soleillunne · 1 year
asking for your selfship headcanons bc we can never have enough of alyzuha and xiaolyssa content in the world <3
also this is a mix of alyzuha and xiaolyssa :> also theyre all over the place
i have trouble sleeping so kazuha lays down w me and whispers to me and does the thing where you like draw shapes on smos back until i fall asleep to help me
also he wakes up before me but i always wake up before breakfast is ready bc idk i cant sleep for that long for some reason
as for xiao: he doesnt sleep that often bc of nightmares but he always lays w me (us?? id die if it was kazuha x alyssa x xiao)
i would rather die than be near bugs of any shape of form so both kazuha and xiao take care of them before i even notice (slight flashback to that one time i told vi changsheng would eat bugs for her lmao)
also in both cases i fall first and they fall harder bc heart eyes have you seen them
expanding on the fireworks hc which is here , kazuha would take me to a secluded area and would just watch the stars w me and maybe we would whisper to eachother and just talk all night
also as mentioned in vi's selfships series like twice i think (i keep going back to those theyre so cute) i make bracelets for us three!! theyre all custom made and like different from eachother but also when you look at them you can understand theyre a set if that makes sense
xiao gives us (i decided to go with xiao x alyssa x kazuha shh) like um blessed stone thibsg I FORGOT WHAT THEY WERE CALLED that like alert him when we're in danger so he can come fight w us before we can even call for him bc he worries :(
kazuha tries to teach me japanese at some point (since i think each nation has a language of its own and teyvats language is like a worldwide language as an extra) AND HE FAILS BC I CANT UNDERTSAND IT but i get upset bc i think hes disappointed in me and i try so hard to learn it on my own so i can impress and suprise him one day
xiao: "what language you speak doesn't matter as long as you're mine" USDBFHGIUJOH DIES
kazuha confesses first to me but i confess first to xiao
OKAY SO I WROTE THIS IN A POST OF MINE AND IT WAS EXTREMELY BASED OFF OF ME BUT!! me and zhongli def have tea on afternoons at least once a week where we talk about xiao
similarly i will talk about kazuha to beidou (and she'll try to embarrass him)
special occasions (like birthdays, anniversaries etc.) are spent w just us three and nothing else. like we dont run errands or any of that we just spend time together (kazuha wrote me a haiku on my bday - as his voiceline goes- once and i started crying lmao)
all of us prefer handmade gifts over bought ones so gifts are very pretty but also they all mean sth to us!!
kazuha lets me play with his hair and xiao plays with mine its like those pics where multiple people braid their hair at the same time if youve seen it before HIS HAIR IS SO SOFT ASBDJFKGLH
kazuhas handwriting is pretty if you can read cursive but xiaos is unintelligable so mine is the only handwriting that you can actually read lmao
we have two cats. because i love cats and i have two of them (OH MAYBE WE'LL HAVE 3 BC TOMOS CAT OMG)
kazuha cooks, i bake and xiao sits on the counter looking pretty as he taste tests the food
when im in pain™ they both hold me and kiss me all day to make me feel better :")
alyzuha is friends to lovers and xiaolyssa is reincarnation au (detailed verison here) but also xiaolyssa has insane friends to lovers with angst potential (it has angst potential in general but i dont like thinking abt it bc it makes me sad lmao)
thats all i got at the top of my head rn
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cinnamonconi · 1 year
Is this breaking the rules? No cc he IS A real character!
KOU for the character meme~!
Watch me drop all this character lore and creation process in a single ask-
First impression
Since Kousei is my little gremlin, I'm sharing what I had in mind while creating him. You can say it's like a beta version of the final product:
I was actually going to give him a more antagonistic side. He was going to be merciless in duels, always trying to toy with his enemies to have them test new features related to the duel interface.
Like he'd be this secret boss that you encounter on your way to the final boss in the WDC arc, since he was based on the Mad Scientist trope. That being said, he was also going to use some of the duel candidates to improve the Photon Mode for Kaito to use under Faker's orders.
But he became a softie and that's canon now-
Impression now
He's a soft and caring lil guy!! He might look like he's ready to mess with anyone, but he actually loves and cares deeply for the people in his inner circle. Sure, he teases everyone around him, and usually his jokes can throw others off, but it's actually easy to get along with him.
I think that contrast between his looks and how he tends to joke around vs his caring side and willing to put others before himself, makes it easier to mischaracterize him. I think it's easy to miss his soft side.
Favorite moment
The day I started shipping him with Chris.
I made this short comic of Kousei and Chris dueling, and how he picks on V, because Dyson Sphere is so big for no reason at all. You have this massive monster that who knows how hard it is to emulate in the duel interface-
It was that comic and how silly and flirty Kousei was towards Chris that ended up with me shipping those two-
Idea for a story
Oh boy let's not touch this one. I have way too many ideas and AUs that I can't keep up with all of them!!
One of the biggest ones I have rn is the brainrot of Idol AU, where Kousei is a top idol and Chris is a closet fan of his.
IV is also an idol here! Chris and Kousei actually met at IV's dressing room, because Chris would come and pick him up every now and then. However, IV wasn't there at the time and Kousei decided to be silly and give Chris a bit of fanservice in IV's behalf... Only to find later that he's IV's brother.
That's how it all starts-
Unpopular opinion
I should share more lore of him, actually. Like I draw and think about him often, but I don't share my thoughts much. It's the fear of being too cringy about it hasdjkask
Favorite relationship
VKou, of course!! I don't even know where to start and I feel like I could talk about them all day!! But if I could sum this one up in a few words, it'd be that I love the contrast in personalities, but how good it works. The chemistry they have is so good, because it's the differences between them that complement each other. And, on a personal level, they have more in common that what it can be seen on a surface level.
Other relationships I love for him are him and Kaito (I love their friendship. I should write/draw them more often) and him with Gauche and Droite.
When he hangs around Gauche they share a single braincell and it's hilarious, while he's more calm around Droite. You bet those 3 like to go karaoke on friday nights-
Favorite headcanon (actually canon bc he's my gremlin)
His photographic memory has to be one of my favourite things. The fact that this single trait is the reason he gets involved in the story of zexal, having read so many research papers that he can replicate all the data from them.
Only a few know this, as he tries to keep it secret!
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goodshipsmulder · 1 year
The Tide
Post episode fic for Home Again. Mulder's silence at the end scene bugged me so I made a headcanon out of it, as always ;) My first ever fanfic by the way, I shall try and tag correctly. ****
‘Of course we didn’t treat William like trash. Anything but. We did everything we could to protect him.’ I want to say this to her out loud but as with almost everything I’ve wanted to say to her today, the words get stuck in my throat, so all I can do is squeeze her shoulder as she leans into me and hope she knows.
I didn’t go to the funeral, and one week on I still feel like trash myself for not being there for her despite that being at Scully’s request. When we’d discussed it, she was worried I’d get into a fight with Bill again and I had to grudgingly admit, based off of the last time he and I tried to attend the same Scully family get together, that this was for the best. So we’d agreed I’d pick her up after the wake and the two of us would go down to the coast, to a favorite spot of her parents’, and sprinkle some of Margaret’s ashes into the sea there. Bill doesn’t like the sentiment of spreading ashes, claiming the spirit is more important than the body or something, and Charlie as usual couldn’t stick around.
She feels soft and light as she leans into me, and I can’t help but enjoy how tactile she’s been since her mom’s last days in the hospital. Trying not to enjoy her touch *too* much, I keep my gaze on the shoreline in the middle distance.
Ever since we started back on the X Files, I’ve felt this gradual shift as if we’re getting back to how things used to be between us. It hasn’t been a linear, progressive change – things never have been that way for us. No, more like the tide of the sea, slowly edging inwards, the waves crashing forward then drawing back across the sand, imperceptibly moving in. A look here, a touch there, then we back off into the realms of cordiality and professionalism. Back and forth, ebb and flow. Sometimes I feel that she’s close to coming home to me for good, other times I feel like we’re back to square one like when she was first assigned to work with me and we were still learning to trust each other. I hope it doesn’t take another 7 years for her to let me in again…but I can wait.
The breeze lifts a lock of her hair and it brushes against my cheek. Although I still hate fire, I have always loved how her hair looks like a burning beacon of light. Here in the dwindling light and starkness of the beach, it seems to glow even more in contrast. If our relationship is the tide of the sea, Scully herself is a lighthouse. She’s been there to guide me to safer waters so many times and I know she needs the same from me today.
I’m silently reflecting on the metaphor and whether I can extend it any further without it becoming cloying - considering whether she views me as a riptide, pulling her out into danger, or more as a weighty anchor, dragging her downward with me whenever my depression hit - when suddenly she says my name.
“I think I’m ready now,” she says, pulling away from me and picking up the urn containing her mother’s ashes. I rise, trying not to wince at the stiffness in my knees, and help her to stand. Her smart black heels aren’t really suited to the sand, so I have an excuse to offer her my arm to help steady her, and she takes it without hesitation. We make our way down the beach toward the old wooden jetty, up onto the creaking weathered boards and slowly out towards the edge where the water is surprisingly deep and laps gently against the beams beneath.
She’s clutching the urn to her chest and I can see she’s starting to tremble as she struggles with the clasp, so I lay my hand over hers and murmur “We can do this another time if you want…”
“No, no I want to do this today…I need to. It’s what she wanted.”
That’s her ‘I need to work now’ tone so I take my hand away and let her continue. She tips a small pool of ash onto the palm of her hand and tremulously holds it out over the water. I know she’s already given enough speeches at the funeral and the wake, and her voice is already breaking so I’m not surprised when she keeps it brief:
“Mom, here you go, back to Ahab like you wanted. Wherever you are now, there will always be a part of you in the sea, just like dad. And there will always be a part of you with me, too. Love you.”
She turns her hand and lets the ashes sprinkle down into the water, the sea foam gently swirling around them until they sink down away from view.
I’m still gazing at the water when I realise she’s holding out the urn to me. “I’d like you to do this too, Mulder,”
I nod and accept the small heap of ashes she pours into my palm. I hold my hand out over the water and pause. I kinda knew she’d want me to say a few words and I’d been unsure what to say, but I decided to freestyle it, true Mulder fashion.
“Margaret…I know after my mother died you always said I could call you Mom and I never did. I always wanted you to know that it wasn’t that I didn’t want to, just that you always felt like so much more to me than that word had ever meant to me…you showed me so much love and acceptance. Thank you. And thank you for raising Dana into the wonderful, feisty, beautiful person she is today…” I can feel Scully reaching out to touch my arm and I start to falter again. Never one for too much schmaltz, I try for a bit of levity, “and thanks for all that delicious food you made for me, especially your Irish Stew, and for making sure I ate a vegetable now and then. I’ll try and keep that up.” I smile to myself and tip the ashes into the water, somewhat less gracefully than Scully had.
We stand there quietly for a while, then Scully says in barely more than a whisper “When did mom cook for you?”
Shit. I forgot she didn’t know.
“Oh…yeah that was after…after you moved out. She came over one day out of the blue, said you hadn’t mentioned seeing me in a while and she was getting worried about me. She noticed I was looking a little rough and I think she clocked the takeout containers in the kitchen. She came over again the next day with a big bag full of Tupperware homemade frozen dinners and a freshly baked lasagne. And then she came back a week later with more, to make sure I’d eaten.”
Scully lets out a tiny broken chuckle “That is so typically Mom,”
“Yeah, it happened a couple of times, actually. Just whilst you were…” I cut myself off, chiding myself for mentioning the breakup. “She was a very giving person, your mom.”
She reaches out and cups my cheek with her hand, her bottom lip quivering.
“I’m sorry I abandoned you like that, Fox. I should have checked in on you more,”
“It’s OK,” I shrug off the repeated use of my first name. “I was a difficult person to be around back then,”
“So was I…”
I scoff at the notion quietly, shaking my head. She pulls me in for a hug and I breathe her in, her perfume mingling with the faint smell of whiskey on her breath from the bottle she’d shared with her brothers that morning.
The breeze starts to pick up and I feel her shiver.
“It’s getting late. Want me to drive you back to your apartment now?”
She starts to say yes then changes her mind. “Actually…let’s go back to the house together. If we stop by the market on the way I can grab a few things…maybe make you some of Mom’s stew? I’m pretty sure I remember the recipe,”
I’ve gotten better at meal planning lately, and she’ll probably be pleasantly surprised by the current contents of my fridge, but I can’t remember the last time we sat down for a home cooked meal together and can’t help but feel a flush of excitement at the thought of her coming home, if only for a few hours.
“Sounds good,” I say, turning to look back to the shore.
“I think the tide’s coming in…”
I turn back to her and smile, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Yeah…I think it is.”
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I received your ask you saying you didn't have ideal for ship headcanons so let's go:
Trey, Cater and Jade inherit the Clovers' bakery. Trey and Jade work in the kitchen while Cater works at the cashier and is responsible for marketing through MagiCam posts.
Riddle has a huge garden full of roses. In the middle of it there is a lake where some golden fish live. Floyd named each one of the fish and sometimes both of them talk with the fish.
Ace gives white camellias to Kalim and red dahlias to Jamil, because he thinks these flowers fit them very much.
OKAY! Lets go through these ship by ship!
