#this may change once i actually go clothes shopping
thebirdandhersong · 2 years
it's sweater weather for YOU. for songbird, who doesn't own a single sweater--
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snoringkitty1 · 6 months
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Aventurine boyfriend Headcanons
TW: Fluff, not proofread, Mildly suggestive content. Enjoy <3
Aventurine at the beginning of your relationship is a flirty bastard, he'll tease you to high hell and leave you high and dry for his own amusement.
There is 0 initial affection, he's only in it for his entertainment or because he has something to gamble or get from you.
Kisses you with his eyes open, atleast at the start.
But gradually, when you realizes you won't be leaving because of his lack of effort, he might just soften up and start to let his guard down a little.
Though of course this is after a while, but you'll start to see the more vulnerable and faint side to him.
He'll become more affectionate gradually the more he begins to trust you with his feelings, though, it still might take a while. Patience is key.
He's still flirty no doubt, but now there's actually feelings and meaning to his words, and they aren't bluffs anymore.
His sense of fashion may or may not rub off on you..aka he forces you to wear matching clothes, it makes him feel special.
"Do i really need to where this..? Matching outfits are so tacky." You grumbled and adjusted the hat on your head before sighing and taking it off, running your fingers along the rim and raising a brow. "Well, you don't need to, but i would love you more if you did." He joked and fixed a few details on your jacket before taking the hat from your hands and setting it on your head. "You don't love me enough already?" You pouted and looked up at him. He smiled and shook his head, pulling you close for a kiss, his hands holding tight onto your waist as he trapped you in a kiss. "I love you~" He cooed softly and leaned back, "Some matching clothes won't change that." he assured and rubbed your cheek before stepping back and putting his hands in his pockets, "now~ shall we?"
The king of shopping dates, if you don't like shopping though, then the two of you will probably be having at home dates most of the time.
But don't think for a second he isn't buying the most delectable (and expensive) food he can find, because to him, if its clothes, food, hair, nails, you name it. He thinks you're a worthy investment (he just likes to spend money on you.)
Speaking of giving presents, thats simply his love language, because i reckon he feels like if he gives enough, then he won't have to worry about you leaving him.
That being said, he'll need a bunch of reassurance to stop giving random super expensive presents. He'll still give you some regardless but he'll tone it down significantly.
He comes off as the kind of guy who only gives or takes longer kisses, to me atleast.
He might use this to his advantage if he perhaps gets jealous, which i think happens pretty often.
But i think there's also a chance of him just absolutely demolishing you once you two are home behind closed doors.
Switch energy, but can and will top when he feels like it.
He'll let you decide the pace though, he doesn't want intimate moments to feel transactional.
Afterwards, i Dunno i feel like he'd just fall asleep with you, then take of you the next morning.
You rolled away onto your stomach..or tried to, the tight grip of a certain blonde kept you from moving too far away. When you let out an uncomfortable grunt though, Aventurine was quick to let go and sit up to check on you. You opened your eyes and looked up at him, smiling a little before closing them again, "I'm fine, i'm fine.." you mumbled softly, but that didn't deter him. He leaned down and kissed your cheek before getting up, you opened your eyes and sat up on your elbows to watch him, he disappeared into the closet briefly and returned with one of his shirts. "Here you go Darling~" he cooed softly and held the shirt out from you, his messy bed head framed his face nicely. "ah..thank you-" you smiled and put it on before flopping back again. "Anything else i can get you? I can order food, or make bre-" He paused when you pulled him close all of a sudden. "Just cuddle with me for a little bit.." You muttered softly, and He nodded, pulling you close again..and like that, you two were cozy and asleep in minutes.
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Thanks for reading.
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Hi! may I request something? the residential masked fellas (Ghost, Konig, Keegan, & Roach), x therapist!reader, who's a billionaire? (shocking part, the billionaire part was not mentioned by our reader) I imagine reader spoiling their s/o with gifts & affectionate stuff they deserve, while helping them get a sense of theirselves or something like that 😭 (most of the cod characters need therapy, to be honest) BUT- they start to suspect how on earth did reader get all of the stuff? cause i'm sure reader gifted them the expensive kind- but anyways, reader just casually just says their a billionaire, like it's normal- how would they react to this?
Please take care of yourself & stay safe !! 💖
a/n: you take care too!!! Sorry to all my followers for not posting in forever 😔 I had family stuff going on, and I’m a bit burnt out so I couldn’t come up with story plots for some of the characters
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-konig is a well off man to begin with, but doesn’t use much of the money he earns with his impressive title as he has little idea what to actually buy when it comes to things being worthwhile, and hence since you give him so many gifts, his house is mostly filled with gifts then actual things he bought
-always took the gifts at face value and adored the thought put into them and never really thought to think of how much money you must spend
-eventually though, one of his few off duty friends asked why he had such high class things in his house as they pointed out gifts you had simply given him and he started to get quite curious himself
-called you up one night to ask, waking you up as he asked a simple “uh- maus? You know the mixer you got me last week when I said I wanted to make cookies is 800 dollars, why??”
-you had to stop laughing out loud from his confusion since you thought you had been open with it due to the amount of things you simply gave him
-stayed in his cramped barracks a lot of the time and very rarely replaced any of his tearing gear because he was too tired to do so, he just generally didn’t care how the public saw him and had little care on himself
-of course that changed when you practically threw him new clothes, new gear, new facial care for his tiny apartment he used when off duty. He started to actually enjoy getting to indulge in a massage or a face mask while he simply felt all clean
-of course, he thought it was all temporary, that you were just spending a particular amount on a well paying month, but as it went on and on continued, he started to get more and more confused
-one day when you took him on a shopping trip, he saw you check your checking account and THATS when he realized that you planned to pay for his every whim personally and could without damage… a very flustering experience
-never truly is off guard even when off duty or around people, it’s built into him from trauma and past and his job doesn’t help to much with that
-however, he does have a particularly interesting hobby that calms him down more then most things can, even you (although he adores you with all his heart). And that hobbies is photography. Of things he enjoys, that is. He never put money into a very good camera, never seeing the need in doing so until you bought him one…
-he cherishes that camera more then he cherishes his mask, which is saying quite a bit. He didn’t know how much he actually needed the upgrade till he saw the difference in his photos
-he of course, shows it off to his team. And soap points out exactly how pricey it must be for a lil old therapist to buy. he starts to get worried, did you spend money you didn’t have on him? Did he take away from your own funds? Did he just take it and not think about the damage you might have created yourself without even thinking twice???
-calls you on his burner phone in a tiny bit of a panic, but it doesn’t show too much under his gruff tone. He lets out a sigh he didn’t notice he was holding in once you told him that you in fact had the money to buy that camera 100 times over
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a-casual-kpopfan · 11 months
It's a Date. - Karina
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Shoutout to @capslocked for the little beta read. <3
I'm starting to get back into the writing groove, dropping small fics here and there. This was fairly short and sweet, I hope you all enjoy as usual. :)
You were one of the hosts to take Aespa around New York while they’re on tour; today was an off day and you were with the group and their managers going out to several shopping districts and trying desserts throughout the day. 
“Oppa, how come you’re not looking around for things?” Little Winter walking along next to you like a puppy, if a puppy can carry like 5 shopping bags with their paws.
“I live in the city Winter; this is my lifestyle.” You look around the shopping centre, it’s bustling and hustling as NYC would be normally. “Oh, come on oppa, there’s got to be something for you to do too, what about a girlfriend?” You had to think about it, it’s been a while since you were out with someone, let alone had a long-term relationship. “Ah, the last time I dated someone was back in college.” You gave a little smile to Winter as the two of you walked just behind the main group of members and managers.
Karina who’s walking along the main group takes a glance behind, seeing you and Winter laughing through your conversation. She excuses herself from the main group and slows down to the pace of you and Winter. “Ahh, what’s so funny?” Karina may be one of the most visually appealing idols and one of the most captivating people to ever walk this planet. But her looks don’t define who she is; Karina is actually a walking toddler.
Her cheeks are puffed up and lips in a pout. “Winter here is calling me a fossil, calling me old because I haven’t dated since college!” You were playing along with the act, acting a little whiny and childish which was alright, you’ve been with the girls a couple days already, they’re really playful and outgoing which is something you really appreciate seeing in Korean idols compared to a lot of Western stars you’ve hosted around every once in awhile.
Winter laughs uncontrollably on your left side, and is holding onto your arm, Karina is happy to see that there’s someone to trust outside of their group. “How old are you then oppa?” Karina tilts her head like a puppy, it really seems like Aespa as a group is a bunch of little puppies. “I’m 26 years old.” Winter pretends to be super shocked, exaggerating a dropped jaw. “Oh, my goodness, you’re a grandpa!”
“Yah, I’m only 3 years older than Karina.” Trying to defend yourself from Winter, but on the other side Karina is laughing at Winter’s reaction. “Oh, you’re not that old oppa, I just see the little white hairs appearing on your head.” Karina jokes around but catches you off guard making your jaw genuinely drop. “Ms. Karina!” Your jaw stays open but with a smile, you are putting your hand over your heart as if you got shot, but what really shot you is Karina’s smile and laughter.
Your walk through the mall was fun, it was all smooth going until…
“Oppa! Let’s go get you some clothes!” Giselle, the most fluent in English, pulls you into a local clothing shop. “Giselle!” The idol continued pulling your arm, you really didn’t have a choice. “Please, just call me Aeri.” With a reassuring smile that it’s okay to be on a first name basis at this point. “I feel like we’ll know each other a lot more after today.” Aeri with an excited smile, confuses you but you just go with the vibe.
“Oo, you'd be good with this… And this… We should try this too…” Aeri is picking out several pieces of clothing, going through different kinds of pants, looking at the blazers and some tops. “Giselle.” Aeri looks at you with a glare. “Aeri…” The glare changed to a smile, relieving you of possible stress. “Oppa, just try these on, okay?” Dumping a small pile of clothes into your arms, all you could do is sigh and accept it.
You went through multiple variations of outfits from all the clothes that Aeri has chosen for you. After spending about a half hour trying on clothes, there was a set that both you and Aeri found fond of. “Wah, oppa! You look so handsome!” You were wearing a short sleeve dark blue blazer, though worn open and on the inside, a nice grey, almost a salt & pepper style t-shirt, a black jean, complemented with a very dark brown leather shoe. “Wow, I have to hand it to you; you have great style Aeri.”
“Perks of being an idol~” You look through the mirror and watch Aeri pose with a V sign, making you laugh.
“That decides it, let’s go buy them!” You shook your head and looked at Aeri through the mirror. “I may be making decent money but buying all this is too expensive for me.” Your little shopping companion comes up to the mirror and looks you in the eye. “Oppa, who said you were going to pay?” And out of her pocket is her credit card from the company. “Yah, wouldn’t they be mad if you bought something not for you with this card?”
“This is the least that I can do being such a great host for us the last couple days.” You turn around to see a sincere smile and it doesn’t seem like she would take ‘No’ as an answer. “Okay, you win this round.” Aeri clapping her hands and you shrug in defeat as you make yourself to a change room with your original clothing.
Aeri kept to her word, now you’re walking along with Ningning and holding quite a lot of clothing. “Are you having fun with us, oppa?” It’s almost like each member is having their turn with you throughout the day. “Sure, I am Ningning, I get to spend time with very famous idols.” Ningning wasn’t satisfied with that answer. “What do you really like to do for fun?” You were confused as to why the idols are being really personal with you lately.
“Hmm, I’m originally from South Korea, but after moving here I really grew into North American culture. Watching basketball games, going out for bar food like wings and burgers with friends late at night. I do enjoy playing billiards, I’m always open to trying new activities.” Ningning now seems to be happy with that answer. “It seems that you’re very active.” You and Ningning kept the conversation going with each other, more and more you’re finding out the girls like to drink and eat a lot in the dorm, yet they seem so fit for the amount of food they consume and more Ningning is finding out your habits here in New York.
Once finding a restaurant to have a late lunch, you and the group were seated but you offered to sit separately as you would like to give the girls and managers their privacy.
“Nonsense! You’re sitting with us!” Karina was not happy with your suggestion. “You’re a part of us and you’re sitting with us.” The leader was standing firm, and wouldn't budge for anything. “Because you’re trying to bail on us, I’m making you sit next to me to keep an eye on you.” Karina poking your chest with her finger, you were given no choice. You couldn’t help but smile about it and shrugged. “Good, let’s go.” Karina grabbed your hand and dragged you in.
You were led to a large table fitting for 8 near the back of the restaurant, not completely private but obscure enough to eat comfortably. Karina sat on a bench with Winter and a manager beside her, one seat was left, and you were going to offer it to Ningning or Giselle, but you watch them already sit on the other side of the table with their other managers. “Nope, with me oppa.” Karina was sitting down, looking up to you with a smile.
“I really can’t get away from you, can I?” You finally gave up and sat down to the group’s leader. “Looks like someone has a liking for him.” Winter nudges Karina, shortly getting a slap to the leg to deny the teasing. “Yah…” You couldn’t hear the little whispers, you tried to ignore everything so the members can have a sense of comfortability and privacy, but then Karina can easily notice that you’re feeling uncomfortable.
“Hey… It’s okay.” Karina lays her palm on top of your hand and pats it. “Just be yourself, that’s all I ask for.” Her head is on a tilt, her smile, sincere. You nod your head and try your best to follow Karina’s asking. She’s always tried to make sure that her members were comfortable, that her manager was okay, but you being an outsider only have been with them for a short amount of time, Karina had always made sure that everyone was alright, she’s a great leader.
Lunch went smoothly, you and the managers had some good laughs, the members were having a good time, but alas all things must come to an end. The shopping is done, lunch is over, now you’re walking the girls and managers back to the hotel.
You bid your farewells, but Karina comes running back to you before you have the chance to leave the premises. “Oppa, I have a favour to ask you.” Karina's demeanour is off, hands behind her back, one foot balance on her toes, her eyes facing the ground, avoiding your gaze. “What is it, Karina?” You were curious, it’s not everyday you have a beautiful woman in front of you acting like a fool.
“I... Uh… Have this friend who’s coming to the city later tonight… I was hoping you could tour her around, like you did with us?”
“Oh… What could I have hoped for?”
“Sure, what time should I meet her?” You accepted without an issue, you wanted to be a good guy, you just spent a few days with the group and why should you decline? It’s not like you have a date to attend to.
“Yay! Thank you oppa, here’s her number, meet her here at 8pm!” Karina hands you a paper with an unusual phone number, not an area code you’re familiar with but you took in anyways. “Thank you oppa.” Karina bowed in respect before running back inside the hotel.
You would be a little disappointed, but this is a favour.
You make it back to the hotel at the time Karina told you to be there by, you texted the phone number that you arrived in the front. Good thing Aeri took you to go shopping for new clothes, you must dress up a little for the New York nightlife.
You: Hey, I’m in front of the lobby.
Unknown: I’ll be right there!
That reply came quickly, you were on a look out for someone outside the hotel, but the results would surprise you.
“Good evening oppa.”
You spin around to Karina, a different outfit from this afternoon. Instead of a white sweater and a long skirt, the Aespa leader is changed into a thin back long sleeve, mesh-like material being near fully see-through, a black bandeau underneath, complimenting her large bust and curves, paired with blue jeans and to finish with black boots.
Shocked to see the leader alone, no supervision, not even anyone watching from the entrance. “I hope you don’t mind me taking off my extensions, I felt like the short hair for our date.” Karina plays with her hair then smiles at you, she has somewhat of a gummy smile.
“Wait, I’m sorry, our date?” You were extremely caught off guard, Karina? Aespa’s leader? A kpop idol? A date? With you? “You could have better options than this old man.” The idol slowly walked towards you, grabbing your hand with both of hers, it’s now you really took the time to see, Karina has baby hands. “Why not? You treated us well, made sure we were comfortable, this is the least I could do… And I want to get to know you more.”
“But I live here, you need to go back to South Korea soon.” The idol was only giggling, she probably has already thought about it, otherwise you wouldn’t think she would go through the trouble of setting up a date with you. “We can cross that bridge when we get to it. There is a lot of tour guides in South Korea that would like a bilingual tour guide.”
With Karina’s amazing smile looking at you the way it is, how could you deny her?
“Okay Karina.”
“Please, my name is Yu Jimin.”
You smile and chuckle.
“Okay Jimin, what would you like to do tonight?”
