#this is my new hc at least
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justanotheryellowsoul · 7 months ago
Oh. Oh.
Siffrin isn't just missing the trap switch or keys because they suck at their assigned job. He doesn't. Or at least- didn't.
They miss them because they only have one eye now. Siffrin has bad depth perception. He can't tell if a space in a drawer or book is a bit bigger than it's supposed to be. They can't tell if something is sitting oddly-
He keeps hitting that one table, because he clearly hasn't adjusted to the new depth perception. It's not their fault.
It was never their fault.
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short666bread · 3 months ago
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Ron is looking for them
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confused-cakepop · 13 days ago
Movie lloyd with braces, Movie lloyd with braces, Movie lloyd with braces, Movie lloyd with braces, Movie lloyd with braces, Movie lloyd with braces, Movie lloyd with braces, Movie lloyd with braces-
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iconsumeheadcanons · 3 months ago
some turtle origin hcs
this is based on appearance for now. and very small list lol. i just needed to talk about tmnt and herps or i was gonna like explode or smth. PLEASE share ur own ideas if u have any!!!!
i think tumblr will auto-label images posted by another user that reused in-site, but if not i just grab baby tmnt turt pics from forgetful-nerd
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either yellow-bellied sliders Trachemys scripta scripta (left) or chinese box turtle Cuora flavomarginata(right)(im leaning more towards cuora here)
->yellow plastrons
->domed shells (espceially like the chinese box for this!)
->both sold as pets (yellow-bellied way more likely since its native-ish and common)
->i heard sliders are very personable (most sliders slip into water if i get within 100ft of them tho so i cannot confirm)
->the box turts are very squort
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diamondback terrapins malaclemys terrapin!! you cannot convince me otherwise tbh (but i love to hear more hcs too!!)
->look at the goofy shape of those legs. look at that. just like the 3d models
->spots, swirls, pale coloring(but there are ones that match the color of the brothers better, they arent all pale white)
->flat ovular shape shell that is bulky
->popular pets, typically ppl get more than one at a time, and somewhat native to the region as they live in brackish/coastal habitats (fitting for turts who regularly swim in flooded areas and eat algae and worm based meals for like....15ish years)
->(they would be carnivorous if they were purely turtle btw)(also eating algae isnt really too weird. prolly strange how they do it since they seem to eat it fresh? but ppl eat seaweed and algae based broths all the time; i.e. most stuff in japan actually!)
->pls look at pics of these, theyre so unique as a species, have fun personalities, and look so stinking silly
->oh and dee said one ep that they were either (eastern?) box turtles or diamondbacks. i think they have very little in common w terrapene carolina carolina
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STINKPOTS aka musk turtles!!!!!!!! i havent picked out a particular one (and there are many!) but LOOK AT IT ASDLFKJASDFKLJDSF
->ALL of them look exactly this goofy. they only get GOOFIER with age. spectacular
->so small. please understand. size of a pea kinda creature (only exaggerating a bit). they hatch the size of a coin and reach adult size of smaller than a human hand. i have held one before. this is not exaggerating. i have "medically small" hands as well. (if anyone could explain what my neuromusc doc meant by that btw that would be cool to know. i just know it means i cant reach the enter key on my laptop w/o moving my whole arm over too)
->stinky:teenage boys going to public school blah blah that joke i guess
->looks exactly like how i imagine donnies scream would look like if it manifested as a real turtle
->some ppl have them as pets, kinda rare tho. the turts are VERY common in my experience. usually in wetlands foresty environments. if there are some native to illinois i dont see why they wouldnt be fucking around some parking lot drainage pond in new york
->great mixture of looking fat and squishy and also looking like a child growing into their long limbs. good silly shapes
->look like little treats to snack on like gum <3
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^mikey giving his first stand up performance at comedy club
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sxthee · 5 months ago
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Press the photo to un-crispyfy it :> coz as per usual, tumblr somehow butchered it?
Also hi 🙋 this is the artwork that i've been agonizong to finish coz i couldnt bring myself to render it, and then i was struggling sm with Scar and felt like i butchered him again; also dont ask the legibility of what i've written on there, it looks estetik okay? 😤 (also idk what to caption there so......) But aside from that, im quite proud of the results : }
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littlebittyhollowbugs · 6 months ago
Hornet headcanon!
'Hornet' is not Hornet's true name.
I'm still torn between different reasonings for her having the name either
A- It was given to her as an honorary title, by Queen Vespa, during her training within the hive (or bestowed upon her after having finished her training as a symbol of her accomplishments.)
Or B- She gave the name to herself, after the fall of the kingdom, as a way to separate her current self from her past while still honoring some part of her past. (The part that is easiest for her to look back on.)
As for her birth name my sisters and I have decided on Arachnè. (The name is from a Greek myth, where the protagonist Arachnè challenges Athena to a weaving contest, wins, and is afterwards transformed into a spider.)
