#this made me laugh for 5 mins straight
featki · 11 days
Stages of a petty dispute !
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— pairing: 西村力 x reader (both members of enha) — contains: angst, fluff, crack if you squint so exponentially hard, talks of dieting/body image issues, ni-ki‘s dumb and oblivious, fighting, pettiness, think that’s it !
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The cause
Getting your hair and makeup done was boring, but Riki came along every time (wether you asked him to or not) so at least he was there to keep you company
Riki and Jake both sat on the couch showing each other stupid things on there phones and play fighting
At one point you and Riki had gotten into a conversation Mainly complaints from you about how unfair the manager was to you about dieting, Riki being Riki took this as a chance to make a joke. "Well maybe you should stop eating so much and he wouldn’t be so tough on you" He laughed, pretty loudly despite the joke not being funny, you looked at him through the mirror, almost disgustedly, just to see Jake not laughing either.
If anything he looked just as confused as you, but despite that Riki smoothly changed the subject and started joking around with Jake again. You turned back to the mirror, not looking at anything in it, simply spacing out. Riki had never made those types of jokes about you, he always talked about your body in such a sweet way, it was shocking to say the least.
2. The start
Workday was done, you were back at the dorms, and Riki was nowhere in sight.
He was probably in his room playing video games, as you could tell from the loud gun noises. Meanwhile, you sat in your room, confused and slightly heartbroken he would say something like that.
It had been hours since the incident and it’s all you’ve thought about. Riki, out of all people should know that wasn’t funny. Joke or not. Out of all people, HE would know about your image issues HE would be the one to know about your eating habits, The phone chimed, pulling you out of thought, it was Riki
"Babbbbyyyyyy can i come lay with you
i’m tired and i want to hold you" You wanted to say no fuck off but you didn’t, that would’ve been too straight forward and you wanted to be petty and drag it out. Make sure he felt realllllyyyy bad so you texted back "Not rn, i’m studying" Dry and assertive. Not at all how you text him usually, it was perfect !! "mmm okay :("
"can i come in after?? pretty plsss" You just ignored this one
It made you feel a litttlee guilty but he deserved it for being an ass
3. The rising emotions / tension
It had been 2 days since you've started ignoring Riki (kinda)
You were only answering his texts here and there and you hadn't let him sleep with you not even once.
Sure it was only 2 days but it was too much for him, he got used to sleeping with you, and he struggles to fall asleep without you now! You even locked the door just in case he tried to come in after being ignored over the phone
Riki started to get suspicious
He presumed the worst, you fell out of love, you were cheating, he did something wrong without realizing it, he didn't know what he did, but he intended to find out
But it's kinda hard when you won't stop dodging him
Night 3 of being ignored, and it got increasingly harder for him to sleep
It was 1am and he hadn't been able to properly keep his eyes shut for longer than 5 mins so he decided to get some water
When he walked out to the kitchen he saw you, wearing only his t-shirt, some shorts and a jacket
He loved seeing you in his clothes so it was like a jab to the heart
he almost got on his knees and started begging for forgiveness for whatever he did right then and there
"What are you doing up so late baby?" You looked up to see him walking towards you "Just getting some water"
"Ohh me too" It came out kind of shaky sounding, like he was trying to make small talk with a stranger
"Here have mine" Putting the glass down you started to walk off, not noticing Riki's hand reaching out for your wrist, just barely missing you.
While you went back to your room Riki sat in the kitchen kind of hurt.
He pondered on going after you but the last thing he wanted to do was annoy you or upset you more so despite the need for physical connection, he drank the water and went back to his room.
He laid in bed for another hour before giving up and playing some video games to pass the time
Riki got a solid 3 hours of sleep that night
Riki is dying and is determined to figure out what he did
4. The climax
Day 4 of being ignored, he felt like he was going to pull all his hair out
During dance practice he thought of every thing he did that could warrent this type of reaction and every way he could fix it
After thinking for a while he came to the conclusion that he must've made you jealous, probably from talking to Danielle for 0.2 seconds regarding work things
How? He had zero clue but that didn't matter.
After practice while everyone else went to lunch, he booked back home to shower and head out. He ran to your favorite cafe, and your favorite boba shop.
By the time he got back home, everyone else, including you, were back home, and he already thought about what he was going to say when he got back; sure you had gotten jealous before but it never seem to make you this upset so he had to go all out this time.
He knocked on your bedroom door, hoping you'd actually let him in this time, "who is it?"
"Riki" There was a moment of silence that made Riki worry even more but you told him to come in so he was relieved but, you were confused when he walked in with boba and bags.
You thought maybe he was finally apologizing, perhaps he finally realized what he did and wanted to own up to it.
You put down your phone and walked over to him, as he put the boba and bags on your desk. He seemed a little more nervous the closer you got but he took a deep breath in and started talking
"I know I messed up, and you don't have to forgive me but I want to make it right." Good start good start
"I don't want anyone but you baby, I mean I barely even talk to her. It was purely for work I promise." Huh
"But I completely understand your upset, and you have every"
"What" You cut him off mid-sentence, mainly just cause you were confused
"uhh what?" Riki though, seemed more confused than you
"What are you on about Nishimura"
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, you're mad at me?"
"And I'm trying to apologize?" He seemed unsure of himself
"Okay... for what?" He thought long and hard about his answer "Talking to Danielle the other day?..." DUMBFOUNDED
You couldn't believe that's what he genuinely thought you were upset about
"Bro I do not care about Danielle." emphasizing the "not"
Riki's eyes widened with confusion "Haha what."
"You didn't seriously think I was upset about you talking to Danielle? About work?" He gave a sheepish smile
"I'm sorry baby I really don't know what I did but I can NOT handle being ignored like this."
"The eating joke Riki. How do you not understand that, that wasn't okay." It's like the gears started turning in his head "OHHHHH"
You rolled your eyes "Oh my god baby I am so sorry."
"You laughed when other people make those jokes so I assumed it was okay..."
"No it's not okay Riki?? I only laugh because they're my bosses, I'm not allowed to be upset about it"
It took Riki a second to process and think, "I know I know, I'm realizing that now. Seriously I am so sorry baby... I clearly wasn't thinking it through and it was a horrible joke to make."
You nodded, verbally telling him to go on
"You don't have to forgive me, I know it was shitty but just know that I didn't mean it, baby."
He walked closer to you, putting his hands on your face, "You are the prettiest girl in the entire world, and I mean that. I never meant to hurt you that much baby, and I promise I won't ever make a joke like that again. And I'll think more thoroughly about the things I say, the last thing I want to do is upset you pretty."
You looked up at him, your eyes glossed over slightly.
What Riki did was wrong, but deep down a part of you knew he didn't mean it.
And he was so good at making you feel better.
You got on your tippy toes and kissed him.
It was deeper than usual, the lack of time together made it sweeter
Riki pressing into your lips and savoring every last second.
"I love you so so so so much."
"I love you too Ki. And I'm not mad at you, it just... was shocking? To say the least, I didn't expect it from you of all people, nor did I expect you to take 4 days to apologize" You smiled slightly
"But in the end, you did apologize and you took accountability so that's all that matters. Next time I'll come to you first without ignoring you for days, it was petty."
"No no it wasn't petty" He rubbed your cheek "But please don't do it again, iv got like a solid 10 hours of sleep the past few days and I almost threw myself off the HYBE building." You giggled at that, happy to hold him again
Riki went back in for another kiss which led to a long night of catching up.
Kissing, cuddling, "I love you"s, ect ect, gross couple stuff.
Riki was dumb sometimes and wasn't the best at using his words, but he always tried for you and even showed it in his own way and that's all that matters.
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@ featki
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University Student P.Seonghwa x (F)Reader
Summary: Sometimes, you just need a sugar boost and some Lego sets to make your day a bit brighter - oh, don't forget the main ingredient, Park Seonghwa.
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.1K
Est.Read Time: 5 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @illusionnet
A/N: For my hardworking girlboss- @edenesth (a late bday present of sorts).
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With a heavy sigh, she placed her bag on the bench before slumping down beside it. Whoever said university was fun deserved a special place in hell. Two years in, and she still had to sit on a patch of grass surrounded by her friends, all looking up at the camera with smiles that would put toothpaste ads to shame. Not to mention the endless hours of back-to-back classes, followed by the nonsensical amount of assignments and projects given to them, all made her wonder what exactly was this all for? She was not birthed to become a slave of capitalism, a slave of the system- she was but a mere butterfly, all too willing to flutter around in an endless field of opportunities, skipping from one soft petal to another, tasting the sweet essence of a blissful and youthful life.
Or she could get a rubber-clad four walled white room, at least she'd be able to pass off being delusional as a crazy person, rather than someone claiming she was so depressed she had begun day dreaming in classes. Her fingers twitched at the thought of how a few juniors caught her crying in a bathroom stall today, though they were far from cruel, their consoling words just made her feel worse- maybe she really wasn't cut out for all of this. This hectic schedule, this hectic lifestyle, these expectations.
She was so invested in falling down her pit of misery and despair that she didn't notice someone pick up her back, replacing it with their own presence, nor did she notice the way he was now staring at her, for a good long while too. Her attention was grabbed by a sharp ice-coldness that spread across her numbing cheek causing her to jerk away as she gasped, cupping her cold, wet cheek, turning to glare at whoever was foolish enough to mess with her- oh.
“You know…one bad presentation doesn't define you…wasn't even that bad.”
The rumble of his hushed voice had her senses tingle, perhaps his ASMR hobby was actually well worth it, though he was still an idiot because even a dead man could see how bad her presentation was today. She tilted her head to glare at him, but once again, her view was obstructed by a condensed plastic cup filled with some kind neon green beverage - he was probably trying out those horribly weekly juices again.
“You weren't even paying attention today,” with a soft mumble she sat back straight, her legs spread out in front of her, head leaning against the uncomfortable back of the bench, staring up at the pastel adorned sky, could this day take any longer to end? Closing her eyes, she continued, “And also, you're lucky the lecturer didn't catch you. How many times have I told you not to show up in my class? Especially if it's not your majo-ack!” she choked at the sudden intrusion, something stabbing the back of her throat before disappearing as quickly as it had come.
“Shit- sorry! Why'd you open your mouth!?” He gasped, pulling back the drink, trying to not laugh at how comical it was- yes, he felt bad because he hurt her, but it was ironic how his romantic gesture just had him blowing around.
Swatting his hand away she glared at him, at his hideously good-looking face, at his stupid boba eyes, and his hair -at this point she wanted him to trim it because he was serving more looks that needed, especially with so many people eying him. With a huff, she crossed her arms over her chest and turned to face him, “Exactly why are you here, Park Seonghwa!?”
