#this makes me so angry. obv cause I relate to it
aromantic-shadow · 1 year
Still thinking. Maybe this is influenced by the fact that I’m a real life goth with grief and mental illness and Angst and past emotional neglect but the way Most People have treated Shadow since Shadow the Hedgehog 05 has been so dismissive.
Like, yes, he is a edgy motorcycle-riding PTSD-ridden teenager with almost no communication skills beyond hitting the problem until it goes away. And that’s the point!
It feels redundant to say on Tumblr where we’re all mentally ill and love a dysfunctional edgelord(/affectionate), but the fact that he is a dysfunctional edgelord is the point and doesn’t mean he isn’t worthy of respect. Honestly, so much of the writing I hate seems to be the writers having a lack of respect for Shadow, and vice versa.
Let’s look at some examples. Sonic 06? Deeply respects him, acknowledges his character arc, his insecurities, and his strengths while also letting him be a loose cannon with no communication skills who gets himself Stranded In the Future for almost no reason. Rouge spends almost the whole game shaking her head at him, but when he’s in turmoil she says “even if you believe the whole world is against you, know that I’ll always be by your side.” Omega and Rouge take his fears seriously, and they both have his back in the finale.
Forces? He’s… there. Honestly so little focus is put on him that they couldn’t really screw up. He’s in character, for the little time he’s around. The other characters don’t seem to acknowledge his existence though, besides a brief “why would Shadow help the enemy” speech right before they reunite with no feeling behind it.
Boom (specifically the show)? Don’t get me wrong, I find Boom Shadow hilarious. Watching him beat up Team Sonic can always cheer me up. But despite being mandated not to make jokes, he somehow manages to be the butt of the joke. Watching it leaves you with the impression that he’s an idiot (/derogatory) with no understandable emotions who exists to beat up Sonic and be a Problem for no reason. He’s not intimidating (well he is when compared to everyone else but in a Broader Context), he’s an Edgelord that we’re supposed to point and laugh at.
Prime? He spends the entire show pounding Sonic into the ground while telling him to listen. His motivations are clear (get answers, get his frustrations out, find a solution, get revenge), his emotions are justified (even if his response is a bit overboard)- Sonic introduces Shadow as “a real buzzkill, and also, he rollerskates!” He’s allowed to be cool. He’s allowed to be a little shit. He’s allowed to be a foil to Sonic in every way I’ve been missing.
IDW? I actually have little problem with his introduction. The first peal of doom comes from Rouge’s treatment of him; when he runs off, she talks about Shadow like an unstoppable force that cannot he reasoned with- which he is, but she and the Chaotix talk about those character traits like they’re an annoyance or an obstacle. Rouge treats him like a tool to manipulate- and Rouge is a manipulator, don’t get me wrong, she’s selfish, but she also cares about Shadow, even when he’s being an edgy 15 year old (just look at 06).
That’s all of IDW- Shadow is an annoyance, a loose cannon “getting in their way”, messing up the plan by being reckless and independent and violent. The scene in issue 19 bothers me for a lot of reasons, but that’s the main stickler. Rouge and Sonic talk about him like he doesn’t care about the survivors (you could argue this point, but I’d say that while Shadow tends to use violence, he’s doing it for what he considers good reasons, not just for his ego). Shadow’s stupidity in the fight is treated as, well, stupidity- which, fair. I think the scrapped idea of him taking off his inhibitors would have at least let him be cool, go out with some dignity. But his “death” isn’t a tragedy, it’s a problem. Rouge is the only one who mourns him.
Idk- as someone who grew up as the bullied outcast, whose emotions were an inconvenience and an annoyance, who, if he tried to be himself, was just “too much”- it hits close to home.
(I haven’t read the newest IDW issues (I love my local library but could y’all PLEASE get the latest issues???), but from what little I’ve seen, the difference seems to be that Shadow is treated with dignity. Yeah, he’s mean to Sonic- of course!- but he’s also angered by the clones- “they don’t deserve to wear my face”- and that’s treated as legitimate rather than “ugh, Shadow’s ego causing us problems again.” And they let him be cool.)
TLDR: some of y’all really don’t want teenagers to have inconvenient emotions and it is not a good look. People are messy, stupid, take up space, and often don’t make sense, and they still deserve to be treated as people.
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corvidae-corvus · 10 months
My Spiderman & Batman Fanfic (WIP): Not a prompt just from the fanfic I'm writing. Check Pin
Ideas #1:
So anyways, I started to think rlly hard about the fanfic and I realized that Instead of Peter going to Gotham right after NWH, I decided that he would die by the Inheritors instead.
I thought about this for a couple reasons:
• I needed to age Peter up a bit so it'd be easier for Peter and Jason to be in a relationship. This also helps with the timeline. So I decided that Peter will be 20 when he dies. Jason will also be 20 or 20-22 yrs old. (Still not sure how I want to write his relationship w/ the bat-family)
• I wanted to give him time to be on his own. I like the idea of him having support and a family but I needed to get him alone first. And since his parents will also be resurrected in the DC verse. His loneliness in those 2 years will play a VITAL role in his story. So 2 years will pass since NWH. I wanted him to still be fresh in his grief for May cause angst, but not too fresh because I want complicated feelings lol. And angst.
• I wanted him to be more experienced in crime fighting. I've read fanfic where he's just so unprepared for Gotham's harshness that he's really fucking struggling. And it kinda makes me go eeeeehhhhhhhh. And as much as I love it. (Cause I do, I like the angst) I also wanted to make him competent AND more dangerous. This is a Peter who's lost HIS WHOLE FAMILY!!! And then he gets them back!? Yeah Peter's morals bend so easily for them. And he's not gonna let a city bring him down. He's gonna live and protect his family, no matter what. What I'm trying to say is that Peter's gonna be a bit more overpowered. Not too much obv. And angry. Rlly fucking angry.
• I wanted Jason and Peter to be together in a romantic relationship and so I wanted to age Peter up instead of having him be with Jason when he's still angry with Batman
I just realized that In my fic Richard Parker and Dick are the same person just different variants of one another. Like they LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME!!! (In my fic that I'm working on)
Like. What age did Richard die!? My head cannon is that he had Peter when he was 25. So he dies at like 30. And Dick is like 5-8 years older than Jason right??? So like Dick is around 25-28 years old during this time!?
Would this make Peter/Jason weird??? I need to know. Should I make like Richard and Dick be only a quarter related??? Or not related at all!? AHHH I DON'T KNOW!? I mean I want Peter/Jason cause it's an easy way to connect Peter to the Bats but also cause I think Peter/Jason would be rlly fucking cute??
CAUSE LIKE- wouldn't it be weird to date a guy whose biological dad is related to your adopted brother??
Fuxk- should I just have it that Richard and Dick aren't actually related and Richard just looks like him (doppelganger) so that they can date or that Peter and Jason never date?
