#this is such CRACK HAHAHAAH
cafegraces · 2 years
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@starlcved​ said :   even if you don’t trust me and even if you don’t like me,   i’m still gonna be looking out for you.   from jesse   //   tw starters.
check and check.   her face is buried in her hands,   still trying to work out everything that had happened the night prior.   it’d been nearly a week and a half since she’d first kicked him and the other girl,   who’s watching her skeptically as they speak,   out of her campus apartment.   at the time,   she hadn’t thought she’d ever have been so relieved that they would barge back into her life.   though she’s not thrilled by any means,   she is grateful they’d been able to stop her from doing something she’d regret.   “   i just don’t understand,   ”   she groans,   finally looking up at him.   “   i wasn’t even mad,   i just...   i’d had a migraine all day.    ”   she’s not sure she wants the answers,   but she needs them,   needs to understand what’s happening to her.   “   so what does that mean?   do i become...   part of your...   group now?   do you like...   live in the woods?   i like camping,   but not that much.   ”    grimacing at the reminder of her last camping trip,   she revises,   “   i’d actually prefer to stay clear of the woods for a while.   and i have a thesis to finish.   ”
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themosthatedbeingg · 3 months
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@brokendreamscreation @radiiosugars @snow-hart
Arches his neck far and fluffs up his wings he’s perched on the tallest part of his palace , he takes in a deep breath and— {HONKS}
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lee-minhoe · 2 years
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tagged by @ambivartence and @chenleyah💖 to rank this year's kpop title tracks that i've listened to!
>> link to site here
s-tier are the songs that, in siyuan's words, i probably made my entire personality at some point this year lol (to be honest i am still addicted to maniac like the song and the mv and lee know's dance moves and everything); a-tier are songs that i simply love and are in at least one of my playlists somewhere; b-tier are songs that i like but not necessarily at my all-time fav level
then c-tier and below: c-tier songs are ooookay, not necessarily bad songs but not songs that are on repeat for me; d-tier are songs that i didn't really vibe with personally (i'm sorry wonpil and taeyong i love you but those songs were just not my style idk 😭 i can see why people like them though); f-tier is just f-tier haha (i actually like some of davichi's songs just not that one lmao)
other title tracks (i think, or at least songs with an mv) not mentioned in the list that i liked:
strawberry cake - xdh (a-tier)
talk 2 me nice - saay (a-tier)
case 143 - skz (b-tier)
mood - dpr ian (b-tier)
back down p1h (i know this is cheating because it literally came out less than 24 hrs ago lol but a- tier for me :D)
tagging: @tyongsies @shorelinnes @alrightyaphroditie @jinniebit @snug-gyu @hyunebear @yyukhei @leemarkies @strayz + really anyone who wants to do it because i am curious about other people's rankings :D also feel free to ignore if you don't want to rank 100+ songs like me lol
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captivemuses · 1 year
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Childe when he saw the bingo card from Dottore--
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luxthestrange · 2 years
TWST Incorrect quotes#347 Sex Ed
Crewel*Coming into his class*Alright you fucking gremlins its time for...Ugh-Sevens...Sex Ed
Ace:Fuck yeah bros!*Cheering along the other classmates*
Crewel: SHUT THE FUCK UP!-DOWN BOYS!*Cracks his pointer on the desk, sees they all *Now if you all can't tell...I do not want to do this so Our Dear Yuuka AND Yuu are gonna teach this one, Have fun~*Goes to pulls a chair off in the corner of the classroom allowing Yuuka & FemYuu To use his desk*
Yuuka*Smilling along with you*Hey guy!~Welcome to the most important class of your life~
Jack: Oh my sevens...*Feels dread*
Epel: Oh this gonna be darn tottin' show*Excited all of a sudden*
Yuu*Smirks and smiles at class*Who can tell me the MOST important rule of intercourse?
Deuce*Raises his hand*Oh oh! Real MEN get consent!
Yuu:Very good deucey~*Smiles proudly at him*Also foreplay is key
Jack: I uh-Sir is this the best idea?*Looks at Crewel*
Crewel*Drinking wine all of a sudden with a smirk*Probably not...But it is the funniest~
Yuuka:Now we need a voluntire!~
Sebek*Slouching down with a whisper*Please...no
Yuuka: SEBEK!Please come up to the board!*Drags the half-fae sour lemon to the board*
Yuu: And point out the SEVEN erogenous zones!
