#this was so short arh
cute-sucker · 3 months
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rafe would never like to admit how needy he was emotionally.
the way he would cower into your touch, holding your hand with that urgency that you thought wasn't needed. there was something about him, mouth agape, slobbering all over your dress while his chest falls. he swears it never happened the next day, but the photos of him rosy cheeked, spooning on your chest never fail to disappoint.
he can't take his eyes off you during anything, like a small puppy following you wherever you go. he hates it too, how much he needs you there. whenever you're not around him - he's obsessing over you. it doesn't matter the, where, when, how, just know you're on his mind 100% of the time.
theres just this need in him that he can't control, the way his eyes go darker when he notices you aren't paying attention to you. he flicks a hand at your pouting lips, demanding for your attention with sullen eyes, 'hey, whatcha doing?' he mutters, but you know it's not a question - it's a warning.
it's the worst whenever he needs validation.
he'll hate to admit how much he crumbles in your arms. he's hyperventalting, whispering validation to himself in that gruff voice, telling himself to suck it up, before he sees you.
there's something about him teary eyed, sucking in air, asking, no, begging for you to tell him that he is the man. you can't help but bite your lip at how pathetic, how pathetically adorable he looks in your lap.
what if he can't tell anyone that, that's how he feels? he runs calloused hands up in his hair, taking shallow breaths while waiting, waiting for you to come and rest your head into that hallow of his collarbone.
so that he can be rafe, and that would be enough.
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starsinthenigth · 5 months
I heard you like stars.
Any opinions on the star closest to earth: the Sun?
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⭐| WELLLL- For starters, It is common knowledge that the sun is like- important, even crucial for our planets existence since it the main source of light and heat for our planet !!
⭐| The fact that just the SURFACE reaches up to 5.600 ° celcious, which is almost as hot as the core of the earth is both cool..and a bit frightening at the same time, I'm not going to lie.. AND THAT'S JUST THE SURFACE- (the core of the earth can reach up to 6.000° celcious btw !!)
⭐| It's center however.. urh- it can go up to- or is, 15.000.000 ° celcious. That's - wowahwoahwa. Cool and horryifing.
And like I said, while it is crucial for the earth's and the other planets to have a smooth existence- ( I don't know a better term. =[ ) ,the thought of such a hot and superheated astral body suddenly going supernova is.. erh. Even if it's 10 million or, more correctly, 5 billion years from now, it is still a worrysome concept to think about. Plus, I've heard somewhere that If the sun exploded- we wouldn't really notice it until 8 minutes so.. arh. (⁠⊙⁠_⁠◎⁠).
★So. In shorts: The sun is both important, fascinating and extremely terrifying and deadly- well, obviously it's deadly. It's a supergiant body of mass, gas and fire and..It's nothing compared to another star called UY Scuti or TON 618-★
★erm. I like yeah I like the sun and stars in general.★
★..m'kay bye- !!★
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darkhorse-javert · 11 months
Flufftober Day 28 Soothing Touch
Old Wounds
March 1920
He's sat at the desk in the corner of their sitting room, writing some notes. Oh, he should not bring work home, he knows, but sometimes thoughts are like fish, they come when they choose, you have to be ready, and catch them when they do. He shifts a little, or tries too. His left shoulder refuses to move, and there's a scream of resitance down his side.
The light tap of feet. He can just about turn his head to see Andrew scampering in from the dining room towards his side, clutching the wooden, wheeled train which is his newest favourite toy.
"Dadda, Play." The boy babbles his current eqivilent of the words, smiling brightly.
"Not right now, Andrew." He manages, somehow, to keep his voice calm and even, keeping the tight pain from it, "You go and play train with Teddy instead. Where's Teddy?"
"Tedy!" Andrew scampers off again, back towards the kitchen, so Teddy is probably somewhere underneath the kitchen table, in his 'Home'.
A tiny part of his mind, not subsumed by the wave of echoing pain in his side and shoulder, hopes that Rose's toes don't suffer from the wheels he's just sent in her direction.
He thinks about probing it with his other hand, then abandons the idea and just tries not to move too much too quickly. Keep your eyes open, Christopher. Keep part of yourself out of it and here instead.
"Kit?" Her feet as soft as her voice, Rose is striding up the room, a light wrinkle of concern on her face.
He tries to speak, his shoulder twangs again and he can only gasp against the pain.
"Shoulder?" Rose says near his ear, one of her hands settling gently on each of his shoulders.
"And Side" He says on a short breath.
Her left hand slips down, carefully probing and pressing around his shoulderblade, onto the slight ridges at his side, the set muscles around them
"Don't fight Kit, don't go stiffer on me, I know it hurts- I know - I know." Rose speaks soft and low, a long flow of soothing words.
He does his best, to not flinch away, to not freeze up further, as her fingers work into the muscles and scar-tissue, but;
Hurts too much, too sharply to scream, he gasps instead, gaping. Ahhh
"Steady... Steady Kit, it's alright. eeeassy" She's gently gripping the top of his arm, pushing, moving it about, then working back to the most solid part of the lock. Something gives, a little, then a little more up at his shoulder, right in the point
"Now just put your arm out and try and move it round."
He does so, waiting for the protests, the impssibilty, but it moves. Still hurts a fair bit, but it moves. He tries his neck, and that turns aas it should.
Rose's hands are settled onto his shoulders, cradling over them for a moment longer "Better?"
"mmhm, thank you."
"Keep it moving for now, don't let it set again." There's a brisk 'nurse' efficiency there, and he can hear not the VAD she was, but the Matron and Sisters she served under when they met. He smiles
They rubbed off on you, Rose, even if you don't realise it.
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campto · 1 year
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The Things You Do To Survive by ~ tdep
A classic barnyard transformation story by the legendary tdep. Although unfinished, it's a "threefer" of some of my favorite transformations, so I couldn't resist illustrating it.
Any of you who haven't experienced the tales of tdep, prepare for one wild ride.
By the year 2100, human society had made many technological advances. They’d cured cancer, solved the world energy crisis, and made contact with alien races. While it had been a wonderful moment when mankind made contact with the Ronsk Confederacy, a peaceful interplanetary empire, horrible things had happened when mankind made contact with the Arhing. The Arhing were at war with the Ronsk, and upon finding out that earth had been trading with them, declared war upon the planet. The Arhing quickly took a liking to human women, and began to capture them and keep them as slaves. These women almost always used as sex slaves. Some of them were also given genetic manipulation to give them additional body parts, everything from additional breasts and vaginas to more arms and legs.
The Arhing quickly headed towards earth once the war began. Stories of what happened to women when they were captured by the Arhing quickly reached earth, and world leaders quickly met to find away to protect all women. After much debate, the leaders finally approved a plan to save all human women. Through genetic manipulation, every woman in the world would be turned into a farm animal. The hope was that the Arhing would only occupy Earth for a short time and, upon finding no women, would quickly abandon the planet. Women all over the world protested the proposed plan. However, world governments assured their populations that the process was safe and completely reversible. They were promised that they’d retain their minds and be able to communicate still. Soon, the protests died down as women all over the world realized that it’d probably be better to live for a short time as farm animals than spend the rest of their lives as sex slaves.
The company that won the contract to produce the genetic manipulation treatment had been banking on winning the contract and had already produced vast sums of the treatment. Military leaders estimated that it would be 3 months until the Arhing made it to earth. It took a month for enough of the treatment to be produced to begin mass distribution to the female population. According to the producers of the treatment, the physical changes would take anywhere from a couple of days to two weeks. While the treatment was being produced, governments set up large holding areas for the transformed women in various parts of every country. Distribution centers were also hastily set up in as many towns and cities as was possible. During all t his, governments also quickly adjusted existing laws to accommodate the soon to be changing women of the world. Public female nudity was no longer illegal. Nor was public fornication, as women might go into heat suddenly after treatment. Also going to the bathroom in public was no longer illegal either. Many women did not understand before their treatment why these laws were passed. After a month, distribution of the genetic treatment began. Women would have no say in what they would be turned in to, whether it would be into a pig or a sheep or another farm animal. Instead, what they were transformed into was determined by a lottery.
Beth Johnson slowly walked down the street to the distribution center. She wandered over to the crowd around the large building and got in line. The center had been open for a week, and every day since then Beth, along with every other woman within 20 miles of the city, had been trying to get her treatment administered. She was an attractive 5’7, 127 lb, 22 year old brunette, and she was very sad that she’d soon be looking completely different. Today she’d gotten in line early, and by noon she was inside the building. Soon, she was led into a large room and was seated at a desk. A staff member soon came and handed her a few pieces of paper work to fill out and then gave Beth a lottery number. She found herself in line for treatment soon after completing the work. As she stood in line, Beth wondered what she’d be turned into. Secretly, she was hoping that she’d be turned into a horse. They were so pretty and wonderful. When it was her turn to receive genetic treatment, Beth handed the staff worker her lottery number. The worker entered her number into a computer and then pulled out a shot labeled Sus scrofa domestica. Beth was given a shot in each arm and each thigh and then released.
Beth was walking back to her house when she ran into her friends Cindy and Mindy. The two girls had been cheerleaders back in high school, but hadn’t done well in college. As Beth got closer to the girls, she noticed that both girls had their blouses opened, leaving their breasts exposed. As Beth reached where they were, she saw that both girls’ breasts were much larger than normal, appearing to be F cups, and their nipples pushed out 7 inches and looked more like teats than nipples. Mindy’s boyfriend was standing next to her with his mouth around one of her nipples.
“Hey guys, how’s it going?” Beth greeted them.
“About as good as can be Beth. You get your treatment finally?” Cindy asked
“Yeah,” Beth replied.
“So, what are you going to be?” Mindy asked, giggling as her boyfriend stimulated her.
“I don’t know. The shot said sus scrofa domestica on it. Whatever that means,” Beth answered.
“Weird. Hope it isn’t anything too exotic. I think Mindy and I got cheerleader appropriate results,” Cindy said, turning around to reveal a long tail with blonde hair at the end of it, “we’re both turning into milk cows.”
At this point, Beth noticed that Mindy had large cow ears sticking out of her hair. Knowing what the girls were turning into also explained the large breasts and enlarged nipples, as well as why Mindy’s boyfriend was sucking on her breasts. There were 4 nipples on Cindy’s exposed belly, and Mindy had a handful of grass.
The three girls chatted for the next few minutes. Beth found out that Mindy had gotten her shots two days ago and Cindy had gotten hers yesterday. Cindy offered to let Beth try out the milk that she was producing, and Beth figured she’d try some since it was cow’s milk being produced. As Beth was taking her mouth off of Cindy’s nipple, the two girls heard a loud wet farting sound, followed by the sound of someone peeing. They looked over to Mindy, and found her with a look of shock and horror on her face.
“Oh my gosh! I just went to the bathroom in my pants!” Mindy screamed as she stood and began to cry.
“Eeewww! I can’t believe you just did that,” Cindy said, chuckling.
“I….I didn’t mean to. It just happened,” Mindy moaned.
“Yeah right, just admit that you…” Cindy began but stopped suddenly as more loud fart sounds were heard, “Oh no! I did it too! I just pooped in my pants!”
Both Cindy and Mindy began to cry as they slowly walked back across the street to Mindy’s house. Beth thought that it was weird that the two girls soiled themselves, but she figured that she now understood why going to the bathroom in public was no longer illegal. Beth decided to head back home and see what was up with her family.
Beth had two younger sisters. Ann was 21 years old and Nina was 19. The three of them lived at home with their father, who’d raised them by himself most of their lives, as their mother had died when they were young. As she walked back to her house, Beth wondered how her sisters’ transformations were coming along. They’d gotten theirs the day before, and Beth’d woken up before they had this morning to get her transformation. When Beth returned home, she found her sisters sitting in the TV room watching a movie. Nina now looked as if she was 9 months pregnant, as she had a large belly and swollen hips. Sitting next to her was Ann, who didn’t have a shirt on, revealing large breasts that looked just like Cindy’s and Mindy’s had.
“Hey guys, how’s it going?” Beth asked as she walked in and sat in an empty chair.
“Eh, could be better,” responded Ann as she cupped her breasts, “My boobs are huge, my nipples look like teats, and I’m heavily lactating.”
“Well, at least you don’t look pregnant,” Nina complained, “As far as I can tell the only thing that’s happened to me is that I’ve gotten fat.”
“What do you think you two are turning into?” Beth said.
“I’m definitely becoming a cow. I’ve been eating grass all day and I’ve found white and black hairs in my hair. Plus I’ve got these huge thighs,” Ann said as she squeezed her nipples, causing milk to squirt out of them.
“I have no clue what I’m turning into sis,” Nina responded.
“I ran into Cindy and Mindy on the way home,” Beth said.
“The cheerleaders from school?” asked ann.
“Yeah, they’re turning into cows too. In fact, they both pooped in their pants within seconds of each other when I saw them. It was pretty funny,” Beth responded.
“That’s gross,” Nina replied, “I saw Jessica Jones earlier today walking by. She looked pretty funny. Had a butt the size of a full grown horse and a tail. There was no way she was going to be able to fit pants or panties over that thing anymore.”
“So, what are you going to become Beth?” Ann asked.
