#this man has a humor
evilrat-sabre · 4 months
Just clicked in a randon Ren season 8 episode.
It hasn't been 1 minute he already talked about a toilet, the word "stinky sewer" in on the title. I am just glaring at season 10 being like "He was always like that, huh?"
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bebx · 2 months
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crying over this Longlegs promo poster and the fact it’s official.
“After Despicable Me 4” 😭😭😭
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troythecatfish · 2 months
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mobius-m-mobius · 9 months
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Tom on more of Owen's s2 improv (x)
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exploringopensky · 25 days
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was reading Sherlock holmes and this popped into my head
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cozylittleartblog · 11 months
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gooseworx in the glitchx livestream: i want to see people draw jax in a suit. people should draw him crying
me: sure thing, boss o7
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rahuratna · 3 months
Suited up
More fatherly goodness from the gentleman sorcerer, Nanami Kento. This time, featuring Ino!
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Ino was excited. Not in the usual sense, when he had a mission with Nanami lined up. Today was different. Today would be the day he nailed that sweet, sweet grade one sorcerer recommendation from his mentor, the sorcerer he admired the most.
Ino had been watching, you see. He couldn't do without his own signature ski mask, as that was completely necessary for the functioning of his unique cursed technique. There were other things he had taken note of, however, that might be worth a change.
For starters, the suit. No matter where the mission, whether in the sparkling heart of Tokyo or in the depths of the most squalid sewer, Nanami would always appear in his impeccable and tasteful suit. Tailored to perfection, sitting perfectly at the wrist and ankles, comfort and flexibility reserved at no expense to the clean, fitted outline on the powerful frame they enclosed, Nanami's suits were a thing of beauty.
Then, the handkerchief. Nanami never went without. There was always a clean square of linen, folded in a perfect square, in one of his pockets. Nanami had used his handkerchief to help Ino mop blood off his face once, and, although the cloth had been ruined, Ino knew that the threadcount on that little square made it more valuable than the entirety of his baggy shirt and trousers.
Of course, there were the shoes. Nanami's sturdy leather brogues, hand sewn and always polished to high shine, saw a lot of wear. Of course they would, considering the speed and power of the sorcerer who wore them. But no matter how soiled and worn they were by the end of the mission, the care invested in their restoration was evident. Nanami would show up the next day with his shoes back in such good condition you could see your reflection in them.
Then, there was the way he wore his tie, the way he combed his hair, the coveted wristwatch. But there would be time enough to speculate on those things later. For now, Ino would be satisfied to see Nanami's reaction to his own get up.
The mission was straightforward. They had been assigned to clear out an old warehouse on the docks near the harbour. A curse infestation had been reported in the area, probably triggered by the recent wage protests the dock workers had engaged in due to cutbacks. Of course, Ino's affinity for crowd control would come in handy, and so, he had been dispatched with Nanami as a two-man team.
As he stood on the sidewalk not far from his apartment, Ino shifted from one foot to the other, still growing accustomed to the outfit he had on. As a grade two sorcerer, he earned a fair salary. He'd saved up for a month or two to splurge out on these clothes.
He had invested in a good tailor and had a dark grey suit made to fit. He wore a black polo shirt beneath and the best leather belt he could find. His socks were polyester, but comfortable enough and wouldn't slip or bunch inside his new black leather shoes. Ino had neatly combed and parted his hair, using a high hold pomade that gave a shine he wasn't sure he liked. It would prevent his hair from going haywire when he had to use his ski mask, though. And he had a handkerchief, of course. Bought cheaply in a pack of five because he'd been in a rush, but who would be looking that closely, anyway?
A dark sedan pulled up to the kerb where he waited and Ino felt a clench of nervous anticipation in his stomach. Would Nanami approve of his new look? Had he gone overboard? Did he look like some kind of copycat freakshow now? Steeling himself, Ino opened the rear door and slid inside, sending a tense greeting to the experienced sorcerer who sat beside him.
Nanami greeted him back and then stopped short. Sweating slightly, Ino kept his gaze straight ahead as Nanami's eyes travelled from his perfectly combed hair down to his new shoes. Ino coughed slightly and fidgeted with his belt.
"So ... any ideas on how we should tackle the warehouse?"
Nanami regarded him in silence for a moment, before pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and tapping his fingers on his knee, as he sometimes did when he was thinking deeply about something.
"We'll approach as we usually do. I'll go in and guage the strength of the spirits before making a tactical retreat. We perform a second sweep, with you flanking me. Then we use your targeted attacks to hone in on any remaining curses that may be concealing themselves."
"Got it."
There was a short spell of silence.
"That's a fine suit you have on."
"You think so?"
Ino released a breath he had been holding, elation swelling in his chest.
"It is." Nanami paused. "Having said that, there are a few pointers I'd like to give you, as you've chosen to dress in this manner today."
"You will?"
