#there were so many characters here my brain started short circuiting and wanting to go into too much detail lol
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bookishjules · 8 months ago
Hi hi!!!! I saw your sizzy HCs and I would love it if you did TMI gang HCs for the future when they have kids and all💗 How do they all interact with their kids/each other’s kids? That ask about Jace’s kids made me laugh I feel like his kids would have a jar for him to put money in whenever he’s too cocky, kinda like New Girl with Schmidt
simon and izzy are the go-to babysitter couple of the bunch for sure, given that they aren't running an institute or, you know, the entire clave. they're also the most likely to have a movie or game night, which the kids absolutely love
because the cousins span over a decade in ages, there seems to always be a baby to hold, and clary is always the first one to reach for them (followed by alec)
jace is stricter as a father than might be expected. not in a harsh way, but in a protective way. in a 'i want you to learn how best protect yourself and your family' way. he's definitely a teacher, in a very physical way, and loves spending time in the training room with his kids and niblings (not that this makes him any more mature or less ridiculous at his core hehe)
creativity and expression are very well supported by all members of the tmi gang, and their children develop a good amount of confidence when it comes to being themselves and not necessarily folding into shadowhunter (or warlock) norms
magnus loves taking the kids on adventures and showing them things they might never have gotten to see if they didn't have a very powerful warlock for an uncle, but he is also very protective, moreso than some of the other parents. he's seen too many people die to knowingly bear witness to human/shadowhunter recklessness in these kids he cares so much for
alec is the first one to suggest they let rafe go out on patrol, not without alec ofc. that first patrol is a fun one. jace is there too. he's muchhh less strict with his niblings than he is with his own kids, and he tends to treat them much more like how he treats kit. hence the fun hehe rafe has a blast, and the whole time alec's anxiety is through the roof.
all the cousins are scared of izzy's cooking. even if she's gotten better as the years have gone on, their parents have ingrained in them too much fear for the food she makes not to be wary when she holds out a wooden spoon with a questionable substance on it. usually the kids ask for pizza. or a delivery of chinese food (like parents like kids hehe)
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lesservillain · 25 days ago
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inmate!eddie munson x reader
cw: smut, pregnancy talks and all that come with it, mentions of nausea and vomiting, hospitalization, i think that's it?
wc: 19k
a/n: finally. it's finally here. this has been a two year in the making project for me and I am so happy to have this out. on the outside was my first ever fic and i can't believe i'm actually saying good bye to these characters. i hope you all enjoy.
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“Eddieee?” You call out for your fiance from where you stand in front of your refrigerator.
You were about to change out the calendar for the new year, head pounding as if you had celebrated the New Year drinking with everyone else despite your sobriety. Eddie had only had a few beers, but he woke up this morning feeling fresh as a daisy in comparison to how sick you felt. 
At first you were worried that maybe you had caught the flu. You hadn’t been feeling the best for a couple days, but chalked it up to how hard you had been working right before winter break to get all your students' grades in on time for the end of the semester. You’d also volunteered to chaperone the winter formal where, unfortunately, one of the students spiked the punch. Thankfully Eddie had been your chaperone date and handled the situation for you while you got sick in the bathroom hoping that you weren’t going to relapse after 18 months of sobriety.
But, now that you’re looking at the calendar all marked through, including the  ones with a red dot for your expected period days and little pink hearts on the subsequent fertile days, you realize that those days came and passed without notice. 
“What’s up, sweetheart?” Eddie asks as he pulls the new Iron Maiden hoodie you got him for the holiday over his head, curls bouncing as they are freed. Bear follows right behind him, coming up to you expectantly as he sees his box of treats sitting on top of the fridge.
“Babe, did I have a period this month?”
His head cocks to the side as he looks at you, eyes squinting and tongue poking out as he thinks about all the crazy shit that has happened this last month. With your crazy schedule and his extra hours at work, the two of you had barely had time to spend together, making it up to each other once your break had finally hit. But as he wracks his brain, he doesn’t recall you asking him to bring you home any sweets or crying any more than usual.
“Um, not that I can remember,” he says with a shake of his head. He watches as your eyes widen, a toothy smile spreading across your face before you cover it with your hands. It takes him a moment to figure out what has you all giddy, but when it hits him he’s flying to you, almost tripping over Bear as he wraps you up in a hug to spin you around. “Holy shit, please tell me you’re telling me what I think you’re telling me,” he says for lack of better words, brain short circuiting with excitement, placing you back down on your feet. 
“I mean, I can’t make any promises until I take a test,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady, not wanting to get your hopes up after having your heart broken so many times before.
“Can you take a test now?” Eddie asks with a childish excitement. 
“I think so,” you say flipping between the calendar pages, now crushed from Eddie's embrace. Upon further inspection, you realize you’ve actually not had a period since October. It makes your head reel back, but you keep that information to yourself just in case. “Let-let me go take one,” you say shakily, nerves starting to get to you as you swiftly walk to the bathroom. The door barely closes before you’re digging under the sink for a test, cursing when the box you had under the sink comes up empty. “Shit,” you curse, throwing the box into the bathroom trash can with force.
“Are you okay?” you hear from the other side of the door, followed by a whine from  your dog. You startle the both of them with the force you use to swing the door open. 
“I took the last one already,” you say with frustration, “I’m all out!”
“Well, come on, lets go get your shoes on,” Eddie brushes your frustration to the side, grabbing your hand and leading you out to the couch. He grabs your boots for you, unlacing them so he can put them on your feet. You can’t even stay mad at your own shortcoming when he’s treating you so well.
“Eddie, I can put my own shoes on,” you say with a chuckle. His big brown eyes look up at you with faux offense, still grabbing your foot and slipping it into the boot. 
“I don’t think so, princess,” he says with a playful sass that you’ve grown fond of, because it really only comes out when he’s in a giddy mood like this. “I can’t have you doing anything that may make the baby uncomfortable, like bending over or lifting a finger.”
Your breath hitches at his words. The baby. The one that may or may not be making a home inside of you right now. Eddie’s baby, with you. 
Bile threatens to travel higher as you look at how he’s beaming in front of you. Eddie’s never known the heartbreak that you’ve known when it comes to these things; wanting something so bad and yet your body doesn’t comply. He’s been so patient and understanding since you’ve started trying. Everything that you wish you had all those years when you were with Henry, which only made you want to give him a baby more. Anyone so kind, caring, and self sacrificing as Eddie deserved everything he’s ever wanted and more. 
Every month that you’ve sat silently sobbing as you stare at the one lonely line while he snores into his pillow none the wiser has been another twist of the guilt covered knife in your gut. He doesn’t ask about it, even if he sees the wrapper sticking out between the tissues you used to clean your tears. But he tends to you with acts of kindness and service, his love language with you. 
The same love language he displayed as he put on your shoes. Same as when he went out to start the car for you, opening the door and fastening your seatbelt, making sure it’s not too snug across your lap. He let you grab your tests, meeting you at the front of the store with a bundle of flowers hidden poorly behind his back. He makes you walk in front of him so he can “surprise you” when you get to the car. 
Eddie practically jumps out of the car to help you out as you arrive back to your house. Bear jumps between the two of you as you two run back to the bathroom, letting out loud giggles and squeals as Eddie pretends to chase you into the bathroom. You close the door on him, catching your breath and wiping tears from your eyes as he bangs on the door for you to let him in. Bear barks at him and Eddie laughs calling him a traitor. When you hear them walk away, presumably so Eddie can let Bear out, you pull the box of tests out of the bag. 
Taking a deep breath, your hands start to shake as you set everything up, reading over the instructions regardless of how many tests you’ve taken. You didn’t want to mess this up. Not this one. Every time someone told you that you would just know when you were pregnant, you thought you knew what they meant, only to be met with the negative test. This time felt different, though. Every tick of the clock was another butterfly in your stomach. And with the closing seconds, you felt your breathing pick up, chest tightening with anticipation. You stand up, hand hovering over the wrapper of the test. Counting one, two, three, before pulling the wrapper away.
Eddie sits on the edge of the bed, petting Bear on autopilot. He wasn’t sure how long these tests normally take, but after 10 minutes he was starting to get nervous. What if you were pregnant? It’s a good thing you found a house with a lot of space. He wondered what color you would want him to paint the nursery. Would you want to wait to find out what you’re having or would you want to find out as soon as possible? He would want to know right away, but would wait if you wanted him to. Is your car safe for a baby? He’ll just have to pick up some extra hours to get you a new one. Oh, god, would you want a minivan like Nancy and Jonathan…though, it does come in handy if you have multiple kids. Would you want more kids after this? 
Bear’s ears perk up under Eddie’s touch as the door to the bathroom clicks, the door opening much more gracefully compared to before. He’s on his feet immediately, slightly shuffling as he waits for you to come out. Any thoughts he had before the door opened are immediately evacuated from his mind as he sees the vacant look on your face, the tears flowing freely down your cheeks being the only hint of emotion he can gauge from you. 
His legs move on their own, pulling you into him as your knees buckle. He holds you up as the sobs shake your whole body in his grasp. Everything is automatic for him as your wails echo on the bathroom walls. Lowering you to the edge of the tub, he starts the shower, letting the water warm up as he undresses you, and then himself. He climbs into the tub, pulling you in with him so that the water hits the both of you as you continue to cry.
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“Eddie!” Your voice is frantic as you call his name from the kitchen. You hear him running down the hall, a loud thump and a curse towards Bear as the two of them round the corner into the kitchen. 
When you answered the phone, you assumed it was going to be Dustin telling you that he and his new girlfriend, Maggie, would be leaving soon for your double date that he and Eddie worked really hard to find reservations on Valentine’s day for. Instead, you were met with the urgent voice of Wayne’s boss, Bill, who informed you that Wayne had passed out on the line again.
Eddie folded where he stood, spiraling into old memories from close to a decade ago. Bear laid next to where he kneeled while you got the quick details from Bill before hanging up. Quickly, you lead Eddie to the couch so you could lace his converse, pull his Iron Maiden hoodie over his head, and get him out the door and buckled into the passenger seat. 
About halfway to the hospital he finally breaks down, almost scaring you off the road when he cursed loudly, slamming his fist against the window. You let him get it out, offering your hand for him to take when he was ready, which he grabs almost immediately. Pulling your hand against his lips, he kisses your knuckles between sobs, eyes fixed out the side window. 
As you pull into Hawkins General, you let Eddie out at the door so he can get inside as fast as possible. Soon after you park, you make your way up to the room that you were told Wayne was in. You were expecting to walk in and find Wayne still unconscious with Eddie a mess by his side. 
Instead, you could hear the two of them bickering from the hallway. The sound was bittersweet, a smile on your face as you walk in and see a very exasperated Eddie pacing and a disgruntled Wayne sitting cross-armed in the hospital bed like a petulant child. You noticed the oxygen tubes in his nose, and he looked generally worse off than he did when you saw him two weeks ago for Sunday dinner.
“Why don’t you ever listen to me!” Eddie exclaims, not noticing that you’ve walked in the room yet.
“What did he not listen to this time?” You say jokingly as you walk to the other side of Wayne’s bed, leaning in to give him a hug that he returns with an old man grunt.
“Not just me,” Edde starts, “We both told him to go get that cough looked at and he never did. Well guess what? His stubborn ass has fucking pneumonia!”
“Wayne,” you look at him with concern. His eyes remain focused on the foot of the bed, ignoring that he’d been caught. “You’ve had that cough since Christmas. And I remember you promising me that you’d go and get checked out.” 
The old man lets out a sigh that turns into a cough. You place a hand on his back and rub up and down, eliciting an eye roll from Eddie as he watches you baby his uncle.
“Listen, I’ve been meaning to go, but I just haven’t had the time.”
“Oh, you have to be joking. You couldn’t find time between your shows to pick up the phone and call the doctor?”
“Eddie,” you give him a pointed look. 
“You can’t be--”
Eddie’s words are cut off by the doctor pulling open the curtain to Wayne’s room. The balding, older man greets you all, confirming some information with Wayne before going over some more of his test results. 
“Everything else came back fairly normal. Your blood pressure was a little high, but that’s to be expected. Just make sure you keep up on your blood pressure medication. Don’t want to have a stroke and a heart attack within a year, right?” 
The doctor is the only one laughing at his joke. Eddie’s eyes snap to Wayne, who grumbles “shit” under his breath. But Eddie keeps his mouth shut, letting the doctor finish and leave before finally speaking.
“So, when the hell did you have another heart attack, Wayne?”
“Eddie,” Wayne rolls his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“No,” Eddie says, waving his hands in front of him, “I know that I don’t live with you anymore, but I think it’s only fair that you tell me if you have another fucking heart attack!”
“After what you did last time, you really think I’d tell you?”
“Damn it, Wayne! Don’t hold that shit above my head!”
“Okay, okay,” you move around the bed to stand between the two of them. “That’s enough, you two. Wayne, I get why you might be discouraged to tell Eddie that you had another heart attack, but you have to understand that things are different now. Shit, even I’m hurt that you didn’t say anything.” He looks up at you with a wounded expression.
“And Eddie,” you place your hands gently on either cheek before tightening your grip, “You need to stop yelling before you get us kicked out.” His expression drops to annoyance, grabbing your wrists lightly and pulling your hands away. “Wayne only wants what’s best for you, just as you want what’s best for him. So…why don’t we talk about what we’ve discussed before.”
His eyes meet yours, mood shifting between you as he nods his head, reaching out to take your hand in his. When you turn around, Wayne is eyeing you both suspiciously, letting out another cough.
“Wayne,” Eddie starts, “When we got the house, the two of us sat down and talked about what we would do if you had another heart attack. Or if anything major happened to you again. And, um, we decided that we would want you to move in with us if--”
“Just hear us out,” you plead. He looks at you out of the corner of his eye. “Please?”
“...Fine,” he says with a huff. 
Eddie smiles slyly at you, thankful that he has you around to be on his side.
“Uncle Wayne,” you start, hitting him in that soft spot when you call him uncle, “We would really like for you to move in with us. Not to take away any of your freedom or anything. Actually, you’d be more free…because we also want you to retire from the plant.” 
Wayne’s brow raises at your suggestion. 
“Eddie and I make enough money between us that you wouldn’t need to work unless you wanted to. You’d have all the free time to fish and hunt and watch your trash TV. Which, may I remind you, we have that big TV in the living room now. Plus, Bear would love to have someone at home with him all day.”
He grunts again. Bear loves Wayne, but Wayne is steadfast in his dislike for Bear, even though you’ve caught him giving him people food and the occasional scratch behind the ear.
“You sure y’all want me to move in? Won't get to have all your alone time together anymore,” he asks, seeking confirmation of your proposal. 
“Oh, don’t you worry about that, pops,” Eddie says with a smile, “We’ll figure that out ourselves.”
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The next month weeks flew by for you and Eddie. You’d been busy prepping your sophomores for the upcoming state testing that takes place the week before Spring Break as well as running yard sales during the most uncharacteristically warm winter that Indiana was giving you to get rid of any of Wayne’s extra stuff. There was also the babysitting for Chrissy and Jason you’d been doing while they remodel their kitchen. And that was just your schedule, as Eddie had a slew of his own obligations on his end with work and prepping the house for Wayne to move in.
The two of you found it almost impossible to have any time together. Almost being the key word here, because Eddie could find time to bed you like it was his job. The week before Wayne finally made his big move, the two of you were on each other like rabbits at any given moment. 
Now Wayne was fully moved in. He opted to rent the trailer out for cheap to a single mom who was looking around the park for something that she could afford for her and her son. He finished his last week at the plant, his boss and coworkers throwing him a surprise retirement party at the pool hall they like to frequent. Eddie and you decided to get a hold of his longtime friend down in Florida and sent him away for a week to have a buddies trip and to “get some more vitamin D in your system after working the night shift for so long” according to Eddie.
Eddie may or may not have purposely planned Wayne’s trip during the same time that you’d be off for spring break, but wouldn’t admit that to you. He just wanted to get you all to himself so bad, eating his words to Wayne about having alone time together. The only thing making him feel a little less crazy about the whole thing is your little remarks about how it would be even worse if it was a baby you were bringing home, and that at least the two of you are still getting a full night's sleep. So, he sucked it up until the day finally came that he was to take Wayne to the airport.
He quietly gave your sleeping form a peck on the cheek that morning before the two of them left, not wanting to wake you since you loved to sleep in on your days off. You’d been feeling sick again, similar to how you felt right before the winter break a few months back. Eddie was worried that they were putting too much responsibility on you by having you teach two grades at the same time, but you assured him that you could handle it, that once you were off for the summer that you’d feel better. 
You woke up around 11 am with a headache so bad it made you sick to your stomach. You’d been having them off and on for about a week, barely able to stand the fluorescent lights of your classroom or the smell of the coffee pot in the break room. At least your sophomore students spent most of the morning testing, and by the end of the week you were playing a movie for all of your classes as an excuse to keep the lights off. 
After puking up bile for 20 minutes, your stomach gave you a break so that you could make yourself look presentable enough for the doctor’s office. Eddie made you promise him that if you weren’t better by today that you would go and get checked out. So you shove some buttered toast into your mouth and cross your fingers in hopes that you’ll make it to the doctor without having to pull over and spill your guts.
Thankfully, the urgent care in town wasn’t busy and you were taken back to a room fairly quickly. The nurse asked you a slew of questions in a monotone voice as your mouth watered from the wave of nausea that hit you again. When you jumped up suddenly to wretch in the small trash can on the floor, you heard her say something about a pregnancy test in a passive manner. 
“Pregnancy test?” You ask between heaving breaths. 
“Yes, dear,’ she says nonchalantly as she continues to write on her stack of papers. A different feeling filled your stomach then, coating it with nerves that seemed to distract you long enough to get you off the floor. 
Ever since the let down from New Years, you and Eddie hadn’t talked much about kids other than some off hand comments here and there. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to keep trying, but the two of you decided to go with the flow and let things happen if they happen. 
At least that’s what you told anyone who asked. 
In your head you’ve been beating yourself up all over again, just like you did for so many years, which is probably only making you more sick. You almost tell the nurse not to even bother with the test, but she seemed like she wasn’t having the best day so you just let her take your blood and be on her merry way. 
When the doctor finally comes in, he gives you a quick look over and tells you to take some benadryl for your symptoms. It left you feeling annoyed, wishing you had just stayed home and done that yourself instead of wasting your time coming in.
As you leave he tells you he’ll call you later in the day with your test results and any other instructions that he seems necessary. It’s not exactly what you want to hear, but you didn’t protest as you signed some consent forms at check out, just wanting to get back to your bed.
When you woke up a little while later, you had to admit that you did feel much better than in the morning. Maybe you were just getting to an age where your allergies were getting more sensitive.
As you amble into the kitchen, the flashing light from your answering machine catches your eye. You press play as you open the door to let Bear out, listening to the machine play as you start to pull out everything to make a late lunch before Eddie gets home from his half day at work.
You have 3 new messages.
First new message.
Hey guys, it’s Dustin. I was calling to see if we could get a game set up for Friday? The guys and Erica are going to be in town and we’ve been talking about playing a game with everyone together again. Will said he would DM if you didn’t want to, but we’d like to have you back in the throne if the missus could get us into the theater room. Give me a call back as soon as you can and let me know. Bye!
Second message.
Hey, sweetheart. Just wanted to let you know I got to work okay. I’m gonna stop and pick up a pizza on the way home, so don’t worry about cooking dinner tonight. Want you to be as relaxed and rested as possible for what I got in store for you tonight. Love you, baby.
Third message.
Hello, this is Dr. Mando calling for…in regards to her test results. Everything came back negative in regards to your flu and strep tests. Blood work wise the only elevated result was for your HCG, which puts you around 9 weeks pregnant currently. We recommend you follow up with your OBGYN from this point on for any more treatment. If our results are needed for their records please have them fax a request form to-
-ep tests. Blood work wise the only elevated result was for your HCG, which puts you around 9 weeks pregnant currently. We recommend you follow up with your OBG-
-only elevated result was for your HCG, which puts you around 9 weeks pregnant currently. We-
-hich puts you around 9 weeks pregnant currently. We recom-
Bear scratching at the door pulled you from your trance as you played back the message over and over again. You didn’t want to walk away, afraid that if you left the machine that the message would somehow disappear. Or that if you played the message again the words would change. Or that you would wake up and realize that you’re having a benadryl induced dream while you’re still asleep in your bed. But the feeling of Bear’s fur brushing against your leg throttles you into reality. 
You are awake right now.
And for the first time in your life you’ve been pregnant for more than 6 weeks. 
With haste, you pick up the phone line and begin to dial the first person who you know can help you.
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Keeping secrets from Eddie was a challenge. His intuition when it came to you was almost scary. At times it felt like he knew you better than you knew yourself. Which, honestly, he might. But, it doesn’t help when he wants to be with you every waking second of the day. Something that you want, too, but every time you look at him you have to duck your head or avert your gaze to keep yourself from blurting out the news to him. 
It’s also been incredibly hard to deny all of his advances.
He’s not pressured you to do anything with him, never has, but you can tell he’s letting your rejections get to him in a self doubting way. Even when you did give him head hoping it would be enough, his pouty lip almost got you when you told him not to return the favor.
You do feel for him. The two of you had been planning to have quite the week with Wayne being out of the house. But even if you could have sex with him, not wanting to risk anything with how rough he can get at times, you honestly weren’t in the mood anyway. Benadryl was the only thing helping with your nausea and headaches so you were constantly drowsy. And now you were getting terrible acid reflux on top of it, going through tums like candy.
When you told Eddie that you made an appointment with your primary doctor for Friday morning, he insisted that he take you in case there was anything he could do to help. You told him not to worry about it, keeping from him that the appointment was actually with your OB. You felt guilty when the ultrasound tech handed you the grainy pictures of your little baby because you know that Eddie would have wanted to be with you for this moment, but it would all be worth it tonight as long as everything went to plan.
When you and Eddie pulled into the closed high school later that day, you were greeted by the now familiar, smiling faces of your fiance’s long time friends. It wasn’t often that all of them could get together like this between work, school, and their own families. But even with all of their big ages, the atmosphere as they all embraced each other was of childlike giddiness. You were included in the rounds of hugs and pats on the back as you had been accepted so openly by everyone over the course of yours and Eddie’s relationship. The tightest hug was from Eddie’s best friend, Jeff, the two of you share a knowing look with one another as you part.
Once everyone files inside, they begin to work together to set the old theatre room set up like they had back in the day. It was funny to watch them move around each other out of muscle memory, with a few more grunts and groans than they likely let out all those years ago. 
And as they start to play, the energy in the room becomes electrifying. There isn’t a single person sitting by their second hour in, voices talking over each other as the room is divided over combat choices. Even if you only had a basic understanding of what was happening, you were very much entertained where you sat next to Eddie at the end of the table. 
It was a sight to see Eddie in his element up close. The passion he has for this game was on another level. There’s no way that it was anything less than cathartic for him to be in a state of power like this, playing every part as if he was performing for an audience, using his whole body and voice to play each character as if he was truly in the fantasy world he created.
It made you tear up a bit, having to discreetly wipe your eyes to hide the emotions so as not to make him worry or pull him out of his game. But the images in your head of him playing pretend in the backyard with your child has a lump sitting in your throat. The two of them with pillow cases as capes and sticks as swords slaying dragons (Bear) while you watch them from the kitchen window. 
You end up having to excuse yourself to the restroom, needing a moment to collect yourself in your newly hormonal state. You barely make it into the hallway before the water works start, bee-lining for the closest restroom so you can let it out. Anyone passing by would probably think you were crying over some devastating news with the way you were blubbering and wailing. 
You do your best to clean yourself up, but you know Eddie will be able to tell you’ve been crying. So instead of going straight to the drama room, you decide to go to your classroom and work on some assignments for your classes on Monday. 
After a while, a knock on your door startles you, head whipping to see your man standing at the doorway to your classroom with a concerned look on his face.
“Hey, is everything okay?” He asks as he takes a few steps to stand by you at your desk. “Were we boring you with our nerdy game?”
“No, not at all!” You stand from your desk with a shake of your head. “I just wasn’t feeling well and needed a little quiet, that’s all.” You give him a reassuring smile, taking his hand in yours. He raises it to his lips and kisses the knuckles, taking a moment to admire your ring before letting your hands fall, still clasped between the two of you. 
“We’re taking a break right now,” he says with a suggestive tone you know all too well. There’s a mischievous look in his eyes as he glances up at the clock on the wall. “Need to be back in five minutes,” he leans into you, dipping his head to speak low in your ear, “Think that’s enough time for me to get you on your desk like last time?”
You feel the heat flush to your cheeks at the mentions of your previous inappropriate endeavors in this classroom. For a brief moment you consider his proposition, but ultimately you pull away with a sympathetic look.
“As fun as that sounds, you and I both know 5 minutes isn’t enough time for you,” you poke his chest and he gives you a shit eating grin, “And I would be mortified if any of your friends walked in on us because you took too long to come back to your game.”
“It might be too long for me,” he draws out the last word as he runs his hands up and down your sides, “but I think I could take care of you if you’ve got room for me under that desk.” 
His brows move suggestively as he waits for your response, which is just a playful roll of the eye and a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Eds, but I’m okay.”
“Well, alright,” he sighs heavily, his tone laced with faux disappointment, “I guess I’ll just starve.” You throw your head back with laughter at his dramatics, him joining you with a fit of giggles of his own. 
You decided to return to the game with him, everyone getting swept up once again in the game's energy that Eddie puts out into the room. The enjoyment is clear with how engaged everyone is, jumping up and down or yelling out like a group of your students rather than a room full of adults. 
Erica and Dustin get into it over a decision in game, and you get to witness Eddie’s potential Dad Mode as he defuses the situation with no one getting their feelings hurt. You can’t help it, but for the rest of the game you subconsciously note little things that he does that may be a preview for how he’s going to handle parenthood with you. And when the group wins against whatever big monster Eddie had them fighting against, you can feel the ache in your cheeks from all the smiling you’ve done while observing them.
“Alright, alright, let’s get this shit cleaned up,” he says as they start to tease him. He gives you a look that you can only interpret as “I totally let them win” before he starts putting away his things. 
“Hey, look what I found,” Jeff suddenly speaks up from across the room. He’s holding up a box that you know has some of their club's shirts in them for the new members. You feel your heart drop into your ass. 
Shit, it’s happening. 
“Looks like they’re still using your old design, Eddie.” Jeff says as he plops the box down on the table. You feel your heart pounding in your chest as you focus on not passing out.
“Guess you can’t fix perfection,” Eddie quips back, which elicits a few groans in response.
“Do you have a shirt?”
Your eyes flit to Will where he’s moved to stand next to you. You look at him for a moment before shaking your head, still unable to open your mouth.
“Oh, good idea, kid,” Eddie says as he places a hand on your shoulder. “You sat through a whole game, so that makes you an honorary member.”
You look over to Jeff, who gives you a subtle nod to signal that everything was good to go. It’s not exactly what the two of you had discussed, but this seemed a little more natural for the situation.
As you rise from your chair, you’re able to let out a small “okay” before walking to stand next to Jeff. You take a sharp inhale when you see it, the small bundle of material folded at the top of the other shirts. 
All eyes are on you as you reach down into the box. You pretend to look through the pile before grabbing what you really want, pulling it out of the box and holding it up with both hands. It’s the first time you’re seeing it yourself, the small onesie version of the Hellfire shirt that Eddie made almost 15 years ago, black quarter sleeves and all. It’s exactly what you imagined, and you’re so, so thankful that Jeff was able to bring your vision to life.
“What do you think about this one, Eds?” 
The words roll off your tongue without you thinking, your mouth moving on its own as it’s tired of waiting for your brain to catch up. Flipping the onesie around for the table to see, your eyes find Eddie’s. You watch in real time as the emotions come and go from his features; ignorant joy, confusion, and realization.
“No way!” You hear Dustin shout, too focused on Eddie to pay him any attention though.
“Dude holy shit!”
“Hell yeah man! It’s about time!”
“I call dibs on babysitting!”
“Are you serious?” His voice cracks, a loud sniffle escaping as his body starts to shake. Fat tears roll down his reddening cheeks that he tries to wipe with his sleeve. “Is this real?”
You nod, your own tears coming back once again. “Ten weeks,” you say as you exhale, doing your best to hold it together.
Eddie moves quickly to be by your side, taking your face in his hands and crashing his lips into yours. Collective oohs and awes swirl around you at the display of affection between you. When he pulls away he uses the collar of his shirt to wipe the tears from his eyes, letting out an airy chuckle. 
You hold the onesie out for him to take, and he holds it in his hands with such delicacy, as if it's the baby itself. 
“When did you find out?” He asks with a sniffle, not taking his eyes off the little article of clothing.
“On Monday, after my appointment.”
“You’ve known since Monday?” He almost seems upset, but there’s no way he could be mad at you right now. “Well, I guess that explains a lot.”
“I’m sorry, Eds. Trust me, it was really hard not to say anything. But, I feel like it finally paid off. All thanks to Jeff.”
You turn to gesture to him, and Jeff takes a small bow. “Happy to do my part for my future niece and or nephew. Just gotta let me know if I need to make another one in case it’s twins.”
“Twins?!” Eddie looks at you with wide eyes and an even wider smile.
“It’s not twins. Here,” you walk over to your purse and pull the strip of pictures from your purse. “See for yourself.”
Eddie takes the picture from you and examines them. Excited laughter takes over him. “Holy shit, I’m gonna be dad!” The gang surrounds him, congratulating the both of you.
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“What if he sees it and doesn’t get it?”
“Babe, the sign literally says ‘Welcome home Grandpa’. I know he’s old but I’m sure he’ll catch on pretty quickly.”
Eddie and you stand at the end of the gate in the Indianapolis airport waiting for Wayne to make his way down the tunnel. The two of you thought it would be fun to surprise him about his promotion when you pick him up, making a day out of it to find him a new mug to surprise him with as well. Eddie holds the gift bag in one hand while you hold the sign, both of you skimming the crowd of people for the balding Munson in the mix.
“There he is!” Eddie nudges you, pointing into the crowd, “Hold it up so he can see!”
You raise the sign above your head as Eddie waves to get Wayne’s attention. Even from where you’re standing you can see the old man smile, then quint to read your sign. He’s almost to you before the look on his face changes.
“What the--What the hell did y’all do while I was gone?” Wayne drops his bags and wraps his arms around the two of you.
“Technically it was before you left,” Eddie laughs, returning his uncles embrace.
“Is that why y’all sent me away then? Do I gotta move back out to make room in the house now?”
“No, of course not,” you laugh, handing him the sign to look at. 
“We’re not about to kick out Hawkin’s next great babysitter,” Eddie says as he puts a hand on Wayne’s shoulder. The older man huffs out a laugh, smile wide as he runs his fingers over the word grandpa. 
