#this is pretty much the only thing i’ve been able to draw lately. i don’t know why but
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assorted whiteboard slop from yestereve
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vinomino · 2 months
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That’s bad for you ᵎᵎ
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What do they do after catching you red-handed…?Σ('◉⌓◉’)
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Featuring: Sakura.H, Suo.H, Nirei.A, x f!reader
Contents: sfw, smoking, angst(?)
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Stress was getting to you, you’ve started frequenting the bad habit more and more. It was only a matter of time before be finds out…
❀ Sakura.H
“What the hell are you doing!" His shout startles you, making your ears ring. Groaning in annoyance when your cigarette slipped out through your fingers, now laying on the concrete as it continues burning.
"Tch— those things are terrible for you!" His tone was gruff, but his face portrayed concern. For a delinquent, it made sense that even Sakura knows about side effects of cigarettes. You sheepishly rub at the back of your neck, it's common knowledge on what smoking does to the human body. All the harmful things it causes. But it’s not like you made any effort to stop. Sakura pushes past you and snuffs it out with the heel of his shoe. It sizzles before dying out.
Snatching the small cardboard box out of your hand, “How long have you been doing this?”
“I’ve been doing it for a while.” He gives a flash of surprise, it made sense he didn’t know, you’ve been keeping it a secret. Eyes traveling from the cigarette box to your lips, gaze lingering longer on your lips than need be. “Does it really matter?” Bracing yourself from the usual lecture people give.
“No.” His quick answer, straightforward and blunt, catches you off guard, drawing a chuckle out of your chest. Studying the way his fist is crumpling the paper box in his hand. Sakura wanted to grab you, shake you for disregarding your health over the toxic sticks, and how you were harming yourself. He felt a strong urge to do something about it. Taking another step towards you, trapping you between himself and the railing. An inexplicable need to protect you, “Damn it, what can I do to make you stop?” He tried to keep his usual stoic facade, but it comes out strained.
Looking up at him, you have never seen him make such a face before. Placing a hand on the back of his neck to beckon him to bend, capturing his lips in a kiss. The feeling of your body slotted against his, your tongue against his. The kiss wasn’t gentle, but rather desperate. He can taste the smoke, he wants to rid it from your body. His tongue exploring your mouth as if he was trying to erase any evidence of cigarettes from your taste.
You break the kiss, trying to catch your breath. Resting your forehead against his, he tightly holds you like you’re going to disappear, “I guess this’ll do, if you want me to break my habit.”
A light blush festers, he lets out a small scoff, smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, “I’ll have to keep you occupied then.”
❀ Suo.H
Snow crunching beneath your feet, you shivered. The smoke from the cigarette heating you up instead. Taking a long drag and blowing it out, the gray smoke wafts circles in the air. Trying to quickly finish the cigarette so your absence isn’t noticed.
But does anything go unnoticed by Suo?
Pacing back to forth, the nicotine soothing your worries. Not even noticing the broad steps behind you, jolting when your back hits something hard. Suo is standing behind you, grabbing your hand that’s holding the lit stick.
“Now, why don’t you explain yourself…?” His tone sends a chill down your spine, something not even the cold air did.
“S-Suo.” Turning around you see his tassel earrings swing in the wind. The look on his face is intimidating. Wriggling your wrist free, “What’s there to explain?”
His lone red eye portrays his dissatisfaction. He knew well what you were doing and he didn’t like it at all.
“They say smoking is bad for your health.” He speaks in his usual tone, but you’re able to decipher the seriousness underneath it. “Not a good look on my pretty girl, either.”
The tension builds, his gaze never leaving you. “How much have you smoked today? Be truthful, You’ve been smoking a lot lately. I can tell.” A long silence passes, you don’t know how to respond. “You can talk to me instead of resorting to smoking your feelings away. This isn’t healthy…” He sees your shoulders shaking, “You're freezing…” Eyes following his movements as he grips the cigarette from you, disposing of it while leading you back inside.
“No more smoking until further notice. And no, this isn’t up for debate.” His firm tone left no room for argument.
Furrowing your brows, you know how hard it is to quit, you’ve been trying to. Suo notices your expression, his own softening, “You need to stop. You’re slowly hurting yourself and it hurts me to see you like this…You won’t be alone, I’ll support you.”
His words touch you, he’s right. “I’ve been stressed lately...” Your voice slightly above a whisper as he sits you down on the couch. Suo wraps a blanket around you and pulls you towards him, “We’ll figure it out together.”
❀ Nirei.A
On the street, the loud hum from the restaurant was lightened. Pulling out a cigarette and going to light it up, unaware Nirei had followed you out. He was still standing at the door, his heart at war with his mind. One part of him ached to join you outside and offer a listening ear, but the other part of him wanted to keep his distance away from the stench of smoke.
Steeling himself, he walks towards you. The smell of smoke made him nauseous. Despite this, he swallowed down his discomfort and spoke, “C-Can I talk to you…?” His expression was mixed of worry and disgust at the tobacco that was tickling his nose.
“Nirei?” Noticing his presence you turn around. “Um, sure…”
“W—“ He takes a deep breath, “Why do you…smoke? I mean— I know it’s your choice and all…! But I don’t understand why you’d do something that’s so bad for you…” Fiddling with the hem of his shirt, a nervous tic he developed.
“Did I worry you Nirei?” He flinched hearing his name come from your lips. His eyes darted from the pavement back up to yours.
“Yes…I care about you….and the smell of smoking…it bothers me. I can’t stand the smell of it.”
He looks like a puppy shaking right now. It would be adorable if the situation was different. Snuffing out the cigarette, “Sorry, I didn’t know.” Patting yourself down trying to remove the scent.
“It’s okay, you didn’t do it on purpose…the smell just reminds me of bad memories...” His voice was almost a whisper, if you weren’t listening closely, you would’ve missed it.
The thought of your habit bringing up unpleasant thoughts for him leaves a distaste on your tongue.
“I’ll quit…I don’t want you to remember those things because of me…”
His face lit up at your words, the fact you were willing to stop so he wouldn’t be reminded of bad times, it meant more to him than he could express. A blush spreads across his face, “That means a lot to me. But…I don’t want you to do it only for my sake….I want you to do it for yourself too.”
“It’s not an easy task…I’ll be here for whatever you need! I can get Sakura and Suo to help as well. You won’t go through this alone!” He beams a bright smile.
“I’ll be in your care then.”
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part 2 → here
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cameronspecial · 1 year
can you tell use more about rafe’s rules for the reader, pls and thank you lol 👀
— @cantstoptheimagines
Let Me Save You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Swearing, Uncomfortable Because of A Pervy Misogynist
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.2K
A/N: This is a continuation of Let Me Protect You, Angel.
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Some of Y/N’s favourite rules for being Rafe’s girlfriend are the ones that show her that he cares. She didn’t need to look at the napkin anymore to remember which rule was which number because she had them all memorized since they wrote them down on that napkin during their first date. Numbers Five and Six often happen in tandem and show Rafe’s caring side. She hasn’t seen Rafe in almost five days, which is quite obvious to the whole campus as Rafe always gets more on edge when he doesn’t see her. However, she finally gets to see him again and follows Rule Number Six. The door to Rafe’s room has a code, which beeps its little song as she punches in her birthday. 
Her thoughts are focused on taking her stuff out of her backpack, so she is genuinely surprised by Rafe’s arms wrapping around her waist. “I’m so glad you could come over tonight, Angel. I was scared we were going to break our streak,” he declares, pressing his nose against the skin of her neck. She brings her hands up to wrap them around his neck and looks up at him, “It would be a shame. I’ve slept over at least once a week since we started dating. That’s a hundred and four-week streak.” Rule Number Six: Sleepover in Rafe’s room once per week whenever possible. 
He moves them over to lie down on his bed with his head resting on her breasts. She can feel his soft breath on her skin as he talks. “Rule Number Five, Angel.” She draws patterns on his back, letting out a big sigh, “It was stressful. I had a lab and I couldn’t find my notebook with all my notes for this week’s experiment. And then I got caught up in the cafeteria line at lunch so I was late for my meeting with my academic advisor. This whole week has been so busy.” She feels his fingers start to trace tiny hearts on her bicep. “I’m sorry things have been so hard and I couldn’t be there for you, Angel. I hate that I had to go away for my football game,” he grumbles. The fact that his mouth is pressed against her skin turns his words into raspberries and it makes them both laugh.
“It’s okay, I’ve been pretty busy, so I probably wouldn’t have been able to come over anyway. How was your day, Rafe?”
“It was okay. Same as always. The only eventful thing that happened was that Topper accidentally wore my underwear. That was weird. But it got so much better when you walked through the door though, Angel.”
“My day got better when I walked through the door too.”
He lifts his head and gives her a sweet kiss on the lips. Rule Number Five: Always tell each other how your day went, no lying. Even if it has to be over the phone, through a text, in an email or in a written letter. 
Y/N remembers how ridiculous she thought Rule Number One was when Rafe wrote it down on the napkin. “Come on, that’s never going to happen,” she proclaimed, tilting her head upright after reading the words. Rafe shook his head, underlining a specific word of the rule, “You don’t know that. And, god forbid if it does, then I want you to let me save you, Angel.” She could see he was serious and concerned about the possibility of something happening, so all she could give him was a nod as a promise.
Right now, she could not be more glad that her boyfriend is always thinking ahead on how to protect her. She didn’t know how she got into this situation. One minute, she was by herself in the lab looking over the work she did for this week's experiment and the next, Terrick was in the room with her. He has every right to be in the room; he is also in her class and pays for tuition. However, she always feels a little unsettled by him. The way he looks at her makes it obvious he is objectifying her. The way he speaks makes it clear that he was not taught to respect women. The way he stands too close to her makes her stomach drop. She wants to walk out of the lab right now so she isn’t alone with him, but he is blocking the doorway. “And the bitch got my name wrong too. Like sure, get my order and my name wrong,” he starts ranting. “I don’t understand how a girl can screw up my drink order. Aren’t you guys made to do that type of stuff?”
Y/N doesn’t know what to say. His frustration at something so trivial causes fear to flash through her and she is scared of what might happen if she tries to leave the room. Thankfully, as if Rafe had spider senses, she gets a call from him. She gently lifts a finger up to tell Terrick to give her a second, “Hi, Rafe. What’s wrong?” “Nothing, I was just wondering what you wanted me to bring over tonight. I’m at the store, right now,” Rafe asks, placing his pre-workout into his cart while his phone is wedged between his shoulder and ear. Y/N flashes Terrick a tight-lipped smile as he impatiently waits for her to get off the phone, “I’m actually craving some pie. Could you get me a coconut pie?” Rafe immediately stops what he is doing and moves his phone to his other ear. “Are you sure you want coconut?” he presses, already returning the stuff he was going to get onto the shelf. 