Sebek*Clenches lip and points with half closed eyes*....1.....2....-
Epel: Dont forget that one right there*Pointing at the board*
Epel: Dont worry about it
Crewel*Watching from the sidelines*Oop-Zigvolt passed out~HAHAHAAH~*Start to drink wine*
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Should there be a part 2? going from 1st years to second...to 3rd?~
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HII gorgeous 👋👋 I wanted to say I love your writing and honestly your brilliant mind gracing us with all of your stories 🤩 with that being said my birthday is in a week— eeekk 21 BITCHHH 😛😛😈 and I wanted to request a HOTD cast imagine since I’m pretty sure they’ll start filming soon, so imagine maybe a raging birthday party just before filming or something and it gets crazyyy and wild and wouldn’t it be great to get sloshed with Emma D’Arcy 😃 doing this would be a pretty rocking birthday present soo… not to put pressure… 👀👀🤭
(Also I’m the star points bitch. So keep that in mind hon 🔍🔍 this is your redemption arc)
Sloshed 🥴
HoTD Cast & Reader (there's a paring here somewhere if you quint hard enough)
Summary: To celebrate your birthday, your castmates in HotD throw you a makeshift party with a karaoke machine, a poorly homemade cake, and lots and lots of alcohol.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, drinking/drunkenness/everyone gets cronked, super chaotic everything, grade school bullying (affectionate), crack fic, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY START POINTS NONNIE! (im not going to call you bitch because i dont like that word) im sure at this point youre prolly 22 T_T but better late than never. also Omg my child 😭 you think i give a shit about redemption??? HAHAHAAH IT MAKES ME WANT TO FUCK THIS UP SO BAD but the request is so compelling that i'll silence the part of my brain that is screaming for murder HAHAHA idk it all kinda went all over the place but lol enjoy star points nonnie! or dont i dont care Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony
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You had your phone on, eye level, recording, flashlight and all, so did Milly. You were both snorting to yourselves as you made your way through the streets-
"WHERE THE STREETS HAVE NO NAME!" you sing, flailing your arms around as you spun on the pavement.
No, no, you weren't drunk yet. But boy were you were excited to be.
Milly had picked you up and, like an idiot, spoiled the surprise party altogether by being too giddy and blabbermouthed. It was obvious she was leading you to a 'secret birthday party' and though Milly adamantly denied to her final breath, when you got to the venue, still somehow startled by the loud scream of 'SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!', Emma gave her a piece of their mind for being so obvious.
You immediately hugged the gals, namely Olivia, Emily, and Phia, then after gave a kiss to person who remembered your birthday at all, Emma.
"I love you so much," you muttered as you pulled them into a hug, nearly choking them in the process. Emma chuckles, sealing their arms around you with a lot less enthusiasm, only cause in you were a python comparison.
They turn to Milly, who was already heading for the food, "did you two drink already?"
"No, babe, we're drunk on life!" Milly responds, pouring herself a drink.
Emma and Olivia turn to each other, the latter rolls her eyes exaggeratedly, "dear god, to be twen'y somthin'."
Emma snorts as you finally pull away from them.
You spin your arm overhead, stupidly forgetting you had your phone in hand. This allows it to get darted across the room, nearly hitting Phia on the way.
You scramble for the object, amazed that it was uncracked and still in one piece, camera still filming everything. You look up to everyone and call out, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!"
Each person in the room cheers and claps for you, immediately getting ready for the festivities.
At one point, you managed to end and restart recording on your phone as you eat some chips and ready the second song on a karaoke machine, and by karaoke machine, I mean a big-ish laptop propped on an box on a table connected to a Bluetooth speaker that was honestly impressively loud for its size.
It was also at this time, the MIA boys finally arrived, as in Fabien, Tom, Ewan, & Matt, carrying fast food and drinks, cheering as they came for absolutely no other reason than to be loud.
Now. Now, the party was really getting started.
After eating and the singing got old, an idea was proposed. You don't know whose genius (stupid) idea it was to play fucking marco polo, but DAMN was it intense.
You down the last for your 3rd(?) beer before running off as the it of the game neared you. You find yourself in a corner where Matt now to your right. You do your darndness to evade the blind folded Tom, who by the ways was insanely horrible at the game.
He was so bad, Olivia, like the mom she was, had to keep reminding him he could call out Marco, so that you lot could call out Polo and give some semblance as to where you were in the Emma's largish flat.
"Babes," Olivia calls, beginning to remind the lost puppy, Tom.
Elbow pushing the massive block of doofus (Matt), who was CHEATING by using you as his shield from the nearing lost, blonde boy, you struggled against the man, both of you fairing horribly to hold in your giggles as you push deeper into the corner of the room, trapped behind the sofa.
Tom turns behind him, blindfold on and all, at the sound of Olivia's voice.
"You can call out Marco," Olivia reminds before going back to a conversation with Phia safely a distance away in the kitchen.
"Oh-right- MARCO!"
"POLO!" everyone screams except you and Matt.
"THEY'RE CHEATING!" Fabien calls loudly in protests from behind the dining table, "TOM, TURN AROUND! TOM, TURN AROUND!"
Fabien's plan backfires as Tom instead heads for him. The former runs over to where Ewan was, who then runs over to where Emily was, by the front door.