She pulled away one hand, but still held yours with one. “Hmmm…” Her facial expression turned to a pout, playfully laying a finger on her chin, exaggerating the fact she’s thinking. “How about we go to a bar, get some wings and maybe watch a basketball game if there’s any?” Your jaw was left open, how could she have known?
“Mhmm.” With a cute nod.
How would you survive spending the night with Kar- Jimin?
The two of you walked off in a direction where you heard was a good restaurant that had some of the best wings and flavours, Jimin couldn’t let go of your hand, she was basically latched on your arm at this point.
“Oppa, are the New York Knicks any good?”
“Oh man… Don’t get me started…”
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The Lost 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, mentions of loss, grieving, death, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: nomad!Steve Rogers
Summary: You move into a shared flat and encounter a mysterious man.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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When your shift ends, you leave the shop, heading down the same way you came. You stop at the corner of Mason and think better of going that route. You take that man’s advice and go along Doxtator instead. It’s quieter, there aren’t as many businesses so not as many people loitering and tossing cigarette butts.
You come up to the shared house and enter through the side door as usual. You wouldn’t call it routine yet, you haven’t been there long enough, but a ripple of deja vu comes over you. You keep your head down as you enter the kitchen. As you do, there’s another person in there.
You don’t know if you should say hello. You haven’t seen this man before. He must be one of the others. He pulls a box of rice crackers out of the cupboard and ignores your presence. You follow his lead and don’t say a word as you set your bag on the counter and pull out the drawer. You write your name on the few items you got from the store before you left; a box of cereal, a carton of milk, and some packets of ramen.
You put it all away as the other resident traipses off down the hallway, shuffling footsteps reverberating off the shabby walls. You shut the fridge as you hear the outside door open and shut. As you turn, the other man enters; the big one with the shaggy hair. S as you think of him.
He nods at you as you fold up the paper bag and shove it in the bin. He goes to the cupboard and opens the door. He sighs and takes out the same box of crackers as the last man. He shakes it and tuts. You see then the S marked on the side.
You leave, not wanting to get involved. You feel bad that someone else took his food but you also don’t need the drama. You hate conflict. At least now, you know to watch your things. Maybe later you’ll sneak out and retrieve your ramen so you can preserve a few meals.
You’re not very hungry. Your appetite is sparse these days. Maybe it’s this place. You can’t quite settle in, maybe because you hope it’s only temporary. Yet, you can’t say if that’s because you’re holding onto hope that by some miracle you could go back to your former life or that you might even forge a new one.
You lock the door and turn on the standing lamp. You fold your coat over the metal frame of the bed and sit to untie your shoes and peel off your socks. You change into a loose pair of sweatpants and a plain tea with a Pepsi logo on it. Not your clothes, another set of charity tatters.
You lay down and stare at the wall. You used to have a television in your room. You’d watch the old sitcoms they replayed on the public access channel. Or you’d listen to music and knit something. You had at least a dozen scarves more than you needed. You might be able to afford some needles and yarn after your first pay.
The cone of light casts a low haze through the tight space. Your eyes slowly close as thoughts of shutting off the lamp fade into your subconscious. You’re asleep before you can feel yourself drift off.
You wake to a strange sound. Your eyes flick open to the yellow lamplight as you lay stiffly on your back. You groan as your cramped muscles tug. You stretch and the bed frame creaks with your movement.
The scratching continues. You’re not surprised. You would expect mice in a place like this. There were some at the shelter too. They mostly left you alone, just skittered by as they searched out crumbs.
It gets louder as you sit up, tilting your head as you try to loosen the knot between your shoulders. You stand slowly, daunted by the pang across your hips. The mattress is thin and you can feel the frame on the other side.
“I know you’re awake, sweetie,” the voice startles you as it slips beneath the door. You stop your arm midreach as you go to click off the lamp. You peek over and see the shadow shift under the door. “Sweetie? I can see your light’s still on, why don’t you open the door?”
You don’t know the voice. It’s pitchy and uneven. The sickening tune behind it makes your stomach wrench. You stay far from the door as the handle jiggles, the deadbolt keeping it from opening.
“Sweetie. I just wanna talk. You don’t have to open the door. Just talk to me…”
You hug yourself and gulp. There were men in the shelter who tried to talk to you, the ones who got too close, who would stand over you while you slept. You were lucky they went away when they were caught.
There’s another shift and the floorboards groan. You hear an odd scuff and see something slide beneath the door slowly. Little by little. It’s a hand mirror, just thin enough to fit. Oh my god.
“Sweetie, I wanna know your na–”
The click of a mechanism and the grind of hinges interrupt your unwanted visitor. The mirror stills and the floor creaks again. You chew your lip as you listen with bated breath.
“Oh, hi,” the same voice greets someone.
“Go,” the deep voice orders gruffly.
“You can’t make me–”
“What are you doing out here?” The other man asks. You recognise S’s timbre.
“N-nothing. I live here too. I can be in the halls,” the strange man responds.
“I’m trying to sleep.”
“I wasn’t making noise.”
There’s a pause. Footsteps follow, getting closer, and you hear the squeaky voice utter a ‘no’ as the mirror wiggles slightly then is kicked further inside, scuttling over the floor.
“What the hell?” S growls, “you leave her alone.”
“I wasn’t bothering her–”
“I know what you were doing. I know who you are. What you are. So go before I crush you like the worm you are,” S’s words make even you shrink in fear.
“Ha, you think you deserve her. Because you look like you do,” the other man accuses, “you don’t scare me.”
“I don’t care if I scare you, I’ll break you in half if I see you at her door again,” S sneers and there’s a thump on the door, followed by an ‘oomph’. “Got it?”
“Got… it,” the breathy hiss chokes out, “let me go.”
A sudden scramble of footsteps, as if thrown off balance, clatter across the floor. They continue, quicker and quicker until you can’t hear them. You hear a sniff, then a sigh. A shadow appears at the bottom of the door.
“Hope you’re okay in there,” S says, “I’ll keep an ear out for that creep.” He pauses as if waiting for an answer but you can’t find one past the hammer of your heartbeat, “have a good night.”
The floor groans with his weight as he retreats and his door gently clasps. You can’t move. You lean into the wall and let your legs fold as you slide down onto your bottom. You’ll leave the light on for tonight. You don’t think you can face the dark.
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aihaitahm · 1 year
cw: fem! afab! reader, use of princess, dove, darling. pure nsfw. mndi.
a/n: sorry i interchanged cologne and perfume alot. hope u like it though! :3
character: blade
it has been a week since you’ve been on a mission with silverwolf which meant you havent seen your boyfriend ren. everyone knows how he has an extremely soft and loving side just for you and god fobid if anyone hurt you, he would literally hunt and kill them. but what they didnt expect was how grumpy and extra irritable he was when you were gone. his once nonchalant remarks may turn to snarky, sour ones if they annoyed him enough. he didnt like it when other people bandaged him. he would always find time to call you and actually visibly pout when you were busy. kafka teased him because shes never seen someone like him pout like a school girl waiting for their crush. in which blade mutters her a ‘mind your own goddamn business…’
he was starting to miss your touch and how adorable you were whenever you were under him. youre so confident and cocky when you retort back at his playful jabs but a crying babbling mess when he nibbles on your cute nipples. using his hands to jerk to your used underwear wasnt simply enough. your absence didnt really help in general. he cant sleep very well and he finds peace in your warmth and love while sleeping.
after long dreaded days of texting and calling, you finally arrived. you put on colonge/perfume with intense pheromones you got from one of the small shops during your journey, maybe to tease him and put it to a test. putting some on your nape, between your breasts and your thighs.
he was extremely happy when he saw you. blade couldnt show it outwardly but his aura significantly changes. he was quick to hug your frame and kiss you on the lips and immediately help you with your belongings and what not. jbringing you to your shared apartment while listening to you talk about the mission. he misses your voice and he senses your strong scent of yours and it was driving him internally crazy. he smirks at what your silly little plan was but you know what, it worked.
“bladie, whats so funny-“
he suddenly pulled you into a deep, hungry kiss. leading you to your shared bedroom, as he passionately nibbled at your lips. blade holds the back of your head gently, making sure you fall on the soft mattress properly. his hands all over your body as he explored every ethereal part of you.
you felt so vulnerable compared to him, it got you weak in the knees. trying to catch your breath was hard when all blade did was smother you with his animalistic hunger for you. you moaned through the kiss as you felt his knee go in between your legs, rubbing your thin panties under your short skirt.
“i miss you a lot darling, but you do know teasing me with that new cologne of yours, is like playing with fire? or was that really your plan?” blade whispered in which he felt you clenched, he knows how his voice makes you crazy. he continually grinded his knee on your cloth pussy.
“no… i just happened to b-buy it because it smelled good.” you lied. you felt his intense, dark red eyes ready to pounce at his prey. you were grinding back and forth on his knee until he stopped you, looking at you darkly with a smirk.
“i hope you know good girls dont lie and if they do they have to apologize and beg.”
minutes passed by and you found yourself a mess, trying to make yourself cum by riding on your lover. he has been denying your orgasm and just sitting there nibbling at your nape. you were stubborn and refused to beg. it drove you crazy when he would refuse to let you cum while he bit hard in the areas you sprayed your cologne at. purple marks all over your thighs, nape and especially your chest.
“come on now… are you that stubborn? i thought you missed me hm? oh your mad because i denied your precious orgasms? maybe if you didnt lie princess, i couldve fucked you like how you liked it.” blade growled as he surprisingly slammed you down on his big cock. he loved the feeling of your hot, cute pussy around him while your wearing that short ass skirt just for him.
“ren… ppewase…”
you moaned a gibberish answer as that strong wave of his thrust was almost enough to make you cum. feeling his cock deep inside you was enough to make your toes curl and arch your back, combined with his sultry voice on your ear. he felt you writhe in his touch as he played with your nipples and nibbling at your ear, talking to you in a such a sweet dirty language.
“im sorry what was that?”
“i said… please… f-fuck me.”
“you know you should beg like you fucking mean it.”
“no…” you whimpered stubbornly, refusing to let him win. you steadied yourself as you tried to hold yourself in place and tried riding his cock. soon enough, you got tired again as you started tearing up. you just wanted to cum all over your sweet hot boyfriend!
“please ren…. i need you please fuck me… dont stop please i apologize im sorry for lying i did want to tease you on purpose, pleaseplease just fuck me and dont stop. please!”
“see that wasnt so hard princess? such a fucking slut, wearing this short skirt and wearing an intense pheromone perfume. dont complain if its too much.”
ren flipped you over as he pounded you into a mating press. sucking on your nipples as he held your knees to your chest while he thrusts in you in a fast, hard pace. hearing your sweet, high piched moans is music to his ears. he felt you tightened up as he continued with his cruel pace.
“ha…hah! cumming! cumming!~ r-ren! ” you screamed. feeling your body twitch as you felt blade hold your hands and not faltering at his pace. continuing to overstimulate you as all you could do was take in his big cock. feeling the wetness of your orgasm fall on your skirt, making a puddle beneath it.
“mmm, youre taking me so fucking good, dove. come on~ keep cumming until you cant princess.” your eyes rolled to the back and you were clawing at whatever your holding, drooling all over your mouth as you babble nonsense. clenching and cumming again and again since his thrusts wont ever stop at the moment. all you could think of is your lover. you pulled him into a kiss and he reciprocated back.
blade enjoyed seeing this sight as it drove him close to his orgasm, growling at your ear as he continously thrust messily into your sweet opening making you cum again and again.
he finally came in your cute pretty cunt. heavy breathing occured in the hot room. the smell of sex and of you was his favorite. he observed his work of art as he kissed you gently all over your body, muttering an i love you and welcome back home.
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parkerpeter24 · 9 months
Arguing about what Christmas movies to watch with any Peter you want! And maybe
“I may or may not have left some….marks.”?
It doesn't need to be smut💖
this fic was exactly 777 words for some reason? 😭 i loved writing it!!! i made it my baby ps4 pete
pairing: PS4!peter x reader
winter blurbs 3.0 ❄️
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peter was home alone. he was supposed to go over at may’s today but she was busy at the feast centre. the only thing peter could think of was to go over to your place and hang out with you.
so he changed quickly into his spidey suit, packing his clothes into his backpack. singing it over his shoulder and he was off to your place but when he reached your window, the room seemed empty and cold. he knocked anyway, receiving no reply. he sat down on the railing, pulling out his battered phone from his backpack he typed in your contact name and called you.
after a few rings, you picked up, your voice breathy.
“you’re out?” he asked.
“went grocery shopping.”
“in this weather?” peter asked, voice amused.
“i wanted to eat ramen, pete. you know i’d do anything for some good ramen.” you giggled and peter heard your front door open.
“well, can you open the window?” he asked, hearing shuffling from your apartment until he saw you opening the door to your room.
“i thought you were going over to may’s?” you mumbled into the phone still as you made your way over to the window, unlocking it for him.
peter quickly stumbled inside, hanging up and giving you a shrug, “she’s busy with martin, feast work.”
you gave him a smile, “fancy some ramen?”
after a while, the two of you were cuddled under the bed, finished ramen bowls kept on your bedside table as the two of you browsed through movies to watch on your laptop.
peter’s arm was lazily draped around your shoulders, his hand playing with your hair, “nightmare before christmas?”
“a little too late for that, parker.” you chuckled, looking at him.
“wanna watch a christmas movie?” he suggested and you nodded your head, “which one?”
you scrolled through the options, “silent night?”
“i’m sorry, i thought you said it was too late for that.” he gave you a look, making you roll your eyes.
“it’s not a halloween movie.”
“keep scrolling.” he said, not giving you the chance to do so as his finger met the screen of your laptop, scrolling past ‘silent night’, “maybe something classic like love actually or jingle all the way?”
you scrunched up your nose in disapproval, “we’ve seen it too many times.” it was peter’s turn to roll his eyes.
“it’s classic for a reason, babe.”
“how about we watch something new?”
peter gave it a thought and shrugged, “go on.”
“willy wonka?”
“that’s old-”
you cut him off, “i was talking about the new one.”
“that’s not exclusively a christmas movie.”
you groaned and looked back at the screen, “holidate?”
“christmas with you?”
“even more cliché.”
you looked at him with a straight face and he just kissed your forehead. you rested your head on his shoulder and just clicked on the next movie you found, “we’re watching family switch.”
“fine with me.”
the two of you watched the movie and you tried to keep your focus on the movie even though halfway through it peter was nestling his face into your neck, his lips grazing your skin. you kept your eyes trained at the screen, feeling him place butterfly kisses along your neck, “what are you doing?”
“got bored.” he mumbled back to your question, placing more kisses along your neck and collarbone, relaxing against the bed. your focus was breaking once peter’s hot tongue swirled against your warm skin. you gasped a little, feeling his teeth nip at your collarbone.
“it’s a nice movie.” you claimed.
“this is better.” he continued leaving kisses over the spot he bit before trailing kisses from the base of your neck, up to your jaw. his teeth biting into your skin every once in a while was followed by him soothing it by swiping his tongue over it.
it must’ve been almost ten minutes before you shut your laptop, pushing it away. your hand travelled to the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
peter gasped a sound of surprise but kissed you back, his hands flying to your waist and pulling you closer to him. you pushed him back onto the bed, haphazard with the blanket as you straddled his lap.
when the two of you parted for air, peter’s eyes ran over your skin and he chuckled. you gave him a questioning look, “what?”
“i may or may not have left some…. marks.”
your hands went to the skin of your neck, dragging your fingers over the slightly sore spots.
“well…” you mumbled, smirking down at him, “it’s only fair if i return the favour.”
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lyrashifts · 5 months
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ABOUT : this dr is set in the 70s, and begins during my first year at hogwarts. it strays quite far from the actual events of the marauders era, and instead merges with the plot of the lighting era. in this dr, me and my friends work against prejudices and an upcoming war, as well as a very dangerous voldemort on the rise.
