#this is literally just me trashing astrology
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butterflywithsass · 10 months ago
Watched Dead Boy Detectives last night and I’m obsessed. If you like the queerness of good omens, but with more gore, and in the same universe as the Sandman (death and despair both show up) if you like dark academia gay boys, if you like ghosts, or paranormal stuff, or demons, if you like cats — lemme tell you this show is for you.
So, like, there’s these two ghost boys who are best friends but also gay for each other but also a secret third thing and their names are Edwin and Charles.
Edwin Payne was a demonic sacrifice in 1916 and as spend literal decades in hell but escaped. He’s a repressed Victorian gay who has zero charisma but every single man he meets becomes obsessed with him and wants to sleep with him except the boy he actually likes which is his best friend Charles. His entire character arc is about gay panic and getting over his internalized homophobia — he wears bow ties!!!! He doesn’t know what a hand job is. He’s literally the perfect tumblr blorbo. His superpower is getting tortured. He’s so sassy! His sexual awakening comes at the hands of a cat king and his first kiss is with a crow.
Charles died in like the 90s or something I’m not sure. He’s so optimistic and sunshine but also so full of rage. He’s the most supportive guy 100/10 would trust him with anything. He doesn’t like to talk about his issues. When confronted with the inexorable monsters of hell he solved the problem with a Molotov cocktail. I love him and his single earring he’s a golden retriever who would rather stay on earth with best friend than move on to a peaceful afterlife. His jawline is impeccable he can’t not press a big red button when he sees it.
Crystal Palace I wasn’t sold on because I thought she’d get between my boys but she actually so cool and I developed a bit of a crush let’s be honest I have a thing for curly haired witchy girls, she’s a physic with amnesia and a demon stalker ex boyfriend people stare at her when she hangs out with the boys cause it looks like she’s talking to herself. Everyone she knows thinks she’s insane. She’s a reformed mean girl.
Niko Sisaki I was a little iffy about because it felt like they were gonna go with the bimbo anime Asian girl but turns out she just had a parasite that made pink hearts float around her. She’s so weird she tries to help Edwin with his gay problem by introducing him to explicit gay fan fiction, she tries to get her landlord to date, she likes cool rocks. She has two tiny people trapped in a jar in her room. Her friendship with Edwin is everything. She’s ghosting her mom.
Jenny. I love her so much, she feels so safe which is weird because she chops meat and all her clothes are covered in blood. Everything about just screams big sister and her character arc is learning to embrace that. She goes on one date and almost gets murdered.
Monty. He’s literally a crow turned into a boy. He’s down bad for Edwin. He’s a secret honeypot agent for an evil witch. He has the most adorable smile, the whole time I was expecting him to be an agent of Morpheus. He’s obsessed with astrology.
The Night nurse originally annoyed me a bit (in a good way) I just wanted to get rid of her. When Charles punted her into a giant sea monster I clapped. Then it just got weird and I love it.
The cat king. He’s such a creep, but honestly, I love that for him. He has some of the best lines and he just exudes cat. He’s a classic fairy tale trickster, he a nuisance for the whole season, he’s central to the plot, he’s constantly hitting on Edwin.
Esther. She’s a archetypal evil witch. She gives off mystic trash vibes. She’s obsessed with beauty and revenge. She’s shamelessly horrible. She feeds kids to her giant snake. She literally can’t die.
All in all, I think I’m gonna have brain rot over this for the next year, go and watch it.
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reneesghostinthelivingroom · 11 months ago
Just messing with an incorrect quotes generator, here's some gems that might inspire future fanfics from yours truly.
Y/N: Is something burning?
Regina, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you.
Y/N: Regina, the toaster is literally on fire.
Regina: I'd roast you, but my mom says you can't burn trash.
Regina: *slow-mo walks out of the room*
Y/N: Helpful grammar tip: “farther” is for physical distance, “further” is for methaphorical distance, and “father” is for emotional distance!
Regina: ...
Y/N: I’m not lazy, I just find it hard to put effort into things I’m not passionate about.
Regina: What are you passionate about?
Y/N: Sleeping.
Regina: Y/N and I are no longer dating.
Y/N: Regina, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Regina: Y/N, is that my mug you’re drinking out of?
Y/N: No, it’s mine.
Regina: It... looks just like the one I have...
Y/N: You don’t have one like this anymore.
Y/N: Regina, I want a bedtime story!
Regina: I’m busy, Y/N. I’ll tell you one tomorrow.
Y/N: If you don’t tell me a story, I won’t go to bed!
Regina: Once upon a time, there was a person named Y/N, who always wanted things their way. One day, their friends got sick of it and locked them in the basement for the rest of their life. Everyone else lived happily ever after. The end.
Y/N: I don’t like these stories with morals.
Y/N: Astrology is fun because I can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
Regina: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Regina: So what do you have planned for the future?
Y/N: Lunch.
Regina: No, like long term.
Y/N: Oh...um, dinner?
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katyspersonal · 29 days ago
Er fandom is soo funny sometimes like in x theyre crying how shipping Rellana/Rennala with Messmer/Radagon is misogyny to reduce strong female characters to be nothing but love interest to male characters which is something i agree with but then they turn and reduce Rellana/Rennala to be Marikas lovers so its not misogyny now😭😭😭😭 rules for thee but not for me
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Dude, Marika x Rennala situation is real and deadly, but as for your second example there is only ONE person who is notorious for giving Rellana no personality or acknowledgement beyond being braindead Marika's simp while also trashing on Rellana x Messmer over "misogyny and lesbophobia". No, spamming "misogyny" accusations in Elden Ring fandom like they're in a DPS check situation in general. And with all due respect to them pumping out fanart like assembly line, they and a group of their passionate fans is not "Er fandom". They are just a very loud group and apparently they've angered SO many people that ever since they and their friend who pretended to just "join Tumblr to support favorite artist" (assuming it wasn't just their alter) trashed @val-of-the-north and then got obliterated with facts by me I kept getting DMs after DMs of different people "thanking" me for speaking against their toxic behavior and sharing their own negative experiences with them. 🤦‍♂️
Like, the girls are really unhappy with them. They should reconsider how they behave in the fandom, especially with this much popularity. And if they already have I would not know, I no longer look in their general direction because after how Val was treated seeing any post from them puts a pit in my stomach. I am notorious for taking extremely long time to recover from grudges, especially if they aren't just personal but on behalf of friends or community. :p
And now, back to the subject:
"which is something I agree with"
? Not sure what you wanted to say with this by the way. I assume you wanted to say you agree with the frustration of reduction of female characters rather than disliking the concept of these ships
Or course both ships are absolutely alright! Rellana believes that Fire and Moon should be together as they always have as stated in the description of her blades in Japanese (something localisation team distorted into near-opposite direction)! You know, like they always have since the times of Fire Giants and Astrologers, a bond also treasured in Caria Manor with keeping Sword of Night and Flame! If anything, he is her love interest as he was worth abandoning the birth right as a princess in her eyes! Though one might argue it is ideological and Rellana is idealising, but standing for her beliefs despite the consequences is strong! Messmer has a TON lot to work through with Rellana, seeing a person that loves his curse, when this very thing ruined his life and has been scaring his own mother, and you can see in what good outcomes it can bring both!
