#this isn't coherent but I don't care
bi-hop · 2 months
I keep staring at the tags in that last post I reblogged. it's not horror I'm feeling or shock, it's just unsurprised rage
you make a post about the need for the abolishment of a force that multiple organizations (which include the NAACP) cite as having its modern roots in slave patrols and nonblacks dismiss it as a distraction, as if it's the fault of Black people that the attention economy is so limited that platforming multiple connected issues at once is 'too hard' for some people
a quick Google search turns up multiple articles explaining how US cops train with and learn from their Israeli counterparts, with crowd control being a key element in said education. where do we often see concentrated violence and police brutality in the name of 'crowd control'? do I need to spell it out for you?
you make a post about how antiblack violence and police brutality is warped into a spectacle by white people as a form of voyeurism in the name of awareness and you immediately get people going "it's only some of us" and otherwise nitpicking the language used. as if the language is the problem and not the fact that our corpses are always on display and our bodies are always subject to a level of scrutiny and dehumanization, regardless of if we're alive or not. is it really so hard to understand how this is all a connected problem? who gets to live? who gets to live with dignity? who gets to die well? who gets to mourn without the burden of judgment?
my first year at my university, I had to sit out of a lesson that went into lurid detail about the trial concerning the murder of Travyon Martin. I thought I could handle it, but just reading some abridged transcripts brought back all of the terror and sorrow of watching that man get declared not guilty. not even a few months later after the verdict, my brother got stalked by a new neighbor and stopped going on walks for a year. my teacher apologized but also spoke of the 'value' of it all. this last year, before graduation, cops tore down our encampment, established by Palestinian students and their allies, in the middle of the night. they did nothing about people filming those involved to slander them or the physical assaults Zionists from off campus directed against everyone involved. suddenly, the academic value of the history of protest is gone. we received constant emails calling the encampment a violent act against our school. it barely took up much of the quad.
but sure. all of this is disconnected and in a hierarchy to boot. everything is in its neat little vacuums. don't talk about climate justice. don't talk about police brutality. discuss genocide, but only in abstractions and never when it'll jeopardize the political agenda you have going on. never actually look the people suffering in the face, but don't look away. I'm sick of you all for real
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klavierpanda · 8 months
There seems to be this belief that everyone from England is a staunch royalist who loves the royal family. I see this especially in people not from the UK (chiefly USAmericans) who think it's progressive to shit on English people while making huge generalisations. You might as well just say openly you don't care for working class English people. There are a tonne of people who don't like the monarchy and you can't ignore the fact that from birth we're taught that the monarchy is great and that we should love it. It's easy to point out propaganda when you're not the one being subjected to it.
"Haha Charles is dying, get fucked England" is a ridiculous sentiment to have. Like I said, you might as well openly say you hate the English working class. If he does die soon, they'll spend millions on his funeral and millions more on William's coronation. Money that could be much better spent giving people support. 1 in 5 people in the UK were in poverty in 2021/22 and it's not got any better. The government doesn't care about working class people and the party that was supposed to represent working class people are now further right than centre parties.
To be honest I could keep trying to be eloquent and explain myself better but no one would actually internalise this so if you genuinely believe that everyone in England deserves to be shit on and doesn't get negatively affected by anything the government does etc, just get fucked. Your progressivism is performative at best and I hope that one day you will realise that and actually start caring about people
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
yknow what with the strife building between forever and bad and the ripple effect that might have on the server at large i think now is the perfect time to fridge bad. go touch grass, mr boyhalo, it's time to see people either fall apart or come together without you. bc listen. listen. when the dms are bumpin with 'bad can you ___' every thirty seconds. sometimes you just gotta steal badboyhalo and see what the fuck happens. i just want to know.
