#this is a crack ship that also isn’t a crack ship at all. I won’t be elaborating.
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lunar-years · 1 year ago
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you can walk away, say we don’t need this / but there’s something in your eyes says we can beat this
Part 7/?? of my favorite ships + taylor swift songs | Effie Trinket x Haymitch Abernathy
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caotictimmy · 5 months ago
I was in fear that I was the only one with their brain completely rotted by mouthwashing and swansea appreciation 😭😭 good to know I'm not alone in this
We love Swansea😍😍 but yes guys I’m finally doing his headcanons. I’m sorry it took so long to start making it. I’m still not completely recovered from the side effects from my meds. But I love my man swansea sm. Gonna bit a little bit angsty but mostly happy. Gonna be Just like the rest of my headcanon.
Crushing - Confession
- It’s gonna take a long time for Swansea to like you. I think we all get this. He’s been through a lot in his life.
- Your guys relationship goes through stages before he starts to like you. Like different stages of trusts. But when he fully trusts you. He’s Inlove, like INLOVE with you. GOD I LOVE HIM SM.
- Swansea isn’t gonna be to noticeable he finally figures out he likes you. There will be hints. Subtle hints. But still hints.
- Like curly. He will treat you different. Not that much different. He’d be a bit nicer with you. Nicer with his sarcastic comments. Nicer with his insults. Just not being as harsh on you. He might crack a smile at you.
- Swansea will be protective. Not in a weird alpha male thing. He’s worried about your safety. Let’s say you wanted to help work on the broken vent. He will adamantly say no. He knows how dangerous some of the stuff he works on can be. He’ll let you watch but he doesn’t want you to get hurt. Not even a paper cut. ( doesn’t worry he doesn’t coddle you)
- If you ever do get hurt. If it’s not bad Swansea will help you himself (he’s trying to be romantic give this man a break.). If you accidently got cut put a bandaid or bandage on it. Scolding you for being so ‘stupid’ and getting yourself hurt. (He was really worried, you almost gave that poor man a heart attack)
- He’ll do little things for you. Saving you a seat next to him. Waiting for you to catch up to him. Saving you the last candy bar on the ship (much to Daisuke’s dismay). He doesn’t really mention that he does this stuff. And if you ask him about it he’ll deny and look at you like you’re crazy.
- Swansea is constantly thinking about you. In such a sweet way. Oh this reminds me of them. They would like this. I wonder what their doing right now. He always has you in the back of his mind. He also a romantic but he’s just emotionally stunted. PROVE ME WRONG.
- Swansea is gonna be a bit scared to try again. But you make him wanna try again. You make him feel like he’s in his prime again. So it might take a long time for him to confess.
- I think when he does confess, it would be late at night. You guys would be talking. Laughing the night away. Just having a genuine good time. He’d pause for a moment. Making you confused. You guys lock eyes
- “Y’know you can be a parasite sometimes. Always in my god damn head. You really made an old fool like me fall in love like I was back in my twenties.” He won’t directly ask you to date him but I think you get it
- When you say you wanna date him. He’ll just smirk. Wrapping an arm around you as guys continue your night. (He was absolutely terrified you’d say no.)
- Another dude he likes hearing you yap. It could be about anything. Be warned he will probably tease you. But he doesn’t do it in a mean way! His sarcasm is just his way of showing you love. But he truly does listen to you talk. Sometimes when you guys talk hell randomly bring up something you talked about like 2 months ago.
- I think his love language for receiving would be quality time and words of affirmation. And I think his giving love language would be quality time and acts of service.
- (receiving) I feel like Swansea likes you around while he’s working. Whether that be talking, listening to music, or just in silence. He likes having you around. I already talked about how much he likes listening to you talk. So that definitely plays a big role. So whether you’re yapping about how Daisuke almost broke his arm trying to get a pack of sugar, or doing your own thing next to him. He just wants you around.
- (receiving) He’s had a rough past. I think we all get that. So I firmly believe he’d love some praise. Whether that you talking about how handsome he is, or complimenting his skill. Swansea will act like he doesn’t care when you do this. But he does. He really really does. He’s not gonna tell you though.
- (giving) Said again. This man loves having you around. He’ll actively invite you to hang out with him while he’s working. Swansea is gonna act like it isn’t a big deal. But he really wants you to show up. So please don’t turn down his offers to spend time with him!!!
- (giving) Swansea will do small things for you. Saving you the last of cereal for breakfast(even after Daisuke begged to have the last of it). Doing your laundry with his, making you some food when he’s cooking. They’re not humongous gestures but he does them frequently. It’s like a second nature to him. Swansea isn’t thinking ‘I’ll wash their clothe cause I wanna be nice”. He just kinda does it. Like an unconscious part of him just makes him do these things.
- This man will always swing his arm around you. Like always. Whether that be walking down the hall together. Wrapping an arm around you during movie night(the crew definitely as movie nights sue me). He always has an arm around you. (GUYS I KNOW THIS IS SIMILAR TO CURLY GIVE ME A BREAK😭🙏)
- Do spa masks with him. He’ll call them stupid but trust me. You will have a lot of fun. It will turn into a gossip night. You can’t tell me this man doesn’t gossip at least a little bit. He doesn’t call it ‘gossip’. But this man is sassy when he’s ’talking shit’. Like Swansea bae… Just call it gossip.
- Swansea defiantly calls you nickname. Don’t get your pitch forks out yet please😔. I think his main nicknames would be toots, sweetheart. And other old timey nicknames.
- Daisuke looks up to you guys. He’s definitely more than once called you guys ‘dad and ___’ (keeping it gender neutral gang).