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Round 4 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Knuckles is very heavily Christ-coded - walking on water, resurrection, prophecies, the whole nine yards. Not necessarily Catholic specifically, but I feel like there’s a comparison to be made between the Brotherhood and the Catholic Church as a structure. Also he’s made it to the semi finals of the Christ coded tournament if that means anything to you
God this whole thing was literally insane. Also pretty much completely forgotten as soon as p*nders was off the comic, which was probably for the best tbh.
Ken penders did a lot of wierd fucking bullshit, and made knuckles literally Jesus.
Nothing left to say except another fuck ken penders.
In the Archie comics, Knuckles inherits the role of being a spiritual leader to a lost tribe of Echnidnas, that have been wandering, searching for their prophesied homeland for centuries. Knuckles is the one to finally lead them there.
He also dies and comes back, and because of this is hailed as the prophesied “Avatar” by his people, the one who’s supposed to bring peace to their planet, Mobius. Cannot for the life of me remember where this went though.
It maybe isn’t allegorical as much as it is the writer thinking putting Judeo-Christian themes would make it cool or something. But the comparison to Jesus is at least intentional, whereas it probably isn’t with Shadow.
In sonic destruction (the AI generated fan thing snapcube made a while ago) shadow was catholic or something which I think is reallyyyyyyy funny
Ok listen. I know this is a stretch but hear me out. He says “oh my God” in the Twitter takeovers so we know this is a possibility. I see him as a Christ-like figure because I saw his whole confrontation with Mephiles and was like “this is a thing that happened in the Bible??” and the pose Mephiles shows him in is literally like a crucifixion and Mephiles is meant to be a demon / false prophet reference. And also he’s called a demon in Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 then the guy who calls him that is like “I was wrong I’m sorry” and that also reminds me of a thing with Jesus in The Bible. But the biggest reason is his whole thing with Maria cause I think he’d come to earth and hear Ave Maria once and convert to Catholicism idk he’s like we’re comforted by a female familial figure named Mary sometimes called Maria?? And her color is blue????? Heck yeah I’m in because I Will Cry. Also feel free to share this as propaganda obv even if he doesn’t get in the bracket just. It’s funny.
I feel like he’d battle a lot with being seen or portrayed as a demon and how the aliens he’s related to very much look and act like demons idk lmao- and also I feel like confession would just be good for him I think he needs it for his mental health
There is a debate on the lovely website tunblr that Shadow T. Hedgehog is an allegory for Jesus Christ.
He is Jesus, idk what to tell you. He lived, he was sealed away, he was awakened again and deemed the ultimate lifeforms, he’s angry but not evil, does what he believes is best for people and the world at any given time. Total loser.
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aspisera · 11 months
Aspisera's Masterpost of the Deltarune Escapism Theory Character Connections!
Okay so before I start this, I am NOT good at writing.
This is my take on the connections in the Escapism Theory for Deltarune. I’m going to be naming off points on a descending scale with how outlandish the connection to characters are. 
It will descend like this:
(thank you @stunfiskz for humoring my take on Noelle when I first thought of it)
Here we go:
Susie - Jevil and King
To me (and others, I’m sure) King and Jevil have strong connections to Susie. King is basically how Susie confronts her abandonment issues. 
Instead of crying about it, she gets angry and lashes out. In the fight she has with Lancer, she goes on the offensive instantly. Choosing to get aggressive about it because she’s tired of people leaving her behind; loyalty means a lot to her. King is the same way because of the Lightner’s abandoning his kingdom. He grows jaded and coarse while developing a vendetta. He does everything in his power to make the Lighteners leave, to trap them, or to kill them so they don’t cause more issues.
With Jevil it’s a bit different. Jevil is more related to Susie’s nihilism and cynicism (particularly being concerned with her own interest in Chapter 1). Susie and Jevil both subscribe to “Our actions hold no value so what’s the point in conformity?” as they both show how they can care less about the safety of others or the larger problem at hand (e.g. The Roaring). Towards the end of Chapter 1, we can see Susie start to care about other people a bit more. Thanking Kris and becoming their friend. She also warms up to Ralsei a bit. And when you defeat Jevil in both endings, he accepts your kinship and helps you in battle (Either as Jevilstail (Armor) or Devilsknife (Weapon)). Just like how Susie went into your part (with Lancer) after you defeated them.
Kris - Spamton and Lancer
I know what you’re thinking “What do you mean Lancer?” but stick with me, I promise.
Kris and Spamton may seem like a fairly obvious comparison… So why is it down here? Some may not have looked deep enough. It’s not just about puppets on strings, no, it’s about depression. 
From the beginning, we can tell Kris has low motivation, sleeps in, and ignores school responsibilities, and it’s probably because Kris is depressed. Their brother is away, they feel like an outcast, they’re being bullied in school by Susie (in the beginning), and their parent’s have a broken marriage (which doesn’t help). Spamton reflects this: Mike not returning the calls, being removed as an Addison and being laughed at because of his failures, and him being broken himself.
Both him and Kris want to change and go back to how things were but they’re both grasping at straws. Nothing seems to be working, especially for Spamton. To Kris, Spamton is what they could have been if the Soul didn’t step in. Kris relates to Spamton on such a high emotional level that they have a mental breakdown after the fight with NEO. It makes them reflect on what they have now and how they might’ve turned out. Same with how Spamton appreciated Mike being there for him… until he wasn’t.
Lancer and Kris are a bit harder to explain and also ties in with Noelle’s comparisons. Lancer is shown as a goofball, a silly guy, a child. Kris is a notorious prankster and is basically the town weirdo. They both have their victim of choice for most of their jokes and have obsessions with things people consider unorthodox (digging holes and knives). But Kris and Lancer are also connected in the sense that Kris is afraid of getting close to people just like how Lancer is. Lancer is scared of his dad finding out but Kris is worried about driving people away. Kris most definitely has a history of making people not like them and so does Lancer. Lancer admits himself that none of the basic enemies really listen to him and only do so because he’s the King’s son.
Noelle - Queen (obvs) and Rouxls Kaard
Told you it would tie in. Queen isn’t hard to understand when relating her to Noelle. Queen uses Noelle and likes her because she can manipulate her well as Noelle is a pushover and a people-pleaser. And, of course, that ties in with how Queen is like Noelle’s Mom. Always pushing her to do her best in school so she can keep up the image of their family. She can’t have Noelle flunking like she did on that spelling bee. 
Rouxls Kaard is fun to explain. Both Noelle and Kaard are looking for a greater purpose as they both feel like they have more meaning to themselves other than doing good in school or making puzzles. Noelle wants to do what she wants but feels pressured by her mom to keep going. Kaard wants to do his own thing, too. Making puzzles isn’t fun for him but he keeps doing it because he feels like he needs to. Though there’s greater purpose in sticking with Kris and Lancer. Kris can provide a journey and a possibility at finding something that means more than academics. Taking care of Lancer gives Kaard a HUGE purpose. He plays around with the idea of being a second father to Lancer but is scared of how to approach it, just like how Noelle is stuck thinking the trip to the Darkworld is all a dream.