"POLO YOU CUNTS!" Fabien shouts with a chuckle, extending his arm out to your direction, accusingly.
You stick out your tongue to Fabien as Matt begins to shove you the opposite direction.
Ewan to Fabien's side drops his jaw over the brunutte's backfired attempt in both a 'STFU' manner and 'this is kind of funny but STFU' manner, then slaps his hand on Fabian's blabbermouth.
Tom was nearing them. Emily begins to push back against Ewan, covering her mouth as not to make a sound. This allowed you to climb from the back of the sofa, onto the cushions, escaping the entrapment in the corner with Matt.
Emily topples onto Ewan and holds her breath as she barely dodges Tom's reaching hands.
And then-
"POLO! POLO! POLOLOLOL!" Matt screams, grabbing you by the shoulders, alerting everyone in the room.
Tom takes the bait, turning about as you squeal and wrangle out of Matt's cheating grip.
Emily, Ewan, and Fabien sneakily evade him whilst Tom is distracted.
"MATT YOU FUCKER!" you whine, finally escaping him. You swiftly run past Tom, who almost managed to grab you and make it towards Emma, who was had been sitting in an isolated corner of their flat, drinking a can of pop.
They give you a nod and you look over finding Tom was approaching the corner where you and Matt had been, yet the man was nowhere in sight. Rats, he was good.
Fabien, running towards you out of nowhere, grabs you by your arms and offers you as a sacrifice, "POLO! POLO!"
Tom turns your direction as you shriek.
"YOU CHEATING RAT!" you protest mid arm imprisonment.
Tom, now at his limit, stops then pulls down his blindfold, making everyone groan. The man, who had been it the WHOLE time you have been playing, sighs and places his hands on his hips, "guys, ain't no way I'm this bad at Marco Polo. You lot are double crossing me!"
Everyone gathers over towards Tom in a chorus of laughs and disagreements.
Olivia speaks, "I'm sorry, love, but honestly, this flat isn't that large."
"You just suck," Phia deadpans, making Tom give him a sour look.
Milly crawls from underneath the table she had been hiding from the entire time, "who's it now?
Milly jolts when Matt sneaks up from behind her and screams, "YOU!" The moron evades Milly's incoming punches.
Meanwhile, you have been chasing Fabien across the room, pulling on his hair when you catch him.
Between that point and when you all (mostly you and Milly) began to cry while singing Hello by Adele, another 3(?) bottles of beer was consumed by your person.
This was why when you reached for another bottle, Ewan (who had been watching you the entire time) took the thing from you, "that's mine."
You blink slowly, turning to him as he takes the bottle from you, handing it to Matt, who was cheering Emma and Olivia on as they sung from the top of their lungs. Matt turns to Ewan, taking the bottle from him, "thanks, babe."
You move to take another bottle, and Ewan grabs it again, "that's also mine." This time, he takes a swig of the alcohol when you turn to him.
You grunt, taking another shot at grabbing one of the last two bottles on the table. Before you could even reach out for it though, Tom grabs the two bottles and you watch as he hands the other to Fabien. They clank it together, then sit next to you, unwittingly triggering your tear ducts.
They were so mean. You flat out begin to sob. Each man on the sofa turns to you.
"It's my birthday!" you whine under your breath, tears streaming your face, "I'm being oppressed."
Tom beside you hears your mewls then panics, "hey, hey, what's wrong?"
Ewan ,on you other side, stiffens turning to you, face falling at the sight of your tears.
You choke on your tears as you whine.
"MATT YOU'VE REALLY DONE IT NOW MATE!" Fabien screams after seeing you.
Matt turns to you, as does the singing Emma and Olivia, as well as Phia who was doing background vocals and Emily and Milly who was recording the whole thing.
"Me?!" Matt calls out with a chuckle, "what did I do," he leans towards you, "what's happened, love?"
You ignore them as Emma makes a beeline for you and grabs your hand, "come on babe, boys suck."
Ewan begins to explain the situation to everyone and Fabien calls out, "you want my beer, baby?"
"What about my beer?" Tom asks.
"S'fine," you mumble as you get in front of the make shift karaoke machine where Olivia then wraps her arms over your shoulders.
"Hey! Why the hostility!" Fabien calls out.
"Because you're ugly mate," Tom sneers, chuckling before he drinks his beer.
Matt says, giggling, "I mean you did make the birthday baby cry."
Fabien's jaw drops, "yeah, yeah, yeah, says the man with no eyebrows."
Tom hollers, throwing his head back in laughter. Ewan snorts under his breath, holding in his laughter.
"Woah, woah, woah," Milly walks over with a camera, "is there a row goin' on 'ere," she points her phone camera to them, "come on," she says in a thick Australian accent, "have at it!"
Fabien exaggeratedly bites his lower lip and flips Milly's cam off.
