#im so honored u were interested enough to ask omg
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cassyapper · 4 years ago
thank u for the wheel umm can i order 1 discussion of the religious symbolisms in jojos cuz it’s my FAV thing ever
heads up this will b messy i’ll do my best to organize However, i will not be great at it,
also this will have heavy jojo spoilers for all parts probably so um. </3 tread carefully
also this got kinda rambly so here’s a cut <3
- romulus vs remus just makes me think of dio vs jonathan. two brothers raised by the same parent and yet one still kills the other in the end in order to achieve what he believes will be greatness   - jonathan is a martyrrr his death is exactly like jesus’ in the sense that he could be angry in his final moments but he isn't, and he instead forgives the very thing that’s making him die (jesus with humanity and jonathan with dio) - feel like dio has some judas stuff going on. in his attempt to be happy he betrays and hurts the jesus figures (jonathan and jotaro) in his life but all this does make him even more unsatisfied and results in his death - also jonathan as achilles, doomed to be great but die young, and zepelli as chiron, his wise and older teacher. yeah  - caesar “italian catholic guilt” zeppeli is crushed by a cross that is literally how he dies. </3. there’s a lot u can draw from this to add to caesar’s character arc but the symbolism by itself is just sad. caesar died bc of his own devotion - odysseus and jotaro relate in the sense that both are on such long and perilous journies.......jotaro obv with part 3 but this continues cause he’s never home really which is why his life with his wife and daughter falls apart 🙃 so. - the jotaro and perseus parallels drive me nuts. kill a devil to save his mom. fuck - jotaro and jolyne both have heavy jesus allusion. the conflicts they both face are not the result of their own actions, but the result of their forefathers’ and yet they are sent to clean up the mess. this is the same as jesus being sent as god’s son to cleanse humanity. like jesus, they both had to sacrifice their lives for this cause, just in different ways (jotaro has to devote the rest of his life while jolyne has to end hers early) - polnareff and his stairs scenes with dio and diavolo,,just the set up of the scenes r rlly blatant in their symbolism cause he’s walking UP the stairs when facing dio (god) while he’s looking DOWN the stairs when facing diavolo (the devil). also this can be added to an interesting implication for polnareff’s character cause he never makes it to dio/god and heaven, but diavolo/the devil and hell make it up to him.........just thinking - something something lazarus and avdol something something lazarus and okuyasu something something - kira gives me narcissus vibes cause like his downfall is directly related to his overconfidence in himself which is similar to narcissus - giorno also has jesus vibes cause he’s LITERALLY the son of DIO (GOD!!). and he creates LIFE. it’s literally HIS STAND POWER THAT’S MIRACLE SHIT RIGHT THERE AND THAT IS THE SAME! AS JESUS. - hephaestus being discarded by his parents but still rising up to be one of the 12 most powerful gods gives me big giorno vibes - something something something apollo and hyacinth and abbacchio and bruno - OBVIOUSLY johnny’s whole arc like r u serious? but i think johnny’s more like the lost son than jesus ironically, cause johnny’s whole arc starts with losing himself and who he self-worth and what he values, and then it hones in on his path to rekindling his identity, which is most in line with the lost son parable than anything else. the “loving father” in this case though is not johnny’s actual father but gyro/a crumb of self-esteem JDN;ED[HEO;JD-= - hot “western european catholic guilt” pants being a nun and feeling eternal regret over sacrificing her brother also has saint peter vibes cause saint peter did betray jesus once but he felt so bad abt it and spends the rest of his life devoted to making it right which hot pants does for her brother - the rokakakas in part 8 are just the miracle figs jesus made with a twist that’s literally it im. that’s it <3 - it’s not symbolism exactly but there’s a lot of greek/roman imagery esp in parts 2 and 5 and i think that’s worth noting. ik the majority/all the part takes place in Italy so..duh but it’s!! it’s fitting. jojo draws a lot of its style from roman/greek influences
im sure there’s some shinto symbolism but unfortunately idk enough about shintoism to make the connections 😔 but this is what’s at the top of my head HHH thank u so much once again for asking bro
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caandlelit · 5 years ago
omg werewolf matsukawa elaborate i want dem hcs
ok so ive got this horrible word doc with my jambled mess of a concept for this witch makki werewolf matsun fic im writing its like 3% done expect it within 2 business years
(edit. this post is too long but i cant stop typing this is good)
werewolf matsun is the SEXIEST idea ever anyone thats done it is doing gods work because that shit is hot . its fucking sexy okay
in my barely formed au he becomes a werewolf in third year
he hears about weird sounds in the forest at night ok
and he convinces witch hanamaki that they shld camp out and see what it is 
because he’s been so interested in the witchy supernatural shit since even before he met him 
and hanamaki is like okay fine But im wearing my warding pendent and matsukawa is like WHEN WILL U ADMIT YOU’RE A WITCH and hanamaki, mid-putting on his witch hat, ruffles his hair and says idk what ur talking about
they camp out and they’re just bantering and its cute and fun for 2 hours then
matsun hears growling and snapping noises and he’s like hanamaki stay in the fuckin tent 
and obviously hanamaki is like on god that is the stupidest thing uve ever said issei no
 and matsukawa steps outside and he holds a hand back to stop makki and he steps out and looks around, eyes narrows 
and he’s like … straightening up and furrows his brows and ‘theres nothing here’ 
and he feels like everything is slow and odd and unreal and he turns and sees bright, yellow eyes and he hears the snarl and jerks back 
and he’s being attacked and leaped upon and he shouts curses and screams and theres sharp teeth at his side and the smell of matted fur 
and hanamaki sprints out and ?? magic spells it away (leave me alone) 
what is the spell? what kindof witch is hanamaki? what does he say?
