#this is correct i won't accept criticism
saga-jihen · 2 years
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amuseoffyre · 10 months
Something I love about OFMD is that when they introduce Mary properly, they let her shine. Like we could be given entirely Stede's POV of their relationship, but when it comes to them giving each other gifts, we get to see hers first.
Look how excited she is to share her art with him! She's so excited and then he completely cuts the legs from under her.
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And it's so critical that we see him do this to her first, so it's not her being petty and shrewish about his boat. It's showing how perfectly unsuited they are to each other. He's so oblivious to her, he has no idea she's been painting and assumes her exciting new art was done by the kids. He has zero interest in her interests.
So when we cut to the next scene and she does the same to him, it's only further emphasis about how disconnected they really are. Not only does he show no interest in what she cares about but he straight up doesn't listen when she talks to him.
And I find it especially interesting that he keeps up the pretence of trying to act appropriately excited about the painting (even though he's obviously not), Mary doesn't hide her confusion and anger that he's been ignoring her again. Stede is so used to masking to behave 'correctly' that he does it on autopilot.
So when Mary actually expresses how she's really feeling, instead of following the socially acceptable script, and actually shouts at him, you can see him emotionally shut down. "I'll get it stopped," he says at once. Course-correcting so he won't be shouted at.
And what I really, really love about the whole scene is the fact that when they receive a negative reaction to their respective exciting gifts, both of them use exactly the same body language.
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It also strikes me that this may be the first time Stede has really expressed something he's wanted to her. We know he hides away to cry on his own at night and lies about it. We know he fake-smiles his way through things and pretends everything is fine, so him actually saying "what if we did something that would make me happy" and having it shot down in front of him?
"I'll get it stopped".
Because as Rhys said in an interview, Stede never expects to get a happy ending. After all, with all we know of him, he's never had a happy beginning or a happy middle. Of course he would never expect he would be allowed to be happy.
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causeitsagame · 1 year
Some good old-fashioned h/c
For @hajihiko, since there was nothing to read <3
"No, we cannot tell Makoto," Sonia insisted, and coughed up a wad of phlegm. "He puts himself at great risk with every visit."
"I know that," Hajime said, and traded the phlegm-y handful of palm fronds she'd grabbed along the way in favor of an actual tissue. After some time spent on the real islands, Makoto had asked them what else was needed for their recovery. The list was fortunately brief, but did have some small but critical items, like a pressure control valve for surgical anesthesia. Somehow, he'd managed to find the whole requested collection in the broken world out there.
"And so we cannot appear to be ungrateful," Sonia continued. She snorted, drawing a drooping bit of snot back up into her reddened nose. "Accepting necessary trade-offs without complaint is a part of negotiations and aid."
"It's Makoto," Hajime patiently countered as he led her back into her room. Other nearby doors were also closed, but she'd decided that she felt well enough to help prepare some broth for the others. It hadn't gone well; he'd found her slumped over in the kitchen. "He's not going to get mad if I clarify exactly what he brought to the island with him."
"No, we mustn't blame him," Sonia said weakly as Hajime steered her toward her bed.
"It's not blame. I just want to know."
"You mustn't," she insisted again as she let herself be maneuvered under a light blanket. Though the day was typically warm outside, she shook.
"…Fine," Hajime lied. "I won't call Makoto."
Sonia smiled gratefully up at him through reddened, watery features.
"Feel better. I'll check on you soon, all right?"
She nodded, coughed again, and curled up on her side.
With a reassuring smile, Hajime walked off to call Makoto.
"Sorry, I didn't realize," Makoto said on the video screen, and wiped roughly at his nose. Now into recovery, he had the pale, desaturated color scheme of a heavy illness draped over his otherwise sunny demeanor. "I didn't feel bad until I was already leaving. How are people doing? Do you need more medicine?"
"No, we're good." Hajime gestured over his shoulder, and coughed. "There's plenty of medicine in the clinics around the islands."
Makoto hesitated at Hajime's deep, rough cough. "Is it expired, though?"
"On the packages? Sure. In reality? Slightly reduced efficacy, easily adjusted for with a larger dose." Hajime coughed again against the back of his hand. "We're good."
"Okay," Makoto said uncertainly. "Call me again if you need to, all right?"
"We're fine." Hajime waved him off. "I should be able to toss this off pretty easily, and I can look after everyone else."
"Well. Okay. But seriously, you can call me."
"And we always appreciate it," Hajime assured him, and with a grateful nod, cut the call. Okay. Time to check on everyone else.
Akane complained, which was a good sign; she'd been the first to succumb, and her laying so still and quiet in bed had unpleasantly reminded everyone of the Despair Disease. "I've gotta have something more than just water," she griped as Hajime handed her a bowl, filled from the pot Sonia had left simmering.
"Broth," Hajime corrected. "And do your eyes feel all weird and prickly?"
"Right. We need to get more fluids into you, first thing. That'll help you recover as quickly as possible. And if you need fluids, this is better than just water, right?"
"Yeah," she admitted, and drank some. "I guess."
"Okay. Drink some more of that until you feel better, and then real food is on the way." That encouraged her enough to treat the broth as an actual meal, and after a quick temperature check, Hajime moved on.
"I feel gross," Kazuichi whined.
Hajime turned to cough into his shoulder, heavy and deeper in his chest than when he'd talked to Makoto. It felt like it echoed inside him like a timpani, and Kazuichi had an eyebrow raised when he turned back to the man.
"You sound gross," Kazuichi added.
"I'm fine," Hajime insisted, and held up a stethoscope. "I want to listen to your chest."
Breathing was hindered by the sputum that this illness had brought to their respiratory tracts, but fortunately, it didn't sound any worse than yesterday. Kazuichi must be currently going through the worst of it, which meant that recovery was right ahead. "Cough for me into this," Hajime instructed, handing over a tissue.
Kazuichi did, and made a face as Hajime inspected what he'd coughed up. "And that is gross."
"The infection is on the mend," Hajime dryly confirmed as he tossed the tissue in a nearby bin. "And you're welcome. I'll bring soup."
"…Did you make the soup, or…"
Kazuichi's grimace deepened as much as his illness-exhausted muscles would allow.
"She knows how to make a decent vegetable broth, by now. It tastes fine. Really. Be back in a sec."
Outside Kazuichi's cottage, Hajime felt a deep, insistent pressure build up in his chest. He hurried away from the open window, far enough that the noises he was about to make would blend into the rush of waves on the shore.
The cough ripped out of him painfully hard. He could feel it dislodge substances inside him that shouldn't be there; the illness everyone else was dealing with had also settled into his own respiratory tract. With another few deep coughs, Hajime cleared his throat and stood. His immune system was part of his generally improved body. That, along with his medical knowledge, meant that he was the best-suited person on this island to look after everyone else. And so he'd do exactly that.
"Hey," Hajime quietly called out as he entered the last cottage. He'd stopped by the kitchen for Kazuichi's broth, and another bowl of it was still in hand. "How are you doing?"
While Hajime was the best-suited to throw off an illness, Fuyuhiko was expectedly having the roughest time of it. He'd succumbed soon after Akane, but while she'd rebounded enough to complain and regain her appetite, Fuyuhiko remained a quiet, pliant lump under his blankets.
Silence in return to his question twisted an anxious knife in Hajime's chest. Suddenly fearful, he leaned over Fuyuhiko's still form.
And then he coughed on him, deep and loud.
Grimacing, Fuyuhiko stirred and looked up at Hajime with an accusing eye. "What?" The question was deep, raspy. Between damage from days of coughing and the illness his body still fought, his voice had dropped half an octave and most of its volume.
"Just checking on you," Hajime said. "I brought this. Can you sit up?"
Fuyuhiko flicked his gaze to the bowl Hajime held, then away. It was a silent but clear 'no thanks.'
"You need to eat," Hajime insisted.
Illness weakened people, and Fuyuhiko apparently dealt with illness about as well as he did with anything that made him feel weak: it pissed him off.
He'd been even more uncooperative than Akane. Although she'd fortunately rebounded quite a bit after the pods, giving her some physical reserves, Fuyuhiko had been an easy target for the disease clawing through everyone's system. He'd been left nearly motionless, only able to manage the short trip to the bathroom without exhausting himself. He relied on Hajime for food, medical attention, and anything else, and it infuriated him.
"The faster you recover, the faster you can get out of this room," Hajime pointed out. "And you're not going to recover if you starve yourself."
Fuyuhiko didn't want to agree with that, clearly. Fortunately for his pride, he could simply stay silent.
Hajime sighed. "Would you just—"
He barely set the bowl down in time before another cough ripped through him, doubling him over. He felt his abdominal muscles clench hard, almost like he was vomiting, as his airway was forcefully cleared. He gasped when he regained control of his breathing, felt his throat catch again on some of the mucus coating it, and fell into a second helpless round of coughing.
"One second," Hajime wheezed, and wiped his teary, bloodshot eyes.
In Fuyuhiko's bathroom, Hajime wiped down his face with one tissue and coughed hard into a second. The sputum had tinges of color just like what he'd inspected on Kazuichi: the infection was finally settling into Hajime's lungs, too. But it was mild, only there in small streaks, and so there wasn't any need to worry. Certainly, he was in much better shape than any of the rest of them, especially Fuyuhiko.
When Hajime exited back into the main room, Fuyuhiko was making an awkward attempt at the soup left next to him.
"Oh," Hajime said in pleased surprise, and cleared his throat again. "Need any help?"