“So that’s the real reason you wanted me to move in,” he says, looking at the two of you again. “I thought I was supposed to be retired?”
“Well, I hope your time off was enough because we’ll need you on duty in about 9 months.” Wayne shakes his head. Eddie hands Wayne the gift bag and he opens it to find the mug inside. 
“I love my Grandpa,” Wayne reads from the mug, a hand going to his eyes as he wipes away tears. “Shit you guys. I’m so happy for ya.” Tears start to well up in your own eyes and you pull Wayne in for a side hug. 
The three of you make your way home, discussing your future with the baby the whole way. Talks of all the diapers you’ll need to get, who will get up in the middle of the night to feed and change diapers, names and all the other fun parts that come with being a parent.
“So we gotta paint soon,” Wayne says from the passenger seat. “Do y’all have a colour picked out?” 
“Since we won't know the gender for a while,” you say from the back seat, “we talked about painting the baby’s room a light green for now. We can always paint it again later down the road.” 
“That sounds nice,” Wayne says with a nod. “We can pick some up this weekend and I’ll paint while the two of you are at work. It’s warm enough out that I can open the window so the smell won’t get to ya.”
“You sure you wanna do that by yourself?” Eddie asks, turning into the driveway. 
“Sure, gives me a break from the couch. I know the two of you are gonna be busy so might as well make myself useful.”
“We would really appreciate that, Uncle Wayne,” you say, putting a hand on his shoulder. He turns back to look at you, resting his hand on yours. 
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“What’s wrong?” Robin says from her spot next to you at the bathroom sink. The two of you, plus Steve and Eddie, had decided to take a trip to the mall today. This was your third trip to the restroom since you’d been there and you could tell Robin was getting suspicious. 
“If you have a UTI or something you definitely need to go to the doctor, you know?”
“I’m fine, Robin.” You dry your hands, tossing the paper towel in the trash. “I just had a lot of coffee this morning,” you lie. 
The truth was that you were planning on surprising her and Steve today with a pit stop in the baby clothes store that Missy and Nancy had gone to when you went shopping with them a few months ago. It was a newer store and you knew that it would be fun little way to tell them your news. 
“You have to lay off that stuff,” Robin voices her concern. “I’m pretty sure I heard it makes your boobs shrink.”
“I don’t think so Bobbie.”
The two of you reconvene back with Steve and Eddie who were waiting for you on a bench. Eddie looked like a real dad with sitting there with the shopping bags in his hands. You took a moment to admire how long his hair was starting to get before they noticed you. 
“Ready for our last stop?” Eddie says, suddenly standing up. He’s had a nervous air about him this whole trip, and you don’t know why. Steve and Robin are going to be over the moon when you tell them, but you suppose it’s just because he’s excited. 
“Yeah, where did you want to go?” Steve asks, looking between you two. 
“Oh, just a shop over by where we parked.” 
The four of you make your way toward the other side of the mall. Eddie and you both stop at in front of the Baby Gap, Robin and Steve pausing when they realize you’ve stopped. 
“You good?” Steve asks. 
“Yep, we just need to pop in here.”
Steve and Robin look up at the store and share a look. 
“Does Nancy need stuff?” Robin asks quizzically. 
“Nope, we just need to get some things for ourselves,” you say, staring at them hoping it will click. 
“What do you guys need at Baby Gap?”
“Duh, what else do they sell here, Steve?” Robin nudges him. And then she looks at you with wide eyes. “Oh my god, you guys are buying baby clothes?”
Eddie and you both nod excitedly. Robin squeals, bouncing up and down. Steve still looks confused. 
“Why are we excited?”
“They’re pregnant, dingus!”
Now it was Steve’s turn to look at you with saucers for eyes. 
“Nuh-uh,” he says with a grin. 
“Yes, sir,” Eddie nods, putting an arm around you. 
Steve grabs Robins arm and shakes it, still looking at the two of you. “No way!” He says excitedly. “About damn time!”
“How far along are you? Do you know the gender yet?” Robin asks in quick succession. 
“I’m about 12 weeks. We won't know the gender for a little while longer, but Wayne already picked out the nursery room color for us.”
“Oh I bet he was over the moon to find out,” Robin coos. 
“He was. He’s very excited to be a grandpa.”
“Grandpa Wayne, oh my god.”
“Do you have any names picked out?” Steve asks. 
“We don’t have any names yet,” you say, looking up at Eddie, “But we’re open to ideas.”
“Well, Steve is a good name—Ow!”
“They’re not naming their baby after you Steve.”
“It was just a suggestion!”
“Besides, Robin is more gender neutral anyway.”
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Brown eyes dart from the TV and over to where you stand in the doorway. Eddie shifts and stands, walking over to you with urgency. 
“What's wrong, sweetheart?” He asks with concern. 
You sniffle, looking up at him through your lashes. “We don’t have any pickles…” 
Eddie sighs in relief, glad that your tone wasn’t due to something serious. 
“We don’t,” he confirms, looking down at you. “But I’m guessing we need to remedy that?” 
You nod, and Eddie can’t help but giggle. The stage of weird cravings had started a week ago and you’d been asking him to buy you the most random foods. Bananas and hot sauce, sour cream that you ate from the tub, and now pickles. 
“Can you get strawberry ice cream, too?” You ask sheepishly. 
“Of course,” he assures you. “Anything for my babies.”
Your emotions get to you with that, and you can’t help but cry. Eddie would be concerned if this hadn’t become a semi-regular occurrence for you now. He simply pulls you into a hug and kisses the top of your head. 
Bear makes his way over to you, looking up as the two of you embrace. You’re both sure he knows something is up, because he’s been by you constantly since you found out you were pregnant. It's almost like he’s standing guard to make sure no one gets near you. 
“I’m okay, Bear,” you say, dropping down to squat at his level. He pants as you give him ear scritches, enjoying every second of it. Eddie takes the opportunity to grab his shoes and put them on. 
“Anything else you might want me to grab while I’m out?”
“More milk? And probably more cereal for you and Wayne. I think I ate the last of it earlier.”
“I’ll get you your own box.”
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Bear rested at your feet as you graded papers at the dining room table. It was getting close to the end of the school year and you didn’t want to let being pregnant put you behind. 
Most of your kids were passing, which was a relief to you. It was a hard year but teaching two grades was an experience that you were glad you got to have. Thankfully the school was able to find a replacement teacher for your sophomore class next year, thanks to a recommendation by yours truly. 
“It’ll be so nice for you to have someone like Will teaching with you,” Eddie says as he finishes making you lunch. 
“It's going to be a big change from middle school, though,” you say as you set down your grading marker. “It was for me at least.”
“Will’s smart, he can manage. Plus he’ll have you for support.” 
“Only for the first few months. Then I’ll be gone for most of the year.”
You had an appointment a few weeks back to find out you were due around Halloween. The irony of it all was that you probably got pregnant right after you had taken the test back in January. Life works in mysterious ways you thought. 
“True, but he can always call here if he needs something. Plus, I’m sure the other teachers are going to love him.”
“Oh they will. I just hope they don’t treat him too much like a kid.” 
Eddie puts a plate in front of you and takes a seat. “He is still young,” he says before he takes a bite of his sandwich. “Buy that will probably make him more relatable to the kids, ya know?”
You nod, taking a bite of your own food. The nausea has started to subside now that you were in your second trimester, which made it easier to eat foods that you weren’t necessarily craving. Still, you took your time eating so not to trigger anything. 
“Are you excited for tonight?” Eddie asks, taking a chip from your plate and popping it in his mouth. 
“Yes, I can’t wait to see their faces.”
Eddie and you finally decided to start telling more people about your pregnancy now that you were in the second trimester. Chrissy had been begging you for a double date for weeks now and you’d been putting her off so that you wouldn’t spill the beans too soon. So tonight was going to be the big reveal. 
Chrissy had become a really good friend ever since she sold you the house. She was a busy mom and successful realtor but she always made time to call and check in on you. It honestly was hard not to tell her when you’ve told your other friends, but you wanted to be sure you’d make it to the second trimester before telling too many people per the doctor's suggestion. 
So when you and Eddie arrived at the Golden Lamb, you could already feel the butterflies in your stomach. Thankfully you were too soon to be showing so they wouldn't know right away. 
“I honestly thought it would be hard with a fifth, but Chrissy has been nothing but a superstar about it all,” Jason says as you all share an appetizer. You were barely talking because the food was so good you just kept eating it. 
“Awe, so have you!” Chrissy says, beaming at the praise. “Jason’s been doing great making sure the boys are on their best behavior while I’ve been recovering.”
“How is that? The recovery, that is.”
You look up at Eddie when he asks the question. 
“It’s hard, I’m not going to lie. But when you’ve done it before it definitely helps to know what to expect. You guys will know one day.” Chrissy winks at you. 
“Yeah, about that..”
“You’re pregnant.”
You freeze at her words. Chrissy brings her hands to her mouth and gasps.
“H-how did you know?” You ask bewildered. 
“I knew it! I could just tell when I saw you!” 
“Woah, congratulations, man!” Jason reaches his hand across the table for Eddie to shake, which he does. 
“Oh I can’t wait! Our kids are going to be best little friends!”
That made you happy to hear. Chrissy’s youngest and even Nancy’s youngest baby weren’t going to be too much older than yours. He or she already has friends waiting for them, and that made you feel a sense of joy in your heart.
“Do you know the gender yet?” Jason asks. 
“We find out in a couple weeks,” Eddie says proudly. 
“Are you hoping for anything or just feeling blessed regardless?”
Truth is you’d gone back and forth or whether or not you wanted a boy or girl. You’d be happy with either, but the idea of a little girl to dress up would be fun. You know Eddie wants a boy, but has also expressed that he’s just happy to have a baby with you. 
“I’m just happy to be this far,” you finally say. “Although I think a girl would be fun.” You add that last part in without looking at Eddie. 
“Oh a little girl!” Chrissy squeals. “I always wanted a daughter but I’m happy with my little team of boys. But if you have a girl I will be living vicariously through you.” 
“Hey, we can always try again.” Jason says, giving Chrissy a little nudge. She rolls her eyes at him. You know she would be happy to have more kids, though. 
“I personally want a boy,” Eddie announces, looking at you. 
“Oh, man, boys are so fun. Our house is like a madhouse, but it’s totally worth it.”
“Which reminds me,” Chrissy chimes in, “Jacob wants to learn guitar. I was wondering if we paid you if you wouldn’t mind giving him lessons?”
Eddie is taken aback at this request. A Carver kid wants to play guitar? 
“Y-yeah, sure. That’s your second oldest, right?” 
You were pleasantly surprised that Eddie remembered, even after all the times you’ve drilled the names and ages of their kids into his head. 
“Yep! Little Jacob wants to be a rockstar someday,” Jason adds. 
“Hell yeah, that’s awesome,” Eddie says, nodding his head. “Just let me know when works for you guys.”
“We were thinking about dropping him off after church on Sundays? Maybe he can spend an hour or so with you?”
“That would be perfect,” you say, nodding to Eddie. 
“Obviously not when you have the baby, we can wait until after that if you want. “
“No, it should be fine,” you say, “Bring him over whenever. It will probably be easier to start now before the baby anyway.”
“Thanks, man, I really appreciate it,” Jason nods to Eddie. “By the way, have you ever heard of a band called Stryper?”
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“Eddie! Quick!”
Eddie looks over at you as you come darting to him. He watches as you take his free hand and spin him around, toothbrush still in his mouth as he was getting ready for work.
“Wha es et?” He asks through a mouth full of toothpaste.
Wordlessly, you take his hand and place it on the side of your bump. The both of you are still as you wait for something to happen. After a few beats, you start to feel disappointed.
“I swear I felt them kicking,” you say dejectedly, letting go of Eddie’s hand.
“What, really?” He asks after spitting the toothpaste out of his mouth.
“Try again and maybe press down some?”
“Will that hurt it?”
“No, I don’t think so. Maybe agitate them a bit.”
Eddie puts his hand back on your barely there bump and presses down on it. It’s still for a few moments, and nothing happens. You let out a frustrated huff and cross your arms defeated. 
“I really did feel them.”
“I believe you, sweetheart. That’s so exciting,” Eddie says rubbing your arms with his thumbs,
Then you feel it again.
You gasp, grabbing his hand again and moving it to the spot where you felt the movement. Eddie’s hand rested there and you waited another moment. Nothing.
“Damn it--” 
Then it happened again. Eddie’s jaw dropped as he felt it that time, too stunned to speak.
“Wooooah,” he finally says, looking up at you.
“I know, right? Isn’t it crazy?”
Eddie puts both hands on your stomach and rubs it, kneeling down to be eye level with it.
“Hey there,” he says, eyes focused on your belly, “I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m your dad and I think it’s really cool that you have such strong legs. Maybe you’ll be a drummer like your Uncle Garreth. That would be super bad ass. Especially if you’re a girl. Girl drummers are awesome.” 
“What if they’re a boy?” You ask him. “Then you’ll be a kick ass boy drummer for all I care. I really want you to play guitar, though. Gonna teach you that as soon as you can hold your head up. Babe, should be make him a battle jacket?”
“If we make him one now he won’t fit in it for very long. We should probably wait until he’s older.”
“Damn, oh well.” Eddie sighs as he straightens up. His arms wrap around you and pull you in close, letting his chin rest on the top of your head.
“You have no fucking clue how excited I am.”
“I think I can take a guess.”
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The room is quiet, dimly lit with the soft glow of the low lights and the monitor that sits next to your seat. Your feet wiggle back and forth, a nervous movement as you sit and wait for the ultrasound technician to enter the room. Eddie was sitting beside you, his own leg bouncing in anticipation.
Today you would find out the gender of your baby. The excitement was enough to keep the two of you up late into the night talking about what it will be like to have a baby boy or girl running around the house. All the baby proofing you would have to do was enough to make you feel like your house might actually be a deathtrap, even when Eddie assured you it wasn’t that bad.
A gentle knock on the door had both of your heads turning to it. “Come in,” you say, and the door opens moments later. The same technician from your last appointment walks in and you’re relieved to see a familiar face.
“Good morning,” she says as she closes the door behind her. “Are we ready to find out what you’re having?”
You and Eddie nod, a fresh batch of goosebumps rising on your skin. The technician moves around the room and does whatever she needs to do to get the monitor ready.
“Go ahead and lay back, and lift your shirt just over your belly,” she says as she pulls a bottle from the counter. As you lean back, she shakes it upside down a bit and squirts some on her finger, wiping it off on the paper towel sitting on the counter.
“Now, this may be  little cold at first, but it will warm up as I move the wand, okay?”
“Okay,” you say, a nervous smile on your face. 
“It doesn’t hurt, does it?” Eddie asks, grabbing your hand.
“No, not at all. I’m just going to put a little of this jelly on her stomach and press this wand to it so we can see the baby. You ready?”
You nod and the cold jell hits your stomach with a sound from the bottle.
“Now here comes the wand…” She places the ultrasound wand on your stomach with a light pressure. The screen of the ultrasound machine starts to blur as she moves the jelly around on your stomach. Once she slows down, you’re able to get a more clear picture of the baby growing inside your belly. 
It looked weird. Like a baby, but not at the same time. But when you saw it’s little arms moving it made a lump form in your throat.
“Awe, they’re waving at you,” the technician says, holding the wand still.
“Where?” Eddie asks, a clear look of confusion on his face. “I can’t read any of this.”
“See this right here, that’s the head,” the technician points to the large orb on the screen. “This is it’s spine, and this is it’s legs. Right here are it’s little arms.”
“Woah,” Eddie says with a smile as wide as Texas. “Hi little guy.”
“You’re such a dork.”
“What, I want to be polite!”
“Everything is looking good and they seem to be measuring on time, but I can’t say for certain until the doctor checks everything out. I’m going to take a few pictures and then we can check the gender, okay?”
You nod and let her do her thing. She moves the wand and pushes a few buttons on the keyboard, over and over, until she finally moves the wand to where it looks like the baby’s butt would be. A hot wave crashes over you as you realize that this is it.
“Okay, baby is not cross legged so I can see perfectly. Are you ready to know?”
Eddie turns to look at you for your approval. He nods, and you take a deep breath.
“Yes, we’re ready.”
“How was the appointment?” Wayne says as the two of you walk in the door, Bear relaxing over his feet.
“It went really well. We got some new pictures to show you.” Eddie walks over to Wayne and hands him the small print out of pictures the technician gave you to bring home. Wayne grabs his glasses and puts them on, still holding the small prints close to his face.
“Wow, this really looks like a baby now, huh?” He says, looking over to you. Your hand rubs your bump, now starting to show a bit. You’re happy it didn’t come in until after your school year ended, lest the students ask you a million questions.
“What else do you see?” Eddie asks the older man. Wayne looks over the pictures again, eyeing them up and down.
“What’s this last picture?”
“That is your grandson’s little Munson.”
Wayne looks up at Eddie, then over to you. As it all starts to make sense to him, he suddenly jumps up from his chair and jumps around.
“‘T’s a lil boy?! Hot dog, I got myself a new fishin’ buddy?!” His arms wrap around Eddie in a surprise hug as he jumps up and down more, rocking Eddie in the process.
“We had a feeling that you’d say that, so we went and got this.” You pull a bag from behind your back and present it to him, a very obvious smaller version of a fishing pole sticking out of it. It was made for kids, but you’re sure it would work when the baby is big enough. 
“I can’t believe this,” Wayne says wiping tears from his eyes. “I would have been this happy if it was a girl, too. But it just feels so--”
“Real?” Eddie says.
“Yeah. I just can’t--I mean, damn it’s really happening.”
“Eddie started crying when she told us,” you say as you lean into him.
“How could I not? I’m gonna have a mini me running around the house!”
“Don’t I know it. I’m putting all this work in for 9 months and I know he’s going to come out looking exactly like you.”
“Hopefully he’s more tame than Eddie was,” Wayne adds, shaking his head. “Eddie used’aa bounce off the walls when he was a toddler.”
“Oh, great, can’t wait for that,” you say with a smile. You truly didn’t care what the baby was going to be like. You hoped he was just like Eddie, in every way.
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“Ugh, it’s so hot,” you say as you fan yourself. Even with the shade of your front porch you were still sweating in the unrelenting July heat. It was the hottest summer Hawkins had felt in a while and of course you just had to be almost 30 weeks pregnant right now.
“We can go inside,” Eddie says from the chair next to you, flipping through a mechanics magazine.
“No, the fresh air will be good for the baby.”
“Not if you’re frying in the process. Come on, we can wait for them inside.”
As if right on que, the familiar red beater truck pulled up behind yours in the driveway. 
“Hey, the party is here!” Grant shouted from the driver side window.
“Lets get this shit built!” Garreth yells as he pops out of the passenger side, Jeff following after him.
“Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna help?” Jeff says as Garreth and Grant start to unload the back of the truck of the boxes that were in the bed.
“I was expecting you all to do the heavy lifting. We are pregnant afterall.” Eddie says as he places his lemonade down, standing up from the chair. Jeff pshes him, slapping a hand on his back before the two of them start moving boxes inside.
The boys had all agreed to help put together furniture as long as they could drink and listen to rock music the whole time, neither of which you minded but you appreciated them asking. You’d been craving some wine during your pregnancy but had been good enough to not indulge yourself, especially after you’d done so well with your sobriety.
“You boys needa hand?” Wayne asks from the front door.
“Naw, we got it pepaw,” Garreth calls, holding the other and of a large box that him and Jeff are carefully maneuvering between the cars in the driveway. You held the door open for them as they entered into the house, stopping to kick their shoes off per your house rule of no shoes in the baby’s room.
Once the boys got everything inside, they immediately plugged in the stereo system and began to fill your house with Pearl Jam’s “Ten” album. Eddie Vedder’s vocals made good background noise as you cleaned up the house. Well to the best of your ability.
Your bump had grown big enough that it was starting to become more difficult to do certain things, like bending over and squatting. But you could still handle most of the chores with out much of Eddie’s help. It was working with chemical cleaners that worried you the most, so you looked into some more natural cleaning remedies and hoped that they were doing what they were supposed to do.
“Anyone ready for lunch? I’ll order some pizzas if you want--Wow, look at you guys go!”
The room was already starting to come together as the furniture was being built. It looked like Eddie and Jeff had the crib almost put together as Grant and Garreth tackled the dresser. You thought this was going to be an all day endeavor but they may get it all done in a few hours.
“You guys are some pretty good handymen!”
“Thanks, babe,” Eddie says as he holds a couple pieces together for Jeff to screw in. “Once we get these big pieces put together we’ll work on getting the shelves up. 
“Were you saying something about pizza?” Garreth asks with nails between his lips.
“Yeah, I’ll go ahead and order some. Any special requests?”
“Can you get some cheesy bread, too?” Grant asks.
“Absolutely. Well, I’ll leave you boys to it.”
“Love you, babe!”
You say a quick love you back before waddling down the hall to the kitchen.
After a quick pizza break and some trash TV with Wayne, the boys all erupted into hoots and hollers from the baby’s room.
“What’s all the commotion?” You ask walking into the room.
“I think we’re done!”
You look around the room and really take it in. It looks pretty much complete, sans some decorations and the things you plan to get from your baby shower. It hits you that you’re going to have a baby in this room with you in just a few short months.
“Awe, babe, don’t cry.” Eddie walks up to you and wraps his arms around you, swaying you back and forth.
“It just looks so nice. Thank you guys so much,” you say through sniffles.
“Of course, momma,” Jeff says, patting your shoulder.
“Anything for the newest member of Hellfire,” Grant adds.
“And the future frontman of Corroded Coffin 2.0,” Garreth says.
Eddie backs away from you and you take the opportunity to wipe away the tears from your eyes. It was so nice knowing that your baby was already so loved.
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“Oh, yes! Just like that!” You moan out into your bedroom, your cries bouncing off of the walls and straight into Eddie’s ears.
He has you just how he likes you; on your back and with your legs spread wide for him. Either of your legs in his grasp to hold up so you don’t have to. Your pretty little head is resting on the pillow while he does all the work of making you squirm under him. Your hands hold your large stomach as his hips crash into yours with each thrust. 
He’s doing his damndest not to be rough, but he can’t help that you look so pretty when he fucks you hard. The way you talk so dirty when no one’s around gets him going in a way he can’t even describe other than feral. Each call of his name by you sounds like music to his ears that he wants to play on repeat.
“Fuck, baby, look so good like that,” Eddie groans, watching your swollen tits bounce. “My beautiful girl, all big and round for me.”
“Yes, just for you, Eddie,” you say, your hands flying to the pillow to grip it as he picks up his pace. Eddie takes your leg and rests it on his shoulder, guiding his free hand to your stomach to hold it in place while he fucks you into the mattress. Something about you being pregnant with his child was turning him on to no end. Just the thought of his baby being inside of you drove him crazy.
“Oh, shit I’m gonna--”
“Do it, baby. Cum for me.” Eddie brought his thumb to your sensitive clit and started rubbing sloppy circles in it. Everything with you was so much more sensitive since you’d gotten pregnant, and Eddie loved to take advantage of that whenever he could.
Eddie felt it in your body as you came, the way you clenched around him, legs shaking, eyes rolling into the back of your head. He wanted to take a picture to keep forever. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Eddie says suddenly, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he reached his peak. You watch as he comes undone inside of you, filling you up with his spend. 
“Oh my god,” Eddie stutters out, head thrown back as he recovers from his orgasm. “That was insane.”
“Come’er,” you reach your hands out for him. He obliges, sliding out of you slowly and plopping down next to you in the bed. He wraps you up in his arms and holds you close, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Are you okay?” He asks, hand landing on your stomach.
“Mhmm,” you hum, catching your breath.
“I still can’t believe it. That we’re going to be parents.”
You place your hand on top of Eddie’s and rub your thumb into the back of it. It’s quiet for a moment, but then the two of you feel the baby moving inside of you and laugh.
“Guess he didn’t like all that movement,” you say, watching the way your stomach is pressed from the baby inside you.
“Sorry, bub,” Eddie says with a laugh, “Can’t help that your mom is hot.”
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“Hey, thank you for coming!” You wrap your arms around Claudia and Dustin as they exit your house from the back door. 
Today is the day of your baby shower and the backyard was already full of guests as they all pile in. Eddie was manning the grill, your brother and his wife talking him up as he cooked the dogs and burgers for everyone. Elanor and your nephews are running around with Bear while Nancy and Robin catch up. Steve and Mike were talking about cars the last you checked in on them. Max, Jane, Lucas and Will are helping set up some last minute decorations. And the band boys were chatting while they set the fire pit up for s’mores later.
“Thank you for inviting us. Here, I made these myself for the little one. There’s something in there for you, too.”
“Awe, thank you, Claudia. That’s so sweet.” 
“I’ll take that,” Wayne says as he takes the bag from Mrs. Henderson. 
“I helped pick out the colors, by the way,” Dustin says before he leaves to go join the boys at the fire pit.
“How are you feeling, dear?” Claudia asks.
“I feel surprisingly great. Other than my feet swelling in this heat, I don’t think I can complain. Well, besides the nightly gymnastics routine this one seems to want to do whenever I go to bed.”
Claudia laughs, “Yes, Dustin was the same way. It’s like they know when you’re trying to rest.”
“It really does!”
“Mrs. Henderson!” Steve calls out to her and Claudia excuses herself.
Wayne makes his way over to you. “Got an awfully full table of gifts over there,” he says.
“I know, I’m in shock. I knew people would get us stuff, but I didn’t think it would be so much. Hopefully we have room for everything.”
“We’ll make it fit, I promise ya that,” Wayne says with a chuckle. 
He looks at you for a moment before leaning in. 
“Can I tell ya a secret?”
You whip your head around, shocked to hear that Wayne wants to gossip with you.
“Uh, duh. Lay it on me.”
“Okay,” he starts, “See that girl your brother brought with him. I think you said that’s his wife’s sister?”
“Oh, Tenisha? Yeah she was one of my best friends growing up. She’s just really shy.”
“I can see that by the way she’s been keeping to herself. But, I’ve been watching everyone here, right? Well I think she’s been boring a hole into Harrington since he walked in the door.”
This revelation sparks your interest. Tenisha had a hard time branching out due to her introverted nature, so she didn’t have many boyfriends growing up. For a while you thought maybe she didn’t even like other people all that much.
But, this news was something you could work with.
“Good to know,” you say with coy smile, brain wracking with ways to introduce them.
The rest of the party showed up as time went on. Chrissy and Jason came with their kids, and you got to hold baby Jeremy while she talked your ear off. She even brought you a whole trunk load of old clothes from her boys that you’d be able to use for your baby.
Missy even showed up with her baby, little Henry junior. He looked a lot like Henry, so much that it was almost off putting to you, but you reminded yourself that this party was the celebrate your own baby with the man who loves you now.
“This is a really nice house,” Erica says to Eddie as you help pass out food and refreshments. 
“Thanks, man. We’ve really put our all in making it our home these last few months.”
“I’m willing to bet that the missus did most of the decorating,” Jason chimes in.
“Obviously,” you say with a sarcastic tone. “I think the place would be covered with band posters and guitars if Eddie was in charge.”
“Hey, a few decorative guitars wouldn’t be a bad thing,” Grants says in Eddie’s defence.
“Thank you, Grant.”
“It’s going to feel even more like a home once the baby comes,” your brother says. “Don’t you think, Nish?”
Tenisha looks up from her plate like a deer caught in headlights. You want to scold your brother for calling her out, but you know he’s doing it because you told him about her eyes for Steve.
“Y-yes,” she says, voice small, and you’re proud that she was even able to get that much out. She stands still for a moment before suddenly beelining it for you.
“Where’s your bathroom?” She whispers to you. Just as you look toward the house, you notice Steve is heading in that same direction.
“Hey, Steve!”
He stops and looks around to where he heard his name being called, landing on you.
“Can you show Tenisha where the bathroom is?”
Tenisha’s eyes go wide, but you ignore it when Steve agrees and beckons her over. You watch as she wordlessly makes her way over to him.
“Hi, I’m Steve. I don’t think we’ve met,” he says as he follows behind her into the house.
You look around for Wayne to see if he saw your quick move and you found him already looking your way, giving you a thumbs up.
The rest of the party went off without a hitch. Games were played, all the gifts were opened, and you even got to have some cake that Eddie had custom made for the occasion. And, much to your delight, Steve essentially stuck by Tenisha’s side the rest of the night, talking to her about god knows what. She seemed not to mind though, a smile on her face the whole time.
You felt like you were about to burst. People had been chatting you up for over an hour at this point and you were starting to have to go every 30 minutes or so it seemed. When you finally had the chance to excuse yourself, you all but sprinted to the rest room.
Once you relieved yourself, you went to wipe, but thought you felt a strange texture when you did. You decided to check the toilet paper, only to be met with the sight of bright red blood.
Your heart sank at the sight. Getting up you checked your underwear and found nothing there, so it hadn’t been bad enough to spread. But still, you were only 36 weeks at this point, still a whole month out from when the baby was supposed to come. This shouldn’t be happening.
“Eddie,” you say out of instinct. “Eddie!”
You run out to the backyard and find your husband talking with his uncle by the fire. He looks over at you and waves, unable to see you clearly from where you were at the back door.
“Eddie!” The urgency in your voice caught his attention and he immediately popped up from his chair and came trotting to you.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” 
“Eddie, I’m bleeding.”
“W-what? That’s not supposed to happen now is it?” 
You shook your head and Eddie immediately started to panic.
“Uncle Wayne!”
Wayne jumped up from his chair and ran over to where you two were standing.
“What’s goin’ on?”
“She’s bleeding.”
“Bleedin’! Well that doesn’t sound right. You oughta go to the emergency room. Now. I’ll get everyone going.”
You both nod and Eddie takes you by the hand, grabbing his keys off the counter as you enter the house. He barely lets you grab your purse before he’s pulling you into the car and peeling out of the driveway.
Once you get to the hospital, they take you back right away and get you hooked up to a monitor to listen to your baby’s heart beat. There was a sigh of relief when it was strong enough that it could be easily found by the nurse helping you. They ran some tests on you and did a quick check to see if you were dilated at all.
“Nothing yet,” the doctor says. “Not abnormal for you to not be dilated at this point. Have you had any contractions?”
“No, not yet. Should I be?” You ask with concern.
“Not necessarily. Sometimes women experience what feel like contractions at this point, but you’ll know the real thing when the time comes.”
“Why would she be bleeding right now if the baby wasn’t coming?” Eddie asks, hand clasped with yours.
“Well,” the doctor starts, “There are several possibilities, but it’s hard to say for sure. We’ll probably keep you here for monitoring for a few days just to make sure we don’t need to start the delivery process early.”
“Start it early? Will that hurt the baby?” You ask.
“Not at this point. We consider the baby developed enough at this point that delivery is a safe enough option for you. We would just give you a shot of steroids before hand to help with the development of the baby’s lungs before hand. But, for now, we think that you should get some rest.”
