#this started with a simple headcanon
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day-azevir · 3 months ago
Grian was human. Kind of in the same way that Etho was human. Or Wels was human. Or False was human. Was. As in past tense with the implication that something had been lost.
And if you were to look at him now, you would never believe it. Grian? With the ever-changing wings and too-sharp teeth? With feathers and scales and the eyes of an apex predator? How could a being like that ever have been human? It's quite simple, really.
Some thousand years ago, a deal was struck between the Queen of the Forest and a desperate mother. You see, there was a prophesy in the kingdom of a war between brothers - how one would embody light and the other dark, and how they would kill one another. The mothers first child had already been recognized as the warrior of light, and she couldn't bear to watch the King's Guard slaughter her second son. The child bore no name as she handed him to the Queen under the promise that the fae would keep her child safe.
This caught the Queen by surprise - usually they were the ones spiriting children off into the night. Instead, she was being given one as a gift? Something of the sort. And so the Queen gave the child a title; 'of the Forests Fae'. Names did have power, after all - and so by designating the child as one of her own, his soul would abide by their rules, age as a fae and wield their power to an extent.
Over time, the Queen grew fond of the not-quite-human child and bestowed upon him a name: Grian. For he smiled so brightly and carried with him the warmth of the sun.
And it was like that for quite some time. Grian living amongst the fae and the forest's inhabitants - even meeting Pearl, who would accompany him on later adventures and become a hermit herself far into the future. They would venture further and further out of the woods each time, observing mortals and life outside of the forest. Eventually the Queen gave them permission to leave - explore as far as their hearts desired - under the promise the two would keep each other safe. The two agreed, and stayed by each others side. Until Evo, of course.
The Watchers aren't angels, per-say, but they're not not angels either? You see, the god they served has been missing for a long time, and without someone to direct their energy, they've gotten a little bored. That's not to say they aren't still looking for their god, but when enlisting help they have potential candidates partake in trials that may seem random to an outsider, but are quite logical to them.
Evo was one of these trials, and most of the participants weren't even aware of what the end-goal prize would be.
Grian still isn't sure how he won, but he knew for sure he did when he stepped through the Watchers Portal and ended up among the stars instead of by his friends side. The Watchers that oversaw Evo wove eyes and magic into Grians soul, granting him their powers, but more-so granting him the responsibility of finding a lost god.
It would be centuries before he met Mumbo, and a few years after that before being invited to Hermitcraft, but that's a story for another time.
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kev-noah · 2 months ago
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Kevin met Noah in the PSU library.
Kevin had been frequenting the library only for some time now. He was in the history section as usual, searching for some new reads in the bookshelves. He couldn't choose between two books when Noah walked passed the shelves and spoke up, suggesting him to pick the first one. Kevin turned around to look at him with a scowl on his face and raised a brow, as if asking why he would do that on his saying. Noah instead of getting offended, as people usually did when they noticed Kevin Day wasn't all sunshines and rainbows, chuckled and told him that he had chosen this book for an assignment, and that it was a really good book. Kevin decided to give it a try; he had been stuck on which one to pick for too long already. He put the other book back and sat down at his usual spot. However he wasn't expecting Noah to take a seat opposite him.
"What?" He couldn't help but ask irritated.
Noah, a smile still present on his face, replied, "Oh I have been sitting here to prepare my assignments since I started studying at PSU, it's such a good secluded spot, I'm sure that's why you're here as well. I promise not to disturb you. I'm Noah by the way, Noah Idris. You are?"
Kevin couldn't tell if he was just politely asking for his name for small talk or playing oblivious. He found himself not caring for now. Kevin could just leave if Noah turned out to not keep his word and began pestering him; though he really had enjoyed spending time at this place.
Kevin noticed that Noah hadn't extended a hand, so he simply replied, "Kevin."
"It's nice to meet you, Kevin."
Part 2
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sky-neverending · 1 year ago
Eddie doesn't like crying in front of other people. He never has. He's fine with other people crying in front of him. He thinks it's good to get your emotions out around someone you trust.
But he just can't do it. He's not used to talking about his feelings in front of other people, not without getting shut down or berated. It had been like that all his life, engrained in him by his father at an early age. Crying made him weak. Crying in front of others made him weaker.
And as much as he knew that wasn't true at all, it was something that he couldn't shake. It was stuck in him, buried under years and years of repressed emotions and hidden trauma.