Fuyuhiko eyed him speculatively. "No. Hey. Is there any medicine I should be taking?"
Hajime's eyebrows further rose. Fuyuhiko had rejected most of his suggestions before this, saying he didn't need it. "Yeah, there are a few different things I'd like to put you on."
"Go get 'em."
Not about to argue with a patient suddenly cooperating, Hajime did so. On the way, he stopped twice more to double over, hacking and coughing until tears squeezed out of his eyes.
Two days later, he tried to get out of bed to monitor everyone's recovery, and… couldn't. Hajime's muscles were tired like he couldn't remember, and every breath was thin and labored. He could feel the heat and humidity of the islands laying across his skin like a slimy, stifling weight, and yet the core of his body felt chilled and vulnerable. Hajime pulled a blanket over his shoulders and curled inward on himself.
Ten minutes passed, and his door opened under Sonia's mostly-steady hand. "We knew it," she sighed. "Yesterday, you were clearly on a steep decline."
"How's everyone doing?" Hajime asked. Or tried to, anyway; the words came out all mumbled.
"Good enough to check in on you!" Kazuichi promised, walking in with a bowl of soup. Behind him, Akane carried three thermoses, presumably full of the same.
"No," Hajime protested, seeing them all up and walking around. "You need to." His medical assessments weren't coming together like they had, and so he struggled with finding the instructions to issue. "Cough. Tissue."
"We're all clear," Kazuichi promised with a big thumbs-up. "Just normal snot, no infections."
Sonia smiled awkwardly. It was a curious mixture between celebration of their improved health and not wanting to have physical matters mentioned. Princesses weren't raised to acknowledge bodily issues, presumably.
"Oh." Well, that was good. Hajime let out a few rough, hacking coughs again, then found the next words he'd been struggling for. "Where's Fuyuhiko?"
As if cued, the man brushed past Kazuichi. Unlike everyone else, who appeared well on the path to recovery by now, Fuyuhiko was clearly still in the grips of the illness. He at least looked better than he had, though, even as he had a light blanket clutched around him and would probably go straight back to bed. "You probably know which one of these to take, yeah?"
Hajime managed a faint smile as more than a dozen different medications were deposited on his nightstand. The pile included every medicine he'd pulled for Fuyuhiko, along with what must be every other medicine that Fuyuhiko had decided looked even remotely related when he made his own visit to the nearest clinic. "Yeah. I see what I need."
"Good." Fuyuhiko found a small smile of his own, though it was an odd-looking expression after their collective illness had torn so deeply into him. "When I saw you acting like a dumbass, I figured I'd better heal up fast."
"M'not a dumbass," Hajime protested.
"You will stay in bed for the next three days," Sonia proclaimed, bringing the full weight of her lifelong training to bear. "We will not permit you to further exert yourself, Hajime, and will look after you as you have looked after us."
Hajime opened his mouth, took in everyone's visibly improved states, and closed it. That… that didn't sound too bad. "Okay," he relented. "But Fuyuhiko'd better do the same." Fuyuhiko had improved, yes, but 'can stand and walk, only with great effort' wasn't exactly reassuring.
Instinctive stubbornness slammed into Fuyuhiko's expression, and he opened his mouth to argue.
"Get back into bed," Hajime said, mostly into his pillow, "or I'll get up to check on you."
"…One more day," Fuyuhiko accepted, clearly with great reluctance.
"Fine." Hajime coughed. "Someone get me three pills from the. Bottle with the uh. Uh. Green cap." Sonia stepped forward toward the bottles, and Hajime admitted to her, "I called Makoto."
"I assumed as much," she sighed, though it came with a smile. "Will you need help with these pills?"
"Yeah, I'll need help sitting up," Hajime said, and saw Akane head his way to do so as Sonia disappeared into the bathroom for a glass of water. At the doorway, Fuyuhiko actually let himself be led off by Kazuichi.
As he felt Akane carefully tilt him up from the bed, Hajime sighed and let his eyes fall closed. Her grip was steady and sure, and Sonia sounded confident as she rattled off the (expected) name on the requested bottle, wanting confirmation before she administered it.
Obediently, Hajime opened his mouth for the first pill, and swallowed it down with the mouthful of water she then offered. And then again, and again. Sonia's voice next promised that she'd check on Fuyuhiko as the day went on, too, and so there was no need for him to worry.
Reassured, Hajime nodded as Akane arranged him back under his blanket. "Thanks."
His instincts began to rattle off all of the checklist items he should tackle, but for once, Hajime ignored them.
For now, he'd let someone else be in charge.
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Eventually I might write an entire thesis on all the ways Tech shows that he loves and cares deeply about his family; but for now, here's a slightly shorter essay focusing on how Tech dealt with Echo's departure in "The Crossing." 
One of the main themes of this episode is how different people deal with loss/goodbyes, and this is illustrated particularly well by the contrast between Omega and Tech (Hunter and Wrecker are basically the middle ground). Omega, of course, is vocal about how much she misses Echo and initially misinterprets Tech's attitude as him "not caring" that "everything's changing," but it's precisely Tech's attitude and actions that show how much he DOES care.
Tech is fully aware of Echo's absence
Tech relays right away that Echo's comms are off - meaning he had to have been in contact with Echo (or at least tried to contact him) since their parting. He is also the first to propose that the assignments for the mission might need to be adjusted due to Echo's absence leaving them "one man down."
Tech compartmentalizes Echo's departure within the same framework as Crosshair's departure.
I'm inclined to believe he does this because this is how he's able to accept this specific type of change. Of course there are differences between the two - one of which being that Crosshair left on barely civil terms after making it clear he had a hard time accepting that the squad could have different life goals/opinions without being enemies, while Echo left on good terms and made it clear he'd return - but ultimately both brothers left because the pull to pursue a different objective was greater than the call to stay with the family. And while Tech later admits this "can be difficult to understand" - which is likely why he acts as he does at other points in the episode - he understands and respects their decisions at least well enough to know he needs to carry on.
Tech is extra tetchy with the others for most of the episode - and this is NOT typical for him.
Tech has always been dry and blunt, sometimes seemingly emotionless ("seemingly" being the operative word), and he's not shy in expressing his opinions; but rarely has he ever crossed the line into being rude and blatantly argumentative with his squadmates as he is here. For example: in "Aftermath," Wrecker and Tech have a brief exchange during the battle simulation where Tech points out that maybe Wrecker should learn the hand signals and Wrecker gets a touch defensive; but rather than the issue blowing up into a major disagreement, Tech translates the hand signals for Wrecker and they move on. In "The Crossing," however, Tech gets irritated that Wrecker didn't notice the Marauder being stolen, and he just won't let it go. He then gets a bit sharp with Omega when she presses the subject of Echo's departure, telling her "What is your issue?" (He might have inadvertently said borderline insensitive things before, like "Perhaps the situation is not as dire as described. Children often overreact"; but as far as we've seen he has never singled out Omega as the subject of these observations and has never been curt with her.)
Omega, of course, gets frustrated with Tech, primarily because she doesn't see Tech's behavior for what it is: an indication that Tech feels the loss just as much as she does, even if he doesn't express it the same way.
Tech accepts Hunter's and Wrecker's criticism that he has handled things poorly with Omega, and when she finally tells him exactly what is bothering her about his behavior, he takes the time to put his feelings into words
Tech has been more irritable than usual, but he still cares about his family enough to notice when he's gone too far, accept correction, and do his best to smooth things over. He doesn't quite seem to know at first how to approach the topic with Omega so things can be smoothed over; but when she opens up to him, he is silent for a long time as he ponders how best to explain himself to her, rather than brushing aside and avoiding what is obviously a difficult conversation for him but an important one for her.
And thus we get one of my top favorite scenes along with one of my top favorite quotes in the entire Star Wars franchise:
"Echo chose a different path, as did Crosshair. I have to respect their decision. Even though it can be difficult to understand, we must carry on. I may process moments and thoughts differently, but it does not mean that I feel any less than you."
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hero-israel · 1 year
Here's the thing about this narrative that Palestinian resistance no matter what form is acceptable. Jewkilling cannot exist in a bubble. It cannot be politically neutral. 1000 years of European (and Arab) antisemitism culminating in genocide have ruined that. Sorry to Palestinian activists but that's just how it works. You can't murder a Jew without it being a tragedy, without it contributing to the continued global oppression of Jewish people.
And all that said, that's just if Hamas and others only targeted soldiers and police (or at least tried as best they could). The IRA didn't go out of its way to purposefully target noncombatants. Why? Probably because there isn't thousands of years of history of English people being seen as subhuman, there isn't thousands of years of anglophobic propaganda showing English people as twisted monsters preying on children and secretly undermining Irish society. The Irish national movement was not born because English refugees returned to their historical homeland and challenged the notion of Irish Supremacy. It was a pragmatic liberation movement. Resist military occupation, undermine military infrastructure designed to oppress the people. The descendants of English and Scottish settlers would even be allowed to stay if they had won. Imagine that.
These things are all tied up in each other. I'm against police brutality, I'm against the escalation and the militarization and the mistreatment of Arabs in Israel and in Judea & Samaria and Gaza and Golan and everywhere. But killing Jews can never be righteous. Sorry to anyone who feels that way but it can't. Antizionists NEED to understand that. Jews will always feel defensive and ready themselves for retaliation because of history, because of that context. Jews keep saying "prove to us a post zionist society where we all share the land won't be antisemitic" and their concerns are completely brushed off.