“Me?” He pointed to himself with the cup in hand, before bringing the plastic straw to his pouty lips, taking a sip and humming, “I came to cheer up my butterfly, got her a treat too, but instead almost killed her.” With that, he 'carefully’ pressed the straw against her lips, this time being cautious not to stab her again this time. His smile deepened at the way she took a sip, watching the way her eyes twinkle at the taste, or perhaps the rush of sugar that she oh so desperately needed after the horrid day. He let her hold the cup, busy drinking away, his hand now reaching up to her face, gently caressing her cheek with his knuckles before his finger tucked the few loose strands behind her ear, “I'm sorry today didn't work out as planned.”
Placing the empty cup between them she sighed, facing him with a small smile, thankful to have someone like him, to have someone like him take care of her, be there for her, smile at her, pull her up when she was down I the dumps, have her try new things- like this Kiwi and Pineapple juice. He may have been a bit thick skulled sometimes, sometimes his inner nerd would win as hed demand they build random lego sets in the middle of the night, or he'd force her to watch him play Animal Crossing- but one thing for was for sure, reaching forward she placed her hand on his, giving it a light squeeze.
“It's alright…I'm glad you were there, it made me feel better.”
At that, he tugged her closer, pulling her into his warm embrace, giggling when he felt her sigh into his neck, gripping his shirt as if she was afraid he'd disappear. Truthfully, even during the whole mess of her presentation, the only reason she had kept going was because he was there, smiling at her, silently rooting for her, encouraging her to go on- then instantly hiding when her lecturer turned around to look at whom she was staring at, her handsome, caring, loving clown.
“I'm glad it did because I missed a test today, so at least I know it was for nothing.” He hummed, chin atop her head, enjoying the moment -
“YOU WHAT!?” Shoving him away, she glared at him wide-eyed, a test!? He skipped a test to be there!? She wasn't sure if she were to find this romantic or just stupid-
“Oh my, would you look at the time!” Standing up, he grabbed her bag, slinging it over his shoulder, grabbing the empty cup before gripping her wrist with his free hand and pulling her up, “Let us go, fairy princess!! Time to build your castle lego set! SO WE CAN HAVE OUR HAPPILY EVER AFTER FOREVER!” He declared ragging her along ignoring her complain about him not taking his academics seriously- who cared about a stupid test, he'd make up for it with extra work, all Park Seonghwa could think of all day, was her, because if he was sure about anything about his anxious, doubtful, self-conscious existence, was that she was his reason of being.
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Taglist: @edenesth @skteezcursed @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp @spooo00oky @bunnyluvr25 @s-h-y-a @ateezswonderland
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madridfangirl · 4 months
Star crossed lovers (Jude Bellingham fanfic)
Chapter 3
(Series Link)
Jude * female reader. No warnings.
Synopsis: A chance encounter in a tiny Madrid cafe with the newest superstar of her fav club. The two couldn't be more different, yet both feel the pull toward the other. Would this girl be the one he finally falls for? Would she make him change his ways? Even though she resists him every step of the way, would he fight all odds (& her) to have her in his life? Or would life come in the way of these star-crossed lovers?
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Sharp 25 mins later, her phone flashed with his name.
Jude: see you in 5.
She sent a quick thumbs up and made her way down to the mentioned parking lot. After getting lost a few times on multiple floors and somehow explaining to the security staff as to why she needed to access the private parking, Ananya finally reached the spot.
His car was already there - some fancy chauffeur driven one she didn’t even know the make or model of. She had specifically asked him to not get down so they don’t get seen together and she was pleased to note that he had followed instructions to the T. In fact, the back seat had tinted glasses for extra privacy.
She walked over and at the same time the back door opened, his head peeking out with an extended hand and an ear-to-ear smile. Ananya took his hand and he smoothly guided her in, the door closing automatically behind her.
‘Wow, you really did come, huh? Part of me still wasn’t sure.’
‘Honestly, I am surprised too.’
He smiled at her refreshing honesty, something he was liking more and more about her.
‘The jersey looks great on you.’
He nodded appreciatively. Her whole mood lifted - it was one of her most prized possessions. While Roma had insisted she wears something fancier this evening, she had stuck to her guns.
‘Mine would have looked better though. Especially tonight, with the goals, you know. The ones you loved. Still not too late, dove. I have a spare one right here.’
He smirked, while looking straight into her eyes. He was trying to play it off as a casual remark but she could tell it wasn’t that.
‘Not a good colour on you, Jude. Not at all.’
She was lying. Outrightly. Because this borderline arrogance suited him perfectly. This mix of confidence & cockiness was the reason he had done wonders at this club in the last few months. But she wasn’t going to say that to him.
Jude burst out laughing, raising his hands in submission, making her laugh too.
He looked particularly jovial right now, understandably so. The man had just scored two winning goals in his first ever Classico, which was crazy.
It just occurred to her that he still hadn’t let go of her hand. Her right hand was still softly engulfed in his large left one, and he kept grazing her knuckles with his thumb from time to time. The touch felt warm and comfortable, making her take a deep breath to gather herself.
Meanwhile, he kept yapping away about the dressing room and silly stories of his teammates. Then proceeded to show her some crazy photos from the celebration. One of the photos had him shirtless and visibly wet, either just before the shower or after. She quickly looked elsewhere in the frame and thankfully he scrolled to the next one.
However, the next one was THAT notorious photo. Right after the goal. With both his hands pointing down.
‘Ah crap!’
He quickly locked the screen and threw the phone on the seat, looking towards the window with embarrassment.
‘That celebration was….interesting, shall we say?’
She teased him, then giggled at his subsequent groans.
‘My mum’s gonna give me some solid grief over that. You have no idea.’
‘Oh, she absolutely should.’
He turned sharply towards her, pretending to be hurt.
‘That’s what I get for winning you the match, huh? Not even some sympathy?’
‘Should have thought about that before pointing to your genitals with the whole world watching.’
It was a spur of the moment comment, but she absolutely froze after saying that, deeply flustered. Even he wasn’t expecting that from her, she could tell.
She firmly shut her eyes, kicking herself for the loose words.
Jude squeezed her hand, which was still firmly in his grip, and leaned closer. Whispering next to her ear.
‘Not such a little dove then, are we? Need to change my nickname for you.’
She broke into a nervous giggle, trying to push him away with a hand to his chest, but he caught that hand too, letting her struggle playfully in his hold. Laughing at her antics. Trying to get her to meet his gaze.
‘Okay okay.’
He let her go, allowing her to calm down, then reached for her right hand again and gently covered it with his. She didn’t mind it at all. They stayed like that for the next few mins, soaking in the silence and enjoying the late evening views of this beautiful city.
‘We are almost there, reaching in two.’
They entered a gated, exclusive community. Ananya could tell from the looks of it that the USP was luxury and privacy. The houses were some distance away from each other, with big, gated yards and tons of natural beauty.
She felt a tinge of anxiety. The same feeling she had in the washroom before coming down to meet him. This world was very different from hers. But his hand on hers was a constant comfort in that moment.
When they pulled into his driveway, Jude thanked the driver with a smile and they both got down.
Jude got to the other side, guiding her inside with a soft hand to her lower back. It was the first time they stood next to each other and she realised how tall he really was. She barely came up till his throat. Barely.
The house, despite being big ofcourse, was not outrageously big. It felt nice and warm. Lived in. There were a ton of photos with friends, family and earlier footballing days. The place had a touch of his mom written all over it. All family photos, especially ones with his mom and brother, were full of biggest smiles and bear hugs. It was just wholesome.
Meanwhile, Jude switched off the alarm, turned up the lights and checked if the housekeeper had set some things in order.
Moments later, he walked over to her as she was still engrossed in the photos. Ananya turned around to greet him.
‘This is lovely. All of this.’
‘Thanks. All coz of my mum - she set up the whole place. I was quite useless to be honest. She shot all my ideas down, rightly so.’
He spoke so fondly of his mother, it made her smile.
‘Do you miss her? Miss the family?’
‘Uh-huh. A lot sometimes. But my mom keeps visiting and I go back every chance I get. Not too bad. What about you? Do you miss home?’
‘I do. It’s the first time I have been away like this. But we talk everyday and I am going to visit soon for Diwali. It’s a big festival back in India.’
‘Oh I know - told you have some Indian neighbours back home.’
As he started chatting again, she realised how easy it was to talk to him. One would forget who he is and his public persona when you get into a conversation with him. Again, so so normal.
After a few minutes, he guided her into the kitchen to get a drink.
As he picked up a bottle of red, she leaned against the counter and smiled to herself while he struggled with the wine opener. After 30 seconds, she decided to end his misery.
‘Here, let me help you.’
She strutted over and deftly fixed the opener as he stood behind her, rubbing the back of his neck & wondering how silly he would have looked to her.
‘Brainiac and resourceful - the list just keeps growing, dove.’
That earned him a few giggles which he gladly accepted.
‘In my defence, I mostly drink on vacation only. So.’
He shrugged and waived his hands, and she smiled at his goofiness while walking back to her spot at the counter.
She tried to sit up, finding the right angle to jump but somehow the counter was not the right height. Just then, she felt his hands on either side of her waist.
‘Here, let me help you.’
He smirked at the call back. Then, he effortlessly lifted her up, just with his hands, to help her settle on the counter. It took her a few seconds to gather herself and ponder over the physics of what had happened.
‘Want some music?’
Jude put on some Spanish music. Combination of melodies and flamenco.
‘This okay? I started listening to this stuff to help learn the language, but now I kinda like it. Got a nice ring to it.’
It did sound serene, and yet had catchy beats. She started waving to the tune without realising it.
‘Yeah, it’s nice.’
He leaned against the opposite counter, sipping his wine & just taking her in as she got lost in the music. The jersey did look great on her, and the dark blue denim jeans went perfectly with it. Her open brown hair completed the look, matching her brown eyes. There was something about her that was drawing him to her. Maybe it was her ease, her honesty, her being true to herself, her strong opinions - it was refreshing. Different. Sweet. It was also alluring.
She was too far though, he wanted to be closer. So he crossed the distance between them and hopped on to the counter, settling next to her. Shoulders and knees almost touching.
When Ananya felt him close, she broke out of her trance & looked up at him. Maybe it was the lights constantly changing to the music but somehow his eyes felt different. They seemed to be looking right through her, searching for some signs. She gulped the remaining wine and that’s when his gaze broke.
He reached for the bottle on the other side of the counter, his long arms coming into play. Making her scoff.
