#✰*∙  ⎯  diana montgomery ⎨ ic interaction ⎬
cafegraces · 2 years
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@starlcved​ said :   even if you don’t trust me and even if you don’t like me,   i’m still gonna be looking out for you.   from jesse   //   tw starters.
check and check.   her face is buried in her hands,   still trying to work out everything that had happened the night prior.   it’d been nearly a week and a half since she’d first kicked him and the other girl,   who’s watching her skeptically as they speak,   out of her campus apartment.   at the time,   she hadn’t thought she’d ever have been so relieved that they would barge back into her life.   though she’s not thrilled by any means,   she is grateful they’d been able to stop her from doing something she’d regret.   “   i just don’t understand,   ”   she groans,   finally looking up at him.   “   i wasn’t even mad,   i just...   i’d had a migraine all day.    ”   she’s not sure she wants the answers,   but she needs them,   needs to understand what’s happening to her.   “   so what does that mean?   do i become...   part of your...   group now?   do you like...   live in the woods?   i like camping,   but not that much.   ”    grimacing at the reminder of her last camping trip,   she revises,   “   i’d actually prefer to stay clear of the woods for a while.   and i have a thesis to finish.   ”
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oopscupcake · 7 years
Meant to be - Montgomery de la Cruz
A/N: Before anything, I want to leave clear I’m not a fan of Montgomery’s behaviour in the show, but I really like the actor who plays him and I wanted to give it a shot writing about him. So in this AU Montgomery has already realised he’s been a dick and has changed for the better; then, this fluff takes place :)
As always enjoy!!
“Monty, you need to relax. Everything’s gonna be totally fine.”
“Oh, believe me, I can sense it’s not. What if I embarrass myself? Or say something inappropriate? I’d only worsen the bad reputation I already have.”
You couldn't do nothing else but watch the way his shoulders sank down after his words, regret taking over his countenance.
Even though you tried to look for the softest way to answer, you also knew you had to be honest, otherwise you wouldn't help him.
“Okay, the image you worked yourself over these years wasn’t the best one, true, but you can’t cling to that, you need to move on.”
He hung his head low, watching the nervous interaction between his fingers. It had been a long time since he last felt okay with the jerkish manners he used to have. Although it took him a while, he eventually realised he needed to change.
It wasn’t until then that he understood the happiness he had been looking for in his tough and cruel behaviour had always been in being kind and respectful to others.
Using a low, if not barely audible voice, he asked “You know I’m in the process of changing that, right?”
With that question he intended to erase once and for all, the insecurities that in occasions crossed his mind. He feared you continued thinking that old Montgomery still existed. He dreaded the idea of you not trusting his will of amending all of his past mistakes. But, most of all, he despised the idea that you didn't believe in him.
“Of course baby, you should be very proud of yourself”
You walked towards his standing figure in front of the views his window offered, wrapping your arms around his chest and placing a soothing kiss on the crook of his neck.
“You don’t have anything to fear, my mom’s gonna love you, and, despite what others may think, you’re a good person, don’t you dare to forget that, you hear me?”
He tilted his head in your direction and gave you a wide grin that reached his eyes, before placing a chaste kiss on the tip of your nose.
“You really think that?”
“Baby, I’ve thought that all along”
He turned completely to face you, placing one hand at the small of your back and the other cupping your cheek. Staring at your orbs he understood why he wanted to change for the better so much: the cruelty he had been filled of until then would only have ruined the kindness and innocence you possessed. He didn’t want that, he intended to give you as much as you gave him.
“I love you”
“Are you still nervous?”
“No, I’m fine”
“Baby, your hands are sweating”
“I just hope I don’t embarrass myself, just that”
You chuckled, looking for your keys in your back pocket. The smile erased from your face when you didn’t touch the cold metal. “Ugh, I think I left my keys at your place” “Why is it that I don’t find it any surprising?” He laughed when you rejected the peck he was about to leave on your lips. “Let’s just knock” he suggested.
“Who’s there?” Your mother asked from the other side “Us” “I like the way that sounds” she mumbled to herself, before unlocking the barrier that separated you.
“Mom, this is Montgomery. Monty, this is my mother”
“Monty? Is he your boyfriend Monty?”
“Like, your boobear?”
“Boobear?” he interrupted, giving you an amused look. You could feel the burn coming from your embarrassed face.
“Mom! You were the only one who knew I called him that way!”
“Oh… sorry”
Monty looked at you with loving eyes, action your mother didn’t ignore. The fact that you called him that when talking to you mother made him want to run to the highest point on Earth and shout out loud to the world how much he loved you. Such a simple fact made him genuinely happy.