There's no empathy at all. A little girl can be stabbed to death and antizionists celebrate because she was a "settler," and that brave Palestinian man was defending his indigenous homeland, by targeting the weakest of his enemies. And since Israel has mandatory military service the antizionist can surmise that no Jews are Innocent. An Israeli Jew cannot be a noncombatant. They have to, otherwise the only other explanation for why Jewkilling is acceptable to them, or even feels good to them, is that they hate Jews. And as of right now, the optics are still against that. I have a sinking feeling the optics won't be against them much longer. I inherently don't trust a "liberation" movement that's all too eager to make murdering Jewish civilians praxis. I'm sick of the internet falling for this bullshit.
One of the best asks I have ever received. Thank you for sharing it and I agree with every word.
The entire progressive intersectional social-justice frame has failed Jews (or, alternately, has succeeded in excluding them), due to being intellectually colonized by a clearly fascist ideology of incessantly hating the Jew as a poisonous alien. Try to get an online activist to critically deconstruct the social assumptions they were raised with about Jews in their Muslim, Christian, or very slightly post-Christian society... it won't go well. Funny how Jews have lived in India and China for thousands of years yet you will look in vain for examples of bitter bloodthirsty kill-your-nextdoor-neighbor antisemitism in those societies. That's because the origin, the core, of Chinese and Indian societies was not "We're the people who are better than Jews."
From a review of Richard Landes' new book "Can the Whole World Be Wrong?":
[During the Second Intifada] Israelis were described at the time as the new Nazis. But the malice that was unleashed was even worse. As Landes writes, “It was mostly about being freed from a sense of obligation to the Jews, a chance to take up again the Jew-baiting so long denied Europeans by a politically correct post-Holocaust sobriety.” Landes quotes a poisonous comment made by a member of the House of Lords and reported in the Spectator, “Well, the Jews have been asking for it, and now, thank God, we can say what we think at last.” During that time, I was told something horrifyingly similar to my [=the reviewer's] face.
Your example of Irish nationalists not going out of their way to murder British children is a good one. The oft-reached comparisons between Palestine and South Africa are frivolous for many reasons as I have explained here before, and the ANC advocating and normalizing a vision of enduring racial diversity and equality is high on the list of reasons (made possible because black African identity is not predicated on a thousand-year history of hating and oppressing whites). The case of Rhodesia is even more instructive. Robert Mugabe - ROBERT MUGABE! - pleaded with the whites to stay, to live as equals, as brothers, and work together in building a better society in Zimbabwe. Ian Smith, last white PM of Rhodesia, agreed with him and stayed in Zimbabwe. If a so-called "liberation" movement is more openly dedicated to straight-up exterminating their enemies than Robert Mugabe ever was, maybe, just maybe, it shouldn't be described as "liberation" at all.
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torahoes · 9 months
IDOLiSH7 Part 6 Chapter 12.1 - 12.2 (ŹOOĻ's scene)
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Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Chapter 12.1:
Minami Natsume: This is our new song’s demo. Please listen to it.
Touma Inumaru: So it’s finally done!
Haruka Isumi: It’s the song we’ll be singing at the New Black or White, right?
Torao Mido: What kind of song is it?
Minami Natsume: Before we proceed, I'd like to make it clear that I won't be accepting any criticism from you all.
Minam Natsume: I’m only willing to listen to praises.
Torao Mido: There’s no need to be so menacing…..
Touma Inumaru: Basically, that means you’re super confident about this song, right?
Minami Natsume: ...........
Minami Natsume: Well… yes, that’s right….
Touma Inumaru: Then I’m really looking forward to it!
Haruka Isumi: What’s the title?
Minami Natsume: Did I forget to mention it?
Minami Natsume: It’s “Utopia”.
Haruka Isumi: That’s a cool title! Ah, it started. … Woah!
Touma Inumaru: Ah….!
Torao Mido: Oh….!
Minami Natsume: What are these reactions supposed to mean…?
Touma Inumaru: This is good!
Haruka Isumi: It’s cool!
Torao Mido: I like it!
Minami Natsume: You three with your limited vocabulary…..
Minami Natsume: More. I need you all to praise me properly.
Touma Inumaru: It’s the best of the best! Mina, you’re a genius!
Haruka Isumi: If this is our song, we’re definitely going to win!
Torao Mido: It’s perfect! The entire world will bow down to you, Minami!
Minami Natsume: … Yay!!
Touma Inumaru: Now that’s a rare sight, he’s frolicking…
Minami Natsume: Let’s listen to it again from the top. Please praise me for each lyric, one at a time.
Haruka Isumi: You’re super, super, SUPER cool! You’re the only one who’s capable of composing a song like this, Minami. You’re the greatest in the world!
Torao Mido: That’s right! Now there’s no way we can lose. Let’s win with this song!
Minami Natsume: Yes, absolutely. And since you’ve said that, please put your body on the line too.
Torao Mido: Huh?
Touma Inumaru: Show us some cool, daring moves! How about around this part of the song?
Haruka Isumi: Sounds good! Let’s blow their minds! Torao, can you do it?
Torao Mido: Fu… Who do you think you’re talking to?
Touma Inumaru: Okay, I’m slowly starting to get a handle on how to deal with Tora!
- Door opens -
Shiro Utsugi: Please excuse me.
Haruka Isumi: Utsugi-san, did you listen to the song Minami made?
Shiro Utsugi: Yes, I was able to listen to it earlier. It felt like the advent of a godlike song.
Shiro Utsugi: Natsume-san, I don’t think I can convey what I feel through spoken words alone, so I will prepare a 10,000 word report later.
Minami Natsume: Fufu, thank you very much.
Shiro Utsugi: Now that the new song is finished, there is somebody I would like to introduce to you all.  
Haruka Isumi: Somebody you want to introduce to us….?
Chapter 12.2:
Touma Inumaru: Is that person here right now?
Shiro Utsugi: No, they said they wished to greet you all through a video call. Let me just set up the laptop first.
Minami Natsume: What is this person like…?
Shiro Utsugi: Ah, please wait a moment… it’s connected to these headphones right now, so before I switch to the speakers, let me just check with them once again.
Shiro Utsugi: [On the call] Hello? Did you decide on your character?
Haruka Isumi: … “Decide on your character”….?
Shiro Utsugi: [On the call] Anything’s fine. Huh? Ah… ughhh, what a pain. Okay, fine, I got it.
Touma Inumaru: He’s totally snubbing this person….
Shiro Utsugi: Thank you for your patience! Allow me to introduce you to a highly-respected world-class event artist.
Torao Mido: Uh, that didn’t really sound like how one would speak to a highly-respected world-class artist…
Minami Natsume: What is their name?
Shiro Utsugi: Ah, that’s right… please wait a moment.
Shiro Utsugi: [On the call] What’re you gonna do? Which one are you going with? Did you decide already?
Touma Inumaru: We can hear you asking them that, though…
Haruka Isumi: This manager’s introducing us to a really shady person……
Shiro Utsugi: Thank you for your patience! His name is Mr. Moonlight Ichiro.
Minami Natsume: Mr. Moonlight Ichiro….
Torao Mido: Have you heard of him before?
Minami Natsume: Unfortunately, I have no idea who he is either…
Shiro Utsugi: Then, I will be switching to the speakers now. I apologize, but there will be a mosaic filter on his face.
Touma Inumaru: Why!? SERIOUSLY, why!?
Shiro Utsugi: We’re starting now~
- Beep -
Haruka Isumi: Oh! It started…
Torao Mido: Can he hear us already?
Minami Natsume: It would appear so…... Nice to meet you, Mr. Moonlight Ichiro. I’m ZOOL’s Minami Natsume.
Moonlight Ichiro: Yes… Nice to meet you.
Moonlight Ichiro: I am Moonlight Ichiro.
Touma Inumaru: [Internally] … Ryo-san….?
Haruka Isumi: [Internally] … Isn’t that Ryo-san…?
Torao Mido: [Internally] … Is that Ryo-san…?
Minami Natsume: [Internally] … Is that not Ryo-san….?
Moonlight Ichiro: Right then, without further ado, before you compete at the New Black or White, I would like to offer you all some advice.
Touma Inumaru: Now hold on a second… you’re Ryo-san, aren’t you?
Moonlight Ichiro: I am not.
Haruka Isumi: You’re Ryo Tsukumo, right?
Moonlight Ichiro: I am Moonlight Jiro.
Torao Mido: The more I listen to your voice, the more it sounds just like Ryo-san’s though… Also, did you just say “Jiro”?
Moonlight Ichiro: Tch… See? What did I tell you, Shiro? Come on, do it quickly.
Shiro Utsugi: Hold on, I’ll try to do it now…..
Minami Natsume: What are you setting up on the laptop, Utsugi-san….?
Shiro Utsugi: I apologize; it might become a bit harder to hear his voice, but... ah, it's finally done!
Moonlight Ichiro: [With a voice changer] Yes. I’m Moonlight Ichiro.
Touma Inumaru: Oh, never mind, it’s different from Ryo-san’s voice…… AS IF WE’D THINK THAT!
Haruka Isumi: Now you’re just blatantly using a voice changer! Come on, you’re Ryo-san, aren’t you!?
Moonlight Ichiro: I am not.
Torao Mido: It IS you! Utsugi-san, get rid of that mosaic filter on his face.
Shiro Utsugi: Is it okay if I do, Ryo-kun?