౨ৎ﹕[ ABOUT ME ! ]
+ name : lyra a. lavigne
+ nationality : english-french
+ birthplace : cambridge, england
+ languages : english, french
+ blood status : pureblood
+ house : gryffindor
+ moodboard
+ likes : writing, playing the guitar, drawing, reading, theater, cookies, poetry, magical creatures and animals, going on long walks, baking, being better dressed than everyone else, jumpers, rainy days, shopping (especially for music and clothes), hozier, queen, david bowie, the smiths, little women, lemon iced tea, stealing james's invisibility cloak, pranking (and actually getting away with it)
+ known for : converse, cherry red, loving 90s muggle movies, being best friends with remus, reading at social events when bored, drinking too much coffee, having cool hair, my style, quoting dead poets society daily, leather jackets, liking hozier and the smiths way too much, being an amazing gift giver, having a new hairstyle every day, being nice to everyone unless they cross me, smelling like cinnamon, coffee, and books, being amazing at school and magic, somehow getting every lead role in plays, wearing jumpers and leather jackets in the dead of summer and not somehow overheating to the point of death
౨ৎ﹕[ BACKSTORY ! ]
+ backstory : i grew up in england where a lot of my family was but by the time i turned 13 we moved to scotland, partially to attend hogwarts and partially because my parents wanted to get away from some of our pureblood family members. my parents, though from a notable pureblood family, don't agree with the views of pureblood culture. because my parents' reputation for their last name still upheld, when we moved we were invited to an event that ended up just being a pureblood society ball. we only stayed out of politeness, but it was there that i met sirius and promised to be best friends with him when we got to hogwarts since we both hated the party.
౨ৎ﹕[ WARDROBE ! ]
+ description : my style in this dr can change a lot, especially taking into consideration the weather or location i'm in. in terms of colors, i wear a lot of neutrals but tend to have a specific color pop (which oftentimes a cherry red). during winter and autumn months, i am often wearing oversized jumpers (whether mine or stolen from remus). i also almost always wear flared or baggy pants. some of my iconic pieces include leather jackets, doc martens, band tees, baker boy hats, plaid skirts, and more. during the summer i tend to wear baby tees and babydoll tops, along with skirts. with my uniform, i pair many accessories to make it look as appealing as possible, and use magic to have different nails every day.
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+ general : students start first year at 14, so it is a sort of hybrid between highschool and university, where students have much more freedom once 18. school uniforms are only required during classes from monday - thursday, and on friday you may wear your desired outfit underneath your robes.
+ dorms : students are allocated private dorms that have within them a bed, a desk, a private bathroom, and more. once a student is assigned to a dorm, the dorm changes to accommodate that student's taste. once you are given your dorm number, you must choose a password and it is your responsibility to ensure students you do not want to come in cannot. in the case that a student knows your password and you do not want them to, you can ask a professor to change it and they will do so. alohomora will not unlock dorm rooms. dorms are organized by house, but boy's and girl's dorms are not separated - everything is instead organized by house and name.
+ extra-curriculars : the clubs i am part of include music club (which later inspires me and my friends to make a band), theater club, art club, care of magical creatures club, and in later years, the quidditch team
+ houses : the animosity between houses (especially slytherin and gryffindor) is not nearly as prevalent as depicted in the books. it is known that not all students in one house are the same, and so, while some friendly competition is encouraged, it is not uncommon to have friends from every house. students of every house are allowed into the common rooms and dorms (with permission of at least one person from that house).
+ events : all the events featured in this post are included in this dr
౨ৎ﹕[ ABOUT THIS DR ! ]
+ worldbuilding : not a lot changes about the war except for the fact that it's toned down and ends during my seventh year (which we redo since it would be similar to the last year in the harry potter books - looking for horcruxes without actually being at hogwarts). of course, none of my friends die. i haven't accounted for how the war will end exactly, so i suppose i'll let that work itself out organically.
+ main friends : remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, lily evans, regulus black, marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald.
+ relationships : i am a formal part of both the marauders and the valkyries. i became friends with the marauders at the start of the school year, and we were consequently established as a friend group before me and the girls. i tend to spend more time with the marauders but our groups often mingle since everyone gets along (except maybe lily and james at the beginning). i also have some friends in slytherin, such as andromeda and regulus, but i tend to stay away from the anti-muggleborn students.
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gangplanksorenji · 1 year
End of a Mix: 1. (Full)Filling the Cherry on the Top of the Cake
Pairing: NMIXX Sullyoon x Male Reader
Word Count: 10,000
A/N 1: Hello Orenjideul! This will be like my, official smut debut! I had been really writing this for a while now and I enjoyed it ehehe, and, I hope you'll enjoy this too! And, of course, I'll incorporate fluff content still as I love writing fluff! Enjoy this piece and have great day ahead!
A/N 2: Dedicating this to @praeluxius, the resident and my fellow Sullyoon stan! <3
!! Warning !! : Contains Smut
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Saturday nights are something exceptional, you might say—it is mostly the time where you can do whatever you can and want to, and it's mostly by binge-watching movies, playing video games and the most common one, sleeping. But, that may soon change as a notification pops up on your phone as the once dark screen is now emitted by conglomeration of colored pixels. 
seolyoonaa on 17:19 - “Oppaaaa, meet me before the sun sets, okay? It'll be in the café we usually spend time with. I wanna spend some time with you~ Love youuu~ :)”
Well, this text was out of the blue—Sullyoon is really unfathomable. From her unanticipated changes of plans up to her sudden pleas, she's always been a pain for you to deal with, especially with the given situation now. It's going to be anticipating yet anxiety never faded off your mind. An oxymoron at its finest, you can read her like a book on how un-read-able she is. 
What's with the situation? Well, it has been almost three months since you last saw each other and the last time you met her. The both of you went to the cinemas, shopped for some clothes and some groceries and, the cherry on top, she went down on her knees, greedily whimpering in need as she sucked you off like there's no tomorrow. There's nothing new about her antics as magically, you're under her spell every time the both of you reach those peak-intimate sessions. You find yourself fighting the urge of lust but she's simply irresistible and you hate it—she knows this and uses it as her advantage and that's why you hate it.
Call yourself a hypocrite one more time with those in mind as you reply with a simple “Okay, Yoona, I'll be there.” and a heart on the side of your message to top it off. Unhurriedly, you cleaned your desk after a mentally exhausting game as you shut your computer off and prepared yourself to meet the love of your life.
“Where is he… Hahhh…”
Sullyoon waddles her legs playfully as she sits onto the tall stool, letting out deep sighs as she waits for you. She mindlessly swipes and fidgets her fingers onto her smartphone as the flashes of different colored pixels are visible, but little did she know that you're visible onto her sight as she can't sense you, yet. You're planning to surprise her, so, unhurriedly, you sneaked behind her silently, avoiding getting caught.
“AH-ahhhh!! Oppa!”
With a single scare, she becomes startled with your childish prank. She is so startled that she almost throws the phone in her hand as she glares at you, letting you know how she's definitely not impressed with your antics.
“Stop scaring me like that, Oppa, it's not funny…”
“But it's funny for me, so…”
Sullyoon playfully kicks your shin as you pretend to be hurt in order to manipulate her to think that she really hurt you but your small games won’t work against her clever mind.
“Yah! But actually, Oppa, I really missed you, so much…”
The once exuberant and joyous Sullyoon changed into a soft-hearted angel as her sudden change of emotions makes you in awe. Your puppy eyes stared at hers for a long time, enough for her to notice how your eyes showed emotions of missing her. You then hug her slowly, allowing her to adjust to your embrace as you show her your affection towards her, kissing her forehead between your fluffy embrace.
“I missed you too, Yoona, if you just know…”
“Did you miss me or just my pussy and my mouth?”
“Yoona! Not here!”
Sullyoon shyly laughs as she emitted a coy smile towards you which you didn’t approve of.
“I swear to god, Yoona. Stop saying these things in public or—”
“Or what, hm, Oppa?”
“Nevermind, just please, stop, okay Yoona?”
Your tone wasn't anything near being infuriated so that's a sigh of relief from her side. You just let out a giggle as you smiled towards Sullyoon, sending butterflies to her stomach.
“Yah… Stop looking at me like that, Oppa.”
“Why? I can't help it when the sight in front of me is the epitome of beauty.”
Sullyoon blushes from your flirting with an essence of eloquence. It would be hypocritical if she didn't like the way you teased her at all but by the way she  is a sign that she simply adores it, and she's hiding it—you're not oblivious about it and rather, read her as a book.
“Stop with those flowering words, Oppa, it's cringe.”
“But you like it! Look at you blushing and all!”
“Okay, Oppa, I did like it. It is good…”
“See? I knew you'd like this…”
Sullyoon sighed in defeat as seconds after, an amicable tone reverberated around your ear as the servant served you some drinks and food onto the table. Sullyoon thanked them and so did you, as she entertained the server and thanked her further for her service.
“Oh! Wow, Yoona… These are my favorites!”
“I know, I know, Oppa, and of course, no caffeine as you like and more parmesan on your carbonara.”
Woah, she knows what you liked, huh?—And it just ignites the flames of your burning heart, full of affection and endearment from her simple act. Your cheeks tint a rosy pink as you said a small “Thank you so much.” right after.
“Let's enjoy our food, Oppa, and thank you too…”
Your eyes are quizzical with her sudden expression of gratitude as she's nothing to thank for and it's just right that you should be the one to—
“Thank you for being here, Oppa. I missed so, so much.”
Her eyes hint a glint for the sudden rush of adrenaline—tears of joy as they say it—as she flashes a gleeful smile at you. 
“I should be thanking you too, Yoona. You definitely deserve the world and I love you so much.”
You caress her hand with your fingers as you show your utmost affection towards her. She finds this heartwarming and endearing and she couldn't help to battle the urge of tearing up because of too much happiness.
“I love you too, Oppa. *sniffles* Also, let's eat the food right now, shall we.”
“Yeah, you're right, Yoona. We lookin' like we're in a drama scene here.”
The both of you then continued eating the mouth-watering meals in front of the table after that heartwarming moment.
“The food really tastes good, right, Oppa?”
“It definitely does Yoona; they don't disappoint as always and also, thank you for that, I appreciate it.”
You then grabbed her shoulders and pulled her slowly towards you, kissing her forehead as a small whimper can be heard as a response from your affectionate actions.
“That's just a small gratitude towards you, Oppa… *giggles*”
You smiled as you tuck her hair behind her ear, allowing you to see a sight of something divine and oh-so-pristine, most likely, a sight of an angel—Sullyoon's ethereal beauty and her pristine features: her full lips, her sharp nose, her beautiful, round eyes and her small face. 
Gosh, she's so beautiful—you muttered upon yourself as your focus was averted towards her. Time felt slower than usual as her beauty shatters the rules of space and time (figuratively) yet it all went back to normal as you can hear her voice calling your name, most specifically, your honorifics.
“Oppa, I'm going to the bathroom, okay?”
“Go ahead, Yoona.”
With her suddenly rushing to the bathroom, you took your time to clean the plates and utensils on the table as you not so long after, a loud vibration coming from your phone distracts you with your current endeavor—you know that’s a notification, and it’s maybe important, so you looked it up immediately.
seolyoonaa on 18:39 - “Oppa, I think there’s something stuck at the back of my uniform, please go hereeee… Help me, Oppa, thanks!”
This ain’t going to end well—and maybe it won’t end the way you wanted it to be and you can already foresee the future. You know that with these small tactics hers can end up in an intimate situation. You know that she’ve done this before and you won’t forget that moment—that moment that she walked out of the restroom, limped and with your semen dripping down her thighs and you just thank god that there aren’t that much people around and if they walked past the both of you, they’re oblivious about the sinful things that’s happening inside the small, compact room. 
You squint your eyes apprehensive and with utmost disbelief as you can’t believe that she’s going to pull up a trap against you, again. You really don’t want to come yet you need to just because of these two things: your soft heart wanting to “help” Sullyoon and the second one, you don’t want her to sulk in front of you later because that would be a total living hell—hell in a sense that it would be awkward throughout the night with her petulant behavior which you despise.
With no other choice, you hurriedly went to the restroom as stealthily as possible, hoping that no one would see you sneaking in. You lightly tap on the wooden door as the “occupied” sign on the door is now replaced with a “vacant” one. You then entered as Sullyoon locked the door as quickly as possible.
“This better be something reasonable, Yoona.”
“What do you mean reasonable, Oppa? I just need some help because there's something stuck on the zipper of my uniform—”
“How is there something stuck? Just pull it down, like this.”
With disappointed expressions painted on your face, Sullyoon can't help but gulp anxiously yet she still tries to persuade you that something interferes on the back of her uniform. Interrupting her attempts onto further persuasion, you pinned her down the black marbled wall, as your face is inches away from hers, alongside with a mischievous glare that can sting.
“Listen here, Yoona, if you’re here to bait me to fulfill your needs again, I’m not into it—it’s just, not here, okay?”
Sullyoon’s eyes rolled down as you broke the code on why she let you in this restroom. Not so long after, you pulled yourself against her as you shook your head in dismay from her not-so-devious advances.
“Okay, you got me Oppa, but please. I just need you right now, please, Oppa—”
“I said not here, Yoona, behave yourself.”
Sullyoon pouts in defeat as she still has the urge to convince you as there might be a chance to shackle down to your defenses. She knows that with her puppy eyes and her cute pout, you’ll always have to give in—you absolutely want to give in but you need to discipline her, and you will succeed. You will succeed…
“Fine, Oppa! I’m sorry… But can you just do something to hold me over?”
“Ugh, Yoona, what is it—”
All you can just see is her plump lips pressed onto yours as the taste of it hits like an addictive drug—you can’t just simply resist the urge into further intimacy and the deepening of the kiss. You simply gave in to the softness as you kissed her with eagerness, closing your eyes as you savor the hint of strawberry from her inviting lips. As you indulge into further madness, you realize that this may end up on an embarrassing note, so you pull out as the both of you exchange breaths and smiles.
“You’re such a good kisser, Oppa…”
“You too, Yoona.”
You started to indulge under her spell again, but this time, with a renewed fervor and thirst as you held both sides of her hourglass waist, initiating a deeper kiss which she didn’t mind. She then eagerly reciprocates from your motives as you bite her luscious lips gently with your teeth, her moaning between your kisses as the sting makes the kiss more intimate, and not to hurt her. She savored the taste of your lips as you did the same to her and after a few more seconds, you pulled out of the heat of her luscious lips, the curvature of her lips forming into a smile that further raises the beating of your heart. 
“We can make love later, Oppa, but for now, I really want to taste you so bad…”
Despite wanting to fulfill her urgent carnal needs, you need to discipline her and make her a patient person, yet, those two words (discipline and patience) aren't in her vocabulary whenever she's needy—maybe even more than needy: thirst.  
“Yoona, we've talked about this, we can't do this right now. We just kissed and isn’t that enough for you?”
“Ughh, come on, Oppa, you know I want more and you know you want more too! Are you just afraid that we'll get caught?”
“Yes, Yoona, and I hope you'll understand.”
Sullyoon faces you with a sulky demeanor—her eyebrows scrunching, her arms crossed and her forceful heavy sighs—yet with a thought in mind, she knows how she'll make you fulfill her needs within a single action.
Sullyoon faces you again as her fingers traces your chest and your abs against the clothing, swirling and she seductively persuades you with a raspy, deep voice that you always adore—it's also a thing that makes you aroused for her even more because you have a thing for girls with deep voices.
“Oppa~ Please? I just need you now and you won't let a girl be unfulfilled, right?”
She's really trying, she really is. Sometimes, you forget her bratty side because of how down on earth she is and her soft, angelic tone which makes you distinguish her for being the opposite of a brat. You always know that when she's like this, she's always going to persuade you and make you fulfill her needs even if you don't like to and you know that she'll always win. She may always win but this time, you'll try to fight the urge of satisfying her needs.
“Like I said, I don't think we need to do this right now, Yoona.”
“Well, Oppa, I want to and besides—” Sullyoon's eyes wander around the area, making sure that there was no other people in the vicinity and it's just the both of you. “—no one will mind even looking after us as they're all busy with their own things.”
You grunt as Sullyoon's fingers trace your chest and your neck, making your cheeks hint a rosy pink as you feel her intimate touch waking up the beast inside you but you refuse and fight that feeling in order to discipline her.
“This is not a good idea Yoona, not a great one.”
“Oh, I guess my mouth will do the work to convince you Oppa, huh?”
“N-No, that's not what I meant.”
“Then what, Oppa, hm?” Sullyoon's tone is mildly high, yet soft, signaling her annoyance with your hypocrisy as she pouted cutely right after, making your eyes widen in awe.
“What I mean is that we're public, Yoona. We can do this when we're both alone but not here coz' someone may come and catch us in the act.”