Radagon and Rennala, on the other hand, are literally canon. Fromsoft were the ones who """reduced Rennala to just a simp""" by making her go insane from heartbreak, yet even then, she had a backstory as a Moonlight Witch who took over the Academy, and had tender bond with both Rellana and Ranni. Something was whack here, but nothing says Radagon didn't even try to love her or had life with her worthy of shippy fluff. He is just heavily compromised as a person because he is literally a sentient law of nature (he is Golden Order), that depends on how Marika shaped it. Of course he would reforge her wedding gift into a golden sword, it is literally what Golden Order DOES with cultures and the world! This guy was NOT kicking and resisting when he got called to marry Marika instead, but even then who can tell he didn't feel bitter that he had to hurt everyone by his very being and duties? Marika proclaimed to "study the depths of the Golden Order" as transition ( 🥁 ) into a new, more civilized and informed era! You'd think keeping Radagon close 24/7 would prevent him from visiting his divorce family more often? This stuff and this pair is still in the source material, and it isn't anyone's business to claim superior interpretation across the fandom unless female character is literally just a plot decide which Rennala doesn't magically become only because we find her at her lowest point (so... like we find most of the "legendary" characters in every Soulsborne game already....).
This was just me musing about the ships, but yes, again: literally nothing is wrong with these ships! It is when fans do reduce Rennala and Rellana to just simps what's frustrating, but shallow takes on female characters is problem of fandoms and interacting with media in general, and can't be blamed on concrete ships!
I have deep loathing for fans who complain about this issue yet themselves write female characters in a very shallow way but NOW it's okay because it's yuri and not MxF! Vocal Mariadeline fans did that in Bloodborne, vocal shippers of Rellana or Rennala with Marika do that in Elden Ring... 🤦‍♂️ They claim to be super feminist, yet are sending opposite message by having high quality requirements for MxF ships while celebrating cottagecore mediocrity and shallow portrayals for yuri ships. So, the elite yuri ships are already good by definition and don't need depth, thought and drama, unlike them peasant MxF ships that MUST be well-written and respect characters involved? Is this what they're saying? You either despise ANY reduction (?) of female character or accept any of them, no double standards. Especially when double standards depend on gender of the characters involved??? WTF???
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midheavenastrology · 2 years ago
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🏹if u have the asteroid eris in aries 🔥☄️🕯️in the 12th house - spiritual warrior 🧿🌟- basically u are literally fighting the spirit world/bad vibes/energy vampires 🧛‍♀️🩸that lurk in the subconscious/ephemeral ✨world
🏹leo ♌️ and prominent 5th house placements: probs have a very psychic link to cats 🐈 i tend to believe that if cats are naturally drawn to you, then ur pineal 👁️ gland is a lot more open 🧿and reflective to energies beyond the physical plane 👽🛸no shade to dogs/dog lovers ( i love dogs 🐕) but dogs are def more root 🌲🏕️chakra animals :)
🏹if u have the moon 🌝 cancer or neptune 🌌in the 3rd house, people with lunar 🌛🌜or neptunian qualities will often without knowing it tell you something you need to hear 👂: like an intuitive 🪬knowing. for ex: my friend is a cancer moon, rising and i have cancer in my 3rd house..whenever she says something that comes from her higher self (like she's reading tarot) 🃏🎴i take note because it often comes into fruition 🍒🍉🍓🍊🍋later.
🏹if u want to have great seggs 🥵♨️🌶️may I recommend hookin up when the moon is in a fire sign 🔥or earth 🌲sign ? (air 🌬️is all about mental 🧠stimulation, so it’s not rly going to bring seggsy energy and water 💧 is self contained and can get lost in emotions 😩so it’s better to be alone during a water moon (maybe scorpio ♏️ maybe..but could get toxic 😬���real fast)
🏹people trash 🗑️🚮 8th house synastry and i get it..it can turn super super toxic ☠️real quick (obsession, jealousy, possessiveness blah blah) but if u crave and desire 🍆this kinda passionate ❤️‍🔥exchange, 8th house could be a hot synastry aspect for y’all. not to mention it’s the house of SEGGS 🍆🍑so u will def def have RLY great sex with whoever lands in ur 8th house. like eat me up, lick u all over, go several rounds kinda passion ❤️‍🔥
🏹hear me out y’all: i kno traditional 🥱synastry puts earth+water 🌲💧together and fire+air 🌬️🔥together but I think in particular capricorn ♑️ placements are better off with air 🌬️signs; why ? because we’re an extremely cerebral 🧠earth sign. we're sandwiched between sagittarius (the higher mind/scholar/teacher) and aquarius (THE intellectual mastermind) it’s no wonder we always seem to attract air signs…🌬️🌬️🌬️
or is it just me lol ? 😪🤓
🏹be careful during a mars ❤️‍🔥🔥🥵transit in ur chart- for example: let’s say u have mars in the 5th house and it’s leo ♌️ season (leo rules the 5th house) u will unknowingly attract aggressive 😡🤬😤confrontational people. basically they’re karmic peeps who come back to fight u 🤺🧯take them as you will (my strategy is always detachment) also this could attract overtly sexual ❤️‍🔥🍆🌶️energy as well- like peeps be hollering at u all day long 😮‍💨 (also peep the sign as well..if it’s in pisces, they can lash out at you by acting like a victim 😭or do the blame game)
🏹on the other hand when venus 🥰😘😍is transiting ur chart, be god dang thankful cus ur literally attracting pleasure 💘💌👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼abundance in the house it’s transiting - i mean sometimes that could be not so chill if it’s in a not so fun house but every house has its good/bad. let's say you have venus in the 11th house -then u will attract lots o’ cute af friendships 👯‍♀️👯👯‍♂️community support 🧞‍♀️🧞🧞‍♂️and help in ur hopes+dreams- check the sign as well to see what kinda friends, community support you’ll attract- if it’s in leo, it will be creative 🎨👩‍🎨👩🏼‍🎤artistic, flashy and beautiful 💄👸🤴peeps. venus in the most layman terms is the things you love, so when it’s being aspected, suddenly there will be an abundance of the things you love 💕
🏹astrologer robert glasscock 🙏 says that the angular houses (1, 4, 7, 10) are ur present, cadent is ur (3, 6, 9, 12) past and succèdent (2, 5, 8, 11) is ur future. if this is true and u believe in timeline jumping ⚛️⚗️- try to understand ur planetary placements in the succèdent houses and how that future 🔮could unfold.
for ex: say you have mostly fire🔥 and air 🌬️placements in those houses/this lifetime might be about embracing more of ur masculine 💪energy/take action. also dependent on the signs and planets- i have the moon in 5th in virgo (subconscious creativity) 🎨👩🏼‍🎤🎸🎷venus in 11th in pisces: creativity and expressing this creativity as a mode of healing ❤️‍🩹 is v impt to me.
