#this is the hardest impulse to control
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lanaevyssmoved · 1 year ago
i really really really wanna isolate and disappear and just stop being someone everyone knows. really badly
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hadesoftheladies · 26 days ago
men should start competing with each other in being good people. we get it, you run the fastest and punch the hardest and sex the brutalest. can you be good at the grownup stuff now? like impulse control and cooperation and self-awareness? can you find the big boy in you sometime soon? it’s fucking boring.
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hootenannyskeleton · 1 year ago
got beef jerky as an early bday gift
is amazing, very very very tasty
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acornered · 2 years ago
Waiting for someone to accept your apology is such a specific kind of agony
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 1 year ago
everyone says soap is a munch. and that's true, but he's not sweet. when he's eating you, he's getting what he wants out of you.
nsfw ⬇
he's gotta be touching you. grabbing your ass and squeezing hard. pressing his thumb against your asshole to make you squirm and then digging his strong fingers into your hips to hold you still. he needs to be doing something with his hands.
soap's gotta be sliding his fingers into you because his understimulated adhd brain needs you to light him up and empty him out. he wants to focus on you and you're gonna give him something to focus on, like it or not. he likes to hear you moan and yelp and curse. he likes when you talk to him--unlatches his mouth just to mouth off back to you. he really likes it when he shoves his tongue back into you and feels you clench down on him, all twitchy on the inside. you're like his goddamn stress ball. you're on your back with your thighs around his head trying to scoot up the bed away from his impulsive fingers but he doesn't let you. keep talking. your throat is gonna be raw when he's done.
and if he gets tired of that--after he's done overstimulating you, once he's made you cum enough that you literally just cannot react like he wants--he's gonna grab you and put you on top of him. you think this is finally the part where he fucks you to completion, and you're fine with that because you're a hazy mess. but no. he lays down with you and then he stops you, your hands already on his chest, from straddling his hips. he tells you to turn around and face the other way instead. 
he grins that stupid cocksure grin at the realization in your eyes. but no, it doesn't help if you tell him you don't think you can hold yourself up. you wanna protest? that's cute. even if you try to scoot down until your folds are touching his cock--trying to tease him into just fucking you that way--he grins and grabs your hips and makes you turn around. you're straddling him again as he drags you by the hips up his chest. he positions you over his mouth again. you're so goddamn overstimulated and you don't think you have another one in you. but he's taking that as a challenge.
while he's maneuvering you over his mouth, you feel him breathing on your core, and he tilts you down so your stomach is pressed down on his abs. and his cock is in your face. at least there's no question that he's enjoying himself.
he drags his tongue up your folds again, and you muffle a moan, grabbing his cock. his hips twitch and he shoves his tongue into you. you have to stretch forward to lay the flat of your tongue on his shaft and lick him from base to tip. but that makes him falter for a second, groaning through his teeth. that momentary relief helps you get your bearings such that you manage to get your mouth around him.
then you're both trying to outdo each other. you try your hardest to maintain concentration and blow soap like a fucking champ, barely a brain cell left in your head; soap eats you out aggressively, shifting under you to make you slow down. you're gonna make him cum but he doesn't wanna be finished yet. he's not done with you. you feel his hands running down your body, looking for something, somewhere he can grab you and pull you back into his control, but it's no good. he can't stop his hips from bucking either.
you think you've almost finished him off when suddenly his hand finds your hair and his fingers tangle there, tugging your head back for a moment, forcing your back to arch. his cock slips out of your mouth and you gasp when his tongue rubs hard--mean--against your g-spot. you writhe on his mouth, but he lays his forearm across your lower back and keeps you right fucking there. he bullies your g-spot relentlessly, his fingers tight in your hair, the pressure on your scalp feeling so good. you see stars and peak again with a cry. your hips move uncontrollably, grinding down on his face, encouraging his bad behavior in a way you are absolutely helpless to stop.
he chuckles as you come down. you're so blitzed you have to lay your forehead on his thigh and remember how to breathe.
"thought you didn't have another one in ya," soap says, smug as shit.
you huff and grab his cock in your hand again, enveloping it in your warm mouth. his stupid chuckle cuts off with a breathless groan.
this time he can't stop his hips from rutting up into your mouth, and he finishes there. finally.
finally after that he shuts up. he stares at the ceiling, dazed, hands finally still and resting on your ass as you snooze right where you lay--on top of him.
more Soap / masterlist tag
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cazshmere · 5 months ago
Astrology Observations Pt. 8 🦂
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DISCLAIMER: These are just my personal observations and are meant for entertainment purposes only; it may not resonate with everyone due to the nuances of astrology. Please respect my work and avoid copying or stealing it. Enjoy reading!! 🦂
🦂 I think people who have their chiron in the 3rd/7th or 11th house may experience significant insecurity about posting on social media and being in front of a camera, or even commenting under various posts online. They often overthink the things they put out online/the things they were going to post online 😭 and also if they post pictures/videos they might rewatch the picture/video 984726261 times and often find a SOME tiny fault and convince themselves to delete whatever it is that they have posted. This placement can create a deep-seated fear of judgment and a tendency to second-guess every public interaction
🦂I have noticed that scorpio moons and capricorn moons have very involved and critical mothers/parents, exhibiting behaviors typical of helicopter parenting. For instance they could micromanage every single thing you do or have some sort of comment to make about every little thing you do (also applicable to aries and virgo moons). I also feel that cappy and scorpio moons may find it the hardest to detach from their generational trauma because their parents may have instilled strict principles/beliefs into them and they end up carrying forward all these beliefs which in return makes them more susceptible to repeating toxic patterns which then ends up causing A LOT of trauma to these individuals ❤️‍🩹
🦂 honestly taurus placements aren’t always mindful and demure, despite being ruled by venus. Most taurus placements (esp sun,moon and mars) are NOT afraid to call people out on their bs and are extremely straightforward and direct. The type to insult you straight to your face if you annoy them or smtg 😭 and you’d be like ouch, what was the reason for that??💀. They can come across as arrogant and rude sometimes BUT this all makes a lot of sense as a lot of them tend to be sidereal aries placements after all🙏😂
🦂 speaking of sidereal placements I wanna talk about how virgos can be super playful and child-like (esp with the people they are comfortable with) because they’re leo placements in sidereal + virgo placements also really crave attention, sometimes way more than Leo’s tbh✨
🦂 aries and scorp moon/venus women often attract guys who initially start off as wanting to be/being their “friends” BUT the only reason they wanted to be their friend in the first place is because they see potential for a romantic/sexual relationship with them. It’s sad because literally every guy friend you have/had TOTALLY had other intentions that weren’t platonic 🥲
🦂 having placements in the 2nd house (esp if there are no harsh aspects) just mellows down the intensity of the placement. For instance moon in the 2nd house people can regulate their emotions much more stable and easy manner. Having placements in the 2nd house is such a BLESSING.
🦂 if you think you know someone with a scorpio moon, moon in the 8th house or moon-pluto native, trust me you DON’T😭. no one will ever KNOW every single part of them. They remind me of onions yk? SO MANY LAYERS to them and no one will ever truly know everything about them
🦂 also idk if I’ve mentioned this before but CAN WE JUST TAKE A MINUTE TO APPRECIATE HOW FUCKING FUNNY/HUMOROUS CANCER PLACEMENTS ARE???? literally SO SO witty and make you laugh till your stomach hurts😭🫶🏻
🦂 with age, saturn in cancer natives can look a lot like their mothers 💗
🦂 shadow traits are often expressed through the moon and mars, as these planets govern our raw emotions and drives. For example, an aries moon’s may react with impulsive outbursts and frustration, while a scorpio mars might exhibit controlling, obsessive, or manipulative behaviors to maintain power. These primal reactions tend to surface under stress or vulnerability. To work on your shadow self, it's helpful to focus on your Moon and Mars placements, as these often reveal where you're repeating or expressing toxic behaviors. By understanding how these signs influence your emotional reactions and drive, you can better recognize and address patterns that need healing.