(begone thot!) 
the wolf creature howls and thuds off, fast and loping and hanamaki turns and he’s panicked and is like ‘issei? oh FUCK’
matsukawa is like fuck fuck fuck 
leaning against a tree and lightheaded and he collapses, head back against the trunk and sweat pouring down his temples, iron in his mouth where hes biting his tongue to keep from scremaing at the sharp pain
touches his side and his fingers come away bloody 
his breath is heavy and hes like takahiro im dying 
and hanamaki’s dropping down beside him and lifts his arm and says shut the fuck up you’re not dying you asshole and hes sniffling 
and matsuns like im sorry i dragged u out here and hanamaki’s like shut up shut up. issei. shit . issei you were right 
and hes like wh what was i right about and hes like you were right. im a witch . and youre not fucking dying here, asshole
issei mumbles fuck yeah and does like a little fist pump
and he whispers a spell to carry him over back to his house 
and he bandages him up and matsun is tired and in pain and staring at him in the moonlight 
go to school and matsun has white bandages wrapped around his side hidden under his shirt and hes a little scraped up even though hanamaki healed and cleaned up as much as he could
someones like oooh matsukawa your arm is scraped up wtf 
and hes like yeah man i got in a fight to protect takahiros honor 
makki’s like yeah…. :/// he lost 
and matsuns like shut up asshole and theyre laughing and theyre good theyre okay 
half way through the school day, long and tired and the bell seems louder and harsher and shriller and everything is too bright and loud and making his eyes and ears hurt 
in the bathroom matsun takes off the tape bc hes feeling nauseous and everything feels a little too much for some reason hes assuming bc of the wound, maybe its infected
and he checks it while hes inside and the bandages come off and 
its clean no bite no blood no mark 
and he stares at it and says what the fuck and texts hanamaki 
and hanamaki sees the text and its just ‘SOS BATHROOM NOW PLELASE’ 
asks his teacher to let him go to the bathroom and he steps into the bathroom and matsun spins around and gestures at his side and chest wordlessly 
hanamaki like blinks at the sight of matsuns abs and then blinks again at the healed skin and hes like what the fuck  
he has sharper vision and sense of smell and hearing 
and hes like takahiro……..everything feels horrible and too much and hanamaki’s like ok so what do u want me to do knock u out so u don’t feel anything? and matsukawa’s like huh actually and hana’s like Shut up Dumbass
werewolf matsukawa suddenly stronger and hanamaki so so bitter about it ignoring his personal ‘im attracted to him’ feelings and pretending hes mad abt the super strength
matsukawa’s eyes glinting yellow on occasion and hanamaki trying not to scream bc god that’s sexy
the day they see the healed skin they like walk home silent and shell shocked 
matsukawa staring hollowly at the sidewalk his posture lost
hanamaki squinting off into the distance
makki opening his mouth angrily at one point
only to close it defeatedly bc he cant even……
a conversation in hanamaki’s bedroom along the lines of 
‘issei why is my life literally teen wolf why am I stiles from teen wolf’ 
matsun perks up ‘oh that’s dylan o briens character right? does that make me derek !!!’ 
and hanamaki turns from where hes muttering angrily and squints at him and says slowly
‘why the fu- dude? u r scott ??? because u are a FUCKING WEREWOLF ??????? why would u be derek ???? ur my best friend that turned into a GODDAMN WEREWOLF-‘ 
‘okok calm down hiro fine fine chill out‘ 
matsuns like slumping like ‘ugh, scott. i don’t wanna be scott hes painfully straight-‘ 
and hanamakis like throwing his hands up and shouting like ‘SO THEN !! why would u want to be derek!!!’ 
and issei’s like ‘…….nevermind we r not in the state to have a conversation about teen wolf, a show neither of us finished and obviously dont have any knowledge about’
im gonna have it properly set in 2013 itll be so cringey and fun
matsukawa also has insomnia and and gets migraines sometimes 
and hanamaki’s witchy incense smelling house and bedroom having him nodding off so easily and he sleeps over a lot 
especially after he gets bitten, because the migraines get worse
moreso near the full moon
and he comes in through the window and hanamaki is half asleep but always automatically pulls up his blanket and lets him in
big spoon matsun
he curls into his chest as best as he can, pressed tight between the wall and matsukawa
also i have this 
italics: makki
bold: mattsun
list of signs pointing towards issei probably being a werewolf: 
got bit by a giant dog-creature the bite mark disappeared next day (???? freaky shit)
sudden super healing and durability (useful for when oikawa serves the ball into your head – lmfao)
sudden heightened senses (my headaches r .. multiplying - :( )
sudden super strength (fuck u issei – i didn’t ask to be bitten takahiro – oh no u were bitten how sad for u and ur six pack – the werewolf actually decided i deserve super strength bc of how cool i am – and immeasurable pain every full moon too huh ???? – ...sacrifices were made)
90% sure he got stupider – sign of a dog brain ?? (FUCK OFF – do u want me to explain what a percentage is <3 – no </3)
hair growth (wtf does that mean ??? – it means i suddenly have more chest hair its very weird – ngl to u u were already pretty hairy -  fucker)
eyes turn yellow sometimes (wait, really????? – yes its so fucking weird – that sounds fucking epic actually – no comment)
big dick energy went up the ROOF (ok that’s enough asshole – tell me im lying hiro.)
edit: ok the full moon happened we’re all traumatized and hes definitely a FUCKING werewolf.
ill finish this as a fic one day ill post when i do
might also make a useless porno oneshot with just werewolf matsukawa and ? possibly dancer makki im very into dancer makki atm
long post im very sorry but !!!! thanks for the ask 
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toorusquill · 5 years ago
HI OMG FIRST OF ALL CONGRATS FOR 1K🥳🥳🥳 also i saw you were doing that hq thing and was wondering if you could write something for me? uhh i was wondering if you could do one with kuroo x me ig??? and like the rl is teasing x flustered? bc i get embarrassed easily so shsjsj and dates are all cute but hes still teasing? and im interested in uh mystical shit idk witchy shit? oh and i really like mythology and magic (kinda like hogwarts hehe) anyways tysm if u do this!!🥺
vera’s au assignments
your AU: arcana! au
wherein you guys live in the arcana universe. kuroo is a medic and a doctor, and you’re an aspiring magician.