They stayed on the phone for the whole time it took Rafe to get back on campus, pretending that he needed a detailed account of every single item Y/N needed from the store. When he walks through the door, Y/N feels her heart rate start to slow down. “What are you doing here?” Terrick snides through his teeth, looking at her boyfriend in annoyance. Rafe immediately puts himself between Y/N and the other man, “I realized that I am so clueless that I need Y/N to come to the store with me, so I came to pick her up. Are you ready to go, Angel?” The last part is obviously directed toward her and she is quick to get her backpack so she can weasel her way under Rafe’s protective arm. “Yep. Bye, Terrick. Great talk.” 
The couple makes their exit in each other’s hold with Rafe keeping an eye on Terrick. Once they are out of his earshot, Y/N lets out a sigh of relief. “Are you okay?” Rafe worries, looking her over for any indications that Terrick touched her. She gives a small nod, “Yeah, he didn’t hurt me. I don’t think he was going to. I’m sorry I used the code word, I probably shouldn’t have if I didn’t think he was going to do anything.” He stops their journey towards the exit and swings himself so he is facing her. His hands find weight on her shoulders and he lifts her chin up to look him in the eyes. “I don’t care if you use the code word for me to come kill a spider. If you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable or scared, you tell me coconut pie and you let me save you, Angel. Do you understand?” he brings her into a hug and kisses her temple. “You have to trust your instinct. Your safety is my number one priority.”
Rule Number One: Say coconut pie if she needs Rafe to save her.
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sminiac · 4 months
can u write about giving bonedo legal line head pleaseee 😭😭😭 im such a giver like i need to make them feel good thank you!!!!
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⋆ P. Sungho
Funny enough, I see Sungho as more of a giver. Something about him emits that he loves being able to take care of his lover— but don’t get me wrong, he allows himself to enjoy when you’re the one using your mouth, the only problem is he gets too restless knowing how needy it makes you, your impatience makes him impatient. Gets off on the internal image of giving you head just so the process will be finished faster, and it’s a bad habit, he knows, but you deserve to feel just as good. In short he allows you to do it whenever you ask, and it feels good, of course it does, but he’d much rather be settled comfortably between your thighs, his skin drenched thickly in your arousal, sometimes it makes you wonder if he just enjoys constantly having a locked jaw too?
The only time you can really go through the process of having him cum undisturbed is early in the morning when he’s half awake, struggling to sleep past the feeling of his aching cock. In his drowsy, refusal of day state he’ll let you do it without any convincing that you need the attention more than he does, he’s just much too tired to talk, and to put in the actual effort to have you submitting to his insistence, but he’s still awake enough to give you the ‘go ahead’ when your fingers start drawing feather light touches across his lower tummy, it takes a little while, but eventually he’ll be bucking his hips up and whispering a desperate “Please, honey.” You’ll know he’s close when his big hand finds the top of your head and his back is slightly arching from the mattress, breathlessly stuttering out: “Fuh- fuck, baby. God, oh my, fuck.”
Remainder of members under the cut!
⋆ L. Riwoo
Riwoo likes someone with a level head and a persistent drive because then he doesn’t have to think about a single thing other than you and the way you make him shake and quiver once you’re sunken down, laving hotly at his tip, paying attention to all the right places at once. He won’t say it aloud but he also really likes when you’re messy, calculated in every other aspect as expected, but allowing yourself the freedom of salivating all over him, the sight of it, the feeling, it’s almost like a confidence boost seeing you so into pleasuring him, the way the warm mix of liquids seep out of the corners of your mouth and cover his skin, he’s very adamant about eye contact when he’s not being shy.
If you’re enjoying yourself then he enjoys it all the more! Here and there Riwoo doesn’t mind a pinch of exhibitionism, giving him head in the shower of the dorm or when you’re at his house really gets him going. The fear of someone hearing his pathetic whimpers, catching onto whatever the two of you do behind closed doors— he runs so high off of it, his hips unapologetically slipping his cock in and out of your mouth, the anxiety in his stomach conjoint with the kick of his orgasm approaching always has him shifting gears, sweet sweaty boy just absolutely fucking your mouth with reckless abandon.
⋆ M. Jaehyun
He’s so yappy and adorable! Absolutely cannot keep his mouth shut for the life of him when you’re swallowing around his dick, treating him so delicately, like he’s the prettiest, most delicate thing you’ve ever laid your hands on. The doting and the loving on really makes him so horny though, like, so bad that you can’t tell him he’s pretty whilst looking at him a certain way or he’ll get so whiny about it. The flood of affection being only meant for him makes his limbs so restless, there’s too much good feelings and sweet words that he doesn’t know how to receive it, even more when you’re offering to get on your knees for him.
Jaehyun doesn’t take your certainty of wanting to give any kind of way that’ll make you feel like it’s intended to be degrading, there’s no hidden agenda or kept in thoughts, he’s simply liquid in your hands, takes whatever you have to offer so graciously while still being assuring that he wants it just as bad as you do. He’s so visually pleasing too, doesn’t understand the effect that his shuttered cries and restless legs have on you, every time you have him in your mouth he refuses to look or he’s cumming on the spot, so his eyes are closed most of the time, he’s so :( also has a thing for the feeling of your nails dragging against the soft skin of his thighs, cries and cries from the stimulation, could probably cum from that alone but he’s too embarrassed to find out.
⋆ H. Taesan
A recorder. He is a sluuuut !! Literally asking whenever he can if it’s okay for him to record. Such a freak that even when he’s not horny he’ll be watching back the videos of you giving him head, whenever he’s in the back of the van going to prerecording’s his hidden folder is quickly being pulled up, you’re just so pretty and you always do so good for him, he feels almost this sense of pride? Like “Yeah that’s my girl, she’s so beautiful. Head game is crazy btw!” He just has to brag about you in every way, idk 🙄. Likes when you give him head in ridiculous places and situations too, the back of the car, on an airplane, after shows, before shows etc. and he records those too of course, talks to you in a hushed tone with the phone flash all in your eyes, “Fuuuck- s’good princess. Keep doin’, doing that, please.”
Taesan is such a physically reactive person, it’s like everything the normal human feels he feels 5x stronger. Will unintentionally make you gag and tear up by how much his hips unwillingly twitch and push when he’s close to cumming because of this. He does his best every time to try and stop it, but it’s hard to stop something that’s not done with a conscious effort. Admittedly though, every inch of your mouth he’s been allowed to touch feels amazing, but he’s come to find that the back of your mouth is an especially important part.
⋆ K. Leehan
The most likely to head push, idk if it’s because of how pretty he is but something about him is so intimidating? He brings that same exact energy to bed too, plays into it, likes seeing you flustered and stupid. Yk how it’s always the people you least expect to have crazy experience when it comes to sex? Yeah, literally him. Like he’ll be teaching you shit you would’ve never learned if it was someone else’s dick in your mouth, “Lick it like that” “Use your fingers like this baby” or “More pressure pretty, don’t be shy.” Absolutely intends to build your abilities so they pertain only to what he finds pleasurable. Even the way he talks to you, it’s so entertaining but not in a humorous manner, he knows just what to say and how to say it for the success of getting you squirmy and impatient.
Since he knows how shy you get Leehan purposely makes eye contact with you as much as he can, will caress the top of your head and the soft of your cheek that the tip of his cock pokes into as he talks sweetly to you. Asking if you’re having fun, if he tastes good. He’s such a mouth fucker, I can’t. If you’re giving him the go ahead to use you he does exactly that. The most talkative out of everyone, keeps your ears entertained with his grunts, moans and his thoughts, but he keeps your mouth even more busy. It’s impossible for him to become bored, he feels the same excitement every time you go down on him that he felt the first time it happened.
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kristenwell · 7 months
My Muse – Leo Valdez x Male!Apollo!Reader
(finals are over at last, Dobby is free 😭)
Part 2
Y/N looked at the sketch in his hands. As the son of the arts god he was naturally a very skilled artist. Lately only one person has been able to inspire him to draw: Leo Valdez.
The son of Hephaestus has managed to steal his heart even if he wasn’t the usual go-to crush for most people. Leo was short, scrawny, flirty and had an unusual sense of humor. Y/N couldn’t help but fall for the little rascal anyway.
The son of Apollo slowly finished his sketch of him. The drawing depicted him smiling with a hint of blush.
Just a few days ago his brother, Will Solace, caught him in the act. There was only so much privacy you can get while in your cabin.
Y/N felt a presence behind his shoulder but before he could close his sketchbook his older brother shoved his face in the drawing.
„I knew you have a crush on Leo but I had no idea it was this bad.“ Will shook his head and chuckled.
The younger male slammed his sketchbook shut with an embarassed look on his face. He pushed Will’s face away from his personal space.
„Would you stop grinning? I don’t like him like that, we’re just friends nothing more.“ He was aware that lying to him was futile. First, he’s a bad liar and second, the two brothers are way too close and both of them knew something was up.
Will raised his eyebrow and took a seat next to him.
„You should confess to him, you know? It’s really tiring watching you two simp for each other when you think no one’s looking. Give him the drawings, it would be romantic.“ He suggests.
„Uh, yeah and have him thinking I’m some sort of creep? Forget it.“ Y/N made his way over to his desktop and sighed. His brother was right, but confessing your feelings to your friend is easier said than done.
„I think he’s aware of that.“ Will let out a laugh. „but seriously, everyone knows you’re into each other besides you two.“
He noticed his little brother’s lack of answer.
„You’ll figure it out, bro, one way or another.“
Y/N shuddered at the memory, the last thing he needed was his nosy siblings‘ love advice (he loves them to death), if he wanted it he would’ve gone to the Aphrodite cabin.
He got up from his seat and started heading toward his cabin before a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.
„Yo, wait up!“
He turned around just in time to see a certain short latino running his way. Leo stopped infront of him with a grin.
„Just the person I was looking for.“ He was slightly out of breath, seems he ran for a while before he reached him. His curly hair was messy and his clothes and face were stained with oil and dirt which fortunately failed to cover his pretty features.
„Looking for me? What do you need , Leo?“  Y/N observed the shorter male before him momentarily.
„I wanted to tell you that I’ve already fixed your bow that Will brought last night.“
„Did he now?“ The son of Apollo turned around to meet his brother’s devilish smirk. He had the audacity to smile innocently too. „of course he did.“
Y/N turned back to Leo and smiled at him awkwardly.
„Thank you, I don’t know what would I do without you.“ He chuckled nervously , he tried to think of something else to say but his brain was fried from Leo’s presence alone. So naturally he failed to catch his reply.
„-over to Bunker 9 when you’re finished, okay?“ He sent him a cute little smile.
Before Y/N could ask him he was already on his way to the Bunker.
In the evening
Leo was sitting at his table, his latest project has really been straining him. A sudden noise disrupted his concentration.
He turned around just in time to see a slip of paper near his door. He got up and approached it, picking it up. He examined the paper and turned it around: a very detailed portait of him.
Leo could feel his face heating up and a smile crept on his face. He went back to his table as he folded the drawing carefully.
Neither he nor Y/N were aware that they were now a part of a certain friend group’s plan to make them both confess.