‘Tall people things.’
Amused, he turned around and smiled.
‘Ooh is that a sore spot?’
‘Don’t even start.’
‘Fine, but you are quite perfect the way you are.’
He said casually while pouring the second round for both of them. She didn’t know how to respond to that or process that.
‘Tell me, are you a dancer?
‘Where did that come from?’
‘Just a gut. Feels like you have the rhythm for it, from the way you were moving just now. I absolutely DO NOT have that rhythm, so deprived people like me can tell when someone has what we don’t have.’
Ananya burst into a fit of giggles at his explanation, and ended up holding on to his elbow to regain her balance.
‘What? It’s true. Though I am not half as bad as Cama and Vini claim.’
‘Oh yeah - they can bust some moves. Especially Cama, he’s so precious. Absolutely adorable. He must be the life of all parties, no?
Jude sipped his wine quietly.
‘Yeah he’s fine.’
‘Fine? He’s a sweetheart. And to top it off what a player, man. His….’
‘Yeah yeah - hasn’t scored a goal in years though.’
‘Heyy, behave. I won’t hear trash talk against him. Or against anyone in my team. Love them all.’
‘Great. Noted.’
‘Can you stop pouting, Jude?’
‘Can you stop calling everyone else a sweetheart but me? Is it not enough that I have to see you in someone else’s jersey?’
She couldn’t help but feel a tad guilty at that. But she wasn’t sorry. She would never be sorry for loving Ronaldo the way she did but she could see his point too.
She extended her hand towards him. He looked at it for a second, then shook it gladly.
Just then, she heard her phone ring in the living room.
‘Stay, I will get it.’
‘Thank you.’
She was liking her place on the counter too much to get off right now.
He jogged to the living room and quickly came back to hand her the phone. It was still ringing. Strangely, he didn’t sit next to her. Rather, he busied himself in heating their pasta.
When she looked at the phone, she understood why. Arjun was on the line, for a video call. The same person Jude had thrown a fit over a few hours ago.
Surely he wouldn’t have recognised him, having only seen his face & name once. Or did he? She had a feeling he did, with the way he had his back to her right now.
Also, why was Arjun video calling her? He had never done that before. She disconnected the call. Jude paused for a second, then got back to the task at hand.
Her phone pinged again, a text this time from Arjun. She read it & put the phone down.
Jude was done with heating the pasta by then, and he placed the tray on the counter. He still hadn’t looked at her.
‘You can say or ask what you want to.’
‘Nope that’s a trap. You will get mad, like earlier.’
He had heard the challenge in her voice the last time he asked her, wasn’t going to fall for it again.
She couldn’t help but smile.
‘I promise I won’t get mad. Say.’
He finally looked up at her, indecisive for a few seconds but then he just went for it.
‘It was him, then?’
‘Yes, Arjun.’
‘Don’t need to know his name, didn’t ask for it.’
She answered calmly, which made his temperament ease as well.
‘What did he want?’
‘The three of them are at a club. He was asking me if I wanted to join them.’
‘THEM? Sure, that’s what he meant. Subtle.’
Ananya chose to not address the last comment.
‘Has he asked you out before?’
‘Does he think you asking him to come to the match today is some sort of a signal from you?’
Ananya was still. She hadn’t thought of it like that, not till Jude put it so bluntly. She honestly had no idea what to make of it and she said it out loud to him.
‘The bottom line is, I am not going. I am not answering his call. Is that not enough?’
‘Yeah, whatever.’
‘Jude, c’mon.’
‘Look, he likes you. Don’t ask me how I know it. But I do. At some point you have to deal with it coz you see him at work everyday. All day.’
‘Listen, I..’
‘On second thoughts, I do know how I know this.’
Jude walked over to her in big strides, and stood right in front of her, with both his hands on either side of her on the counter. His body touching her knees. He leaned closer.
‘He looked at you like I am looking at you right now. That’s how I know.’
They stared into each others eyes for god knows how long, coz neither of them knew. Finally, he allowed his hand to tuck back some loose strands from her face. Something he had wanted to do all night.
She sighed audibly, and he loved that sound. And wanted to elicit more sounds from her. But he needed to address the elephant in the room first.
Food was long forgotten, going cold on the counter. He held both her hands in his & met her gaze.
‘There is something holding you back from this, back from me. Tell me, is it him?’
A pained expression plastered over her face. He was so right and so wrong in some ways. It was time to let it out, no more hiding.
‘It’s not him.’
He let out a long sigh - mix of relief and dread.
‘What is it then? Tell me dove, we can work it out.’
She shut her eyes tightly, unable to look at his face as she uttered the next words.
‘That’s the thing, Jude. I don’t know if we can.’
That was Chapter 3 folks. Lots more to go. Any feedback / comments are super welcome - would love to hear what you think :)
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blu-ish · 7 months
I just had the WILDEST encounter of my life, (well its definitely on the list anyways hsjshsj).
My class just ended, and my friends and I are chatting about what we're gonna do for our final, after school, etc. AND SOMEONE LOOKS OUT THE WINDOW AND IS LIKE--
"Is that a dog?"
Turns out the dog was a coyote-- living in Arizona, you see them a lot! But they're pretty shy, so they don't come around people unless their looking for food. My campus has TONS of wild jack rabbits and bunnies, so it made sense why it came over.
Since I, again, LIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE AND SO DOES MY CAMPUS.. we have LOTS of empty land so the coyote was a distance away but not unnoticeable.
I wanted to investigate cuz, well I was waiting for my ride so what else was I gonna do? The books in the library could wait lmao
So I wobble outside in mah boot, and start looking for the coyote. It's still there, sniffing around, so I kinda just observe it quietly.
I walked to the shaded area, the campus is decorated in a way where there's cacti here and there (in the shade too) so that you have to walk around to see what's on the other side.
They were a campus security guard, they looked around my age but a little shorter. They said they were watching the coyote to make sure it didn't get to close, they apparently just moved to the state last year and had NEVER seen one before.
So my dumbass, starts talking about coyotes for like 10 mins, then we started sharing our dog photos. THEN WE STARTING TALKING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES-- LONG ASS STORY SHORT THEY ARE A HUGE SONIC FAN AND I WAS TRYING SO HARD TO BE NORMAL.
The coyote is LONG gone, and were still talking and laughing. That had to be the world record for how fast I made a friend from being stupid.
Had to cut the convo short, and I sped walked away.
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huellitaa · 8 months
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ྀི ୨ embarrassment ୧ ྀི
...is a social construct designed to make us feel bad by those who cant handle their own mistakes & or shortcomings.
seriously. like. it baffles me how people are still living in the mindset where they let embarrassment become anything more for them than a concept.
୨୧ embarrassment
- a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness.
embarrassment is perfectly normal. it happens to everyone because we all make mistakes. but some people let embarrassment and the fear of embarrassment consume them and the choices they make far too much, far too often.
♡ which leads me onto my first point; it is completely normal. everybody makes mistakes. this is our first time in this life and we are all learning & growing with our every choice, every action, every decision <3 remember that the next time youre panicking and freaking out because you made a mistake.
♡ its never that deep. i like to try be gentle w this stuff but lemme tell u straight no one actually cares . im serious,, like babes no one gives a shit honestly 😭😭 and your mentality should be the same. people remember this stuff n laugh for 5 mins and then theyre back to their life. and if they hang on to it for longer then theyre the one who should be embarrassed.. get a life pls??
♡ similar to what i said a moment ago , its. never. that. deep. laugh it off !!!!! giggle !!!!!! laugh about it !!!!!!!! nobody cares !!!!!! this shows that it doesnt faze you and this shows how confident you are within yourself that you dont let silly little mistakes bother you because they do not matter.
♡ when it comes to your interests, please never be embarrassed about these. this is something ive struggled with since i was little but never never never be embarassed of the things that bring you joy. if they arent hurting anyone and are perfectly okay you should never be embarrassed ab that. it makes you happy. why should you be ashamed of that for someone else???🩷
♡ has someone ever said something to you? made u doubt urself? then you get embarrassed ab it???? dont. do not even go there. i ws so insecure before (i know😭😭) and couldnt hold a single opinion for myself but when you know who tf you are you wont be doubting yourself for anyone ml.
♡ so... you wanna pursue your dreams but ur too embarrassed. ur too embarrassed and worried "what if this doesnt work" "what if it doesnt happen" n whatever other dumb shit ur worried abt and scared to outgrow your surroundings and evolve. wow. you know how silly that sounds? so.. like.. let me get this straight... youre telling me... that youre not doing what you love... for the sake of someone else or some silly little doubts????wow. you get one life n youre doing that. GET IT TOGETHER BABES. GET REAL. WHY WOULD U SABOTAGE URSELF LIKE THAT????? YOURE WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT LIKE 😭😭🩷🩷🩷🩷
♡ understand that peoples perceptions of you are often reflections of themselves just like your perceptions of others are often reflections of yourself. they think its embarrassing because they know for a fact deep down that theyd be too embarrassed and self conscious to do it themselves.
♡ and then watch the way they'll all come crawling back apologising and grovelling the moment you're rich and successful and got everything you ever wanted.. all because you had the confidence to trust in yourself and pursue what you wanted without listening to their self doubts. <3
♡ reverse psychology. "why r u doing that" "thats so cringey" why r u so wrapped up in my business? thats so cringey
♡ overall, confidence, strong self concept & trusting in your ability to bounce back from anything are the three main things that will never let you wallow in this silly little emotion again. embarrassment is like a pitiful, more insignificant, ridiculous version of fear. if ur gonna be scared then b scared of something worth ur time babe ur more than that <33
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axel-skz · 1 year
You’re not funny…
Part 1, Part 2
Can be read as a oneshot
A/N: ok so I’m keeping it nice and sweet rn lol ive been taking forever to write but I finally managed to push myself into doing it. Right, lets do the song roulette and see what we get… I got an ad 😭 ok wait, we got… TMT 🥳👯‍♀️🥳
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Minho came over in the morning and he sighed when you opened the door.
‘If I could freeze time and spend 50 years worth of time with you, I would.’
You laughed, ‘life got you down, huh?’
‘Understatement of the entire century,’ he said while walking in.
When he put his stuff down, he yawned dramatically then walked over and gave you a hug.
‘Damn, someone needs to sleep,’ you tried to mask your worry with humour. It really was worrying how it became a normal thing for him to come over and go straight to sleep. ‘In need of a nap?’
He nodded into your shoulder, ‘I sleep best when I’m here… I don’t get why I can’t sleep as restfully at home. I’m also sorry I spend whatever time we have sleeping so much.’