- kenma’s an established magician, and you’re his student (although you guys are close in age). kuroo and kenma work together a lot (because the royal court decreed so) which is why it’s no surprise that you guys get to know each other soon enough. 
- you two are friends before you get together. he’s always teasing you about how science is definitely more practical than magic, but he kind of shuts up about this when you lay out your tarot deck and start looking into his past and the things you’re saying are really accurate. 
- the kingdom you’re in gets hit by a plague, and kenma’s afflicted by it. under the orders of the court, you replace kenma as head magician for a few months as you work together with kuroo to find a cure. under his nonchalant, teasing, demeanor, you can see how truly worried he is about kenma and you empathize with him on that. over the duration of months, you and kuroo start to open up to each other more!! and kenma sees your underlying affections for each other before you two realize it
- and he’s so sick of it. literally. he tries to use to summon his familiar to rope the two of you into a situation where you guys can confess to each other, but he’s too weak to use any magic. he has to wait 4 months. seeing you and kuroo pine over each other and not being able to do anything about him is enough to drive him crazy
- alas, the plague is lifted. kenma recovers quickly, and things are back to normal again. as celebration, the court decides to throw a masquerade ball in your honor. kenma takes this as an opportunity to get kuroo to ask you out!! 
- he sits the two of you down at a tarot reading, and he’s like “okay let me just.. pull out an oracle reading” and without even meaning to he pulls out the lovers card and that’s what it takes to get kuroo to take you to the ball
- you had matching masks and costumes; the people actually loved it. the night was not short of kuroo asking you to dance, with him practically crushing your toes  because he has two left feet, but you don’t really mind because you get to hold him close.
ending note: if you didn’t know, arcana is a visual story game that revolves around tarot cards, specifically the major arcana. it’s really good and the world-building is amazing considering they were limited to the mobile phone (and the characters are lovely. kuroo reminds me of julian). anyways, thank you bby!! <3 i hope you enjoyed this.
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costellos · 4 years ago
LOL A 401K IM DEAD but honestly...... tru
all that tax stuff, retirement plans.... nanami’s got it covered. and then there’s gojo, committing tax fraud 🤧 i’d compare gojo to salt as a seasoning but that’s kinda mean, he does have some flavor. like, sugar probably suits him better?? sweet, can be addicting, but bad for you if have too much of it 🙈 AND THEN NANAMI. man’s the whole spice rack, he wouldn’t have it anything less since he loves food so much 😤 he is, as we say, umami personified 🤌
yeah, it’s unfortunate lmfao but oh well. i do occasionally have them in a smoothie though, like you said!
alsjfhsha it’s def time consuming.... like i’d be sitting down w my family and when i’m finally done picking it all out, they’ve finished eating welp 😭 and yeah, the rational part of me knows that, but i’m that person someone has to go up the service worker for and be like “excuse me she asked for no pickles” (except i didn’t 🙈) i’m much better in restaurants bc the language barrier isn’t as intimidating so i will tell them to leave out an ingredient if it’s something i can’t easily take out
mmmmm i can see that! he’d be the guy who’d eat pizza with a fork and knife wouldn’t he lol. and dab all the excess oil off w a napkin. he probably only goes to the Legit pizza places too haha but i think if he likes you enough he can be convinced to eat almost anywhere
ofc!! ask games are more fun if it goes both ways 😌 and ooooo tsumu! interesting...... 👀 those are honestly such good date ideas w a guy like atsumu! that’d rly be smth he’d enjoy and ngl the moment i read ‘something physical’ i immediately imagined y’all racing LMAO. he’s a prime example of how competition can be good for you w the right person, so i can see you filling in the space osamu left after he decided to focus more on his food aspirations. like imagine making cute lil bets w him and the loser having to do what the winner wanted hehe. omg a double date w the miya twins would be sm fun tho??? from my impression of you so far, i definitely trust you to keep tsumu in line lmfao so catch me there. me and osamu are the ones spectating and judging your guys’ competitions and cheering you on to beat atsumu like we’re olympic commentators or smth LOL
aaaaa i’m honestly p shy but if anything can get me to come off anon, it’d be nanamin 😂 (it’s like we’re todo and yuji bonding over their shared type but w nanami skdjfjsjsjs) let me know if you prefer to keep it here or on discord and i’ll give you my account, whichever platform you like better! also congrats on 1k! much deserved!! 🎉
cut for length!