and i also want bad to slEEP GODDAMNIT
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
People really be talking about peace and love and understanding of others and social justice, then the moment a villain in a children cartoon sees the errors of their way and gets redeemed through love and understanding they yell outraged that they didn't use a guillotine
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Time loops are really about trauma. Ghosts are really about trauma. Vampires, of course, were about trauma the entire time. Frankenstein is about trauma. So is Wuthering Heights. So is Jane Eyre. And of course Sense and Sensibility is about trauma as well. You know what else is just a neat package for trauma ? Fairy tales. Sitcoms. Poetry. Gilgamesh was of course about trauma, as were the Iliad and the Odyssey. Gawain and the green knight, Dante's Inferno, Don Quixote number among the moving testaments to trauma. History is just the record of trauma, Geography is also the record of trauma, and Political Philosophy as well. The above are also causes for trauma. Trauma itself is, as anyone who has experienced trauma can tell you, a source of trauma. Trauma from the greek Trauma, meaning wound. The absence of the word wound in favour of the word trauma is an exemple of trauma in language. Trauma is the body of Christ, of every woman, of every child, of every old person, of every outcast, everyone whose body can be freely subjected to violence, of everybody who shirks and shies away from violence. Of everyone who visits violence upon another. Trauma endures, and if trauma is ever forgotten, that too is trauma. Trauma means wound and we all know what wounds mean. Jenny Holzer said it best. Hiding trauma is a form of trauma, as is displaying it proudly on one's chest. Ignoring it, never acknowledging its presence is also trauma. Dreams replay and reword and foretell trauma. Trauma will affect the way you will treat your children, your parents, your friends and lovers, and every stranger. Especially the strangers. It's not like you're the master of your trauma. It's not like your trauma masters you either. It's on you, it makes you, but it's not of you. We all have experienced trauma because society is a trauma-inflicting machine. We will never be free of trauma. We desperately want to be free of it. Some of it we can free ourselves from, if we learn the ways and and work hard and try to understand it. We know of people it has worked on. We want that from ourselves and are glad for them. One day. One day. One day.
..... Anyhow I can't believe some people still believe in Freud. Dude high off his mind on cocaine saying whatever, right ?
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dracocheesecake · 2 years
*squeezes empty water bottle*
Thirsting for Kai is a full-time job. And brother...I'm working overtime.
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piplupod · 1 year
there was a very nice stranger at bus stop yesterday and he showed me concern and kindness in a way my own parents haven't so that was nice. also i am beating back the "he was only doing that in a creepy way, he wasn't being genuinely nice", so i know that's a possibility but i am choosing to believe that wasn't what it was otherwise i will not leave the house for an entire week.
i hope he has a nice day today and that he's doing well
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makiswirl · 2 years
not to clutter your inbox but I wanted to chime in a fellow linged enjoyer, I think it's easy to forget how fma is still a mainstream series and most of the fans probably don't even realize edling is a thing because they don't perceive anything that isnt canon unless it's straight, and how the "dudebros" come and attack any type of ed and ling content, usually fanart, that could potentially be perceived as romantic. it's crazy too because it's still a rarepair, like it's not even that popular, yet every single edling artist I've seen has gotten at least several homophobic comments on their stuff. idk, not to say people who don't like the ship are usually homophobic obviously it's just a silly ship, but it's super unfortunate how so many mlm or wlw shippers get treated over just doing what they enjoy in a fandom of predominantly popular het ships anyways
YES! that's pretty much what i was getting at near the latter end of the post! (´ ∀ ` )
het ships are still more inherently popular just by the fact that fullmetal alchemist is popular to the general public, and saying that a certain straight ship that is at least implied to be canon is less popular doesn't consider the mass majority of people casually viewing and consuming content from my perspective as a content creator bc... those casual enjoyers Might have biases and shit all over stuff they have biases against and at the end of the day the m/f ships are always going to be more popular unless they're a smidge out there
it's just a matter of content output within the fellow creators in the fandom, even if i don't mind that at all or even perceive it personally :o) i'm friends /w popular artists (and myself included) who've gotten harassed by random dudebros just shitting on the art for existing because 'It's Just Gay to Be Gay' or 'They're Not Canon And This Ship Is' or whatever :")
and yeah i cldn't care less if people are into it because i'm just thriving enjoying these two barbie dolls i'm smashing together to kiss and i don't want to convince anyone to get into them, but only people who post content of wlw and mlm pairings getting confronted on the front that they're just mlm and wlw pairings and something i've only seen happen with gay-oriented pairing content creators is beyond me since you have your canon straight ships right there
tl;dr: i just like them because i like them but linged isnt even actually terrifically popular :'^) at least not anymore, and i think it's kind of hard to Remember That especially for people who aren't content creators especially when it's a gay ship in an already-dormant fandom
obviously i don't think it's harmful to ask and i don't want any bad attention coming onto the og anon because it was just a normal question and i respect and appreciate it! but it's just a matter of 'seeming' when it's really just what you personally consume or perceive
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pa-pa-plasma · 3 days
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so this post is definitely about me lol & i just wanna say that
me only having mental illness is a really big assumption
the experiences i talked about were my own & some friends i'd had while going to an alternate school, they weren't secondhand or made up
idk what is wrong with this person but they are super fucking ableist, & going through their blog, it's clear they love to accuse everyone of faking being disabled or needing accommodation for some reason & are obsessed with interacting in bad faith.
