#this is for the fun beverage girlies only
lake-lady · 1 month
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 3 months
You asked for Spencer Reid and Reader requests, particularly plus size, and I am so down bad for that man! Especially later seasons him.
Could I have one where he and the reader are intellectual peers but also enemies? Like she's on the team and just as wicked smart as him and into old literature and languages but they constantly butt heads? And the team knows they really just have feelings for each other, but they'll never admit it. Maybe the reader admits it to Penelope or someone one night drinking that he's hot but she never thought he'd actually sleep with her bc she's fat, but she'll take his attention any way she can get it. Maybe Spencer overhears and proceeds to show her just how hot he finds her arguing with him? 👀 Thank you in advance, girlie!
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༉‧₊˚. 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 || 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝
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— pairing: spencer reid x plus size!reader
— summary: you and spencer hate each other, that much is obvious... right?
— warnings: very surprisingly crude language in this, self-doubt, implied insecurities, misunderstandings, e2l, they're in love and everyone else knows besides them, i made them dorks i don't apologize, mentions of wet dreams, mentions of male masturbation, dirty thoughts, kissing, stripping, vaginal fingering, spencer's dirty mouth, lots of reassurance 'cause i'm a sap, spencer reid #1 consent king, missionary, unprotected sex, sex god spencer?!?! (he does his research), pleasure dom!spencer, switch r & spencer, heavy praise, and a fluffy ending to tie this all up in a nice little bow!
— wc: 3136
⋆ a/n: okay i do admit that this is RIDICULOUSLY long, but i knew exactly what i was getting into writing this and honestly i had so much fun! i don't think i've ever created such characters that have so much chemistry with each other, so cheers to that! (unedited unfortunately :[)
masterlist | AO3
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As soon as you hear Spencer’s voice, you make a point to groan obnoxiously loud.
“And just to think I would be able to go home without a headache today.” 
You could feel the glare from said man burning a hole in the back of your head, so you swivel your chair around in order to face the music – in a pleasurable masochist kind of way. His annoyingly handsome face was twisted up in irritation – much to your glee – his eyebrows turned down, and his perfect, plush lips pulled into a deep frown. 
You could tell you had interrupted him saying something that he deemed important, most likely a fact that you and him would go back and forth on, and you couldn’t be more pleased with yourself.
“Funny you mention that seeing as though your voice is the cause of mine.” He bit back, his eyes narrowed into slits. “Aw, you think of my voice?” You tease. “Only in my nightmares.” You wink at him. “You still think about me.”.
“You know what this reminds me of?” Luke piped up from his own desk, drawing the attention from your other intrigued co-workers in the bullpen. “Oh here we go.” Tara said in amusement at Luke’s rambling.
“Back when I was a kid there was this girl that I went to school with, and I would always tug on her hair or try to trip her,” His voice was almost reminiscent. “Everyone thought I hated her, when in reality I was just trying to get her attention.”
“Ah,” Matt said with a smile, “The classic ‘boy bullying the girl he likes,’ or in this case, it’s the girl this time.” Your cheeks began to heat and your eyes went wide, Spencer’s own face and the tips of his ears turning an admirable pink hue.
“Absolutely not -”
“What? No -”
Both Spencer and you stumbled over each other to try and defend yourself, but you didn’t have a chance because Emily’s voice cut through whatever was about to be said next, the woman making haste from her office and into the room with the round table.
“Alright you guys, enough. We’ve got a case.”
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“To a job well done!” Penelope cheered as she held up her citrusy alcoholic beverage in the air, signaling she wanted to toast.
You smiled indulgently at the woman sitting next to you, clinking your glass with hers noisily and flickering your eyes over to where a disheveled Spencer Reid sat. You didn’t say anything to him though, because you’re a big ol’ softie and like to let the boy wonder rest before you have him back on his toes.
His eyes met yours the same time your glasses collided. You wish you could say that the vibrations from the clinking was the cause of the shiver that forced its way down your spine, but you knew better. 
It was like the rest of the bar disappeared, the sound of the others joining in on your rejoicing fell on deaf ears. You could have sworn his dark brown puppy-dog eyes drank you in before he looked away and cleared his throat, taking a rather comically large gulp of his water.
Your eyelashes fluttered like a thousand butterflies wings as you rushed to drink your own beverage.
“Okay, what was that!?” You felt Penelope’s finger poke at your ribs before you actually heard her. 
“Ow - fuck! What was what?” You yelped quietly, your hand reaching down to bat away her stabbing digits. “The - the -” She fought to portray her words before her face lit up when she found the correct ones, “The eyefucking!” 
Your stomach erupted in butterflies, “Eyefucking? What eyefucking?” You asked with a scoff, hiding your blush behind the rim of your mug. 
“Oh, please, don’t give me that.” It was Penelope’s turn to scoff at you. “Everybody knows that you and Spencer like each other.” She said it almost like it was a fact, leaning forward to take a smug sip of her drink through the miniature black straw.
Spencer knew listening in on Penelope and your conversation was inappropriate; but in his defense, you guys weren’t really quiet about what you were talking about.
“I -” He heard you begin, “It’s one-sided.” Was all you said before draining your beer. “So you admit it!” Penelope exclaimed with a gasp.
Spencer felt his eyes go wide at her words, but there was this desperate feeling that spread throughout his body; one that caused his fingers to twitch and the hair stand up on the back of his neck.
“When you put it like that it sounds childish!” You complained slightly, biting at the meat of your lip. “I… I’m just not his type you know? Like - you know better than anyone that guys don’t pay attention to girls like us, so you have to learn to improvise.” You were cringing at your own words, but the liquid in your cup was enough to loosen your tongue and lower your inhibitions.
“Was me choosing to constantly argue with him the smartest way to try and peak his interest? No, but I knew he liked a challenge and well… it definitely wasn’t the proudest conclusion I ever came to, but what was I supposed to do? It isn’t like Spencer would date me let alone actually want to sleep with me.”
Spencer wanted to argue with you about how wrong you were, to tell you about every thought he’d ever had about you.
He wanted to tell you about how much you frustrate him, how at first, he thought he hated you and it took him an embarrassingly long time to realize he hated how badly he wanted you; hated how many dirty dreams he had included you and that plush body of yours. He’d wondered how soft you were, how you smelled and tasted. 
Did your moans and whines sound as enchanting as your laugh? Did your eyes twinkle the same way when you were about to cum? 
Those thoughts kept him up at night and his hands in his pants, stroking himself to his unlimited imagination all revolved around you. Those were the days that he was more prone to pick fights with you, mostly because he was embarrassed, ashamed, and quite frankly plain ol’ horny.
Spencer thought you were just so sexy, especially when he had managed to light that fire under your ass that really got you going. He wasn’t a sadist or a masochist by any means, but he loved when you yelled at him. So, for you to think so lowly of yourself it almost drove him mad because you didn’t know.
But you were going to.
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You were going to kill whoever was bothering you on your day off.
The knocking was unexpected, but so was who was responsible for the noise.
“Spencer?” You asked in surprise. 
Usually you were prepared for your exchanges with the man, but if your pajamas were anything to go by, you were anything but. Spencer felt his mouth go dry at the sight of your tits sitting braless in a thin undershirt, your soft tummy slightly straining against the cotton material and a pair of shorts that look like they were practically strangling your thighs.
The only thing he could really say was… “Do you know how infuriating you are?”
Your eyebrows furrowed and you crossed your arms over your chest, and little did you know the action pressed the tops of your breasts over the hemline. “Excuse me?” You almost scoffed, “Please don’t tell me you came all the way here just to argue with me.”
“No I - fuck just let me finish.” This was not how he wanted this to go. You looked like you wanted to say something but your curiosity made you choose to stay silent.
“Do you know why you’re so infuriating?” He asked, taking a tentative but careful step towards you. “Because you haunt my every living thought. I see you when I’m awake, I see you when I’m asleep. I can’t… I can’t escape you! I can’t escape how I feel about you.”
Your eyes were wide and your brows were furrowed; it looked like you almost couldn’t breathe.
“But you want to know the worst part?” His hand lands on your cheek and his thumb gently caresses the skin there. “You have the audacity to think that I wouldn’t want you.” 
“You want me?” You asked in disbelief. “But I… but I thought you hated me? I mean - I haven’t been all that nice to you.” You attempt to joke weakly, but your body is on fire; your stomach is tangled up in knots. You were trembling in excitement at his words but in disbelief too.
“Do you have any idea how much I love arguing with you?”
You laughed at his words, your lips slipping into a small smirk as you threw your arms around his neck in an act of boldness. “Oh yeah?” You hummed seductively. “You wanna show me how much?”
“Yeah,” He replied breathlessly. “I do.”
And just like that his mouth was on yours and a long leg shot out behind him to shut your front door. The slam made you yelp, but it quickly melted into a giggle against his lips when he reconnected them.
Spencer tugged you closer to him, and God the feeling of your body was so much better than anything his subconscious could have conjured up. You felt so soft and the front part of your torso pressed against his chest in a way that if he didn’t have you naked under him soon he was going to go crazy.
“Where’s your bedroom?” He didn’t want to pull away from you, but he wanted to do this right.
“I didn’t know you were a gentleman, Reid.” You teased with a dazed smile on your face. “There’s a lot of things that you don’t know about me.” You quirked a brow. “Oh really? How about you tell me?”
“Later,” He said with a lazy shake of his head, “Later.”
His hand reached down to cup your ass, your crotch rubbing on the large boner restrained by his pants. You moaned quietly at the feeling, and found yourself saying, “Down the hall and to the left.”
When you arrived, he couldn’t keep his hands off you; they grabbed at your back, ass, waist, hips. There was so much of you that he had no idea where to start. All he knew is that he wanted all of you right now.
“Can I take your shirt off, please?” His words almost came out as a whine and it welcomed a fresh wave of arousal in your panties. “Take off whatever you want, I’m yours.” A reassuring confession that Spencer had no idea he needed to hear. 
His lithe, veiny hands tugged at your top first, dragging it over your head and throwing it somewhere random. Your pants and panties were next to go and you couldn’t help but shiver at Spencer's intense stare.
“I’m uh- feeling a little vulnerable here, could you lose a layer or two?” 
The man blinked rapidly, his fingers shooting to undo the buttons on his cardigan. “Yes, yeah of course, sorry I -'' You grabbed the shaky digits. “Calm down, take it slow. I’m not going anywhere.” It was a light jab meant to ease his nerves. For a moment he looked unsure but you gave an encouraging smile.
After his clothes disappeared he held you by your waist, walking you backwards until your calves hit the bed. You quickly hurried to scale the mattress until your head hit the pillows.
“God,” Spencer gulped. “This is so much better than what I imagined.” You giggled slightly. “As much as I appreciate your flattery, I want you to fuck me. Now.” You said it with such simplicity that his eyes nearly bulged out of his sockets at your crudeness.
He swallowed his shock. “Whatever the lady wants.”
He hurried to crawl over your leaning body; you cup his cheek in an act of haste, dragging him down to lay on top of you. His own hands didn’t stop their determined trail, tracing the soft planes of your plush body until he reached your wet cunt.
You whine loudly at the feeling of Spencer’s fingers stroking your damp slit.
“So responsive.” He murmured with delighted smirk. You go to say something snarky but you’re quickly cut off when he begins to rub tight circles on your clit. “‘M sensitive.” You gasp against his lips, your back arching and pressing further into him.
His body falls to the side, laying next to your naked one with a cheek balanced on his fist. “I’m gonna make you cum on my fingers first,” Spencer whispers into your ear. His ring finger entered your warmth slowly and he felt himself choke on his words. You mewled, a hand shooting up to tangle in his long, curly hair, the other grabbed at his wrist.
“Then, I’m gonna make you cum on my cock.” After a few experimental twists of his wrist, his middle finger joins the first. Your breathing speeds up with every movement of his digits. 
“Afterwards, ‘m gonna clean you up and take you out to eat.” Your brain could barely process what he was saying, but every word that left his mouth added to the swarming butterflies in your gut – which felt so juvenile seeing as though he was already knuckle deep inside you.
“And when we get home, I’m gonna eat this sweet pussy for dessert.” 
Your eyelashes were fluttering rapidly, your hips moving frantically on his fingers in an attempt to try and get him deeper. Spencer must have sensed what you needed, because with a few firm swipes on your sensitive clit sent you spiraling over the edge.
“Spencer, Spencer, Spencer… I - I -” Your gummy walls squeezed his digits, and the only thing keeping you grounded was the heat coming from his body.
“Wow.” You laughed breathlessly. “Wow indeed.” He mimics with the same amount of amusement.
“Are you okay to keep going?” He asks. 
“Are you kidding?” The look on his face was almost laughable, and you gave his naked chest an encouraging pat. “Hell yeah I’m good, how about you?”
“If I told you I could cum just from watching you, would you believe me?” You roll your eyes and snort. “We’ll find out later, loverboy. Get up here.”
He scrambles to get on top of you, but then stops. “Wait, wait,” He reaches behind your head and grabs a pillow. “Lift your hips up for me.” Your eyes go wide, because who in the fuck taught him that? Though you move a bit slowly through your surprise, he manages to get the soft thing under you, your lower back now elevated.
But all excitement dies out when he realizes there might be no protection, he looks like he could almost cry.
“It’s cool, Spence. I’m on the pill and I… I haven’t had sex with anyone in an embarrassingly long time.” You admit shyly, your eyes casting to the side nervously. “I’m clean too. I don’t really remember the last time I’ve had sex either.” 
You guys make eye contact and erupt into a fit of giggles, “To relearning the art of sexual intercourse then.” Spencer scrunches his nose up at your wording, but you don’t give him any time to retort because you’ve already placed two hands on his face, tugging his head down to kiss your smile-split lips.
He takes the time to kiss you for a moment before reaching down to line his dick up to your entrance. You both shiver at the sensation. You guys disconnect your lips to watch him enter you, your foreheads pressed together and breaths mingled in anticipation.
You moaned in unison when he slowly but surely seethed himself in you fully, and your body tensed at the long awaited intrusion. “Gimme a sec.” You gulped. “Yeah, yeah, of course.” He panted.
You allowed yourself a moment to relax, brushing your fingers through his curls as a way to comfort Spencer as well. After taking a few more seconds to enjoy the raw, intimate moment between the two of you, you said, “Okay. Okay, I’m good.” 
Spencer licked his lips and rolled his hips tentatively, and your breath hitched. A string of whimpers were soon to follow with every drag of his cock against your sensitive inner walls, the leftovers of your previous orgasm leaving your body feeling electric.
Your mouth drops open into an ‘o’ shape when his tip brushes your g-spot.
“Right - right there Spence…good boy - fuck - good fucking boy.” 
The term of endearment was an accidental slip of the tongue, but it had frayed some nerve in his body, because the groan that left him was guttural and hungry.
“Say -” He huffs. “Say it again, please.” The pace of his thrusts speed up as he begs, and your nails drag down his back. “You’re my good boy, Spencie.” His eyes flutter shut at the praise and he doesn’t bother to be gentle anymore.
“Mphm! More - I need more.”
“Okay, okay.” He rushed to balance on his elbow so that his other arm could slip between the two of your bodies to rub at your clit. Your back arched, and Spencer all but throbbed inside of you, his balls tightening and threatening to cum right then and there; but ever the gentleman, he waited, his stomach sucked in tightly and his body jolting quivering.
“I - I’m gonna cum.” 
It didn’t take much to pull you into a kiss. It was sloppy, and messy, and lewd and all of those other wonderful synonyms. Spit dribbled down your chins and with one last hard thrust that almost sent you up the bed, you gripped onto the older man for dear life.
Everything went white as you came; your hearing, your vision, every single cognitive thought you had pretty much flew out the window.
It was Spencer gently wiping the sweat off of your brow that brought you back down to reality, your lungs finally opening up and expanding for that much needed air.
“Hey,” He cooed. “There you are.”
“Hi,” You sighed with a ditzy smile on your face.
There was a moment of silence before you said, “How about we save the oral for breakfast?” Spencer laughed, but nonetheless nodded in agreement. “That sounds perfect.”
“So, what’s for dessert then?” He couldn’t help but ask. “Hm…” You pondered for a moment. 
“How about ice cream?”
“I like ice cream.” But then he added, “But I like you more.”
“Ugh, you’re the worst.” You groaned, covering your eyes, but your grin gave you away. “I like you too, I guess.”
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus @khxna
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attapullman · 5 months
The Perfect Pink | Robert "Bob" Floyd
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Summary: While bartending for Rolling Acres Retirement's Valentine's Party, you encounter a pink-cheeked man and his cherry-loving cousins.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: all fluff with alcohol mentions
A Note From Mo: Here is my Pink Lady fic for @thedroneranger's Pick Your Poison event to go with this gorg moodboard! As a part-time mixologist and full-time Bob Floyd lover, this was such a fun concept to play around with and has inspired me to come up with more pink drinks. I've never been a Valentine's girly, but I fully believe this pink-cheeked WSO could convince me otherwise. To everyone who reads this, I love you bunches and bunches, all 365 days in the year!
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It’s so pink. Horrendously. Abysmally. Pepto-bismally. PINK.
When you agreed to tend the bar in a pinch, a few bundles of carnations and candy pink paper hearts were your guess for the evening’s decorations. But when you showed up to Rolling Acres Retirement's Valentine’s Party holding a crate of soda water and a handful of shakers, your senses flatlined with the amount of pink covering every surface.
Petal pink tablecloths straightened over round tables; a small bouquet of magenta carnations attached to each folding chair and incensing the recreation hall of the retirement home. Heart-covered paper plates and folded napkins set up at each place setting, glittering confetti sprinkled around the tableware. The ceiling isn’t even a reprieve, a rainbow of fuchsia and rose and flamingo and blush balloons filling up every available inch of space.
Suzette on the front desk had complimented your dusky pink sweater - an appropriate choice for the holiday - but set against this backdrop you feel like another decoration. An oversized bauble that also makes cocktails and pours cheap wine.
And now, standing behind this makeshift card-table-turned-bar covered in bubblegum crepe paper, your brain might explode in a cloud of hot pink smoke. Counting out pours and trying not to slice yourself making garnishes is a struggle keeping up with all these orders. While the average age of the party goer may be eighty, they drink more than the 21st birthday bash you bartended last weekend. You’ve been here all of an hour and Mrs. Moscovitz has already downed three fuschia cosmopolitans.
