#this is official art. they know and they are feeding us
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echos-gal · 5 months ago
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no further comment
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happypeachsludgeflower · 10 months ago
Modern day YouTube au where Xie Lian is infamous on the internet for his catastrophic cooking channel.
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starsandnoodles · 10 months ago
Today I did a lot of doodles so I’m going to post them now because I haven’t been posting a lot!!
First, the crossover no one asked for
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Second, Taranza picking a fight and being angry because part of my soul needs more bastard Taranza content DESPERATELY. Like guys… feed my soul.
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Third, Susie Haltmann but a Gijinka based more or less on my own outfit today (I cannot write T’s very well I apologize if it looks like an R)
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And last but not least a drawing of Susie Haltmann I started months ago and finally finished today
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strixludica · 7 months ago
The unappreciated art of making mecha look inhuman
Something I noticed lately, by browsing lots of lancer homebrew and fanart and comparing it to the official art, is that a lot of third party artists, across levels of artistic competence, made mechs that looked plain to me for a reason I couldn't pin down. Again, this was only weakly correlated with other metrics for artistic quality, like posing, shading, and linework. After comparing them closely with other art that didn't give me that vibe and art from 1st party material, I realized what gave me that feeling: their mechs looked too human; they looked like they could be convincingly portrayed by a person in a costume.
If you look closely at official Lancer art and the best fanart, you will notice there are always details making sure the subject is unequivocably a giant robot and not a person in sci-fi armor.
One strange but effective way this is achieved is the legs: each manufacturer has one or more distinct style of legs, with the only overlap being between SSC and RKF (which makes sense because SSC has close ties tot he Baronies). Let's go through them and see what about them makes sure you know this is a mech:
Smith-Shimano Corpro + Royal Karrakin Foundries: SSC has three kinds of lower limbs: the Horse Leg, which they share with RKF; the Foot Without Heel, and the Anatomically Correct Human Leg With Toes.
The Horse Leg is not only obviously inhuman, but also obviously unnatural, bacause no biped would be able to move properly standing on horse hooves: it would be like contantly doing a ballerina tip-walk using clown shoes; that is something only a mechanical device assisted by top-of-the-line automatic balancing could achieve.
The Heel-less foot, due to being used almost only for their spider-mechs Death's Head and Swallowtail, has little dehumanization work to do, but it does cover that function when used on the Dusk Wink, which *is* in fact a person in power armour, but still the artist took care of reminding us of how mechanical it is, by giving it feet which have little in common with boots or any other footwear. The Toed Leg seems, at first, to be the opposite of dehumanizing: it looks the most like an actual human bodypart, it feeds into SSCs fetishization of the Human Form (phrasing entirely intended). However, that is also the reason why it very clearly shows the Monarch and Mourning Cloak are robots: because no suit of armor would ever look like a naked leg; this level of anatomical fidelity only makes sense for something mechanical, whose skin *is* armor and as such doesn't need to cover itself.
Horus: Horus is mostly the easy one, with how most of the art gives their mechs beastly paws and hooves, gecko-like foot pads, or long, amphibian fingers whose vague semblance to human hands only contrasts with the blatantly monstous shapes of the Pegasus and Gorgon. However, they have four mechs portaryed with human-like legs.
The Hydra has little need to mask its mechanical nature, but the Lich commits the grave sin of being clothed, one of the biggest risk factor in making mechs look like dudes in armor. To counteract this problem, it's feet have two very evident inhuman characteristics: they have only two long, slender toes, and they touch the ground only with their futhest tarsus, in a way that makes it obvious they aren't bearing any actual weight, as if both Lich and Hydra were alway hovering a couple feet above the ground and used their feet only to skip along it, like a venetian boatman might do with their pole.
The other two exceptions are the Calendula, which being an RKF design has their trademark horse legs, and the Kobold, which already looks inarguably like a robot thanks to the barrel shae of its main body, the Horus-patented Pikey Blobs Aesthetic(tm), but still has feet with actual toes, which achieve the same effect as those from SSC.
GMS: For the longest time, GMS did not have art at all, but let's look at the [G] Type Everest from Op. Solstice Rain:
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While the Boot with Auxiliary Side-Toes shape of the foot could potentially belong to a suit of armor, if we look up at the knee it's a different story: look at the slabs on either side of the joint which restrict it to one degree of freedom, as opposed to the frontal protection typical of armor for humans; look at the opposite bends of hip and shin, which almost makes the leg look digitgrade. Inequivocably robotic despite the clearly humanistic design. However, the lower parts of mechs are not the only way their design is dehumanized: we come now to Inter Planetary Shipping - Northstar and Harrison Armory, and in a curious inversion they take the opposite approach.
Although some legs of IPS-N mechs use the above principle (the Blackbeard's angular feet whose toes almost look like retractable claws, Drake's heel-less boots, and Lancaster and Kidd's SPOT-like hooves), a lot of their mecha have quite human-looking armoured boots. HA goes a step further, likely due to a deliberate stylistic choice stemming from the anthrochauvinist ideals: Their mechs look very much like armoured warriors, often even with little skirts like the Iskander or Sherman or reinforced *baltei* like Genghis and Tokugawa. With one important exception: their head.
IPS-N has a very distinctive One-Eyed Cylinder with Another Eye on the Top shape for their mecha, it's probably a deliberate par of their brand; it sees some variation like Drake's looking more liek a helmeted facemask and Stortebecker's tricorn, but even Lancaster and Kidd have a sort of vestigial head on the front with a single eye coming out of a slit.
HA's mecha have greater variation, but nevertheless for all that their body is as human-shaped as possible, their heads are always distinctly not: Barbarossa has a flat prism with a this transparent section on top, looking more like the control tower of an aircraft carrier than a head; Genghis, Tokugawa, and Gilgamesh both have canopies recessed into their bodies; Napoleon also has a barely-extruding canopy with a strange shape and covered in Blinkshield emitters that make it look like a bug-eyed little freak; Sherman is quite literally built around having a cannon for a face; and Sunzi has its drum-looking Blinkspace device. The only HA mech that has a "head" region separate from the rest of the body is Saladin, and even then it's a flat cylinder with a rectangular window in the middle: a design which would never work as a helmet but makes sense as a rotatitng cockpit with a canopy.
The observant among you will have notice that I left out four mechs: Nelson, Vlad, Enkidu, and Iskander. That is admittedly because they are those whose design asserts its inhumanity the least.