The doctor leaves the room and you and Eddie are left there to listen to the sound of your baby’s heart beating. Eddie’s grasp on your hand tightens, and for a moment you think that he might have started crying. You look up at him and are surprised to find that he’s actually laughing.
“Why are you laughing right now?”
“Because,” he raises his head to look at you, “Only my kid would try and pull something like this the day of his party. I always used to ruin my birthday parties because I would get so excited to get gifts.”
That did make you laugh. Which apparently made your son mad because you felt him kicking you, leaving you to sigh in relief. At least he wasn’t in any immediate danger. Though, you were not looking forward to staying in the hospital for a couple days.
“Do you think I’ll be out in time for Monday?”
Eddie looks at you in disbelief. “I don’t think your students are going to mind a substitute for a couple days while you’re in here.”
“I know, I just don’t want to leave them with a bunch of work to do. I’ve been slacking a bit these last couple weeks.”
“I’ll grade the damn papers myself if it means you’ll relax for a couple days,”
“Oh, god, we wouldn’t want that,” you laugh.
You got to go home on Tuesday. It felt cooler out compared to Saturday, so Eddie brought you a sweater to the hospital to keep you warm. The fabric was tight over your large stomach as you walked out into the late September air.
The bleeding eventually stopped on its own and the doctors decided it would be best to let you go home and finish out the rest of your pregnancy. Which you were relieved to hear because that bed was super uncomfortable.
“I just want to go home and take a nice long shower,” you say from the passenger seat. “Then maybe a good nap.”
“Whatever you need, princess. I know that was rough on you,” Eddie says with a hand in yours as he drives.
“It was rough on you, too. I know you were mad they wouldn’t let you stay.”
“They better let me stay when the baby is born. I’ll stand outside the hospital all night if they don’t.”
“They will, Eddie. We already asked, remember?”
“I know. But what if they find out I’m a felon and change their minds?” You can hear the concern in his voice.
“Eddie, they don’t care. Just don’t do anything stupid and there won’t be a problem.”
Eddie scoffs, “You think I would do something stupid?”
“Of course not,” you laugh, “I’m just saying is all.”
Eddie turns into the drive way and cuts the engine. He hops out from the driver side and runs around the car to open your door for you, lending you a hand to help you out of the car.
The two of you enter the house and you immediately head to your baby’s room. It’s filled to the brim with all the gifts you received still needing to be put away from your shower. The need to nest kicks in and you enter the room.
“Woah, what are you doing?” Eddie says, watching you as you start to fold some of the baby clothes.
“It’s a mess in here,” you say, placing a blue nighty into the dresser drawer. “We need to clean up.”
“We can do that later.” Eddie wraps his arms around you from behind and you let out a whine.
“But what if the baby comes tomorrow? He’s going to think we’re slobs!”
Eddie turns you around to face him, holding you with a hand on each arm.
“Later, sweetheart. Let’s get you in the shower and down for a nap first.”
You let out a sigh but ultimately give in.
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“Aren’t you due today?” Will suddenly says between bites of his salad. The two of you had a shared lunch and had been spending it together since the beginning of the school year.
“Technically I was due Tuesday,” you say after a long chug of water, “But he doesn’t seem to be ready to come out yet.”
“Have you been feeling anything yet? Like the labor pains?” He asks.
“I’ve had a few contractions but nothing too major. The doctor said it’s normal for babies not to come on their due dates, but I’m ready for him to be out of me now.”
You rub your huge bump. It didn’t seem possible that you were this pregnant. You hadn’t seen your feet properly in weeks, but you certainly can feel them aching. The back pain was out of this world, and all you wanted to do was sit down. But at this paint sitting didn’t seem to be much relief either.
“I’m sure you are. I can’t even imagine what it must feel like.”
“It feels like I’m carrying a 30 pound boulder in my stomach is what it feels like,” you laugh. 
But the laugh is cut short by a sharp pain in your lower stomach. Another contraction was hitting you today and this one took your breath away. You hiss, bending slightly as you try your best to work through it. But this one was lasting a lot longer than the others.
Will jumps up from his seat. “Are you okay?” He asks as he hovers over you, hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah, just,” you blow out air from your mouth, “This one just really hurts.”
“Shit, is it time?”
“I…I don’t know.”
You couldn’t say no for sure with how this one was feeling. Was it time?
“Do you want me to call Eddie?” Will says before walking over to the phone.
“No, no it’s starting to stop now,” you say, leaning back in your chair. “I’ll keep an eye on the time and if it gets worse then I’ll call him.”
“Maybe you should go home, just in case,” Will says with concern.
“I think I’ll be okay.”
But you were not okay. After the third contraction, you decided to call Principal Higgins and let him know what was going on. He told you he would take over your class and that you should go home for the day.
“Hawkin’s Auto Body, this is Sarah speaking.”
“Hi Sarah, is Eddie available?”
“Oh, hey! Yeah, let me go get him!” The receptionist put you on hold and you felt another contraction hit. They were starting to become close together, around 8 minutes apart.
“Babe?” You hear from the other side of the line.
“Eddie, I think it’s time,” you say through gritted teeth.
“What? Really? Where are you?” His tone is frantic and you hear some crashing noises.
“I’m at work. I’m having contractions.” You whine as the feeling grows stronger in your pelvis.
“Oh my god, okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can. We’ll take your car, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll be waiting.”
After you hung up with Eddie, you braced the cold October air and made your way to your car. You turned it on and sat in the passenger seat while you waited.
Looking in the rear view mirror, you can see the car seat installed in the back seat for this exact occasion. Eddie was smart to put it back there in case the baby came earlier. Ever since your hospital trip, he’d been on top of everything when it came to the baby’s arrival. He helped you decorate, took you shopping for any last minute items you needed, and even prepared a hospital bag for you that sat in your trunk.
It didn’t take long for Eddie you whip into the school parking lot. He found your car and made quick effort to find the nearest spot to park. After he killed the engine, he booked it to your car and hopped in the driver seat.
“Are you okay?” Was the first thing he asked before buckling his seatbelt.
“At the moment, yeah. But the contractions are getting closer and closer together as time goes by. I’m due for another any minute.”
“Well, lets’s get going then, momma,” he says, shifting into gear and pulling away.
Eddie got you to the hospital in record time. They wheeled you in, mid contraction as they took you immediately to a laboring room. Everything was a blur as they got you in a gown and prepped you to be checked. When the doctor came in, the first thing he did was check to see how dilated you were.
“You’re already at 4 centimeters,” he said as he pulled his hand away. “I’m surprised you hadn’t come in sooner.”
“She was being stubborn,” Eddie said. He was upset that you had gone on having contractions for so long without calling him sooner.
“I was at work. I didn’t know it was going to get this bad--ooooh!” Another contraction.
“Well good news is that once you get to 5 centimeters things tend to go faster, so you shouldn’t be in labor for too much longer. Did you want to get an epidural?”
“God, anything to help with these pains,” you moan as the contraction wracks through your body. It felt like all your muscles from the waist down were tightening all at once. You were starting to sweat from the pain.
“That looks like fun,” Eddie says as he sips from his little cup of water.
You were bouncing on the exercise ball that the hospital provided for you to try and speed up the labor. The epidural kicked in and though your legs felt funny, the pain had subsided greatly. You still felt the contractions but they weren’t nearly as debilitating as they had been all day.
“It feels like a work out, but I think it’s helping.”
“I’m so excited,” Eddie says before walking over to you, both his hands out for you to take. You place your hands in his and do your best to stand, stepping closer to him until your belly touched his. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips.
“I am, too. Insanely nervous, but excited.”
Suddenly you felt a sharp pain between your legs. The sound of water hitting the floor took you by surprise. You felt like you needed to sit down so you reached back for the bed and sat on the edge. 
“Shit, babe, I think your water broke!” Eddie ran to the door and yelled out for a nurse to come to your room. 
Shit, was this really happening?
Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. The nurses and doctor entered the room and it was clear that it was go time. They got you in position on the bed and you could feel something happening between your legs. 
“I see the head!” One of the nurses shouted. 
“Push, momma push!”
“Oh my god.”
Eddie was shaking beside you. You could feel the trembling in his hand as he held yours. But you didn’t have time to focus on him as you put all your effort into pushing. 
You squeezed his hand tight as you did your best to push, feeling the pressure building as you do. 
“Yes, keep going! He’s starting to come out!”
“You got this, sweetheart,” you hear Eddie say shakily. 
“One more good push!”
You put all your strength into pushing. It was the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life. There was so much pressure building up and then—
The sound of cries. 
You opened your eyes and he was there. The nurses held him as the little baby covered in goo and fluids…was crying. 
“It’s a healthy baby boy!”
The sound of Wayne’s voice echoed in the room. He took a step in and Eddie waved him inside. 
“Come on in, Grandpa,” Eddie says from his seat next to you. Wayne mozies into the room, a vase full of flowers in hand. 
“I brought these for the lovely new momma,” he says, setting them down on your bedside table. 
“Thank you, Uncle Wayne,” you say, admiring the flowers. 
“Is that my little man over there?” He asks, moving closer to the bed.
You take the bundle in your arms and turn him to face Wayne. “Oh my god,” Wayne’s hand comes to his mouth as he cracks the widest smile.
“Do you want to hold him?” You ask, lifting your son a bit towards him.
“Can I?” Wayne asks, stretching his arms out. You make the slow exchange and Wayne just absolutely lights up. “Wow, I can’t believe it.”
“I know, it’s crazy isn’t it?” Eddie says, standing up to walk over to them.
“I’m sorry ta break it to ya, sweet girl, but this boy is all his daddy,” Wayne says with a chuckle.
“Wait until you see his hair,” Eddie says, gently pulling the little cap off of his sons head to reveal small poodle like curls underneath.
“Oh boy, we’re really gonna be in for it with you, ain’t we?” Wayne asks your son. “Your daddy’s gonna get all the karma from how he was as a kid.”
“All I know is he’s going to get away with murder when it comes to her.” Eddie says nodding to you.
“Is that so? That in love already, huh?”
You nod your head. It was true. As soon as the nurses laid him against your chest you felt that immediately wave of love come over you for your little one. He might as well have hung the moon and stars because he was perfect in your eyes. You weren’t even mad he looked exactly like Eddie. Quite the opposite. Your head swirled with all the trouble that the two of them were going to get to. And they would get away with it by batting their big brown eyes at you.
“Did ya come up with a name for him yet?”
This question made you look to Eddie. You’d been telling everyone that you weren’t sure what name you were going to come up with, but the truth was that you had a name for the baby all along.
“As a matter of fact, we did,” Eddie says walking over to the bed side bassinet. He pushed it over to Wayne, turning it so that the name card was visible to him.
Wayne stepped closer, leaning in to see the name without his glasses.
“Wayne…Wayne Lee Munson. Well…that,” Wayne’s body shook with a sob, “that’s my name.”
“And we thought it would be the perfect name for the next Munson.”
“Ed…” Wayne started to cry. He held your son close and wept. “Little Wayne Munson. Has a nice ring to it.”
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“Well look at that little man there. He looks jus like you, don’t he?” Al Munson’s voice rang through the other side of the phone’s receiver. It wasn’t how you wanted to meet your future father in law, but you knew this visit meant a lot to Eddie so you went along with it. 
He told you his dad wasn’t a violent man, but he sure looked like it. Eddie looked so much like him, down to the way they both hunched over a bit when they sit. It was almost scary to think about what Eddie could have become if he hadn’t gotten out of prison when he did.
“I’m glad you guys came out,” Al says, “Was worried I wouldn’t get to see ‘em til he’s ten.”
“We’re glad to be able to make it. I’m sure you’re excited to meet him.”
“And the misses, too. Eddie’s told me a lot about you in his letters.”
“Hopefully all good things,” you say into the receiver that’s between yours and Eddie’s head. Al laughs, and it sounds like a raspier version of Eddie’s.
“Oh, yeah. You’re gonna make a great Munson. Wish I could be there to see it.”
“I wish you could, too, dad.”
“We’ll make sure you get lots of pictures.”
“I’ll be lookin’ forward to it,” Al says, leaning into the glass. “Lemme get a better look at’em.”
Eddie moved the phone to his ear as you reposition, standing slightly so you can show off your baby. You watch as his lips move but can’t hear what he’s saying.
“Yeah, that’s what everyone says. I feel bad for her because you know how I was as a kid…Yep, Wayne said the same thing.”
Al’s hand touches the glass near where you’re son is. It makes you feel for him. A man stuck in a cage, just outside of reach of what he wants.
“Okay, old on,” Eddie says holding the phone out to you. “He wants to talk to you.”
“Oh, really? Okay.” You swap with Eddie, handing Wayne to him and taking the phone.
“Hey there, darlin’,” Wayne says. “Just wanted to ask you a few questions.”
You felt your stomach turn. Was he going to grill you on if you were good enough for his son?
“Now, I won’t say anything, and you can give me simple answers if you want. But I want you to answer truthfully.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. Now, is my boy treating you right? He’s not been hittin’ on you or anything?”
The line of questioning took you by total surprise.
“Oh my god, no,” you say shaking your head. “Eddie is the sweetest man I’ve ever met in my life.”
Al smiles the same as Eddie.
“That’s what I wanted to hear. Now, he’s been pullin’ his weight around the house, too, right?”
“Absolutely,” you assure him.
“Good, good. Been helpin’ with the little one?”
“Yes, more than I ever could have asked for.”
Eddie was made for fatherhood. Even at his most tired, he still does whatever he can with Wayne. Changes him, helps bathe him, cleans up so you can feed him. He cooks and cleans. Any little thing you ask he does without a single complaint.
“Wonderful. Eddie’s a tough one, so but I’m glad to see he has a soft side to ‘em. If he ever gets outta line, you just go ahead and give me a call, got it? I got some people on the outside who will set him straight for ya.”
“I don’t think I’ll need to, but I’ll keep that in mind,” you chuckle. 
“Alright, darlin’, go ahead and give me back to Ed.”
You hand the phone back over to Eddie and do another swap with Wayne.
“What the hell did you ask her, old man?”
Al laughs on the other side of the glass. You let the two of them talk it out for the rest of the visit. You weren’t sure the next time you three would be able to make it out to see him, so you made sure to say your goodbyes before leaving.
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The house is warm and filled with the smell of food cooking from the kitchen. As you do your best to prep, Eddie is sitting snugly on the couch holding baby Wayne in his arms. They’re watching A Charlie Brown Christmas on the tv; well, Eddie is narrating everything for Wayne. But Wayne seems to love listening to Eddie talk, starting up at him with those big brown eyes that you love so much.
“Don’t look now, but I think we’re being watched,” Eddie says to Wayne, pointing at you.
“I can’t help it, you guys are just so cute.”
You’re about to check on the food again when you hear a knock at the door.
“Come in!” Eddie shouts from the couch.
The door opens and begins to fill with familiar faces. Dustin and Lucas enter first, bickering about god knows what, followed by Mike, Jane, Max and Will who look fed up at the former two. 
“Hey guys!” You say as you approach, offering to take coats as they come in. Eddie stands up from the couch and walks over to Dustin and Lucas.
“Whatever you guys are going on about can end now,” Eddie says as he hands the baby to Lucas, “and you can hold this one while I go take a piss.”
“I’ll take that, thank you,” Max says as she slips between Dustin and Lucas, taking your son in her arms and walking away. “Awe aren’t you just the cutest!”
“Hey, he was handing him to me,” Lucas says with a scoff.
“You’ll have your turn later, Auntie Max needs her baby time now.”
Lucas pauses for a moment before leaning into Dustin.
“She looks pretty cute with a baby, doesn’t she?” 
Dustin elbows Lucas, “Make your own then, sheesh.”
“Can I see him?” Jane says as she walks up to Max, who shows him off to her.
“He seriously is so cute.” Max says, lightly bouncing Wayne in her arms.
“Thanks, I think so, too,” you chuckle.
Another knock at the door takes your attention away from the girls for a moment. You shout for them to come in and the door opens to reveal Steve and Robin with two handfuls of gifts.
“Oh my god, let me take those,” you say rushing over to them. “What is all this stuff?”
“It’s for the baby, duh,” Robin says, handing you some of the stuff from her hands.
“All of this is for Wayne?”
“Not all of it,” Steve says, making his way to your tree to set his gifts down. “There’s more in the car.”
“You guys are ridiculous,” you say, shaking your head.
“Woah, Santa came early,” Eddie says as he rounds the corner. He walks over to Robin to take the rest of the gifts and joins Steve by the tree.
“We said we were going to spoil him,” Robin says with a shrug.
Suddenly something small runs into the house, past you and onto Mike’s leg.
“Uncwel Mikey!” Elanor squeals.
“Is this where the party is?” Jonathan says as he enters the house, followed by Nancy and baby Amelia.
“It smells so good in here,” Nancy says as she gives you a side hug.
“Thank you! You guys didn’t have to bring anything,” you say, eyeing the tin of cookies that Jonathan was holding.
“It was nothing. I was in a baking mood, so those aren’t the actual cookies that are in there.”
“Well come on in and set them in the kitchen. I need to check on everything anyway.” 
Nancy and the baby follow you inside to the kitchen, Jonathan hot on her heels. “I’ll be back for you,” she says when she passes Max holding baby Wayne.
As you enter the kitchen, the timer for the turkey goes off. You grab your oven mitts and pull it out of the oven, prepping the thermometer to check that it’s cooked all the way.
“Wow, you made a whole turkey?” Nancy says impressed.
“I wanted there to be enough for everyone” you say, reading the temperature, “and it was cheaper than a ham. Got it on sale actually!”
“Looks good!” Jonathan says, setting the cookies on the table.
“Holy shit, Steve she made a turkey!” Robin yells from the kitchen doorway.
“I thought she didn’t know how to cook?!” Steve shouts from the living room.
“I’ve picked up a few things being a housewife, Steve!” You shout back at him.
“Hows motherhood treating you?” Nancy asks, moving to stand next to you.
“Honestly,” you start, “it’s been a crazy ride.” You pause for a moment, thinking about all the sleepless nights and endless feedings. But you think about your sweet baby and the man who has been helping you make it all possible and sigh. “But, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
“I know what you mean,” she says bouncing Amelia on her hip. “It’ll get harder when you have another, but it really is worth it.”
Another? You hadn’t really thought about having another baby just yet. You were still in the throws of first time motherhood that you barely had time to think about anything else. But, who knows, maybe you’ll have another. One day at a time.
You hear a commotion from the living room and assume the rest of the boys have arrived when you hear their collective voices.
“There’s my man,” you hear Jeff say.
“God, he looks just like you, Eddie,” Grant says, making you smile.
“Yeah, I apologize to her for it every day,” Eddie says with a laugh.
Nancy and Robin help you finish everything up in the kitchen while the rest of the party is entertained by your son in the living room. They all take their turns holding him until he ultimately started crying and needed his momma.
“Alright, dinner is ready, everyone,” you say from the doorway. Walking over to Steve, who was currently holding Wayne, you extend your hands to take the crying baby.
“Shh, it’s alright, mommy is here,” he says, gently bouncing Wayne in his arms.
“Damn, you’re a natural, Steve,” you say as you take Wayne from him.
“You think so,” he says standing up from the couch. “I’ve always wanted a big family.”
“Oh, that reminds me,” you say with a sly smile, “How are things going with Tenisha?”
“Great!” He says, clapping his hands together excitedly. “The long distance sucks, but Robin and I are going to drive out to see her for new years.”
“That sounds like it’ll be a good time!” You say and he nods. Wayne lets out another cry and you’re reminded that it’s time to feed him. “Go and get some food, I gotta feed the little one.”
You walk back into the bedroom and let Wayne nurse for a bit, calming him down instantly. A few minutes go by and you hear a knock on the door.
“I’m not decent,” you shout to the door.
“It’s just me,” you hear Eddie say as the door begins to open, him shuffling inside with a plate in his hand. “I brought you something to snack on while you’re in here.” It was more than just a snack. Eddie had made you a whole plate and brought it to you.
“Awe, you didn’t have to do that.”
“Actually, I did,” he says with a chuckle. “Or else there might not have been anything left for you by the time you were done.”
“So everyone likes the food?” You ask with a bit of hope in your voice. Eddie nods, and you sigh with relief. “Thank god.”
“It’s honestly really good,” Eddie says bringing a roll to your mouth. You take a bite and had to admit he was right.
“Eddie,” you say in a wobbly tone, feeling tears starting to well in your eyes.
“Yes, my love?” He says turning to look at you.
“Thank you so much,” you say with a sniffle.
“The roll was that good?” He asks with a laugh.
You shake your head, “No, no, I mean…Just thank you. For everything. I’ve never felt so complete in my whole life and it’s all thanks to you.”
Eddie goes to open his mouth to say something, but closes it. He suddenly sits up from the bed, walking over to his nightstand and opening the drawer. He pulls out a piece of paper and looks it over before holding it to his chest.
Walking back, he plops back on the bed and clears his throat. “Um, this is something I’ve been working on for a while,” he says fidgeting with the paper. You look at it, then back to him. It was covered in his sloppy hand writing and you were instantly brought back to all the letters you’ve shared between the two of you. The ones that brought you together.
“It was originally going to be my wedding vows to you, but it’s gotten so long that I don’t think anyone is going to want to sit and listen to me while I talk on and on. So I just…I guess I’m ready to share it with you now.”
“Okay,” you say barely above a whisper, extremely intrigued as to what he has to say.
“Alright, here it goes,” Eddie says clearing his throat again.
“To my future wife,
It’s always going to be hard to put into words exactly how you make me feel. I could write poetry, could write you a song, could buy a plane and fly the words across the sky. But none of that will ever be enough. So I’ll do what I do best and write you this letter.
Not a day has gone by since we met that I don’t think about you. Even when I was still locked up, the thought of you played on my mind a lot. To me, I felt an instant connection with you. It might not have been love at first, but I knew that you were going to mean something to me. With every passing letter that turned into phone calls, that turned into us meeting for the first time, I only realized that you were put into my life for a reason. And that reason has become clearer with every day that I get to spend waking up next to you and being blessed by a God I don’t believe in with the grace of your smile.
Now that I have you in my life, I don’t think I can ever imagine a life without you in it. I want to spend every possible moment with you that I can, even the bad ones. I can’t wait until the day we’re old and grey and sitting in our rocking chairs on the front porch while we watch the sun go down. Because then I’ll know that I have lived a full, one by your side.
Now that we’re going to be parents, which I still can’t believe, I want to make sure that I’m there for you no matter what. We probably won’t get married until after the baby is born, but I hope you know that we don’t have to do things the traditional way. I’ve never been normal, but I think you know that by now. So lets just do things how we want to from here on out.”
“This last part I wrote recently,” he says, pointing at the paper, avoiding looking at you.
“Wow, I really can’t believe we’ve earned the title of mom and dad already. Nothing could have prepared me for first time parenthood, but I’m glad I have you by my side to go through it. You’ve been nothing short of amazing as a mom and I couldn’t be more proud of you. I think Wayne has been the missing puzzle piece that we didn’t even know we needed in our lives. He rounds out our family in such a positive way that I sometimes feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. That’s how too good to be true my life with you feels. I don’t know what the future holds, but no matter what happens, I know that you and I will be able to work it together as a team. 
I guess I should wrap this up and give it to you before Wayne goes to college. Just know I love you so much and I always will. Never forget that, my love.”
Eddie turned to look at you, not even surprised to see the mess you’d become. Tears streaked your cheeks and you were holding in a sob that kept trying to escape.
“E-Eddie…” you say, leaning into him, finally letting it out with a little cry. “That was so sweet. I don’t even know what to say.”
Eddie kisses the crown of your head before resting his cheek against it.
“You don’t have to say anything. I already know how you feel. You make sure I know it every day. This is just my own way of saying thank you.”
You held your baby tight in your arms, suddenly overwhelmed at the life you’d been given. The man next to you loved you and you loved him. You were going to get married and spend the rest of your days together. As a family.
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thank you all so much for reading!
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somanywords · 2 months ago
2024 Fic Writer End of Year Roundup
Thanks so much for the tag, @moodymelanist!! It's gonna be a little less interesting today since I only published 2 fanfics this year, but I'm grateful for the opportunity to do a little reflection on this new year's eve. :)
🎲 Answer and then tag three or more creators to keep the game going!
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How many words did you publish on AO3 in 2024?
43k! Fun face, that is my 2nd largest yearly wordcount (having only been publishing on AO3 for three-ish years).
2. How many fics did you complete this year?
I completed a solid 2 fics! I had planned to complete a few more, but time got away from me this later half of the year...
3. How many in progress or ongoing fics did you start this year?
Oh, now here's a question I can be longwinded about ;) Good heavens, quite a few. By my count, I worked on 29 WIPs, 16 of which were born in the year of our lord 2024. Whew! Next year should be a year of completion and posting for me, if I have my way!
Noble WIP mentions: The Becca Barnes centric "they survive the war" AU that lives in my head RENT free right now; The fake dating modern AU where both Steve and Bucky are dear idiots; The post canon look at Jack and Les's relationship that I still don't know how to finish; and the 5 Six of Crows ideas I have fighting to get put on paper.
4. What was your favorite thing you wrote?
This is so sad -- I have to pick between two like a terrible parent. I shall simply tell you what my favorite things about both were.
For tin cans with string, I had that beautiful clear view of the horizon the whole time. I knew where I was heading with vague island shapes to stop by on the way. For I saw you in a movie I heard it in a song, even though I had to rewrite so much while figuring out the story's arc, it was so FUN the whole time. 😌
5. What piece was your most experimental or different from your usual style?
I'd have to go with I saw you in a movie I heard it in a song -- this was my first time writing for Newsies in a modern AU, which was new and experimental and entertaining. I really wanted to keep the characters feeling true and familiar despite their new setting/location.
6. Did any fics surprise you - either while writing or their reception?
I've gotten a LOT of comments on tin cans with string with people telling me they cried for parts/the whole thing, which...I wasn't expecting? Like, yes, that fic is heavy and melancholy in parts, but that I created a work that gave readers emotions and feelings is so wild to me. I'm beyond happy about that, from an evil writer's point of view!
7. Do you have a fic you wrote and loved that went under the radar? (This is your sign to reblog/repost it!)
The Stevebucky fandom is so large and thriving that the Newsies fandom is very small and very young in comparison, so I guess I saw you in a movie I heard it in a song would fit this bill. (Check it out, if you're so inclined!)
8. Who is an artist that inspired you?
This year? Hmm, @quezify and their gorgeous egg art is always inspiring me, and this year I even got to participate in the eggtober challenge! So fun! (And that's probably why I didn't get a fic posted in October when I was planning to...)
9. Who is an author that inspired you?
Oh my gosh, I am inspired by most everything I read. If it's right up my alley, I go crazy and want to be just like it and write a hundred things, and if it's not for me, I spend way too long thinking about how I'd write it more to my own personal tastes. I couldn't tag everyone, but all my friends and mutuals who share their gifts with us are simply incredible and I'm so grateful for them all!
10. Who is a new author you discovered?
Hmm, I'm not sure! I find most of what I read on rec lists, and then occasionally check out an author if they checked off a ton of ingredient boxes for me. My brain is short circuiting trying to recall
11. Did you do any collaborations? How did it start?
Not yet!
12. What accomplishments are you proudest of?
Both the fics I published this year were challenges to myself--tin cans with string was a specific set of new ingredients to challenge myself and a start to finish timeline and I feel like I really accomplished everything I set out to with that one. I saw you in a movie I heard it in a song was part of a mini-bang, and that was my first bang event of any kind, and I'm super proud of myself for getting out there and participating.
13. What did you learn about writing or creating this year?
This is a personal one I learned about myself this year: sometimes the clear vision and motivation is there. When it isn't...no deadline is going to force it to the surface. I can finish a project to meet a deadline, but I will not be happy with the end result. There's no rushing the soul of a story.
If anyone has any tips on "growing a muscle" to combat this or creating a way around the problem, I would love to hear it!
14. Any advice you'd like to share with new or aspiring writers?
What @moodymelanist said: if there's an idea you want to see, start writing it! I promise you, others would love to see it too. Also, don't be afraid to really focus on something smaller: one facet of a character, one scenario where the character reacts. Every time I start writing a new fandom, I tend to throw EVERY idea I have into a massive fic that never gets finished. I have to start smaller, start exploring. :)
15. What are your creative goals for 2025?
In regards to the original fiction I'm working on constantly, I'd love to have a few chapters of my novel to share with friends and family. I'm in draft 2 right now, wrestling with inconsistency and plot, but I'm getting closer. Fanfic wise, I'd love to share a lot with you this coming year! 2024 was a rest year for my fic sharing, and let 2025 be a partying year, amen. :D
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Whew, if you made it all the way down here, thank you! And I'll pass the tags on to @blurglesmurfklaine @piedoesnotequalpi @tessabennet @zenaidamacrouras1 @dharmasharks
@hipsterdiva @sparkagrace and anyone else who sees this and wants to join <3
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straykidsnerd255 · 2 years ago
Hello! I have an one piece if that is ok with you!
Could you kindly write about what would make them short circuit? As in crush/reader does something so fricking cute they just stops working you know?
I am not sure how many characters you take requests for, so I am requesting this for Law, Mihawk and a character of your choice! If that's ok of course!
Thank you for your hard work!
To answer your question about how many characters I do, my limit is 3. I tried doing six and nearly burned my brain. 3 will be the maximum that I will do. Anyway, on to your request! Hope that you enjoy it!<3
What makes Law, Mihawk, and Shanks short-circuit around their crush?
Everything about you makes this man lose his cool, but the one thing that makes his brain stop working and short-circuit is when you start talking to the small animals that appear at your feet. You never ate a devil fruit but you just seem to attract all the small animals to you. 
He can remember the first time you came back to the submarine with a wolf following after you with its tail wagging as if it were a dog. Law was convinced that you had eaten a devil fruit the first time he had met you because of it. 
Law turned away as you pressed a kiss to Bepo’s cheek and smiled. His face was bright red and he was so not ready to destroy his reputation but he still sneaks a peak to see you smiling and giggling beyond control. 
“Captian, are you blushing?” 
“I will rip your heart and make sure you never get it back again.” 
“Damn. Noted. Sorry, I bothered you, sir, have a great night.”
That night when you both were going to bed, you began changing into your sleepwear in front of him. And Law promised himself that he would never be like Sanji but here he was, watching you take your shirt off and trying his damn hardest not to have a bloody nose. 
“My dear, please put a shirt on before I bleed to death,” Law whispered, keeping his vision secured on the door with his hand over his nose. 
You giggled before throwing on one of his shirts and a part of shorts before jumping into bed and curling up next to Law. 
“My dear, you are gonna be the death of me one day.” He whispered pressing his lips against your neck and kissing the skin.