While disappointed you don’t have more romantic Valentine’s Day plans - though, when have you ever had a date on this too pink day? - it’s fun to see who’s turned up to celebrate. White-haired couples are swaying on the makeshift dance floor, every shade of pink and red in their attire. Bridge groups and knitting circles are excitedly chatting at their respective tables, gossiping over who is in attendance and with whom. Even the staff have wide grins splitting their faces, enjoying the festivities that break up the bleak winter. It’s the least you can do to spend the holiday providing beverages for this crowd.
The best part is the families. While romantic love is thick in the air, so is platonic love. Family members of all ages have come out to spend the holiday with the residents. Mr. Gordon’s daughter and her family have driven hours to catch up over pot roast and sparkling cider while his grandson plays trucks over a pile of chocolates he snuck from Suzette.
Orders have slowed down and your eyes keep glancing over to Ms. Floyd’s table. The entire clan has showed up for dinner, dancing, and to take home a batch of her homemade snickerdoodles. Multiple relatives are taking up two entire heart-sprinkled tables. Your focus is mainly on the second table for too far from you, where the grandkids have been relegated to play cards and swap candy hearts to pass the time.
“Why don’t you go ask the pink lady for more cherries.” God, he’s cute. The only guy in this place near your age and his attention is stolen by a pair of toddler girls obsessed with the cherries in their Shirley temples. 
You divert your eyes quickly when you realize he’s talking about you and your pink sweater. The girls giggle shyly, the high pitched squeals of glee as they convince him to go up instead. Fiddling with shakers, wiping down the counter, you try to stay busy as you physically feel him approach the converted bar and your trembling hands.
“Hi!” His smile is thin and nervous and his cheeks are pink, blushing from his little cousins and their antics. Also because you’re much prettier up close and he’s wearing a shirt he’d never normally be caught in if his grandma hadn’t picked it out. 
He’s much cuter at this distance as well. Sandy hair combed neatly, one small strand slipping out behind his ear. Friendly cerulean eyes framed by golden wire spectacles, similar to the ones several of the ex-military men at Rolling Acres are sporting. His thin lips falter slightly as he takes in how well the pink of your sweater compliments your skin. God, he wishes he wasn’t wearing this shirt.
You spring into service mode and grab a fresh cocktail shaker. “What can I do you for?”
“I’m technically up here for some cherries.” You dutifully nod, hoping to hide the fact you’ve been watching him converse with the toddler girls in their matching baby pink dresses most of the night. You make a small dish of cherries up and push it toward him, shaking your head when he attempts to pay. “The thirty-eight cents of cherries is a small expense for a night those two will talk about for weeks. They’re on the house.”
He grabs the dish with a smile, but realizes he now has no excuse to stay by the bar. And while he loves his cousins, he’s on leave for a few more weeks and you’re really pretty. A few extra minutes wouldn’t hurt. He extends his hand with a timid smile. “I’m Bob.”
You reach out and shake his hand back as you introduce yourself, hoping the condensation coating your fingers isn’t too noticeable. He immediately commits your name to memory, happy to replace “The Pink Lady” with a name as fitting to you as yours.
He moves out of the way as a woman in a magenta scarf orders a round for her bingo group. Bob watches as you whir into action, pouring liquors and counting off ounces. The delicate way you garnish each drink so the owner feels special. Your gracious smile when a tip is stuffed into the heart-shaped velvet box provided to you for tips.
When the line at the bar dies down, he sidles back up to your makeshift station. Bob notices the way you eye the decorations warily, still adjusting to the deafening pink of it all. He drums lightly on the blushing pink tablecloth, catching your wide-eyed attention. “Everything all right?”
“Uh, this place is too…pink?” you laugh, gesturing to the overabundance of rosy hues surrounding you. For possibly the first time all night, Bob realizes that while you were the only pink thing that had his attention, it is suffocating in the recreation hall. 
“Yes, yes it is,” he chuckles right back, eyes soaking in the offending decorations. There’s a comfortable air between the two of you, and he decides to push his luck for more time with The Pink Lady.
Bob clears his throat, pulse thrumming through his body. Tonight is his one and only chance to land a date with the pretty bartender.
“So, to go with the theme, what is the pinkest drink you can make me?” He wiggles his eyebrows, his best attempt at flirting. A hint of a giggle escapes as you purse your lips, contemplating his challenge. 
“I can make you a pink lady.” 
He narrows his eyes. “Is that a real drink, or have you named it after yourself?”
“It’s real, I promise.” You’re all smiles at his attention as you combine the gin, applejack, and grenadine with a splash of lemon juice. He really could watch you work for hours.
As you reach for the last ingredient, his eyes bug out. “Is that an egg?” He’s a Navy man, his normal bar only has cocktails with two ingredients. Since when did eggs go in cocktails?
“When you dry shake an egg white it creates this nice foam, adds to the drink.” While he wants to come across as open-minded and cultured, he’s hesitant. “If you don’t like it, I’ll make you something else.”
He’s bewitched as you pour the perfectly pink drink into a plastic coup, the creamy white foam rising to top it off. A cherry balances the rim, one that won’t be stolen by his mischievous cousins. As he looks between the freshly poured drink and you, he swears your cheeks are the same happy pink.
You push the drink toward him, excited to share something new with a customer. Always a gamble as a bartender, but worth it when you expand someone’s palate. He gives you a tentative smile, unsure if he’s going to like it, but he really wants to impress you. In return, you give him an encouraging nod, completely unsure of how this will go. He takes a sip, the frothy mixture coating his tongue.
As far as he’s concerned, the drink is named after you. Not too sweet, not too tart, a divinely balanced combination of flavors in a perfect pink concoction. Bob is convinced you would taste just as good, especially with a cherry. The thought makes his brain blank.
“Do you like it?” Your hopeful eyes are endearing. He wants to brush the strand of hair from your cheek and assure you that he likes it, that he’d like anything you made him because you made it. But you’re practically strangers so he stumbles over his words as he promises it’s delicious. 
The bowl of cherries for his cousins still in his hand, Bob stands to the side of the bar and sips his tartly sweet drink, casually keeping up conversation with you as you serve other patrons. You’re glad for the company, enjoying the way he asks about your technique and mutters out the few things he knows about wine from conversations with his aunt. Despite the fact you’re working, it’s the best Valentine’s Day you’ve had in years with this bespectacled man watching you tend bar.
He’s just so cute, blushing his own special pink hue when your eyes connect while you shake up a few martinis.
“Uncle Bob!” There is no mistaking who is calling him over. Two identical heads pouting as they motion him over. His time with you is up. He gives you a sweet smile, trying to memorize every inch of your face, before motioning his hand filled with cherries in their direction. You bittersweetly grin right back, smile lingering as you start on Mr. Nickerson’s two merlots as you watch his broad shoulders walk away.
Oh, how you wish he would come back.
Because it’s a retirement home and not a frat house, by ten the party is wrapping up. You’ve exchanged shy glances with Bob a handful of times, but his family has taken up most of his attention with Navy questions and inquiring when he’s going to visit next. He barely registers the event is over before he’s rummaging through his mom’s handbag with his last attempt at salvaging the night.
You’re cleaning up your supplies when the Floyd clan walks past, all waving good night to you and the staff, thanking you all for a great Valentine’s night. The girls thank you for their cherries, a stem hanging from one’s lip. 
Staggering at the end of the crowd is Bob, his cheeks flushed and palms tingling. He stands in front of your table, rocking on his heels, working up his courage. You give him a warm smile, thanking him for his company, and he completely melts. As he holds up his occupied hand, he hopes this works.
“Forgot to slip this in earlier.” His smile is tense as he jams a few dollars through the absurdly small hole in your improvised tip box. You thank him before both blurting out awkward goodbyes. As he catches up with his family, a pang rings through your chest. Disappointed he’s gone, never to be seen again. 
Bob Floyd, a Valentine’s mirage you will remember fondly.
Once all your things are packed, you square things up with Suzette with your pay for the event and a promise to stop by to visit the residents later in the month. You schlep everything to the car, a mixture of emotions painting your face in the rearview mirror as you make your way back home. The weight of defeat keeping you from bringing anything inside except for that damn tip box you’re hoping will cover groceries for the week.
You pry open the velvet lid and are met with the best surprise.
There, at the bottom of your substitute tip jar, underneath all the singles the elderly stiffed you with, was a scrap of cheap rosy pink napkin. You unfurl it to see neat chicken scratch handwriting, the pen poking through the fabric in spots as he worked to write out his message with a phone number beneath.
I’m here until the 27th. Drinks on me? - Bob
Now that you think about it, maybe you do like pink.
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taglist: @berryvanille @bobgasm @bradshawsbaby @cosmoeticss @creatchie8 @drxgxnslxyer @hangmanapologist @hiireadstuff @jessicab1991 @just-in-case-iloveyou @kmc1989 @maryelizabeth13 @petersunderoos96 @rhettsluvr @roosterforme @seitmai @sweetwhispersofchaos @topherwrites @xoxabs88xox @yuckosworld
join the taglist
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prettieinpink · 10 months
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Hello girlies and genitals, I am aware that my posts haven’t been up to my standard lately but thank you so much for 220+ followers. I’m so grateful for each and every one of you to be apart of this blog and I wish for us to grow into the best versions of ourselves.
Today, I have something special to celebrate: a collaboration with everyone’s favourite, honey! ( @honeytonedhottie )Thank you honey for this idea of a collab, which has been so fun talking and it’s been a pleasure working with you, I hope we do another one in the future. If you haven’t already, go and follow honey(the best decision trust)!
her part of this collab is here ! go read it and follow her yall
habits that are uncategorised or improve multiple aspects of your life <3
Prioritising yourself. Put yourself over anyone else, even if it effects them. I know it’s harsh, but put on your oxygen mask before helping others.
Establishing routines in your daily life. Morning, evening, study, workout etc, we humans thrive on routines.
Start implementing small things to look forward to during the day. Whether it’s drinking a hot beverage before bed, or going out on a walk in the sun, just having these things makes it easier for us to get through the day.
Curate your social media, ensure what you are feeding your mind is nourishing it, not destroying it. + avoid any mental clutter from your feed
Saying positive affirmations to yourself before the day! It’s an nice way to pump yourself up.
Set boundaries. Not only with others, but yourself. Don’t allow yourself to sleep late constantly or have over 8 hours of screen time.
Learn how to say no. Saying no is now considered a powerful tool for someone to have because we then allow the things we do want to come in our lives and guard ourselves from things we don’t want in our lives.
Setting one daily goal! It doesn’t have to be a difficult or challenging one, but preferably something you feel uncomfortable about doing.
Being educated is the most powerful asset nowadays, besides, learning is the best beauty regimen!
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Reading a few news articles a day, being updated with the latest news in your country and community is a great advantage in general and a way to stimulate your mind
Reading paperback/hard copy books is another great way to stimulate your mind without scrolling endlessly. You learn new experiences and ideas, and gain more empathy for others.
Learning another language! This is extremely useful because when we learn it, we stimulate another part of our brain that is usually inactive + a great thing to put on resumes or applications.
Having high quality sleep actually helps with long term memory and sustaining everything you’ve learnt in the day. 6-8 hours in an ideal number of sleep.
Taking regular breaks which are productive,this is so important for sustaining your motivation and avoiding burnout. E.g going out for a walk, meditation, Journalling
Spending a few hours a day without relying on electronic devices. Social media and more will put so much mental clutter in your head, being away from it allows for mental clarity.
Doing focus meditations before doing any deep work. This allows you to stay on task for much longer and rids of any mental clutter.
Talking to others who have more expertise than you and listening, but you do not have to agree with them, it’s just valuable to have another person’s perspective and experience.
Challenge yourself daily and start being comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Research about topics you dislike, do things you struggle at at least once a week.
Being charming, but still being down to earth to yourself while maintaining good relationships with others allows for happiness + harmony within you.
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Sharpen up your vocabulary and learn to pronounce words that are difficult. People who are clear and concise speakers are automatically magnetic.
Learning how to use more advanced words in daily conversations, it gives off a more sophisticated and educated vibe to others.
Be passionate about the things and people you love, even if looked down upon by others. Trust, because everything that you love will come in abundance.
Making an effort to truly listen and understand someone. Engage with them, ask open ended questions and maintaining open body language. People will be so much more interested about who you are as a person.
Be genuine. Not only to others, but also yourself. People naturally gravitate to those who know themselves and their values.
Being truly kind to others. Always lend out a helping hand, even if you know they wouldn’t have done the same for you. Whatever you put out, will come back.
Relating to the previous point, don’t be afraid to ask for help from others. While you should strive to be independent, allow yourself to receive and be provided for.
Work towards being confident. Not only in your physical appearance but also your abilities, your standing in life and your environment. The only validation you should get is from you!
Smile, even if you’re not in the mood for it, smiling actually boosts our mood and the moods of others + it gives off more approachable vibes.
Start complimenting others, even if you do not believe that compliment yourself. We make ourselves more approachable and kinder to others, but it also will change our mind to be more positive and accepting.
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Keep up with that beautiful, sexy, cute, perfect face babes. Make looking yourself in the mirror your favourite pastime and bless others with the privilege of seeing you.
Your smile is the best part about yourself. Brush those pearly whites, use mouthwash and floss. If really nesscessary use a teeth serum.
Do yoga and stretches to improve your posture. You’ll notice different parts of your body improving, like your jaw, hump neck etc.
Start nose breathing. A small one for sure, but it can make or break you in the long run.
Sleep on your back, your mouth is closed so you don’t breath through it and it helps with symmetry of your face.
Create a beauty planner. Plan what you want to do for yourself, whether it’s at home or done professionally, plan on what days you do it, the products you use, the vibe you’re going for etc
Create a closet you feel confident in. The l rarest and expensive thing you can wear is confidence in yourself.
Start sanitising your hands regularly. Even if we try, we still touch our face during the day. Instead of trying to fight against it, just make sure your hands are clean.
Smell good, there’s tons of tutorials out there that outline how to be smelling good all day. It makes you feel good and others moods will boost around you.
Change pillowcases like once a week, it can easily get dirty and can affect your skin and hair.
Keep track of your beauty products and when they expire, but if anything of that substance changes even mildly, throw it!
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illvmiimoved · 10 months
Does Your Mother Know?
Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
TAGS/INCLUDED: reader is DRUUUNK * Miguel doesn’t take advantage hes a gentleman ofc * obviously alcohol * if he’s Spider-Man is ambiguous again
A/N: Two posts in like a 3 hour span is BONKERS anyways here’s a shorter one based on the song “Does your mother know” by ABBA.
New account cause I messed my shit up 😔
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You were at a bar downtown, having a great time with your friends. It was one of your close friend’s birthday, so you and a bunch of girls were there, getting hammered and essentially making it hell for the designated drivers.
You weren’t super drunk at the moment, you’d only had a single drink. You walk to the bar to get another round for the table (against one of the drivers saying that really isn’t the best idea) and that’s when you saw him.
Oh. My. God.
He was so hot, are you kidding me?
He was easily 6 feet tall. Tan skin and pretty eyes, his hair was curly and he was dressed in business attire. His sleeves were rolled to his forearm, which was enough to make you swoon on the spot.
You purposefully stand next to him when you order the drinks, taking extra care to bump your sides together occasionally.
At the sixth bump of your side, he turns around to look down at you. He smirks as he leans on the bar, “Can I help you, little lady?”
You giggle drunkenly (maybe you were more dunk than you’d thought), “You’re just quite the looker. Can’t help myself!”
You sway in your spot a little as you look up at him. He chuckles to himself and sits on one of the stools to match your level better. He tucks a lock of your pretty hair behind your ear and smiles.
“You look pretty young to be in a place like this, girly. Your mother know you’re out?”
You giggle again and cover your mouth, “I’m not young, no worries,” You follow that up by wiggling your eyebrows suggestively.
Yeah, you definitely were not sober right now.
He leans on his hand, “You sure about that?”
“Sure about my age? I think so!” You count on your fingers to double check.
He smirks at you, “What’s your name, beautiful?”
You blush and tell him your name. To which he replies, “What a lovely name. I’m Miguel, sweet thing.”
The bartender puts your ordered drinks on the bar, so you perk up and attempt to grab them all. Miguel stops you and grabs them himself, so you lead him to the table. He places them down for you, your friends diving in without missing a beat.
You smile up at him, “Let’s dance, handsome!”
“Oh? You wanna dance now? But what about your friends?” He smirks, though he didn’t protest when you started to push him towards the dance floor.
You jump and dance to the music with zero rhythm, really just having fun rather than trying to impress Miguel with your ‘hot moves’. He didn’t seem to mind, he looked quite taken with how free your looked at that moment.
He just swayed in his spot slightly, he really wasn’t much of a dancer. You grab the sides of him and try to force him to dance. Of course you can’t, have you seen the man? He’s huge. He chuckles anyways, “What’s the matter, huh?”
“You gotta dance! You’re just standing there like a damn tree!”
He chuckles again, swaying a bit more to the music. He spots one of his friends (who he originally was here with) snickering at him, so he sends him the finger before turning his attention back to you.
“So what’s a pretty girl like you doing dancing with a man like me? You surely have a boyfriend to dance with you instead?”
You shake your head as you jump to the music, “Nope! I’m allllll ready for the taking, mister!”
He smiles at you, “Well ain’t that interesting? Why don’t you let me buy you a drink?”
You nod and loop your arm with his, leaning on him as he takes you to the bar. He has you sit on a stool and orders you a water and himself an alcoholic beverage. Though you begin to whine at that and say things like “I am a big girl! I can have a freakin’ beer if I want!”
You drink the water when it arrives anyways, slurping it down like you haven’t drank in days. He smiles gently at you, he really hasn’t seen a person as beautiful as you in a long time. Sure you looked pretty messed up right now, your makeup was smeared and your hair was crazy at this point. But he didn’t mind, not at all. He hadn’t had a good time at a bar in a long time. Mostly it was just sitting around with Peter or Jessica. He hasn’t gotten up to dance in a long time.
Peter always asked to dance, though Miguel has turned him down every single time and never plans to give in on that demand.
As you finish your water, you smile drunkenly up at him. You poke his chest with one finger,
“Are you married? You gotta be married. Look at you!”
He tilts his head with a smirk, “No. I’m single, actually.”
You gasp loudly. You were very obnoxious in your drunken state, clearly, “No freakin’ way. You can’t be telling the truth!”
He raises a hand to fix your hair so it isn’t in your face as he speaks, “Nope. I’m being honest, sweet thing.”