- We know this man is old. I think we ALL get it. So he’s not gonna have that much energy. But what he is gonna have. Experience and knowledge. LOT’S OF EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. So your not gonna have to worry if your gonna be satisfied by the end of the night.
- SWANSEA PREP GAME IS ON POOOIIINNNNTTTTTT. He will make sure you are ready! I’ve said before, he does not like seeing you hurt. So I firmly believe he’ll spend a lot of time on prep. If you wanna give him some special thanks go ahead. All he’s really worried about is making it less painful for you.
- I do not believe he’s a selfish lover. No matter what anyone else says. I’ve seen people talking about how he would be selfish during sex. LOUD INCORRECT BUZZARD. Argue with a fucking wall. While he does like getting pleasured. I think he likes a good 50/50
- Cock warming king. Sometimes when he knows no one will bother him. Hell unbuckle his pants and just slide you right on. You guys haven’t been caught so🙏🙏 Try to make sure it stays that way.
- Call you a whole ass phone book ass size of pet names. PUT THE PITCH FORKS AWAY!! Honestly I feel like it just slips out. He’s not fully focusing on what to say. (I’m sorry. No im not sorry. He would not call you baby girl/baby boy during sex,.)
- Swansea prefers having these intimate moments in one of your guys bedroom. He’ll take a risk sometimes if he’s that horny. But he feels it’s more special in one of your guys room. He doesn’t get that thrill of it. (He also prefers the plushness of a bed.)
- Swansea loves holding you after sex. That post nut clarity really hits. He feels so special knowing you’re here with him. Willing to be so intimate with each other. He feels lucky that he has you. That he gets to try again.
- I feel deep in my heart he’s a grunter. I don’t think he’s like a loud one. But you’ll hear a grunt every so often, your gonna have to train your ears to really listen to it
- He talks you through it. ARGUE WITH A DAMN FUCKING WALL HE TALKS YOU THROUGH IT. He gets pleasure from it to, comeing at you that your doing good, that you can keep going, just a little longer. My opinion is better suck my dick.
Authors note: I FINALLY GOT IT OUT. Sorry it took so long but it’s finally out!!!
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schrijverr · 21 days ago
It’s my House. I Live There
Divergence from chapter 7, where the 118 gets a call to a very familiar house, causing Buck to panic as he realizes they’re answering to an emergency Eddie is having. His reaction to the call and Chris recognizing him, causes their marriage to be revealed.
On AO3.
Ships: Buddie
Warnings: medical emergency
“9-1-1, what is your emergency?” Josh picks up as always, mentally prepared for anything.
Still, it’s never a good day when a young voice comes through the phone, saying: “My daddy, he- he fell down and he’s not waking up.”
Shit, that is not good. Josh puts on his gentlest professionalism as he starts typing, meanwhile asking the kid: “Can you tell me your name?”
“Christopher,” the kid replies. “I’m Christopher.”
“Hi, Christopher, I’m Josh. We’re going to get your daddy help, okay? Can you tell me where are?”
“Home,” Christopher says, before in a rare twist of luck rattling off the address. Most kids don’t know where they live, but Josh can’t know that Buck made sure Chris would, just in case something like this would ever happen.
While Josh continues to make sure Chris and whoever his dad is are okay and optimally taken care of so that when help arrives he’s still there, the alarm at the 118 rings.
As the 118 gets into the rig and drives off, Bobby tells them what they’re walking into: “Unconscious male, 25, fell down and isn’t waking up. He has a pulse and is breathing, but appears to have a high temperature. Call was made by his son, so let’s hurry, people.”
All of them tense at that last tidbit of information. Even though the kid is not in danger, it is never good when a child has to call in an emergency for their parent, because that is fucking terrifying for a kid to go through. But it also must be a very young kid going off the age of the parent.
Buck fidgets nervously. He hasn’t been with the 118 for long and is still trying to find his own footing, both in the team and in the work. A medical call hasn’t been his area, but it’ll be good training, he supposes.
Maybe he can help with calming the kid, Chris has made him good at that… Not that anyone here knows that though. They’ve all been nice so far, but Buck doesn’t know if he wants to share. His life at home is fading more and more as Eddie recovers and soon he won’t have it anymore. Does he want to face the humiliation of sharing it when it’s not even his to keep and it’ll be gone soon? Won’t it be easier to keep this a little closer to his chest, to ignore his reality for a little longer?
He tries to shake the thoughts off. They’re answering to an emergency, he needs to get his head in the game. He can have a crisis about his life later.
When he forces himself back into the present, he blinks to find familiar streets outside the window. An apprehension fills his chest as he remembers the details from the call. Right now he curses that he still struggles with listening to the call alongside the alarm, because a horrid thought takes root in his brain and he can’t shake it.
“Uh, what was- what was the address again?” he asks, voice cracking without his permission. A part of him doesn’t want to know, but he has to.
Everyone gives him a weird look and Bobby repeats the address. Buck’s address.
The air gets sucked out of his lungs and a pit forms in his stomach, pulling in all his life force as he feels momentarily weakened. Before his eyes flashes a thousand horrible possibilities that they’re about to walk into, making him feel like he is going to pass out.
“You good, man? You know the place or something?” Johnson asks, brow furrowed in concern as he does.
Buck faintly nods, barely managing: “It’s my house. I live there,” before they pull up to his porch, Eddie’s truck still in the driveway. He doesn’t stick around to see the shocked expressions, instead flying out of the rig like a bat out of hell.