Moonlight Ichiro: Of course it’s not okay, idiot!
Minami Natsume: He’s even calling him “Ryo-kun” now…
Moonlight Ichiro: Moving on, I’ll give you some valuable advice that you’ll be grateful for, so listen to what I say carefully.
Touma Inumaru: This takes me back, Ryo-san! Have you been well?
Moonlight Ichiro: I haven’t. I mean, this is our first meeting.
Haruka Isumi: Did you watch “BLAST”?
Moonlight Ichiro: I did! That final episode was no good.
Torao Mido: It was good though?! I did that jump myself, you know!
Moonlight Ichiro: Oh, I know. I read it in the magazine.
Minami Natsume: Would you like to listen to the new song?
Moonlight Ichiro: It’s done already?! The one for the New Black or White?
Minami Natsume: Yes.
Moonlight Ichiro: Okay, just send me the file.
Shiro Utsugi: Ryo-kun. Are we done with the whole “Mr. Moonlight” act now, then?
Moonlight Ichiro: Don’t call it an “act”! Everything’s ruined now because of you.
Shiro Utsugi: Nothing’s ruined yet. If you forcibly continue the act, you might still be able to succeed.
Moonlight Ichiro: Really?
Shiro Utsugi: Maybe?
Haruka Isumi: I’m telling you, it’s not possible. Utsugi-san, do you think we’re stupid?
Shiro Utsugi: Oh, no, I wouldn’t dare to think that.
Haruka Isumi: The person on the other side of the screen is Ryo-san, right?
Shiro Utsugi: Huh……..?
Haruka Isumi: A grown man like you shouldn’t be tilting your head to the side and playing dumb like that!
Minami Natsume:  Oh well, I think it’s alright. So, then, Mr. Moonlight, what kind of advice do you have for us exactly?
Minami Natsume: We are no longer going to be dictated by the will of others.
Moonlight Ichiro: Fu… so you’re able to say things like that now, huh.
Moonlight Ichiro: With the goal of triumphing at the New Black or White, I’ll give you some advice on organizing ZOOL’s mini-live.
Haruka Isumi: We don't need it! Don't attempt to involve yourself with us while you're still unwilling to drop the act!
Haruka Isumi: Say it properly. You’re Ryo-san, right? You want to be involved with us, right?
Moonlight Ichiro: …………..
Moonlight Ichiro: You’re wrong.
Haruka Isumi: Utsugi-san, cut the call!
Shiro Utsugi: Understood.
Moonlight Ichiro: Don’t understand him!
Haruka Isumi: See you then, Mosaic Man!
Torao Mido: Wait, wait, calm down! Isn’t this Moonlight thing good enough for now?
Haruka Isumi: You’re too lenient, Torao!
Torao Mido: I mean, I also just went through something similar with the whole, you know, not being able to properly express what I really wanted to do thing, or whatever, so…
Moonlight Ichiro: What the heck are you on about, idiot? I bet in reality, you nearly wet yourself during the action scenes and swapped with the stuntman at the last moment, didn’t you? Because, you know, you lack guts.
Torao Mido: ………………. Haha….….
Torao Mido: Utsugi-san, cut the call.
Shiro Utsugi: Right, I agree.
Moonlight Ichiro: Why are you agreeing with him?!
Shiro Utsugi: Ryo-kun. If you’re just going to mindlessly insult ZOOL, I’m going to cut the call. This is a really important time for them.
Shiro Utsugi: I only set this whole call up for you because you said you had something to say to them. If you don’t, I’m going to end it here.
Moonlight Ichiro: …… Fine. Remove the mosaic.
Shiro Utsugi: As you wish.
Moonlight Ichiro: It’s just as you all say. My true identity is, indeed, the one who scouted you four……..
Ryo Tsukumo: ….. Ryo Tsukumo.
Touma Inumaru: Hm…? Did the blur on the screen just get stronger?
Minami Natsume: Utsugi-san, what did you press?
Shiro Utsugi: Oh? That’s strange……
Ryo Tsukumo: I have my own proper reasons for not revealing my true identity to you four right away. You see, I’m purely in the position of watching over--
Haruka Isumi: Wai- Ryo-san, can we hold off on the serious talk until this gets fixed? It's starting to feel like a police investigation with that mosaic over your face.
Ryo Tsukumo: What…. Hey, what are you doing? This is an important moment, damn it!
Shiro Utsugi: Uh. Hey, Ryo-kun. What did you mess with when we played that game a while back using our faces?
Ryo Tsukumo: The app we downloaded. Isn’t that obvious?
Minami Natsume: These old men with plenty of time on their hands… they spend quite the pleasant time playing with each other, apparently.
Haruka Isumi: So you can still play those kinds of games even after you become an adult… I feel kinda relieved now.
Touma Inumaru: I'm surprised they actually seem to get along pretty well...
Shiro Utsugi: Oh we don’t get along. But I suppose you could say we're sort of like childhood friends, so I’ve been looking after him for a long time now.
Ryo Tsukumo: I’m the one who’s been looking after you. You’re from a commoner family, after all.
Shiro Utsugi: No, I’m the one. You were hated by your family, weren’t you? Ah, it’s finally fixed.
Ryo Tsukumo: [Now normal] Hello there. It’s been a while.
Touma Inumaru: Long time no see. You could’ve just contacted us instead of going about it in such a roundabout way!
Ryo Tsukumo: I was busy.
Minami Natsume: So you haven’t met with Momo-san either? I thought he was a good friend of yours.
Ryo Tsukumo: He isn’t, so I didn’t meet him. But, well, I suppose I can drop by to console him after the New Black or White ends.
Haruka Isumi: Console him? Why?
Ryo Tsukumo: Because ZOOL will be the ones to win, obviously.
Haruka Isumi: ….. Ryo-san….
Minami Natsume: You said that you have some advice for us, but what kind of advice is it?
Ryo Tsukumo: That, I will decide after this. First, tell me the setlist! Or are you going to refuse because I’m an outsider?
Touma Inumaru: That’s only natural. You disappear like that and don’t even contact us a single time afterward…
Ryo Tsukumo: What? Are you mad or something?
Touma Inumaru: I am.
Ryo Tsukumo: ……….
Touma Inumaru: It might not be that I’m actually angry. There are things I’m grateful to you for as well, and despite everything, I can’t really hate you.
Touma Inumaru: But as ZOOL’s leader, I absolutely cannot allow people that I think might hurt these guys to get close to them.
Touma Inumaru: That’s also why I think Utsugi-san called you an outsider too. So, which one are you?
Touma Inumaru: Will you support us and help in realizing this dream alongside us, or are you just here on a whim to pick on us?
Touma Inumaru: Answer us properly…… We already know that you covered for us and disappeared alone to protect ZOOL.
Touma Inumaru: Will you hold our hand once again, properly this time? Please tell us.
Ryo Tsukumo: …………..
Ryo Tsukumo: You four really are idiots.… After I used you so much, you really thought I was protecting you?
Ryo Tsukumo: And on top of that, you want me to hold your hands? You all are idols selling your images, aren’t you? You really are feeble-minded and foolish.
Ryo Tsukumo: I was feeling bored so I thought I’d prick and play with you for a bit, but I’m over it now. My real identity got exposed anyway.
Ryo Tsukumo: That’s the end of that. Shiro, you can cut the call now.
Haruka Isumi: The real idiot is you. Stuuupid.
Ryo Tsukumo: What?
Torao Mido: That really was nonsensical. Utsugi-san, pass me the laptop.
Shiro Utsugi: Here you go.
Ryo Tsukumo: What are you doing? Hey, I can only see Torao’s face in this spot.
Torao Mido: Aren’t you lucky then? You guys, this is fine, right?
Touma Inumaru: Yeah.
Minami Natsume: I don’t mind.
Ryo Tsukumo: What are you secretly whispering about?
Torao Mido: There, I just sent it to you. The setlist. Although it’s not final yet.
Ryo Tsukumo: … Hmm……
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Touma Inumaru: We’re thinking about this earnestly and working hard on it in our own way.
Touma Inumaru: If you have any advice, we’d like to hear it. But… I ask that you don’t thoughtlessly try to hurt us.
Touma Inumaru: If we’re affected by your words and can’t give our absolute best during our performance because of that, that would be the worst.
Touma Inumaru: You not liking us even a bit... we don't believe that anymore, Ryo-san.
Minami Natsume: But it’s also true that you left our side without saying a word to us.
Minami Natsume: The present us need someone who may not necessarily love us but is willing to take responsibility for us…..
Minami Natsume: Rather than someone who loves us but is not willing to take responsibility.
Shiro Utsugi: Why are you looking at me? I truly do love you all.
Minami Natsume: If you’re going to be considerate towards our feelings, then let’s play together again sometime.
Minami Natsume: Being an idol is the game Ryo-san taught us— it’s the greatest game in this world.
Ryo Tsukumo: ……………
Haruka Isumi: It's okay, right? You’ll come to cheer us on, won’t you?
Haruka Isumi: I know that you came to watch us last year. I saw you from the stage at last year’s Black or White.
Ryo Tsukumo: …………… Fu……..
Ryo Tsukumo: As if I would cheer for you. I don’t even like idols in the first place.
Ryo Tsukumo: … But, maybe every once in a while, Moonlight Ichiro might make some favorable comments towards you all.
Torao Mido: You’re still going to continue with that character despite failing as hard as you did?
Touma Inumaru: Alright, we got it. In that case, this marks our farewell with you.