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cognitiveleague · 3 months ago
Something I really enjoy about the Dressrosa arc is the narrative comparison and contrast presented between Law and Doflamingo.
Oda, especially post-timeskip, devotes a lot of storytelling to looking closely at protagonists and villains alike, asking the audience to join him in exploring questions of “what made them like this?” and “does it matter what drove them, at the end of the day?”
And Dressrosa is one of the places where those questions hit the hardest for me, because one after the other, he shows us two children — both having experienced a fall from (different degrees of) privilege and into incredibly traumatic situations at a young age, both victimized for things they had no means of controlling as children. Law and Doflamingo are both shown as being radicalized by that trauma and loss of control, rejecting the gentler values their parents tried to instill in them because they reached a point of not being able to see a point in compassion, or hope for any justice but revenge.
In the present, Doflamingo hasn’t really known for a very long time who Law truly is, but in a sense, he wasn’t wrong when he saw himself in the way a younger Law reacted to the loss of his former life by wanting to lash out at the world. In that moment, there was something in Law that DID reflect his own wounded inner child’s rage, and in a strange way, he clung to the connection he felt with that worst possible version of Law long after Law had discarded it and moved on.
The question implied there is “what made them different in the end? What redeemed Law, and what (if anything) pushed Doflamingo past the point of redemption?”
While the second question (as is often the case) is up to a lot of interpretation, the answer (as with Big Mom in the following arc) seems to me to lean toward “while his choices were his own and he ultimately has responsibility for them, it’s also true that when he was young and vulnerable and poised to go down a path of destruction for himself and everyone around him, the adults in his life used his brokenness to their own selfish advantage, encouraging him along that path instead of teaching him better; whether or not it absolves him of ANYTHING at this point (and it certainly doesn’t absolve him of EVERYTHING), there is a tragedy in the fact that we will never see who he might have been if he wasn’t encouraged and enabled to embrace his worst impulses.”
That tragedy is a core part of Corazón’s story — Corazón’s big brother who never grew past fear and rage and clinging to the selfish comfort of the memory of how easy their past life of privilege had been, who thought he loved him on some level, and who on another level probably knew he never developed the capacity to truly love anyone but himself. I think it’s probably why Corazón didn’t pull the trigger fast enough, when it came down to it — even after seeing what a monster his brother had become, even after dedicating his whole adult life to stopping him from hurting even more people, part of him still remembered the wounded, frightened child in his big brother, and the times he’d tried in his selfish way to protect him. Something in him still had sympathy for that child, and wanted, if not to believe, then at least to hope (even against all evidence) that enough of him was still in there that HE wouldn’t pull the trigger without hesitation, either.
We know how that story ended. It was far too late for his kindness to save Doffy by then, if it had ever been possible — there might have been something left in him that could feel something akin to regret over killing Corazón after the fact, or at least greedily resent the loss of him, but if there was, it wasn’t able to stop him.
But in the end, Corazón’s kindness — his compassion, his determination to believe that even a deeply wounded, deeply flawed world was worth placing his hope in and fighting for, his unrelenting love — was worth it, because it saved Law. It was enough to save the bitter, broken child Doffy saw so much of himself in.
Corazón took Law away from the adults who would have enabled him the way Doffy was enabled at his age, and put in the hard work of showing him, day after day, that while his pain was worth acknowledging and sympathizing with, he was worth more than just revenge — he was worth love, and healing, and the fight for a world better than the one that had hurt him so badly. He taught him not a naïve hope like the one the adults in Flevance had tried to give him, but a stubborn, bitter hope, one that laughed and spat a bloody declaration of victory right in the face of the enemy even when their backs were to the wall, hope with its teeth bared in defiance of a world that Law already knew to be unjust and pitiless.
That is what made Law’s story end differently than Doflamingo’s, and how we ended up with the version of Law that we and the Strawhats get to know - a man determined to trudge on, in spite of his own pain and disillusionment, as the bearer of lights that would otherwise be lost, those left in his hands by people he saw (still sees) as having been kinder, gentler, more deserving than he was of survival. A man who covered his body with reminders of the love that dragged him kicking and screaming into the light when he’d given his own heart up for lost, who named his crew in honor of that love, who devoted the rest of his life to making sure that love and that sacrifice mattered. A man all too familiar with his own worst impulses, who struggles to see or to trust in his own kindness, but who has chosen to be a defender like Corazón was to him, to be a healer like his birth parents were to those around them, to be not a tyrant like his former mentor, but a leader who loves and respects the people who follow him, and who is genuinely cared for by them in return.
And, despite his own misgivings, despite not being someone who reads to strangers as warm or caring, he is kind. He has chosen, through the love that was shown to him, to be a genuinely good man — faithful and just to his friends and allies and those he’s seen wronged in front of him, unwilling to demand sacrifices of others that he wouldn’t give of himself, determined to fight back against the ugliness and apathy and cruelty of the world, to wrest every bit of hard-fought justice he can from life not only for himself, but for others who have been crushed down by life.
It’s thematically fitting that he specializes in surgery, even completely aside from how suited his power is for it. As a character, his narrative is fundamentally about having chosen to become someone who can offer the world a surgeon’s sort of kindness —not warmth or softness, usually, but the mercy of a sharp, careful blade, a steady hand, and a clear understanding that sometimes, you have to roll up your sleeves and do the ugly, messy work of cutting away what’s too damaged to save before the healing can begin.
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loveemagicpeace · 26 days ago
February Energy🔥✨🫧
Venus in Aries
Venus in Aries means more action, bold moves, love life will be more lively and can also be impulsive. There can be a very strong defense mechanism in love - and people will not like to talk about, or admit, having been rejected in love. Aries is generally very impulsive, strong, fearless, independent. He likes to have his way. Aries doesn't like people controlling him or telling him what to do.
This position of Venus gives a responsive and impulsive love nature. You are the kind of person who falls in love at first sight and never thinks once before following the dictates of your heart. You are strongly sensual and feel at your most complete when you are emotionally involved with someone. Physical appearance is what first attracts you, but to sustain a love affair you must also find mental compatibility. You are turned off by a sloppy appearance or loud, vulgar behavior. People with Venus in Aries are a curious mixture of sentimentality and aggressiveness. Your emotions are easily touched but you are also demanding and somewhat selfish. Others should not expect you to settle down into calm domestic peace; you are too restless and flirtatious.
This will affect cardinal signs the most: Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer.
Aries Rising-You’re going through a deep re-evaluation of your identity, attractiveness, and desires. You might second-guess your relationships, especially if you rushed into something too fast. Past lovers may resurface, forcing you to confront unfinished business. Financial setbacks could make you reconsider your spending habits. But also 1st house is the house of self. Things related to 1st house: Vitality and strength of body. Parts of body most susceptible to injury and disease ( be careful). Impressions of early childhood. Causes of financial loss and self-disclosure. Money of uncles and aunts (of the same sex as the person). Pleasures and love affairs on long journeys. Long journeys of children and their religious inclinations. Friends of brothers and sisters. This is not good for any changes in appearance.