Hen and Chimney are unloading the stretcher from the ambulance, having missed the exchange in the rig, when Buck comes running by. The two of them share a confused look, before hurrying after Buck into the house. Neither of them want to be responsible for the probie making things worse and both wonder if they missed new information over the radio that would cause Buck to react like that.
When they get into the house, they’re not prepared for finding Buck on one knee next to their patient, checking his vitals.
Meanwhile the kid they’d been informed would be there, has his arms around Buck’s neck, sitting on his propped up knee as he buries his head into Buck’s shoulder. Buck hugs him close, rubbing his back with his free hand.
It’s a bit too close than standard, but they didn’t see him come in and Buck is new. However, they have to share a look when they hear Buck mutter: “Come on, you son of a bitch, open your eyes.”
Hen puts the medical bag down while Chimney ushers Buck to the side. She half expected him to put up a fight or something with how eager he seemed to be here and the words he’d just spoken. If this is what he is going to be like on medical calls, they might have to reconsider if he can complete his probie year. Period.
She is surprised to find that she would be saddened by that fact. Despite how new Buck is, he has been a pleasant addition and she knows those can be rare to come by in this field, so if it turns out he can’t be professional on medical calls and they might have to let him go, that would suck. It’s not his usual behavior either, so she hopes it might be a one off and they can keep him.
The thought has barely entered her brain when Buck’s unusual behavior explains itself. Because as they check their patient over, Buck says: “He has a shoulder injury that he’s still recovering from, but there is still shrapnel in there. He was fine this morning, just tired, but that could be cause of his meds.” Then he lists of the medications the man unconscious on the floor is taking.
With his words, they realize that Buck knows this person. That he knows him well enough to be able to list his medical history, current ailments, his medication, fucking hell, he knows how he was feeling this morning.
“He’s burning up, I think he has an infection,” Chimney says, having checked their patient while Hen got out the equipment to get some fluids back into him, a neck brace just in case. He fell, but they don’t know how he landed.
They quickly work to get the brace on, while Bobby and Johnson pop their heads in too. Hen notices them looking around while her and Chimney work. She can’t blame them, this is very much not where she thought Buck would live. Because this is, in fact, where Buck lives.
She spares a glance around too as they lift up the gurney and start moving to the ambulance as they work. She notes the quaint living room with bookcases and a comfy couch, as well as pictures on the wall showing the man on their gurney along with the kid and Buck.
While Chimney pushes the gurney, she performs a sternum rub on their patient and he thankfully startles awake. As he blinks he mutters: “Wha happened? Where’s Chris?”
“You passed out, because you’re a dumbass who didn’t tell me he was feeling sick,” Buck tells him, coming to walk alongside the gurney with who she gathers is Chris on his hip, since he leans a little so the patient can see him. “Chris is fine. Called 9-1-1 for you when you didn’t wake up.”
“Daddy,” Chris exclaims, clearly very relieved to see his dad awake again after what must have been a terrifyingly long wait.
“Oh…” the man blinks guiltily. “’m sorry. I thought I was fine.”
Immediately the concerned sternness melts away as Buck’s expression softens. “No need to be sorry, Eddie. You just scared me. And Chris.”
“It was really scary,,” Chris nods in agreement.
“I am so sorry, mijo. Promise I’m okay,” Eddie says as they load him in the ambulance and Chimney drives off with the sirens on.
“Maybe let the doctors decide that,” Buck interjects, before carding a hand through Chris’s hair and assuring him. “But I’m sure they’ll agree. Daddy is a bit of a dumb dumb, but he’s strong, like you, so he’s going to be just fine.”
At that Chris smiles broadly, the worried little frown he’d had earlier disappearing entirely.
Hen gives the kid a fond look. He seems like a sweet kid and it’s clear both of his parents care a lot about him. It is a bit of a shock to classify Buck as a parent, since he seems pretty young to have a kid Denny’s age, but he has picked up the responsibility well despite his age.
However, now is not the time to contemplate this, so she turns to Eddie and says: “I’m going to check your shoulder now. Can you tell me how you’re feeling?”
Eddie is feeling a little cold and achy despite his temperature and his shoulder definitely looks red and puffy, irritated. Fuck, that is an infection indeed. Hopefully it won’t turn into full sepsis, because if it goes wrong, Eddie could be loosing that arm.
“Chimney, drive fast. Could become sepsis,” Hen says, glancing over at Buck when she shares the news because she knows Buck will know what that means.
Indeed Buck’s face is a little pale, as he tries to keep Chris entertained and distracted. He doesn’t let his worry show beyond the blood that leaves his cheeks and the way he reaches out to grip Eddie’s hand, squeezing it reassuringly as Eddie gives a similar expression back.
The quiet in the ambulance, which is made more poignant by the loud sirens right outside it, is interrupted by Chris going: “What is this for, papi?” as he points defibrillator.
Buck explains what it is to Chris, who looks at it curiously, expression mimicking one she has seen on Buck in the past. The atmosphere is a little weird as they watch Buck desperately try to be normal while also clearly wanting to freak out and worry about Eddie, while Eddie half falls asleep, getting woken by Hen sporadically.
She can’t imagine how Buck must be feeling right now and she gains a new respect for him with how level headed he manages to be despite the circumstance. She has no clue how she would have reacted if they pulled up to an emergency and she found out it was Karen, with Denny right there on the scene with her.
Maybe more crying. Though, Denny would always be a priority, she knows that. For Denny’s sake, she’s sure she could keep the freak out at bay.
All of them are relieved when they get to the hospital and even though they normally don’t follow patients through the glass door, this time they do.