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spiderin-space · 4 months ago
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Lamb unfortunately was Not dainty in their escape 😔😩
(Feat. @paintpaintpaintman’s Petra in the third sketch)
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computerboyboobs · 2 years ago
👉👈 for the drawing requests, perhaps gabriel's first day as an angel?? i think there's something there you could definitely encapsulate with your art and ideas!
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its his first day existing be nice to him </3
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dwln-22 · 2 months ago
Since he hibernates during winter, he's never been awake to experience New Years Eve...
This means that he's never seen Top man being useful.
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peepingwizard · 6 months ago
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this man was a mad scientist in the woods in the 1970's, ofc he smoked like a chimney.
full sketch page beneath cut
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bookishjules · 8 months ago
Hi hi!!!! I saw your sizzy HCs and I would love it if you did TMI gang HCs for the future when they have kids and all💗 How do they all interact with their kids/each other’s kids? That ask about Jace’s kids made me laugh I feel like his kids would have a jar for him to put money in whenever he’s too cocky, kinda like New Girl with Schmidt
simon and izzy are the go-to babysitter couple of the bunch for sure, given that they aren't running an institute or, you know, the entire clave. they're also the most likely to have a movie or game night, which the kids absolutely love
because the cousins span over a decade in ages, there seems to always be a baby to hold, and clary is always the first one to reach for them (followed by alec)
jace is stricter as a father than might be expected. not in a harsh way, but in a protective way. in a 'i want you to learn how best protect yourself and your family' way. he's definitely a teacher, in a very physical way, and loves spending time in the training room with his kids and niblings (not that this makes him any more mature or less ridiculous at his core hehe)
creativity and expression are very well supported by all members of the tmi gang, and their children develop a good amount of confidence when it comes to being themselves and not necessarily folding into shadowhunter (or warlock) norms
magnus loves taking the kids on adventures and showing them things they might never have gotten to see if they didn't have a very powerful warlock for an uncle, but he is also very protective, moreso than some of the other parents. he's seen too many people die to knowingly bear witness to human/shadowhunter recklessness in these kids he cares so much for
alec is the first one to suggest they let rafe go out on patrol, not without alec ofc. that first patrol is a fun one. jace is there too. he's muchhh less strict with his niblings than he is with his own kids, and he tends to treat them much more like how he treats kit. hence the fun hehe rafe has a blast, and the whole time alec's anxiety is through the roof.
all the cousins are scared of izzy's cooking. even if she's gotten better as the years have gone on, their parents have ingrained in them too much fear for the food she makes not to be wary when she holds out a wooden spoon with a questionable substance on it. usually the kids ask for pizza. or a delivery of chinese food (like parents like kids hehe)
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dolokhoded · 2 years ago
my one season 4 complaint is Where The Fuck Was Aneesa
#never have i ever#i really wish her and fabiola had stayed together them not working out didn't rlly serve any purpose to the plot for the new season#fabiola's new relationship was barely rlaborated upon. as expected.#and aneesa was basically written out she was barely even part of the group#plus that scene of them at the staircase talking about fab's robotics team. they still have so much chemistry and they were literally just#talking about robotics#i understand she's not a major character and she can't have a separate plotline to herself but she wasn't even involved in anyone else's#her and fabiola were cute together and she would've at least been part of the plot if they were still dating#allison was barely a character what was the point of writing some random new partner for fabiola when she already had a perfectly good#love interest#it just doesn't make sense to me. whi decided it would be a good idea for them to break up#was it just an opportunity to shove in a nonbinary character who had no personality and was just there as someone's s/o and call it#representation#cause there are Many better ways to have nonbinary rep than this#but ofc mindy kaling wouldn't give a shit about this.#n e ways for this support my nonbinary aneesa hc . it's real.#fabiola torres#aneesa qureshi#OR AT THE VERY LEAST SHE SHOULD'VE GOTTEN WITH PAXTON. SHE HAD THAT NICE HOT JOCK LINE AT THE END OF SEASON 3#im fabneesa 4 life but i would honestly be haply with her dating paxton. they're both cool and they'd be fun together. and she deserves a#nice hot jock boyfriend.
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rookflower · 1 year ago
i like crowpool as a narrative setpiece (less because of what it is and more because of what it sets up) and there's no issue if you are a fan, but i'm honestly confused by HOW many people are genuinely actively invested in it as a romance or make aus where it went well, because out of all the bland forbidden romances in warriors i think that is the one where they have the leeeast chemistry? and where the utter failure of it is the most interesting part?
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wereh0gz · 4 months ago
Kinda wanna write little comics abt sonic being a werehog in a mundane setting. Like going into the Experience of being a werehog (mostly my hcs of it) like weird new habits/instincts, how his heightened senses affect his perception of things, how his friends might react to it, that kinda thing. In general exploring how it affects him and how he deals with it post-unleashed
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sesamenom · 11 months ago
dear british silm people: where approximately would be a good place for the Dagorath final battle to happen?
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tankgotstuckinthecircusgate · 6 months ago
Сбпч & аигел dropped a new song and it's bout absence of fathers (and war) im gonna fucking pass out
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