So, when he's at Steves one night and there's a loud *bang* from outside, he doesn't know what to do. They both freeze up, stuck like deer in headlights. The bang is followed by the shouts of what sounds like college boys. They aren't angry shouts, or scared shouts. If anything, they're amused shouts.
Steve unfreezes, taking a breath. "Probably just some kids messing around on their weekend off," he says, and yeah, it makes sense. But it brings Eddie right back to that night, to Chrissy. Brings him back to Jason and his crew. Brings him back to the moment he nearly died.
And he can't take it.
He breaks. The tears start before he can even comprehend what's happening, and he's on his knees, hands curled in his hair, and everything is too loud and too bright and too much.
"Eddie?" Steve asks, and it breaks him from his spiral. He springs up and toward the direction of the door, blurred vision stopping him from getting far. Steve calls out again, this time closer in proximity. "Eddie? Eddie, please listen to me." He says something else, but Eddie doesn't listen. All he can hear are screams in his head. His own, his fathers, Chrissy's, Jasons, his fathers again.
He collapses. Steve catches him just in time, pulling him close. "Eddie, I need you to breath," he says. Eddie tries. It doesn't work. Steve is watching him break down and there's nothing he can do about it because at this point, he's numb, body stuck to the ground, limbs frozen.
There's a hand in his hair, stroking it lightly. That's the first thing he feels besides the overwhelming sense of panic. It isn't his own. It's Steves. Steve is stroking his hair. "You're going to be okay," he whispers. Eddie almost believes it.
Steve holds onto him tighter. Whispers more encouragements into his ear. Runs his fingers up and down Eddie's back, applying just enough pressure that it starts to break Eddie whatever state he had fallen into.
"You're okay," Steve says. "Everything is okay."
Eddie finally speaks. "I'm sorry," he says, and the tears keep going, soaking his collar and Steve's sleeves.
"No." Steve says. "No. You don't have anything to be sorry for."
"Oh," is all Eddie says in response. He takes a risk, burying him head into Steve's shoulder.
Steve lets him.
"Deep breaths," he says. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."
Eddie believes him. And he lets himself cry.
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tsub1t · 1 year ago
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what is bro yapping about 😂😂😂
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aaternum · 1 month ago
sometimes, late at night when she's in bed alone, ryu looks at the emptiness that resides beside her in the sheets. she'd turn on her side and run her digits along the cold fabric, mapping it with her touch. its a familiar vacancy. one she'd stopped trying to fill with imagination and just lets be. it isn't always uninhabited. sometimes it was a temporary stop for a small few until they found somewhere else to make home of. and maybe one day someone would warm it long enough to never want to leave it. she'd drop her gaze to the spaces between her fingers and draw her other hand forward, pressing her palms together gently. it's never warm or cold. it just is. it's just enough. she'd fill the vacancy's between each digit and curl into herself, tucking her clasped hands beneath her chin. she'd wish she could warm herself the way another could, but she stopped trying to replicate the feeling. she may not have had the touch of another to remind her she wasn't an existence haunting her own walls, but she had herself. she could hold her own hand. that could be enough to make it through the night. that could be enough.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 years ago
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set out to create a serious, canonesque drawing with which to say "feel free to go in my lackadaisy tag and help me mystery speculate" but only got going when i made it bowling and the rarepair agenda
#not that i imagine anything w/mordecai's Rare so much as: diluted range of possibilities lol. probably someones on that mordecai/virgil life#when it turns out it takes several tries to start to get more solid footing at drawing characters for the first time: What The?????#i actually don't think i ever tried drawing lackadaisy before; against all odds....if i had i would've had a head start lol#lackadaisy#corned beef#any collectively used pairing name here? mordenico? nicodecai? in absence of otherwise Knowing:#nicodeme savoy#mordecai heller#me in '07 going oh my GOD this ART!!!! me in '23 going oh my GOD this ART!!!! & guess how i've always felt years in between#goddd perusing the gallery bonus art afresh recently just like WOWWW i'm SOOO#the collages of full-body drawings for book purchases i think like my GOD i love to see it. plus that the Extra Stuff gallery means there's#such a variety like. stuff that's clearly noncanon; stuff that could be / kinda is; jokes; portraits; story / characters insight....waaughh#also shoutout to everyone behind all the mordecais in KS Backer Art 1 & 2 like ''sexy mordecai please'' apparently lmao. hell yeah#anyways my Marigold Bowling Team headcanons are simple and straightforward: nicodeme w/the muscle can get a strike from the force of having#hit one pin that smashes into all the others; but don't underestimate his versatility. mordecai with the precision / method & absolutely#who you want trying to hit the only pin left on the lane. serafine's got like serpentine curveballs changing velocity halfway down the lane#and they've All got pointing a gun at the people setting pins / returning balls b/c that wasn't automated back in the twenties#back when everyone had customized printed tees....oh fun fact. a real live kitty cat crinkled that first pic's paper by jumping on it#or really; ricocheting off of it. classic#also the ''i want people to seriously consider nicodeme/mordecai. but also sillily'' purposes have me using Close Contact as a shorthand#it's earnest and can sure be [longhand] too but you go ''You Could Never HC Datingly Affection ft. An Always Touch Averse Character'' & i?