“Oh, you gotta date me then,” You say with a confident nod as he fixes your hair.
He snickers, “You seem really drunk, girlie. You sure you’re of age?”
You nod, “Yup! You wanna see my ID, officer?”
He leans back in his own stool, “I believe you, I believe you. What brings you to the bar tonight anyways, huh?”
You point to the table where half your friends are passed out in their seats, “My friend’s birthday!”
He nods, “So why’re you here with me?”
“Cause look at you!”
He chuckles and looks over at the group. He sees some sober-looking people stand and haul the passed out people to the cars outside. He looks back to you, “Looks like it’s home time.”
“Nooo! I don’ wanna go!” You pout like a child.
Miguel doesn’t listen and helps you off the stool, leading you over to the group. He nods to some of your friends and helps you to one of their cars. Before he helps you get in, you press a kiss to his cheek.
He smiles and buckles you in. He places something in your hand, then closes the car door.
As the car drives away, he reaches up and feels the lipstick mark on his cheek.
When you woke up the next morning, you found a note on your nightstand. You called your friend and asked about it and all she said was that “A real handsome man put it in your hand after he helped you to the car, so I put it on your nightstand so you wouldn’t lose it”.
Once you ended the call, you plucked the paper off the stand and read what it said.
On top was a phone number. Under it;
“Here’s my number, young thing. Hope your mother really did know you were out.
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Here’s another one, two in one day is super bonkers for me LOL. Hope you enjoyed. Also wanted to say I’m open to requests! Love you all ❤️❤️
don’t redistribute or steal or reupload pretty pretty please
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
Pakistani Steve Harrington
Steve likes coffee but he doesn't like regular tea. He will only drink pink tea.
His father used to make it back when his grandparents would visit semi regularly.
And it was Steve's favourite drink.
His father had actually shown him how to make it.
Not that Steve could remember the last time they'd had it together, or seen each other for that matter.
Kid Steve had thought it was like drinking happiness, and older Steve thinks little him was onto something.
And he knew some people who needed some happiness.
It was awkward standing their in the hospital with a tray of mugs, his arms were very much protesting at his decision.
Eddie looked at him, amused while Wayne sighed good naturedly and helped him put the tray down on a table.
"I thought you weren't meant to be pushing yourself?" Asked Wayne, Steve attempted to look sheepish.
It didn't work to well but Wayne just shook his head, a fondness in his eyes.
They'd gotten to know each other after Wayne thanked him for keeping his rascal of a nephew alive.
"Whats this?" Asked Eddie, nosey as ever. Trying to peer at the mugs and seeing bright pink liquid inside.
Steve wondered momentarily if the Munsons would make fun of him for a "girly" looking beverage.
But shook that thought away.
"The nurse said you should try drinking something warm, so I bought some tea." Explained Steve. "Why's it pink?" Asked Eddie, no judgement in his voice just curiosity.
And yet Steve braced himself, he was getting better at talking about his culture but it was usually just to the other teens and the kids.
His King Steve days were long behind him but he was afraid he'd be made fun off.
"When my family would get together, we'd have this tea. Its proper name is Kashmiri Chai, but we just called it pink tea. I dunno why it's pink though.
Dustin and Mike said you love sweet food and it's plenty sweet. And... It makes me happy when I drink it so I thought... Why not."
Steve wasn't looking at Eddie or Wayne at this point, looking down into the tea before him... Maybe this was a mistake.
His spiraling didn't last long before Eddie, somehow without pulling any stitches, reached over and pulled him into a hug.
"That, is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me. Pun not intended." Smiles Eddie, Steve couldn't see a trace of mockery in his eyes and relaxed.
Wayne softened "sounds good kid, looks like you made a lot."
Steve nodded "one for each of us and than one for the kids, max if she's up for it, Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, Argyle Hopper...." He trailed off seeing both Munsons giving him the look.
"Man you really don't know how to relax, do you?" Said Eddie, wide eyed. Steve shrugged, wincing slightly "it's nothing."
Wayne shook his head "you are something else kid..." He said before handing a mug to the boys and getting his own.
"Huh, I'm not usually one for sweet stuff but this is good." Said Wayne.
Steve smiled, looking over at Eddie feeling some of his anxiety leave him.
Eddie's eyes widened, he put the mug down and dramatically flopped on his bed. "Steve, I thought you made me tea. Not the nectar of the God's!"
Seeing Steve's confused face, Eddie softened "It's great, thanks Steve." Steve smiled, putting his down.
"Your welcome, I better get these to the kids before they hunt me down." He wasn't kidding, somehow they always knew when Steve had any treats on him.
Tea included.
"Alright, but than you sir are coming back here and drinking your lovely tea and taking a break." Said Eddie, Wayne nodded.
Steve chuckled "sure" he went off to the kids who as predicted all lit up at the mention of pink tea and were making grabby hands before Steve could put the tray down.
With a pointed look that they all ignored, Steve handed out the mugs.
It was in the mugs that they had all claimed at Steve's.
"Wait... Steve did you carry these all here?!" Asked Dustin, looking from the tray to Steve's still injured arms.
Quick as a flash, Steve vanished before the group could hound him for not "taking care of himself."
Whatever that meant.
Wayne chuckled as Steve burst in. Steve noticed that they'd waited for him, and began sipping his own tea with the Munsons.
Father had always said pink tea was best drank with the people you cared about.
Steve agreed.
(Did I write this purely cos I'm drinking pink tea now... Yes)
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miasudare · 11 months
Note: I do NOT claim her to be PJ's actual mother. She is just the mother in THIS AU. Only in rNaJ
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She is a big girlie.
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Her unfinished Bartender suit (I'm bad at heels)
Name: Petal (Poppy) @miasudare
Age: 37
Gender: Female (she/her)
Bartender at Tipsy Head
Her family was one of the original families in ssu (safe spot universe) meaning she doesn't have an au. Petal grew up in a house filled with plant obsessed people. Both of her parents worked at their plant park. There were fruits, vegetables, trees and flowers. She had a big sister named Withra who she really loved. For some reason Withra hated the plant park and so Petal started to hate it too.
In highschool, she was known for being all giggly and sweet. She was very childish towards her friends, making them think that she was quite dumb. She had a lot of friends but she only had best friend, Isık. And only Isık knew that if she wanted, Petal could be very smart.
Petal loved chemistry and biology. She knew her plant knowledge would help her too. Since her relationship with teachers were good enough, the chemistry teacher would give the key after school for her to use.
Petal would make a lot of cool stuff such as; liquid cats, healing potions, growing soil for her ingredients, a lot of pastel versions of birds, love potions for heartbreaked girls, pills for hangovers, beauty creams, and some non-cool stuff such as; poisons, drowning perfume, killer flower, a flesh eating worm (she lost it in the school), an apple that would instantly grow thornes after being bit, lots of acids ect.
In 2002 Petal sold some stuff to Error for a few times and they became friends. Error would buy her ingredients and she would create whatever he needed. After a while they became lovers. In 2004 at their graduation, her and Error got a little bit too "freaky". And she was pregnant... With twins... Oh boy.
On March 5th 2005 (using Gradient's official birthday for the sake of logic) Gradient and PaperJam was born. She didn't go to university to look after them while Error was going to Delta-University to become a teacher. Petal was alone most of the time, she wasn't complaining of course she had two freaking adorable babies y'know.
In late 2005's Error proposed to her. Since they had some financial problems from the twins, they had to marry after they were born.
On June 20th 2007 (I couldn't find any info on his b-day so I just went with his characteristics and made up) Cil was born. She now had 3 beautiful children. She was happy with her family.
Until, 2017 when her and Error got divorced. They knew they had a problem and didn't want their kids to get more affected from it. It was for the good. She got the custody of Gray. Error got PJ. Since Cil was only 10 his custody was shared. Every now and then Cil visits her.
And 2018-today:
Since she had to take care of Gradient, she needed a job. While she was looking for jobs, her sister Withra let them in her home. Petal wanted to make money but the job needed to be University free, since she wasn't been able to get that kind of education. Lucky for her she found a job as a bartender. For her it was a fun thing. She liked making beverages because it reminded her the way she would make things in the chemistry class. Speaking of that, she can make some extra money from it right?
Now she is been a bartender for 5 years. She has her own home, cars and a healthy son. She can't want anything else from life!
☆She still has her childrens baby cloths. Sometimes she hugs them.
☆She misses PJ a lot but they don't call or message that often as Cil. So she just gets mad at herself.
☆She used to be so afraid of Nightmare. But when her and Error had something she knew she could count on him.
☆She almost got arrested a few times.
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teekays · 1 year
bless us with your ekky thoughts please and thank you 😌
EKKYYYY my terrible son. my horrible son who hates and bites me
First impression
my first impression of ekky was literally like the comic that's like "awww how cute! OH! he's a little bit fucked up actually!" i saw like. pictures of him and then i actually saw him committing atrocities and i was like wow... a princess who bites. i can get into this
Impression now
more than probably anyone else ekky's whole deal is SO FUNNY to me. because like. he has a terrible personality actually in many ways. he's SO competitive like WILDLY competitive which is saying something because he literally works at the competitive guy factory. not letting your two year old brother win at things to "teach him to appreciate winning more later" is CRAZYYY. he is pouty and insane and a little bit evil but in a fun and silly way. he has bitten before and he will bite again, gladly. and he does all this while looking like a disney prince with those bright pink kissable lips. the way that he made himself a hockey player out of sheer force of will is so fascinating to me like the fact that he will readily admit that he was not good at hockey at all until he was like, 16 but he just worked and worked at it and now he's the guy you want on the ice when you need someone to go unbridled beast mode... in many ways so much more interesting than someone who has heaps of natural talent. descended from a Vibes Guy and becoming his own special brand of Vibes Guy but the Vibes in question are kind of scary? he's my favorite teen mom <3
Favorite moment
this video where he's like. genuinely pissy and mad about his brother "letting their dad win" like bro you are beefing with a teenager 😭😭😭 i don't even speak swedish and i can tell he's mad. something so wrong with him
Idea for a story
the funniest thing about the san jose barracuda is that fundamentally they are just a bunch of coworkers which is true about all hockey teams but the cuda have a vibe that would translate really well to like, an actual job which a lot of teams don't. but i simply think they should all work at a restaurant together complete with the insane interpersonal sexual politics of working at a restaurant. vanderpump cuda ekky is stassi. this has just devolved into saying words but the restaurant idea is so real and true to me. ekky would love unfettered access to a bar soda gun
Unpopular opinion
maybe only unpopular to the sharks front office but give my man a contract. a big one. full time. run him his check. let him bite at the pro level. come on.
Favorite relationship
him and bordy for sure because narratively there is some crazyyy stuff happening there like the previously mentioned "they're destined to play together" and the way that they are both nepo babies but in different ways... fascinating. the alex holtz relationship is also up there tho because like... it could be very "you're the star and i'm just your weird friend" but ekky is like yes i am the weird friend. what about it. the weird friend can control their own narrative.
Favorite headcanon
i think he is, like many of us, a little treat girlie. like he needs a little beverage and a snack to get him through the horrors. you know how it is
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allylikethecat · 1 month
#30 i have a couple random questions
1) do you have any tattoos? if not would you ever get any? were there any tattoos that you liked when you were younger that you would’ve majorly regretted now that you’re older?
2) did you go to college? what’s your degree in?
3) whats your go to drink when you go out?
YESSS thank you for sending me an ask from the weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well list!! I can be found HERE if anyone else wants to send some / reblog it for themselves! It's a good list if you ask me!
30. ask me anything !
1) do you have any tattoos? if not would you ever get any? were there any tattoos that you liked when you were younger that you would’ve majorly regretted now that you’re older?
I do not, I would very much like to get two - one I worked with a friend who is an artist to design as a tribute to Pop, the second is my grandfather's name in his handwriting. We were extremely close and even years later I am still completely devastated by his passing. I actually bought Pop with the money he left me, making Pop all the more special and a connection to him (he loved horses and loved that I rode, and in all honestly most likely would have bought Pop for me himself if he had been alive, it makes me so sad that they never got to meet because I know my grandfather would have loved him) however I am absolutely terrified of needles and keep chickening out. I'm hoping to eventually get over it though. In all honesty, I feel like even if I got one of the dumb tattoos I dreamed about as a kid I'd probably still like it - I was very into art history / literature growing up so a lot of the tattoos I fantasized about were rooted in that.
2) did you go to college? what’s your degree in?
I did! I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. My career focus was initial content marketing and copy writing in the sports industry before I moved over to the the tech / software industry. I've found myself doing less and less content marketing and taking on more data analytic focused roles which has been a lot of fun and an unexpected development - especially because I was initially hired for my current role as an account executive (I sold out, I was chasing the money and going into account management / sales lol)
3) whats your go to drink when you go out?
Depends what kind of night we're having lol If I'm out to dinner usually some kind of silly fun bespoke cocktail with way too much sugar. If it's a chiller bar situation or a sporting event then I am a High Noon girlie. If we're going to get rowdy bring on the vodka red bulls
Thank you SO MUCH for these asks omg these were such fun questions! Also like, I really do love High Noons they are truly the perfect seltzer beverage situation. My only complaint is I hate the pineapple and watermelon ones and it feels like that's what most bars stock? Which like wtf there are so many great flavors why THOSE two?! Thank you so much again!! I hope you are having a lovely Monday and a great rest of your week!
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tortoisebore · 1 year
i love ur little rambles so what do u think the losers coffee orders and music taste is (in hey sharpshooter or otherwise) 🤲
ooooo oooo ooo yes yes yes
((TORTOISE LORE on the days i have to work onsite at my job i almost exclusively set up shop at the coffee place across from the office & listen to my little music & drink my little beverages all day so this particular set of questions resonates with me so bad))
for consistency's sake coffee-wise let's say we're talking starbucks. i think most days sirius would go for something high in caffeine but with a little sweetness to it. a venti iced shaken espresso with oat milk and three pumps of classic sweetener, perhaps. maybe switch that classic out for chestnut praline at the holidays bc he's feeling festive. other days i think he'd want an absolute sugar bomb as a reward for getting through a rough week or bc he was really mature today and refrained from screeching at people in the street when they didn't walk fast enough & blocked the sidewalk when he was in a hurry. on those days he requires a big ole mocha cookie crumble frap or an iced cinnamon dolce latte with an extra shot for fun.
on his walk home he's listening to one of three playlists depending on the day. the first one is a fourteen hour pop girlie playlist that starts with style by taylor swift and ends with kiss me more by doja cat, with some ariana, gaga, spice girls, charli, no doubt, & even some abba thrown in the middle for spice. the second playlist is for mocha cookie crumble days and starts with your best american girl by mitski and features lots of phoebe, lots of taylor, lots of lana, some ethel cain for sure, some select fleetwood mac, maybe some stuff from the 1975's a brief inquiry album. it's all stuff he can dig into & be angsty with & have strong feelings to.
the third is a more generic thought-dump kind of playlist where he just throws in songs he likes. buttercup by hippo campus. the view from the afternoon by arctic monkeys. concussion by girlhouse. ilysb by lany. like....,.,moonage daydream. 6 inch. pink pony club. bring it on home. just a mix of vibes and genres & things he gets stuck in his head.
contrary to popular belief i do think remus is a coffee girlie and would pick a mug of good dark roast drip over tea any day. i think he's simple for the most part & would go after a good tall americano on days he needs the kickstart but a grande drip with light cream would be his everyday go-to. during the summers he switches to a cold brew or plain iced coffee with cold foam if he's feeling fancy. he likes to pretend he doesn't like the frilly expensive drinks but every time he & sirius get coffee together, sirius orders him a grande mocha with two extra pumps of mocha and whipped cream on top & he downs it in about eight seconds.
remus is a hozier stan confirmed. remus is a boygenius stan confirmed. he likes poetic lyrics more than anything so sirius puts him on mitski and taylor. i like the idea that his music taste was a little outdated most of his life bc his parents had a huge record collection that they inherited from his grandparents so he just....played music all the time as a lonely little kid looking for things to do. when he was nine the only album he listened to all christmas break was otis redding's the dock of the bay & that made him gravitate toward stuff like leon bridges & amy winehouse as he got older. he learned about spotify four years after everyone else did & still only has two playlists. his parents loved the 90s rock girlies and they listened to a lot of the cranberries and fiona apple CDs around the house, so all those albums are really nostalgic for him now. he puts sirius on jeff buckley & regrets it instantly bc literally all he does now is play remus' grace vinyl full-volume and remus is afraid they're going to get a noise complaint. you can hear it in the stairwell sirius the neighbors are going to get mad please
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intertexts-moving · 10 months
HIII HI HII im glad ur afternoon is going good :] TELL ME ABOUT UR ADVENTURE TIME WATCHING !!!! what ep are you on!! whats been ur favorite so far!!! whos ur favorite character!!!! the girlies (me) need 2 know . i keep seeing ppl post about adventure time again and its making me SO happy i love this show sm
HIIIII HI HI!!!! okayyyyyyyy if u insistttt i will tell u about my adventure time watching (pretending to sound soo put upon and not like I've been thinking about it every single minute of the day) <3333
ok ok i'm not that far in actually!! i decided i don't want 2 binge it super quickly i wanna like. Enjoy the experience & have it be a Thing. so im only watching a couple eps every night w my gay little beverage & snackies & it's very nice :] i'm just at the end of s1!!
i love love love the tone of it so far... they do really good at all these silly stupid adventures still having like, genuine emotional weight to them?? like i find myself being genuinely distressed at the little jiggly creature thing that got sick without its family... the ice king just like wanting a little robot kid.... so well written!! also the subversion of the classical "kid in an adventure story who has to do his leveling up and getting powerful first and at the beginning theres all these whedonesque deflationary humor bits where they wind up to do something cool and fail humorously " thing is good i think. finn is definitely going to get an Arc and im so much more excited for an arc that's something other than Getting Good even though that's also fun sometimes !!!!!! i keep going "wait that's IT??? no catches???? ..ok!! baller!!!"
& my faves so far arrrrrrre. finn & jake. obviously. and lumpy space princess & the weird tadpoles that were wizards and lived in the frog & gave them magic powers. & marceline ofcourse :]]]
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twilightarcade · 1 year
some assorted oc fun facts while I procracinate on everything ever (also im sleepy(
Evie is scared of needles which is a bit silly considering xyr position and she isn't actually sure why
Evie's pronouns mysteriously changed from (presumably) ze/zir to xe/she and I have NO idea how or why or when and only found out when reading an old doc
I MAY have a favorite. You would never notice though. Never ever.