First off: Mermaid,Baker,PhotoHare (I don't know I took a jump on a name)
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I think it goes without show Trey was going to get the bakery but I see then having built a dream apartment above the bakery as well as remodel said bakery to more of each their style after they graduate
I can also see Jade still working / helping out Azul and Floyd as he helps / works at the bakery
Omfg maybe Azul comes over along with Floyd and Riddle!
I can see these three going on one on one dates sometimes just to get out but also to really fuck with the neighbors who don't know the whole story
Cater would randomly takes pictures of Trey and Jade working and put a bunch of filters and stickers on them whenever it's a slow day
Cater learned not to be too much of a jokester in the kitchen after taking a break to mess with them while they take a momentary break of baking and came back cashiering with a sign of flour hands on his clothes
Both Jade and Cater learn to rarely wear black pants or else flour hands on the butts
Okay, now it's ElectricGoldfish (again, tried, it's FloydRiddle):
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It's funny you mentioned a lake in Riddle garden cause I literally had a conversation with a friend who said he saw the morning routine
Like if Jade and Azul lived nearby where ever Riddle lives and Jade takes it up to him every morning to swim across the lake / small ocean (I dunno the word sorry) to wake up Floyd and Riddle since they place a bed in a would be balcony on the ground floor so Floyd could do his morning swims and what not and Riddle could watch
T^T My heart
With the part where they talk to the fish I can see if they had a bit of a fight they BOTH go to the fish in the lake on different parts of the day to vent and express worry their partner is angry at him
Why do I see Riddle being more open about PDA by the time the two live together?
Floyd totally asks Riddle if he would like to strangle his parents if they bug him too much in no contact
Riddle's like "Floyd, what the fuck?"
And finally. . . (trying again with names) MagicalRainSerpant / Desert-Flowers-Plus-One -Brain-Cell:
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(I couldn't find any good stims of Kalim but I just LOVE them in their Gala outfits!)
Origin of the flowers. . .
Ace was taking a walk one day, maybe picking some stuff up without Jamil and Kalim, when he walked pass a flower shop
No words were spoken at that moment, he just looked at the rows of flowers and saw the two sets placed side by side as if out of fate
With the white camellias he saw Kalim's brightness in the room and the floof his short white hair gets when he wakes up in the morning
With the red dahlias he remembered Jamil's overblot aftermath when he saw him dancing along side Kalim and Floyd, how he grew to want to know more of his basketball teammate
As memories start growing the more he looked at the flowers he took money out of his wallet and bough two small bouquets of each flower and one bigger one of them mixed
He took those flowers home and presented it them to his boys
Kalim and Jamil later on starts buying Ace red roses once Ace started buying red dahlias and white camellias
For Jamil, it was at first a joke to poke fun at his dorm
That changed when Kalim explains his answer,
"Well, they just remind me of you. The redness of you hair, the fact you are a sweet and gentle person who hides it behind tough thorns, and whenever I look at them I think of all the great things you have done for others despite getting in trouble."
Since then the house hold began to grow red roses, white camellias, and red dahlias in their small garden along side spices and some veggies
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idontblushsrry · 4 years
Sesshomaru||NSFW Alphabet
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A/N: That’s right, I wrote an NSFW alphabet for him as well. How could I not, he’s a hottie. Also somehow, I managed to keep this w a gender neutral reader, so all my Sesshomaru fans may enjoy (unless u ship s*ssrin, then leave)
Word Count: 1911
Warnings: Obviously nsfw
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A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
After sex, Sesshomaru returns to his initial composure almost immediately. Like he’ll pant for a few seconds, wipe his dick off and then immediately, boom, like nothing ever happened. Of course, you, are thoroughly wrecked, needing Sesshomaru’s help, help which he is more than happy to give.
B - Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part on himself has to be his arm/arms (depending). He loves his arms for a reason completely separate from you, he just enjoys the fact that he finally has two arms, like he thinks back to all the times he didn’t properly appreciate his left arm, and vows to never make that same mistake.
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
As much as he loves cumming on your body, nothing compares to the feeling of cumming inside you. He loves to watch you slowly lose all coherency as he just fucks you full of his cum. If you let this man cum inside you, you will unleash a whole new beast, that you’re gonna have to be prepared to deal with. 
D - Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Sometimes, when Sesshomaru knows he’s going to be away from you for a long time, he tries to fuck you as much as possible. He knows that he’ll miss you and gets a little more lovey dovey, but above all, he’s trying to remember the feeling of you so he can better mimic it with his had.
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Sesshomaru is extremely experienced, on account of both his rank and his power. Demons are attracted to power and rank and, being so noble, Sesshomaru has never had any trouble with finding a partner to warm his bed. He’s not versed in everything but he has a strong sense of intuition and a deep connection with his own desires.
F - Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
A bit cliché, but, his favorites are doggy style and mating press. Any position where he has the leverage to press you down and fuck into you also ranks pretty high on his list.
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Sesshomaru is so serious in the moment. He gets so laser focused on pleasing you that he finds any distractions to be a bit...grating. That being said, you’re the exception, if he happens to make you laugh during sex, he’ll just roll his eyes affectionately before shutting you up with a kiss.
H - Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’s about as well groomed as any man of his station at the time would be. He’s not exactly shaving down there but his hair is so fine that it isn’t unbearable. Also the carpet definitely matches the drapes, his hair is extremely light and it’s hard to see sometimes.
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Sesshomaru is very intimate in subtle ways. He shows you hat he cares by doing little things to ensure your comfort. Whether it’s brushing sweat off your head, setting pillows under your hips, or retracting his nails when he holds you, Sesshomaru is the king of unspoken intimacy. He loves you and he’s going to show it in the most obvious way.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
As stated earlier, Sesshomaru really only jacks off out of necessity. He had no problem with getting someone to fuck, ad now that he has you, he doesn’t see the need to masturbate. The only time he’ll do so is if you’re gonna be away from him for a while and he’s really horny.
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Sesshomaru has a breeding kink, sorry not sorry. Even if you can’t get pregnant, something in him just tells him to keep filling you with his cum until it spills out. At which point, he just repeats the process. He also has a thing for marking, whether it be by scent, hickies, or with his cum, he loves the reminder/proclamation that you’re his.
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Sesshomaru’s not picky about location. He’s of the opinion that, as long as you’re comfy, he’s ok with it. He does enjoy having his fill of you in your shared bedroom, but yall aren’t really home often enough for him to be that particular about it.
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The only thing that turns Sesshomaru on is the sight/thought of you naked and waiting for him. 
N - NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Sesshomaru does not care all that much for sharing, and in a similar vein, voyeurism. With voyeurism, he doesn’t mind fucking out in the open, as long as no one else is around. The second he gets whiff of anyone, he’s pulling out of you faster than you can even realize what’s going on. With sharing, just don’t ask. He won’t show it but, the thought of someone else even seeing you that vulnerable enrages him and sets off his baser instincts. If you suggest it, he’s going to be very hurt for some time.
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Sesshomaru probably didn’t even know about oral until you went down on him for the first time. While he isn’t exactly the most experienced in it, he more than makes up for it with his sheer voracity. If you ask him to give you head, he’s getting on his knees, laying you back like, “say less”.
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Sesshomaru can be both but he tends to lean on the more fast and rough side. Sure, your hips and legs hurt, but who can really complain when there’s a powerful demon pounding into you like a jackhammer.
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
When you first told Sesshomaru what a quickie entailed, he was intrigued. Admittedly, he didn’t like the concept at first, but the more he thought about it the more it grew on him. He likes the thought of you being so needy for him that you’d rather jump him as soon as possible than wait to get home.
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
In terms of experimentation, Sesshomaru’s not all that open to it. He’ll try if you insist but he’s definitely not one to suggest any experimentation. As for risks in terms of location, as long as he’s far enough from others, he doesn’t really care where y’all fuck or how loud you are. 
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can go as long as you can. He does like to build your endurance more and more each time, but sex in general with him is a serious time commitment.  He’s more than willing to space it throughout the day if that would suit you better.
T - Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
No toys, Sesshomaru doesn’t see the point in them. It also goes back to his thing about sharing, while he won’t be as angry as he would be with another person there, the thought infuriates him. Just thinking about an object getting to feel you in the same way he does make him see red.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Sesshomaru prefers not to tease, but he will if he feels the need to. He prefers to get straight to the point, letting you cum as many times as he sees fit to, honestly, prep you to take him in. But if he’s feeling particularly slighted, (whether by you or some demon he can’t quite murder) he’ll take it all out on you. While he won’t tease you in public, in private, he’ll work you up, get you right on the edge of cumming, and then pull it away. The more you whimper and whine, the more tempted he is to draw out your torture.
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Sesshomaru is pretty quiet... usually. While he prides himself on his control, of which extends even to the bedroom, letting out a few grunts once he’s about to cum, his rut is a different story. Sesshomaru refuses to talk about or even acknowledge how unihinged he acts during his rut but honestly, the moment he gets a whiff of your arousal, he sounds like a wild animal. Every repressed emotion and sound comes bubbling back up to the surface and he just goes around growling and panting until he can stick his dick in you.
W - Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Sesshomaru tries his best to be gentle/hold back with you. It’s not obvious and you haven’t noticed because most of it happens in the heat of the moment when you’re distracted by...other things. But, he knows he tends to lose himself inside of you so in preparation, he’ll remove his hands from your body and let his claws rip into the surface under/behind you, whether it be a tree, bed, or just the floor. One of these times, his poison accidently activated and he shielded your body by leaning down and making out with you. That day, he discovered his affinity for kissing you while pounding into you.
X - X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Mans got a third leg, I just know. The baggy pants hide it pretty well but when you manage to pull it out, he’s easily 8 inches (10-12 when fully hard depending on circumstances), uncut, and really pretty. Like other parts of him, Sesshomaru’s dick is beautiful, a small patch of silver hair near his base. Speaking of, Sesshomaru does have a knot, if he cums inside of you, he tries to do so without getting it stuck just because of the fact that it’s kind of a hassle waiting it out. But if you let him knot you and the situation allows it, he might go a little feral whoops.
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Sesshomaru has a pretty high sex drive and before you, he could control it pretty well in all instances besides his rut. He still maintains his impeccable control but he finds himself ready to go a lot more often than he used to be. Like if you ask him, he’s immediately down regardless of what he’s doing. The only time that he gets supernaturally and uncontrollably horny is when he goes into rut. At which point...good luck getting his dick out of you.
Z - ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
While Sesshomaru doesn’t really get tired after sex in the same way you do, he does understand when you’re kind of tapped out for the night/day/moment and is more than content to watch you sleep. After a while though, the sounds of your heartbeat and the quiet sounds of your breathing will set him at ease and put him to sleep.
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nightcolorz · 3 years
Random Gotham Rogues Headcanons
(In honor of all the wonderful people who wanted more after my last post, yes I see y’all)
*Jonathan has a huge sweet tooth, the poor bastard didn’t try sugar until he was like 12 and eats candy like it’s his last meal.
*He’ll forget he needs food to live for way too long and eat a gallon of ice cream or some shit that’ll give any sensible man heart palpitations and just be like “😐👍”.
*Selina tells the newer rogues she was raised by cats to freak them out, Jervis still believes her. (Tbf, Selina does walk around with a cat tail on hissing at people and purring on their laps, I don’t blame him).
*Edward has a tiktok account that he made to fule his own ego, he’s a fragile little shit, literally all of his hate comments have video responses (as you can imagine, Edward gets A LOT of hate comments).
*One time a teenager called Edward “submissive and breedable” and he was too baffled to make a clap back.
*The Rogues have a surprising amount of stans. Ivy’s fan base consists mostly of lowly simps, Joker gets stopped on the street daily by greasy redditors and zealous scene kids.
*No one likes Joker, he thinks it’s because he’s “Batman’s favorite” (it’s not).
*For a while Joker has been insistent that he fucked Bruce Wayne once at one of his many parties, no one believes him except for Harvey (begrudgingly).
*He says it’s “Perfectly in character for Bruce” as much as he may hate it.
*Selina denies everything.
*Oswald and Jonathan share solidarity as “the weird bird people”. At first Oswald was a little put off that Jonathan only held knowledge of crows but soon got over that when he realized that now he had an excuse to infodump on someone who might actually be interested.
*Every time Jonathan visits Oswald’s aviary to pick up Nightmare and Craw Oswald jumps at the opportunity to talk about his numerous birds in excess, Jonathan’s a surprisingly good listener.
*Despite Edward and Joker’s long term rivalry Edward has remained relatively civil when faced with Joker’s constant egging on. That is until one iconic day in Arkham Asylum when Edward beat the absolute, ever loving shit out of Joker in the cafeteria. To this day no one knows what exactly got him to snap, not even Joker.
*Harley keeps a scrapbook about all her misadventures + friendships as a rogue, she has a habit of taking pictures of the others at the most inappropriate times (during a heist, while being beaten to a crisp by Batman, ex).
*One time Harley asked Batman to pose for a picture to put in her scrapbook, he obliged to everyone’s surprise.
*Edward is wholly insistent that he doesn’t belong in Arkham, and is convinced he’s completely sane. He’s weirdly obsessed with the fact that Oswald is sane “as well” and will make unprompted snide remarks like: “Blackgate sounds terrific, unfortunately I’ve been misplaced among MORONS, it’s a shame that the system is too incompetent to properly judge my un-categorizable psyche.”
*Oswald usually responds with a simple “🙂👍” or “ok” to avoid conflict, disagreeing with Edward could be catastrophic.
