#this is the sequel to my previous post
sassypantsjaxon · 23 days
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My fault
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spaceistheplaceart · 1 month
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more ford and mabel bonding because i said so :)
bonus ford under the cut:
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yardsards · 5 months
bugs when you lift up a rock (colorized):
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lonelyzarquon · 1 year
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# the tardis took notice
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thegothicchangeling · 4 months
Police: We have the place surrounded! What are your demands?
Tim: (from chair he's tied to) Tell them I want orange chicken.
Jason: (cocking gun) We want orange chicken!
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cockroachesunite · 5 months
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and this, of course, is Fitzjames sleeping in his boots
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ruporas · 1 year
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only human
[ID: Two page comic in color of Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun Maximum. The first page has a black background and the upper half, behind the panels, is splattered with stylized red blood, scattered bullets, and lifeless hands. In the first panel, it focuses on Vash's boots, showing him stepping through the panel and into the bloody scene. The second panel shows his bloody footprints and the third panel shows his face, his down-turned eyes looking downwards. It's a neutral, vague expression with confliction. At the bottom of the page, the back of Wolfwood's head and shoulder is seen, blood dirtying the white color of his shirt and side of his face. Vash's hand reaches out to him from the right side of the page.
The second page shows the entire scene in full, half the page in light and the other in solid black. At the center, Vash leans down onto his knees as he wraps his arms around Wolfwood's shoulders into a hug. Wolfwood's back is turned away from the viewer, his left arm holds onto his bloodied punisher and his right hand sits on his lap. Light casts from the left side of the page, showing the bloodied surrounding, but the held up punisher casts a shadow on the both of them, shielding them from the light. END ID]
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Gender? More like, give me EXACTLY what Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves have (*in a totally non-threatening way*)
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nwarrior777 · 7 months
The problem with fatfetish is not in it existing, but in not-exsisting of alternative positive image of fatness in media, and not-exsisting of range of narrative in depicting fatness as something sexy in kinky images.
It's like media have two options for fat characters: 1) background comic relief in mass media 2) fatfetish art in internet niche. with not much of smth else
Respectful representation of fatness is big important topic for it's own discussion, but focusing on kinky art - fatness presented as smth sexy there, but it's almost always one narrative (usually food related)
And, i think, if we would have more ways of depicting sexiness of fatness, especially in kinky art, and bring sexiness of fatness in mass media, it would be easier to accept for people, that having kink for big bellies & softness is same as kink for muscle body, 6 packs, bdsm or any other kinks which are people fine with (kinks is smth totally ok to have, for the record)
Like, there are """cringe""" art of muscle kink too, and people have a little laugh about it sometimes, but nobody says that loving muscles is bad or disgusting - yes, because of fatphobia, but why are people so fatphobic still? Because they are not used to see positive images of fatness around and taught from childhood, by media narrative too, that fatness = bad. And they see all the scenarios you can imagine of muscles or thinness being sexy around, in media all scales. It's chicken and egg situation - one thing boosting another: we don't have positive image of fat > people learn "fat = not normal, bad" thought > they don't even think about questioning it because all the world around them is keeping this rule > a lot of people becoming media industry workers, and > they keep media not-including fat characters, keeping status quo > new generation, repeat.
In result we have this vicious circle. And we can break it, by making more fatness inclusive media, and going back to kink talk - we need more ways of depicting fatness as something sexy: new narratives, new plots in films, new lyric in songs, new art aesthetics.
I mean, you can have great time daydreaming that food scenarios, but wouldn't it be also cool to see sexy fat characters in other roles? Imagine - Sexy Fantasy Fat character, who got so much power that their body has to be bigger to keep all that. People went all horny then Detroit Become Human released - imagine cool fat robots, so fragile and complicated in their core parts, that they need big fat parts made of smth soft to prevent damage if they fall. Or fat characters in art, in just usual hot images narratives, but they drawn in a way, which make their fatness looking like hot detail, or even hot focus of the art.
I know we have progress and there are more and more examples of that i say. It just still few. So, let's go work hard and make more
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velvetjune · 6 months
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In love with this article by Eric Van Allen interviewing Sam Lake and Poe, artist of “This Road” in Alan Wake 2, and finding out it was written with Alice’s perspective in mind
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kitsumidori · 3 months
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The magical girls of Borderlands!!!!
I was up until almost 3 am finishing this. A showcase of both the siren's and some of the psychic users.
And if anyone asks what the hell is the thing behind Maya, I'll give you a hint: It only shows up in my most despised mission in BL3.
Also I gave Moze a cosmic bear companion, her name is Usagi and she's a real sweetheart.
(click for better quality)
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agent-troi · 1 year
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luminitewrites · 2 years
I’m too tired to grab my tablet to actually draw it, but in the drabble I’m writing, this is what would happen if Eclipse had a working mouth
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swinginmandarin · 2 years
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silvertsundere · 2 years
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stairset · 1 year
I realize this could get me crucified in certain circles but as good as Andor was I really do think its fans can be truly insufferable.
#i'm sorry but so many andor fans just have this snobby ass attitude about it#and feel the need to act as if it's The Only Good Star Wars Thing Ever Made#and every other star wars thing should copy it#because clearly if the show's style works for THAT story it MUST work for every story right#it was annoying when the show was airing and it's annoying now#like idk maybe the people who described it as ''star wars for people who hate star wars'' weren't that far off#i already talked about all this in another post a while back#but y'know a new show just came out which means i have to put up with it again#even though there's really no reason to compare andor and ahsoka outside of ''they're both star wars shows''#and most of it is just people bitching that ahsoka is more reference-heavy#which as i've also pointed out in previous shows. it's a sequel.#a sequel continues the story of a previous work that's literally the entire fucking point#like i'm sorry but when it comes to this show specifically i do not give a solitary FUCK about the casual viewer#it has been very explicitly and unambiguously billed as a direct sequel to rebels from the start#and it was announced 3 years ago which is more than enough time to get caught up#no one is forcing you to watch the sequel before the thing it's a sequel to#as far as i'm concerned if you watch a sequel before the first one that's entirely on you#you knew what you were getting into and you have forfeited any right to bitch about being confused#but anyway back to andor i'm not gonna let people being annoying about it affect my enjoyment of it#cause it IS a good show and i don't wanna end up resenting it just cause people are pretentious asses about it#but yeah i think certain people could maybe stand to get off their fucking high horses over star wars spin-off shows#shut up tristan
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