#this is oddly specific i know
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breezyluna · 16 days ago
Big big fan of the idea that ii nickel learns about the term "womp womp" and refuses to stop saying it as a response to things for like 3 days
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Their reactions when they have a package coming in the mail
Giorno: rarely buys stuff online because he prefers shopping in person (it’s easier to steal things with gold experience that way). But when he does he gets really excited and counts down the days until the package comes. Always picks the cheapest shipping option. He always hopes that his package will come with bubble wrap.
Bruno: bruno rarely buys stuff from the internet, when he is waiting for a package it’s usually passione related or like a gift from someone he helped at some point. So usually when a package is for him it’s a surprise. One time someone mysterious sent him a box full of beans in the mail every month for a year and he was like “why”.
Abbacchio: he gets very excited when he has a package coming, but he will try to not show it. But if it’s supposed to come around a certain time that day he will sit near the door around that time and just wait for it to come, frequently checking out the window. If he is not home when it’s supposed to come, he will be frustrated and acts grumpy because of it.
Mista: he orders packages all the time, and always forgets about them. Someone else brings them in usually and it takes him like a week to open them. He has packages from years ago sitting under his bed that he forgot about. He orders really dumb things off of Amazon usually.
Narancia: similar to Mista, he always forgets his packages somewhere. But he is always excited about them, he just gets distracted and loses track of where he put them. If he orders something fragile, he drops it 100% of the time of course. Gets scammed all the time. Ordered a gameboy advance off of the internet one time and it wasn’t a gameboy advance.
Fugo: gets super anxious about if his package got lost or stolen or not, so he will watch the door often when he knows a package is coming. Has a list of sites he doesn’t trust to order from. He hates having to go through the hastle of returning things he bought online, so he is very careful when ordering.
Trish: when she orders something online she will always choose the fastest shipping option, no matter the cost. She gets upset when things don’t arrive on time, but usually won’t write a complaint unless it’s super not on time. But she will complain about it to the others.
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no one on hermitcraft is human (and they all know this)- except for mumbo. He also has no idea anyone else is not human. For the funnies, no one believes him when he says he's human, and keep trying to figure out (in their own ways) what he is.
Impulse keeps trying to subtlety tell mumbo he has nothing to hide and can tell the hermits anything (this confuses mumbo quite a bit)
Grian says he believes mumbo, but really his diamonds are on either vampire or some sort of shadow monster in the betting pool
Doc and etho are running a betting pool
Zed has bdubs skizz and tango and himself working to keep a constant monitor on mumbo just in case he does something suspicious , this includes using cameras, spyglasses, various small holes to peek through and watch him, grian, ect.
Xisuma knows mumbo is human, obviously, but is participating in the betting pool anyway solely because he knows the hermits know that he knows, and him participating will encourage the rumors (not that he would encourage that type of thing, no, never)
Gem keeps asking mumbo random questions to try and get him to reveal something, which of course he doesn't, but she is convinced his answers must mean something, and keeps coming up with increasingly random theories about what he could be
The only person gem has managed to successfully convince of these theories is pearl, who has taken to dropping in on mumbo at random times to try to "catch him in the act"- the act of what even pearl herself doesn't know
Cub is having a field day making horns out of confused mumbo noises and various other "I'm just a human!"'s
Scar is the accomplice- the accomplice to what, nobody knows, but he was definitely the accomplice to something, possibly everything
And finally- mumbo is just as oblivious as ever, he has no idea most of this is going on (except for things asked to him directly) and thinks there must be something in the water making everyone a bit crazy, possibly the chemicals he's been pouring into it, that he has somehow been exempt from.
As an extra, autocorrect has tried to correct watch to watchers multiple times (I'm rather proud of it) doesn't know how to spell as accomplice (to be fair, I didn't either, had to look it up on Google) and seems to think xisuma should be insulation, despite auto filling xisuma- very interesting choice auto correct.
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catragemiau · 1 year ago
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Day 2: Kim took the body to Processing early in the morning and you're done with all side tasks and talked to everyone you could while waiting for his return
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nowimjustastranger · 4 months ago
do many fords fail the ‘prioritise stan when there’s danger’ test?? what does stcmo!ford do if they do? (like where do the stans go bc i’d imagine the majority of them would probably want to stay with their ford even if it wouldn’t end well for them)
Not very many fail, no.
But the ones that do fail have their brother whisked away via teleportation. Ford will keep Stan in his care for a few days, making sure to coddle Stan and make sure he's healthy. Ford will also introduce himself to Stan without the helmet on, of course, since that stops a vast majority of the Stans from dipping out at the first opportunity.
Ford will then proceed to teach his counterpart a lesson starting with some article of clothing from Stan after Ford gets him a new outfit (as well as some extra outfits). Ford dirties them with some cloned Stan blood and leave them in the Ford's shack/college dorm/etc and proceed to lurk to see what the Ford's reaction is.
Not a single Ford has held their shit together and most break by the third article of clothing, trashing the area around them and sobbing as they realize what they have done in not choosing Stan. Once the Ford realizes what they did wrong and is thoroughly regretful, Ford 419"3 will leave a note offering a trade.
Destroy whatever it was that they chose over Stan at a location of 419"3 Ford's choosing and they can have their brother back.