A;LDSKJ GOJO WOULD COMMIT TAX FRAUD. lmao salt is a lil mean!! sugar is more fitting <3 sugar is also used for more fun foods, and I feel like it matches him bc of his sweet tooth. but Nanami........ o lawd. definitely the whole spice rack yes. 100% agree. pls I would use him in everything. wait was that a weird thing to say?
ah I totally understand! well, u got this friend. the next time u go out for Mexican food, I’ll be there cheering for u in spirit!!
and yes.... ugh... I don’t think he’s particularly picky, he’ll try anything. he just doesn’t like foods that are excessive, if that makes sense? like what you were saying with the grease. I think he’s more the type to like subtle flavors. an obnoxious meat lover’s pizza from The Hut would be a no go, but he’s down for a, quote, Legit Pizza Place. the kind of Italian restaurant that’s authentic! but let’s admit it, by that point it wouldn’t even technically be “pizza.” authenticity comes with a price :’)
ty friend you’re far too kind 🥺 AND PLS YOU’RE MAKING ME BLUSH OVER MY LAPTOP HHHHHHH. I would love nothing more than to fill the Osamu-shaped hole in his heart once they both go into their separate careers. and god..... don’t encourage him. or me. I would definitely make bets w him. and I would win. but thank you sweet anon, I would do my best to keep him from annoying the shit out of you!! it would be an honor to have you and Osamu comment on our tomfoolery. 👉👈
MY GOD I WAS ABOUT TO KEYBOARD MASH AGAIN. we’re definitely Todo and Yuji.... u like Nanami and so now I’m obligated to imagine a whole life we coulda had together in high school together. even tho I graduated five years ago. and I’m assuming you did some time ago too since you mentioned you’re old...... lordt. anyway! thank you for the congrats!! I would love to discuss more headcanons and such w you over Discord! dm me and I’ll add you so that we can sob over Nanami’s absence in the anime <33
nanamin date anon said: me, rewatching eps 9-13 on replay until the new episode comes out: hahaha i love all the jjk characters equally! nanamin and *looks at smudged writing on hand* the extras
lol i love them all rly, it’s just super refreshing to have an adult like nanami in a shounen
haha yeah, i’m definitely glad i’m not the oldest (bc that’s way too much responsibility for me, idk how they do it) so being player 2 as a younger sibling isn’t too bad, especially since it’s the story that i’m usually more interested in rather than the gameplay itself. i don’t have to worry about remembering which buttons to press in a fight when i can just watch the plot play out lol. (it’s definitely a good game, i just suck at the controls 😅 my brother let me play a bit and i couldn’t get the web swinging down i was struggling so bad aslfjjfsjak) what sort of games are you into? 👀
even if it’s boring to some ppl, watching is a good way to experience the game for yourself as well, esp if it’s a single player game! ofc i do tend to prefer multiplayer games, but it’s not too dissimilar to watching someone play a sport tbh. AND NO KENMA IM PRO-SIDEQUEST LIVE OUT YOUR COMPLETIONIST DREAMS. if we gotta fetch that dude a super rare item to unlock his backstory we MUST do it ok
YEAH! mikorin is also voiced by noya’s va! it’s honestly a shame gsnk didn’t get a second season, it’s so good 😔
me: lol does that mean kuroo’s your tomoda
kenma: ok this date is over
LMFAOOOOO not my fault the popular choices are the ones that get you the good end 😤 and it’s all good, i’m also guilty of replaying to see how the other choices impact the story haha. if there’s no save system tho, i’d make him switch out w me every time we replay bc i’d zone out at all the repeat stuff (bless games that have a skip option 🙏)
UGH TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! ok so I love the other charas too but.... Nanami’s so good. so good. iono about you, anon, but I went back and rewatched his episodes from the dub and it made me Feel Things. and I agree, it is refreshing to see an adult like him in shounen. esp since he treats the kids like kids. and he makes it clear that their being kids is never a bad thing. I will reiterate: he’s so good.
ahhh friend that’s so nice!. your brother sounds really chill. plus it sounds like a good balance: you get to watch the story, and he gets to dick around!! win-win. and as for my fav games, I’m up for anything! I try to avoid co-op games like Overwatch bc I get too competitive and I’m a sore loser lmao (but they are fun!). the last games I played were the Last of Us 2 and Persona 5, two very different games, but stuff that’s a good time nonetheless. tbh as long as I can immerse myself in the story and there’s tons to explore, I’m down. what about you?? you’d kind of mentioned otome games and Animal Crossing, but I’m curious!
hm. interesting. that’s a nice way to look at it. I guess if it’s a really good game, it’s no different from an interactive movie! also Kenma would love that omg you’re going to save so many villages in the rpgs he plays w you.... gotta max out EVERYTHING. every side quest! every mundane task!! collect literally every feather!!! but I feel like he would pass the time by making idle conversation. like some dumb shit Lev had mentioned earlier that day. such a nice way to unwind at the end of the day, shit talking Lev w his fav person 😌
anyway! going back to completionist stuff: Kenma would have such a blast going back and replaying games w you! and yes bless games w a skip option hhh. thankfully he’d remember all your previous choices together, so he can help navigate where to go next. he has no qualms handing the controller over, I think he’d love to curl up next to you and analyze how you play! but I also feel like he’d be giving unwarranted suggestions....... thanks, Kenma.
also, about Mikorin’s va: WHAT. OH MY GOD. so many things to learn..... pls. indulge me w your trivia.
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firemblem-fics · 6 years ago
I’m really looking forward to seeing more writing from you! May I request Sylvain and a Student!Reader about to go on their first date but she is so stressed and worried it’s not going to go as planned that very shortly into the date she faints?
im feeling really soft for sylvain right now ahh omg
i felt compelled to write this as more of an anxiety/panic attack since i’ve done this before oop
also please take this survey to help me better cater to you guys!
first date worries. | sylvain x reader
warnings: self doubt, angst if u squint, anxiety,
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“you’re absolutely breathtaking. care to join me for some tea this evening?”
“what do i do? oh no, professor! he’s gonna think i’m ugly and stupid and he won’t ever like me!”
you paced around the blue lions classroom, your heart pounding. byleth watched you, her eyebrows furrowed in worry. finally, she walked over to you and sat you down.