*Art therapy is an occupational hazard for all the Arkham staff. (Seriously, who thought giving super villains an outlet to express themselves was a good idea).
*Edward can’t draw so he spends his time harshly criticizing the other rogues art, that’s caused more than a few fights. The one time Edward’s ever actually done art in art therapy was when he drew a green triangle and explained in complex detail how he colored it to perfection.
*Jonathan is no longer allowed to share his art with the group before having it reviewed by a staff member after emotionally scarring a few patients. He’s one of the few rogues who presents his art every time, just to see the disturbed looks on the others faces when he explains whatever twisted art piece he came up with this time.
*Jervis is probably the most dedicated artist of the bunch, he‘s not allowed to make himself any hats (for obvious reasons) but he’s still a very skilled seamstress and has a very interesting art style (Jervis tries not to draw anything explicitly linked to Alice in Wonderland in fear of getting repercussions, as rogues often do when they engage with their ‘personas’).
*Harvey isn’t very technically skilled in drawing, but Harv usually spices their art up enough to make it interesting. Their drawings are always two themed, as expected. One time Edward criticized a painting of theirs for being “too unrealistic” and Harv had to manually restrain himself from kicking Edward in the teeth.
*Victor can’t draw either, but he writes pretty good poetry. His writing is excessively melodramatic and flowery, and his themes even more so. Half of the presentation period is spent listening to Victor muse about the meaning of life or some shit, his poems are VERY long.
*Waylon and Ivy are the obligatory pretentious painters, both have a fondness for flowers (for very separate reasons). The two will often compare their paintings and wax poetics about the beauty of nature or some bullshit before never speaking again. That’s one of the positives of Art therapy, it brings rogues together who would otherwise not grant each other a passing glance.
*Group therapy is just as (if not more) atrocious than Art therapy.
*The only one who ever talks is Joker (and sometimes Harley, but way less).
*Joker is the embodiment of an irl troll, he does a much better job at getting responses from the other rogues in therapy than the therapists ever could (usually hostile responses but still).
*Occasionally a new and bright eyed therapist will try and coax childhood memories out of the rogues, it never ends well (usually with the rogue or the therapist in hysterics).
*The majority of the Arkham staff are either terribly unqualified or terrible period.
*Music Meister lived with Edward for a short while after escaping Arkham together but he was promptly kicked out because he wouldn’t stop singing.
*Selina and Ivy had a huge argument once because Selina’s cats nibbled on Ivy’s plants.
Okay this post is all ready super long so I’m gonna end it here, as I said last time I can always make more if you guys like these (I’m not running out of headcanons anytime soon!)
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glowingbadger · 3 years
Can I get a nsfw fic for Diluc where he and reader are vigilantes together? I feel like that would be hot af.
Oh-ho~ what a delightful concept, Friend Anon.
I feel like I've barely had time for fic-style stuff rather than headcanon stuff lately, so forgive me if this is like... idk.. less good xD I hope it's good idk agopwgj
Side note, y'all Genshin people tend to blow up my page every time I post something in this fandom but I get SO few actual requests for it, wtf is up with that
Diluc x GN Reader - vigilantes
NSFW 18+
There aren't many of your typical "dark back alleys" in Mondstadt, but they are there if you go looking for them. If you do, you're sure to make some friends and acquaintances of the sort who also go looking for such tucked away places. And tonight, you're expecting a meeting with a coworker.
You've been tracking a particular Treasure Hoarder for weeks now. He's a cut-throat sort, in that he literally cuts throats, and quite gleefully at that. He's scum, but he's a valuable asset. He's the only Treasure Hoarder idiotic and brave enough to have set foot inside of Mondstadt's walls as of late, and you're not about to lose the opportunity to track him back to his hive. And it shouldn't be too difficult to do so- as long as a certain "Darknight Hero" doesn't decide to step in.
Somehow, you have a feeling he will.
And as you crouch atop the sloping roof of a typical Mondstadt residence, observing your pet rat scurrying through alleyways he clearly doesn't know as well as he ought to by now, you glimpse a familiar flash of red. Moving as quickly as one can with a sword that matches his height while retaining some measure of stealth, Diluc clearly has your subject in his sights. You barely contain a sigh, your brow lowered in flat exasperation.
You'll have to act quickly- Diluc is rapidly closing in on your only source of intel, blade at the ready and eyes devoid of mercy. Never taking your eyes from his dark silhouette in the alley below, you gracefully maneuver from the roof to a nearby balcony banister, then down a railing. Your feet meet the stone pavement silently just as muscles flex and the greatsword hefts into the air above a fiery mane of hair. Without a sound, you draw your own blade and press it firmly to Diluc's throat. He hesitates for just a moment, his surprise causing his footing to waver for the instant you need to tug him back against the wall.
"You-" he hisses with fury in his eyes, "What are you doing?!"
"Keeping you from killing my only lead!" you shout-whisper back to him as the Treasure Hoarder slides around the corner and into the open streets. He's a lost cause now- acting out in the open would draw unacceptable attention to both you and Diluc. For now, the edge of your sword indents his skin, emphasizing the unfortunately seductive sight of his adams apple bobbing as he swallows hard.
"He's a killer." he spits out bitterly.
"Yes," you reply, "And so are all of his friends. And the only way to snuff them all out is to let him live- for now."
His weapon vanishes for the time being, but you know his strength well enough to know that this does not make him 'unarmed.'
"Go join the Knights if you enjoy wasting time so much."
"Oh, perhaps I should," you say, "It was a Knight who gave me the intel to track this target, after all," the playful lilt in your voice guides him to the exact conclusion you want him to reach. What you don't expect is for Diluc to use his considerable strength to spin you back against the wall, jostling your sword from your hand and swapping your positions, with your wrists now pinned to the plaster behind you. You're startled for a moment- but not so much so that you miss the way his eyes scan your body before him.
"It was a strutting peacock that needs its beak removed, more like," he says, his voice low as he looms over you. Your bodies are so close, the space between you seems charged with electricity.
"Is that a touch of jealousy I hear?"
"You're infuriating," he gives this utter non-answer just before his lips reach yours. His kiss is deep and intense from the start, pressing you to the wall as his tongue thrusts into your mouth.
This has always been your favorite way to vent your mutual frustration. There's something about each of you that only the other knows; a part of you both that only the two of you have access to. Those cordoned off sections of your hearts instinctively reach toward one another, binding you and the Darknight Hero together despite all of the myriad ways you find yourselves at odds. Adrenaline and emotion drives your bodies together, and your pulse pounds as his tongue wrestles yours and the warmth of his body catches yours on fire.
You do your best to keep up with Diluc's frenzied need, parted lips working rhythmically against his, yet you can feel the rush of arousal through your body and the fight leaves you almost instantly. In one final act of provocation, you urge your thigh between his, rubbing it gently against the growing heat you feel there. His cock twitches with interest, hardening against the front of his pants. Diluc groans into your kiss, his hands releasing yours to travel down the contours of your sides.
When those strong hands reach your backside, they shamelessly grab at your curves, pulling you firmly against him and encouraging your thighs around his hips. Your feet are barely touching the ground anymore, and you can feel his growing cock grinding into your heat. His impatience is as evident in his touch as it's always been in his fighting style; though, the difference is that now, you're happy to match his pace. Thoroughly trapped between his body and the wall, your hands run across his chest, happily indulging in the plains of muscle beneath conservative clothing.
Then, you nip at his bottom lip, dragging it between your teeth and revelling in the husky groan this pulls from him. His hips sway against you, rubbing the head of his now rock-hard member against you. Quite suddenly, his hands leave your body, then instead, cup both sides of your face. Diluc holds you in place as he kisses you so hard and deep that your legs tremble and you worry your knees may give. And at last, the airy moan you offer him in reply seems to break the last of his restraint.
"Towards the wall," his urgent whisper grazes your skin, and it's all you can do to keep from moaning at the intoxicating, masculine tenor of his voice. Instead, you obey him, turning to the wall, only to feel him pinning you once more from behind. His lips are at your ear, his tongue tracing its curve, until he says softly,
"Truly a shame you can't always be this cooperative."
"I- I'm very cooperative when it gets me what I want..." you half-moan as his lips press heated kisses down the side of your neck. His fevered touch is everywhere, running up your sides to caress your chest, fingers briefly circling your nipples and causing you to arch against him.
"One day I'll make you beg for it." he muses softly, less like any 'dirty talk' you've ever heard, and far more like he's scolding you. Either way, it sends a hot wave of arousal plunging to your core. With a soft whimper, you urge your ass back against him, grinding onto the stiff length of his cock. Tonight won't be the night you beg, but you do need to show him how badly you want him- and he graciously complies.
Diluc's thumbs hook into the hem of your breeches and tug them down over the curve of your ass. Despite his own wants and needs, he does pause to appreciate the sight of you offering yourself to him, lower body exposed and face flushed when you glance over your shoulder at him. A single large hand runs over your backside, cupping and grabbing at it idly, enjoying the sight of your flesh over-filling his grip. Then, with a low hum, his eyes meet yours as he opens the front of his trousers and reveals his thick, twitching manhood to you. It's dark and veined, a powerful, masculine member that practically makes your mouth water- and you can't stifle an eager whine as he positions himself behind you once more.
The warm head of his cock presses to your greedy little hole, and Diluc wastes no time pushing himself steadily into you. With each inch, he splits you open around him, and your body tenses and arches against his strong frame.
"Diluc..!" you gasp out the moment he's buried into you to the base and his tip hits your core. Sometimes you think you'll never truly be accustomed to how fully he fills you.
"Quiet," he whispers harshly, though the way the full length of his cock swells at your cry tells him he quite enjoys hearing you. Yet as his hips begin to move and the veins and contours of his cock grind against your inner walls, it becomes harder and harder to keep your voice down. He feels too incredible, reaches too deep, stretches you out so nicely around him until you fit him perfectly. Your entire body burns, and you cling to the wall in front of you to take some of the strain off of your trembling legs. Before long, you're gasping and panting for him as he bucks into you, the head of his cock dragging against some indescribably wonderful spot each time he thrusts forward.
"You're so... difficult..." he grumbles, and you hear him move, unsure of what he's doing until you feel his gloveless hand sliding fingers into your mouth. Your eyes roll back, your body clenches and squeezes around Diluc's shaft. Perhaps he'd only meant to keep you quiet, but the depravity of being fucked senseless by the most sought-after gentleman in Mondstadt in a back alley while being made to suck on his fingers is simply too erotic to withstand. Your lips and tongue worship those fingers as he pounds you against the wall, railing into your desperate body until the hot, winding knot of pleasure in your gut comes undone in a sudden, mind-numbing rush.
"Nngh- gods...!" even Diluc, with all of his strict self discipline, can't keep from groaning as your climax seizes you. He can feel your body tense and release, feel your inner walls tightening and gripping around him, clinging around his cock like you can't bear to be without it. He draws closer, his hard chest against your back, his head sinking down to the crook of your neck. His thrusts lose their timing, uneven and inelegant as he nears his own release.
You feel the sting of his teeth at your flesh. Diluc silences his own sounds of pleasure, burying his face at your neck and sucking a dark love-bite to your skin. But even this jolt of wonderful pain can't distract you from the way his cock flexes deep within you, swelling and straining out against your tight hole. Then, at last, his breath catches, and his cum begins to shoot out into you. The first impact causes you to whine around his fingers, which he punishes with a harsher bite at your shoulder muscle, even as he continues to fill you. Wild red hair brushes your face as you rally your strength to keep yourself in place for him and he fucks the remainder of his climax into your waiting body. For a moment, he holds within you. You each struggle to regain composure and steady your breathing- no easy feat when his manhood is stubbornly refusing to soften even the slightest bit. Then, with a barely restrained sigh, Diluc eases out of your spent hole.
His hand comes to rest on the wall in front of you, trapping you against his body for a moment longer. You have just enough room to move your hands to tug up your clothing and cover up, and he does the same with his free hand. But before releasing you, he places a lingering kiss to the spot just below where your jawline meets your ear. It's a surprisingly tender spot, and the soft warmth of his lips seems to spread across your skin from that point.
"Be safe getting home." he murmurs, and you find yourself wishing dearly that you could see his expression as he says it. Though, perhaps he fully intends to keep that image from you. Then, he straightens his posture, the cool night air filling the space where his body had warmed you.
"And next time," he adds, having regained his usual business-like tone, "Don't expect me to be so generous if you stand in my way."
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definii · 4 years
Are there any events, details, headcanons, etc. that are specific to your Hermit!Tommy AU? :D I’d love to hear anything about it!!
Well, I don't have that much of my own Hermit!Tommy AU since I tend to lean on other people's take of it like redorich and petrichormeraki because I suck at writing, plus, I don't have much knowledge on Hermitcraft and the hermits themselves (I know widely on Grian, Mumbo, Xisuma, and Iskall however the other hermits, not so much) anyways.
Details on my Hermit!Tommy AU?
-He used to live at Joe's doghouse district (Crediting Petrichormeraki for that) settled at  Mumbo's old hobit home for a while till he's ready to make his own base. Tommy has a small cottage house, a hillside storage room in disguise, and an underground war room where he grinds weaponry, experience, ores, etc as a way to cope and calm his paranoia but surely turned to healthier coping mechanisms such as building, gardening, beekeeping, and bookbinding.