‘Min, I’m here to care for you. If you need to sleep and this is where you sleep best, I’m nothing but happy to see you rest.’
He groaned, ‘don’t sayyy thattt!!! I’ll never want to leave. I’ll retire and hide here for the rest of my life like a hobo.’
You laughed, ‘I mean, atleast then no one cuts your hair. I would have to agree with stay, it looks too good long. Oh, stay would kill me too for harbouring you.’
‘I’ll protect you. So will my stans,’ he pulled away and winked.
‘Ok, now you need to stop because I might actually end up keeping you here,’ you gave him a kiss then lead him to your room. ‘Nap time!’
He laughed as he followed behind you. You guys got into comfortable clothes and bundled up in blankets. He was laying with his face in your neck and you had one of your hands in his hair, massaging his scalp. It was the epitome of comfort.
‘Min, you feeling any better?’
He sleepily replied, ‘shh, I’ll kill you if you wake me’
You gasped dramatically as you pulled your hand away from his hair, ‘you said you loved me!’
‘I can love you and want to kill you,’ he pulled your arm back to his hair.
‘Ever the romantic, aren’t you?’
He shushed you even louder and covered your mouth. You laughed but the quietened down to let him sleep. You kept running your fingers through his hair soothingly and slowly, you drifted off to sleep too.
You laughed half asleep when you heard him snore. You really wished you could be here with him forever, it would be so nice never having to worry about him leaving.
When you woke up, it was dark now, he was still asleep so you carefully got up. You left to go get some food from a shop a few minutes from your house. While you were waiting for the food, you got some texts.
‘My crazy cat lady ♥️,’ the name made you laugh everytime you saw it.
My crazy cat lady: why have you abandoned me? I feel so cold…so alone…so isolated…and you have no chocolate anywhere…
Y/N: I’m getting food, you drama queen. I already binged all the chocolate two days ago so its on you for thinking I’d have any 😘
My crazy cat lady: I feel less abandoned now, but bring it faster. You’ve been gone for like a million years.
Y/N: how long have you been awake?
My crazy cat lady: 5 minutes.
Y/N: 💀 you get on my nerves more then anyone else
My crazy cat lady: Crying. Thank you so much.
Y/N: I’m gonna take longer on purpose now.
My crazy cat lady: why must you play with my heart?!
Y/N: because I love you so much :)
My crazy cat lady: you’re lucky I love you too.
Y/N: <33 I’m still gonna take extra time
My crazy cat lady: the question is, why do I love you?
Y/N: my irresistible charm?
My crazy cat lady: no… thats me…
Y/N: I’ll eat the food myself here… don’t test me…
My crazy cat lady: oh yeah, you’re like the most beautiful, irresistible person I’ve ever met!
Y/N: ikr ;)
My crazy cat lady: my food :’) please
Y/N: yeah yeah, I’m on my way.
You got home and you guys spent the rest of the night watching movies and eating. You were very conscious of the fact you had 24 hours till he would be leaving. It was always in the back of your mind.
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A/N: it feels rn like the universe hates me but here we are lmao. I hope this was nice, I needed the jokey fluffy moment. I’ll try to upload sooner this time. Hope you like this, remember to like, repost and leave feedback. If you have any requests, lemme know. I’m listening to chill rn so if you hate me… chill :)
DISCLAIMER: Pictures don’t belong to me, credit to the respective owners.
Part 4
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finkinthisfrew · 1 year
Anything (Pt.8)
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cw: sexual tension and horniness, erection, being naked together
Chapter 8 I shut the door to my apartment and leaned my back against it, my lips still tingling from the kiss we shared before Matty hopped into a cab to get to his meeting which he was now late for. He had changed back into his date clothes from the night before, leaving his hoodie and sweatpants behind.
We'd spent the rest of the morning in bed cuddling while chatting, laughing and eating cereal. Eventually, after much protesting from Matty, I convinced him not to cancel his day of meetings and interviews. He obliged only after I promised him I'd come over for dinner later that evening.
I walked back upstairs, still in a daze, and started making my bed. I had once again been lost in thought when I heard my phone buzz on my nightstand.
I'm not particularly enjoying being apart from you :(
My heart fluttered as I read his text and my phone buzzed again.
If you get out of the studio early, will you please come straight to mine?
I couldn't help but smile at his eagerness. It wasn't just that it was flattering, but something about his unabashed honesty was so comforting. He wasn't afraid of this, which helped me feel unafraid too. I sat down on the edge of my bed and began to type.
I'm also not enjoying being apart from you :( I want to come over straight after, I really do, but I need to go home to shower and change out of my studio clothes first. If I don't... well, if you saw me like that then let's just say you'd probably enjoy being apart more lol
It didn't take long for Matty to respond.
You could sprout a tail and 3 extra heads and I'd still be utterly obsessed with you. Come over straight after- you can wash up at mine. If it helps I promise I won't look at you when you first get here (that's a lie btw)
I rolled my eyes at his message and I couldn't help but giggle- he was so funny and clever. As I began to type a response, I got another text from him.
Not to pressure you. Sorry, I'm being very selfish here. I've just got a bit of a crush, that's all :)
I took a moment to think before I wrote my next couple messages.
Wellllllll, when you put it like that... as long as you don't mind me taking a quick shower at yours before we eat then sure, I'd love to :)
I can text you when I'm heading over. I'll probably be done by 5:30/6:00 pm- maybe even sooner. Should only take me 15 min to get to your place from the studio
I couldn't help but blush when I read his response.
Amazing. See you then <3 Text me whenever you miss me plz
The little heart emoji made me shimmy with giddiness. I was so excited to see him again- and we'd only been apart for... three minutes? Four? It felt insane, but the connection we had felt so deep so immediately. I hopped up from my bed, running to my wardrobe to get dressed as quickly as possible so I could get to the studio right away. The sooner I got my work done, the sooner I'd be able to see Matty again.
The next several hours I spent at the studio working on a new piece as well as finishing up some older ones. Somehow, by some miracle, the day had flown by and I'd finished just a few minutes after 5 pm.
We'd texted throughout the day, updating each other when we found time, but we could both tell we were missing each other desperately already.
As soon as I finished loading my last piece into the kiln, I sent Matty a text letting him know I was heading over and I all but ran out of the building and onto the tube.
I didn't even care that I was covered head to toe in dried clay and glaze with my hair in a dishevelled little bun on the top of my head. I looked my absolute worst, and somehow I felt my best the second I opened Matty's door, which he'd let me know was unlocked. Jogging up his steps, I called out his name. As soon as I reached the top of the steps I barely saw Matty appear before I was swept up in his arms, enveloped in a deep and longing kiss. I greedily kissed him back, which only made him kiss me harder. Our hands ran over each other urgently, taking in each other's presence in every possible way. We tried to break off the kiss after several minutes of making out, but failed every time, going back for more as if we'd been starved of each other.
The sound of a timer going off eventually convinced us to stop, earning a grunt of annoyance from Matty.
"One moment, stay right here," he said before disappearing down the hallway. "Stay perfectly where you are, darling," I heard him yell from the kitchen. Reappearing moments later with his arms already reaching out for me, we pulled towards each other like magnets, embracing once again. After a few more moments of passionate kissing, I pulled away.
"Before we continue," I said giggling as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my face all over, "I really want to take a quick shower. Do you mind?"
He was just kissing my neck, sending tingles down my spine and making me shiver, when he retreated and said, "Actually, I hope you don't mind, but I had something else in mind for you... follow me."
We walked into his bedroom hand in hand. Then he pushed open his bathroom door, revealing a bathtub full of thick foamy bubbles and candles lit all over. A plush white bathrobe hung on the wall, and a bottle of wine with a large wine glass sat on the stool next to the tub.
I was speechless.
"Hopefully you have everything you need, but if not, just give us a shout and I'll grab you whatever you need. I'll be in the kitchen when you're done," he said giving my hand a squeeze. He leaned down and kissed the side of my nose, to which I turned to face him fully before taking his face in both my hands and kissing him on the lips.
"Thank you," I said softly.
He looked at me sweetly so happy with my reaction as he walked out the door, our fingers parting only when our arms could no longer reach. As he began to close the door, he paused saying, "It's such a comfort to have you here in my home, knowing you're just down the hall... It's really lovely to be home together."
I smiled back at him as he shut the door behind him.
I walked over to the sink and washed my face and cleaned my fingernails of the caked-on clay. I slowly peeled off my clothes, reflecting on what Matty said. I felt so at peace knowing he was here. This wasn't my home, but I felt at home here, because he was here.
I lowered myself into the tub, enveloping myself in the lavender-scented suds. The water was the perfect temperature, soothing my sore body which ached from hunching over the pottery wheel for so long. I poured myself a glass of the chilled wine and sunk deeper into the suds.
My mind drifted back to the last memory I had of Matty in this bathroom- soaked from spraying each other with the showerhead, his shirt clinging to his muscled and toned body, water dripping from his damp curls onto his parted lips. I remembered the tension I'd felt at that moment- the tension we felt. I remembered his face perfectly, the way he looked at my lips, then back into my eyes, panting slightly from our water fight. If I hadn't been so nervous... I wondered what would have happened.
I let myself steep in that memory, and after a while, I couldn't tell if I was getting hot from the bathtub water, or from the memory itself.
Without thinking, I called out Matty's name. He appeared at the door a few moments later, his head poking in. "Yes, darling?" he asked, averting his eyes for my own modesty.
"It's okay, you can look. I think you put enough bubbles in here for a months worth of baths," I said with a lighthearted laugh.
He allowed his eyes to slowly turn and look at me laying in the bath, bubbles covering everything below my collarbone.
"Fuck..." he said to himself quietly. "You are painfully gorgeous, Anna."
I blush at his candidness. "Thank you, Matty." I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear before remembering why I called him in in the first place.
"Are you doing anything super involved in the kitchen right now, or would you possibly want to keep me some company?" I asked.
He all but skipped over to the stool next to the tub and sat down, leaning in to kiss me.
"Of course, darling. Anything for you." He said as he rolled up the sleeves of the flannel shirt he wore. I could see a spatter of red sauce from whatever he'd been cooking staining his shirt underneath.
He saw me notice his soiled shirt, face turning red as he said "Things got a bit more involved in the kitchen than I anticipated."
"Actually, I was wondering... if maybe you'd like to join me?" I asked, my boldness faltering only briefly from the sweetness of our kiss.
He blinked at me, processing what I'd just asked him.
"It seems like you could do with a soak too," I added tentatively, gesturing at his shirt, my voice a question mark.