just gonna assume they're constantly having a really bad day every day but man if you're gonna make multiple blogs dedicated to speaking about disabled issues, maybe don't alienate a majority of the community & accuse them of not being "disabled enough" for you to fucking listen to them
#i think when your advocating of one specific group turns into putting down everyone else .you've failed#if you want to be a voice for a community you have to be able to speak coherently about a subject without getting aggressive#& picking fights with anyone who even breathes in your direction#which this person seems to love to do btw holy shit they are super fucked#anyways was just reminded of this dipshit. this screenshot & some other shit they said (like accusing me of thinking disabled ppl are gross#was in response to me saying addiction is a disability & they flipped the fuck out about that#my point was that you can't cater to every single disability all at once. there is going to be some conflict & you have to problem solve#like imagine a person who's super cold & another who's super hot#the person who's cold can keep putting on more layers but the person who's hot can't. so the cold person is gonna have to compromise#& turn the heat down & just put on a jacket or something#OP said that taking medication in public should be normalized & (while that is hyperspecific region-wise) that is true#but also you need to work with other disabled people (like addicts) when making things accessible#because an accessibility option might be great for one person & horrible for another#because when i was at that alt school there were a bunch of kids who were recovering addicts or parents were#& so i was asked to take my medication away from them & i did. because i'm not a fucking asshole#it would be cool if you could take your meds whenever wherever but that just isn't realistic#if you can help someone with trauma or an addiction without negatively impacting yourself then why not#like why would you force someone else to suffer just because you're personally angry about an imaginary slight#if you can't leave or leaving would fuck things up then let them know you take your meds at that time so they can leave beforehand#or if it's an emergency then just fucking take the meds & the other guy can decide what to do with themself#like there is a nuance here that the OP refuses to acknowledge because they don't actually care about disabled people#they only care about themself#like cool advocating. still ableism#anyways if you got this far for blocking reasons the user is disbabeled
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chaotic-history · 1 year
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I'll never get over how much I love this book
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threadmonster · 1 year
Today (yesterday actually) I learned there is a significant difference between being told by a physician "you're still so young" vs "not that I'm saying 25 is old" in regards to me having had a neck surgery at age 17.
Being told you are young, for me, has always had the implication that I need to take better care of myself. ...as if I was ever given the tools and support to do that...
Being told that "as time goes on and you get older things will degrade/get worse again" and that being followed with "yes 9 years has gone by but I'm not saying 25 is old"
The first one has always felt like maybe they had good intentions but it felt like I was being blamed or something. This time though it made me feel like I shouldn't give up hope because even though I feel old physically, I am not actually old.
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neonphoenix · 1 year
Tell me why I saw a weird post talking about ao3's sketchy budget and when I clicked on the profile they were 16 💀
Tbf, they were mostly citing conversations they had had with a friend (21 according to their profile) whose qualifications I know nothing about.
