#hello there tmi
irritablepoe · 1 month
they are terrible for this you have a problem and told them and they make fun of you? that is mean as fuck people who are supposed to care about you should want you to not feel horrible but maybe the friends feel badly for you with that look? like sympathetic?
yeah, but i'm... well not okay with this exactly, but i'm glad that they're respecting these boundaries at least. i'm used to being made fun of though lol, i'll take that then ig
and yeah my friends definitely feel sympathetic towards me, though probably don't know how to react bc they don't quite understand? which again is fair, these thoughts are irrational after all (at least the feeling dirty and scratching/hitting part, though this has probably resulted bc of me not establishing boundaries much earlier where i started to feel uncomfortable with it, which is a valid thing to feel ofc but didn't realise at the time)
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booksandmore · 9 days
wild how people refer to tmi as the incest books when the entire thing was a master plan created by their evil supremasist father to make his children feel like they’re monsters in order to maniplate them into thinking they don’t deserve to he happy (“to love is to destroy”) and should totally stay with him instead and caused everyone involved suffering and pain like babe. i dont think the narrative wants you to like it
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wikitpowers · 5 months
i see so much clary hate in the tsc fandom like calling her stupid and people saying she acts like a baby and whines too much like do some people not realize that this girl just turned 16 in cob???? like she is a baby, give her a fucking break this girl went through so much and yet still remained the biggest badass
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cyancherub · 1 year
financial independence changed my whole outlook on life i really mean that. i will work my ass off and i will do it for MYSELF and it feels so rewarding to know that i dont have to answer to anyone about my time or money but ME. it gives me the motivation to do the best i can so i can give myself the best life possible u know
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bookishjules · 11 months
i don't think we talk enough about how isabelle reportedly dates/sleeps around and yet the only person we see her have any sort of relationship with other than simon is meliorn at the beginning of the series. meanwhile, simon has a total of three (3) love interests throughout tmi. sure we know izzy said she was going on dates with other people post cog, but we never see it happen, we never hear a name. it's almost as if, after he came into her life, the only one who matters to her is simon, no matter how much she may have tried to fight it.
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fearandhatred · 5 months
Last Line Challenge!
Rules - In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like.)
thank u @eybefioro for the tag!!
last thing i drew was the thing i posted yesterday so this is the last line i wrote... from tht of course
But he doesn't confront Aziraphale; it always ends the same way. He turns and flees.
this finale is going to be Something Else i'm like putting off finishing it lol help
no idea who has already been tagged lol all hail writer mutuals (no pressure!!): @crowleyslvt @lazulibundtcake @midnights-dragon @knifeforkspooncup @seven-stars-in-his-palm
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marchsfreakshow · 2 months
I'm literally writing let's go I'm amazing.
I also really need to write down a list of my mutuals so I remember who to tag with every fic I post.
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darcyolsson · 1 year
i will get back to this but I feel like the fact that jace has god-powered bug abilities (can jump 30 feet into the air, can fall from extreme heights and not take any damage at all) is literally not brought up even once after the first tmi triology. in fact i completely forgot he even had them but he just walked off a skyscraper
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livvyofthelake · 27 days
joel mchale in the american housewife finale btw. as cooper's dad that's crazy.... AND jim rash is still here playing that waiter who sucks at his job and is a huge cunt <3 i miss community....
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disturbedheart · 5 months
Nothing honest to god bothers me more than when I buy something for myself or bring something home for ME and out of the kindness of my heart I decide to share it, and it all fucking disappears in 7 seconds. Like those wipes were meant for ME but I left them out for everyone and now they're almost half gone cause my sibling uses them nonstop and leaves the god damn thing open so they DRY OUT when I've told them twice already not to 🤦‍♀️ and I hate to be a mean bitch but I bought those specifically for myself for very specific situations and not just because I need to tinkle 🤦‍♀️ those things were NOT CHEAP BRO
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waitineedaname · 11 months
Tumblr media
big fan of these texting abbreviations in my intercultural communication textbook
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wikitpowers · 7 months
what if sebastian morgenstern comes back from the dead in twp but he’s not evil or dangerous but instead he has green eyes and he protects clary and ash like his life depends on it
and imagine him seeing ash for the first time and being the father he never got to be because he was never given the chance
everybody say fuck u valentine
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spicyicymeloncat · 9 months
Being gay is so fucking unreal like I thought the girlies writing fanfiction were making it up but noo I really am blushing and teeheeing and heart exploding and brain short circuiting and like man all of that is real like crazy.
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134340am · 2 years
kissing all my sleepy girls (gn) who had to get out of bed today. all of u r so brave. i’m proud of u
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gayseball · 4 days
Fucking this guy and trying to act like I don’t have a little squish but I do. Sigh. I do
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marchsfreakshow · 4 months
Hai :3
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