“first, you need to chill,” she started, “secondly, i hate to tell you this, but it’s sylvain. you know how he is, especially when it comes to girls. he’s got a big heart, but he doesn’t know how to use it. just- don’t get your hopes up, y/n, you know him.”
you sighed. “yeah, but who knows? maybe he’s serious about me.”
byleth stood up, gathering her papers. she placed her hand in your hair and ruffled it a little. “you know him. be safe and have fun.”
with that, she walked out of the classroom.
you walked worriedly all the way to your dorm to get ready to meet up with sylvain. you chewed on your lip, your nerves becoming nearly unbearable.
you had liked sylvain for quite a while now, as had many girls in the monastery. despite seeming so open with so many females, he was still so closed off. he intrigued you to no end. you wanted to get close to him- to be the one he’d finally open up to and settle down with. the one he’d finally truly love.
but you feared that such a wish may be impossible. the red head was only interested in short flings, never once explaining to the girl just why he has to break her heart. you didn’t want to meet the same fate, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.
if you wanted to try so badly, then why were you so scared?
was it fear of rejection? not being good enough? or was it the fact that something- a dream- that you had imagined for so long is finally happening, but it has a better chance of crumbling than thriving?
you stumbled, your head beginning to ache.
it’ll never work out.
you were almost to your room, then you could lay down for a bit until it was time to meet him.
he’ll never love you.
you placed your hand against the wall, using it as a support as you continued to traverse to your room. only a few more steps.
give up. don’t go to tea with him.
you’ll only get hurt.
you collapsed onto the floor, your hands gripping your hair. the anxiety kept growing, gnawing at your conscience and eating away at your resolve.
you’re nothing to him.
he’ll just leave you.
like everyone else has.
what if you spill tea on yourself? on him? he’d hate you. you could trip over your feet and he’d laugh. you would say the wrong thing and he’d stand up and pour his tea over you, laughing and laughing. everyone would be around you, laughing.
it’ll be okay. don’t give him your heart until he gives you his.
you stood up and brushed yourself off, still dizzy. you walked into your room, getting ready for tea.
you looked in the mirror one last time before leaving again. you were paler than normal, your eyes slightly puffy and red from crying. the doubts still lingered in the back of your head as you shut the door, making your mind pound in sync with your rapid heartbeat.
sylvain came into your sight as you walked towards the tea table. he smiled slightly and beckoned you towards him. every step you took was nearly painful. you trembled with every breath. so many things could go wrong. they couldn’t. they had to go right. they had to go right.
your knees collapsed.
“...stress. she should be okay, but she needs rest. whatever it was to make her this way doesn’t need to happen again.”
your eyes fluttered open to the brighter lights of the infirmary. your vision cleared to see manuela talking to sylvain, whose eyes were laden with concern. manuela then left and sylvain turned toward you, breathing out a sigh of relief when he saw that you were awake.
he walked to you and grabbed your hand, sitting in the chair next to your bed. “what happened?”
“oh, i just wasn’t feeling to well.” you replied.
“yeah, no shit. but why?”
“probably just ate a bad dinner-“ you began to lie.
“bullshit. the dinner we ate tonight is your favorite. the cooks always make sure to make it the way you like.” sylvain calls out, “tell me the truth.”
you sigh. “i really like you, okay? and i wanted tea to be perfect, but i overthought everything. it made me panic a lot and i had been anxious ever since you asked me. i guess i just couldn’t handle it. im sorry.”
“why would you panic over me?”
“because you’re so- so unreachable!” you cried, “every girl fawns over you and you prance amongst them like some playboy fairy, not caring who you hurt. i was scared that i’d end up being hurt as well.”
sylvain looks down at your hand and intertwines your fingers with his. “do you want to know why i do that?” you nodded. “girls only want me for my crest. im afraid of committing to one girl after so many have tried to use me. they don’t want me for me looks, personality, anything. they want the crest of house gautier and that’s it.”
“so, you leave girls when you think that they want to use you?” sylvain doesn’t make eye contact. his silence tells you of his agreement. “what about the girls who truly like you? the ones who wouldn’t use you?”
“i- i don’t know. i don’t know who i can trust anymore. i wanted to take you to tea in order to see if you had bad intentions, but now that everything’s out i just don’t know.” his voice was fragile, like it was about to break at any moment.
“in order to rebuild your faith in people, you have to start small. trust one person, and then go up. life is miserable if you think that every single person is out to hurt you.” you cup his face in your hands to make him look at you. the innocent look in his eyes makes your heart hurt- you didn’t know the poor boy had ever felt this way.
“o-okay.” he nods, “i want to try. but please be patient with me, i can’t guarantee everything will be immediately better.”
“oh darling, i’m willing to help you as much as you need. and i’m honored to be the person you trust.”
you pressed a kiss to his nose. he scrunched it up and smiled, resting his hands on yours on his face. “once you’re feeling better, can we redo this first date?”
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ssorethroat · 7 years ago
bnha, 001 for the ask thing ??? yre one of my fave mutuals even though we've never talked but yre so cool and yr art is amazing and ; A ;
 i OMG FIRST OF ALL I GASPED???? YOURE SO SWEET ; M ; i cant believe this .. im so sorry weve never talked before but i would love to start!!! you seem super cool and really kind and i looked for your art but i couldnt find any but u should link some …. ITD BE REALLY NICE TO SEE!!! TT v TT I HOPE I CAN GET TO KNOW YOU MORE THIS IS SO EXCITING IM SO HONORED.. ; M ; omg im making the text super small and putting it under a readmore bc this is SO LONGGNGJDFKNGKJFD
Favorite character: /shoves my entire deku shrine into closet while mumbling Uhhghudfgd oof i dunno .. IM JK ill be proud about it. the light of my life the joy of my heart is deku he tries so hard … it inspires me to try hard too … HAHAGDFJNGJKFD but i really do have a mini deku shrine in my dorm room i force my friends to say hello to my son before they enter. THATS WEIRD .. but im such a big sucker for the underdog story and i love the very .. long term take on the self sacrificing hero narrative where he literally just busts his bones out!!!! i like how he has to adapt his approach by dealing with realtime consequences for it!! i think it makes him a really interesting protagonist and i often dont find myself caring too much for the main protagonists like i do for him .. i love him :[
Least Favorite character: I MEANNNNN OK MINETA ASIDE BC I FEEL LIKE THATS A GIVEN… i dont really like monoma though i think its interesting what horikoshi did w him!! as in i just think hes annoying CRIES .. i dont think that means hes not a good character though ogdfnj WE’LL SEE!!