Touma Inumaru: But I'm glad we got to see you doing well.
Ryo Tsukumo: Mmm… likewise.
Minami Natsume: Please contact us whenever you feel like it.
Torao Mido: Come to see us, alright? On the day of the event too.
Ryo Tsukumo: If I have the time, maybe.
Haruka Isumi: Cheer us on.
Ryo Tsukumo: Do your best.
Haruka Isumi: ……………
Ryo Tsukumo: … Break a leg.
Haruka Isumi: …. Yeah. Thanks.
Ryo Tsukumo: Haha…….. Shiro, that’s enough. End the call now.
Shiro Utsugi: Understood.
- Beep -
Shiro Utsugi: I disconnected the call. I apologize for taking up your time during such a busy period.
ZOOL: ……………
Touma Inumaru: We’re idols, so… it would be nice if someday we could make Ryo-san happy, too.
Torao Mido: Yeah…..
Shiro Utsugi: You all really are very kind...… hm?
- Phone ringing -
Minami Natsume: There’s an incoming call again…. Is it alright if I pick up?
Shiro Utsugi: Go ahead.
- Beep -
Minami Natsume: Hello, who is this?
Moonlight Ichiro: Hello, this is Moonlight Ichiro speaking!
Minami Natsume: ……….
Haruka Isumi: You're surprisingly quick at changing gears, Ryo-san….
The End.
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antianakin · 1 month
thoughts on skeleton crew and rebuild the galaxy?
i’ve noticed the kids-oriented media tends to be more pro jedi (the correct way), so i’m cautiously optimistic
I remain pretty neutral thus far on both things.
There's absolutely no telling where Skeleton Crew is going to go, the kids' reactions to Jude Law's character seem awed, but that doesn't necessarily mean there won't be a twist down the line later where Jude Law is either faking being a Jedi or is a fallen Jedi or is similar to Ahsoka where he is just kind-of critical about the Order even if he's not fallen per se. I've heard the show is intended to be "Goonies in space" in terms of vibes, but as someone who's entirely unfamiliar with Goonies, that doesn't really tell me anything beyond that it's an adventure story with child protagonists. It seems fine so far, and it may well be perfectly fine when it comes out, but there's nothing I've seen about Skeleton Crew that's got me pumped about it or anything and nothing that's got me boycotting it on principle either.
The LEGO stuff has the benefit of being able to do whatever they want and get away with it; it's intended to be pretty tongue in cheek and satire-heavy, which allows it some more leeway in what people will accept. It looks like it'll be pretty cute and I hope Mark Hamill had a lot of fun playing Bizarro Luke, but that's about the extent of my feelings on it. I'm sure it'll be enjoyable, I've heard fairly positive things about the LEGO content thus far.
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gatitties · 1 year
May i request please Ryusei, Baji, Chifu and Kazu when a friend draws them/make a clay figure of them please ? As a platonic
Thank you !
─Ryusei, Baji, Chifuyu & Kazutora x reader (platonic)
─Summary: your friend discover that you are making a small figure/draw of them
─Warnings: none
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Ryusei Satou
─ He caught you drawing him in the middle of class, it was a boring class and you had a good angle on him so you took advantage of it.
─ You wish he hadn't seen you because oh boy, he'll make fun of you telling you that you're in love with him as a joke.
─ You will raise his ego even more and probably every time he sees you with a pencil and a notebook he poses ironically for you.
─ Although he seriously won't mind if you draw him, he enjoys seeing how you see him even if it's silly doodles sometimes, he'll appreciate art just the same.
─ He tries to draw you back but let's say that art is not his strong point, you still appreciate the attempt.
─ He won't force you if it bother you that people see your drawings without your permission, but keep in mind that he will want to snoop in your notebook just to see his.
─ Oh and if someone makes fun of your drawings he'll be ready to throw hands no problem, only he can make fun of it and he's not even serious about it.
─ He'll definitely steal one of the doodles, cut it out, and put it in his phone case to take it with him.
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Baji Keisuke
─ You had to make a figure of whatever you wanted for a class project, you decided to make your friend bust in a cartoon version.
─ So you both worked together because you needed some references, he didn't question why you decided to take him as a model since he wanted to do Peke J.
─ He's probably complaining that you've exaggerated his expression and that he's not so 'ugly', but it's the style, so you ask him to shut up and concentrate on his work, you're not accepting criticism of your work when he made a cat as if it were a ball with paws.
─ He will show off when the works are exhibited, proudly telling Chifuyu that this is him and that you have wonderful hands that would make you a famous artist in the future.
─ You will verbally slap him for being a hypocrite and for having complained at the beginning about how he looked and only bragging now that you got the best grade in the class.
─ He saved a photo of the sculpture and asked you to make a slightly smaller one to put in his room.
─ He will show it to his mother, proud of your abilities, although at first he said that he did it to take the credit, luckily it's easier to catch a liar than a lame one.
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Chifuyu Matsuno
─ You casually commented that you were out of ideas to draw and that lately you were not able to capture the poses well one day.
─ He said that he could be your model to take references, although it was only a specific case, you began to trace his figure more times because this boy seemed to be posing without realizing it.
─ He won't mind spending entire afternoons posing for you, although he can't sit still for more than a minute because he gets tired quickly, give him a break, he never thought of being a model and it's exhausting to keep the same posture for so long.
─ Definitely he will ask you to finish the drawings that he likes the most and not to leave them as a simple practice sketch, he wants to hang them on the wall of his room.
─ He will also keep one of those little drawings in the phone case, he takes it as a lucky charm because the day you gave it to him he passed an exam.
─ As a thank you, he also wants to make a silly little drawing of you, although since he wants it to be a surprise, he draws you during classes without you noticing.
─ Chifuyu isn't exactly the best at art but you appreciate his scribbling attempt, you gave him an extra point because he drew your pet next to you.
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Kazutora Hanemiya
─ This boy needed some affection since he entered the correctional and you thought of giving him a gift once he completed his sentence.
─ So you set to work on a small figure of him that he could use as a key ring.
─ He hugged you so tightly when he came out of the correctional that he almost left you breathless, he didn't expect any of his old friends to go see him that day and even less he expected a gift from you.
─ He will ask you to teach him the art of clay because he needs to start looking for other hobbies that do not include punching.
─ If he is good at it, you will have many relaxing outings doing this type of craft, if he doesn't master the practice, he will only ask you to make more figurines to decorate his room.
─ He definitely wants you to make earrings to match with you, he brags that his best friend did it to everyone possible, yes, sometimes he'll embarrass you because he spends exalting your work when it's not a big deal most of the time.
─ He supports you in everything, like if you sign up for a figure and creativity contest, he will be by your side on work nights helping you as much as he can.
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eri-pl · 3 months
Blood, red like fire
Miriel pricked her finger on the needle. It was more difficult to control her hroa now, when the bounduaries between her and not-her were fuzzy. Her mother had warned her it would be like this.
At least she didn't break or lose the needle. It had been part of a gift from Vaire herself. Miriel smiled, remembering how the Valie --- and not other than the Weaver herself --- complimented her work.
A red drop bloomed on her fingertip, and she put it to her lips, not willing to risk staining any of the threads. The blood was too hot, almost painful to touch. Warmth creeped down her arm too, up her forearm and deep inside her body.
It was a new kind of warmth, not like the soothing, accepting light of Trees or her husband's embrace. Not like steady fire of the hearth even. It was unlike anything she'd known before. Somehow more new than every new thing she'd experienced before, more new even than the shores of Aman when she'd seen them for the first time.
This child would be brilliant.
The realization came suddenly, from within the warmth, and both quickly passed, but she knew. Deep inside her, the fire grew.
--- a few days before ---
Vaire worked in silence. Or, to be more precise, she was silent.
The prisoner talked and talked, without much point, analyzing her tapestry and criticizing most of it. At least he did it in a brilliant prose, at least at times. So much form, so little meaning... But it had a certain poetry to it, and that was why she agreed to keep him company. Still, he was getting tiring.
"Dons't thou think that thou shouldst be reflecting on thine behavior instead of trying to give me advice on what is my calling?"
"I am reflecting indeed." He stretched out hand and the light of her shining fabric danced on his too-long, too-shiny fingernails, like starlight reflested in ice. "But tell me, are my deeds not the very thing that allowed the brilliance in your tapestries to bloom? Had I not freed you of the Lamps, what wouldst thou weave now?"
Did Melkor just compliment the Trees? Maybe he was indeed reflecting. Maybe he simply wanted to make a point. Probably the latter.
He kept talking. "As for this work being thine, do I not have a part in all of your skills? Is there anything I cannot do?"
'Be silent, for example', she thought, but didn't comment.
"Thou hast the perspective wrong again."
Vaire sighed. "Indeed, thou shouldst be reflecting instead."
Melkor actually stopped talking for some time. Was the perspective really wrong? Probably not. But she kept wondering.
"I have reflected on my deeds." he said in a solemn voice. "And it occurred to me that I should do more than that. As I have said, I have a share in all the skills of all the Valar. Let me help thee. I shall make the perspective correct."
"I won't let thee spoil my work," she said. "Make thine own."
He probably offered the 'help' only to show off, but maybe not? Maybe Melkor was indeed trying to be helpful, finally? Anyway what could go wrong with letting him work? At worst he'd waste some of her thread.
Vaire narrowed her eyes, trying to find out what was wrong with the perspective in Melkor's tapestry. Something was wrong, definitely. She wouldn't hang it. But at least, he'd worked for some time, and did not complain.