Another thing that would make this man short circuit is the talk about having a child together. He would bink a few times looking at you like you grew two heads before his stoic look cracked. 
“You want a baby with me?” He would ask, pointing at himself.
You rolled your eyes and nodded your head before pulling him by his shirt and pressing your lips against his in a deep but loving kiss. 
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He won’t admit it but what makes his brain malfunction and stop working is when you wear his clothing, and scold the ghost woman- Perona, and Zoro. 
He loves the way his clothes hang off your body and will make sure that you know it too. 
Believe it or not, Mihawk is very affectionate when he’s around you. He loves to lay in your lap and close his eyes while you run your fingers through his hair. 
 He has envisioned you waddling around with a round stomach and can’t help himself from smiling dreamily to himself. 
When you both got married, Mihawk was insistent on having your honeymoon the very next day. How could you tell your husband no?
The next morning, you woke to the sudden need to throw up. You raced to the bathroom and emptied your stomach and decided that you should take a pregnancy test to be sure. After three tests, and the results staying the same, you couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your face. 
You raced into your shared room with your husband and jumped onto the bed. “Mihawk! Wake up! I just received the best news ever!” You said, shaking him awake. 
When you told him the news of you being pregnant, his hands instinctively pressed against your still flat stomach and a smile appeared on his normally stoic face.
Another thing that would short-circuit his brain, is if he finds you talking to your slowly growing stomach. His heart melts and all he can think about is that small little life growing in your stomach. 
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This man is gone if you can out-drink a high-tolerant drinker. He has hearts in his eyes, and his heart is nearly beating out of his chest. 
Another way to get him to short-circuit is if you protect Luffy when he isn’t able to. He wasn’t able to save the young boy from the mountain bandits and wasn’t able to make it to him in time. 
However, that’s where you appear before the beast, your eyes holding so much anger in them that the sea king basically carried you and the sobbing Luffy back to shore. 
Shanks would make sure that Luffy was ok before making sure that nothing happened to you either. After all, you may have just saved his ass from Luffy’s grandfather.
When it comes to something you do that’s cute, well, everything that you do makes this man short-circuit. 
You made him breakfast the next morning cause his lazy ass doesn’t want to make anything? You bet ya.
You made sure that he and his crew were 100 percent ready to set sail the next morning? Yup. 
You gave this giant baby a kiss to make sure he knew what he needed to do in order to come back home? You bet your ass you did. 
Was he a blushing blubbering mess when he asked you out for the first time? He melted. He wasn’t sure how to ask you. But you knew what he was saying and agreed to date him.
“Can I have another kiss please?” 
You stared out the window of the captain's quarter with a soft smile on your lips. You turned to face your husband of two years and rolled your eyes.
“You are such a dork.” You whispered before walking over to him, you stood in front of him and placed your hands on your hips. 
You were very pregnant but a smile still sat on your lips. Uta, your adopted daughter was still sleeping in the hammock near your and Shanks's bed. 
You leaned down the best you could with your very round belly and pressed your lips to his lips in a chaste kiss.
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yoke9494 · 6 months ago
🧜🏻 Kyojuro Rengoku. Pt1 (slight Inoske)
Mermaid Rengoku.
Aged up characters/age gap. (Inoske is older)
⚠️This will contain ⚠️: Yandere characters, dark content, SMUT, Gore, and a bit of crack.
You were hesitant...
A large white yacht came into view as your best friend dragged you onto the docking area.
"Come on Y/n! It's for my brothers birthday! He's always been there for us! Plus you only turn 25 once!"
You shook your head. "I can't believe I let you both talk me into coming. You know I'm scared of this type of thing.. I can't swim Nezuko.."
Your best friend rolled her eyes. "The damn Yacht isn't going to sink! Why do you always think like that?"
You shrugged. "It's a fear.."
She scoffed, but it was soon replaced with a smirk. "Inoske will be there. He's been asking Tanjiro about you.. Y'know... Since you're legal now."
You felt your cheeks warm up. You wished you never told her about the crush you had on her older brothers friend.
Your poor teenage brain just short circuited the day you laid eyes on him. You had gone over to Nezuko's for a school break and didn't know her brother and his friends would be visiting from college.
You were a mess when you were introduced to him while he and Tanjiro were working out in the little home gym they had in the garage.
You were just a studdering clumsy mess! It was so embarrassing.. Some nights you stayed up thinking about it to this day...
Little did you know the beautiful beast of a man thought it was cute, you were cute. But you were way too young for him, you were only 16 and him 20 at the time.
With a low groan you picked up your footsteps to keep up with her. She was so giddy-- not only to see her brother but to also flirt with her own crush as well. Another one of her brothers friends.. Zenitzu.
With a gulp you stepped on the big boat. You've never been on one before and half expected it to rock back and forth. It didn't but your legs still felt shaky..
"Guys! There you are!"
The sunshine in his voice calmed you down a bit. Tanjiro almost jogged up to you guys with the biggest smile.
"You made it!" He looked at you. "I was so worried you'd be too scared. I'm happy you're here Y/n!"
You smiled at him, he was like the brother you never got to have. "It's your birthday Jiro. You've never missed one of mine. Of course I'd tit up and be here."
He smiled and placed an arm around both you and Nezuko before giving you both a kiss on the head. "Best adopted sister ever!. But now that you're both here! We can head off and get this party started."
The boat was full of people you didn't know. But that was okay because you couldn't really focus on anyone right now-- not when.
"Sorry it took me a while. I found soda but it was warm. I put it in some crushed ice for you-- no alcohol I promise."
Inoske sat down on one of the many chairs next to you. Nezuko and Tanjiro had left you both alone to deal with Zenitzu. (He was getting sea sick)
You weren't really a drinker. In fact, Inoske had just given you your first sip of alcohol a few minutes ago. You hated it! But he was sweet enough to search the kitchen for something non-alcoholic. He even put your soda in a margarita glass with a little umbrella.
"It's okay. And thank you. You really didn't have to go through the trouble of finding me something to drink."
He just shrugged and took a chug of his beer. "It's fine. You deserve to have fun too.. Even with a soda."
It was awkward for about a second. He leaned closer to you. "How's college going for you?"
You hummed. "Good! I like all my classes so far.--"
He listened to you while you babbled on. He did care but not really at the same time. He just liked to hear you talk.
"I'm hungry. You want to raid the kitchen?"
That sadly shut you up. But he hasn't had anything to really eat today.
He grabbed your hand and weaved you through all the bodies. Everyone was either too busy dancing, drinking, or humping to even pay attention to the food.
All well, sucks to suck. More for you and Inoske.
"Sweet! They got baby cheese burgers."
You snorted. "I think they're called sliders?"
He rolled his eyes and popped one into his mouth before grabbing the whole tray. "Get more sodas, a bag of chips, and follow me!"
You ran around the kitchen, stuffing sodas in your pockets, bra, arms, and a bag of chips in your teeth. -- the private chef that was working just stared at you and Inoske.. At least someone was eating the food they guessed.. But some sober conversation would have been nice.
And that's exactly what Inoske had in mind. Conversation... But private. He wanted to be away from all the loud music and drunk people. He knew once Tanjiro got drunk he became more lovey. (Yeah. It's possible..)
But he just wanted to be in the quiet (ish).. With you .. In a private small room that Tanjiro had given him keys to. He had left the sliding door to the small balcony open just enough to hear the music.. And Zenitzu yelling.
His usually hyper temper had been turned down to the lowest setting just so he can get to know you more. Tanjiro and Nezuko could only tell him so much. And for once he could understand what you were saying. You weren't a studdering mess anymore.
But that was okay. He liked the new confidence. Especially when you laughed..
You snorted so loud your baby cheese burger almost flew out of your hand. "You did not?!"
Inoske nodded. "I did. I got so drunk and woke up the next day sleeping with a bunch of boar's in a mud field. They were cool though"
You were having so much fun listening to his stories. You completely ignored all the drunk "Is he in yet?" texts from Nezuko.
While he began another story of his drunken collage days. You reached for a slider-- only your hands bumped into one another.
It was the last one...
"I'll fight you for it."
You looked at Inoske with a raised brow. "You sure you wanna get beat up by a girl?"
All he did was smile. His pretty green eyes narrowing at your weaker figure. "Really? You have that much confidence in yourself?--"
You nodded.
"Well aren't you brave."
You were brave! But you weren't strong..
The poor slider was long forgotten, it sat lonely and cold while you and Inoske began to do a little more than okay fighting.
At first this was a serious battle for the deliciousness that was a mini cheeseburger. You and Inoske were both crazy when it came to good--
But the second he pinned you under him, you both became lost in one another.
Somehow his shirt had been taken off. He was settled between your legs while holding your wrist down.
He did want to make you uncomfortable. This actually wasn't apart of his plan. He genuinely just wanted to hang out and talk.
But you smelled so good, and he could feel the heat of your body through your clothes. He looked at your plump lips--
He couldn't. He was about to pull himself off of you. But it was you who leaned up and kissed him. You who opened your legs a little more so you could feel how hard he was against you.
"Can I take these off?"
He was talking about the tights you had on under the skimpy blue dress Nezuko got for you. This wasn't how you usually dressed, she was going to have you practically butt naked! But thankfully/ regrettably you talked her into letting you wear black tights.
You nodded-- "That's fine."
Slowly the tight fabric rolled off of you and you found yourself a little disappointed?
No he wasn't doing anything wrong. He left a trail of sloppy kisses from your lower stomach down to your ankles. But you've heard stories-- He was mean in bed, more wild. You half expected him to rip your clothes to shreds like he did others. You didn't know why you wanted to experience that--
Again he was holding himself back. Keeping his normal self at bay.. He didn't want to scare you off. No matter how bad he already wanted to rip you in two. This while slow thing wasn't him..
He assumed it was more your speed. Hell he didn't even know if you were still a virgin or anything. Yeah you were nearly 19 but that didn't mean you had sex yet. People wait and that's okay.. But then again you were beautiful, a little on the obedient side.. Some guy had to at least try right?
"Is something wrong?"
He hadn't noticed he stopped halfway and just stared at you. Stupid him, he was blowing it. "Sorry.. Uh. This is okay right? Are you like a virgin or something?"
You furrowed your brows. "No? I've been fucked before."
Now, why did you have to say it like that? So dirty-- Where did that girl who stayed up late with Nezuko trying to bleach their hair with lemon juice go? That girl who giggled when some half naked dude popped up on TV?
Not that he was going to complain. That meant he didn't have to be so nice.
And he wasn't...
Your eyes eyes rolled to the back of your skull. Nails dug into the sheets as you tried your hardest to keep yourself up.
Your back was in a mean arch as he fucked you from behind. A ring of white already foaming around his cock from your coming undone. But that didn't mean he was going to stop his brutal pace. He gave you your high and he was going to chase his.
He didn't care that you were shaking and already crying from overstimulation.
That wasn't you screaming for him-- His movements came to a halt as you caught your breath.
Inoske's voice was rougher. "Did you hear that?"
You didn't---
Loud bangs pounded against the door. "INOSKE!-- Y/N!! COME OUT HERE!!"
This time the voice was different.. It was Nezuko! She sounded like she was drunk?
Inoske clicked his tongue as he slowly pulled out of you. Your poor body falling to the mattress.
"Fucking Kamado's can't hold their liquor for shit.."
He was pissed. But he wouldn't dare take it out on you-- unless it was with his dick.. He helped you get cleaned up and dressed. You both flinched when the lights in the bathroom began to flicker.
You looked around while they flickered once again. "Thats freaky.."
Inoske raised a brow. "You scared of the dark?"
You shook your head. "More like this Yacht sinking. The Titanic's lights flickered like crazy as it sunk"
He snorted. "I doubt there are any icebergs around here  baby."
Oh that was a new name..
But before you could mention it he stood up after helping you put on your shoes. "Alright. Let's go see what they want. Maybe we'll finish later. I didn't get to cum."
You nodded and followed after him back into the loud music and drunk bodies..
"Y/n!! Did you fuck?!"
You were jumped by a very intoxicated Nezuko.
"Don't talk like that!-- did you guys fuck?"
Tanjiro was next as he threw himself into Inoske. God he was so different drunk..
Zenitzu ran into the room with what looked like a puke bag. His eyes landed on you and his friend. You hair a mess and fresh scratches down Inoske's arm. The beast didn't even have a shirt on, just his shorts and shoes.. and he looked pissed!
Oh fuck..
Zenitzu cleared his throat. "Crap. I'm sorry for interrupting you guys.. I tried to handle them on my own but they both got away from me."
Inoske was about to tell him off but Nezuko interrupted him. "Y/n I don't feeeel so gud."
You sighed. "Okay let's go to the deck. Feed the fishes, get some air and all that.."
She nodded.. and you left the boys alone to deal with Tanjiro.
Your poor girl threw up everything in her stomach off the side of the boat. You even swore you saw the pop tart she ate this morning fly into the water.
You held her pretty hair back as she continued. Slowly she was sobering up and the fear of never stopping was kicking in.
"You'll be fine Nezuko. You just need to get it all out, let your body do what it needs."
She shook her head. "I'm dying-- help me! Distract me please-- I'm-- *barf* dying!"
You huffed, what would keep this girl occupied. You didn't have any juicy gossip right now-- wait..
"It hurt Nezuko, but I hurt so good. I'm throbbing right now."
She stopped heaving and looked at you with wide eyes. A squeal left her mouth. "I knew he was big! I mean come on! The guy is all rage and muscle.-- Tell me more!"
You tried, but it all got you flustered and giggly. You both were like hormonal school girls again. Crushing on guys you had no business crushing on..
But halfway through you showing Nezuko the bite mark Inoske left on your back--- A cold shiver ran up your spine. The air was warm and your skin was dry, where did it come from.
For some reason your eyes traveled to the water. A sick feeling began to claw at your stomach as you watched the waves roll from the Yachts movements-- You sucked in a breath when you swore you saw something!
"Helloo? Y/n? What's wrong?"
Nezuko waved her hand in front of your eyes. You shook your head. "I thought I saw something in the water."
Nezuko furrowed her brows and looked out into the water. She didn't notice how creepy it all looked-- just completed darkness..
"Hmm. Maybe it was a fish? Dolphin? We are in the middle of know where right now. At least for a few hour's.."
You both stood closer to one another. Both feeling a little uncomfortable-- like you were being watched..
You grabbed her hand. "Should we head back now? It's kinda spooky back here.."
She nodded. "Yeah. I'm a bit sober now so I think maybe we should go eat something and sit with the guys.."
That was the best idea she's ever had! The kitchen was a bit full now-- The private chef really put his back into everything. You thanked him for earlier and told him his food was the best you've ever had. That seemed to make the old guy happy.. So much that he gave you fresh out the fryer Tempura.
You remembered Inoske saying it was one of his favorites so you didn't hesitate to take it..
Tanjiro tried to wiggle his eyebrows when you and Nezuko found them. Poor thing was drunk out of his mind-- Zenitzu held his head down in shame as Inoske just laughed. Tanjiro was usually the uptight one, the mother hen of the group. It was good when he let himself go once in a while.
Inoske ignored the kissy noises coming from him as he help you hit on his lap. Who were you to complain about his sudden clinginess when he was just rearranging your guts a few minutes ago.
Zenitzu was about to do the same. He and Nezuko shared a also kiss earlier-- before she started puking.. That wasn't because of him right? But Tanjiro beat him to it-- He sat on the floor and patted his empty seat.
"Sis down Nezuko."
She gave him a smile and did so. Even though she was hoping for Zenitzu to pull the same move Inoske did..
The conversation flowed-- you and Inoske are and chimes in here and there. Zenitzu was in the middle of telling his story about --
You were nearly jerked out of Inoske's lap. The Yacht came to a violent halt-- Inoske held onto you tight as the Yacht jerked forward again, the light flickered and the music skipped and became distorted before --
Complet darkness too over the big boat-- gasp a a few dramatic screams filled the pitch black darkness that now surrounded everyone..
Tanjiro lifted up his phone and turned on his flashlight. Zenitzu and a few others did the same.
(Inoske) "What's the fuck? Did you forget to pay the light bill?"
You knew he was trying to calm you down-- but it wasn't helping much.
Tanjiro clicked his tongue. "Shit-- we don't really have a crew to look at what's going on. Since it was last minute all we have is a chef and captain.."
Nezuko jumped up and grabbed into Zenitzu."Didn't you go to school for electrical work? Can you see what's wrong.."
Oh shit... Duh! It was probably the Yachts breaker? He saw an outlet in the hall that looked like it was getting gang banged earlier. He knew it was going to cause trouble..
"Y-yeah! I can look." He turned to her brother. "Tanjiro, Inoske,.. come with me. You know I hate the dark."
You both sighed.
(Inoske) "I'll lead the way--"
Another jerk sent you forward this time. Both you and Tanjiro lost your balance --
A piercing scream came from the dance floor..
(Zenitzu) "What the--"
A loud whistle and buzzing noise flew over you before you head a sticky *Thud* and we gargling close by..
Nezuko made the mistake and turned on her phones light. Right next to her was a body jerking with blood literally spraying out of its mouth.
Tanjiro shot up to grab his sister to hide her face in his chest-- you all were in shock!
You knew this girl! She was an older sister to a boy you sat with in one of your morning classes! He talked about her so much! She was going to open her own bakery...
"We need to help her!"
"What the fuck is this thing?!"
You looked to where Zenitzu was trying to stop her bleeding. A black and white spear? -- what in the-- It was pierced into her stomach, keeping her body pinned to the wooden floor.
The lights let out a loud hum before they suddenly popped back on. A few flicked on so bright that some popped and glass began to fly-
Screams made your ears sting as different colored spears flew onto the Yacht and into the crowd of people.
The girls body suddenly jerked before it was ripped in half right in front of your eyes. The speak in her stomach took her upper half into the water while her legs and guts shook.
You were pushed by Inoske just to see a Pink and green spear stab into his shoulder!
Nezuko's own bloodied body was pushed onto yours on the floor. Tanjiro was covered in blood from head to toe since he and her were closest to the body--
"Get inside! Now!"
You were both shaking, crying,-- But you both pulled one another up and tried to hurry inside--
Almost there! Just a few steps! The air smelled metallic and sour! Screams were slightly dying down but only because bodies were being yanked into the water. Full or in pieces..
Nezuko yanked open the door to the kitchens but--
White Hot pain shot up from your foot to your leg and glued you to your spot. Nezuko turned when your still body jerked her back---
He eye full tears as she dropped to her knees. "Nononono-- Y/n help me!"
The burn of her trying to yank the thing out of your foot brought you back to reality.
Tears flooded your vision and every curse in the book left your mouth. Both you hands couldn't get a grip on the damn thing! It was covered in red and orange coral and gems.. They cut into your palms causing you both to slip--
Another spear almost got Nezuko's head. But she had moved fast enough for it to only cut through her hair--
White and green-- You scream for her- "Run! Just run! We cant--"
She shook her head and still tried to get your free-- "N-nit leave you!"
But a crack had you crying out for your mother. Like a child that fell and broke their foot..
Your body was yanked away from Nezuko as the spear was yanked out of the flooring. The entire left side of your body burned like you were one fire before the shock of the cold water swallowed your body.
In a panic you began to kick at the water, even though it felt like death to do so. Your hands clawed at the water as the distorted image of Nezuko and the Yacht slowly passed by--
You screamed into the water-- And due to your bodies naturally nature it began to try and search for air.
Your lungs burned as they  constricted. Cold water rushed down your throat--
Your body felt heavy-- vision going dark the more you tried to breathe...
You felt something grab your leg. You didn't want to look-- you couldn't! You still tried to claw at the water as if you could climb it and get back into the Yacht..
Hands grabbed your waist. At least you hoped it was! Someone jumped in to save you. Strong arms wrapped around you...
You thanked the heavens for Inoske-- On its own your body relaxed, eyelids too heavy to keep open but you needed to see him---
Only it wasn't a head of blue and black hair. The last colors you saw were yellow and red...
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its-aftg · 2 months ago
So I go to the gym in the am before work (~7am). It was recently holiday break for schools here and all these young ass high school kids were at the gym when i was there. props to them for not sleeping in until noon, y'all built different than me. but this lead to a whole new cast of npc characters in my life (i am indeed that weird person who notices someone new, a new car in the lot, etc. i will never talk to you. i am simply ~observing~).
Let me give you some necessary info - I am:
a lady
not in high school, almost 40 but still told late 20s/early 30s by many who don't know (thank you night shift, i attribute my lack of aging to you <3)
A lot of these high schoolers are probably in some sports, they got that vibe.
I'm minding my own business as these two young kids walk in (see: old). first thing i notice? Short. they are VERY short. Short in general, not just as dudes. I would dare say these two are somewhere in the 5'-5'4" land.
My brain immediately AFTG short-circuited and all I could see were the Minyard twins lol They didn't really look like them, I don't think they're twins and maybe not related at all, but i only have two braincells.
They start benching and it's clear they workout together all the time and ALL i can think about is if andrew and aaron go to the gym together and they have quiet but helpful lifting sessions. all soft and brotherly and wholesome and i just am consumed by the thought.
but then a few days later i leave the cable pulley up on the highest setting (again, see tall lol) and migrate over to the pec deck. Now, most of the people in the gym don't talk to me (thank you gym goers lol), and the only time they do is to see I'm done using something. One of them (andrew in my mind lol) comes over to ask if i'm done with the cable station and i tell him all yours.
I'm still minding my business on the pec deck, starting my next set, when i see out of my peripherals that the dude working out near them had to come over and move the pulley down for them.
I am CONSUMED by thoughts of Andrew and Aaron struggling when a tall was the one there before them. having to ask for help when a pulley is too high, when the hack squat is set on the tall setting, when the bar is on the highest point of the squat rack when Matt was using it as a makeshift pull up bar.
The gym usually isn't built for short people and some of the machines are for sure harder to use when short, but what makes me laugh so hard is that the short women who come to the gym i never see ask for help moving something, they have some kind of plan/modification that allows them to adjust everything by themselves, but these dudes were like fuck that i'm going to make a tall do it.
the twins prefer to make kevin do it because it's fun to have him do things for them, he might complain as he does it but he won't ever say no. they hate asking allison but when only the three of them are there they still will, she'll do it but she laughs at them the whole time. matt is too helpful and will move anything he uses to a more normal height if any of the shorts are at the gym at the same time as him.
idk. these are just ramble thoughts that literally have me in a chokehold. i want, no i NEED, more foxes gym content lol
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stargirl1331 · 1 year ago
Petition for tumblr to let me write bibles on post comments without having to write 100 of them.
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C, you've no idea the can of worms you just opened, I get so weird about this stuff and I straight up cannot form thoughts right now because my brain decided to go stupid for some reason so-
Ok, trying to write this one again because what I was going to send looked like word vomiting, I wasn't joking with my brian going stupid. Y'know that feeling when you want to say a lot but the words won't come out so you just feel dizzy and like you might throw up? That but like in a good way, like I'm having butterflies but in the brain. Anyway.
So your poem was about internet and online friends, I started thinking about relationships and how you can love people without faces and that reminded me of Her (2013), a movie about a dude that falls in love with his universe's Siri/Alexa with whom he starts to develop a wholesome and cute relationship.
And then there's the song Computer Boy by Poppy, where she falls in love with an AI (back when AIs were cool, when they were just a concept for people to go insane and write fiction about and not an actual thing that kills art) and it's basically a silly reference to online dating and I just love it.
But Poppy's character (she's a character) started with the concept of a girl who wanted to be internet famous, except she was actually an AI/robot created only and specifically to be famous (a critique of the music industry) and she actually lived ON the internet, like that was her house. There's just so many things about her- actually, there's this FANTASTIC youtube essay about her that explains everything better than me and since you seem to like her- here
Then The Machine is about so SO many things, in this specific instance I meant like the humanization of machines; when they develop consciousness, empathy and feelings and where does that leave us, how different are they from us and we from them? Can a human and a machine fall in love? Have a connection?
New Flesh is technically horror, technically transhumanism; when the human and the mechanical combine, it's about the morphing and transformation of our bodies with the coming of the future, if we're not our bodies what are we? Can we even be considered humans without one? New Flesh is all about the relationship between human/body and machine and you comparing dna with codes made me think of that when writing in the tags before going "what does this have to do with anything?" but yeah man-machine, I remember now.
Basically, your poem reminded me of loving people that don't have a physical and/or human body, I went "awww, they're in love with the computer, with the robot :3" and related it with other things that don't have that much in common but whom I'm obsessed about.
It took so long to formulate this, I short circuited for a while. I'm normal now (lie). Hope this makes at least a little bit of sense and I don't sound out of my mind.
This is all so cool???? I’m currently like absolutely obsessed with poppy.computer no I’m not chewing on things nooooooo. Dante please info dump in my inbox literally anytime ever I love hearing your thoughts they are always so awesome and I learn so much and find a new thing to hyperfixate on.
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kaiser1ns · 7 months ago
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featuring 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗶���𝗵𝗶 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗸𝗮 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
fluff + slight angst + slight suggestive. welcome to the top 10 moments in your relationship with the one and only chika!
word count :: 5,5 k. SOFT CHIKA. he is probably ooc but we all need soft chika in moments of madness.
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DATING TAKIISHI CHIKA WOULD INCLUDE him sleeping over at your place. He's been here before, but never in your room—absolutely never. But now he has to be, because the couch is too small for two people, and you wouldn't dare sleep in your parents' room. The moment he steps inside, he insists on taking the couch instead.
"Why do you have so many posters on your walls, door, shelves… everywhere?" he asks, his eyes narrowing as he glances around. The thought of someone else watching you while you sleep, study, and—most importantly—dress makes him uneasy. His gaze finally settles on you, and he notices the sad, uncertain look in your eyes.
"I know it's weird," you admit. "But I decorated my room years ago. I just don't have the heart to take them down or change anything."
He could easily tear them off, but he won't. He always lets you be because he doesn’t care if you like some Korean idol or fictional character. He has you every day and night in his arms; he gets to receive your kisses, not them.
"I don't care," he says. Normally, hearing that might make you question your life choices, but right now, it makes you happier than ever.
"Great! Because we're going to sing all of their—" you begin, turning your back to him. But before you can finish, he takes your hand and pulls you toward him, your back pressing against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. He rests his head on your shoulder, his breath warm against your skin.
"You are mine," he murmurs. You smile softly, knowing that, of course, you are his—forever and always.
WHEN YOU TRY TO MAKE HIM SMILE after all, you’d been dating him for a while, noticing the way he often seemed lost in his thoughts, burdened by something only he knew. You couldn't help but want to see him smile—really smile. So, you did what any sensible person would do in this situation: you scoured the internet for the cheesiest pick-up lines you could find!
Armed with a list of laughably terrible lines, you approached him, a grin on your face that you hoped was disarming. “Hey, Chika,” you started, catching his attention as he looked up from whatever had him so engrossed. His eyes met yours, and for a split second, you felt your heart skip a beat. There was something about the way he looked at you—calm, a little curious, but always with that distant frown. You cleared your throat and continued “Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears.” It was cringe-worthy, and you knew it, but that was the point. You wanted to see if you could pull a reaction out of him, anything to turn that frown upside down.
He blinked at you, utterly unimpressed, though his eyes softened slightly. That was a start, right?
Undeterred, you threw another one at him. “Are you a firecracker? Because with that red hair, you are igniting sparks in my heart.” This one earned you a small sigh, and you could have sworn you saw the faintest hint of a mile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
You are on a roll now. “Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?” This time, his gaze sharpened, and he raised an eyebrow at you. Before you could read too much into it, he was suddenly right in front of you, closer than you’d ever been to him.
"Chika, I—"
But you didn’t get to finish. His hands came up to cup your face, his touch surprisingly gentle, yet firm enough that you couldn’t pull away—not that you wanted to. Your heart raced as his face leaned in, and just like that, he kissed you. It was so unexpected, so sudden, that your brain short-circuited. All the flirty remarks you'd prepared flew right out the window as you stood there, wide-eyed and speechless.
When he finally pulled back, you were left blinking at him, utterly dumbfounded. He didn’t say anything—he didn’t need to. The little smile on his face said it all. It was subtle, barely there, but it was real. And that made it all worth it.
Without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving you standing there with your cheeks warm, heart pounding, and your mind replaying that kiss on a loop. You were too stunned to follow him, but one thing was for sure: you'd definitely managed to turn his frown upside down.
OR WHEN YOU TRY YOUR MAKE UP ON HIM as you sit on his lap, feeling the warmth of his gentle touch as his hands rest on your waist. His grip is tender, but at the same you can't escape. You open your makeup kit, the tools of your craft laid out before you. Today, he is your model, and you take a moment to admire how natural he looks before applying makeup to his face, you can’t help but notice how intensely he gazes at you. Those bright like the sun eyes seem to penetrate your very soul, filled with a warmth and light that never fails to make your heart flutter.
You reach for the lip glosses, holding up a few options for him to choose from. "Baby, which one do you want? Strawberry, coconut, blueberry, or apple?" you ask, fully expecting him to make a casual choice. But instead, he pauses, his eyes never leaving yours.
He doesn’t look at the options in your hand; instead, his gaze remains locked on yours. "You," his voice is calm, steady like he’s telling you a simple fact rather than something that makes your heart race.
His response catches you off guard. It's not just what he says but the way he says it—so casual as if there could never be any other answer. It's a simple statement, yet it carries so much meaning.
You blink, trying to process his words, feeling a rush of warmth flood your cheeks. It’s such a simple response, yet it holds so much weight. He says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and maybe to him, it is. To him, there’s no better choice, no sweeter flavor than you.
THAT ONE TIME WHEN you told him to give you his hand, and he hesitated for a moment before slowly extending it toward you. His hand is warm, rougher than yours, and as you place your hand in his, the difference is almost amusing. Your fingers are smaller, more delicate, and it’s clear that he notices it too because he tilts his head, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
“What are you doing?” his eyes search yours, trying to decipher the meaning behind your actions.
You don’t answer right away. Instead, you gently curl your fingers around his, intertwining them together. The moment your fingers lock, you look up at him with a smile that holds all the warmth in your heart. “I just wanted to remind you how much I love you,” you say quietly, your voice sincere and steady. “I’ll always hold you close, no matter what. No matter how tough things get, I’ll be here.”
For a moment, he doesn’t say anything. His expression doesn’t change, his gaze is locked on your joined hands. The silence stretches on, and you start to wonder if you’ve said too much or if maybe he wasn’t ready to hear those words. But then, just as doubt begins to creep in, you feel it—a gentle, almost hesitant squeeze of his hand. It’s not much, but it’s enough. That simple, quiet gesture says everything he can’t put into words.
Your heart swells, a warmth spreading through your chest as you squeeze his hand back. He feels the same, even if he struggles to express it. And that’s enough for you.