Libra Rising- Since Aries is your 7th house of relationships, expect major shifts in partnerships. If you’re in a relationship, hidden issues could surface, forcing you to address them.If single, you may redefine what you truly want in a partner. Business partnerships could also be tested—avoid signing new contracts. Things also related to 7th house: Losses due to death. Friends in other countries. Reputation of company where one works. Conflicts, quarrels and fights. Opponents, enemies and rivals. Things that a person struggles to achieve( 7th house is the house of things that are the hardest to reach and connect with). Outcome of illness. Result of work and services. Long journeys of friends. Religious beliefs of friends. Love affairs of relatives. Children of relatives. Entertainment on short journeys. Trips on vacation.
Cancer Rising- You may feel disconnected from your professional goals or want to shift paths. Issues with authority figures, bosses, or public perception could arise. A past career opportunity might return, or you may reconsider a professional relationship. You might feel torn between work and personal life, struggling to balance both. Be mindful of how you present yourself—misunderstandings or past issues could resurface. Workplace romance issues could surface (past lovers at work, or reconsidering professional relationships). You may feel pressure between career and family responsibilities. Be cautious with career-related financial decisions—this isn't the best time to invest in your business, ask for a raise, or make big purchases.
Capricorn Rising-You might re-evaluate your relationship with family or reconsider where you live. Past childhood wounds could resurface, forcing inner healing. If you’ve been prioritizing work over personal life, Venus retrograde forces you to slow down. An old flame could trigger deep emotional realizations about what makes you feel safe in love. Things related to 4th house: Home environment, especially the kitchen. Financial situation of loved ones. Causes of grief due to love relationships. Cause of death of brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. Health of employees and friends. Inheritances from other countries. A past romantic partner connected to your home/family could resurface. You may realize certain emotional patterns from childhood are affecting your relationships. Avoid impulsive home-related purchases (like renovations, new property, or furniture) during this retrograde.
Leo Full Moon on 12 February
This is a time of culmination, clarity, and emotional release—especially regarding your desires, self-worth, romantic relationships, and creative passions. Stepping into the Spotlight – Express your unique gifts and take up space unapologetically. Romance & Passion – Expect heightened emotions in love, increased attraction, or realizations about relationships. Inner Child Healing – Reconnect with what brings you joy and excitement in life. This Full Moon in Leo is a powerful moment of self-realization and empowerment. It encourages you to fully own who you are, express yourself without fear, and embrace joy and love.
But we all know that leo is dramatic sign so u can expect some crazy dramatic things - Love dramas, crazy arguments, honesty, attention seeking, dramatic news, shocking things that are revealed.
Mercury enters Pisces on February 15th
This is a time when communication becomes more emotional, poetic, and imaginative rather than clear and structured.
☁ Dreamy & Intuitive Thinking – Logic fades, and intuition strengthens. You may feel more connected to your dreams, subconscious, and spiritual insights.
🎨 Creative Expression – Excellent for artists, poets, musicians, and writers. Thoughts flow like water, creating beautiful, expressive ideas.
💭 Foggy or Confusing Communication – Mercury struggles in Pisces, meaning misunderstandings, forgetfulness, and vague communication can happen.
🔮 Spiritual & Mystical Insights – This is a great time for meditation, tarot, astrology, and introspective work.
🧚🏻‍♀️Nostalgic & Emotional Conversations – Old emotions may resurface, leading to sentimental or melancholic moods. Avoid Over-Reliance on Logic – Decision-making can feel unclear or influenced by emotions rather than facts.
On February 23, Mars goes direct, ending its months-long retrograde. Decisiveness Returns – After a period of second-guessing and hesitation, you’ll feel clearer about your goals and next steps. You’ll finally feel ready to act, whether it’s on personal projects, fitness goals, or relationships. Arguments or tensions that built up during retrograde can now find solutions. – You’ll feel more confident in saying what you want and going after it.
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velmiraa · 1 day ago
Astro Observations
Hi Tumblr! This will be my first post, and hopefully not the last. Let's start then!
Disclaimer: These are just my observations. If they don't resonate with you, simply read and move on.
Natives with a Yod aspect that places Mars at the apex can struggle with controlling their anger. Since Mars governs our energy, it’s important for them to find productive outlets—such as sports or other physical activities—to help manage these impulses. This same aspect may also indicate challenges in dealing with sexual energy.
Saturn-Moon hard aspects in a natal chart—particularly the square—can be quite challenging. Individuals with these placements often struggle with depression and frequently experience difficulties in their relationship with their mother. One of the hardest aspects to have.
Another challenging aspect is having hard Sun-Saturn aspects. Individuals with these placements may experience tension with father figures at home, authority figures or bosses at work, and, if they are female, with husbands or boyfriends in romantic relationships.It’s as though these individuals are constantly expected to be the “good girl,” always obedient. However, if they fail to meet those expectations, they often encounter the harshest or most brutal reactions. This aspect also brings late marriages, especially for women.
Individuals with Mercury at 29 degrees in Aries often struggle with controlling their anger and often swear frequently.
Individuals with Neptune in the 2nd house often have trouble keeping track of their belongings—keys, phones, wallets, and the like—and end up losing them.
Individuals with at least two Leo placements in the 10th house often take immense pride in their work, career, and social standing, sometimes coming across as overly egotistical.
When someone has both Virgo and Taurus stelliums in their chart, it often makes them overly strict, stubborn about their rules even though the rule doesn't mean a thing and very hard to please.
Individuals with a North Node conjunct Chiron are destined healers. But first, they must confront a profound wound connected to the sign and house where their Chiron is located.
Pluto conjunct Mercury in the 5th house can indicate that a person might have several romantic partners at once and is skilled at keeping it hidden. This, however, depends on the sign involved. For example Sagittarius is perfect for this. But maybe Taurus would not want to change their partner so they would be overly obsessive with one person.
People with Mars in 12th house, again this depends on the sign, but most probably having very hard time with showing their anger. They might get scared easily. This works very well for Scorpio or Taurus. But it would be a different story for Aries Mars.