Berdly - just Swatch (for now)
Berdly’s is gonna be short and sweet. I think Swatch is who Berdly wants to be. Berdly masks himself as acting smart, charming, and tough all at the same time. Swatch is pretty much all of those things. Swatch is smart but you don’t get upset because they don’t come off as condescending, not to mention him being fuckin’ BUILT.
That’s pretty much it. I doubt this thing is comprehensible in a literary sense but I don’t write often so I hope all of my points get across nonetheless. I decided to make this post to finally tie into Stunfiskz’s drawing of Noelle and Rouxls Kaard’s sprites making the same faces and not let people just sit in the dark.
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krikeymate · 1 year
What do you want to happen for scream 7, mainly for Sam and Tara obv, and what do you think will happen for scream 7 Sam and Tara?
This is all from taking exactly what is seen in the movies, no consideration of my additional analysis or headcanons.
What's most important for me to see in 7:
Another sister-focused story.
Sam & Tara in sync and working together.
They end the movie alive and together.
What I really want to see:
Their mother appears. I don't care if she's Ghostface or just a red herring. I want her to be a bitchy POS here to cause problems. You could even make her a Jennifer Jolie type character.
A continuation of Tara struggling with her trauma & her being angry at her mother. I actually think Sam is more likely to try and get along with her than Tara; Tara is emotional and reactive.
At least one scene of Sam doing something 'adult' that quickly falls apart - I'm imagining something along the lines of putting together flatpack furniture that looks finished and then collapses, or having a phone call and then hanging up and bitching about whoever was on the other end only for them to say I'm still here and she had missed the end call button.
Just more affection between the sisters. There wasn't enough physical contact in 6.
Tara going absolutely apeshit. She see's Sam is seriously hurt, or even thinks she's dead, and she just loses it. She goes all 'Sam' on the Ghostface.
The location staying in New York.
What I really don't want to happen:
Return of Sidney. The situation with Neve sucks, but 6 did not need Sidney, it allowed Sam to shine, and I do not want Sidney to come back to be honest. I think Kirby is going to exist as a legacy substitute for her, and I think that works well.
Sam & Tara being pushed apart or feel like they are growing apart. Or their deaths obviously.
A pregnancy plot. The number of people who I see talking about either of them being pregnant is wack, especially Tara.
No more Stu references. I'm tired of Stu is alive truthers.
Other thoughts:
I think if we get a return to Woodsboro then I could see a Martha Meeks opening kill over a Christina kill. Side note, Reddit seems to love her character and I do not get it.
I don't mind the Billy hallucinations, unlike a lot of people it seems, but I don't think we need them in 7. We know Sam's meds do work, it acknowledges that this prevents the hallucinations. A nice small way to show her development is that she doesn't see him any more. You could even have a moment where Sam kind of wishes she could see him so he could give her advice - even though that advice is actually from the darker parts of herself she doesn't want to acknowledge.
The general assumption is that 5-6-7 are going to be a trilogy, but no-one responsible has actually outright said that. I would love for at least one more movie after 7 with a focus on the sisters.
I don't think we'll get a 'mastermind' reveal.
I think Chad should die in 7. I've spoken about this before, but the emphasis on Chad being strong and a jock just means he isn't the type of character to run from a Ghostface. Given how they've injured him in the past 2 movies as well, they've got to find a balance between 'well he's already had worse' and 'you were already stretching the realms of disbelief but this is actually ridiculous'. Older fans are already sour that they didn't kill any returning characters in 6, but they were happy to kill Dewey in 5. So there's that to take into consideration. HOWEVER, I could genuinely see them not killing any of the C4 and I wouldn't hate that. The thing is, when Dewey died, it was 25 years later, he was 50. This guy lived a full life. Our Core 4 are so young.
Mindy should get to make it to Act 3 with Chad being taken out of the running earlier.
I would like some Danny & Tara shenanigans.
I would also really like for Tara to be the actual end target of the Ghostface for reasons related to her instead of Sam. That could be hard to pull off, but I would love for a sibling of Amber's to show up and try to kill Sam because Tara killed their sister, just for the line Amber loved you, and you killed her for it. Great opportunity for Tara to finally acknowledge Amber and her anger at her and just call her a crazy bitch. They wouldn't do that though, we just had a revenge plot. But if they did, the sibling could be hidden in plain sight never seen by our protagonists and only side characters just like Mrs Loomis in 2. ALSO, I'm actually writing something that references this, but we all assume that Christina hates Sam/loves Tara, but what if it's actually the other way around. I think it could be spun that she wants Sam to be Billy 2.0, and Tara gets in the way of that. It would be a reach, but I think it could happen.
Anyway, it's virtually impossible to speculate on 7 until it's actually well underway and we have details to scrutinize.
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inoghmia · 2 years
As an aro person, seeing jayvik is really getting on my nerves
Just hear me out
When I watched arcane I really liked Jayce’s and Viktors relationship. It’s professional, it’s intimate, it’s that specific type of love you have for someone that just gets you and its muddied with the disconnection they have in other things, like their upbringing, politics which is something that creates this barrier between them, it’s this one small for them but ultimately always in the background thing that will eventually drive them apart - I genuinely love it
It’s also platonic.
Viktor had an objectively kinda shitty childhood, not being able to play with younger kids, growing up misunderstood for his genius, being seen as a “cripple from the undercity” later on, even if he became assistant to the dean of Piltover’s best academy, he probably never had anyone close in his life (not talking abt his parents cause they weren’t mentioned in arcane). He deserves a friend
Viktor and Jayce click, they finally found an equal that operates on the same wavelength, has the same goal in life and is a great work partner. They themselves are great and fun characters, and they have this amazing story line and relationship I love them really
So I wanted to read fanfics about them and then I found jayvik.
I was honestly appalled by it, really just being angry at the fandom for this ship being seemingly everywhere. But I’m someone who doesn’t want to judge so I’ve read a few fanfics and altho they are imo all extremely out of character, the stories themselves are greatly written and stand on their own.
I don’t have an issue with jayvik, I myself like it for comedy
But there’s literally barely anything not jayvik related and it really makes me depressed, cause I feel like a lot of people (not everyone obv) ship them cause friendship “isn’t enough”.
All aromantics can probably agree that it’s really disheartening how often this happens, how it’s a socially accepted truth that romantic love is above friendship and that’s just simply not true. Friendship, true actual friendship, aka someone willing to sacrifice anything for you, kill for you, die for you, they are your ride or die, they’ll always have your back, they are there for you for when you’re broken and when youre at your best, they pick you up, they are the reason you want to be better - is absolutely equal to romantic love.
The thing is, it’s just as much effort to acquire as love, because it is exactly that, it’s just a different kind of love, but people think that it’s for some reason a given. As if friendship is obvious and meaningless and only love is what matters. And this just hurts to see. I see it irl all the time and I see it especially in fandoms.