WATCHING CHIKA PLAY VIDEO GAMES is like stepping into a minefield. You never know when something's going to explode, but you can bet it's going to happen. Especially when he plays those games that demand cooperation with strangers online—games like Valorant or League of Legends, where he's forced to rely on people who, in his eyes, are less skilled than a nine year old on Roblox. But no, it’s much worse. You’re dealing with an agitated, competitive young man who hates losing and loathes incompetence. And right now, he’s losing. Badly.
This particular evening, you’re lounging on his bed, the soft, comforting scent of his cologne adoring the shirt you are wearing, as you scroll through your phone while he’s immersed in yet another tense match. The faint clicking of keys and the muffled sound of gunfire from his headphones are a constant background noise. You're used to it, comfortable even. But then, out of nowhere, the calm shatters with a loud bang that makes you jump.
Your eyes dart up, and there he is, standing beside his desk with his keyboard now on the floor in pieces. For a second, you just stare at the mess, blinking, before your gaze shifts to Chika’s face. His eyes are wild, lips twisted in frustration, and you can almost see the steam pouring from his ears, fists are clenched at his sides, and his whole body is vibrating with barely contained rage. This is the third keyboard he’s destroyed this month, and honestly, you’re surprised it lasted this long.
He’s furious, and it’s visible. If he could reach through the screen and strangle his teammates, you’re pretty sure he would. You've seen this side of him enough times to know what’s coming next—he’s going to stew in his anger, huffing and puffing like an agitated dragon until he either cools off on his own or… well, that’s where you come in.
"Come here, baby," you say, your voice calm and gentle as you open your arms. The words are barely out of your mouth when he whirls around to face you. His anger hasn’t subsided, his eyes wide with anger, his expression a mixture of frustration and desperation. But the moment he sees you, the invitation in your posture, something inside him shifts.
He practically collapses into your embrace. His head finds its usual spot against your chest, his long red hair falling over your arm as you cradle him close. You gently run your fingers through his hair, feeling the tension slowly melt out of his body. His breathing evens out, the rage simmering down as he lets you soothe him.
“I will fuckin' murder them,” he mutters, his words are harsh, but the way he clings to you betrays the vulnerability he hides beneath his anger. You continue to stroke his hair, your fingers gliding through the strands in a slow, rhythmic motion that seems to pull him deeper into your embrace. His tense muscles gradually relax, the rigid line of his back softening as he presses closer, as if trying to meld himself into you.
You’ve always had this strange effect on him—like a balm to his fiery temperament. It’s not something he understands, and maybe that’s why he resists it so much at times. Why you? Why is it that when he’s with you, the darkness he carries feels a little lighter? The questions swirl in his mind, but he doesn’t voice them. He never does. He just lets the comfort of your presence seep into his bones, chasing away the bitterness that so often lingers there.
“I know,” you whisper, your voice soothing like a lullaby. "But you will never meet these people. Just stay with me."
There’s a long pause, and you can feel his breathing even out, the rapid rise and fall of his chest slowing as he calms down. His fingers, which had been gripping the fabric of your (his) shirt tightly, loosen their hold. The storm inside him is dissipating, replaced by something quieter, something that’s almost peaceful.
He buries his face against your chest again, and you feel his body grow heavier as he begins to drift off. It’s in these moments, when he’s finally calm, that you see the Takiishi Chika who isn’t consumed by anger or driven by some need to prove himself. The one who just wants to be held, to feel safe, to be loved. It’s always like this—his fiery temper burning hot and fast, but as soon as he’s in your arms, it starts to flicker and fade. He talks more when he's with you, and opens up in ways he doesn’t with anyone else. You don’t know why, and maybe neither does he.
And as he starts to breathe more calmly, his body slackening in your arms as sleep takes over, you can’t help but smile. You don’t know how or why you have this effect on him, why you’re the one who can reach him when no one else can. But you’re grateful for it, for being the one he turns to when the world becomes too much.
HE'D NEVER LET YOU WALK HOME ALONE IN THE DARK no matter the distance. If you need him, he’ll drop everything to be there for you. Tonight, though, he knows he won’t be sharing a bed with you. You’re too inebriated for that.
You jump into his arms, and the moment your body presses against his, he wrinkles his nose ever so slightly at the faint scent of alcohol on you. His face, usually so stoic and unreadable, remains impassive, but the way he holds you is anything but indifferent. His arms are firm around you, though there's a subtle tension in his grip that tells you he’s less than thrilled by the situation.
"My boyfriend is sooo hot!” you exclaim, your words a bit slurred but filled with an exuberance that’s hard to ignore. You lean in, planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek, the sound of your smooch exaggerated and loud. “A hot mess!”
Chika's expression remains as bored as ever, but his eyes soften as he looks down at you. It’s clear he’s making an effort to tolerate the situation, and while he doesn't voice his annoyance, the firmness of his embrace hints at his internal struggle. He’s not thrilled about sharing a bed with a tipsy girlfriend, and you can tell he’s already planning on making other arrangements for the night.
But despite his irritation, there’s a part of him that’s undeniably protective. As you snuggle into him, eyes fluttering closed, you can feel his heartbeat steady beneath your cheek. The way he adjusts you gently in his arms, positioning you comfortably while you drift off. He might not be pleased about the current state of affairs, but he’s here, and he’s making sure you’re taken care of.
So, as you fall asleep nestled against him, oblivious to the displeasure etched into his features, Chika’s demeanor doesn’t change. He’s stuck between annoyance and affection, but for tonight, he’s just glad you’re safe and sound in his arms.
DESPITE HIS SOFTNESS HE IS STILL A BEAST you feel the weight of the argument settle heavily between you and him. It doesn't take much to set him off these days—just a casual interaction, a harmless question from someone who wanted directions, and suddenly you're faced with the beast he becomes when he’s enraged.
Chika has always had a possessive streak, but it's different now. It’s not just about wanting you close; it's about wanting to eliminate any potential threat, real or imagined, that comes between you. You hate how he turns his wrath on those around him, how his fists clench and his posture shifts into something aggressive and threatening. Even though he's never laid a hand on you—he never does, but you feel cornered by his anger as the sight of his rage makes you feel like you're walking a tightrope, trying not to provoke him further.
You try to explain again, voice steady but tinged with frustration, “Chika, I told you, I was just helping him find his way.” But his expression doesn’t soften. Instead, it hardens even more, and you can see the conflict brewing within him. His loyalty to you is unwavering, but his reactions are a reminder of the darker side of him that you’ve tried so hard to ignore.
It’s disorienting how quickly the sweet, loving moments you shared with him seem to fade into nothingness. Those tender smiles, the soft words, and the way he would hold you close—it's all eclipsed by this fierce, possessiveness that consumes him now. It makes you question if those moments were ever real, or if they were just illusions in the face of the monster he’s become, the monster he was.
The man in front of you is a reminder that people do change, and sometimes they tend to hold onto their roots. You find yourself grappling with the reality that the person you fell in love with has morphed into someone who is controlled by his darker impulses, his need to dominate and protect you to the point where it feels suffocating.
But Chika's not in a mood for explanations, he is in a mood for actions. It’s disorienting and terrifying to see someone you care about transform into such a force of nature, all for something so trivial. You feel the monster inside him, not as a physical entity but as an emotional weight that presses down on your chest. It’s a burden you didn’t expect to carry, a reminder of the intensity and volatility that he has always harbored. It’s a harsh reality to confront, especially when you realize that no matter how much love you offer, it might not be enough to quell the beast he becomes in moments of anger.
In moments like these, you wonder if it’s worth it—if the love you once shared can withstand such things. You’ve seen the beast he becomes, and despite your love, you can’t ignore the fact that this change is profound and unsettling. Is this the price of love, and can you truly bear the cost?
“Just… don’t follow me,” you say, your voice trembling. He watches you for a moment, his expression unreadable, with that, you turn and head home, each step echoing with the decision you’ve made. The distance between you stretches with every stride, and though you feel a pang of sadness, there’s also a sense of relief. Sometimes, even love needs space to breathe.
TAKIISHI CHIKA DOESN'T SEEM TO CARE as it has been two weeks since you weren’t talking to him. As a result, you had been slowly getting more depressed as the days went forward. You had never gone this long without him. Yes, he had his flaws, but he is also a human being. Your friends had been talking to you, of course. They had been in this situation before, sort of, so they were much more sympathetic. It still hurt though.
You wanted him to comfort you and love you, but at the same time, you didn't wish to see him, because he could see how upset you were, you were hurting and he couldn't do anything to fix it. You had forgiven him like you always do, but he still felt like he messed up somehow.
Choosing the avoiding route and currently lying in your bed on a Sunday night. He had been calling you, but you didn't feel like seeing your depression reflect off of him. Endo called you too, but you didn't feel like hearing about how your boyfriend was probably beating people up.
As soon as the phone buzzed for the nth time, you jolted up in bed, heart racing with anticipation. Your eyes squinted as you reached for the bright screen, still adjusting to the dark room. The display read "Endo" and you let out a shaky breath before swiping to answer.
"Yes?" You asked sleepily into the receiver.
"Y/N! Thank goodness you are alive. Look, your boyfriend has gone insane!" You flinched at the way he said the word boyfriend until his words sunk in. "Chika?" You sat up in bed, already looking for your clothes. "Yes, who else, sillyhead? Hurry over here, yeah. I can’t stop this wildfire by myself.” the call ended as you received a message with a location.
You were out the door in minutes, adrenaline pumping through your veins. The crisp night air slapped you awake as you hurried down the familiar streets, your mind racing with worry. What had Chika done now? The thought of him being reckless, perhaps even dangerous, gnawed at your already fragile heart. The argument replayed in your mind—how his words had cut deep, leaving you raw and distant for the past two weeks. But now, none of that mattered. If he was in trouble, you had to be there.
The location Endo sent you was a secluded spot, one you recognized instantly. It was the clearing where you and Chika used to light fireworks together before you started dating. Back then, it was a place of laughter and stolen glances, where the sparks in the sky mirrored the sparks between you two. But after you got together, the tradition had faded, lost in the chaos of your relationship.
Your steps slowed as you approached the clearing, your breath hitching at the sight before you. There he was, Chika, crouched by a small pile of fireworks. His face was illuminated by the soft glow of a lighter, his expression a mix of concentration and something else—something that made your chest tighten. Was it regret? Sorrow? Or maybe he was just lost, like you.
You hesitated, lingering at the edge of the clearing. The tension in your chest was almost unbearable. You wanted to rush to him, to yell, to cry, but you were rooted to the spot, unsure of how to bridge the gap that had grown between you two. He hadn’t noticed you yet, too focused on the fire.
The first set of fireworks shot into the sky, exploding in a burst of color. The sound echoed in the still night, pulling you out of your trance. Your feet moved on their own, carrying you closer to him.
"Chika," you called softly, your voice barely audible over the crackling fireworks. He didn’t respond right away. For a moment, you wondered if he had even heard you over the loud noise. But then, you saw his shoulders tense slightly before he turned his head just enough to glance at you. His eyes, usually so intense, were shadowed as if hiding whatever was brewing behind them.
You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to close the distance between you. With each step, your heart pounded in your chest as you struggled to find the right words. What could you say to fix what had been broken between you?
Just as you reached him, another firework shot up, painting the sky in brilliant hues of red and gold. For a second, you both looked up, watching the explosion together, but the silence between you felt heavier than ever.
Your gaze shifted back to him, searching for any sign that he was willing to talk, to listen. But before you could say anything, movement caught your eye. Endo was standing a few feet away, his nose clearly bloodied, yet he was grinning like a fool. He met your eyes and gave you a thumbs up, a silent message that he had done his part. You didn’t need to ask what had happened—you knew Chika must have taken out his frustrations on him.
Endo’s grin softened as he took a step back, then another, before turning to leave. He walked away slowly, giving you the space you needed, but not before shooting one last playful wink your way.
As he disappeared into the darkness, you turned back to Chika. He was still silent, his gaze piercing, but there was a softness in it now, a plea that his pride wouldn’t let his voice. You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but the words caught in your throat.
Before you could gather your thoughts, Chika reached out, his hand hesitating for a fraction of a second before it touched yours. His fingers were rough, but his grip was gentle, almost hesitant as if he were afraid you might pull away. You didn’t. Instead, you squeezed back, letting him know that despite everything, you were still here, still with him.
That small gesture seemed to break something in him. He tugged you closer, and suddenly you were enveloped in his arms, his warmth surrounding you like a protective shield. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, and you could feel his breath hitch, the way his hold tightened slightly as if he needed the reassurance that you were really there.
Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring the sight of the fireworks that continued to light up the sky above you. You couldn’t see them clearly, but you could hear them, the loud bangs and crackles matching the rapid beat of your heart.
Chika didn’t need to speak—his actions told you everything he couldn’t say out loud. He didn't care if you were mad at him or if you would talk to him all day or be silent for 2 weeks. All he cared about was you being here with him. His touch was gentle like he was scared of breaking you, breaking whatever fragile connection still existed between you two. His thumb brushed against your back, a small, soothing motion that made your breath catch.
You stayed like that for what felt like forever, wrapped in each other’s arms as the world exploded in colors above you. The fireworks mirrored the emotions between you—brilliant, intense, and fleeting, but unforgettable.
Finally, Chika broke the silence, his voice low and rough with emotion. “The sky is pretty isn't it?” the words a quiet declaration that resonated deep within you. You nodded against his chest, your tears soaking into his shirt, but he didn’t seem to care. You were his, and he was yours, forever and always.
HE IS ALWAYS DIRECT ABOUT HIS NEEDS when his arms are wrapped around you as the two of you lay cuddling, bodies perfectly aligned, his steady heartbeat a comforting rhythm against your ear. His hand absentmindedly traced patterns along your back, sending gentle making you seek his warmth more.
But as always, a little bit of mischief couldn’t hurt. Smiling to yourself, you quietly slipped out of his embrace under the pretense of tying up your hair. You could feel his eyes on you, watching with that curiosity he often had, you glanced at him from the corner of your eye. He didn’t seem to notice yet, his attention shifting back to his phone, lost in whatever video he was watching.
You returned to his side, tucking yourself back into his arms. The two of you resumed your previous position, his fingers lazily tracing circles on your back. You waited, heartbeat slightly quickening as anticipation built.
Minutes passed. Then, you felt him stiffen, his fingers pausing on your skin. He must have seen it. You could almost hear the gears turning in his head as he processed the sight before him. Slowly, his hand slid up to your neck, where the faux hickey sat brazenly, dark against your skin.
“What’s this?” Chika’s voice was low, laced with something between confusion and possessiveness. You feigned surprise, turning your head to look at him, your eyes wide and innocent.
“Oh, that? I didn’t even realize it was there,” you replied , your heart pounding with excitement.
He narrowed his eyes, the intense, burning gaze making you squirm under its weight. A flicker of jealousy danced behind his usual calm demeanor, his jaw clenched ever so slightly. For a moment, he seemed torn, battling with the surge of emotions swirling inside him. Then, with a sudden, predatory move, he pinned you down on the bed, his body hovering over yours, caging you in.
You felt a thrill run through you as his eyes bored into yours, searching, questioning. He reached out, his fingers brushing over the mark, only to see the purple eyeshadow transfer onto his skin. The realization hit him, and he squinted at you, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“You think you’re funny?” he murmured, his tone was controlled, but you could hear the edge in his voice.
His fingers brushed over your neck again, more deliberately this time, as if marking the spot for where the real thing would go. You smiled sheepishly, but before you could respond, he leaned down, his lips ghosting over your skin. “Let me show you what a real one feels like.” and you knew you were in for it.
TAKIISHI CHIKA LOVES YOU LIKE THERE IS NO TOMMOROW and congrats on making it this far! Once he sets his eyes, mind, and heart on something, or rather someone, he won’t let go until he is completely satisfied, until he devoured it all. Love is a complex and mysterious experience, full of surprises and unknowns. Just like a gift from a stranger, it can be unexpected, sometimes fleeting, but it has the potential to change your life in profound ways. It's that unpredictability and the sense of wonder that makes it so captivating and special. Even though it can be challenging, the beauty lies in its ability to bring out the best in us, to teach us, and to connect us with others in ways we never imagined.
He gets to experience everything when he is with you. Who are you to make him keep thinking of you? It hurts his pride and ego, getting all worked up. Takiishi can't control his body, he is getting dizzy, and drunken on your love. You were no easy catch, more like you were the rarest gem in the mine, the most searched painting that got lost in the wars centuries ago, a flower that sprouts only once and that's why he wants you, to keep you only for him and himself only. He can't control his heart, it's ridiculous. Can you feel in his breath how much he wants you? He is addicted, your existence brings him to another dimension. Can you feel the love tonight?He has lost his mind, but it's his kind of love.
Takiishi kisses you like it's too good to be true, as if good is the new bad and bad is the new good. He is so hungry for your love, he is never full as he holds you tight before his lips meet yours. Intoxicated with your sweet scent, your honeyed voice when you say his name. He wanna be locked in you and swim in you, to know you more, an explorer venturing through your abyss. It’s not over yet, in the middle of a beautiful night he confesses to you, with the moon as your guiding light, revealing your desires.
Everything is a blur of sensations—his hands on your body, his lips on your skin, the way you whisper his name like it’s a prayer, a vow, a declaration. You lose yourself in him, in the way he makes you feel, in the way he consumes you completely. And when he finally pulls back, just enough to look into your eyes, you can see the raw, unfiltered emotion in his gaze, the way he’s completely lost in you, as if you’re the only thing that matters, the only thing that’s real.
The warmth of his embrace engulfs you, a silent promise of what’s to come. His fingers trace patterns on your skin, each stroke igniting a fire that burns hotter, deeper. You can feel his heartbeat, wild and erratic, matching the rhythm of your own as his hands begin to explore, memorizing every curve, every contour, as if he’s trying to etch you into his very soul.
His breath hitches as he leans in, his lips hovering just above your skin, teasing you with the promise of a touch that never quite lands. You close your eyes, surrendering to the sensation, to the anticipation that builds with each passing second. His hands tighten on your waist, pulling you closer until there’s nothing left between you but the thin barrier of your clothes, and even that feels like too much.
He moves with purpose, yet there’s a tenderness in his touch, a reverence that makes your heart ache. It’s as if he’s worshiping you, treating every inch of your body as sacred, a temple he’s vowed to protect and cherish. And in that moment, you realize you’re no longer just you; you’re a part of him, intertwined in a way that’s impossible to untangle. He’s not just holding you; he’s claiming you, marking you as his, and in doing so, offering himself to you in return. You can feel the tension in his muscles, the barely restrained need, as if he’s holding back just enough to keep from losing himself completely. But you want him to lose control, to let go, to show you just how deeply he feels, how much he wants you. 
There’s no need for words; everything you need to say is conveyed in the way your bodies move together, in the way he looks at you like you’re his entire world. And when you finally collapse into each other, satisfied, there’s a moment of perfect stillness, of quiet contentment, where the only sound is the soft beat of his heart against yours.
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taglsit :: @maruflix @fushigurioo
©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work
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junniepop · 4 years ago
JJK men and a male reader
So I died and came back. Now my inbox is filled with a lot of Jujutsu Kaisen stuff with a male reader, so I looked around and noticed there aren't a lot of male writers or even gender neutral ones, meaning that's what I'll be doing for awhile. This first request is...
before I get started, if you'd like to request something, then please see my masterlist
JJK boys with a male s/o
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Warnings: aged up and language oh and some nsfw stuff cuz that's what they wanted.
Characters: I. Yuuji, F. Megumi, G. Satoru, N. Kento, R. Sukuna, T. Aoi
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I. Yuuji
Isn't hung up by you being male, I feel as Yuuji got older, the more open minded he became. His sexuality was something that evolved as he aged and had a big change in his mid teenage years when he was exploring himself. Into his late teens he began seeing people of all types of representation, he simply did not care how they presented themselves.
That leads us to you, our gorgeous male that has Yuuji simping. All seriousness, this man loves entirely, some might even find it to be smothering. He is the type to text you paragraphs of good morning and goodnight texts, always leaving something for you to eat in the fridge, brings something home because it reminded him of you, and always always makes time to call you before a mission.
Yuuji always has random thoughts about you. Like, "Should I make his favorite tonight?" "I wonder what he's doing." "Oh....that would look so cute on him, should I get it?" "AH this charm has our initials on it! that means it was meant to be!"
If you're a sorcerer, Yuuji d e m a n d s to be your partner on missions and he will have a fit if someone says no. Is constantly stressing himself out over your well being, even if he knows you can handle yourself. always asking about your technique and is amazed every time he sees it. Very protective, stands in front of you a lot and when he see's you struggling he doesn't hesitate to get the curse's attention regardless of his own situation.
Also just because I feel like he would: Yuuji gave you a promise ring when he realized you were the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.
He has this need to prove to you that he is a fit partner, Like showing you he can cook, has his own place, very responsible with his money and what not.
The type of guy to send you a million snaps a day. He will literally show you everything he did that day and wants the same in return.
Every date with him somehow includes a physical activity. Going out to dinner? chances are Yuuji will see an arcade and more specifically the DDR in the background.
In terms of sexual stuff, Yuuji seems like a top, but has definitely thought about bottoming and upon trying it- was not into it. Does not matter if you're much bigger than him or not, he will top you. However, Yuuji is rather submissive when it comes to his partner, he will say yes to whatever it is you want. You want him to be soft and gentle, he'll do it. You want him to absolutely wreck your ability to walk, he'll do it.
The first time Yuuji tried stuff with a guy, he for sure looked up if it would hurt and read that anal could be very painful, was TERRIFIED that he would hurt the guy. Definitely was asking with every movement if he was okay. With you he's more confident, but still askes if you're okay throughout the event.
Man is simple, likes very intimate positions where he can see your face. Heavily into pleasing you, he tries any kinks you're into even if he's not that into it. Loves being praised, it just does something to his brain, in that same line- any sounds you make go straight to his dick. Really enjoys marking, is proud to cover you in them too.
The type of guy to enjoy eating you out, like fully sit on his face. Plus it helps his dick slide in smoother.
Yuuji will lose his mind if you say you want to milk him. Yuuji usually never thinks about his own pleasure, so when you want to pleasure him until he's empty, mans is not readyyyy. Just stutters out an okay and proceeds to go stupid when you start.
Yuuji loves you entirely. Trusts you 100% and would do anything to keep your life stable and happy. Yuuji just wants to grow old with you tbh, so in love with the idea.
If you were to break up with him, he would be devastated, unable to continue on for a long time. I mean he placed his everything into you, why would you do this to him?
all in all, it is a very stable relationship as long as you don't take him for granted because he is prone to letting people use him.
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F. Megumi
Definitely did not care you were male. Megumi cares about a person's mentality, their goals and dreams, the way a person carries themselves. When Megumi met you, he found you quite attractive, your drive is what lured him in and from there his feelings developed.
Megumi is subtle in showing his affection. Little touches here, sticky notes meant just for you, always carrying 'extra' snacks. It actually might take you awhile to notice his affections for you, simply because it is so subtle. Megumi seems like the person to wait until you confess. However. Megumi would confess if he gets pushed to or knows he won't get rejected.
Once he confesses, his love is soft and soothing with a hint of awkwardness. Megumi in the beginning would be showing affection through words and small acts of service, always telling you how much he appreciates you and doing things for you. Some of these things would be things like picking up snacks for you, doing your laundry, leaving you some of his clothes. He likes to do these things without you knowing because I think it lessens the embarrassment he feels doing it.
Even if you are in a long term relationship with him, he always gets flustered by you. Megumi is naturally reserved, so telling him I love you with sincerity will cause him to malfunction. Poor boy freezes and stutters around his words while avoiding eye contact.
Now, physical contact in this relationship is a tell tale sign of how much Megumi trusts you and loves you. Megumi is the type of person to reserve physical touch for someone he completely trusts, so with you, this will let you know his true feelings.
Touch would start with closeness at first, just grazing hands or bumping knees, but would develop into hours of intimate cuddling because he's touched starved. KISSING, oh my lord- his kisses tell you everything he feels. so intense, no matter how soft he kisses you.
if you're a sorcerer, Megumi is the type to go on missions with you, but doesn't complain if he can't go with you. However, worries a lot and contemplates going after you. Unlike Yuuji, who would go to literal war, Megumi trusts your strength a lot. The only time he is like yuuji is against a particularly strong curse. Loves fighting together though, it shows how much you trust him.
Megumi gives me verse energy. Like he was a top for a long time, asked you if he could bottom once and was surprisingly into it. So now when the mood arises, its whatever you guys are in the mood for. You guys often take turns.
His first time was with you- Megumi just seems like a late bloomer and you were the only person he did stuff with. He's very gentle because he knows it can be painful, I think sexually his fear is not being good enough for you, so give him as much reassurance as you can.
Now this boy is rather kinky despite his personality. Loves when you beg, drives him mad to hear your pleas and whimpers. Likes the pain of you needing something to hold onto when he tops which results in scratches down his back and the pulling of his hair. Doesn't think condoms are necessary because you're the only person for him in his eyes- aka likes breeding. When he bottoms, he enjoys riding and wants to see your face as he does. Do not get it twisted though, he's very much into you messing him up and railing him.
SEND THIS BOY NUDES. DO IT. Mans will sprint home if he has to. Don't do it too often or he'll get used to it. Maybe like once every two-ish weeks. Or better yet do it while he's on a mission. Megumi always tries to answer you, so expecting something serious, he short circuits when its just a pic of you in some underwear he thought he ripped the last time you guys were intimate.
Shy boy into some kinky things with his partner. It might take him some time to develop a deep relationship with you because he's scared you'll leave, but as long as you provide him the security he needs, he'll stay by your side indefinitely.
If you were to break up with him, you're just like his dad in his eyes and the betrayal would result in him locking many people out. Unlike Yuuji, who's emotions pour out of him, many wouldn't know Megumi is barely scrapping by.
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G. Satoru
Gojo doesn't give a rats ass how you present yourself, he lives by the motto "a hole's a hole." What truly would make Gojo invest in more than casual hooking up is your personality. Gojo needs someone who doesn't need him and doesn't care about who he is in the sorcerer world. Someone like that would capture his eye rather quick and this man is like "Eh? I'm GOJO SATORU, you know top dog?" and you would just blink and go back to whatever it was you were doing.
Shows off so much trying to impress you. "ne ne (Y/n) did you see me squash that special grade into dust?" *sigh* "Yes Gojo, I also saw you split one into a thousand pieces and turn another into a ball." so unamused by his abilities.
The one time he saw amazement cross your features is when he was playing the piano (I feel Gojo's other talents were never looked at and everyone saw him as this god like being, all he wants is someone to look at other things he can do.) and his heart skipped a beat. Because his first goal was just get into your pants, he was quite surprised you were more interested in his normal talents. This is where he begins showing you his real side, still a teasing man child, but he begins asking you about your interests and seeing what you have in common.
The more he learns, the harder it is for him to find a way not to commit to you. You see Gojo subconsciously looks for a reason to leave, he hates being tied down and is super flighty. Then there's you, ticking all his boxes without even knowing it. There's only been one person to do that.
So he takes a leap and goes for it. He's still scared that he'll get burned like last time, but he's willing to try.
One of the requirements to being with Gojo is you need to be strong in your own right. Gojo is an extremely powerful man with many enemies, so his partner must be able to handle themselves. Being a sorcerer, Gojo would B E G you to go with him on literally every single mission and would throw the biggest tantrum until you say yes. Sometimes when he's being particularly childish, he'll stop fighting the curses to watch you do it. "You can do it (Y/n)-chan, if you win I'll give you kisses." Takes everything in your power not to launch your technique right at him as he sits there with his shit-eating grin.
This man in the beginning of your relationship is immediately extremely handsy. Just all up on you all the time, but little do you know is, this is really a protective measure for when you're out of the house. At home, he's still handsy, but you can just feel how different it is. He'll come and fall asleep on you, stand behind you when you're doing your skincare routine, always following you around the house.
Overtime, you'll become his place to rest when he needs to recharge. You're the only time Gojo gets a break from being at the top. It makes you wonder if he ever truly gets to be normal.
Overall, Gojo's love is deceptively delicate because his personality is quite childish, he uses it as a mask to hide how he's really feeling. So you might think everything is going swimmingly until he ups and leaves you. Once he starts showing you that real side of him, that's when you have him wrapped around your finger.
This man is incredibly horny. His stamina is very high and he's very kinky. Gojo is a dominant verse whore. It doesn't matter if he's taking or giving, he's always in control. Honey you were not first and you might not be the last, this man is very confident in pleasuring you.
Gojo like I said, is incredibly kinky. He enjoys degrading you, overstimulating you until you beg him to stop, he wants to break you and make you only crave him. Seriously, you might want to think about a safe word because this man won't stop until you're not even speaking coherent sentences. In saying that there are somethings that you can try (key word 'try') to do to make him lose his mind. One of those things is a blowjob, his dick is incredibly sensitive in certain areas, so he'll become a mind-numbed mess if you're good enough. Another is softly begging in his ear and saying how he's the only one who makes you feel this way aka call him your god in bed and he'll bust right then and there.
Phone sex. Legit will call you if you guys haven't been together for a few days and all you hear are his whines and groans. "Guess what I'm doing cutie~"
THIS MAN- you're never safe to answer your phone because one time you opened the snap and it was him lazily jacking his dick. You have a small heart attack every time the notif is a snap from Gojo, just praying you can open it in public and 9/10 you can't.
The type of guy to get handsy in public places. Just in your ear like "Baby pleeeeasssseeeee can we fuck in public, I promise you'll still be able to walk when I'm done."
Gojo is a rollercoaster of a relationship that needs it's rider to be okay with a lot of distance for awhile and sudden disappearances. Without the right criteria, the relationship is doomed to fail.
If you were to break up with him, he would immediately sleep with as many people as he can to numb himself from the pain of having a hole ripped right through him. He'd go back to that childish personality, but you can feel the edge in his words despite his tone.
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N. Kento
Nanami gives me 'gave up on the sex of my partner ages ago' energy. Like he has tried relationships with a lot of people and realized all people suck. So you being a man means nothing to him, you just have to prove to him you're not shitty like everyone else.
The type of guy that takes you out on proper dates in the beginning. It's usually dinner because of his job, but sometimes he'll ask you to lunch. Nanami will bring you small gifts like flowers or Knick knacks he thought you'd like.
Nanami likes someone a little younger than himself, probably around 23-24, they still have that idealistic thought process but with realistic foundations. He likes someone who can be serious, but still enjoys things like joyrides or going out bowling.
Nanami is a very uptight guy, so you're going to have to work to get him to relax. When you do, this is when he starts to see you as long time partner rather than someone who is just for fun. Literally goes from stick up his ass, to a big softie that just wants to curl up in bed with you. He'll start smiling more and doing intimate things like bathing together.