Sullyoon's face emanates defeat as she looks at you adorably, her round, puppy-like convincing you as there’s still little hope left at her side, knowing that you can’t resist her especially when she’s down on her knees—
“Please, Oppa? Pleaseee??”
And there she goes, pouting adorably alongside her cute tone that always makes you weak on your knees. She definitely knows what things to do and to say just to get what she wants and if she’s needy, you know that she’s not gonna leave you alone.
“Okay, you get to suck me off for 5 minutes and we’re alright, okay?”
“Uhh, can it be longer, Oppa?”
“No, Yoona, we’ve talked about this. Only 5. Minutes.”
Sullyoon sighs, rolling her eyes out but still thankful that you let her get what she wants. You then relax yourself onto the toilet seat and let her do the work for you as she works the magic between your legs. With a limited time given, Sullyoon wasted no time unbuckling your belt off and tugging your pants down to your ankles. 
Sullyoon teases your hardening erection with swipes of her talented fingers, making you squirm as you get sensitive under her touch. In no time, Sullyoon yanks your boxers off down to your ankles as your hard erection is released from its frustrating restraints, almost hitting her in the face.
“Wow, I love how you’re always so big for me, Oppa. Oh fuck…”
“Well, I c-can’t help it when a beautiful girl like you will tame my beast.”
Sullyoon’s cheeks flushed a crimson red from your so-called compliment as her dainty fingers stroked your fully-erect length, from base to your tip, you moaning in pleasure and delight on the process.
“So hard, so perfect, so big, all for my little mouth to suck on. I'll make sure you're fully drained once I'm done sucking you off, Oppa.”
You’re always in shock on how this adorable, soft-spoken girl can be a suddenly seductive vixen within a second—her duality is incredibly contrasting alongside her dirty talk which arouses you further than your limits. With no time, she places her soft, plump lips on the tip of your cock, making you squirm uncontrollably under your breath as the warmness of her lips drives your brain in haywire. She sucks you up like a lollipop as she swirls her tongue over your tip, making you leak the infamous colorless liquid involuntarily. 
“Oooh, am I turning you that much, Oppa? Oh, look how much you’re leaking for me! Gu-ughhh—ahhh! So delicious!”
Sullyoon delightfully licks the slit of your tip as she happily collects the pre-cum leaking out of it, brightly smiling as she consumes it all, not wasting a single drop. You can’t help but let out satisfied moans as it increased in volume, alongside the ragged breath of yours. Sullyoon then senses this and smiles gleefully, knowing how much she’s doing an excellent job pleasuring you.
“H-How are you getting better at this, Yoona? Fuck…”
“I don’t know, Oppa. Maybe it’s just me enjoying this meal in front of me so much.”
With those in mind, you can’t really tell if Sullyoon’s really doing a great job or not—maybe, it’s just the fact that the dopamine you’re receiving is way too much that you can’t think straight but nonetheless, everything she's done is spectacular and a peak at its finest. She then continued her oral assault to your dick as she sucked a third of a length of it, feeling more comfortable and confident than earlier.
“You have t-three m-minutes left Yoona, ahh…”
“You're seriously timing this, Oppa? Gosh, you’re so annoying.”
You know that she isn’t really offended, the both of you just giggled it off. After a couple of seconds, she then stopped sucking you off and stroked your entire length with intimacy as every second she stroked your shaft from base to tip sending shivers down your spine as well as inevitable lewd moans. She then starts lathering each of your balls with her own saliva as she sucked in each one gently with profound fervor.
“Oh fuck—I love this Yoona. Too g-good…”
She then stops sucking them as she returns her focus on your shaft again yet this time, she started it with frantic bobbing of her head as her full, luscious lips compose an orchestra of sonorous sounds as well as slurps that arouses you further.
Sullyoon gobbled down on your dick like it's her last meal—her satisfied moans says a lot as she slurped down around the succulent taste of your shaft. She then moved up on your mushroom-shaped tip, her talented tongue swirling around it as the dexterity of her fingers with her handjob gives you maximum pleasure.
“Oh damn, you're so good at t-that, Yoona.”
“Thank you, Oppa. I just wanna suck your cock all day—mwah, it tastes so delicious, every time.”
Sullyoon continues to bob her head after her small talk, up and down as her gleeful smile is her response. She then takes you half-way as she hungrily slurps down your shaft and gags right on the spot, not caring about it as she continues what she's best at.
You tried to fight the urge of fucking her face right at this moment, but with her messy tears, the drool seeping out of her mouth and the sinful gags that her throat makes, your mind sends you in haywire as you're tempted to do it. You grab a fistful of her dark brown locks, making a makeshift ponytail, an outlet to fight the ultimate pleasure you've been feeling.
“Yoona, I-I…”
“Yes, Oppa?” she releases your shaft out of her mouth with a loud pop, as your tip glistens with her saliva as well as the strings of it connected from her mouth.
“I r-really need to fuck your face, right n-now…”
Sullyoon senses your nervousness as you hitch a breath after each of your numerous stutters, her finding it rather adorable despite this sinful act in front of her.
“Oppa, like I said, I'm fine with this, go on. Use my mouth however you like.”
If she insists, who are you to say no—Oh! You wanted it anyway, right?
Grabbing her dark brown locks and making a makeshift ponytail out of it, you started to push your cock onto her mouth once more as Sullyoon's hand guided you. You started off with slow thrusts, adjusting yourself as Sullyoon grabbed your hips, adjusting herself onto the whole length of shaft invading her wet, warm cavern which is her mouth.
With how good her mouth feels, you can't help but increase the pace of your thrusts as Sullyoon tries to keep up with your whole length slamming down her throat. Not so long after, your shaft met the back of her throat, activating her gag reflex once again and pulling you back, her coughing mildly as concern is evident in your eyes.
“Fuck, I'm s-so sorry, Yoona. Are you okay?”
“I'm g-good, Oppa—*coughs* Fuck my face again, I c-can take it.”
You're a bit hesitant with her request as she strokes your shaft furiously and takes you in again, bobbing her head frantically as the thoughts of concern are fading away. With the sight of this gorgeous girl pleasuring you is definitely what can make any man happy.
Without any time to waste, you then grabbed her hair again and thrust in and out of her mouth, your pace faster than before as you fuck her face with no abandon, not caring if she gags or coughs right at the spot as pleasure is driving you way crazier than before.
“Fuck, Yoona. I love h-how fucking good your throat always feels like—fuck! You take me so fucking w-well too. Ahh, I'm going to fuck the living brat o-out of you! Arghhhh!”
With this new pace you built up, you can't help but let out intimate moans. Sullyoon's ruined mascara is evident from her eyes as her disheveled hair and the smeared lipstick around the base of your shaft arouses you even further. Saliva seeps out of her mouth as you pound her mouth harder and faster, her gagging sensually and gawking all over your length is a sign on how well you're fulfilling her needs—and your needs too.
You didn't mind the time ticking anymore as you can sense a familiar knot on your loins, signaling that your release will come anytime soon and Sullyoon senses it by how much your shaft is throbbing between your thrusts inside her mouth.
“Yoona, f-fuck, your mouth feels so damn good. You're taking me so well down y-your throat. Arghh—shit, I'm going to fucking cum!”
Knowing that Sullyoon likes to always taste and swallow your load every time you have quick sessions with her, a bright idea comes to your mind as you don't fulfill that wants of hers as you hurriedly pull out of her warm cavern, stroking your cock furiously, pointing it out towards her as surprisingly, Sullyoon didn't complain about you not painting her cavern white as she lewdly sticks out her tongue and closes her eyes, bracing herself on what's about to come.
“Paint my face white Oppa. Make an artwork and paint every inch of my small face. Cover my face with your hot, thick cum Oppa. Please, I'm dying to feel it Oppa, please, please, please!”
“Shit! I’m cu—mming Yoona!”
You groan as thick shots of hot, white semen paints Sullyoon's enticingly beautiful face as the empty canvas is painted white. Her eyes, forehead, nose, lips and her chin is covered with your pearly white cum as her index finger traces a sample from her cheeks, tasting it as she elicits a sexy moan, satisfied with your big load covering her face and the taste of it. You then fall limp to the toilet, recovering from your high as Sullyoon strokes your shaft, milking the entirety of your cock, making sure you're fully drained. Not so long, the timer beeps, signaling the end of the 5-minute mark.
“Fuck, that was such a yummy load, Oppa and it feels so warm on my face, oh my gosh.”
What a marvelous piece of art you've done with her—the ruined sight of her is something that you'll forever keep in mind as her beauty is beyond incomparable.
“How did you came so much, Oppa? Did I really turn you on that much, huh?”
“Well, I never busted a load for like a month and you didn't really come to meet me to help me get off.”
“Fair point, Oppa and sorry about that, I’ve been very busy too lately.”
“It’s alright Yoona, and also, bundles and bundles of schoolworks so don't have much time to really get off too.”
Sullyoon just nods as you handed her tissues to help her clean up her face but there's one thing you forgot to do and you wouldn't waste any time doing it now.
“Yes, Oppa?”
You swiftly took out your smartphone, opening your camera as you took a picture of her ruined, cum-covered visage quickly, catching her off-guard.
“Yah Oppa!! Give me that!”
“Why? Don’t you look beautiful with my cum painted on your face?”
“It’s not like that, Oppa, it’s just that… I don’t think I look beautiful enough and I look like weirdo—”
“Oh shut up about that Yoona. You're always beautiful, remember that. Also, you're so photogenic, the photos came out well, look!” 
You then showed Sullyoon the pictures you took as her eyes are in awe of how well the photos are quality-wise.
“You are a great photographer, Oppa. You should consider that as a job, right now.”
“Aha, maybe, when I graduate, I will, but—oh shit! Let's clean up quickly.”
Sullyoon then grabs your softening erection as she cleans it fully with her tongue, her saliva still glistening the tip of your shaft as you grab some tissues to help Sullyoon clean up and dress your bottom-half up. 
“I can't wait to feel you tonight, Oppa.”
“Who says I'm going to sleep with you tonight?”
“Me! Who else?”
“But what if I don't want to?”
Sullyoon lets out an almost inaudible series of whimpers as she punches your left shoulder playfully, not satisfied with your not-so-rhetorical question.
“Yah! Oppa~ Come on…”
“Okay, okay, Yoona. Hah, you know I can't resist you too…”
Her small, muffled noises full of delight shows how she seems victorious after her pleas against you. As much as you want to discipline and tame her bratty demeanor, you simply can't because of these two reasons: one, is that she's simply irresistible and lastly, you've been wanting to spend your time with her as it has been a while since the both of you did. Not so long after, the both of you got out of the bathroom as if nothing ever happened.
It was just any normal ride to your way home: the blasting of such head-banging bops and songs, the night drive without any traffic and your windows open—just the cold breeze of the wind—it’s just the best feeling a person could ever had, and that  is further proven with Sullyoon. Yet with all of that fun and peak delight, the both of you can’t help but be in a different state of bliss and delight as you hungrily kissed each other as your tongues lap and danced in each other’s mouth. Slurps and moans resonates around the bedroom and mostly, around your ear as the both of you pulled out each other’s embrace, strings of saliva following right after as the both of you gasp for air as the restriction of oxygen makes it a challenge for you to extend the duration of this intimate kiss and further, not continuing it.
“You kiss me so well, Yoona.”
“Thank you, Oppa, you too, you’re a great kisser.”
You then latched your lips onto hers again as the taste of her luscious lips just can’t be resisted alongside her sultry moans that makes you dive into her, more. Another minute of an intimate kiss is all it takes before she makes a move to you, pulling your shirt up, removing the fabric out as her hands roam around your chest, your arms and to your abs. You moan a little from her repetitive actions as it’s most likely your kryptonite, making you squirm in sensitivity as her warm harm never fails to make you feel pleasurable—more like peak delight at this point. 
“Are we just gonna kiss all night or will you do something more interesting, Oppa?”
As much as you wanna feel those soft lips brushing against yours and the irresistible taste of it, you wanna do more with her—you wanna make love to her. As much as you want to do the most unspeakable things on the planet with her, it must go into a slow journey before heading to the climax as it feels like nothing anywhere fun when you just skipped everything that can lead into your wants.
“I would love to do more than this, Yoona, but with that being said—”, you then brushed your fingers into her inviting lips as she lightly sucks on them wantonly, letting you know the urge of neediness that she’s feeling right now, “—you need to follow my orders.”
As expected, she rolls her eyes in frustration as you know how much she doesn’t like to fulfill orders when she’s on the bed with you. She does follow but not all the time, but right now, with all of her brattiness, it’s time to teach her a lesson she wouldn’t forget.
“But why, Oppa—”
“I said, you’ll follow my orders, Yoona. You’ve been acting like a brat all day and do you think this will be tolerated? Not this time—you won’t win this time, Yoona.”
“But Oppa—”
“No buts; just follow me and we will be all fine. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle with you unless you don’t want me too, okay?”
You kissed her forehead for further reassurance. Even though your voice is commanding and chilling, on the brighter side, your only aim is to guide Sullyoon and just want the best for her, so your reassuring tone will do its job to balance your intimidating demeanor.
“Yes, Oppa…”
With that being said, you then caress her thighs as you can feel how soft and silky it is. So insatiable, so perfect, if you were to ask. Your fingers then run down the pearly white skin as Sullyoon squirms upon your touch, her sensitivity over the roof on how gentle and teasing you are.
“Op—Oppa~ Hngg, too much—ahhh…”
“Gosh, you're this sensitive right now, Yoona? What a pity that my little bunny is so needy. So needy for my touch.”
You then hiked her skirt up and noticed a familiar, wet spot on her panties that she couldn't help hiding. Still caressing her thighs, you then start to tease her labia as constant ragged breaths and moans escapes Sullyoon's mouth. With her sensitivity, this further puts you into an immediate advantage as you can see yourself fully controlling her.
“Does it feel good, Yoona? Does it? Answer me—”
“Yes, Oppa! Ahhhh~”
You smirked as victory can be sensed within any given time now as you can see her face, in an ahegao-like façade—her tongue sticking out lewdly and her constant wails. With her expression like that, you know that you're pleasuring her well so you raise it up a notch, fingering her faster as you insert another digit inside her to challenge her and most likely, for her to learn a lesson.
“You know, Yoona, I don't know when did you start to act like this, I really don't. You know, it's such a shame if you were to cum on my fingers, huh? Look at you, all red and flushed just by just this. Hmm, it's okay, my little bunny will be taken care of by his Oppa.”
Your constant teasing just sends Sullyoon's brain into haywire as her face flushed red like a tomato, maybe even redder than before. Inserting another finger just sends her into her limits, her husky, soft voice orchestrating a plethora of moans that resonates around your ear. This just further arouses you to the point that you just want to fuck her right at this moment yet you resist yourself onto the lustful temptation because you need to teach her a lesson. More pace exerted means much louder moans and ragged breaths from hers as not so long after, you can already feel her climax coming up by how much her pussy is leaking like a faucet that can’t be stopped. 
“Oppa, I’m gonna cum—ahh!”
Just right when she’s about to climax, you suddenly pull out your fingers and as expected, Sullyoon whines in desperation and defeat from your edging.
“B-But w-why did you stop, Oppa?”
You exhaled deeply as you looked at Sullyoon with a cheeky grin, making her intimidated with your not-so-silly actions.
“Well, I hope that you're going to learn your lesson, now, Yoona.”
“But why, Oppa? This is just unfair! I wanna get off too—”
You then stopped Sullyoon's childish protests with a single thud of your feet, stomping the ground with such force that it almost feels like it's about to break. Sullyoon's eyes convey worry and anxiety as she doesn't know what to feel in this given situation.
“Listen here, Yoona, next time, you gotta wait and be patient so that's why I'm telling you a lesson. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Oppa… I'm sorry too, I just can't help myself.”
You then kissed her forehead once again, as a sign of reassurance and to let her know how much you really care about her.
“You don't need to be sorry, Yoona. I just want to let you know how to be patient, okay?”
Sullyoon frantically nods as a response to what you've said as you further reassure her that you aren't mad earlier, but rather, disappointed.
“Such a good bunny. I like how you're getting more obedient.”
Sullyoon just remains flustered from your compliments as constant delighted squeals can be heard from hers. For one last time, you kissed her again intimately as she reciprocated from the kiss as fast as lightning. Not so long after, you pulled out from her warm mouth as the insatiability is never coming down, so you thought of something that can make what you've been feeling better.