“I don’t know. The shot didn’t give me any indication, and I kind of want to be surprised. I guess I’ll find out in the morning,” Beth replied.
Last edited by typedwords on Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Things You Do To Survive by tdep (WG, animal, slob,
Postby typedwords » Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:40 am
The Things You Do To Survive 2 by ~tdep
The next morning when Beth woke up, she knew that her body had begun to undergo changes. As she lay in bed, allowing the fog of sleep to clear, she noticed that she was lying on top of some body part that felt new. Her ears also felt more exposed to her. Rolling out of bed, she stood, stretched, and then walked into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, Beth gasped. Poking out of her hair on the upper sides of her head were two large ears that had the tops of them flopping forward. The feeling of a new body part was coming from near Beth’s butt, so she then turned around to see what was there. She gasped as she saw a small curly tail coming out of her back just above her butt. Upon seeing the tail, Beth realized that she was turning into a pig. As Beth looked herself over, she realized that she was starving, so she headed downstairs, still wearing the pink panties and green t-shirt she’d went to bed in.
Walking into the kitchen, Beth found Ann leaning over the sink. A long skinny tail with medium length black hair at the end of it hung down from her back. Ann’s head hair was now black instead of brown. Hearing someone enter the room, Ann turned around. Her large exposed breasts jiggled freely as she turned. Milk was dripping from one of her nipples, and Beth saw that there were four nipples on Ann’s stomach. There was a glass full of milk in one of Ann’s hands.
“Well, how much have you changed so far sis?” Ann asked her sister cheerfully.
“I’ve grown these nice large ears,” Beth said as she pointed to the top of her head and then turned around, “and here is my new tail.”
“A pig! You’re going to be a pig!” Ann said excitedly.
“Ha ha! Real funny. Yes, it’s going to be so wonderful to spend an unknown amount of time as a pig. Not!” Beth responded.
“What? I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, sis,” Ann sadly responded.
“Don’t worry about it. So, I see you’ve grown a tail yourself and gone and dyed your hair too. And what’s with the cup…” Beth asked.
“Oh my gosh, Beth! You wouldn’t believe how big my breasts were when I woke up this morning. They were so full! I swear they were the size of watermelons. Somehow I was able to get downstairs, and I’ve been milking myself for the last half hour,” Ann explains, pointing to the 2 gallon jugs filled completely with milk, “I’ve gotten them to shrink back down to about where they were when you came home yesterday. I figured you guys and day would want some of the milk too. Oh, and it feels so good, being milked. It’s almost like masturbating.”
“Wow, you must be enjoying that Ann,” Beth chuckled.
“You have no idea,” responded Ann, “where’s Nina by the way?”
Beth was about to answer Ann when the girls heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. A few seconds later, Nina waddled into the kitchen. When they saw their sister, Ann and Beth gasped. Nina was huge. From her shoulders to her knees, Nina looked like a cross between a fat woman and a pregnant woman. Her breasts, belly, butt, and thighs were the size of a very fat person’s, but they had the perkiness and curves of a pregnant woman. Her lower legs looked just like Beth and Ann’s though, and her face showed no signs of weight gain. She was wearing a bra that did little more than cover her nipples and panties that looked more like a small thong now.
“Of all the farm animals to turn into, I get to be the fat lady,” Nina moaned as she sat down at the table.
“Any indication as to what you’re becoming sis?” Beth asked Nina.
“Other than the facts that I weigh 270 lbs and look like an oversized pregnant woman? No,” Nina responded, “I can’t believe I’m fat!”
“Well, speaking as one who’s about to become very very fat, I don’t feel sorry for you,” Beth said half jokingly half serious.
“What do you mean…” Nina began, stopping as she noticed her sister’s tail, “oh no, you’re becoming a pig. I’m sorry Beth.”
“Well, it’s not your fault. Pass me some food, I’m starving,” Beth responded.
Beth spent the next 2 hours doing nothing but eating. Her brain told her she was hungry, so she ate. She didn’t bother to question this thought, not realizing that it was the new pig side of her controlling her actions. As she ate, Beth failed to notice her newly developing belly. Ann and Nina tried to get Beth to stop, but she completely ignored them.
Sarah Humphries, Nina’s friend from high school, stopped by the house around lunch time. She’d just gotten her shots that morning, and showed no signs of what she was going to become. Ann, Nina, and Sarah decided to eat lunch out on the patio, and soon Beth joined them. The girls decided to call their boyfriends over to hang out, and soon the guys were over. After awhile, Sarah found herself staring at the grass in the back yard. She didn’t know why, but she wanted to eat the grass.
“Hey, do you guys mind if I eat some of your grass?” Sarah asked.
“No, why would we mind if you….you want to eat our grass?” Nina responded, confused with what her friend just asked.
“Yeah….I want some grass,” Sarah mumbled as she stood up and walked into the yard.
Everyone watched in shock and surprise as Sarah got down onto her hands and knees, leaned her head down to the ground, and took a mouthful of grass. Everyone else just stared in shock for a minute, watching Sarah. Then, Ann got up from sitting in her boyfriend’s lap and walked down into the yard too.
“You know, I’m kind of craving this grass myself,” Ann said as she got down on her hands and knees as well.
Ann and Sarah’s boyfriends were in shock and confused as they watched their girlfriends graze. After watching the two girls for a few minutes, everyone realized that Ann and Sarah weren’t stopping anytime soon, and everyone got back to chatting with each other. After about an hour, Sarah had clearly begun to transform into something. She’d gained a lot of weight, with most of it going into her belly and butt. Her shorts were looking very tight over her butt now, and this caused Sarah to stop for a minute. She stood up, took off her shorts and panties, got back down on all fours, and went back to grazing. Seeing Sarah half naked really got the boyfriends excited. A few minutes later, Beth heard the sound of water hitting the ground. Turning around, Beth found Sarah on her hands and knees chewing some grass. After a second, Beth realized that the sound she was hearing was actually Sarah peeing. The loud gasp that came out of Beth’s mouth alerted everyone to what was happening, and they all turned and looked at Sarah. A second after that, Sarah began to poop. Sarah showed nothing on her face to indicate that she cared that she was going to the bathroom right where she was. A few seconds after finishing going to the bathroom, Sarah crawled away from the spot and began grazing again. As Beth watched Sarah go to the bathroom, she found strange thoughts creeping into her head. For a second, she found herself wanting to smell Sarah’s poop.
Ann soon stopped grazing. She acted as if what she’d been doing was normal and didn’t seem to care that she’d put on some weight in her belly and butt at all. Everyone continued to watch Sarah though. Over the next half hour, she grew a long tail that quickly was covered in long brown hair, like a horse’s. After growing the tail, she continued to graze, going to the bathroom in front of everyone a couple more times. By the time Sarah left, she weighed about 250 lbs, had a fully formed horses’ tail and butt, hoofed feet, and a mane.
The girls hung out with their boyfriends for a little while after Sarah and her boyfriend left the house. All of them were very sad that they’d soon be separated from their loves, but they knew that this was how it had to be.
“Man, can you believe how much Sarah changed in such a short amount of time?” Nina asked as the three sisters watched TV.
“Yeah, that was crazy. She’s further along in her transformation than any of us,” Ann replied.
“Well, you’re not exactly that far behind her Ann,” Beth said.
“What do you mean?” an annoyed Ann responded.
“well, you’ve got a tail, giant breasts that need to be milked, cow ears, and you’re eating grass too,” Beth said, “that’s not that far from what’s happened to Sarah.”
“Yeah, well my changes have happened over 3 days, not one, so ha!” Ann said bitterly, “besides, I don’t really want to do this anyways. Of course I don’t want to become a giant sex toy either.”
“Don’t you just love when you have choices?” Nina said, “Option one, become an alien sex toy. Option two, become a farm animal for an indefinite amount of time. Hurray for us!”
“Well, maybe it’ll be fun,” Beth added, “maybe tomorrow will be better.”
The Things You Do To Survive 3 by ~tdep
The next morning, Beth woke up to find her stomach grumbling angrily. Lying in her bed for a minute, Beth tried to guess what new changes her body had gone through over the night. Her panties and t-shirt felt tighter, which signaled to Beth that she’d put on some weight overnight. Listening to her breathing, she found it sounding more nasal through her nose. She swished her tail from side to side a few times, smiling as it brushed against the sheet she was under. For some reason she enjoyed having a tail. It was cute she thought, not big and cumbersome like Ann’s. After a few minutes of lying there, Beth threw off her sheet and got out of bed. She wandered over to her mirror as soon as she was up. Brushing her brown hair out of her face, Beth squealed. Her nose was that of a pigs, which had caused her to shriek. The fact that she had a pig’s nose instead of a human’s made her squeal. This scared her as much as her nose did. Looking the rest of her body over, Beth found that the only other thing that’d happened to her was that she’d put on a significant amount of weight. Overnight, she’d gone from slightly skinny to borderline chubby. Her curves were softer and much more noticeable, and she had a midsized belly now. She found her stomach grumbling again, so Beth decided to walk downstairs and eat breakfast.
When Beth wandered into the kitchen, she found Ann and Nina in there already. Ann was standing by the table eating a bowl of cereal, and Nina was sitting at the table. “Well, look who finally woke up,” Nina greeted her sister.
“What’s with all the containers filled with milk Ann?” Beth asked as she saw the counter filled with full milk jugs.
“Well, I grew some more,” Ann said as she stepped away from the table.
Beth gasped as she saw her sister. Ann’s black hair had a couple of white splotches in it now. Her breasts were larger than they’d been yesterday. Looking down below her sister’s breasts, she saw that Ann’d grown a belly that was larger than her’s. Beneath that, Ann’s hips flared out quite a bit, causing her legs to be further apart than normal. Beth saw what’d produced all the milk too. A large, fully formed four teated cow’s udder hung down below Ann’s belly between her legs. Beth was about to say something when she realized that Ann was pooping right where she stood, completely unaware of what she was doing, just like Sarah yesterday.
“Ann!” Nina exclaimed, “You’ve done it again!”
“I what?” Ann asked, sounding confused, “oh no! I’ve pooped again haven’t I?”
“Yeah,” Nina responded.
“You’ve got an udder? How’s it feel Ann?” Beth asked as she walked over to the counter to get some food.
“Pretty weird actually. It keeps slapping against my legs when I walk,” Ann answered, “I didn’t know that I had it till I woke up this morning and found it completely full.”
“She could barely walk,” Nina added, “dad had to milk her udders and her breasts. She’s completely lost control of her bowels too.”
“No I haven’t,” Ann snapped.
“You’ve gone to the bathroom twice in the kitchen this morning already, so I think you have,” Nina retorted.
“So, what’s new with your body Nina?” Beth asked, changing the subject.
“well, I’m a few pounds heavier this morning, but the only major change is that my vagina is now facing downwards and is larger than normal,” Nina responded.
“Wow, that’s weird,” Beth said.
“Yeah, but it feels really good when I sit down,” Nina said as she smiled.
“Well, I have a new nose and have gotten fat myself,” Beth said, “now I’m really hungry. Where’s the food.”
For the next couple of hours, Beth did nothing but eat. She couldn’t help herself. She didn’t know why she wanted to eat so much, but it felt right. It didn’t matter to her that she’d gotten full awhile ago. She just wanted to eat. Another thing she wanted to do was to go and investigate the pile of poop that Ann’d made on the floor. This bothered Beth. She didn’t know why she wanted to do this, but she was finding it hard to resist the urge.
After Beth finished stuffing herself, she joined her sisters in front of the TV. There wasn’t really anything for women to do right now. All they were supposed to do was sit and wait for their transformations to happen. Beth found it strange that both Ann and Nina were naked. Neither girl seemed to mind or care at all. Beth found herself thinking a lot about her boyfriend while she watched TV. She was sad that she’d be unable to be with him for a long time. While she was thinking, she came up with an idea that’d give her and her sisters something to do.
“Hey, I just thought of something fun that we could do while we’re still human,” Beth said.
“What is it?” asked Ann.
“We’re still human?” Nina asked jokingly.
“Well, I was thinking, I’m going to miss my boyfriend a lot. And I’m sure that you two are going to miss your guys too. So, why don’t we take a bunch of pin-up style photos of ourselves for them?” Beth said.
“That…that could be fun,” said Nina.
“Yeah, let’s do that,” Ann said.
Each of the girls was beginning to find the thought of sex popping into their head more and more that morning. None of them knew why. Nina grabbed a camera, while Beth and Ann set up the room for the photos. First up to have her picture taken was Nina. She struck as many sexy poses as her large body would allow. She had two favorite photos, both of which were of her on her hands and knees. The first one was a forward shot of her, with her large breasts squished between her flabby arms, giving her huge cleavage. The second one was a rear shot of her. Her extra large perfectly shaped butt was high in the air and her vagina, in its new position, was fully exposed to the camera. Next up was Ann. She was able to do more poses than her rotund younger sister was. As her picture was taken, Nina and Beth discovered that Ann’s vagina had moved and was now located right below her anus and pointing the same direction as it. Ann’s favorite pose was when she was leaning forward, legs spread out, with her hands on her hips, letting her huge breasts dangle freely. Beth was the last one of them to go. She still had some clothes on, so she did a striptease. After that, she took photos in many of the same poses that her sisters had done, and some that their new bodies hadn’t allowed them to. Beth’s favorite photo of herself was one where she was lying on her back, propping herself up on her elbows with her legs spread wide, with her privates being fully exposed. The girls also took some group photos of them doing various poses. There was one where their breasts were all lined up with fully erect nipples. Another one was a rear shot where they leaned forward and looked over their shoulders, trying to expose themselves as much as possible.