Evie's eye prescription is probably -6.4 or so while iris' is probably around +0.7. These numbers mean absolutely nothing and I just thought it would be silly to professionally diagnose them for funzies. Only frame of reference is Evie's prescription being around mine, and Iris' not being bad enough that he needs glasses.
completely baseless assumption, iris drives a Honda one in specific but I can't think of it right now. I also know nothing about cars.
there's an overpopulation problem
I sort of want to make it two games that follow different people but take place at the same time. Yk.
On the same topic I am not. Sure. Who to put as the player character. First choice is evie because that makes the most logical sense both knowledge wise and story wise but hrng
other people DO exist within this story I pinky promise but. Evie and iris, ok?
Also they're the only people with actually finished. Designs. Except for the boss dude but they're not important (trust)
speaking of boss dude I need to change her name to something else. And I've been siting on this for a WHILE but currently her name is bunsen as a semi placeholder
Iris likes sodas, while evie generally drinks whatever caffinated beverage is available (typically coffee)
Evie's room is a wreck. Girlie has not put any effort into keeping it clean
I was going to say whether they were more like a dog or cat but everyone's a cat. In my heart. Iris would probably like big dogs though, maybe a pit bull or something
the government is involved
I don't think either of them have like. Social lives. It's hardly the kind of job that you would have an extensive social life in but yk. Evie's on relatively good terms with everyone, and xyr somewhat respected
Iris probably gets evie little things whenever it goes out. A shiny rock or something.
They both eat plain bagels and this is another thing I gave no rational for. Untoasted.
I STARTEF THEIR REFS TODAY. who knows when it's getting done though
ummm nothing ellse that I can think of for now
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twwpress · 1 year
Creator Spotlight #21: hanyolo
Welcome back to the TWW Creator Spotlight! For every spotlight, we’ll ask each featured author or artist the same ten questions (as well as questions you submitted on Twitter!). This week we are so pleased to be chatting with the wonderful hanyolo (on ao3)/@tonysstrk (on twitter).
1) What are your top 5 desert island fics by other authors? 
Number one is 100000% the girl dad josh little women fic that my wife wrote for me. It is beautiful and wonderful, I am truly obsessed and I cry every single time.
love is the only thing by mikaylawrites: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38785698
 Number two is the fic that B (joshatella) wrote for me last christmas. I gave so many ridiculously specific prompts and she absolutely nailed it. Just a lot of season four romcom goodness with the best kinda of canon divergence
the current interrupted (the moment that you spoke) by joshatella: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36161836
 Number three is an oldie but a goodie. Just some good old fashioned multichapter season seven santos campaign canon divergence that also does my favourite thing any fic can do (acknowledge Donna’s post-gaza ptsd)
the trouble with hero worship by lizacameron: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15097865/chapters/35008490
 Number four has tragically been orphaned but it is one of my absolute favourite post-gaza ptsd explorations I read it at least once a week i am truly Obsessed
bitter water by orphan:( : https://archiveofourown.org/works/24031573
 Number five is just a super fun lil oneshot that involves banter and flirting, a clueless josh, sam being sam, and cuteness all round
the politics of love by speranza: https://archiveofourown.org/works/686943 
 2) Do you have a favorite character to write? Favorite ship(s) to write? Are there characters or ships you'd like to write more of?
My favourite character to write is 100% donna moss, with josh a close second. And because i am predictable my favourite ship to write is always gonna be donna and josh. I would really like to write more cjtoby at some point but i am waiting for my muse to return from war before i explore this one further.
 3) Tell us about your writing process (setup/location? Night or day? Snacks/beverages? Computer/phone/notebook? Music or silence? Anything else you want to share is welcome!)
I simply write wherever and whenever the mood strikes. I used to exclusively write on my phone (notes app girlies rise) but now i definitely prefer writing on my laptop. I usually have a pepsi max on hand but that has nothing to do with my writing process and everything to do with my inability to get through the day without drinking soda. Sometimes i like to have music on, especially if i am in a busy/loud place, but usually silence works best for me. Also writing club, which i do with my friends and is super encouraging! Even though it’s usually just me and sam facetime and getting no writing done our bad
 4) What writing advice do you have for others who may be reading this?
I feel like a fraud answering this because literally what do i know? But i guess my advice would be:
If the words aren’t coming, don’t beat yourself up over it. Move onto something new, even just prompts or drabbles, and come back to it later.
Write with friends!! On facetime, in person, whatever. It’s super encouraging and a great space to share ideas. Sprints are also good!!
Reread your older work. I do this when I’m doubting my writing abilities and it serves as a great reminder that I actually can write and that people enjoy what I put into the fandom no matter how I feel about it.
Write for yourself. Who cares if there are people out there that don’t write what you like? You think I wrote Donna pegging Josh for other people? Absolutely not. I wrote that because it was something I wanted to read and because it was a story that meant a lot to me mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You can’t please everyone, but you can do what works for yourself and tell the stories that you want told.
 5) From where do you usually draw your inspiration? (Other forms of media, music, tropes, etc?)
I’m all about the tropes and the canon divergence but i am also a big fan of watching things and asking myself: how can i make this about joshdonna? Have also been known to use a prompt generator a time or two
 6) What is the fic you've written that you're most proud of and why?
Probably sad josh fic (sorrow found me when i was young) because it started as a tiny idea and an even tinier drabble and ended up as 40k words of sad angsty character exploration. It was definitely challenging at times, and I upset myself writing it more than once, but I’m really pleased with how it turned out, particularly the noel chapter which was so different to anything i’d ever written before.
Also my good place au because I worked really hard to make a good place universe for the west wing characters and I really love how it’s turning out.
(Special mention to kinktober because we really managed to post 31 days of smut and I got a girlfriend out of it???? thanks josh and donna ur h0rniness has done so much for me xx)
 7) What's the fic trope/concept/AU you'd read 1000 of? What's the fic trope/concept/AU you'd write 1000 of?
DONNA DESERVED A POST-GAZA PTSD ARC AS WELL AS HER OWN NOEL MOMENT AND THIS IS THE HILL UPON WHICH I WILL D*E i could spend the rest of my life reading/writing fics about this and never get bored
 8) Is there anything you'd like to try writing-wise that you haven't yet?
This is a really good question and i am afraid i’m not sure i have an answer for it? Something i’ve vaguely outlined and kinda started is a character exploration of donna but it goes from donna at 5 all the way up to present day donna. And i have a vague idea of how i want it to turn out stylistically but i won’t know if it’s going to work until i actually make a decent amount of progress 
 9) What's your go-to Starbucks/coffee shop/other drink order?
So my go-to is some kinda of coffee caramelly frappuccino, but i am also partial to a seasonal drink. See: pumpkin spice latte, and briefly a soy peppermint mocha before I got like five terrible ones in a row. Basically anything with sugar, syrup, and whipped cream.
 10) Do you have any current projects you'd like to promote or anything upcoming you'd like to tell us about?
I am slowly but surely churning out the next chapter of my good place au. Also keep an eye out for the donna fic i mentioned above, as well as you guessed it a post-gaza ptsd arc fic that i have maybe 1000 words of so far
Submitted questions:
From @donnamossburner: Aaron taps you to decide what episode of TWW they pick for the next special, which episode do you pick and why?
Obviously I pick 17 people because of the hijinks, the drama, and the joshdonna of it all. Picture present day Josh and Donna flirting, present day Josh with those big brown eyes like a baby cow, present day Donna telling present day Josh “if you were in an accident I wouldn’t stop for red lights” I WOULD SIMPLY PASS AWAY. also I think the toby/bartlet scenes would be Exquisite.  
 From @donnamossburner: Which minor character from the west wing do you most enjoy and wish had more screen time?
My answer to this is bernard and no i will not be taking further questions.
 From @softxsurrera: who was your favorite tww character when you started the show and when you ended the show?
I started watching tww after seeing gifs and edits on twitter (all joshdonna, of course) so I went into it with the knowledge that Donna would immediately be my best gal, and seven seasons later she is still the best person I know and my all time favourite person.
From @softxsurrera: what is your all time favorite ep of tww that you could watch over and over again?
NOEL!!!!! But also is it cheating if i have more than one? I’m just gonna go ahead and name some of my comfort episodes: 17 people, stackhouse filibuster, 20 hours in america, arctic radar, dead irish writers, somebody’s going to emergency
 From @kennysroys: If you could get advice from any two characters? Who would it be and why? What would you want them to give you advice on?
Margaret because I 100% believe that she holds all the universe’s knowledge. And Toby because he would give it to me straight and tell me what I need to hear.
From @kennysroys: If you could have the entire cast perform a one night only, live stage performance of any episode and see it live, what episode would you want it you be and why?
Obviously it would be transition so i could see sexy stressed unhinged Josh in person and also so I could see Josh and Donna SMOOCHING in person  i am nothing if not a voyeur (of joshdonna)
From @sinistercherubs: You have 5 minutes to talk to a character from the Sorkin Cinematic Universe: who’s that character and what are you discussing?
Donnatella Moss and Donnatella Moss only. We would discuss everything and nothing and mostly just anything she wants to talk about and I will simply listen. Y’all know that video of kathryn hahn watching rachel weisz speak?? that’s what this would be.
 From @sinistercherubs: what’s your dream bottle episode plot for tww? anything you desire, nothing is stopping you, not even the lighting department.
Stealing this straight from community but jed loses his favourite pen and doesn’t let anyone leave the oval office until it’s found. Drama ensues, sides are chosen, secrets are spilled. Just a whole lot of hijinks, shenanigans, tomfoolery.
But also me and kate watched ben and leslie’s wedding today (that’s love, bitch) and i would love to see tww characters going through some kind of disaster preparedness drill which, of course, ends up being a disaster in itself (but in a super fun way)
From @sinistercherubs: piggybacking off of the bottle episode question, you’re dropping tww gang into the universe of the newsroom, what’s going on in this episode? (Doesn’t have to be apart of any canon plot points)
Literally just chaos and karaoke at hang chews. Mac and josh besties, donna and maggie besties, charlie (newsroom) and leo besties, charlie (tww) and sloan besties, jed and will besties until jed gets really into the karaoke and will is just ???? margaret and gary ultimate duet partners
From @mlea7675: How did you get into WW? What’s your favorite non-WW Sorkin project?
I spent the first year of the pandemic exclusively watching the newsroom so that was both my gateway to s0rkin and remains my favourite non-ww s0rkin project,, and also molly’s game because i forking love that movie !!!!!!
 From @sam_writes_fics: do you have any fun/favorite/niche headcanons for any of the characters and/or ships?
Oh boy where do i start? I will preface this by saying that 80% of my headcanons are to do with donnatella moss best girl ever. So i love the hc that donna has three older brothers, and she was wilder than all three of them combined but she got away with everything because she was just a teeny tiny baby and her brothers should have been a better influence (“mom, she’s twenty-two” “she’s just a BABY”). Donna loves romcoms, like she is just such a sweet sappy romantic, and all she wants is for that One grand gesture of love (josh gives her this in hawaii). If hiring herself on the campaign hadn’t worked it, she would have gone into teaching. Either an english teacher or a kindergarten teacher, she hadn’t decided yet. It took donna a long time to admit she needed help after gaza because she knew that when she let herself fall apart, there wouldn’t be anyone around to pick up the pieces and she didn’t want to have to go through this alone – not quite accepting that the breakdown was inevitable. GIRLDAD JOSH!!!!! Three moss-lyman daughters and they are the absolute best of friends and josh is the best dad ever and donna is softest mom ever. Both josh and donna are equally soft with their girls but neither of them will admit it and loves to tease the other about how easily they give in to the girls pleas and pouts.
From @flowersinapril_: favourite j/d fix it / favourite minor character to write / fic you’ve written that you would love to expand
My all time favourite j/d fix it is, of course, post-gaza realisations, but i also love canon divergence around the time of the season four romcom episodes.
My favourite minor character to write is margaret, particularly in my good place au. She was also the best part of shrek fic imo. I just love to give her a random lil oneliner that is so ridiculous but also so undeniably margaret.
Okay i would love to expand my joanie fic (the past she is haunted (the future is laced)) because i have so many thoughts on josh and joanie and how this impacts josh as a father and there is just so much angst and pain and also softness to explore!!!!!
From @flowersinapril_: what are your post series headcanons for cj
So i actually wrote part of this in my fic i don’t know anything (but i know i miss you), and i 100% believe that cj goes to la with danny because she’s convinced herself it’s what she wants, and after a few months realises she’s made a mistake. It’s all very amicable and cj flies back to dc and turns up at toby’s door. They stumble through the first month of coffee dates and dinner dates until one day something just clicks and they know This is it. They move in together, they discuss marriage but it’s not really something either of them needs because they Know how committed they both are to this relationship. They don’t have kids but cj is best stepmom ever to huck and molly, and also they somehow end up with like three dogs that never feels like a conscious decision but just kinda happens and it Works. CJ ends up finding part-time work at a non-profit and it was supposed to be temporary but she actually really loves it and it is exactly what she needs after eight years in the white house, and this is never in a million years where she thought her life would end up but it’s also the happiest she’s ever been.
From @JessBakesCakes: Is there a fic you’ve written that started out in one place when you were planning it and ended up in an entirely different one when it was published? If so, which one and how did it change?
My forever winter fic was never supposed to be as long as it was - it was only supposed to be the third chapter because the lyrics fit so perfectly!!! But as i was writing, i realised that the lyrics also perfectly fit post-noel and post-gaza, so i had to write chapters for those too!!
I think as well that there’s quite a lot i write that starts purely as vibes and then i kinda figure out where it’s going as i’m writing. The fic i wrote for jess in an exchange (say you’ll never let them tear us apart) was definitely one of these fics, where i had my prompts and a few snippets of dialogue i wanted to include, and then everything else just kind of worked around that and it ended up being super long because there was simply so much more to say than i first thought
Thanks again to Victoria!! And thanks to everyone who submitted questions! If you’d like to be featured in an upcoming Creator Spotlight, you can message us here, email us at [email protected], or DM us on Twitter. Speak now or forever hold your peace, as we are reaching the end of our list and the Creator Spotlight will be wrapping up (at least for the time being) soon!
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mrs-dr-reid · 4 months
My Personal Ted Lasso Headcanons (Part 1/?)
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Chronic nose booper. If he doesn't lovingly boop your nose at least once every hour or so, something is horribly wrong
Has an entire playlist dedicated to songs he likes to dance with you in the kitchen to, and he named it "kitchen dance parties with *insert whatever pet name he has for you* <3"
Always has to be touching you (poor touch starved baby). Whether he has his arms wrapped around you from behind or he has a hand at the small of your back, as long as he has at least one point of contact with you, he's happy
He memorized your coffee or tea order, and he'll always bring you your beverage and leave with a kiss on the top of your head
He always tests new dad jokes on you, but only the ones that are almost painful with how corny they are. If you squeeze your eyes shut and let out a groan before laughing begrudgingly, he knows it's a good joke
Loves helping you pick out your outfits. Whether it be for a regular work day or a formal event for AFC Richmond you two are attending, he'll gladly sit on the end of the bed and be your personal hype man as you model your different options for him
He teaches himself how to braid hair after a particularly rough panic attack, so now when you notice him starting to get really anxious, you plop in front of him and ask him to braid your hair for you to redirect his nervous energy to something else
His favorite thing to do on rainy days off is to curl up on the couch and read with you. Well, he reads his own book and you read yours, but you have your feet in his lap the whole time (parallel play girlies unite)
He uses the most ridiculous pet names imaginable for you. You're saved in his phone as something like "Honey Pie", he calls you "Sugar Bear" and all the most absolutely absurd things he can possibly think of, but it's so cute that you just let it happen
Accidentally uses UBER southern idioms and metaphors in front of the Greyhounds from time to time, and only realizes it when the locker room goes completely silent and everyone is staring at him with super confused looks on their faces. He once said that a rival team was acting like they thought the sun came up just to hear them crow, and he was met with confused stares from everyone except Beard, who nodded in agreement
He never fails to kiss you goodnight. Even if he's at an away game, he texts you a video of him blowing you a kiss and wishing you sweet dreams
You make him a skincare routine, and he follows it like it's a religion. He even takes notes on your skincare routine and replaces products for you when he notices they're running low. It's one of his favorite nighttime rituals to do with you
Loves it when you wear his clothes. When you come into the kitchen wearing one of his Kansas City Barbecue shirts, it takes every ounce of self-control he has not to start drooling. But he especially loves it when you steal his sweaters because you look so soft and cozy in them
He stress bakes when the more high-profile matches start popping up, and he sends you into work with so many baked goods that half of your co-workers have to sign a cease and desist because they've ruined diets because of Ted's goodies
He packs you a lunch every day to take into work, and you do the same for him. In fact, he once sent you a video of him showing off all the yummy things you put in his lunch to the team, and you almost died laughing when you heard Jamie yell "COACH, CAN I BORROW YOUR LADY?!?!?! I WANT A LUNCH LIKE THAT!!!" in the background
He doesn't understand the world's obsession with reality dating shows like The Bachelor/The Bachelorette and Love Island. He once came home to find you watching The Bachelor, and he said, "I don't get why people think it's so fun to watch other people's dating drama. This particular show also glorifies pitting women against each other, and I don't like that", which made you roll your eyes lovingly at him
He tries to be hip and use modern slang, but it never goes well for him and just ends up making himself sound old. He once said, "What in tarnation is a gyat and who is this rizzler everyone is sticking it out for?", and you almost died of cringe. Jamie especially picks on him for it, albeit lovingly
Never fails to show you how much he loves you. Of course he always tells you, but he also shows it in the little things he does for you, like giving you his jacket when it's cold, giving you his arm whenever you two are walking anywhere together, and looking directly at you while you're telling a story to show he's actively listening to you
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pinkhummer-limo · 2 years
How to Get a Luxury Ride for a Particular Girls' Evening
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You would have experienced the hustle of finding a ride for the party at late night. This experience has made you think to book reliable transport. As everyone wants to enjoy a luxury ride for a particular event. However, relying on these services is a tough job. How would you know the services of luxury transportation? Many rental services are providing luxury buses and limos to people for rides. These services would make their event more enduring. Such as booking the pink hummer, limo for the girls' party can bring too much fun. Booking these limos will transport several people and thus will give them a luxury ride. You can cover many other events with fancy rental cars and buses with your friends.