How many fanfics do you see or two characters being friends? They may be in the background, but usually it’s all just romance, sex, drama, it’s exhausting and after some time heartbreaking, cause it feels like someone is taking that beautiful thing, that platonic love, and basically spitting in your face that it’s boring and meaningless
I understand that people can ship characters for fun and that’s fine it’s just that I sometimes wish that we could see platonic relationships on the same level as romantic and this is just another example of that
And if the writers are gonna ship them because fans want it I’m going to cry no joke, cause it’s just another slap in the face of how we can’t have intimate friendships without it being romantic
This was just me ranting at literally 4 in the morning
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passanima · 2 years
tag from foot2rue is gay, here’s the receipt (just copy/pasting my live reaction to watching season 1 to friends)
1/ there's a sort of love triangle between two guys and a girl. the situation is that guy 1 and 2 are childhood besties that spend all their time together but one day a girl becomes part of their friend group. guy 2 gets a crush on her immediatly and guy 1 get PISSED and for a good almost 10 eps it REALLY looks like he's jealous that guy 2 pay attention to her, and not... what they meant to convey, that he supposedly has a crush on her also
2/ the boring het couple are together now BUT as soon as they are there's a jealousy ep (couldn't wait a bit longer to make them look like a real couple even) and THE DUDE. get jealous. in the MOST gay way like. talks about his "rival" like "he's so cool, and nice, and handsome, i get why she would prefer him to me" like do you hear yourself boy????? he tries to do the "angry boyfriend" thing of talking to the dude but gets flustered instead cause the guy just too handsome like COME ON writers
3/ in one ep he runs away and the only person he tells/says goodbye to is one of his guy friend (not even bestie, but another i can totally see him have a crush on), and not his "gf"
4/ other ep bestie isn't here and everyone is midly upset... expect main dude who is VERY upset, like nothing can cheer him up upset. gay boy. he's so upset his other friends are annoyed about it
5/ same ep: cause bestie isn't there they have to find another player and mc decide to pick their nemesis, his teammates are like "you lost your fuckin mind" but he goes on a monologue about how nemesis deserves a chance and he can relate to him and shit like BOY 
if there's no enemy to lover fic about these two, the fuck is this fandom doing
it's like poetry... the closeted gay boy who feels he would be rejected at any moment if his peers knew about him, and while he's currently popular, can't help but be stressed about this possibility so much he doesn't really fit in (from his point of view) and looks at how his nemesis is rejected by everyone for being openly himself (tho not about his sexuality) and think "we're the same" hence why he reach for him even if it means all his friends being mad at him... for the hope that if he gets rejected just like the nemesis one day, maybe at least one person would do the same thing he just did for that dude
5/ i legit gasped LOUDLY cause holy shit the dramaaaa
obv the rest of the team don't want to play with the nemesis so they're playing badly and almost loosing until nemesis has no choice but give up 
mc is like "the fuck is your problem" to teammates and they're like "we'd rather play as 4" (there's 5 people in teams) and mc is like "yeah? well get ready to play at 3" 
and fuckin LEAVES
with the NEMESIS 
6/ this boy gonna make me faint... they just won the match that qualified them to the final and he LEFT before his team even started to go all YEAAAAH to follow the nemesis, like, this was more important to him
7/ next ep: mc gets up in the night and guess who he meets? his nemesis. who CHEERS him up, even tho they couldn't stand each other until last ep but mc being on his side must have meant so much to him they're on good terms now
also mc is sad over the thought of loosing his friends (in text, he has no real reason to believe he's gonna lose them)(in gay reading tho? oooooh boy) and AGAIN the way he talk to ex-nemesis about it, the one he relate the most to? bitch........
8/ i'm crying laughing....... ex-nemesis after all that "and your gf?" as in, what does she think of all this, and tag says he didn't tell her any of it (cause again the only one he felt like telling is ex-nemesis) and then PROMPTLY change the subject like i'm banging my fist on the table DUDE
9/ the fact that mc gets upset at his "gf" all the fuckin time but never treat his guy friends/crush that way (he had ONE fight with bestie but apologized quickly and it was a whole scene)(has he ever apologized to her? maybe once over all the times they got mad at each other)
10/ mc chose to babysit a kid even tho he had a date planned with his "gf", ditching her like he'd... rather do that, than spend time with her
11/ SCREAMING end of ep there's a good news for the team, everyone is cheering then the fuckin ex-nemesis enters frame but far away from them and winks 
for a sec i was like "who the fuck is he winking to? the audience?" but THEN zoom on mc's face, who winks back (he's the only one who saw nemesis, and og wink was meant for him precisely) like can you guys... stop... doing this to me
12/ i counted 4 boys tag seems to have a crush on in only 1 season
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Unpopular MASH opinion: Charles >>>>> BJ. He’s more handsome too and DOS was a much better actor.
Hi Anon! Sorry for the delay in answering this; I admit I'd been a bit nervous about angering people with it, but people are already angry with me today :P
anyways SO TRUE BESTIE!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! You came to the right place anon this is the Charles Love Blog and we have a sign out front that says No BJ Allowed Except On Ensemble Cast Business
I will say for the sake of fairness that regarding acting, I would never say anything disparaging about Mr. Farrell’s abilities. This is not because I know how to tell when acting is good or not but because I saw a clip of a pro-LGBT commercial PSA he did back in the 80′s. Mr. Substitute Trapper I honestly seriously salute and respect you. 
Of course in regards to petty subjective things such as which character I think is more sexy and interesting I BELIEVE IN DOS SUPREMACY >:) 
Actually in regards to which character is “better” first off I do assume we mean better as in more fascinating to me instead of like, a better person. Obvs we are forced to concede BJ to be a better person objectively by virtue of not having lines disparaging socialized medicine every episode. But then again if we’re judging characters this way the only truly good characters are Maxwell and Francis. Hey wait that’s actually true--
I think the reason I find Charles more interesting is simply that I find his neuroses more relatable tbh. They’re both these standard middle aged men but BJ has standard middle aged man problems and Charles, god bless him, has teenage girl problems. I’m desperate for my dad’s love and approval! I have to take care of my little sister! My family controls who I can and can’t date! I’m lonely and it’s really hard to make friends! Like ok BJ I’m sorry you’re all worried about your wife cheating on you after you cheated on her but some of us have real struggles. babygirl here is afraid of going to the dentist :(
Most importantly I’m so glad you specified Charles being handsome cause he IS he’s SO handsome <3<3<3 I wish more people would be gross and objectify him with me tbh. Too much talk on here about Trapper and BJ’s relative dick sizes and not nearly enough talk about how Charles is over a foot taller than me and could easily lift me and throw me on a bed and hold me down one-handed while he ******* *** ****** ** ******** ****. And also his eyes are so pretty!