Ino could barely contain his excitement now. Nanami nodded and folded his arms.
"Yes. For starters, have you worn those shoes before today?"
"Uh, no. Didn't want them to ... you know. Get all dusty and stuff before the mission."
"Place your feet against the seat in front of you right now and bend your toes."
"Like this."
Nanami demonstrated, and Ino followed suit, slower due to his confusion.
"Leather always needs to be broken in. I've been wearing these shoes for close to a year now. And I alternate between pairs, so that I minimize wear and tear and allow the leather to rest, especially if I've been out in wet weather. If you go in as you are, the new leather will not have had time to take on the shape of your feet. You'll be in some discomfort a few hours in."
"For real?"
Balancing in his seat, the younger sorcerer hurriedly began to rock his feet back and forth against the seat in front of him, wondering how he couldn't have noticed how stiff the leather was. He could thank his lucky stars that Nanami had forewarned him.
"There's more, Ino."
"There is?"
"That pomade you have on your hair ... it's going to form stiff peaks as you perspire inside the ski mask. Next time, opt for a softer styling wax."
"Ohhh, damn. I didn't know that."
Nanami now reached across and ran his fingers along the hem of Ino's jacket, then grabbed one of his sleeves and tugged.
"Oh dang, what is it?"
"I'd also advise you to lose the jacket when you go into combat. I ask my tailor to perform a specific type of stitching that allows for more freedom of movement. You're going to need to remove the jacket if you want to move freely and effectively."
Ino's bubble of excitement was rapidly deflating. He'd wanted so badly to impress Nanami today, but all he'd succeeded in doing was showing off his inexperience and making himself look like some kind of desperate wannabe. He cleared his throat and straightened his posture, giving Nanami his signature bright smile and thumbs up. He hoped that he had somehow concealed how embarrassed he was feeling.
"Thanks Nanami. I promise I won't let you down today!"
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By the end of the day, Ino was feeling a lot less chipper. Scratch that, he was feeling downright miserable.
The mission had started off promisingly. They'd found the warehouse infested with cursed spirits, some of them rather powerful. After drawing the bulk of the spirits out into the open, Nanami had retreated as planned, so that Ino could use his Reiki to shield himself from attacks and move swiftly between the raging curses.
This was where Ino's problems had started.
Due to the huge amount of cursed energy he burned through, and the highly physical nature of his technique, Ino perspired a lot in combat. His baggy clothing normally allowed ample air circulation around his body, letting him cool down faster, but the polo shirt and the thicker material of his new trousers did no such thing. 
As sweat poured down to sting his eyes, Ino was hyper aware of how the soaking material clung uncomfortably to his chest and back, how his legs felt like they were encased in a damp, restricting vice.
The leather shoes had started out comfortable enough thanks to the stretching Nanami had had him perform, but even they lost elasticity over time. Sore red ridges had been rubbed into his ankles and the area around his toes felt as if it had been chafed raw.
To add insult to injury, a vat of putrid fluid, that had been lying stagnant for God knew how long, had been upended all over Ino by one of the cursed spirits, ruining any chance he'd had of salvaging some dignity and completely ruining his outfit. Somehow, Nanami had dodged the spray of fluid and darted towards the offending spirit, ending it with a deadly, but elegant stroke of his blade. 
Ino had given it his all, of course. He'd fought with every ounce of determination he possessed, and they'd eventually decimated the spirits that infested the warehouse. At great cost to his body and dignity, of course. His muscles were screaming because of the unnatural strain he'd put them through, and his shoulder throbbed where a spirit had grabbed him and damn near dislocated it.
By the time they left the warehouse, Nanami was striding along at his usual pace, suit spotless, collar open, cufflinks gleaming, hair stylishly dishevelled, while something that looked like a veritable swamp monster hobbled along at his side, emitting feeble groans now and then.
"Y - Yeah?"
"Take off those shoes now."
"But - "
"Do as I say."
The shoes came off with a very distinct and soggy noise. Undaunted, Nanami reached for them and scooped them up so that they hung from the fingers of one hand. He then went down on one knee, facing away from Ino.
"Get on."
" ... what?"
"Climb on. Your can't make it all the way to the car in this condition."
"But - but I'm filthy, Nanami! I'll get this smelly shit all over your clothes!"
"Don't worry about that. The dry cleaners I frequent are excellent and ... accustomed to my requests by now."
With a great deal of reluctance, the young sorcerer climbed onto his senior's back, head flopping forward in sudden exhaustion when Nanami lifted him in piggy-back fashion. They made their way back to where the car awaited them.
"How do you do it?"
"Do what?"
"How do you manage to look like ... you know. Like you can do anything you put your mind to. And why in a suit, of all things?"
The strong shoulders beneath Ino's chin jerked in a small huff of amusement.