-Scar and Tommy has this soft comedic Love-Hate friendship, It all started with Tommy leaving messes like creeper holes and unsheared tree leaves which made Scar fed up and conforted Tommy about it, Scar tried to be gentle but Tommy like the loud child he is, it only led the two into an argument yet Tommy made a pinky promise to never do that again and Scar gave him tips about it.
-There's an inside joke among the hermits that whenever they pass by Tommy's place, they would leave a stack or two of building in his chest anonymously like quartz, different types of woods, slabs, etc because let's be honest, the kid's building is not too much pretty to look at and Tommy still doesn't take their gift since he doesn't want their "pity".
-Tommy after he's comfortable with the hermits (entrusting them with his trust) he hangs the old pictures (him and tubbo, the crew when the time of L'manberg and Tubbo in his presidential suit) The hermit wants to ask about it like who, what and when of those pictures but doesn't want to push him, worried if they pushed any of his personal buttons.
-Tommy has night terrors on some occasions, screaming as if he was going to getting murdered, rare hallucinations of Tubbo, Wilbur Even dream (He doesn't know the triggers of his hallucinations are yet) Xisuma and Impluse try to find a way for his night terrors to be smoothened put by potions or medicine.
Events on my Hermit!Tommy AU?
-Tommy fled after Dream blew up Logstedshire and almost attempting suicide, like any other Hermit!Tommy AU take on, He somehow ends up in Hermitcraft. He doesn't remember but he does remember blurringly like a fever dream, running away from something, wounded, blindly, screaming hoarsely for help and stepping in something but that's about it. He was found passed out bleeding beneath a tree by Zombiecleo and alerted the Admin about it.
-The Mycelium vs Grass war got Tommy wracked up, to the point he unhealthy grinded days on end but surely is informed that it isn't the same "definition" of war like in Dream SMP that gave Tommy a huge slap on the face of what's normal and what's extreme.
-Tommy took a break from MCC but soon came back, teaming up along with the hermits and agreed on being masked from the crowd, worried that he'll be found. However in the second chosen mini-game: Survival game, Tubbo, and Tommy came across each other due to the borders shirking fast
Both of them thought that they were hallucinating but fortunately, it isn't. Tubbo frantically started to ask him, begging for forgiveness to Tommy but he was killed in the process. Tommy was very quiet the next round.
(that’s it for now).
Headcanons on my Hermit!Tommy AU?
-Tommy has a short ponytail now and is very good with braiding because techno would always ask Tommy to do his hair.
-Techno has two forms. Piglin form, and Human form. 
he prefers his Piglin form as a battle appearance because it’s tanked, faster, and generally stronger than his human form so whenever he goes into something battle-related and casually in public so most people don’t know he looks like in human form. (he also has this mentality to not let his guard down whenever he’s surrounded by people unless it’s his loved and trusted ones).
-Tommy started to curse less in Hermitcraft. The day when Tommy said frick instead fuck, Scar was smiling the entire day.
-He likes ZombieCleo like a sister because he reminds him of Niki.
-He has a small bee garden hobbit (soon extended larger) where he sometimes has picnics, plans out builds, vibe, and relaxes because bees give him this sense of calmness, soft happiness though it gave him a sided homesick heartache. (Y’know, Tubbo.)
-Tommy has two huge surgical wounds on his shoulder blades, he used to have wings when he was little but got into a mega-wither accident which resulted in him transmitted to a hospital, worried that the continuous withering might cause his life so they surgically removed the already halfway severely withered wings off, losing them at a young age.
-Grian and he are the ultimate prankster duo in the Hermitcraft.
-Tommy has problems when it comes to telling what’s real and what’s fake in relationships due to the betrayals, gaslighting, emotional manipulation (from his brother, Wilbur), and the constant inner changing dreads of indecisiveness he dealt with. 
(The drawings will be posted after this)
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Kissing / Making Out HC’s
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Pairing: Kaminari x reader
Warnings: Just a ton of kissing, making out, and mentions of groping (I talk about boobs, uh oh). Still gender/sex neutral
Author’s Note:
Almost didn't have anything ready for this week, but this one only took me a few hours to write up, so here you go! This may end up being my Valentines Day fic. Idk, we’ll see. I haven’t been feeling well lately :/
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● I think this goes without saying, but
● Denki is an absolute s u c k e r for kisses
● As soon as you get together, he wants them constantly
● And who are you to deny him?
● He really doesn't mind PDA (he kinda likes it, actually, getting to show off that he has an s/o)
● So, unless you're uncomfortable with it, he'll kiss you no matter where you are or who you're with (especially around his friends)
● But as I said, if you're not interested, he'll respect that
● It just means he gets to love on you more when you're finally alone together!
● Kaminari loves your lips. Big or small, soft or dry, he's staring at them from across the room, just thinking about when he can kiss them again
● Boy is devoted to you, you don't leave his mind
● After he started dating you, Denki applies lip balm religiously
● He usually goes with vanilla flavors, but he also likes fruity ones
● And he makes special note of what you like. If he knows you'll be kissing soon, he'll pull out your favorite chapstick of his just to make sure he's extra tasty for you
● His 👏 lips 👏 are 👏 so 👏 soft 👏
● Every now and then they'll get a little chapped, but he's pretty good about exfoliating them when they do
● He wants to make sure you have the best kissing experience with him at all times, so he stays on top of things
● Not only does Denki like receiving kisses, he likes giving them as well
● Cheek kisses are his go-to. If you were to keep track, I'd say he'd give you a cheek kiss at least fifteen times a day, if he's around you that much
● Morning kisses, hello kisses, goodbye kisses—a lot of them end up on your cheeks
● But he also loves kissing your nose! He sees those as more intimate kisses, so usually he saves them for when you're cuddling together
● He just loves the way your face scrunches up in a grin when he does it >w<
● He loves to smother your face with little pecks, and he especially likes to tease you by kissing anywhere but your mouth until you get frustrated
● But he doesn't have that much self-control, so he may just kiss your lips soon enough anyway, if you're patient
● You can expect him to prelude a ton of kisses with either a joke or a pick up line. He thinks he’s being smooth (he’s really not), but he loves seeing you happy and giggling
● He also likes to zap you jus a teeny bit here and there. Never enough to hurt (he'd cry if he ever hurt you), but just enough to surprise you
● Sometimes he accidentally static-shocks you when you kiss, especially right after he used his quirk, so that can sting a bit. He always apologizes when it happens and offers you more kisses
● He likes sweet kisses, especially the ones during or right after dates, where he just gets to close his eyes and let the world fall away into nothing but your warm lips. He likes wrapping his hands around your waist to pull you close, and tilt your chin so he can get the perfect angle on your mouth
● Sometimes he smiles and giggles while you're kissing, and that can make it a little difficult to stay on his lips. But it's so darn cute, you have no intentions of ever telling him to stop
● He loves making out with you. So much
● He likes to “set the scene” if he has time, but it’s usually just dimming the lights a little (he's not above making out to music tho, so if you're interested, he'll be happy to deliver)
● But just having you in your or his room with him, on the bed with you on his lap, kissing you slow for all you're worth—
● Fantastic, easily one of his favorite parts of the relationship
● And he likes the hungry kisses too, where he pins you to the mattress (or you pin him; he's into both 👀) and it's all just sloppy tongue and teeth
● 😞👌
● If you allow it, his hands will be all over your body
● If you possess boobs (no matter the size), he's touching them
● With permission ofc
● I headcanon him to be a boob/chest guy (I mean, he loves all of you, but come on. Boobs. Need I say more?)
● Buuuut, he's also touching your butt. Homeboy's a groper
● He likes to grab handfuls of you wherever they may wander, squeezing your warm flesh around his fingers
● You may have to tell him at first not to do it so hard
● He's a hornee boi, so he likes to make out with you a few times a week. If you have to miss a couple of sessions, he'll get grumpy and you'll have to make it up to him (with extra kissies, ofc)
● If you were to pin him to the wall and passionately kiss him, he'd probably die from how hot he found it. Or he’d just short-circuit
● Any time you kiss him, he'll melt
● He loves kissing you, but there's something a little extra special about when it’s you initiating
● It makes him feel so loved, even if you just walk up to him and peck his forehead
● It's important to him not only that he loves you, but that you love him back just as much. That's what makes him go 🥺🥺
● He simps for one person and one person only now, and it's you
● Extra: He draws fanart of you and him kissing in his free time 👀 just little doodles in the margins of his notebooks. Aizawa always makes a face whenever Denki accidentally leaves one on his homework but otherwise doesn’t say anything
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The overhead light is turned off, a screensaver on his monitor providing a soft glow to the bed opposite in the room. You're seated comfortably on his lap, his hands lightly resting on your ass.
He starts with simple pecks on your lips, each one lingering longer against your skin, heavier in pressure. He's soft but moist, warm underneath where his saliva had cooled in the temperature of the room. An electricity seems to dance between you, and you're not sure if it's just your imagination or if he really is using his quirk.
Finally his tongue swipes against your bottom lip, and you grant him access. Your fingers lace through his hair, displacing the black lightning bolt that had been shaped so perfectly among the golden-blond strands. His tongue comes into contact with yours, touching and licking before securing itself behind your teeth. You're drawn even closer to him, locked in a wet embrace as his hands squeeze.
He could never get enough of you, enough of this feeling. He was obsessed with the way his heart still pounded in his chest, obsessed with the way fireworks went off in his stomach no matter how many times he'd done this before. All it took was a touch, a kiss, a squeeze, and he was gone. In moments like these, you were the only thing that mattered. Not his failures, not his inadequacies, not the stress of school. Just you, and only you.
One of his hands moved to cup your cheek, keeping you close while the other slid down your thigh. He released your lips, only to come back for more more more, desperate to show you how much he loved you, how badly he needed you. A whimper escaped him, swallowed by the kiss but present nonetheless. You answered in your own pretty little moan, fingers alighting on the base of his skull to pull him ever forward into you.
He could stay here forever, drowning in your taste, your touch, your scent. What harm would it be?
Kaminari picked you up, turning you over and laying you down softly onto his bed. He quickly loomed over you, supported by an arm on either side of your head as he dove in for another kiss.
Forever was a long time, so maybe he'd start with tonight.
His thumb traced along your cheekbone, lips still pushing and pulling against yours. He loved the way you caged his hips in with your thighs, keeping him in place. Loved how your hands softly rested by your head on his pillow.
He paused, suddenly realizing just how lightheaded he was. Reluctantly, he pulled back for air, chest expanding and contracting with each soft breath. 
You were under him. He was so thankful it was you. He'd never witnessed a person so beautiful—never experienced lips so addictive, so kissable. You were intoxicating, the way your shining eyes locked with his as your own hand came up to trace his face.
Even in the low light, he could make out every feature he loved—from your nose to your cheeks to your chin, nothing escaped his gaze.
"I love you," you whispered to him, and just like every other time you said it, he knew it was true.
"I love you too," he whispered back, because that was also true. How couldn't it be?
He kissed you once more before shifting to his side, pulling you into his arms where he knew you'd be safe and warm.
'I love you' hummed through his every nerve as he showered your skin with his love—your forehead, your nose, your cheeks. All of it perfection in his eyes, and he wished nothing would change.
You nestled into his neck, your hot skin brushing over his own.
"Sleepy?" he asked, rubbing your back.
He felt you nod, and he couldn't help but smile. Burying his nose in your hair, he inhaled your scent. It was nights like these when he truly knew what the word 'comfort' meant, since he felt it to the very marrow of his bones.
Absolutely nothing could compare to the way it felt to have you fall asleep in his arms. Your breaths began to even out as his hands continued to wander, intent on caressing you and worshiping every inch of skin he was able to touch.
Even before he pulled the blanket over your shoulders, you were warm. Drifting off to sleep in his arms, his lips still lazily pressing kisses to your hair, you felt content.
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Taglist: @aahilovetheatre @basicaegyo @hyunmin-1404 @iiminibattlehero @katsugay @nabo39 @pyrofanatic @rainy-skys-and-bright-stars​ @sendhelpimstupid @sxngwoos-ash-box @xoxopam4​
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bittermuire · 4 years
I wrote another gwynriel one-shot because I’m obsessed with them
This one is based off of @inejjg‘s GORGEOUS headcanon about gwyn and az stargazing in the training ring. I mixed the order around a bit but it’s generally the same? Also it’s long. I’m sorry
Was that… ?
Oh, Mother above. Yes. Yes, it was.
Gwyn couldn’t quite place that little flurry of emotion in her chest as she saw the shadowsinger’s silhouette approaching the training ring. Excitement? Nervousness? The last time they’d been alone here together, they’d both been distracted—the ribbon rippling between them had been a lifesaver.
But now? She swallowed, realizing there was nothing to stop their eyes from meeting, their hands from touching…
Don’t be ridiculous, that cold voice told her, the one she’d carved into her heart since the day she came to the House of Wind. You barely know him.
The necklace flashed in her head.
From a friend, Clotho had said.
Who? Gwyn asked.
Amusement brushed from the priestess. Her pen scratched quietly. The shadowsinger.
And here he was now.
Something was wrong, she noted, as she watched him. Usually he would have taken immediate attention to her presence, but he was somewhere else, though he moved with his typical, beautiful grace.
She sat up from her blanket. His head snapped to her, eyes wide as he took in her little nest on the ground.