Hen holds out her arms for Chris, letting a grateful Buck deposit the kid in her arms with a quick kiss to his head and a promise he’ll be right back. Then he runs after the nurses and doctors, telling them all he knows and probably getting sign in papers. Eddie is moved up the line, which is never a good thing in an ER and she hopes he’ll be okay.
Chimney softly tells her he’s going to call Bobby, figure out what to orders to pass along to Buck when he comes back out. She nods at him to go, guessing that Bobby will let Buck go for the day, so it’s more a question if either of them can stay behind to keep him company while they wait on the news.
However, she doesn’t need to worry Chris with any of that, so instead she smiles at him saying: “Hi, I’m Hen. You were really brave, calling for help for your dad.”
“Thank you,” Chris says in a tiny voice, before he asks: “Is he- Is he going to be okay? He didn’t look so good.”
They’re not allowed to make promises, but she doesn’t have to be negative either. “Your dad made it here really fast and the doctors are going to make sure he’s well taken care of, yeah? He’s in the best hands there are.”
That seems to cheer him up, which is good. Though now his attention is elsewhere, asking: “Where did papi go?”
His curiosity makes Hen smile. He certainly gets that from Buck, she thinks, before she answers: “He has to tell the doctors about what happened so they can take care of him well. It’s important that they know everything, so they don’t give him something that he can’t have.”
“Like when I had to take an allergy test because my meds made me itchy and then I didn’t have to take them anymore?” Chris ask.
“Uh, yeah, like that,” Hen replies, a little taken aback by how candidly Chris talks about that. Though, on second thought, maybe she shouldn’t have been surprised. It’s clear he asks a lot of questions and with what she has seen, his dads aren’t the types to not answer them.
“That makes sense,” Chris informs her.
“I’m glad it does,” Hen says with a smile.
At that point, Chimney joins him, holding out his hand as he says: “Hi, squirt, I’m Chimney. Good to meet you, kid.”
“Chimney is a silly name,” Chris giggles, while Chimney squawks in mock offense.
It’s nice to see him being able to laugh after what was surely a scary experience. And when Hen is the first to spot Buck coming out of the ER doors again – looking a little like he’s been run over – it is clear he agrees. His whole expression changes into a relieved exhaustion, tears welling up in his eyes.
She watches as he swallows the tears down and plasters on a grin, taking Chris back in his arms with a happy: “Hey, if it isn’t my Superman. Come here. God, I’m so proud of you.” He nuzzles his nose in Chris’s hair, taking a deep breath.
“Papi,” Chris half-laughs, half-complains. “That tickles.”
“Oh? Does it tickle?” Buck smirks, nosing Chris’s hair more, while the boy giggles.
“Ahh, papi!”
“Alright, alright, I’ll stop,” Buck smiles, dropping a kiss on Chris’s cheek and holding him close for a moment, before he relaxes his stance. “We forgot your crutches, little man, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, papi,” Chris assures him, patting his back in a way that is a clear imitation of an action that has been done to him in the past. It makes Buck smile, though that smile dims somewhat when Chris asks: “Where is daddy?”
Both Chimney and Hen hold their breath, having watched the previous interaction with fondness, but now also curious for news. It’s not often they get to know how their patients end up.
Buck maneuvers Chris so he can look him in the eye as he says: “Daddy is with the doctors. Remember when you had to go to the doctor and they made you feel better? They’re doing the same for him. We just have to wait. You know why?”
“Because people waiting for you is good luck,” Chris says, as if reciting something. It hits Hen that with Chris’s CP he’s probably been in hospitals before and that’s something they told him to make him feel better, making the moment more touching.
“That’s right,” Buck nods with a smile. “So we’re going to find a spot in the waiting room and call tía Pepa so she can bring us some stuff, like your crutches and art supplies, while we wait for daddy to get better, yeah?”
“Okay,” Chris nods.
Buck looks over to Chimney and Hen for the first time, his expression caught between apologetic and uncertain as he says: “Uhm, I- I know I still have half our shift left, but could you maybe-”
“Kid,” Chimney interrupts him. “I already called Bobby. You’re off today and tomorrow. Go wait for your husband. Text us updates on how he’s doing and take care of yourself, okay?”
“Thank you, thank you so much,” Buck tells them gratefully, surprising both of them with a hug, before telling Chris to say goodbye and thank you.
With that behind them, the two of them make their way back to the ambulance. Hen is a little saddened that they can’t stay, but she gets it too. Their house is already slightly understaffed, they can’t really miss one person, let alone two. Still, she hopes Buck and his family will be okay.
Back at the firehouse, everyone surrounds them, asking if everything is okay and how Buck was doing, which they try to answer the best they can.
None of them had seen this reveal coming with the way Buck presents himself here, but Hen gets it. He hasn’t been here for long enough to fully gauge everyone and the LAFD is a space where there is also a lot of toxic masculinity.
She knows she’s a green flag for their house, but if Buck didn’t want to say, she isn’t going to judge him for it. It’s totally fine to want to be closeted, even if it’s an accepting environment. Maybe he likes to keep work and home separate, despite his oversharing tendencies.
But the cat is out of the bag now. There is no coming back from everyone standing in your living room as you comfort you son and swear at your husband to wake up. All Hen can do is press home not to ask questions unless Buck shares first. Just ask how Eddie and Chris are doing, don’t prod.
After hours of all of them continuously checking their phones when not on calls, their group chat chimes with a notification.
The message from Buck reads: Eddie is okay. More shrapnel removed and on antibiotics. Thank you all, also from Eddie and Chris.