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): AHAGDKJNGJFKD ok .. i love todobakudeku n im just gonna say that or else the pairings inside that will take up 4 slots..  ooof i love erasermight … i love MOMOJIROUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU SO MUCH .. i also love iiocha … and miritama.. ; - ;
Character I find most attractive: OHHHHH OK …… OK ………. GENUINELY? i cant draw these ppl but i wish i could… Buckle yourself in but shouji mezo.. is like objectively so attractive like hes got the shark grin under the mask? the emo hair? hes after my heart … and? i love his personality its so strong and stoic .. shifty eyes .. ughhhggjnjn also .. blood king is SO hot. so is the dragon lady WHEWWW… ectoplasm is also like so hot i could die you know what if guillermo del toro could make his fish man have a butt that wont quit i can be in love with ectoplasm i want him to serenade me with all 36 of his clones
Character I would marry: OMG NOW THEYRE HITTING ME W THIS CHARA I WOULD MARRY QUESTION AFTER I JUST ADMITTED MY TASTE IS ALL OVER THE PLACE hmm i guess personality wise id want to marry momo actually shes so sweet and kind and CUTE she tries her best ; m ; ..
Character I would be best friends with: OMG I REALLY DONT KNOW im thinkin hard trying to compare my own best friends … on one hand? tokoyami and his mad banquet of darkness .. other hand? i feel like my friends are all as supportive and sweet as kirishima ..
a random thought: i really love TWICE as a character.. i think his backstory was the most interesting of the villains (that have been shown).
An unpopular opinion: AHHHHHH I HAVE A LOT!! BUT ILL SAY THIS (though idk if its unpopular) … i dont think the female characters are given good treatment NOT just costume wise. i think the only female character we’ve really gotten a fair amount of development (even approaching the level that male characters have gotten) of is uraraka and even then im kinda like  ehhhhhhhh this isnt enough … horikoshi does a good job showing female characters in strong positions doing strong things BUT i dont think thats the same as treating them with the amt of depth they need, giving them complex story arcs, etc. i also dont care for them being used simply as devices for the character development of male characters if they arent given stories beyond that. i hope we get to see eri some more and maybe her recovery bc i think horikoshi portrays abuse well and the healing process for todoroki was realistic. the dialogue for chisakis emotional abuse was really realistic to the point of me freaking out a lil bit LMFAO… another unpopular opinion is that i kind of dont care about endeavor’s potential redemption arc too much either way, i just hope whatever happens is handled with nuance…
My Canon OTP: deku capturing the hearts of the nation
Most Epic Villain: AHAHAHAGHDFNGJKAGHAGAFJGNKJD I HATE TO BE LIKE THIS BUT mr compress? truly? iconique…. i also love rappa he just wants to fight and honestly? relatable…
Pairing I am not a fan of: hmmm … i dont really dedicate a lot of time to disliking pairings but i dont really ship non platonic kacchako i just dont really like it bc it reminds me of some tropes ive disliked in the past!! i also am not really a fan of stabi :/
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): (snarls) SHINSOU WAS ROBBED secondly more attention needs to be given to hatsume mei. she is literally a genius prodigy mastermind and yet shes given like 3 pages after her ICONIQUE SHOW STOPPING performance at the sports festival .. give us more … 
Favourite Friendship: I LOOOOOOOOOVE THE MIDORIYA/URARAKA/IIDA TRIO!!!!!! I SAW SOMEONE I FOLLOW TAG THEM AS THE POWERPUFFS AND I LOVE THATTTTGNJDFKNGJKD I ALSO LOVE KIRIDEKUS FRIENDSHIP .. ; M ; and you know what? I think bakudeku is getting there .. i hope we can see them be good friends comfortable w each other !! AND IN LOVE!!  