#well i scoff derisively and slowly swivel my chair around to face you; arms crossed; smhing....hah. how greatly you underestimate my power.#you're throwing [hcs for a romance ft. an autistic character] & [that ft. an asexual character] & i'm grabbing them midair & Sips Them#ha ha why these replenish my health And experience bars....#Never Be Afraid To Forget To Draw Mordecai's Glasses Or That You Also Put Your Thumb In A Bowling Ball....he's warming up. or w/e.#nicodeme w/the boxing experience shoulders massage trope. giving that pep talk#or you can go ''get a strike or we kill you'' b/c you never have to find out if he's joking or not#mordecai unfazed b/c that's the stakes in this business (bowling) & he's autistic so always having to ignore Everyone being weird/confusing#haven't come up with a lackadaisy's team bowling pun name lol.#still feel free to go in my lackadaisy tag and help me brainstorm mitzi n mordecai's murder mystery ;w; enrichment
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ccaptain · 4 months ago
tl;dr: H:SR Kaeya doesn't like overly-complex, conflicting & impulsive human behavior as it goes against his simple & logical nature as a being. He's bound to never overcome this obstacle, with all the conflicting emotions it comes with.
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The biggest obstacle in passing off as fully human, for a being of the Enigmata, is the complexity of human behavior.
When normally something layered and difficult to understand would fascinate them and keep them engaged, this particular instance goes against their nature: beings have been created to deal with anything in their existance with logic and tranquility, picking the best path to avoid any complications arising during the problem-solving process. I have also explained in another headcanon that beings aren't made to feel extreme emotions in stressful situations with all the implications of the case, so complex emotions are something they try to avoid at all cost.
Kaeya, Emanator and Enigma, is not an exception.
From what he has extrapolated during the millennias of his life on multiple planets:
- Humans would love to live peaceful lives devoid of problems; however, when confronted with a problem that has a rather simple solution, most of them will bemoan and lament about it without attempting to solve it at the roots. This will lead to the completely solvable problem evolving into something bigger and more complex to dispose of, leading to more despair from their part. He has learned that this behavior is called self-sabotaging; - Most humans love to settle in a peaceful lifestyles, but this also bores them, thus leading them to fall out of the latter. Consequences also seems to be something deeply hated by humans, yet the logic of ''if I do X, then Y will happen to me'' never seems to appear in their mind. Human behavior is impulsive in the worst ways, this is what he wrote down in his notebook; - Most of them also have a passion for overcomplicating feelings and situations, leading to stress and miscommunication that seems to be unwanted, yet the behavior seems to prosper. He supposes that this also is in the realm of self-sabotating. The mental gymnastic to avoid saying explicit things is impressive even to a being that speaks in riddles;
Kaeya is terrifyingly good at observing and analyzing things, able to understand the feelings underneath and gently coax the Truth out, eventually and with time. However, when people observe him back and deduce that he's attracted to complex thing, they may make the mistake of thinking that this includes complex people into it. That their behavior may be fascinating to him just as objects are.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In his bonds, Kaeya likes simple things, loves when actions explicitely underline care and affection, if there's some, showing that while his partner may be conflicted, they do feel something for him. He likes to use and receive words of affirmation, often uncomfortably truthful, when situations get too ambiguous for his likings, taking the matter in his own hands rather than leave the other spluttering around for words.
The complexity of the human being may be fascinating for some, but Kaeya has grown to be uncomfortable around too much of it.
It reminds him that there's a very physical wall between him and a normal human that he'll never manage to climb or burst down, because his methods and actions are simple, compared to the other person's methods, and he keeps seeking simplicity. He cannot evolve on that front, because simple is what he was made into.