Of the first two, despite Nelson committing the sin of clothing, it also compensates hard by leaving a gap in its tabard to show the hatch for the pilot, while Vlad unfortunately does not, and with the weirldy human-looking eye, if there wasn't a pilot for scale one might legitimately not know it's a robot without context.
Iskander is the one mech in the entire Compendium which can be cosplayed without altering its proportion: cyclopism aside, this could be a person in future armor.
Enkidu also has a look which could work just as well for a human-scale cyborg, but given that it's a deliberate statement of intent it gets a pass. At the very least it's elongated head and pad-less feet make it obvious that this is not a person in armor.
Although I cannot prove it without some double-blind polls, I think one of the secrets to a good mech design is making it look not only obviously like a robot, but also giving it pose, proportions, and details such that it would look big not just on a white background with no context, but that if you tried to shrink it and put it in a scene as though it was more or less the size of a person, people would realize that it's supposed to be larger.
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aligaza65 · 6 days ago
Urgent ‼️ essential 🙏‼️🇵🇸💔
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #373 )✅️
Hi everyone, I'm Ali, 24, from Gaza🍉😔.I'm going through a really tough time right now💔. I lost my job, my house was destroyed, and I lost all my dreams💔😔. It's been really hard on me, and I've been struggling to keep going.I used to be a law student, and I had my heart set on becoming a lawyer. But now, I'm just trying to find a way to make ends meet and feed my family🥹💔.I've started a campaign to try and get them something simple to ease their hunger. I'm reaching out to you with hope, knowing that your support can make a life-changing difference for me and my family. My family and I are facing a difficult time due to the harsh winter weather and the poor condition of our tent.I'm struggling to meet our basic survival needs. I would deeply appreciate any help you could offer.😔🙏
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@luvqwish @sherbetp0p @starlightsugar @fr0ge @whatislovevavy @timeless-orchid @magentasky234 @swapauanon @yakiattaki @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @bug-s0da @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @rabbithaver @madeline-kahn @unabashedmagicalgirlfan @averagenotnormal @emathyst9 @pet-shop-of-horror-fan @reyesstrand @rainy-fog @thefakehedgehogaroundhere @discreative @antixabound @liamins @thenextglamourousbard @jolyne-best-jojo @officialgleamstar @cosmicsymbols @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @tomboyjessie13 @citrusfruitman @baldwin-10-12-d
@cockworkangels @theredfields @craftykittyscientist @dustoftheancients @thatsonehellofabird @phoenix-awan @comrademango @neogotchi @the-butter-churner @sketching-shark @godspersonalclown @elyserie @glassoddity @the-ballerina-battle @antixabound @mydearalandro @batricity @floof-ghostie @taffywabbit @official-ducktown @cathyac @rosengine @deadauthorssociety @thecrimeofmans-laughter @vampthropologist @good-old-gossip @inkatesbush @fishfingersandscarves @shoutyourporpoise @cuntbrow @pikslasrce @thetrickyjokester @claudia-lioncourt @dimplesandfierceeyes @mortalityplays @cetitan @mar64ds @labutansa @truefrostedagony @deadly-vuu @that-faerie-in-the-corner @amiya-shirou @emmanuor @farsight-the-char @colorfulatlas @laxsland @lepardlover @bismoaking @homunculusalphonse @zone0neko @galactic-mermaid @cosmic-horrors-in-forests @rubiter20 @swordofazrael1992 @lowcallyfruity @uwabbittuwabbit @labutansa @dilfzuku @pelorsdyke @reyesstrand
@my-multi-fandom-blog @slyfire @constellationriver @moonfox-mumbles @mauvethecolor @banananerdworld @l3mon-boy @sliipppy @stargazinglesbian @transguyhawkeye @i-am-the-half-dead-soul-l @futuristicchaospoetry @antigxnee @exactlydangerousdragon @charcoalsoup69 @0luna123 @th3ch1psste4ler @lavenderlovers-stuff @thegardener-and-theaupair @luminouslateralup @zzzubie @crisostomo @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @preemptivemolars @gayruledge @danyayeni2 @agentmoss @solitudecasesolace @demonpikmin @capybara-platypus @ambreeskyewriting @q8p @death-cannot-kill-you @all-purpose-utility-nerd @free0101
@slendyverseargcollections @neonfruitbowl @momfriend2800 @luvmoonie @womenbehotfr @seventhefurbfather @c0-j-c0 @ignore-this0 @space-ace-books @olivedacat @exhausted-asterism @iphigenia-wailing @enderenby404 @implalazz @lunar-eclipse-bunnies @microwavesex @a-court-of-valkyries @thegoodwitchluz-uea @diagnosedhorsegirl @bebbls-craft-blog @the-acid-pear @moviequotes23 @nickbluehour @number1ludicolofan @inkslingerr @madspades @decadentmuffindreamscissors @taptrial2 @virovac @blue-jacket-blues @tacit-semantics @timeless-orchid @cinnarainbow @aziraphaleapologist @harley-angel @swapauanon @yakiattaki @piratefry @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter
@moonrisemoonchild @senlinstudies @birdmenmanga @rabbithaver @jolyne-best-jojo @just-a-mod @officialgleamstar @ehjane @cosmicsymbols @treeen @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @trashrunes @skiddlecat @tim-the-rat @whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @kurtle @rabidkermit @splend-42 @dustywarbler @400terahertz @poltiddies @yourlocaleccentricscientist @honeybeeffdrawshere @jayskai @astronnonyy @artsyrosie @halfmoonism @whisper-valley @loonfromq @here-sean-once-was @waiting-on-mars @bandtrees @mpregwizard
@fllagellant @jjjammerson @verycolourfulflipflops @genericminecraftpotato @probablynotaskeleton @sh4rkh4ts @bonicedemandarina @radical-l0ver @weareweirdpeople @ash-the-bee @ettaberrytea @cryptdmoth @cthulusposts @eastgaysian @uhhh-i-dont-know @charc-arts @hexblooddruid @strawbebbyboba @strawberridrops @rawdvd @rinthesecond @brookepagebe @kixflip @1p0lly1 @morihaus @rattlesnake-acrobatics @thatonebored-juniorcolleague
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petermorwood · 6 months ago
Recently I got roped (ha) into an Age of Sail roleplay, and decided I wanted to play the ship's cook. I then realized I don't know too much about provisioning a ship in the Age of Sail! I figured you'd be the sort of fellow to know where I could find resources on that kind of information though?
