#this is the reason
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bekolxeram · 4 months ago
Yes, Buck's bisexuality should only be about him, not who he's with romantically. Exploration and heartbreak are both pretty much inevitable in his journey to figure out what this new realization means to him fundamentally.
Yes, he's going to be miserable for a while, but he has people who love him, he has a community, he has a family. He'll be okay eventually, and he's going to come out of this stronger than ever.
That's how the show expected us to take it, that's what the cast and Tim said in the interviews. That's why even Lou asked us not to hate him.
But they severely underestimated the number of viewers who resonated with Tommy's story equally, if not more.
From Buck's perspective, this breakup is just a small bump in his continuous journey.
From Tommy's perspective, that's it, that's the ending of his story and it's a tragedy.
A lot of us are also from the "pre-Glee" world. We've done things we would later regret, we've hurt people unintentionally, we've kept people we love at arm's length, just to survive in an intolerant world. A world that might be making a comeback, judging by the political climate.
We've been lonely, we've yearned for a community that would accept us for who we are. On a meta level, we're Tommy, we watch the show because we want to be a part of the family.
But Tommy ends up alone, still too scared to take the risk, to open up his heart, to love.
If you don't have a solid support system to begin with, if you're not lucky enough to have always been accepted, then you're just too broken, too damaged for anything good.
For people like us, it in fact, does not get better.
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ihopeicanchangethislater05 · 2 months ago
robert sean leonard you do NOT get to do this and get away with it by saying 'why i everyone obsessed with homosexuality'
he plays wilson so perfectly in this episode i am in love
like hello excuseme? what is with that tense look away when blythe confronts him
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and then that SHY LOOK TO THE GROUND, when he says "im suRe you know him better than i do" so lovingly in that well modulated, soft spoken voice
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and can we speak about that slight smile in his face when he says that.
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lets not forget house glaring at him as he feels shy and walks away.
this is my favourite episode for a REASON. edit: i completely forgot to add that the line he says "im sure you know him better than i do" is crazy cos wilson definitely and i can say it with every kind of guarantee that you need, that he knows him better and so much more better than blythe does.
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fact-dogsarehappiness · 4 months ago
Wait so you can actually write a comic where Bruce Wayne not only apologizes to his kids but also acknowledges that what he did was completely wrong and then promises to try to do better in the future?
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bearbug55 · 7 months ago
Something Different
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frnkiebby · 11 months ago
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case in point~🎃
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mothhball · 4 months ago
little silly for animation homework
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bornnraisedinsilenthill · 11 months ago
What the original Illuso says:
„They’re a couple aren’t they?”
What the English Subtitles say:
„Probably shut themselves in somewhere for a hookup.”
And what the English Illuso says:
„Maybe they’re making sweet, sweet love.”
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hxlda-hxlda · 10 months ago
black brothers... character study? microfic? i haven't a clue! but it exists!
The first time Sirius performed magic, he young, only two years old. Sirius had always felt the magic within him, as most wizards could. It welled in his veins and made his fingertips go all funny. Sometimes the magic would make him cry. Overwhelmed by a striking power he neither understood nor was able to expel, his body did the only thing it knew it could; to yell and to sob and to pound his funny-feeling hands into the ground until someone made it better. Occasionally, and worst of all, he could feel it in his feet, until Sirius was certain that his toes were turning blue with the way the magic smarted  — making him itch, making him want to run and run and run some more, until the uncomfortable feeling went away. Sirius barely knew how to run at such a young age, but he had forced his early steps into bounds into sprints, if only to rid himself of the stinging pads of his own feet. 
On this particular day, Sirius was two and a half, or maybe two and a three quarters, and Regulus was the ripe old age of one. Reggie was crying. More than crying, he was screaming. Wailing. Sirius wondered if Regulus could feel the magic in his toes too – if that was why he was causing such a fuss. But when he had tried to grasp at those tiny little feet the matron had merely pushed him away. 
“You’re upsetting him, go sit in the corner.” 
Sirius fidgeted in his corner as his brother continued to cry. He listened to the sound and winced when those yells were met with another, their mother who always grew irritated by Reggie’s crying. 
“Shut that whining up!” she screeched from the other room. The matron nodded, despite the door being closed and Walburga being entirely unable to see her hurried affirmation. 
The matron cooed at Regulus, using her wand to make the bat skeletons above the crib dance. Regulus screamed louder. Sirius wondered if it was because Regulus hated the skeletons just as much as he did. Matron tried and tried to get Regulus to quiet, but Reggie merely continued to cry and cry. 