Sorry this was a rambling incoherent answer I got too excited about Charles to make sense. Conclusion: unpopular opinion APPROVED! Everyone please send me your unpopular or strange MASH opinions please I want to hear all of them especially if they’re about creative uses for Charles’ white silk scarf ;)
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years
[ i’m not one to really give my opinions on games in my tumblr
but i was replaying through 5.3 (and some thoughts visiting 5.0 again) on maximiloix to get him caught up and g o d do i just have... a little bit to say (funny, really) but there’s spoilers, and i know a couple people who follow me who haven’t done it yet - so i’mma put it under the cut for anyone interested in my rambles ]
[ so. like.
first. still sobbing about 5.3 and its build up, and don’t think i’ll ever get over it, especially after doing it a second time. knowing what’s going to happen, i think made it almost worse - it made all those conversations make sense and its just. hhhhh i love it so much.
next. the solo instance where elidibus takes you through amaurot fighting the people from your past adventures, the people you’ve grown to care about and love. g o d when i did that the first time, i think i literally cried. my heart hurt so much and i just wanted to refuse to fight.
but there’s a reason why maximiloix is in a group in the wol!au i have... because. if it were just him going through, just him as the wol. that part wouldn’t have hurt him. he probably would’ve responded with something like “i’m flattered you think i care” or like “i don’t think you know me as well as you think you do” and then just slaughter them all anyways with zero hesitation (honestly, if it came down to it, he probably would only hesitate with alphinaud, alisaie, or ryne - they’re kids! they didn’t ask for this! but, uh. that’s just hesitation. maybe like thirty seconds later he’d go “aw fuck it”). maximiloix would make the worst wol if he were traveling on his own with no one to keep him in check. i just found that so funny to me.
if it were just him, he honestly prolly wouldn’t be a wol. he would’ve sided with the ascians hands down without hesitation. if it wasn’t before, then it definitely would’ve been with amaurot - he probably would’ve dropped his weapon and go “yeah, that makes sense”... and then leave it be. and if he didn’t, whatever semblance of a heart he has left would have gone out to them as he learned more... even more so when he would realize that elidibus was just a child at the heart of it all. (that part really fucked me up for a bit)
obvs really late to the party here, mostly because severe anxiety and i don’t like getting caught up in shit like this
so. i saw a lot of posts going around at the time of 5.0 talking about “i hate emet-selch so much why would i want to fucking remember you” or “nope just gonna forget it cause fuck you” - i can understand peoples’ dislikes of emet-selch, as like, a person (as a character, damn. that’s some good writing and you can’t deny that) - yeah, he’s a fascist. he’s an absolute dick. there’s no atoning for shit like that irl but.
its like. my first thought reading all of that was.
“do people have reading comprehension? like. at all?”
he wasn’t saying “remember me”, he was saying “remember us” , y’know. remember that there were people before you. remember that our people suffered greatly because you are our legacy. remember not to repeat the mistakes of the past. remember all of these people that gave their lives to give you yours.
“history is learned, not lived”
literally from the game itself. this whole game is littered with gems like that. absolutely full of relatable lines, whether they be comedic or serious. this game is filled with so much that can be applied to our own lives.
“to take action is to hope. to believe-- to choose to believe, is to take the first step towards a brighter future.” “but if i may give voice to a personal desire... i rather you lived.” “the time left to you is precious” “if it is folly to hope, i am content to die a fool” “but come, turn your gaze to the window, my friend. the rains have ceased and we have been graced with another beautiful day”
“remember us. remember that we once lived.”
and so many more!! even the lyrics of some of the songs are so beautifully written and full of raw emotion that at some point, we can resonate with them.
there’s a post going around... talking about how, as people, we are desperate to be remembered. we write in diaries, we keep receipts of complaints from customers when they diss you about your poor-quality copper, we make etchings on walls of the days passed and our heights as we grow, we leave behind memoirs of times lost to us. so many of us strive for greatness... because we want to be remembered. we want to be learned. we want to be heard. we want our names to be remembered, our stories and our voices... and none of us will see that in the end. sure. family will be there - your pictures will be hung for the next few decades... but after it all? no one’s going to remember who you were in fifty, eighty, a hundred, a thousand, a million years from now. so the best we can do is to preserve what we have. to immortalize the tiny pieces of ourselves. the shitty artwork you drew when you were five, the remains of torn books and libraries, dirty figurines, hell - even the stains left in the walls and carpets of your old home. we make time capsules for a reason. all of us, collectively, are screaming out: “i lived! remember me, please! i was here, i lived, i learned, i loved! i cried, i got embarrassed, i got angry - but i was here! please remember me - remember us!”
is that not the same of what he’s saying? he doesn’t care if you remember him specifically. (would it matter to him? maybe? he’s a fictional character y’all, i can’t speak for his writers) but the message isn’t to remember him and all the things he did in his life. it was to remember that they were people. they tried their best. they failed, but they tried. and they existed. they loved. they cried. they grew. they mourned. they made mistakes.
it really peeves- maybe not in a “makes me angry sense”, but kinda annoys- me, even now, that people would throw away such an amazing message... simply because a fictional character did bad things in a fictional world, or just didn’t like them, said it.  it really is a beautiful and terrifyingly sad message that people didn’t seem to get because they were focused on who said it. this is a sentiment everyone has shared, even if they didn’t know it. 
for me, it really spoke. shadowbringers is, and was, one of the best expansions, i’ll say it. not just for the story but for the overall message of it. it’s fantastic. and i really hope that the people who made those comments - they won’t read this, i don’t think - but... i hope the rest of the expansion after that moment gave them that realization.
sorry for that huge vent/rant y’all. i just, that had been burning in my head for so long now and i finally got the words to say it. if you read through it all, thank you! and please don’t spread negativity on this subject. if you want to say something negative, just move on, please. it’s not worth my nor your time. you can make your own post about it, just don’t leave it on mine.