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tinycherry0 · 1 year
Pretty as a Picture
Abby Anderson x shy!artist!fem! Reader
Okay so this is the first fanficton I’ve written in a quite while, don’t expect this to be a normal occurrence lol. I’m only writing this because it’s an idea that I had that needed to be written into existence 😭 (also side note this turned out to be longer than I anticipated 💀) so enjoy!
This wasn’t the first time you’d been assigned with Abby for a patrol; yet every time you were assigned with Abby you got nervous jitters, butterflies in your stomach, heart aching, and mind racing about being around her.
You couldn’t help it, she was single-handedly the most attractive woman you’d ever met. Her strong, secure, and powerful persona made your knees and heart weak. Along with her well-built muscular figure, cute freckles that adorned her face and toned arms, and the rare times when she did smile made you melt.
So when you found out you were assigned on a patrol with her in the morning? You couldn’t help but be giddy with excitement.
You stripped out of your clothes until you were in your tank top and underwear, leaving the rest of your clothes neatly laid out on a chair next to your bed for in the morning. You lit a candle on your nightstand for light, shifting to your black-leathery worn cross-body bag you took everywhere with you, searching for your sketchbook and pencil. You smiled to yourself as you found them, closing the bag and placing it at the foot of your bed. You wanted to see if you were able to draw Abby without her as a reference.
I probably should be going to bed though..is it creepy to draw someone you barely talk to without their knowledge?..
You shook the thought, opening your sketchbook and gliding the pencil on the paper as you recalled memories of being around Abby. Her strong and beautiful features, freckles that danced around her pale skin, cute lips and nose, and powerful blue eyes that bore right into your soul.
A half hour of sketching later, you were still unhappy with the results. It just doesn’t look right you thought. You pursed your lips in frustration as you shoved your sketchbook and pencil back into your bag, hoping that tomorrow there would be a window of opportunity to draw Abby when you were with her, when she wouldn’t notice.
The last thing you needed was to embarrass yourself in front of Abby. What if she saw it and thought you were a total creep? Drawing her without her knowledge or permission? You couldn’t have that.
You tried your best to shut down all negative thoughts as you blew out the candle you lit, drops of white wax now littered around the candle holder. You plopped your head against the pillow, closing your eyes, waiting for sleep to take you.
You woke up the next morning as your alarm blared. You were lucky enough to have one, this one you found on a patrol a few months ago. The clock read 4:30 AM as you shut off the loud noise, quickly getting out of bed and getting dressed. Normally you would have been tired, especially considering you had only gotten 3 hours of sleep but all you could think about was Abby, aching to be around her. You dreaded being late, as you didn’t want Abby to think of you as an unreliable slacker. No, you wanted Abby to see you as you saw her.
You brushed your hair and made yourself look presentable, making sure you didn’t smell and that you were decently clean. You grabbed your cross-body bag and put on your boots, heading out to the spot you said you’d both meet.
You were supposed to just look around the area for supplies and infected, nothing really special. Soon enough you saw Abby standing tall by the spot you said you’d both meet.
The sun wouldn’t rise for another half hour so it was still slightly dark out, but luckily you had your flashlight with you.
“Ready to go?” Abby’s powerful voice rang through your ears, already making you feel weak with want for her. You nodded your head, smiling slightly up at her as she nodded. You both started walking, not saying much of anything, just enjoying hearing the trees rustle in the wind, birds chirping around you along with crickets and cicadas.
Abby walked slightly ahead but still beside you, making it easier to look at her without her knowing. You couldn’t help but stare, but little to your knowledge she knew your eyes were on her. She smirked a little and narrowed her eyes back to you, making your face engulf in a pink blush.
You look away quickly, pretending there was something oh so interesting up above you, trying to look anywhere but at her. She chuckled to herself, making you blush even harder. “W-what’s so funny?” You mentally punched yourself for saying that aloud, but your mouth spoke before you could even think about what you were saying.
“Hmm..it’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
About an hour passed but with little luck. You both found a small abandoned convenience store that had a bottle of rubbing alcohol, some large bandaids but most importantly some bottled water, but that was it. You both stopped by a cliff side that had 2 decaying logs laying across from each other as seats, both talking one of the bottles of water and sitting separately.
As Abby stared out into the cliff side, you took notice how the warm morning sun lighting up her features made her look so breathtakingly beautiful. You took out your sketchbook and pencil, flipping to a blank page and started sketching. It’s now or never you thought.
Abby hadn’t said much, aware of the fact that you were drawing something but didn’t ask you about it, just letting you do your own thing. But it wasn’t until she noticed your glances up at her every so often that made her intrigued in what you were drawing.
You both sat silently for about 15 minutes, Abby making use of the time by cleaning her weapons, pretending not to notice your eyes scanning her features every once in a while. But while you were engaged in sketching, she silently got up and crept behind you, making sure to be dead silent with each step. As she got behind you and leaned towards your figure, you almost had a heart attack hearing her voice behind you.
“Whatcha drawin’?”
She had a smug smirk plastered on her face, face inches from yours as you nearly jumped out of your seat. You quickly looked at her, arms clutching your sketchbook to your chest and face red with embarrassment as your mouth hung open in shock. You tried to say something but you couldn’t, so you averted your eyes and shyly handed your sketchbook to Abby. She took it from you and her eyes immediately widened as her face grew red and mind raced.
How the fuck did she draw this so quickly? I look like a fucking goddess!! And she captured my facial features and muscles so good??
It was confident to say that you left Abby Anderson speechless that day. But while her mind was racing with thoughts of holy fucking shit this is amazing, you thought her mind was raving about how much of a creep you were. You grew more and more nervous with each passing second, starting to regret drawing her until Abby finally spoke up.
“I..I don’t know what to say..” She chuckled and had a slight smile on her face, still engaged in your talent.
“Do..do you think I’m creepy? I’m sorry I drew you without permission, it’s just that-“ She cut you off.
“What?? Are you kidding me? I absolutely love this. You’re artwork is insane, you captured me perfectly.”
You jolted your head up at her words, looking into her eyes for any sort of doubt, but you found none. She was being genuine, and her smile made your heart melt along with her complements. “You really think so?” You also smiled up at her.
She nodded and sat down on the log next to you, looking back at the sketch. “What compelled you to draw me anyway?” Abby asked you, looking at you with a soft smile.
“I..um…I..uh…“ You couldn’t say it. You couldn’t spit out the reason you drew her! You couldn’t just casually say you drew her because she was the hottest woman on Earth even though it was true and what you were thinking. You blushed and looked away, trying to come up with a believable fib but before you could, Abby spoke up.
“Ohhh, I see..you have a crush on me, don’t you?” She smirked at you, inching closer to your face, looking at you up and down with half lidded eyes.
You weren’t expecting Abby to be so forward. You couldn’t even look her in the eyes, just mindlessly looking at the floor and toying with the strands of your hair nervously. That was until she lightly grabbed your chin and made you meet her gaze. You looked at her with wide eyes, lips parted and cheeks pink with embarrassment.
“I asked you a question, pretty girl..you gonna answer it?”
Your face was pink before, but now tomato red at what Abby had called you. Your heart felt like it was going to thump out of your chest but you managed to stutter out a sentence that was barely over a whisper.
“I-um..I do..have a..crush on you, Abby.” You could barely keep your voice steady as you said it, eyes still looking into hers. She just smirked at you and looked you up and down, letting go of your chin but inching her face closer.
“Hmm..that’s what I thought when I kept noticing your eyes on me. You’re not very sneaky about it y’know.”
She was so close to you. All your senses were flooded with the smell of her pine soap you loved so much.
“Um, sorry about that..I couldn’t help it.”
“You couldn’t help but stare at me? That’s cute. Why? What’s so interesting about me?”
She was so straightforward it was driving you crazy. Did she really expect you to answer a question like that??
Yes, she did.
“I..well..that’s a hard question to answer. There’s a lot of things about you I like..but, if I have to be honest, I’ve never met someone as captivating as you.”
You couldn’t believe you said it. You looked away in embarrassment, toying with your hands, face flushed as your heart felt like it was going to explode for the millionth time.
“Well, I think you’re pretty captivating yourself. You’re cute, and you draw really damn well. I’d like to get to know you better, if that’s okay with you.”
Abby got up from the log you both were occupying and grabbed her backpack, swinging it up onto her shoulder. You looked up at her and smiled warmly.
“I’d like to get to know you too.”
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beauspot · 10 months
Loki Matters a Lot to Me *Long Post*
If you go on my page you’ll see that I’ve never posted about the Loki show or Lokius before so you might be wondering why now that the show is (probably) over? I always liked this show, and I considered myself a fan but coming out of it I wasn’t shipping anyone.
Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed the dynamic Loki and Mobius had but I was just happy to have Loki alive so I savored that. Also I sensed some history with Mobius and Ravonna which I still think exists. I found all of the characters interesting. That includes this season but something about season 2 was different for me and I couldn’t figure out why.
Why did this show affect me so much? Why did this second season affect me so much? And particularly why did this ship, Lokius, affect me so much?
To understand where I'm coming from you should probably understand that first of all I am queer and even before I knew I was queer I had a want for queer representation. For me oddly enough it started with Owen Wilson in Night at the Museum. Jedtavius was a pairing I didn't even realized I shipped til I was older. The enemies to lovers thing was so cute and it pretty much got confirmed in the last movie.
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(Just inconspicuously having your cowboy character quote Brokeback Mountain no big deal.)
I enjoy a good ship. As I got older however I began to crave real queer representation and I was lucky enough to find it in places like Steven Universe
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And Adventure TIme
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Then as I reached my mid to late teens I was able to see films like Brokeback, But I'm a Cheerleader, First Girl I Loved, The Miseducation of Cameron Post etc. Seeing these made me feel more secure in my sexuality.
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Of course along the way I got dragged into non canon ships some of which were queerbait like Stucky or even worse, Stormpilot/Finnpoe.
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The malicious part about all of these ships is the teams behind them waving these pairings out in front of people like a dog with a bone, hoping to draw them in to get their money knowing they had no intention of following through.
And I have become disillusioned with that. I have also become annoyed with fans of straight ships that oppose those queer ships acting like we're reaching.
I bring this up because there is a certain segment of sylkis(not all) and on a broader scale fans of straight ships that have this sense of persecution because fans of a queer pairing don't like their ship. It's weird and I am tempted to say it stems from homophobia. If you simply don't enjoy a ship that's fine. There are queer ships I despise, but try and assess where that hatred comes from.
There is a language that conveys romance and it seems like only when there is a minority involved do you guys become unable to understand it. This is an issue within most fandoms when it comes to not only sexuality but race in popular ships. For example, The Bear fandom in regards to Chef's Kiss, but I digress.
When a character feels the need to constantly touch another character that signals something, when a character fixes themselves so they look nice before they see another character that signals something. The way they talk, the way they act, how they are with and without one another says A LOT.
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So why is it when we point these things out we get called delusional? Why do I feel like I'm going crazy every time I speak with someone about a queer ship? And why do I always feel the need to justify it?