"Are you sure?" He asked. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
I smiled at him. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want it. I promise."
"Well as long as you're sure..." he pulled his flannel off as he stood up to undress.
I looked away as he pulled his stained t-shirt off, allowing him some privacy while undressing. I could feel his eyes on me, his movements measured from the corner of my eye, watching to make sure I was okay with every step he took.
He lowered himself slowly into the tub across from me. The tub was wide enough that we could both lay with our legs stretched out side by side. Matty gently lifted one of my legs to rest on his chest and began to rub my foot. My eyes practically rolled back into my head from bliss. I sighed audibly.
"Now there's a sound I could live for," he said with a smile.
I frowned from pleasure, my eyes closing.
"Are you sure you're not an angel, Matty? You treat me way too well- if you keep this up I don't know what I'll do without you once my placement ends."
Matty's hands paused for a moment. He fell silent, and I wondered if I'd said something wrong.
"I know it's quite irresponsible, but can we pretend that you aren't leaving in a few months? Just for tonight?"  He returned to rubbing my foot, looking me straight in the eyes. "I don't think I can think about that right now. Actually, I don't think I can think about it ever, but just for this one evening... I want to imagine this never has to end."
I couldn't tell if my heart had stopped, or was beating so fast that I could no longer feel it.
"Is that okay with you?" He asked, a look of innocence on his face.
"Of course," I said with sympathy, because I knew exactly what he meant, and I felt exactly the same way.
He kissed my big toe with a giant grin, making me laugh.
I sunk deeper into tub, relaxing, admiring the crinkles beside Matty's eyes as he smiled, taking extra time to memorize each one. I loved the way his eyes squinted when he smiled, the way he always spoke so earnestly with me. I loved that he always asked for consent. I loved how he would get carried away with his excitement, then always pedalled back to make sure I was in the same place as him. And I always was. I'd never fallen into step with someone like this before, every stride matching. I had never felt so safe with someone before. Or so turned on.
"Matty," I said, sitting upright, leaning towards him.
"Yes, dear?" He answered, eyebrows risen innocently.
"Kiss me. Please?"
"Anything for you." He said, rising from the tub, suds slowly dripping down his tattooed chest.
Our lips met, heat radiating from each other, dampness from the steam of the bath and our sweat intermingling. Our tongues met, dancing lightly with each other at first, then building intensity the longer we kissed.
I wrapped my arms around his naked torso, running my hands over his back, skin soft and slippery from the water. He gently placed one hand on the back of my neck, the other around my waist under water.
I couldn't get close enough to him, shifting myself onto my knees and straddling him, sitting down on his stomach as he reclined.
I was hungry for more. I kissed him deeper, and he pulled me in close against him in response, our bodies now touching everywhere.
"Is this okay?" He asked breathlessly, pulling away briefly to check in with me. I was so touched by his concern, which only made me want him more. I kissed his cheek, his jaw, then nibbled his ear. He moaned softly.
"Yes. Very, very okay." I said, my lips returning to his. We kissed even deeper, heat building.
He kissed me with even more intention now, his strong hands grasping at my hips. I ran my nails down his back, to which he responded "Fuck, Anna. I can't get enough of you."
I felt bold, so I pulled away, looked him dead in the eye and said, "So have me. Have all of me."
With that I shimmied further down his body, his erection now hard against my backside. I watched Matty's jaw drop as he processed what I'd just said and done. I maintained eye contact with him as I did it.
"... are you sure?" He asked slowly. "I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything just because I've got a bit excited."
I shook my head. "I mean it. I want you."
He shook his head in disbelief, eyes glazed with passion, "I need you." before he pulled me in with full force.
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-the Tired accountant and the senior Designer pt2-
Hello again i decided to expand on my sims for the simblr office idea by @kashisun once again thank you for this and apologies if im a bit spammy im slightly excited lmao
Okay buckel up folks cause im about to take you on a journey TM lol
Introducing our office babes
Christian Sinclare:
33 years old but feels 50
Doesn't like coffee but drinks it to stay awake
His favorite color is Naomi's hair color👀
..... And sage green
Literally the only accountant in this company that you can talk to that wont bring up budget cuts in the first 5 mins
His favorite meme is the "keep calm and carry on" meme but people call him an old man if he brings it up. #leavesinclarealone2023
Always works late but only because he prefers to finish the financial reports on the same day he started them so he can sleep at night (anxiety gang hello👋)
So many coworkers from other depratments come down and talk to him about various Accounting things he has no idea why its not like he is the manger or head of the department ( its because he is handsome and all the peeps want a piece of him he's just too cluless to notice)
Obsessed with the presence of Mathematical algorithms in nature and everyday life
His favorite is how Bats can find the exact location of things using echo location and the math behind that
The golden Ratio is another obsession and he spends his days off in Museums observing painting that has them
Naomi Marroquin:
31 years old iced coffee addict
Her hair color was an accidental dark red home hair dye job that went wrong but she liked it so much she kept it for years
Her favorite color is red
Hates staying late and leaves the office at 5 o'clock sharp and no one can stop her (trust me they tried)
Says she doesn't care for all the office gossip and scandal but she is besties with the one HR employee from how much she goes down there to get the juicy gossip
Is the senior graphic designer but the graphic department head put her in charge of Budgeting and making exel sheets for the accounting department because she was the only one with "excel proficiency" on her resume
That was a lie
The first time she got assigned an excel sheet assignment she googled "how to learn excel fast" then added " for dummies" exactly 2 mins later
She oftten clashes withthe Accounting department on thier requestes to lower costs and cut out quality
Hates doing all the obove through email and tries to meet anyone from the accounting department but they all avoid her because they have no time for her 30 mins lectures about the importance of paper quality
Fun facts:
Naomi is taller than Christian 💓
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Naomi used her personal email on accident for her resume which is called: [email protected] but they hired her anyway because they desperately needed someone with excel skills
Naomi's corporate style is inspired by her mom who used to be a corporate goth but naomi is not one (infact some of her office Fashion staples were given to her by her mom)
Christian's second reason for staying late is that he hates going home to an empty quiet small Appartment and prefers the feel of the big spaces of the office
Christian refuses not not wear any sort of jacket during his workday but once the day is over and everyone leaves he takes of his jacket loosens up his tie and takes out his bun to feel more comfortable
Naomi once saw christian at a museum staring really hard at a painting then she saw that painting printed on a corset the next day it made her laugh so much she had to buy it for work
One day Naomi wore tights with bats on them (vintage 😉) when she arrived at work and "happened" to get in the elevator with Christian he instantly said "nice bats" but then panicked and went into how much he loves bats for 10 mins straight. Naomi instantly fell for that panicked rizz lol
Next day she came to the office with some nice bat earing but swears its not related to Christian and his love of bats(it is) and its NOT HER GIVING HIM SIGNS OMG GUYS DO YOU WANT ME TO GET WRITTEN UP TO HR( she totally was)
How they got close and began working together:
After a particularly tough day at work of having to stay late and trying to get through to the accounting department because they wont budge on buying the expensive colored ink for thier printers and how not doing that will compromise the color quality plus almost calling the accounting manger an uneducated potato,
she decided to pass by the empty (or so she thought) accounting department to let out some cuss words at a poor empty desk, she saw Sinclare sitting there tie loosened and all and decided to try again and convince him to not cut the important supplies from the budget
How she thought that conversation went:
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How it actually went:
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After he recovered from that he told her he will help her write better more convincing reports to present to the department and from then on they became friends (who are trying so hard and failing not to fall for each other)
Aaand Thats all for now folks if you read all that i wanna say thank you i love getting super inspired like this its so much fun! Tell me what you think of the babes here im So excited!
Thank you again to kashisun for this extremely fun idea❤️
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yoongisugaagust · 2 years
HOME: The Wedding
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•Summary: Min Yoongi meets his forever.
•Warning: Smut.
“What time is it?” Yoongi groaned turning over in bed after you walk back into the bedroom.
“It’s 5,” you replied around your tooth brush rushing back into the bathroom after grabbing a hair clip off your dresser.
“In the morning?? Come back to bed,” he groggily pleaded.
“I’m already running late.” You quickly rinsed your mouth and grabbed your keys then made your way back to Yoongi’s side of the bed.
“Yoon,” you lightly shook his sleepy form. “We haven’t explicitly talked about this but you know my parents are attending, right?”
“Yeah,” he sat up.
“I can explain to them if you’re not ready to meet them.”
Yoongi grabbed your hand and gave a little squeeze. “I’m ready to meet them jagi. I know how much it would mean to you so it means a lot to me.”
“They’re saving a seat for you next to my mother. I’ll see you over at the venue. Please remember to grab my things with you?” A quick kiss and you were on your way to get glammed you for your best friend’s big day. Hair and makeup went by quickly and getting dressed was a breeze.
“Y/n?” Sara called for you to the she was getting ready in.
“You look so stunning,” you complimented. You have her an assuring nod knowing she had a lot on her mind.
“Remind me? You know..” looking right into your eyes she hoped you knew exactly what she meant. Of course you knew.
“Deep breath?” You asked and she obeyed. “You deserve good things. You are not your past. Your past will not determine your future. You deserve love. Can you repeat for me?”
Sara took a shaky breath. “I deserve good things. I am not my past. My past will not determine my future. I deserve love.” Sara exhaled deeply and collected herself. Coming from a broken home took its toll early in her life making her wary of being in serious relationships but she has come a long way.
“Are my girls ready?” Your father approached you. Sara shook her head giving a few more deep breaths before taking his arm.
“You’ll be fine Yoon,” you tried convincing him. “I’ve told them enough about you so they’re looking forward to this.” Yoongi found you after the ceremony You waited for your parents to be free after taking a few photos with Sara.
“And if they don’t like me?”
“They will,” you moved in for a kiss when you heard their voices approaching.
“Mom and dad this is Yoongi. Yoongi these are my parents Jonathon and Katherine.”
Yoongi bowed. “Very nice to meet you too.”
“You’ve been taking care of my daughter?”
“Y-yes sir. I’ve been doing my best to be a source of support for her.”
“Let’s talk over some drinks.” Your father sling an arm over his shoulder and walked him over to the bar.
“Should I be worried?” You looked on at the two men.
“No sweetie. Give them two to three drinks and maybe. It really shouldn’t be that bad since we can’t stay for long.”
“What? What do you mean I thought you guys were staying for a few days.”
“The office scheduled your father to perform a surgery in a few days and he has to be back home just in case there’s any sort of emergency.”