"I'm not sure what you mean, but I suppose experience is the best teacher. I've been on my fair share of missions. I know what to expect and plan accordingly. As to why I wear a suit, well ... "
His voice trailed off, but Ino remained silent, aware that if he stayed like this he might probably hear something that would give him greater insight into the man he admired above all others.
"Hmm. I suppose, it was something I learned when I worked as a salaryman. In society, the clothes you wear define who you are. They speak to others of your personality, your preferences, the way you want to be perceived and your standing in a certain social setting. I chose my clothes so that I would blend in. I wanted ... an ordinary life. A life that would let me pursue ordinary goals and let me retire in comfort."
"But you came back. Back to being a sorcerer, I mean."
"It wasn't that I missed this life. It wasn't that I wanted to be a sorcerer either. But my talent for working efficiently, and working hard, was best put to good use in a manner where I could help others."
"But you still kept the suit?"
"Indeed. The suit reminds me of who I am, at heart. I've never wanted more than a regular life. I never will want more. If I have to exorcise spirits looking like I used to as a salaryman, then so be it. Let the spirits experience my effort, my work ethic, my real and very ordinary self."
There was a long silence, broken only by the sound of Nanami's footsteps on the damp paving stones that led to the car park. Ino gave a weak chuckle.
"Ordinary? You know, I think I can get behind that."
"You can?"
"Yeah. I'm pretty much a regular guy too. But you know, Nanami ... "
The younger man's voice trailed off, and for a moment, Nanami thought he had drifted off into an exhausted sleep. Then Ino spoke again.
"I don't think you give yourself enough credit. There's a reason I wanna be like you, more than other sorcerers. If being a run-of-the-mill guy means always choosing to put other people first, if it means choosing to do what you feel is right, and if it means ... that when you're gone, someday in the future, people will always remember the things you taught them and miss you like hell, then you wouldn't call yourself that ordinary, would you?"
Nanami was quiet for a long time after that.
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Ino had never felt greater relief than when he was able to shower at Jujutsu Tech later that night, sling on a clean tracksuit and receive some treatment from Ieiri for his bruised and twisted shoulder. Feeling far more human, he made his way down to the foyer, wondering what he could have for a late-night snack.
To his surprise, Nanami was waiting for him.
"You're still here? I thought you'd have left already."
Namami held up a small bag.
"You left your jacket behind in the car."
"Ah." Ino scratched the back of his head. "Thanks. But I don't think I'll be wearing that again."
"Understandable. But, if you like, I can take you to my tailor to make some ... additions to your regular work clothes. You can still look your best, even while comfortable, you know."
Ino brightened considerably at this.
"Oh? I never thought of that."
"And I suppose you're hungry after the mission. We can go and get fried chicken and beer."
Whooping slightly, the younger sorcerer loped happily out the front doors, before stopping and glancing back at Nanami sheepishly.
"Uh, I'm kinda broke right now after splashing out on that suit ... "
"I'm paying."
"Now we're talking!"
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mamaspidershit · 2 months
Maria: What do we say when making bread? Natasha, glumly: That's the dough rising. Maria: And what do we NOT say? Peter, sadly: That's the yeast fucking.
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nyxdimandis · 3 months
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fanart/sketches for @pennedinblood 's absolutely delightful radiostatic fic, Romantic Homicide. i couldn't resist the urge to draw something for it, it's simply so good, everyone go give it a read
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Somebody needs to draw Hobie Brown in this shirt has anyone drawn him in this shirt Hobie needs this shirt cause this is a shirt he would absolutely wear
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utane · 6 months
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Sannet, chief curator of Solemnace Sassmaster extraordinaire and short king
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mengyanchen · 2 months
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he's so funny HELP
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blueteller · 5 months
People at Cale: Hey dude you look like the perfect god to worship right Cale:
“A god my a**. Do they feed you if you become a god?”
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angel13xo · 1 month
see guys natsu saying sorry to lucy in the recent episode IS A BIG THING RIGHHTT???
like im not crazy that should've been a way bigger, more serious moment!!!! (why'd he make that weird ass joke after he's never made any joke like that before 💀😭)
and i'm pretty sure he doesn't say sorry often or even at all (he probably does and i don't remember *goldfish brain*)
(sorry for the rant - i'm also not caught up in the manga - not a manga reader really but maybe one day - )
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nmoroder · 7 months
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Meursault askblog post #4: what is your opinion on N Corp's concepts/values?
Askblog tag: #nmoroder meursault ask Please see pinned blog post before asking questions!
Another one based on uhh assumptions about Meursault's personality (or at least the hints we have) and his former employers' way of work. I'm quite sure that's a delicate subject for him, hence he politely declined answering any questions in front of everyone, but I figure he'd shed some more light on it if asked by a single person. It's also funny how Gregor's the one he talks to mostly so far, sure thing there's only been 4 posts but in 2 of them Meursault has a conversation with him. Guess I just consider Greg the kind of person you'd have a good talk with.
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