Well, for a start I recommend sending a similar Ask to @ltwilliammowett (Beat To Quarters) who knows far more about The Age of Sail / Wooden Ships & Iron Men subject than I do.
In the meanwhile here are a couple of books, both of which you may well be able to get through your library, or buy pretty cheaply for your research library. They're also an entertaining read.
The first was recommended to me by Terry Pratchett - "'If you haven't read it, you should!" - when we were at a con together and he was researching "Nation".
It's "Feeding Nelson's Navy" by Janet MacDonald, available here as an ebook and from Amazon as a Kindle Unlimited free read.
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The second is "Lobscouse & Spotted Dog" by Anne Chotzinoff Grossman & Lisa Grossman Thomas.
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Funny how both books use the same period image - "Shipmates Carousing Below Decks" by William Pyne - as cover art.
"Lobscouse" deals with the same period as "Navy", while also being the author-approved official cookbook of Patrick O'Brian's "Aubrey / Maturin" novels.
Here's a Reddit about making dishes from it, and here's a blog page about making Spotted Dog and why Suet Makes a Difference.
I've already posted about the role correct cooking fats play in making traditional dishes "taste right", and since Atora brand makes both carnivore and vegetarian suets, it's worth tracking down.
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Here's a blog page which summarises the Age of Sail diet - think of it as an exam crib to tide you over until you get the books and learn more.
Here's Max Miller of "Tasting History" making lobscouse:
And here are Dylan Hollis and Max making that ubiquitous on-board delicacy and culinary ingredient, ship's biscuit (hardtack / hard-tack / hard tack).
Something very similar was still issued as a ration item at the beginning of the 20th century and into World War One. J.R.R. Tolkien would certainly have encountered Biscuits, Ration, H&P, Army No.4...
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...and may well have used them as a basis for the waybread "cram" as mentioned in "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings". This description has the ring (hah!) of familiarity about it.
"If you want to know what cram is, I can only say that I don’t know the recipe; but it is biscuitish, keeps good indefinitely, is supposed to be sustaining, and is certainly not entertaining, being in fact very uninteresting except as a chewing exercise." "The Hobbit" ch.13, "Not at Home"
No.4 biscuits were so hard that soldiers could use them as substitutes for wood...
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...and Nelson's sailors probably did the same with theirs.
Terry Pratchett took this wooden quality and - with the dial turned up to eleven - transformed it into the rocky quality of Dwarf bread.
Here's a health nut's real-life version of a healthy nut loaf...
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...while this is an example of sedimentary conglomerate rock.
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With a bit of judicious cropping, the captions could be swapped and a casual glance would never notice.
Of course this post wouldn't be complete without a certain GIF.
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To finish, a few links to more video.
One (12 years ago).
Two - 1 year, including some of the ship's biscuit made in that first one (!)
Three - also 1 year, featuring other dishes - pease pudding ("dog's body"), lobscouse and plum duff. Oh, and ship's biscuit ...
Those are from Townsends, another great source for 18th century food and cooking.
This last example is by Dan Snow, in an extract from a longer History Hits documentary, and is a short general overview of period Navy rations - and of course, ship's biscuit... :->
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yourloveaton · 4 months ago
Hi! I saw all your AU art just recently and noticed you were saying we can ask you about it! (ITS SUCH AWESOME ART BTW I ADORE IT THE WAY YOU DRAW THEM IS AKAKAKKDMSMAMD!!!!)
I don’t have a specific question, but I do want to know more about it.
So can you just tell me anything about it?
Ahhh THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! I’m so happy that you liked my au art and wanna know more about it !! You have no idea how much joy that makes me feel 🥹💖
Well I can tell you some info and facts about the au, how I’m planning to develop it and all that !! It’s still fairly new and I did it out of nowhere at 3 am in the morning because I thought of my old ideas that I had years ago when undertale was on it’s prime but I was too young to bring ideas to life properly HAHAHA I hope my writing doesn’t bore you!
The au is pretty much founded on the idea of what if Sans also used to be a royal guard when he was younger? Boom. That’s where it spiralled and now I don’t know how revert back to who I was before because I ended up doodling a lot of undertale stuff along with the au, it didn’t help with the fact that my very good beloved friend kept encouraging me and feeding my inner demons of my undertale brainrot HAHAHA
I’m planning to develop the au into 2 parts: Before Undertale and after Undertale.
Before undertale is basically the events that happened before the plot of Undertale took place while after undertale is when they’re finally on the surface and the events that will happen on there! Sounds very generic and common I know, that’s why I’m going to try and develop it to be a bit different and hope that the au is not boring or developed horribly :’D It will take some time though since I know developing an au with a unique plot is gonna be very challenging, there are so many ways to mess it up and aghhh I really don’t wanna mess it up TT
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Here are the main cast of the before undertale, this is a very OLD sketch that I made to figure out who’s there and how old they would be before I proceed to develop on the characters. So their heights might not be as accurate as it is in the sketch.
Also DISCLAIMER, Alphys and Undyne never met in before Undertale, so just know there’s no weird agenda going on here! They first met during Undertale plot when they’re both adults (Alphys 29, Undyne 23) so it’s all good!! I thought I needed to point that out because the age gap might seem alarming at first glance knowing they’re officially a couple 🙏 The before undertale plot begins at the age displayed on the sketch, and it ends after uhh.. 10 years? Yeah it’s ten years of events before the main undertale story starts!
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I do want to portray the skele family with wholesome moments and you know, how great they are! Well that is before the downfall but we ain’t talking about that for now !! They’re just so beloved to me and I know they were such a sweet family AND WOULD HAVE VERY FUNNY MOMENTS IN WHICH I WANNA DRAW IT OUT!! So yeah, stay tuned for silly mini comics of them eheh
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At first, I wanted Trickster (yes I’m calling his royal guard nickname, it’s like a whole different persona of his (alter ego???) where he’s energetic and acts very silly, whimsical, presenting puzzles and quizzes to his opponents sometimes but also can be very intimidating and prove that yeah, there’s a reason why he can be like that cuz it’s HIM) to be nothing more than a mischievous silly royal guard that wanted to keep causing trouble for Gaster but then it grew to be a bigger thing where he unintentionally became the symbol of hope and an entertainer for the whole underground before Trickster disappeared without a trace(?)