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novy2sirius · 9 months ago
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Vietnamese Astrology Traits
• Remember that enemy signs are still fatally attracted to one another but will not last in the long run and things between them could end badly. The matrix tries to set you up and leeches off your emotional energy which is why it sets you up for failure in some cases
• Your numerology is also important and may overpower some of your astrology traits. The negative traits will only apply if you’re at a lower vibration in life
Vietnamese Signs
The Rat: favored by the matrix, if anyone hurts them the matrix will come after them, intelligent when it comes to how they navigate life, adapts to surroundings quickly, most likely to gain wealth (second to the goat, pig, and cat trine), determined, lively, manipulative, will leave out parts of stories where they did something bad, greedy, stubborn, always nervous
The Ox/buffalo: grounded, often comedians, one of the least sexual signs unless they’re born under 1/5/9 energy, loyal, leaders, lots of willpower, strong, dependable, stubborn, blunt, gaslights a lot, can be violent, communicates poorly, too judgmental of others, petty
The Tiger: masculine, good health (unless numerology goes against this), sexiest sign, good fighters/strong, strong/muscular build/fitness model body, good at body building, go getters, smooth talkers, born leader, age gracefully, they have it the hardest in the usa (the usa was founded in their enemy sign year which is the year of the monkey), most likely to cheat (especially the men), childlike temper tantrums, know it alls, aggressive
The Cat: easily understands people/natural psychologist, observant, great designers, kind, creative, stealthy, quick witted, good chess players, third smartest sign, strong money maker, shouldn’t eat eggs or chicken, pessimistic, selfish, plays lots of mind games, often insecure
The Dragon: charismatic, adventurous, intelligent with the choices they make in life, sexy, energetic, powerful, confident, masculine, great fighters, bossy, rude, complicated at times, too demanding, arrogant
The Snake: wisest sign, intuitive, seductive, calm, second most influential/persuasive sign, observant, analytical, vengeful, best liars/manipulators, holds grudges, gets jealous easily
The Horse: very hard workers (workhorses), positive, animated, energetic, warm-hearted, has it the hardest in the matrix since its enemy sign is the rat (the sign the matrix favors), stubborn, superficial, self centered, impatient, impulsive, very delusional or in denial constantly
The Goat: most likely to gain wealth other than the rat (even more than its friend signs the cat and pig), the most good looking sign, most influential/persuasive sign, nurturing/caring, romantic/flirtatious, fun energy, go with the flow, usually into both spirituality and religion (they dabble into it all), funny, high maintenance, manipulative, lazy, has a hard life, lots of anxiety, gullible, emotionally sensitive/the softest sign, needs to constantly be pampered, shouldn’t be aggressive because it ends bad
The Monkey: smartest sign, popular, funniest sign, sociable, intuitive, brave, very curious, plays games with people, selfish, liars, egotistical, untrustworthy at times, always trying to get in others business
The Rooster: confident, humorous, loyal, one track minded, passionate, independent, observant, outgoing, talkative, narcissistic, control freak, bad temper/overly aggressive at times, hypocritical, picky
The Dog: very hard working, loves attention, loyal, honest, protective of the people they love, committed to the people they love, reliable, witty, helpful, overly aggressive, exaggerates stories, stubborn at times, always paranoid
The Pig: humble, strong money maker, responsible, luckiest sign, creative, classy, foodie/food lover, they love sex, tolerant, intelligent, friendly, easily influenced by others, promiscuous, overly materialistic, laziest sign, second most likely sign to cheat, naive, overly emotional, flaky
Vietnamese Elements
Metal: always looks out for loved ones, perseverant, independent, must create their own success, enjoys their freedom, enjoys comfort, stubborn, wants a romantic partner that they can control, too demanding at times, stubborn
Water: creative, intuitive, sensitive, adaptive, empathetic, sympathetic, gains others trust easily, likable, talkative, everyone feels special around them, tries to hard to make everyone around them feel happy which can lead to sadness, people follow their lead, influences others minds easily, passive aggressive, emotionally manipulative
Wood: optimistic, open minded, good at socializing, active, confident, organized, family oriented, good marriage partner, good friends/colleagues, gets attached quickly, always improving as a person, overworks themselves, passive aggressive, gullible
Fire: ambitious, determined, leader, strong, seductive, attracts people to them easily, enthusiastic, very giving in relationships, inspires others easily, affectionate, adventurous, competitive, optimistic, always stresses, impatient, gets mad quick
Earth: wise, patient, loyal, trustworthy, perfectionist, stable, always makes challenging sacrifices for others, good at giving advice, serious, goes based on logic rather than emotions, controlling
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cloudyskydreams · 2 months ago
Yandere types UT,UF,US,HT
So!!! I asked and y'all have delivered!! I got like 4 yandere asks already and they are all very good. I figured I should probably do this one first as it'll give me a better idea how to write the others ::3.
These are just small rambles and their yandere types, surprisingly Stretch was the hardest for me here.
Anyways hope you enjoy!!
Sans: Manipulative ,possesive , stalker.
This man is a PRO gaslighter. He wasn't there and he has no idea what you're talking about and a matter of fact you weren't there either?? Bro can lie his way out of any situation and sometimes he feeds you lies just for the heck of it to keep you out of the loop and further trapped in his web. He doesn't think it's weird he likes to watch you, he's just making sure you're staying good and safe. Uses his teleportation ability to his advantage for sure and enjoys creeping you out sometimes by making noise in your house and teleporting outside a window to watch your reaction (he thinks it's cute).
Papyrus: Delusional, Obsessive, Overprotective.
He's really good at lying to himself and telling himself what he wants to hear. You should also get really good at this because it'll make things easier for you in the end. He just loves you so much and is so happy to be around you when he can be. Gushes about you so much his brother and friends all think you two are in a relationship of some sorts (atleast friendship) when y'all are still just strangers basically. Once you get closer Papyrus loves having you depend on him it gets to the point where he starts to sabotage things in your life so he can run in and "save" the situation as a hero.
Red: Obsessive/Possessive, Clingy, Manipulative.
Red's never thought he was worth it or that anyone would ever love him and that doesn't change as a yandere. He knows how disgusting and vile he and his affections are and so he hides them with manipulative sweet lies and gentle affection. He's constantly all over you when he gets the chance finding ways to sneak touches as acquaintances and gets bolder with his touches as your relationship progresses. Desperate for positive attention from you fuck he'd even take negative attention like getting hit or degraded anything as long as your focusing on him. In his eyes he belongs to you, he is yours and you have no choice but to be his.
Edge: Possessive, Controlling, Stalker.
This man is a schedule freak and he has your schedule memorized a day or two after knowing you with some good ole stalking. Plans everything out to a t from how you meet to the point of your eventual relationship and gets frustrated when things don't go exactly as planned. He hates how there's so many outside factors that can affect the budding relationship between you two. He's definitely not stalking you by the way his schedule just conveniently starts to line up with yours and you find yourself in the same areas constantly. Oh you're taking this hobby class what a surprise edge is also taking that class.
Blue: Impulsive, Obsessive/possesive, Unstable.
Blues emotions greatly depend on yours at the moment. If your upset he's upset if you're happy he's happy. It's extremely hard to expect what's to come from him due to his impulsive nature and with is instability it makes quite a duo. He's not above hurting other people to get to you and occasionally if he has to hurt you to get his way he will.
Stretch:, Manipulative, Obsessive, Soft
. He's really good like Sans at lying his way out of situations but he also uses his manipulative tactics in a poor me situation alot to garner sympathy from you. The world's a cruel place and he's aware of this he just wants to keep you safe so badly. He feels guilty when he has to hold you in comfort over losing a friend/family member or feeding you poisoned food to keep you sick so he can take care of you but its easier this way... All you need is him and he knows this it's only a matter of time until you get it too.
Axe: Sadistic, Clingy, Possesive/Obsessive.
What a nice combo. Axe falls and falls hard when he finds the object of his obsession. They just stick out to him and he thinks about them for a long time even after they're gone and that's when he realizes.... he didn't forget them. He takes that as a sign it's ment to be and basically kidnaps them from the start after stalking them to know their schedule and the perfect time to take them. Leans heavy on Stockholm syndrome and isn't above hurting his darling as punishment and training. After being a sadistic fuck he'll love bomb you with cuddles and affection divulging into his clingy side.
Willow: Overprotective, obsessive, Harmless
Willow is very much like papyrus in the sense of he sets up situations to be your hero. He also gets really jealous of other people and friends and will try to slowly get you to disconnect with them and rely more and more solely on him. He won't hurt you or anyone else he just doesn't have it in him. Doesn't mean he won't ask his brother to do something for him if something needs to be done though. He's one to have a shrine/collection of your items he's collected over the time of knowing you.
Not to sure how I feel about these but atleast they're done and now I can work on some asks with personalities already in mind! Thanks so much for everyone who replied to my request so fast!
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lipstickitty · 11 months ago
Twisted Up In You
Danny Wagner x f!reader
18+ only, minors DNI!!
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(Just something silly I wrote forever ago and just dusted off and finished 🤭)
Warnings: friends to lovers, fluff, language, alcohol, flirting, kissing, biting, dirty talk, pet names, mentions of masturbation, oral f&m receiving, daddy kink, unprotected sex, breath play (barely), breeding kink
2.9k+ words
It started out the same as any other cabin party. Josh, Jake, and Sam all brought their respective partners, leaving you and Danny the odd men out.