So, Sirius, after the third shout from his mother, decided he had to help. His toes tingling in the way that made him need to run, he ran toward the only person he already knew he wanted to run to rather than away from. 
Sirius stumbled up to the crib, slipping under the matron’s legs and ignoring her cried “Sirius!” as he clutched at the bars of Regulus’ bed. 
“Reggie,” he whispered. “Reggie, be quiet, please.” 
The crying was silenced at once. 
“Sirius!” The matron scolded again, forcing him back with a firm and wrinkled hand tugging at his shoulder. “Sirius, no!” 
Sirius stared confusedly up, watching as the matron lifted baby Regulus from the cradle. He was still fidgeting with balled up fists and feet that kicked. Reggie was still crying – only, he wasn’t. He was silent. And yet, his eyes continued to spill tears and his mouth continued to bare his tiny little teeth, as though mid-shout. But there was no shout to be heard. He was quiet as the mice their older cousins would practise their hexes on. 
“Sirius!” Matron chided. “I can’t undo the spell. Undo the spell, now!” she commanded. 
Regulus squirmed some more, thrashing violently as though desperate to be heard; to be known and recognised even without a voice to make him so. Sirius watched this sobbing, tiny little thing with not a peep to be heard from the baby’s agape mouth. 
Sirius was entirely, utterly puzzled at what he had supposedly done wrong. He did not yet understand that silence and safety were not the same. He’d only wanted Regulus to be safe.
They soon found he could not undo the accidental muffliato charm. They simply had to wait for it to wear, just as Regulus wore himself out. By the time it had dispelled, Regulus was asleep. Fitful as ever, still kicking — perhaps dreaming of running, Sirius thought — with tightly clenched fists. 
Sirius slipped his pointer finger into Reggie’s hand once the matron left the room, watching as his unconscious brother clutched at him so tightly Sirius couldn’t have been let go to leave if he wanted to. Their mother did not shout again that evening, and neither did Regulus. Quiet drenched Grimmauld Place once more and they were safe all the same. Sirius did not understand how there could have been a difference. 
He would understand, eventually. 
When tearfully red eyes hardened into stern grey ones, just a bit bluer than Sirius’ own and deadly with their quietly piercing glares. When shouts turned to snide comments uttered from the very corner of Regulus’ downturned mouth, hissed in a spiteful whisper. When a simple concrete headstone refused to reply, not even when Sirius knelt at the grave and garbled nonsense for hours, not even to call him an idiot like he’d once so loved to do.  But Sirius did not understand any of that, then. He only knew to wince when Regulus began to hiccup – a sign that he was about to cry. He only knew that it made his toes twinge with the magic that made him want to run, run, but Reggie was too young to even walk and running would mean having to leave his little brother behind. Sirius only knew that if he willed it hard enough the magic would leak from his tingling fingers and rest heavy in the room. Like moisture in humid air it burdened them, slightly suffocated them, muffled the brothers to silence and kept them safe.
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keistance · 23 days ago
if someone ever tells you to take 2 math courses, 1 science course (+ lab), and a programming course while you also work part time and get into undergraduate research, do not listen to them. that is the devil talking. you should even be legally entitled to kill that person
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banshees-44 · 1 year ago
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piratewithvigor · 8 months ago
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Okay I did skip Dynamite tonight, but I had a good reason
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sailoreuterpe · 9 months ago
Does anyone know anything about Linux, specifically the Manjaro distro on a Lenovo ThinkPad? My distro stopped working entirely last week when I got back from my trip. I've tried researching it but I'm not having much success. The distro will boot but then freeze entirely within a minute or two. I have a dual-boot; I'm actually currently on my Windows 10 OS. (I really miss the tools that I had on Manjaro to unfuck my Tumblr dash. T_T) I thought perhaps the issue was my video driver, but wouldn't that mean that my Windows 10 OS wouldn't work either? And I don't know how to adapt kernals, especially if my Manjaro distro won't even stay operational long enough to get to the settings. Every Linux forum asks for computer stats but, other than the basics like brand etc., I don't know how to find those either.
I want to solve this myself but it's become so frustrating.
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emiscringe · 9 months ago
Finals coming soon lol
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lunaetis · 1 year ago
my friend while we're writing on discord : should i get nitro ? i hate discord characters limit ! me looking at her last reply that she had to cut into god knows how many parts :
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me : yeah .. i don't think even nitro can handle you.
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wardog-of-whimsy · 1 year ago
Jayden, darling. This?
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