Meanwhile Phia and Emily are cheering you on as the next song begins to play. The intro has everyone in a frenzy.
You burp as you croak out the first lines of the song, "buHaybe can't you see-- I'm callin'. A guy like you should have a warning, it's dangerous-"
"IM FALLING!" you lot sing out in various keys.
Absolutely feeling yourself with the music, you begin to dance to Britney Spears, doing body rolls against Emma and Olivia.
By the time the chorus hits, you and the girls are dancing and singing to Toxic. You twirl all the way over to the sofa, nearly falling on your way as you tell the yucky boys to join in the festivities.
Yet all it takes is one loud bang on the door to burst everyone's bubble.
"Oh fuck," Emma calls, turning frantically around everyone, shushing them as Emily scrambles to cut the music.
Blissfully unaware of everything, you clumsily continue to dance and hit not one, but two faces (Ewan and Matt's) with your hands.
"Alright, Britney, that's enough of you," Fabien calls, pulling you away from your accidental victims of violence.
"There's something to be said about the fact both of your chins were hit," Milly says under her breath, but both men she was teasing hear her loud and clear, in fact, everyone hears her, which is why Tom wheeze with Phia as Olivia holds back her laughter.
"Oh fuck off," Matt says as Ewan purses his lips and shakes his head.
"At least I can reach the bars in the tube," Ewan rebuts.
"OH! For the jugular!" Emily calls just as Olivia hushes everyone.
Emma comes back with clenched teeth, turning to you, "right, uh... my neighbors say happy birthday, also, shut the fuck up."
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theycallmeratt · 4 months
Going Fezzerk! please!
(You have SUCH a talent for silly names, hahahaah)
(Thank you, I love silly stuff!)
That is a comedic, consensual and spicy Barcus Wroot/Fezzerk fic. Yeah, the goblin who ties him to the windmill. The spice is set after the game, and involves Fezzerk making good on a comment to Barcus that Wulbren sounded so awful even Fezzerk would treat him better. SFW excerpt (rough draft, so beware) below!
The goblin dragged a dry, rough tongue over his lip, watching the windmill spin. A lone figure was tied to one of the fins (or whatever), staring out at the spinning world in sullen stubbornness.
"Oughta' be dead now, shouldn't he?" mumbled one of the grunts.
"If he was oversized, yeah. But he's normal. He can take more."
Still, it was boring. Fezzerk dug his shit armor out of his shit crack and ambled over to the windmill.
"Hey, er, listen. You need to die soon, right?" he said.
"I will—" a pause as the gnome left polite talking distance, then he restarted when the mill brought him back around. "—not! I've—" Ugh. Fezzerk scratched his ankle with a toe. What he wouldn't give for a proper bath. If goblins could catch vermin, he would have. "—got things to—" Do, Fezzerk predicted. Probably killing them all, right? That's what he would do. "—handle.Ineedto—" the gnome was wisening up. Impressive for a stupid who got hisself caught by goblins in what was clearly goblin lands. "—findWulbren!"
And when the gnome completed the loop, he said, "Wulbren!"
"And once you find him, you'll die proper?"
Fezzick scratched his head. "Right. Oy, maggots! You know a Wilburn?"
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
Your analysis on Taylor’s look back at the end of the heist .,,.,. I want u carnally …..
Hahahaah I’m already carnally committed to my wife but you being horny for my ramblings is the biggest compliment I can imagine. I would kiss you on the mouth if I could!
her re-recordings ARE our modern day ship of theseus experiment!!! it brings new moral and circumstantial complications to it but the core argument remains just as polarizing and confounding as the original ship argument. especially for her, i can't imagine how hard it is to pull apart an entire creative career that unfolded and evolved organically and try to rebuild it synthetically, let alone having to do that herself with her own career. and what's interesting is how vindictive and flippant she was about it at first like, oh, i'll just re-record them and i'll win, what's a bunch of planks of wood to me with a forest of new trees I can use? but in the process it's clear that she realized it's more than the sum of a bunch of digitized recordings of her voice, just like the ship was more than the planks of wood. they were artifacts of her life, and they contain emotions crystalized and captured as she felt them! they accompany and are inextricable from days spent filming videos, photoshoots, planning tours and live performances. the whole experience turning into her rediscovering memories as she cracks open these old songs, holding them fondly in her hands again after so long, only to know she must kill them herself and bury them forever in order for this to work. pure torment, and far more pounds of flesh than she originally thought would be demanded, i'm sure. see now you got me going again, sorry, it's just sooooooo like brain go weeeeeeeee.