Everyone had had entirely too much to drink and Sam had the brilliant idea of pulling out the twister mat for a drunken game.
Coincidentally Sam was the first one out, followed not long after by Jake, then Josh, one by one until the only players left were you and Danny with Sam controlling the spinner and calling out each new position.
Everyone else, being extremely intoxicated, had made the wise decision to go to bed, recommending you two do the same. But Danny was stubborn as a mule, and you wouldn’t pass up any opportunity to be close to him, claiming you wouldn’t stop until you were declared the winner. He hadn’t ever seemed to notice your gazes being more than friendly or just how much you craved his presence. Sometimes when his eyes met yours you could swear he felt the same, that there was an undeniable spark between the two of you, but you were too afraid of ruining your friendship if he didn’t feel the same way, deciding to save yourself the heartache and keeping your feelings to yourself.
“Daniel! right foot blue.” Sam called out. You heard Danny shift on the mat behind you and felt his foot come down on the spot just behind yours. The air was stolen from your lungs as you felt his warm breath on the back of your neck.
“Left hand green y/n, let’s wrap this up!” Sam rubbed his hands together, ready to end the game and get some much needed sleep. You took a deep breath and extended your left hand to the nearest green spot, the position causing you to essentially be bent over at the waist right in front of Danny. You could’ve sworn you heard him gasp behind you but chalked it up to your drunken imagination.
“Ready to throw in the towel, y/n?” Danny teased.
“Not a chance, Wagner. I could do this all night.” You shot back.
“Well I couldn’t, you guys are stressing me the fuck out!” Sam chuckled. “Left foot yellow, Daniel.”
Danny’s other foot came to settle on the spot right next to yours, effectively pressing himself against your back. You blushed in your compromising position, hoping the guys couldn’t hear your thoughts screaming in your head.
“Right hand blue y/n, chop chop!” Sam clapped his hands together. You tried your hardest to reach your right hand down to the spot it was intended to go but in your drunken state you lost your footing and fell backwards, squishing Danny between your body and the mat. You were in utter shock and so embarrassed but then you felt Danny’s chest rumbling with laughter under your weight. You looked up at his face to see him laughing so hard there were tears rolling down his cheeks. You started to giggle as well in spite of yourself.
“Daniel Wagner, undefeated champion! Now if you’ll excuse me, my bed is begging for me.” Sam says, helping you both up off the ground and hugging you goodnight.
“Danny oh my god I’m so sorry, are you okay?” You stammered out.
“Y/N, I’m fine, seriously. I could think of way worse ways to spend my night than being pinned down by a beautiful woman.” He said with a grin.
You blushed even harder. “Hush Wagner, you’re wasted.” You giggled out.
“Be that as it may, you’re still gorgeous when I’m sober.” He said quietly, caressing your cheekbone with his knuckles. You shyly met his eyes and saw his stare focused on you, lightly chewing his bottom lip. You impulsively reached out and ran your thumb along his bottom lip, gently pulling it from between his teeth. He inhaled deeply and pulled you closer with one hand on your lower back.
You were used to mixed signals from Danny, but this seemed to be crystal clear despite the fog in your brain. “Don’t move, pretty girl.” He mumbled, closing the distance between your bodies and pressing his lips to yours with featherlight pressure and one hand on your jaw. He pulled back and exhaled a shaky breath.
“Danny… I don’t wanna do this if we’re gonna regret it in the morning…” you sighed, looking down at your feet.
“I’ll never regret kissing you, y/n. And besides, I won, remember? Help me celebrate my victory.” He teased, bringing you back to his lips and weaving one hand into your hair. You gave yourself over to the kiss and pulled him as close as you possibly could with your arms around his neck.
“It took all my self control not to grab you and kiss you right in front of Sam when I felt you against me. I knew I had to take the chance or I’d lose my mind.” Danny mumbled between soft kisses down your neck.
“Danny…” you gasped as he moved one hand down to grip your ass. Feeling bold from the liquor in your system, you ran your hands under his shirt and trailed your fingers up his stomach and chest, tugging the shirt up as you went. He hummed at the feeling of your hands on him, breaking the kiss just long enough to tug it off his body, before gently nibbling and sucking at your bottom lip.
You allowed yourself to feel the full expanse of his torso, letting your fingers trail down to his happy trail and then to the waistband of his pants. He shuddered a breath and ripped your top right off your body, making you gasp. “Fuck, look at you, y/n. I can’t believe I waited this long to kiss you, touch you, hold you. I’m a stupid, stupid man.” He mumbled between kisses, snaking his arms behind your back to skillfully unhook your bra. You let the straps slowly slide off your shoulders, baring your breasts to him for the first time. He let out a quiet gasp as he brought his hands up to your breasts, kneading your flesh and tweaking your nipple just to hear what sounds you’d make. Satisfied, he scooped you up in his arms, making you squeal as he took off towards his bedroom.
“Danny!” You whisper-yelled, giggling softly.
“Couldn’t have my brothers seeing your perfect tits, could we? This is all mine, baby.” He growled in your ear, tossing you down on the bed before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, letting them slide to the floor, leaving him in only his boxers, which left next to nothing to the imagination. You bit your lip at the sight of him, all disheveled and worked up.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous. Come here, please?” You whined, undoing your own jeans and making grabby hands at him. He chuckled, removing the jeans from your body before settling his body between your legs and wasting no time capturing your lips in a heated kiss, letting your tongue slide against his, making you both sigh in pleasure.
You lightly tugged at his curls, making him involuntarily grind his hips down into yours. The feeling of his hardening cock brushing your throbbing pussy through nothing but his boxers and your already soaked panties had you moaning into his mouth and wrapping your legs around his waist.
“You’re so perfect, baby doll. Want you so fucking bad.” He groaned out, leaning up on his forearms to take your hand in his and trailing it down his waist to cup his length through his boxers, then pulling his own hand back to dip underneath your panties. You felt him twitch as you lightly palmed him, feeling just how hard he was already for you.
He ran two fingers through your slick before raising them to his mouth, cleaning all traces of you off his fingers and groaning at the taste. “You taste so good, pretty baby. Gonna let me have another taste?” He growled. You nodded furiously, gently stroking his length and snapping the waistband of his boxers against him, hoping he’d take the hint and remove them.
“You want me naked, sweet girl? Wanna see just what you do to me?” He teased, leaning up to remove his boxers and rip your panties down your legs, throwing them somewhere in the room.
“Yes Danny, please. Wanna see if it’s as good as I imagined it, baby” you moaned and wrapped your hand around his length as he ran a finger down your slit.
“Oh so you’ve imagined it, huh? Fuck, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve pictured this pretty pussy with my cock in my hand. Made myself cum thinking about how good you’d feel wrapped around me, the perfect noises you’d make for me.” He mumbled into your neck.
You stroked him slowly, delighting in the deep breath he sucked in through his nose.
He pressed his forehead against yours, taking a shaky breath at the feeling of your hands on him.
“You gotta stop princess, love feeling your hands on me but I need to be inside of you. Make you feel good. Wanna hear you say my name again and again.” He said quietly, slowly kissing down your chest, pausing to suck your nipple into his mouth and bite down gently before resuming his kisses down your stomach, pausing again to suck dark marks into both your hipbones. You were a mess, writhing underneath him, begging for anything he was willing to give you.
He made eye contact with you through his lashes as he pressed an open mouth kiss to your mound, slowly parting your lips and circling your clit with his thumb. You moaned out, desperate for more.