Dinner went by and the dancing started with the party going on well into the night. Your stepped in to fill the role of the father in the father daughter tm dance that finally had Sara shedding tears. There were even more tears between you and Sara when you had to say goodbye to your parents. Yoongi and Chungjae both stood to your sides waiting to comfort you.
“Come dance with me?” Yoongi urged you and you sullenly agreed. “Is there anything I can do?” You nodded your head resting on his chest for the slow song.
“I’m fine Yoon.”
“And you’re lying,” you felt the vibrations through his chest from his laugh.
“I’ll be fine. As fun as this day has been it’s been extremely, extremely long. I can’t wait to go home.”
“I can’t wait to take you home and get you out of that dress.” He pressed a kiss to your shoulder blade.
“Being home sounds amazing. A nice hot shower and getting straight into bed.”
“Yoongi,” you moaned at the feel of his mouth nipping along your neck. You felt his erection right against your inner thigh. His hand went from grabbing your ass to slowly making his way right to your center where he ran his fingers up and down your slit. He cradled your face with his free hand resting against your chin. His thumb caressed your lips when you greedily took it into your mouth sucking on it harshly. You loved the way his dick twitched in response.
“Fuck Y/n,” he took no time at all to turn you around and laid a slap against your ass cheek and you bit your lip in anticipation. “Is this what you want, hmm?” Another slap across your ass.
“Please baby I want to feel you in me,” you squirmed until Yoongi slid himself around your entrance. He smirked as he laid another smack to your ass.
“Work for your orgasm,” he breathed out huskily.
Without another moment going by you did as instructed backing up into him as you felt every achingly good inch go into you. Deciding to play his game you moved slow at first but didn’t take him in fully, always stopping shy of him bottoming out. You rolled your hips backing into him for a few minutes before he grew frustrated with your agonizing pace.
His left hand rested on your waist he grabbed your leg up and around him with his free hand and carefully but firmly thrusted up into you. “I’m close,” he croaked out. He didn’t let you reply when his hand came around to find your clit rubbing you into ecstasy. You were in the middle of your orgasm as you felt the tell tale signs of Yoongi coming.
Yoongi soon released you to turn you around to hug you once again. The shower stream gently hit his back as he left soft kissing in the crook of your neck.
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floralhuqzz · 1 year
𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (fem! reader x Kai Anderson)
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(english is not my first language) <3
WARNINGS: stalker kai
I woke up by the sound of my alarm, it was currently 7AM it was time to go to work. I work in a small coffe, shop just about 10 mins from my house. 
I got up and checked my phone, nothing. No messages. Nothing. As i expected. I am not really a sociable person, i dont have that many friends, neither i have a partner. I got up from bed and went to the bathroom to do my usual skin care routine. I finished and went straight into the kitchen when my cat Milo started meowing, like he was asking me to give him his morning breakfast. I chuckled and went to the fridge and grab some wet cat food for him and pour it on his little plate. When i finished with Milo i started to make myself some breakfast as well, I have one hour until my work starts so I have to be quick. I made myself some toast, fried eggs and coffee and sat down while i was reading my favorite book. When i finish i went to brush my teeth and get ready, not forgetting to do my makeup.  
I said goodbye to Milo with a little kiss on his head and i head and took some more coffee with me (im a big coffee lover) I took my keys, my bag and everything i needed for my 5 hour time job. I got out and start walking towards my car while i was too busy scrolling through my phone when i accidentaly bump into someone
“shit!-” i say after i notice i dropped my coffee on the floor
I looked up just to see a tall blue haired guy with coffee all over his jacket
“OMG IM- IM SO SO SORRY” I said still looking at his now jacket covered in coffee
“oh haha, its okay no worries, its just coffee after all, i can just wash this off” he said looking at his jacket and looking back at me
“are you sure?” I said worried and embarrased 
“totally fine haha.. and sorry for you coffee” he said now looking at my cup on the floor
“oh the coffee is nothing” I said picking up the cup from the floor
“I would pay you off somehow but im already getting late to work uhh” I said slightly chuckling 
“oh its totally fine, I was heading home right now anyways so dont worry” 
I must say he is pretty good looking, even with his dirty long blue hair and his jacket now covered with coffee. I feel like ive seen him somewhere but i dont know where... 
“Well then see ya around?” i said smiling and waving at him as i walk away
“see you around y/n” he said looking at me with a smirk on his face as he heads home
i suddenly stopped “how does he know my name?....” i thought to myself while seeing him walk away in the distance.
I head to work and start my shift. The only thing on my mind was that blue haired guy. Does he know me?. Do I know him?. I Certainly dont but, i feel like ive seen him somewhere but.. where?.... 
“miss.. miss?” 
I didnt notice that i was completely zoomed out while a costumer was talking to me
“oh! um- so sorry, that would be 3$ please” i said smiling and a little embarrased
I finished my work around 12 and headed to the supermarket for some groceries. I got inside and starting to look my grocerie list when i bump into someone.. “AGAIN? why is this happening to me” i thought to myself
“oh its you again” a mans voice spoke
“I look up just to see.. “HIM AGAIN? please god kill me” i thought 
It was the blue haired guy?! AGAIN? what is he doing here? is he stalking me or something??
“oh hi, omg i dont know whats wrong with me today im sorry” i laughed awkwardly.
“its completely fine, and hey, my jacket its not cover with coffee anymore” he said chuckling 
“uff im glad, sorry for that again” i said in relieve
“getting some groceries huh?” he asked
“yeah umm... my cat... my cat has no food and i have to buy him some” i said slightly smiling 
“ ohh, Milo? was it?” he asked looking at me dead in the eyes
“how does he know my cats name?... okey this is fucking weird” i thought to myself
“how... how do you know Milo?” i asked kinda creeped out
“oh, im your new neighbour, i moved next to you like what?, 3 weeks ago? and you know,  i asked about you around town and they told me you have a cat named Milo thats all” he said crossing his arms
my new neighbour? how tf i didnt know about this? i know now why his face sounded familiar.
“oh- omg, i didnt know im sorry” i laughed 
“its fine dont worry”
we stayed there looking at eachother with nothing to say. 
“so are you going to ask for my number or are just gonna stand there?” he said smirking
“w-what?” i asked slightly blushing at the question. i did wanted his phone number tho, im glad he was the one who asked
“yeah sure hah” i said unlocking my phone
“here you have it” he gave me a piece of paper 
“see you soon y/n” he winked at me and walked a way
i stood there in complete shock of what just happened. I decided to look at the  the paper he just gave me just to find something he written “see you at my house at 9 today? call me xxx
“wait i didnt catch your name” i said when he turn his head around
“Kai Anderson”
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idcallmyselfhuman · 1 year
Trailblazer is so silly like they just have a star-like thing inside them that could probably explode and they just eh (and i love star rail so much im normal about the stars and space in general)
and they're literally so snarky for no reason?? nothing made me laugh louder than when abraham was mourning about his recently deceased friend and the trailblazer, completely straight-faced, says "crying doesn't solve anything." on a group chat he's barely been in for 5 mins. motherfucker????
i love them
(super normal yes absolutely it was never in doubt yep)
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thebestbossjess2 · 2 years
Hey hey its Friday.
I knew that Madame was coming over today and I was excited. Speaking to Miss about it in the morning. I suggested to Miss that I should fetch Madame, Miss agreed and added that I should be dressed appropriately in a chauffer outfit. I left work early to get dressed, pant suit court shoes a white blouse with waistcoat and white gloves. At precisely 15:30i was outside Madames house with the back door of the car open, she looked at me said hello pointed to her bags and got into the car.
Madame was on her phone mostly in the back seat where she found the champagne on ice and the glass, with a smile she helped herself to a glass. 20min later we were at the store where I was buying her her bedding, she chose herself a beautiful white set cotton set and 2 new pillows, in her words coz she is above sleeping on a cucks rubbish.
Back at the house Madame ran into James arms lots of kisses and hugs and giggles, I was sent straight to the bedroom to change the sheets to Madames sheets.
As I walked back into the lounge Madame and James had a monumental amount of chains, bright shiny heavy chains. I think they both caught me drooling as I saw the locks and chains lying on the floor. James also had bolt cutters ready.
Madame then stripped me naked and ran her finger from my lips down my body to my cunt stopping just short of filling me with her finger. ' I see you're ready' I gave an audible moan and my knees gave way a little.
Standing now as directed feet shoulder width apart back straight and my hands on my head. James started measuring me.
The waist and crotch first.
The first piece of chain was cut and fitted around my waist the second between my legs through my cunt lips. I was told to move around as they watched. Sitting kneeling standing crawling and all the time adjustments were made tighter here looser there untill in all poses the chain stayed between my lips and wasn't biting me anywhere. All in all fairly comfortable.
The next was my wrists and ankles same process but more chain so each wrist had 3 rings of chain on them and each ankle 5 rings. I was really starting to feel the weight.
My neck was next 3 rings all individually locked
The next step was the connecting of all the separate limbs. My wrists 2ft chain My ankles 1 foot chain from my neck to wrists, from my wrists to my waist from my waist to my ankles.
I was in approximately 28kg of chains. And it felt wonderful.
The night carried on somewhat normally, Madame and James cuddling on the couch with a chained naked drippy cuck either kneeling or waiting on them.
When it came time for bed I was relegated to the couch while Madame and James got into bed. I heard alot that night chatting and murmering and giggling and a few screams before I wondered into a changed sleep.
Saturday morning
I was awake early as you may imagine sleeping in 30kgs of chains is not particularly comfy. I heard Madame stir and get up I went to see if she needed anything, and thats how I started having my first drink of the morning Madames pee.
I went to make coffee for the couple of the house. When James got up to pee I ran after him to make sure he didn't need anything and well that was my second liquid of the day I could taste Madames pussy all over his cock.
I spoke to Miss who gave me permission to ask Madame to edge on her foot, Madame said of course and laughed as I got to edge. As instructed I cleaned up my mess with my tongue
After Madame and James had thier coffee I was told I was getting more chains added, I looked down to see where they could possibly fit any more.
After breakfast and a little TV Madame then added more chains thighs and chest appertly weren't adored enough.
A little while later I was attached to the toilet. While I heard Madame and James outside talking and laughing and drinking cocktails. I was attached to the toilet for about 45 Min and in the meantime I spoke to Miss a little and asked for permission to throw away any panties I owned that were not thongs.
By this time I had been in chains for almost 24 hrs and as much as I loved them they were taxing and draining. Miss in her wisdom decided it was enough time in chains. James came in and in a flash I felt sooo much lighter like I could float away.