Simple is how he always operates, and how he'll always operate, regardless of how human he'd like to be. He can understand the reasoning (boredom, self-sabotaging urges, etc.) behind imploding one's life, but the appeal is lost to him. If it was him, he'd much rather communicate that he needs a change of scenery and pace to the people in his life that matter. There are consequences to every actions that cannot be escaped forever, so he'd rather be forward instead of being dragged along and straight into an unpredictable obstacle because he gave in to his impulses. Not that he doesn't give in, sometimes, but most of his impulsive actions involve only himself, and not others. The consequences of his actions fall on him and only on him, as it should be.
In his close bonds, however, he feels safer than trying to observe confusing behavior from afar: he's confident that if he speaks up to the person about getting uncomfortable with the mixed signals they're giving him, said person will possibly understand his plight in wanting them to be a bit more forward, and will find a middle ground to avoid pushing him away alltogether. For him, it's this simple, and it should always feel like it'll be this simple.
While sarcasm, irony and the likes don't escape him as often (he has learned to read into the tone of voice), people's impulsivity and strong tendence at being unpredictable. Every time he's met with it, he feels the other person dragging him right into the obstacle.
The wall is said obstacle, and the other person is pulling him into it face-first, doing more damage than good- he can't read that language, and he can't be forced to, because his mind operates differently. He'll crash into the bricks head first.
It'll always operate differently. He'll always crash into it without a proper way to destroy the wall not because he lacks the tools to- but because the difficulty of depth and contrasting, fickle behaviors, if overdone, make him feel negative emotions. It's in here for protection, too.
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throughtrialbyfire · 2 years ago
thinking about dragons and their impact on the surroundings of their lairs, especially in places or seasons that conflict with their elements. fire dragons in snowy climates, frost dragons in hot climates, things like that.
for example, perhaps word gets around in a small community, too far from their walled city to have the protection they need, as to what paths to take up the snowy mountains so as not to fall into the clutches of one of these risen beasts. perhaps even the signs that one is close to a lair. what to watch out for. behavior changes in animals, or even changes in the types of flora growing up the paths. not even the sabre cats, brave, hardy beasts of the wild, will venture that far north up that stretch of road, not for prey, not for anything.
perhaps a traveler stops by at this small community's inn, for work or for trade or just for a night's rest. asks the innkeeper for work. the innkeeper, half-pleading, hands over a piece of parchment. "the jarl's men dropped this by today, maybe you can look into it."
but it's not from the jarl's men. it's nowhere near the plumed, neat calligraphy of anyone in the hold's court. the traveler can see it, plain as day, this is a town's desperate cry for help. maybe their children have thought themselves fit to fight a dragon. maybe they never came home. livestock taken here and there, or soldiers wandered off for the city never to be seen because they missed the crucial signs of a dragon's lair.
whatever the case, the traveler rests for the night. by morning, the plan is made, to see this dragon and where it resides with their own eyes.
the town is collectively holding its breath. some had chided the innkeeper for dragging an outsider into their mess. some had praised the innkeeper. whatever the case, a town is waiting to see if this person, too, joins the piles of bones.
at first, the incline up the pathway isn't so bad. the traveler finds their footing. the snow makes things difficult, and when it starts to come down in sheets, the way ahead is hard to see. but after ducking into a cave and starting a small campfire, waiting, the snow passes, and the journey begins again.
there's nothing out of the ordinary at first, to the point the traveler thinks it was all a joke to play on some adventure-craving stranger. but then, they notice with furrowed brow, the wildlife has become less and less. where once was cavebears and frost trolls, things the traveler took down with ease nowadays, there's the occasional deer. a frost rabbit. nothing much larger, it seems. and the snow is getting thinner, softer, and the traveler curses to themself on how they should have worn sturdier boots for the slush they begin to traverse through.
the snow turns into mud, and where the air once felt clear, there's a pervading sense of smoke, something off in the distance and indescribable. not quite like flesh burning, not quite like wood. the plants, too, seem to have noticed. the tops of trees, after a certain height, are shorn off as though something massive scraped its heel along their grand heights. the traveler looks up, but all they see are the trees, the bare sky, the dark closing in.
the path twists in odd angles, but now there's bones along its length. deer, wolves, a cave bear skull or two. fresh ones, dead ones, an intoxicating smell of decay. the traveler tenses. pushes a hand over their nose. keeps going, despite the smell, the oily scraps still there along the ridge of a frost troll's spine.