Without warning he plunged his tongue deep inside your entrance, making you tangle your hands in his curls and buck your hips upwards. He wrapped his arms around your legs, throwing them over his shoulders. “Don’t worry, angel. I’m gonna take good care of you. Not going anywhere until you cum for me over and over.” He punctuated his filthy sentence by circling his tongue around your clit, then finally sucking it into his mouth, making you fist one hand in the sheets and the other in his hair.
“D-Danny! Oh my god, fuck… your mouth, Jesus fucking Christ” you moaned breathlessly as he devoured you.
Danny removed his mouth from you just long enough to say, “you’re so fucking wet, love. Soaking right through your panties for me, right down the hall from my brothers. Dirty girl. My filthy fucking girl.” With that he was diving back into you, fucking into you with his tongue and letting his nose work perfectly over your clit.
“Danny… fuck, daddy, don’t stop.” You whined out, trying to stifle your moans. He groaned loudly into your heat at the name, sending delicious vibrations through you.
“Come on princess, cum for daddy. I need to feel you let go, fucking soak me.” He gasped out before shaking his head side to side and sending you crashing into your orgasm. He talked you through it the whole way, thumb still rubbing slow circles over your clit as you came down, finally releasing your thighs from around his head.
“D’you wanna stop, angel? I’m happy just holding you all night long if you wanna stop.” He mumbled against your lips after crawling back up your body.
“No daddy… I wanna taste you. Please? Then I want you to fuck me stupid. Don’t stop until I can’t remember my name baby, please, I need it.” You whined, stroking his cock from the tip down to the base once before cupping his balls and teasing your fingertips over them. He shuddered a breath before pressing his lips roughly against yours once more.
“You want a taste, angel?” Danny whispered, thumb coming to slip across your bottom lip. You nodded eagerly. Danny reclined back against the headboard with one arm behind his head.
You nipped at his neck before sucking one of his nipples into your mouth, gently biting down on it making him hiss. Then you trailed your tongue down his stomach, letting your nose run through the trail of hair leading down from his navel. You ignored his cock entirely, skipping over it in favor of sucking his balls into your mouth one after the other, teasing your tongue over them.
“Oh fuck-“ Danny groaned as you licked a stripe from his balls all the way up his shaft before sucking his tip into your mouth. You moaned softly at the taste of him, feeling him twitch in your grasp. You hollowed your cheeks, slowly bobbing your head on him, taking a little more each time. The hand that wasn’t behind his head tangled itself in your hair, not pushing or pulling, simply holding it for you.
“Look so pretty with my cock in your mouth, baby. God damn, you feel good.”
You pulled off of him long enough to catch your breath, replacing your lips with your hand. “Fuck my mouth, daddy? Please?” You asked in your sexiest voice.
“Shit y/n, you sure?” He breathed. You nodded, taking his tip back in your mouth. Danny groaned and gently began thrusting his hips up into your mouth. You brought one hand to cup his balls, moaning around his length as his thrusts got a little more forceful.
“Ohhhhh, fuck- gotta stop or I’m gonna cum in your mouth, angel.” Danny moaned out, using his grip in your hair to gently tug you off his length.
“Are you gonna fuck me, Danny?”
“Anything for you, baby doll. Anything.” He whispered, using one hand to guide the tip of his cock through your wetness, tapping it against your overly sensitive clit a couple times before slowly pushing halfway inside you, pausing with his knuckles white in the sheets and his teeth sank deep into his lip.
You moaned at the feeling of him stretching you, digging your nails into his back.
“Please, Danny. I need more of you. Please.” You whined, clenching around his cock. You heard him growl low in his throat at the feeling and slowly ease himself the rest of the way inside your dripping pussy. “You don’t have to beg angel, I’m gonna give it to you. Gonna take such good care of you, don’t worry.” He gritted out through clenched teeth before dragging his hips back and then slamming back into you, making your back arch off the mattress and a yelp escape from you.
He set his pace, pulling out slowly before slamming back into you and pulling your hips back to meet his. You felt him hitting your sweet spot constantly and brushing your cervix deliciously on particularly sharp thrusts.
You were babbling incoherently, nothing making sense besides his name and filthy curses, whining for more despite not knowing how much more you could really take. He was overwhelming your senses in the best possible way. He tangled one hand in your hair, wrapping the other around your throat and lightly squeezing to control your breath. It only served to enhance your pleasure, you were clenching tighter around him on every thrust. He moved the hand off your neck to circle your clit once more with his thumb.
“You gonna cum, angel? Feel you gripping me so tight, let go baby. Let go for daddy, I’m right there with you. Fuck.” He choked out, doing his best to keep his pace despite being out of breath and barely holding on himself.
“Gonna fill you up, angel, get you pregnant with my baby. Fuck, take it all.” With that your eyes rolled back, back arched unnaturally off the bed, and you let out a wail of his name as you soaked his cock. He let out a long drawn out moan at the sight, eyes squeezing shut and hips stuttering in their rhythm as he spilled himself deep inside you.
He groaned once more as he gently pulled out of you, mesmerized by the sight of his cum spilling out onto the sheets. He collapsed next to you and pulled your sweaty body against his, kissing the top of your head and holding you close as you both panted.
Slowly your breathing returned to normal and the fog in your brain cleared somewhat, making your heartbeat quicken slightly as you allowed yourself to consider the consequences of what you’d just done.
“I can hear you overthinking and you haven’t even opened your mouth, angel. This isn’t the last time unless you want it to be, but I’m hoping you stay right here in my arms and let me wake up with you in the morning. I love you, y/n. Never knew how to tell you, but here we are.” He chuckled quietly, running his fingers up and down your back as you nuzzled into his chest.
“I’ve loved you for years, loser.” You mumbled back through a grin.
“No, no, I won, remember? First the game, then I got you in my bed? I can’t believe you forgot already.” He teased, making you swat his chest with a laugh.
“Stay right here, love. I’m getting us some towels and snacks, and after I clean up we’re gonna lay here and watch movies until we can’t hold our eyes open.” He stood and pulled his jeans on, walking toward the door.
“Are you suggesting a sleepover, Wagner? Does that mean I can draw on your face when you fall asleep first?”
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risingoftime · 1 year ago
“i'm sorry that you seem to be confused, they belong to me.”
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the request ₊˚⊹ | navigation
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⋆˙⟡ MIGUEL stares after you, watching your hips sway as you walk away. Your spider suit was tight against your skin, leaving nothing to the imagination. Miguel makes it his mission to keep his infatuation to himself. But each day, they made it harder for Miguel to contain his attraction and fascination with their body. It was almost impossible to focus on anything else.
⋆˙⟡ HOBIE who secretly glares at whoever stares at you for too long, including Miguel. Muttering threats under his breath only loud enough for him to hear. His tone is aggressive and direct as more time passes by.
⋆˙⟡ MIGUEL acts indifferent towards you in public but tries his hardest not to let his impulses control him. All he could think about was taking you alone and having his way with you. Daydreamin' of the day he can make you his.
⋆˙⟡ HOBIE willingly offers to beat up anyone who even breathes at you the wrong way and is instantly ready to jump in if someone gets too comfortable being near your presence.
⋆˙⟡ MIGUEL secretly offers you one of his sweaters, not because it is cold but because he can’t stand the longing stares from Hobie and the other Spider-People.
⋆˙⟡ HOBIE loves complimenting you on your outfits and making cheeky remarks about how he would love to take it off.