Character I most identify with: WELL actually believe it or not its todoroki LMFAOOGNJKGFD not bc im as sweet or nice or cute or amazing as him but just bc i Hashtag Relate to his emotional journey following parental abuse.. i guess if you dont factor that in i also am equally terrible with kids when i had a brief stint as a volunteer teacher they were always dragging me i guess not for the five pee pee thing so i guess it could be worse but. You know 
Character I wish I could be: i wish i could be have my life together as much as aizawa does .. he always got his sleeping bag w him? he living in 3000017…
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yumenosakiacademy · 8 years ago
Me.trocon 2017 Friday
this is a Diary entry for future me, but feel free to read, as always. Cosplayed: Mik.an Tsumiki
Okay, so i woke up early to get there by 10 am, ate 3 bowls of cereal n dad helped me w my wig n the bandages n stuff then i went to the con and made it there at abt 9:40 am..? around then, and went downstairs to look around before going to the ouran or hs panel so i spotted the nice Ann from earlier along with a futaba that they were friends w and i hung out w them for a while talking abt stuff and tried spinning a spinner for the first time?? rly hard w nails tho so i gave up and gave it back to them and i heard “hey nurse!!” and turned around and a ruruka and komaeda w a big monob.ear plushie were riding down the escalator waving at me and i got a pic of them and they took a pic of me and ruruka gave me a gummy candy but i had to return it bc i dont eat gelatin but they were nice! i saw em a few times later too. so i told ann and futaba that i was gonna go to the hs panel and said goosbye 
and i went to the hs panel and it.. wasnt too fun?? idk it was just a small panel. they were eating ben boozled beans to see if they got the good or gross flavor and i asked nepeta what her favorite kind of cat was and terezi tried to rap and gamzee did shenanigans but after a while i wanted to see some of he ouran panel so i went in there but not much was happening so i stuck around then eventually left it bc i was kinda bored
and then!! the LL pep rally aa! it was major cute, and all of the dancers were amazing and it had me having LL songs stuck in my head esp the nico and nozo duet song aa and while they were dancing i think i almost teared up bc i started having Idol Feelings?? flrhknrfhb but ANYWAY the maki, after asked, mentioned en.stars but she didnt kno how to play + she ddnt wanna read a japanese walkthrough and u could literally see me STRAINING not to tell her i could teach her how and i couldnt after the panel but oh well! the panel was rly cute n fun aa and there was a halloween!yohane w a rly nice outfit and after taking her pic i was like “im ur fallen angel now, yohane-sama!” and she was like “yes you are one w me now or somefin it was cute!
After that, i forgot that there was an SU panel and i went to the ON.S panel and some of the jokes were funny but since im not major into o.ns (never was, altho ive seen seasons 1 and 2 and read some of the manga) i eventualy left bc i got kinda bored and they startedplaying games like “Honey i love u” (and a friend later told me that the panel got boring after that) and bc i heard there was a DR meetup going on, i decided to go since i had 30 minutes before the max mitt.elman q and a but most of the cosplayers were just standing around and talking waiting for a photographer and a juzo was rly nice to me and so was the mondo (who seemed to be running the meetup) but by the time they got a photographer, it was time for me to go and mondo’s like “u joinin for pics?” bc i was standing off to the side looking at the con map n i was like “ah.. no, the voice of ryuji is here n i wanna see him” so the mondo said they were gonna be morgana at the per.sona photoshoot on satuday and that max might be there and im so SAD that i cant go to it bc its at midnight aa..
but so i left and i went to go see max mit.telman and it’s! surreal seeing a celebrity and everytime he spoke all i heard was Ryuji honestly thats what i thought of almost everytime fhnkhn but a lot of the talk in that panel was abt voice acting or spi.derman but i managed to aask him a question abt per.sona (”whats ur favorite castle and character?”) and he said kamoshidas palace bc ryuji’s awakening is in there and that ryuji was his fav n when i said Of Course he said “oh, other than ryuji? hmm.. the subway announcer” and everyone laughed and i think someone else asked him abt per.sona before me and it was like.. what was the funniest ryuji line to do and max said “the line where hes eating and he goes ‘IT’S LIKE A MEATY EXPLOSION IN MY MOUTH!!’” and i was laughing aaa but it was so cool! but i left near the end of it and went to the DR panel at 1:30
and the DR panel was kinda boring, i stood in the back bc there were tall ppl sitting near the places i like to sit and stuff but hey did lil games and i asked mono.kuma “what his fvorite exocution was (”h-hopefully not mine!”) and he said terut.eru’s w the helicoptors and they had trivia but the only question i knew i dint raise my hand fast enough unfortunately but its okay and later in the panel i asked junko how she really felt abt mikan (and called her junko-sama aaa) and junko said “well.. i kill the people i love so.. haha!” but made a heart w her arms and i made a heart w my fingers
NOW FOR MY FAVORITE PART OF TODAY there was a dm.md dating panel and i was like “hhh clear is best boy im gonna wait until clear is called then take a seat as a contestant” so the panel was funny and virus was all like “how do you feel abt exotic pets” and contestant one was like “well i do love bigass snakes” and virus is like “oh yea? well i have 2~” n koujaku mentioned something like theyll have to be a snake charmer and one lady, when virus asked why he should choose them, she said her character (Foxxy) once put chicken up herself and it came out fried and her friend, who was #2, said “I CANT COMPARE WHEN HER P**** DOUBLES AS A MICROWAVE!” and the other girl went “easy bake oven” and everyone was laughing and #2 couldnt stop laughing and it was Wild tbh ekhrhflj AND THEN when they called cleae you could see me stand up SO EFFING QUICK AA and i sat down as contestant 3 and as i sat down i was like “aa i was waiting for clear hes my best boy” and clear (and kou i think) heard me and went “oh aww” and clear asked his first question of “what do you think of jellyfish” and #1 said they’re squishy, #2 said they’re pretty yet kind of delicious, and i said “they’re pretty and floaty.. and theyre soft- well, they look soft, yanno? and they’re swimming all free.. w how theyre floating, maybe theyre secretly fairies or something?” and everybody Aww’ed aaa and then clear asked his 2nd question “where you take me on a date?” and #2 said the obv answer of aquarium, #1 said a beach at sunset i think, and i thought for a sec abt how clear is soft ans sweet and said “i think something simple, like a sleepover, and we could have glow in the dark stars on the wall n all yanno, and maybe watch a movie w a pillow fort and lots of plushies?” and everybody Aww’ed harder and i just kinda shyly smiled and i heard the panelists Awwing too and koujaku turned to clear and said “so, do you need to ask a third question or do you obv already know who ur gonna pick” w an Obvious tone and clear nodded (rly cutely aa) and walked down n he was like “would you.. do me the honors of being my chosen one?” and holding out my bouquiet (which was what the winning contestant got) and i was smiling so hard and nodded (i think we hugged too?) and i said “only if i have the honor of giving you a lollipop, clear~!” and gave him a fake shot and a lollipop and i was like “if you need a different flavor u can have a diff. one aa” and clear was like “ah oh no that’s fine!” and koujaku was like “oh my god can we have her instead of these guys” (meaning the other dm.md panelists) and  was fidgeting back to my seat in jy and slight shyness but after that i asked clear 2 questions during the q and a and i asked if he would make his brothers Good and not on the side of toue if he could and he nodded yes and one of the panelists played jellyf.ish song and i was like aa and then later i said “um.. clear.. i think you’re kinda similar to that one robot.ic pokemon princess- um, i forgot her name bc of my memory but-” and clear was nodding and blushing and i was like aaa bc we’re both Shy so it’s just us both being nice and blushy and i couldnt hear it well but i think clear was like “we should see it later” and after the panel was over i was gathering my bag and the clear came up to me and they were like aa you’re so cute can i take a pic of you” and i was like “yea sure can i take a pic of you?” and so we talked abt how neither of us have seen the pok.emon movir i was talking abt yet and i gave clear a hug and they were so cute im gonna Cry aa... im Lov............
