#this isn't really tmi but
drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
i've never even seen the show First is from and yet i love your First x Chase Young ship so i have to ask. If anything did HAPPEN between the two of them what sort of emotions would they be dealing with afterwards?
Wow, this is such an unexpectedly nice compliment for me? Cause it means, you are a Chase/XS fan, who saw my crack ship and went 'I don't know what's going on, but I enjoy your silly little ship, funny crossover shipper.' and you know what? It's very nice and made me happy. ;) Thank you!
And well who said nothing ever happened between them lol IF anything happened between those two (be it emotional or physical ;3), their default way of dealing it would be DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL, in similar but also in slightly different ways.
Chase Young is a man who seemingly doesn't do softer emotions. Any possible feelings and reactions who could be attributed to him actually caring about First Ninja, are re-labeled in his head into him doing all of this because he is trying to manipulate First on his side (and he totally still is, but he also now wants to feed that man, talk with him during long evenings and perhaps take a nap with him, you know, disgusting cute domestic stuff amidst oh i dunno- taking over the world and being evil together. >;))
First Ninja on the other hand, is very much aware that for things to go this far means that he is absolutely having emotions about Chase. But he is also in denial, because how can he betray all of his moral standing and beliefs, if he starting to care about someone like Chase Young? So he shoves it so far deep, he is in denial about denial, and turns completely blind to anything even resembling them being something more than opponents who tentavely respect one another.
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niuniente · 1 year
Me: oh no, my stomach has been acting up a lot for 2 weeks already, and I have a trip to England in a few days... Google: You can't use Imodium for more than 48h!!! Me: Ah, shit. A literal shit! Me: Doctor, please, is there any medication for IBS? Doctor: No, unfortunately. Imodium typically helps. Me: I've been using it and it does help. How long can I use it in one go? Doctor: Up to 3 weeks. Here's a prescription for you. Just take less when your symptoms start to subside. Me: Oh heaven's bless QuQ
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ladsofsorrow24 · 7 months
what does it say about sasuke or kishimoto as an author that the image of sasuke being lovey-dovey with sakura or even karin is so contradictory to his character... yet the image of him and naruto being exactly that is somehow the most natural conclusion for these two...
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izzyspussy · 5 months
hey an effect of HRT that I've noticed in myself that I've never seen anyone mention: the like little tiny bumpy bits around the areola? the baby saliva-reading texture (or so I've heard)? gone. my nipples are. So smooth.
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wretchie · 2 months
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clementimetodie · 4 months
Something about those period product alternative posts that suggest cotton pads and period underwear with no mention of cups feels eerily like that old idea that "tampons are for whores because they break your virginity" but hidden behind the guise of natural alternatives and feminine health
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allyooops · 1 year
[How/where] did you meet your partner? He sounds like a wonderful person!
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He is truly an amazing man, and I always wanted him to find the happiness that he so deserved. Just never figured I'd factor into that someday haha! Building a relationship off of a real friendship is not something I've ever done, but it's made it so easy tbh? We already had this foundation of trust, and a deep understanding of what each other had gone through and was actively looking for. I'm so excited for the future with him by my side 💕
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fantabulisticity · 7 months
tfw you go off of your PPI agent medication to see if your body can learn to be Normal and then during the taper-off course of meds your bowels go back to being wildly unpredictable and then 24 hours after the last taper med you have diarrhea after being constipated earlier in the week 🥰
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isekyaaa · 5 months
Someone said my work is "quality" u//////u
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
my poor body. she does not work so good
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
I think it's really sweet that I get notifications lately about people liking my GoT fics because that fandom seriously put me through the wringer and all the overwrought tag policing (from fans screaming about a past relationship maybe being discussed at some point) is a key reason why I stopped writing in the first place.
Also, Jonerys fans literally scouring this blog for "proof" that I wasn't a completely straight cisgender female and threatening me if they found it (there's a lot of proof these days, gang, although if you know what my sexuality actually is at this point, feel free to inform the class....slightly bisexual ace? Uh, maybe) all because I told them it was out of line to explicitly threaten people over fanfic comments...let's just say, I stopped wanting to engage.
However, if people still like the fics, I do appreciate that.
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ladsofsorrow24 · 1 year
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what makes vash's pacifist way of life very commendable in the narrative is how despite this belief, he still understands that not everyone who pull the trigger do so solely for harm, but also for self-defense
he understands that love and peace can't fix everything, that it is natural for people to harm others who have harmed them
i love that way of showing that kindness is not the same as naivety, but a choice that him and so many others actively have to choose in this very cruel system
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orthodera · 2 years
Imagine being so insecure in your own identity that you start literally gatekeeping your gender
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paradoxiii · 1 year
Are you saying natalieironside has you blocked? That’s so funny and idk why
Yeah, iirc she actually used to follow me! But I made a comment on some post that I don't remember the details of but I remember part of my comment was "almost always", then natalieironside added on something essentially saying "it's not always like that", to which I responded with a screenshot of the thing I said in the first place and reiterating that I said "almost". Next thing I know her blog doesn't load for me & I can't like/reblog anything from her (which kinda sucks bc at least once a week I come across a post of hers that I get the urge to reblog)
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flashmod · 2 years
What seemingly small decision made the biggest impact on your life?
Giving my life to God
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rovermcfly · 2 years
I may not have been able to continue my thunderheart rewatch pattern today but the HOURS i spent on the next gifset are like. worse.
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