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sleeptokenpuppy · 4 months ago
there is Himbo Token Discussion on my dash rn and i would like to propose A Theory
the collective shares a delightfully small pool of brain cells, you see. what happens when each of them do or don't have custody of the brain cells, just purely on their vibes:
vessel w/brain cells: songwriting genius of the century, channeling the wisdom of the anicents, could have half a dozen phds! brilliant beautiful mind so full of knowledge and wisdom and art!!
vessel w/o brain cells: usually this is where he gets Silly, just the goofiest fucking goober you ever did see. unless the brain cell has been pushed out by Sad, in which case he is the saddest little raincloud in the whole sky. pls hug him, hug him now or suffer sleep's wrath.
ii w/brain cells: songwriting genius mode, writing and perfecting his drum parts, encyclopedia brain, can and will infodump for hours especially about technical music stuff or nerd media!
ii w/o brain cells: like a cat zeroed in on a laser pointer. exactly One Thought in his pretty lil head, and that is whatever he is focused on
ii has god tier muscle memory for his drum parts and focuses intensely when performing so it's hardest to tell w/him whether or not the brain cells are with him
iii w/brain cells: on stage, he has the crowd in the palm of his hand. master crafter of vibes. can and will channel that slasher energy that tumblr has assigned him. off stage, the most voracious reader you ever did see. researching music gear, reading interviews, flying through notoriously hard to get through books.
iii w/o brain cells: compelled purely by instinct and chaos. dancing and/or messing with ppl. could put jackass to shame all on his own. impulse control? never met her.
iv w/brain cells: fast learner, especially on guitar. king of breaking things down into easier explanations. excited to display and share knowledge! also makes himself irresistible on purpose. -5 to your will save against kissing him.
iv w/o brain cells: absolute peak of no thoughts head empty. texts only in emojis. sweet baby angel. cutie pie. just wants to be loved. also, he's a ho! absolute slut.
even distribution of brain cells when they need to craft The Sleep Token Vibe. photoshoots, performances, in the studio, etc. some brain cells slide around on stage moment to moment but it generally stays pretty even.
espera have their own separate brain cell pool made from goddess energy, beautiful harmonies, and occasional mischief.
i think @polteergeistt and @tonguetyd in particular need to see this but like. ye have fun.
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In prison AU, I feel like darling would be an young cop in training and with not very much experience and that Darling just got out of college and just started the work. The reason why they hired Darling in an such dangerous prison (Probably the most dangerous prison as there's demons and ghosts and insane man) is because just like in the Mental Asylum AU, Darling is very good the job and pretty good at it.
Well those are my thoughts but I would like to hear yours words at the Darling in this AU, If you don't mind😊 .
Something Short (Prison AU Introduction)
Warning: Criminals, death row, rape and sexual assault mentioned, murder, violence, cannibalism, graphic descriptions of crimes, mental disorders, mental instability, sadism, apathy, sexual themes, robbery, drug use, sexual harassment, short tempers, big sentences I'm talking life, massacres and more. This AU is not for the faint of heart.
Yep! I didn't do all of them (I think I left out 2 people, but besides that they're all here.)
I feel like you would be having a paid internship at the maximum security prison due to you being the best cop at the college you're attending.
Here's what you need to know.
Jeffery Woods. A man in his early 30s, arrested for multiple accounts of serial Murder, Mutilation, Kidnapping, Torture, Stalking, Vandalism, Arson, Breaking and entering, Parricide, Drug use and rape. He has the reputation of assaulting, mocking, teasing and harassing guards. Jeff is often in solitary confinement, but that doesn't stop him from his usual actions. Has to be kept away from Jane Elizabeth Arkensaw due to them activity starting fights. He is deemed one of the deadliest prisoners. During your internship, he will be one of the prisoners you'll be interacting to help sharpen your skills. He will by far be one of if not the hardest to interrogate.
Tobias Erin Rogers. A man in his late 20s arrested for Serial murder, Torture, Vandalism, Arson, Stalking, Patricide, Breaking and Entering, Kidnapping, and suspected of multiple accounts of sexual assault but is yet to be confirmed. Currently sentenced to life in jail with possibility of parole after serving a minimum of 30 years. He suffers a handful of disorders and quite often causes trouble for both staff and other inmates. He struggled with controlling his emotions and his impulsive behavior which often leads to himself, inmates and staff to be harmed. Despite this, you will be interacting with him during your internship due to him being able to get a long with staff for a short period of time if he finds them "hot." Warnings, don't get too attached, don't believe most of the things he says, don't give or take anything from him, and don't let his suffering fool you. He has a history of using his suffering against others and actually led to him escaping when he was first sent here when he was 19, and they didn't capture him again until last year when he turned 27.
Liu Woods, also known as Homicidal Liu. A man in early to mid 20s, arrested for Serial murder, stalking, kidnapping, robbery, breaking and entering, assault, and vandalism. Currently serving a a sentence of 50 years but has a chance of parole once he serves 20. Liu is the little brother of Jeffery Woods, and after Jeffery almost murdered him, he developed an alter ego named Sully. Lui is is relatively quiet, observant, possessive and violent. But his violence gets worse when he's Sully. Lui normally doesn't harm guards or prisoners unless provocted, but he has attacked them with no apparent reason on multiple accounts. Liu is one of the prisoners you will be seeing often due to you working mostly in his section of the prison, where most of the pastas are such of Eyeless Jack and Toby. Warning when dealing with Liu, watch your words and actions, DO NOT touch anything of his unless it's a danger to him or others, and don't asked him too much about his past due to it being his biggest trigger in becoming Sully. If you're dealing Sully, be extremely careful, don't make sudden moves and don't anger him. Sully is extremely violent, sadistic but oddly childish. Sully is supposedly a seven year old according to both himself and Liu, so treat him as an extremely dangerous child.
Helen Otis, also labeled The Bloody Painter. A man between the ages for 25 to 35, arrested for Serial murder, kidnapping and breaking and entering. He culprit of both the 1994 school massacre and a murder case in 2003. He is sentenced to 45 years without parole. Helen is extremely apathetic, cold and selfish. Despite this however, he can be polite, a gentleman. All of his murders represent some form of art, using the blood of his victims to create beautiful work at every crime scene. Helen is two faced, meaning that his gentleman front is an act, nothing genuine. Helen doesn't fight staff or prisoners, only attacking if they were to attack him first. He's known to be polite to both staff and prisoners, even flirting with some of the staff members. You'll be using Helen's cases as a way to practice investing crimes scenes, and you'll be interacting with Helen occasionally in order to figure out the motives behind his murders. Warnings when interacting with Helen, don't fall for his manipulation, don't fall for his charm and never allow yourself or him to go off topic.
Eyeless Jack. A demon is what he is. Not a human, not a ghost, but a demon sent from hell. EJ's age is unknown, we don't how long he's been commiting his crimes or even how long he's been around. But, relying on appearance alone, he appears to be a 24 year old humanoid with no eyes. Ej is charged with serial murder, cannibalism, kidnapping, breaking and entering, and stalking. EJ's sentence is life in prison without parole and the judge is consider the death sentence. Ej doesn't talk much, always watching the other prisoners with hunger written on his face. He's often wearing a mask, but when he isn't you can see the Eyeless sockets and if he opens his mouth, the hundreds of tentacle like tongues he has. No staff member is allowed to be alone with EJ due to him in the past immediately murdering and eating the staff members' organs. EJ is known to be cruel, sadistic, highly intelligent and scarily patient, he's a predator. During your internship, you won't be interacting with EJ unless told, and even then you won't be allowed alone with him. But you can't shake off the feeling someone is following or watching you. Is that... Blood?
