#mainly for Lucid but the other brothers can join too
themosthatedbeingg · 3 months
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@brokendreamscreation @radiiosugars @snow-hart
Arches his neck far and fluffs up his wings he’s perched on the tallest part of his palace , he takes in a deep breath and— {HONKS}
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charmers-kpop · 5 years
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{ Basics }
• Birth Name // Han Seol-hyun {한설현}
↪From Sino-Korean 雪 meaning "snow; wipe away shame, avenge" and 炫 meaning "shine, glitter; show off, flaunt."
• Other Name(s) // Leola Madeline Han
• Stage Name // Leola
↪"Loyal. Loyalty. Faithful"
↪'Leo unnie', 'Lala', 'Ola ola', 'Crackhead OG', 'Sully', 'Plant Mom', 'Sleep Queen'
• Birth Date // 5:31PM. December 19, 1998
↪Sagittarius, the Archer
• Birth Place // St. Petersburg, Florida
• Heritage // ¾ Korean, ¼ American
↪Father is Korean-American, and Mother is Korean. However she takes full Korean citizenship. She's currently residing in Seoul.
{ Career }
• Profession // Vocalist, singer-songwriter, actress
• Band/Group // CHARMERS (매혹하는)
• Position // Leader, Main Vocalist
• Agency // HeartEater Events & Artist Management
• Training Period // 4 years, 7 months
{ Personality }
{+} Uplifting | Understanding | Goofy
• Leola is a gentle and kind young lady, complete with a heart on her sleeve and an energy that radiates love and positivity. She and Inhye are CHARMERS' happy pills and never seem to fail at making the other members smile and laugh at their cute quirks and antics. Always willing to give to others, Leola is a very charitable character and has been since youth.
• She knows she is lucky to be born into a loving family and knows that some other people aren't in the best situations so she tries her best to listen to them and give them moral advice and support. She's also willing to listen to, presumably, the 'meaner' types of people as she wishes to learn about them, why they act the way they do and understand them like the back of her hand (or at least feel that way). She strongly believes that no matter the individual or what their past was like, empathy, love and forgiveness will always be first in her books and she has proven time and time again that the best cure in the world is happiness.
• But when times are exceptionally tough, she'll be first to crack a joke to lighten the mood. Leola is her group's leader of the crackheads and, as mentioned, happy pill, but she also poses quite the annoyance to some members of the group, as she often appears a little too immature than needed for being the group leader. She'll just make jokes and be goofy even if she didn't mean for it to happen. Though this, she somehow manages to keep things neat and running smoothly whilst being silly at the same time, so it's a win-win for the more orderly members and the more care-free members of the group.
{<} Bold | Adventurous | Protective
• Leola loves to keep herself physically clean, but she is never afraid to get down and dirty when she has to. She's daring and can stand up to any challenge without hesitation. Being a victim of bullying and countless toxic relationships, Leola has realized that she has to stand up for herself when someone snitches on her, but her forgiving and understanding nature still meant she treated her bullies and fake friends somewhat nicely towards the end. But if any of her members ever get into a fight she'll be first to dart to her aid and save the day with the power of friendship!
• When it came to nature and wildlife, Leola dives head first into the dirt. She is constantly playing in mud puddles and piles of leaves like a 5 year old when she has a chance but on the other hand is very vocal about cleaning up afterwards [however her members get where the contradiction comes from]. She is brave and adventurous, always the first to climb trees and adventuring when she can. When she travels to a different part of her town she acts like she's never even been in that place before even if she's been there a million times before. She's a major travel bug and whenever she gets a chance to see the world in person, she'll take it in a heartbeat.
• Leola makes it clear that she is very protective of those she cares for and is very well known to go above and beyond for them and even break the laws for them if she felt like she needed to. This makes her rebellious and reckless, but in her mind she's just doing it so her loved ones can reap the benefits. Though this, she still respects boundaries and places she should never lead herself into when it came to rules and always promises to never cross that line, but being a sagittarius, don't expect her to give up on dreaming.
{–} Stubborn | Self-conscious | Lazy
• When her mind is set, it is set in stone. It's very hard to get Leola to change her mind when she is set on something. Many, including her parents, have tried to break her spirit but the wild centauress within her will keep shouting in her ear, 'keep pushing and don't stop until we make the trip!' This stubborn trait often gets her into more trouble than what it is worth, and it shows no matter how much or hard she tries to hide it.