“Hey, it’s cute, like, really cute”
He broke the hold of your hands, just to cross one arm around you waist and place a peck on your temple, whispering “my cute boobear”
“Hello Mrs. Carter, I’m Montgomery de la Cruz. Nice to meet you, ma’am”
“Call me Diana. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, it’s nice to finally meet you”
Your mother opened her arms to receive him with a warm hug. You knew Monty loved hugs, and were sure that would, if not erase, calm his nerves.
You bit your lip to not giggle when she looked at you in between the hug and made a sign of approval.
“What are we still doing here? Come on in!”
The afternoon was being lovely. Your mother and boyfriend turned out to get on really well. The conversation between both went smoothly and there weren’t any uncomfortable silences nor awkward sentences to break the ice.
After getting to know each other properly, your mother started talking about you. If there was anything you feared, that was her speaking about “her beautiful baby girl”, because that meant having to share your childhood pictures and, what was even worse, anecdotes.
“Look at you in this picture babe, you’re the cutest” Monty couldn’t get his eyes off your ten year-old self dressed up as Jessie from Toy Story at Zach’s eleventh birthday party. You glanced at it and shrugged as the corner of your lips lifted slightly, remembering the story behind that picture which actually involved him.
What you didn’t expect was your mother bringing your thoughts out loud.
“Did you know when she saw you were dressed as Buzz Lightyear she told me “See mommy, we’re meant to be” she’s had the biggest crush on you since elementary school, haven’t you sweetie?”
“Mom! that’s enough, stop it please, you’re embarrassing me!”
Monty laughed along with your mother. Seeing you still got embarrassed even though you were already dating just potentiated the soft image he had of you, and weakened his willpower to restrain himself from bathing you with kisses constantly.
Monty had never been reluctant to public displays of affection, he didn’t go too far either. He liked to show he cared about you and didn’t wish anything but to make you happy, so that didn’t stop him from getting up from the sofa he shared with your mother to the armchair where you observed their interaction, and kiss you on the cheek.
“You guys make a beautiful couple, honestly. Monty, you’re a really nice guy. I feel like you both complement each other so well” Your mother said giving you both the sweetest smile.
“Yes Diana, we do“
Your joy was her joy.
“Thanks for the lovely evening Diana, you’ve been really nice to me, hope to see you soon”
“Of course Monty, there are lots anecdotes I haven't told you yet” She whispered this last part.
“And I’m looking forward to you telling me all of them” They snickered conspiratorially.
He walked towards you and held you by the small of your back “Mom, I’ll guide him to the door”
“Okay, see you soon, darling!”
Outside the warmth of your house it was already dark, the only illumination being the dim light of the lampposts. You hadn’t realised how much time you had spent with your mother until then.
 “So... did you have fun?”
“Your mother is so cool, I had the time of my life looking through your pictures” He didn’t wait any longer to kiss you slowly yet intensely in the mouth. “You went from adorable, to adorable and hot”
“Shut up!” you giggled, throwing your arms around his neck. “Let me remind you how you persistently claimed you were going to embarrass yourself, and how it didn’t turn out like that”
“My poor boobear! Nevermind, to me you just got even more lovely, seriously” 
You brought him by the hem of his shirt and whispered into his ear
“I love you... boobear”
“I love you too. By the way, the eleven year-old you was right from the start, we were meant to be together”
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qubemagazine · 8 years
New Post has been published on Qube Magazine
New Post has been published on http://www.qubeonline.co.uk/ecobuild-2017/
Ecobuild 2017
Ecobuild returns on 7-9 March with an overcharging theme of regeneration, which will be brought to life through an immersive exhibition and conference programme that will redefine sustainability, identify future growth sectors and tackle the housing crisis.
The show will give professionals from across the facilities and estates management sector a unique opportunity to be part of the construction industry’s ongoing debate around key issues. They’ll broaden their knowledge through an extensive conference and seminar programme, as well as network with thousands of sector professionals and suppliers including Eco-Airvent, Dyson, Oventrop, Flir, Fluke, Biotecture, Dulux Trade, Zeetec, Hitachi, Oventrop, Envirovent, Reflex and Altecnic.
Bringing regeneration to life
To bring the theme of regeneration to life, this year’s show will see Ecobuild transformed into a ‘city’ – complete with a main street, distinct destinations and special feature attractions. Central to the experience will be Regeneration Drive, a boulevard running through the centre of the exhibition floor, linking different aspects of the show and enabling visitors to experience the very best examples of innovation and creativity from across the built environment.