I’m still working on this whole concept so not everything is settled yet!! Well what I can also say about Trickster is that Alphys might be involved with the whole Trickster business too eheh
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I’ve been practicing on drawing the characters so that I can draw better for this little au project of mine, I hope I can share my progress with you guys as things go on !!!
That’s the general stuff I’ve thought of so far, I hope you enjoy reading ! Thank you for reading and do feel free to ask whenever you have questions about the au or anything else :D✨✨✨✨
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aligaza6 · 5 days ago
Urgent ‼️ essential 🙏‼️🇵🇸💔
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #373 )✅️
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Hi everyone, I'm Ali, 24, from Gaza🍉😔.I'm going through a really tough time right now💔. I lost my job, my house was destroyed, and I lost all my dreams💔😔. It's been really hard on me, and I've been struggling to keep going.I used to be a law student, and I had my heart set on becoming a lawyer. But now, I'm just trying to find a way to make ends meet and feed my family🥹💔.I've started a campaign to try and get them something simple to ease their hunger. I'm reaching out to you with hope, knowing that your support can make a life-changing difference for me and my family. My family and I are facing a difficult time due to the harsh winter weather and the poor condition of our tent.I'm struggling to meet our basic survival needs. I would deeply appreciate any help you could offer.😔🙏
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@fllagellant @jjjammerson @verycolourfulflipflops @genericminecraftpotato @probablynotaskeleton @sh4rkh4ts @bonicedemandarina @radical-l0ver @weareweirdpeople @ash-the-bee @ettaberrytea @cryptdmoth @cthulusposts @eastgaysian @uhhh-i-dont-know @charc-arts @hexblooddruid @strawbebbyboba @strawberridrops @rawdvd @rinthesecond @brookepagebe @kixflip @1p0lly1 @morihaus @rattlesnake-acrobatics @thatonebored-juniorcolleague
@moonrisemoonchild @senlinstudies @birdmenmanga @rabbithaver @jolyne-best-jojo @just-a-mod @officialgleamstar @ehjane @cosmicsymbols @treeen @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @trashrunes @skiddlecat @tim-the-rat @whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @kurtle @rabidkermit @splend-42 @dustywarbler @400terahertz @poltiddies @yourlocaleccentricscientist @honeybeeffdrawshere @jayskai @astronnonyy @artsyrosie @halfmoonism @whisper-valley @loonfromq @here-sean-once-was @waiting-on-mars @bandtrees @mpregwizard
@slendyverseargcollections @neonfruitbowl @momfriend2800 @luvmoonie @womenbehotfr @seventhefurbfather @c0-j-c0 @ignore-this0 @space-ace-books @olivedacat @exhausted-asterism @iphigenia-wailing @enderenby404 @implalazz @lunar-eclipse-bunnies @microwavesex @a-court-of-valkyries @thegoodwitchluz-uea @diagnosedhorsegirl @bebbls-craft-blog @the-acid-pear @moviequotes23 @nickbluehour @number1ludicolofan @inkslingerr @madspades @decadentmuffindreamscissors @taptrial2 @virovac @blue-jacket-blues @tacit-semantics @timeless-orchid @cinnarainbow @aziraphaleapologist @harley-angel @swapauanon @yakiattaki @piratefry @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter
@my-multi-fandom-blog @slyfire @constellationriver @moonfox-mumbles @mauvethecolor @banananerdworld @l3mon-boy @sliipppy @stargazinglesbian @transguyhawkeye @i-am-the-half-dead-soul-l @futuristicchaospoetry @antigxnee @exactlydangerousdragon @charcoalsoup69 @0luna123 @th3ch1psste4ler @lavenderlovers-stuff @thegardener-and-theaupair @luminouslateralup @zzzubie @crisostomo @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @preemptivemolars @gayruledge @danyayeni2 @agentmoss @solitudecasesolace @demonpikmin @capybara-platypus @ambreeskyewriting @q8p @death-cannot-kill-you @all-purpose-utility-nerd @free0101
@cockworkangels @theredfields @craftykittyscientist @dustoftheancients @thatsonehellofabird @phoenix-awan @comrademango @neogotchi @the-butter-churner @sketching-shark @godspersonalclown @elyserie @glassoddity @the-ballerina-battle @antixabound @mydearalandro @batricity @floof-ghostie @taffywabbit @official-ducktown @cathyac @rosengine @deadauthorssociety @thecrimeofmans-laughter @vampthropologist @good-old-gossip @inkatesbush @fishfingersandscarves @shoutyourporpoise @cuntbrow @pikslasrce @thetrickyjokester @claudia-lioncourt @dimplesandfierceeyes @mortalityplays @cetitan @mar64ds @labutansa @truefrostedagony @deadly-vuu @that-faerie-in-the-corner @amiya-shirou @emmanuor @farsight-the-char @colorfulatlas @laxsland @lepardlover @bismoaking @homunculusalphonse @zone0neko @galactic-mermaid @cosmic-horrors-in-forests @rubiter20 @swordofazrael1992 @lowcallyfruity @uwabbittuwabbit @labutansa @dilfzuku @pelorsdyke @reyesstrand
@luvqwish @sherbetp0p @starlightsugar @fr0ge @whatislovevavy @timeless-orchid @magentasky234 @swapauanon @yakiattaki @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @bug-s0da @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @rabbithaver @madeline-kahn @unabashedmagicalgirlfan @averagenotnormal @emathyst9 @pet-shop-of-horror-fan @reyesstrand @rainy-fog @thefakehedgehogaroundhere @discreative @antixabound @liamins @thenextglamourousbard @jolyne-best-jojo @officialgleamstar @cosmicsymbols @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @tomboyjessie13 @citrusfruitman @baldwin-10-12-d
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aligaza21 · 5 days ago
Urgent ‼️ essential 🙏‼️🇵🇸💔
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #373 )✅️
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Hi everyone, I'm Ali, 24, from Gaza🍉😔.I'm going through a really tough time right now💔. I lost my job, my house was destroyed, and I lost all my dreams💔😔. It's been really hard on me, and I've been struggling to keep going.I used to be a law student, and I had my heart set on becoming a lawyer. But now, I'm just trying to find a way to make ends meet and feed my family🥹💔.I've started a campaign to try and get them something simple to ease their hunger. I'm reaching out to you with hope, knowing that your support can make a life-changing difference for me and my family. My family and I are facing a difficult time due to the harsh winter weather and the poor condition of our tent.I'm struggling to meet our basic survival needs. I would deeply appreciate any help you could offer.😔🙏