Straight, white, pairings never have to justify their existence. They just are. Sylvie and Loki can fight, yell at one another, hurt one another, literally be the same fucking person and people will find that ok, but suddenly when people see Loki fixing himself before he meets Mobius we can't see love in that(you’re telling me this isn’t how someone acts when they see their crush unexpectedly)? We can't see loss in Mobius when he can't even do his job anymore now that Loki is gone? We can't grieve what could have been even if we find Loki as the God of Stories cool?
Mobius is the first person in probably thousands of years to tell Loki he’s not evil and he can be good if he chooses to be. We see how much this means to him. From this point on Loki is attached to Mobius like a puppy. Mobius becomes his person. I find something so refreshing about Mobius calling Loki out but then also offering him a path to redemption. He doesn’t let Loki slide, because he cares about him enough to know he can be better and Loki deserves to be better for himself.
So I was bothered by the way the finale was set up. I know they have the conversation about “the burden of glorious purpose” and often I am honestly a supporter of not everyone gets a happy ending even if they “deserve” it in a storytelling sense. I find the tragedy in that intriguing, but this didn’t feel good to me on a personal level. I didn’t walk away from the finale feeling sad but fulfilled, I walked away from it feeling miserable and empty. And I recognize that I attach myself to characters more than the general populace but I don’t really care? This hurt.
Loki wanted nothing more than for somebody to be there with him, to be for him, to love him and instead he ends up alone. Mobius ends up back in his timeline but he can't go back to his life. A version of him is already there and our Mobius doesn't even remember his children. Mobius doesn't smile at the end because he isn't happy. He's alone. They are alone and realistically there's a high chance these versions of them will never see each other again.
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Does Sylvie seem bothered by that? No. She's ready to go live her life. And there’s nothing wrong with that, she took the gift Loki gave to her but Mobius is clearly, deeply hurt by Loki being gone. Because they found purpose in each other. In the order and chaos.
Having watched Good Omens and Our Flag Means Death season 2(along with the movie Bottoms starring Ayo Edebiri which everyone should watch 😁) in the same year I have become quite used to seeing queer rep in my mainstream shows. As the years have passed more and more queer characters are able to take center stage. So even though I knew Disney's track record I still held out hope because even the writer and composer saw the potential in Lokius.
Tom and Owen did too somewhat, but at the end of the day actors don't write the shows.
I think what bothers me most is that Loki is the first queer character in the MCU, we've seen him struggle and grow and learn to love and finally last season his queerness was made explicit (more than in Thor Ragnarok where he like fucked the Grandmaster or something). And they immediately paired him off with a version of himself.
Loki isn't gay so I'm not saying he had to end up with a man or anything you can be queer and end up with someone who is a gender different than yours my issue is a broader one which is, this story wasn't made to validate bi/pan people who date the opposite sex or whatever it was made to close Loki off to any other possibilities. One of those being Mobius.
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Rewatching season 1 this decision is exacerbated because there are moments where they could have had him flirt with a man like when he was D.B. Cooper and boom we have on screen rep, but they decided “nah let’s just have him say it one time and then never acknowledge it again.” Again I want to reiterate, you can be queer and not be in a same gender relationship, but this is a television character. We don’t know their innermost thoughts like we’re reading a book we have to take them at their actions and we never got the opportunity for our first queer character to express that(at least in his own show because remember the grandmaster, but somehow that feels worse).
The executive producer recently came out and said Loki and Mobius were always meant to be platonic because they were trying to dismantle toxic masculinity by portraying “platonic male friendships”. A phrase I have grown to hate over the years because ALL WE EVER SEE ARE PLATONIC MALE FRIENDSHIPS. This is another parallel with issues I have with The Bear in which the cast and crew were like “why can’t women and men just be friends?” but only in reference to the black girl. Back to the topic at hand though.
Have you ever met a queer person who acknowledges they’re queer once and then never talks about it again? Especially someone with as much showmanship as Loki? Does that make sense to anybody? Even if he ultimately ended up with Sylvie(which I wouldn’t have liked but I digress) that would have been enough for me.
But instead we had this troubled character give up everything and everyone they love to sit on a throne they didn’t even want so that their friends could have a choice. So that they could have a life. And again I can find beauty in that, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. And I won’t pretend I do.
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🥀End of Post🥀
sidenote ouroboros is so autistic tell me i’m wrong. he’s literally an autistic with no experience of ableism just pure autistic sunshine.
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anaslair · 8 months
I’m a straight Bengali girl (daughter of Aphrodite), who’s a little chubby and has a lot of acne scars (both of which I’m insecure about, though, I’ve been staring to like my acne scars lately). I wear glasses and without them, the world around me is very blurry. I’m pretty shy and nervous, so I sort of have trouble speaking to strangers or people I don’t know well. But once I’m comfortable around you and we mutually see each other as friends, I’m able to show you my chaotic side and feel comfortable saying some pretty wild things. I also make quite a few sexual jokes. Though I am more comfortable to speak freely with my friends, if I’m in a relatively big group that consists of my friends, I get really nervous speaking in front of all of them, so I opt to talk to individuals rather than the collective. I crave for physical affection but I never ask for it because I’ll feel bad if I get rejected of such, so I’ll wait til someone decide to give me affection. I’m a huge romantic fan and love reading romance stories or fanfic, and I love men who are completely obsessed with you. If I’m going to be honest, I feel more attracted to depressed or sad men rather than happy or cheerful men. I love eating food, but don’t really like eating in front of people much cause I always feel like I’m being judge for the way I eat even if that’s not actually the case. I can’t help it, so I prefer to eat alone. My favourite food is chicken curry and rice! I have trouble keeping eye contact so I usually look somewhere else while talking to people, but I do occasionally (while in the conversation) do make eye contact. There are times where it takes time for my brain to process some situations or dialogue, and I have an awfully memory. I also hate reading out load cause my brain takes time to process the words on the paper for me to read out load, so it makes me say the words out load slowly and almost choppy, you know? I love my friends very much and always love to hang out with them, even if we are simply in a room together only doing our own thing. I just like being in their presence. Though, once my social battery runs out, I’d like to be alone in my room (though, I I have a romantic partner, I wouldn’t mind them being with me). I’m always open to be their for my friends if they are down and listen to their problems, but not good at verbally comforting them, so I’m open for providing them physical comfort such as a hug or rubbing their back if that’s what they want. If I don’t anything embarrassing, I will constantly think about the moment for years and best myself over it and mentally redo that whole conversation or action in a way better way that I should have done to have not embarrassed myself earlier, you know? I very kind and often give people the benefit of the doubt, and I’m sort of a pushover, but I’m still able to say no to situations that make me uncomfortable.
I love reading, drawing, and creating ocs and world building. I’m such a mythology nerd, especially when it comes to Greek mythology (I have many books about these myths). I absolutely hate bugs and because of them, I hate being in forests and such cause I always get swarmed by them. I’m also afraid of the dark, so when I sleep, I leave my door open and the hallway light on.
My matchups are usually long like this so that’s why they may take a little while to come out 🥸 pls bear with me guys 🫶
Hope you like it anon!! Have a great day and tysm for requesting!!! <3
I match you with…
Luke Castellan!!
(Let’s all collectively join hands and pretend he didn’t die 🫰)
After the second titan war was officially over, Luke went through a lot before finally being able to return to camp
He did literally stab himself to end Kronos’s reign of terror, so after a long fight discussion amongst the gods, it was decided he should be given a second chance at life. A brand new start
Not without cleaning his mess first though. He was assigned by the gods to send a load of monsters he recruited for Kronos back to Tartarus, while simultaneously healing from his fatal wound
Even under Apollo’s direct care, the injury left a huge, nasty scar on his body
Honestly, he preferred facing whatever punishment Hades had for him in the Underworld than helping any god. But he owed everyone (specially Annabeth and Thalia, his real family) an apology and to make things right
So he killed a shitload of monsters, (complained the whole time)
When he finally got back to camp, he almost couldn’t believe how much it had changed. The place was PACKED with new campers (and they were not all cramped in his cabin like usual 😱)
And there were twice as many cabins too??? for the smaller gods???
Was he at the right place?😀 Was he actually dead?🧍‍♂️
Took a lot of explaining for him to believe he wasn’t
The thought of demigods not having to go through what he went through was incredible, but hard to believe
A bit bittersweet for him too
On top of that, it took a lot of time and effort to regain everyone’s trust on him
Even with all the new space available in the Hermes cabin, he had to sleep on the ground for a long time before his siblings let him have a bed 💀
He had to prove himself for a long time before everyone started opening up to him again
Slowly but surely, it started to happen!! Annabeth and most of the campers got back to speaking terms with him, Thalia visited sometimes and Percy was still a little sus every time they interacted (specially when Annabeth was in the room🤷‍♀️) but it eventually got better
It wasn’t the same as before of course, which made him feel…lonely most of the time. It wasn’t perfect, but he was grateful for at least not being completely ignored
Travis and Connor even stole a new pillow for him after a while of him sleeping without any 👏
Soon enough, life was almost normal again (as normal as a demigod’s life could get)
He did live with an imense sense of guilt and had recurring nightmares about what happened, accompanied with sharp pains on his chest, right where he stabbed himself
But it was a small price to pay for all the pain he caused, he thought
Eventually, he became head counselor of the Herme’s cabin again and Chiron gave him permission to teach sword lessons to the newest campers.