“Mwah, oh, Yoona. Because of your obedience, I would give you something to hold on—a present, shall I say.”
“What is it, Oppa?”
Sullyoon's puppy-like eyes shows her utmost anticipation of what you're about to mutter. You know that she just can't wait and so are you, so you gleefully smiled at her and said the reward that you're about to give her.
“You know how insatiable you are to me, so, with that being said, you can suck me off to start some things before we get to the main course.”
All can Sullyoon do is squeal in victory as she gets to taste your shaft yet again. So without any time to waste, she unbuckles your belt and undresses your bottom half, leaving you fully naked. Placing a couple of digits to your erect shaft, you shiver as the coldness of her hands sends your brain in haywire. As she's doing the handiwork that she's best at, a certain tingle in your brain tells you something that you should definitely try and with this given moment, you didn't dare to miss this opportunity.
“Oh, Yoona.”
“Yes, Oppa?”
“There's a checkered ribbon similar to yours on the top left drawer on my table, would you please get it? I'm going to try something out.”
Without a doubt, Sullyoon immediately fulfilled your favor as she hurriedly got up on the bed and got the ribbon for you.
“Now, what do you want me to do with it, Oppa?”
“Uhm, ahh—just tie it on your hair, at the back of your head and remove this headband of yours.”
As Sullyoon's amused yet quizzical face emanated, she quickly thought about why you suddenly let her grab the checkered ribbon. You probably knew that she cracked the code and all you can do is smile as her clever mind figured it out.
“Oooh, is this a new fetish of yours, Oppa?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m sorry if it’s a dumb on—”
“No!—” Sullyoon then looked at you endearingly, her eyes shining full of glint and  her soft-spoken tone reassuring you. “—It’s totally fine, Oppa. It’s actually good that you wanna try more.”
“Thank you, Sully, you’re definitely the best.” You kissed her forehead as she squealed gleefully and flushed from your simple complimenting words. “Now, go down on your knees and get your reward.”
She didn’t leave a second wasted as she hurriedly dropped down on her knees while you relaxed yourself onto the bed, letting her do all the work as you're just there to guide or command her.
“How do you want me to suck you off, Oppa, hm?”
“Just suck it however you like, Sully, I don't mind it.”
Giving the green light to Sullyoon, she immediately averted her attention towards your hardening member, her eyes glued and in awe and how much it's been erecting.
“Wow… Look how you're getting hard for me, Oppa. Am I turning you on too much?”
“If only you know, Sully.”
If only she knew how much she's turning you on right now, she would've used that advantage to further pleasure you—or maybe even ignite the gasoline on the flames of her mind-tingling teases—sooner yet you wouldn't complain a single bit as her hands are now taking a firm, vise-like grip as she slowly strokes your shaft, you then involuntarily moaning softly as her actions stimulates you. Not so long after, she upped the pace of the stroke and that leads you to leak the infamous colorless liquid which she traced her dainty fingers with, not wasting a single drop.
“Oh gosh, it's so delicious, Oppa…”
As her strokes got sensually faster, she started to spit on your shaft as an aid to pleasure you even better—her saliva acting as a lubricant. With more exertion and pace between her strokes, you can't help but groan in sensitivity and pleasure as it skyrocketed up fast. Between her furious strokes are the lust-filled kisses around your mushroom-shaped tip which further sends you to overdrive. Your hips jerk inevitably as the pleasure you're feeling was way too much to handle and after an opening show of her talented fingers, it was the time for you to feel the warmness of her wet, slick cavern which is her mouth.
“Oh, fuck! Yoona, it's too good!”
Her response was nowhere near a verbal one but instead an immediate act as she rapidly bobbed her head up and down on your shaft, gobbling onto it like it's the last time that she'll ever taste you. Most of the time when Sullyoon is giving blowjobs, you close your eyes as you mentally picture and feel every detail of her actions and how pleasure is delivered by hers yet today, that may change. You suddenly opened your eyes and you were met with the sight of Sullyoon, in her uniform and mostly, with a checkered ribbon tied on the back of her head. Your mind can't fully comprehend how attractive and lustful this act could be, and how your ribbon fetish stimulated you onto the roof. It's also the way Sullyoon sucks you off with a vigor and fervor that no one can match and especially, how she looks so ruinable with that damn uniform.
You curse onto yourself for the pleasure you're feeling as her frantic bobbing of her head ensues—the constant slurps and gags that makes you feel the utmost gratification you’ve ever felt, and maybe, it’s even better than what she did earlier. With this much stimulation, you need an outlet to fight so in a matter of seconds, you grabbed her head and made a makeshift ponytail without ruining the ribbon she tied at the back of her head. You never knew that this ribbon fetish of yours can bring you to your ultimate fantasy coming true as the rhythmic bobbing of Sullyoon’s head almost puts you into hypnosis as you’re starting to moan her name much more frequently than before.
“Fuck, Yoona—argh, so good. So, so good. Ahh, y-you can touch yourself if you want t-to, you’ve earned a bit of p-pleasure for being such a good girl.”
With all of this stimulation, you’re half-surprised on how you can articulate such words to Sullyoon as you felt like she ignored you as all you can hear is her constant slurping, gagging and her hums around your throbbing shaft. She sucks you off like a lollipop, the tight suction of her lips not leaving anything on your length untouched and covered by her own drool as if she’s trying to milk another big load from yours, which, preferably, you would want to as you’re dying to explode inside her slick, warm cavern and to paint every inch of it white. With all of Sullyoon's effort on sucking you off, it just drives you closer and closer to your climax as she can feel it too by how much your length is throbbing inside her talented mouth.
“Fuck, Yoona—shit! I'm s-so fucking close. Arghh! I'm gonna explode inside y-your mouth!”
All it takes is a few rhythmic movements before you finally explode inside her as thick, warm semen flooded her insides. Each spurt should be savored by Sullyoon, as she does just that, keeping her mouth in touch within the base of your cock as she tries to take it all but fails when it's way too much for her to handle. Your euphoric orgasm sends you into bliss, making you savor every second within this moment.
“G-Gosh, you’re t-taking me so fucking well, all the way, baby…”
Within the final spurts, she pulled out herself onto your raging length as she gave herself some time to breathe, also, the final spurts painting her cheeks and her chin pearly white. The once cum-flooded mouth of Sullyoon has now been clean as she swallowed it all, not wasting a single drop. She later showed how neat her mouth is as everything has been swallowed, even the ones painted within her face.
“It’s so delicious, Oppa. Thank you for this gift.”
A gleeful smile emanates from her as you smile back, satisfied with her performance as she puts on a show to remember. 
“How did you release a bigger load than before, Oppa? This is like—too much.”
You just replied with a shrug and numerous ragged breaths as you still recover from the bliss earlier. All you can see is her beautiful, disheveled face flashing a smile towards you as you caress her hair, letting her know how satisfied you are. Now initiating the first move, you slowly pin her against the bed as you can now smell the floral-like perfume she used earlier, which you always like. Now inches away from her touch, you didn’t waste a second to latch your lips onto her neck, peppering it with kisses as she moans in response to your intimate actions. You suckle onto her neck like it's your last, the suction may be enough to leave a small mark as you did the same to her nape, marking it too with your love.
“You're moaning too much, baby, you like this?”
“Too much Oppa, I love it—ahh…”
Her sensitivity goes through the roof as her warm hands start tracing your back and gripping your hair because she was feeling way too much pleasure and bliss. 
“Yes, Yoona?”
“I need to feel you i-inside me, now. Please? I'm dying t-to feel you—ahhh.”
“Be patient baby, okay? I'm just—mwah—marking you to let them know that you're mine.”
“B-But you're always mine, Oppa! Ahhh—I'm yours and only yours, Oppa—ahh—only y-yours.”
“You're so sweet, baby—mwah—I love you.”
“I l-love you too, Oppa.”
With her pleas and her needy moans, this just arouses you further as you continue to kiss her a little bit more as the main event will soon be coming. You can't resist her and you can't wait to feel her, so, without wasting any time, you commanded her to strip as she willingly fulfilled it.
“Straddle my lap and strip for me, baby.”
One by one, piece by piece, you can see her pristine figure as she slowly unbuttons her uniform, your cock twitching on how much she's turning you on. She notices this as she smiles, knowing that she's doing a great job at seducing and probably, even teasing you.
“Oh wow…”
You're in awe as she throws away her uniform somewhere near the bed as her perky mounds are in your sight, covered with a white-laced bra, arousing you further. She then unbuckles the lock of her skirt, undressing herself as she throws it away to God know where, teasing you further as she winks and flashes a smirk towards you.
“Oh my fucking god, baby, you're so hot.”
“Thank y-you, Oppa…”
Sullyoon hides her face with her hands as she gets shy from your compliment, making you giggle on how adorable she looks whenever she feels embarrassed.
“No need to be shy, baby, be confident, okay?”
A nod is her reply as your reassuring tone enlightens her up, increasing her confidence. Still straddled on your lap, she asks you about a request you never knew that she would say.
“Yes, Yoona?”
“Can I-I…”
She hides her face with her hands, feeling skeptical to say something but you enlighten her through your dulcet tone.
“It's okay, Yoona, open up to me—what do you want to do?”
“Can I—r-ride you?”
Those four words were just enough to make you peak in interest as your eyes widened, liking the idea of Sullyoon’s wants and your keenness, letting you thoroughly guide her onto what she wants.
“Of course, you can, baby, but, are you sure you want to?”
Sullyoon’s expressions changed faster than lightning, emanating a skeptical façade yet you reassure her again that everything's going to be fine with your guidance and your assistance.
“T-Thank you, Oppa, I just want to try this out myself.”
“No worries, Yoona.”
Her hands then reached for your semi-erect cock as she wrapped her dainty fingers around it, letting you feel the warmness of it as she stroked you into full hardness again. It doesn't take you long to be at full mast as her hands guide your raging members towards the heat of her entrance.
A few teasing and brushing of her clit towards your mushroom-shaped tip is all it takes for you to moan like crazy. You can already feel how soaking wet she is as her juices run down to your slit, like a water stream running down as it mixes it with your precum. Enough with the teasing as she now slowly takes you in, the both of you moaning in unison as the once tranquil room was now filled with lustful moans that breaks the silence.
“Take me a-all in baby, slowly—arghh! You're so tight, Yoona—arghh!”
“And you're s-so big, Oppa—ahhh! You feel s-so good! So, so good!”
Gyrating and forming a rhythm with her hips, she starts to bounce hypnotically as you guide her, your hands at the side of her thighs, thrusting a little bit upwards and mirroring her movements in order to help her. Even with her tightness that puts you up on a struggle, the both of you manage to form a rhythm that's way too pleasurable yet not way too fast—you could just stay this way as her walls clenching around your shaft forms an unexplainable bliss that makes you moan in ecstasy. 
“Ahh—ahh—Oppa! Too good—oh fuck! Too good!”
Inevitable curses escape from her mouth as your dick makes her feel the utmost pleasure as she's in a state of bliss. Her dulcet tone resonates around your ear as each decibel of her moans increases, the more she adds pace on riding you. 
“Oh fuck, baby, you're riding me so well—ughh! You're too fucking good, Yoona.”
Complimenting Sullyoon just adds gasoline to the flames and you love it—it makes her confident and you just can't help but smile because of it. Albeit she's tight, you can manage to pick up your pace on thrusting upwards as she does the same, her juices overflowing like a leaking faucet which just arouses you further, over to the roof—it also helps with the lubrication, which is a blessing in disguise.
With her hands pressed down onto your chest firmly, you could tell how much she's exerting the utmost efforts on pleasuring you as not so long after, she announces her climax nearing so helping her reaching her high, you start to thrust faster, reaching the limits of velocity your hips can muster as her moans became a delicate song to your ear with your hammering thrusts.
“Oppa! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum—ahh—ahh—AHH!”
An ear-deafening shrill is all it takes for Sullyoon to feel her euphoric high as her juices gushes out of your girth, signaling her blissful orgasm. You slow down your thrusts in order for her to recover from her high as you get up, pulling her into embrace and capturing her luscious lips at that moment—kissing her for a few seconds then caressing her hair to help her out.
“That's alright, baby, cum on my cock. Good girl—mwah—such a good girl for Oppa.”
“Oh f-fuck, Oppa—hahh… I came so hard.”
With her still laying down on the bed, recovering from her orgasm, you pulled your throbbing length out of her pussy, allowing her to have some time to breathe as she anticipates what you're going to do next—even though she may already know what you had in store, on your mind.
“Yes, Yoona?”
“Won't you cum inside of me? I k-know you want to, so please, give it to me, Oppa…”
Still exchanging breaths from the earlier exhaustion, you then lay on top of her slowly, ready to fulfill her needs of feeling you again.
“As you wish, Yoona, but, are you sure you want to do this right now? I don't know if you can take me ag—
“I'm good, Oppa. I can take it, just please, give me your warm load in my pussy, I want to feel you.”
Giving you the green light, you then line yourself onto her heat as she deeply inhales, readying herself on what's about to happen. Stroking your member again into full hardness, you then now started to insert yourself into her as you were eagerly met with the tightness of her velvety walls.
“Oh my f—you're so fucking tight, Yoona—oh so fucking good!”
You then held onto her hourglass waist as you thrust in faster, sultry and deep moans escaping from her agape mouth as a response from your actions. After a few seconds, you then capture her lips as the two of you are deeply enamored with the lustful act that's been happening. Her eagerly reciprocating the kiss further sends you to overdrive as you increase the pace, your hammering thrusts making her moan seductively while locking your lips onto hers. Her small whimpers and adorable little noises are the cherries on top, as her saccharine tone is enough to stimulate you, up to your peak. Even her with a faux demeanor or maybe even up to her being a sulky brat, it’s still enough to make you down bad towards her, wanting her all along as she’s insatiable and you can’t blame yourself to let your defenses down to this girl that you’re diligently fucking—her hourglass shape, her luscious, plump lips and it’s oh-so-kissable, her pretty face, her fair, pristine skin, her being soft and down to earth and more than what you could think about her.
What a perfect girl—you mutter upon yourself as the girl in front of you is now a beautiful, disheveled mess. More and more of her nectar gushes out of her cunt as it streams down to your throbbing length and drips down to your balls, wetting the bed sheets below—you swear, after this, you’ll be struggling to clean the bed on how soaking bed it would be.
“H-Harder, Oppa, please. Faster—ahh! Too fucking good! Oh god, make love t-to me, Oppa!”
Swearing in Sullyoon’s vocabulary is sporadic in nature as when she does, you know something is serious but right now, you could tell how serious she is as you fulfill her wish by exerting more effort, increasing the pace into a faster rhythm as your hammering thrusts ensues, her mouth agape and her moans turning into wild whimpers by how the pleasure is delivered all throughout her body.
“Ahh—y-yes, Oppa?”
“I w-want you to fuck from b-behind, can I?”
She unhesitantly nods as if it wasn't even a question at this point—why would you even ask her when you know that she’ll agree, but nonetheless, asking is still important. As much as you don’t want to pull out of her tight, velvety walls, you should as the both of you switched positions, you then aiding Sullyoon some help. Without wasting any second, you plunge your girth back to her juicy, wet cunt as you didn’t give her some time to adjust, starting off with wild and frantic thrusts. She wanted this anyway so you’re here to fulfill her—if she wants it slow, then you’ll do things slow with her as she deserves to be fucked like the princess she is. With the reckless pounding you’re exerting, it is inevitable to feel the tingling sensation on your loins so with that, you then grabbed her hair—not enough to hurt her—as you make a makeshift ponytail, an outlet to fight the pleasure and for it to help you into fucking her as a side-thought came in your mind on how strong the ribbon is on holding onto her hair despite the ruthless acts the both of you’re doing. You didn’t mind it as you can feel your orgasm building up so you gave her the final pounding she deserves as you groan, announcing your release.
“I’m g-gonna cum inside you, baby! You gotta t-take it all in—f-f-fuck!”
“I’m going t-to cum too, Oppa! Let’s cum t-together?”