“That’s weird,” Beth said after they’d finished shooting.
“What’s weird?” asked Nina.
“I’m wet,” Beth answered.
“You’re wet?” Ann asked as she looked over and saw her naked sister’s vagina, “oh, I know what you mean now.”
“Heh heh…I hate to say it, but I feel wet too,” Nina giggled.
“Come to think of it, I’m feeling like I really really need to have sex right now,” Ann said, rubbing her breasts near her large nipples.
“Let’s get the boys over here,” Beth said, sounding sexy.
“I…I think I know why we’re feeling the way we feel right now,” Nina said to Ann while Beth called her boyfriend.
“What do you think’s causing this?” Ann asked.
“I think we’re in heat,” Nina replied.
“We’re in what?” Ann responded with a look of confusion on her face.
“Well, we’re turning into animals, right? And female animals go into heat from time to time, right?” Nina said, “We’re turning into animals ourselves, and I’ve never felt so horny in my life, so I have no better explanation.”
When Beth got off the phone, she walked over to the couch and sat down. A few seconds after that, she stuck her fingers into her vagina and began to play with herself. Ann began to do the same soon after that. Nina desperately wanted to masturbate too, but she was fat enough that it was impossible for her to reach her vagina to do so. Soon, the girls’ boyfriends arrived at the house. As soon as they were through the door, the girls ran up to their boyfriends and began to try and get to their manhood. The girls quickly got them naked and then exerted their will upon the guys. The girls didn’t care that they were having sex in front of each other and out in the open. All they cared about was having sex immediately. In one corner of the room, Ann and her boyfriend began to have sex animal style, as her vagina’s new location and her udder kept her from being in any other position. Nina’s boyfriend was lying on the floor. Nina was sitting on top of his penis as it was the easiest way for them to have sex at Nina’s size. Beth and her boyfriend had sex on the kitchen table, as Beth was still mostly human. Each girl soon found herself having an orgasm.
After a few minutes, Ann got up and wandered out into the back yard and began to graze again. Then Nina got up and headed to the kitchen and began to eat lots of grainy food. Beth, however, didn’t get up for a while. Instead, she lied on the table as her orgasm lasted for a very long time. Eventually, she got up and began eating lots of food, just like her sisters.
While Ann grazed, she periodically went to the bathroom right where she was. Ann never seemed to notice that she was doing this, and didn’t stop grazing for four hours straight. As she grazed, her feet began to fuse together and form hooves. Inside the house, Nina began to visibly put on more weight as she ate. Her face and neck, as well as her arms, grew visibly fat over the evening. After eating non stop for about an hour, Beth decided to go for a walk with her boyfriend.
When Beth came to Cindy’s house, she found what looked like to be two cows grazing in the front yard. There were two guys standing near them. As Beth approached them, the cows turned towards her. Both cows had large human looking breasts hanging between their forelegs and human looking hair on their heads. One of them still had the face of a human woman.
“Cindy? Mindy? Is that you guys?” Beth asked as she approached the cows.
“Oh. Hi Beth,” the cow with the human head responded while the other one mooed, “don’t mind Cindy. She can still talk, but all her vowels sound like ‘ooooo’s.”
“Wow, you two are almost done, aren’t you?” Beth asked as she looked at her friends’ large bodies.
“Yeah, we are. Cindy’s done, or at least thinks she is. I guess we’re going to be carrying some reminders of our former lives with us,” Mindy said as she began to poop, “I’m almost done I think. I can feel my facial bones beginning to get sore now.”
“Wow, you guys changed really fast,” Beth said.
“Yeah, we did. It’s been a wild ride. I’ve been acting really strange lately too. I’ve been getting these animalistic urges to do weird things,” Mindy said, looking at Beth’s wet crotch, “I can see that you’ve been riding your bull today. Cindy and I were in heat yesterday. I can’t remember how many times we did it.”
“Yeah, I’m kind of going through that myself right now. You wouldn’t believe the orgasm’s I’ve had today,” Beth said, “Well, I’ll be seeing you. I’m sure you’ll seem my sister soon.”
As Beth and her boyfriend walked around the neighborhood more, they saw many women in the midst of their transformations. They passed one house where five girls were lying on the front lawn, all of them almost completely transformed into pigs. There were many cow girls too and also sheep girls, horse girls, donkey girls, and chicken girls. When Beth passed Sarah’s house, she saw a horse in the yard with two very large breasts hanging between her forelegs. When Beth called out to her, the Sarah neighed back to her. A few houses down from Sarah’s place, Beth stopped walking. She looked down at her crotch and realized that she was dripping wet. She moaned, pushed her boyfriend to the ground, pulled his pants off, and began to hump him. After they returned from their walk, Beth’s boyfriend fed her food for a couple of hours. When Beth finally went to sleep, her body was feeling very weird.
The Things You Do to Survive 4 by ~tdep
The next morning, Beth was woken by screams coming from Nina’s room. Rolling out of bed, Beth wandered out into the hall, towards her youngest sister’s room. When she got into the room, she found Nina standing on her bed, with Ann and their father looking at her. Nina had changed quite a bit overnight. She was very fat now, weighing at least 400 lbs. Her arms were very fat now. At the elbow, her arm bent backwards instead of forwards, and Nina appeared to no longer have any hands. Her breasts were very large and rested on top of her huge belly. Despite her weight, her belly looked like that of a pregnant woman’s. Her hips were inhumanly wide now, and were almost as wide as she was tall. However, this was not completely because she was fat. They were so wide because there was a foot of space between her legs now. Hanging three quarters of the way down her thighs between her legs was a large fleshy area that merged in the front with her large belly. As Beth saw behind her sister, she saw that her backbone pushed out behind her in a weird way. It forced Nina’s butt cheeks apart and ended in a tail like protrusion. Beth also noticed that Nina’s legs were bending the wrong way now. As she looked at her screaming sister, Beth thought that Nina looked like a giant featherless bird. This thought was confirmed as she spotted the giant egg lying on the bed between Nina’s legs.
“I laid an egg! I laid an egg the size of my head! How the heck can I lay an egg the size of my head?” Nina was screaming frantically, “I just pooped out of my vagina too! How come I did that? Do I not have an anus anymore? What’s happening to me?”
“Nina, calm down,” Ann said to her crying sister.
“Yeah, Nina. Just calm down. Everything is…snort… going to be ok,” Beth said.
“No, everything is not going to….oh no!” Nina began.
Everyone watched as Nina’s vagina began to slowly open. After a few seconds, a white object became visible. Soon, Nina’s vagina was open as wide as it would have been if she’d been giving birth. Coming out of her body was a large white egg. It fell onto the bed after a minute, and Nina began to cry again. It was now obvious what Nina was going to become. She was going to become a chicken. Beth looked over at Ann and saw that Ann was standing on hooves and looked like she’d gained a lot of weight. She also looked taller too.
Beth decided that she couldn’t do anything to help Nina, so she headed back to her room to get dressed. Standing in front of her mirror, Beth realized that she was still naked from yesterday. She looked herself over discovered that she’d gotten quite a bit fatter from the day before. Despite the fact that she had a snout and pig ears, Beth thought that she was kind of cute looking. As she stood in front of the mirror, she struck a few sexy poses to see how she looked now. She thought about putting clothes back on, but, after struggling to get a pair of panties over her hips, decided that she didn’t want to wear clothes any more. Hearing her stomach growl, she headed downstairs to eat a two hour breakfast.
Later on, Beth arrived at her friend Jessica’s house not knowing what to expect. She’d gotten a call from her high school best friend saying that she wanted to see Beth before she finished transforming. When Beth rang the door bell, Jessica’s husband answered the door. Back during their senior year of high school, Jessica’s boyfriend had gotten her pregnant. She gave birth to twin girls and the got married to her boyfriend. Over the next five years, she’d given birth to 4 more girls, but had managed to retain her figure, gaining only a little weight and developing larger breasts. As Beth entered the house, she noticed that it smelled like a dump. However, she found herself enjoying the smell for some reason. Walking into the living room, Beth saw Jessica sitting on the couch.
“Jessica? Is that…oink…you?” Beth said as she walked towards her friend.
“Hey Beth…oink…seems like we…snort…both got the same number,” Jessica responded, “have a…oink…seat.”
Beth sat down in a chair across from the couch Jessica was sitting on. Beth was well on her way to transforming into a pig, having pig ears, a pig nose, tail, and weighing 250 lbs, but she realized she had nothing on her best friend. Jessica was huge. While not completely transformed, very little remained of her humanity. Jessica had large pig ears and a fully developed snout. She was very fat, and had three chins. Hanging from her huge belly were six breasts. Her feet were hooved, and Beth could only assume that there was a tail behind Jessica.
“How are the…oink…kids doing?” Beth asked as what looked like a piglet ran up to Jessica and began to suck on her lowest nipple.
“Well, they’re…snort…all fully piglets now. It was…oink…weird how it…snort…happened,” Jessica began, “Rachael is the middle one, and she’s 3. Amanda and Shannon…oink…, the twins, came into…snort…my bedroom one night…oink…too small for their clothes. They shrank…oink…back down to the…snort…size of Rachael. I ran…snort…into Mary and Kendra’s room…oink…after that and found that…snort…they’d grown from a 2 year old…oink…and 1 year old…snort…to 3 year olds. Danielle did the…snort…same thing.”
“Oh my gosh!” Beth gasped, “That’s so weird!”
“You…snort…could say that. The next morning…oink…they started…snort…changing. I guess…oink…I did too. I was…oink…changing Kendra’s…snort…diaper when I realized that…snort…her soiled diaper smelled good. Before I…snort…knew what was happening….oink…well, Geoff found me…snort…eating Kendra’s diaper,” Jessica told Beth about her transformation, “the girls…oink…wanted milk…snort…from me. I found that…oink…my breasts were…snort…full of milk, and before I knew it…oink…I had six toddlers trying to nurse from my…snort…two breasts. I went…oink…to bed that night…snort…with six lactating breasts hanging from my…oink…chest and stomach.”
“You’re…oink…scaring me jess,” Beth said as she gazed at her friend, realizing that she’d eventually be at the same point.
“well, six…snort…breasts make sex…oink…a lot more…snort…interesting,” Jessica said, “anyways, the kids…oink…all began to transform…snort…really quickly. They were all…oink…fully transformed….snort…after 3 days. It’s taken…oink…me a week to get…snort…to this point. A week ago…oink…I was 145 lbs. Pretty good, snort…for someone who’s…oink…had six kids. But, now…snort…I’m 450 lbs!”
At this moment, one of Jessica’s daughters, Beth couldn’t tell which, pooped on the floor right in front of them. Beth found herself staring at the pile of poop left by the piglet. She didn’t know why she was so entranced by this at all. It was happening more and more to her. Looking up at Jessica, Beth could see that she was having the same dilemma in her head. Beth could also see that Jessica’s hands now ended in hooves instead of fingers. This change had happened since they’d started talking. Jessica let out a loud snort, which was followed by the sounds of her going to the bathroom on the couch where she sat.
“it’s not…oink…that bad though, Beth,” Jessica said, “it’s all...snort…kind of…oink…liberating in a way. No one will…snort…look down on me…oink…for popping out…snort…lots of kids anymore. You…oink…don’t have to…snort…worry about…oink…getting fat…snort…either. Oh, I guess…oink…it’s feeding time again.”
The six piglets were huddled near their mother, eyeing Jessica’s large breasts hungrily. Jessica “oinked” and “snorted” as she forced her huge body off the couch. Chunks of poop fell off her butt as she stood. Beth saw the large pile of poop that Jessica had left on the couch. Jessica slowly and awkwardly got down on all fours and then laid down on her side, presenting her six large breasts to her piglets, who greedily piled in to suck on them. Jessica’s legs and arms laid out in front of her, much like a pig’s. Jessica and Beth continued to talk as the piglets ate. During this time, Beth finally gave into her animalistic urges and went to the couch and smelled her friend’s poop. Before Beth knew what she was doing, she found herself eating the poop, just like a pig. When Jessica’s piglets were done eating, Jessica tried to stand back up. However, she found that it was impossible to do so. While she’d been nursing, her arms and changed into forelegs and her back had grown long, allowing her to only stand on all fours. Jessica moaned as she realized that she’d finished transforming into a pig. Beth left soon, leaving Jessica her husband alone so they could spend more time together until Jessica and the piglets were relocated.
When Beth got home, she found Nina sitting like a chicken out on the deck. Nina’d gone through more changes while Beth had been visiting Jessica. Her lower legs now resembled those of a chicken instead of a human, ending with four clawed toes. Also, Nina had grown a beak.
“Wow, you’ve…oink…changed even more,” Beth said to her sister.
“It’s so…cluck…weird changing…cluck…like this,” Nina said, her voice sounding chicken-like, “I’ve…cluck…laid five more…cluck…eggs.”
“Where’s Ann at,” asked Beth.