Life was as good as it could get for him, for sure
Though it definitely got a million times better with you in it
You were one of the new campers, practically Luke’s age when you arrived, which got yourself urgent self defense lessons with Mr. Castellan himself
He was the ideal person for the job, being the best swordsman on camp and all
Chiron also knew Luke had a way of making newcomers feel welcomed, being used to do it with practically every new kid in camp before the war
So, as Luke made his way to your first lesson, he tried to come up with a way to politely ask you how you survived all this time without proper training-
Only to give it up as soon as he laid his eyes on you
Of course you were a daughter of Aphrodite, you were drop dead gorgeous. Probably survived all this time outside camp by using the power her kids inherited, charmspeak
All of that was going through his head while he intensely stared at you without saying a word 🗿
Making you nervously eye him back 👁️👁️
Noticing you were getting anxious, he snapped out of it, the very tip of his ears getting slightly red
Quickly introducing himself as your new self defense teacher, he offered a hand for you to shake
To which you did after a bit of an awkward pause, nodding at his words. He seemed like a confident, nice guy
He took it you were a bit shy so he made sure to try and not to make you uncomfortable while teaching you some basic sword moves and techniques
You were doing your best to keep up but honestly felt like straight up dying everytime Luke asked you to repeat a move
The sword was heavy and the afternoon was hot, making you sweat profusely
That’s when everything went downhill :)
Your glasses just wouldn’t stay still in your face, the sweat making them slip down your nose every time you tried a new move
Right as you were about to swing your sword for the millionth time, your glasses fully fell off your face, making you flail the big weapon around uncontrollably
Coincidentally chopping a good amount of Chiron’s tail off, who was just passing by to check on your progress
Chiron promised he needed a new trim anyway, but that didn’t stop you from apologizing almost a thousand times and sitting down with your face buried in your hands
The situation amused Luke profusely, but he could also tell you were seriously beating yourself up about it
So after thinking for a while, he gently tapped you on the arm, showing you small scar he had on his forearm
He told you it was from his first ever sword lesson, but it wasn’t caused by a sword
When you gave him a confused look, he told you it was a consequence of accidentally poking a Pegasus’s bottom with a sharp weapon
You tried not to, but you laughed right at his face
Which made Luke smile as well, you had a cute laugh
After that, you slowly started opening up to your sword teacher, who actually got attached to you pretty quickly
Y’alls friendship was honestly precious oml, he absolutely LIVED for the fact that you were completely unhinged when y’all were alone, which got both of you a lot of inside jokes
When you first made a sexual joke in front of him he was completely shook
You were in the middle of training, making him accidentally cut a whole training doll in half after you said it
Who knew that something like that could come out of a shy person like yourself
He laughed and threw a dirty joke right back at you, but his ears were completely red in the process
The first time he had one of his pain streaks next to you he got really stressed out, not really wanting to talk about the origin of his injury
Partially because it was tremendously hard for him to talk about his past, but also because he was afraid you’d hate him for it
But you never pressured him to say anything, just sat beside him with a hand on his back for support, furrowed brows in concern as you waited for his pain to pass
He absolutely adored you for that
He didn’t feel alone anymore
He’s a naturally attentive person so he can always tell when you’re uncomfortable in social situations, always making sure that everything you’re saying is getting the correct amount of attention, even if he was the only one listening to it
Everyone knew he kind of had a soft spot for you (totally unrelated to the crush he was developing on you)
He always went easy on you at sparring lessons, just to absolutely humiliate whoever was next against him by winning in seconds
He sneaked food into your cabin when you absolutely could not stand eating with everyone else at the dining pavilion
(anyone else would probably get caught in the act and get absolutely wrecked by the harpies, but he was a son of the god of thieves so 😋)
Kept you close during capture the flag, not only to keep an eye on you but also because he absolutely LIVED for the fact that you were more scared of the bugs than the monsters who lived inside the woods
You dealt with the monsters and he jabbed all the bugs on the way, you made a pretty good team
It was pretty obvious he had a thing for you, everyone knew about it but you apparently
I mean, he stole got you a whole deck of mythomagic cards because he knew you were totally obsessed with mythology, the guy was pretty much down bad for you pls 😩
And honestly, you felt the exact same way
It was pretty clear in the way your face got full on red every time he had any type of physical contact with you
He adored it and absolutely did it on purpose just to get a reaction out of you
He wanted to let you know how he felt, he really did
But on top of not wanting to risk your friendship, he was deathly afraid you’d absolutely despise him after you found out about his past
It was only a matter of time anyway, but he was going to avoid it as much as he could
Although you found out way sooner and it went WAY better than he expected
It was a warm night and you were awfully quiet, more than usual
It wasn’t because your social battery went out. No… he knew something was up by the way you hugged yourself tightly, touching your face from time to time
He asked if you wanted to hang out by the beach for a bit, to which you silently agreed
Y’all sat in silence for a while, Luke giving you concerned side eyes from time to time
He eventually spoke up, saying you could talk to him about anything you wanted to, he’d listen
Your eyes watered a bit. You breathed out and eventually told him that some days, you had a bit of trouble accepting your current weight and your acne scars
You told him you were working on it but some days were harder than others
Honestly, he was bamboozled lol
He could never imagine someone as beautiful as you had those kind of insecurities
Before even thinking about it, he said you were absolutely perfect in his eyes
It was the first thing he thought when he met you actually
You almost choked on air bro WHAT
Your face was COMPLETELY red, about to explode🚨
Ears fully red after realizing how he slipped, he quickly continued, telling you that he also understood how you felt
He touched the scar he had on his face, lowering his hand to touch the one on his chest right after
You knew something bad had happened to him. But you also knew he had to tell you on his own terms
You just softly repeated what he told you
“You can talk to me about anything you want to, I’ll listen”
His eyes met yours and you were surprised by how much sadness they held in that moment
He shifted his gaze from you to the sand, taking handfulls of it just to let it fall from his fingers as he told you about his past
He told you everything
“You can… cut contact with me if you want to, I’ll understand-“
He was suddenly interrupted by you hugging him
He was surprised to say the least, arms slowly closing around you after some time as he let out a shaky breath
You both sat like that for a while before you told him that none of what he said changed the way you felt about him, everyone deserved a second chance
The way… you felt about him?
He pulled apart from you gently, still holding you close in front of him
“Exactly how do you feel about me?”
You had no choice but to confess, face fully red and straight up stuttering the whole time
He smile was HUGE oh my gods that little shit was enjoying every second of it
When you finished, you were trembling a bit, afraid you just ruined the best friendship you ever had
Imagine your surprise when he slowly leaned in, kissing you
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fritzes · 9 months
ok, now that I’ve calmed down here are my objective, purely tennis-based observations about the draw:
swiatek has a really, really rough draw. kenin in round 1 is the worst luck, she’s a former ao champion and she just took out coco in round 1 of wimbledon. in round 2 it’ll be collins or kerber, which isn’t awful especially considering she just beat kerber at the united cup and has only lost to collins once. then she could meet svitolina in the round of 16, who beat her in the wimbledon quarterfinals. and of course, her nemesis ostapenko is lurking in the bottom half of the quarter, but she would have to get past azarenka first which is a tall order at the ao. so yeah, not looking great for iga but it isn’t by any means a lost cause
things aren't looking great for vondrousova either, ever since the us open her results haven't been very good and she's been struggling with injury. her draw looks manageable until the round of 16 on paper, but if her body doesn't hold. up I could see her going out to navarro. in the round of 16 she's probably gonna be stuck with either azarenka or ostapenko, and I don't see her winning either of those matches
ajla tomljanovic is also in this nightmare quarter, and we could see her beef with ostapenko get rehashed in the second round. if that match does happen though, it depends on ostapenko's level, not tomljanovic's. if she's on, ajla doesn't really have a chance, but if she has an off day then its anyone's match. ajla could single-handedly save iga's sanity
rybakina/pliskova as a first round matchup is really interesting, there's way less "servebots" in the wta than the atp and yet two of them are against each other in the first round. I think pliskova's movement (or lack thereof) will sink her, elena should win this match pretty easily. she has a pretty good draw, I don't think there's anyone in her half of the quarter that can really pose a threat
the bottom half of rybakina's quarter is really interesting. pegula vs zheng is the projected round of 16 match, but if raducanu can stay injury free (and that's a BIG if) she might be able to make a deep run. I don't think she's gonna get past zheng, but there's a chance. if zheng/pegula does happen, it's probably going to be a very close match
daria kasatkina is also in this quarter. she's really good at playing to her seed, and I think that's what will happen here. I don't think she'll lose before the round of 16, but I don't think she'll beat rybakina
the projected semifinal of swiatek vs rybakina has a lot of potential, but they have to get there first. honestly I'm really confident in elena making the semis but iga is going to have a much tougher time
and now to the third quarter, which is completely ridiculous. gauff vs sakkari is the projected quarterfinal, but in this quarter we also have: linette (who was a semifinalist last year), wozniacki, haddad maia, garcia, osaka, and fernandez
that being said, gauff has a pretty decent draw. her first big challenge is potentially fernandez in the fourth round. they’ve only played each other once at the french open juniors, which coco won. I think coco will win this match because, especially now with her improved forehand, she’s a lot more well-rounded and complete than leylah. of course, there is the possibility of osaka in the round of 16. if she gets past garcia (who has been in a bit of a slump lately) I think naomi can absolutely get there, which will be a major challenge for both her and coco
as for the top half of this quarter, I’m going to make a bold prediction and say haddad maia is going to be a quarterfinalist. sakkari is the projected quarterfinalist, but her mental block at grand slams is definitely holding her back. she lost in the first round of the last three slams she played, and while I think she can make a bit of a dent here I don’t think she’ll go that far (I would love to be wrong). I don’t think wozniacki and linette will get past haddad maia either
sabalenka couldn’t have asked for a better draw. there is no one I can see that could maybe pose a threat until samsonova in the round of 16, but even then I think aryna can handily win that match. in the quarterfinals she will most likely play jabeur or krejcikova, both of which are winnable matches. honestly, aryna’s biggest opponent in this quarter is herself. she's dealing with the pressure of defending a grand slam title for the first time ever, and it’s definitely possible that the mental side could make her game worse. this is absolutely aryna’s quarter to lose
for the top half of the quarter, it’s probably going to be jabeur vs krejcikova in the round of 16, unless andreeva manages to pull of a massive upset. both of them have the potential to beat sabalenka in the quarterfinals (especially ons), but if aryna plays like she did last year I don’t think they’ll beat her
the projected semifinal is a rematch of the us open final, which could definitely give coco the edge because aryna will probably be thinking about that match (and how she lost it from a set up). that being said, either of them can win it, I think they’re pretty even in terms of level right now
interesting round 1 matches: swiatek/kenin, kerber/collins, rybakina/pliskova, linette/wozniacki, garcia/osaka, samsonova/anisimova, vekic/pavlyuchenkova 
oh boy this first quarter is… something. at first glance, it looks like djokovic is going to win. and yes, djokovic is probably going to win this quarter. I honestly think that the person with the best chance against him here is ben shelton. he lost in straight sets at the us open, but I feel like he’s improved so much since then and I do think it’s possible. is it probable? absolutely not, and all logic points to novak djokovic winning this quarter
the bottom half of the quarter can be anyone’s. tsitsipas is projected to win, but he’s been struggling with a back injury that seems really serious, and drawing berrettini first round definitely isn’t helping. I don’t think tsitsipas is going to make the quarterfinals, but there isn’t really a clear person to take his place. any one of berrettini, fritz, or musetti could be a quarterfinalist and that would make perfect sense. if berrettini is in form, a deep run absolutely isn’t out of the question, but I’m not sure if he’s going to be at his best. fritz, by all means, should be able to make the quarterfinals, but his mental block at slams is very real. he did make the quarterfinals at the us open so that probably helps, but knowing his grand slam history I don’t have a lot of confidence in him getting to the quarters. musetti has been so insanely up-and-down lately that I don’t even know what his chances are. if we’re getting the lorenzo that has beaten djokovic, then he can absolutely make the quarterfinals but if we’re getting the lorenzo from any tournament in the second half of last season, it’s not gonna happen
this is jannik sinner’s quarter to lose. if he retains the form of his life from the end of last season, then there isn’t a single person in this quarter he should lose to. now, it’s been a while since the davis cup and obviously form wears off. plus, his history in best-of-five matches isn’t great, and the lot of the hype around jannik is very much due to recency bias (I say this as someone who is absolutely biased towards him). still, his draw looks pretty open and he should be able to take advantage of that
the projected quarterfinalist is rublev, who has never won a grand slam quarterfinal, jannik has a winning record against him. in all honestly, I think it’s more likely that de minaur will make the quarterfinals. he just had an insane run at the united cup, he’s finally in the top 10, and he has the crowd behind him. however, he is 0-6 against sinner and it’s unlikely that he can beat him. however, it is worth noting that before beijing, jannik was 0-6 against medvedev and is now 3-6 against him, so anything can happen
the projected semifinal: sinner vs djokovic. this will be the big test for sinner: can he beat djokovic in best-of-five? I honestly don’t know the answer (I know what I want the answer to be of course, but I’m trying to be realistic). djokovic is definitely the favorite, but I wouldn’t count jannik out at all
let's just call the third quarter what it is: chaos
the projected winner is medvedev, and all things considered this is a pretty great draw for him. he’s always really good at the ao and not very upset-prone unless he’s playing korda, who isn’t in his quarter this year. his first challenge will most likely be dimitrov in the round of 16, and then either hurkacz or rune in the quarterfinals. dimitrov will be a really hard matchup for him considering the form he’s in, and dimitrov won their last meeting. that being said, grigor isn’t always the best at dealing with pressure against players ranked higher than him, and I think medvedev will use that to his advantage. for the quarterfinals, both rune and hurkacz have the potential to beat him (especially hurkacz, the fast courts will really help him out) but medvedev is definitely still the favorite
like I said, the other quarterfinalist is probably going to be rune or hurkacz, but I could see fils, safiullin, and maybe even shapovalov making deep runs. I think if rune’s stamina holds up it’ll probably be him, and we have yet to see him play at a grand slam with his ridiculous coaching lineup so who knows
and now the last quarter. much like sinner, this is alcaraz's quarter to lose. I think the biggest issue for him could be paul in the round of 16, but when you compare carlos’ matches against paul in toronto and cincy, it’s clear that he learned from the loss and I think he can definitely win that match. either of the likely quarterfinalists shouldn’t trouble him too much: he just beat zverev at the us open, and ruud has never beaten him. ever. this is a really good draw for him and if he can capitalize on it he can easily make the semifinals
the top half of this quarter is all going to depend on which casper ruud shows up. if we get the ’22-23 roland-garros and ’22 us open casper ruud, then I have full confidence in him making the quarterfinals. if we get the casper ruud from pretty much any other grand slam, then he’s. Probably going to lose to purcell in the second round. if he isn’t in-form, then unfortunately zverev will most likely be the quarterfinalist, I just can’t see lehecka or norrie taking him out
I don’t think I can even predict the projected semifinal. alcaraz and medvedev are 1-1 in grand slam semifinals. this is arguably medvedev’s best slam, but we haven’t really seen prime alcaraz at the australian open since he was injured last year. either of them could win this and I wouldn’t be surprised
interesting round 1 matches: murray/etcheverry, mannarino/wawrinka, shelton/bautista agut, tsitsipas/berrettini, tiafoe/coric, de minaur/raonic, safiullin/griekspoor, auger-aliassime/thiem, sonego/evans
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aniimoni · 2 months
Your oc lore sounds fucked up. Tell me more about that and worshipping issue i'd love 2 know
No they don’t have a name yet, someone give me ideas, there’s another drawing (with both of them) here. The one with red hair is named Genevive (it’s spelt like that because i’m unique and cool obv)
Ok so basically:
They exist in a world where there is 1 main god, which is constantly referred to as “Him” “He” “The Creator”.