the snow is all but gone now. in its place, thick grasses. odd, the traveler thinks, how this deep in winter and this high up the mountain, it's as though it were spring. the grasses scratch their mud-caked boots and pull the traveler up the further incline, beckoning the curiosity that burns deeper into them. the bones have become a common sight. some are even of men. and the stench of fire has become more evident than before.
at the final stretch of road, the traveler takes in their surroundings. what was once frost, ice, and wild, is now silent beyond anything they have ever experienced. all animals, as though warned by kynareth herself, have fled this mountain. there's a stench of rot along the plants, as though the heat is decaying their leaves, and the traveler has to take a moment to remove their thick outer garments to stop the heat from taking them, too.
at last, they find the dragon.
perched atop a wall in scrawled script no one alive could surely know, sleeping among its collection of bones, the sky stinks of sulfur and fire. the ground is cracked, mangled by the sudden disappearance of all moisture. the trees have gone from lush, vital evergreens to scorched husks, dark shadows, stark and sharp against one another. no insects squirm. no birds fly.
there is only the fire dragon, and a traveler who thinks themself brave enough to face it.
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Percy Weasley HC
After the war, Marcus insisted that Percy move into a relatively big house with him, Oliver, Audrey, and Penny. When I say big house, I usually imagine between orphange and Burrow (tbh the Burrow itself is kind of big) but a few extra rooms big. Due to Percy being a parental and/or sibling figure to a lot of people, it usually isn't just the five of them even if you ignore the existence of Percy's canon kids. Most of the time, other people are over, it's his neices and nephews due to him having favourite uncle status. However they have been times where it's been kids in Harry's or Ginny's year that looked up to Percy that have dropped by or one of his siblings' spouses have dropped by after an argument with his siblings.
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shining-gem34 · 1 month ago
☎ give it to me for df, dh, and rook also jade
Muse Contact Info || Accepting @draconicfool
Dan Feng (Emanator of Abundance AU)
NAME: [ Ruler of My Heart ]
RINGTONE: Scent of Love
PICTURE: (Under Read Line)
LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Both. Buy both of them, Feng-ge!
LAST TEXT SENT: My flower, which fabrics do you prefer?
Dan Heng
NAME: [ Sunset Ruby ]
RINGTONE: Marigold- M2U
PICTURE: (Under Read Line)
LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Did you take my coat, handsome? :p
LAST TEXT SENT: Did you take my coat, Eros?
NAME: [ Doctor Cherrie ❤️ ]
RINGTONE: String Theocracy- Mili
PICTURE: (Under Read Line)
LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Rook, baby, you're speaking my language!
LAST TEXT SENT: Hey, Doc! Want to go for a ride around town?
Dan Feng Notes: My wife is gorgeous in all the photos I took of her.
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Dan Heng Notes: To remember the day I saw the beauty inside you underneath the snowy sunset.
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Rook Notes: Smile for the camera, Rosie! :DD
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coruscantide · 2 months ago
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A Dive into the Heart
The first time you see a hint of Kairi’s heart is in KH1 during Sora’s dive to the heart. During this prophetic dream sequence, he appears to be traversing the hearts of the Princesses of Heart who are technically all connected which is visualized by the staircases. Four of the Stations that appear are of those who’s identity as a princess has been outed. They’re already captured and put into a deep sleep, while the remaining three have yet to be discovered and thus their identities are shrouded in mystery on the single Station meant to be them.
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What is a Station of Awakening?
A Station of Awakening is considered to be the ‘core’ representation of a person’s heart, most directly exemplified by Ventus and his struggles with Vanitas. Sora’s own heart manifests as a Station but it also takes on the appearance of Destiny Islands in KH1 during the opening sequence where projections of his friends can be seen, in KH2 where he’s sent when he’s sleeping alongside more projections of his friends until KH2, and in DDD where Roxas, Xion, and Ventus (and Ansem) can be found. It appears to be a ‘level’ above his Station so it may be considered the surface level of his heart. I say this because you only see him really ‘enter/travel’ through the areas of the heart by falling into the ocean in a literal dive to the heart and opening a door of light ( I find it interesting the Station he’s on when that happens represents the hidden princesses, including Kairi, which may have been a little foreshadowing ).