“Hi,” she said.
A little smile curved his lips. “Hello.”
“I’m stargazing.”
His eyes went soft.
Ah, yes, Gwyn remembered. Nesta had told her about Azriel’s love for astronomy, the way he filled the sleepless nights with wonder and starlight.
“Would you like to keep me company?”
He gave a little laugh at that, maybe surprised at her bold offer. Somehow, she saw the different thoughts flitting across his face, sure he’d courteously refuse and go to his own bed. But, to her own surprise, he crossed the training ring in smooth strides and sat down next her, a respectful distance away.
Silence stretched between them. Languidly, he stretched out his legs and laid on his back.
In a way that Gwyn could only call adorable, he let out a little sigh of contentment, scarred hands lifting to rest behind his head. When he caught her staring down at him, he quirked a brow.
“You can’t very well stargaze like that,” he teased.
She smiled, trying to hide the redness in her cheeks, and laid down next to him. This was intimate, she thought. And he was... different, somehow.
They were closer now, she realized, laying beside each other. Her pinky was an inch from his.
All Azriel could think of at that moment was that Gwyn was very, very close.
He attempted to distract himself with the glorious cosmos stretched out above him, but the female next to him seemed to him just as glorious, and he struggled to pull his attention from her.
She seemed to have an easier time of it, pointing a finger up to the Gilt Maiden.
“There’s the Maiden,” she said cheerfully, then gasped and moved her finger to the left. “And the Mother’s Ladle! Oh, wonderful! I usually can never spot it!”
He shifted his head to see her, to see her glowing face, her eyes so full of light—that radiant collection of features.
But, strangely… not like Elain. Gwyn was full of light in a way he couldn’t understand. It warmed his chest.
His shadows thought the same.
Beautiful, they murmured, curling shyly to the warmth within the curves of her palms, the hook of her ears, the line where her shining copper hair met her freckled skin.
Indeed, Azriel thought to himself. Beautiful.
Even more so as he watched her watch his shadows sift into her hair, drift across her stomach, both girl and shadow studying each other so casually and fondly—not a hint of fear, not a needle of apprehension. Curiosity, instead. Happiness.
He cleared his throat, ready to draw the shadows back. Or at least try. They were infatuated with her. “Do you really like them?”
The words slipped out, more earnest, more eager, than he’d intended.
She turned to look at him as well, and he was shocked again by her closeness. That random throw of stars across the bridge of her nose, on her cheeks, sprinkled liberally across her forehead. The crashing waves in her ocean eyes. The stray bristles of her brows, mere shades darker than her silky hair.
“I love them,” she said, voice hushed. “They’re beautiful.”
Despite himself, Azriel wondered if he was beginning to glow, too.
Hours passed, and Gwyn thanked the Mother for the lack of ribbon rippling between them. It was odd, really. She’d never felt such a strange connection with someone. It was easy with him. Every word he said made her want to hear another. Silence had been her friend for so long; now, she’d gladly settle for nights like this.
All kinds of topics had come up. He’d told her about the little balcony he had off his room and the strange instrument he used to see the night sky. She’d told him about Merrill and her many theories, and they’d talked about that for a while—trading and throwing around ideas about the universe, if it was as small as they thought, or if it stretched beyond their maps; if it was the universe or a universe, and then all Gwyn could think was, I’m perfectly content in this one if you’re in it with me.
“Mother above, Gwyn,” she muttered to herself, and Azriel quickly turned to look at her. “Sorry,” she said, giggling a bit. “Just talking to myself.”
Then, in some magical act, the skies shifted again. Azriel pointed up. “There’s Jekob the Wanderer. And his staff.”
Gwyn squinted. “No, that’s Truwa the Fifth.”
“No, Truwa’s over there.”
“No, Jekob’s over there. Truwa’s next to the Crab. See?”
He shook his head and laughed—a blunt, dry sound. Gwyn was struck by the sweetness of it. “You’re so wrong,” he said, voice brimming with mirth.
She couldn’t help smiling. “Am not.”
“Gwyn! Do I need to go get my book?” He shifted to his side, a grin on his face.
Her breath caught.
“No!” she exclaimed, laughing. “There’s no need, because I’m right!”
“Right,” he scoffed, still smiling that brilliant smile.
What do I do with you?
A shadow curled around her pinky. Another caressed her temple.
The shadowsinger didn’t remember when they fell asleep. But when his eyes cracked open, he was… warm. He never woke up warm, even when entangled with a lover.
With a start, he realized Gwyn was curled into his side, fingers of her right hand intertwined with his. Even in sleep she held his hand tight to her chest. He felt the soft beating of her heart, and he wondered, then, how he’d ever looked past her before.
“Beautiful,” he murmured, reaching up a hand, careful not to jostle her, and brushed back a strand of her hair from her sleep-softened face. He gently squeezed her hand, peering at that freckled face, full of stars—for so long, his only friends.
When he was just a boy, locked in that house, he used to pray to the Mother to send him a star.
She’d sent him hundreds.
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undead-merman · 3 years
🦚Maitho, Peacock Harpy
Decided to make some new content, No idea what to call it. Headcanons will be posted still every Saturday and Sunday and requests are always open.
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Maitho is a twenty five year old male harpy and stands proudly at a perfect ten feet. His long folded black and white tail trails behind him at an extra five feet. 
Besides his eyes and the freckle-like iridescent black Semiplume feathers on his cheeks, Maitho is completely black-white monochromatic. His hair is a mix of feathers and hair but it’s colored a dark, glossy onyx black. His skin is stark and sterile white. 
His face and torso are that of a normal human male although his arms are connected to his long black and water smooth wings, at the bend of his wings he has three fingered hands which are tipped with large two inch long talons.
Maitho’s gray colored legs are thick and extremely powerful looking, almost like a raptor’s: four large talon tipped toes but also possessing a large curved spur on each foot. They’re pure muscle and make up a good portion of his body weight. 
He has natural markings and colorings that make it look like he wears a simple dark makeup look, black lips with sharp black lines which are shaped with three points. 
Daily Life as a Harpy
His life is a simple one and he enjoys it that way. He wants to keep the trouble of humans and other harpies away from him; the only one he could tolerate is a mate. He keeps his nest high in a moss covered, giant red cedar tree and adds to it every day to make it perfect. He has a hard wired primal instinct to keep his nest perfect and if a stick or piece of fur is out of place his only thoughts are to yap and bicker with whatever ruined it as he fixes it. 
Hunting for food is one of his favorite parts of his day. He prays on larger predators he likes the fight they put up and it fills him with a rush. He loves the chase. He eats everything including the bones cracking them into pieces with his sharp teeth and powerful jaw. 
He’s very territorial of his nest, if he smells or senses any creatures in his territory he actively seeks them out and attacks them, if they are able to communicate which he’s able to converse with humans and some speaking monsters, with those he threaten them out. Most harpies tend to try and pick them off as a group; he's upfront and willing to face them in a brawl with heavy kicks and claws. But as he’s patrolling he’s curious of the other’s who don’t intrude and watch them from a distance and may approach them if he finds them interesting. 
Every night before he goes to bed he sings, normally they’re just songs he’s thought of in his bed but if he’s heard passing music then he’s singing what he last listened to. But as spring rolls around he finds himself singing for a mate which embarrasses him since he doesn't sing it consciously.    
First Introduction 
Traveling would be the one of only two ways you could meet him, second if you lived in a distant town and strayed from home. Either way with his sharp senses he’s most likely to be aware of you before you get close to his nest. Watching you as you travel and every so often gliding from one treetop to another watching you go. 
It’s when you're attacked by a beast is when he discovers that he likes you. No matter how you may or may not fight it off, it’s your will to live and your tenacity is what draws him to you. Should you be fighting, with magic or with a weapon he’ll happily swoop in after you struggled a bit and step in to steal your kill. Should you run he’ll dart it with deadly force and kill it with one blow from his massive talons. 
After the deed is done he introduces himself. He’s calm and even jokes a bit about your situation but assures you he doesn’t mean to hurt you, he thinks you're a small funny little thing. The power difference between you two is staggering, you can clearly tell if he wanted to he could have already killed you without much of a fight.
He’ll follow you around for a bit longer just speaking with you, or at you if you refuse to answer him. He doesn’t mind, he just wants company. After a bit he feels a desire to take you. Carry you away like a little prize, you couldn’t have met him at a worse time, with spring hormones making him feel more sociable and more lonely he decides to take you and make you his mate.
He suddenly snatches you up, minding how hard he holds you with his claws he takes you to his nest and plops you in it. It’s big enough for several people to lay in and he sits on the lip and watches as you discover the tree is so impossibly tall and slick with moss and rain there’s no way you’d make it down without falling to your death. He’ll pick off any weapons you may have and toss them away, he coolly states you don’t need them if he’s your husband.   
Courting and Dating
In his mind as soon as your ass plopped down in his nest you were now paired for life. But he knew he had to get you warmed up to him, show you his love so you can calm down and get used to your new life. Normally he would have to try courting you but he skipped a few steps, so he figured might as well try it now, he has nothing to lose since he already has you. 
He spends most of his time now trying to find you interesting gifts. Good and hard to find meat, dropped loot from travelers, he’s not above robbing passerby for a nice gift for you. He’s running trial and error seeing which gifts you like best. When you spend a nice bit of time examining a gift he brings his face towards it and frills his feathers asking if you like it with a coy and playful smile. 
If you let him, he constantly tries to groom you. Nibbling at your hair trying to preen your featherless head, and carrying you down to bathe in a nearby stream. He’ll try dunking you in playfully but after a bit of rough housing he’ll help you properly wash.
His spring songs come flying out a lot more now that you're around. Singing as he watches you in the morning get up, watching you eat, or when he’s trying to playfight with you. When he notices he turns a pink which stands out broadly on his skin. He gets his revenge if you make fun of them though whapping your ass with a wing leaving your bottom stinging. 
He shows off a lot, swooping into the nest quickly and letting the wind smack you as he grins at your tossed hair and shocked face. He’ll spread his tail feathers and scoot closer to you and play footsie with his large talons ever watchful to make sure he doesn’t nick you.
For the rest of that spring season, he spends a lot staring at you with big blown out pupils and constantly flashing his tail feathers at you, being extremely overprotective of you even shooing the song birds and bugs away from you. Any affection you give him even if it’s just glancing at him he puffs up and coos at you. After spring though, he refuses to talk about his embarrassing habits.  
Current Relationship
It’s fully up to you if the relationship gets deeper and you both bond together more. Even if you don't, he just sees you as his stubborn little spouse. But if you do allow him to grow closer with you, not much changes. He’s much more loving and somehow more touchy than before. He’ll yank you into his lap and nip your ears and casually chat with you as he teases you.
As he gets to know you he starts bringing you more items that you actually enjoy instead of just random items, it doesn’t matter if it’s rare or hard to find he’ll get it one way or another. Once he does he brings it back to you, he teases you saying you have to work for it but in the end he always gives it to you grinning as he watches your reactions. 
He playfully bats you more frequently, slapping your hip or shoulder to get a reaction; he finds it cute if you get embarrassed or yell at him. He can’t get enough of those funny little faces you make and the more flustered the funnier they are.
If you had pet him before, he’s commanding you to run your fingers through his hair and scratch his scalp. It’s his favorite thing in the world and sends shivers down his spine when you do it. He won’t beg for it but he damn loves it.
Should you two get closer he gets less embarrassed when those soft songs come from him as he watches you. Of course he still does, and teasing him about it is a good way to shut him up. Of course he’s learned your weakness too so always be ready for some combative teasing of trying to embarrass each other. He always ends up laughing afterwards though.
Being good, or really just accepting your new fate he’ll begin to offer to move his nest to a ground based location. You get the honors of picking and he’ll be willing to move wherever, even outside of his forest. He’ll have to be heavily persuaded to even think about moving to a town, he is a monster after all. 
In the mornings he chirps along with song birds that end up in his tree, He tells you they never came around before you came. He lounges in the swaying branches as tons of birds the size of mice compared to him. 
When spring rolls around he’s actively trying to get your attention and refusing to leave your side. He presses his face into you constantly and gets a bit bitey, though never too much to hurt you. He actively bites and smacks at any tiny creature approaching you, even snapping his teeth at a fly buzzing around. The song birds avoid the area for a time.      
Dark Tendencies
There’s not much he’s not willing to do for his cute small mate. Ever since you became mates he’s been willing to murder and steal for your gifts, other humans don’t mean anything to him. It doesn't matter who it is. Dressed in riches or rags it doesn’t mean anything as long as you're taken care of. 
He doesn’t mind if you see him hunt down a passerby or anyone that comes to rescue you. You belong to each other and he doesn’t want any bothersome people getting in the way of your time. Though it's not like they could climb up to his nest anyway. He plans to keep it just the two of you forever, and nothing will stand in the way of that. He has many ways of dealing with threats, but his favorite is stepping on their skulls with his massive and powerful feet. He can’t help but snicker at each person’s attempt.
If you first try to escape, he’ll find it amusing, often making fun of the attempts but picks you up and takes you back to the nest. He never punishes you, he simply chuckles and pulls you into a sweet embrace.
Trying to deny his feelings and saying that he’s not your husband does get him upset. He frowns and just keeps correcting you, saying you both are mates and there’s nothing you can do about it. You’ll learn to warm up to the idea in time. He has no doubt in his mind about that and he doesn’t mind waiting. One day you’ll understand.