The one with black hair (this is her human form) is the god of the ocean.
The one with red hair is a general, who is the predecessor from a line of other generals. These generals are tasked to lead the army of this city in order to protect it (among other mundane things, like community service). It’s kind of like “passing the torch” in a way.
Everyone is raised to worship the god who created everything (wether out of fear or love). He has a major ego, is very picky, and passive aggressive (or sometimes downright aggressive in a very messed up way).
In a summary: Genevive is not super up for worshipping Him. She is pretty fond of the ocean, so yknow..
One day Genevive actually gets to meet the god of the ocean by surprise. And so, long story short: She will do anything and everything to make them happy. The god themselves knows it’s pretty messed up and against the rules, but sometimes they can’t help but entertain the idea.
They grow close and learn to love each other in a much more healthy way than I previously mentioned. However, He has taken notice of their relationship, and sees it as “worshipping” (kind of late to the party lmao). He is VERY pissed, and decides to try and negotiate with (manipulate) both of them. The god of the ocean is much more lenient, and agrees to try and avoid Genevive in an effort to protect her. BUT Genevive isn’t guying His bs, she basically tells Him to go screw Himself.
There are 2 scenarios I have in mind in which He takes His “revenge”
1) He leads her into a cave and slowly makes her lose her mind until she passes away
2) He finds her in the battlefield and kills her
But in both, He wouldn’t only be killing her, He would be ripping her soul away so she wouldn’t even be able to pass onto the afterlife. Keeping her trapped in His domain. He also chains the god of the ocean to keep them under His watch.
Either way, the other god finds out, and feels extremely guilty, blaming themselves for leading Genevive to her downfall. They hold a lot of anger towards Him, but they can’t do much since they’re chained, so their power is very limited. They can leave the ocean, but only in their human form, which also has very limited power.
I still can’t decide if that’s where I want it to end. But I had the idea that a hundred years later or so, some other mortal finds the god of the ocean and makes a deal with them in light of their common ground: getting revenge on the god of creation.
A funny fact actually, I was very much obsessed with these 2 and their story before getting into cotl, I think I’m seeing a pattern here. Anyway, love my lesbians. AND THANK YOU SM FOR ASKING I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG FOR SOMEONE TO ASK!!! Sorry I kinda gave you the whole plot there, but it was sort of needed for context and yadada
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girlnextmorgue · 1 year
Helen Otis x Reader: You would sleep with me (if you could do it comfortably)
Hiiii everyone it's me I'm back :P I'm finding that I don't really agree with my past characterizations of these characters but I'm gonna leave my old posts up anyway... anyways here's a Helen oneshot I wrote last night. It's sort of a continuation of the first one I wrote (read that here) but can be read as a standalone. It's crossposted on AO3 (here) and I love getting kudos so please gas it up there if you so choose :P Reader is gender neutral (they/them pronouns) and (Y/N) is used.. It isn't smutty or anything (sorry) but it's kind of romantic. Around 1300ish words (a little less). I hope you enjoy!
edit: pspspsps heyy look theres a 3rd part HERE!!! if u enjoy this go read that ok bye...
The screen door swung shut with a sharp smack. The sound used to make Helen jump, but he’d grown used to it with all the time he’d spent out on the porch. It was early spring now, and sprigs of green were beginning to poke their way out of the ground in the midst of all the brown. A chilly breeze carried all the fresh smells of spring, along with… cigarette smoke?
“Hey, handsome.”
That made Helen jump. His head snapped to his right, and he was graced with the sight of a familiar face leaning against the railing, lit cigarette in hand. The corners of his lips twitched. He was fighting back a smile.
“You’re back.” He said matter-of-factly, trying to seem uncaring, and not as if he had been awaiting their return with bated breath (god, he couldn’t believe it, he was acting like a damsel.) “Where were you?”
“If I told you,” they paused to take a drag (and, Helen suspected, to add dramatic effect), turning to look at the trees as they exhaled, “I’d have to kill you.”
Although there was a playful grin on their face, Helen knew that they were only half joking. The Operator’s proxies were incredibly hush-hush about their missions, and (Y/N) was no exception. Usually, he didn’t mind too much, but Helen had found that he was much more curious than he wanted to be, at least when it came to (Y/N).
“So.” (Y/N) spun around so that their back was now facing the woods. They motioned to the sketchbook in Helen’s hands. “Draw any pretty pictures lately?” They grinned.
Right. Helen had come out here to draw. He unconsciously tightened his grip on the book, averting his eyes. Since that fateful winter afternoon, he had been inspired to draw things other than the trees… (Y/N) in particular had become his unknowing muse. 
No way in hell was he showing them that. They’d probably think he was a creepy freak and never speak to him again. As much as Helen hated to admit it to himself, he didn’t think he’d be able to handle that happening. 
So instead, he fumbled for words, trying to save himself. “Uh, you know… more of the same, nothing new.” Helen refused to meet (Y/N)’s eyes. He chewed on the inside of his mouth nervously, picking at the edge of his sketchbook. He felt as if he was a child that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
(Y/N) pursed their lips and then sighed, seeming to decide not to press his buttons about it. Over the course of their blossoming friendship, they’d learned that Helen could be quite protective over his artwork. It was best to leave it be.
So, (Y/N) changed the subject, knowing that Helen wouldn’t do it on his own. “Why don’t we sit, hmm? I’m tired of standing. I feel like I’ve been standing for like, like forever, man.”
“Okay.” Helen said, his shoulders sagging in relief. (Y/N) stubbed their cigarette out on the railing before they moved to plop down on the porch steps, their hiking boots clunking against the stairs as they got situated. Helen took his usual place next to them.
The pair settled into a comfortable silence, just staring out at the wilderness. Helen’s sketchbook lay on the stair, untouched. He couldn’t bring himself to open it in front of them just yet.
Instead, he looked over at (Y/N), trying to remain discreet. Early on in their friendship, Helen had decided that he liked their face (purely from an artistic standpoint, he was sure) and so he had taken it upon himself to memorize it (again, purely for artistic reasons). Not much had changed about them since he’d last seen them. There was a bandaid on their cheek, sure, but other than that they were still the same (Y/N). 
Except, they looked so tired. Deep, dark circles rimmed their eyes, and their eyes themselves were completely bloodshot. Helen was all too familiar with this kind of tired, something he experienced after many sleepless nights sitting at his easel. He was shocked that (Y/N) was managing to stay awake in their state.
“Haven’t I told you that it’s rude to stare?” (Y/N) asked suddenly, startling Helen. They turned to him, cocking an eyebrow. Despite how exhausted they seemed, they were still alert as ever. A proxy trait, no doubt. “Do I have something on my face, orrrrr…”
“No, no…” He shook his head, looking forward again. He really wasn’t appreciating what the teasing lilt in their voice was doing to his brain and heart, but his concern for them seemed to outweigh that. God, he hated that he was concerned. What was wrong with him?
“Then what? You like what you see or somethin’?” (Y/N) leaned in expectantly, smirking. What an asshole.
Despite how close (Y/N) had gotten, Helen managed to look them in the eye (though he was practically holding his breath). “You look… tired, (Y/N). Really tired.”
(Y/N)’s smile softened, the mischief in their eyes fading. They moved back slightly, looking back out at the forest. 
“Are you… alright?” Helen asked hesitantly, brows furrowed in concern.
(Y/N) sighed, taking a moment to answer. “...Yeah, I’m fine.” They brought a hand up to their face, rubbing one of their eyes absently. “‘S just… you’re right. I’m way tired.”
“...I know.” Helen mumbled, gaze never leaving their face. His hands twitched in his lap, wanting to do something to comfort his weary friend. Instead, he asked, “Rough mission?”
“So rough, ugh.” (Y/N) laughed quietly, as if they were reminiscing about a happy memory. “I got into a crazy fight with this guy – man, he almost killed me. You should’ve seen him though, I messed him up.” 