He goes radio silent again after, but they don’t mind. He’s had an emotionally exhaustive day and they’re just glad to hear everyone is alive and well. It must have been scary for Buck too. So, they just reply with their relief and more well wishes, letting him be for now.
When Buck’s next shift rolls around two days later, all perk up as he enters the building. His eyes are tired, but he seems okay as he joins them at the table for their family meal.
“Hi, everyone,” he greets them. He pulls out a few drawings handing Chimney and Hen one and putting a third one on the table. “These are from Chris. As a thank you.” Then to Bobby he adds: “Uhm, I also want to thank you for giving me yesterday off.”
“Of course, kid. You needed to be with family,” Bobby says.
Buck blushes a little and nods gratefully, but stays quiet beyond that. There is something about his demeanor that Hen can’t really place, but like she told the others, she isn’t going to pry. If Buck wants to keep details about his family to himself, then that’s his right.
Before anyone else’s curiosity can win out, the alarm starts ringing again. As they all jump into action, Hen hopes it’ll be a more impersonal call. They’ve had enough family emergencies to last her a good time.
Shout out to honeyblooms on tumblr, who send me an ask with the idea of Eddie being hurt as a reveal, because it was a blast to write! Thank you :D
Also yes, I did not add in the whole Buck explaining everything bit, because I thought it would be a little funny for him to not really know how to bring it up after he gotten free to look after his husband, his family. So instead of his main verse shenanigans he is now stuck in this lie xp
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aryas-faces · 7 months ago
On a positive note, I am unironically shipping Aegon and Larys
Imagine Larys, a boy born disabled, who is abused by society and his family which hardens him. All he cares about is proving people wrong. People are pawns, they see him as deformed, he sees them as dispensable
And then he sees the King. A young man, trying ti get the small folk to like him and being embarrassed by his Hand interrupting every other minute. He watches as the boy submissively listens to his Hand. Larys thinks this will be easy prey; an easy way to become the second most powerful man in the realm
And then something weird happens: When he approaches, Aegon doesn’t take notice of his feet at all. He doesn’t stare at all. He speaks to Larys like an equal
But Larys starts the manipulation all the same, and it works. But on Aegon’s side, Larys finally gives him strength to fight back against one of his abusers, quoting he doesn’t HAVE to have him as Hand. It was manipulation, but Aegon doesn’t realize that. He sees it as someone guiding him away from abuse
Which is why he so readily believes Larys about Alicent and Aemond. This person has helped him before, and now he is again. Larys got whisper that Aegon was going into battle, and immediately went to manipulate him into staying, or else he might lose his chance ti be Hand. And Larys has this staring up at him:
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Big, sad, beautiful blue eyes. And again, Aegon believes him with 0 hesitation. He realizes here Aegon is in way over his head: Aegon is weak, vulnerable, and incredibly naive. Not the kind of person who should be playing the game of thrones. He is preyed on, proven by Aegon naming him Master of Whispers, clueless to the manipulation. But why does Larys feel so weird toward this boy? He uses him as a pawn, but he also genuinely doesn’t want to see his life ended. Why?
And then Aegon gets burnt. He is barely alive. His brother is named Regent. Now Larys gets another chance to be Hand. But Aemond rejects him on a brutal level in front of the rest of council. And he does something he never thought he would: He misses Aegon
But surely it’s just because he misses the extra power, right?
But then he goes to see him, intent on manipulating him and he sees the state he’s in, and something inside Larys cracks. He sees this innocent boy who was in over his head pay the price, and became a cripple. The way Larys was born. And Larys feels not only empathy and solidarity, but a genuine sadness for him. And before he can stop himself, he does another thing he never has before: He shares himself at his most bare, safe in the knowledge Aegon won’t judge nor use it against him. And this is how they’re looking at each other
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So Larys tries to save Aegon from Aemond, and when it comes to be the most vital, Larys literally saves him, but Aegon didn’t want to be saved at first. He is broken, and he has no one. It’s not a tragedy if he gets killed. And Larys again:
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Tells him he isn’t alone. Again, that not is the face of someone only in it for power. He wouldn’t look so despaired at Aegon talking about how he wants to die and has no one if he didn’t care. He wouldn’t share personal details of himself. He is growing fond of Aegon
Them kissing is more natural development for their relationship than Rhaenyra and Mysaria (which came out of nowhere)
And honestly? I’m kinda here for it
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gatorbites-imagines · 1 year ago
Male Reader spanking zoro after he put himself in danger? But zoro is still defending himself so reader becomes actually angry at zoro for not thinking about himself (or reader and how reader would live without him) and leaves zoro in the middle of the punishment before he says something he regrets and avoids zoro the next few days until the crew is like "this can't go on" and traps them together for an entire day in a room. They both break easily and end up cuddling for the most part (after some creampies)
Roronoa Zoro x male reader
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I love Zoro so much, its not even funny anymore.
Punishing Zoro was a chore in an of itself, since hes such a tough guy used to most types of pain. This also leads to him being very into painplay, so most usual methods of punishments don’t work on him.
It would take a lot of spanking to get Zoro to buckle, which is why he easily talks back when you do end up spanking him as punishment. Normally you would do something more advanced, mixing it with something else, but this time you are so worked up about almost losing him that you don’t have the energy.
Even as you scold him and tell him what a dumb idea it was to jump into danger like that, Zoro stats resolute in his decision, just squaring his shoulders and stabilizing his stance, letting you take your hand or paddle or whatever you’re using on him.