• The young lady is extremely forgiving and sometimes a little too much so. It's easy to walk all over Leola as she is far too trusting of others and always willing to forgive. Mainly because her biggest flaw is her self image problem. She is much 'chunkier' than the other members and because her shorter height, it’s much more noticeable. She can't help that she is that way, but being teased relentlessly in her childhood has made her very self-conscious about how she looks. Sometimes she would even degrade herself to a point where it no longer becomes the humorous self-deprecating remark and becomes an actual issue that everyone has to deal with. Leola certainly has a hard time loving herself but has more than enough heart and love for everyone else.
• Although Leola is devoted to her group, she can be extremely lazy and sometimes she won’t spend her time wisely. Rather than producing songs in the studio or practicing her dance moves and vocal chords like she supposed to, she can be napping in her room and sticking her nose in things that isn't even worth paying attention to. She always says that she needs a quick power nap but ends up taking 20 minutes just to wake herself up after. She claims to just love the feeling of sleeping and lucid dreaming as that is when her body really relaxes but an idol's responsibility comes first before naps. [And somehow Leola has yet to understand that]
{ Trivia }
• She was the first ever trainee to be scouted and join HeartEater, though one can't say she was scouted since the CEO knew her father personally and it just so happened that HeartEater was going to open another facet of themselves that related to singing and performing so the stars sort of aligned from there.
• She knows how to speak English and Korean fluently, and knows basic Spanish, French and German.
• With her shenanigans and quirks, the CEO even questioned if the title of 'Leader' is appropriate for her but when she does focus and get work done, she proves him time and time again that she's talented and a great all-round representative of CHARMERS.
• She has 2 siblings, an older brother named Seung-jun (b.1996) and a younger sister named Ah-rin (b.2003)
• She cares for 3 'pet' plants, a couple month old Parodia magnifica (one that she's 'adopted'), a 10 year old Mammillaria bocasana/Powder puff cactus and an 11 year old Banyan sumo bonzai tree.
• She gets protective and a bit too in love with her plant bbs, hence the nickname 'Plant Mom'
• She is also well-versed in plant terminology and the caring of her plants. She gets pretty nerdy and sometimes when she has a chance she'll just be talking to her plants instead of the other members.
• She is also put on a diet and workout routine from her company to 'thin her out' but she is also prone to throwing up if she's worked too hard or if her stomach isn't used to the food she's given, yet.
• She can sleep through anything and everything. Her members joked that she can sleep through an arson, an earthquake or even a terrorist bomb attack and she'd still be sleeping.
• Favorite food: Potatoes
• Favorite drink: Passionfruit tea
• Her current concern: how to make food for the girls without blowing up the dorm.
• Her future goals: to be successful enough for Bindi and Robert Irwin to notice her.
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burnedtm · 6 years
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jessica  lee  moore  was  born  outside  of  austin ,  texas  on  january  24 ,   1984 .   born  the  second   &   middle  child  to  christine   &   daniel  moore .   valerie ,   clocking  in  as  two  years  older  than  jessica ,   was  the  bane  of  her  existence .   the  two  always  in  competition ,   striving  to  be  the  best  of  the  best  as  christine   &   daniel  applauded  along ,   often  critiquing  their  children .   when  she  was  three  years  old ,   her  parents  very  lovingly  explained  that  jessica  was  no  longer  the  baby .   lucas  came  along  months  later ,   creating  chaos  among  the  girls ,   but  creating  an  environment  where  love  grew  strong ,   but  their  irritation  towards  one  another  grew  bigger .   christine   &   daniel  were  not  parents  who  could  always  be  around   ---   both  renowned  scientists ,   always  working  or  studying  with  little  time  for  play  or  attending  the  needs  of  their  children .   for  the  most  part ,   jessica  had  a  nanny  who  she  favored  as  well  as  several  tutors  throughout  the  year .   both  parents  made  sure  that  their  children  excelled  no  matter  what ,   wanting  them  to  be  the  best   &   wanting  the  best  for  them .   this  rang  true  in  jessica’s  case ,   always  trying  to  get  on  top ,   especially  with  her  studies .   she  was  a  rather  shy ,   kind  girl  growing  up ,   not  one  for  rebelling  until  later  one  in  life .   as  a  teenager ,   she  could  often  be  found  with  a  book ,   yapping  on  about  romantic  dreams  of  one  day  becoming  a  surgeon .   due  to  this  drive  in  life ,   she  didn’t  find  much  time  for  partying ,   relationships ,   or  anything  that  the  typical  teenager  yearned  for .   instead  she  studied  away ,   only  to  slip  away  in  order  to  attend  dance  classes ,   have  a  small  get - together  with  a  close  circle  of  friends ,   or  run  amok  with  her  siblings   ---   especially  baby  brother  lucas .   lucas  was  her  pride   &   joy ,   always  having  his  back  no  matter  what .   as  for  valerie ,   the  sisters  grew  closer  when  she  went  off  to  college ,   letting  them  have  space  to  breathe   &   actually  form  a  bond ,   albeit  long  distance   &   never  close  enough  to  shove  one  another .