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@fllagellant @jjjammerson @verycolourfulflipflops @genericminecraftpotato @probablynotaskeleton @sh4rkh4ts @bonicedemandarina @radical-l0ver @weareweirdpeople @ash-the-bee @ettaberrytea @cryptdmoth @cthulusposts @eastgaysian @uhhh-i-dont-know @charc-arts @hexblooddruid @strawbebbyboba @strawberridrops @rawdvd @rinthesecond @brookepagebe @kixflip @1p0lly1 @morihaus @rattlesnake-acrobatics @thatonebored-juniorcolleague
@moonrisemoonchild @senlinstudies @birdmenmanga @rabbithaver @jolyne-best-jojo @just-a-mod @officialgleamstar @ehjane @cosmicsymbols @treeen @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @trashrunes @skiddlecat @tim-the-rat @whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @kurtle @rabidkermit @splend-42 @dustywarbler @400terahertz @poltiddies @yourlocaleccentricscientist @honeybeeffdrawshere @jayskai @astronnonyy @artsyrosie @halfmoonism @whisper-valley @loonfromq @here-sean-once-was @waiting-on-mars @bandtrees @mpregwizard
@slendyverseargcollections @neonfruitbowl @momfriend2800 @luvmoonie @womenbehotfr @seventhefurbfather @c0-j-c0 @ignore-this0 @space-ace-books @olivedacat @exhausted-asterism @iphigenia-wailing @enderenby404 @implalazz @lunar-eclipse-bunnies @microwavesex @a-court-of-valkyries @thegoodwitchluz-uea @diagnosedhorsegirl @bebbls-craft-blog @the-acid-pear @moviequotes23 @nickbluehour @number1ludicolofan @inkslingerr @madspades @decadentmuffindreamscissors @taptrial2 @virovac @blue-jacket-blues @tacit-semantics @timeless-orchid @cinnarainbow @aziraphaleapologist @harley-angel @swapauanon @yakiattaki @piratefry @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter
@my-multi-fandom-blog @slyfire @constellationriver @moonfox-mumbles @mauvethecolor @banananerdworld @l3mon-boy @sliipppy @stargazinglesbian @transguyhawkeye @i-am-the-half-dead-soul-l @futuristicchaospoetry @antigxnee @exactlydangerousdragon @charcoalsoup69 @0luna123 @th3ch1psste4ler @lavenderlovers-stuff @thegardener-and-theaupair @luminouslateralup @zzzubie @crisostomo @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @preemptivemolars @gayruledge @danyayeni2 @agentmoss @solitudecasesolace @demonpikmin @capybara-platypus @ambreeskyewriting @q8p @death-cannot-kill-you @all-purpose-utility-nerd @free0101
@cockworkangels @theredfields @craftykittyscientist @dustoftheancients @thatsonehellofabird @phoenix-awan @comrademango @neogotchi @the-butter-churner @sketching-shark @godspersonalclown @elyserie @glassoddity @the-ballerina-battle @antixabound @mydearalandro @batricity @floof-ghostie @taffywabbit @official-ducktown @cathyac @rosengine @deadauthorssociety @thecrimeofmans-laughter @vampthropologist @good-old-gossip @inkatesbush @fishfingersandscarves @shoutyourporpoise @cuntbrow @pikslasrce @thetrickyjokester @claudia-lioncourt @dimplesandfierceeyes @mortalityplays @cetitan @mar64ds @labutansa @truefrostedagony @deadly-vuu @that-faerie-in-the-corner @amiya-shirou @emmanuor @farsight-the-char @colorfulatlas @laxsland @lepardlover @bismoaking @homunculusalphonse @zone0neko @galactic-mermaid @cosmic-horrors-in-forests @rubiter20 @swordofazrael1992 @lowcallyfruity @uwabbittuwabbit @labutansa @dilfzuku @pelorsdyke @@reyesstrand @luvqwish @sherbetp0p @starlightsugar @fr0ge @whatislovevavy @timeless-orchid @magentasky234 @swapauanon @yakiattaki @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @bug-s0da @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @rabbithaver @madeline-kahn @unabashedmagicalgirlfan @averagenotnormal @emathyst9 @pet-shop-of-horror-fan @reyesstrand @rainy-fog @thefakehedgehogaroundhere @discreative @antixabound @liamins @thenextglamourousbard @jolyne-best-jojo @officialgleamstar @cosmicsymbols @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @tomboyjessie13 @citrusfruitman @baldwin-10-12-d
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drarryspecificrecs · 2 months ago
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Lights Camera Drarry 2023 : (fics only)
@lcdrarry || official masterpost (1) (2) || AO3 || stats : 44 works The Mod(s) : @celilasart Banner © :
@honeyrinee's afternoon snooze 🎬 How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
@quail-in-red's Don’t Worry, He’s Got This (x) 🎬 Legally Blonde (2001)
@fantalfart's Love Sees All Light (x) 🎬 Love is Blind series (2020~)
0 + 0 = 1 by @albuss-s [G, 2k] 🎬 Taskmaster (game show, 2015~)
A Boesky, A Jim Brown, and the biggest Leon Spinks ever. by @tsundanire [T, 12k] 🎬 Ocean's Eleven (2001)
The Breakfast Club by @peachpety [T, 7k] 🎬 The Breakfast Club (1985)
Brighton by @jadedandconfusedao3 [E, 24k] 🎬 Black Mirror series (2011~): San Junipero (2016)
The Decision by @murder-grandma [M, 5k] 🎬 Fleabag series (2016~2019)
Deep Dive by @chxrlieweaslxy [G, 13k] 🎬 Heartstopper series (2022~)
A Different Kind Of Attention by @cluelesspigeons [M, 10k] 🎬 Yuri!!! on ICE (anime, 2016)
Do I Know You? by @use-it-well [E, 13k] 🎬 Buffy the Vampire Slayer series (1997~2003): Tabula Rasa
Double Trouble by @multiverse-of-fanfic [E, 57k] 🎬 Alias series (2001~2006)
The Dying of the Light by @chamomileteafuel [E, 20k] 🎬 Dead Like Me series (2003~2004)
Harry Potter vs. the World by @luxuriousmalfoy [T, 13k] 🎬 Scott Pilgrim (2010)
Hole to Feed by @newskyillusion [E, 34k] 🎬 The Menu (2022)
I Couldn't Love You More by @ladderofyears [M, 73k] 🎬 P.S. I Love You (2007)
Let it in by @deliciousblizzardshark [T, 11k] 🎬 Cherry Magic! Thirty years of virginity can make you a wizard?! (live-action, 2020)
A Mist That Appears (For a Little Time) by @dodgerkedavra [E, 22k] 🎬 Sweet November (2001)
Of Stars in Infinite Universes by @lilywinterwood [T, 21k] 🎬 Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
Peep Show by @kbrick [E, 10k] 🎬 Friends series (1994~2004)
The Piano by @orange-peony [E, 37k] 🎬 The Piano (1993)
see the steeple (trace to the spire) by @hanniballevter [E, 33k] 🎬 God's Own Country (2017)
This Life Now by @nerdherderette [M, 38k] --- ART by @seanchaidh7 🎬 Sweet Home Alabama (2002)
Through His Eyes (I Am Set Free) by @shewhomustnotbenamed [E, 134k] 🎬 In Your Eyes (2014)
✔ other fests in 2023 ✔ fests in other years ✔ Lights Camera Drarry : 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
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blissfullyecho · 3 months ago
Habits & Behaviors We’re Leaving in 2024
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Join my 3-hour live workshop on Zoom, where we will create a tailored luxe glow-up plan personalized for you for 2025. Seats are limited and are first come, first served. Click here for more info.