“Over…cluck…there,” Nina answered, pointing with a wing to the back yard.
Looking to where Nina was pointing, Beth squealed. The first thing she saw was a fully formed cow rear. A second later, the rest of Ann’s body came into view. Ann was standing on all fours and appeared to be at least 5 ft long now and equally as tall. Her face was still human, but the rest of her body looked like an anorexic cow.
“Oh my gosh! Ann! You’ve changed…oink…so much!” Beth exclaimed.
“Yeah, I know. Isn’t it weird? I’m walking on four legs,” Ann said, turning to face Beth.
“Man, you and Nina have changed so much today. You’re both almost done,” Beth said.
“I guess we both are. It’s so weird and surreal. Anyways, I’m really hungry, so I’m going to get back to eating,” Ann said as she bent back down to eat more grass.
Beth couldn’t believe what had happened today. Everything was suddenly moving really fast. One sister was almost a cow now and the other was a featherless chicken. Beth had seen what was in store for her when she’d visited Jessica, and suddenly found herself scared. She wandered back into the kitchen and decided to have a snack to comfort herself. This snack soon turned into a three hour long food binge for her. As Beth ate, she began to give into some of the animalistic urges she was feeling. First, she began to eat faster than normal, and soon was stuffing food into her mouth before she’d finished chewing what was already in there. Secondly, Beth finally lost control of her bowels and pooped twice while she ate, barely missing a beat.
Before Beth went to bed that night, she looked herself over in her mirror. She was fatter than she’d been when she’d woken up that morning, and she was almost positive that she’d wake up even fatter. Strangely, she found herself enjoying her larger fat body and strangely wanted herself to get larger still. Beth also found four nipples growing out of her belly. After seeing Jessica, Beth knew this could only mean one thing, more breasts. Grunting and snorting quietly, Beth climbed into her bed and went to sleep, worried about what tomorrow would bring to her.
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I received your ask you saying you didn't have ideal for ship headcanons so let's go:
Trey, Cater and Jade inherit the Clovers' bakery. Trey and Jade work in the kitchen while Cater works at the cashier and is responsible for marketing through MagiCam posts.
Riddle has a huge garden full of roses. In the middle of it there is a lake where some golden fish live. Floyd named each one of the fish and sometimes both of them talk with the fish.
Ace gives white camellias to Kalim and red dahlias to Jamil, because he thinks these flowers fit them very much.
OKAY! Lets go through these ship by ship!
First off: Mermaid,Baker,PhotoHare (I don't know I took a jump on a name)
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I think it goes without show Trey was going to get the bakery but I see then having built a dream apartment above the bakery as well as remodel said bakery to more of each their style after they graduate
I can also see Jade still working / helping out Azul and Floyd as he helps / works at the bakery
Omfg maybe Azul comes over along with Floyd and Riddle!
I can see these three going on one on one dates sometimes just to get out but also to really fuck with the neighbors who don't know the whole story
Cater would randomly takes pictures of Trey and Jade working and put a bunch of filters and stickers on them whenever it's a slow day
Cater learned not to be too much of a jokester in the kitchen after taking a break to mess with them while they take a momentary break of baking and came back cashiering with a sign of flour hands on his clothes
Both Jade and Cater learn to rarely wear black pants or else flour hands on the butts
Okay, now it's ElectricGoldfish (again, tried, it's FloydRiddle):
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It's funny you mentioned a lake in Riddle garden cause I literally had a conversation with a friend who said he saw the morning routine
Like if Jade and Azul lived nearby where ever Riddle lives and Jade takes it up to him every morning to swim across the lake / small ocean (I dunno the word sorry) to wake up Floyd and Riddle since they place a bed in a would be balcony on the ground floor so Floyd could do his morning swims and what not and Riddle could watch
T^T My heart
With the part where they talk to the fish I can see if they had a bit of a fight they BOTH go to the fish in the lake on different parts of the day to vent and express worry their partner is angry at him
Why do I see Riddle being more open about PDA by the time the two live together?
Floyd totally asks Riddle if he would like to strangle his parents if they bug him too much in no contact
Riddle's like "Floyd, what the fuck?"
And finally. . . (trying again with names) MagicalRainSerpant / Desert-Flowers-Plus-One -Brain-Cell:
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(I couldn't find any good stims of Kalim but I just LOVE them in their Gala outfits!)
Origin of the flowers. . .
Ace was taking a walk one day, maybe picking some stuff up without Jamil and Kalim, when he walked pass a flower shop
No words were spoken at that moment, he just looked at the rows of flowers and saw the two sets placed side by side as if out of fate
With the white camellias he saw Kalim's brightness in the room and the floof his short white hair gets when he wakes up in the morning
With the red dahlias he remembered Jamil's overblot aftermath when he saw him dancing along side Kalim and Floyd, how he grew to want to know more of his basketball teammate
As memories start growing the more he looked at the flowers he took money out of his wallet and bough two small bouquets of each flower and one bigger one of them mixed
He took those flowers home and presented it them to his boys
Kalim and Jamil later on starts buying Ace red roses once Ace started buying red dahlias and white camellias
For Jamil, it was at first a joke to poke fun at his dorm
That changed when Kalim explains his answer,
"Well, they just remind me of you. The redness of you hair, the fact you are a sweet and gentle person who hides it behind tough thorns, and whenever I look at them I think of all the great things you have done for others despite getting in trouble."
Since then the house hold began to grow red roses, white camellias, and red dahlias in their small garden along side spices and some veggies
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weirdlittlecorner · 3 years
Lin Kuei, MD: Preface
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Notes: sfw, heads up for future depiction of medical procedures/gore, future nsfw themes. The boys have been given first/last names to help with continuity
Plot: Married to Medicine, but make it Lin Kuei
Tags: @icy-spicy @onesillybeach @lilliannmac @singlecelledthot @grandmaster-blueberryice
Arctika Regional Hospital- or ARH for short. The highest-ranking hospital in all of China. What made your workplace so special? Well, it was only the best in multiple disciplines, and home to the top physicians in said categories. Firstly, there was you, Dr. F/n L/n, a fellowship-trained anesthesiologist. Then there were the surgeons. Two brothers, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang Wéi, the top cardiac and orthopedic surgeons in the country, respectively. Dr. Tomas Vrbada, a renowned OB/GYN. Dr. Moremi Cyrax, a top radiologist, and Dr. Jūn Sektor, a pulmonologist of the same stature.
There was never a dull moment with you six. Saving lives, having fun, and a little drama; what��s not to love? Well, for one, this. In addition to working the standard forty hours a week, you were required to take twenty-four hours of call a month. Which was today. Taking a sip of your extra-strong latte, you passed through the hospital’s automatic doors without high expectations. And the walk to the elevator was just as anticlimactic as squeezed in beside some visitors, pressing the desired button. Your fellow passengers glanced at your baby blue scrubs and smiled. You offered a small smile back before stepping out onto the second floor of the giant complex.
“Good morning, Katie,” You smiled at the gray-haired charge nurse, “Hey, Dr. L/n, how are you?” She answered back, pushing up her thick glasses, “I’m good, just getting settled for this twenty-four-hour shift,” You responded as you clipped your Vocera to your collar along with your badge. The older woman smiled fondly at you before handing you a thick stack of papers. Your schedule, no doubt. Opening the envelope, your e/c pools scanned over the printed documents. It looked like it was going to be a busy day. You were scheduled to be on the maternity ward until two, then the orthopedic OR until ten, and then the cardiothoracic OR for the rest of the night until the morning. A busy shift, but you liked it that way. It was fun being able to float to different units and see some of everything. Not to mention, you’d undoubtedly get to see all of your favorite colleagues. Maybe the day wouldn’t be so bad after all.
The face of your smartwatch read ‘0700’ in illuminated numbers. That was your cue to start the day. Draping your f/c stethoscope around your neck, you exchanged greetings with the on and off-going nurses before taking your files and marching back toward the elevator. You were pleasantly surprised to find it empty, giving you some much-needed silence to reflect on the day. The transparent ‘5’ button illuminated when you pushed it, signaling that you would be dropped off on the corresponding floor.
During the ride, you savored what would surely be your last moments of peace before the chaotic shift ahead of you. But despite a few pre-work jitters, you weren’t worried. There was no need to be. Everything would go smoothly and the patients would receive the best possible care. You would make sure of that. That wasn’t to say that you were arrogant; because you weren’t. But you were Dr. L/n, a renowned anesthesiologist, and thus completely competent in your practice. The hours would pass quickly, everything would be great, and you would be sitting on your couch, with a bowl of ice cream, watching Shark Tank in no time.
The loud ‘ding’ accompanied by the groaning of metal doors being opened punctured your fantasy. For a second you almost forgot where you were. But you snapped into doctor mode quickly as you stepped out onto the freshly waxed floor of the unit.
First stop: Labor and Delivery.
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thewriterowl · 3 years
Owl 💖 I would like to imagine that there is such a strong bond and love between Luke and Din that absolutely nothing is a hindrance to them, just to love each other. I just thought, imagine that after the sword of darkness passed to Din, something very terrible and dark began to happen to him, almost like Anakin once did. And while Din's husband was away for a short time for a short meeting, Din began to literally go over to the dark side and everyone sees and understands that they can do nothing. Leia and Han understand that Luke will go mad with grief, because his beloved is lost, Vader realizes with great bitterness that Luke will suffer the same fate as his mother, when she realized that her beloved could not be saved. And everyone around them is waiting for Luke's return with concern, while Luke comes to his family, realizes that something is wrong here, demands an explanation and after listening to everything, just calmly gets up and says that he needs to find Din. Vader is furious and says that he should not return to him, that he will not fight him, Leia and Han support him, saying that everything is lost, and Luke just says with a smile that he knows how to restrain his husband. And then the following happens:
Luke finds Din:
Luke: Now tell me what the hell are you doing when I’m gone for just a few days?
Din: I will destroy you, Jedi!
Luke: 🥱
Din: or you can go to the dark side, in my direction and together we will destroy all enemies and rule Mandalore together ... arh ..
* Din flies across the room, falls hard on the bed and his arms above his head are held by force *
Luke: looks like I just need to beat this shit out of you, well, I'll do it right now!
* Through many orgasms later *
Luke is lying on Din, both sweaty and dirty and very tired.
Luke: so what? Do you still want to gut everyone around you?
Din: no, you made it clear that you shouldn't do it!
Luke: * smiles *
* Everyone around who heard very loud knocks and screams *
All: God, they got into a really big fight 😰
Vader: I'm going there !!
LOL yeah, they all think it's going to be some emotional, angsty fight and the relationship is collapsing and, nope, Luke knows exactly how to bring Din back to the Light side and get the saber under control.
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srose-foxfire · 4 years
“First Impressions” Part 3 -Damirae Short Fic-
Part: 1
Part: 2
Part: 3 ⬇️
Damian knew he had to be paying closely attention in class, but his mind was elsewhere. He had his eyes down on his notebook, scribbling nonsense as to make it look, he was actually taking notes. A raven flew by the school’s 4thfloor window and landed next onto a branch causing Damian to turn his attention to the black bird and forget he was in school. The bird squawked and then flew off, clearly spotting something to eat.
The young Wayne let out a silent sigh as he returned his gaze towards his notes and found he had written Raven’s name all over the page. He could feel his blood boil and his face flushed, not wanting anyone see him turn red Damian laid his head onto his sleeved school coat.  
“Something the matter Mr. Wayne?” Damian looked up, to find his history teacher, poking her eyes out from the top of the textbook she was holding and lifting a brow at him.
“Nothing.”  He simply answered and went back to looking down at his notebook, scribbling some of the words he caught as Mrs. Han continue with the lecture.
-- -- -- --
Damian was glad he wouldn’t had to see any of his peers or his teachers now that Thanksgiving break had started, it only reminded him that the fall semester would soon end and then he would only need to focus on completing his last spring semester as a senior. Already Damian had applied to colleges and universities to please his father, but Damian felt he was ready to take over the family’s company. He has been groomed since a child, but his father insisted Damian have a normal life like any other teen or young adult. Whatever that meant. As he lingered on his thoughts a sudden image appeared across his mind of Raven smiling.
He shook his head and wondered why she was consuming all his thoughts. True he was seeing Raven more often as she hanged out regularly with Cass and Steph over the weekends. They lock themselves in Cass room and do girliethings, Damian could only assume as he would pass by the closed door and hear squeals coming from the other side.  
Damian finally heard the story of how his sisters met Raven. Steph and Cass were out on a shopping spree, while he was away with his father on a business trip. The girls were on their own -none of his brothers offered to accompany them- and bought more than they could carry. One thing led to another that both Steph and Cass lost their grip on some on their purchases, resulting most of their brand-new items to scatter across the mall’s floor. No one offered to help, as the two girls scrambled to pick up everything, only a girl dressed in black came to their aid. She showed no amusement to what had happened only concerned and wanted to help to lighten their day. While the other shoppers only laughed at the incident, the raven-haired girl only offered Cass and Steph a gentle smile. Thus, began start of a beautiful friendship.