With a nod and a smile, you gave her the green as you yelled her name in ecstasy, burying the entirety of your length in her pussy as thick and thick shots of semen painting her velvety walls white. She then came after you as her walls pulsate around your length, her reservoir breaking loose as her juices gushed out like a waterfall around your shaft. With her euphoric high, she then moans your name too as your blissful orgasm comes to an end after a few seconds, exchanging smiles and kisses as you latch onto her lips once more, letting her know how much you love her and only her. Pulling your length and your lips onto her, your semi-flaccid shaft is now mixed with indistinguishable liquids as all you can see, and possibly, be proud of, is how well, you creampied Sullyoon—your semen leaking out of her freshly-fucked pussy slowly is a sight to see. With how sensitive and painful you feel right now, you then lay yourself down beside Sullyoon as the both of you looked at each other’s eyes, seeing your worlds within both pupils. Pulling her into an embrace, you grunt in pain as the sensitivity is inevitable, and maybe because of the fact that she drained you and you couldn’t care less because all that matters is how happy you are and how this night will be remembered in your history books.
“You fucked me so well, Oppa… It’s so warm inside—ahhh. I love you so much, Oppa.”
“I love you too, Yoona, you took me so well too and I’m sorry if it’s a bit too rough—”
“Shhh—” her index finger lays on top of your lips, refraining you from saying anything further. “—it’s what I wanted anyways, Oppa. Thank you for that.”
Her face hides onto your chest as she rests onto it, herself being comfortable as she becomes enervated with all of the acts you’ve done earlier. You then rest your head onto the top of her head, caressing her hair slowly as she looks up with you with those sparkling, puppy eyes that you always have loved. Her chin then rests onto your chest as she smiles in joy, her arms still wrapped around your neck. You already knew that her intentions are clear: her showing how grateful she is as her affectionate actions is enough to make you in awe. She then closed her eyes, still emanating that bright smile of hers, as you patted her head and kissed her forehead, then uttering the words: “I love you so much, Yoona. Thank you for everything—mwah.”
Her cheeks flushed rosy pink as she utters the same plethora of words: “I love you too, Oppa. Never let me go, please…”
“I won’t, Yoona. You mean a lot to me and I’ll always protect you, no matter what happens.”
Closing your eyes as the both of you venture down the abyss, your exasperated bodies then give in to the drowsiness, your bodies still in a form of a warm embrace—your arms wrapped around each other and head resting on each other’s embrace. Still with your post-orgasmic exhaustion, you managed to slowly push her away from your embrace as you reposition her onto the bed, making herself comfortable. You then wrap her in a blanket as you take a look of her pristine features and how much it makes you in awe. You shine a smile from the sight of her sleeping soundly as not so long after, you join her after wearing an underwear that you got from your chestnut-colored closet. You wrapped her into an embrace again, and involuntarily, she reciprocated to your embrace, her arms wrapping around your neck as she snuggled her head slowly to your collarbones, allowing you to hear her soothing snores. You then closed your eyes as you totally gave in to your drowsiness as slowly, you fell asleep, in Sullyoon’s arms.
The night is still young for the both of you yet it is already fulfilled in the state of bliss and you couldn’t be any happier with that. This is a night to remember and it absolutely will be as this is the best day ev—
*notification buzzes*
ohmyhaewon on 22:19 - “I’ll meet you tomorrow at noon, Oppa. Be there because we’ll talk about something. See ya’! ;)”
Well, this wasn’t according to what you’ve planned—
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cheri-2047 · 4 months
Can I request aether x reader x kazuha (can be seperate) with a really insecure reader. Slightly chubby, anxiety ridden, slightly touched starved.
I need a hug and these two are my comfort characters.
Of course <3 I’d be happy to write this for you. Thanks for requesting ! (And mb if I wrote this bad or mischaracyerized them, I really tried 😔)
So so sorry this is late btw I had some stuff I had to fix :(
Aether and Kazuha x insecure reader
TAGS: none, all fluff
CHARACTERS: Aether, Kazuha (separate)
You and Aether were at a party with some close friends one night. As all of you were cheering, drinking and having fun in general, Aether noticed the way you lightly clutched your clothes.
You were lost in thought in your own head, only snapping back to reality a few times when your friends would laugh, or when someone spoke to you, but every time the group just kept talking, you couldn’t help but zone out and start overthinking once more about yourself.
“Darling? Hello?”
You snapped back into reality, before seeing your boyfriend Aether holding your hand and trying to unclench it.
“Sorry- sorry I-“
“It’s alright, you okay?”
You nod, but you see the light look of worry in his eyes.
“If you say so….”
His thumb lightly brushed over the back of your hand, as a way to provide even a slight bit of comfort.
You saw Aether spill a bit of his drink onto himself
“Damn it-“
He mumbled softly
“Sorry sorry, I need to get this cleaned up. Reader can you help me?”
He says before holding out a hand to you and trying not to get your outfit stained with his drink.
As you nod, he brings you to the washroom nearby, before quickly wiping his shirt and cupping your cheek after.
“What’s wrong love…? You haven’t been much like yourself tonight, do you want to go home?”
“Oh have I? Haha… didn’t notice. Just a bit tired is all.”
You didn’t notice it but your hands start to clench a bit when he cupped your cheek.
“Please don’t lie, what’s wrong?”
As you tell Aether about your worries and insecurities he nods and waits for you to finish before speaking
“May I hug you? Is that okay?” You nod before he wraps his arms around your waist and rubs your back comfortingly with one hand.
“You know I don’t care about how you look right? I love you for how you are…” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You told him how you felt insecure about your weight and after that he pulls away from the hug before holding both your hands
“I think you’re perfect…” he says, keeping eye contact with you.
“Please look at me…” he says as he tries to show how much he cares for you.
He presses another kiss to your cheek. “I think you look perfect darling, it doesn’t matter if you think you look bad because to me you’re the most beautiful person here. Archons I bet people would even be jealous of me because I got such a beautiful person like you….” he chuckles, as he cups your cheeks.
“If youre uncomfy here right now, that’s okay. I can bring you home. The choice is yours darling.”
Kazuha noticed your mood a bit low today so he decided to surprise you.
“Do you want to go shopping?”
“No it’s alright” you smiled, and that’s when he knew something was actually wrong.
“I want to go, please?” He said as he got a bit more worried for you.
Kazuha smiled when he was able to persuade you. quickly getting ready for the day and walking with you to a nearby mall.
“What do you want to buy? Maybe we can get more supplies or clothes or anything really.”
Kazuha would try to take note of your small actions to try and figure out what’s wrong.
From time to time you see him scanning over your movement, which caused you to be a slight bit uncomfy.
“Clothes maybe? I haven’t gotten anything new in awhile.”
He nods and takes you to your favorite clothing store. As you two walk through the aisles, you pick up clothes.
“Wait here, I’ll go change.”
Kazuha nods, sitting on a chair outside of the dressing room, as he patiently waits for you to show some outfits.
Every outfit he genuinely loved, and he expressed it clearly too.
“You look ravishing honey…”
He says with a soft smile.
After a few more fittings, he noticed how each one took longer for you to put on than the other. He thought it was just cause the outfit was hard to put on, but even simpler shirts took long.
The next outfit you chose you didn’t know what tk feel about it, in turn 2 minutes turned into 5, 5 to ten and that’s when Kazuha got worried.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah- just um.”
You tried to find an excuse, before you could he spoke once more
“Hey if you don’t like the outfit it’s alright, you don’t have to feel forced to-“
To his surprise, you came out with the fit.
You wanted him to not worry, so you just showed him instead.
“You look amazing…”
He smiled pressing a kiss to your forehead, noticing how you took many glances to the mirror.
“Do you not like this?”
He asked, as you shook your head.
“It’s okay, we don’t have to get it.” He smiled, feeling a bit more worried for you.
“Alright darling I..just have to ask… are you okay? Please be honest”
“….why do you ask?”
“You’ve been acting different all morning, and I don’t want you to suffer alone”
You frowned and told him how you felt like you looked bad in the clothing and how you felt insecure about your body, face and everything.
“I love you… I think you’re the most breathtaking person I know… I don’t love you for your body, I love you for you.”
He said, patting your head.
“I think youre perfect, and I’d never judge you for everything, you know that” he chuckled.
“If you don’t like any of these, we don’t have to get it. Anything that makes you happy and comfy love…” he said, kissing you on the forehead.
Im so sorry kazuha’s part was a bit cringe and cut short and it might be mischaracterized cause I don’t know much about him IM SO SORRY. I really tried 😞 anyways thank you for requesting!
This wasn’t proofread
Also btw a/n (if this doesn’t stand for authors note please tell me)
1) I hope hee okay :( I hope this fic helped at least
2) please a reminder that you’re perfect and if you don’t feel like it, even with flaws and all you’re still perfect. Everyone is beautiful even if people don’t see it, and if u need more docs like these to help, I’ll do it :)) thank you <3
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theeeveetamer · 1 month
Fields of Mistria initial thoughts
As you may or may not know I am a total sucker for farming simulator games. I don't usually go for Early Access games, but Fields of Mistria seemed extremely promising even though it's just launched into Early Access. So I want to talk about a few of the things I really like about it (and maybe a few that I don't). I will probably be drawing comparisons to Stardew Valley since it's the current preeminent Farming Sim of our time (but I'm not dissing it I love Stardew Valley as well. I think Fields of Mistria does a good job of taking what worked about Stardew and tweaking some things to improve even further)
But the tl;dr if you want it: I think this game is worth the money even in its current state
Trying to keep things as spoiler-free as possible, not that it's hard since the story isn't really too far yet in early access
Things that I like:
1 There is a wide range of cosmetics! Also, you don't have to store them anywhere. You "unlock" them, and then you can change your clothes, hair, skin tone, etc. at any time from the character customization menu. I'd have to check because I don't have the game right in front of me atm, but I think you can even change your name and the name of your farm at any time as well?
2) You don't actually need to have materials on hand to construct farm buildings, nor do you need to pre-clear the space! You buy the blueprint from the carpenter shop, which goes to your inventory. You take it back to your farm yourself and lay it down. Once you lay it down it spawns a drop box for materials, and you can put the materials in at your own pace. This makes it super easy to just drop a couple of wood in at the end of every day until it's done. This is a godsend for me especially, since I never remember to bring all the materials with me when I want to build things in Stardew
3) Speaking of convenience: you don't need to have any materials on hand when you're crafting! This is a godsend because when you initially start the game, all the crafting stations are in town and you have like no bag space. It'll just automatically withdraw things from your chest
The downside is, if you were trying to save stuff you have to be careful (the game will indicate when it starts drawing from your chests to craft the next item though, which is nice!)
4) Also speaking of convenience: shops are open and unlocked 24/7, and you don't have to have someone working there to buy things! This means if you realize you forgot to re-plant your crops at 10 pm you can still pop up to the general store to buy more seeds before the day is done
5) The romance events are all interesting and done well so far! I've only seen a couple though. It also appears that triggering them is based on completing a request on the community board, so you can't miss them like you might in Stardew
The downside is that there's so many community board quests that it's easy for these to get buried. I'm sure I've picked up half a dozen that I just haven't done yet because I haven't gotten around to knocking out some of these requests
6) I like that progressing in the mines requires you to collect items from the previous set of floors in the mines. It's good incentive to go back and collect more resources while still feeling like you're advancing
7) Dropping stuff on the ground and leaving it there won't de-spawn it. That means you can go around and "collect" resources, leave them there, and then circle back in a few hours or even a few days!
8) There's at least one older bachelor and bachelorette option! For the guys you have fellow farmer Hayden (who has a bit of a dad bod build) and the town's doctor Valen (she's a bit more masc looking). I'll take it
9) You can bang a dragon. They haven't completed the story enough to get events with him yet in Early Access, but he's a dragon. nuff said
10) You don't have to upgrade your tools in sequence, and equipment is separate from your cosmetics. This means you can skip straight from the worn pickaxe to the silver one!
Things I don't like (honestly most of these are minor nitpicks that can/might be improved upon):
1 I do wish there was some more body diversity, especially among the women. With the exception of Hayden pretty much all the romance options are pretty/handsome and slender (with pretty decently sized chests in the case of the women and pretty decently sized muscles in the case of the men)
I know they can design different body types because one of the Saturday Market vendors is a bit bigger (but she's not a romance option obviously), so why not?
2) Pretty much every item sells for less than it would if you were to craft it into something else. E.g. Iron ore sells for less than iron bars, and iron bars sell for less than an iron pickaxe
This is kind of half positive, half negative. It's good incentive to craft stuff! On the other hand, I'm a massive video-game hoarder so if I know I might be able to craft something that's worth more down the line I'll just save the item. This has turned my organization into a nightmare, and because I sell almost nothing money is much harder to come by
3) Backpack and storage management is. Woof. You start out with only ten item slots, and if you're like me and you carry all your tools all the time then that's going to fill up fast. At the start you'll only have ~2 slots to actually carry things other than tools. I think it only goes up in increments of 10 too, so even with the third bag upgrade you have about 30 slots (for reference, Stardew starts you with 12 and goes up in increments of 12 before capping out at 36)
I don't think this would be a problem if they just gave you a separate "tool bag" inventory where you could keep all your tools all the time, that didn't also take up bag space. Tools taking up bag space is honestly one of those "we should be over this by now" things in farming sims, IMO
4) Speaking of the bag... this is probably only a consideration if you play on controller, but the controls for swapping between items could use some work
If you've played Stardew with a controller then you know how it works. The left and right bumpers will swap between bag "tabs" and the triggers will move you between items in the currently selected tab. I haven't played around with trying to remap it, but by default Mistria doesn't do this.
Instead one of the triggers is to use a magic spell, the other is to throw items, and the bumpers are to swap between items in your bag. This means if you're on tab "A" and you need an item in tab "C" you need to manually press the bumper 10+ times until it scrolls aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the way around to tab "C"
I think if you play with keyboard and mouse then you can just tap the different tabs so it's less of a problem
5) Minor nitpick, but when I play with a controller it doesn't get rid of the cursor. The cursor is pretty big and chunky so this is pretty distracting (I play on a dual monitor setup so I just move the mouse to the other monitor while I play, but it'd be nice if the cursor stayed gone while I played
6) So far the magic is a bit underutilized. I think I've only used the restore spell a handful of times when I was deep in the mines or fishing (fishing takes SO much energy). You have VERY limited magical stamina so you're probably not going to be using spells too much
I'll try to add to this if I think of more, but this is the stuff that's sticking out to me right now!
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noaltbruh · 10 months
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So tumblr just decided it wasn't going to let me write it, let me retry.
Bucci gang with a hijabi reader! 🧕
Giorno 🐞
I think Giorno, being an extremely curious person, would take a lot of interest in your culture and traditions.
Wearing a hijabi doesn't change anything in your relationship, he's extremely open minded and would never judge you for it.
He thinks it highlights your facial features, which makes you look even prettier.
Definetely loves to stare into your eyes.
He'd probably ask you if he can decorate it with small flowers, but he understands if you'd rather not!
He does not tolerate people judging you from it, and is not above making a bunch of fee chase them down to make them go away.
Bruno 🤐
He doesn't know much about your culture, but that doesn't mean he's not willing to learn about it 😊
He's a very religious person and as such he highly respects your own beliefs.
Always compliments you and loves the way you match your outfits with your hijabi.
I could see him giving you a hand made hijabi on one of your anniversaries.
Nobody dares to give you bad looks and talk behind your back for it. Everyone respects Bruno and they don't want to end up on their black list.
Mista 🔫
Okay, I know he may seem like a womanizer and someone who enjoys... Sexual attraction a little too much.
But he knows that wearing it is important for you and your religion. He's goofy, not a asshole.
Homestly, he thinks you're beautiful no matter what you may wear, and he makes sure to always remind you.
He thinks you're both actually kinda matching, since he always wears that damn ass hat that covers his hair.
If you wear long clothes too, the pistols love to hide in your pockets.
And break the kneecaps of anyone giving you unwanted attention.
Narancia 🍊
Lowkey thought it was just a fashiob choice at first and didn't understand that it was connected to your religion.
Once you specified it to him though, he didn't question it and just accepts it as part of you.
He thinks the hijabi makes you look cute and he loves to show off how pretty you are with his friends all the time.
Loves to be close to you because you're so warm even though he's already a living sun.
Once asked you if he could put his headband on top of your hijab to see how it'd look.
He's this close to shooting away anyone who dares judge you for it again.