As the year draws to a close, it’s time to take a hard look at the habits that have no place in the life of an evolved, high-value woman. We’re stepping into 2025 with elevated standards, refined taste, and a resolute refusal to entertain anything—or anyone—that doesn’t meet our expectations.
1. Over-Explaining Yourself
Your “no” is a full sentence, and your decisions don’t require a PowerPoint presentation. In 2025, we’re embracing the unapologetic confidence to let our choices speak for themselves.
2. Saying “Sorry” Excessively
Unless you’ve actually done something wrong, the word “sorry” needs to exit your vocabulary. Replace it with “thank you” or simply stay silent. Women who constantly apologize shrink themselves—and we don’t do that anymore.
3. Mindless Scrolling
We’re no longer wasting hours on social media feeds that offer nothing of substance. In 2025, if it doesn’t inspire, educate, or entertain on an elevated level, it’s blocked. Time is too valuable to squander.
4. Neglecting Self-Care
Gone are the days of running yourself ragged and calling it “grind culture.” Self-care isn’t indulgent—it’s essential. If you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will. And no, skipping skincare because you’re “too tired” isn’t cute anymore.
5. Overbooking Your Schedule
Being busy isn’t the same as being important. In 2025, we’re prioritizing rest, leisure, and quality time over the toxic cycle of constantly saying “yes” to everything. A well-rested woman is a powerful woman.
6. Gossiping
Talking about other people’s business is officially tacky. Elevated women don’t have time for petty chatter; they’re too busy building themselves and focusing on their own glow-up.
7. Wearing Clothes That Don’t Fit or Flatter
Stop keeping jeans that don’t button and dresses that don’t make you feel like a goddess. In 2025, we’re curating wardrobes that fit now and flatter always. If it doesn’t make you feel powerful, it doesn’t deserve a hanger in your closet.
8. Accepting Bare Minimum Effort
Whether it’s friendships, relationships, or your own goals, the bare minimum is officially out. We’re done settling for mediocrity. High-value women demand effort, and that starts with demanding it from ourselves.
9. Oversharing
Not everyone deserves access to your thoughts, plans, or emotions. Oversharing is the gateway to being misunderstood or undervalued. In 2025, we’re mastering the art of mystery—because the less they know, the more they want to.
10. Comparing Yourself to Others
Comparison is a thief, and it’s stealing your joy. In 2025, we’re focusing inward. Your only competition is the woman you were yesterday. Let others live their lives while you create one so stunning they’ll want to emulate you.
11. Chasing People
The energy of 2025 is simple: what’s meant for you will come to you effortlessly. Chasing people—romantic, platonic, or professional—is beneath a high-value woman. Let them go. If they don’t see your worth, it’s their loss.
12. Procrastinating on Your Glow-Up
No more waiting until “Monday” or “next year” to start bettering yourself. The gym, the books, the skincare routine, the side hustle—start now. 2025 is the year of execution, not excuses.
13. Engaging in Drama
Drama is for people with nothing better to do. Elevated women rise above it. Keep your energy focused on your goals and let others exhaust themselves with their nonsense.
14. Spending Energy on the Unreciprocated
Whether it’s love, friendship, or support, one-sided effort is out. We’re investing in relationships and opportunities that invest back in us. No more watering dead plants.
15. Overthinking Every Decision
Analysis paralysis is not chic. Trust your intuition, make the choice, and move forward. High-value women don’t waste time second-guessing themselves—they trust that they’ll adapt to whatever comes next.
16. Staying in Your Comfort Zone
Playing small and safe is so last year. In 2025, we’re taking risks, making bold moves, and embracing the discomfort of growth. Luxe lives are built outside the comfort zone.
17. Not Celebrating Your Wins
Downplaying your accomplishments? Stop it. In 2025, we’re celebrating every milestone—big or small. You worked hard for it, so let the world know you’re winning.
18. Neglecting Boundaries
If 2024 was the year of tolerating overstepping, 2025 is the year of hard stops. Boundaries aren’t just healthy; they’re essential to maintaining your peace, your energy, and your worth.
Join my 3-hour live workshop on Zoom, where we will create a tailored luxe glow-up plan personalized for you for 2025. Seats are limited and are first come, first served. Click here for more info.