Nanami would probably rather have someone outside the sorcerer world so he doesn't have to think about work when he sees you. He wouldn't complain if you were though, gives him a lot less to worry about since he knows you can handle yourself. Doesn't even stress when you go on missions by yourself, he respects your strength.
Now Nanami is moderately kinky. He's definitely a top and will not change. He's into ddlb (dom daddy and little boy for my innocents out there.) Very much into control and making you take it, he's not one for brats and will tame that shit right out of you. Doesn't need a safe word, he's very good at gauging your reactions. Really really into deep throating and you better learn how to breathe or you'll be struggling. Likes breeding, so he would be glad you can't have children.
Nanami’s love is traditional and straight forward. He likes routine to a certain degree and that degree ends at stable relationship, everything else is not that fun without a level of risk to him, but he likes that when he comes home, you'll be right there.
if you were to break up with him, Nanami would sigh and say he told himself so. He's hurt, but it'll solidify that people are still and always will be shitty.
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R. Sukuna
Sukuna does not do love. period. The only way I could see him giving notice to someone is if they are powerful, someone who can bring him amusement. Sukuna only does thing for his own entertainment end of discussion.
I’m going to be using post-Yuuji Sukuna, so he’s restricted by Yuuji himself and can’t outright cause chaos at all times. This way Sukuna has to spend more time with people than he’d like to, normally he would just kill something once he’s bored, but now he has to deal with them.
Noticed your technique through Yuuji and was amused, much like Megumi, he thought your curse technique had a lot of potential to be devastating. As Yuuji spent more time with you, Sukuna began noticed more things about you, like that you cooked better than Yuuji, were extremely versatile in battle with your technique and so on.
The type to notice your attraction to him and act on it. He can’t really do much since he’s in Yuuji’s body, so he’s going to work with what he’s got. Didn’t care if you’re male or female, he just likes a strong partner so he can go harder during sex.
Your relationship would start with being his toy, something to bring him pleasure that is all. With Sukuna, you must both respect him and not fear him. He’s very big on respect and trust, but hates when someone he views as ‘important’ fears him because they’ll betray him the second they can. Everyone else can fear him, he doesn’t care.
Sukuna is also highly unpredictable and unstable, be prepared for death at a moments notice tbh. He’ll kill you if he feels like it. In a deeper relationship, Sukuna is a hard pressed tsundere, saying things quite harshly. Saying things like, “Here brat, I don’t need you breaking just yet.” “Dumbass, that curse was stronger than you.” “I took care of them because you’re weak.”
Trust between Sukuna and you is a game of high stakes chess, one wrong move and you’re nothing but trash to him. However, succeed in earning his trust and you’ll be rewarded with a loyal man. Though Sukuna hates showing vulnerability, so he’ll treat you the same in public places that he would treat anyone else. Alone, he’s alright with whatever as long as it doesn’t annoy him.
Surprisingly protective. He’ll kill curses he deems are a problem to you or rip a person limb from limb if he found a hair missing from your head. Doesn’t understand why you don’t let him handle it, he’s way stronger than you.
Is almost never soft with you unless he’s extremely tired or just waking up. Holding you as close as he can and telling you not to go. Don’t bring it up either, he’ll end you if you tell anyone.
Will never tell you, but likes touching you, you’re very soft compared to him. He’s the type of guy to have callous from years of fight and doesn’t really care about his skin to much because he’s a God in his eyes.
Would rather surrender himself to a church than admit he gets slightly giddy when you remember small details about him. Like this man has a lot of history, so when you know a tiny random detail about him, his non-existent heart shutters a little.
This man is extremely kinky during sex. I pray for your well being because honestly I don’t know if you’re going to live through sex with him. A dom top period, that last person to even insinuate they could top him was added to his innate domain permanently.
He’s into completely dominating you and make sure you know he owns you. B I G into impact play, slapping you a lot until you’re a beautiful red. Degrading and humiliating you, honestly would let people watch so they know that you’re his property.
Actually really likes his partner to be a brat, man loves breaking you and turning you into a submissive bunny just for him. Honestly he just likes pushing people beyond their limits, like really into emotional play, he wants to see your expressions when he does something. Ooo objectification, will use you like a foot stool and sit on you. Man in general will work you hard.
In saying all that, immaculate aftercare because he knows your mind is too far gone to remember him being this caring and soft for you. Literally bathes you and gets you into bed curled up on him. Also makes sure your body didn’t sustain a lot of damage during sex.
Do. Not. Taunt. Sukuna. It will not end well. “Huuuh? You think you can handle more little boy?” Eyes narrowed and smile too tight. You’ve awoken the beast and he’s not going to leave anything unbroken.
Sukuna’s love is... well a bike ride through hell? To be honest you’ll never know if he loves you. Everything about him is highly unpredictable and dangerous, you could end up as worm food in seconds.
Breaking up with Sukuna... you’re joking right? You don’t have the balls to tell a man who could split you into a million pieces with a flick of the wrist, you’re breaking up with him , right?
Seriously he’ll kill you, no hesitation. It’s either realize you’re stuck with him or die. I think most people would assume he never cared at first, but he did care and now you want to leave him? Absolutely not. He set everything down for you and he’ll be damned if he lets you live without him.
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T. Aoi
(First and foremost- why is it so hard to find Toudou headers.)
Okay, I’m sorry but Toudou to me is a straight guy, so I can’t really see him with a male. But, if it were to happen, I think it would go like this:
Being childhood friends with Toudou, you were used to his eccentric personality and sometimes extreme antics.
This man is EXTREMELY comfortable with you. You guys grew up together, so some of the things you guys do together would definitely be seen as way too much for friends. I’m talking sharing the same bed, bathing together, using each other’s things without permission. To you guys, you’ve been doing this since you were little, so neither of you think twice.
I think there would be a trigger that would make Toudou realize he’s more into you than being friends. Like maybe someone flirting with you, he’d at first think he’s being replaced as a friend, but it’s much deeper than that. Definitely debates in his head about what he’s feeling toward you. After going back and forth with his type of girl in his head, he’ll come to terms with it.
This is when he’ll start noticing things he’s never payed that much attention to before. Things like how small you’re compared to him, the way clothes fitted to your body, how pretty you actually were and most important difference- how he’s never noticed you have the fattest ass he’s ever seen.
Seriously this man’s sexuality went from women to women + you.
Toudou isn’t the type to wait either, as soon as he knows how he feels, he confesses. He’s the type of guy to say “take it or leave it, that is how I feel.”
You kinda just stand there. Like, huh? Toudou are you feeling okay? Have- have you been cursed? There’s no way, Toudou middle name pussy pounder Aoi just said he was into you romantically... right?
After the shock, you reciprocated his feelings and began dating.
Now, this man- S U P E R affectionate and devoted. Always wanting to hold hands or link arms. He loves cuddling and playing with your hair while you sleep on him. Puddy in your hands if you give him a massage.
Toudou is immensely dedicated. He knows your favorite foods down to the amount of salt you use on your fries, knows what sizes you prefer for hoodies, shirts, button ups and so on, and this man knows your favorite movies by heart.
He’s the type to buy you something simply because you said it was starting to give you problems.
Lovvvvessss dates. I mean he’s a hopeless romantic, he wants to take you on really cheesy dates that you’d see honeymoon couples go on.
The type to want to match clothing or jewelry.
If you’re a sorcerer, he’s wanting to train everyday, he likes seeing you in action. Double points if you can match him in strength too. He respects your strength enough to not worry about you, he’s confident in his S/o’s abilities.
Top. Enough said. Ok but seriously, he wants to clap you cheeks so bad.
Toudou has the biggest size kink too, I’m talking like he’s the type to point right at your navel and say “I’m right here baby~ can you feel me filling you?”
His definitely into railing. His favorite position is the mating press, allows him to hit deeply and as hard as he wants.
Lovesss when you whine and beg. He wants to see how much you can take before your begging him to let you cum.
The type of guy to leave your ass a nice reddish purple color. Just two big ass hand prints on you ass and hips.
✨i m m a c u l a t e✨ aftercare. It’s almost like he’s worshipping you when he’s cleaning you up and making sure you’re taken care of.
Being with Toudou is like being with an Aries, he’s high energy and can get easily bored. He enjoys someone who excites him both mentally and physically. Loves a challenge. Toudou’s love is like a concentrated ball of sunlight, it’s hot and bright. He’s overly devoted to you and tells you how much you mean to him all the time.
If you break up with him, he’s the type to hold his head high until he’s alone and then he breaks down, crying into his hands. Thinking, “Was I too much?” “Maybe I wasn’t enough?” He’s confident, but he’s still a person with insecurities.
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svnaslove · 4 years ago
cuddles. II
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Genre: fluff !! and chaos 😔 !!
Characters: Kishoshita, Narita, Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi
warnings: uhm.. yams’ part is a lil suggestive 😳
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#7 | Hisashi Kinoshita | 木下
kinoshita !!
chile let me take a moment to breathe because he’s so underrated but idk how because this man is so pretty !! and kind !! and respectful !!
im about to bark
n e ways
he’s a lil insecure bub🥺
since he sits alot i feel like that did a little something to his confidence :((
but it also made him more aware of his surroundings and he’s very very supportive !!
when you first said you wanted to cuddle he was like
“😳 y-you wanna cuddle?”
kinda scared to at first because he doesn’t know what to do lsjfdls
so you guys started small like just leaning on each other, then laying on each others laps and then full on cuddle sessions <3
he’s so fcking cute !!
if your hair’s long, he ties it up while you’re cuddling so it doesn’t get in the way for you 🥺
if anything he’s trying to make sure you have a good time when cuddling more then himself
#8 | Kazuhito Narita | 成田
cutie !!
again, another v underrated boi, imma cri real quick
he’s literally the cutest ever
he was the first to initiate cuddles and it was so cuteee
he went in to give you a hug while you were standing in the kitchen and he was just like “i miss you :(”
he was touch-starved😭
but then he just...
didn’t let go DSFJLKDS
“kazu, baby, do you want to cuddle?”
but then he got bashful,,, “if you want to....then i want to too... “
“dummy, i saw how excited you got, let’s go cuddle”
literally happy boi, just trailing after you to the bed to cuddle :))
holds u so tight >.<
but a comfy tight :)
#9 | Tobio Kageyama |影山
my heart goes out to kageyama this absolute baby😭
he’s so awkward because he doesn’t know how to initiate anything and the only thing he’s ever thought about is volleyball
it’s to the point where he has this weird feeling that he just wants to hold you but he doesn’t know how to ask ??
and sometimes he doesn’t know what it is either so he’ll be like, “damn, maybe if i drink some milk, this odd feeling will go away”
spoiler alert: the milk does not help 💔
heart 💔 been broke 📉 so many times ⏰ i don’t know 🤔 what to believe 💯 mama 👩‍❤️‍💋‍�� said 🗣 it’s my fault 😢 it’s my fault 🤦🏻‍♀️i wear my heart ❤️ on my sleeve 💪 
so one day you guys are just late night watching tv together and you’re both under the blanket and he’s like “damn, here’s that weird feeling again”
and he just
he just stares at you because he doesn’t know how to ask because he’s scared to feel embarrassed
you feel him looking and you just turn to him like
“😳 hello?”
literally this pretty ass boy is just staring at you and you’re freaking out and he has no self realization and you’re just there, mad blushing
he gets all blushy too and looks away 
“im sorry :(”
then he can’t take it anymore
he stares again 😭
“ 😳 tobio, do you need something?”
“c-can we cuddle?”
“yeah, come here”
you hold out your arms and he just goes to your arms
you’ll be laying on your back and he’s laying on your stomach 
and you’ll just play with his hair and hum and he just feels so relaxed and he just takes in your scent and gets smiley sometimes 
and now every time he just stares at you, you know that he wants to cuddle, its just a non-verbal agreement now fldsjsljf
this position of cuddling with him was the first time he told you that he loved you 🥺
you were just the only person that could keep him grounded, and when he’s like that with you he just feels so at peace and he just realized out of nowhere that he fell in love with you 🥺
#10 | Hinata Shoyou | 日向
🥺 🥺 🥺  !!!
so baby !!
he can’t stop smiling when you guys are about to cuddle
like his cheeks are hurting !! and he’s still like :DD
like nishinoya, he would tickle you too but it wouldn’t go as far as a tickle fight, just a little something to get you to giggle 
squeals “you’re so cuteeee” ALOT
he will squish your cheeks
honestly, at this point, you guys’ cuddles are more like both of you just laying next to each other really close face to face, some limbs intertwined and just squishing each others cheeks, tickling here and there and just tracing each others features
literally about to cry, the puppy love energy is astronomical 😭
count each others beauty marks, i just feel like that is def something that would happen one day lfkjs
silly faces !!
he compliments you all the time like “you’re so prettyy 🥺” but when you compliment him he’s like
“wait🤚 😳 , u talking about me?? 😳” will blush so hard he will blackout
he’ll have to hide his face into like the crook of your neck because he’s all blushy 
#11 | Kei Tsukishima | 月島
i hate him with so much love
does that make sense
yes, it does.
will tease the HELL out of you when you show that you want to cuddle
gets all smug too😤
but tbh he just does that because he just gets wayyy too excited and his hearts all chaos
it’s his coping mechanism for being a simp 🤡
so he’ll just play with you
“oh? you wanna cuddle? hmm, i don’t know, ask me again in 5 minutes”
also he gets way into that “hmmm” as if he’s thinking really hard about it SDLKJFSDLK
then you get all pouty and leave and he’s like 
he let his simp side show 😔 r.i.p. ur pride tsukki
and you’re shocked, like where tf did tsukki go?? this ain’t him fkjsd
so you mess with him too
“oh? so you wanna cuddle with me now? hmm, i don’t know, you were kinda mean to me earlier, maybe i’ll just ask tadashi or something.”
you’re literally reaching for your car keys and walking out of your apartment and he just 
this tree ass mf swooped you out of the floor over his shoulder earning a loud and embarrassing yelp from you and just carries you to bed
“you’re not going anywhere, don’t be an idiot”
puts you on top of the bed and just lays on top of you to keep you from moving anywhere
“then stop being weird saying you’re going to cuddle other people and cuddle me already dumbass”
gets off and you guys lay comfortably together
“i hate you kei” ~in a playful manner ofc <3
“i know” *gives you a kiss on your forehead* 🥺
#12 | Tadashi Yamaguchi | 山口
i will violently *🥺* for yamaguchi any day, everyday
i love him so much he’s just so 🥺 🥺 !!
ok !!
so cuddling with yamaguchi is the softest experience any human could ever go through
he so soft ???
he’s so sweet ???
he’s so cute ???
he’s so respectful ???
im in love.
will always be asking if somethings okay, if you’re alright, if you’re comfy, if he’s doing anything wrong
but it’s never in an overbearing way, it’s more in a reassuring way !
he was def awkward the first time but he just got more comfy with you over time
but that doesn’t mean he still doesn’t get all blushy and a lil nervous on where to put his hands because he does
he just wants to know if you’re okay, he doesn’t want to accidently make you uncomfortable
but uhm....
one day...
you two were cuddling
and everything was going good, everything was just fine
in fact, he didn’t even need to ask if you were okay or comfy etc,, because he just knows what you like now and he can tell from your body language
but uhm...
you were cuddling, you were the little spoon and he was the big spoon 
and you just wanted to get closer
so you nuzzled back into him 
and he just
“tadashi? what’s wrong?”
literally his face is so red 
and then...
u felt it.
you tense up too and you’re face is starting to get red and you’re like 
“uhh.....is ....that...?”
yamaguchi looks like he’s about to cry lsdfkjs
literally already standing up ready to run out of there
but then 😳
you just grab his wrist n you’re like
“let me help”
his v*rgin brain just short circuits like $(*#$)(#@*#*)$(@#*$)(@#$*
R.I.P. Yamaguchi Tadashi 2020
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damn we already lost daichi and now we lost yams too  😔🕊️ fly high
*raw guitar riffs going WIIUM WIIUM WAUUM WAUUM WIIUM*
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Part I: Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Ennoshita
Part II: Kinoshita, Narita, Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi
Part III: Kiyoko, Yachi, Ukai Keishin, Takeda
Part IV: Saeko Tanaka, Akiteru Tsukishima, Shimada, Takinoue
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dangermousie · 3 years ago
CFC Chapter 54
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“A crashing car?” Ahahahaha I see you, Meatbun. But it was indeed an utter pileup!
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I know I commented on this passage in its various iterations eight billion times already but I still have more to say. And it’s that XQC taking so long to realize that even though HY is young, his emotions and feelings are as genuine and strong as those of anyone older is so realistic - people do tend to think that especially with regard to children - think of a reaction of an adult to a three year old crying over ice cream they dropped. It’s all amused even if not meanly so. Because to an adult with vastly more experience, this is not a big deal. But what that forgets is that whether it’s ridiculous to someone else or not, to the person at issue that is a real feeling, AND that of course a person can only feel through the lens of their experience - what else is there? Emotions aren’t any less valid because they are informed by lesser or different experience.
Honestly, to me so far this is one of the driving messages of the novel - everyone is in their own world of issues and pain and none of these characters can truly look through the lens of another person and it would be so much better if they did. To XQC, for so long, He Yu’s strong feelings (and we know so many of these feelings are awful - despair, and self-loathing, and loneliness) never quite felt real and therefore never quite felt fully valid. And by the time it wasn’t the case, it was too late.
But the same is true for He Yu - he is so concentrated on his own grievances and his own pain, he cannot perceive others’ different issues. In He Yu’s mind, he’s the winner and always champion of Misery Olympics and while he’s had a horrible time of it, that doesn’t mean other people didn’t either just in different ways. Whether because of his condition, his issues or just his age, HY is not empathetic in the least.
And think about it - XQC does not have a horrible illness. He does not have unfeeling parents. But he had to watch his beloved parents brutally murdered in front of his eyes at 13 (!!!!) and then had to raise a 5 year old by himself. Is it worse or better than HY’s trauma? That’s a matter of opinion but what there is no question about is that is a different type of trauma and a different type of scar. Or think about the patient in the asylum whose name I am too lazy to look up - her life is such a theater of horrors that to me, it makes the combined issues of HY and XQC seem small, though once again that’s subjective. Nobody wins when people start this sort of competition.
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My heart breaks for XQC but also - I am sorry - if/when HY x XQC hook up again (how? I have no idea! But that is one of the joys of Meatbun - I both have no idea how/where it’s going and utterly trust her), please have He Yu read up and learn things because Good God. You should not be in major pain the morning after unless you are into pain and XQC clearly is not!
The other thing is the bit about XQC forcing himself to walk in his usual ramrod-straight manner is the moment I went utterly gone for him. I mean, I liked him and found him interesting before. But this is the thing that flipped that invisible switch for me and I went rabid and irrational and now I am Team XQC and I don’t care what he wants and does from now on, he should have it. It’s so small but so real. My mother and her mother were both big on straight posture. And one of the reasons they gave was when you walk with good posture - you look confident but also it makes you feel confident and stronger. And I’ve actually found it to be true - when you throw your shoulders back and straighten your neck and hold your head up, it does not just give others a signal, it gives a signal to your own brain. So to see XQC insist on doing it, despite being emotionally and physically shattered - because of his pride refusing to give up, because he’s so unbending, but also this being some sort of instinctive armor, just hits straight through the heart.
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OK, I laughed at HY as a fucking machine. But also, this is another point in the whole “everyone has issues” narrative and HY’s life could be worse. HY, with all his other issues, can pay an insane amount, an amount that XQC could not pay in a million years, so easily. It’s not even a blip to him. Hell, the fact that he forgot to pay speaks to that - I can see forgetting to pay a friend a couple of bucks back right away because it’s not much money. HY forgets because it does not loom in his mind. And this rich lifestyle is instinctive, is ingrained in him. I think he’d find it hard to be poor.
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THAT is what he’s thinking about? Priorities are...
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The sole good thing that came out of this insanity is that XQC is getting in touch with his emotions, even if those emotions are (rightly) rage. He’s too closed off from them normally.
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The fact that you slept with a man should be secondary to the fact that you drugged and raped him, but here we are...
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To me, this sums up He Yu as a moral wasteland. To still, when sober and past his fit and not under influence of wine, to still feel excitement over his revenge and to somehow twist it that it’s XQC’s fault for being raped by He Yu is !!!!!!!!!
(I suppose if I were charitable, I’d assume that the disquiet is small stirrings of almost dead conscience and his “he deserved it” is an attempt to justify the unjustifiable to himself, but I honestly don’t want to think so because I am so angry at him. Not until I see some more evidence. I don’t feel like being indulgent with He Yu since he’s indulgent with himself enough for two.)
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1. The fact that you can tell from the picture XQC got taken by a man (I am gonna defer to Meatbun’s expertise here) definitely points to the fact that the pictures are going to be used for something bad later - because if it’s just oh XQC had sex, so what, he’s single what’s the big deal. But like this it becomes a different matter. No idea if it will be used for HY or XQC or both, and by whom (money is on Duan and co, but after the way HY went off, I would never say HY himself won’t use it badly somehow) but knowing Meatbun, it will go for maximum damage.
2. Ruthless? Perhaps. Unfeeling? Hmmmm. I am not He Yu’s biggest fan atm but that’s a wonderfully misleading adjective here. He does still seem to be in shock. And fixating.
3. The whole “hahahaha XQC is a hypocrite when he was all ‘I am not interested in sex’“ is - I am not sure if HY is just short-circuiting (fine) or using a rapist justification/rolling in a sea of toxic toxicity (not fine) because I am sorry, that’s totally like “he/she had a reaction, can’t be rape” writ large. Yeah, sure he had a reaction - you poured drugs down his throat. That has nothing to do with his default preferences or his actual state. THE FUCK?!
Anyway, we end on the whole “u mad bro?” bit and you know what strikes me? HY was all “I am done, we are done, my revenge is complete I don’t care” but here he is, still desperately seeking and craving reaction and interaction from XQC.
I remain utterly puzzled as to how these two will ever be a couple except for a couple being defined as “two mutually homicidal people.” Leaving aside everything else, I am willing to accept HY is in the closet - clearly whatever his orientation is, it includes men. But I do not get that sense from XQC at all. When he’s not drugged, he’s barely interested in sex with anyone and I do not get the sense he’s in the closet either. Chances of anyone, let alone He Yu, who is both a man and someone who raped him to humiliate him, being able to entice him into sexual encounters voluntarily is about the chance of me going to visit Mars. Meatbun loves doing insane things so I can’t wait.
PS I know people use the term psychopath all the time casually but ummm, I think He Yu may actually be one? When he has his father (!!!) on speakerphone, calmly carrying a conversation with the man as he’s raping his father’s friend in the club as he talks (!!!!!) that is...in RL I’d be “team lock him up for life, there is something so basic broken in him that it can’t be fixed.” Like - the hell? The ability to put things on different shelves so much is not in the same country as sane (it makes me think of 2ha and TXJ banging CWN being the curtain while performing court business but TXJ was bona fide clinically insane and also this is worse because this is his actual freaking father omg.) Of course, only time will tell whether it’s evidence of him being irreparably incapable of normalcy in terms of living in the world/interacting with others or it was an extreme psychotic (in casual parlance not medical one) break because most people are capable of truly horrific stuff if certain levers are pushed and his default is saner. It’s the question, isn’t it? Whether He Yu’s factory default setting is the monster of the previous chapters or the kid who’d cut his wrists so as not to hurt others.
Anyway, this novel is a terrifying roller coaster ride and I love having strong emotions.
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nincompoopydoo · 4 years ago
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( gif from this beautiful gifset by @knightwayne )
PAIRING: Bruce Wayne x reader
SUMMARY: Alfred definitely knows something about Bruce that you’re not willing to think about and Bruce has an epiphany that changes the way he sees you.
A/N: Guess who forgot which day pbr is usually posted? This idiot here. God, I’m sorry and this chapter can be boring. Next chapter will have a lot more going on, I promise. Also, this might end in the next chapter or two. Enjoy, folks.
WARNINGS: Kinda dramatic because I’m dramatic.
Driving through the Wayne estate gives you a sense of much-needed peace. The never-ending tunnel with walls of identical colossal pine trees as you faintly hum to Aretha Franklin over the low whirring of the running engine. It’s a quarter to noon, and the sun doesn’t seem to shine in the city of Gotham—clouds of grey constantly shield its optimum shine, only to ever allow rays to seep through the gaps in the moving Autumn wind. You don’t mind it and you never did, growing up in the city left clouds unnoticed to you unless it signified the arrival of a thunderstorm. Weather and nature are the least of your concerns but you would appreciate it now and then.
The tunnel of trees comes to an end as a clearing of extensive fields emerges into view. What is left of the Wayne Manor still stands with ostentation, despite its skeleton along with its dignity rotting away to be eventually consumed by mother nature herself. There’s a sense of eeriness to it; you find it odd how a building could seem so alive at times, like it's watching you, despite its apparent decay.
You turn your head away and focus on the road.
A glance at your hand on the wheel, you’re reminded of last night, when his hands held yours—it burns at the mere thought of his gentle touch. And the drive home, silent with the occasional glances and small smiles. You recall how the passing streetlights cascade hues of orange on his wearied expression and how his eyes were bright when they flit to your figure in the passenger seat for just a moment. Something must have changed between the two of you, but you can’t quite tell what. Maybe it’s your undying love for Bruce. Maybe he feels the same way. You snort to yourself, alone in your car, one can only dream but it doesn’t mean they all come true. Bruce may love but he doesn’t commit. You can’t commit too. Now, you’re starting to believe you’ve been lying to yourself.
The glasshouse comes into view as you steer around the bending road and into the driveway. It contradicts everything the manor was but only shared its sense of glory. You like the glasshouse, less deafening and structured with the purpose of bareness and vulnerability but its dark furnishings keep it grounded and secure. Its sense of balance tricks your mind into thinking you’re stable. His car is still around, parked by the porch but you don’t see him, ambling around the household.
Switching off the ignition, you snatch the paper bag from the passenger seat and clamber out of the car. Darker clouds begin rolling from afar, your hair flying in the strong wind. A storm is coming, you’re sure of it. One of the rare times it rains during the season. You dread the thought of having to drive back into the city and across Westward Bridge. Driving over bridges built over the water in the rain scares the heck out of you.
As you swing the car door to a close, you hear the shuffling of feet amongst leaves behind you. Alfred, with a barrel of chopped wood—stocking up for the winter. There’s a glimmer of amusement in his eyes albeit startled by your sudden presence. He mentions your name with endearment; you greet him with a small smile. You always liked Alfred. You enjoyed his company.
“What a pleasant surprise seeing you here,” he says, pushing the barrel aside as he nears you. “I’m afraid you just missed Bruce. He left for Metropolis an hour ago—duty calls.”
You nod, ignoring the clench in your heart. He hadn’t told you anything but frankly, you weren’t expecting him to anyway.
“Well, I just came by to drop off this,” You lift the paper bag, swaying it a little within your grasp. “As a thank you gift, you know.” Alfred smiles at this, gestures towards the house in a beckoning manner. “Come on in, I’ll make you some tea.” Before you could even protest, he’s gently guiding you to the door by the shoulder. It’s hard to say no to Alfred, especially when he offers tea.
Your mind wonders as you watch the drizzle of rain form ripples in the lake. You sit on a chair with a contemporary structure to it; it digs into your lower back, due to your bad posture. Uncomfortable but nice-looking and great armrests. Contradicts everything a chair should be. Alfred emerges from the kitchen with a black ceramic mug in hand, steam from the brewed tea lingering above it. He holds an identical mug, for himself. With two hands, you clasp onto the mug with acceptance, a radiant appreciative smile upon your lips. “Thank you, Mr. Pennyworth.” Alfred shoots you a look of disdain, “I’ve told you many times, Alfred is fine.” Taking a sip, you shake your head, a smile still lingering. “No way. I have too much respect for you to call you by your first name.” Alfred mirrors you, settling for the chair to your right, swiftly sliding the scatter of papers to the corner of the table. You find it easy to fall into a natural conversation with the older man—the two of you are mutuals after all of a certain billionaire. Yet, Alfred is more of a father figure, having practically raised Bruce and you, well, it’s complicated. It always is. You don’t know where you stand in his life, and you're not sure if you want to know.
“Anyway, where have you been? I haven’t seen you in weeks.” It’s true. The usual sight of the butler sauntering around the glasshouse or somewhere in the Wayne Estate was absent during the last two weeks. Alfred is always around, his disappearance was glaring, impossible to go unnoticed.
He shifts in his seat, placing his mug on the table, teaspoon moving with a soft clang. “I was visiting family back in England. I appreciate that you have noticed my absence,” An eyebrow raises, your laugh comes out more like a huff. “Always, Mr. Pennyworth.”
Family. Mother. Dinner—you remember the dinner with your mother on Sunday night, and you’re the host. The host hasn't decided on the menu for tomorrow’s meal. Oh God, it’s tomorrow. Procrastination is your friend but your family’s expectations for you aren't. If you pop enough wine bottles, maybe she'll be too drunk to be disappointed by the end of the night.
And the wedding. The mere thought makes you sick. You don’t want to bring a date, but you don’t want to be alone. Weddings, love, couples—it makes you tick. It’s a glaring reminder of how your love life is an absolute disaster and your inability to maintain relationships. It’s hopeless, you’ll die a spinster and everyone lives happily ever after.
“Are you alright?”
It’s funny how those three words have been the most frequent words you would hear from those around you. You appreciate the concern, really, but you can’t help but feel there’s a stronger and deeper meaning to those words. It’s a question of assurance, a reality check, and a realization that you might be broken. Everyone is broken—in their own ways.
Although you seem reserved to some people, your tendency to open up about your issues to those close to you contradicts that though you instantly regret it. Especially when people tell you to change. You hate change. It’s terrifying.
You pause, suddenly feeling...fidgety. Yet, in the words of Bruce: In Alfred, you trust.
Remember, keep it light. You don’t want to haul all this luggage of yours onto an aging man. He’s already got Bruce’s luggage.
“My cousin’s getting married in two weeks and,” you sigh, he listens intently. “And as pathetic as this sounds, I really don’t want to go to it alone.”
Your words are direct, straightforward and you sound like a whiny teenager or the main character in a Wattpad story but truth be told, there’s an underlying meaning to it and you know, Alfred knows it. You just don’t want to admit it.
He takes a beat, assessing your sentence like he’s a therapist, wanting to select his words carefully. “Well, I don’t think you’re pathetic. It’s...understandable,” he flashes you a pointed look and you find yourself straightening your back. “Why don’t you ask Bruce?”
Your brain must have short-circuited at that moment.
Oh, hell no. Not in a million years.
You’re shaking your head, laughing nervously. “No, no. No. Never. I couldn’t possibly ask him to do that. He’s already done so much for me—”
“You’ve done a lot for him too.”