Damian couldn’t ask his sisters for more intel, for if he continue to pry into their friend both Cass and Step would become suspicious of his questions. He could try and ask Raven some questions in order to learn more about her but that was something he wouldn’t be able to accomplish. Recently Damian has been noticing that every time he had the slightest chance to speak with Raven in private, either his sisters would come into the room and whisk her away from him. Other times when he would find her alone, she would get a call from her mother to return home. It would seem the universe was conspiring against him to ever redeem himself.
-- -- -- --
Perhaps the universe was finally giving Damian a chance. It was a little pass midday on Thanksgiving Day and Damian was seated in the back of the family’s limousine as Alfred drove him towards Raven’s home. She and her mother were invited to celebrate Thanksgiving dinner at Wayne Manor. Ariella, Raven’s mother insisted they cook some of the dishes themselves to contribute to the meal. This pick-up trip had been tasked to Cass and Jason but the two backed down last minute, making Damian go instead.
He didn’t mind since this would be a great opportunity to be alone and just have a decent conversation with her. Already his mind was working on topics they could talk about, he could share his own favorite novels and authors. Recite excerpts he enjoyed, maybe even get a chance and invite Raven to watch a movie the following weekend. He could feel himself smile a bit at the ideas, he then looked up when he felt Alfred pull-over the limousine. His smile soon disappeared at the sight before him:
Raven was hugging an older boy with green hair.
Damian could feel his heart shatter into a thousand pieces, and it hurt.Could that be her boyfriend? He wanted to ask Alfred to return later but knew the old family butler would question him and that was the last thing Damian wanted to do. Was to talk about his feelings.
“Wait for me here Pennyworth.”
“As you wish Master Damian.”
Damian walked over the two young teens, hiding his fists in in trousers pockets. Raven was still hugging the green hair boy and Damian had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from frowning. The hug ended when Damian grunted, Raven and the guys beside her turned around to face him.
“Greetings.” Who the hell says that these days? Damian wanted to punch himself in the face for making himself look like a fool before them. “Pardon, I came to help you bring anything back to the manor?”
“Right.” Raven only smile at him and cleared her throat before gesturing to the guy beside her “Damian this is-”
“Jasper Sky, I presume?” Damian said so naturally as he extended his hand out to him. “Pleasure to meet you.”
Damian’s hand was still in the air, as the guy before him only lifted a brow at him, “Jasper who-now?”
Raven chuckled nervously before adding, “actually Damian, this is an old childhood friend of mine, Garfield Logan.”
“You can call me Gar for short.” Gar said with a smile before giving Damian a hard handshake. “Well it seems you are busy Rae; I hope you and you mom like the quiche. Happy Thanksgiving.”
“Bye Gar.” Raven said warmly and Gar returned the gesture with a huge grin on his face. He went to grab a black skateboard and rode down the block before turning on a corner.
Damian looked at Raven from the corner of his eyes, and saw she was still smiling. Seeing her smiling like that only made him want to smile as well, but he couldn’t allow himself since he was still figuring out his damn emotions. Damian turned his hand into a fist, brought it next to his lips before grunting again. “Apologies, I thought… never mind. Do you need help putting the stuff inside the car?”
“Yeah, my mom left everything ready upstairs. You wanna follow me upstairs?”
Damian could only nod and followed Raven into the apartment building. He could see why Cass and Jason bailed on helping load the limousine. Raven’s home was on the fifth floor, and the elevator was out of order making them go up a few flights of stairs. Damian can only hope, he could stack certain dishes together to minimize the ups and downs. Both teens arrived to a dark red wooden door with 405written in paint plastered in the center. Raven took out some very looking worn out keys and opened the door. They entered and Damian couldn’t help himself but examined the home.
It was small, perfect for just two people to live here. The entrance was right into a small hallway, the left side clearly lead to their rooms and straight ahead was a small living room adorned with a white love seat and a small coffee table. In the living room, there was a small flat screen, on the soft light blue painted walls was adorned with assorted picture frames of Raven and her mother. It amazed him how they were both much alike and could see where the black-raven hair girl got her beauty from. Just a little up ahead was a talk mosaic counter splitting the living room to a small kitchen which was decorated with knitted autumn leaves. There was a small wooden table filled with large crystal containers with different prepared dishes.
“Your home is quaint.” Brain stop talking, Damian told himself.
“Thanks… so if you don’t mind grabbing these and…” Raven pointed to some larger containers which had smashed potatoes, string beans, one with macaroni and cheese. Raven busied herself of getting what looked like gravy, rice pudding, and a container filled with chocolate chip cookies. Damian had thought there were more items, but between them two they would be able to take everything downstairs in one trip.
They existed her home, being a gentleman Damian waited for her while Raven locked the door before heading down flight of stairs that waited for them. They were both silent, concentrating on each step they took so not to trip. He wished he could break the silence but all his previous well though-out conversations in the limousine had decided to escape him. Damian was about to call it a defeat when-
“There’s no Jasper Sky.”
Wait what? He had to blink a few times before turning his head to look at her, but Raven kept her amethyst gaze on the steps below her. Her face had become a somber look, like the confession was had been consuming her. “Pardon?”
“I… I don’t have a boyfriend. I made him up.”
He could feel that it was hard for her to confess but the side of him wanting to comfort Raven couldn’t help but add; “I don’t wish to pry but if you need to vent I’m open-”
“Your sisters kind of pinned me to a corner. Short story we were just talking, and something lead to another which resulted of them lining up guys for me to…date. I panicked and made up the idea that I was already seeing someone, making me create Jasper Sky.”
Damian could feel she had more to say and only remained silent to allow her to continue, “I had to confess to someone and well, out of everyone I feel like you would help me come clean to your sisters. Besides I feel you wouldn’t judge me and… arh! I’m not making any sense, am I?”
“No need to feel embarrassed, I could only imagine the predicament my sisters may have put you through and I feel honor you can confide in me.”
“Thank you, Damian. I really appreciate it.” Raven smiled at him, before going up a step and doing something Damian wouldn’t had expected from her. She gave him a light peck on his cheek. “You’re a good friend.”
Raven descended the last few steps and exited the apartment building, unaware that Damian had stopped at the last step of the stairs as he stared off at her. In that moment he wished he wasn’t carrying items in his arms, wanting to touch the cheek she kissed. Raven was opening-up to him and he couldn’t believe he could have a chance to continue getting know about her, all the while supporting her in any way, she made needed him. He would do anything she could ever asked of him. Damian couldn’t help but feel all giddy inside and wanting to shout out load how happy he that the universe was finally giving him a break. 
A/N: Hello I hope everyone has been staying safe and well. I apologize for not getting part 3 out sooner and hope you enjoyed this. I busy myself and work hard getting this done and edited today. We are nearing the end to ‘First Impressions’ but this has given a chance for me to create more fics and au’s on Damian and Raven. I am also working on some fics for the Damirae Fanzine so that’s currently my number one priority at the moment. Once I am finished with that I am will be open to take some short Damirae prompts (from you) for me to write and help me better myself as a writer. Till next time and Happy Holidays!
~~Simona R.  
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eddieswritinghell · 4 years
OKAY SO... I was thinking Dis loses Stalin and Sniper helps them find Stalin before Kev comes to pick him up or something and they panic the whole time. Feel free to do whatever you want at the end! :D
So this is super short but whatever-
Also unedited.
“Snipes, I lost the lizard.”
Sniper sets down his coffee mug at the same time of an eyebrow raising, it’s too early for this nonsense.
“I don’t care about your fever dreams, talk to Medic about them. I’m busy.”
A look of hurt crosses Dis’ face at his best friend’s words, but it quickly disappears and is replaced by a look of fear. “Bloody hell, oh no no no. He’ll be back soon! I-I need to find Stalin, Snipes! They could be anywhere.”
“Wait, Stalin? Kev’s lizard? Why did you have his lizard?”
“I share custody with him, but that doesn’t matter,” Dis pulls out the chair across from Sniper and takes a seat. She snatches the other’s coffee and starts to drink it. Sniper is used to this at this point. Dis always steals his coffee. “What does matter is that the lizard is nowhere to be found and Kev will return in the next hour.”
“Alright, calm down, mate. Let’s start with how you lost him. What were you doing?”
“I opened his cage to give him his food, I turned around to grab the container and when I looked, he was gone. I shut the cage door and looked around the room and I couldn’t find them anywhere. Kev’s going to kill me.”
“Kev isn’t going to kill you, I'd be more worried about you killing him,” Sniper shakes his head and grabs the mug from Dis and takes it to the sink. He fills it with water and turns back around to face Dis again. The assassin leans against the counter before he continues. “Let’s head up to your room and we can look around again.”
“Stalin is gone. I-I’m sorry Kev, I left his cage open and they got out. I looked everywhere for them and-”
Dis is interrupted from a squeak coming from Stalin’s cage and she watches Kev run over. Kev turns around holding Stalin in all his four hands.
“Vat do vu mean? He's right here!”
“ Kev, I swear on my pistols that he wasn’t there before.”
“Oh! I forkot to menzion I vas Hexberimenting on zem akain. Arh ! Sdalin now has zee Hapility to turn Hinffiziple, vell change colors to match his zurrountings.”
“Oh sweet- Kev don’t give me a heart attack like that. YOu need to tell me these things. I thought I lost the lizard for good.”
“I am fery zorry, mein ploody flover. Arh ! I vill make zure to inform vu of any zuccessful Hexberiments I haffe from now on. I vould hate to giffe vu Hanozer heart transblant.”
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cute-sucker · 5 months
arh i want cowbow rafe :(((( he's so mean and demeaning but you take it bc he's so hot
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note: i love this so much, and this is 100% rafe x pup, change my mind!!!
he would be the meanest at his house parties.
it might be because he rarely has them...and he would be so demeaning because he knew you could take it as well. your legs thrown over his waist, as he carried you to tannyhill before the two of you get ready for the party.
he's speak so softly to you and you'd completely crumble to his hold, nodding your head at his claims of being a good girl for him - for the evening. he'd be holding you up, as you bounced around hoping that he would speak gently to you. he'd play with you, rough and tough. you would take it though, and promise him all those things.
however.... at the party, you'd get drunk while trying to put on his cowboy boots. he would get so pissed at you whenever you tried to turn into a "cow girl," because he knew it meant you trying to do a cartwheel in those scanty little shorts and flash all of his friends in the process.
instead he'd keep a heavy hand on your waist, as you grinned up to him, slobbering all over his white tee, and trying to tell him that you really really loved him. you'd be scooting all over his lap, trying to get closer so you could pepper kisses on his face. this he would hate the most because he had to act like a 'tough guy,' but the minute that you tried to whisper in his ear, he would groan and try not to kiss you. you'd get more impatient yk, because you loved him so much.
at a certain point of this party you would just hop on his lap, dainty and blinking up to him. lets be honest you'd try to bite his arm, and then promptly fall asleep. all the guys would make fun of him, and lets be honest a grumpy rafe with you sprawled all over his lap was a sight to see.
at this point, he would tell everyone that he was going to come back to drag you to bed, shoving your jaw open to make you swallow the pill, as you moaned about how mean he was. he's annoyed at this point, because all of his friends saw how misbehaved you were, and we all know that rafe thinks it reflects how whipped he is for you. he can hear their whispers saying how dumb he was for letting his girl run wild.
he's tell you to shut up, hand snaking around your shoulders, "shut up before i make you shut up." he'd spit out, and then tuck you into bed at gently as he could trying not to look at the way your eyes welled up with tears, as you pouted at him, trembling at you held out to the sheets of the bed. and after that he'd get back down to the party, listening to the guys joke around.
at one point he would let out a deep breath, knowing you were safe and sound in your bed. but of course, of course you came back down later on at the night. this time you were in your scanty pyjamas, where he was 100% sure you were not wearing panties as he huffed when you came down. you'd almost slipped on your way down, whimpering for rafe.
the minute you saw him, you jumped into his arms, as he clenched his jaw. "what is it?" he tried to say gently but it came out so roughly, you shivered. "what is it?"
"didn't like sleeping alone. i can't take it. there was this guy in our bed," you whimpered out, "he was watching me, i swear rafe. it was so scary and he was petting my head."
that caught his attention, turning around to check who was there. "what the fuck did you say?" he hisses out, before you flinch, and step away from him. "what did he look like?" you close your eyes, and shook your head, confused.
"don't know who he was, i got out of bed and ran. think he was wearing a brown shirt, and the cowboy hat"
at this point rafe is about to burst a vien as he closes his eyes. "alright, how about we end this party 'yea?" he murmured, and pushes your trembling figure into his hands, possessively placing his hand on that small part of your back.
by the end of the night, the two of you are huddled in bed, as you sleepily drool in his tight embrace. he can't help but feel confused at your previous statement, thinking about the creep in your bed. suddenly your small hand reaches out to touch his stubble, and he looks down at you pawing at his chest. you let out a small yelp, giving him a sweet drowsy smile.
"rafe, i wanna tell you a secret," you whisper, before pushing up in the bed to reach his ear. rafe groans before lowering himself, muttering something under his breath. you giggle softly, before giving him a little kiss on his neck.
"there was no one rafe. i lied. just wanted you in bed, and those awful people to go away. 'm sorry" you whisper painstakingly, "don't be mad please."
somehow he isn't mad, and instead he gently tells you to shut your eyes, and go to sleep.
he'll deal with your bratty behavior later.