Fast-forward to later in the evening, we all went out ending up at a gorgeous place. Madame dressed exquisitely in a barely there but classy red dress matching heels and what I saw later to be the lingerie I had bought for her. James was just as handsome in jeans a formal shirt with waistcoat they really did look like an it couple. I was in something much more demure closer to my chauffer uniform.
When we arrived I was sent off to a spa and recieved a very relaxing 1 hr full body massage. I even fell asleep lol.
I joined Madame and James after as they were having dinner rightly so I was sat down across the way from them and as I say down I got a pre ordered meal and bottle of water. Madame and James had wine and meals of thier choosing and when desert came I got ice cream and chocolate sauce while Madame and James fed each other chocolate mousse. To say I was the obvious spare wheel in the evening would be an understatement.
About 9 pm or thereabouts we were back home where I was stripped My collar back in place.
Madame and James each armed with my lipstick. James started stripping Madame slowly and seductively with each exposed piece of Madames skin I was written on in lipstick. Madame kissed James and put lipstick on my lips thick and gaudy and rubbed it across my face while laughing as James traced her beautiful tits she wrote saggy on mine this went on untill James was between her legs and she wrote cucked across my stomach.
James picking her up continued between her legs her telling me to read out the words across my body over and over again untill she orgasmed. I broke down kneeling in front of them thanking them for allowing me to be who I was.
Madame turning over telling me to eat her ass I was blown away I was finally going to get to pleasure Madame I was I thought doing a great job untill Madame farted in my mouth I tried to pull away, James forcing my head to stay there where he wrote on my back ' disgusting cuck' both him and Madame laughing I was so degraded.
I did Madames laundry folded it packed it away made some breakfast for us.
And that was that. My weekend was over. Madame left a little while after James was amazing a cared for me checking in on me.
He fell asleep for an hour and I think I was out for about 3 hrs lol
What a weekend.
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rukkiya · 1 year
i know i said this so many times but your writing is so good it made me speak gibberish for 5 mins straight 😭
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HDHSHDHSHD PLEASE THIS MADE ME UGLY LAUGH SO LOUD OHMYGOSH- (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª BUT THANK YOU HON AHH THATS SO SWEET!! <3 the fact that I f e l t that down to every fiber in my being ohgeez when a fic makes me put down my phone and talk to myself- that’s how you know it’s serious so that makes me so happy to hear LOLOL I’ve accomplished what stories have done to me multiple times it’s literally so funny though how we just sit there and talk it out PFFFFFT but I hope ur taking care hon thanks for enjoying my silly works and I hope you have a lovely day/night! ^~^<3
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wonderfuldeath · 2 years
.o| Eighth Day. |o.
Warnings : Winter, Fluff, Proposal, Animal’s Attributes
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A slight stress takes him at the throat as he looks at his watch. If he didn’t show he will hate him for the rest of his life. His bushy tail moves from right to left while his thin fingers hit the bar next to him. The walls were beautifully decorated with several light garlands, some of which were in the shape of a Christmas ornament. Their little nose frowns, as he looks at the hour again, pulled on his jacket and goes around the room. Everything seems perfect, straight out of a fashionable magazine. The tree in the back of the living room, decorated with white and gold on its black branches, the very clean coffee table and the rest of the furniture that could still have been in their packaging. A small breath passes his nose, as he takes a slight turn on himself, trying to evacuate stress. It had always been a little too violent between them, and now that they were a real couple Yoongi had the impression that the world had trouble turning normally.
"Seriously, what are you doing? ”
Already ready to call him, he jumps when the phone vibrates against the worktop. When the image of what he expects appears, he has his heart that pulsates a hundred at the hour. Maybe in the end he wasn't going to be able to spend the evening. After a great breath he grabs the mobile, unlocks it before carrying it to his ear.
"- You're late.
- I know, I was held back by the snow! I'll be there in ten minutes.
- I don't like it when you're late.
- And me when you spit hairballs. And yet I live with it. ”
The mischievous tone makes him frown as he crosses his arms on his chest, trying to guess by the noise where could be the second. But he was unable to do so he just asked him to hurry, finding the sofa with a tired step, wrapping the blanket that until now had no fold. He did not like the cold, like any self-respecting cat, the cold was his worst enemy. Even in a top floor apartment, the heating almost did, he needed its hot spot. When the door opens, he jump to join the man, who has a slight laugh at this adorable attention. Sometimes, his feline side stood out much more from his human side and it gave quite incredible things.
"- You're late.
- I said I was sorry.
- And that you will be here in ten minutes.
- I'm only one more!
- One too many. ”
The yellow eyes rise to the sky, as he comes to snuggle in his arms, despite the cold body coming from outside. And he can't help but purring with contentment when his fingers pass against his sensitive ears. Outside the snow had already begun to fall. Covering Seoul with its annual white coat, giving a magical impression to the city.
"- Did the guys say they would come for new year?
- I don't know, I didn't get them.
- I thought you and Hoseok were making plans behind our backs!
- Have made plans behind your back, but not today. ”
A slight laugh passes the man's lips as he joins Yoongi on the sofa, finally realizing the problem in the equation. Yoongi was well dressed, a pretty red suit, his hair was well styled and he had even taken the trouble to put on makeup, just to make his eyes even more attractive than normal. And now that silence and love had fallen, he could see the non-natural behavior of the feline. Yoongi was anxious. His tail was waving from right to left, his ears kept shaking and he couldn't focus his attention on the slightest thing. And he arched one eyebrow of the other. In a year of living together, he had never seen him so much on himself.
"- Did you eat?
- No. And you?
- No.
- Okay? Do you want to eat something special?
- ... I thought to myself.. We could go out, right?
- The great Min Yoongi who asks me to go to the restaurant? There is a problem, will the house catch fire? Did you try to do something and did you failed it?
- Don't make fun of me! Do you want to go out yes or no? ”
The desire to tease him a little more had crossed his mind, but he said nothing. Just look at the hour. Almost twenty hours, he explains to her that he will just change, since it was obviously a special opportunity. And then they find themselves together in the older car. He seemed even more panicked, as he hoped he would say no, or something like that. And he can only watch him make the gesture of starting the car three times, without anything happening.
"Do you prefer that we stay at home? Can we have it delivered, you know?
- No! I took a table at Seokjin's, okay? Does it work for you at least?
- Of course. ”
In a reassuring way, he puts his hand against his thigh, to show him that he was with him no matter what happened and the mouse cat, takes a deep breath before starting the car. The streets are deserted, no living soul it was risky to walk in snowy weather and few people had agreed to take the risk this evening. Seokjin had completely abandoned his singing studies to finally take the risk of opening his own restaurant. It had finally worked very well, so several of them were born a little everywhere in Seoul. It was a warm and good place that delighted young and old. A place soft, chill and where you could easily come back.
"- Good evening.
- Good evening, I have a reservation on behalf of Min.
- One moment please... Good. Please follow me. ”
A smile from the waitress seems to make Yoongi even more nervous. And the young woman, a pretty redhead with adorable pig ears, accompanies them to their table. Not too much in the sight of people, but enough for the feline to be able to look everywhere and thus flee in case of danger. Even if in reality, he prefers to fight to death rather than leave his lover behind. He doesn't seem to be able to relax throughout the meal, making it quite funny. Unable to use chopsticks, things he has been eating with since his earliest childhood, he almost spill his dish more than once over him. Yoongi also almost drown in his glass, before deciding to just wait trembling for dessert.
"- Okay, okay, what? Is it a farewell dinner? Are you going to put me out?
- What? What makes you believe that?
- I don't know, you're super strange! So be you deceiving me, or you're going to put me out, or you're going to propose to me. ”
A deep breath passes the feline's lips, as he makes a circular turn of his gaze, as if someone was going to arrive and kidnap his lover. Then he passes a nervous hand through his hair, before looking at his man in front of him, even more lost. And it hurts him, one breath passes the lips of the other, while he puts his hands against the table surprising the feline, who suddenly feels stupid.
"- Ok. Okay, don't bother yourself, I understand. ”
A handful of Won to pay for his consumption, he passes his coat under the empty gaze of Yoongi who seems to regain consciousness when the waitress brings the desserts. With a sharp gesture, he also pays the bill, grabs his jacket without putting it back on and run after his lover already visibly coming home on foot. How this special evening could be so spoiled by his lack of self-confidence. Running in the snow trying not to fall, he catches him with a firm hand, his heart beating fast and the air really sorry to stick to his eyes terrifyied to lose him.
"- What else? Do you want the keys now?
- Marry you! I want to marry you Jimin! ”
The slight shock seems to lose Yoongi, while Jimin stares at him trying to understand if he was making fun of him. Then he takes the black case out of his jacket pocket, to open it on two beautiful rings. A black one with a red gold egg shell, and a white one with small black cat ears, and Jimin goes from the case to his lover, as if reality was going to hit him.
"- Wait, are you serious?
- Yes! Now be nice you want, accept and let's eat cakes.
- Cakes?
- I didn't get my dessert. And I really wanted to have a chocolate cake! ”
The yellow eyes rise to the sky, while Jimin simply takes the ring, putting it under the cat's delighted gaze, before being brought back to reality when a sneeze takes him. Quickly putting on his jacket to try to warm up under the monstrous laughter of his lover, they join the car hand in hand. And even if, he had caught a good cold, just looking at the ring on his finger while Hoseok is taking care of him, while Jimin’s at work makes him smile with all his teeth.
" - Not that bad you see, he said yes. No need to worry so much.
- What if now he realized that it was a mistake? ”
The cat's anxious look rests on Taehyung peeling potatoes while Hoseok can clearly hear him reprimand. Just making him shrug his shoulders, while Yoongi seems suffocated. They were going to have to get married quickly.
Just to be sure.
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numbknee · 2 years
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I posted 481 times in 2022
That's 480 more posts than 2021!