But, nevertheless, the commentary seemed a little odd to me if I were to assume that that individual had experience in nonprofit budgeting. Not to start fights on the internet over a budget (especially considering that I myself only have a couple years of experience interning for nonprofits, only a small amount of which involved budgets), but if you look at a $37,000 contractor services fee and think that's oddly high, instead of immediately concluding they hired somebody for whatever purpose, I start to wonder about your qualifications to talk about this.
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cordeliawhohung · 6 months
pornstar!gaz only likes filming threesomes with you if he's paired with Johnny.
Obviously, Kyle always prefers having you alone on set. He's grown rather attached to you, in some odd way. Always likes having you all to himself — as much as he can with a whole crew of people, anyway. And though Johnny can be a dog, he'd rather be paired with him than anyone else in the entire industry.
While Johnny can eat a girl out for hours, or ravage her cunt like an animal, what sets him apart from other co-stars is how intuitive he is. He's always been smarter than he lets on, and his keen nose could sniff out Kyle's odd infatuation with you the moment he saw the way the man looked at you; like you were more than just some girl he was going to fuck for the cameras.
So when the film starts to roll, Johnny becomes a well trained dog rather than some lustful animal. Follows Kyle's lead, lets him work at your cunt while he paws at your tits or keeps your mouth occupied with his cock, but what Kyle really appreciates is the way Johnny talks to you.
"I know," he coos at you while Kyle ruts into you from behind, "too good, isn't it? Making such sweet sounds for him though. Gonna thank him for fucking you so well? Go on, tell him."
And you do, and it's hardly coherent, but Kyle can make out the way you babble the words thank you thank you thank you over and over again like it's a prayer. Johnny grins when he notices how Kyle's pace only picks up at your words, and he leans in close to your ear before whispering: "You like being Garrick's girl, don't ya?"
You refuse to say anything out loud on set, but your answer is already engraved in your face. Garrick's girl. Yeah, it was real quick the way Johnny picked up on that, and if Kyle wasn't careful, everyone else would catch on, too.
"Don't worry, bonnie," Johnny whispers, "your secret's safe with me."
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pomefioredove · 10 days
😭😭 Please make more hcs of yuu's admiration club plss it's so cute and I ended up reading it so fast 💔💔 feel free to delete or not reply!<3
original post (riddle, leona, azul, vil)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Yuu Admirer Club! 2
type of post: headcanons characters: jamil, idia, malleus additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, ortho's part is strictly platonic
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Kalim has never been one to ask for permission
Jamil's whole life at school is centered around adapting to Kalim's chaos
but this isn't chaotic
it's... quiet. too quiet
it takes him all of ten minutes to realize Kalim isn't in the dorm
of course, Jamil has his suspicions...
he's had his own little fantasies about running away with you
I mean WHAT who said that
as much as he'd like to enjoy the peace and quiet for once,
he knows he'll get in trouble if anything happens
and knowing Kalim, something will happen
so, now, he's standing in Ramshackle's foyer, arms crossed
"what are you doing?"
Kalim is sitting on the floor, weaving friendship bracelets
"oh, I'm gonna stay here. I like it. look, I made you one, too!"
"you cannot stay at another dorm, you are the housew-"
hmmmm... wait a second
Jamil's whole disposition changes, and he smiles all big
"you know what? you deserve a break. I'll just take care of things at Scarabia while you're gone,"
he turns to you "keep him away from open flame."
Idia knows better than to worry when Ortho goes off on his own
I mean... he still does, but he knows not to
it's just a few hours... just a few hours...
but it's getting dark now, and Ortho's been radio-silent
completely blipped off the map...
Idia slips into his computer chair and starts going through the security cam feed
courtyard is empty, classrooms are dark, even the- what's that?
a familiar electric blue glow is coming from...
he switches between cams to get a good look
and it's Ortho... and you
having some kind of mock tea party with empty cups. some stuffed animals, a few other first years, even Grim is there...