🏹also a great way to really tap into what ur soul calling is is to look at ur venus 💘and moon 🌝sign placements/aspects: think of it: ur moon is ur emotional 🥹 comfort, it’s what u are naturally gifted 🎁🧧at and venus is what you love 🥰it's honestly the easiest way to see what could bring us the greatest joy 😎🥳🤸‍♀️🎆when fully acknowledged and understood.
🏹i have a theory that u start to meet more people 🧍‍♀️🧍🏻🧍‍♂️who embody ur progressed chart. it's like they’re secret teachers 👩‍🏫 that teach u how they express being that sign: for ex; say u were a venus in pisces ♓️ and now ur progressed is venus in aries ♈️ u will start to meet more aries placements: this shows you the parts of u that u might need to shed 🥲in order to progress more in life. it doesn’t mean u aren’t a venus in pisces anymore just that some of the traits of this placement has to transform 🐛🦋so u can basically “progress” in ur soul 🌌journey ..does this make sense ?
🏹i believe masculine ♀︎♂︎♀︎♁ energies ⚛️embody their mars+sun ✿✿✿signs more and feminine energies ⚛️embody their moon+venus signs more. what do y'all think ? maybe jupiter for masculine 🔥as well and ❤️‍🔥lilith for feminine.
🏹fire signs🔥🔥🔥- how many of y’all have a fireplace 🏕️at ur place lol
🏹people who have virgo ♍️ libra ♎️ and scorpio ♏️ placements prominently in their chart : chefs kiss 🤌 y'all are the bombshell 👸💋💄🥰personified: u are both the maiden, goddess and femme fatale 😎
🏹saturn 🪐 influenced signs- (capricorn, aquarius) have the most beautiful bone 🦴🩻😇🤤structure- like no joke, y'all look like greek statues. 🗿🗽
🏹if u wanna embody ur bad bitch 💋🌶️❤️‍🔥💄💃energy: channel ur lilith placement: what sign and what house is it in and what aspects is it making. for ex: lilith in pisces ♓️in the 8th house 💀⚰️🪦aspecting saturn 🪐: u get into ur bad bitch era ❤️‍🔥when u become a spiritual warrior 🗡️✊that becomes a channel for others to transform ⛓️🔗their old constructs of sex+death 🍆⚰️and money 💰
🏹virgo placements have the best style 👗👚👖👙🥻👘🥼🩱fight me on this 🤺
🏹if the benefic 😎👏🍀🌞🕶️planets are transiting ur 12th house, u best believe ur angel 👼 guides are watching over u- expect lots and lots of synchronicities 🕍🌻🍄🐚divine timing ���️ and unexpected abundance 🤘🎉🍦
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that's all 🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞 i hope y'all enjoyed and got some fruitful 🍒🍑🍉insights 🧘‍♀️🧿🪬👁️🔮
happy virgo full moon y'all (iz my moon sign 🌝🌚🎑
love y'all 💜💘💌
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tealeves · 9 months ago
So I finally have an answer to that one WOL QOTD question about whether your character's ok with all the killing of trash mobs in FFXIV or not
The short, sweet, and easiest answer for me is that Pluvie tends to use non-lethal force when possible. Indeed, this was my first reaction when I saw the post for the first time (which was ages ago, and I can't be fucked to go back and find it on my computer which barely runs tumblr as it is). Particularly when it comes to knocking out guards, infiltrating institutions, basically anything where there's real mortal life involved, non-violence is her instinct.
Pluvie, up until SHB, truly does not understand why people are afraid of her. She's a healer, right? She specializes in white magic and conjury, and she's also dabbled in scholarship/arcane magic and astrology. During STB, she goes into battle donning the red of a healer, the color found on her cleric's robes. She's the Liberator, yes, the Warrior of Light, but she's also Eorzea's - if not Hydaelyn's - most powerful healer, and that is why she's on the front lines of the fight.
But then you have Zenos. Right? Who sees the bloodshed and the rage boiling beneath the surface of your WOL no matter their backstory or class. You also have Thordan, the expac before, cowering in terror before you. If Pluvie's just a healer, if she's only a white mage, then why does Zenos seek to awaken the beast within her? Why do world leaders and small resistance leaders alike feel they must seek out her supposed "sword-arm" to help with their armed conflicts if they know she doesn't use offensive magic very often?
It's because during the rare times that she does, Pluvie absolutely eviscerates a motherfucker. Re: Lahabrea, Re: Thordan, Re: Zenos, Re: literally any of the raid bosses.
We know from shb that the Light aspect may be static, but it is NOT benign, and if this is the well that Pluvie is repeatedly drawing from in order to cast her magic, amplified by the Echo and Hydaelyn's blessing, she's basically nuking people left and right. But because this power was something originally sold to her as the power of nature, the power of the Elementals (re: conjury), and knowing just the propagandist backgrounds of both Ishgard and Gridania where she's spent the most time living and learning, Light has been sold to Pluvie as inherently Good tm and Just tm. So if she gets angry, if she causes a rockslide with her magic, or chokes someone with the wind, or tears them inside out with a ray of light, it's hard for her to see beyond the intention she has been sold as the reason she uses this magic. If that makes sense.
Basically, while Pluvie IS Hydaelyn's specialist magical healer girl, the power of white magic can be exactly as devastating as black magic in the right hands.
Too bad she doesn't really understand that about herself until she's drowning in Light from the inside out.
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nsk96 · 1 year ago
I’m baffled by a conversation I had with my mom this evening. She was like “things are gonna change, we’re gonna have to be extra careful. Keep our tails between our legs”.
I said “that’s what we’ve been doing and look what still happened”.
She said “then we need to tighten up. I won’t be cooking anymore. He hasn’t been helping with anything, not even taking out the trash. I’ve been doing everything. Once we finish out what’s in the freezer, we just keep the little stuff we need in there.”
She said, “Take your vitamins and drink the protein shake (Ensure) that’s all you need”. Yes, malnourishment, let’s go 🙄 The protein drink is only once per day, she knows that right?
Then she was like “we can buy some healthy food out when needed.” Oh really? Most people can’t afford to eat out everyday but you’re expecting us to when we can’t afford it either…besides me not having the time to even go out to buy food.
God, it’s like she’s going scorched earth and dragging me down with her. “Be careful of those who think they know what’s best for you. They will only drag you down to their level” - words from the astrologer my mom had me get a reading from years ago. For the longest while I suspected he was talking about my own mom. When she convinced me not to get therapy, not to seek out a psychiatrist for my attention issues. When she convinced me not to move out. Sure she got me the astrologer, ironically, but then again, I didn’t go to him until it was 100% my choice without her influence…literally 3 years after she told me about him because I kept forgetting and then eventually we both forgot and then I suddenly remembered him out of the blue.
I told her about how I’m preparing for the scenario of living in the car and she said she doesn’t think it will come to that.
I mean…it probably will if we’re going down this route. He’s just gonna get more pissed off. I’m gonna become extra fatigued and weak from this minimized diet she’s thinking of. My diet is already unbalanced as is but to take away even more, being unsure when I’ll eat next, yeah doesn’t look promising��
But I’ll move along with my plans anyway because this bitch got pharmacy school to finish. Still got stuff arriving in the mail and hopefully I can be packed and ready to go by the end of the week or sometime during Spring Break.