but seriously, thank you for going through all this. and trust me, it may not matter now - but i’ll remember you. i will. i’ll remember the wonderful people here in the small ways i do. ]
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cassyapper · 4 years
thank u for the wheel umm can i order 1 discussion of the religious symbolisms in jojos cuz it’s my FAV thing ever
heads up this will b messy i’ll do my best to organize However, i will not be great at it,
also this will have heavy jojo spoilers for all parts probably so um. </3 tread carefully
also this got kinda rambly so here’s a cut <3
- romulus vs remus just makes me think of dio vs jonathan. two brothers raised by the same parent and yet one still kills the other in the end in order to achieve what he believes will be greatness   - jonathan is a martyrrr his death is exactly like jesus’ in the sense that he could be angry in his final moments but he isn't, and he instead forgives the very thing that’s making him die (jesus with humanity and jonathan with dio) - feel like dio has some judas stuff going on. in his attempt to be happy he betrays and hurts the jesus figures (jonathan and jotaro) in his life but all this does make him even more unsatisfied and results in his death - also jonathan as achilles, doomed to be great but die young, and zepelli as chiron, his wise and older teacher. yeah  - caesar “italian catholic guilt” zeppeli is crushed by a cross that is literally how he dies. </3. there’s a lot u can draw from this to add to caesar’s character arc but the symbolism by itself is just sad. caesar died bc of his own devotion - odysseus and jotaro relate in the sense that both are on such long and perilous journies.......jotaro obv with part 3 but this continues cause he’s never home really which is why his life with his wife and daughter falls apart 🙃 so. - the jotaro and perseus parallels drive me nuts. kill a devil to save his mom. fuck - jotaro and jolyne both have heavy jesus allusion. the conflicts they both face are not the result of their own actions, but the result of their forefathers’ and yet they are sent to clean up the mess. this is the same as jesus being sent as god’s son to cleanse humanity. like jesus, they both had to sacrifice their lives for this cause, just in different ways (jotaro has to devote the rest of his life while jolyne has to end hers early) - polnareff and his stairs scenes with dio and diavolo,,just the set up of the scenes r rlly blatant in their symbolism cause he’s walking UP the stairs when facing dio (god) while he’s looking DOWN the stairs when facing diavolo (the devil). also this can be added to an interesting implication for polnareff’s character cause he never makes it to dio/god and heaven, but diavolo/the devil and hell make it up to him.........just thinking - something something lazarus and avdol something something lazarus and okuyasu something something - kira gives me narcissus vibes cause like his downfall is directly related to his overconfidence in himself which is similar to narcissus - giorno also has jesus vibes cause he’s LITERALLY the son of DIO (GOD!!). and he creates LIFE. it’s literally HIS STAND POWER THAT’S MIRACLE SHIT RIGHT THERE AND THAT IS THE SAME! AS JESUS. - hephaestus being discarded by his parents but still rising up to be one of the 12 most powerful gods gives me big giorno vibes - something something something apollo and hyacinth and abbacchio and bruno - OBVIOUSLY johnny’s whole arc like r u serious? but i think johnny’s more like the lost son than jesus ironically, cause johnny’s whole arc starts with losing himself and who he self-worth and what he values, and then it hones in on his path to rekindling his identity, which is most in line with the lost son parable than anything else. the “loving father” in this case though is not johnny’s actual father but gyro/a crumb of self-esteem JDN;ED[HEO;JD-= - hot “western european catholic guilt” pants being a nun and feeling eternal regret over sacrificing her brother also has saint peter vibes cause saint peter did betray jesus once but he felt so bad abt it and spends the rest of his life devoted to making it right which hot pants does for her brother - the rokakakas in part 8 are just the miracle figs jesus made with a twist that’s literally it im. that’s it <3 - it’s not symbolism exactly but there’s a lot of greek/roman imagery esp in parts 2 and 5 and i think that’s worth noting. ik the majority/all the part takes place in Italy so..duh but it’s!! it’s fitting. jojo draws a lot of its style from roman/greek influences
im sure there’s some shinto symbolism but unfortunately idk enough about shintoism to make the connections 😔 but this is what’s at the top of my head HHH thank u so much once again for asking bro
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bookcub · 4 years
If Kvothe and Denna lived in contemporary era, what type of media (books, music...) do you think they'd like?
I had so much written. . . and then I accidentally hit reload  . . .why am I like this?
Well they are both pretty hipster-y, with their knowledge of obscure plays in their second meeting. Which, like, who can blame them, I have hipster tendencies as well. 
Kvothe, plays: 
Kvothe is obviously a theater nerd. 
He stans Sondheim (he loves those impossibly hard musical arrangements)
he had a Hamilton phase (he’s a nerd about storytelling ofc he loves it) (and loved In the Heights when it first came out, it reminds him of his family)
and Spring Awakening (angry teenagers who want to KNOW things and be treated with RESPECT, heck yeah, he loves that show)
 He loves Shakespeare but tbh, half the reason he loves it is because all his work in in public domain and therefore free to use (Macbeth is his favorite but he’ll pretend it’s something more obscure like Winter’s Tale or something) 
Denna, plays: 
She knows less about musical theater culture, so a little less Pretentious in her likes 
Chicago (because she loves seeing women be like That) (also that aesthetic is great) 
Waitress (she really relates to Jenna and always wants to bake after listening to it)
And she has a soft spot for Grease because she wants to play Rizzo (imagine Denna singing There are Worse Things I Could Do) (is your mind blown?) 
Kvothe, tv shows: 
crazy ex girlfriend (cause this is my blog and I make the rules) (also Kvothe has started every single musical show ever cause he’s a nerd) (and this is his favorite) (because obvs) (he worries about how much he relates to Rebecca) 
jane the virgin (he and sim and wil watched the pilot to be ironic and get drunk but then became emotionally invested and the storytelling is just,,, v good) 
probably mindhunters (is that good???)
ugh and house of cards smh 
and he won’t tell anyone but he binged all seven seasons of gimore girls in like, three weeks 
Denna, tv shows: 
She also watches crazy ex gf (look, the themes of the show line up really well with kkc) (i promise!!) (rebecca’s search to be happy is very moving for denna) 
leverage!!!! (she loves seeing competent people destroy people who abuse power) 
I also think she watches a lot of older sitcoms like Cheers because they are predictable and comforting 
oh and jessica jones makes her very emotional but she absolutely loves it
Kvothe, books: 
I feel like we would have very different taste in books esp based on the fact that pat and i have like barely any overlapping books in our goodreads 
lord of the rings 
harry potter (same) (i think his mom would have read both of these out loud to him along with other books) (like a wrinkle in time) 
gentleman bastards 
lightning struck heart 
the spellman files!!! 
the poppy war???? 
gilded wolves!!! 
Denna, books: 
some girls are 
the giver 
ella enchanted!!! 
six of crows 
howl’s moving castle 
the storyteller (cause why not) 
aristotle and dante discover the secrets to the universe 
kill me softly 
I realize I didn’t do music but I have a play list for Denna here and country music songs I think Kvothe would play here. 
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Round 3 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Well he's an angel so I'm taking him being catholic as canon. There are a lot of themes in the game that point to catholisism specifically.
He's so fucking funny. he listens to nine inch nails and quotes one of the songs in a fight basically "fight me like an animal". he and v1 kind of have this yuri thing going on. he has an official bodypillow. hes a metaphor for being excommunicated and no one gets him like me and my friends do
The *true* Catholic experience is leaving the church and having a gay awakening, ask anyone
its debatable if Gabriel truly believes he's "the one true savior" or is mocking the idea of it
ok im actually gonna write some gabe propaganda bc despite what you may expect from a game called ULTRAKILL theres a lot to be said about his character and how catholicism is represented
Gabriel is a genuinely caring person who struggles to square his desire to help people with his duty as an archangel. He's the only one in Heaven trying to make things better for those in Hell, but his faith is used to manipulate him into committing atrocities against the people he used to protect (see the "TRAITOR" mural in 4-2)
he only realizes his mistakes after losing everything and being sentenced to death, but he still decides with only a little time remaining to try and make things right. for the sake of spoilers i will just say that the measures he takes are... extremely drastic and very enjoyable. i just really like the idea that even facing the end of all living things, no matter how steep your crimes, it is never too late to fix your mistakes. you are never unworthy forgiveness.
hes also SO FUCKING GAY for this dumb little robot. it mauled him so hard he tasted his own blood and he fell in love right there. theres no way this guy has a normal healthy relationship to pain he is soooooooooo fucked. i love him. please vote for Gabriel "patron saint of gay lapsed catholics" Ultrakill !!!!!!!!