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aligaza57 · 4 days ago
Urgent ‼️ essential 🙏‼️🇵🇸💔
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #373 )✅️
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Hi everyone, I'm Ali, 24, from Gaza🍉😔.I'm going through a really tough time right now💔. I lost my job, my house was destroyed, and I lost all my dreams💔😔. It's been really hard on me, and I've been struggling to keep going.I used to be a law student, and I had my heart set on becoming a lawyer. But now, I'm just trying to find a way to make ends meet and feed my family🥹💔.I've started a campaign to try and get them something simple to ease their hunger. I'm reaching out to you with hope, knowing that your support can make a life-changing difference for me and my family. My family and I are facing a difficult time due to the harsh winter weather and the poor condition of our tent.I'm struggling to meet our basic survival needs. I would deeply appreciate any help you could offer.😔🙏
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@fllagellant @jjjammerson @verycolourfulflipflops @genericminecraftpotato @probablynotaskeleton @sh4rkh4ts @bonicedemandarina @radical-l0ver @weareweirdpeople @ash-the-bee @ettaberrytea @cryptdmoth @cthulusposts @eastgaysian @uhhh-i-dont-know @charc-arts @hexblooddruid @strawbebbyboba @strawberridrops @rawdvd @rinthesecond @brookepagebe @kixflip @1p0lly1 @morihaus @rattlesnake-acrobatics @thatonebored-juniorcolleague
@moonrisemoonchild @senlinstudies @birdmenmanga @rabbithaver @jolyne-best-jojo @just-a-mod @officialgleamstar @ehjane @cosmicsymbols @treeen @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @trashrunes @skiddlecat @tim-the-rat @whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @kurtle @rabidkermit @splend-42 @dustywarbler @400terahertz @poltiddies @yourlocaleccentricscientist @honeybeeffdrawshere @jayskai @astronnonyy @artsyrosie @halfmoonism @whisper-valley @loonfromq @here-sean-once-was @waiting-on-mars @bandtrees @mpregwizard
@slendyverseargcollections @neonfruitbowl @momfriend2800 @luvmoonie @womenbehotfr @seventhefurbfather @c0-j-c0 @ignore-this0 @space-ace-books @olivedacat @exhausted-asterism @iphigenia-wailing @enderenby404 @implalazz @lunar-eclipse-bunnies @microwavesex @a-court-of-valkyries @thegoodwitchluz-uea @diagnosedhorsegirl @bebbls-craft-blog @the-acid-pear @moviequotes23 @nickbluehour @number1ludicolofan @inkslingerr @madspades @decadentmuffindreamscissors @taptrial2 @virovac @blue-jacket-blues @tacit-semantics @timeless-orchid @cinnarainbow @aziraphaleapologist @harley-angel @swapauanon @yakiattaki @piratefry @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter
@my-multi-fandom-blog @slyfire @constellationriver @moonfox-mumbles @mauvethecolor @banananerdworld @l3mon-boy @sliipppy @stargazinglesbian @transguyhawkeye @i-am-the-half-dead-soul-l @futuristicchaospoetry @antigxnee @exactlydangerousdragon @charcoalsoup69 @0luna123 @th3ch1psste4ler @lavenderlovers-stuff @thegardener-and-theaupair @luminouslateralup @zzzubie @crisostomo @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @preemptivemolars @gayruledge @danyayeni2 @agentmoss @solitudecasesolace @demonpikmin @capybara-platypus @ambreeskyewriting @q8p @death-cannot-kill-you @all-purpose-utility-nerd @free0101
@cockworkangels @theredfields @craftykittyscientist @dustoftheancients @thatsonehellofabird @phoenix-awan @comrademango @neogotchi @the-butter-churner @sketching-shark @godspersonalclown @elyserie @glassoddity @the-ballerina-battle @antixabound @mydearalandro @batricity @floof-ghostie @taffywabbit @official-ducktown @cathyac @rosengine @deadauthorssociety @thecrimeofmans-laughter @vampthropologist @good-old-gossip @inkatesbush @fishfingersandscarves @shoutyourporpoise @cuntbrow @pikslasrce @thetrickyjokester @claudia-lioncourt @dimplesandfierceeyes @mortalityplays @cetitan @mar64ds @labutansa @truefrostedagony @deadly-vuu @that-faerie-in-the-corner @amiya-shirou @emmanuor @farsight-the-char @colorfulatlas @laxsland @lepardlover @bismoaking @homunculusalphonse @zone0neko @galactic-mermaid @cosmic-horrors-in-forests @rubiter20 @swordofazrael1992 @lowcallyfruity @uwabbittuwabbit @labutansa @dilfzuku @pelorsdyke @reyesstrand
@luvqwish @sherbetp0p @starlightsugar @fr0ge @whatislovevavy @timeless-orchid @magentasky234 @swapauanon @yakiattaki @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @bug-s0da @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @rabbithaver @madeline-kahn @unabashedmagicalgirlfan @averagenotnormal @emathyst9 @pet-shop-of-horror-fan @reyesstrand @rainy-fog @thefakehedgehogaroundhere @discreative @antixabound @liamins @thenextglamourousbard @jolyne-best-jojo @officialgleamstar @cosmicsymbols @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @tomboyjessie13 @citrusfruitman @baldwin-10-12-d
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lu-zijing · 7 months ago
L i t e r a l l y S c r e a m e d -this parallel-
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And the fact that both have actually very likely canonly happened...! Chuuya did say something along the lines of "Lend me your shoulder" to Akutagawa before the video cut off in Dead Apple -which is literally happening in this picture- so the fact we actually got a picture off it..!!!!
And the first one between Dazai and Atsushi is 100% possible to have happened as well if you ask me.
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And often, with either the pairs: Akutagawa and Atsushi - Chuuya and Dazai or Akutagawa and Chuuya - Atsushi and Dazai
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These three alone are together quite a lot as well -! Love that second one specifically...!✨ 
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Which makes sense! It is more or less only Dazai from the old Double Black who has been a part of the new one so far. No point denying that.
So of course there's art with only the three of them. But there is ALSO art with all four, so perhaps at a later time...?
What I mean is that I'm personally hoping Chuuya will be a part of it somehow too in the future ...! Because it hasn't yet. As far as we know- But it could.
Maybe the Production team at BONES would like to see Chuuya in on it as well in the future considering there's a lot of official art from them with all four..
At the very least they must like the parallels between them.. orrr they simply know the fans like them.
Yeahhhh, maybe it's just to feed the fans. But hey, at least they serve us really well. ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ 
Or mayyyybe if we are super, SUPER lucky it's hinting at it-?? am I delusional? I am- aren't I- They aren't the author after all- Do Asagiri or Harukawa approve of all official art now we are at the topic? Or maybe comment on it? hmmmm...
Okay, I just reaaalllyyyy wanna see more Akutagawa and Chuuya interaction...!!!! I love that possible parallel between Atsushi and Dazai having a mentor-student relationship and Akutagawa and Chuuya getting something similar as well.
Like Chuuya giving him advice and stuff. Show concern for him?
I also wanna see Atsushi and Chuuya interact........at lot.......
Is it unrealistic?
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Yes it is ALL official art. ✨ 
Annnd this was the second post of a list of posts with official art I would make, heheh, if anyone remembers that, it's a long time ago I posted the first one, but here you go! Thanks for reading-!