As visitors make their way up Regeneration Drive, they will be introduced to a number of key destinations, including The Arena, City Hall, The Campus, The Gateway and Performance Lab.
The Arena will be home to the Ecobuild Conference, staging a range of keynote speeches from industry thought leaders and innovators across the three days. Among these are Lord Kerslake, Jules Pipe, Deputy Mayor, Planning Regeneration and Skills, Greater London Authority, and Dr Diana Montgomery, Chief Executive at the Construction Products Association, as well as MPs from the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Construction, amongst others.
The extensive conference programme will include topics ranging from the looming housing crisis and offsite construction to the implications of Brexit for the construction sector. The opportunities for developing sustainable housing, as well as building healthy places based on NHS England’s Healthy New Towns programme, will also be explored as part of the conference.
Ecobuild’s Big Innovation Pitch with M&S reaches its climax as the finalists pitch live on stage to M&S and a panel of industry experts. In this third year of the competition, the national retailer is on the search for retrofittable, commercial engineering solutions and innovations to reduce their water, gas and electricity usage across all their commercial and retail properties. The winner will have the opportunity to be fast tracked by M&S for trials across its commercial properties. 2015 winner Endotherm has been trialled extensively and last year’s winner Waterblade is about to start.
The show’s sustainability hub, City Hall, will be home to the UK Green Building Council (UK-GBC), representing the culmination of Ecobuild’s Redefining Sustainability campaign – which seeks to create an industry-wide understanding of sustainability objectives and drives, and a clear direction for the future.
Key topics to be covered within the ‘Redefining Sustainability’ seminar programme include carbon reduction in the built environment, explored in a session by the UK-GBC, as well as possible approaches to deliver a low carbon city or neighbourhood. The former will be focussed on the business case for setting science-based targets (SBTs) within the industry, while the latter will debate the requirement of all major London developments to be zero carbon. Speakers include Dr Paul Toyne, Green Construction Board, Infrastructure Working Group; Heleni Pantelidou, Associate Director, London Infrastructure Group Arup, and Hannah Clement, UK-GBC.
Meanwhile, within The Gateway feature area, the ‘Green Infrastructure’ seminar sessions will discuss the various elements of an integrated approach combining green (natural), blue (water) and grey (engineered) infrastructure, to combat the negative effects of climate change and build long-term urban resilience. Topics will range from legislation around water management systems maintenance to the funding and stewardship of urban green and blue infrastructure by public sector bodies in times of austerity. In a case study-based session, Chryse Tinsley, Landscape Planner, Leicester City Council, will be discussing climate proofing in Leicester (scheduled to take place on the third day of the show).
The Gateway is also home to the Infrastructure Theatre in partnership with the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), where visitors will discuss and explore national and community infrastructure developments including major projects. Public sector professionals will be able to learn more about major projects at the industry level and across the entire supply chain. The exhibit, alongside seminar sessions will encourage full audience debates across six key themes over three days, including power, transport, water, waste, gas and smart cities.
The Performance Lab will showcase the latest in energy efficiency and building performance in association with Ecobuild’s Building Performance Partner, CIBSE – the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers. Across the three days, CIBSE will host a daily session on indoor health and wellbeing, exploring how the WELL Standard relates to existing sustainability standards such as BREEAM and LEED. Visitors will also have the chance to attend a daily session around ‘Modelling for Performance and not Compliance’. This will see a panel of experts, including Ashley Bateson, Chair of the CIBSE Homes for the Future Group, and Tom Lelyveld, Regional Director at AECOM, look at how best practice guidance and tools can be applied to the design of homes towards energy efficient, healthy and comfortable indoor environments.
Architectural collective Assemble will present its award-winning Granby Workshop project at the Campus – the show’s destination for innovative thinking and the product design. A unique installation created by Assemble, will tell the story behind the collective’s Turner Prize winning regeneration project. Attendees will be also able to interact with Future Materials, a gallery curated by ARCC, previewing next-generation materials and processes currently in either research or testing stage.
The BRE Academy, leading provider of professional training and education programmes in the built environment, will run a dedicated theatre with exclusive masterclasses covering subjects such as BIM, Responsible Sourcing, BREEAM, Change Management, the Home Quality Mark and much more.
Strategic partnerships
For 2017, Ecobuild has announced an exclusive partnership with the UK District Energy Association (ukDEA) to create a new and exciting area: the ukDEA District Energy Town Square, hosting leading British suppliers and also international pavilions from Sweden and Denmark, two of the most mature district energy markets in the world.