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ehlessandraspsyche · 2 years ago
Blog Post 1: me before psych and the constant struggle with my sense of self by lana del rey 
Before I even began my journey in General Psychology, I have always been interested in it. I like analyzing the behaviors of myself and others as I am a very conscious person. Every move that I will make, am making, and made is analyzed and reflected upon. I am aware of the possible consequences of my actions and how they will affect my future. I overthink a lot and am generally an anxious person. For me, my personality traits are a blend of my parents. My father and I have the same personality type, both of us are INTJs. This is probably the reason why we are both independent and like being alone. Both of us are capable of adjusting to different environments quickly as we are currently away from home (I am in Manila and my father is an OFW). Although I show my emotions like my father, I also inherited my mother's anxious nature. We both tend to overthink the little things. She always makes me check her Facebook captions if the grammar is correct or not, just like how I hate passing my work before letting it marinate. I don't mean it literally but, I don't like passing my work immediately after I finish it. My mother and I are also very aware of our social perception toward others. 
I like categorizing myself. I want to see order and meaning behind everything which is why I like things that do that. I use personality quizzes such as the Myers-Briggs Test and Enneagram in order to see where and how I fit in. I even studied astrology because that is how much I value typing myself and my personality. Categorizing myself helped me analyze my personality and behaviors as I had a hard time grasping my sense of self. Having a box to fit me in became a way for me to recognize myself and helped me find people to relate to. To be honest, I think that the only reason why I was obsessed with things like MBTI, Enneagram, and Astrology was that I was scared that I would never fit in anywhere. 
Until now I recognize that I am a deeply insecure person. I am afraid of commitment because I think that nobody actually likes me for who I am. My sense of self-worth fluctuates more than the inflation rate. One moment I would think that I am a great person who is really pretty and someone who is liked by all, the next I would think that I deserve trash and nobody likes me. This is really reflected by my love life or lack thereof. I’ve had a lot of guys ask me out before and I turned all of them down because I couldn’t envision myself dating them. Then I would kind of regret not accepting them because I would see people my age having relationships. I know that I shouldn’t be in a relationship if I would only accept them because I want a relationship and not because I like them as a person. 
This moment in my life is just so genuinely confusing to me. I have no definitive sense of self that I fully identify with. Hopefully, through this course, I would get to understand the enigma that is my psyche.
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Word Count: 550
Date Written: March 25, 2023
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deva845 · 15 days ago
Men in masks
These men are cowards.
They always choose the conservative setup chick over someone who is creatively imperfect, dreamy and bohemian.
Aries will always be that one who has one night stands with women who are out of his wife range but he will never admit these. He is the baby of the zodiac.Plus😳
He is commanding and rude if you leave a dish unwashed in the dishwasher. A single coffee cup. Fact.Perfect princesses match these men but they will always sidehustle with women who are the exact opposite of their cleancut wifes or girlfriends.
On the other hand Capricorn and Sag is literally the same. Aquarius and Gemini men will on the contrary will choose chaotic and exotic hot mess gals and women but never an introvert and they can be emotionally unavailable without being narcissists. Fact.
I'm having a coffee pause rn btw in my online side hustle job and my critique of the The WeekEnd vinyl is almost done hurrying up to be ready tomorrow😄
I don't feel any kind of fulfillment nor happiness nor sadness these days. I just exist like a lost old boomerdoomer.
I'm tired a bit and worn out and all I want to do is just walk in the woods and have some caffeine in a cozy café. Huge concerts scare me away. Long and dangerous trips scare me even more.
I started to book a trip to Istambul tho through a tour guide company. I'd backpack but exotic trips are better to be done this way it's safer. This one offers a cozy 4 star hotel room and lot of free time... I can pay for it only in march tho hope they won't take my seat.
If they do I'll split up to the mountains.
Random guy on Youtube mocked mountain cabin pics on fb pal what's wrong with you. I actually love them.BoomerbitchBoomervibes haha.
One reason that I left yt. Swallows a lot of money and has changed to some weird trash platform lately.
Old millenials do reels instead. Like I do.Okay it's a joke do as u please.
I took off lot of stuff from my Insta bio last night. It wasn't age appropriate with my 40+.😔This is the first time that I honestly hate my age.
I'm still that crazy indie bitch deep inside in HM hats and boho dresses plus wood bracelets only that 2019 is a distant memory in a faraway galaxy.
Who drinks latte...Literally.
Back to present days.Still stuck on Netflix and usually I'm binging in the evening after my training and yoga vibe, cozed up on my bed with hot chocolate sometimes even 3 Series at once.
If my writing ambition pushes me towards writing a script then I should be updated dialogue wise ermm..
I'm depressed menwise but not workwise.
This weather changing slowly from cold to less cold doesn't add much moodwise tbh.
Bored of Astrology too at the end of the day.
I quess astrology is basically some 2000 year old psychological determination survey bs.
Letting it go slowly. I mean the what's ur sign stuff is a cool thing to discuss on a long effing plane or bus trip but it's kinda shallow or I just burned out of it when I had this astro themed yt ch in 2023. With ads going on in my vids and approx.1200 views that was be like my only ch which was normal on yt but I burnt out of it like a badly lighted match. I seldom watch yt since I have become a Netflix junkie.
Ok. I'm off to work. See you soon guys🩷
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the-stars-guide-me · 6 months ago
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* Mod is 18
* Mod is a bio female, no weird asks or anything for me specifically
* This is an RP blog for my Honkai OC Astralon Orion, aka Astra. I'll make a full blown lore post some time.
*my main blog is @the-void-via so i'll follow from there! I also post a lot about Astra there, too. I might start reblogging my posts onto here but I need to think about it still.
Character Info:
Astralon is a being made of the stars, born with the fabric of space weaved into their blood, as they would say. Their gender is malleable, they can quite literally change physical genders at will.
They go by they/them pronouns, no matter what body type they have.
There are some subjects that they are very, very touchy with...but they don't like to talk about it. If you're brave enough, you may try to talk to them about it.
Link to the official Astra fic I'm writing! The Moon Will Sing
Character Story 1
Voice Lines
10 followers event!! Here (Ended as of 11/2/24)
Astral Express:
Trailblazer (Caelus/Stelle), good friends, they met them during their 'visit' to the Xianzhou
March 7th, also good friends, but she's a little hyperactive for them
Dan Heng, friends. They don't know much about him yet.
Welt Yang, acquainted. They hold him in respect due to their knowledge and age.
Himeko, also acquainted. She reminds them of their 'mother'.
PomPom, they love them. They always give them a hug every time they're on the Express.
Ahanon, friends with them. Hasn't spent too too much time together but they're fond of them
Gepard, somewhat friends. He's helped them many times when getting lost outside of Belobog
The Xianzhou Alliance:
Jing Yuan, very good friends. They hold deep respect and attraction for him, as he was one of the first people to help them adjust to the physical plane.
Bailu, best friends. She was the first to find them after the fall, and the one who healed them and watched over them during their first week. They love her, platonically of course.