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ciircusbrats · 4 years
@divergentdisparity​ said:  Westin needed something to make him smile now more than ever - and what better day to bring out some fun and scares than today? Somewhere in some dark corner of the circus they would meet - and Alex shows up donning red, ragged robes, faux fur on her body and an Oni mask covering her face, as an equally crimson-painted arm sprays a shower of flame in the air above her as she strikes as fearsome a pose as someone so short could do. "Mwahaha! Fear me, Westin, I- I'm the powerful demon, Arh-lyx!"
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              Despite the golden glow of everything around him, from the fairy lights on the trees to the juggler's lit-up pumpkin head that danced between his hands, Westin's night hadn't been very bright at all. He was still hang up over everything that happened, and worst of all, he was working on Halloween night. Of course, the boy always found ways to slip out, but his feet simply couldn’t find the strength to drag him out of the gates tonight.
              So, when Alex showed up---something that he didn't even realize until he heard the ring of her voice and saw the glisten of her arm---the boy couldn't help but gape, completely awestruck by the fire that erupted from her mechanical finger to create the perfect dramatic entrance. Of the Scooby Doo villain kind. Barely a heartbeat passed and West was beaming, chest sparking like the swirl of flames in his friend’s hand, striped boots already kicking dirt behind him as he went to meet Alex---Arh-lyx---in the corner where she stood. Thrill danced in his gaze.
              "duuuude---you actually did it!" he almost reached out to touch her arm, but he realized it might still be too hot to grasp with bare skin. He settled for admiring it from afar instead. His heels bounced with each step, himself drawing a small circle around Alex to fully take in the costume. "you made the flamethrower arm! that's---that's the coolest shit. and you said you're arh-lyx, right? sorry. should show more respect to a power demon such as yourself." The boy took a long bow, head dipped to her feet respectfully. Still, the grin on his face didn't waver. When he straightened again, Westin met the irises behind the gaps in her mask and waved a hand.
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              "hey, do you mind if i introduce you to some of my friends? i told them i had a friend who could make flamethrower arms and they didn't believe me. i'd love to see the look on their faces when they see this."
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stjernfaerie · 4 years
Headcanons: tonks, McGonagall and regulus Moodboard: blue and teddy OR orange and Remus First song: god, flower and home (you don't have to do all of these obviously 😂 just wanted to send you a few to give you options)
Okay, headcanons. I’m gonna keep it pretty short, just a few simple bullet points each. 
she has ADHD and you can’t convince me otherwise. 
hella extroverted and ALWAYS craves social interaction, but as an only child that was in short supply. 
she always wanted a sibling, but obvi never got one, so when she came to Hogwarts and got to know charlie, he grew to be sort of like a brother to her. 
she worked for the ministry for a few years right after graduating Hogwarts, probably with something like the wizard equivalent of social work. Or muggle relations. 
she was really good at it and got promoted within a year or two, but then somewhere along the way she realized that hey this isn’t what I wanted to do. I wanted to actually be with kids and help them and shit :( and so then she became a professor at Hogwarts wohoooooo
this one is my favourite: 
the marauders first year was her first year. 
he was not a perfect child. he did things that would get him into trouble, but he never actually got into trouble, cause Sirius took the blame. 
the reason he later became his parents’ ideal child is because he hated that Sirius got in trouble for his shit
Then there’s the songs: 
God: take me to church - hozier
flower: AH this brought a song to my head that we used to practice a lot in music class in primary school cause it had easy chords so I learned it on guitar but I CAN’T REMEMBER what it’s called or even the melody ARH
home: to have a home - avps (it’s always on my mind atm cause i’m learning it on piano so it can be the first song i play in my new apartment cause i’m a cheesy fuckin cliché)
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saarism · 4 years
Chapter 1. About Saarism
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I will try to write as clearly as possible, because that is the meaning of this article.
Saarism is the absolute, which has many branches, the center of which is a single divine Essence. (I will cover this topic in more detail in the article about the manifestations of the Essence of the World.)
Saarism is a direction of thought, mind and soul that leads to self-knowledge, self-identification in the world of things, awareness of their powers and abilities, their study, improvement and application to achieve their goals and complete spiritual development.
In short, Saarism is a set of Teachings about the World that will help people understand its mechanisms, as well as learn to extract knowledge from everyday life. The world by Saarism from the point of view of the teachings of Animacotrix, consists of inner and outer spheres of Existence. All levels of the Universe are divided into spheres. The number of spheres depends on the number of living beings who have a transcendent divine essence developed to an infinitely indefinite span of space and time, i.e., not limited by time and matter in every moment of impermanence - these are Demons and Deities.
Saarism as a whole is a great Teaching about spirituality, about new moral and aesthetic ideals, about self-development and self-improvement, written by otherworlders.
Saarism is a creation built on the beauty of forms and the perfection of the soul, its dynamism and constant interaction with other souls and forms.
Saarism is the Doctrine of creation and the creation of the continuity of ideas, actions and outcomes, focused on creating beautiful and beyond reason.
Saarism is not built on existing religions and teachings of people, it is an incomprehensible image of the World Order, which acquired features and meanings when it was formed into a system of Unearthly Knowledge.
Saarism purposefully studies the Cosmos, Matter, the Order of Things, spiritual potential, the physics of worlds, biology and structure of living creatures, the whole Reality, the aesthetic aspect of which is reflected through creativity.
Saarism reveals the meaning of existence of everything, has answers to many questions, reveals the essence of beauty and helps to know real things, as well as teaches a person spirituality and the discovery of their own hidden potential.
Saarism faith
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Saarism is partly a belief based on the principles of Natural Unity and co-existence of all living creatures in a favorable environment for the development of the Essence, and it is also a belief that offers knowledge of Natural Gods, Deities, Demons, Entities and all kinds of life forms and creatures from a different side than the human one.
In short, the belief of non-humans.
This is a way to display the power of Knowledge obtained not on Earth, but in their worlds and abodes, their presentation and demonstration, in order to produce a kind of"exchange of Knowledge and experience". They can be exchanged by all those beings who have the ability to transfer Knowledge in the form closest to the understanding of other beings.
Book texts, audio messages, and video files are a way of presenting Knowledge, a mediocre form of communication designed to bring it closer in understanding.
Before the beginning of Saarism on Earth, there was already the knowledge of non-humans, which became the basis for the promotion of a new faith and new traditions.
Traditions themselves support the incentive to change. This is, perhaps, the most non-conservative system of views on the Universe from an unusual side for human perception.
Saarism as the direction
In Saarism as the direction of exist not of the dominant groups. All social groups of people can be part of this trend and propagandize the views, Knowledge and faith of Saarism as a tool for philosophical and consolidating purposes. This is necessary so that every person who is aware of himself as another being Knows that there is a place for him in this world.
Saarism as the direction is a way of communication all beings identify themselves as otherworlder.
Since saarism reflects certain views, It has its own thinking and ideology, which may differ greatly from the thinking of existing religious groups and denominations.
This is a normal phenomenon and morally justified, given the differences in the views of the representatives of these societies themselves. Saarism as a trend does not call for cruelty towards other social groups, individuals, or confessions that do not agree with the ideology of Saarism or any of Its teachings. After all, this is a manifestation of their own unconscious attraction, due to distrust of their Knowledge. I will not give examples of this, because it would be a rather large wall of text.
Saarism also does not call for violation of laws and regulations, and should not contribute to the negative impact of people in relation to different social groups.
In Saarism as in the direction have the structure of the provision of Knowledge.
The Manifesto and Foundation of this structure is the teaching of Animacotrix (stands for "spiritual beauty") - its representatives and founders are Diorion Arh Lucimus and Anogiast Demon Dominus.
In the direction Saarism can join and share their knowledge of other  Otherworlder. Here Saarism becomes a kind of platform or Foundation for the freedom Teachings.
Animacotrix begins this direction because it contains a large amount of Knowledge about the World, inherited from its representatives.
I Know that there are people on Earth who cannot, for some reason, write something of their own and present it to the public. Here you will be able to create your own Teaching, communicate with representatives of others, and learn new things about the World.
Saarism is a point which can intersect a lot of roads here, everyone can find a place.
Saarism as a religion
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Saarism as a religion does not have a clear system of rules and laws, since it is a dynamic religious institution. It does not contain a system of subordination, division into classes and groups.
Saarism as a religion is a free, multi-threaded and multicommunicative group that fulfills and integrates the will of creation and creation. Saarism different from the existing religious schools specific provision of Knowledge, the dynamism of traditions, interests and ideology against the whole World.
Saarism as a religion is aimed at reconnecting with Nature, showing love for it and love for oneself, for Life in all its diversity.
This is propaganda for the rejection of militarization, from the use of weapons that bring pain and death to the Living, this is a religious protest against militancy and human reckless consumer behavior against not only themselves, but also life around Them, this is a protest against the creation of dangerous technologies for the planet and the use of nuclear weapons.
Saarism is supposed to be an open community, which can be joined by any person who is aware of himself as a different being to promote his Knowledge.
Saarism does not have a clear system of rules and obedience.
Saarism offers the freedom of information and protection of the rights of participants to its use and organization.
Saarism as a collection of Teachings about the World based on the teachings of Animacotrix.
Saarism both the direction and the informal religious organization founded in 2019.
The founders and members of Diorion Arh, Anogiast Demon.
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One-night stands and one-shot chances (part vii)
University AU
Pairing: Jin x reader
Who says sex has to mean anything? Who says you can’t just screw around without all the heartache? Who says only guys get this privilege? What happens when the biggest playboy on campus suddenly meets his match and gets a taste of his own medicine?
Genre: casual sex, mentions of sex, bestfriend!Hoseok, onenightstand!Jin
Word count: 3100
Taglist: @esplosionedicoloriintesta @jeonjunggoodgod @rjsmochii@spookidema @pariz-lover @mymochimchimmy @seokjinnieismine @cloudyelizabeth @livesmileandstaystrong @thisistoooooomuch @okaysoplshelpme @secondstanza @eanielsen07
Masterpost with the other parts of the story can be found here
A/N: Hi guys! I have a quick question for you! I’ve debated whether or not I should post longer parts, when I update the story, but I couldn’t figure out, what I preferred. So I’ve tried writing this part a bit longer this time - almost the double the length of the first parts. If I post longer parts, that means that the time in between updates will be longer, where short updates probably would mean one update pr. week. 
Please let me know your thoughts - what would you prefer? Longer updates and longer time between, or short updates maybe once a week?
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“Jin’s okay with the sleep-over, but he said he won’t join us out here,” you told Taehyung as you plopped down on the couch, claiming the cuddle spot against Yoongis side again.
As Taehyung let out a howl of excitement and ran off to get Jungkook to help him pull the mattresses into the living room, you snuggled closer to Yoongi, draping an arm over his stomach.
“Aren’t you clingy today?”, he chuckled, letting his arm rest around your frame. “Are you trying to seduce me, baby?”
“You just told me, that you guys don’t share girls,” you retorted, giving his side a light squeeze. “Flirting with you would be pretty pointless then, don’t you think?”
“Don’t sell yourself short, sweetie,” Jimin giggled with sparkling eyes. “Look at what you did to Jin after just one night? If you start flirting, we might need to abandon our rules.”
Feeling the laugh in Yoongis chest, you sent Jimin a shameless wink, making him fall back clutching his heart.
“Arh! It’s over for me! The bro-code is no more! I must get together with you,” he shrieked dramatically through giggles, ensuring your laugh as well.
“Hey, stop collecting hearts, Y/N”, Hoseok laughed as he came back into the living room, dragging his mattress with him. “They’re not pokéballs.”
“That would be so much cooler though,” you exclaimed over the guys laughs, making them laugh even harder.
When Taehyung and Jungkook dragged the rest of the mattresses into the living room, you all got up to help prepare for the night. Pushing the couches back a bit made the space between them big enough for all 6 mattresses, making more than enough room for the 7 of you. Situated between the three couches and with the wall making up the last side, it looked like its own little hollow. As Jungkook started throwing blankets and pillows down, the mattress-hollow looked more and more welcoming to your fatigued body, and you couldn’t wait to snuggle up later.
Through all the planning and creation of the hollow, Jin had stayed in the kitchen. You hadn’t seen or heard from him in the last hour, which was weird. He wasn’t one to hide. Deciding to go see if he needed help with the food, you walked to the kitchen to find the food still simmering on the stove. The counters were cleaned spotless and the plates and utensils were sat on the counter next to a handwritten note.
Heading out for the night. Sorry I couldn’t join the sleepover. - Jin
Furrowing your eyebrows at the words, you felt a tinge of guilt in your stomach. Did he leave because of you? Were you keeping him from his friends, his housemates?
No, stop that, you scolded yourself mentally. His inability to handle or understand his emotions is not your responsibility! If he can’t be around you, it’s not your fault. You’re friends with the guys too, you reminded yourself. If they didn’t want you here, they would tell you.
“Where’s Jin?”, Hoseok asked, waltzing into the kitchen and grabbing a beer from the fridge.
Simply handing him the note, you went to grab a beer yourself, jumping up to sit on counter as you opened it.
“Wow, how very dramatic of him,” Hoseok snickered, as he put the note back down and called the others to tell them the food was ready.
As the guys’ loud chatter filled the kitchen, you stayed out of the way, sipping your beer from your vantage point on the counter. Playful insults were thrown around while they filled their plates.