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attending  stanford  wasn’t  her  original  intention .   other  schools  with  bigger  med  programs  had  accepted  her ,   wanting  her  for  her  grades   &   academic  achievements  alone .   the  girl  was  above  having  a  4.0  gpa ,   wanting  to  attend  an  ivy  league  college ,   though  ultimately  deciding  on  her  parents  alma  mater .   for  the  first  semester ,   she  tried  to  continue  her  life  as  the  perfect  goody - two - shoes ,   only  to  get  a  spark  lit  up  under  her  one  night .   after  seeing  how  good  it  could  feel ,   jessica  began  to  start  her  rebellious  streak .   the  once  too  shy  girl  started  to  fade ,   now  being  able  to  voice  her  own  opinions  without  fear   &   ultimately  coming  into  her  own .   from  there  on  out ,   she  became  more  bubbly   &   peppy ,   yet  still  someone  who  wore  her  heart  on  her  sleeve  as  she  had  from  a  young  age .   after  joining  a  sorority ,   jessica  was  able  to  bond  with  other  females ,   figure  out  herself  as  a  person ,    &   was  free  to  be  who  she  wanted  to  be .   it  was  in  college  where  she  became  interested  in  relationships ,   eventually  figuring  out  that  she  had  an  eye  for  both  sexes .   this  helped  her  feel  more  comfortable  in  her  own  skin .   partying  became  a  social  event ,   but  not  one  she  often  partook  in .   if  anything ,   after  a  long  day  of  studying ,   she  preferred  to  go  out  to  one  of  the  campus  bars   &   figure  out  ways  to  make  the  upper  class - men  buy  for  her .   in  this  line  of  sleazy  college  hangouts ,   is  where  she  met  brady ,   the  man  who  would  eventually  introduce  her  to  sam  winchester .   in  the  midsts  of  her  sophomore  year ,   she  fell  for  sam .   he  was  everything  she  didn’t  know  she  needed .   they  brought  out  a  side  of  one  another  that  was  vastly  unexpected   &   unexplored .   the  remainder  of  their  time  together  took  them  to  new  heights ,   jessica  redeeming  him  as  her  first  real  love .   eventually  they  got  off  campus ,   renting  an  apartment  together ,   trying  to  make  a  home  for  themselves .   on  the  night  of  november  2 ,  2005 ,   all  of  it  went  up  in  flames .   their  love ,   their  future ,   their  home ,   &   her .   killed  by  the  man  who  brought  them  together  in  the  first  place ,   set  ablaze  hanging  above  the  man  she  loved ,   becoming  nothing  but  bait  from  that  moment  on .
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a  resurrection  was  never  anticipated .   heaven  was  paradise ,   all  the  things  jess  truly  wanted  in  her  wildest  dreams  were  present ,   making  her  happier   &   healthier  than  ever .   until  she  was  ripped  away .   pulled  back  down  to  earth ,   bare  feet  landing  on  moistened  dirt  as  her  lungs  pulled  in  a  fresh  breath  for  the  first  time  since  that  dreadful  night .   the  scent  of  burning  flesh  was  still  fresh  in  her  nostrils ,   though  there  were  no  burn  marks  or  open  torso  wounds  to  prove  it .   all  of  it  felt  like  a  bad  nightmare .   or  some  confusing ,   lucid  dream .   unsure  of  where  to  go  from  there ,   she  walked  until  she  couldn’t ,   her  feet  landing  her  in  a  broken  down  diner  in  texas .   it  was  there  that  she  saw  the  news ,   the  dates   ---   how  everything  had  changed .   after  finding  a  shelter ,   she  took  weeks  to  figure  out  what  was  going  on ,   why  she  was  here .   there  was  every  intention  of  finding  her  parents  again ,   looking  for  her  siblings ,   but  their  new  lives  were  too  good  to  be  uprooted  by  her  miraculous  return .