Jiaoqiu, good friends, they also hold attraction for the cheeky Foxian. They love the food he makes, but they can't handle spice all that well
Feixiao, friends. They've talked with her many times for many different matters, and she always seems willing to lend an ear.
Moze, friends. They're starting to warm up to him and finding, yet again, some attractions to him. It will take a little bit to get used to his strange nature though
Yanqing, friendly but not quite friends. The young boy can tell how much they like Jing Yuan, and he won't make it easy to get his blessings. Astra sees him as Jing Yuan's son, so they go along with his 'tests'
#☆° friendly chat = talking to someone
#☆°stars collide = answering an ask
#☆°starry-eyed = excited about something
#☆°starlight interview = speaking out of character
#☆°star-crossed lovers = ships
#☆°stories the stars tell = lore related posts
#☆°under the same stars = role-play scenarios
#☆°fair warning = post contains triggering topics
#☆°across space = re-blogs of posts from my main account
#☆°full moon = posts that contain any NSFW, mostly will be reblogged writings about Astra from my main account
#☆°starry visage = any art of Astra, no matter if I draw it myself or if I get fanart! If you want to draw fanart, just dm me :3
More to come as I get asks!
Character Tags:
#☆°the masked actor - interactions with/about @actorsmask
#☆°kind astrologer - interactions with/about @astronomyloveraster
#☆°the esteemed doctor - interactions with/about @veritas-ratio-rp
#☆°a space odyssey - interactions with/about @spaceoddityhsr
#☆°silly trash panda - interactions with/about @stellarons-vessel
Please be respectful and remember that this is an OC of mine. I do mainly ship them with Jing Yuan, Jiaoqiu ans Moze (yes in a poly relationship and out of one) but other shipping is allowed, if it's not problematic and/or illegal.
Feel free to interact as your OC, too! Astra is a very kind person.
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lichfucker · 6 months ago
[image description: a chart of various ttrpg systems, with personality traits written beside them. text at the top of the chart says, "The newest and greatest predictor of personality has finally arrived. Astrology? Not for me! Meyers Briggs? Passe! Hogwarts House? Throw it in the garbage trash!!! Your favorite setting neutral role playing game will tell you all you need to know!"
the chart is as follows:
Loves options
"Yoo, did you see the downtown philadelphia circa 1997 supplement? Shit was fire!"
Potentially a small fraction of a gestalt overmind
Fate Core
Afraid of large numbers
Easy mark
Will spend metacurrency to use own abilities
Will make own life worse in order to procure more currency
Cypher System
Loves accoutrements
Absolutely doohickey-pilled
On their thingamajig arc
Thinks games would be improved if you had to do a little math problem after every roll
Dungeons and Dragons
Without honor
Does not know what setting neutral means
Wretched homunculus, forgotten by love
Savage Worlds
Bought a bunch of dice for damage in D&D, refuses to let them go to waste but doesn't want to like, go crazy about it
Fixated on poker concepts
I gotta be honest I've never read this, I'm literally just working off vibes
Unbearable hipster
Also refuses to let go of D&D damage dice, but committed super hard to it
Grinding out conversations is the best way to grow as a person
Commendably willing to commit to a randomly generated bit
Cannot conceive of a story that isn't an action movie
Doesn't mind when the excitement of a Stunt is ground to a halt while they scan 4 pages of options
Loves detective procedurals
Hates dice
Eager to interpret Runes
Equity minded - dice should fuck over GMs and players alike, sometimes on the same roll
Infuriatingly noncommittal
Other (logos for BRP, Cortex, and Risus on top of each other)
dog there's a whole bunch more out there that I've never read and if you think I'm gonna buy 6 more 100+ page books for the sake of completion, you're right please don't peer pressure me
end id]
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tag yourself I'm DOGS
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ashmp3 · 1 year ago
ooo I always wanted an astrology person to tell me about myself
sun: aries
moon: sagittarius
rising: virgo
mercury; pisces
venus: aries
mars: pisces
omggg i’m no astrology person i’m just a nosy girl….
anyway i literally trash talked that venus mars combo in the last ask sorry to be the bearer of the bad news etc etc. What i wanna say aries sun pisces mercury JESTERS in the best way possible truly you guys understand the difference of being hihi haha funny and being like insane - people will remember what u said - funny. Unparalleled. Virgo rising one of my favorites i love my classy rigid girls. Sagi moon will always be fun in theory but for u. For me i need to lay down and relax i am not made for ur lifestyle i don’t have sag moon stamina . Overall this is a <3 friendship <3 chart bc u are v funny and would make me go out more 🫡
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ofhal1 · 5 years ago
my new favorite thing literally right at this moment just became laughing at how horribly incorrect hal’s birth chart is
Short description: He is honest, reserved, circumspect, honorable, and strong-willed. Quietly ambitious within the realms of the possible, he likes and takes on responsibility. He can work in the social domain. Possible issues: a sometimes bitter and mistrustful mind.
Short description: Sweetness itself. Convinced of their ideas and strong-willed. He is foresighted and willful. He knows how to trust. He appreciates all the good things in life. He appreciates and protects Nature. Possible issues: excesses in pleasure, laziness, sensuality, thoughtlessness.
how are you gonna say he’s mistrustful AND knows how to trust?? astrology is such garbage i’m howling
His mind compartmentalizes impressions, and he appreciates structure and order. The mind learns best when it can see practical uses for information. Resourceful, reflective, deep thinker; a fine and vivacious mind. May undertake lengthy studies or, if circumstances do not allow, will teach himself. A rational person. Can be pessimistic, skeptical, and sarcastic, possessing a very sharp sense of humor. Notices everything.
have you people even met hal 
this is the website i used if you want a good laugh too
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solar-serpent · 2 years ago
Guyyyys, I'm finally here to share the tea on my allegedly twin flame (I won't address him as the legitimately one until I'm fully convinced so please take this story with a grain of salt).
The legend tells Asteria wanted human warmth and someone to call "hers" somewhere around this time last year, so she decided to give dating apps a chance. After one disgraceful disappointment after another, I (let's stop using third person to speak atm) realized I needed to heal myself if I ever wanted to have a normal intimate life with someone else and that not all men were trash... Just traumatized by their parents? Probably as much as I was, lol.
I was on my way to uninstall Bumble from my phone when I got a text from the last match I got. I checked his profile and he honestly looked like a cute and empathetic guy, yet I was fed up with hoping from one man to another and I ignored the last message I received from him.
3 moths later I came back to this app, but I wasn't interested in using the dating option. There's a bff service on the app and I was looking for female friends from the city I lived to hang out with. Unfortunately, all chats were paired up in the same place and I couldn't stop seeing that unanswered chat from the cute guy. I waited for one week until I was fully convinced I should text him and expect no reply. I literally ghosted him for months and he could've been one of those hypersensitive guys that would give you the cold shoulder to ground you for getting them to feel ignored 🤷🏻‍♀️
Afterwards we kept ghosting each other for weeks and coming back in between 😂 we exchanged phone numbers and continued talking over messages about philosophy, films, and astrology. Dynamics have not changed from the start, except I stopped ghosting him because I got interested in him as a person. He felt weirdly familiar to me, like we had been neighbors for years or like we went to the same school but different grades, you know? I felt like I could read his mind but you know I'm psychic so it's not that uncommon coming from me 😅 but this guy got the power to help me sort my thoughts out really quickly. We speak the same language and my soul does not need to translate anything for him to get me on the spot.