Factors that Luxury Buses can Make Your Event Worth it:
Every person needs some transportation, especially during the event. However, having some classic transportation through rental services will be great. Thus, the limo and other fancy buses are used for making your event memorable. The luxury transport and comfortability are what everyone wants during their party. A pink hummer limo is among the most used fancy limo for girls' parties. The hummer limo carries up to 26 seats. Not only that, but you can also enjoy the other benefits of the limo.
Covering the Events:
You will not need to book multiple vehicles when you can just book a hummer limo. This hummer limo will carry most of your guests. The events are sometimes finished late at night. In addition, finding the ride at night is quite challenging. Instead of roaming around at night, you can just book a ride that will pick you up from your home and drop you off at the party. However, you can enjoy all your events while your limo will wait for you until the end of the party. Hence, you and your guest can enjoy the event with peace of mind without stressing out.
Kinds of the Limo:
You can get a limo or any other fancy bus according to the number of people. There are ranges of limos that have seats according to the size of vehicles. You can select the bus following your requirement. The most common ranges are ultra-limo, ultra mini limo and ultra-express limo. All these have benefits and decorations according to the nature of the party you are going to attend.
Birthday’s Evenings:
If you are having a birthday party or want to surprise your friend, then you can book a limo for transport. Pink party buses are great, as they will bring some girly look to your birthday party. Thus, vehicles like pink limos and buses are a great way to have a girlish party.
Luxury Experience:
The pink limos and hummer limos for the event are great to experience the luxury ride for an evening. You can surprise your friend at a homecoming event with these pink limos. The event can be of any kind or nature, but the luxury rides remain the same. The luxury vehicles will have all the deluxe benefits such as beverages and iced drinks.
Concerts and Late-Night Parties:
The concerts and other late-night events for girls also need some fancy transport. You can try the pink limo and buses that can make your girls' night out special and memorable.
Bridal Shower:
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Your friend is having her wedding in a few days, and you want to surprise her. Bringing her a nice ride full of fancy and decorative style is a great idea. Bachelorette Party is imperfect and boring without a pink Limo. Therefore, bringing her pink limo is a great way to remember this evening. You can decide the decorations present in the pink limo according to the theme of a bachelorette party.  
Interior of Hummer Limo:
The inside of the limo is fancy that will suit your event. The major interior of the limo is the lighting and sound system. However, other benefits such as drinks and ice with premium seats are also included. Even if you are having more guests, that will not be an issue. As your limo will have much space that your guests can easily adjust in it. You will not have to face any inconvenience as the limo has always more space than you have estimated. That is why you have plenty of options for selecting the range in limo size.
Sweet 16 Celebrations:
Just like the other celebration, the sweet 16 is also a major event for any girl. Turning into a woman is a journey that stays with every woman. Thus, you cannot let go of your sweet 16 events boring without any fancy ride. Therefore, you can book the luxury pink limo for yourself to celebrate your day with your friends.
Easy Rental Transportation:
The rental transportation of luxury cars is not only for fancy rides. However, you will have the security and easy booking of rental cars. As you will not need to find your ride after the party if, you have already booked your rental car.
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gothbitchjuice · 3 years
Bitter Like Chocolate - Satori Tendou (Frozen Hearts Collab)
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T/W: NO HAPPY ENDING, consensual sex, language, oralsex!, mutual masterbat!on, trauma, heart break
Word Count: 15.3K
A/N: This is my submission for The Frozen Hearts Collab, courtesy of the lovely @kingkatsuki & @bakuroo-writings ! I've never really written a no-happy-ending scenario before, so I'm thankful for the opportunity to push myself now! This is going to be a two-part story where the first part is for the collab ending sadly, and the second part will be the conclusion with a happy ending! I would also like to note that Y/N is based heavily off of myself. This writing has been very therapeutic in the sense that I was able to really embrace who I am and, ironically, comfort myself through Tendou and the hurt I put Y/N through. This is also the longest piece I've ever written, and I'm so excited to share this with you all!
Thank you for reading, and I hope that you enjoy it!
You were different.
It was nothing bad, nothing you weren't used to. More than anything, you took pride in the fact that who you are as a person set you apart. The way you expressed yourself, the way you uniquely did tasks apart from how others would've done the same thing, even how you chose to look. While it made you proud to actively rebel against the norm, it also made you insecure. Underneath all of that confidence you held, there was a truth that no one could know- being unique was a lot harder than it seemed.
Why did you have to be born like this, with this incessant need to stand out? Why did the idea of looking so average make you nauseous? Why couldn't you just blend in and save yourself the trouble?
From the beginning, it was a trait you bared that you loathed; that was until you saw him. Until Tendou.
While you went through the daily ringer of being teased and brushing it off to save face, you'd never really gone through what Satori Tendou did. Sure, being sarcastically questioned about your afterschool activities wasn't fun, because the cruel kids only asked to imply you were off in some red-light district, selling your body to the night. Having a nice body in high school was a crime, didn't you know? And while it was embarrassing enough, it wasn't nearly as bad as being called a lizard-faced freak. It wasn't as bad as having someone knock your lunch tray from your hands because your eccentric personality set off an itch to be hateful in someone. It wasn't as bad as being kicked in the stomach by the same kid who just ruined your lunch. It wasn't as bad for you as it was for Satori Tendou.
Something else about you that gave you pride in yourself- you knew you were a decent human when it counted.
The moment the lunchroom debacle happened, you shot up from your seat, milk carton in hand. Your long legs carried you in quick strides up to the guilty party that just did the unthinkable to the redhead. The boy in question saw you approach, and as expected, you were met with the same holier-than-thou attitude as Tendou. He chuckled, pointing a lazy finger to the beverage in your hand. "What're ya gonna do, dump milk on my head? Is that the worst ya got, girly?"
You snicker, looking down at the small carton in your hand before looking back up at the boy. "You know what? I've definitely got worse." With a swift swing of your arm, you haul off and slam the full carton into the boy's face, colliding directly with his nose. He lets out a painful shriek, grasping his face with an angry sneer at the sight of his blood mixing with the dairy that dripped down his skin. Knowing good and well that he was bested, and embarrassed, to say the least, he turns and takes off.
Directing your attention back to the victim on the ground, your features soften, and you crouch down to his level as the redhead grasps at his stomach. "Hey...Tendou, right? Are you hurt badly?"
The lanky boy shifts his body, facing you with an expression that was certainly the last look you were expecting- a big, goofy smile.
"Me? Yeah, I'm fine. No worries!"
Your worried brows unfurrow, face softening. "Well, good. That guy was such an-"
"Asshole! That's right, you'd better run!" A shrill voice cries out as footsteps approach the two of you. Two boys, approximately yours and Tendou's age stoop down and hoist Tendou up. The one harboring most of Tendou's weight was tan with a short brown fade, while the other has coal black hair with slanted bangs. The shrill-voiced ravenette turns to you, looking you over. "Excuse me miss, are you alright?"
Before you can speak, a chuckle sounds from behind, and all eyes are back on the redhead. "Is she alright? Are you kidding, she's the one who sent that guy running!"
Looks of confusion and surprise enveloped the other boys' faces, which quickly shifted to stern expressions before they bowed to you, forcing Tendou down with them, causing him to yelp as he was forced downard. "Thank you very much for helping our teammate! We won't trouble you any longer." With a mere pivot of the heel, the three boys did a full one-eighty, beginning to walk away.
"Excuse me," You called gently, but they didn't stop. Time to try again. "I said hey!!" Your voice carried, and they all stopped again, looking back at you. You were much louder and more abrasive than intended. Sinking back sheepishly, you clear your throat and reapproach. "Sorry, I just...listen, Tendou, you didn't get to eat lunch. I'd like to buy you something to eat."
The ravenette put his hands up defensively and smiled. "No, miss, that's alright! You've done enough-"
"Goshiki, shut up! The lady wants to buy me lunch~" Tendou wiggled his eyebrows, and you couldn't help but giggle- not just at the way Tendou spoke towards you, but the almost offended look on his friend's face for being shut down. Tendou turned to his friend who was supporting him. "It's alright, Ushi-waka. I can walk."
The tan boy simply nodded with a grunt of approval, letting Tendou go.
The lanky redhead shooed off his teammates like children, but once they were gone, he stumbled and braced on to you for support. "Sorry about this, I had to lie or they'd have stuck around, and I don't miss out on free meals!" Another giggle left your lips as you helped him balance, the free hand not bracing you for support coming around to shake your hand while he shot you a goofy smile. "Satori Tendou...the pleasure's all yours!"
From that point on, you and Tendou were inseparable. Where you were seen, he was quick to follow. It was so good to finally have someone there for you- someone equally as odd and outgoing, with just the same spark of crazy. Your friendship bloomed like the rarest of flowers, and those who looked upon it could only be envious of its beauty; only hoping that one day, they too could find a connection as strong as what you and Tendou had. Weeks had passed since the cafeteria incident, and every day since, the two of you sat together to share meals between classes.
It wasn't long at all until you learned all about Tendou: who he was, what he liked, what he disliked, his hobbies, and his passion. Every drop of information he was willing to give, you soaked up. You discovered that Tendou played on the school's volleyball team, which was his favorite thing to talk about with you. He told you about his best friend and the team's ace, Ushijima Wakatoshi. He told you how he learned to play volleyball, that one day he'd teach you too, and even about the team's special nickname for him: The Guess Monster. Soon, you began to catch yourself drifting off into daydreaming every time he talked about the sport. It wasn't that you found it boring- it was quite the opposite. The way Tendou became exhilarated simply by telling you all about his escapades within practices and games had your brain reeling and your heart pumping.
There were even times he would catch you in your daze and call you out on it.
"Y/N, are you listening to me? Too busy staring off into my ruby red eyes, eh~?"
"W-What? N-No way! I'm just focusing too hard...keep going, I'm listening. I promise."
He was right, and the fact that he would unknowingly get it right made your heartbeat so fast you worried he'd hear. Like a firm spike to a volleyball, it beat heavily against your ribcage. How did he always get it right, that you were too busy daydreaming about him that you'd check out from the conversation?
Oh yeah- Guess Monster- that's right.
Little did you know, Tendou felt just as strongly toward you. It was rare to meet someone so comfortable with being so authentically themselves like you were. Seeing you walk down the hall with your friends, towering taller than them all with your cute edgy hair. Who were you, to be so different and to be okay with that? All his life, Tendou knew nothing other than the shame others pushed upon him to feel for being himself his whole life, yet there you were, so... so you. Even though he had found acceptance now through his fellow teammates, he still could learn a thing or two from you. The optimism you radiated made him nervous, and without you knowing it either, you caught him in a trance over you all the time.
"Are your fingers bothering you again, Satori?"
Tendou snapped out of his daze, looking down to his hands that were fidgeting nervously together. Flexing his digits, he sighed dramatically and held out his hands to you. "Afraid so, Y/N. Practice reeeeeeeally tore me up."
A lie, but you didn't know that. You just smiled that infectious smile and reached into his backpack, digging around until you successfully located and pulled out the roll of medical tape he had stashed away for times like these.
"Here, I'll wrap you up again, but you've gotta be careful, okay? These are a gifted pair of hands, you need to take better care of 'em!"
Your delicate touch was all that he needed to get by. Tendou watched calmly yet intently as you took each hand at a time, holding it carefully as you circled his middle two digits with the medical tape, being sure to securely fixate the two slender digits together before moving on to the next hand. Every little touch felt like electricity to Tendou, and it felt like torture when you finally would let go, the warmth from your silky soft hands leaving his calloused ones cold and alone.
Oh, what he would give to be able to hold on to your hands forever- but he couldn't be selfish.
The day Tendou finally asked you out was a rough one. Tendou normally was so carefree, acting as if he'd go wherever the wind would carry him, but today he was sour and stiff. He wouldn't budge, and you received the brunt force of his resistance. You didn't understand and were even more concerned knowing that today was a game day. You could assume he was just nervous for the game itself, knowing that he usually tensed up under pressure, but today, the pressure had nothing to do with his sport. He barely talked all day, and you'd had quite enough of his attitude change once it had gotten to lunchtime. You had always eaten lunch together happily, ever since the day you first stood up for him, and some silly game against Date Tech wasn't going to ruin this precious time for you two.
"Tendou, we need to talk." You huffed, setting your tray down beside his especially hard.
"Whoa there, honey! What, not gonna call me by my first name anymore~?"
"Cut it out. What's the matter with you? You've been cold toward me all day! Did I do something wrong..?"
It was true. Each class you shared, he remained silent. Every encounter in the halls, he darted his eyes away and sped past you. Hell, looking at you now, he felt a pang in his chest just realizing how poorly his nerves manifested. "I...I didn't mean ta take it out on you, I just-"
"I know you're nervous about your game, but it's just Date Tech! I know I've never seen a game but I know you'll crush them! I-I mean, you're The Guess Monster, right? You're gonna kick their asses!"
Tendou couldn't help but look utterly shocked at your protest of his abilities, and he quickly softened up before bursting into laughter loud enough it echoed throughout the cafeteria. Other classmates stared, and you stilled, fists balled up in excited protest, your expression changing to confusion. "Satori, what is so damn funny?"
Tendou wiped at a few stray tears of hysteria, leaning to fish his practice jersey from his backpack before tossing it into your unsuspecting face. "Come to my game tonight. Everything will make sense, okay? And wear my jersey- I wanna brag to Goshiki and Semi that you showed up for me~"
You blushed madly, but smiled nonetheless and nodded quickly in agreement. "I'll be there!"
Just like the supportive friend you were, you made it to the game right on time. Early enough to grab a spot right at the front of the Shiratorizawa bleachers, early enough to get plenty of snacks for during the game, and early enough to catch the pre-game practice so that Tendou could point you out in his oversized practice jersey he'd lent you at lunch, causing you to blush and nervously wave to the boys of the team. "See?! I told you she was coming! You owe me twenty bucks, Semi!"
Once the game started, you couldn't help but kick yourself in the ass for not coming to a game sooner. Not only was the sport genuinely more interesting than what Tendou had already made it out to be, but seeing him out on the court in his element made it that much more mesmerizing. Your eyes could barely keep up with the quick serves that passed the ball back and forth between the players and yet somehow this boy- this, tall, handsome, goofy redhead- could not only keep up with it all, but also predict what was going to happen before it ever did. He blocked every spike successfully, performing better on the court than he had in a while- and his teammates had your presence there to thank. Tendou couldn't bear to screw up in front of you. With every earth-shattering boom of the volleyball hitting Tendou's hand in a surprisingly successful block, you cheered like the team's number one fan. Each time, you were the first to jump up, a beaming grin plastered on your lips from ear-to-ear, and your voice was the only one Tendou could hear among the crowd: "Way to go, Satori! Nice kill!" Your encouragement was music to his ears; it was that much sweeter knowing it was he who taught you what to say and when to say it.
The game was over before everyone knew it, Shiratorizawa dominating the game. As soon as the final buzzer rang out over the gymnasium, Tendou took off running toward the bleachers- toward you. The both of you were tall, not tall enough to reach each other, but close enough your fingertips could barely brush when reaching for each other. You bent over the railing of the bleachers with your arms extended outward as he reached up high to touch you.
"Satori Tendou, that was incredible!"
"I know I was!"
"See?! And you were all in an awful mood and nervous you would lose!"
"I wasn't worried I would lose, I was nervous because I knew I'd win!"
"Huh? Satori that makes no sense, why would that put you in a bad mood?"
"Because I told myself if I won this game and you came to watch, I'd ask you out after you saw me win!"
Heat rose from your neck up to your cheeks. The tips of your ears burned red, and your eyes locked on to his big, goofy smile.
"Ugh, c'mon Y/N it isn't that hard to follow, I said~"
"I know what you said!" You shout, eyes beginning to water. Seeing the emotional exchange caught the team's attention, and they began to gather around Tendou, smiling at the two of you. "You really wanna go out with me..?"
"Well duh, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't mean it~."
"It's true, Y/N," Goshiki nudged Tendou with his elbow. "He's not shut up about it all week!"
Shirabu chuckled and shouted up at you, "Now will you please accept his offer so he can shut up about you at practice?"
"His quieting down after this is most unlikely.." Ushijima spoke lowly, his voice a rumble of thunder.
A bubbly giggle erupts from your lips as you gesture your hand to the team, Tendou included. "Fellas, do you think you could help a girl out?"
Tendou looked at you confused but quickly averted his eyes down, yelping at the feeling of being hoisted upwards. The others weren't as confused as Tendou was. Semi and Goshiki held on to either side of Tendou, Shirabu supporting him from behind as Ushijima pulled the slender boy onto his broad shoulders. At this height, Tendou was face-to-face with you as you leaned over the railing of the bleachers.
"Well, Guess Monster, wanna take a gander at my answer?"
He smiled confidently, running a jesting hand through his spikey locks. "All signs point to yes."
You pull him gently closer as to not knock him off his teammates' shoulders, letting your lips collide in a sensual exchange before slowly pulling away, leaving Tendou to look dreamily dazed.
"The Guess Monster wins again."
The first time you made love with Tendou was something beyond anything you could have possibly dreamed of. It wasn't in any way rushed, and it was by no means less than extraordinary. Even with the intense and positive overwhelming feelings, it started like any other ordinary day. In the three months that the two of you had been dating, passions were beginning to build up, but neither of you was brave enough to make the first move.
In the mornings that Tendou would walk with you to school, there was a lingering feeling- the way the silence deafened you both as you sat alone in your empty home, parents already off to work, you tieing your shoestrings, your boyfriend looking down at your unassuming figure and just wishing he had the nerve to push you to your back and pin you to the very couch you were sitting on, all just to climb on top of you. Cage you with his body. Mark you as his.
Yet he didn't.
At school, when the two of you would be tasked with staying behind in a class to tidy up the chalkboard and clean up the desks, your heart would skip beats while your stomach did somersaults at the way your mind raced with the things you'd wished to do. It was like every organ in your body was an acrobat in times like these. Just glancing over to Tendou who stood behind the teacher's desk, school uniform sleeves rolled up past his elbows as he vigorously scrubbed off the chalk remnants from the day. His muscles shifted and the thick veins bulged in his forearms, and it was all for you- or so you had convinced yourself. The harder he scrubbed, the more he grunted, and the easier you fell into a daydream of propping yourself up on the teacher's desk behind him before spinning him around and yanking him toward you until not a molecule of air was between you. Connecting your lips with his, making him stand between your parted legs, rubbing against your core.