Idia snorts
but... the more he thinks about it...
no. no, he cannot be jealous of his little brother playing toys with the prefect
that would be pathetic. even for him...
still, he can't help but envy Ortho's social skills
maybe, if he could actually talk to you, his yuu admiring club wouldn't have to be an account he secretly runs and folder on his computer...
it's unusually quiet in Diasomnia tonight
usually, Malleus would enjoy the stillness of the evening, but there's something quite eerie about it now
"Lilia... have you any idea of where Silver and Sebek are?"
the vice housewarden, upside-down, shrugs
how strange... Malleus cannot recall a time where Sebek has left him alone for more than a few hours
it's... worrying
of course, he goes to you first
not out of suspicion, but because few others could give him a coherent answer while trembling with fear
when you open Ramshackle's door, there you are... and there's Silver... and Sebek...
both asleep in the foyer behind you
what a sight
you explain that some of the boys had started a "Yuu Admirer Club" and surprised you with an impromptu meeting
a sour look crosses Malleus' face
"don't be mad at them, it's my fault. I didn't have the heart to wake them," you say.
"oh, I'm not upset that they've decided to spend their time with you. I understand completely. I am, however, a little upset that I was not invited to this "Yuu Admirer Club"."
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nowoyas · 18 days
Trying to make sense of the Nanowrimo statement to the best of my abilities and fuck, man. It's hard.
It's hard because it seems to me that, first and foremost, the organization itself has forgotten the fucking point.
Nanowrimo was never about the words themselves. It was never about having fifty thousand marketable words to sell to publishing companies and then to the masses. It was a challenge, and it was hard, and it is hard, and it's supposed to be. The point is that it's hard. It's hard to sit down and carve out time and create a world and create characters and turn these things into a coherent plot with themes and emotional impact and an ending that's satisfying. It's hard to go back and make changes and edit those into something likable, something that feels worth reading. It's hard to find a beautifully-written scene in your document and have to make the decision that it's beautiful but it doesn't work in the broader context. It's fucking hard.
Writing and editing are skills. You build them and you hone them. Writing the way the challenge initially encouraged--don't listen to that voice in your head that's nitpicking every word on the page, put off the criticism for a later date, for now just let go and get your thoughts out--is even a different skill from writing in general. Some people don't particularly care about refining that skill to some end goal or another, and simply want to play. Some people sit down and try to improve and improve and improve because that is meaningful to them. Some are in a weird in-between where they don't really know what they want, and some have always liked the idea of writing and wanted a place to start. The challenge was a good place for this--sit down, put your butt in a chair, open a blank document, and by the end of the month, try to put fifty thousand words in that document.
How does it make you feel to try? Your wrists ache and you don't feel like any of the words were any good, but didn't you learn something about the process? Re-reading it, don't you think it sounds better if you swap these two sentences, if you replace this word, if you take out this comma? Maybe you didn't hit 50k words. Maybe you only wrote 10k. But isn't it cool, that you wrote ten thousand words? Doesn't it feel nice that you did something? We can try again. We can keep getting better, or just throwing ourselves into it for fun or whatever, and we can do it again and again.
I guess I don't completely know where I'm going with this post. If you've followed me or many tumblr users for any amount of time, you've probably already heard a thousand times about how generative AI hurts the environment so many of us have been so desperately trying to save, about how generative AI is again and again used to exploit big authors, little authors, up-and-coming authors, first time authors, people posting on Ao3 as a hobby, people self-publishing e-books on Amazon, traditionally published authors, and everyone in between. You've probably seen the statements from developers of these "tools", things like how being required to obtain permission for everything in the database used to train the language model would destroy the tool entirely. You've seen posts about new AI tools scraping Ao3 so they can make money off someone else's hobby and putting the legality of the site itself at risk. For an organization that used to dedicate itself to making writing more accessible for people and for creating a community of writers, Nanowrimo has spent the past several years systematically cracking that community to bits, and now, it's made an official statement claiming that the exploitation of writers in its community is okay, because otherwise, someone might find it too hard to complete a challenge that's meant to be hard to begin with.
I couldn't thank Nanowrimo enough for what it did for me when I started out. I don't know how to find community in the same way. But you can bet that I've deleted my account, and I'll be finding my own path forward without it. Thanks for the fucking memories, I guess.
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heliumshorns · 1 month
Oh, it's....