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majunju · 1 year
do you play project sekai lmao i get this weird feeling geaprd sucks at it HAHAHAAH also dan heng shares the same va as toya so yeah he knows how to sing i bet HAHAHAAH
i did but then it took up too much space on my phone and i deleted it LMGFJSGKFJG
i agree w gepard being terrible at just rhythm games in general.... he'd probably accidentally crack his phone screen out of a mix of pure frustration and intense concentration nd vow to never touch it ever again (he still secretly plays it on easy mode every now and then)
also is this how i find out that dan heng is voiced by itou kento LOL for the longest time i thought he was voiced by shimono hiro LMAO???
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jinikaris · 1 month
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
ofc I'm your favourite 😙❤️ current favourites rn are 1) love untold by hyunjin (the chokehold this song has on me should be studied) 2) our time together by amy shark (her new album did not disappoint!!!!) 3) buzz by NIKI (so good 😫🔥) 4) M-E-X-I-C-O by post malone (IDC WHAT U SAY MANIA POST MALONE COUNTRY SLAPS HAHAHAAH) 5) chasing that feeling by TOMORROW X TOGETHER (this song has crack in it 💃)
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
*cracks knuckles* time to learn everything about my future wife. so gimme, 5. 7. 14. 19 & 33
5.) share a secret about yourself?
umm 👀 let me think of one i can share hahahaah. i think i've said this before, but i basically lied about having appendicitis and faked the symptoms so i can get out of school bc i was bullied so badly, so i ended up getting surgery for it and missed a month of school in 8th grade hahahaha
7.) what advice would you give your childhood self?
listen to your mother when she tells you not to trust someone. also hang in there, it does get better!
14.) what’s your favorite warm beverage?
oat dirty chai latte anytime from september to like march
19.) what was the last concept that inspired you?
run by taylor swift and ed sheeran? i'm writing a cruel summer memory inspired by it as we speak x
33.) your personal favorite oddity about yourself?
i had to think about this hahahha, let's see... i know the lyrics to probably over 2000 songs. it always shocks people i'm with, because i will sing any song that's on the radio and know the lyrics to everything that's playing.
lysm bb, thank you <3
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delcakoo · 2 years
riki with a short gf ₊˚⌗𖤐⊹
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requested ! jay ver ! jake ver ! hoon ver !
PAIRING ! niki x f!reader
WC ! 1.4K
GENRE ! fluff, crack
a/n: riki ver finally here, pls enjoyyy :D next is sunoo, wonnie, then hee! (doing them in the order of reqs i got ^^)
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sunghoon junior.
no ‘cause honestly he needs to give you some of them pills he’s been having 💀
i think everyone knows a big part of your boyfriend’s love language is teasing and joking around
it’s his way of showing how close and comfortable he is with you!
so of course.. something veRy easy to tease about.. aka your height.. WILL be coming up in conversation on a daily basis
in a lighthearted fight?
“see riki? i told you that wouldn’t work”
“no you didn’t,” he’d mumble stubbornly
“did so”
“did not”
“did so”
“well.. you’re short” 😞
as a conversation starter perhaps?
“so, do you guys think y/n grew today? yeah me neither!”
maybe as a way to fix an awkward hangout?
“uh.. y’know, jay hyung told me to appreciate the little things. so i went to give y/n a hug.”
why are you dating this menace
one time you were in the kitchen
doing the clasSic short person move of climbing up the counter to reach the cabinet and grab your favourite mug
and while some boyfriend’s might gasp and scold you for doing something so dangerous instead of asking them for help before quickly running to help you down safely,,,
not yours <3
you’re like balancing on one foot on the counter, desperately reaching for this stupid mug
“son of a..” you mutter in annoyance, “how did it even get all the way up there!”
then suddenly in the background
a *click!* followed by THE MOST annoying giggling on the planet
your head WHIPS AROUND, nearly losing balance in the process and your dumb boyfriend is right outside the kitchen RECORDING YOU ..
of course he took many pictures too that he will 100% be sending to the enhypen gc:
riki - look at this tiny thief i found in the kitchen
hoon - hahahaah what is she doing up there? 🤣
jungwon - awww
riki - i put that ugly cat mug she got at value village on the highest shelf 🫡 did our eyes a favour fr
sunoo - YAH >:c give it back to the poor girl now!
jay - Seriously. How does he have a girlfriend again?
and you’re just like “ay dumbass, you think you’re funny?”
mf is lucky he’s adorable
“get your giraffe ass over here now nishimura 😐”
he obliges.. but sends disapproving glares as you pour your drink into that terrible cat cup
but anyway
in reality, riki just loves taking pictures of you all the time and every widget on his phone is 100% of you doing random things or on dates <3
speaking of you on riki’s phone he definitely has your contact as some kind of miniature/small character and thinks he’s hilarious
then he’s over here with tinkerbell
or stitch
or remy the rat idfk
when you confront him about it he’s like “okay okay i’ll change it! geez.. you short people have so much anger in your tiny bodies..”
changing it is really just him adding gf in brackets after the nickname :c
also after he does something helpful like getting smthn too high up for you HE WILL NOT GET OVER THAT FOR WEEKS
“babe, can you put my plate away too?”
you raise a brow, “why should i? you have two fully functioning, long ass legs the last time i checked”
he gasps dramatically
“hey, who helped you get that mug last wednesday because you were too shoRt???”