Then I went berserk after I found I've fallen for him. 'Why? What's wrong with liking anyone, Asteria?', you must be wondering. Well, let me tell you now the unsavory side to this story. I realized my feelings for him were deep and not the ones you usually had for a friend after he stood me up twice and stopped talking to me for a month. Yup. He disappeared and I was left to grieve for this connection alone. I thought he had made me a great favor for showing his true colors sooner rather than later. Then, he came back and didn't apologize to me 💀 that prick pretended like nothing ever happened while I thought, 'from this moment forward we're going to stay like good friends from the internet and I'm never inviting you to hang out again'. Ha! Things only turned wilder afterwards 🙃🙃 I don't want this story to drag on forever, so I'm going to list everything that have happened recently and weird shit I noticed in his one month absent.
The latest guy I dated was Gemini sun and Aquarius moon. My tf? Same, plus we both were born in June.
I had dreams about meeting a man that was obviously a Gemini months before I got to meet him. He told me in my dreams, "we are going to be friends, but you shouldn't fall in love with me *sigh dramatically*. If you do, who could blame you? I'm awesome~. Honestly, I'm going to like you too, but I would be dealing with so much at that time that I might not pay much attention to you". I thought that dream was a fabrication from the trauma inflicted by Gemini people from my past 💀
Angels numbers could be seen all day along. Specially 111 or 1111.
Archangels rarely summon me. That's my relatives thing, not mine as I work directly with the gods. But Saint Raphael was practically begging me to sit down and speak to him, so I went for a meditation to try and see what he wanted. First thing I saw was the image of a male and female angels holding hands and then I heard, "the lovers". I was bit taken aback... I was expecting the archangel to give me a warning on my poor health or any advice related to my recent life decisions.
I pulled some cards for further clarification and right there was my crush depicted on the spread 💀 I went berserk for the second time since I couldn't believe my guides were speaking about someone that didn't belong to my family or wasn't actually close to me.
I guessed it was a twin flame connection because my guides had told me even before Saint Raphael did, "that man is your closest mirror at the moment. Both share fate". Ha ha, they love being cryptic in the most critical moments 🤠
He's currently outside the country and we haven't spoken for one week maybe? I don't know what might happen in the future, but I'm glad for the silence and time I was left with as it helped me to analyze things in peace. One month ago I had promised myself to decline future invitations coming from him, but now? I'm jumping at the first chance to see him and I might even confess my feelings for him *sigh*. I did understand my angels were addressing I was possessed by fears of rejection and being emotionally vulnerable, blocking the learning I'm supposed to get from this experience. Now, I feel ready to be rejected or accepted. Either way I would take it as a great challenge I managed to overcome.
@kinky-khaleesi @aagnathavasi @bluenoom @moons-euphoria
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years ago
An Itemized List of My Correspondence Books
If you've had the misfortune of asking me about my sources, you've gotten the answer of "I don't actually RECOMMEND the books I use." And that's because, with the SOLE exception of Bree NicGarran's correspondence tables in Grovedaughter Witchery, most of these books are full of SUS MATERIAL. We've got "#girlboss Lilith", we've got "general misinformation", we have "no respect for anyone's cultures", we have "historical inaccuracy for the sake of sounding more oppressed", and we even have CHAKRA APPROPRIATION in every single goddamn crystal book I've found. I hate most of the books here with a burning passion, but I'm a sucker for a detailed correspondence list for things, so I use them anyway. So at the end of the day, I am a clown and here is an alphabetized list of my clown shoes.
Charms & Symbols: How to Weave the Power of Ancient Signs and Marks Into Modern Life. Author: Alison Davies. Publisher: Octopus Publishing Group. Additional notes: I don't think I've ever actually referred to this book yet. I've also made a point to go through and write down which symbols are attributed to, you know, groups I can actually learn from, not from closed cultures or religions.
Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z guide to over 1,200 symptoms and their healing crystals. Author: Judy Hall. Publisher: John Hunt Publishing. Additional notes: Again, I don't think I've ever referred to this book. I don't even believe in healing physical ailments with crystals. Why is this here?
Elements of Witchcraft series. Authors: Astrea Taylor; Dodie Graham McKay; Josephine Winter; Lilith Dorsey. Publisher: Llewellyn. Individual titles: Air Magic; Earth Magic; Fire Magic; Water Magic. Additional notes: These are for the elemental correspondences of specific things, but...again, I don't really use these for the parts where it talks about spells or magical theory or deities.
Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants. Author: Juliet Diaz. Publisher: Hay House. Additional notes: This book came highly recommended to me. I don't care much for the gendering of the reader AND every plant with she/her pronouns. It bothers me, but not enough to dock points. I just wish that some of the more common-in-a-mundane-way plants (such as daylilies) got a bit of a shout-out, but I'm not gonna twitch my nose too hard about it.
Symbols of the Occult: A Directory of over 500 Signs, Symbols and Icons. Author: Eric Chaline. Publishers: Thames & Hudson and Quarto Publishing. Additional notes: Boy do I have OPINIONS on this book and it's that the book is trash, but unfortunately, I am a visual searcher so I need physical depictions of the symbols I'm looking for, and thus I have this. It gets one point back for being very aesthetically pleasing to look at on the outside, which is how I usually regard it.
The Ancient Magick of Trees: Identify & Use Trees in Your Spiritual & Magickal Practice. Author: Gregory Michael Brewer. Publisher: Llewellyn. Additional notes: I've legit never read the non-correspondences parts of this book. I got it literally just because it talks about some American-only trees and other tree books don't. I don't trust it to be well-researched, but at least it's not trying to poison you.
The Astrology Bible: The Definitive Guide to the Zodiac. Author: Judy Hall. Publisher: Sterling Publishing Co. Additional notes: I use these to find what plants and stones and whatnot line up with what zodiac signs and planets.
The Crystal Zodiac: use birthstones to enhance your life. Author: Judy Hall. Publisher: Godsfield Press. Additional notes: Do you see a pattern of me only using Judy Hall's books for correspondences for stones or zodiac signs? I'm just lucky that I haven't had to spend a dime on them, my mom already had these in her collection.
The Encyclopedia of Crystals. Author: Judy Hall. Publishers: Octopus Publishing and Fair Winds Press. Additional notes: See literally the entry right above this one. Again, mostly for crystal identification and correspondences.
The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients: A Wiccan Guide to Spellcasting. Author: Lexa Rosean. Publisher: Simon & Schuster. Additional notes: Ignoring both that this book is from 2005 AND that it's Wiccan-based, it's a hot steaming pile of garbage. There's no indication in most entries about whether a deity or a planet of the same name is being talked about, non-deities are listed in the "ruler" sections, and there is so much appropriation and whatnot in here. Damn. If I was Wiccan, I'd feel ashamed that this book is Wiccan too.