Ford 419"3 will erase Stan's memories of his face but keep the interactions, the Stans just won't be able to remember what he looks like but they'll know that they weren't in danger. This is important because Ford doesn't want the Stan traumatized by the experience.
And, when the Ford gets to the location and destroys the item, Ford 419"3 will have them wait out of sight until the Ford cracks, begging for his brother back and apologizing for not realizing how important Stan was to him sooner. Usually the Stan is frozen in place as his brother cries, so Ford 419"3 will give him a little nudge so he goes to comfort his brother.
Ford 419"3 lingers to make sure the Ford is reacting accordingly before he will leave them to their reconciliation.
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moodyvoid · 5 months ago
Bisexuals who stan the League of Villains and love My Chemical Romance unite
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hplonesomeart · 4 months ago
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HEYYY GUYS quickly hopping back on here, messily taping/supergluing my art onto the blog, and then promptly skedaddling right afterwards because OH BOY I need to focus this week and lock into my animation MAP part. The time crunch has gotten real!! AUUUUU!! But I had to get this image out of my system before anything else so here ya go enjoy some solitary confinement Puzzle appreciation. I’m sorry that it’s rushed!! Maybe once I finish this MAP I’ll return and make it less janky (specifically for the animated gif here because OOF that looks rough buddy. But it’s the best I can afford to do without getting totally side tracked on my goals. It looks real lazy and is low-key triggering me but I’m letting it slide—sir is mocking my perfectionism right now. Gotta focus all that energy onto the MAP instead).
Yea okay that’s all folks byeeee
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Okayyyy so apparently not only is the animated gif janky in motion but also kinda broken?? It’s supposed to loop but that’s not working on Tumblr so guess the entire thing needs to be redone when I have spare time :P
I’ve decided to include a compressed version so you can at LEAST see what I was trying to achieve jksjsksp help this is a mess right now
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neuroticboyfriend · 23 days ago
in case no one told you today: i believe in you.
i may not know you, but i don't have to. you're a whole person, and that means so much possibility exists inside you. just like everyone else on this planet. i have no reason not to believe in you.
so go get 'em, or whatever the hell. even if for no other reason than to prove the people who doubted you wrong.
you don't need to live your life by the standards of people who don't appreciate you for who you truly are.
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shenzaibird-art · 5 months ago
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Commission for @chocodile!
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xinyuehui · 1 year ago
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´‵﹢ Make friends sincerely without holding back. ◂◂
I'm part of your gang,
࣪ every move of yours is monitored by me, yeah !!✧
Lyrics from ♩ 渣泥ZANI〈間諜小狗 / Spy Dog〉૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა
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lucaswarmhotchocolate · 6 months ago
Love transfem katelyn who has always been just so fucking short and it always gave her a lot of euphoria, and she always imagined herself ending up with someone taller than her… then she falls in love with possibly the only man on the planet who is shorter than her
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doctorsiren · 7 months ago
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i don’t know how to draw sea creatures so uh here’s an edited photo of octodad
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bardace · 1 year ago
I had a dream that drawtectives s3 was out (for the second time) and woke up mad and then went back to sleep
and then I had another dream where I was hanging out with a rosé cosplayer and complaining about how my subconscious tricked me into thinking s3 was out and then the rosé cosplayer took my hand and said “I’m so sorry. Don’t worry, everything will be okay.”
so of course I drew this
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months ago
do. you consider the graphic novels to be canon (in some way)? and if so, what do you make of sadie and carter wearing the chb and cj t-shirts respectively at the end of tot i think
I consider the graphic novels to be their own individual canon - they're an adaptation of the source material and follow a different series of events than book canon, so they're in the same category as like the movies, show, or musical to me (and DS game, lmao). They exist completely separate from the canon they're adapting from, so they're their own entities.
The material I consider strictly "canon" is the first series, so Percy Jackson And The Olympians only. Then HoO and TOA as extraneous canon on top of that - sort of a like "recommended but optional." TKC and MCGA also kind of operate as their own canons within themselves but can be linked to main PJO canon, so similar category. Published companion novels and similar material (so like Singer of Apollo) are also optional add-ons.
Stuff like Un Natale Mezzosangue and Nachos After The War where they weren't ever formally published are non-canon official material to me, kind of in the same vein as promotional material released alongside the books (the activity guides and such). The official art exists in the same sphere to me. I also personally consider CHB: Austin's lore to be semi-canon or non-canon official material, because they're actually affiliated with Rick Riordan (he has directly interacted with the camp's activities in the past) and I think it's just kind of cute.
The ReadRiordan articles are just straight up strictly non-canon. They just are. That is just an objective fact about them. I am slightly more lenient towards some of the old official Riordan website's media, like the interactive Argo II map descriptions, just since those descriptions were one-and-done and presumably had to have been approved versus a ton of articles with different anonymous unaffiliated authors. It's at best in the same category as the non-canon official promotional material.
As for Sadie and Carter wearing camp t-shirts - it's a cute cameo! And also kind of interesting in that they're technically one of first official published depictions we have of the camp shirts with any kind of details on them (the old official art doesn't count actually cause that was also bonus material).
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year ago
People rebutting the "Childe is 34" theory, have you considered this.
No way he would have survived that long with his lifestyle.
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neonhellscape · 5 months ago
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okay his outfit has really been bothering me for absolutely ages so here. bastard man.
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