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Going off the KH1 opening, the theme of darkness usually being found underneath the light or vice versa, and with Sora inclined toward the light, I abide by an old headcanon that Sora’s darkness is represented by the ocean surrounding the island. It’s lighter near the surface but the further down into the depths you go the darker it appears. Him diving into that ocean, diving into the darkness, brings him into his heart which is illuminated and appears bright against the surrounding abyss. It doesn’t only apply to Sora. We see the dive to heart by falling into a body of water implied to be an ocean occur multiple times for other characters too, like Roxas or the opening scenes in BBS and 0.2. It’s been used to represent a character’s fall into the darkness as well, mostly with the wayfinder trio via themselves or their wayfinders in the openings to BBS and 0.2. As of KH3, we’re aware that sometimes Sora breaches the surface of that ocean and winds up in the Final World, though he doesn’t recall it later, and it happens because sleep is closely associated with both darkness and death with the edges between them blurring at times, allowing the occasional crossover.
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What does the inside of Kairi's own heart look like?
Now with Kairi, the outermost surface level also takes on the appearance of Destiny Islands, the place she feels most at ease. However, tying into the times she is seen during these dives to the heart, it usually set under a perpetual sunset with shooting stars streaking across the sky, sometimes appearing as the time of midday.
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Unlike Sora though her ocean is… different. The sea and sky are so expansive that it seems to reach out into infinity, and the layer of water is reflective to the point that it resembles a mirror. For some reason, it’s all much more reminiscent of the Final World.
Kairi can’t seem to ‘dive’ like everyone else. With the various openings if you look, whereas other characters are seen sinking into the water and darkness, notice that Kairi NEVER falls in during these instances. She can’t. Her image only ripples and distorts at best and she is always left above to walk on the water’s surface — like in the Final World. You cannot see any darkness beneath because there is nothing really tangible beneath the waves. Just ripples of repressed or lost memories.
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If Kairi’s Station appears when she walks far away enough from the island, it simply ripples into existence right under the ocean’s surface with her in the center of it, expanding outwards with doves taking flight and raising higher and higher out of the water. Her surroundings melt away into the flock of doves, transitioning into a blank white void and leaving her with the stained glass the portraits of Sora, Riku, Namine, and Ansem, seeker of darkness beneath her feet, refracting the endless light into a seemingly ever shifting tide of color that’s both beautiful and haunting. If she focuses hard enough, she can trace the connection to the other princesses and staircases will appear to lead her to their heart.
Why the Final World?
In Melody of Memory, a version of the Final World is seen within her heart, a recreation of her memories that she eventually reaches while searching for clues. The thing is… it’s the exact same type of construct on the surface level of her heart as her Destiny Islands. Technically this is a dive to the heart for her like many other people. There is a reason why DESTATI of all songs (the main theme of the Awakening/Dive to the Heart) starts playing during the encounter with Xehanort. He’s the equivalent of the Darkside and Twilight Thorn that Sora and Roxas had to fight. But he’s different somehow. Despite the implied belief of Kairi that he’s nothing but an illusion or memory created from Kairi’s heart, Xehanort’s strangely aware of what’s happening and making comments Kairi herself couldn’t possibly know, like figuring out where Sora is from his abrupt interference in their fight. Unfortunately for Kairi, this Xehanort appears more similar to the Ansem that’s been tormenting Riku for years even after his demise. So, uh, fun times ahead.
But a funny little detail is that at the beginning of this section, while it’s later acknowledged to be taking place within Kairi’s heart, the area gets the same introduction you get whenever you enter a ‘real’ world in the games and when Sora first arrived to the Final World. It seems to be the only occurrence of this within the entire game. I’m not even sure if a dive into a person’s heart transitioned into a world intro like that before.
Because her heart just has to be even more weird, while she’s in this state it manifests itself outside of her body specifically in its flower form and moves independent of her physical body (please note that every(?) other time in the series a heart is separated from the body like that the person basically dies in short order but kairi is. Fine). It breaks itself apart to literally guide her to the answer she seeks. Guys? This isn't normal. She’s interacting with her own heart in such a manner when she’s technically inside it at the moment. It's clearly different from every else who has moved about as a disembodied heart.