A pause, words stuck in your throat. You just look at Alfred through confused eyes. You’re not sure what that means. He’s staring at you with a knowing look. You sigh, shaking your head in denial once more. “No, that’s...that’s not true.”
It’s almost infuriating how stubborn you can be sometimes that it’s even irritating yourself. You’re staring at your fingers, playing with the tag attached to the teabag by a thread. As far as you’re concerned, Bruce is...the greatest friend you’ve ever had. Through thick and thin, he’s been there for you. He’s always there. It’s partly the reason why you have fallen for him in the first place. Hard. He’s easy to love when he wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s rare but it’s beautiful. You almost feel ashamed to be allowed to see him in that light.
“Bruce will do just about anything for you,” Alfred says calmly as he watches you avoid eye contact. “And I know, you’ll do the same for him.” You throw your eyes at the older man as he cops you a look. Your heart is beating so fast, so thunderous, you hear it in your ears. He’s right and you know it. That accidental kiss to your forehead on the night you asked him to come for the play comes back to mind in a flash. It feels like a mark on your forehead, it feels like it’s burning.
“Would you like a scone with that?” He’s pointing to your tea and with that, he’s off to the kitchen once more, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
It’s late—a quarter to four in the morning. He spends most of his nights in the Batcave, hidden away from all the sounds and tumult of the world, shrouded in the darkness as the light of the computer screen cascades on his tired eyes. He ambles through the glasshouse, weary feet against hardwood floors, body begging to lay on grey sheets though he dreads a vacant bed.
He strains his eyes peering into the gloom when he perceives a paper bag, sitting idly on the table by the window. Nearing it, there’s a yellow post-it note stuck onto the bag and under the gentle light from the moon that reflects against the lake, he can make out words written on it.
It’s from you.
Thanks for coming to the play. I would have bought you something else, but I’m really broke. Sorry. I owe you one.
A drawn heart follows it. It’s tiny. His chest feels warm.
He should have recognized the paper bag because inside, there are four bagels. Four Asiago bagels. He laughs, it comes out more like a puff of hot air, feeling the warmth that resides in his chest spreading throughout his body.
Then, it hits him like a bullet to the heart. The impact is strong, powerful. Your impact on him is strong, powerful. There’s no mystery to his feelings for you but at this moment, he’s completely certain. For the first time in life.
He loves you.
Bruce staggers into the chair, hand carding back the strands of his hair. He can’t keep doing this to you. Whatever the hell is going on. Your friendship, the...stupid agreement. He wants none of it because it feels like he’s constantly going around in circles.
But what do you really want, Bruce?
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mageofseven · 5 years ago
The Demon Brothers when Discovering they’re in Love
Spoilers: Mentions the end of the first season of the game in Belphie’s. If you haven’t read that far yet, you’ve been warned.
Feels rather torn when he comes to this realization.
On one hand, he feels that the object of his affection has become too much of a distraction.
The amount of times he finds himself spacing out while doing paperwork because thoughts of you plague his mind is truly appalling to him
But still, he gets lost in the care that you give him and finds your reliability refreshing.
All the nights he stayed up to get his work done and you came in with some coffee to help him along, sometimes unprompted; it’s like you just know when he needs a little boost. 
You even remember that he likes his coffee with a shot of poison. It’s truly the little things like that where he gets lost in your consideration.
Then there are the nights where even some small part of him realizes that pushed himself too far.
It would have been his fourth consecutive night without sleep if it weren’t for you.
The man didn’t look up from his paperwork. Instead, he finished signing the document before switching papers and starting to skim through it.
“Thank you, MC. Just set it on the desk.” He said, assuming you had just brought him coffee as usual.
“I’m sorry.” You say as you step in. “That’s not it.”
The Avatar of Pride finally looked up and sighed as he saw your empty hands.
“Then what is it? I’m afraid I have neither the time nor energy to chat right now.”
“That’s the point, Lucifer.” You say, approaching his desk. “You need sleep.”
He scoffed at your words. “I can assure you that I am more than capable of doing my work without a few nights of rest.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that you shouldn’t, Lucifer.” You lay your hand on his forearm. “I know you are capable, but still. Please, just sleep.”
He looked up into your eyes and sighed. They held no hint of deceit or trickery. He had grown so used to looking for such signs in people, most commonly in his brothers, but in this moment, he only saw genuine worry in those beautiful orbs.
When was the last time he had seen such? When was the last time someone had shown real concern for him?
The man couldn’t recall.
“Alright.” He relented. “I’ll put the papers away for now, but I expect you to head to bed as well. It’s nearing 3am.”
It was that night, as he laid in bed, that he tried to decipher the feelings within him, floating around in his chest.
When he realized it was love, the man could only shake his head at the thought. After all, he had no time for such feelings, he told himself.
But the more he dismissed them, the stronger they seemed to be within him.
The man even spaced out during a conversation with Diavolo one morning and was mortified with himself.
Obviously, Diavolo was more curious than upset though.
After some pressing from the prince, Lucifer sighed and explained the issue that plagued him.
I don’t think it would be possible for Lord Diavolo to have a bigger grin on his face than he did in that moment.
The prince congratulates his friend on finding someone that inspires such feelings within him and asks about when he’s gonna ask you out.
Lucifer waves away his friend’s words, but the thought stays with him throughout the day.
It would be a lie to say that he doesn’t want to date you, but the man’s pride has always told him that he doesn’t need such a relationship with others, most especially a human.
However, you were no ordinary human. To him, you were special; he could admit that much to himself.
When he finally does ask you out, he’s as calm and collected as he is with anything else
…except for the hint of a blush on his cheeks, seen by only the most observant of people.
This boy is not as in denial about his feelings as you might think.
Mammon recognizes his feelings for you fairly quickly and is pretty honest about it.
At least, he’s pretty honest with himself with the subject, just not with other people.
He knew he had feelings for you since day one. What he should do about them, however, was the questions.
Yeah, he spent a lot of time denying it to his brothers, but that was mostly because he didn’t want you to know until he got himself sorted out. 
That and he didn’t wanna risk his brothers ruining things for him. I mean yeah, he’s had some small crushes, but they never lasted long and none involved feelings this strong.
He just really, really didn’t want to fuck this up.
So he spent a long time keeping his feelings to himself; months easily passing.
Every time he saw you smile or when he heard you speak in defense of him with his brothers, he could feel his face go hot and chest tighten.
You really felt like his human when you did stuff like that. Still, no matter how many times he said it or felt it, it didn’t make it true; not officially at least.
One day, you both were hanging out in his room, studying together.
Well, you were studying. Mammon was just kinda half-assing it. He only agreed to this so he could spend more time with you after all.
Boy was getting all fidgety as he thought…maybe now was a good time to tell you?
You both were alone together, which made things easier. He definitely didn’t want to actually sit here and study either.
Not to mention, if he had to hide his feelings any longer, the poor boy felt as if he’d just burst.
“Oi, MC! I got something to say so you better listen up!”
Your eyes flickered up at him and then back down to your notes, searching for a specific section.
“I’m listening.” You say as you go back to skimming through the page.
Nervous boy looks away from you.
“So…the Great Mammon likes you, alright!” He told you, booming with fake confidence.
“I know.” You tell him, not even looking up from your notebook.
That’s…that’s it? You must not get it. His tone starts to falter.
“I…no! I don’t mean just like!” He leaned in closer to you. “I… I meant I love you!”
You lift your head and smile at him.
“I know.” You tell him before leaning in and kissing his cheek.
The Avatar of Greed’s brain starts to short circuit. Was it really that easy all along?
You laugh at how red his face gets and find it cute. You always had feelings for Mammon and honestly, as much as he tries to be otherwise, he is an open book. Not just you, but everyone knew he had feelings for you. It was just a question of when he would admit it and you had waited patiently for him.
This boy struggles to even identify the feelings within him for the longest time.
When the feelings do form inside him, he starts becoming a lot more red in the face over the simplest things.
Blushy boy is overwhelmed by basically any compliment you give him.
“Holy–Levi, I was stuck on that level for past month!” You tell him, practically buzzing from excitement. “You’re amazing!”
Levi.exe has stopped working.
It’s not just what you say that makes his brain freeze up. It’s your sweet, excited tone, your smile. The fuzzy feeling in him that tells him he did good. All of it is too much for his brain.
Honestly thinks something is wrong with him when you fixed his tie for him one morning because it was messy and all he could think about for the next ten minutes was the fact that you touched him.
Wait, why did you fix his tie? He always wears it loose like that and you never commented on it before...
Otaku boy is very upset with himself right now.
Tries to avoid you for a while, but after a couple days of this, he heard you asking his brothers if you did something wrong and what you could do to apologize to him.
Poor boy felt bad that he was making you feel guilty when you didn’t even do anything wrong.
Invites you to watch anime with him so you can stop worrying.
He tries his best to act like his usual self with you and honestly, it was pretty easy with him getting so absorbed with the show.
At one point, he had to pause it to rant about something the protagonist just said. 
“I can’t believe it! They completely contradicted part of her character progression from season two! And have the gall to completely ignore that they did it!”
Boy was so annoyed until you stopped him. You pointed out a couple moments from mid-season three and one from season 4 that actually make the protagonist’s words very in character for them.
In the back of his mind, he’s really beating himself up for forgetting that one scene between Tsusaki and Momo
If it had been anyone else or if it was you, but at a different point in your friendship, he honestly would be livid to hear you make such a contradiction.
Levi has bonded with you for so long at this point though that he’s just impressed with your memory and character analysis ability.
I mean, he shouldn’t expect anything less from his Henry, but still, the boy is still loving this.
He’s found someone that not only enjoys the same nerdy stuff that he likes, but can actually have discussions about at the same level. You understand him just like you understand the anime on the screen and it’s characters.
At some point, he kinda got lost in his thoughts about you, checking out in favor of such thoughts instead of your words.
A smile slowly formed on his face as he thought about just how great it was that he found you. Or like, that you came to him, I guess.
He got so lost in all the good things about your friendship that he didn’t even realize at first when his thoughts were becoming words off his lips and had no time to censor himself.
“Man, this is great. This is why I love you.”
Levi started panicking, realizing what he just said.
You sat in your seat, confused and a bit flustered.
After all, he interrupted you mid-sentence to blurt that out.
“Gaaah, I didn’t mean that!” He shouted. “Okay, maybe I did; I don’t really know, I just–aaaah I’m such a stupid, no-good–”
His words are stopped by your kiss. It only lasted for a second though because the boy quickly bounced back and covered his mouth with his hand.
You give a small chuckle at his reaction.
“Don’t worry so much.” You tell him. “I’m glad you told me.”
“I…” You blush. “I actually have feelings for you too. I’m glad you said something first or I would have never been able to do… that.”
Levi is stuck wondering what the heck just happened, but as he starts to settle down, he decides he doesn’t really care; he likes how things have ended up.
Is another brother that is not really good with his emotions.
Instead of panicking or getting overwhelmed with this new feeling inside of him though, he faces it with calm curiosity instead.
It’s hard for him to fully understand any emotion that is not anger, but he’s always trying to expand his knowledge on such things.
So when he starts noticing how small things you do cause his heart to race or a blush creep onto his cheeks, he’s not shying away; on the contrary, he seeks you out even more, wanting to spend time with you so he can analyze these feelings as they come.
He starts asking if you need some help studying more often since the answer is almost always yes. Study sessions with Satan are always very productive.
He starts lending books out to you even when you don’t ask. He brings you books that made him think of you as he read them, but doesn’t tell you that and presents them as a simple recommendation.
Always feels a sense of satisfaction when you accept them and come to his room later on to discuss them.
Starts reading more books on interactions between people to understand his seemingly strong awareness of you.
Like, why your finger tips brushing his when he hands you something or your shoulder touching his when you both read next to each other just sends an an almost electrifying feeling within him or when even the softest expressions on your face can make him smile.
Starts with mainly nonfiction books and slowly finds himself searching within the realm of fiction as well.
Despite what some people might think, he doesn’t really read fiction books much. When he does, it’s usually horror stories or the occasional sci-fi story (he finds how human picture the future to be fascinating, but also a bit silly).
He has very little experience with romance novels; he finds them to be pretty repetitive and predictable.
Still decides to read some since they do in fact focus on interactions between two people.
Finds that a lot of his experiences are mentioned in these books.
….he also finds his mind imagining similar situations with you.
This is…not the answer he thought he would get. ‘Love’.
So it was love that he felt for you? He honestly never gave any thought to loving someone in this way before. It simply was never a priority of his
But if that is truly what he is feeling…he wants to feel it to its full extent like the characters in his books.
Isn’t actually all that nervous when he decides to tell you. Like always, curiosity leads him through.
Not to say that he wouldn’t be hurt if you rejected him; merely that he wastes no energy worrying about such an outcome.
The day he decided tell you about this conclusion, you were sitting with him on his bed, backs against the wall, reading books.
He heard a little gasp to his right and glanced over to see you staring at your book, eyes wide, and whispering things to the page.
‘Oh my god’, ‘Why would you do that?’, and ‘Nonononononono’ were just some of the words you spoke into your book.
Satan chuckled, finding he scene to be cute.
You let out a groan, mildly annoyed with him.
“It’s not funny.” You whined. “He just walked away from her. Walked away! Right when she tried to kiss him! I can’t believe this!”
“Oh really?”
“Yes really! He–”
The blonde cut you off with a kiss, brief, but a bit fervent.
As soon he pulled away, you dropped your book and covered your red face. He quietly picked up your book and read the page that originally upset you.
“This is the same story I read yesterday.” He told you, hiding his own red cheeks within the pages. “The one that made me realize I wanted to kiss you.”
You lowered your hands and stared at the blonde, eyes wide.
“Yes.” He lowered the book to look you in your eyes. “Our protagonist may have failed you, but I’d like think that I just came through for you where he did not. Am I wrong?”
“N..No.” You mumbled, eyes darting away from him and to a stack of books. After a moment, you added. “C-Can you do that again?”
Satan chuckled softly and took his chin in his hand, guiding her face to look at him. He stared into your eyes for a minute with a teasing smile before doing just as he was asked.
The boy never actually said the words like he planned to, but it was obvious that his meaning got across to you.
As the Avatar of Lust, Asmo is no stranger to feelings.
He had so many crushes during his time in the Devildom that he probably couldn’t even count them all.
They were always simple feelings though, flights of fancy that came and went, holding no real long term significance to him.
Don’t get him wrong; he finds a lot of fun/cute/sexy/beautiful people that he enjoys spending time with, but he sees them all as just temporary beings, coming in and out of his life without a second thought.
It’s still new for him to develop strong feelings for a person to the point that he actually thinks 'I never want them to leave’.
But with you, he does just that. Doesn’t realize he feels that strongly for you till you actually leave though.
It wasn’t anything unpredictable; the school year had simply ended. Everyone knew it was coming, but Asmo gave it almost no thought till it was here. 
Your absence hit him harder than he let any of his brothers know. Still, he did he did usual activities; shopping, partying, spa days (though he noticed that he needed those more often than before).
He called you as often as he could. Would have probably spammed you with texts and calls if Lucifer hadn’t set a limit on all the brothers with when they can talk to you.
There really wasn’t an ‘Aha!’ moment for him discovering that he loved you. The question for him wasn’t if he loved you; it was more like how much he loved you that he questioned.
After dealing with your absence, he got his answer: a lot.
When you finally came back for another year at RAD, the boy was ecstatic. 
Immediately jumps into hugging you, giving you little kisses on the cheek, and coming up with different reasons to keep you close.
Really clingy, but in a cute way.
Boy drops the ‘love’ word on you like it’s nothing.
Absolutely adores your blushy face after.
Is nothing but smiles when you said it back to him and wasn’t worried about it all.
I mean it is him we are talking about so of course you love him back.
Is slightly slow with the realization, but not the slowest of the brothers.
There was kinda already signs floating around about his feelings before he even knew it.
The other brothers suspected it, but unlike with Mammon, they just kinda left the big boy to handle it on his own and didn’t tease him about it.
Though he’s commonly helping all his brothers out with one thing or another, without even realizing it, he started treating you with the same level of care he usually only gives to Belphie.
He shares his foods with you and is always checking on you to make sure you feel okay (physically and emotional). Sweet boy knows how stressful it can be in House of Lamentation with all the arguing and his brothers’ shenanigans so he tries to makes sure it doesn’t bring you down.
He even once carried you to bed after you fell asleep on the couch after school. He felt bad you were so worn out from the day and didn’t want you to wake up with a sore neck from sleeping wrong on the couch.
Then there was one day when he managed to make you laugh--not on purpose, mind you, and the poor boy is still confused about what he did to this day, but the sound of your laugh filled with his cheeks red and the sweet boy couldn’t help smiling at it.
But once the moment ended and your laugh was gone, all Beel could think about was wanting to hear it again. He really wished he knew what he did the first time so he could replicate it.
He started asking around with his brothers about the moment that made him feel so warm inside and why he couldn’t stop thinking about you or that moment. They all waved him off with small smiles, telling him that he’ll figure it out on his own. Except for one.
Asmo was way to excited to follow the other brothers’ lead.
“That’s because you love her, silly!” He grinned at the redhead. “Now! When are you asking them out? I’ve been waiting foreeever to give you dating advice!”
Cue Beel’s brain buffering. And buffering. And buffering.
The boy smiled a sweet smile and walked away from his brother mid-sentence.
He kept walking till he found you in your room working on homework.
You lifted you head and smiled at him, mid-greeting when he wrapped his arms around you in a hug. You blinked in confusion, but hugged back.
“What’s this about?” You laugh from in his arms and the good boy loved the sound of it. In fact...
“I love you.” He said, smiling down at you.
It was a cute albeit random and unexpected moment for you, but also one of your favorite memories with him.
Belphie was surprisingly quick with discovering his feelings for you.
He knew it was love, but tried pushing the feeling down inside of himself out of guilt.
Yes, you forgave him for using and killing you, but the boy hadn’t forgiven himself for doing it, which made his feelings for you just hurt him worse.
Sleepy boy tries his best to take care of you to make up for it, but feels like it’s not enough.
He’s always the first person to realize when you’re starting to stress out and pulls you to him for nap. Naps always help him take a break from stress and various other emotions that he doesn’t want to deal with and knew it’d probably help you too.
Nap buddy. That’s what you’d call him, causing him to blush and turn away from you.
With the poor boy feeling so complicated, it was actually you who confessed your feelings to him instead.
It was during one of your nap sessions, unsurprisingly. Belphie just stared at you, eyes wide in disbelief, before switching to a glare.
“You stupid--how can you say that after what I did to you?”
“Belphie...that’s in the past and you’re different now.” You tell him. “I love the person that lays next to me; he’s different than the man who killed me.”
Oh Lord Diavolo, the way your human mind works is so ridiculous to him.
Ends up rejecting you and finds a new place to take a nap. His anger quickly turns to sadness as he falls asleep.
Feels awful the next few days. He didn’t mean to hurt you; he just wants you to understand that he doesn’t deserve you after what happened.
Eventually approaches you to explain himself, hoping you’ll understand and let go of your feelings for him.
Instead, you launch into trying to reassure him that it’s not like that and regardless of what happened in the past, your feelings still stand.
He still thinks you’re idiot and tells you as much...but admits that he feels the same.
During the first two weeks of your relationship, the boy is surprisingly tense, but eventually accepts where you both have ended up and just lets himself enjoy it.
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caesthetix · 4 years ago
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GREAT DESCENDANT — Pt. 2 Extra Bread
↪Attack on Titan series
↪content; warrior!reader, aged-up character, graphic description of violence, slow burn, season 4 spoiler
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"T-Thank you, sir!"
He stuttered out and bowed a little to the soldier who gave him five loaves of bread. Though the older man did not acknowledge his gratitude at all, instead he just sneered at him, making him flinch since he was reminded of the fact that this island filled with demons.
His long feet stride out from the line, wanting to get back to where his friends waited. Today it was his duty to get the food for his companions, and it needed all of his courage to utter how many people in his family were left when the soldier asked him.
Four, it was the right answer that he was supposed to say. But he couldn't help but stutter five instead. It had only been a few weeks after they breached the outer wall, Maria, and yet he still couldn't believe that it was only the four of them now.
Each of them was grieving. Annie would now scowl a lot and buried her face in her hands, not wanting anyone to see the vulnerable look on her face. Reiner was different, he tried to act tough despite the nightmares that often accompanied him in his sleep. While him? He hid his sadness and pain deep inside his heart because he knew that someone suffered more.
You, you didn't talk at all for days as if you were just their shadows. Annie made sure that you were not hurt when he and Reiner crushed the gate. And even though you were not uttering any words, you could do your task ideally without a hitch, and that was to sneak inside with battered clothes, acting like a child who lost everything.
But maybe you were indeed lost everything, that was what he thought when he saw you just staring into spaces without any expression on your face. The bubbly and warm person that he met back then in Marley was nowhere to be found at this point and he hoped that someday he could meet her again.
When his pale green eyes fell to the familiar strands of your hair, he started to run, wanting to give you the bread for today since the sun was up for hours yet no one ate anything just yet. The shelter where all of them were hiding was an abandoned barn just outside the main city, no one knew who the owner of it was, but when Reiner found it empty, they decided to use it as a temporary house.
They just needed to survive for a few years and they could enroll in the military after that. But now they had to make a plan about what they should do in the meantime. Now they were just four orphans who lost everything from wall Maria. A few days ago a soldier gave them a form to fill out, consisting of some questions about names, birth, and the residence they used to live in before.
And that was the first time he heard your voice after weeks wallowing yourself in silence. When Marcel was alive, he told you that you needed to change your last name. Just for a disguise, it was the safest option because who would have expected if someone knew the weight of your name.
"No." You whispered out, one hand scribbling down the paper to write your name. "I am not going to lose my identity. No." There was a lingering pain in your voice that everyone could notice. "I will do anything, Reiner, but not this. This is my last name and I will lose it if someone takes it away from me."
The blonde frowned when he heard your rebellion, you seemed fine when Marcel asked you to do that back then, but now you changed your mind and he wished he knew the words that could sway you. You continued to write down your information without stopping while the boys stared at you with wonder.
Annie knew that you couldn't be forced to do something that you wouldn't do, so she just shrugged it off and focused on her paper, not wanting to spend her time filling forms if she could do it fast. She really thought Reiner would drop it after hearing your statement, but sometimes he just didn't know when to stop.
"Hey, but Marcel would tell you to do the same."
Bertolt could imagine his friend getting beaten up again at this point. But this time not from Annie, instead, he would get it from you who was now gripping so tight on the pencil that he was afraid you would stab the armoured titan inheritor on the neck with it.
"That's the thing, Braun." You gritted your teeth, avoiding yourself for kicking him on the face. And when the poor boy heard you called him by his last name, he knew that he was done for good. "Marcel is not here anymore, and you are not Marcel."
Bertolt made a note on his head that he would never want to get on your bad side. He felt a shiver down his spine at that time when you completely disregarded Reiner, and those words were not even for him. He couldn't imagine what his friend felt, must be hell for sure.
"Hey, I-I got the food for us today." Stopping on his track right in front of you. You were currently cleaning up the dust on the window, he recalled you said that you despised dirty windowpane last night, and he raised his eyebrow since he wondered how you got some clothes to clean it up with.
"Thank you, Bertolt." You gave him a soft smile, and from just that gesture he could feel his cheek burning from — goodness, he didn't even know what he was feeling right now. "Oh? You got five? How?" He was still in a trance when you threw the question, making him baffled for a second there.
"I said that there were five members in my family." He averted his eyes, ashamed to confess that to you. That and the fact he would see the sadness inside your eyes if he did so."I didn't mean to, really, b-but I only realised it after the soldier gave the portion to me."
"Oh, Bertolt." You let out a long sigh and grabbed two pieces of bread from his hand. "You know you could correct yourself after that, right?" He knew that you were scolding him, but with how soft your voice was, he just accepted it, not even once trying to correct himself. "I will give it back to the soldier, okay? You go inside, Reiner and Annie are waiting for you."
"But shouldn't you eat first?" He was concerned for sure, and despite knowing the fact that you could handle this harsh world by yourself, he was not sure if it was the right choice to let you go alone. "I can drop this off to them and I can accompany you, right?"
You chuckled at this, and his pupils widened at that since it was the first time you expressed some kind of joyful gesture since Marcel's incident. Your eyes closed as you chuckled at him, he didn't know what he did to make you like this but his brain short-circuited to even think about it. He just stood there with mouth agape, enjoying the pure, melodious giggle that slipped from your mouth.
"Bertolt," And how much he loved his name rolled down your tongue was uncanny. "It's okay, I will eat mine on the way. And I can handle myself, I am going to be back before you know it! You don't have to be concerned about me." You gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder, and his body went rigid at that. "See you later, tell the others where I am going, okay?"
He was too frozen in the spot even when you already strolled down the street with the loaves of bread in your hand. There was no time for him to answer you, and he felt like all the words were stuck in his throat. You just touched him, that was the only thing that he could process right now.
Yes, it was nothing special since you always held Pieck's hand back then or gave a pat to the other warrior candidates (especially Porco, for as long as he remembered even though the boy seemed to dislike your presence and unfazed by it), but to him, feeling your touch like that was everything.
It gave him some kind of boost, maybe it was the warm tingle that he felt whenever you were around or the fact that your existence just screamed comfort — he didn't know exactly what caused him to treasure your touch. What he knew for sure that in the end, he enjoyed your company.
"Oi, Bertolt! Why are you standing there like a statue?!"
"S-Sorry, Reiner—"
The wind caressed your hair as you wandered down the street, turning left and right to the alleyway that would lead you to the plaza. This place had been your home for a few weeks now, and you started to enjoy living here, greeting some people here and there despite how many times Reiner told you not to.
They would ask, of course, where you were from. And you always answered it without hesitation, without a pause, as if the one who talked was an entirely different person with how you always lost all the light in your face when you gave them your answer. They would sympathize, and you took their pity and kept acting it out.
You had a different approach in this mission compared to the other warrior. While they decided to keep a low profile, you were going all out and showed yourself as a victim from the fall of wall Maria. Lots of benefits coming your way with how some adults asked you to move in with them or offering you a job so you could fend for yourself.
Their offers were always so sweet, but you didn't want to leave your friends inside a cold barn with nothing to lay on except the pile of hay. You always ended up cuddling with Annie, not caring that she wanted to kick you on the face at first for not giving her enough space, she ended up liking to sleep in your embrace days after that, so for you, it was all worth it.
Maybe though, their offer about working for them could help you. There were some of them and you sure at least one of the jobs had good earnings. You could buy food for your friends if that was the case, all of you didn't have to rely on free food anymore. And so, you decided that you would go to the adult near the plaza after this, asking if the offer was still up.
"I am sorry! It was already late and there was only one bread left for us!"
Your ears caught the distressed tone that came from the alleyway near you. The plaza was empty now since it seemed like the ration already finished for the day. To know that a lot of people couldn't even have one bread to eat made your stomach churned with guilt and anger for yourself.
"It's alright, Armin. We can share it."
"Yeah, it's not like I eat a lot anyway."
There were three of them, three children that looked like they were the same age as you, and they only got one piece of bread for the whole day. Knowing that the soldier was not there anymore and the commotion already dispersed, you decided to give the bread to them instead.
Your tiny feet waddled toward them, they were currently deep in thought about how to divide the food fairly. And you were thankful that you haven't eaten your fair of bread, so now each of the kids could have one.
"Excuse me," You interrupted their discussion, three pairs of eyes immediately turned to face you. Two of them looked at you with confusion while the other one had her eyes filled with caution. "I am sorry, I heard about your problem before, and I have two extra pieces of bread that you guys could take."
The two boys, one with blonde hair and the other with short dark brown hair — looked at each other without saying anything. It was like they had this kind of bond, talking through their minds before giving each other a nod. Maybe they were debating if it was alright to accept your hospitality or not.
"It's fine, but is this bread really alright for us to take?" The boy with the ocean blue eyes spoke up, taking one step forward to your figure. "What about you then, have you eaten yet today?"
"Yes, it's fine. If not, I am not going to offer it in the first place." You gave him a gentle smile before answering his next question a little bit too quickly to your liking. "Don't worry about me! I already got breakfast before and ate mine. You don't have to think—"
"You are lying." The girl that had been silent the whole time suddenly cut your sentence. "Don't tell me I am wrong because I am sure that I am right." She didn't sugarcoat her words at all, and you couldn't understand anymore if her words mean good or bad. Because surely her onyx orbs looked at you as if you were a threat.
You closed your eyes and exhaled loudly, knowing that you couldn't lie anymore with how sharp the three of them were. But this fact wouldn't stop you from wanting them to take your fair.
"Well, yes, I haven't eaten." Surrendering yourself to honesty, you continued. "But I am going to be fine, an adult in this shop near the plaza offered me a job and food, so I could get it from them after this." You explained truthfully, handing them the bread thereafter.
"Then how come you had extra bread in the first place?" The short-haired boy now squinting his eyes, wanting to understand your hidden motive in case there were any. "You had one for yourself too despite knowing that you could get food from this adult you told us about. So why should we trust you?"
Ah, so the boy's name is Eren. You thought, couldn't believe that someone would even doubt the others for giving free food. But then again, you couldn't blame them for being extra cautious. No one knew what could happen inside these walls. The worst-case scenario from this was that you poisoned them to get rid of another life to prevent any more hunger.
"You don't have to trust me, of course." You answered him with a soft and calm tone, something that you learned from your house back in Marley. That even when someone raised their voice at you, you needed to handle them with care. "My friend was the one who got the food from me, and he didn't check that he got extra food, so I am here with the first mission to give it back to the garrison soldier."
You gave them the answer that they want, both hands still pushed forward, waiting for them to take it. "Promise I wouldn't disturb you anymore, I just want to make sure you guys get enough food. That's all."
There was a long silence engulfing the four of you. That was until the blonde took the bread out of your hand and gave you a smile of gratitude, which you answered with the same gesture as him. The other two were now looking at you with a softened gaze, finally stripping away their caution towards you.
"I am sorry that I sounded rude before." The brunette started, giving you a cheeky smile as his ears tinted with a pinkish hue. "I just need to be careful around strangers, everything just messed up at this time, you know?" He chuckled bitterly, his eyes darkening as if a terrible memory fleeting through his mind for a second.
"It's fine. I know where that thought is coming from." You kicked the pebbles near your foot before, making it bounce to the wall as you looked down. "Everything is just a nightmare after the breach." And you tried so hard not to break down, not in front of anyone, especially those who were the victim of your action. "All of you — didn't deserve any of it."
Your voice that was so warm and comforting before now turned into a completely different tone. There was sadness, at least that was what they could hear from you. They couldn't see the expression in your eyes since you persisted in looking down at your feet, avoiding their gaze at all cost.
"And you didn't deserve it too."