“that was a week ago riki.”
niki’s favourite line to use is “yOu oWe mE”
another example
you guys are in bed right
“you’re hogging y/n, give me blanket,” he rasps lazily, trying to yank the sheets from your tired hold
“no <3”
he frowns
“whO let you sit on their shoulders at the txt concert so your tiny ass could see yeonjun??”
“thAt was differenT, it was for yeonjun! now shut up and let me sleep”
after that he gets all pouty and it results in him throwing his whole body around yours
good luck getting out of his hold in the morning
“right in front of your boyfriend. i see how it is..”
then you make a comment on how yeonjun probably wouldn’t tease you for your height
and he gasps in offence because you boTh know THAT'S JUST PART OF HIS CHARM 🙄
but yeah all in all just. takes fULL ADVANTAGE OF YOUR HEIGHT DIFFERENCE to make you do things for him smh
and even though he’s constantly pestering you for it, your boyfriend really does love your height and thinks you’re the perfect size for him!!
he shows it in his own niki ways..
“baby look how big my hand is next to yours!!” he giggles with the CUTEST boxy smile, this time without any teasing, just pure adoration on his face T-T
constantly calls you cute under his breath when you do ANYTHING
if you look up at him with a puppy face he will definitely break and buy you whatever you want
(then he claims that you’re using him for his money)
stands behind you when you’re talking to someone and rubs your sides while resting his chin on your head :(
gives you piggybacks/carries you whenever he feels like it without a care in the world of people around you
“yah, your tiny legs must be tired from all this walking, c’mere!”
“nah i’m oka—oof!“
before you can protest he’s grabbed your waist and forced your legs to wrap around his middle, carrying you all the way home :D
“you’re welcome, wah i’m such a good boyfriend ☺️”.. even though he definitely enjoyed it more than you
(but secretly you took a selfie with you kissing his shoulder and made it your lock screen because awh <3)
when you kiss him anywhere near his neck or collar bones he squeals about how much it tickles and starts giggling again T-T
mf is lucky you’re too short to reach his neck on a daily basis 😒
though one thing niki takes very seriously (not really) is when other people tease you
esPECIALLY for your height because he claims that it’s his job only (you were like. wow thanks babe 😐😐)
he won’t get mAd since he knows it’s all jokes, especially if it’s someone you’re both friends with..
he’ll just make fun of them right back <3
“hey y/n, how do short people greet others?”
as soon as sunghoon of all people opened his mouth you knew something bad was about to happen
“they microwave!!!!”
he was the only one laughing
except sunoo giggling in the corner ofc
riki sighed, quickly coming to your defense, “hyung, if the only person laughing at your jokes is sunoo that’s saying something”
sunoo gasped in the background, “what does that mean!?”
“nuh uh, sunoo just isn’t boring like you guys,” he replies sassily, “and you make fun of y/n all the time!”
“and? i’m her boyfriend it’s different”
you’re just 🧌
there was also one time you were at the the amusement park with jungwon and riki
yes won was third wheeling
but the red haired boy seemed to be having a great time either way
he saw you and niki holding hands and was like “aw guys! are we holding hands? 😊” then proceeded to push right in between you and take both your hands in his
you just giggled and allowed him to swing your hands up and down
but niki was utterly horrified.
y’know that face he made when he was playing volleyball with sunoo
the absolute NO EMOTION side eye
he quickly ripped his hand away and continued to walk next to yoU WHO WAS NOW HOLDING HANDS WITH ANOTHER MAN <\3
then won of course was like, “oh look that ride seems fun! but.. i don’t know if y/n will meet the height requirement..”
honestly he probably didn’t even mean it in a teasing way
but niki was already annoyed so he just
“you’re one to talk, hyung. i know damn well you’re wearing insoles right now 😒”
“y/n i swear i’m not!! i’m naturally this tall 😞😞”
basically as a result of dating riki you’ve earned yourself a personal bodyguard who will always defend you whenever you’re being teased
bUt at the same time he’ll make sure to do all the teasing for them <3!
if you enjoy this series, please lmk! reblogs n’ comments are very appreciated <3
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @lov3niki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @l1lac-dreamer @kodzukii @yjjungwon @miou45 @rosie-is-everywhere
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deansawthetvglow · 4 years
my favorite sam head canon is that he’s. vaguely accidentally homophobic? Dean says the word queer, once, just testing it out, and gets a whole lecture about how that’s a slur, Dean.