The prisoner's question interrupted her thoughts. "Did Aule made those needles? they seem too beautiful to be his work," he said, giving Vaire's tools back to her.
"I shall not let thee talk badly about Aule."
"As you will, o lady of this prison. But heed my advice: keep those needles to thyself, as I do not believe that anyone would be able to replace them in case someone was to steal them. Not even I."
Even without the fake humility at the end, the attempt to make her possesive was just too obvious.
Vaire smiled. She'd give all of her best needles as gifts to the Eldar. No, to one Elda. Miriel definitely deserved it.
But Melkor did not have to know. She would him think he'd won this tiny battle.
The dark Vala smiled too.
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alkaisen · 1 month
firstly, i'd like to state that i try to be neutral on a majority of things here.
i think it's obligatory that i say this since i write fanfics and other stuff and a lot of my writing has to be plot and character relevant most of the time.
when it comes to fandom related topics, sometimes i might not get all the details exactly right. whether it's the characters, the plot, or the little nuances, i can and certainly will be off at times. but im trying really hard i promise
it’s all in good fun though—i’m just here to enjoy the fandom with everyone else and am willing to learn and understand the correct facts anytime. just wanted to put it out there :)
also if there comes a time where i also need to be corrected on such topics, can we be respectful pls 👍 i love feedback and/or constructive criticism since i know and accept that it helps me grow as a person. however, i won't accept pure and blatant criticism cause that's just.. rude
p.s. apologies if i clog up the tags btw, let me know which one is irrelevant so i may remove it :)))
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The Lan juniors are practicing archery when Wei Ying stumbles upon the Cloud Recesses' training grounds in his aimless walk around the place. He observes for a bit, at first.
Sizhui's stance is nearly perfect, he recognizes and corrects his own mistakes easily and does not seem bothered about missing shots. Lan Zhan's hand is so obvious that Wei Ying finds it endearing.
Lan Jingyi, however, is growing increasingly frustrated. His shots are powerful and quick but he doesn't score as many points as he would like, muttering to himself about whatever he could be doing wrong. He seems more focused on the target rather than his stance and it shows the more he misses.
"Straighten your shoulders, Jingyi." Wei Ying intervenes, "And lower your elbow a little, you'll shoot too low."
He picks up a bow and arrow - how nostalgic, he thinks - and demonstrates the correct stance, smiling to himself as he releases the bow string and hits bullseye.
"Why do you look so surprised? Don't you know I won the archery competition at the last discussion conference in Qishan? I even beat Hanguang-Jun and Zewu-Jun!"
"Hanguang-Jun told us once, he said you were the best archer of your generation." Sizhui says, and Wei Ying can't help a laugh.
"Lan Zhan thinks I'm the best in everything, and I think he is. We have this back and forth constantly and we've made zero progress on it."
"Uncle Wen Ning said he used to do archery as well."
"Yup! Honestly I think he was among the best, he just never got the chance to shine..."
It's bittersweet to remember - Wen Ning, young and alive, so incredibly skilled but just as anxious. If Wen Chao had minded his business, everyone would have been able to see the true potential that lay within the shy boy. It all went to hell far too soon for Wen Ning to garner the respect and admiration he deserved.
"Anyway," Wei Ying continues, "what are you guys training for?"
"Our own archery competition!" Sizhui responds, eagerly. "The invitation to the discussion conference mentioned they'll hold one this year and Zewu-Jun picked us as representatives for the Lan sect!"
Nie Huaisang always seemed to like watching archery, Wei Ying thought to himself. I wonder why.
"So what's the prize?"
"A war fan."
"A war fan?"
"Yeah!" Jingyi gesticulates at about half his height and opens his arms wide. "It's about this big, and you can fly on it and stuff."
"I didn't even know such things existed..." Wei Ying replied. "Much less that the Nie would have them. But then again... a very surprising sect if I've seen one!"
Lan Jingyi picked up his bow again. "I wanna win it so I can fan Jin Ling away when he's being annoying."
Wei Ying chuckles at the image. "He won't be participating, right? Since he's a sect leader now."
"No, but he would have stood no chance anyway." And Lan Jingyi pointedly misses the target when he tries shooting an arrow all arrogantly. Wei Ying barely holds in his laugh and Sizhui sighs fondly before hitting his own target right in the middle.
"Say, Sizhui," Jingyi begins, pleadingly, "if you win, will you give me the fan?"
"Remember what Hanguang-Jun told us, do not receive praise for deeds you haven't done yourself-"
"-and do not accept criticism you do not deserve." Jingyi completed. "But I don't want the praise, I just want the fan!"
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year
A chronological analysis on Twilight and Yor - Part 13
*This is part of an ongoing post series. If you missed the Introduction/Part 1, click here*
During the episode where Anya has to give a report on her parents' work, we learn more about Yor's job as an assassin, which sheds some insightful light on the theme of moral ambiguity in the series. During an interview for the Spy x Family fanbook, Endo states that the Forgers should not be seen as shining examples of moral virtue; he doesn't think it's correct to only see their "nice family" side. And he's right of course, as both Twilight and Yor have professions that revolve around immoral things, like deception and killing. But while Twilight doesn't see those he has to kill or manipulate as "bad guys" necessarily – they're either helpers or hindrances to his missions and that's it – Yor's view is much more black and white. In her mind, all of her targets are traitorous villains, and by killing them, she can take pride in knowing that she's helping her country, much like a soldier.
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While she does try to maintain some humanity in her work, like being extremely careful not to kill the wrong person and making sure her targets die a painless death, it's clear that her view of being an assassin is more straightforward than Twilight's view of being a spy. We don't yet know exactly how Yor became an assassin, but we do know that she started as a child, so it makes sense that she'd be brainwashed into a naive interpretation of her job as simply "helping her country by getting rid of bad guys" (unlike Twilight, who was an adult when he became a spy). And, as I mentioned before, she likely had to forgo a proper education because of her work, and so missed out on many real-world experiences that would allow her to think more critically about the morality of her profession. From what we've seen of her work, eliminating the "bad guys" is technically what she's doing, but we also know that there may come a time when someone she's sent to assassinate is not the villainous scum that she's used to…someone like Twilight perhaps? Just as Twilight's worldview may shatter when he realizes he cares too much for Yor and Anya to continue to deceive them, Yor's childlike opinion of her job would certainly be crushed when she realizes she's being sent to kill people who are not always the "bad guys" that Shopkeeper tells her they are.
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Anya eventually decides to use Twilight's cover up job as a psychiatrist for her report. But at the end of their excursion, when she hastily puts together the sandbox exercise, we see another example of Twilight truly empathizing with her. We saw him start to take a less strict approach in the episode where she got her first stella, where he made an effort to find specific activities she would enjoy rather than continue to push her to be a scholar. But here, his reaction to her chaotic creation in the sandbox is anything but his usual standoffish attitude – he panics about how much stress she must have been under, not only from being in the orphanage, but also from being suddenly dragged to a stranger's house. He even starts blaming himself for not realizing it sooner (has he always been prone to this line of thought, or is Yor's imposter syndrome continuing to rub off on him?)
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His fatherly side is forced out again not too long later when a jealous Bond chews up Anya's Penguinman plush. When Anya adamantly cries that she only wants the plush her papa gave her and won't accept a replacement, Twilight complies. He spends time carefully mending Penguinman (while Yor sits by his side watching intently, giving her full moral support. It's just like her to look that concerned as if he's performing surgery on someone, since she knows how important Penguinman is to Anya!)
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Afterwards, Twilight has just the right things to say to Anya to make her feel better about the whole situation, like how honorable Penguinman's "scars" are, and even quoting an episode of Spy Wars when Bond comes over to apologize.
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The Twilight that first adopted Anya and saw nothing but annoyance in her irrational behavior, would certainly not have adapted so well to the situation. Yet another example of how his skills as a father are improving, slowly but surely.
Continue to Part 14 ->
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shoukiko · 8 months
Hi, you can keep this unanswered and not post it, but I want to help you understand the thought behind some of the points in your criticism post. Before I start I want to apologise if I come off as blunt and rude, that's not my intention and I'll try my best to show my tone as unthreatening but I'm autistic and not a native English speaker, which complicates things lol
*general you used throughout the ask
First, I want to start with this: they all are part of the army. You don't need to dig much to see you'll rarely see a "morally upstanding" person in the army, be it because they're cheaters, abusers, compliant with all that or they're (insert -ist/-phobe category here). UK military spouses are 3 times more likely to experience intimate partner violence (IPV). I'm not saying the COD characters need to be written like that, but it wouldn't be "unrealistic" if we take real life statistics into account.
Second, and maybe the most important thing, everyone writes COD characters OOC. The majority of the active fandom on Tumblr and tiktok have seen gifs and 10min out of context clips from the game at best. It's to be expected to not frequently find something actually in character for a lot of the guys. Especially with characters that are just operators like König, Nikto and Krueger. In their case everything is and isn't OOC at the same time because we just... Don't know these characters. We lack characterisation past maybe 1-3 traits about them. I'd argue that's why the fandom liked König so much, other than being masked, he's the perfect paper doll! You can dress him up in whatever characterisation you want and it probably won't contradict his canon (because he barely has one and what he has is quickly misinterpreted (anxiety disorder turning into shyness for example)).