Helen frowned. He knew that they shouldn’t be telling him these things, and he was not a fan of the idea of (Y/N) putting themselves in danger. It was a part of their job, sure, but in his heart he wished it didn’t have to be. 
“(Y/N)...” They perked up when he spoke their name and his heart nearly jumped out of his chest. “I think you should go and get some rest.”
(Y/N) huffed, their expression going sour. “Yeah, but… I wanna-” they cut themselves off with a yawn before continuing, “I wanna spend time with you, y’know? It’s been a while. I missed you.” 
Helen felt like he was going to die at those words, his heart pounding against his ribcage. “Oh, well, um…” I missed you too, he wanted to say, but he couldn’t bring himself to.
“I have an idea.” (Y/N) said suddenly, scootching toward Helen until their legs were touching and their shoulders were touching and oh god-
And then (Y/N) leaned their head on Helen’s shoulder and all he could smell was lavender shampoo and cigarette smoke and he was going to faint (but he didn’t). Their hair tickled his neck and they were so warm and Helen wished he could wrap his arms around them and pull them closer. Instead, he sat stiff as a board, breath caught in his throat.
(Y/N) either was too tired to notice or didn’t care. “Wake me up if something interesting happens, okay?” Was all they said before knocking out, snoring lightly (oh my god they snore).
They were definitely going to kill him.
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witchhazelevesque · 6 months
Snippet of a valzhangrace Hunger Games au not-fic I’ve been working on for like two years:
Frank skids into the next clearing, arrow notched but not drawn, and takes cautious steps forward as he scans the area for his target. He hears a shuffle to his right and steps toward it, and only too late registers that something is wrong.
He hears a slight click and realizes that he must have stepped in one of Leo’s traps, and whatever part of the design that registers prey is activated. He freezes, and in the moment it takes his weight to settle, his muscle memory takes over, drawing his bow and aiming it right at the pair of eyes that have appeared in front of him.
"It’s a stalemate," Leo says.
He’s right, Frank admits to himself, but he’s certain that even if they both spring each other's defenses, he’ll come out the winner.
“Pretty sure an arrow in the face will kill you whereas I can handle being strung up in the air. I’ll just cut myself down.”
But Leo laughs, a colder sound than Frank would have expected from him. “You don’t really think I’d pull something so tame in the actual Games, did you?”
Frank's eyes dart down and he curses.
“A bear trap?” He demands. “What kind of sponsorship money do you have?”
Leo smiles, looking proud of himself as he says, “Oh no, this is a Valdez original.”
Frank risks another look down and sees that yes, the spikes he noted a second before are made of wood, not metal. And while from his brief glance he can see that the construction is solid, he doesn’t think it’s lethal.
“My point still stands. What’s a few puncture wounds?”
He’s bluffing of course, because a few puncture wounds could spell death for him down the line, but at the moment, he’s still the likeliest to survive.
“You’ve spent enough time watching me at the edible plants station to know it’s not that simple,'' Leo says.
Frank balks, momentarily caught off guard at Leo dropping that information so cavalierly, but his eyes find their own way back to the trap and yes, he can see the tips of the spikes aren’t quite the same color as the rest of the wood. They have a slightly darker sheen, almost indiscernibly so, and they’re still wet. Leo must have just finished setting this trap before he'd come after Frank.
Frank grits his teeth.
“How about I just shoot you now and think of a way out of this after they cleared your body from the arena?” he bites out.
“You’ll be right behind me,” Leo sneers back, and Frank narrows his eyes, knowing he’s probably playing with him, trying to distract him to pull another fast one, but he can’t not give Leo a once over to make sure he’s not telling the truth and-
“Damn it,” Frank mutters, once he’s caught sight of the string clutched in Leo’s fist.
The other boy grins. “Dead man’s switch,” he says cheerfully, “You shoot me, I release the trap, you die too.”
“Stalemate,” Frank agrees morosely.
But he shifts his gaze back down to the trap, trying to make out its design, to see how the switch in Leo's hand is connected to the contraption, hoping he’d be able to disarm it somehow, maybe shoot his arrow at the right spot...
“I wouldn’t,” Leo’s voice cuts into his thoughts. “The trigger plate is extremely sensitive. Any shift in weight will set it off.”
“So what’s your plan then? We stand here until we die of old age?”
“Oh, I’m sure the Gamemakers would send something to liven things up before it came to that. But I think I can stand here with my hand at my side longer than you can hold that exact position with your bow fully drawn, no offense to you and your impressive muscles.���
Frank bears his teeth. “Don’t be so sure.”
“Fair,” Leo admits, though his eyes narrow. “Of course, we could always call a truce.”
Frank laughs. “Not sure I value my leg that much.”
“Rude,”  Leo says, eyes still narrowed, and Frank gets the sense that he’s actually bothered by Frank's response.
“So you just watched me all throughout training to decide that I wasn’t worthy of being your ally, is that it?”
“I didn’t-” Frank starts to protest, and that’s when he makes the mistake of leaning forward to emphasize his point.
The trap creaks and Frank freezes.
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izar-tarazed · 3 months
I’m just hyped and excited for the DLC and I think this might be the first time ever I’ve been waiting for a game to immediately start playing the day it comes out? (The only other one where I would have done that was Baldur’s Gate 3—but I waited three months to actually buy it because I was working on a deadline at the time and rightfully feared I wouldn’t be able to meet it if I started playing before finishing the project).
Still, while I wishlist a lot of games and look forward to them I’m usually pretty patient and almost always late to the party. I only started playing Elden Ring a year ago. But it has become such a comfort game and brought me so much joy and storytelling inspiration and sense of wonder (and got me into drawing, or at least starting to learn)? I'm so glad I bought it (I hesitated because I had never played a soulslike before, but everything about it sounded like I would love it, and that turned out to be true.) And getting back on tumblr to connect with people equally interested and fascinated has made it even better because (among other things) it has also made the wait for the DLC a shared experience. I’ve absolutely loved seeing my dash go wild over the spontaneously dropped trailers and bloom with fanart and theories and all kinds of anticipation.
Honestly I have zero fear of the DLC disappointing me, heading back into the game to explore, puzzle over lore, be in awe of the world design is actually all I want from it. And I’m looking forward to seeing everybody’s reactions and experiences and even more theories and fanart over the next months. (Mindful of spoilers, of course, I don’t know how much I’ll be sharing and how soon but I’ll tag it and maybe put it under a cut.)
Just felt like leaving that here—I’ve very rarely waited for a game (or DLC) with so much enthusiasm and it’s a nice experience, I’m glad we get to share that.
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nightghoul381 · 1 year
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Yves Kloss POV x Reader Genre: Smut | Explicit | NSFW | MDNI WC: 2.3k A/N: This one really got away from me... thank you @candied-boys for the suggestion to let Yves get some spicy time!!
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This is torture. You invited me back to your room to wait while you finished up some paperwork for Sariel, and then we were going to go out to the gardens as you had wanted. However, you seem completely unaware of what kind of position this puts me in.
I’ve recently found myself unable to think about anything but you. Ever since we first shared that kiss, my mind is filled only with you, and I desperately wish for you to think of nothing but me. I feel so on edge when you’re not granting me your undivided attention.
Even now, while you’re simply sitting at your desk, working diligently on your paperwork, I can’t help but think about ways I can get you to turn around and pay attention to me. I want to be able to put a smile on those lovely pink lips. I want to do other things to those lovely pink lips. So many things I could do to those lovely pink lips…
I can feel myself getting hard just at the thought of your pretty little mouth taking me in, the way your eyes would roll back in your head as you bring me to the back of your throat. My depraved imaginings are cut off abruptly as I see you shift out of the corner of my eye.
I know my cheeks are on fire. If you did decide to turn around and look at me now, you would probably be concerned that I have a fever. I wouldn’t be able to look you properly in the eye for such a long time.
But maybe you felt it too, that intense jolt of longing when we finally brought our lips together. I had been dreaming of that moment for so long and the real thing was so much more than I had ever imagined. The way you tasted was heavenly, it sent blood racing straight to my core. My heart was hammering, could you feel it? Have you been fighting the magnetic attraction the same way that I have?
I should really focus on something else, really anything else would be better than risking you finding out how crude my internal monologue is right now. But I don’t think I can draw my mind away from the mental pictures I’ve created for myself.
I wonder if you think of me when you touch yourself. Do you imagine that it’s my fingers stroking you, providing that blissful pressure against your clit as you work your fingers in and out of your needy hole? My mind is racing, I want you… I want to make you mine.
I don’t know when it happened, but I find myself walking over to you, with only that one thought going through my head.
I’m right behind you before my rational side kicks in, but by then it’s already too late. You turn around, looking up at me with those eyes, and I’m drowning in their depths. How can you have this effect on me? Do you even realize you do?
“Yves, is something wrong, you look very flushed...” You jump up immediately, pressing the back of your hand to my forehead, concern marring that beautiful face.
“I-I’m fine… I just wanted to see how your paperwork was coming along! That’s all!”
I’m sputtering, you look so confused. If my face could get any redder, I’m sure it would be at that moment. I begin to step back but I see your gaze dart down my body, coming to a screeching halt at the very obvious tent in my pants.
I want to scream from the embarrassment. Oh, how I wish the floor would open up and swallow me. I can’t bring myself to look at you, my shame forcing my eyes shut and my head to hang down.
“Oh my…” Your tone doesn’t sound disgusted. It doesn’t sound like you abhor the very ground I stand on. I force myself to crack open one eye and see if my ears are just playing tricks on me.
“What have you been thinking about over there Yves?” You’re voice smooth, a deep purr as your face morphs into a wicked, knowing expression.
“Ah… I was just…. Um….”
You begin to take a step forward for every step I take back, and soon the back of my knees hits the bed and I just manage to keep down a shriek as I fell backwards onto the plush comforter. My breath hitches when you continue moving forward, straddling my hips as your face draws ever nearer to mine.
“Is this real, or am I dreaming?” I can’t believe I just blurted that out! I’m filled once again with shame, but you seem to be completely unaffected, in all honesty you seem to be thrilled. I absolutely must have fallen asleep while I was waiting. Otherwise, your next move makes no sense.
“Do you dream of me Yves? Do you dream of touching me… here?” You ask, bringing one of my hands up to cover your breast. I can feel your hardened nipple through the fabric of your blouse and I’ve decided that if I am dreaming, then this is the best dream I’ve ever had.
“I dream about touching you everywhere. I want to make you mine. I want to hear my name dropping from your lips while I’m rocking into you.” I finally admit, far past the point of no return for my shame.
I can feel your heart rate pick up. I decide that, since this is a dream unfettered by the inhibitions of reality, I should let my carnal desires run wild. I lunge forward, capturing your lips with mine, my tongue greedily probing the inside of your mouth. My god, this dream is so vivid. I swear you taste even better than the first time. So soft and sweet, yet your tongue is quite the opposite, twining itself with my own in a deliciously sinful dance.
When we finally part for air, I almost choke as I see you remove your blouse, exposing your smooth skin to me, exposing those pert nipples to me.