OR dean talks about an old hunter friend he knew when he was a teenager and sam asks how he knew him and dean says “oh we were uh... we were boyfriends,” and sam lectures him about how being gay isn’t a punchline, stop being so homophobic, you’re just like dad
lmfao i have seen something like this before like sam took a course in the gender and women’s studies department and came out ‘woke’ but he doesn’t realize dean has been trying to come out to him since like...he picked him up from stanford and commented that a guy out in the hall was pretty hot and does sam know him? and sams like “god dean, i didn’t hook up with him, and there’d be nothing wrong with it if i did. but i’m straight and using homophobia for jokes is not as funny as you think it is.” and dean’s just like...o-okay?
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kimberly1366 · 6 years
[8:17 p.m]
You ask crush!Jaehyun to help you with your essay, as he is one of the smartest people in your class. When you get your paper back, though, a big fat ‘F’ is on the top of the page with the message, ‘See me after class’ written on it.
You have never wanted to hit someone so hard up until that moment.
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ongniel-wan · 7 years
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purecantarella · 4 years
As Long As It’s You
Request : Can you do ,Alpha!lisa first time her mating o!reader .
Yall love the A/B/O universe don’t you HAHAHAAH Again, I’m not the best but I still hope you all enjoy 😊Also, this is a wlw or gxg story so yeah. If you don’t identify as female, you may feel uncomfortable with this. 
Disclaimer: This oneshot will have elements of sex, those under 18 are strongly advised to leave and read more fluffy content. 
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Lisa had planned this night meticulously. Everything had to go smoothly or she’d lose her mind. From the moment she’d picked you up to the end of the night. It was all charted out in her head. A fancy candle-lit dinner, flowers, a stroll through the park and she’s lovingly ravish you for the first time. 
In her head, it was a perfect plan. However, when you walked out in a sinfully red dress with a slit trailing to your upper thigh hugging every asset she’d admired the first time she’d met you, she knew she wasn’t going to hold out for too long. 
“Hi baby!” You greeted kissing her lips quickly, making her smile, butterflies exploding in her stomach, and return the greeting. Lisa opened the car door for you to enter the back seat quickly and safely before shutting the door and praying the growing erection in her pants would calm down before the dinner. 
Spoiler, it didn’t. While the car ride was wholesome, Lisa’s eyes couldn’t stop trailing over the shape of your breast, the way you bit your lip trying to explain how your day was, and your scent. Oh mighty God, your scent. It was both the flowery smell of your perfume and your natural sweet aroma that were driving her absolutely insane. 
You on the other hand, knew how much Lisa wanted you from the moment she picked you up. The hungry gaze and her wandering eyes...you wanted it just as much and were damn near ready to do anything to let your alpha mark you, make you hers once and for all. 
Once at the restaurant you both had a lovely time cracking jokes and just enjoying each others company. That didn’t stop your pursuit though. You and Lisa were seated in the booth nearing the back for her to not be recognised by any fans that may pass by. This convenient placement gave you the freedom to do pretty much anything. 
You placed your hand on her leg, rubbing the pant-clad skin before leaning close to her ear. “You look so good tonight, baby...” You lowered your head and kissed her neck, making her tense up. You smirked inwardly at her reaction. 
“Y/n...” She warned softly. You didn’t halt any of your actions though. If anything, you applied a little more pressure to her leg, trailing it up closer and closer to her knot. “If you don’t stop, I will lose control, omega.” Lisa warned one last time, her eyes slowly darkening looking down at you. 
“Do it, baby. Make me yours.” You moved your hand to rub the alpha’s knot making her groan softly. You giggled darkly as she hastily raised her hand asking for the bill. 
You both entered the car and Lisa did everything in her power not to take you there and then with how profound your scent had become and with your light teasing during dinner. To distract herself she leaned down and whispered profanities in your ear. 
“You look so fucking hot in that dress, princess.” She muttered as you repressed a moan at the scent she was releasing. “Looking so perfect for your alpha aren’t you? Shit, the things I want to do to you, Y/n.” The dancer placed a lingering kiss on your cheek making you shudder at the contact. The driver, already suffocating with the mixing scents of want and sex made, stepped on the gas. 
The moment you and Lisa walked into your apartment, you were pinned up onto the wall with her lips on yours. A mix of fiery passion and pure love as your tongues found themselves tangled with one another. Your hands found their way into her hair, desperately grasping onto each strand not wanting to be parted from her lips. The idol then took your lower lip between her lips as she pulled away making you groan loudly. 
“Such a good girl for me, aren’t you baby?” She growled in your ear, her hands already fiddling with the zipper on your back. You nodded profusely before pulling her lips back onto your own. Lisa pushed a knee into your heat, moaning when she felt the wetness that was already leaking past your underwear. 
Feeling unbothered by the tight dress, she fell to her knees and pushed the soft fabric up. The brunette smirked seeing the damp patch. She placed open mouthed kisses on your soft thighs, making sure to leave red marks in her wake. 