It's just an absolute ramble about how GOOD toji fucks when it's nice and slow.
You know.
The basic.
... mdni obviously??? Uhhh.... spit?? A little bit of that.. TOJI IS A SOFT DOM????? FOR ONCE???? WE LACK SOFT DOM TOJI CONTENT????? this was more lovemaking than sex tb but still works I guess
The hand tugging your hair, making you face him even when you believe you just can't? He'll make you remember you can take him, and very fucking well.
Something he murmurs into your ear while you're getting pounded your soul out of your body. And even though 90% of the time you end up losing any sense of coherency with how good the curve of his cock is massaging your G-spot, the times your ears don't ring out of pleasure? You catch a few words.
"Mhm... look at how pretty you look like that, baby. Yeah? Can you hear me?"
And when your moan comes out something minimally affirmative, he grins. He's cocky because he knows. He knows he's good when it comes to making you feel good. He knows you know. It's hard not to when he proves it to you almost every day.
"Stay here. I'm here. Listen to me.... Yeah, good girl."
Now. Toji is aware it technically isn't possible, but he grits his teeth anyway because damn you might just snap his dick off. He laughs, though. A low rumble that runs all through you. He sees how your skin forms goosebumps. How your nipples harden with that shiver.
"Oh... oh yeah... You can be loud, darling, it's just you and me... Just you and me."
Even though you could barely brethe to moan, really. Probably too gone to even think about how you sound. Choked noises with every breath you take. His eyes bore into your rolled back ones, and he sneaks a hand around your throat. Legs over his shoulders. Folding you into a mating press.
"Eyes on me. I want you to see who's making you feel good, baby. That's right."
He felt your heartbeat. There's no way. He's sinking so far deep, feeling how your cervix is massaging his tip so... good. Jesus, he's going insane here. Your eyes eventually manage to look into his, and the lust swirling in his irises? Yeah... The loud, borderline pornographic moan you let our wasn't a plan. Nor were you aware, really.
His laugh makes you whimper. Feel so small.
"My little pornstar, aren't you, baby? Open your mouth for me, baby. Can you do that?"
Your shaky nod has him grinning as he licks the back of his teeth and roof of his mouth. Gathering saliva.
His hand holds your jaw open as he leans down, not once faltering the slow and deep thrusts. His eyes are on yours as his spit slowly drips down.
"Oh fuck, baby..." He manages to lose his own composure. His head falls foward, hair hiding his eyes when he moans out. Low. Deep. And so fucking good while he stares at your cunt just swallowing him so good.
With a thumb swiping to your clit, he hears your yelp. Sees your legs twitch. Yeah. He wasn't gonna last longer.
"Honey, do me a favour. Come for me, yeah? Let's count down. Let's come together."
... Okay. Not easy thing to do, but worth a try.
He uses one hand to fix his slightly overgrown hair, looking into your eyes. With that same hand, he holds your face. He could tell you were so fucking close it hurt. From the curled lip to the furrowed brow. The almost pained look in your eyes.
His thumb presses down. He feels as the nub naturally twitches.
"Three..." He murmurs, hips not faltering their face as he pushes your clit around, making sure to angle his hips just right.
"Shit- so fucking tight, ma-" He moans with a smile.
"Two..." Your eyes glaze over, and your mouth starts to tip open. You can barely fucking breathe now.
"One, baby. Come with me, please."
And God, do you come. Absolutely fucking groundbreaking. Mind on the clouds as his hips snap, and snap, bringing himself to orgasm as you milk him dry. He feels your nails dig into his shoulders? Yeah. Does he care?.... not really.
This is probably the longest orgasm you've had in a while. Shit had you trembling with the aftershocks with God knows how long, but once you're back here, on earth? Yeah.... You're instantly squirming away. Pushing at his chest.
And he complies.
He already had you out of your mind pre-orgasm. He didn't want to ruin you that bad.
Flopping down beside you, chest heaving as he stares at the ceiling.
After a minute or two of silence and heavy breathing, you finally speak:
"Told you it was worth it to take it slow."
He only laughs and nuzzles his face in your neck.
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