Yet you didn't.
Even at the evening's volleyball game. Your head was swimming at seeing him in his element, quite frankly, it always did. There wasn't a thing on this earth you found hotter about Satori Tendou than the giddy confidence he donned every game; well, that- and the way his toned arms would snap so quickly forward to block a serve or spike. Something about the way you could see his long digits, all wrapped up in the medical tape you put there, hyperextending to stop such a force with such ease. It took everything in you not to go wild at the sight. The most you could do was squirm in your seat to relieve the tension- but Tendou noticed. He noticed every time and boy did it drive him mad. If it wasn't for the way you rubbed your thighs together with every successful block he performed, or the way you'd blush when he'd shoot you a thumbs up afterward, catching you in the act despite your not knowing that he knew? What really got him going was when one of his blocks would turn into a spike. Sure, the reassurance of his team was nice, and having other classmates in the stands doing the Shiratorizawa chants was all fine and good, but nothing- nothing- compared to the way you would shoot up from your seat, every time, without fail, to cheer the loudest over every single person in the gymnasium. "Satoriiii~! Nice kill!" You'd cup your hands around your mouth to project your voice; that cute little mouth that Tendou wanted more than anything to corrupt. You'd even be so bold as to do his little dance, swirling your manicured fingers in little circles and swaying your perfect body. He'd dance along happily too, both of you mouthing his little jingle, but it was so much hotter coming from you. "Smash it, smash it, into pieces~!" You'd sing out, giggling the whole time. What was hotter? Your level of commitment to him, the way you supported him, or how you were just as much of a goofball as he was? Either way, it caused a stirring in his pants that made playing in front of a full crowd that much more difficult- and you noticed. You always noticed. You both wanted to end up in the locker room after the game, to be tangled up in each other's naked bodies, every noise of pleasure mixed in and clouded by the sound of the water pressure from the shower hitting the tiles- making passionate love while soaked in the steamy water.
Yet you both didn't.
It wasn't until Shiratorizawa's very last game, where despite your constant cheering and Tendou's best gameplay, that they lost surprisingly against Karasuno. You could see the way his shoulders hung. You could see it in Goshiki's tears that welled up in his almond eyes. It was even obvious in the ever-stoic Ushijimma- heartbreak. Hell, even you were in tears at this point; you'd grown close to the team, coming to every practice with baked goods for the team to share, cheering at every game, and just being there for Tendou. Of course, your heart swelled and broke for the whole team, but most of all, for your sweet redheaded blocker. Volleyball was everything to him, 'his paradise', he'd even called it. Your feet couldn't carry you fast enough from the bleachers, out to the halls, and down the stairs. Your lungs burned at the shock of such vigorous physical strain as you made your way out of the foreign gymnasium, looking desperately for your home team. It would have been all for not, had you not seen that familiar flash of burgundy spikes disappearing behind a wall down the corridor. You charged in that direction, "Satori!"
Goshiki poked his head around first, wiping desperately at his tear-stained cheeks. Semi saw you, too. He pulled Tendou back by the collar of his jersey, and there he was. Tendou locked eyes with you, the ruby orbs wide as your body crashed into his. He didn't fall, bracing himself properly for impact. The way you sobbed into his sweaty chest with your arms wrapped tightly around his waist, hands gripping at his back, warmed his heart. It was always obvious, but it still surprised him every time just how much you cared. "Hey now, sweet girl. What's with the waterworks? All this over little ol' me?"
His expression changed immediately when you looked up to him with your makeup running and tears spilling from your beautiful eyes. His poor girl.
"You were amazing! All of you were, all season! You all grew so much and never stopped improving, and- and- I'm so sorry it's over!"
Tendou sighed, a look of absolute zen washing over him, and his sore hands stroked the back of your head, fingers gently raking through your short hair. "My girl...cryin' like this over us.."
Goshiki was already back to sobbing from seeing your display. "Y-Y/N, it's okay! We...We did our best, you said it yourself!"
It shocked the whole team when a heavy hand laid itself over your shuttering shoulder, and you snapped your head up to make eye contact with Ushijima. The faintest of smiles tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Thank you for your support all season, Y/N."
Wide-eyed, you watched as the whole team followed suit with their ace, bowing their heads and repeating after him, "Thank you for your support, Y/N!"
Even Tendou bowed his head to you, keeping a hold of your trembling hand. "Thank you for your support all season long, Y/N," His voice was soft, as were his lips when they left a chaste kiss atop the hand he held. "Now..let me take you home."
The walk home was mostly silent apart from the small sniffles from you as you tried your best to dry your eyes. You expected more outward expression of sadness from Tendou at the loss of what seemed to be his sole purpose on this earth. 'He's probably processing it on his own, inside...I'll wait until we make it home to ask about it. I don't want to overwhelm him.' You thought to yourself, pulling his varsity jacket over your shoulders tighter; it was a chilly night, and Tendou'd be damned if his girl walked home cold. By the time you'd made it back to your house, you'd realized something fairly important. "Oh shit. Tendou, I'm sorry I can't invite you in. My parents are at a business dinner and won't be home until late."
He cocked his brow, "Worried to be alone with me all of the sudden, Y/N?"
"No, not at all! It's just...I forgot they wouldn't be home, so I didn't grab my keys before heading to school this morning.."
"So then you're locked out, yeah?"
Bashfully, you nod. What an idiot you were- but you couldn't let him worry, he was already going through enough. You smiled softly, "Don't worry about me, I can get in."
Tendou scoffed, pointing over to your home. "What're you gonna do, break-in? Don't even think of climbing the latticework to get to a window. Just come back with me to my place."
His place.
You'd never been there before. Three months of dating, and usually you both spent so much time together at school, be together at practice, and then he would walk you home to your house afterward. It had never really worked in a way that you ended up at his house. A faint blush tinted your cheeks at the thought. "I don't know, Tendou. I couldn't imagine inconveniencing your parents that way..besides, I look awful from crying, I'm in no shape to meet them like this.."
"You don't have to meet them," Tendou's expression fell, "They're out of town for an old classmate's funeral. I had to stay here for the tournament, so I've been alone all week...company would be nice~" He wiggled his eyebrows, pulling a giggle from you as the trick always had, but there was still an obvious hurt behind his eyes.
He was lonely.
He was lonely, and he had just lost the biggest game of his sports career- the last game he'd ever play in school- and honestly, the idea of having you around to hold him felt like exactly what he needed.
"You know what? You don't get a choice. I'm kidnapping you." Before you knew it, the redhead snatched you up in his long arms, throwing you over his shoulder like you were weightless. Despite your laughter-filled cries of protest, he didn't put you down. He just turned to the west and began to stroll casually toward his house. You eventually gave up fighting him, but he still didn't release you from his hold until you made it back to his home. Once through the front door, you were dropped to the couch with a yelp. Looking around, you eyed every little thing you could. The home was by no means over the top; it was quaint and cozy, a home very obviously full of love.
Almost immediately your eyes locked in on a photo that hung on the wall, and your body seemed to hover over to it. In the photo, Tendou sat on a park bench smiling, looking just as handsome as ever, and behind him- each with a hand on their son's shoulder- were his parents. His father and mother both looked so inviting, father in a loose button-up and mother in paint-stained overalls. "They seem so..just like you!"
"Well, thanks! I, uh, I don't know how much of a compliment that was meant to be, but...they're pretty great."
"They seem great," You smile, eyes not moving from the picture. "I'd have hate for them to have been here, to have met me this way.."
Soft footsteps could be heard behind you. "No..they'd have loved you, just as much as I do.." The footsteps pad closer. "To see someone who cares so much for me would have them elated. Someone who cares so much they cried over a game, a sport they don't even play.."
"Because you love it." You laugh softly.
"Because I love it." His breath is at the back of your neck, lips ghosting over the pale skin of your shoulder. Goosebumps erupt over you, causing chills like ice.
"Satori..?" Your words come out like whispers, mere breaths, his hands finding a home on your sides and rubbing up and down ever so painstakingly slow. "Yes, my love?" His voice was hushed as well. When speaking so low, Tendou's voice was raspy and sultry. Every inch of your body shuttered, face burning with a heat it never had. The tape-wrapped digits bumped the underwire of your bra every time his hands dragged upward, and his pinky grazed your hipbone with every stroke down.
The tension in the room was unavoidable, as were your reactions to his touch. Giving in a bit, you lul your head back and allow it to rest against his collarbone. With every gentle stroke of his hands, you let out a blissful sigh. The soft skin of Tendou's lips press ever-so-softly into the shell of your ear, and his voice comes out thick and sweet, like honey: "If it's all the same to you...I'd like to thank you for how supportive and loving you've been to me all this time."
"O-Okay." You whisper back.
Without another moment wasted, Tendou's strong hands spin you around to face him, then kiss you with such force that you're pinned to the wall behind you. You let out a gasp, and he uses the opportunity to swipe his tongue around your bottom lip before prodding your warm mouth. Tendou was such an outstanding kisser. Every action had a purpose, and every action had a reaction. The moment your legs began to go weak from the sultry makeout session, Tendou slipped his leg between yours, catching you only an inch down from your descent. He worked diligently, hands stilling at your hips as he pushed you down onto his leg, knee coming up. Pulling breathless moans from you was no chore, he made it easy, using his hand placement to push and pull your lower half, rocking your body, grinding you down onto his muscular thigh. He pulled his lips from yours, "That's right, baby...lemme hear how good I make you feel." You had no choice but to oblige, the way he made you ride his thigh, your moans were impossible to hide. A wicked grin curled upwards on his lips, pushing you down and his leg up harder, rocking you more and more. That's when he felt it- the dampness soaking onto his leg. One of his hands trailed away from your plush hip, gathering up the little bit of slick that you had trailed on his leg. "Lookit that...all this for me?" He brought the digits up between your faces, making you both look at just what you'd done. You couldn't help but turn away bashfully, but you really couldn't help turning back to face him when he slid his long tongue over the glistening slick on his fingertips. A low groan slipped from Tendou's throat. "You're sweeter than chocolate, Y/N...I think I need more." His hand went back to your hips and Tendou began his assault on your body. Pushing and pulling and pushing and pulling, driving you closer and closer toward a climax- something neither of you had ever really experienced together before. It felt like you were dying and ascending to heaven, the way the knot in your stomach coiled up like a tightly woven knot, but you couldn't let it happen like this, not on Tendou's thigh, not with your mascara staining your cheeks, not against this wall of family photos in your boyfriend's empty home- but that wasn't up to you. It was up to the way your body betrayed you when you looked back into Tendou's eyes, and all that could be seen was lust dripping over the brim of his ruby orbs, intoxicated in the way your chest rose and fell with every pant and how sweet your voice sounded moaning right there in his ear. The look on his face was hotter than any look of determination he had while playing volleyball. "Go ahead, Y/N..let go." That was all it took to send you over the edge, trembling as your toes barely touched the floor, your legs dangled on either side of his leg as he ground you down on him to the point of coming undone. Slowly, he set your feet back to the ground and your head rested on the wall behind you as he sunk to squat. He swiped up the slick on his thigh but made quick work of using his other hand to hold up your skirt to admire the work he'd just done to you- and the work you'd done to your panties.
"Oh shit, babe...you're soaked!" His voice was almost too excited and you planted a small smack to the back of his head. "D-Don't stare at it! Now I gotta go wash off and change."
"Or," His slick-coated fingertips dragged along your clothed folds, pulling a whine from you and a gasp from him. "You could just take these off, and I'll clean you up myself."
The offer was more than you'd expected. Hell, it was more than anything you two had ever done! And while the idea of being so bare and vulnerable with Tendou was nerve-racking and scary, it was also something you'd fantasized about for weeks. Silence filled the room. Thirty seconds passed, and Tendou began to stand, "It's okay if you don't want to, I'd never force you to-" He was cut off by your hand stopping him on his descent back upward. you blushed down at him, lips pouted oh-so-pretty for him. God, he wanted to destroy you. You parted your lips, voice firm. "Every shot not taken is a shot missed."
He grinned, chuckling like a madman. "What did you say? Was that a yes?"
"I said every shot not taken is a shot missed, now do it already before I change my mind!"
Tendou wasn't a stupid man, an odd one- sure, but not stupid. He shut the hell up and sank back down, trailing wet kisses the whole way. Puling your skirt down was his first action, letting it fall past your thick, plush thighs before resting on the ground at your feet, leaving you to stand there in your cute soaked hipster underwear. Tendou clasped his hands together in prayer. "Dear Lord, who art in heaven, hallow be thy name, thank you for this meal-"
"Alright, alright! Itadakimasu and all that shit!" And before you could retort again, Tendou dug in. Thumbs pushed into the flesh of your ass, pulling you forward abruptly, his hot tongue dragging across the warm dampness of the crotch of your underwear. You felt your knees begin to give again, and Tendou took no time to spare as he wrapped his arms under your legs, using his biceps as support to keep you from falling. He pulled gently with his teeth and maneuvered the panties to the side before gasping softly. This gasp wasn't to jest, he was truly in awe at the sight of your feminine core. "Is...Is something wrong, Satori..?" The noise he made startled you, and you began to feel self-conscious. You knew you shouldn't have done this, this was stupid, your body wasn't meant for love, your body was-
"Beautiful.." He breathed out. What?
"You're so damn beautiful!" His words were more reassuring than he could've ever known at that moment. He didn't hesitate further, leaning in to give you an experimenting lick. You keened, pressing your body down on his tongue to relieve more tension. Tendou chuckled at the feeling, sending vibrations through you that only made things better. The pad of his tongue lapped at your heat more, each lick spreading your folds further and further until he lit the tip of it prod your entrance. You threw your head back to moan and smacked your skull against the wall. "Ow!" You cried out, and Tendou chuckled, "Let's move this to a more suitable environment, yeah?" He sat you back down and stood, pulling you off down the hall, and to the left, into his bedroom. If you weren't so desperate to feel him eating you out again, you'd have taken the time to study over his room like you had the living room, but you were desperate. So you lay back on his bed, and he pulls your ass to the edge while he gets down on his knees on the floor, weaving his arms with your thighs again. "Satori, I'm not gonna fall if I'm laying down."
"Oh this isn't to keep you standing, baby.. this is to keep you from squirming away when I make you cum."
If your eyes could've grown any larger, they would've. Diving back in, Tendou was merciless. Unlike before, he worked with real fervor. It wasn't as sweet and gentle, oh no. Tendou had you right where he wanted you and by god, he was going to prove himself worthy today. Sure, he didn't win the biggest game of his career- but he won you. Of course, he wanted to thank you for loving him, for supporting him, for choosing him and this was the ticket- making love! But right now, making love aside, he wanted to fulfill his own carnal needs.
His tongue swirled effortlessly around your sensitive bud, sliding down to lap at your messy folds, pushing in and out of your tight entrance, and then back up to suck harshly at your clit again. This man had it down to a science, figuring out just how to pull the lewdest of noises from both of your lips, and turning it into a routine. It hadn't even been three minutes before you were pushing your heels into his back, trying to escape his grip as you came- but it was useless. He held your legs tightly, not allowing you to budge. Your cries were music to his ears, and your pleads for mercy the beautiful lyrics. Tendou didn't budge until he was satisfied- and satisfaction was only met once you'd come as much as his jersey number. 5.
You could swear you were seeing stars as he finally let you go, lifting quickly to cage you under his body, your slick still glistening on his lips and chin. "Good, eh? Eh~?" The Guess Monster guessed right, again. At this point, you were heaving to breathe, but you couldn't just leave him this way- he had needs to be met as well, and more than anything, you wanted to satisfy him too. Without skipping a beat, you sat up, causing him to fumble back onto the bed, landing on his ass. "Get up." You commanded. "How come?" Despite questioning your demands, he obliged and stood. Falling to your knees in front of him, he gasped out at the sight. "Oh god, yes.."
"Let me return the favor." Consent was sexy, and you weren't about to push him to anything he wasn't ready for. He had the same respect for you, after all.
"Yes, absolutely yes, lemme just-"
A bright light flashed as Tendou quickly snapped a picture of you. "H-Hey-!"
"Sorry, it'll stay between us, I promise. You just look so hot on your knees like that, I don't wanna forget it." Again, before you could rebuttal, he started to untie the waistband of his gym shorts. It was obvious enough how well-endowed Satori Tendou was just from the erection straining against his pants, but it didn't do him justice. A simple slide of hand and his cock was on full display- oozing a bead of pre on the bulbous pink tip. Sure, he may not have had the absolute thickest you've seen, but there was enough to fill you up proper- and he was long- the type of length that would have you writhing beneath him. The Guess Monster really was some kind of monster with a cock like that. Tendou was built to breed.
The look on your face had to give your feelings away fairly immediately- because Tendou chuckled softly, reaching down and caressing your cheek. "Awhh, c'mon sweet girl...I bet you can take me like a champ," He swirled his fingers around with his little victory dance, "You know! Smash it, smash it into pieces~!"
Only Tendou could joke around at a time like this and it put you at ease. You leaned forward, readjusting on your kees as you give his length a few experimental pumps, your thumb lubricating his shaft with the bead of pre you swiped from his tip. Just the motion alone had Tendou arching forward, hissing and cursing a low "Shit." under his breath. That was enough for you to get comfortable, quick, slowly easing your mouth over his length, bobbing shallow until you could feel his tip at the back of your throat. "Shitshitshitshitshit-" Tendou groaned loudly, causing you to hum in satisfaction at your effect on his body. "H'ooooookay now, Y/N, you..you gotta be careful, I'm real-" You slide back, beginning to bob your head at a more languid pace, looking up at him through your lashes. "-Sensitive, ah, fuck- you can't look at me like that, s'too much-"
Tendou was putty in your hands, well, in your mouth. It was invigorating to feel such a wave of confidence and to have the boy you loved squirming at how good your touch felt. You couldn't stop or slow down now, it felt too good. You hollowed out your cheeks as you felt Tendou's hips begin to snap, his hand flying to your head and tangling with your hair. He pleaded for you to go easy on him, yet was here using your face and mouth as his own, personal plaything. As he rode your mouth for dear life, you let your tongue run along the underside of his cock, tracing the vein and tendon that swelled from below. Without realizing it, in a state of absolute bliss, your hands trailed down your body to palm your breast and rub feverish circles around your clit. Tendou took notice right away. "Are..are you touching yourself while I'm/fucking your face? M'gonna marry you one day, holy shit!" He groaned aloud, hips beginning to stutter, but before he could finish he pulled out and gasped desperately for air. "No, can't end like that, need you. Need to feel you." Desperate hands pulled you from the ground, taking no time in starting to strip away all your remaining clothes as his lips crashed against yours, a flurry of tongue and teeth as you also undressed him fully. The moment your last item of clothes fell to his floor, Tendou pushed you back onto his bed, climbing on top of you. His eyes raked over your flush figure beneath him, admiring the way your skin shined under the moonlight peeking through his window and how the tips of your ears and cheek's blush matched your breasts. Lips parting, he heaved a cut-off breath.