It ends up having the opposite effect of what you’re going for, since Zoro is probably still running on adrenaline from the fight you just got back from. Instead of making him cry and apologize, it has him shuddering and moaning, eye clenching shut as he tries to push his hips back at you.
But even then, he still defends what he did, even when you say you could have lost him, since its his duty as the strawhats swordsman and first mate.
It makes you so angry and makes your heart hurt so much you know you just need to step back before you say or do something you’ll regret, so you just lift your hands, step back, and leave with an angry exhale.
After being left wanting and shuddering like that, Zoro probably starts to feel kinda petty and wronged too, cuz he doesn’t see why you are so worked up about what he did.
So, you two start avoiding each other, and the ship gets super tense for literally everyone, especially since neither you or Zoro will tell the rest of the crew what is up. They all just know you two probably had a fight, and a bad one at that with how you guys are acting.
It starts to take a toll on the rest of the crew when you guys’ won’t even be in the same room together, or even talk to each other. They know it’s especially bad when you guys stop sleeping in the room Franky built specifically for you two, when you became a couple.
The next time the crew needs to restock, its probably Luffy that ends up trapping you guys in your room together, as he doesn’t want his crew to fight, and cuz literally everyone has been walking on eggshells.
This results in you and Zoro being trapped inside your room the entire day as the crew it away getting supplies and whatever they do on new islands.
Theres a lot of tense silence as you both sit on either side of the room, not even looking at each other for a while. I’m not even sure who cracks first and starts talking, if you are just as stubborn as Zoro.
But one of you starts opening up about it, and you end up explaining how much it hurts that Zoro cares so little for his own safety, and that he would just leave you behind so easily. Zoro, whos never really thought about it that deeply, feels his heart break that you thought he didn’t love you enough to want to stay.
Cue Zoro saying some super heartfelt thing about how you mean so much to him, and one of the reasons he tries to hard to keep the crew safe is cuz he loves you so much. He isn’t the best with words, but he gets it out in a way that has your heart warming up.
It ends up with you guys actually talking about your emotions, and with you two tumbling into bed together, kissing like you haven’t seen each other in months. Its surprisingly soft from both of you, kissing and touching and being so loving.
The breath is completely knocked out of you when Zoro starts riding you, because how couldn’t it, having all 198 lb. of muscular swordman bouncing up and down on your cock, his callused hands gripping at your shoulders or chest.
Zoro takes riding you as serious as any of his other exercise, his eye serious and face flushed as he uses just his thighs to lift and lower himself, not even letting you help in thrusting up into him. You just end up holding his hips and groping his torso, going along with the ride.
You guys are probably lucky that the entire crew is off the ship, or else they’d hear how loud Zoro moans when you hit his prostate and take his pecs into your mouth at the same time. You’ll probably end up with a headache from how hard he pulls your hair though, he loses track of his strength sometimes when riding you.
You get exhausted much longer before Zoro does, overstimulation sending electricity through your entire body as Zoro keeps riding you, even when your first load is squelching right out of him around your shaft.
Hes a beast, but he’s your beast, and if being sucked dry like a juice box is what it takes, you’ll happily do it. It just ends up with you feel extra dehydrated and shaky legged. This is why you normally wring him out in the beginning, so you can keep up with his insane stamina.
After Zoro has had his fill and painted your torso white with his own spend, he flops down beside you and buries his face into your neck, just inhaling you and needing you close.
You would end up clinging to him too, mumbling something about how you don’t wanna lose him, to which Zoro replies that you wont if he has anything to say about it.
Cue lots of softer and loving kisses and caresses, sweet words mumbled just between lovers, before you guys fall asleep. Zoro most likely ends up asleep first, for once completely asleep instead of the type of half naps he normally takes.
When the crew returns later, some of them will be able to guess immediately what you guys were up too, especially if your knees are still feeling weak from how much Zoro drained you.
But you guys are talking and back to acting like you normally do, so that’s all that matters. I could see Nami teasing you guys about it though, whilst Robin just laughs a little to herself because its entertaining.
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random-potat · 6 months ago
and they were roommates - kjs. - pt. 4
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part 4. moving in (wc. 456)
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Packing your belongings that's enough for six weeks in forty-five minutes is definitely easier said than done, but alas, it is not completely impossible. Honestly, you can't really tell if you are overpacked or underpacked. What mattered most was that Bada didn't kill you for procrastinating.
With five minutes to spare, you rush down to the parking lot to store your luggage in the trunk of the car.
The rest of your members come down to say goodbye. Let's just say the dramatics were turned on, that's for sure. 
“I'm surprised you actually packed quickly,” your leader says. 
“What can I say? I'm serious about my cookie dough.” 
"I can't believe you’re leaving me behind,” Ria dramatically wails. 
Rolling your eyes, you pull her in for a hug. “It’s not like I’m permanently moving; I’ll be gone for like six weeks.” You pat Ria’s back and say, "Plus, we’ll still see each other for practice.” 
“That’s only if there is something to practice for.” Eunwoo interrupts, hugging the two of you. 
Bada lovingly pinches Eunwoo. “Don't say that, Eunwoo, we still have festivals to practice for,” Bada says as she joins in the group hug. 
“As much as I would hate to break this group moment, we really have to go now, YN,” manager Woo interrupts. 
After saying what seems to be but isn’t really your final goodbyes to your group members, you head into the car for a long one and a half-hour drive away from the city.
After a long ride that only involved sleeping, you arrive outside of the shared villa that you’ll eventually be sharing with five other people, who also happen to be idols. “Can’t wait to get cancelled,” you thought. 
Manager Woo begins to give you a quick debrief of what is going to happen.  