After he takes care of any threats he makes sure to chew on their bones as he holds you in his arms. A perfect trophy for his devotion to you it fills him with euphoria knowing he has protected his mate he’ll hum a small song as he chews.      
Misc Stuff
His tail is sensitive so a lot of the time he forces it to stay down even if he’s happy or upset since it’s easy for him to brush up on things and he hates it even though the wind is a bit much to him when his tail is unfurled. 
When it rains Maitho loves to fly you down to the ground and dance. He moves with a lot of grace for something so big but the rain makes his feathers glisten and his iridescent cheeks sparkle. He’s extremely flirty during these dances, and always playfully batting at you and asking you to dance with him. Passionately swaying around in the dripping rain and never looking away from you.
His songs can almost sound like two or more different people singing them at once creating harmonies so sweet that it causes goosebumps. He says it sounds better when you sing with him though. 
Take Care-Stay Spooky
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kannra21 · 3 years
Heya! just for fun, whats the wildest/funniest headcanon that you have for dabi or any of your fave bhna characters? 😁
Heyy ❤️ I'm not rly good at this stuff so I decided to write some theories and hcs that I actually liked so here you go-
- Monoma and Toga are related in some way. They're not that similar so I assume that they're further relatives. However, this doesn't make Monoma a traitor. I also think that Toga should be adopted by Vlad King so he could help her with her Quirk and her obsession with blood.
- Hawks has bird traits and he shows them on accident. There are certain traits he's embarrassed of but there's also stuff that makes him feel better about himself. He's never been in a relationship bc of HPSC but he's a helpless romantic.
- Dabi drives a motorcycle. Everyone assumes that he listens to trash metal when rly he only listens to sad rock bc he's a sad man. He cries when ppl are soft with him, he rarely experiences kindness. He avoids lov bc he's afraid of getting attached; they're all meant to die at some point so he doesn't want to suffer more than what he already does.
- Kaminari is not book smart but damn if he isn't smart in other ways. He knows the labour standards act, he pulls brainy jokes, he reads books, he expresses himself nicely, he draws pretty and plays an instrument. And he's a people pleaser above everything else.
- Since Dark Shadow is technically it’s own being, we can assume that Monoma would go through various scenarios when copying Tokoyami's Quirk; 1) Dark Shadow is attracted to humble souls and therefore shall obey em. If he comes across Monoma he'd refuse him. 2) Dark Shadow accepts him but Monoma would turn emo. 3) Monoma manages to copy Dark Shadow but then they fight each other. 4) Monoma gives him apples and Dark Shadow accepts him. 5) Monoma manages to copy Dark Shadow but Dark Shadow doesn't know how to respond to him because he doesn't trust him. He knows Tokoyami since he was a kid. 6) Dark Shadow doesn't like Monoma because he can't afford him all the darkness he's so found of. 7) Monoma manages to copy Dark Shadow but then Dark Shadow goes wild and drags Monoma everywhere because he doesn't know how to control him. 8) Dark Shadow obeys Monoma but shows clear signs of discomfort. 9) Monoma can't copy Dark Shadow. 10) Dark Shadow defies Monoma's commands and gradually takes over his body like with Tokoyami in ch79. 11) Monoma copies Dark Shadow and Dark Shadow obeys him. 12) Dark Shadow controls Monoma and not the other way around. 13) Monoma falls into a shock because he copied something alive. 14) Dark Shadow consumes negative emotions from Monoma and becomes larger and stronger. 15) Can Dark Shadow drain emotions? Monoma could easily end up in a hospital or a mental institution.
- Monoma and Aoyama are good friends ever since Monoma complimented him in the light novels (BNHA Light Novel vol3, ch3).
- Bakugou has hearing problems but he's not deaf. He never let anyone enter his dorm room bc he has just as much AM merch as Deku and it's embarrassing.
- Ms. Joke is not as happy irl. She's just wearing a facade to make others happy even when she's not. + There's no way Aizawa isn't aware of it bc they share some history and we never got the exact details from Horikoshi.
- Geten would be so much cooler if he was a girl and the fandom would simp for him just like they did for Lady Nagant but no one is ready for that debate.
- Dad for one is true. He wants to possess Shigaraki and for Yoichi to possess Deku so he and his bro could continue their war with healthy and strong bodies.
- Hagakure loves body paint, especially the glowing one. Since outfits stand out on her the most, she was thinking ab pursuing her career in modeling.
- Natsuo's mouse girlfriend is secretly a badass. Look, I just want to see more girl characters in this series.
- Shigaraki would be the best boyfriend bc he never loved anything, so loving someone for the first time would make you a special person. He's v insecure ab his looks and doubts himself in whether he actually deserves you. He's the type of guy to turn from cold blooded to the most loving person. But if you ever cheat on him he won't hesitate to disintegrate you.
- Villain Deku and Toga would have Joker and Harley Quinn vibes but healthy.
- Dabi eats at Cracker Barrel. He's a common guest there and he always takes Giran's money so they wouldn't throw him out. The waitress can't believe how much bacon this mysterious man can eat.
- Hawks loves when you massage him at the base of his wings. He loves you so much for it.
- Miruko is a gamer and her and Shigaraki play together without having the slightest idea that it's actually them. One day they decided to meet each other bc they became good friends and when they stood there in Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall it was rly awkward.
- Tokoyami and Aoyama get along rly well and Aoyama paints their nails in their dorm rooms.
- Dabi is jealous bc Re-Destro supports Geten all the time and it's the same mentality except Endeavor never supported Dabi. Geten likes to tease him ab it.
- Todoroki is no.1 Yaoyorozu simp. He's not aware that it became obvious.
- Aizawa realized his dream despite Midnight not being alive anymore. He got a cat tower for his hero agency that he always wished for (Vigilantes ch65). Sushi is alive but still very old. Midnight boys (Vigilantes ch6.5) are still visiting her grave despite having different lives now.
- Fuyumi hasn't dated anyone bc Endeavor would kill them. He has the audacity to play a strict parent (BNHA Light Novel vol2, ch4) when he never looked towards Fuyumi's and Natsuo's general direction for years. He actually doesn't have anything against Hawks but if he ever called him "dad" it would give him shivers.
- We all know that Shigaraki lives from Mountain Dew, Doritos and pure spite. However, he treats Toga nicely bc he wishes he had similar relationship with Hana.
- When it's rly hot outside Hawks fluffs up his wings so he could let go of some heat. Everyone wants to pet his fluffy wings and the heat returns. Poor guy.
- Dabi called Compress "dad" at some point and he's regretting it bc Compress is now unironically calling him "son".
- Shigaraki and Spinner used to play games on the same TV which afo used to contact them and whenever he wanted to talk, the screen turned black and the guys would complain.
- Compress misses the time when Kurogiri used to be around.
- Giran is a cool uncle that has a sweet niece and he loves her v much but bc he's a bad guy working with the bad guys, he's not visiting anymore but sends her nice gifts.
- Yaoyorozu family owns a weapon company bc this is the only explanation why she knows how to create a canon.
- Jirou and her dad play guitars and sing in their music studio whenever Jirou feels off. Her dad is a dork and he always makes her smile. Jirou has the best dad.
- Kaminari's mom is a hero (Heroes Rising movie).
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alonelysimp · 3 years
Genshin Band Au
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Characters: Yanfei, Xinyan, Barbara, Y/N (reader)
WC: 1975
Warnings: No beta we die like hilichurls
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, No Ships, Headcanons, Bulleted
Spotify Playlist: Pov: you're in a band with Xinyan Yanfei and Barbara
《 𝓘𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓱𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓸 𝓻𝓸𝓬𝓴, 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓸 𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓵 》
Once when you were having lunch with Xinyan and Xiangling, Xinyan said something along the lines of “wouldn’t it be cool if i had a band?” and you, of course, jokingly said “if you started a band, then I wanna be the first member to join” and that’s basically how it started
You offered Xiangling if she'd like to join as well but she declined. As tempting as a life like that sounds, she’s set on her dream to be a chef. “I’d rather be your biggest fan!”
Not really knowing where to go at this point, you suggested posting a notice to the bulletin board beside the long-unused alchemy table and the one beside the adventurer’s guild typically reserved for commissions, but Katheryne gave you permission to put it up.
Xinyan had already begun to have the beginnings of a fanbase at this point, but it wasn’t really much of a surprise you hadn’t heard anything in a few days. You had even gone so far as to ask the traveler to keep an eye out.
Thankfully, the traveler was more successful than the both of you, bringing back a letter from both the top legal advisor in Liyue and the Idol and Deconess of Mondstadt. When you asked them how or why they put in so much effort, they just smiled and waved you off. The only payment they wanted were some small shiny rocks you had laying around as paperweights that you got from a hilichurl. Odd, but you insisted they accepted mora as well.
And so, on the agreed date mentioned in both of the letters, courtesy of the traveler setting up, you sat around a table at Wamin with a few assorted dishes of Jueyun Chili Chicken and Crab Roe Tofu. By the end, you were able to convince both of them to join. It was a bit.. really hard in the beginning, with Barbara and Yanfei having jobs. Barbara living in Mond didn’t help much either, but after some work it became manageable. You agree to meet every week at Pop’s Teas, one of the vendors at the stone gate. It would only take half an hour-ish each way.
“What should we call it?” You ask, languidly setting down your tea. Xinyan looks at you, still hunched over a few sheets of paper with her head propped up on her hand. “The band,” you clarify. Barbara hums from across the table, pressing a finger to her lip.
“I have a few ideas.” Xinyan pulls a blank sheet from the pile and scribbles BAND NAMES at the top. “Let’s brainstorm them while we’re all here.” One by one, you begin to throw out ideas.
Rockin Resistance
Illuminated Flames
Sudden Freedom
She taps the pen to her lip, thinking of other names to suggest.
“These seem a bit.. fire-centric, even for a pyro-based band,” you comment. Yanfei nods, still deep in thought.
“Oh that’s a good idea, y/n.” You glance over, seeing Xinyan write down “Pyrocentric” on the list.
“Maybe it’d be best if we came up with ideas and shared them next week?” You nod at Barbara’s suggestion.
“I’ll keep a notepad with me in the office…” Xinyan tosses the pencil back on the table, watching Yanfei pull out what you assume to be the notebook and flip to a page, moving on to the next topic of discussion. “Costumes,” she says as her lips twist into a slight frown.
“Oh! I have some ideas for that,” you pull a sketchbook out of your bag, showing them your ideas. “I’m not very good at drawing but.. I wanted to keep some bits of your normal clothing too, I hope it’s not too much.”
“Y/n these look so amazing!” Barbara smiles, moving one to get a better look.
“Aw these are so awesome!” Xinyan slides over the one for her, grinning. Yanfei nods, looking over hers. “I could totally make these.” Her eyes sparkle with interest, radiating in the sunlight. “Oh,” she looks back up at you. “If you don’t mind, that is.” You wave her away, giggling under your breath.
“If Barbra and Yanfei don’t have any adjustments to make, I’d love to see my designs come to life!” You sip your tea, which has long gone cold by now. Barbara turns the paper around, pointing at the skirt on the page. “What if we add another one under it? If we make it a different colour, it’ll pop more.” You nod, pulling out a sheet and writing it down.
“Oh, oh y/n what if we added something here too?” Yanfei points to a slightly emptier spot on the hip. “Like an uhm…” she trails off.
“What if we put something like this from Xinyan’s?” You put your finger on a braided cord. “Like a belt, I guess?”
“Oh yeah yeah and I could put my vision on it–” she unconsciously reaches to touch the pyro vision at her side.
“Y/n?” Barbara sets aside her tea, as if she just found out the hard way that it’s cold. You hum, the pencil in your hand tapping against the page as you note details for Yanfei’s costume. “Thank you for working so hard on this!”
A few other names had come up during the week; BXY, Fiery Vale, and such, but you settled on Fervent Apricity. An odd name, but it’s meaning was able to win everyone over; the intense heat of the sun in the midst of winter. It fit the band well, you thought. Perhaps one day you should be able to live up to the name.
After a few months of dragging Yanfei away from her work to teach her the bass, which she picked up scarily fast (perhaps it's an illuminated beast thing?), you were able to arrange something with the millenith to not crash your debut concert. Yanfei suggested she just continued practicing for a while before she performed with it though.
You agreed that since there were only four of you, it wouldn’t be too much to have all of you as vocalists. Barabra lead vocals and choreography, Xinyan with lead guitar and harsh vocals, Yanfei rapping and eventually bass guitar, and you playing drums.
Tonight was the night. The night that Fervent Apricity would set foot on the stage for the first time. To be completely honest, you were a nervous wreck. Ignoring your worries didn’t make them go away, much to your annoyance.
Xiangling set up a food cart nearby, though she got distracted listening more than she cooked.
You sat in front of the drums, only moments left before you started. This was it. You’ve practiced so many times, it’ll be a breeze. Xinyan counted down, the strums from her guitar filling the summer night air as the concert began.
You would’ve felt bad being this loud so late at night, but by the time you had finished, you attracted not only a good portion of the residents in the harbor, but the wholehearted support of the largest fleet that docks in Liyue. The Crux and her crew! You recognize a lot of people from Xinyan’s previous concerts, loyal fans you assume she’s gained, and a good few handfuls of new faces. Travelers, probably.