"Y/N...my paradise."
Your breath hitched in your throat at the name. "P-Paradise? No, that's volleyball, remember?"
"It was...until you. I love volleyball, yeah...but I'm in love you.."
You could feel the tip of his cock oozing again, pressing firmly against your opening.
"Your body is my temple,"
He breached your entrance, pushing into you slowly until he was bottomed out inside, and you were arching your back till your chest was flush against his own.
"And I'm here to worship."
The pace began slow, agonizingly slow, but you were certainly not about to complain. The way his cock dragged along inside your velvety walls was beyond what you could've ever imagined or expected. "Oh my god." Your voice cracked as he finally began to pick up the pace, leaving kisses from your neck down to your collarbone as he worked his way to sit back, keeping you both in missionary but with your rear propped up on his legs so that he could bury himself inside you at a better angle. "Ah-" He whimpered, feeling the way your body responded. "Fuck, Y/N, so damn tight...jeez.." Tendou began to pick up the pace more, rocking his hips into you, creating the lewd noise of skin against skin, slapping against your thick, supple rear. One hand held your throat for leverage, squeezing tight on the sides and causing a pleasant haze to fall over you.
" 'M getting close, Satori." The words came out shaky, each hitch corresponding with every rough thrust Tendou hammered into you. "Yeah? Y'gunna cum all over my cock? Like how you ruined those little panties? Or when I was eating your pretty pussy?"
The crude language only turned you on more and brought you closer to the edge. "Y-Yes!"
"Good..I've got an idea." Quickly, Tendou pulled out of you with a 'pop', and flipped you over, pulling your ass up to leave your face and knees pushed into his mattress. He let out a guttural groan at the sight of you all fucked out for him, and leaned down to swipe his tongue against your holes. "Fuuuuck, all for me! You're so goddamn sexy, it's stupid!" Wasting no more time, Tendou realigned himself with your entrance and pushed in harshly. He bottomed out in one swift push, causing you to cry out into the mattress. "That's a good fucking girl- ugh- you even/feel like paradise!" His pace was furious, arching over you. You cried out beneath him, hand rubbing sloppy circles into your clit to get yourself to heaven faster. "Allow me to assist~" Tendou rutted through power strokes, his right hand pushing yours away as he took over, rubbing well-placed, furious figure eights into your puffy clit. Crying out, "Fuck, S-Satori! I'm cumming!"
"Yeah? Fuck, me too...c'mon, paradise, lemme hear you!" His dexterous fingers somehow went faster.
You couldn't contain yourself any longer. With a string of "I'mcummingi'mcummingi'mcumming!" A shriek left your mouth, muzzled by your face buried deep in the mattress, the knot in your stomach breaking. Tendou helped you ride it out, hands not slowing at your clit, the pace not faltering as he jackhammered into your tight walls. "O-Okay, I-I'm done!" Pleads did nothing for you. Tendou was not done, and he grinned fiendishly down at you as his chase toward his release overstimulated you. " 'S'too bad, Y/N...I'm almost there- fuck- b-but not quite!" Choked sobs left your lips, tears streaming down your face with what little remnants of mascara and eyeliner you had on left. Seconds felt like minutes as Satori plunged in and out of your depths at rapid speed, but alas, the end was near. You begin to feel the fluid motion inside you start to stutter- he can't hold on much longer. "Shit...o-okay baby, where d'ya want me?"
"Whe-Wherever." Fucked out and blissed out, you can barely speak.
"Oh yeah? Fuck!" Tendou pulls out, stroking himself with the same hand he used to overstimulate you and uses his left hand to grab you by the jaw and pull you forward. The pressure of his grip on your jaw causes your mouth to part, and Tendou goes in for the kill. Ropes of his warmth coat your throat as he pushed his pulsating cock inside your slack-jawed mouth, groaning at the immense pleasure of his release. He tightens his grip on your face, leaning down to kiss you, tongue swirling inside with yours as he tastes his own juices, pulling back only to spit into your parted lips. "Swallow."
Being his obedient little girl, you do just as your told, letting the mixture of his spit and seed coat your throat the whole way down before opening wide to show the emptiness. Tendou shutters, rubbing your cheek with his thumb and smiling down at you with pride. "Atta girl."
He treats you so well, being sure to rub you down with a cold washcloth before even cleaning himself up, and holding you close once he returns to bed. It doesn't take long for the both of you to begin to drift off. "Love you, Satori.."
"Hmmm...love you, too..m'...paradise.."
Even though he didn't have volleyball practice anymore, Tendou still hung out with his team and saw them in the halls. Once seeing the bruises and hickeys he was littered with, they didn't leave him be for /weeks. While he got teased by the team, you were high-fived and praised. A situation you were both prepared to deal with at the expense of that one night of pleasure.
The first time Tendou fell in love, it was with volleyball. The second time he fell in love, it was with you- his shining star, his world, his paradise. The third time Tendou fell in love, it was something much more unexpected and frankly, a bit out of the realm in which you'd assumed he would take an interest.
Once the Shiratorizawa volleyball season had ended, the redhead had much more free time to spend with you. After school was no longer a time for practicing blocks and jogging around the gym or ever conditioning muscles. Now it was a time for rainy-day walks under a shared umbrella, catching a movie at the cinemas that you'd bought tickets for, competing against one another to see who could swing the highest on the local park's swing set, and your favorite: hanging around in each other's kitchens baking sweet treats.
You could never forget the look on Tendou's face the first time he'd stood by your side, nervously looking over your shoulder as you added flour and sugar to a large mixing bowl. Just as you'd begun to extend your hand toward the next ingredient, Tendou lurched over your frame more, chest flat against your back now. "Can I try?"
You scoff jokingly, turning your head to look at him. "You want to bake with me? Well..okay. Here," You slide out from the counter, allowing him to step forward. "The next ingredient is chocolate."
"Yeah, chocolate. It's that jar over there. Technically, we're adding cocoa powder to the mix."
The sweetest grin made its way onto his lips as he eyeballed the mason jar full of the rich powder. "Ever since I got into sports, I've been quite disciplined in the things I ate. Coach's orders...I can't tell you how long it's been since I've had chocolate."
You couldn't help but grin back, reaching forward to grab the jar and put it in Tendou's lanky yet strong hands. "Well, chocolate is tasty, but any treats I've had have always tasted even better when they were made with love, and enjoyed with company." As he inspected the jar like a curious child, you gathered up the bunch of measuring tools needed to keep baking. Holding out a larger scoop to him, you cocked an eyebrow. "The recipe calls for a cup of cocoa powder. Think you can handle it?"
This time, Tendou scoffed at you. "I know I can handle it. I passed math with flying colors!" It didn't take long for Tendou to eventually take over the baking process, stealing your apron from your body and making you sit on the counter to watch over his work.
His hands worked diligently, and he double, no, triple-checked the recipe as he went along. For his first bake, he burned the brownies he'd worked so hard on, but he promised to do better next time.
Next time.
"Ah! Damn it, I'm sorry, Y/N! I screwed these up so bad. I'll do better next time though, you can count on it! I'll make you the perfect dessert!"
His technique was very amateur, unskilled, but chocked full of excitement- excitement that you could see normally when he was playing volleyball. This little spark warmed your heart, knowing that maybe he'd found another hobby that would hopefully fill the void you knew volleyball used to be.
To your surprise, this promise of righting his wrongdoing turned into a much bigger ordeal. A few days later, once the weekend arrived, you heard a knocking at your front door around lunchtime. You weren't expecting company, so when you found Tendou standing at your door, covered in flour and cocoa, you couldn't help but smile. He held out a tin container to you, smiling that big goofy grin that you adored. "I did it again. Can you tell me if this is better?"
You hesitantly opened the canister, and inside were four large, perfectly cut, and delicious-smelling brownie squares. "Satori, these look amazing! To think just the other day, you-"
"I burned the hell out of yours, I know, and again, I'm sorry. But look! I've been watching videos on YouTube to see what I did wrong. One lady talked about setting the oven timer, and another even mentioned adding in other stuff that I didn't see in your recipe, like chocolate chips, so I tried that! Please try one, please? C'mon toots, I'm dyin' here!" Tendou begged and even donned a fake accent at the end, just to push it further. If he didn't, was he really your Tendou? Laughing, you eagerly grabbed a square and took a bite. You could've told him right away how these truly were the best brownies you'd ever tasted, but the anxious look on his face was just too cute, you had to milk it out for a short while longer. "Are they bad? Mom liked 'em so I thought maybe you would too, but if you don't, it's okay! I can try another batch, maybe a different recipe-"
"Really, it's not a big deal! I know I'm new to this-"
"Maybe it was all the butter, that Paula lady on the video made it out like that was the best part-"
He finally shut up, looking at you wide-eyed before you smiled wide and took another bite of his rich creation. "It's delicious!"
"Yes, you big idiot! Now get in here so I can eat the rest of those damn things!" And who was he to say no to you?
More days went by, and every day you didn't see Tendou, he was at home- in his kitchen- making more sweet delicacies for you to try. It all started with learning brownies, but the further into the baking tutorials he fell, the more bored he had become. Sure, baking was fun and all, but it all seemed the same. Measure out the dry ingredients, combine. Measure out the wet ingredients, combine. Combine wet and dry, bake, and viola. What Tendou needed was the same sweetness, but more of a challenge. Just as volleyball was fun like baking, and it was also something he was good at, he needed that extra eeling like blocking gave him. That one factor that pushed him to try harder, do better, push himself to his absolute limit. He needed a real challenge. And there, further down the internet video rabbit hole of dessert culinary arts, Tendou found chocolatiering.
If only you could've been there the day he stumbled upon the random video that sent shivers up his spine. To be there to see his scarlet eyes light up and widen at the way the chocolatier turned liquid gold into an edible sculpture. The way his hair stood on end at the way the man in the video's hands delicately formed and decorated truffles, or even how Tendou had to wipe the drool from the corner of his mouth at the sight of the many flavor combinations were made with this one rich component. Chocolate and orange, white chocolate and oreo cookies, dark chocolate and mint, milk chocolate and peanut butter, the possibilities were endless- and what to do with that amazing tasting combination? Why, what couldn't you do? It was all in the hands of the brilliant chocolatier. Do you make dainty truffles full of powerful flavors and fillings, or do you turn this treat into an extravagant piece of edible art?
This was it. This was the challenge. Chocolatiering was middle blocking.
Every few days, Tendou would show up at your door with new treats, or bring you to his home to have you keep him company as he made more. Each time he worked his magic, the delicacies began to dwindle down further and further, straying from your usual cakes and crème brulée to becoming almost exclusively chocolate works. You were treated constantly with being Tendou's guinea pig.
Ganache, mousse, pastries filled with chocolate, eclairs, truffles, you name it. With every try, Tendou kept getting better. You were surprised at the progress he'd made in just ten weeks, but more than anything, seeing him enamored with this hobby made you happy.
"Earth to Y/N, you in there?" His large hand waved in front of your face, and you snapped back to attention. Tendou stood in between your legs as you sat on the kitchen island, staring off blankly as he was working away and chatting your head off about the latest chocolate tempering video he'd found, but he quickly noticed you'd phased off. You shook your head clear and gave a warm smile.
"Sorry, I just got to thinking...you've been working on this a lot lately, haven't you?" Tendou sighed and placed his hands on both of your thighs, leaning in and resting his forehead against yours. "I knew it...I'm sorry, Y/N, I know I've been fixated on this stuff like a psycho. It's been a lot of fun, but you've gotta be feeling really neglected.."
"Are you kidding? Satori, I'm so happy you've found this for yourself. I know you're happy to spend time with me, but after volleyball, you'd looked like you'd lost your life's purpose. This seems to bring you joy. Does it?" Sheepishly, Tendou brought a hand up to his head as he ran his long digits through his wild red locks. "Volleyball made me happy for a short time, but I think this could make me happy for a long time." That was it. That was all it took for you to cup his sweet face in your hands and gently turn him to face you. "Then why not?" You knew graduation was right around the corner, only a month away. The harder Tendou seemed to apply himself to his sweet-making, the more you wanted to see that happy, goofy expression after every creation was finished.
It was a stormy Monday morning when Tendou was finally the recipient of frantic knocking at his door. He hadn't even gotten out of his pajamas and into his school uniform yet, so who could it possibly be at his door so early? He was expecting you, because only you would be so crazy as to show up so early, so casually. However, what he didn't expect was to open the door and have you standing there without an umbrella, absolutely drenched, and shoving a handful of soggy papers in his face. "The French Culinary Institute!" You yelled, way too awake for what time it was. Pushing your way past him inside, you began to kick off your shoes. "The French...huh?" Rolling your eyes, you held the papers back up to his face, your dripping wet hair stuck to your forehead peaking over the top of the stack. "I said, The French Culinary Institute! See? Right there, big bold letters at the top. You're a third-year, can't you read?!"
"I can read, you dummy, but it's six in the morning! Forgive me if I'm not as spry of a chicken as you are~" He retorted, snatching the papers from your hands. "Now what is all this about? Hell, Y/N, the ink on the pages is all runny and wet. So are you, you're getting water all over the floor! Mom's gonna kill me- go change into one of my uniform shirts, and you left a pair of pants over here last week. I need to clean up all this water."
When you came back, changed into fresh dry clothes, you were rubbing your head with a towel. Tendou sat on his couch with his phone in hand, the mentioned institute's website pulled up in his browser. "See," you smiled excitedly and plopped down next to him, pointing at the bright screen. "It's a school that specializes in teaching techniques to train chocolatiers!" His eyes darted over every feature of the website, fingers working at the screen to scroll as he read. "Where did you...how did you find this?"
"Researched it, just like how you learned to do all the amazing things you do with chocolate! I'd been up looking into how you could turn this into a dream career, and it turns out you can! Half of these courses they offer looks like the same stuff that you've taught yourself, all on your own." Tendou looked back to the printed-off pages you'd forced into his hands earlier, seeing the timestamp at the top of the front page: 3:25 am. He then turned to look at you, who was still fixated on his phone screen and chatting away. He noticed the dark bags under your eyes. You yawned mid-sentence.
You'd been up all night. All night for him.
Of course, he wanted to patronize you, scold you for not getting proper sleep before school over him, but that was just it- you did it all for him. It was yet another sweet gesture(and to him, an unnecessary one) that you did out of the kindness and love in your heart for Tendou. A small smile curled up at the corners of his mouth, and he kept quiet, listening now as you told him all about what you'd learned in this escapade to find a way to make him happy.
Although you'd already done so much, you had to do more. Your love for Tendou was so big and so large, yet not at all heavy. Every part of your being wanted to make him happy, and upon seeing this spark light up inside him over chocolate and baking, the light that took over the dark hole where high school volleyball once was, was all it took for you to push for him. That same morning, you brought that soggy stack of papers with you to the school career counselor, even though Tendou insisted you reprint them. With your usual spunk, you waltzed right into the counselor's office and dropped them on her desk with a wet 'splat', and declared proudly, "I'm here on behalf of Satori Tendou. What do we need to do to make this happen?"
The days that followed were stressful, but in the end, successful. Tendou had the GPA to make it into The French Culinary Insititute, or TFCI, but the tuition wasn't cheap. Tendou had gotten excited about the school, showing real interest, but at the mention of the cost, he nearly fell over. "12,500 euros?! What is that, one million yen?!"
"1,600,243.75...to be exact.." You slumped sheepishly, Tendou groaning and burying his face into his hands, letting out muffled noises of frustration. "I'm doomed..." He grumbled, and you rubbed reassuringly on his back. It was time to take matters into your own hands again. Later that day, once classes were over, Tendou was ready to walk you home, as usual. "I actually have some extra credit I need to take care of," You told Tendou with a smile. "I'm gonna help out some of my teachers here, go ahead and head home, work on some more of those yummy mint chocolate truffles I love so much. I'll text you when I'm done, okay?"
What a sneaky girl you were. The moment Tendou rounded the corner after pitifully accepting your excuse, you bolted the opposite direction. It was easy enough to find Ushijima, who was waiting for you at the gymnasium. "I got your note." He spoke flatly, holding up a folded piece of notebook paper in between two fingers. "Tendou needs our help?"
"Absolutely. Did you get what I asked you to get?" The brawny boy simply nodded, guiding you inside the gym doors, and there they all stood: the Shiratorizawa volleyball team in all its former glory, with the exception of Tendou. You couldn't help but smile widely at them with watery eyes. "I hope Satori knows...what amazing friends he has."
Graduation came around in the blink of an eye. The ceremony was a blur, but you remembered clearly having Tendou at your side the whole time, sneaking glances at you to smile your way, and even wink a few times to try and get you to laugh. After receiving your diplomas, you pulled Tendou excitedly from the crowd of graduated and proud families. "Whoa there, paradise! Where are you taking me? One last round of sneaky-sneaky in the locker room, huh? You naughty girl~"
"No, you perv!" You giggled wildly, shaking your head in fake disappointment as you pulled him around to the gym, stopping in front of the double doors. "Go ahead," you let him go. "Open them."
Giving you a questionable look, Tendu hesitated before pushing open the doors. Handheld confetti cannons popped off, and a sign unraveled from Goshiki's and Semi's hands. "Congratulations, Tendou!" The whole team shouted behind the sign, hooping and hollering while popping more confetti his way. Dumbfounded by the scene, Tendou turned to you with a cocked eyebrow. "All of this for graduating?"
"No, Tendou. For making it in."
"Making it in..? What?"
You reached into your graduation robe, pulling out an opened envelope and taking out its contents. Unfolding the letter, you begin to read aloud.
"Monsieur Satori Tendou,
It is with great honor and pleasure that we write to inform you of your acceptance to Institut Culinaire de France here in Bordeaux, France."