Fugo 🍓
Okay I believe that Fugo grew up in a strictly catholic household. While he's smart, he doesn't know pretty much anything about other religions, sorry :,)
He's very keen on understanding it more though! Especially since it's weird to him to not feel intelligent for once-
Asks you oddly specific questions about the way you dress or your traditions in general and probably writes it down. He doesn't mean it in a judgy way, he just really wants to make sute he gets it.
Thinks you actually look super pretty with it but he's bad at showing it, please be patient.
Actual footage of him correcting anyone who says something wrong about your customs:
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Abbacchio ◀️
Knows what it is and why it matters, doesn't question it further.
Like, ok you wear that, what difference should it make to him? Dude's probably an atheist too so he just goes along with it because it's important to you.
He was so chill about it you once asked him if he was silently judging you for it. He absolutely wasn't, he's just quiet.
Remember when he beat up that dude with Narancia and Mista? Yeah, he'll do the same to anyone who bothers you.
Very protective, he wants you to feel safe with him.
Trish 🎤
Yaaaaas Queen slaaaay 😍
Although you pretty much look like opposites, Trish thinks you're beautiful no matter what and always fills you with compliments to make sure you never forgets.
Takes you shopping because, of course, you deserve outfits that match your hijabi, duh? 🙄
Doesn't know much about your religion, reads about it in her spare time just to surprise you and show that she appreciates you.
Tries to match with you by wearing long dresses.
She will call out anyone who criticises you, and suddendly everyone in town hates them 'cause she's a popstar and her influence spreads faster than a cold.
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themadknightuniverse · 4 months
In this couple of post I'll share all the things I noticed and conclusions I came to while watching and re-watching The Passenger (2023).
[Find part 2 : "color theory" here.]
I will not go too deep in the story per say, but rather point out things about the imagery and what it tells us about the characters, their mental state, and the events past and present. This is all a very personal interpretation of this movie I found to love the more I watch it, so of course you make what you will of all the things I'll develop under this post.
Warning: Spoilers ahead!
One of the things that is absolutely impeccable about this movie is the photography. Colors, composition, lights, environments, treated with so much care I can only see symbolism and meaning through it all. And once I started to gather some elements, I also started to discover some kind of patterns. Of course, I'll say it again, but there is a chance this analysis will eventually go too far, so please keep in mind that all this is just the result of my mind drifting back to this movie again and again and finding some sense where it probably wasn't intended. I also didn't dive into the numerous tumblr posts analyzing this movie much, so I'm sorry if all this is just a repeat of what's all been already said.
I only wanted to point a few details I found interesting and/or fun through the movie. It won't be as heavy as the color theory section, but I thought these to be interesting to bring up still.
The first element I'd like to bring up is the text panels.
The firs tone we encounter is “No trespassing; the violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.” over Benson's head. So, of course we can make a direct parallel with Benson's mass killing a few minutes later. And what are Benson and Randy if not survivors? And they both get shot by the end of the movie.
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Second one is “thank you” written on the bin, perfectly captured along with Benson right after the kills. A friend of mine said it looked like a literal thank you from the restaurant itself, which I found hilarious, but it also may be interpreted like a thank you from Randy.
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Third we have “it's not just wrong, it's illegal.”, like a statement to what's happening throughout the whole movie, all of Benson's choices. Bonus for the EXIT on the back, with Benson standing between it and Randy. Nice.
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Fourth one is my favorite. “Pick your pal” on the plushies store wall got me laughing a bit. It's a cute sentence. And what is it if not a complete summary of how Benson's and Randy's relationship evolves? Benson chose to take Randy under his wing, to help him, to fix him without giving him a choice (like they're about to pick the plushy they want and decorate it as they wish to make them look like actual plushies? Like so far Randy was all but a bland plushy? Like Benson picked Randy's change of clothes in his desire to start his change to make him look and be more human? (I told you this would stretch too far at some point)).
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The last panel, or rather panelS, that caught my eyes on second watch were the ones I spotted in the mall. Every single other shops are closed, empty. Panels indicating “liquidation” everywhere, “rent this place”, and so on. This mall is also in a poor state, like you can see how damaged the ceiling is. The only other people we see are ghost like presences sitting in the background, in a place were there is literally nothing to do but sit there.
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Besides the liminal places vibe that brings the uncanny feelings with it, I see this choice like such a significant one. This is a deserted place were only one thing still stands in a splash of colors; the plushies store. This feels so much like a visit to their childhood, like some sort of transportation in a mind palace. A return into an abandoned place, where they felt so alone already, and the store stand like the materialization of their childhood. And there is so much green everywhere (it makes sense with the color theory, just keep it in mind for now). If we see this as the materialization of childhood, all those empty stores being memories or missed occasions to spend a nice time, avoided after the trauma (am I pushing this too far? You tell me (no don't, I already know)). Not to mention it's the first time we actually get the first clue to Benson's trauma thanks to his plushies customization skills. All of this, among faceless and bland plushies that I find quite uncanny. And that giant teddy bear, damn, well I would rather sit next to Benson. Also, big up to the green girafe on the wall.
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There is an interesting thing regarding the places. They are all in some degree of deterioration. The burger fastfood's facade looking old and worn, sitting next to a ruin on the other side of the road (At first I thought it was a boat, which would have been a damn nice metaphor for Benson and Randy). Benson's home. The mall with all its empty shops. The school with its deserted cafeteria. Benson's car interior a mess. The restaurant they stop by is in a okay shape, the facade is a bit dirty, but the inside is just fine.
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Speaking of Benson's house, we don't see much yet it's such an interesting set. The only pictures we can see are all behind the glass of the dresser, memories tucked away, barely discernible. Then we have the hallway leading further inside the house. Of course we have that very pretty shot of Randy standing there, alone, caged. And a detail that I especially love about this shot is how we cannot discern any of the frames hung on the walls. It gives such a special feeling about the place. I can't really pinpoint how it makes me feel, but there sure is uneasiness.
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And finally, we have miss Beard's house, which is impeccable, and being renovated, clean and in order. This is SUCH a smart detail. She could only have been chilling at home, but no, she's painting the walls inside of her perfect house. And she's painting them in green, which takes a bigger meaning with the color analysis (to say it quick here, it could be interpreted as her being fine enough with her trauma to live with it. It's tamed, even brought her happiness, she feels lucky as she said it). I like to see places as characters and/or a representation of the state of mind of the people living in it. Here, seeing miss Beard -also being the victim of a heavy past trauma- being incredibly sweet and nice to the very person who rattled her life, recovering from this past event (and all it unfurled) so well, living a nice life, is such a huge contrast to all the places we visited before and Randy and Benson state. She's the embodiment of recovery. She's a spark of hope.
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In comparison, the restaurant they go back to at the end is the perfect place, the perfect middle ground for what will happen. A bit worn but clean and nice. A place where change can happen.
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A detail I enjoyed too, was the way Benson and Randy look at themselves in a mirror to gather themselves after a short breakdown. It tells us yet again, how alike they can be.
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Quick rewind ! I also don't know what to do with a short shot at the beginning of the movie. Benson looks our way for a few seconds. This is the kind of choices that sets my brain in overdrive a bit. This is so eerie. Is it a break of the 4th wall? Are we too, being seen and judged by Benson?
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The last scene gives us some interesting things to see too.
Randy is doing better, the contrast is so vivid. I only noticed that Randy kept Benson's jacket on my second watch. It's showed to us with no real insistance, and I love it. I address this more in the color theory section.
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A parallel that I did love a lot was the very last shot with the two plushies. Look at them, enjoying tea together. Just like Randy and miss Beard earlier. I see it as a return to peace of mind between Benson and Randy after all that happened, Benson the “necessary evil” in Randy's life to change it for the best, like Randy was for miss Beard.
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And this will end the first part! I hope you enjoyed and all this wasn't just absurd or lacking sense.
Check part 2 -> Color theory
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inawickedlittletown · 2 months
Don't Make A Shadow Of Yourself (BuckTommy fic) - 16/16
Summary: "A man who's pure of heart...may still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright" - Howl (F+TM)
BuckTommy Werewolf AU. Throughout most of his adult life, Tommy had dealt with what he was. The duality of being a man and also an animal…a beast. Werewolves weren’t born, they were made. 
Rating: M
Words: 3,466
Read on Ao3
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three
Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six
Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen - Chapter Fourteen - Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Tommy didn’t remember much about the time between leaving the wedding and getting back to his house. He had snapshots of Evan helping him with his clothes and then not much else other than his pillow and the smell of Evan near him. He woke up slowly the next morning, felt a little too warm because Evan was still in bed with him and literally lying on him. He couldn’t tell what time it was, but he knew that it was later in the morning and that he’d had a full night’s rest. 
Months ago, he couldn’t have dreamed of having someone in his bed that he genuinely wanted there for more than just sex. Evan had changed that. He’d entered Tommy’s life and literally changed everything about it for the better. 
Evan moved, stretching a bit as he woke. 
“Hey,” he said, voice sleep rough and lazy. 
“Hi,” Tommy said back. “I wasn’t too much trouble to get here was I?” 
Evan chuckled. “No. You, uh, you walked on your own for the most part. I think my parents showing up was the final straw on keeping you awake.”
Tommy laughed. He did remember all of that. Out in the parking lot they had seen Athena make sure they got into their rental car and left, but he and Evan hadn’t hung out long enough to talk to her about how it had gone.
“At least they didn’t show up to the ceremony.” 
“There is that,” Evan said. “They, uh, they gave Athena a letter to pass on to me. I don’t know if I even want it, but she said she’ll bring it by. I invited her and Bobby to dinner.” 
“Here?” Tommy asked. 
Evan nodded. “If that’s okay?” 
“No, it’s…it’s great actually. We’ll have to go shopping if you’re thinking of cooking anything.” 
“Yes, I figured that. We don’t have to get up yet, though.” 
Tommy eyed Evan and he could see a glimmer in his eyes as he leaned over Tommy. 
“There is something we didn’t get to last night,” Evan said.
He leaned down to kiss Tommy with the same hunger that had been present when they were in that bathroom at the wedding reception. Tommy responded at once, his arms went around Evan, bringing him down to rest on him. Evan gasped against him and Tommy just kissed him harder. 
It had been more than a little shocking to Tommy how fast Evan had fallen into the physical aspect of their relationship. He was a bit of a sex fiend. Loved everything and was eager to learn. He had no hang ups about any of it, even though he’d never done anything with a guy prior to Tommy. He was eager too, and Tommy hadn’t known to trust that at first, had thought that Evan was putting some of it on. He had been so completely wrong because Evan was just that open about sex.Tommy had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted Evan and when he got him completely spread out, naked and his hole stretched out and ready for the first time, it was like a dream come true. It was always glorious. 
When Evan gasped out, “want you inside.” Tommy felt himself get harder if possible. 
“And what if I want the opposite?” Tommy asked.
Evan moaned. “Could be arranged,” he said cheekily. “Right now, though, I want you to fuck me.”
How could Tommy disappoint? He kissed Evan again hard and then flipped them over so that Evan was on his back under Tommy. He reached for the bedside table, still keeping as much contact with Evan as possible, and grabbed the bottle of lube. 
He kissed down Evan’s neck and chest, not making any stops until he was down to Evan’s hips. Evan wiggled out of his underwear and Tommy helped. His cock was hard and wet. Beautiful. Tommy couldn’t help but take him in his mouth. Evan groaned, spread his legs. 
“Tommy, please.”
“Turn over.” 
Evan did at once, ass up in the air, but his arms folded under his head. Tommy didn’t know how he managed to keep it together just at seeing Evan like that. His hands smoothed out over Evan’s ass. Evan spread his legs, arched his back. He was too much. Tommy was quick, then, getting Evan prepped and ready. He’d never met someone that loved having his ass played with as much as Evan did. 
By the time that he had Evan ready, he could tell his boyfriend was getting impatient, but Tommy knew what it felt like to not be prepped properly and he would never have Evan feel that. 
Evan let out a keening sound when Tommy finally pressed himself into him. He pushed back and Tommy let him, until he was bottoming out and Evan was begging him to move. 
It didn’t take very long. Evan came just seconds before Tommy,  grunting and moaning and saying his name in very desperate broken sounds, his hand on his own cock. They flopped onto the bed together sweaty and dirty and their mouths met in a lazy kiss. 
“I love you,” Evan said. 
“Love you too, Evan.” 
Shopping with Tommy turned out more fun than Buck had expected. Tommy really didn’t cook much so he was missing a lot and figuring that he might cook at Tommy’s house more often, Buck bought more than just what he needed for Bobby’s recipe. Tommy was apparently a fiend for free samples and he was also completely unaware of appreciative glances sent his way. 
Buck for his part, tried to keep the shopping list, but it turned out that Tommy got easily distracted by interesting looking items he was willing to try out. Buck, didn’t mind. He also wanted to buy everything he’d tried out. By the time that they got back to the house, it was late in the afternoon. 
“So, Bobby has been teaching you to cook?” Tommy asked. 
“Pretty much since I started at the 118. I’ve been trying to nail his lasagna, and I think I finally got it right the last few times I made it.”
He put Tommy in charge of a salad and focused on creating the layers on the pan. 
“Are you going to read it?” Tommy asked when Buck had finally put the pan in the oven. 
“I don’t know,” Buck said. 
On the one hand, he’d wanted to tell Athena to just burn it so he never had to have it in front of him. On the other, he was curious and it was also possible that the letter could work against his parents in some way. At the wedding, they hadn’t exactly acted like they hated Buck for what he was, but that didn’t take back everything else they had done. 
“Whatever you decide, I’ll be here,” Tommy said. 
Bobby and Athena arrived with a bottle of wine and dessert. 
“I’m glad to finally be here for a good reason,” Athena said.
“We are too,” Buck said. 
“And I do bring good news,” Athena said, “your parents were on a flight out this morning.” 
Buck hadn’t realized how relieving it was to hear that they had finally left LA. Athena patted his hand in understanding. After that they changed the subject and Buck got to find out that Tommy had been there when Athena and Bobby met for the first time. 
Bobby chuckled. Athena glared at him. 
“He just thrust this rooster at me,” she said. 
Buck burst into laughter and looked towards Tommy. 
“We were all out of our depth,” he said. “All of us were chasing this rooster around the yard and it still had knives attached. Nightmare. I wanted to just transform and bite into it, not gonna lie.”
Buck laughed even more and Bobby and Athena joined in. 
“That was my first day,” Bobby said. “LA was not what I was expecting, but it was definitely the new start that I wanted.” 
“It was definitely what the 118 needed,” Tommy said. “We’d gone through Captain after Captain for years before Bobby took it over. Definitely for the better. It made me rethink wanting to transfer, that’s for sure.” 
“Thank you for saying that, Tommy,” Bobby said. “And I’m not saying I wouldn’t have minded you staying, but Buck took your spot and we wouldn’t be here without him.” 
“No, we wouldn’t,” Tommy said and turned and pressed a kiss to the side of Buck’s head. 
Buck knew he was blushing, especially at the smile that Athena bestowed on him.
In the end, when he was presented with it, he opened it without a second thought. Bobby, Athena, and Tommy watched him as his eyes took in his mother’s handwriting. 
Your father is convinced you won’t even read this. I thought I had to try. We’re sorry. 
It may not mean much to you, not after everything we’ve done, but we are. 
I wish you had told us when you were turned, though I understand why you didn’t. 
It has made us rethink things. When your sister told us not to come to the wedding we realized that we were wrong. We had a lot of time to think sitting in jail and we’re not mad you put us there. 
You may not want to believe us, but we’re done with it. We’re heading home and getting rid of everything. I hope one day things will be different between us. Better. 
The last thing we want is to lose you or Maddie or Jee-Yun. 
I really do hope that one day we can be a family again. Your father and I are sorry. 
If there is anything we can do to make amends we’ll do it.
Love, mom 
His emotions were all over the place. On the one hand there was the anger that he still felt for them, and yet the letter felt like some kind of offering of peace. An apology. He handed the letter to Tommy and tried to figure out just where he stood. If there was one thing, it was that he didn’t want to see or talk to them any time soon. 
“Do you believe they’ll actually stop?” Tommy asked. 
“Can I?” Athena asked. 
Buck gave a nod at Athena and Tommy passed her the letter. “I, uh, I don’t know,” he said to Tommy. 
“Hmm,” Athena said when she was done. 
“You don’t buy it?” Bobby asked, taking the letter from her. 