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This change into a flower is another important detail. Hearts don’t really have a physical form per se, but change their outward appearance when outside the body depending on different factors of how it's removed. It’s natural state is an orb of light. When a person dies as the body and heart perishes at the same time, some persist through a connection keeping them tethered and the hearts take on the appearance of a star of light. If an enemy like the heartless kills someone and steals the heart, it takes on a heart shape. Kairi’s own was seen as an orb of light previously in KH1. However, after KH3 it took on the form of a crystal flower as a result of her being crystallized and shattered. She's not currently dead but being in this deep sleep / almost death-like state and being in a place where the lingering dead reside apparently was enough trigger a change and cause her heart manifest itself in the state it was at the moment of her own death experience. She then tracks down the pieces of her heart, much like when Sora’s heart had to gather his body after he was conceptually broken apart, only it’s reversed now.
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It all ties together to imply these events are happening within the real Final World at the same time.
The truth is Kairi’s heart — technically all Princesses of Heart — is likely directly connected to the Final World. The personal versions in their hearts overlap with the real one, making it easy to cross over much like how one can access it from the Sleeping Worlds and the Dive to the Heart. This close connection to the Final World - and therefore the other side - is what enables Sora to appear within her heart at all after a year of radio silence to beat Xehanort’s ass, even if his voice cannot cross the distance. Why would this connection exist though?
Heavy existing star symbolism with Kairi and light in general aside, perhaps it has to do with the nature of the place and the princesses themselves. The Final World is a limbo for the deceased that exists on the border between sleep and death and a border to ‘unreality’. It’s a place of deep connection, and connection is very important to Kingdom Hearts. All hearts return to Kingdom Hearts, aka it is the final resting place. Everything that dies returns to the same place to reconnect and then be reborn. The Final World could be a step down from wherever Kingdom Hearts truly resides. As parts of a whole that exists as a counterpart to Kingdom Hearts itself, it makes morbid sense that the princesses would appear as close as they can to it without actually dying themselves, whether they realize or not.
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monkee-mobile · 10 months ago
Do you think Davybaby ever regressed before meeting/joining the Monkees? Either in England or after moving to America
And if so how do you think he dealt with it?
I feel like he did but to a different level. he probably never really OFFICIALLY regressed and was really of seen as a little one during it until he came to the states, but when he was particularly stressed out while still in england he’d often go into a kind of weak state if his defenses were really down, he just didn’t process it through really regressing like he would later on. in england, he’d try his absolute hardest not to have that happen. he’d just feel really small and vulnerable and had no one there to protect him or help him through it except his sisters, but they didn’t jump right to babying him, they’d more just help him through the panic attack part of it all. usually he’d just lock himself in his room if he couldn’t brave through it and curl in on himself and sob until he fell asleep (poor thing). he’d often start sucking his thumb, but he just took that as a “weak” behavior that was just coming back from his childhood. He’d also often go pretty nonverbal for a while afterwards but he’d push through it all and move on (which definitely wasn’t the best for him, but it got him through that time. poor little guy didn’t face his own emotions at all). this kind of shutdown didn’t happen all that often cause davy worked hard to build a tough shell and braved it through all the way to when he moved to america and got out of the pressures of his family.
the move really did break him down because suddenly he was alone in a strange country so when the boys first met him he was definitely flighty and not the suave kind of guy he got to be once he became more comfortable, but they were all new to each other so davy didn’t really have a chance to feel super safe to just let himself feel things so he kept up the hard exterior he had built at first. but of course the monkees became very comfortable with each other and basically climb all over each other at all moments so davy started going “feral toddler mode” a lot where he would just go all silly and giggly and playful, so his comfort came through in a relatively childlike way, but he didn’t panic regress until a while after the guys were a group.
but eventually it happens and davy breaks down really hard at some point. it’s the boys who really start babying him when it happens. in the past he didn’t have anyone to really take care of him but things kind of clicked when he was held and talked to softly and he just sunk into the love that was given to him and it helped him process everything anew.
#the monkees#davy jones#davybaby#asks#i didn’t really go into specific incidents because i don’t really have official headcanon laid out for him#but this is how i see his regression at this point#the other monkees just saw poor davy with tears down his face and wide frightened eyes and his thumb in his mouth trying to hold it all in#and just wanted to hold him#mike definitely swooped right in and got all protective#and davy was surprised at first that being held and rocked and talked to in a soft voice would make him feel so much better#but it did#and he kind of got to reprocess how he experienced emotions as a whole#and start from the ground up in a lot of ways like a kid would learn#and he got to do that with the help of his friends who definitely ask him how he’s feeling in simple terms a lot when he’s little#but he’s safe and happy now and that’s what matters to mike#it definitely makes mike feel secure too because he has someone to take care of and know that he can make everything alright for davy#so it really breaks mike’s heart when davy is crying because he just wants to set everything alright#davy again is often ‘childlike’ when he’s happy too. it’s not necessarily the same as his panic regression or is brought upon in the same wa#way#but he’s kind of just a little guy all around so all emotions come out with him all little. it just lets him feel safe and like he’s not to#not to blame for everything#because he probably had a lot of pressure to be perfect on him (see his grandfather)#but now he doesn’t have to be PERFECT he just has to be davy#and he’s still worthy of love and respect#okay i didn’t expect to put so much in the tags lol#thank you for the ask!!!