You played into the night, without a care in the world for who may be listening. It lasted almost half an hour longer than one of Xinyan’s normal concerts. If you had to put the experience into one word, it was freeing. You were alive. The feeling was… incredible. But, as the adrenaline wore off, you came to realize how undeniably tired you were.
And so, that breathtaking performance marked the day that you would start your, Fervent Apricity’s, journey of becoming one of the most popular bands in Teyvat
For the week after, you had been working out the details of the next large concert. Xinyan carried on with her nightly performances, you caught word of Barbara still performing in Mond, although slightly less than usual, and you had been exchanging ideas with Yanfei. Despite her job and work schedule, she proves to be a great help, almost overwhelmingly so. After the second day, it felt more like her setting it up and running it by you instead of the other way around. Not that you could really complain, just a little less work for you.
After a few months of performing regularly in Liyue Harbor, Barbara suggested that you come to Mond. It’d be a new experience, since you had never really traveled outside of Liyue, but you were concerned it might affect Barbara’s reputation. She insisted. Playing with the band is something she’s proud of and the message your music brings is something she supports.
Was it running away? Finding a new audience that would love your music just as much as you did? No, just the opposite. It was finding a new audience, one that was just as foreign to it, and lighting it up one spark at a time.
You started working out the time with Yanfei and Barbara to fit their schedules and Xinyan started picking out songs she thought would be more… well accepted by the northern people and bouncing some ideas off you. The instruments weren’t much, so you were able to transport it easily. Barbara said to come to the plaza at the top of all the stairs a few days prior.
Xinyan had to tell the sentries you were here to perform with Barbara, to which they let you through with no further difficulties. People stared, and whether it was a good or bad thing, it was almost.. empowering? You met with Barbara and the other sisters, introducing yourselves as the other members of Fervent Apricity.
They were a bit weary of you, a ragtag group of musicians with a vaguely red and black colour scheme with Barbara, who had run off shortly after you arrived to change into her costume.
By the time she had returned, the makeshift stage had already been set up and a crowd began to form. It appears Barbara was quite popular here. You could tell they were a bit cautious though. Perhaps it’s because it’s pretty clear that your music was different from what Barbara usually played. All the better to prove how amazing rock could be.
There was but a few minutes left before you were scheduled to start. All the fireproofing needed was complete; you were ready to light up the city of freedom.
It was just like one of your normal concerts, a handful of songs you had played many times before. The crowd was a bit taken aback by Xinyan’s screaming, you had to hold in a laugh. You made a note to after, bring it up to her to get the crowd more fired up before choosing one that… intense. No matter how many times you performed, it was always just as lively as the first time.
Having mentioned your thought to Xinyan after the show, Yanfei came up to the both of you. She said she wanted to play her instrument in the next concert. Xinyan replied that if she wanted to then that’s a-okay but she shouldn’t feel pressured into it before she was ready
You overheard the “Barbara fan club,” as Barbara had mentioned earlier, crowding her and asking so many questions, it made you want to kick their asses to Inazuma.
“Barbara-sama, are you joining them permanently?”
“Barbara-sama, will you still be performing on your own?”
“Barbara-sama, how long have you been with them?”
“Barbara-sama, is this why you don’t let me join you to the stone gate?”
After a bit of rescuing and creep-yelling-at, Xinyan made a final announcement, mentioning the band’s name and the upcoming concert dates in Liyue.
Oh, how quickly time passes
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ohmygod THANK YOU SM FOR 200- SHAWTYS ILYSM- ugh I might actually take this blog seriously soon..
Fervent Apricity Masterlist [ X ]
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tsukkisbean · 4 years
haikyuu nsfw alphabet series | tendō satori
please block #claras steamys if you don’t want to see this type of content!!
warnings: sexual themes, mentions of (unprotected) sex, voyuerism, bondage, edging,  fem!reader
a/n:  based on post time skip!! okay i don’t talk a lot about tendō so it was super fun to analyze him and bring my headcanons to life bc he’s definitely a hard hard dom!! this is also unedited pls excuse any unfinished sentences or mistakes
return to nsfw alphabet series masterlist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i think tendō would be surprisingly big on aftercare. given how he acts in the bedroom (detailed later) he makes sure that you are well taken care of after a long session together. like he’ll grab some water and a towel and help you get cleaned up and comfortable. maybe in the morning he’ll have a super simple breakfast ready like a toast and coffee or tea or maybe even some chocolate depending on the time of day
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his favourite body part of his is 100000% his fingers. his hands are large, fingers long and skinny and he absolutely loves the way they look shoved down into your pretty mouth, around your throat, or fingering your wet cunt.
he absolutely loves your mouth (detailed more below!!)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
so based on the above tendō loves when you’re sitting on your knees, waiting for him to cum in your mouth. there’s just something about the way you look with his cum painted all over your tongue. and it drives him especially crazy when you lick your lips to clean up the drops that are spilling down the corner of your mouth because you don’t want to waste a single drop
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
honestly? i don’t think he has any, mainly because he’s not afraid to be open with you. he strikes me as the type with absolutely no filter and so he’s going to tell you everything and anything on his mind whether it’s a random dirty thought or something new that he wants to try with you
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i’m a little on the fence about this mainly because tendō has a personality that people need time to get used to and understand. so that being said, i don’t think he has a lot of experience, BUT he knows what he’s doing (from watching a lot of porn probably)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
you’re on your back, legs spread out wide, his hands wrapped around your ankles, holding your legs in the air while he fucks you
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
not goofy, but i wanna say he’s more playful. he likes to talk dirty, and say things he knows will make you embarrassed. loves the expression when you’re lost for words but also clearly turned on!!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
not groomed whatsoever like i cannot see him giving a crap about what he looks like down there
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
honestly i think he gets so into the whole sex aspect that he completely forgets about being romantic for the most part. he’ll do things like praise you, and maybe a kiss or two here or there but most of it will just be him focusing on fucking you and help you reach your high
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he knows that you know and you know that he knows, yet you don’t move from your spot hiding spot. you didn’t intend for this to happen; all you wanted was to surprise tendō by finally coming home early for once. you peer through the crack in the door, reveling at the way your boyfriend looked with his eyes shut, head thrown back, and those beautiful fingers wrapped around the base of his cock. it feels weird to be spying on your boyfriend, someone you were regularly intimate with, yet you can’t seem to tear your eyes away.  you don’t realize, but your mouth hangs open, drool dribbling down your chin.
the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as your boyfriend’s voice cuts through the silence in the air, “are you going to just sit there like a dirty slut and me jack off or are you going to come suck my dick?”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
tendō enjoyed seeing the look of defeat on his opponents faces when he played volleyball and i think that translates into the bedroom. he’s the type that loves to see his partner struggle (i would say he’s pretty much a sadist) and so i can think of A LOT of things he’d be into but i’m going to just keep it to top 3. 
1. bondage: loves to tie you up, your hands completely bound, eyes covered with a blindfold so you can’t move in any way. the power he feels just seeing you struggle, the way your face contorts in frustration because your arms are bound and your vision is temporarily taken away is immense
2. exhibitionism: absolutely LOVES the thrill of the two you possibly getting caught will having sex; the expression of the unsuspecting person.he gets especially excited at the way you clench around him because you’re nervous someone will spot you even though you’re okay with the exhibitionism
3. edging: favourite way to do this is first by eating you out. as soon as he feels your thighs about to quiver, he’ll pull away. next, he’ll pump his fingers in and out of your drenched cunt, fingers curling every so often. when he he feels you clench around his fingers, he’ll stop again. to top it off, he’ll fuck into you, slamming his hips against yours but at a painstakingly slow pace. loves the way you beg and cry for him to let you cum.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
the balcony of your apartment!! checks off all his boxes. it’s accessible and there’s the possibility of getting caught
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
dirty talk!!! if you want to get him all riled, tell him all the things you want him to do. better yet, tell him all the things you want to do him and you guys will be in the bedroom in no time
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i can’t think of a single thing. i think tendō is one of the most open to experimenting when it comes to sex and he won’t really know he doesn’t like it until he actually tries it
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
this might come as a surprise to some, but i think he prefers to oral. the man is skilled with his tongue. he loves the way you squirm in his grasp, needy for more, but refuses to give it to you just because it’s fun to him
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
fast and rough; he likes to build up the momentum and right when you’re about to cum he’ll stop. continues that pattern until you’re reduced to a blabbering mess
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not a fan because he prefers to draw out each time with you as long as he can. will only do it if he’s super desperate and he knows you guys can’t wait for the right moment
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
this man is down to do everything and anything that you want. he probably has a long list of things he wants to try with you and it grow every single day.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
can accomplish anything he puts his mind to so i would say his stamina is pretty high. he could probably go for at least 3 rounds, each lasting around 30-45 minutes (including foreplay)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
lots of different toys for the both of you to use on each other!!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
given his kinks tendō is the biggest tease but he’s not cruel; over time he’s learned your limits and will push you just until you’re a quivering, crying mess  because he knows you can take it
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not super loud, but he’s extremely vocal in the sense that he likes whispering dirty things and praises in your ear (with the occasional grunt or moan in-between) cause he knows it makes your skin crawl.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
at a time when the entire city should be asleep, there you stand on the balcony of your shared apartment with your boyfriend. one hand grasps the railing in front of you, the other presses firmly against your mouth. the feeling of your boyfriend’s lips merely ghosting against the nape of your neck is enough to send electric currents up your spine, “kitten, why are you so shy today?” 
in one swift movement, both your arms are pinned against your back, your chest meeting the frosty glass of the balcony. his thrusts are long and deep, and with each one it becomes harder and harder to hold back your pathetic cries.
at a time when the entire city should be asleep, there you stand with your boyfriend for anyone to watch as they please.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
longer than average, average girth and a slight curve to the right
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
h i g h. mainly cause he randomly thinks of something new that he wants to try with you and can’t calm down until it happens
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
honestly he probably falls asleep while cuddling you almost instantly after you guys are done
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alchemic-elric · 4 years
Let’s Talk about Edward’s Combat Ability
A means of Survival
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A few things to consider when reading this post.
1. This applies only to my version of Edward, as the muse for Alchemic-Elric 2. This is headcanon for a roleplay muse, said muse just happens to be based on a canon character
3. I tend to draw from all forms of FMA when writing Edward, so no surprise, this post will too.
4. Please know this is not the be all end all of answers. It’s just things that apply to my muse and I wanted to talk about them before I make him do them again.  
5. Please know, that with all my write ups in this series of headcanons / break downs - they are picture heavy and very long.  This post will be placed under a read more cut for this reason. 
                Do Not Reblog this post without asking for permission.  Thank you. 
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So when it comes to Edward’s combat ability I need to cover multiple topics so this will be a post that’s a mash together covering, his alchemy, his martial arts, and his weapon skills.  All three of them run hand in hand with each other and I’ll take that a part the more I get into things. Also as previously stated, I will be drawing from all forms of the series so that means the games are fair game too. They’re important, Edward knows a lot about explosives.  
Though it should be said that I have only personally played Broken Angel and Crimson Elixir for the PS2.  Those will the be the ones I reference the most. 
Firstly Edward’s combat ability started with a knife. A singular short bladed hunting knife. He was given a hunting knife and barred from using alchemy when he was dropped on Yock Island with his brother and told to survive for 30 days.  It was the summer of 1908, and Edward was nine years old.   
(picture heavy starts after cut; there will be Gifs from the anime present so GIF warning.)
Shortly after arriving on Yock Island, the boys were attacked by The Masked Man, and ended up splitting up after narrowly avoiding getting seriously injured. 
This is how Ed was taught to survive. 
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He was taught that if order to survive you must fight, because if you don’t you’ll die. He was  taught this lesson by a man in a mask, on an island with nothing but his brother and a hunting knife. Fight to live. Fight or die. Those are your only options.  This kept up for nearly a month. 
It wasn’t until weeks into this month long survival tour did Edward and Alphonse take so much psychical and mental punishment that, on the verge of total collapse, did Edward finally have enough of it that drew his blade on the man in the mask. Only when Alphonse was at risk, did he finally do this. 
Fight to defend. Fight or die.  
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It was only when Edward was ready to kill that the attacks from The Masked Man stopped. On this island, while barred from alchemy did they learn how to hunt and kill and the circle of life. At nine years old, he was already beginning his training in how to fight and all of his skills when it comes to combat are rooted in one fundamental thought.  Fight to protect your life. Fight to protect the lives of others. Fight to defend. Fight to live.  
Izumi then trained the boys in both advanced alchemic technique and the fundamentals of marital arts. She trained them with the thought that one must take care of the body as well as the mind.  They explain this to Winry when they go back to Resembool when Ed’s arm gets broken by Scar. 
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Izumi, trained them in marital arts to help them understand flow of energy within their own bodies. She wanted these two boys to be able to defend themselves. She wanted them to be able to understand how alchemy and marital arts could connect with one another. How having a well taken care of body, can help with having a sharp mind and in order to perform well crafted transmutations - they needed to be both. 
They trained with her for three months. Yes I know, the animes make it seem like so much longer but look. 
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See? He’s counting off the months on his fingers. The boys were gone with Izumi for three months. 
In the time between coming  home and the taboo, the boys still practiced sparring. They still figured out how to keep up on their fighting so they could have sharp minds, balanced spirits, and strong bodies. They never stopped training. 