“I just don’t know how genuine it is,” Athena said. “You would know best, Buck.” 
“All I know is that I don’t want to reach out to them. They’re not my family. You are.”
Athena shot a smile his way. Bobby did as well. Tommy gave his knee a squeeze. Tommy had never spoken about his parents much, but what Buck knew was that he had left home to go to enlist in the Army because he had no other options open to him and that when he was bitten he didn’t even think to go home or share the news with them. Instead he continued on his own. But he wasn’t alone anymore. 
“So, the question now is what you want to do about all of it?”
Buck and Tommy had sort of talked about it during their time grocery shopping. What it came down to was the Werewolf Division and their stance on the hunters. For a government agency they were doing more harm than good and all in the name of secret keeping. Who knew how many hunters were out there and how often they managed to actually capture and kill a Werewolf. How many people were presumed dead or missing? How many deaths were covered up? 
“I think we go right to the top,” Buck said. “What is good about keeping us secret if it means a portion of Werewolves are being hunted down and killed.” 
Bobby was smiling and nodding. “We’ll all be here to help you both however you want that help.” 
“Thanks, Bobby.” 
“One thing I will say,” Athena said, “your parents might help in making this easier. They will have some information that will be of use. We could use that.” 
She wasn’t wrong and it would be the best proof that they were willing to change. 
“You’re probably right,” Buck said. 
“She always is,” Bobby said. 
Athena grabbed Buck’s hand. “We’ll talk about this more another time. No decisions need to be made tonight.”
Bobby and Athena didn’t stay too long after dessert. When Buck hugged Athena, she gave him a good squeeze and then did the same to Tommy. Bobby pulled him into a hug as well and Buck got to see how surprised Tommy was to receive the same treatment. 
When they got back inside, Buck let Tommy pull him towards the living room. They collapsed together onto the couch. Buck was tired from all the cooking he’d done. He and Tommy still had to clean up the table and the kitchen and it just seemed like a lot. 
“That went well,” Tommy said with a grin. 
“I’m glad. I really do think they’re more my parents than my parents.” 
Tommy smiled at him. “I’m glad you had them. I’m glad we have them. It makes all of this easier. Athena’s right, you know, your bio parents do have information that could be useful.” 
“I know. I’ll think about it.” 
“And now, come on, dishes. I would leave everything until tomorrow, but I know you, Evan.” 
Buck laughed. He knew Tommy wasn’t wrong. He’d be annoyed if he walked into the kitchen in the morning and found piles of dirty plates and messy counters. He groaned getting up, but Tommy grabbed his hand. 
“We’ll be done faster together and then we can just watch a movie.” 
Buck let his mind wander as they cleaned. Tommy took care of filling up the dishwasher while Buck put things away and wiped everything down. They worked in sync and Buck couldn’t help but think about how easy it was for them to do things together. Maybe it was a bit early, but Buck didn’t hate the idea of living with Tommy. Of coming home to Tommy. 
“You look a bit far away,” Tommy said. 
“I’m just…I’m thinking about what you said.” 
“About your parents?” 
Buck shook his head. “No. About living together. We’re not rushing, not when we know this is it. I know it and I think you do too.” 
“Yeah,” Buck said and he’d never been so sure. “I’ll have to check when my lease ends, but I think that’s the next step for us.” 
Tommy grabbed him around the waist, brought him into a soft cherishing kiss. It said it all. 
“Have I ever mentioned how glad I am to have met you?”
“Maybe not recently,” Buck said. 
“Well, I am. I am so glad, Evan.” 
“I hated to admit it to anyone but myself, but I was really lonely. People tried to befriend me but I was always afraid to let them in because I’m a Werewolf and how do you get to know someone if you can’t be truthful about who you are. You showed me that it can be easy and that there are people that will accept you for who you are. But I needed you and I’m just so glad you came into my life.” 
“Wow, I don’t think I did all that on my own, but I love that I got to help you and make you less lonely.”
“A lot of it lands on you,” Tommy said. 
When they were done cleaning, Tommy made them popcorn and Buck grabbed them beer. They settled onto the couch, Tommy putting on a romcom that Buck hadn’t seen before. They sat cuddled up together. Buck wanted this forever.  
It was dark out, the moon was in the waxing gibbous phase, shining bright in the sky and almost full. A lot of the stars were visible. They were far enough into the forest that most light pollution didn’t affect what they could see of the sky. Their second night camping had left them all tired. Eddie was passed out on the hammock, tail wagging from time to time. Tommy couldn’t understand how he’d even made it onto the hammock as a wolf, but he had. He looked comfortable. 
“Do you know any of the constellations?” Evan asked, finger pointed at the sky. 
Tommy leaned back. “Some of the more visible ones. The big dipper.” 
“Not a constellation,” Evan said. “It’s an asterism, but those stars belong to Ursa Major which is a constellation.” 
“Oh,” Tommy said. 
Evan smoothed the frown on his face with his fingers. “Everyone thinks it’s one since it’s easy to find. But I guess the most seen is probably Orion since it’s so bright.” 
Evan lifted his hands and pointed them at the sky and Tommy followed the figure that Evan traced. 
“Is that the biggest?” 
“Hydra is,” Evan said. 
“And which is your favorite?” 
“Um…I guess the easy pick is Canis Major.” 
Evan began explaining Canic Major, complete with the story behind it. Tommy listened, eyes going back and forth from the sky to Evan’s face. He really was lovely to listen to and to look at. When he finished his explanation, Tommy kissed him. Evan smiled into it, kissing back. They both settled back on their sleep mats a moment later. 
It was a bit cold out, not helped by the fact that neither of them was wearing much. For Eddie’s sake they had put on underwear after changing back, but since then the sweat from running around had cooled off. Eddie had probably been right to shift to sleep even though they had set up the tent and it actually was big enough to fit all three of them. 
The trip had felt right after how the last full moon went. Tommy actually had no idea who had decided it would be smart to go really deep into the forest and camp for more than just the night of the full moon. It wouldn’t be doable every month, but it was still nice. 
They had even been talking about how maybe they could invite some of the others along and really make it a pack thing. Somehow, Tommy didn’t think that Athena and Karen or even Maddie could be persuaded to go camping but maybe Hen and Chim and the kids. Maybe even Bobby and Ravi. If he had managed to come out as a Werewolf to his friends at Harbor maybe some of them might be interested. 
Earlier in the night, he’d sent a picture to Lucy, Melton, and Garita who only knew he was taking a few PTO days. He’d received several questions about his naked activities under the full moon. Someone had started a rumor that Tommy was a practicing wiccan and that had almost made him cry, he was laughing so hard. 
He’d yet to answer, but he was thinking about telling them the truth on his next shift. Maybe on one of the slower days. With everything they were getting done with Athena regarding the Werewolf Division, it was probably about time he explained things to the people he worked with. 
The wind was starting to pick up, making the night even cooler still.
“I think I’m going to shift,” Evan said. “Unless you want to go in the tent?” 
“Shift,” Tommy said. 
Evan kissed his cheek. Next he got up, dropping his underwear and transforming on the spot. He climbed back on the sleep mat with Tommy, splaying himself out against him. His fur was warm and soft and Evan gave his cheek a lick before pressing his cold nose to Tommy’s neck and letting out a yawn, his warm breath falling over Tommy. 
Tommy ran his hand down Evan’s back and side and then up to his head to scratch behind his ears. Evan leaned into the touch. Evan was meant to be a Werewolf, he existed so well as one. He was confident about it, embraced every part of it. Tommy loved him for it too, for what it had brought out in him after he met Evan. He placed a kiss atop Evan’s head and then got out of his own underwear before transforming. 
They cuddled together under the stars as wolves. Tommy breathed Evan in and slowly he drifted off feeling more peaceful than ever. 
The next night, he, Evan, and Eddie transformed under the light of the full moon. When Eddie began to howl at the moon, Tommy tipped his own head up and joined him. Evan added his own howl a moment later. In the distance they heard other howls. 
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tomatoland · 11 months
something i have noticed about mew is that although he dressed similarly to ray since episode 7, the designs or the patterns of his outer layer have slightly changed. he used to wear a lot of bold or edgy design/prints but i think when his moms visited him episode 9, he started to wear a lot more floral/plant designs? it may be a redundant observation or I’m observing too much, but mew mostly wear them around top or his moms? I’m curious to know if you have any thoughts about it.
+ since you have been putting down songs for topmew, i have one for them: again - eden, sophiya (i personally feel the lyrics fit them so well, since how many characters and viewers are so against them together🫢). Thanks for reading!
This song is absolutely beautiful and you're right, the lyrics fit them amazingly. I've been listening to it nonstop. Thank you so much for recommending it to me! <3
Observing too much? No such thing!
Yes, I do have thoughts. I'm actually really glad you asked about Mew's clothing because it gives me a reason to make some collages of my favorite characters.
The super deep-dive into Mew's clothing choices I'm sure you were not expecting.
Clothing can be considered armor we wear when we interact with the world. It's what others first perceive when they meet us. It tells people about who we are or who we want to be. Clothing can also give you confidence. And for Mew, it is exactly this. He even says as much to Cheum here.
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In the first half of the show, Mew did wear some short sleeved button down shirts, quite a few actually. He usually wore lighter colors with more neutral patterns and ALWAYS with a t-shirt as the base layer.
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The catalyst for the change in Mew’s clothes I would say is this moment in Episode 7, part 3, when Mew is the bathtub. This is quite literally Mew's re-birth as Mew 2.0.
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The show also pointedly shows us this by contrasting the book shop scene with Ray in episode 8 with a flashback with Top from the first episode. Mew's shirts are the exact opposites. Instead of predominantly white with black graphics like with Top, it's predominantly black with white with Ray.
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Mew in his revenge era as Jojo called it wears short sleeved button downs with louder prints with a black undershirt.
The patterns of some of Mew's shirt are closer to Ray's palette than his own. The Outkast one he wore with Gap and the Vegas one he worse when he went to Boston’s house are the most similar to something Ray would wear.
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But Ray actually doesn't always wear a black undershirt. He seen just as often, if not more, wearing white undershirts. Ray's also worn long sleeve button down completely buttoned up with no undershirt or altogether different types of shirt. I was going to make a Ray clothing collage to prove this point, but there's already enough Ray content on this site, you're just going to have to trust me lol.
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So before his moms visit, the patterns of Mew 2.0’s shirts are darker and more in your face. This is Mew with his battle armor on, trying to fake it until he makes it. But once his moms come, the patterns immediately change.
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I think him coming from a warm, loving home with two caring parents is important for him as a character. His moms notice things like the pack of cigarettes on his coffee table. They immediately know something is up with him but they don't know what because he doesn't tell them. But they know this is not the Mew they raised or the one they last saw.
His moms have always been his strength. Their love for him is why he didn't think he needed romantic love, which is a strong stance to have. So when his moms visit, they are able to help ground him a little and he is able to reconnect to who he is. And as result, he softens his armor.
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He still wears a a short sleeve button down, but now with more feminine details, softer colors and more whimsical patterns like the aquarium and the ships. These shirts are more Mew.
Now, let's talk about how Top plays into Mew's clothing choices because I actually have a lot I want to discuss.
Mew has only ever worn a black undershirt since that moment. Only ever black, which is extremely curious.
Because do you know who has only ever consistently worn a white undershirt throughout the entire show?
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Top. Interesting, huh?
The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. So even when Mew was rage angry at Top, subconsciously, he wasn't actually as indifferent as he pretended to be.
Mew wanted to become the opposite of who he was before and somehow ended up taking an element of Top's style with him.
Top coming to Mew's family's home is the turning point for TopMew Take 2. And their undershirt colors when they were side-by-side reminded me of something.
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Do you see it?
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Maybe this will help.
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The visual representation of TopMew's fresh start is a yin yang symbol. Yin, the traditional feminine energy is the dark side and Yang, the traditional masculine energy is the light side. Two connected elements in perfect balance with each other.
They are both coming into this fresh start as equals with open communication and dialogue, of their own free will.
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And because I love this symbolism, this is literally the Sun hugging his Moon and his Moon embracing him back 🥺
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justa-moth · 1 year
this is an incredibly niche thing that will appeal to maybe like one other jrwi fan, but:
what crew i think various riptide characters would be on if they were tech theatre kids
because why not :]
Jay: - oh Set Crew for SURE dude - shes the head carpenter - she knows how to use every tool in the shop - she's the one helping the newbies learn said tools - she'll yell at you to be safe but also do the worlds most unsafe things - she probably gets thrown on fly rail alot and is bitter about it because she'd rather move stuff on stage
Chip: - Set - Now he might not be great at it - but he would just really enjoy using the power tools - (and Jay would be on his ass about it constantly because he is Not safe like at ALL) - he probably gets put on like the super heavy set piece for a scene change and will do nothing but complain about it
Gillion: - ok this one was hard - i dont think hes set crew - but i do think hes usually been crowned the official Heavy Set Piece Mover - just because hes the theatres resident Strong Man - honestly i think he's scared of most of the power tools tbh jhkfsdjhk - he's probably just general stage crew, aka just the jack of all trades guy that any of the crews can use if they need an extra hand - (however he never helps any of the crews that require like a steady hand, like makeup, costume, or props, just bc of how big and clunky he is hjkfsdjkh)
Queen: - probably props or makeup/costume - theyre utterly terrified of ANY power tools and will avoid the shop like the PLAGUE - she probably really enjoy just sitting and working on small details for props while they blare music - (she is also the person in the theatre with the BEST music tastes, literally the best rehearsal playlist) - you look away from queen for maybe an hour and he will come back with the most intricate and beautifully designed prop - and it ends up having maybe 5 seconds of screen time and will have to get deconstructed once shows over
Gryffon: - okay so he's the guy that everyone thought would be the resident strong man when he joined the theatre. - and while technically he is, this poor man finds a way to break fucking anything - working on a set piece? it will crumble when he walks in the room. - working on lighting? they lamps will explode - he's the murphys law man. if anything could go wrong, it Will if he's in the room - its gotten to the point where every show the theatre does a ritual to the Theatre Gods in hopes that gryffon's powers of Pure Destruction may be nullified long enough for them to actually get shit done - he probably just gets put on fly rail because thats the only thing he hasn't managed to break
Alphonze: - Lighting / Sound for SURE - i would trust this man to operate the board - he's literally a god at programming cues, hes always on time - he cuts the mic out the SECOND the actor leaves the stage, he gets mic problems fixed INSTANTLY - if somethings wrong with a light, he IMMEDITAELY knows how to fix it - he is essentially the Antichrist to gryffon's destructive power - its the Theatre Superstition that if Alphonze and Gryffon are in the same room for too long it'll cause a singularity
Lizzie: - Set or maybe even Stage Manager - she's probably stage manager, but like only hangs out with techies - because being in the room with the cast and their songs for too long makes her just actually wanna die - shes super chill, but then tech week hits and she means BUISNESS - her ass gets things DONE - they could be in any stage of the creative process, and lizzie will find a way to speedrun it in the best and most efficient way possible
Caspian: - Makeup / Costume - like i imagine him helping people do their makeup in the dressing rooms before show - he would also be that one poor head costume manager helping the main character with the worlds most stressful quick change - or the poor mf who has to speed safety pin someones clothes together because it ripped mid performance
Marshal John: - literally THE set guy, aside from Jay - you need something heavy moved quickly? get john - power tools broken? get john - literally any problem that could easily be solved by a Big Strong Man? john. - he, like gillion, is the other Resident Strong Guy - however all prop people know to never get NEAR him, because this poor man has a way of literally just breathing on a prop and causing it to shatter - he's just big and clunky and can't handle delicate things
Drey and Finn: - the resident Uncles of the theatre - they don't work there - but theyre there to support their Kids TM - drey probably donates random pieces of furniture to the set department - and finn makes BANGER meals for the crew when it gets closer to performance - and they work like 12+ hours without eating - finn will MAKE SURE these poor kids get their nutriants
Earl: - in the same vein, he's also just one of the resident Uncles - once before a performance earl didn't make them juice - and literally Everything went wrong - so now everyone is convinced that Earl's juice is Magical and Blessed - and if the theatre doesn't get blessed by his juice, everyone fears for their life - Earl uses this to his advantage, and will actively threaten people to drink his juice by saying like "if you don't drink this i'll make sure that chandelier breaks right before the finale!!" - and the poor set crew kids just start SWEATING
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