“Everything is already set up in the house. The producers will be in the hallway guiding you where to go, and you guys will all be entering individually.”
“Wow, this is some Love Island-type shit. Minus the love part,” you quickly look around your surroundings, “and the island,” you respond.
Manager Woo gives you a stern look and says, "After that, everything is going to be directed by the producer. Schedules will be sent to you like normal, but most things won’t interrupt the filming for this show.
You nod your head.
Manager Woo gave a small smile, "Just enjoy the experience, don’t take everything too seriously, okay?”
"Sir, yes, sir.” You send a mocking salute.
Getting out of the car and dragging your luggage towards the house, you take a deep breath in and out. “Of course I’m the first one going in. Well, here goes nothing. A hot new bombshell enters the villa.”
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a/n: very subtle love island references cause that was my hyperfixation when i was writing this in the summer :p but other than that hope you guys are enjoying it so far. really just creating this as i go but i do have ideas that i know i want to be in the story, so we'll just have to see where this ends up lmao!! also school has officially started as im posting this so that's really fun :)) much more writing to do although essays aren't fun
synopsis: With long-time K-pop fans asking for another season of the infamous variety show We Got Married, MBC brings it back with a spin-off, We Became Roommates. As a way to bring K-pop fans together, the first season involves six idols born in 2005. With seeing each other every day, doing missions for every episode, making memories, and fans watching and shipping, blossoming friendships and a bubbling romance can't be helped. pairing: idol!jongseob x fem idol!reader genre: idol au, crack, fluff, humour, coworkers to friends to lovers
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what-have-i-unleashed · 11 days ago
rebound.... almost failed!!
don't look at this and don't perceive me good gods what have i done to deserve this fuckass doomed ship brainworms please someone save me out of this pit PLEASE
vermilion belongs to @peach-flavored-cyanide btw...... curse you for this
it was a mistake.
or maybe it wasn’t.
maybe you need it. maybe you just crave it – that familiar pain of kr eating at your life, blooming in your bones like something you have to earn. just like the old days. just like when he was still here.
now, you’re in the bathroom, hunched over the sink as the tap water overflows with red. your fingers grip at the edge of the counter as you try to steady your breath. your jacket is gone, your shirt is bundled halfway up your torso, and your arm – your fucking ulna – is a mess of bleeding cuts, swelling around a break that you know would be hell to set.
the cabinets rankle as you yank it open. you search and search, but the shelves are empty save for a couple of gauzes and a half-empty bottle of vodka hidden in the back like a bad habit someone tries to get rid of.
you grab at it anyway.
the cheap plastic cap clatters on the floor as you take a swig, feeling the familiar burn down your throat. it doesn’t help. not yet. but soon.
you pour some of the vodka over your arm. the pain is instant, electric, shooting up to your shoulder and running across your spine. you hiss, a startled flinch in your legs, but you don’t move away, just leaning against the sink and trying to breath through it.
when you glance up, your reflection stares back at you, distorted with its cracked visage.
bloody nose. swollen cheek. cut temple. you’ve looked worse. you’ve felt worse. but today has left you somewhat rattled. furious, melancholic, but relieved at the same time.
absentmindedly, you trace your fingers over the bruises, the cuts at your ribs and on your arm.
for a second, it isn’t vermilion’s magic that you remember, but his.
you used to fight like this.
bloody knuckles. broken ribs. half a smile behind a cigarette after both of you were all done, slumped against a tree together, the closest you had ever been. he always hit hard, always hit fast, never pulled punches, never treated you like a fragile thing.
but he also knew when to stop. to say “alright, dumbass – that’s enough” when it was clear you couldn’t move anymore. to drag you back to your empty house on his back, his footprints crunching in the snow. to push you on the couch as he dug through the cabinets for gauzes and painkillers. to carefully wrap your injured hand, his hands holding yours so gently, as you watched with bleary eyes, the voices in your head whispering how easy it would be to kill him at that moment. to pass you a cigarette when everything is done, the smoke between you blurring everything both of you had.
vermilion doesn’t stop.
he keeps going, pushing and pushing until both of you are in the dirt, until you can’t even crawl away anymore, until you have to look into the red, red, red – broken in ways that can’t be easily stitched back.
(maybe that’s why you do it.
you want to see how far you can go before someone will stop you.
but nobody came.)
the vodka burns as you take another gulp. you brace yourself against the sink and try to ignore the shaking in your blood-stained hands. you can’t afford to hesitate. if you do, it won’t set right, and you have to do it all again.
(and again.
and again.
again. again. again.)
you take a deep breath.
three. two. and-
the cracking sound is wet, echoing in the dark, empty bathroom. something shifting back into the place it doesn’t want to go. you choke, but you can’t afford to stop. you can’t let yourself crumble under the weight. you have to keep going.
a hiss escapes your mouth, but you try to muffle it. you don’t want to let your uninvited guest downstairs know that you’re in here, that you’re trying to fix this mess, that you’re trying to hide yourself from him. you let your head drop against the mirror, your breath struggling to slow down, fogging up the broken surface.
(it’s not the same.
but you can see it, if you don’t look hard enough.
he smokes the same way, fingers curled loosely around the cigarette, his other hand passing you the box, careful not to touch you directly.
he laughs at the same boring rehearsed jokes – the one that you have said a thousand times – all the while shaking his head and grinning just like red used to do.
he wears the same pair of shoes – red, worn-out laces, scuffed toes from all the kicking at things he shouldn’t.)
you close your eyes.