The ukDEA District Energy Town Square will be located directly off Regeneration Drive, and will act as a focal point for visitors who want to learn more about the advantages of local heating and cooling networks. Exhibitors in the area will showcase the latest technology and systems, while a dedicated seminar theatre will host 36 informative sessions, where case studies, business models and best practice examples from the UK, Scandinavia and further afield will be shared.
In response to the increased Government and Industry focus on offsite construction, Explore Offsite at Ecobuild gathers leading offsite suppliers including Portakabin and Siniat, with expert masterclasses to showcase the exciting opportunities offered by offsite technology in the future of construction.
Ecobuild has also announced key collaborations with the Construction Products Association, BRE and the Department of International Trade. Additionally, pavilions will be showcased by associations such as the Builders Merchant Federation and Passivhaus Trust.
Free registration is now open to visitors. For more information about this year’s event, exhibitors and the full conference programme, visit: www.ecobuild.co.uk.
  Ecobuild 2017
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cafegraces · 2 years
there’s absolutely nothing to see here.
✰*∙  ⎯  noemi levi ⎨ aesthetic ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  noemi levi ⎨ visage ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  noemi levi ⎨ ic interaction ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  noemi levi ⎨ character study ⎬
✰*∙  ⎯  diana montgomery ⎨ aesthetic ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  diana montgomery ⎨ visage ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  diana montgomery ⎨ ic interaction ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  diana montgomery ⎨ character study ⎬
✰*∙  ⎯  khloe fincher ⎨ aesthetic ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  khloe fincher ⎨ visage ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  khloe fincher ⎨ ic interaction ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  khloe fincher ⎨ character study ⎬
✰*∙  ⎯  harlem azar ⎨ aesthetic ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  harlem azar ⎨ visage ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  harlem azar ⎨ ic interaction ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  harlem azar ⎨ character study ⎬
✰*∙  ⎯  raven ⎨ aesthetic ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  raven ⎨ visage ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  raven ⎨ ic interaction ⎬ ✰*∙  ⎯  raven ⎨ character study ⎬
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cafegraces · 1 year
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for @starlcved cont from here.
shifting her weight from foot to foot, she tries for a smile of agreement, but it comes out as more of an uncomfortable grimace. " yes, myths often have some kind of historical roots... but they're often quite far off from the truth considering the impact of many culture's oral traditions that preceded any written documentation. " she offers an almost helpless shrug, unsure what to say other than, " we do examine intent when looking for the theme or message of the text. " though not entirely sure why, instinct screams that this line of prompting is some kind of trap from the other woman who happened to share her last name, as evidenced by the ' hi my name is ' visitor's tag. something is just... off about it all. a nervous titter escapes her, glancing at the old tome. " oh... i don't know. i'd need to do some more thorough historical research for context before i could hope to parse out the meaning. though i'll say that end of the world prophetic pieces tend to be more about moral panic than whatever it claims the subject to be. "
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cafegraces · 1 year
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@starlcved said : “ Had you there, didn’t I? I didn’t read your mind. ” from bessie // honestly who even knows at this point.
wide eyes follow her gaze, right to the book clutched under her arm --- she'd forgotten she was carrying it. realization sinking in, shoulders sag a little in relief, huffing out a laugh with a shake of her head. " ah, yes, well as it happens my focus is actually in mythology. " of course, that didn't explain the tense shock of her reaction. it's just that mind readers would hardly be any surprise considering how her life had been turned upside down recently; the myths she'd studied turning out to be a reality she's none too comfortable with. " i'm working on my thesis right now, " she adds, swallowing as fingers begin drumming against the book while she tries to come up with a way to spin this that makes any kind of sense. offering a joking smile, her fingers still into a grip on the binding. " sorry, i wish i had a more interesting story for you. "
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cafegraces · 2 years
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@starlcved​ said :   that’s a pretty judgmental myth.   from nora   //   tw starters.
her palms are definitely sweating now.   she used to think things couldn’t go much worse than that one awful meeting with her thesis adviser where she’d basically been told to scrap everything and start from scratch.   she’d been wrong.   this is much worse.   swallowing nervously,   she offers a helpless shrug.   she’s tempted to go with the excuse that she didn’t write it,   but that much is obvious.   right?   “   that tends to be the nature of myths.   they’re written with the intent of passing on knowledge to the audience,   usually with one character serving as the example for all of us.   ”   clearing her throat,   she closes the book,   trying not to grip the worn binding too tightly with her increasing stress.   “   so,   uh,   sorry,   you said you were interested in this one because...?   ”
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