Now specifically on your "How are you going to hc a victim as the abuser?" - simple, whether you like to accept it or not is up to you, but it's not far fetched for victims to become abusers later in life. Just look at serial killers statistics - 74% of US serial killers were psychologically abused and 42% were physically abused as children and later in life followed a similar pattern brought to an extreme. Or on the other hand, a tamer example would be generational trauma because that's how we get that (grandparent was abused and because that's all they know, they implement it in bringing up their child who, for the same reason, implements it in bringing up the grandchild and so on).
The final thing I want to say is, it's good to block people who you don't vibe with. Doesn't matter if it's because they wrote something that personally disturbed you or you simply don't like their blog theme or you see them too often in the tag. Personally curating your experience is key in fandom, utilise the tools Tumblr has given us. Of course as you and others have mentioned that's impossible without some assistance from the other side. Tagging is extremely important (tagging with the correct words without censoring!!! Or the filter won't catch! Rape, noncon, incest ✅; r@pe, n*nc*n, 1nc*st ✖️✖️).
I hope this isn't too messy or long aaaa
I really appreciate you taking the time to type this up and actually speak to me about this, your input is very appreciated. /gen
I do think I could've done better on that post since I wrote it in the heat of the moment, all characters are written OOC and it was ignorant of me to say
"Maybe read the characters backstories and actually take their past into consideration because you guys kinda look dumb for making these characters so OOC."
I hope ya'll can really take the time to see my POV, I did not mean. any harm, I've come across some gross things, but blocking and filtering tags so much as begun to be tiring.
My main issue is tagging, without tagging I am left with getting triggered by random posts because the first few sentences may include something on my trigger list.
That's all I want and also what a lot of other people want.
Writing is meant for anyone and everyone, a form of art and perhaps a for of therapy.
Please tag your work, you are not the only person on the internet.
Thank you for reading!
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moonlayl · 11 months
This...got super long and to be clear nothing I have experienced nor will ever experience will come close to the horrors that Palestinians are facing right now. I just need to say that and make that clear, but these are just things I've been wanting to say for a while now.
Just a thought that came to my head, but I remember arguing with lots of liberals before about how I don't really support the idea that people shouldn't be able to say anything they want (except obviously spreading misinformation especially if you're in certain professions), even hate speech not because I ever want to hear hate speech, but because I can't trust any government to decide what hate speech is, and I was told to give an example
I remember at the time saying "what if one day, me speaking about Palestine starts to become classified as antisemitism or terrorism?"
I was told that was silly and would "obviously never happen" (I didn't believe them and called them naive at the time)
well....looking at certain countries right now, trying to ban Palestinian flags, ban common Palestinian/muslim sayings, ban any peaceful protest in favour of Palestine, even looking at imprisoning/fining people etc.... is kind of just proving my point.
Like most of us don't feel included or part of any western communities even if we're lived here our whole lives for so many reasons and it almost always boils down to us being Arabs/muslim.
can't speak for non Arabs and non muslims, but a lot of us feel this way.
seeing how fighting for the people who need it the most (2000+ Palestinians have been killed. 800 of them being children. 45 families completely wiped out, entire bloodlines, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, children, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, etc....like this is actual genocide. their entire family tree has been completely wiped form existence) is being banned or branded as "terrorism", or we're losing our jobs, or we're being silenced, like it says a lot about theses countries and the governments that run them.
They tried to suspend humanitarian aid to innocent people of Gaza for the love of God!! Thank God there were 5 decent countries who voted no!
Israel gets away with every goddamn crime and ANY "condemnation" of any warcrime it commits is just talk, while they continue to aid and support it.
How am I supposed to trust these governments, and MY government to decide what's acceptable and what's not when I know that during the most critical moments that matter the most, they won't be on our side, and they'll side with oppressors because they themselves are just that? That the little I can actually do for Palestine and any other country could be completely taken away?
These are "democratic" countries by the way, or they're supposed to be, and sure we can challenge all these things but there are things even we can't do. the onslaught of propaganda shared everywhere by the same news stations that refuse to invite Palestinians (and refuse to air the few times they do) and refuse to fact check their content, or report on what's actually happening in Gaza, can't really be stopped. We can do our best to spread what's actually happening, and to correct false information, but the damages have been done.
And its getting harder and harder to hear form the people of Gaza because of the bombs, cut of electricity, cut off internet access, and also, you know, the fact that the people sharing news are being killed one by one.
There's also many social media platforms completely erasing anything about Palestine. suspending our accounts and hiding our posts. I can't believe I'm saying this but maybe it's a good thing Elon Musk took over twitter because at least I've been able to talk about Palestine as much as possible without nay censoring and I'm still able to. Palestinians are still able to share their stories and the reality yon there. And sin't that crazy? Elon musk is kind of doing something right???
And you know something else? Israel killed one of their own journalists, and those people weren't able to properly report on it. They couldn't directly say it was Israel that killed one of their own workers. Like....its crazy (and they're cowards). Israel also killed 12 UN workers.
That crime is not making as many headlines as the fake stuff did. Those "journalists" and "reporters" who repeated false information (that resulted in far too many people believing them and suddenly being okay with genocide) are still working. they still have a job and they're still out there spreading more propaganda.
this post isn't well written because I'm just putting out my thoughts and what I've witnessed but to make one thing clear, I won't ever silence my voice or allow anyone to silence my voice when it comes to something like this, and i'm not afraid of what they'll do, but isn't so fucked that I could actually lose my job and have trouble finding another one for supporting the oppressed? Like isn't that just..disgusting?
Like what's that supposed to tell me other than majority of western countries are against us? It's not exactly surprising because I've known this, but everyone being VERY open about it is kind of tough to witness ngl.
Like this is not a complicated issue. if you have any morals and you're not biased against Palestinians/arabs/muslims already, then this is a very clearcut case. Israel is an apartheid state. Israel is and has been committing genocide and ethnic cleansing for literal decades and its been doing it long before Hamas came into the picture. Israel's war crimes and treatment of Palestinians is the reason Hamas even exists in the first place. you can condemn Hamas while also recognising that Israelis have no right to that land and that nothing justifies their never ending crimes. Palestinians are demanding for their rights ot live, be citizens, have rights and freedoms, and have their land that was brutally taken from them. None of those things are unreasonable.
You know what is unreasonable? the world deciding Israel is suddenly gonna be a thing and expecting Palestinians to just be okay with it. You know what is unreasonable? Palestinians being painted as the bad guys for "not wanting to share" when they literally shouldn't have to (especially because of the obvious scams of all those "treaties" and "agreements" that all gave every benefit to Israel)
Like the whole world literally let this happen and supported it and cheered for it. Some stayed silent but are showing their real colours (which those of us who haven't been blind have already seen) now.
We've got girls crying about how "they want to kill us T-T" at a university campus because people were protesting in support of Palestine, while a six year old boy was killed in his own home for being Palestinian. In the same country.
We've got celebs talk about how scared THEY are while 800 Palestinian children have been murdered.
We've got celebs posting "pray for Israel" while using pictures of Gaza in ruins or Palestinian children looking at rockets in the sky.
It's insane.
We had a protest for Palestine the other day. People were telling us to go back to our country. They were telling Palestinians to go back to their country.
....that's....that's what they want? Like we're very much aware of how much we're not wanted here just to be clear, and Palestinians across the damn globe would do ANYTHING to be able to go live in their homeland. except they can't. Israel won't let them. That's part of what we're fighting for. Any jewish person can go get a citizenship easily in Israel (even if they've never stepped foot in the country and none of their ancestors had either) but people who were born in Palestine or who's family owns property there can't get it in at all. It's absolute insanity.
I'm not sure how to end this but on every level this has been horrific. But despite that, the propaganda, the genocide, the threats, the whole world being against us, that's not gonna stop us from fighting for the oppressed and standing up for them. It's not gonna stop us from going out into the streets and no words can explain the bravery of everyone who continues to stand with Palestine but especially to the Palestinians who continue fighting and resisting (despite everything they've been through). Continuing to use our voices, donating, protesting etc... is the absolute least we can do and its our responsibility. and I truly, from the bottom of my heart wish the absolute worst for everyone who disagree with this. Like you guys are gonna pay for it. Maybe not today maybe not for many years maybe only in the afterlife (because I do believe in it) but it's gonna happen and every Israeli supporter or zionist is gonna deserve every second of it.
If you're silent, if you try to throw the "two sides" bs, and if you try to act like Palestine and Israel are in any way equal, you're included in this.
You're part of the problem.
Silence is compliance.
And screw every government that supports Israel in any way. Screw the double standards, the hypocrisy and the absolute cruelty towards innocent Palestinians.
I can't speak for everyone else but no matter what happens moving forwards, I'm never gonna forget this and I'm never gonna forgive.
I'm gonna keep trying to do everything possible which unfortunately is not much and thats frustrating on every level but I'm gonna keep doing it. feel free to unfollow/block me, but I'm not gonna stay silent about this ever. and I'm not gonna entertain any bigot or zionists either. it's gonna be a straight up block.
my asks are open, and my page is currently full of information, this site is as well, but I'm not gonna entertain those who clearly care very little bout genocide, because if you haven't opened your eyes by now, I doubt anything I say will change that. you're welcome to go through my blog or send me a polite ask (can't promise I'll get to it right away but I'll try) but I'm not tolerating pointless arguments that are basically me just repeating that Palestinian people deserve to live in their own country with all their rights and freedoms while the other person disagrees. I prefer not to argue with those who are depraved.