“He really just left?”, Namjoon laughed, as he read the note on the counter. “Seriously, Y/n, what did you do to him?”
“She is the first girl to not want a second night from him,” Jungkook pointed out with a cackle. “He is really not taking it well.”
“Not my problem,” you shrugged, before jumping down from the counter to get some food.
“Why can’t you just screw him again, so he can move on?”, Namjoon asked, making you halt your movements, ladle in mid-air between the pot and your plate.
“Because it’s not my job to control Jins feelings. He is acting like a chauvinistic man-child and there is no version of this story, where that’s my fault,” you snapped at him, feeling yourself grow annoyed at how fucking messy this whole thing had become.
“But…” Jungkook started, only to be cut off by you.
“But what, Jungkook? Why am I in charge of keeping Jin in a good mood? We’re not dating. We were barely friends before we slept together, and he treats me like absolute dirt.” Jungkooks eyes had widened, and he looked almost frightened at your harsh tone of voice. “I do not owe him anything, and if he can’t handle a simple rejection it’s about damn time, he learned it.”
Dropping the ladle into the pot, you left the plate on the counter and marched back into the living room with your beer, leaving the guys in awkward silence in the kitchen. Cursing a bit under your breath, you sat down against one of the couches and pulled Hoseoks duvet over you. This fucking mess. Why did Jin have to make such a big deal out of it? You would think that the biggest fuckboy on campus would be able to handle a casual hook-up. But no, apparently not this hook-up. Huffing in annoyance, you emptied the beer and pulled out your phone to cool off for a bit.
“Y/n?”, Hoseoks sighed, as he sat down across from you. You could tell by the tone of his voice, that he was about to scold you, and you returned his look defiantly, making him shake his head slightly. “Look, I know you’re only standing up for yourself, but you need to stop running head-first into every argument with the guys,” he said, his voice stern and yet soft, as he braced himself for the argument he knew was coming. “I can’t keep standing up for you.”
Rolling your eyes at his words, you crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“I don’t need you to stand up for me, Hoseok. You know that,” you reminded him with an annoyed tone. “But I am not gonna stop telling them off, when they talk to me like that.”
Stubbornly keeping eye contact with him, you refused to admit being in the wrong, making Hoseok let out a defeated sigh.
“Look, all I’m saying is that you’re always welcome here for my sake, but I share this house with the others, and if you end up disagreeing with more of them, they might not be okay with you coming over all the time,” he reminded you in a soft tone that deflated your anger, and made you huff out in defeated frustration.
“But Hobi,” you whined, pouting at him in one last attempt of getting him on your side. “I don’t want them to think they can talk about me or any other woman for that matter like they are doing now.”
Shuffling a bit, so he was sitting next to you instead, he pulled you into his side and traced soft patterns onto the skin of your arm.
“I know, babe. But come on, you know they don’t actually think like that. They’re just joking around,” he spoke softly, trying to calm you down. If only he had known, that his words had the opposite effect.
“But it’s not funny, Hosoek.” Your voice was firm, and your jaw tense. You wanted to push him away, but you were also still so damn tired. The only thing keeping you from starting a full-blown argument was the hope of still spending the night here.
“Maybe you should let one slide every now and then. Even if you don’t find it funny. Pick your battles, you know?” He knew you well enough to tell that you were debating if you should bite back, but when you settled deeper against his side, he let out a barely audible relieved breath, as he encased you with his other arm as well to give you a hug.
“Fine,” you mumbled in surrender against his chest. “But only because I really need some sleep.”
“Whatever you say, babe.”
“Can we join you or are you gonna tear our heads off?”, Yoongi joked, as the rest of the group walked towards the sofas, the younger ones trailing behind a bit hesitantly, until you gave them a short smile and a nod.
“I’m sorry, Y/n,” Jungkook mumbled sheepishly as he sat down on the opposite site of Hoseok, looking at you with his innocent doe eyes. “We were just joking around. We didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Normally, you just joke back,” Jimin added, sitting down against the opposite couch with a beer in his hand. “We didn’t think, it would make you upset.”
Keeping Hoseoks words in mind, you sent the boys a sweet smile keeping your tongue in check.
“It’s okay. I guess, I’m just tired,” you told them, giving Jungkooks arm a squeeze to reassure him. Honestly, they were far from the worst in this house, and it was Jin, who was wearing your patience thin. “Sorry, I snapped at you, guk,” you told him softly, earning a sweet smile back as he pulled you away from Hoseoks side and into a hug.
“It’s okay, baby. As long as you’re not mad at me anymore.”
He smiled widened as he felt you giggle softly against him.
What were you supposed to do? The boy was too damn cute for his own good. And he was one hell of a cuddler, you had realized quite quickly after meeting him. He sought out contact all the time, clinging to whoever was closest to him. That is whoever, he wasn’t planning on sleeping with. His bedmates got to see a very different side of Jungkook – a very flirty side that is. But with you, he had always been soft. Pulling you into hugs, cuddling you, letting you borrow his over-sized sweaters, which were perfect for taking afternoon naps. Especially because he didn’t wear any strong perfume or cologne, so the sweaters just smelled vaguely like him. And somehow always like laundry detergent.
“I call dips on gukkie as cuddle-buddy for the night,” you exclaimed in a drowsy mumbled, making yourself comfortable against his chest, as the others laughed at you.
“Hey, that’s not fair,” Jimin whined at you in an over-dramatic pout. “I wanted to cuddle with you tonight, Y/n.”
“Tough luck, Park Jimin,” Jungkook teased triumphantly as he sent Jimin a overconfident smirk. “She chose me. Better luck next time.”
“I’m sure Hobi wouldn’t mind cuddling with you,” you smiled at Jimin, before letting out a yawn.
“Do you want to cuddle, Jiminie?”, Hoseok asked, opening his arms for Jimin with a wide smile, laughing as the smaller boy cuddled up next to him.
Out the corner of your eye, you caught Tae wrapping Namjoon in a hug, making you smile. It was nice seeing them so relaxed with each other.
“Do you think it’s weird, that we cuddle? Like without being interested in more?”, Namjoon suddenly asked a few minutes later, making everyone look up at him. Tensing your jaw in dread, you sensed the upcoming discussion. Of course, it was bound to come up in frat house.
“Why would it be weird?”, you asked, trying to keep the annoyance out of your voice. “It’s a basic human need. Human contact. We all have casual sex with random people – that takes care of the sexual need. But we also have a need for non-sexual physical contact. There is no shame in fulfilling that,” you shrugged, still cuddling with Jungkook.
In your book, there was nothing wrong with cuddling with people. Like Jungkook, you always sought out hugs, cuddles and contact in general, but you rarely meant anything by it besides friendship. Hoseok and you had shared a bed so many times, you’d lost count years ago, and you had never taken it further than that.
“Don’t you ever get that craving for a hug or someone to just hold you tightly? Even if you’ve just spent the night with someone,” you asked softly, craning your neck to look at Jungkook, who gave you a short nod.
“But shouldn’t those two go together? Normally?”, Jimin asked in a small voice.
“Why? Sometimes you have amazing sex with a person, but their personality is a horrible fit for you,” Yoongi spoke, sitting alone against the couch as the only one not currently cuddling. “Why should you spend more time with that person, if the only chemistry you have is sexual?”
“It’s easier keeping them separate, Jiminie” Tae said in his deep voice, reaching over to ruffle Jimin’s hair. “At least until you find someone, where both things feel natural.”
As the mattress-hollow fell silent, it seemed you were all lost in thought about Tae’s statement.
“I wouldn’t mind having a cuddle-buddy,” Jungkook suddenly spoke up. “You know like a fuck-buddy, but for cuddles. Like Hoseok has Y/n.”
“To be fair, that’s not something we planned, kookie,” Hoseok laughed, sending you a blinding smile that you returned sleepily. “We’ve been friends for so long, it just kinda happened. We’re comfortable around each other.”
“But would I sleep with him?”, you piped up with a mischievous smirk, making Hoseok narrow his eyes at you. “Never.”
“You b…”
“Ah! Don’t call her that!”, Tae interrupted with nervous eyes. “She’s finally smiling again.”
Laughing at his words, you sent Hoseok at shameless smile.
“Yeah, Hobi. You shouldn’t speak to me like that,” you taunted, making him gasp in feigned insult.
“For your information, I was going to call her a bastard, which is actually a gender-neutral noun,” he retorted, shooting you a proud smirk as you snorted out a laugh, making the rest of the guys laugh as well. “So I was completely in the clear!”
“Hmm. Love you too, you idiot,” you giggled, shaking your head at his creativity. Hoseok smiled at you, which turned into a laugh, when he saw you yawn yet again.
“Jungkookie, couldn’t you lie down instead of sitting against the couch? Y/n is almost asleep, and she is way too heavy to move once she’s sleeping,” he teased, although his smile was soft. He really was worried about you not getting enough sleep.
“Screw you, Jung,” you retorted meekly, but let Jungkook pull you down to a lying position, while Jimin cooed at how cute you were. When Jungkook pulled you against his chest, you let out a content sigh, enjoying the warmth emanating from his chest seeping into your body and making your muscles relax. “I’m gonna fall asleep in less than a minute like this,” you muttered, eyes already closed and breathing heavy. “Night, guys. Thanks for letting me sleep over.”
You didn’t even hear their returned goodnight’s, knocked-out from exhaustion as you were.
The guys stayed up a bit, talking in hushed voices so they wouldn’t wake you. Despite their initial hesitation towards it, they did end up going to sleep cuddling. Jimin against Hoseoks chest. Namjoon spooning Taehyung, and him holding Yoongis hand. They might be known as the fuckboys on campus, but everybody gets touch starved from time to time.
When Seokjin walked in the door it was close to 1am. Softly pulling the door closed behind him, he was careful not to make any noise. 
After leaving the house earlier, he had gone straight to a bar. A hook-up had to be the solution, he thought. It hadn’t taken him long to find girls willing to go home with him, but for some reason they didn’t really do it for him. It took him almost an hour before he found someone, he deemed sexy enough to go home with, and despite her long legs, beautiful eyes and big breasts, the sex itself had only been average. As he snuck out of her room afterwards, he caught himself actually hoping she wouldn’t want a second round with him.
In the dim lighting falling in through the windows from the streetlight, he could make out the hollow in the middle of the living room, where you had camped out for the night. Despite the dark room, he recognized Yoongi’s sleeping form, his hand still attached to Tae’s. Jin couldn’t help the soft smile spread across his face at the sight, and it only widened when he realized that Taehyung was cuddling with Namjoon as well. But when his eyes fell on Hoseok and Jimin’s tangled bodies, his smile faltered.
If Hoseok was sleeping with Jimin, who were you cuddling with?
Tiptoeing closer to the hollow, he finally found your face, peaceful in your deep sleep. You looked exactly as soft and cute as you had this afternoon, and involuntarily Jin felt the soft smile make its way back to his lips. It was hard to believe that these soft features belonged to the same person, who so stubbornly refused to have anything to do with him, he thought. Too used to seeing your face twisted in annoyance or anger, he stayed still for a second, observing how gorgeous you actually were. After everything that happened after, he had wondered a few times, why he even slept with you in the first place. Although he knew why. You were beautiful, funny, laid-back and intelligent. If he was being completely honest, he hadn’t scored you. You had chosen him, and he had been too surprised to throw any of his usual antics at you before you already had him out of his pants. He grinned at the memory, only for it to falter when he saw the arm tightening around your waist, pulling you closer in his sleep.
Of course.
The only one he still hadn’t seen.
Leaning forward, Jin saw the youngest snuggling his face against your neck and the flicker of a smile ghosting your lips. Feeling the annoyance stirring in his stomach, he mumbled out a curse. Obviously, the hook-up hadn’t helped one bit. Why couldn’t he just get over this shit? It wasn’t like you had shown him any interest at all since that night, and all of his tricks had only backfired. Throwing one last look at you, he walked to his room.
At least the break was coming up, he thought to himself, as he closed his door behind him. That would give him an entire week without seeing you. That should give him time to move on.
He hoped.
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// Part viii //
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Cats and Dogs
James (Logan) Howlett AKA Wolverine / Original Character
Summary: A young mutant girl runs away from a bad situation and finds solace in a passing stranger. 
A/N: Okay so this piece is very old and hella embarrassing. This is probably quite obvious but I wrote this when I just started watching anime regularly, so you know, when I was going through my obsessive phase. Hence the cat ears. I thought I’d post this one just because it’s one of the few shorts I actually finished. Also I have no idea why I decided to call this cats and dogs but I’m not going to judge past me anymore than I already have. Hope this gets some laughs?