still  she  searched  on  in  hopes  of  figuring  out  who  or  what  killed  her .   those  yellow  eyes ,   the  demon .   she  remembered  it  vaguely   &   researched  it  until  she  stumbled  upon  supernatural ,   a  book  by  carver  edlund .   within  in  the  pages  she  read  about  herself ,   her  college  love ,   &   his  journey  with  his  brother .   all  up  until  her  death .   it  was  enough  to  make  her  mad .   there  was  no  way  in  hell  it  was  real ,   was  there ?   researching  supernatural ,   the  real  winchesters ,   &   everything  else  took  her  down  a  weeks  long  rabbit  hole ,   almost  neglecting  her  small  job  as  a  waitress .  waking  hours  were  spent  on  research ,   talking  to  hunters ,   &   figuring  out  where  to  go  from  there .   it  didn’t  take  long  for  her  to  know  that  there  was  a  deep  seeded  desire  need  to  take  care  of  business ,   to  search  out  the  damn  demon  for  herself  so  maybe  she  can  get  her  life  back  together .   eventually ,   when  she  got  the  nerves ,   she  up   &   vanished ,   an  online  tutorial  helping  her  along  the  way  in  terms  of  hot  wiring  a  car   &    figuring  out  exactly  how  credit  card  schemes  worked  in  her  advantage .   several  fake  i.d.’s  hide  in  a  shoebox  under  the  passenger  seat ,   all  ranging  from  anything  she  found  funny  or  cute  to  rockstar  aliases  or  favorite  characters  from  classic  literature .
not  long  after  she  was  shacking  up  with  other  hunters ,   figuring  out  their  ways ,   as  they  looked  over  her  in  an  all - too  peculiar  manner .   they  were  trying  to  figure  her  out .   some  of  them  acted  as  if  they  knew  her .   never  was  her  resurrection  brought  up  in  conversation ,   nor  her  real  name .   after  learning  how  to  fight ,   shoot ,   &   gank  creatures  on  her  own ,   she  was  set  to  go .   no  part  of  jessica  wanted  to  be  used  as  bait  ever  again .   next  time  she  dies ,   at  least  she’ll  be  prepared   &   hopes  to  go  down  fighting .   nowadays  there  were  no  longer  romantic  daydreams  of  becoming  a  surgeon .   back  then  it  was  to  heal  people   &   to  save  them .   becoming  a  hunter ,   inviting  all  of  the  darkness  into  her  life  along  with  it ,   was  also  saving  people .   when  she  could ,   she  applied  her  medical  knowledge  to  make  sure  the  others  were  safe   &   sound .   mainly  these  days  those  hours   &   hours  of  practicing  sutures  are  mainly  applied  on  her .   her  reckless  nature  had  grown ,   as  did  the  dark  parts  of  her  soul .   she  wears  her  sadness  like  a  crux ,   hiding  it   &   burying  it  with  books ,   alcohol ,   &   anyone  who  will  fill  the  cold  side  of  her  hotel  bed .   now  she’s  a  remarkable  fighter ,   only  growing  by  the  day   &   having  her  skills  challenged  weekly .   before  she  died ,   she  was  bubbly ,   peppy ,   &   outgoing ,   never  letting  emotions  fade  away  as  she  wore  her  heart  on  the  sleeve .   now  it’s  the  opposite .   she  has  trained  herself  to  become  cold ,   hardened ,   &   the  empty  shell  of  the  girl  she  once  was .   while  she  misses  it ,   she  knows  that  it’s  for  the  best .   behind  the  suit  of  armor   &   the  booze  she  drowns  her  thoughts out  with ,   there  is  a  piece  of  her  that  still  shines  through  every  once   &   awhile .   the  soft ,   big - hearted  girl  who  would  die  for  her  loved  ones  still  makes  an  appearance  when  she’s  feeling  comfortable  enough  to  let  it  show .
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