after that i walked around the dealers room and the female hajime from earlier that i saw at the meetup and at the DR panel asked me to pose w them and since they got a bouqiet from the dm.md panel too we posed w those like a marriage proposal and i was like “take that spike ch.unsoft we’re making DR Gay now” and we stood around and talked abt per.sona until i saw a ryuji and goro and hajime and i took pics of em and we talked w them for a sec (the goro was like “nobody likes goro they all want pics of just ryuji”) and they were Nice and i saw dm.md cosplayers that i saw at the panel in the dealers room and they kept complimenting me on how cute i was during the panel aaa AND i met the virus and trip who were in the panel and they complimented me too and we stood around and talked for a while and i was like  “is virus’ jacket green bc he’s Poisonous?” and they were like “..interesting though. maynbe! :o” and i was like “and trip is piink for sweets, virus is green bc of snakes maybe? and trip’s pink could be a lion tongue?” and i gave them both lollipops + fake shots (i was like “maybe oit’s heroine. OH or maybe i shot you up w... Morphine” and we all went aaayyye) and i left
the oso.matsu-kun ppl never showed up so ikept browsing the dealers room and while i was looking at en.stars blind boxes, i saw a naegi going thru the id.olish omanjuus but i thought they were en.stars ones and i went “omg are you an en.stars fan?!” and they were like “YEA are you??” and i was like “YAH” and so we talked abt the event and how he wants a wataru omanjuu even tho he kinda finda wataru weird and turns out hes a SwitchP and a rabitsP bc “he has self-care” and doesnt go close to Popular units and we talked for a while and he apparently didnt kno abt the en.stars panel on saturday so i told him abt it and led him to the idol merch booth n showed him the en.stars keychains and found atsumugi for him and he got a sora and some lady in a pink sweater (?) was looking thru the boxes too so i was like “ARE U INTO IT” n she was lieke “yea!” so we talked w her and shegot the shu christmas charm (i joked that it mustve been fate we met bc i got the mika one) and she said she likes valkyrie and she mentioned her artist alley booth has en.stars stuff (i couldnt fint eh booth) and that someone she knew was cosplaying mika (didnt fine em either) or maybe she said “was going to..?” but she said she was gonna go w a friend as leo and madara in vacation clothes on satuday n i was like “DUDE COOL” and naegi said he might cosplay nazuna at metro or just eventually and i was so happy aa but eventually i left the dealers room
the os.osan q and a wasnt much to talk abt so after that, the bn.ha q and a AND the bb dating panel were PACKED but i stood in the back of the bn.ha one for a while but thought abt leaving and dad called me so i took my chance to leave and answer him and after that i just walked around more and met an eg.gs benedict who hung out w me and we saw a nof.ace who gave them candy and we talked w an akira abt stuff before i left to walk again and after a while i met a Honoka and a Kamoshida and we talked abt en.stars and LL and aa it was fun they were Nice and i went to the mat.suno mixerfor the last half (i looked inside earlie, saw no one and didnt go inside but they apparently stated late) and got chosen to be a contestant for ichimatsu (which i found ironic bc i had already won a dating game today haha) (i was contestant #1, he couldnt see any of the contestant bc there was a rack between us) and ichimatsu asked “whats ur opinion on cats”and i said “well i love them!! and rin h.oshizora is my best LL girl so of course nya!” n for the 2nd question he said “my brothers r gonna hate me for this, but how submissive are you?” and i said “well.. technically i’m a switch, but i’m Mostly a bottom, ichimatsu-sama... And i mean.. i let junko-sama step on me so..” and some ppl laughed aa and for his third question he said “on a scale of 1-10 how much do you think im trash” so i decided not to say 10 or 11 and said “well i think you’re mosre like.. a recycling bin! nor fully trahsh, perse! but im p lazy too so we can be trash buddies together!” and in the end ichi said he liked #1 n #3 but #1 charmd him more so the rack was removed and i got a bouqiet of duct tape flowers from him and i said “i can be your kitty, ichimatsu-sama nya!” and he linked elbows w me and escorted me down the stage stairs and it was nice aaa..
after that was the pajama rw.by panel but it wasnt v interesting and some guy in he audience was loud and annoying and the LLpj party where i talked w the honoka and kamoshida from earlier and a different honoka and we talked for a sec abt en.stars and id.olish and the panel was okay but i was.. tired aa...
the DR panel turned out to be mostly party games not q and a and i was tired so i left midway thru once dad came to pick me up at like 11:30 and we got mcnuggets and a medium fry to share and!! con day overrr
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