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Why is the canon Jiang Cheng tag so fucked? I was looking for a meta I wanted to reread and the tag is just....woobifying Jiang Cheng? Stans defending from antis, there's a whole post asking "do you ever think about how Jiang Cheng felt after the Siege of the Burial Mounds (that he led!) Where he lost his sister and now his "brother"?
Did...did we read the same book? Jiang Cheng led the siege on the Burial Mounds, the two forces of the largest numbers were Jin and Jiang! You think Jiang Cheng was sad about Wei Wuxian's murder? The murderer he committed? The murder of murder hobos he led to murder the man you called his "brother"?
And that wasn't even the worst one. The worst one, by far, was arguing that Jiang Cheng never hated Wei Wuxian because he wasn't homophobic...he hated him for other reasons, actually it wasn't hate it was "complicated feelings"
And to that i say you are correct, Jiang Cheng never hated Wei Wuxian because he was gay. (We're going to ignore the fact that Wei Wuxian died before he figured how how he felt for a moment.) He hated Wei Wuxian long before that. However, Jiang Cheng is absolutely homophobic. And it's just one of the many things he hates about WWX.
On top of all of that. One of those posts uses the tag #just a girl without reading comprehension. And...I mean....
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I have so many thoughts about a lot of theses posts. Maybe I'll compile them into a longer sort of post. Maybe I won't. It's not imperative to my life.
At the end of the day/year/your life/hyper fixation. You can like whom ever you want for whatever reasons you want.
You shouldn't, however, go out of your way, to take over a tag were people who do not like said character, and flood that tag with art, call out posts or mock those that what genuine discussions as a means of triggering people who want to genuinely be critical of that character when you cannot handle the slightest amount of criticism directed at your faves.
Go touch grass.
No ironically. Not sarcastically. Not demeaning.
Go. Touch. Grass.
Go outside.
Go to the store.
Learn to live with people that think, feel, and believe differently than you. Learn to accept the fact that your behavior, intentionally triggering them, is mean, heartless, and myopic. Learn to understand that your point of view is not the default, nor the correct point of view. Learn to understand that even blood-related siblings fall apart. And for a "bond" as tenuous as the one between WWX and JC and break was bound to happen. Even if Qiongqi Road 2.0 never happened, even if Nightless City never happened. If JZX and JYL lived and had seventeen more kids. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng would have found themselves on opposite sites, their morals and personalities are diametrically opposite. The break would have happened.
Learn to be okay with that.
And if you come across an anti post and you want to flood the tag with art sit with yourself a minute and ask why you wanna hurt some internet stranger so much, and why it's so important in your life?
Go touch grass.
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i'm about to get mauled ALIVE for saying this but here goes:
i think m'leven's relationship should be based on a mutually requited crush. both the implications it would have on their personal development as characters and the message it would send to the audience would be substantially more impactful, healthy, and progressive than if they only dated out of obligation. in fact, the thematic message of their relationship SIMPLY DOESN'T MAKE SENSE without a foundation of genuine romantic attraction.
still with me??? okay, good.
when shows deal with romance they tend to fall into the categories of either having pretty much every character shipped with every other character at some point, or of having the endgame ships be the most obviously pushed from the start. byler has definitely been built up from the start, but the majority of the show's audience didn't consider it as an option for canon until s4, when they started making it blatant. hell, a lot of people didn't even realize WILL was queer until s3 (again, when the show started to place heavy emphasis on it), and even then a lot of people thought he might be ace rather than gay.
mike and el, on the other hand, were practically the show's flagship couple for the first 2 seasons at least. it wasn't until s3 that their popularity started to dip and their relationship began to receive a lot more criticism. which makes sense, considering they hadn't actually been IN said relationship in the previous seasons. they had a couple of romantic interactions, sure, but we didn't see how they would interact *as a couple*. people obviously couldn't predict how their dynamic would actually pan out!!! that isn't to say that the negative aspects of their relationship were a bait-and switch, though: red flags were visible since at least s2, but they were far from being the focal point and a lot of shippers interpreted them as being cute (like el's jealousy over max).
having a show acknowledge the fact that the first person you get a crush on (because correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure they're canonically each other's first crush???) isn't necessarily your ~soulmate~ is a great thing. even better when they go a step further, and play with the concept!!! the text of stranger things doesn't actually push m'leven as a paragon of romantic love. if you listen to what the other characters say about their (romantic) relationship, their opinions are entirely neutral/negative???
lucas teases mike about his crush in s1, but calls him hopeless in s3. hopper is out of line with how agressively he acts about their relationship, but the resolution of that character arc for him is about him acknowledging that he's been overbearing and accepting that he needs to let el grow up, and NOT some hammy realization that "what they have is true love, i was wrong to interfere!!!" max thinks their clinginess is sweet at first in s3, but she isn't very close with either of them. once she and el start to bond AND SHE LEARNS THAT EL HAS NO EXPERIENCE WITH ROMANTIC ATTRACTION OUTSIDE OF MIKE she encourages el to assert her own self-worth and dump him. [which... actually mirrors the progression of opinions in a lot of audience members??? 🤔🤔]
and those are just a few examples!!! i won't go on an exhaustive list, because honestly we'd be here all day.
furthermore, m'leven's steady downward trajectory is not the only instance of the show basically dunking on the trite expectation that a character's first love interest is automatically their happily-ever-after, AND the recurring motif that any relationships a character explores before their endgame ship are wrong because the alternate love interest is Bad.
dustin has his first crush (onscreen, anyway) on max in s2, but ends the season happy despite his sadness over rejection and later gets together with a girl who's basically his perfect match. in s3, robin confides to steve about how she was so far gone for tammy that she would cry into her pillow. in s4 she's able to laugh over just how bad her singing is without denying it, and is tentatively flirting with vickie. joyce was genuinely really happy with bob, but after having time to heal from the tragedy of what happened to him she's ready to move on with hopper.
again, not an exhaustive list. why??? because outside of m'leven, the only relationships where the characters ARE each other's first love interest are: lumax, whose entire arc together is about growing up as a couple (you know, the exact arc m'leven shippers pin on mike and el, as if it would make sense for 2 couples to have the same format and message...); stancy, which is only one prong of Love Triangle Hell and the controversy around it speaks for itself; and TED AND KAREN. WHO ARE POINTED OUT EXPLICITLY BY THE TEXT OF THE SHOW IN S1 NO LESS, TO BE AN EXAMPLE OF A WORST TIMELINE FUTURE THAT CHARACTERS DO NOT WANT TO REPEAT.
but if you're reading this, you already know all of that.
the point i'm trying to make is that stranger things shows a consistent palette of themes across all the relationships it portrays. i've obviously been going over the romantic ones, but this applies at least as much to the plationic bonds as well. those themes are of GROWING AND MATURING, of SHIFTING DYNAMICS, and of BECOMING SECURE IN YOUR PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE.
i'm sorry but to present a pair of characters with apparent mutual feelings; to elaborate on how dysfunctional their relationship is; and to ultimately reveal to the audience that actually they were both just confused, they never had feelings for one another in the first place and that's why their relationship didn't work out; sends an extremely mediocre message, to put it nicely. all the characters learn from that lived experience is "don't date people you don't have feelings for, and if you were unsure about how real those feelings were... get good???" meanwhile, all the audience learns from that VIEWED experience is "if the relationship doesn't work, it's because the people involved don't like each other enough." if byler goes on to be canon and is immediately much healthier, that only enforces that shitty message. in that situation the only reason THEIR relationship works while mike and el's didn't is that they actually have feelings for one another!!!
from a show which has explored complex arcs and messages with *LITERALLY EVERY OTHER RELATIONSHIP* they touch on, this would be beyond disappointing. particularly as the central message for the arc of 2 of the mainest main characters in the whole show!!!
on the other hand, to present a pair of young characters at the start of the show and flag them as having an obvious mutual crush; to allow them to explore that crush as a serious prospect; to have them realize that their relationship is dysfunctional; and to have them move on as friends; sends???
a great???
they both get to progress and move on as more enriched people than they would have been without their time in a relationship, and that is fucking wonderful.
el has a deeper understanding of romantic interactions based on actual lived experience and not just TV shows. she's able to develop into her fledgeling sense of identity more securely with the knowledge that relationships can change, and that's okay. not everything has to be forever.
mike understands how to process and manage his own feelings much better, and is equipped with a firsthand understanding of how a relationship can become emotionally dysfunctional without proper communication, making him ready to enter a new, healthier relationship. he has displayed the same overprotective behaviours towards will as he has to el, but he's begun to learn how to manage them so that he doesn't stifle his partner. after previously failing to communicate his feelings to both el and will in s3 when he fought with them, he's been making a deliberate point of doing so in s4. this didn't work with el when he tried to open up about his own experience with bullying, but it DID work with will when he admitted to his failings in balancing relationships.
are either of them finished in their personal arcs??? no, of course not!!! they're not even fifteen!!! but they have both grown as people, not in spite of their romantic relationship, but BECAUSE of it. you don't change as you grow up, so much as you start to understand yourself better. but self-discovery and subsequent self-acceptance CANNOT come without self-explaration.
it's okay to try things out, and it's okay if they don't end up being right for you.
meanwhile, the broader message about relationships that this imparts on the audience is an extremely important one. one which gets overlooked continually by storytellers in every industry. one which the show itself has brushed on, but not explored in depth.
one which fandom, in particular, likes to ignore.
(...and that's okay!!!)
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