Laughing Jack. Another demon we holp in or facility. To be honest, we don't even know if he's a demon or an imaginary friend gone real, we really don't know. We don't know his age or how he manifested. Even if we rely on his appearance, we can't determine how old he might be. Jack is arrested for serial murder, torture, mutilation, kidnapping, and breaking and entering. Jack is extremely playful and childish, his main victims being families, but mostly their children, he claims he's a child's best friend, he's also evil, sadistic, cruel, and an overall mystery to us. He is sentenced to life in prison, but even then he has escaped multiple times. You won't be interacting with Jack at all during your internship, due to his case still being looked into and more and more charges are being found for him. But every day he finds you, talking to you, showing you tricks, being playful and entertaining, but you can't ignore the look in his eyes. You don't exactly know how to explain it, but whatever it, his plans for you are far from innocent fun.
Timothy Wright. A man in his early to mid 30s, arrested for serial Murder, Stalking, trespassing, kidnappings, rape, vandalism, breaking and entering, and arson. Sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole after serving a minimum of 30 years. Tim is quite the unstable prisoner, often seen yelling and cursing and fighting people oen minute, and muttering, pulling at his hair, screaming and crying the next. Tim suffers from both schizophrenia and MPD, and due to us restricting his meds so he wouldn't abuse them causes him to be, uncontrollable. Tim has an alter ego named Masky. While Tim is more calm yet violent and moody and often in some form of distress, Masky is short-tempered, violent, sadistic, and an awful man. Whenever Tim is Masky he claims he doesn't even remember the stuff he did, but he describes it as him blacking out. Tim isn't out often so during your internship you'll mostly be interacting with Masky, not Tim. If your interacting with Tim, don't think for a second he's nicer or safer. Tim can be rude, mean, manipulative and violent, but with Masky it's at a whole different degree. When dealing with Timothy, don't fall for his manipulation, tricks, charms, nothing. In the past he's been known to have lighters, cigarettes, guns and other things just from having one conversation with a guard. If Tim starts become more and more unstable, leave and call a hard to take him back to his cell to calm down. You have to have Strong skin if you're gonna deal with Tim/Masky. He's ruthless, blunt, sadistic and will make you cry and breakdown, all for his amusement. He often fights with Tobias and yells at his 'friend' Brian, who often either ignores him and mocks him.
Brain Thomas. A man in his early to mid 30s, arrested for Stalking, serial Murder, Theft, Kidnapping, suspected of sexual assault but is yet to be confirmed, vandalism, hacking, blackmail, breaking and entering, arson and torture. Sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole after serving a minimum of 30 years. Brian also has an alter ego by the name of Hoodie. Brian is often quiet, observant and keeps to himself most of time, mostly only interacting with Tim and a few others but tends to be by himself in his cell most of the time. He has a reputation of being a charmer and a flirt with the guards only to use them to get stuff such as phones and cameras. What he needs the camera's for, we don't know. Hoodie on the other hand rarely talks. And when he does it's slightly deeper than Brian's voice. Hoodie is way more hostile and alert than Brian, and unlike Tim, Brian remembers everything that he does while as Hoodie. When you interact with Brian, don't listen to words, don't fall for his charms, and more specifically, don't fall for his blackmail. It's not sure how, but Brian has dirt on everyone who works at the prison, and anyone who hasn't followed his orders became another victim to his blackmail. Brian, just like his co-workers Tobias and Tim, is very sadistic and cruel, and surprisingly apathetic. He admitted that everytime his victims would cry or tell him how bad of person he was, he'd only smile and laugh and told them that he didn't care. When dealing with Brian, don't talk too much, and don't talk too little. Brian is a gather, an interrogator, he knows how to get info by any means.
Benjamin Lawman, also known as Ben Drowned. A man in his between the ages of 18 and 23. Ben is a ghost, or more a vengeful spirit, but he's like a human, being able to touched and seen. Ben was charged with serial murder, kinda of a cult leader, drug use, kidnapping, hacking, vandalism, torture, stealing government files, tampering of evidence, and suspected of rape but is yet to be confirmed. He is also on death row but the judge is considering possibly taking him out if he's willing to help them with tech, but by how things are going so far Ben is stuck on death row. Ben is a sadistic, apathetic, oppressive, controlling, perverted, master manipulator who literally doesn't give a shit about anything. His mugshot was like those teenage dirtbag videos you see on TikTok. Ben is known for starting power outages, corrupting camera footage, sexually harassing staff and making the prisoners in the other half of the prison his bitch just by manipulating them. Ben doesn't see prison as prison, he sees it as a small little vacation, the only thing missing is the tech and drugs. You are forbidden from interacting with Ben due to him being a high level threat. Those who have to interact with him remove any and all tech, including walkies and watches. Ben is held in a special cell, with him cuffed and against the wall. When you walk into his room, his glitched out voice erupted into laughter and he has a deranged smile on his face. He's extremely close with Jeffery and EJ, all them being trialed together and sentenced together. When he heard about you from Jeffery, he paid you a little visit on the camera feed, even walking out of the computer and touching you. They thought moving the computers to a different building would stop him, nope! If you ever were to run into Ben, protocol is to do what he says and get out as soon as possible. Ben loves how hot you are, he mainly wants your ass. Ben wants you purely for his own pleasure, both sexually and physically, he wants to hurt and fuck you so bad, but until he gets the chance to work with you, he must wait.
Jonathan Blake, or popularly known as The Puppeteer. A ghost between the ages of 20 to 30. An evil spirit. Charged with serial murder, Stalking, Breaking and Entering, and Abuse. He's been sentenced to life in prison without possiblity of parole. The Puppeteer is a dangerous and hostile being, in the past having interns and staff who struggled with their mental states to kill themselves after interacting with him only once. Due to this, you'll be getting a mental evaluation to see if you're classified to interact with him during your internship here. The Puppeteer does tend to be quite an emotional rollercoaster, sometimes he randomly enters states of rage and confusion before shutting down. We don't know much about his past, any time we tried asking he'll either be confused or enter a state of rage. If you are classified to interact with him, here's what you need to know. We don't call him Jonathon, he doesn't respond to the name, it's possible he might've blocked out his memories, so we call The Puppeteer, since that's what he responds to. Don't let him get to your head. The Puppeteer is infamous for the mass suicides in the area. He's extremely manipulative and also a charmer, so it's important not to fall for his antics. We does have two confirmed accomplices, but we are yet to confirm who exactly they are, nor have we caught them. One day during your internship you were caught by, golden strings? That's when you saw him. He claims that you were too beautiful to kill, but you would be perfect as a puppet. His mindless, emotionless puppet. Be careful around him, very careful.
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kosmicdream · 3 months ago
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while not some STRICT 100% ACCURATE GUIDE i have been developing a sort of.. eye color chart association w/ inner demons for NRD and felt like sharing it. while each person comes with usually 8 inner demons (7 red, 1 blue) they are usually not specifically representative of ~one specific~ "sin" and more of a collection of aspects of a person.. but they can have a specific leaning towards one, which is why they'll end up getting classified as.. it is funny because in some pages, Gaueko's eyes might look more yellow than orange which is why i made Greed yellow, as i do think he does lean into that as well.. for inner!welt he is always at conflict with himself due to his ability to see into his outside self, which is why his eyes look like that on the inside. Outside!welt is much more simple and straightforward haha. Currently, Kamila has fused with the demon most associated with his desires, which is why he's been particularly umm.. impulsive i suppose. Blue demons often have orange eyes because they are usually quite prideful in the sense of their own unique status as a demon, but also prideful in the fact that they are the hardest to "soothe." Inner demons are in every person and are essential to them, but its generally not a good idea to let them take too much control of you.. bad things will happen..
Anyway this is just a little snippit. I used to share a lot of various FFAK worldbuilding stuff but I don't do that as much with NRD.. but it still happens in the background LOL..
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