Tree Magic: Connecting with the Spirit & Wisdom of Trees. Author: Sandra Kynes. Publisher: Llewellyn. Additional notes: Like with The Ancient Magick of Trees, I've never read the non-correspondences part of this book. Knowing Llewellyn, it'll be the exact same in both books.
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potter-imagines · 4 years ago
Getting Drunk With Fred Weasley
Prompt: getting drunk w/ your boyfriend Fred would include + mini blurbs
Warning: drinking, swearing, and some suggestive wording
Word Count: 2.2k
Notes: n/a
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Parties are not an uncommon event in the Gryffindor common room
Alcohol and drink mixtures of all sorts are being poured left and right every weekend
Most weekend you have a drink or two while catching up with your friends after a busy week of school
Other weekends you choose the path of getting plastered alongside your boyfriend off smuggled liquor and bottle of beer
On these night in particular, 
Fred does not let you out of his sight
At all
Unless of course Lee challenges him to a beer pong match then he’ll carefully usher you over the couch where he can keep an eye on you while he’s playing
Has to pause the match like 20 times to chase after you and lead you over to his side “Y/n! You know you can’t out drink Seamus- he’s Irish! C’mon, come watch me kick George and Lee’s ass. They’re so bad it takes two of them to even manage a winning shot yet somehow they still suck!”
Loves it when you cheer him on
Is constantly glancing over to reassure himself you haven’t run off again
Your distraction is heightened in this state
So he feels the need to be your second set of eyes
Which had come in handy many a times
Like when Ron dared you to touch the burning fire while he was wasted on dragon barrel brandy
“Don’t be a pussy, Y/n. Swipe your hand real fast and you won’t even feel a thing-” “Y/n, pull your hand away from that fire, love. Ron, what the fuck? Are you trying to set my girlfriend up in flames? Angel, Ron is an idiot, you know that, don’t do anything he says again.” “Hey!”
And the time when you all were playing strip poker and Fred quite literally threw himself on top of your body to cover your chest when George teased you to take your bra off and your hands reached back for the clasps
(( he bitched at George for five minutes straight for that suggestion ))
Fred knew you were not one to back down from a challenge, especially when drunk and not considering the consequences or regret that would follow
So he always made sure you never embarrassed yourself too much or did anything you’d be wanting to take back come morning
During any Gryffindor party, Fred is the life of it
When he’s not preoccupied fawning over you, he’s hopping around with George seeking out trouble
The man throws back liquor like its water
Claims he knows his limits, but he really doesn’t
He is a touchy drunk
Hands brushing through your hair as you chat on the couch
Arms wrapped around your shoulder as you laugh along with your friends
Fingers laced in yours whenever you’re near
He craves your touch even more so when the liquor taints his veins
Let’s be real, Fred is not exactly the type of boyfriend to try to get you to stop drinking
He still makes sure you’re safe and not over drinking but,
Most of the times,
He’s the one pouring the shots for you
And mixing the drinks
But he always knows when to stop, and when you’ve had enough to drink
He tries to mentally keep note of how many drinks you've had but loses track once he reaches about five on his own end
Sometimes he’ll silently swap out your glass of whiskey for a glass of pumpkin juice
It’s obvious to Fred that he made the right choice when he watched as you sipped gleefully on the juice, not making a single comment on the dramatic change in taste
In these moments he begins to prepare himself for a night of babysitting you
And he’s so sweet in helping you on the nights when you go an inch- or ten- overboard
Carries you up to your bed and helps you change out of your clothes and into new ones for bed
He gets you wipes to take of your makeup, if you’re wearing any, and he’ll sit you between his legs on your bed while he brushes through your hair
After you’re properly ready for bed, Fred makes sure to set a glass of water on your nightstand incase you get thirsty and a bag of crackers if you get hungry
Stays the night without question when you ask
Other times he stays regardless of if you do or don’t
Your roommates don’t mind seeing as he takes care of you meaning they don’t have to
He’ll lay on his back and usher you over to place you head on his chest
His fingertips will soothingly trail up and down you back, lulling you into a deep sleep with the rhythmic motion
Tries his best to make sure you fall asleep first
Drunk Fred really has no control over his sleep habits and has a tendency to pass out from sudden exhaustion at any moment
One second him and George are fucking around with partygoers, supply them with different products of theirs, and causing pure chaos
The next second Fred was snoozing away while he laid on the couch with his head in your lap
Then he was back up an going again
Like a toddler on a sugar high
He’s such a giggly drunk
Kisses to the tip of your nose
Always smiling over at you and complimenting you  
“Have I told you how breathtaking you look tonight?” “Only ten times, but I’m okay with elven.” “Let’s make it twelve, you looks absolutely stunning- so pretty, and all mine.”
The boy can’t help it, you make him feel weightless with happiness sober and the feeling only intensifies when he’s been drinking
There are nights when Fred can’t seem to taste the scorching burn of the liquor anymore after about six shots and it these nights where George and yourself are left dragging him up the stairs
George will beg you to stay the night because he can’t handle Fred’s drunken rambling about how much he misses you
And you agree because, how could you say no to Fred’s adorable puppy dog eyes and grabby hands longing for you to cuddle with him
If you two are both drunk, you’ll stay up talking- or rather whispering- under his comforter
He’ll stumble over his words and jumps from topic to topic in the blink of an eye
Uncontrollable giggles as he whispers- or rather stutters- out the most confusing jokes you’ve ever heard
“Angel, angel…” “Yes, Freddie?” “What happens when a toad’s car breaks down?” “I dunno…” “It gets froged!” “I’m sorry, come again? Isn’t it meant to be the frog’s car that breaks down and it gets ‘toad’...not ‘froged’?”
But he’s out like a light before you can get an explanation
He breathes like darth vader when he’s in his drunken slumber
Yet its somehow comforting in an odd way
Like it reminds you that he’s there holding you
And also that he’s still alive, which is surprising at times with the amount of drinks he consumes in one night
If you think Fred acts reckless sober, he thinks he’s invincible when he’s drunk which is even worse
He’ll agree to almost anything
If Ron were to tell him he bet Fred wouldn’t jump from the Astrology Tower all the way down to the courtyard? Fred would do it just in spite of him
The only time this attitude of his had gotten him into trouble was when Fred, George and Lee came up with the grand idea to go down the boy’s dormitory staircase on mattresses
Fred, being the brilliant man he is, decided to go first
You had been gossiping away in the common room to Hermione about a new Muggle actor the two of you had seen in a film when you heard the loud crashing, followed by the voice you loved so much groaning in agony
By the time you reached the opening to the stairwell, George and Lee were aiding Fred down the stone steps, carefully avoiding his ankle which had been twisted in an inhuman position
Madam Pomfrey surprisingly kept hum about Fred’s intoxication and instead scolded him for hours on end about his reckless, mindless choice to try to slide down, winding, steep, stone steps
Once news reached the professors the nest morning, McGoagall dismissed 40 points from Gryffindor for the incident
Using your mattress to surf down the twirling stairwell has since been prohibited
On a separate occasion Fred had accident lit the edge of the curtain on fire
You can always tell when he’s reached that level by the volume in his tone
It tends to get deeper the more intoxicated he becomes
And his words slowly slur together into a string of blabber
Mostly compliments, sweet words, and sometimes suggestive ones as well
Fred gets a bit more… forward when he’s got that liquid courage soaring through him
His hands will start to roam slowly from around your waist to your lower back, then resting on your bum
He gets turned on watching you play beer pong for some reason
Especially when you win
Maybe it’s the view he’s graced with when you bend to bounce the pin pong ball
Or the feistiness that arises when the match gets hot
It’s more than enticing for him
Fred can feel his frame get stiffer everytime you bend across the table to retrieve the cup and chug the beer from it
When the round has ceased and you’re declared champion yet again, Fred steps forward to pull you in for a hug
As he gives you a kiss on the cheek, he whispers, 
“Good girl! Now if you beat George again I’ll give you a special surprise later tonight, angel.”