31 posts created (6%)
450 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 324 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#kyman - 11 posts
#no thoughts only kyman - 9 posts
#ask - 9 posts
#kyman-core - 9 posts
#anon - 7 posts
#sp kyman - 5 posts
#south park - 4 posts
#numbknee writes - 3 posts
#screaming crying throwing up - 3 posts
#i am looking 👀👀👀👀 - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#he’s like ‘no one wants to hear us talk for 20 mins straight’ like uh sir???? yes we do???? that’s why we are listening to the commentary!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
just had a vision of cartman singing heart boner by nsp to kyle at their wedding and beforehand he’s like “this is a song by a beautiful Jew... but not nearly as beautiful as THE JEW I JUST MARRIED!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU KYLE” and then he belts it out with his beautiful tenor voice and fucking kills the performance. many in attendance are scandalized by the crude lyrics, though most people there are either confused or laughing their asses off. it’s also a weirdly touching song and kyle loves it asdjfkldsjf. stan is already drunk by that point in the night so he actually tears up a little when cartman hits the long high note and kenny pisses himself from laughing too hard
33 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KYMANS?? please I beg u…. this fic is making me insane I need someone to share my suffering
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anyway here have some out-of-context memes from the fic under the cut:
chapter 1:
See the full post
47 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
a big part of the reason why I like the idea of cartman being a sub is because it’s SOOO MUCH FUNNIER than him being a dom!!
like here’s this selfish, cruel, horribly bigoted kid who has fucking MURDERED people and is the worst piece of shit on the planet.... but what he secretly wants more than anything in the world is for someone to bend him over a table, yank his hair, call him a slut, and fuck his brains out ajfkldsjfksldjf. it’s the same reason why I loved rabbi cartman in post-covid, because him converting and becoming more involved in the jewish faith than kyle after years of spewing antisemitic bullshit is fucking hilarious compared to like... generic mean CEO cartman
and this counts double in the context of a potential relationship with kyle!! it’s WAY more interesting that he’d want the kid he’s bullied relentlessly do those things to him because he has a secret giant crush on him, all while in complete denial and putting up a sadistic front to cope. it’s completely within his character to play those sort of mind games with himself. 
in the sp documentary “six days to air” trey parker’s main piece of writing advice is to replace ‘ands’ with ‘buts’ or ‘therefores’ because that makes for a better story. so like, “cartman is antisemetic BUT he actually has a crush on kyle. cartman appears to be a sadist BUT he’s secretly a masochist, BUT he’s ashamed of that fact, THEREFORE he puts on a huge front and plays mind games with himself to cover up his true more shameful desires” is more interesting than “cartman is cruel and antisemitic and enjoys hurting people and is a dom” since the only ‘but’ in that scenario is that he’s antisemitic but he likes kyle.
tl;dr cartman is a sub. fight me
57 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
this clip’s been floating around on tumblr recently and matt’s acting made kyle sound SO GODDAMN CUTE, I wanted to see how it sounded with his adult/actual voice lol. the last 20 seconds especially make my heart melt 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
61 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i feel like i’m going fucking insane I was rewatching ‘night of the living homeless’ and there’s that scene of the boys escaping a house and kyle takes cartman’s hands and pulls him up to the vent and my brain just goes
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like it was such a minor interaction but at this point my shipping goggles are GLUED to my FUCKING FACE 😭
79 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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brianyololau · 18 days
The last 4 days were wild, but I had such an amazing experience 10/10.
I’m glad I decided to say yes to this trip because it was unforgettable. The memories made and the experiences shared was just peak enjoyment.
I had missed the last 5 years of kazzy’s birthday weekend celebrations, so, I decided to go friday saturday since I was able to now. Ngl I was debating if I should’ve just went saturday since I didn’t really know everyone, and I would be spending two whole nights with them. But i’m glad I went. I told myself for the plot and the plot was THICK.
It was funny bc May called and said where tf are u rn as I was otw. While I was driving, I got the notification that there would be a HOUSE ROLL at 11:30 lol. I thought it was gonna be a night of drinking but nope. I said fk it anyways and rolled with them. When I pulled up, we went straight to drinking, and I caught up with friends I hadn’t seen in years. Everyone was all grown up lol. No more undergrad. Someone even bought a house recently. Then, the rolling began. Half of us popped, and there was a whole live dj schedule for most of the night. It was lit. Everyone was just vibing to the set having a good time while I chatted away with people and danced, real plur environment.
After the set, we played rage cage all night, and people started to go to sleep. I ended up staying up till almost 6, and we played some throwbacks. I did some drunkish karaoke for a few songs too. Couldn’t hang till sunrise, so I hit the hay. Heidi kept restarting rage cage. It didn’t stop.
The next morning, I slept in like a mf. I was a lil sleep deprived and went through 2 days of 8 hour live lecture trainings prior to coming. So, I made sure I was well rested. Surprisingly, no comedown or headache, but I woke up at 2 pm. After getting ready, I went straight to the kitchen to start cooking up breakfast, good ole bacon and eggs. Rene was making everyone drink though.. so my first meal was basically alcohol.
After I ate and drank some more, everyone came back from a pickleball tournament. We took group pictures, and I put on my duck themed fit. Shortly afterwards, we did a roll call for shrooms. It was interesting seeing everyone take the ones I supplied. Afterwards, we all dispersed, and it didn’t hit for a while, so I decided to use the restroom before the mayhem began. However, I ended up talking to Nicole for a bit, and during that convo, it hit LOL. Kazzy came in and asked if we were feeling it. We both said yeah, and I started laughing bc I was trying to act sober the whole time.
I decided to go out and sit by the pool with a couple other people in order to settle for the come up. There was a big palm tree in front of us, and I saw its leaves begin to sway. The weather was perfect, and looking at it felt so surreal. Looking into the distance, I noticed two moving objects. I thought I was trippin, but they were rabbits LOL. After a few min, I started to feel a bit overwhelmed and couldn’t sit still. So, I walked over to the edge of the pool. Randy was already in and suggested I jump in since I told him I wanted to see what it would be like to swim while tripping.
I was a bit unsure how it would feel considering I was still coming up but said fk it. First time for everything, right? Took off my shirt and cannon balled in. I’ll never forget that rush of water surrounding me as I went under. Emerging felt revitalizing, and then the cold temperature hit.
Randy asked how it felt to be tripping in a pool… I said it feels like i’m in a pool LMAO but it feels GREAT. The water was still cold after a few min, so I decided to swim across the pool. On the other side, there was a waterfall created by an overhanging beam. I felt myself gravitating towards it, and the sound of the water splashing into the pool seemed to drown the rest of the noise in the background. It seemed like everything else around me just faded out, and it was just myself and the waterfall in front of me.
I don’t know why, but it felt so spiritual to me. Everything drowned out including my own thoughts and anxiety from it all. It was just me and this enchanting water splashing into the surface of the pool. I saw something beautiful that was uniquely experienced to myself. I stood there for a minute appreciating the intense calmness it brought to me, and at one point, I started stretching my arms open to it. Finally, I turned around and looked at everyone else. It felt so freeing standing there and accepting everything in front of me. I was struck with beauty.
Eventually, I swam back, and the water became warm. Then, I went over to the jacuzzi which was nicee. I met this pretty girl named Aiko. Her fit was so cute. I complimented her on it later on. Then, Allen came out and pushed Kazzy into the pool. I ran over to make sure he was good since he was also tripping. Rene brought soju lol. I took some more shots, and bounced around just socializing. I was also tripping, so it was a lil hard to stay focused on the convos for too long. At one point, I picked up a bubble gun and started blasting it. It was amazing. In fact, I bought one for Zedd this week. Everyone seemed to love it including me. Being surrounded by bubbles while tripping is like being inside of fiction just watching them float around like magic. For the next hour, I kept floating around and enjoying the most beautiful sunset. The sky turned orange, and I was basking in the sunlight. I wanted that moment to last forever. That’s when I realized that this is what life is all about, to appreciate the beauty in life and share those moments with friends who truly care about you. That’s what I felt in that hour of light, and it reshaped everything for me, why we strive so hard, why we willingly take on stress, and why we make sacrifices. It’s not to push ourselves to the blink of oblivion and destitution. There’s no joy in losing that glimmer of life in your eyes. Everything is to KEEP that glimmer alive no matter what. Stress shouldn’t be controlling us, beating us down until we give up. We OVERCOME stress and utilize it in order to get to where we WANT. And when the stress is no longer fulfilling our purpose, we must walk away. That’s how we choose our battles and claim our victories. There’s no victory in battle lacking in altruism and self.
I’ll never forget that experience. It felt like the first time I opened my eyes and basked in literal happiness and beauty. I am grateful for everything.
After the sun went down, most of the people went in, and the party was going. There was a live dj, and everyone who didn’t trip had been drinking all day. It was overwhelming for me to jump into that when I had been so relaxed before. So, I stayed in the jacuzzi with a few other people. I got to know Brandon a little better, and he was such a great guy. 28 but with a 7 year old daughter and handling a full time job while hanging out with everyone. Love it. Stand up guy and I respect him for being a good father. Afterwards, I got cleaned up and went back out to chat a little with a few people. Mom called and asked what I was still doing out since I had WORK the next morning. I said i’d sleep there and go straight to work. That’s exactly what I did. When I went back inside, everyone was already drinking, playing rage cage, and dancing to loud ass music. I wasn’t really ready for that yet, and I missed dinner. Out of nowhere, I saw Brandon making ramen and hopped in right away. I started cooking up bacon and eggs. Brandon made sausages, and we put together some scrappy meals I was honestly so proud of. He was too, and it was bomb. While we were doing that, Kazzy took 10 shots back to back for his yearly birthday challenge, and everyone recorded.
At this point it was around 8:30 pm, and I knew I had to prepare myself for another rally if I wanted to keep partying. The problem was I had to leave at 4 am and go straight to work. I was staying up after for another 12 hour shift back to back days. I didn’t think I would’ve been able to survive another rally without taking addy and a bunch of caffeine the next day. So, I decided to take a nap. I was scared I wouldn’t wake up or make it back in time, and to combat that, I kept setting alarms for 30 minutes. Eventually, I just slept until 4 am because the sleep was good. Also, I didn’t want to be too inebriated and have trouble leaving by 4 am for work. It worked out pretty well because I handled the next two days pretty well. However, I did miss out on the second rally. In retrospect, I could’ve stayed up another 2 hours during peak time, but knowing me, there’s a chance I could’ve slept through my alarms if I was too sleepy. Didn’t wanna take the risk.
I really miss everyone, although, I only knew a lot of them for a short while. It was just the acceptance and fondness we had for each other in such an emotional space that I ended up appreciating everyone for vibing with one another. It was so wholesome and not at the same time. I will definitely be back for the next one. Newfound friends!
Yesterday, at work, I received my first ICU level patient that I had to stabilize. I was doing everything critical care. I was messing with central lines, bolusing bags of saline, doing septic bundles, and hanging levophed. It was real nursing. I’m glad I had that experience because I learned a lot on how to care for critical patients in the medical field. The only thing I gotta practice now is ACLS and mastering rhythms.
Overall, this was genuinely an amazing week. Despite the fact that I had 4 days of work in between the 1.5 days at Kazzchella, I feel I truly made the best out of every second of it. I ended it with unforgettable memories, new friends, wiser reflections, and fulfillment of my immediate responsibilities. I’m proud of myself!
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