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stellarhoxy · 9 months ago
idk about you but i saw some tiny influx of ppl say "oh it should be x who's (the wife/bottom/pregnant/etc...) not y " in some ship work around and i wanna say... don't. do this... even if you know OP likes that interchangably, i find it still really rude. when op makes transformative work, there's usually a reason why they made it that way not the other. Just appreciate the creation they've given you, as it stands. In my opinion saying that "oh but x should be bottom" is like saying "oh but i don't like how red this artwork is, can it be blue instead?"I get we each have preferences, but let's be respectful to eachother....
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dairine-bonnet · 2 years ago
Bastila: Don't worry, you won't have to fight agaist Darth Malak, your task is only to help me find Star Maps. I will defeat Darth Malak myself.
Amnesiac Revan: Yourself? I'm sorry, but you couldn't beat Revan without the help of Malak... so technically Malak defeated Revan... And you lose to a mere newcomer like me in 3 out of 5 duels each time. Are you sure you haven't lost the logical links somewhere along the way?
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whorror-ghoul · 2 years ago
I fell down an absolute rabbit hole last night of domestic Dew and I think I might hc him as liking to cook now
Just him and Mountain working like absolute madmen this time of year and into the fall when not touring, with Mountain being in charge of the abbey gardens and Dew being one of the ghouls who's in charge of processing, preserving, and storing everything. And new arrivals are always surprised to find out that not only does this crass little bastard of a ghoul enjoys things like this, but he's actually one of the ghouls in charge of it all.
Bc while he's super chaotic onstage, I think a lot of us forget that those two are the oldest ghouls in the line up rn- and I do view Dew as being an older ghoul. He's one of the oldest members of his pack. I even see him as something of a de facto leader when they're on tour and Aether is no longer around as much, but that's a whole other thing.
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comical-icicle · 2 years ago
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So… I made Black Widow already for this idea. Two designs, one for working as a security officer and one for operating a smuggling ring. I already knew I wanted her to be security personnel immediately after having this idea. (Definitely not an excuse to draw both versions of Widow)
Design may change to better fit later on, but this is just the main concept for it to get it out there and explain my ideas.
So I already have a bunch of silly thoughts running through my head and realized that both games have some details that work surprisingly well when you put them together.
Here’s my thoughts for Widow, only general thoughts so far and basic ideas. Under a read more just in case:
-She works in security aboard the space station (not sure what I should call the space station yet)
-Operates a smuggling ring that gets contraband on and off station (very useful to some coworkers), and no one has caught her in the act
-Her pet hamster is on station, hidden in her room. Almost no one knows about the hamster.
-Knows little about the typhon. Only knows general information about mimics and is aware weavers exist, but that’s about it.
-Despite knowing little, she is concerned about the dangers the typhon bring as they are kept on station.
-Brought up concerns to higher ups, but was brushed off
-Had began the smuggling ring not long after, both about of revenge towards higher ups and because of personality shifts due to neuromod removal
-Neuromod removal was mandatory as typhon have broken containment previously and Widow was forced to forget it; this removal also caused shifts. For Widow, one would be that she originally loved painting but now resents it.
-Does not mind destroying company property or own contraband if it means achieving her goals
-What those goals are? Undecided as of yet.
Terms used from Prey:
Typhon are the alien creatures aboard the space station, these include mimic varieties, weavers, phantom varieties, poltergeists, telepath, technopath, and the nightmare of course.
Neuromods- neural modifiers- are essentially learned skills that are pre-mapped out for the brain. Example from game is a pianist having their skills mapped out and one using the neuromod to restructure their brain to have these skills as if they’ve always had them. Neuromod removal resets the brain to the moment before someone puts the neuromod in. Game lore suggests that extensive use of neuromod removal and injection causes personality drifts.
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