You pushed her bangs back and begged, “Lisa, please...”
Not wanting to make you wait any longer, the alpha pulled the underwear down and pressed her tongue flat onto your clit, moving in a figure-8 motion, making you release a throaty cry. You banged your head on the door behind you as she lapped up the juices that had begun to overwhelm her. Her bottoms becoming too tight for her throbbing knot. 
She stood back up slapping your thighs, making a clap ring out through the empty apartment. “Jump baby.” 
You followed her orders, nestling your head into the side of her head, pressing your own kisses on the idol’s now hot and sensitive skin. You ground down on the now fully hard member of your alpha, unable to control yourself any more. Both your usually clear minds clouded with lustful thoughts. 
Once she’d navigated the way to the bedroom, which she thought was a maze, she pushed you onto the bed as gently as she could in her state. As Lisa crawled over you, your hands immediately moved to her shirt. Each button undone you pressed a kiss to the exposed tan skin. Feeling completely carnal at this point, she pushed the dress off your shoulders and tossed it over her shoulder and unclipped your bra. Lisa moved to look at you completely...her perfect omega, presented to her so deliciously. Just for her.
Lisa briefly stood up to undress, your eyes never leaving her body for a second. Another rush of wetness flowed from your heat when her knot was finally exposed to you. It was absolutely mouth-watering. As you stood up to try and get your mouth around the dancer’s length, she jumped pushing you down. 
“We can do that another time, baby.” She said her eyes not leaving yours. “For now, alpha needs to feel herself inside your pussy.” Lisa muttered as she pressed her lips against yours. You wrapped your arms around her neck pulling her impossibly closer, moaning loudly into her mouth. 
Finally, she leaned up and aligned herself with your heat. Her brown, almost black, eyes looked up at you one more time for any sign of hesitation. When you nodded, she pushed her length into you. You cried out at the sheer size of her knot. The dancer looked up at you sympathetically, holding her movements until you’d felt complete ease. 
Once you’d opened your eyes again, her hips began to move, making her member move in and out of your soaping cavern. You moaned again at the feeling of her rock hard knot pushing in and out. 
“Alpha—Fuck!” You drawled out as you placed a hand on the back of her head. “You feel so good inside me! Harder, please. Harder!” You cried out again, wrapping your legs around Lisa’s small waist. 
Hearing your begging, her thrusts came in a brutal pace and rougher than it initially was. The bed was then creaking under you both. Soon, your neck caught her attention again. She ran her canines over a spot on your neck. Again, Lisa looked up for permission to officially make you her mate. 
“Do it,” You whimpered before biting your lip, trying to contain the sin that continuously flowed from your lips. Finally, Lisa sunk her teeth into your neck, leaving traces of blood, marking her as yours. You cried out at the pain and pleasure the bite left you with. The build up knot in your stomach uncoiling, making you release onto your now-mate’s member. 
Lisa licked your neck, making sure you were okay before roughly pounding into you once again. One of your hands ran through her hair, tugging it a little, in hopes to bring her closer to the edge, the other clung onto the headboard of your bed, seeking some form of stability. 
“Fuck, I’m so close...” Lisa moaned out. You smiled tiredly and pulled her lips back onto yours. “Come with me...” You moaned against her lips. With a few more thrusts, Lisa and you released a resonating cry throughout the, now extremely hot, room. 
Both of you panted, tired from your little rendezvous. Lisa pecked your forehead, trying not to move to much as you were both still connected. You smiled up at her and giggled. 
“You were amazing, baby...” You muttered into her ear as you fiddled with a lock of her dark hair. Lisa blushed at the comment and nuzzled into your neck, smiling at the mark she’d just left. 
“You were too...” She responded, a little sleepy. “Just so you know though, I had a whole romantic version of this planned out.” Lisa said, adjusting herself on top of you to look into your eyes. You smiled at her sincerity. 
“Any first time would be perfect as long as it’s you.” You said softly, caressing her face. “Please...this wasn’t your first time.” She said grumpily, teasing you a little. 
You chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, but it’s the only one that mattered. Because I am now officially mated.” You said proudly, touching the sore mark on your neck. You both smiled sleepily at one another before Lisa adjusted you both so you were comfortably on top of her. 
“I love you, Lisa...” You said before lulling to sleep. 
“I love you too, Y/n.” 
Yup, that’s a thing HAHAHAHA I hope you enjoyed this. I’m sorry if it isn’t that good but I did work hard on it and I sincerely hope you liked it and it lived up to the first one I did. Remember that requests are open and I’m really happy to hear from you readers so feel free to message me about anything 😊💖
I’m currently working on some initial ideas and making my way through requests. A Wheein imagine and a Twice reaction are heading your way so look forward to that 😚💕
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