In sonic destruction (the AI generated fan thing snapcube made a while ago) shadow was catholic or something which I think is reallyyyyyyy funny
Ok listen. I know this is a stretch but hear me out. He says “oh my God” in the Twitter takeovers so we know this is a possibility. I see him as a Christ-like figure because I saw his whole confrontation with Mephiles and was like “this is a thing that happened in the Bible??” and the pose Mephiles shows him in is literally like a crucifixion and Mephiles is meant to be a demon / false prophet reference. And also he’s called a demon in Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 then the guy who calls him that is like “I was wrong I’m sorry” and that also reminds me of a thing with Jesus in The Bible. But the biggest reason is his whole thing with Maria cause I think he’d come to earth and hear Ave Maria once and convert to Catholicism idk he’s like we’re comforted by a female familial figure named Mary sometimes called Maria?? And her color is blue????? Heck yeah I’m in because I Will Cry. Also feel free to share this as propaganda obv even if he doesn’t get in the bracket just. It’s funny.
I feel like he’d battle a lot with being seen or portrayed as a demon and how the aliens he’s related to very much look and act like demons idk lmao- and also I feel like confession would just be good for him I think he needs it for his mental health
There is a debate on the lovely website tunblr that Shadow T. Hedgehog is an allegory for Jesus Christ.
He is Jesus, idk what to tell you. He lived, he was sealed away, he was awakened again and deemed the ultimate lifeforms, he’s angry but not evil, does what he believes is best for people and the world at any given time. Total loser.
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smoliboops · 4 years
the egos as different (new who) incarnations of the Doctor: revisted
(havent written an analysis type of thing in a while, miss sharing ideas with people in general aha :’D)
originally 2am thoughts/concepts that i might draw aka revisiting the concept of the egos as different regenerations of the doctor (debate and additions are welcome):
schneeplestein- nine
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(first regeneration after the time war and as such major guilt and lonliness from being the sole survivor who also had to be the one to end it. this paralleling to schneep’s 9 month disappearance and his possible guilt resulting from the events of say goodbye and moreso kill jse (as well as schneep probably doing risky things in the name of stopping anti). other things including, sass, calling humans “stupid apes”, rational, angry sometimes, but can appreciate the ancient human music that is tainted love, saving their friend/companion and telling them to live a good life as they head off to face their longtime enemy,the pain you see on his face when he gets compared to said enemy (”you would make a good puppet dalek), bananas being good source of potassium)
chase- ten
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(is kind of a mess but a cool mess, generally the most emotional/human of the incarnations, starts off as a cool, charismatic type of guy but slowly goes downward into a spiral of sadness and lonliness as everyone he loved leaves (ya see the connection im getting at?), loses the girl he loved and missing the chance to tell her he loved her, ”im fine” he says as he just lost his best friend and is now alone standing in the pouring rain, accidentally quoting the lion king and harry potter but also “no second chances im that kind of man,” loves little shops and making things that go ding and silly made up words like “wibbly wobbly timey wimey”, literally Human Nature/Family of Blood shows how much he wanted a human life with a wife and kids and the episode "the doctor's daughter" where he finally gets a kid and loses her, the hero who goes from saving the universe with all his friends around him to him dying alone not wanting to go, literally called “the man that regrets” in dotd, listen to love don't roam on YouTube)
jj- eleven
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(the doctor with the most confusing timeline, child-like wonder and the look of a young lad hiding the tired eyes of an old man who has seen and gone through so much, very protective of his fond family/people he loves, he literally snuck into a charlie chaplin film in s6′s immpossible astronaut, also stayed in Victorian london for a time which would be jj's aesthetic tbh, can be silly and clumsy and starry-eyed while also being capable of becoming the oncoming storm, “ Good men don't need rules, today is not the day to find out why i have so many.”, great with kids, like weird/unique hatwear, b o w t i e s, g o g g l e s, just wants to go home even if it’s the long way round, “every lonely monster needs a companion” (you can’t tell me jj probably would still feel like a monster cos of how closely related he is to anti), and also theres puppets in two episodes of his, despite the darkness and loneliness it just made him kind, the optimist, the hoper of far flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams )
marvin- twelve
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(recognizing gender as a concept far beyond them obvs, he’s literally called a magician half the time lol, avoiding death by rocking out in the 1500s with an electric guitar on top of an army tank, “can you hurry up before i hit you with my shoe”, as a morally gray character that many theorize whether he’s good/bad, marvin relates well to twelve’s whole journey of questioning if he was a good man and willing to learn the extents of what that means, tried his best to not only do right but to try to help those who weren’t good people who he knew needed help, would fight robin hood irl with a spoon and have a sign saying “go away humans”, not totally great with social cues but he tries and that’s what counts, seemingly cold and harsh and grump but take time to know him and he’s actually warm deep down, "do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?", wiliing to "go to hell" for their friend, not only protective of the people he loves but is also willing to to things like repeatedly die over 8 billion years and almost cause the destruction of the universe for the sake of saving his friend, would sacrifice himself recklessly in the name of standing up for what he believed in)
jackieboy man-thirteen
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(total ray of sunshine who also recognizes the dangers of being close to them (i.e. dying, forgetting, getting trapped in another time or parallel world, getting converted and dying, etc) and as such keeps those they love at a distance, literally not talking about who they truly were for a whole series cos they didn't want to wrap their family up into their own troubles they faced, adorably socially awkward/anxious but still perseveres in the face of danger and certain doom, "darkness never sustains, even though sometimes it feels like it might," would build their own gadgets, g o g g l e s, would eat dirt and bone dust for analysis, would save the day by becoming best friends with a sentient universe in the form of a frog, always tries to have a flat team structure but in reality "this team structure...it isn't flat. It's mountainous, with me, in the stratosphere, alone, left to choose. Save jack the poet, save the universe. Sometimes, even i can't win.", P U N S)
Bonus content: anti as sacha Dawhan's master
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like *chefs kiss* (LITERALLY pretended to be the doctor's friend for years until revealing he actually killed him before she met him and took his place (that gif is him just throwing away that dude's minituraized dead body btw), the kneel scene, his s m i l e, maniacal g l e e as he destroys everything and kills people all to cover up the pain and sadness and anger he feels inside because of her *cough a piece of SPOILER being inside him and him not being able to stand it is definitely anti/jack vibes cough*, also imagine this small exchange but between jackieboy man and anti:
The doctor: "proud of yourself?"
The master: "Definitely."
The doctor: "all this death...Finally made you happy?"
The Master, smiling: "Ecstatic."
The doctor, closer to his face: "And has it calmed all the rage?"
The master, pausing and looking away: "...I don't think anything will ever do that."
Also pls watch that spyfall pt1 reveal scene (basically the whole ending tbh), again it's just *chef's kiss*
Ok that's enough blabbering from me. Still debating on drawing the egos as the doctor (ooh maybe a screen cap redraw would be fun if some people have suggestions for an ep to ref for each one (granted who knows if I'd have time to draw them all but I'm curious anyway lol)) ok time to head out *yeets*.