The blonde, that if you recalled from before was called Armin, telling you words that you thought you wouldn't need to hear. "No one wanted this to happen, no one deserved to live like this." He continued, and you were ready to crumble even more. "But this is our life, for now, so we can't do anything else but move on."
You wanted to get down on your knees, hugging his legs as you begged for forgiveness. Just like what you saw in some of the memories from your ancestors, there were just normal human beings inside these walls. Just like in Marley, just like on the other continent, there were good and bad people, and nothing differentiated them except the fact that they had a titan's blood flowing inside their veins.
Nothing else but that — and the dangerous truth that lies within the walls.
"It's called rumbling, right?"
Just one month from now, you were going to inherit the war hammer titan, and you have been studying a lot, reading the journal that your ancestor wrote. The book was so helpful, preparing you to know the truth that this world had to hide. Sometimes your twelve years old brain could not even understand it.
The past few years you had been training hard privately. You got the best instructor, honing your mental and physical build at the same time. But since you reached the age of ten, your father introduced you to Commander Magath who was in charge of the Warrior Unit, the unit for those titan inheritors.
And you trained with them ever since then. Creating a bond and friendship to those who would fight alongside you in the upcoming battle. The majority of them were easy to talk with like Marcel, Pieck, Zeke, Reiner, and Bertolt. While the rest — not so much.
Annie was fine though, she still talked to you here and there and taught you about some certain techniques of hand-to-hand combat that you deemed remarkably useful. Porco on the other hand, you wanted to grimace at the interaction that you had with him. Yet despite all that, you couldn't stop yourself from smiling for just thinking about him.
But this moment was not the right time to reminisce about the warrior training, not when a few months from now, you would embark on a mission to reclaim the founding titan.
"Yes, when the founding titan decided to unharden the walls and released millions of colossal titan, it was called rumbling." Your father sat across from where you were, filling out papers from the military about you. "If that happened, the whole world would turn into nothing."
You gave a nod of acknowledgement, fingers tracing the ink that seeped on the worn-out paper journal.
"So it was risky to let the founding titan stay in Paradis since no one knew if someday they would activate the rumbling or not." You stated the sentence as a matter of factly, absorbing the information that sometimes made your head pound. "It was risky since they closed themselves inside those walls and no one knew what happened there."
"Yes, my dear." His voice cracked like any other time, having so much burden for throwing you to the frontline of the battle like that. You, his little star, his precious daughter that he never wanted to turn her into a war machine that could only live for thirteen years. "That is why you need to prevent it from happening."
But it was something that needed to be done — and there was nothing that you could do except embracing the cruel truth like an old friend.
"Yes, you are right." Fixing your composure, you were back to the kind girl from before. "Thank you for telling me that, I think I need it." You chuckled softly, fingers tucking the strands of your hair behind the ear. "I-I will go now, then. Hope all of you survive and continue on living!"
Bowing yourself a little before departing (a trait that you couldn't shake off that easily), you waved at them and turned your heels, walking away from the three children that you really hoped would have a beautiful life ahead, for as long as they could have.
"Wait!" But you halted your feet to move forward when you heard Eren's voice calling out for you.
"Yes? What is it?" You were still not that far from them, so you decided to use your normal volume as if they were still right in front of you.
"We haven't got your name!" Yet despite how calm you were, the boy seemed to choose to shout at you anyway. "I am Eren! This is Armin and Mikasa, they are everything that I had left! Now, what's yours?!"
Hearing how excited he was made you giggle, such a complete opposite for real compared to him a few minutes ago when he looked at you with caution. Now he became the child he was supposed to be, with a wide grin on his face as he just wanted to know the name of his probably new friend.
And so you indulged him with it, answering his question with a clear and solid tone.
"It's (Y/n)!" You decided to shout back, equaling his enthusiasm. "(Y/n), (Y/n) Tybur!"
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silma-words · 4 years ago
The Climb
Choices: Bloodbound
Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC (Ellie)
Rating: Mature (NSFW, 18+)
Genre: Fluffy smut (I’ve decided it’s a thing now)
AU Chronology: Bloodbound AU (after book 1 – the events of book 2 never happened) – ‘Inevitable - Arc I: Before we part’ (Masterlist) – Right after book 1 (beginning of their relationship)
Summary: Intimacy is not only about trusting the other, it’s also about learning how to trust yourself and let go….
N/A: So this was absolutely self-indulging writing, that does not necessarily have any relevance to my intended storyline. But I really wanted to write a little about female pleasure and the never ending quest for the big Os, and how it is not necessarily easy for women to be entirely at ease with their own body and pleasure, and to know exactly what they need. I hope it won't be too awkward to read! 😊
Words: 3700
**Disclaimer: Characters and background plot are the property of Pixelberry.**
The climb
There was something comforting about the weight of him above her. Something reassuring about the soft hum of his breath on her neck. But something terrifying about the way she could feel her mind slowly drift away each time this delicious but unfamiliar feeling began to spread throughout her body.
She was mesmerized by the softness of his lips on her skin, by the firmness of his grip on her tights, and by the adoring gleam in his eyes every time he looked down at her. But she was also equally terrified of that invisible wave that seemed to rise from the pit of her stomach as he moved above her, threatening to crash over her with each passing second and each one of his thrust.
Ellie and Adrian had shared their bed a few times before, and she had been amazed by how she had instantly felt at ease in his arms. She had little experience before him, and had always been a little nervous to reveal herself in that way, but somehow, with him, she had never felt the level of self-consciousness that had pulled her down many times in the past. And yet, she was still terrified to let go.
Terrified of these sensations that were making her head spin and sink heavily against the pillows.
Terrified of the air escaping her windpipes with every surge of pleasure, making her gasp with the fear that it might never return to her lungs in time before the next wave would threaten to pull her under.
Terrified of the weight of her eyelids, refusing to lift when she was dying to keep her eyes open to find an anchor in Adrian’s hazy gaze.
This was all too terrifying, and she could feel her limbs shake with the intensity of her terror despite the soothing words that Adrian was whispering in her ears.
Adrian was taking his time. Smoothing her skin with his palms, pressing kisses on her neck, her chin, her jaw, and her hair. Nudging his nose in the space beneath her ear, muttering her name softly to make sure that she knew that there was no one else but her and him in the room, in this moment, and that nothing else going around the world mattered. That he had all the time in the world for her, that he was in no hurry.
He wanted to give her all. Everything he had. Everything he knew. But she would not let him.
He could feel her trembling against him, her brow furrowed in concentration as she was struggling to take in the sensations that were washing over her. And as much as he could tell how much pleasure she was feeling every time they had shared this precious intimacy together, he could tell that Ellie had been holding on each time. That she had been scared of letting herself go every single time. He could tell from the way she felt underneath him and from the sounds she made, even before she would hush him to slow down when it became too much for her.
Of course he did not want to pressure her, to push her beyond her limits, and at first he had been worried that he had been hurting her somehow, or asking too much of her in his desperation to be close to her as much as they could physically be. But now that he knew her better, after he had carefully studied her features, her breaths, and the tales of her skin every time he had held her naked body against his, he could tell that her fear and restraint had nothing to do with pain or discomfort. He had been on this earth for so long, sharing his bed countless times over the centuries, that he had not realised that part of what they shared could be entirely knew to her. She was scared of the unknown, scared of emotions she could not control. And he was determined to find a way to help her let go of these fears.
She was mentally cursing at herself. She wanted nothing more but to abandon herself in the heat of him, to trust Adrian with her body the same way she had trusted him with her life right after they had met just over a month before. But she could not stop the stupid gears from turning in her head.
One minute she would feel drunk from his touch, from his kisses, and from the delicious slide of his body against hers, and the other, she would just feel her breath catch in her throat and her heart jolt in her chest, as if waking up from a dream where she was free-falling from high above. She would grip his shoulders and wrap her lips against his collarbone to find purchase in the familiar taste and smell of him, but it would always take her desperately-long minutes to allow herself to be lulled back into comfort by the rocking of their joined bodies. It was driving her mad. But she was so scared. So. Scared.
And the more she acknowledged how irrational that fear was, the more she could feel it having a hold on her.
The first time she had felt like this with Adrian, she simply thought her mind was going to short-circuit. Their embrace had been so intense, the feel of his skin against hers so exhilarating, and the synchrony of their movements so perfect, that she had just felt suddenly overwhelmed by the scorching heat building inside her, as if it would burn her from the inside if she did not let her body cool down immediately. After that, she had kept trying to push against this irrational fear of this torturous pressure inside her, but could not ignore the way her brain did not seem to be able to identify whether that maddening sensation was pain or pleasure. It always seemed to teeter right on the edge between the two, and she could not convince her body to ignore the warning signals that her brain was sending so that she could be brave enough, at least one time, to see whether her lungs would scream out of pain or out of delight if she let the heat consume her.
And with each time she let her apprehension drag her away from the reality of Adrian’s loving embrace, from his heated caresses and from his breathless kisses, she could tell the fear was gaining ground.
And after that, Fear came with its most trusted soldiers: shame and anger. Ellie was trying her best to fight them off every time she could see them advance on her, but she seemed to be powerless against them as time went by. She was angry at herself for not being able to take the leap she desperately needed. And she was ashamed of not being able to control her own body, to understand it enough to be able to receive was Adrian was desperate to give her.
He was so sweet to her. So tender, so attentive, and so careful. She had never ever hoped to be touched and kissed the way Adrian did, nor hoped to hear her name whispered in adoration the way this selfless man did. She wanted nothing else but to yield to the liquid heat that was boiling in her limbs, and let Adrian carry her over the edge towards the unknown. She wanted to give herself to him entirely, let him see her bare in a way that no one had ever had. But every time she got close to that edge, she felt the tight grip of her conscious mind pulling her away from it, anchoring her down, making her aware of how exposed and vulnerable she was before him, resentment following straight after when realising how frustrating it must be for him to see her body refuse to trust his all the way.
“Look at me, Ellie”.
His voice was just a whisper in her ear, barely audible over the sounds of ruffling sheets and of her ragged breaths, but loud enough to pull her once more out of her head, back to him. Back to them.
She could not help but to smile sheepishly when her eyes met his, feeling her cheeks flush under his gaze, fully aware that Adrian had noticed when her restless brain had taken over. Pushing her forehead up to rest against his and closing her eyes in an attempt to hide the embarrassment that was starting to crawl over her, it startled her a little when his body shifted against her, his arms slipping around her torso to cradle her close as he lifted her smoothly from the mattress, bringing her thighs to rest on the top of his while he sat on his heels, knees sinking into the bed.
Somehow, their bodies had stayed in contact entirely, although he was not moving against her anymore. Instead, he started tracing slowly the lines of her jaw and of her cheek with the tip of his nose, bringing his hands to cup her face softly and gently make her look at him.
“It’s ok, Ellie. It’s just us.” His voice was low and soft, like a fantom caress she wanted to lean into. “There is nowhere else we need to be. Nowhere else I’d rather be. We’ve got all the time we want.”
Ellie had no idea how to respond, nor even if he was expecting her to. She simply nodded, letting the calm in his eyes appease her rattling heart as she was trying to clear her mind and focus her attention on him.
He pressed the slowest, softest, and gentlest kiss on her wet lips, before pulling away to capture her gaze once more. “There is no pressure here, Ellie. Just us. Just this. Right now”.
He kissed her once again, this time for a little longer, and with a little more weight to his lips. “I just want this to feel good for you. That is all.” Pressing his nose against hers, he muttered one last time: “I just want you to feel good”.
This time when she nodded silently, there was more truth in her eyes than when she had blindly nodded just a moment before.
When he returned his lips to hers, she responded immediately by letting her eyes close and her throat hum in surrender, opening her mouth to let him in, hoping she might be able to taste the remnants of his comforting words onto his tongue.
She felt shielded, protected by the feel of his arms brushing against hers as his hands started roaming along her back. His fingers were spread, his palms warm and sweaty, gliding along her spine as if counting and blessing each one of her back bones.
When she wrapped her arms more firmly around his shoulders, his kisses became suddenly more urgent, making her moan and writhe against him, sending her hips back and forward instinctively, making them both gasp at the suddenly renewed friction between them.
The groan he made and the hunger in his eyes were all she needed to send her self-conscious mind tumbling in the back on her head for now. She let her hips do all the work for her, tightening her grip against his thighs, barely aware of the gentle pressure of Adrian’s hand in her back that was guiding the slithering movement of her hips.
Raising herself higher and higher above him as she went, she was relishing the heat and sounds rushing out of his open mouth against her skin, right where he had buried his head in the crook of her neck. It was a weird sensation for her, with him so close but yet out of her direct sight, as if she were alone and with him at the same time, in two different parallel universes. As if to make sure he was really there while she arched and lifted herself above him, she moved her hands so that she could tangle her fingers into his hair, alternatively pulling and pressing his face away and against her pulsing point, not sure whether she needed him there or back against her parted lips. She was now completely driving the motion, Adrian’s arms only encapsulating her torso to keep her steady.
She could feel her pleasure climbing, climbing, climbing... the now more familiar pressure building inside her from the repeated friction of their joined bodies and from his skin burning against hers where she needed it the most. It felt like something was twisting in her guts, like a coil tightening with each movement, and threatening to snap at any moment. Feeling her limbs starting to tremble, her eyes suddenly shot open, desperately searching for Adrian’s, silently pleading for something that she was not sure to be able to voice.
When their eyes finally met as she tugged on his hair to bring his face against hers, she immediately found there the anchor that she was searching for. The reassurance and awe that she was craving for and that he knew she needed.
“It’s ok, it’s ok”, he hushed against her lips, letting his voice and the reassuring warmth of his heat wrap around her.
But the coils were still threatening to snap, and she could not help but to feel the panic surge through her once more, moving her head slightly from side to side as her throat finally allowed a few weak words to break free. “I can’t.... I can’t...It’s...”.
But he swallowed her words with the soft press of his mouth, urging her with his eyes to trust him.
But those coils... those coils... it felt like those were going to rip through her and blast her heart open. “I can’t...” she pleaded again, her voice rasped and breaking. “I need you... I need you to...”.
Bringing one of his hands to her face, he pressed his forehead against hers, never tearing his eyes away from her teary gaze: “What do you need me to do, love?”.
Aching and gasping, she finally collected enough air to force her last plea through her lungs, fighting the echo of her self-conscious mind trying to tell her otherwise. “I need you to do it... to get me there... I can’t...”.
And that was all Adrian needed to hear.
Collecting her in his arms as he had done mere minutes before, he let her wrap her legs around his hips before raising from his knees to gently move them back onto the mattress, the coolness of the bedsheets sending oddly comforting shivers down her spine as she felt her body sink into the bed under Adrian’s weight.
He did not allow her mind to wander into dangerous territory for even a second. His mouth was on hers and his hands were roaming along her sides and between her breasts in an interrupted dance, leaving no chance for fear, or anger, or shame, to settle back into her mind.
He was pressing in and out of her relentlessly, slowly at first, making sure that her eyes remained on him, watching closely for the signs that would show him that he was doing this right. That he was applying the right amount of pressure where she needed. That he was letting her time to adjust gradually to the length of him, carefully adjusting her shivering legs around him to make sure this felt as right for her as it felt for him.
His gaze was anchoring her in reality, although she felt her body slowly resume its climb, pleasure starting to build once more from every point of contact between their bodies, pushing her gradually higher and higher towards this terrifying edge like a dozen of flickering hands urging her forward.
Her grip in his hair was slippery, from his sweat as much as from hers, but she was refusing to let go.
As she arched her back beneath him unconsciously, he took the opportunity to shift a little above her and tilt her hips slightly, tearing a sudden cry of pleasure from her throat as one of his hand lifted her leg higher against his hip, reaching the point of no return where she felt him right where she needed him.
He knew he could not stop now, knowing that he had gotten her further than ever before, and that she had pleaded for him earlier to get her beyond that threshold that she had never managed to cross. He felt burdened with that purpose, but yet could not help but to want to yield the way he had many times before when facing the shear weight of her teary eyes, the shakes of her limbs against his hold, and the thundering of her heartbeat ringing in his ears. But at the same time, the noises she made were driving him crazy, and he could tell from the slick wetness of her core that he could give her what she needed, right now. She just needed a little more from him so that she could let go.
Lurching forward to bury himself deeper within her, he swallowed her uncontrolled shriek of pleasure with his open mouth, trailing his lips all over her chin and her neck while increasing his pace gradually, whispering encouragements to her skin to keep her from drifting to that space that could pull her down too fast.
“You feel so good Ellie... Does it feel good for you?”
Although she could register his words, she could not formulate any articulate response other than biting her lip to muffle her moans, in an attempt to keep any bit of control that she had left.
That climb never seem to want to end, making her believe that she would surely see the edge in sight at any second, but the more she climbed the furthest she seemed to get from it. How much longer would she have to keep on going? She could not trust her limbs to carry her further anymore.
But he was here. Right with her. His breath against her lips acting like a reassuring hand pushing in the small of her back, securing her until she could see this edge. She was aware of each of his thrust and each of his groans, the slide of his skin against her reminding her that he was here for her. There. Right now. Ready to take that leap with her right by her side.
And there she finally saw it. The edge. The terrifying end of that climb that suddenly reminded her vividly what she had been so afraid of.
She felt her body being slowly dragged towards it, as if pulled by invisible strings to force her to gaze into the dark abyss of the unknown below. Would it hurt? Would it just feel like being freed? And what would be waiting for her down below? The darkness beyond that edge did not even seem to have an end to it. And it was calling for her.
She was right there. So close. Teetering right on the edge. Gaping at the abyss alone, but somehow reaching for Adrian blindly to make sure he would not let her take that leap alone. That dread and the overwhelming sensations in her limbs and her core were making her lungs ache with every breath she took.
“Adrian...I...” she barely managed to mumble, her fingers slipping desperately in his hair as she was trying to bring his mouth to hers.
“It’s ok, love”, he whispered hoarsely against her lips, finding her eyes to bring her the reassurance that he knew she was begging of him. “You’re there... right there... just let go...”
Holding her breath for a few seconds, she finally closed her eyes to allow her body to yield to his command, letting her weak limbs dive from the edge.
The coil that had been twisting, and twisting, and twisting inside her finally snapped, releasing throughout her limbs that liquid heat that had been simmering in her core over the course of her endless climb.
His face. His voice. The scent of his sweat and of his skin. She let it all fill her mind as she came apart beneath him, reaping sounds from her that seemed nearly alien to her ears. She was gasping for air as she felt her entire being clench around him, pulling him against her more tightly that she had ever held onto anyone or anything before. Her lungs were burning, the moans escaping her shaking lips seeming to be as uncontrollable as the way her legs and her hips trembled against Adrian’s boiling skin.
Smiling against her lips, Adrian did his best to hold on as long as he could to help her descend from her high, marvelling at the sight of her features slowly relaxing in awe, any traces of apprehension now completely wiped from her perfect skin.
But the way her hips kept bucking with each of his thrust, and the mesmerizing sound of her voice whimpering his name against his skin, were enough to send him tumbling over the edge as well, arching between her legs and gripping her hip more tightly as he came undone with a growl.
Too weak to resist her pull any longer, he let his body collapse on top of hers, pressing a few soft, lazy kisses onto her mouth between jagged breaths, before sliding a little down her body to rest his head on her chest, taking in the full blast of her thumping heartbeat, the shivers that were coursing across her skin, and the sweet hum escaping her throat as she was gradually relaxing completely underneath him, absentmindedly massaging his scalp.
He did not need to see her face to know that she was smiling, grateful for everything he had given her just a moment before. He did not need to see it because he knew the same smile was now plastered on his face, as he was so grateful to her for trusting him enough to bring her there, and for taking that leap towards the unknown with him.
Thank you for reading! 🙂
If you liked it, any comment and/or reblog/PM would mean a lot to me! (just to know if I need to stop writing all the random things that pop into my head! 😅)
Tagging @adriansbiss , @itsjustwinter , @shanzay44 , @purvishraick, @thefrenchiemama
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iworshipkeanureeves · 5 years ago
A Private Show
John Wick x f!character 
Summary: It’s John’s birthday and his wife has a surprise for him.
Words: 2350
Warnings: pole dancing/stripping, smut (bodily fluids, oral)
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Exhausted after another grueling, yet successful job, John was getting ready to head back home tonight. Exiting his bathroom in nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips, he felt at peace, leaving his job behind for a while. He was finally getting some personal time.
John was so lost in his thoughts about returning home that he barely noticed a purple envelope lying on the floor; someone must have slipped it under his door while he had the shower on.
Suspicious and holding a gun in his hand, John slowly opened the door, taking a look around the corridor, hoping to see the person who was behind that; however, no one was there anymore. Curious to know what was inside, he had no choice but to open the envelope.
Given the usual, John wasn’t expecting anything good in there. Best case scenario, he thought there could be directions for a new job, meaning he would have to stay here for the weekend. And worst case… he didn’t want to think about that yet.
Holding the envelope in his calloused hands, John carefully opened the letter. He was pleasantly surprised to find a short note written in an immaculate cursive.
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From the first glance it looked printed, but no, it was handwritten; the letters so perfectly smooth and so familiar that John was sure about the person responsible for these lines. It was her, it must have been her.
Just as he was to put the letter down and go search for a nice three piece suit, John heard his telephone ringing. He hesitated for a second, thinking he should better concentrate on following the address, but eventually he decided to pick it up, just in case.
“The car is waiting for you, Mister Wick.” It was Charon calling from reception, his tone suggesting that John should not reject the night that was awaiting him.
“Thank you.” His answer was concise, masking the excitement, and, after putting the phone down, John rushed to get dressed.
Stepping out of the car, John learned that the address belonged to a strip club. He was not exactly sure what to think of it, but he couldn’t really complain if that was her organizing it. Was there a surprise party awaiting him inside? Had she hired someone to dance for him? John had so many thoughts, but he was rushing indoors to see for himself what the letter was about.
Inside the club he was met by the dim lighting, only neon purple showing the way. John couldn’t see any people hanging around, leading him to believe that there was something really special planned for tonight.
He was burning with anticipation, walking towards the main lounge with shiny poles enlightened on the center stage. Deeper into the club, John noticed that there was a bottle of dark whiskey, his favorite, supposedly waiting for him; he got himself comfortable on a velvet sofa waiting for the show to begin.
As John was putting the bottle down after pouring himself a drink, he heard I Put a Spell on You by Nina Simone starting to play. The lights suddenly shifted, concentrating on a single pole, the one that was closest to him.
Then finally, John saw her. His wife. Slowly walking out of the shadows, wearing just a set of black see-through bralette paired with a diamond lace G-string.
The sight made John forget about the glass he had just poured for himself, forcing him to lean closer to the stage. He even held his breath for a moment or two, admiring his woman sensually stepping on a podium; her scarlet lips forming a sultry smile accompanied by a sinful gleam in her eyes.
Keeping the eye-contact she leaned her back against the metal bar, sliding down in a lengthy, sensual motion, keeping her angles together, but spreading her knees further apart. She kept her one arm up, clenching the pole above her head, while another teasingly stroked her inner thigh, concentrating John’s attention towards her center, driving him crazy with what was only a prelude for the show he was about to receive.
There was already a lump forming in John’s throat and he could hardly swallow marveled by the sight of his wife gracefully standing back up, swaying her hips together with the beat.
She walked around the pole, showcasing her behind, her perfectly round cheeks framed by the shiny jewels forming a string. John’s brain was short circuiting, the heat overpowering his core, as she was arching her back, rolling her body against the shiny metal bar.
Hooking one leg around it, she effortlessly mounted herself up the pole with grace. She was spinning, her free leg flowing in the air. Unbelievably, his wife kept upping her game, flipping over to face the floor, splitting her legs like it came natural to her.
She had the perfect flow, seamless fluidity in her motion. John could only wonder when or where she had learned.
Finally gathering the strength back to his hands, John took a sip of his drink, minding her surprising flexibility, the way she could spread her legs like it was simple for her. He felt his pants tightening thinking about all the things he could do bending her in various shapes, the way his hips could thrust deep into her, keeping her legs far apart giving the maximum access.
It was like she was reading John’s thoughts, sliding downwards with her body upside down, inverting the last second before reaching the ground. She landed into a perfect split, her bottoms subtly bouncing from hitting the floor.
John was admiring her glowing skin, the way she was showcasing her legs, sensually standing up with the help of the pole. He was eager to just go there and rip that meager outfit away from her.
Luckily that wasn’t necessary as John saw his wife stepping down from the podium and nearing his sofa, making his excitement shoot high. She kept teasing him, approaching John slowly with an erotic swing; her hands went to her back, unclasping the bralette and leaving her topless, giving another delicious treat for John’s eyes.
“A lap dance for my birthday boy,” she breathed in vulgar tone, hovering over his legs and making him press to the backrest with a single firm push. John inhaled, feeling her heat beginning to grind against his expanding crotch; her hands went under the lapels of his suit, nails digging into his tough chest.
“Can I touch?” John asked, taking a final sip and setting an empty glass on the table; he needed to free his hands, in case her answer was yes.
“Anything, darling.” The salacious words rolled over her tongue, and she delved into John’s lips, feeling his palms cupping, and then kneading her ass cheeks. The second she pulled away from the kiss, John’s mouth caught her nipple, sucking passionately and sending shivers all the way to her limbs.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled John even closer, making his face drown in the fullness of her breasts. She knew her pussy was already dripping, ruining his pants, but his bulge felt too good against her folds to worry about that.
She removed his jacket tossing it to the ground, and while her swift fingers moved to deal with his buckle, John was unbuttoning his vest at the same time. She kissed him once more, before kneeling down between his legs and sliding down his unzipped pants; just enough to get a hold on his stiff member, warm and meaty, looking colossal in her tiny palm.
“If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll come before you even take it in your mouth.” John stated in a deep, carnal tone; his hands shaking form the need to pull her head closer and wrap her lips around his twitching cock.
“Patience,” she smirked, making a single, painfully slow lick from base to tip, her tongue gathering drops of precum emerging from his flushed summit. She stayed there for a while, her lips sucking only the tip, tasting salty liquor with her unhurried tongue.
Her eyes were fiery, assuring John that he was in for a long night. It was his birthday and she wanted for him to fully relax, forget everything about the world that was outside the club. At least for once in a really long time.
Gazing into John’s eyes she started gradually increasing the amplitude, taking more of him with each bob. She was getting really messy, saliva dripping at the corners of her lips, the music getting overpowered by the dirty sounds.
“Fuckk-“ John choked out, feeling her lips gliding his length, her palm stroking what was too much for her mouth. He couldn’t resist but to clench her hair in his hand, directing her movements; her pace and depth. Some of the jabs were almost too much, but John knew her the best, he wouldn’t have done so if she hadn’t been able to take that. His wife loved a little struggle, John was sure of that.
Each time her lips were reaching closer to the dark hair nesting his length, John felt himself nearing his edge; but he wasn’t going to come yet. John was pretty good at controlling himself, even when his wife was skillfully working between his legs. Having a fistful of her hair, John halted her movements, carefully helping her up. 
“Is something wrong?” She asked, sinking into his lap once again.
“Not at all.” He joined her lips for a quick, yet filthy kiss. “It’s just that I can smell your pussy all soaked, desperate to be filled.” John pulled her petty panties to the side, running two of his fingers between her folds. “Look at that, I wasn’t wrong.” Pushing his digits in, John cherished the sight of his wife slightly gasping, as he was stretching her walls before invading them with his hefty cock.
“Please, John.” She begged in a needy voice, her pussy throbbing with anticipation, waiting for his member to finally enter her.
“Patience,” John smirked, “You said it yourself.” He kept pumping her, his lips gently brushing against her neck, his free hand hugging her waist. She tried sinking lower to meet his fingers, but still, that wasn’t enough; not even close.
Knowing how to beat John at this game, she gave her palm a generous lick, then wrapped her finger’s around his stiff cock, stroking it gently, slightly clenching each time her hand was gliding up.
After a couple of mutual pumps, she felt John’s fingers abandoning her pussy and she watched him sucking his digits clean, then sticking them between her lips, rubbing into her tongue. “You’re a fucking dessert, love.” John hissed delving into wife’s mouth, alcohol mixed with her arousal being shared between them.
Caught up in the kiss, she felt his member slowly plowing her slit. John paused at her stretched entrance taking a good look into her desire-filled eyes, before gradually invading her heat.
She smiled at him sinking to the very base, staying there for a brief moment to adjust to his girth. “All good?” John whispered, wrapping his arms around his wife and running his fingers along her spine.
She nodded and hummed, leaning closer for a kiss. Just as their tongues collided, she started rocking her hips, the friction feeling so pleasurable, that it was impossible to stay still.
John admired her breasts bouncing in accordance with their pace, her nipples hard, perfectly beautiful; just like everything on his precious girl. She was the best birthday present John could ever receive.
He didn’t even have to thrust; it was all her, sitting in his lap, riding him to heaven. She felt amazing, her tight walls milking his cock like they were a perfect fit for each other.
“Faster.” John commanded slapping one of her ass cheeks, making her gasp and encouraging some more profound moves. They were both breathy, their lips joining and separating every few seconds, moans and groans thickening the air between them.
John could barely say another word, feeling her pussy soundly sheathing his ready-to-burst cock; her warm wetness splashing on his crotch with every move, his pubes getting soaked in her sweet juice. They were both almost there, their muscles tense, the build-up soon to be unleashed.
Seeing his wife getting close, John dragged his palm over her hip, his thumb finding her needy clit, pressing not so gently to it.
“Oh fuck, baby I-“ She whimpered, feeling her mind getting clouded form the sensation of his tip hitting her in the perfect spot, and his thumb rubbing determined circles on her painfully swollen bud.
“Come on, love.” John began rocking his hips, intensifying their collisions to the point where it was impossible for either one of them to hold on. “Cum for me,” he grunted, feeling his whole body seized by the commencing orgasm, just in time for when his wife’s toes curled, and they both trembled in each other’s arms.
Their whole bodies were burning, John’s cock twitching with every spurt, his hot seed generously coating her throbbing walls. “I love you,” John growled, burying his face in the crook of her neck. It was the peak of his high; John’s hands were pressing at his wife’s back, pushing her close to his chest.
“I love you too,” she breathed out into his ear, shaking surrounded by his embrace. After tangling her fingers inside John’s hair, she gently pulled his head backwards and sank into his lips. A slight movement of her core made John’s member to fall out of her aching hole, and she felt his slickness dripping down her thigh.
“Let’s go clean you up,” John lifted his beloved wife, bringing her legs to wrap around his waist, his dress shirt already soaking up most of the mess.
“Fine, but then I’ll show you what else I’ve got,” she beamed. “The club is ours for the whole night.”
Tag-list: @keandrews​​​ @rdjloverxxx​​​​ @greenmanalishi​​​​ @lilywoood​​​​ (message me to be added or removed)
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