The January air was crisp and violent, its strength enough to cause the young girl to sway with it. A light dusting of pearly snow crunching beneath her worn sneakers, a stumble every now and again. This was not how she had foresaw her future; sad, freezing, and alone with only the two thin layers of her peach pyjamas and her white sweatpants struggling against the harsh winter weather. It hurt to inhale through both her nose and mouth at this point, her cheeks an angry red and her fingertips practically numb. She had them curled lazily into her small chest. A habit she had developed over the years as an attempt to keep her nails from others and herself, even if unneeded. She was hurting, in more ways than one and rapidly losing hope. Minutes continued to pass and finally the familiar sound of tires on road reached her covered ears. Looking over her slim shoulder her brown gaze widened at the white truck slowing toward her. She wasn’t used to not hearing vehicles before she saw them, the girl guessed it was because of her grey toque and her worsening state. Weakly moving her long shaggy brown hair away from her face she watched wearily as the man in said truck looked at her. He motioned for her to open the door to the passengers side with a stern expression, she eventually did but with a noticeable fear taking over. Plopping down onto the dark seat and slamming the door shut with a pathetic force, she sighed at the warmth that followed. The young teenager jumped at the sound of the large burly man moving, he reached to grab a thick coat and handed it to the girl.
“Jesus kid, how long you been out there?” His voice was deep, gruff and only caused her anxieties toward this strange man to grow. 
“A-awhile,” the man noted how frail her whispered answer had sounded. It was his turn to watch her, albeit curiously, as she slowly covered herself with the warm material like a blanket. Once she had finished a silence fell over the pair. He was very aware of how terrified the teenager was, and he was at a bit of a loss on how to comfort the stranger. 
“So, where yuh headed?” 
“Dunn-no,” she reluctantly turned to face the person beside her. Big eyes stared into smaller ones, “Wh-where are you going? If-f you don’t mind me as-asking?” 
Looking back at the bright white road, he placed his rough palms back on the steering wheel and started his journey once again, “New York.” Another silence washed over them though this time with less of a tense. The man had so many questions but chose to tread carefully, “what brought you to the side of the road, hm?” 
Sinking into the warming seat further she answered with little confidence, “my parents arh-aren’t too fond of meh-e anymore.” 
“Any specific reason?”
“They just aren-aren’t the best of people.” 
Having been who he is for far too long, he had a guess or two as to what this young girl was obviously not telling him. That in mind as well as her still prominent fear, his right hand let go of the wheel. He presented his larger hand with his knuckles facing her questioning gaze, and with little thought three shining claws pushed to the surface. And just like that they were gone and his hand was back on the wheel. He was expecting something, a gasp, an awe even, but he was greeted with silence once again. Glancing at his passenger he quickly realised that maybe that wasn’t the smartest course of action. She was scared. Maybe he thought wrong? Was she not a mutant?
“Sorry ‘bout that. Just wanted to show you that you don’t have to be scared to tell me anything. I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“You-you’re a mutant?”
“Yeah, are you?”
For a good few seconds he really thought he screwed this up, but finally, after a minute or two, he heard rustling. Glancing at the girl and back in front of him several times, he watched as she moved her thin hands to her head and removed her toque. He was greeted with feline-like ears, the same colour as her hair, minus the white inside. 
“Yes,” he noted the lack of stutter and raised a brow once he saw her move her hands far away from her face. Her nails very slightly seemed to grow, yet they had definitely sharpened, “I had a stupid night terror so I got s-sloppy. They ran in and saw for the first time. They weren’t too happy.” Her last sentence was much quieter. If not for his enhanced hearing he wouldn’t have been able to hear it. She placed her now warm hands on top of his large coat and he watched as her claws changed back to her more human ones.  
“How long’ave they been developed now?”
“Since I was about six. I’m thirteen now.”
His eyes widened at that, “damn.” 
“My parents were alw-ays very bus-sy and when they got home they would just go straight to bed. We never really saw each other mu-ch.” 
“What’s your name, kid?”
“Robin, yours?”
“It’s very nice to meet you Logan. Thank you for letting me in your truck.” 
A genuine smile overtook her features, an infectious smile, “don’t mention it. Now tell me, have you heard of Charles Xavier?” 
“I haven’t.”
“Well, the guy runs a school for mutants. Happens to be in New York too,” Logan’s gaze slightly sparkled when he noticed Robin’s delighted surprise. 
“A whole school? But I don’t even have a place to stay in New York, how would I get accepted into a school?”
“All you need to get in is a mutation, and you would live there with other students.” 
“Can you take me there?” As they had been talking he took note of how her volume was getting slightly louder and her words more rushed as she continued. Now she was finally speaking at a normal level and her nervous stutter was long vanished. 
“Kid, you didn’t even have to ask.” 
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stella-maria7 · 5 years
Chapter 20: SWORDS CLASH
Sizhui saw those flying daggers heading in different directions but focused their destination only at one target. Him.
As swift as a lightening, his hand left his sword’s hilt and spun his body around while lifting his right hand up high. The long sleeves of his robes swirled along the movement and as it moved, a piece of wood was seen protruding from behind. Once his body was fully turned, his qin was materialized right above his waist. He had learnt how to call his instrument out from his Qiankun without having to open his pouch.
His slender index finger ran over all the seven strings in circles, producing a powerful yet melodic sound. The tip of his finger where it touched the strings gathered the spiritual energy into a whirlpool of pale blue light. Sizhui released the whirlpool with a wave of his palm and the blue light scattered into many elements counterattacking the flying daggers. The daggers plummeted to the ground close to Sizhui’s feet.
“Oh my.” Master’s Zhang trembling hands were clinging tight to Sizhui's back robe. The color drained from his face as he shuddered with fear. His eyes was darting around to find a better hiding place which sadly there was none. They were standing in the middle of the big intersection so the houses were quite far away. There was no way he was able to make it without attracting the boy’s attention. So, his safest hiding place for now was Sizhui’s back.
The boy squinted his eyes in exasperation. He couldn’t believe Sizhui was this capable of deflecting every of his daggers. He moved his feet to the right side and dashed, throwing more daggers at the process. Sizhui continued to fight with his qin as the boy was girding him and Master Zhang.
“You are quite talented.” The boy said as he came to stop at his original spot.
“Well, thank you.”  Replied Sizhui without forgetting to smile as if he was talking to a friend. As expected from the rumored Lan Sect’s heir, the kind-hearted Lan Sizhui.
The fog suddenly got thicker and enveloped the boy with it. “But don’t enjoy your victory just yet.” The voice resonated despite the body already blended into the smoke.
Sizhui swiped his hand, along with his sleeve, over the qin making it dematerialized. He was on full alert as he listened to every sound that might come up expectedly.
“Is he gone?” Master Zhang peeked from behind Sizhui’s robe.
“For now. But I am quite sure he will be back.” Sizhui answered as his eyes scanned the area. He had a feeling that the next attack would be a direct one. Meaning a swordfight would occur. If that was the case, it would be a bit inconvenient to have someone clung too tightly on his robe. “Master Zhang, I think I am going to have to put a protective spell around you so that you’ll be protected at all time.” Sizhui said as he turned around. After he received an affirmative nod from Master Zhang, he singled out his index finger and middle finger then pointed them to the ground. Using his spiritual energy, he drew a circle around the man and took out a talisman from his front robe’s pocket. He mumbled something quick and threw it at the circle.
A pale yellow light popped up high from the circle on the ground and encompassed the man’s body completely. “Please stay within this protective circle Master Zhang, and you will be safe. Do not step out no matter what.”
Master Zhang nodded. Sizhui scanned the area one last time before walking forwards in search for the boy. Just like before, he had to depend on his sense and ears as the fog was too thick for the eyes to see. He noticed that the boy had light footsteps so Sizhui expected that he had to be within close range in order to hear his approach. It was a big risk but Sizhui was prepared. His Wenhe was unsheathed this time.
Sizhui wanted to bring the boy back to Gusu with him. He knew that Hanguang-Jun wouldn’t give heavy punishment without getting down to reasons first. If the boy was possessed by some dark magic, Senior Wei would be able to help him. Gusu Lan would be a perfect place for the boy to relive his life if he decided to atone for his sins. Just like him. If he let other clans captured this boy, he was afraid that the boy wouldn’t get a chance to live, given the crime he had committed. No one was born evil. There must be some kind of reasons that made the boy lived his life this way.
Though he was thinking, his attention wasn’t distracted. He was able to sense an incoming sword from his side and he swayed his body to successfully dodge it. Then, he raised Wenhe to deflect another sword. The two metals hit each other with a clang and Sizhui was face to face with the one he was looking for. The boy was using two swords, one was shorter than another. Now that his short sword was halted by Sizhui’s Wenhe, his longer sword that was merely inches from Sizhui’s side started to twist and prepare for another attack. However, Sizhui used his sword’s sheath to prevent the weapon from coming any closer to his body. As if time stood still, a figure in white and a figure in black was locked in battle with nothing but silence and smoke as companions.
“If you don’t mind telling me, why do you want to kill Master Zhang?” Sizhui asked from behind the sword’s intersection that was forming an X sign in front of their faces.
“Why do people like to ask for reasons so much?” the boy sneered at Sizhui’s question and answered it with another question.
“Everything has its own reason you know.” The boy didn’t say anything so Sizhui continued. “I believe we can always talk things out.”
“You really do like talking, don’t you?” the boy answered in an annoying tone.
Sizhui smiled. “Oh, I don’t really like talking. I just like to reason.”
“No difference.”  The boy hissed as he pushed his sword down to Sizhui. Sizhui strengthened his strength on his sword so the push was not effected. Gusu Lan’s disciples were known for having strong arms after all. The boy saw that it was futile so he broke the connection and leaped backwards in a safe distance from his opponent. Sizhui lowered his sword a little but still on full alert.
“Where is the man?”
“In a safe place.”
“Are you insisting on keeping than man alive?”
“That seems to be the case.”
“Then you'll die.” The boy shot more daggers at Sizhui and lounged forwards. This time, since Sizhui was fighting alone, he didn’t need help from his qin. He brandished his sword in a vertical circular motion so fast that it looked like a spinning wheel to deviate the daggers from its course, and jumped to the side to avoid the boy’s straight attack. Their swords clashed again and this time, before the boy could lifted his second sword, Sizhui used his spiritual energy to confiscate that sword, making it flew from the boy’s hand and landed on the ground a few feet away. He thought he had the boy at his disadvantage, but his opponent was fast too. He took out two daggers to replace his sword short. Sizhui knew he wasn’t up with an amateur when he saw how flawlessly the boy handled the two daggers in just one hand. This boy had been trained for a long time. This kind of style wasn’t common in Gusu. And if he weren’t mistaken, it wasn’t common at other clans throughout the country as well. Where did he come from? Sizhui asked himself.
They were now back to the previous position, with Wenhe against the boy’s sword and Wenhe’s sheath against the boy’s daggers. None of them was able to move their weapons for a short while. Until…
“Cultivator, how could you leave me alone? That protective charm of yours wore off.” a voice sounded behind Sizhui.
Sizhui heard footsteps coming towards him. “Master Zhang. Stop. Don’t come any closer.” He shouted. But Master Zhang must be too far away to hear him because he kept walking. Given his position, he thought Sizhui was standing alone. Sizhui’s body was builder than the boy’s body that he seemed to block the view of the person in front of him completely if one looked from afar. Not to mention the work of the fog as well.
The boy’s eyes twitched as he grinned a wicked smile behind the mask. Sizhui knew he was planning something. But what he didn’t expect was when the boy dropped his sword, letting Wenhe piece his flesh on the shoulder. Instantaneously, he swapped the daggers from his left hand to his sword hand and threw them to where Master Zhang was walking.
“Look out.” He shouted and plucked Wenhe out of the boy’s flesh and threw it to counterattack the daggers. He was about to breath a sigh of relief as those daggers dropped to the ground when another dagger flew pass his temple, fluttering the hair behind his ear, and landed on Master Zhang’s heart. The man grabbed his chest and dropped to his knees as his face contorted with pain.
“You make a great opponent cultivator. Let’s have our swords clash again soon.” Sizhui turned around to find the boy vanished into thin air, taking the fog with him. Did he use a teleport talisman? But he couldn’t. During their fight, Sizhui noticed that he did have spiritual power but he wasn’t a cultivator.
“Arh” a hoarse, painful voice snapped him out of his thought. Sizhui ran towards Master Zhang and reached out to grab him just before he collapsed. Blood was oozing furiously from the wound since Master Zhang had removed the dagger.
“Removing the dagger will only cause you hemorrhage, Master Zhang. Why did you do it?” Sizhui frowned as he put his hand on the wound to stop the blood from flowing.
Master Zhang’s face was getting pale as he was losing too much blood. Sizhui knew the man wouldn’t last five minutes if he didn’t get help immediately. Lying the man to the ground gently, Sizhui transferred his spiritual energy to Master Zhang and aimed it directly at his heart to help it healed faster. He only stopped when he saw the color returned to Master Zhang’s face. Next, he opened his Qiankun and took out what needed to treat the wound.
Sizhui then heard heavy footsteps coming towards him. He didn’t even have to lift his face up to see who was approaching. He knew this sound so well.
“Sizhui. Are you alright?” Jingyi stood with his hands on his knees, his back bended forwards as he was out of breath from running.
“Of course I am, Jingyi. But Master Zhang isn’t. I already treated him somehow but he still need to see the physician. Can you help carrying him with me? He is quite heavy for me to handle alone.” Sizhui asked as he was putting things back to his pouch.
“I will take him, A-Yuan.” Said a voice that didn’t belong to Jingyi.
Sizhui looked up in surprise at the owner of the voice. “Senior Wen?” There, Wen Ning was standing with his face indifferent next to the panting Jingyi.
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