Post-Taboo is when everything went to hell. Their bodies and their minds. Both of them fell in deep depressions and it was Mustang who brought them out of it.   
Edward would have been no where without the intervention of Roy Mustang.  
I want to make that perfectly clear. 
It was because Roy came to Resembool and stuck his nose into the middle of the Elric Brothers’ affairs and their failure of a transmutation along with the disastrous aftermath that Edward found the spark again to keep going. Someone as high ranking and important as an Amestrian Soldier believed in him and his abilities so now it was time to stand back up and get to work. 
And thus he threw himself headlong into one grueling year of absolute hell of rehabilitation to get himself back to the psychical condition he was in prior to the taboo - if not stronger. He had to work to get himself back to par to handle moving 25lbs (11.4 kg) of solid steel on two sides of his body day in and day out just to function. He trained his body into the ground to do this. 
That’s what makes Edward so scarily strong.  He had to train his body and his joints to deal with bearing the weight of his automail day in and day out. He’s taught himself to hold his balance with them, no matter what direction his body is facing, whether he be delivering kicks or punches. 
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So, it’s important to talk about Ed’s general fighting style. He’s little, and he knows it. He might never admit it out loud but he’s more than aware of his size and he’s more than aware of how to use it to his advantage. 
Selim tries to call him out for it at the end of the manga but gets thoroughly clocked in the face for his very wrong assumption. 
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The most telling things in Edward’s basic combat style is both speed combined with the use of his legs. Edward uses his legs constantly when he fights. He’s doing this to make up for his lack of reach thanks to his height.  
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^ This is commentary from the artbook ^
Now I’m gunna get a little image heavy here for a minute but: 
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It’s just beautiful.  As for his speed: 
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Edward’s ability to both rush his opponents and dodge is insane. He was already fast before he switched to Northern Automail and even In lab 5 Slicer describes him “just like a monkey” for his ability to dodge his constant strikes with his katana, and Ed calls Dolcetto slow when he lays him out before he fights Greed.  After he switches? He’s near untouchable. 
Now me writing this massive rant, is to get to this point. That Ed is both crazy fast and crazy strong.  He combines this with his marital arts, and his alchemy. 
He combines it with his alchemy in ways like this: 
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Using his insane intelligence  in combination with his alchemy in order to force his opponent off guard, off guard enough that he  can rush them with his speed and overcome them with his strength. All of this is years of training in the making.  Years of sparring against his brother who, mind you, stands 7′3″ (220.98 cm)
Now then - on to weapons. 
In the series we see Ed use lots of weapons. 
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The arm blade 
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and knives.  
The arm blade is his go to and that honestly makes sense. It’s part of him, he has full control over it and it’s literally attached to him. Edward uses this weapon, because of yes it’s convenience but also because he cannot be disarmed this way.  Not unless his opponent literally disarms him. 
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He uses spears often when he needs to make up for extra reach. When he wants to put distance between himself and his opponent. He uses spears the most in 2003′s anime.  A spear or a pole is something he can transmute without a second thought it. It’s a fast transmutation, so it worked it’s way into his rotation because it serves both the purpose of putting space between himself and his enemy but it doesn’t slow him down. 
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He relies on a spear for opponents he’s having a hard time keeping up with or if he wants to overwhelm them quickly. Sometimes it’s even because of the distance factor. The opponent is overwhelming him so he wants to put some space between them and him and it’s being used purely as defensive measure. He uses spears to throw people off balance just as much. In the video games, (Crimson Elixir is what’s pictured) Edward can transmute his weapon mid-combo and when using a spear, Edward will transmute it mid attack and then move it into a dual blade weapon, spinning in his hand for massive damage.  
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A spear is all about speed for him so that’s why he uses it. Most weapons he uses generally fall to the factor of how fast he can do so. That’s why you generally don’t see Ed us big bulky weaponry. Anything that would slow him down would be a no go.  (He can transmute a hammer in Crimson Elixir but you basically use it for it’s purpose and never again; at least I did. It makes him so fucking slow.)
Speaking of the video games, he also uses a broadsword and it too serves the purpose of speed but also raw power.  The sword hits for harder damage  but he can still transmute mid-combo for massive damage. The sword transmutation changes the sword into two separate katana blades that ups his speed for a moment as he follows them into a combo.
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This isn’t the only time Edward uses a sword as a weapon however. He also transmutes a sword in the prototype of the series, and of course it’s in his usual flair.   Swords are used for much of the same reason to extend his reach. As I previously mentioned, Edward uses his legs a lot in hand to hand to accomplish this. He uses weaponry for the same reason. 
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The exception to this rule is hand / hunting knives. Flash us all the way back to Yock Island we’ve come full circle back to the first weapon he’s ever used and he uses it proficiently. It’s his go to weapon and I say this because when backed into a corner faced down with Scar of all people it’s the first thing Edward transmutes to defend himself. He doesn’t transmute his arm. He doesn’t transmute a spear or a sword. He doesn’t transmute something to keep space between himself and this killer that had been chasing him around the city for blocks. 
He transmutes a hunting knife. 
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He’s backed into a literal corner with no where to go and told he has no choice to fight for his life. Yock Island comes roaring back and he goes straight for the weapon he’s the most comfortable with it.  He transmutes the weapon he has the most experience with. He transmutes the weapon he’s killed with. If he knows how to use one weapon on the face of the earth the best it’s a hunting knife.  
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He doesn’t just transmute a hunting knife however, he holds the damn thing in what’s called an Icepick grip.  (A back grip) This is purposeful. He doesn’t just hold it like that for no reason. He holds it like that for speed. He holds it like that for defense. He holds it like that because it lets him guide the blade with the same speed as if he was throwing a punch. 
It lets him drop the blade along his arm as a defensive technique and it lets him get multiple hits in just by twisting his wrist. He was ready to do damage. He was ready to damage and a lot of it. He might have a personal aversion to killing but he was ready to leave Scar on the fucking street.  If Edward transmutes a knife in a fight, he’s fucking serious. 
A knife held in this fashion is remarkably fluid and can deliver multiple cuts from a variety of angles simply by manipulating the wrist. Such flexibility of technique make it extremely dangerous to attempt to immobilize the knife hand by grasping the wrist, as it can quickly circle around and do damage to tendons, nerves, or blood vessels. 
He meant to do fucking damage. 
And even in his rage over Alphonse getting  hurt he still braced the back of the blade with his hand to help stabilize the blow. It’s extremely dangerous to disarm a skilled knife fighter with a blade held like this. 
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The only reason Scar did disarm him was because of his worry over his brother and Scar’s speed.  That’s also why when Scar did disarm his response to the situation was this: 
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A back blade - basically the icepick grip attached to his arm.  If you’ve ever wondered why he did this and not his regular version of the arm blade, this is why. He needed speed and damage at the same time. He wanted as much power as throwing a punch with a blade to follow him right back up with. He had every intention of ripping Scar apart. He was angry and he was scared and his flight or fight was active. He was forced into a corner and his fight was forced to activate. 
Edward lives in prey mentality.  He’s been hunted by the masked man on Yock lsland, the homuncui, and now Scar. He’s been forced into situation after situation over and over again where he is forced to defend himself. He’s not one to normally start the fight. He’ll bring the war right to your fucking doorstep don’t get me wrong - but that doesn’t change his mindset. He’s only doing in under the need to do so to survive. 
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He’s used to being backstabbed and attacked. He’s been attacked, hunted, drugged*, kidnapped*, and forced into situation after situation where he’s been put in the position of fight or flight.   Edward lives in a prey mentality of fight to survive; fight to defend; fight to protect.  Never has he thought fight to kill.   This is why Edward fights with weapons based on the space they give him and the speed they allow. 
(image:  Prototype chapter // * = The abducted Alchemist ) 
So let’s swing this back to Scar and his back bladed arm. Let’s swing that back to why he transmuted his arm in such a fashion. 
Because this why the only way he could he disarmed from his choice weapon is by being literally disarmed himself.  Scar would have to take his automail in order to disarm him and this had never happened in his life before so he wasn’t considering it as possible. 
His entire goal of transmuting his arm in such a fashion was to do damage and even if it looked like he swung at Scar the true intention of his strike was to cut him.  
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He knew Scar would take the edge of his blade to come in close and he made his arm even more deadly than it already was. That was the entire purpose of transmuting his arm into an icepick gripped blade - retain the speed and damage it could do but make it so he could not be disarmed.  
Long story short, if Ed transmutes a knife not only is he taking the fight excessively serious, he feels threatened and in danger so he’s relying on his best weapon.  
Now, finally I mentioned that the beginning of this I would keep bringing up the games because everyone needed to know how much this kid knew about explosives. He makes a ton of canons or bombs in the games but here are just some of them from Crimson Elixir. 
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Hand Bombs
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Bottle Rockets 
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and self propelled rat bombs. 
These are just a few examples of the pyrotechnics he makes in the games. He also makes canons, motion activated bombs,  dynamite, and even fire enhanced weaponry  - like gauntlets! 
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 He makes full blown flame throwers, flash bombs, etc. 
But even with explosives and most of Edward’s transmutations the purpose them is to put space between himself and his opponent.  He is formidable but he is also five foot nothing and sixteen and he knows it.  That’s why he relies on his brother to do things like: 
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He relies on his brother to defend him because he knows what he’s bodily capable of and it’s not much when compared to a suit of armor. He relies on his brother’s protection because of the shit they get into. It’s an absolute must. 
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Just look what his face morphs into when his brother is down and he’s lost the ability to defend himself. His prey mentality kicks in and fear drives him. He’s back to being just a teenager. A five foot nothing teenager with no military training. Even if Edward is heavily trained in hand to hand and weaponry, he’s still a teenager at the end of the day. 
A teenager that was taught to fight by running for his life.  
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elliottalksalot · 3 years
Hiii could I please get a romantic matchup with a male from bnha? I am 5’4, an ambivert and Latina. I have pale skin, mid-length brown wavy hair with bangs, and hazel eyes. I am described as someone who comes off as cold or aloof when I’m around people I don’t know. After getting to know me, I am the complete opposite. I’m just a bit shy at first lol. My friends have told me that I give good advice but like to joke about my stubbornness. I like to make people laugh and try to make the best of any situation. However I have a hard time expressing my emotions. I’m also described as easy going and fun to be around. I love animals especially dogs. I am a hip hop dancer and love to perform. Enjoy reading and playing video games. I love music especially hip hop, rap, & reggaeton. I also love to write music/poetry. I really like drawing and painting. I can be playful and love to tease my friends. I also really like to eat and travel. I enjoy having deep conversations, like a lot lol. I can’t stand people who bully others and people who are fake. I like to be honest and helpful in any way I can. My style is usually anything comfy/casual and I don’t really like wearing skirts or dresses. I speak English and Spanish (learning Japanese & Portuguese). I enjoy watching crime investigations. I don’t really any fears, just not being able to accomplish my goals/dreams. I would say my love languages are words of affirmation and quality time. What I look for in a partner is someone that is selfless, mature and has depth to them. Also if they are really accepting because I’ve never had that growing up. I’m more attracted to introverts. For me anywhere is fine for a date, I am a bit low energy so not something super athletic lol. Thank you so much!! 💘💘💘
Hello! Thank you for the request . I literally didn’t have any doubt on who I was gonna pair you with based on your whole personality and last sentences! Anyway I match you with ...
Hear me out! You stated you liked introverted people and Iida immediately cam to mind! Also you not likening bullying or rule breaking pointed me to him. With that said , we’re heading straight to the HEADCANONS!
You had met through rather unfortunate circumstances-
He was at the hospital for his brother like a week after the Hosu City Incident and you had sprained your ankle while dancing
It took a while before he was able to warm up to you but he did eventually
You didn’t go to U.A he realized. You went to any other high school which was close to Hosu and had heard about the incident
You two had been hanging out for almost 3 months when he realized that he liked you more then he thought.
He went to his brother for help and confessed with flowers all while blushing .
Y’all had a park date where you just chilled while Iida did work.
It was a comfortable silence
you played 20 questions after to get to know each other better and learned you had a lot in common
After a few days of ‘ courting ‘ you, he had asked you to be his girlfriend
On your 1-month anniversary he got you a promise ring
(He later did replace with the real deal like 6 years later)
“ (Name)? Can you help with this?” Turning around you saw your boyfriend of 3 years struggling with his tie. “ Really? You used to be so good with this “ You teased going to help him regardless. “ It’s been a while! “ he defended. “ of course “ finishing up, you flatten your suit for creases. Your now fiancé had a School Reunion and you were invited as his partner. “ (NAME!) Are you ready to go? “ You heard yelled out. “ COMING! “
Songs That Remind Me Of Your Relationship!:
Riptide - Vance Joy
Candy - Robin Williams
Absolutely Smitten - dodie
Would You Be So Kind - dodie
Darling - Christian Leave
Smart Ass x Lovable Idiot, what can I say?
Iida was the first married, a surprise to literally no one
You had tried to teach Iida to dance before but his movements were too choppy
Izuku, Shoto, and his brother were his best men
The flower girl was Eri
Kota was the ring bearer
And Kaminari thought it would be funny to become a minister just for this
Y’all all had a grand time
THATS A WRAP! If you have any more requests make sure to send them in, I do scenario requests as well
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