Which makes your knees weak like jell-o as your frame pushes into his for support
It doesn’t help that you can feel just how excited he is through the denim of his jeans
Fred dips his head to plant a trail of wet, teasing kisses along the skin of your warm neck until George was groaning and pleading for you to start the match
You practically shook for the entirety of the game, still managing to sink almost every shot into a cup forcing George to drink for the majority of it
He ended up tapping out once you nailed the seventh cup in a row and kept your winning streak alive due to his need to find a trash can immediately
You stopped there to join Fred by his side as he smiled to you, clearly pleased that you won
“Looks like someone is getting rewarded tonight.”
His arm draped around your shoulder as you leaned into his side, your cheeks flaring from the mass of bodies but mostly from Fred’s suggestive promise
He only forced you to suffer through the party for another ten minutes or so before pouring one last shot for the both of you, then nearly pushing you up the winding stairs to his dorm
Lets just say he certainly fulfilled on his promise- more than once that night
Loves it when you sit in his lap when you’re on the couch together
Whispers dirty secrets into your ear
Drunk Fred leaves hickies under the clothes
He’s not the type to care who’s around, he’ll try to slide his hand up your skirt in front of nearly anyone when he’s inebriated
“Fred- you’re brother is sitting right there, stop it!” “Shhhh, angel. He’s not even watching, right George?” “Right, Fred.” “See?”
To which you glare dangerous at him as you place his hand back in his lap, but Fred continues to smirk in amusement
It’s like you’re a preschool teacher constantly having to tell a child to keep their hands to themselves, Fred just refuses to listen
Fred doesn’t necessarily get jealous of other guys
He trusts you and he’s confident enough in your relationship not to feel threatened by other guys
However he is possessive af over you when he’s been drinking
In a sweet way tho
Literally wants all your time and attention when he’s drunk
If you don’t feel like dancing, he’ll ask you to come watch him dance
When you say you need to use the bathroom, he’ll ask a million times if you want him to come with
If George places a bet against Fred in a game of cards, Fred will drag you over to sit next to him as Seamus shuffles the deck and prepares the table
He’ll show you his cards and tell you to pick one
Even though he knows you’re completely unaware of the rules to the game, he loves the smile of excitement that appears on your face when he lets you
And in the rare times that you do say no, he works his magic with those big doe eyes and pouty lip until you say yes
It brings him comfort when you’re by his side
Your nights end the same each day, wrapped in his arms listening to the relaxing thump of his heart as the two of you doze off, both silently dreading the awaiting hangover than would surely greet you first thing in the morning, but you wouldn’t want it any other way
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tetsunabouquet · 2 years ago
My Personal Reverse Harem Ranking - GOM EDITION
Alright, let’s just get it straight out in the open, I would joyfully sign up to be their shared wife. But if I were to rank them from most favourite to least I’d say 1. Midorima. For one, as a Capricorn we’re literally opposites attracting in astrology, but whilst some zodiac signs opposing each other on the wheel have short-lived passionate romances, Midorima and I are the type of opposites that are highly compatible for a long-term relationship. We’re supposed to be like two sides of the same coin (my mom believes in these things too actually, so I know about sign compatibility). Also, I definitely do think he fits the whole cancer thing of ‘being like a crab and being crabby towards others but actually being a passionate individual on the inside’, and that in bed, he’s the most hardcore after Akashi (compatibility actually also says we’d have an amazing sex life). 2. Aomine. Considering most of the fandom is Aomine trash, do I need to explain myself? He could call me anytime, and fuck me anytime too. Also, according to aforementioned zodiac compatibility, Aomine and I are also a highly compatible match (the stars are in Capricorns favor). He actually shares a few similarities in personality to ‘the one who got away’ from me during high school with both of us still needing to grow a bit more in order to be ready for a relationship.  Aomine’s also about as tall as my first crush on high school that was also into sports and women (as in, a known pervert). Basically, he’s like an amalgamation of all the guys I fancied as a teenage girl except for the douchebag that was my ex-boyfriend Joey (bad boys aren’t worth it, trust me. Especially if they could have walked straight out of Euphoria). 3. Akashi. I like myself scary dudes, okay? The moment I laid upon his handsome face, and heard that orchestra during his matches, I was like, “That boy is like the Damien (Omen) of Basketball. I simp.” His original personality makes it even better. A sweet, prince-like character with such a dark side? Sign me up please. He hits all the right spots in my morbidly inclined mind and I definitely wouldn’t mind him dominating me and my pussy. The only drawback is that he seems pretty cowardly in a sense he doesn’t even have a moment of doubting or standing up to his father for his rough childhood. He doesn’t really fights for himself, and coming from a dysfunctional family myself I definitely have stood up for myself and keep wondering why the fuck Akashi doesn’t considers his happiness as something important. If I were his girlfriend, I’d definitely ask him to elope somewhere far away from our families.
4. Kise. I want this man to be my adonis. If he were here, I’d ask him to pose model for my assignment whilst totally seducing him with dirty talking in the meantime because Kinktober is making me horny. The fact I have to draw the leg and particularly pay attention to the muscles and could use this as an excuse to ask him to go completely nude down below and imagine all about sucking that dick dry before actually getting to do it after I finished homework is like the perfect motivation to kill my procrastination. Seriously, I want him to be my muse, and I’m fairly certain he’d happily agree to these particular kind of study dates. I want hime to give me all of that physique. I’m getting wet all over again thinking about this, when I really shouldn’t even be typing this down and just be doing my homework.
5. Murasakibara. Biggest drawback is the ponytail he wears during matches, I don’t like men with ponytails (most of the time. Ichiru in Vampire Knight S2 actually wasn’t that bad). He’s so much sexier with his hair loose, and I’d love to run my fingers through his hair. Imagine sitting on his lap and feeding him. Like, yes. I also agree with the pussydrunk headcanon, and I’d definitely would love to offer myself to his mouth. I can also imagine him putting a popsicle in my mouth and just fucking my mouth with it whilst I sit on his lap. -I need to focus, I’m getting way too distracted with this idea instead of getting in the mood for homework.
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