I let a growl build in my throat as I take in the sight of you, in my lap, so willing to let me do as I wish with you.
“Touch me again, Yves.” You whisper into my ear. The faint hold I have on my thoughts slips away and my hands move of their own volition. The trail of goosebumps left behind from my touch as I run my fingers all around your body… The sharp gasp you let out when I lower my head to suck at your breasts… All of it is getting to be too much.
I’m aching for my own relief, and as if you can read my mind, I feel you shift until your heat is granting me a divine pressure.
“Mmn…” You moan “Your touch feels amazing. Can we please remove the rest of our clothes? I want to touch you too.”
I have no way to object to your request, simply allowing my hands to drop from your waist as you slide yourself off of my lap. My legs feel like jelly as I rise to rid myself of my own clothing, but you are now kneeling in front of me, tearing the fabric away with such an eager expression on your face.
Dear heaven above, are you really about to do what I think you’re about to do? Your hand wraps around me firmly as my length springs free and I all but cry out at the tantalizing sensation as you begin pumping your hand.
“Do you want me to do this, Yves? Do you dream of this too?”
How is everything you’re saying so erotic? I can’t even form words at this point, a slight nod, and a pleading look are all I can muster.
I must be in heaven. The pure bliss that rockets through me as you draw your tongue across my tip is sending me higher than I’ve ever been before. And when your mouth comes to fully cover me, it takes all my willpower to keep from bucking my hips.
My sheets will be a mess when I wake up but right now I don’t care, I want to be lost in this magnificent dream. I run my fingers through your hair as you begin bobbing up and down, taking more and more of me into the cavern behind your lovely pink lips. The sight… I… my brain isn’t functioning properly… there’s no way someone should be this attractive with their hair a mess and tears pricking the corners of their eyes, and yet my desire for you grows as you continue pleasuring me.
I hear you gag briefly as I hit the back of your throat, and I jerk away, pulling myself out of your mouth and leaning back.
“Is… something… wrong?”  you pant, concern clouding over the lust in your gaze.
“No. Absolutely not. I just… Well, I want to make you feel good too.” I offer, trying to deflect from the fact that you had nearly sent me over the edge with just the feel of your mouth and hands for such a brief amount of time.
I take a steadying breath and help you rise to your feet, gently pushing you back on the bed before I toy with your skin again, trailing kisses down your body until I reach the apex between your thighs.
I catch the scent of your arousal and it seems to awaken a long slumbering beast. I’m barely thinking as I hungrily lap at your pussy, devouring every drop of your arousal that seeps out of the silken tunnel. My mind is an amazing thing. I can’t believe it could create such an extraordinary taste on my tongue. I’m addicted. I can’t control the starving beast any longer, my tongue sinking into that dripping entrance.
I feel you buck beneath me, the sensation of your clit bumping against my face must feel amazing because soon you’re grinding yourself against my mouth, desperate cries for more filling the room.
I slip a finger inside of you and you still momentarily, allowing me to add yet another.
The strangled groan that I hear tearing from your throat spurs me to give my attention to your needy bud. Almost immediately you begin to cry out incoherent words of praise as I suck and lick at you, my fingers working in tandem to bring you to your peak.
I feel your walls spasm around my fingers, your juices covering my tongue as you let yourself fall into the depths of your release.
“Yves….ahhh…. Yves….” The sound of my name tumbling from your mouth as you climax sends another jolt through my body and I can feel my need for you growing.
“Can I have you? … Can I make you mine?” I murmur against the soft flesh of your thigh.
“Yves… please, I need you inside me.” Your pleasure choked plea sends me reeling. I nearly leap to my feet as I pull your hips against mine, lining myself up at your entrance. I have to concentrate on moving slowly. I don’t want to hurt you. But it goes against every instinct I have. I want to ravage you…
I hardly register the groan that escapes from my lips as I sink into you. I…. my imagination must be absolutely depraved for it to come up with this perfect of a sensation. I let my head drop back as I finally fully sheath myself in your warmth.
“You feel amazing...” I whimper, holding still as I savor the tightness of your walls around me.
“Don’t stop.”
My eyes snap open, staring straight down into yours. The look on your face is equal parts need and satisfaction. You wrap your hands around my arms, squeezing tightly.
At your command, my body begins to move again, rocking myself in and out of you. Every inch of my length being squeezed so perfectly. Soon my movements pick up and my thrusts come at a frenzied pace. I must be losing my mind. I don’t know how my brain has come up with such an intensely wicked sensation but I continue to chase it.
Your grip on my arms becomes vice-like and the sweet sounds of your moaning are becoming more and more fevered.
“You’re close… aren’t you.” I huff, not allowing for even the slightest break in the rhythm of my hips.
“Hngh… yesss.. Yves…. Yes…”
The shuddering reply seems to be all it takes, you end your response with a loud wail, as you climax again.
“You’re so gorgeous. Truly, you are a sight to behold. Especially when you’re coming undone beneath me.” I feel so moved to praise you, you’re being such a good girl, coming for me like that. It takes almost no time at all before I feel my own pleasure reach its peak. I let out a deep groan as I empty myself inside you, filling your tight little hole with my cum.
I drop onto the bed beside you, trying to catch my breath.
“This has been the most amazing dream I’ve ever had… I hope I never forget it…” I finally murmur, my eyelids growing heavy.
“Yves, you’re not dreaming… Did you really think you were this whole time?”
Oh no…. Oh no, no, no that can’t be true…. Did I seriously write off our first time making love as nothing more than an extremely vivid wet dream? My face is burning again and I hear you giggle softly as your hand brushes my hair back from my face.
“I’m glad it wasn’t a dream.” You whisper, placing a soft kiss on my cheek.
I’m glad too. So incredibly glad.
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thelensart · 11 months
For those of you who care about my art
Lately I haven’t been able to upload much and it’ll be like that for the near future. Reason is, last month I got my first job and it’s being one of the most miserable things I’ve ever done in my life. I assume I’m not even gonna last 2 months. For those of you living in countries with actual job markets, please save the dogshit advice, like “have you tried remote data entry”, because I’ve been trying to look for work for years now and the only thing that hired me was this shithole. I’m talking not even a single call.
For those of you who don’t know, I’m autistic, and the job is fast food. Yes, it’s exactly everything I can’t take, but at once. You’re put in positions with no training and yelled at if you mess up, which happens on a minute-to-minute basis, it’s noisy, the textures and smells are tear inducing, it’s crowded, and you better work fast lest you get yelled at by everyone. My coworkers are loud and sometimes drop pretty fucking homophobic jokes, and of course, I have to play it male, because no one is taking my sorry ass seriously if I don’t. My paycheck is completely miserable too, and so is my cunt boss. Every shift is a battle to hold back tears.
So, for the last month, I’ve been feeling this horrible dread most of the day, I’ve lost sleep and especially hunger, and don’t quite feel like drawing much. I want the cash, therefore I want to stay, but also maybe crying my eyes out every morning isn’t the healthiest way to go around with life, so who knows, maybe I’ll call it quitters next fucking week, and go back to the 23 year old neet lifestyle I wanted to escape so badly.
This is all to say that I won’t be making too much art lately outside of my sketchbook and paid work, because it’s completely joyless. I have, however, a lovely project coming up that I can’t reveal for now, but it’s something totally different from what I usually do, and I have a lot of faith on it. I deeply hope folks like it once it's out.
Fuck this sick system.
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cosmiclion · 1 year
Hello everyone, this is my way of announcing that I've decided to "fuse" all my little Kuro AUs/ideas (or as many as I can) into one single huge AU:
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It’s just easier for me to have one big pretentious project where all arcs are connected instead of going back and forth between AUs 🤷🏻
⬇️Context under the cut⬇️
For those who haven't seen her this is Belmon or just B (any pronouns), the demon OC I shamelessly ship with Grell, I’ve been thinking lately that I really should draw her interacting with other characters 🙂 She belongs to a species of demon that don’t eat souls but instead sustain themselves by absorbing other creatures’ energy, called succubus/incubus or Life Leeches. They’re still immortal eldritch entities beyond human comprehension that originally come from another realm and have limitless shapeshifting abilities, but they’re a little less “otherworldly” in the sense that they experience more human-like emotions and feelings, have concepts of romance, affection, sexuality, friendship and family and can indulge themselves in human pleasures like sleep and food, even if they don’t need them. They also begin their life similarly to humans in that they reproduce sexually, and age like humans during their first years, though they stop aging once they reach adulthood.
When I initially created the AU where I included her, the basic plot was that Sebastian was a familiar demon who had first made a contract with Vincent (which explained why they had a similar physical appearance). The attack at the manor still happened but both twins survived, and then the contract was passed to RCiel and Madam Red, who was also a watchdog, became the twins’ legal guardian. Grell wasn’t a reaper but some kind of spirit of nature who was An’s familiar and they were like sisters, then they met a badly injured and weakened Belmon whose human family had been killed by feral demons, and after taking her in she also became An’s familiar and later fell in love with Grell.
I’ve been making a lot of changes to the AU and scraped most of that. The story so far is that B isn’t anyone’s familiar (and never had a human family) but some demon who has her own place and does her own thing. She’s an acquaintance of Sebastian, they don’t see each other too often but know how to find each other when they need to (at this point in time none of them has met Grell, she’ll come into their lives later). B is a very young demon, in fact at the time this scene takes place she’s chronologically 21 years old, unlike Sebastian whose life spans millennia. So B is pretty much a “new demon”. Despite this, she’s lived among humans most of her life and is an expert on them and their needs.
When Sebastian gets out of the cult’s building with the unconscious Ciel (turns out the conditions the poor boy was kept in gave him a nasty respiratory infection), he doesn’t really know what to do with him. Well, he knows the first thing is to pull the child away from death’s door, but he doesn’t know exactly how to save him on his own, and he has no time to lose. His best choice is to go to B for help, as Life Leeches can not only absorb other creature’s energy but also give them their own energy via physical contact. In fact their supernatural healing abilities are often chosen over (or along with) human doctors for more serious or urgent stuff, they may not be able to quickly and miraculously cure a serious illness or heal a life threatening wound, but they can help a person’s body fight it by keeping it strong. So he basically shows up at her door and hands the child to her like “Plz help ☹️”
Note 1: “Crow” is how B addresses Sebastian before he actually starts going by Sebastian. I headcanon that a demon’s real name isn’t even known to other demons, so they often give each other names based on a color, animal or any other thing that is commonly associated with them. Belmon is actually a shorter simplified version of her real name, and Sebastian calls her Blue.
B absolutely adores children of any species and is more than happy to help nurse little Ciel back to health, she’s just puzzled that a demon like Crow is suddenly acting all motherly and protective 😱
Note 2: I made Ciel’s hair a little bit longer and messier because, realistically, seeing as how the cultists treated the children I don’t think they would’ve bothered to keep them groomed ☠️
(I'm tempted to give the Phantomhive boy so many parental figures but I swear I'll still draw him mainly interacting with Sebas 😂).
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