days
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He’s so happy to see his mans 🥹
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g0atisgoated · 2 months
*sometime in the night*
Buck,who can’t sleep: babe…babe…baby!!
Tommy,who trying to sleep: hmm..?
Buck: are you awake?
Tommy,half asleep: I am now.
Buck: oh..ok. I-I was just gonna say that when we were sleeping you turned the other way and pushed me off of you and I was just wondering if you still love me…..
Tommy:yes I do now shh go back to sleep
*Buck pouts*
*Tommy opens his eyes a little*
*tommy sighs and opens his arms*
*buck happily snuggles into Tommy’s arms and kisses his cheek*
Buck: night babe!!!
*tommy kisses bucks head*
Tommy: night baby
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g0atisgoated · 6 days
Buck definitely acts like he can’t do something when damn well he know he can so Tommy can help him. And Buck just wants that princess treatment
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g0atisgoated · 1 month
*Buck walks in the station looking tired*
Ravi: hey buck…you alright bud?
*everyone looks at Buck*
Buck,being dramatic: me and Tommy aren’t boyfriends anymore.
Everyone; shocked
Buck: yep..yep I know…
Eddie; man I’m sorry Buck.
Bobby: if you want to talk about it we can go to my office
Hen: we’re here for you Buc-
Everyone: ….
Chimney: really.congrats .but really
Eddie: why did you look so bummed about it??
Buck: not bummed just sore and tired.
Eddie: sore and tired.? Oh. OH GROSS. Keep stuff to yourself man!
Hen: Engaged.? When.???
Buck:yesterday! He flew me to the most romantic spot and popped the question and obviously I said yes!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh….i love my man.
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g0atisgoated · 24 days
Buck cooking Tommy dinner.
Tommy comes down stairs in a black button up shirt
Buck looks up at Tommy and smiles: ooh~ what’s all this for?
Tommy goes behind Buck wrapping his hands around Buck’s waist: I decided to dress up for you
Buck: you look handsome babe *leans head back and kisses Tommy’s cheek*
Tommy; here let me help you I’ll cut the vegetables
Buck: Tommy no you don’t have to..you had a lon- *gets cut off by tommy*
*Tommy is doing that hot thing guys do when they roll up there selves showing their muscular arms*
Tommy: sorry baby did you say something I wasn’t listening
Buck:… I-
Tommy: Evan? Are you ok?
Buck: 🧍‍♂️🧎
Buck: your eating something else tonight
Tommy: ???
Buck: me
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g0atisgoated · 11 days
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Buck has this as his background
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g0atisgoated · 2 months
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g0atisgoated · 6 days
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These are my all time favorite Lou and Oliver Pics.
They looks 🥰
The smiles 😁
The pictures overall 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Ok I MIGHT get flamed for this but they would make good boyfriends 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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g0atisgoated · 14 days
What I need in s8 is for a Tommy slow mo hot scene
Like him coming out of his helicopter in a very sexy way.
Or him coming out of a pool shirtless his hair all messed up and water droplets on his chest.
So Tim…if your having trouble writing…I think we all would appreciate that very much so would buck…
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g0atisgoated · 1 month
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(Bad screenshot)
I recognize that shirt 😏😏😏
Baby steps yall..baby steps…
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g0atisgoated · 18 days
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This is the face of someone who has a bf ☺️
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