Tendou's jaw goes slack, and you can begin to see his burgundy orbs glass over. "Wh-What..? But I, I didn't apply because I couldn't afford to go!"
You smile, pressing the acceptance letter gently to his chest, holding it there. "I sent in your application, along with pictures I've taken of all the delicious desserts you've been making me."
Semi nudged Goshiki, who was already crying. "Go on, give it to him." The ravenette dropped his half of the sign, walking over to Tendou, holding out another envelope. "The..the team has all been working side jobs for the last few weeks after Y/N got us together and told us what was happening. Even Coach Washijo put in some, a lot actually...Y/N helped too, so did your parents. There's about 500,000 yen in there." Tendou's head whipped around to you, "Is that true? Y/N?"
"We all love you very much, Tendou. We want to see you succeed, but most of all, happy."
His watering eyes flickered back and forth between the envelopes, "I appreciate this, so much, but..it isn't enough. The tuition is over one million-"
"Yes, it would be," You cut him off, pointing to the bottom of the acceptance letter in his hand. "If your tuition wasn't free. Your GPA and strive to learn on your own impressed the admissions board of TFCI so much, and they saw you were an out-of-country applicant...Tendou, you earned a full-ride scholarship."
That was the pressure that broke the dam. His tears spilled over his cheeks. "Oh my god...I did?! Then what is all this money in the envelope for?" You blushed hard, looking down to your feet then back up to his eyes, a nervousness settling into the pit of your stomach. "Well, that's to get things started. Like buying plane tickets, and paying the first few month's rent...for our apartment."
He cried still, smile wobbly. "Our apartment?"
"Well yeah...you didn't think you were going to travel across the world without me, did you?" His lanky body crashed into yours, holding your body against his tight. You couldn't help but hug him back, peppering his tear-stained cheek with gentle kisses.
"Satori Tendou, I'd follow you anywhere."
The days to come would be the busiest. Every waking moment was filled with packing up your belongings, boxing up every aspect of your life to begin anew. Though, as excited as you both were, Tendou was struggling. When it was time for packing up his home, you were eager to begin. Although he had helped at the beginning of the process, the packing had stressed Tendou out to the max. "I'm sorry, Y/N," He told you, anxiously running his fingers through his hair. "I think I'm a bit overwhelmed. I'll let you take it from here, I just need a day to take my mind off of all this. Come over tomorrow and we can start fresh with my place."
And here you were. You'd knocked a few times, but there was no answer. You'd soon realized that he'd left the front door unlocked, so you casually let yourself in. "Satori?" You called out, slowly making your way toward his room. Once there, you saw it was still untouched and unpacked, but very much without Tendou.
"I'm...I'm in the bathroom." He called out, a distinct nervousness in his voice. You knew him too well. Softly knocking on the door, you leaned against the wooden doorframe. "Hey, is everything alright..?"
One, two, three, four.
"I did something."
"Okay, what did you do?"
One, two three, four.
"I couldn't stop thinking about how everyone would look at me in France, at the institute...think I'm a big joke. Not take me seriously."
"I don't think that they would think that, they're judging your hard work, not you, silly."
One, two.
"I made a change. New beginnings and all that, right?"
One, two.
The door clicked unlocked. The hinged creaked, and Tendou appeared, a look of worry on his features as he revealed himself to you, clumps of burgundy hair in his hands. "Please don't find me unattractive...I needed to do this, for me."
Your eyes were wide, no doubt, as they scanned over his buzzed head and trailed down to the floor where that beautiful, wild hair lay dead on the floor. He shuffled his feet anxiously, fidgeting his hands. "I think you look just as handsome as before." You reach up, running your hand over the soft fuzz that was left on his scalp. A warm smile brings a wave of comfort over Tendou, and he leans into your hand with a content sigh. "So edgy and modern...you might even look hotter than before~"
"Don't push it, lady."
It was a Friday afternoon when it was all over and done with. A couple of weeks had gone by, and finally, you and Tendou were all packed up and ready to go; ready to move across the world and start anew. It wouldn't have been right for the packing to take up the appropriate amount of time. Oh no, it only made sense that the process took so long because the two of you couldn't help but goof off the whole time, be it that you played packing tape tag, or that you had packing peanut fights. When the work was finally over, and the only things left out of blank cardboard boxes were the small necessities you needed to last you until your flight in a few days, it finally began to sink in that these were your last few days in Japan. Tendou seemed on edge and nervous, but who wouldn't be over something so big? But that was just the thrill of such a new adventure. You were nervous too, and every time he showed signs of anxiety, you reassured him just as you had back in high school. "You're not alone."
Those three words always brought back the same crooked smile on Tendou's thin lips, the same one that made you feel so warm and fuzzy inside, happiness fizzing up like soda carbonation in your heart. With each reassurance, you counted down the days and minutes until your departure. Three days. Three days until your new life began, and you couldn't be more exhilarated.
Each day until your impending departure was a different goodbye. Of course, all goodbyes are sad, but to you, it was just a 'see you later'. To Tendou, it was so much more. You could see it all over his features just how hard it all was on him, but luckily, there you were.
The first day, it was your friends. Tendou came with you to meet up with your closest of companions for the last dinner date you'd have until you were able to return home for the holidays, or that they could afford a visit around the world. There were loud laughs and bright smiles, but at the inevitable end of it all, there were tears. Your friends held you close, each of them taking their turns to embrace you, kiss your soft cheeks, hold your hands in their own and beg you not to forget about them, and to of course inform them of your safe arrival of the City of Lights the moment you landed in France. Tendou watched from a safe distance behind you, a sinking sadness filling up his gut. Before it could weigh too heavy on him, your friends made their way over to him and gave him the same affection, which he certainly didn't expect.
"You take care of our girl." A threat.
"Please make sure she's happy." A request.
"We've always seen how good you treat her. Continue to treat her right, and love her always, we'll miss you!" A promise.
The redhead looked up to you, your shorter friends hugging him tightly between them, his arms nervously lowering from their defensive place above his head to slowly wrap around them. You couldn't help but to softly giggle and mouth back, "Hug them, silly. They'll miss you, too."
He couldn't help but chuckle, pulling them close and mellowing out. "Well, well, ladies. I'm flattered by all of you coming for me at once, but there's enough Satori to go around~!"
Not long after, you rejoined Tendou at his side, waving behind you to your friends as they walked in the opposite direction, eventually becoming small dots in your vision. "Well wasn't that just the sweetest, eh? Comin' to see you before we- hey, what's wrong?" Tendou looked down, ceasing your joint pace to cup your cheeks softly as a couple of tears strayed from the corners of your eyes. Resting a reassuring hand atop one of his, you smile softly. "Nothing's wrong, silly. I'm just going to miss them."
Two days.
The morning after was probably the hardest of the days spent preparing for your and Tendou's departure. Today, you'd be joining Tendou in saying goodbye to his classmates. No, his volleyball team. Honestly? His family. Sure, they weren't his parents, but the group of rowdy boys were nothing short of brothers. Tension in the Shiratorizawa gymnasium was thicker than any time there was ever a game. All the boys had gathered in their casual attire, and even Coach Washijo piled into his car to see Tendou off. Even though he kept his goofy, oddball demeanor, you knew it was all a front he put on by the tight grip he held on your hand. The casual conversation lasted for all of thirty minutes or so before a volleyball rolled across the freshly waxed gym floor, stopping by its crash course with Tendou's shoe. Every eye trailed from the ball down to the direction it rolled from, where the coach stood smirking. "Yung lady, why don't you join me on the sidelines...these boys deserve a last game together."
Looking up to your boyfriend, you see ease melt over his expression; the same calm that used to wash over him right before a game. You nod, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and a "Block 'em dead." before joining the coach and watching the boys get worked up. They split off into their old practice teams, excitement filling the room and tingling even you like static electricity. With a blow from the coach's whistle, it began again like a dream of the past: Shiratorizawa's best team was back on the court, wreaking havoc.
Just as things were starting to get good, Washijo leaned to the side and spoke loud enough for only you to hear. "You take care of that boy out there, got it? The world isn't kind to unique individuals, and I know you understand that just as well as Satori does. It's why he took so quickly to you...you're good for him. Never forget that."
You were a bit shocked by how abrasive he was, but you also knew the love the coach held in his heart for Tendou, whether he'd ever admitted it out loud or not. "Yes, sir. I promise I'll-"
"Ack! Goshiki, c'mon man! You gotta look up from the floor to hit the damn ball!"
Your head whipped around along with Washijo's to see Semi yelling at the ravenette who had just missed a perfect set. All eyes were on him, and he slowly looked up from his sneakers, tears, and snot running down his face. "I'm sorry, I..I...T-Tendou, I'm gonna miss you so much..!"
Semi sighed, "Goshiki, you weren't supposed to cry..w-we can't c-cry." His own voice began to tremble, chin quivering as he tried to force back the imminent, his brown eyes already filling with tears that clumped in his thick lashes. Even Wakatoshi Ushijima's lips were pursed and twitching at the corners. "We're so happy...so proud of you, Tendou." Your eyes surveyed the group as the sobs began to ebb and flow from hushed hiccups to strained sobs, sight finally landing on Tendou, who stood there in disbelief. Never before was there such an outpour of blatant acceptance from his friends. Of course, Tendou knew that his team supported him and cared about him, but this was something drastically different. This was love. From where you stood, you could see Satori's bottom lip begin to tremble, and without a moment to spare, his eyes filled with tears. Ushijima moved forward, facing Tendou, and took him into a strong embrace. The dam broke, and the team fell apart, taking Tendou into their arms in a massive group hug. Your own eyes watered as well, and as badly as you wanted to bust your way into the middle to comfort him, you didn't. Tendou needed this moment all for himself, and more than anything, you respected that. Blotting your own tears away, you stood next to Coach Washijo and simply watched as Tendou's team showered him with the greatest going away gift they could give him.
One day.
Your last full day in Japan was calm and quiet. The remainder of the final twenty-four hours were spent with your respective families, nothing too extravagant, you both had to be up early after all! It all went by like a blur, the day turning to night, and eventually, you wake up in Tendou's arms. Excitedly, you shook the boy awake with a bright smile. His eyelids fluttered open, and there you were; straddling his hips with a hand gripping each shoulder. "Today's the day! Sayonara, Japan. Bonjour, France! See how good that was? I've been studying the accent with the audiobooks I got to help us with the language barrier! I'm going to be fluent before you know it! Now get up, we've got to be at the airport in two hours!"
"Yeah, fluent.." Tendou sighed, rubbing sleep from his eyes and yawning before stretching his long limbs. His dexterous digits came down to rest at your hips. "If you want me up, you gotta get off me, babe."
"O-Oh! Right! Sorry!" You scurried off from your position, pulling him from his entanglement in the bedsheets. Just as usual, you were way too excited for as early as it was. "If you wanna shower first, I can make us both breakfast. Ooh, do you want coffee? I can make us some of that too!"
"Sloooooow down, Y/N." He half smiled and cupped your cheeks like a small child. "Quiet down, mom and dad are still asleep in their room. Go ahead and make breakfast. I need to shower."
"Okay." Bashfully smiling, you lean in and kiss his lips, but his kiss back didn't feel quite as genuine. He was tired, so no big deal, right?
His shower took a bit longer than usual, and when he came out from the bathroom, you were already waiting with a hot plate of food for him to enjoy. "I hope you left some hot water for me, and please be quick with food, Ushiwaka said he'd be over around seven-thirty with his car to start loading up our luggage. While you two do that, I'll fix my face up. Can't look like this on my first day in France!" You whispered softly, but your smile was ever-bright. Just as he'd agreed to, Wakatoshi arrived on time. He'd only popped in long enough to say good morning to you while you were putting on a bit of makeup before heading outside with Tendou to pack. What felt like moments was more like half an hour, and a knock softly rapped at your door.
"Y/N, we need to go. We're running behind."
Tendou spoke nervously, and you quickly began to throw your makeup into its travel bag. "Oh shoot, I'm so sorry! Okay, I've got everything in my carry-on!"
You swung the door open, your makeup as flawless as ever with lipstick accentuating your dazzling, thrilling smile. "Let the adventure begin!"
Without surprise, the car ride to the airport was quiet and a bit melancholy. Your eyes scanned every building you passed, every street sign, even the skyline of Tokyo being kissed by the morning sun as you made your way to your new future. Even Mt. Fuji seemed to grant you a sense of peace in the distance as you become a bit misty-eyed- but hey! Adventure is good. This was a new, invigorating experience, and here you were getting to face it all with the love of your life! Your best friend, your sweet, funny, oddball, Satori Tendou. The more you daydreamed in the backseat of your new life together with your partner, the closer the airport crept. In no time, Ushijima was pulling forward through the line, parking in front of the terminal. Blinking, you realized that you had arrived. Ushijima opened your door for you, and with a thank you, you jumped out of the car and popped open the trunk to grab your bags. Tendou gathered his luggage as well, standing beside you as you rummaged through your purse. "Here, Ushi. I owe you gas money. I put them right...next to...the tickets? Huh. Satori, honey, did I by chance give you the airplane tickets?"
He effortlessly reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out his ticket. "I have mine."
"Oh good!" You breathed out, relieved. "Well the money was with my ticket, so I need that to give to Ushi."
"Don't worry, I already paid him." You blinked, smiling awkwardly and readjusting your purse back over your shoulder. "O-Okay, well then can I have my ticket, please?"
Tendou stood in silence, eyes trailing slowly away from your own, shoving both hands into his pockets. This was unlike Tendou in every way, and you knew immediately something was wrong. "Did you...did you lose it? If so, that's okay, baby. We can just talk to whoever is at the kiosk and they can reprint-"
"You don't have a ticket, Y/N." His voice was soft, but yet loud enough for you to hear. Heat crept up your face, and chills ran down your entire frame. "I-I don't have a ticket? Tendou that's not funny, of course, I have a-"
"You don't have a ticket...I sold it because you're not coming with me."
A ten-ton weight dropped through your stomach, and yet your body felt so light, light as air, that a small breeze could just carry you away at any moment. This wasn't funny, yet it was a joke. Right? Was it a joke? It had to be. Tendou would never, could never, but this wasn't funny. The way his eyes avoided your pleading gaze wasn't funny. The way he took a step back from you when you stepped toward him wasn't funny. The way he shrugged your touch from his cheek when you reached out to him wasn't funny. The way your heartbeat rang in your ears, how your breathing began to shallow because you couldn't stop the tears from forming, how you could feel the thick mixture of your hot tears and mascara beginning to run down your flushed cheeks, it wasn't funny.
"Satori..? "The words came out strained and choked. "H-How, why..?"
The big bright beautiful world around you was falling apart, breaking into pieces, and crashing around the two of you in flames. Tendou sighed, running a hand over his burgundy buzz cut, still avoiding your desperate gaze like the plague.
"I've taken everything from you so selfishly."
Another step forward, "No, no, that's not true at all.."
Another step back. "It is, and you're so blind to it because of me, that you can't even see the way I've ruined absolutely everything. This is my way of fixing it."
You could feel the eyes of passerby's walking by to other terminals and being picked up from their flights as you stood there, knees wobbling and threatening to give out from underneath you while your hand cupped your mouth in a failed attempt to hush your pained sobs, but alas, it was failing.
Tendou kept his eyes down, hands both back firmly into his pockets. "It all started when you saw me take an interest in baking and chocolate. You paid so much money to allow me to continue baking, the money you worked hard for at odd jobs after school. Then you lost so much sleep, staying up who knows how many nights? Doing what- looking into places for me to go to study my hobby more? Make it a career? What about you?"
"What about me?" More tears fell in globs mixed with your mascara.
"You lost so much sleep, so uselessly, looking into things for me when you never once took time for yourself, to discover what career you wanted to get into. So much wasted on me, and I let you because I was too selfish to put you first."
"I wanted to help you, that wasn't selfish-"
"I was so focused on my own self, not once did I ask what you wanted-"
"Satori, I wanted you!!"
You tried to reach for him again, but Ushijima put a hand on your shoulder to stop you, for the best, to stop from creating an even bigger scene outside the terminal. Tendou bit his lip, trudging a foot across the pavement where he stood. "You lost all that sleep, then kept going at school...your grades were affected because you put too much into me...you worked extra jobs, along with my friends, to spend your money on getting me to the school of my dreams...all that hard-earned money that you could've and should've used on yourself, that you deserved...money that, hell, you shouldn't have been earning because you shouldn't have even been working so much after you already were losing sleep over me and falling behind in school because of me!"
Your heart ached in a way that you'd never experienced, a pain throbbing throughout your whole body that was beyond anything you could begin to describe. This was hurt you'd never wish on even your worst of enemies. "That's not true, I-I was happy to help you and do whatever it took to make your dreams come true! This isn't a burden, I've given nothing up, I-I did everything because I love you..!"
"You were losing friends, your parents, your home, your future! All because I was allowing you to throw everything you held dear out the window, and for what? For me? No. This is my dream and my future, and ripping you from all the good things you have and deserve is not a part of that."
Knees buckling beneath you, you collapse with your face buried in your hands. Tendou looks down at you finally, heart aching in his chest. "This isn't what I want, Y/N, b-but it's what's best...all of your belongings were sent back to your parent's house...Ushiwaka is gonna take you home."
"S-Satori, baby..p-please!" You snap your head up, puffy eyes finally meeting with his. The ache you felt, Tendou could feel as well. Of course, he loved you, of course, he wanted nothing more than to be with you, but not like this. Not when having you on this adventure with him meant giving up everything you already had, and for what? Him?
He leaned down and ran a hand through your hair, those long digits you loved so much tracing your jaw as he placed a chaste kiss on your forehead. "Maybe sometime, you could come to visit...I'm sorry for things having to be this way, but I can't live with continuing to make you give up everything you love...goodbye, Y/N."
Tendou stood, readjusting his bag and beginning to walk toward the double doors leading into the terminal.
"Tendou, no!!" You screamed, scrambling to your feet to chase after him, but it was useless. Wakatoshi grabbed you gently, pulling your back to his chest and holding tight despite your thrashing and begging for him to let you go. "I'm sorry, Y/N, it was all he asked of me...it's for the best." Your vision began to cloud over as the tears rolled relentlessly, watching Tendou's frame shrink smaller and smaller the further into the airport he walked until he was gone from sight.
His words repeated and echoes in your head.
"This isn't what I want, Y/N, but it's what's best."
For the first time in his life, The Guess Monster guessed wrong.
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