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shortbreadly · 1 year ago
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Inktober 2023 Day 1 - dreams 🌙✨
need to feed the stolitz family fans today (such as myself)
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i’m using the official inktober prompt list. and yes i now know that technically it’s supposed to be traditional art but i didn’t realise that until i’d already sketched out five of my days. your boy is not backtracking on this bitch
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aligazs789 · 5 days ago
Urgent ‼️ essential 🙏‼️🇵🇸💔
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #373 )✅️
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Hi everyone, I'm Ali, 24, from Gaza🍉😔.I'm going through a really tough time right now💔. I lost my job, my house was destroyed, and I lost all my dreams💔😔. It's been really hard on me, and I've been struggling to keep going.I used to be a law student, and I had my heart set on becoming a lawyer. But now, I'm just trying to find a way to make ends meet and feed my family🥹💔.I've started a campaign to try and get them something simple to ease their hunger. I'm reaching out to you with hope, knowing that your support can make a life-changing difference for me and my family. My family and I are facing a difficult time due to the harsh winter weather and the poor condition of our tent.I'm struggling to meet our basic survival needs. I would deeply appreciate any help you could offer.😔🙏
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@fllagellant @jjjammerson @verycolourfulflipflops @genericminecraftpotato @probablynotaskeleton @sh4rkh4ts @bonicedemandarina @radical-l0ver @weareweirdpeople @ash-the-bee @ettaberrytea @cryptdmoth @cthulusposts @eastgaysian @uhhh-i-dont-know @charc-arts @hexblooddruid @strawbebbyboba @strawberridrops @rawdvd @rinthesecond @brookepagebe @kixflip @1p0lly1 @morihaus @rattlesnake-acrobatics @thatonebored-juniorcolleague
@moonrisemoonchild @senlinstudies @birdmenmanga @rabbithaver @jolyne-best-jojo @just-a-mod @officialgleamstar @ehjane @cosmicsymbols @treeen @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @trashrunes @skiddlecat @tim-the-rat @whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @kurtle @rabidkermit @splend-42 @dustywarbler @400terahertz @poltiddies @yourlocaleccentricscientist @honeybeeffdrawshere @jayskai @astronnonyy @artsyrosie @halfmoonism @whisper-valley @loonfromq @here-sean-once-was @waiting-on-mars @bandtrees @mpregwizard
@slendyverseargcollections @neonfruitbowl @momfriend2800 @luvmoonie @womenbehotfr @seventhefurbfather @c0-j-c0 @ignore-this0 @space-ace-books @olivedacat @exhausted-asterism @iphigenia-wailing @enderenby404 @implalazz @lunar-eclipse-bunnies @microwavesex @a-court-of-valkyries @thegoodwitchluz-uea @diagnosedhorsegirl @bebbls-craft-blog @the-acid-pear @moviequotes23 @nickbluehour @number1ludicolofan @inkslingerr @madspades @decadentmuffindreamscissors @taptrial2 @virovac @blue-jacket-blues @tacit-semantics @timeless-orchid @cinnarainbow @aziraphaleapologist @harley-angel @swapauanon @yakiattaki @piratefry @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter
@my-multi-fandom-blog @slyfire @constellationriver @moonfox-mumbles @mauvethecolor @banananerdworld @l3mon-boy @sliipppy @stargazinglesbian @transguyhawkeye @i-am-the-half-dead-soul-l @futuristicchaospoetry @antigxnee @exactlydangerousdragon @charcoalsoup69 @0luna123 @th3ch1psste4ler @lavenderlovers-stuff @thegardener-and-theaupair @luminouslateralup @zzzubie @crisostomo @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @preemptivemolars @gayruledge @danyayeni2 @agentmoss @solitudecasesolace @demonpikmin @capybara-platypus @ambreeskyewriting @q8p @death-cannot-kill-you @all-purpose-utility-nerd @free0101
@cockworkangels @theredfields @craftykittyscientist @dustoftheancients @thatsonehellofabird @phoenix-awan @comrademango @neogotchi @the-butter-churner @sketching-shark @godspersonalclown @elyserie @glassoddity @the-ballerina-battle @antixabound @mydearalandro @batricity @floof-ghostie @taffywabbit @official-ducktown @cathyac @rosengine @deadauthorssociety @thecrimeofmans-laughter @vampthropologist @good-old-gossip @inkatesbush @fishfingersandscarves @shoutyourporpoise @cuntbrow @pikslasrce @thetrickyjokester @claudia-lioncourt @dimplesandfierceeyes @mortalityplays @cetitan @mar64ds @labutansa @truefrostedagony @deadly-vuu @that-faerie-in-the-corner @amiya-shirou @emmanuor @farsight-the-char @colorfulatlas @laxsland @lepardlover @bismoaking @homunculusalphonse @zone0neko @galactic-mermaid @cosmic-horrors-in-forests @rubiter20 @swordofazrael1992 @lowcallyfruity @uwabbittuwabbit @labutansa @dilfzuku @pelorsdyke @reyesstrand
@luvqwish @sherbetp0p @starlightsugar @fr0ge @whatislovevavy @timeless-orchid @magentasky234 @swapauanon @yakiattaki @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @bug-s0da @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @rabbithaver @madeline-kahn @unabashedmagicalgirlfan @averagenotnormal @emathyst9 @pet-shop-of-horror-fan @reyesstrand @rainy-fog @thefakehedgehogaroundhere @discreative @antixabound @liamins @thenextglamourousbard @jolyne-best-jojo @officialgleamstar @cosmicsymbols @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @tomboyjessie13 @citrusfruitman @baldwin-10-12-d
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s30620 · 2 months ago
Chapter 181: Must Be the Influence of a Curse
I'm dying I'm dead I'm dying I'm dead I'm dying I'm dead I'm Dying I'M DEAD
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Thank you Tatsu for feeding us glasses lovers with official art of characters wearing glasses I can live another day knowing all the characters can be cursed with bad eyesight and wear glasses some day.
There are a lot of characters in Dandadan who wear glasses. I wonder if there's a connection between that and their spiritual energy, but I'm too busy freaking out rn to think lol.
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We also have Unjiji meeting for the first time, you know I will have to vacuum up all the Unjiji crumbs that Tatsu drops. All my dreams are coming true in this chapter. Tatsu can have my eternal gratitude.
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