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transgayhamlet-blog · 5 years
finished banana fish! so here are some of my thoughts on it (obv spoilers)!!! CW // trauma, abuse, mentions of character death!! //
god wow. even tho i spoiled it for myself at the end (had a vague sense of what was gonna happen anyway), it still wrenched my heart out in the most tender way. i have a lot of trouble crying, especially when it comes to things affecting me. usually only angst in fan fiction can get a few tears out of me (i am not bragging about this. this isn’t a good thing to have, it’s a symptom of trauma and it’s not edgy or cool! i’m working on letting myself be more emotional but it’s a work in progress.) so to have several moments in this anime that caused me to straight up sob is revolutionary.
all of the dynamics between the characters were very real and fleshed out, to me at least. ash’s reactions were ones that i could so closely relate to that it hurt. i’m not used to relating to characters because i’m used to not reacting to things that hurt me, unless it involves people i love. so i totally get switching between these two extremes. i get the scene where ibe sees ash enjoying his time with eiji just for ash to be closed off at the sight of an adult. i get it. i understand it so well and i don’t ever see media that shows this well. obviously, the anime demonizes both ash and yut lung (which is understandable to an extent considering it revolves around a mind controlling drug and other terrible things, but still) but it doesn’t make them feel like villains. at least, not to me. seeing them hate themselves in their own ways allowed me to have sympathy for myself, because i could see ash blaming himself for things that happened to him that weren’t his fault. and then, flipping that emotion towards him back on me changed my mindset on myself a bit. they deserved to be happy. all of them (not all of them, yknow what i mean). and so do i. i didn’t need to go thru all that just to learn to be strong. nobody deserves that.
it also made me feel less terrible about hating my abusers. even tho my situation isn’t as extreme as ash’s or yut lung’s, it’s still similar in many aspects. nobody ever discourages ash’s anger and hate towards golzine or others. and even tho that seems rlly simple, it’s not something u get very easily. i disrupt my family’s dynamic because i finally allow myself to be angry, rightfully so, at my abusers. so seeing people support ash in that sense is very comforting.
lastly, although i wish ash didn’t die at the end, i think it did comfort a part of me. he should’ve had the chance to live peacefully and happily. because so many of us don’t get that. so many is those abused or traumatized don’t escape it. and it hurts. we aren’t meant to be martyrs or symbols or romanticized. but. he did seem at peace. he wasn’t paralyzed by fear or killed by an abuser. lao had his reasons, even though it was misunderstood. and my one wish in life is to die calmly. to not be scared or worried or clutching at the last threads of life that i’ve tried so hard to escape from. he had more things to do, which is soemthing i fear, but i think we will always have things left unsaid no matter how much we prepare. i haven’t felt peace in a long tine, so seeing ash get it in his death is comforting. i’m just rambling at this point but i don’t know how else to describe it.
eiji. my baby. eiji. i have an eiji in my life. or had? maybe that’s another reason i relate to ash :( we broke up after i left for college, but she’s my eiji. in a life of darkness and bitter fury and turmoil, i found someone who looked last all that. who wasn’t fazed by the baggage i was so worried about deterring others with. who gave me hope, let me see that there are good people in the world. she didn’t save me. but she was a piece of light that i needed at the time. like ash, i didn’t think there were people out there willing to help and care for me without wanting something in return. but there are. and they’re worth it !!!
summary: banana fish is awesome and i loved it! obviously that’s just my opinion and it wasn’t perfect, but i just related to the experiences and feelings of ash, something i’m not used to doing with most media.
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ghostresidues · 5 years
Hey you remember that scene where charles 'borrowed' francis car and drove out in the rain w deck open? Like shortly before bun's funeral? And where they argue later? I hate that argument scene, like obvs its greatly written but its making me so uncomfortable because its way to relatable and i hate arguments like that
honestly same, it’s just so public and angry and awful,,, the part i dislike the most is when charles talks about when francis had left the car out in the rain before and he said ‘that was the day you tried to-‘ cause i feel so Bad for francis with charles trying to make him seem like some kind of a predator
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personasintro · 4 years
Ok, I'm sorry I just have to let it out cause I don't understand. It might because I'm in my 20s and also I have no control over anything, I don't have dreams (realistic ones at least), goals, nothing. I'm completely miserable and sad. So I've got a love-hate feeling towards BTS because they have what I don't (I don't mean fame and money although that would be nice lol) and that is an interesting life (1/?)
Obv I'm not a hater, I listen to their music, watch their shows and enjoy them, etc but when I come across an interview or whatever and they talked about it it makes so pressed. It is a reminder of what my life is and how ordinary it is. Then I get even more upset cause I'm supposed to be better than that, a mature young adult but no, I get mad and hurt over what some Korean dudes say across the world instead. I'm so vulnerable it sucks. (2/?)
Is exhausting to be repressing things 24/7, I rue the day I decided to get into the whole bts mania and I got in just out of curiosity, I was "fine" before that. Sometimes is not just them is any successful young adult that kills my none existent self-esteem when I google their age and automatically compare it to what I was doing at that age or whatever. (3/?)
The point of this rant is: does anybody else feel like this? Cause I want to not know about BTS or any celebrity in general. But I can't. It is sort of an escape, a happy place that ironically hurts me. And also, could somebody like, talk me out of it, name the bad things about their lives, whatever, lie to me, 'cause it is hard to find reasons to no envy other people. (4/?)
Also, the reason why I'm sending this to you especially is that I visit your blog every day waiting for new stories, and duh because they're bts related, is connected to this uncomfortable feeling I'm experiencing. Now I understand better the whole "people are mean because they're lone and angry with themselves" thing welp 💔😩👉👈 (5/5) ps sorry to bother you with this also I don't speak English so it may be a pain in the ass to read lol
This ask has been sitting in my inbox for a few weeks, and I'm sorry about responding to it just now. I just wanted to properly read it again when I've a free time. I don't think you should compare to them, or to anyone, because it never does any good. They're celebrities, whether we like the term or not, their lives are so different than ours but at the same time, each of our lives is pretty much different. No one has the same one, everyone is going through something whether it's good or not. I'm not sure what you mean by being hurt and mad over something they say, but you don't have to agree with everything they do or say. It's okay to have your own thoughts and opinions. I think all of us, or at least most of us, have a happy place where we can “escape” from the reality. My days got brighter ever since I found about them and whenever I'm bored, I just watch their vlives that I missed and still need to catch up on. I'm not really sure what you're truly experiencing and feeling, but don't do anything that doesn't make you happy. If they don't make you happy, whether it's something they say or whatever, just don't watch them anymore. You shouldn't compare yourself to anyone. Sometimes I feel awful myself, there are tons of talented and successful people and what about me? I'm without job, repeating the same things and actives every day for the past three months. But I won't let that bother me for long, I try to think positively even though, sometimes it's really hard. I'm happy that you entrusted me with this, don't feel like you bother me. I love talking to all of you and I'm here for you!❤️
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