(just for a second, if you don’t think too hard, don’t breathe too deep, don’t let reality set in-
it feels like he’s still here.)
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breakfastteatime · 8 months ago
Well, instead of fixing the political landscape of the US and the rest of the world, how about I let everyone take a sneak peek at a fic I'm working on?
This is unedited, untitled and very very very unfinished...
Cere stares at Cal.
Cal stares at Cere.
BD, Merrin and Greez stare at both of them.
No one speaks. A faint wind blows across the clearing, carrying the scent of sea salt.
BD twitches. Merrin grabs him before he can do or beep anything. Greez seems to be holding his breath.
A lightsaber ignites, a soft buzz in the dawn light. Cere moves first.
Cal blocks. 
Cere's jabs are short, sharp and accurate. Cal moves fast, single-blade meeting Cere's every time.
BD cheers Cal on. Merrin marvels at Cere's form. She’s so much more refined than Cal, not a single movement wasted. Greez covers his eyes with his hands, then covers those hands with his other hands. He cracks his fingers and peers through.
Cere pushes Cal hard, forcing him to tighten his forms, rely more on real Jedi techniques and less on improvised flashiness. Probably because Cere has his second blade and gave him strict orders not to attempt to pull it from her hand. That, she told him, is a cheap trick and not one he should ever rely on. She is wise. And devious. Merrin admires her greatly.
Cere is holding back; not because Cal cannot match her (although Merrin would absolutely bet against him), but because there is a lesson to be learned here. One perhaps Merrin needs to learn too. Flair is arrogance. A Jedi should not show off. They must set their sights on their target and deal with it as succinctly as possible.
A Nightsister can do the same, but only so when she does indulge, her enemies are all the more stunned by her power and prowess.
Honestly (and Merrin will never share this with anyone), she thinks the Jedi needed to cut loose once in a while.
The fight continues. Cere never falters, her relentless lunges and jabs seeking every gap in Cal's defence. He has the endurance to withstand Cere's prolonged offence, but he doesn't have her experience, and when she does eventually break his guard and land a blow, Cal seems delighted to have held out as long as he did. 
He is a very strange person.
"Can we please have breakfast now?" Greez pleads.
“Of course,” Cere says, looking bright and light on her toes. She pats Cal on the shoulder, returns her borrowed lightsaber, and tells him to put some bacta on the burn, and heads aboard the ship. “We need to finalise the supply list.”
BD’s list of demands is lengthy. Cal nods. “Yeah, that’s what we’ll do first, and I’ll get you the best oil I can find.”
“It’s not all about what you want, BD!” Greez hollers.
Merrin wishes she understood BD. She’d love to understand all that beeping and why it’s making Cal laugh like that.
After breakfast, they head into the nearby town armed with destinations to visit and lists from Cere. Merrin can’t wait. She’s never been anywhere like this, Built into the cliff, the people here have two main trades – fishing and mining, and the mining is largely done at the behest of the Empire. Merrin suspects Cal wants to shut the mines down. She also knows Cere won’t let him. The planet’s entire economy relies on those mines just as much as they need the fishing for food. Personally, Merrin can barely wrap her head around galactic economics, but she knows enough to understand they can’t make things worse for ordinary people. They see it time and time again; planets apparently thriving under the Empire, the people completely unaware of the suffering being endured elsewhere in the galaxy. Merrin cannot understand it. For all the cravenness they see, sometimes she simply has to accept that the Empire is very good at controlling their own narrative and nothing they do will convince people the Empire isn’t the best thing that ever happened.
Sometimes, she truly misses the simplicity of her life on Dathomir.
She also misses the warmth. She’s wearing several layers and it’s still not enough. And then, when they reach the town, there are signs everywhere for an ice rink. Cal forgets his list and the shops Cere told him to go to.
“Merrin, we gotta go!” Cal’s eyes light up.
“What is an ice rink?” she asks.
“You skate! On ice! You’ll love it.”
“Stores and supplies first,” Cere says before Merrin can tell Cal ‘no’. “Potentially limb breaking activities later.”
They split up and go their separate ways with a promise to meet up at the ice rink later. Merrin moves through the streets, staring openly at what she sees. Shops carved into the cliffs, others bolted on and towering into the sky, all of them thrumming with people of all species and genders. Cere specifically chose a busy time of day for them to enter the town so no one would notice them. They’re just another batch of tourists come to marvel at the cliff city of Turrey, mid-rim gateway to the stars (according to all the posters she sees pasted on streetlights and mounted on store walls). She likes this world, likes its energy. The people here are hard-working, proud, honest. She can feel it, is empowered by it. Not that she’ll be wielding her magick for all to see while they’re here. Not unless the Empire decides to do something exceedingly heinous which, given that she has yet to come across a single stormtrooper, seems unlikely.
Once she’s gathered up the supplies on her list (various foodstuffs, some ingredients that will suffice for her potion craft, a local tea she thinks Cere might like), Merrin heads to the local café where they’d all agreed to meet. It’s built into a cave, huge glowing orbs hanging from the ceiling, soft bass music playing under the current of conversation and busy barista activity. Cere is there already, sipping caf and watching the world go by. Merrin orders herself a very elaborate juice, complete with ice, froth and a little umbrella, and joins her at the table.
“What do you think?” Cere says. “How does this world rank with all the others you’ve been to so far?”
Sipping her juice, wincing at the sharp sweetness, Merrin lakeers for a moment. Cliff city, chilly weather, sunny though… “If we can finish what we need to do without encountering a single stormtrooper, it will rank highly.”
Greez, Cal and BD join them a short while later, both laden down with supplies and caf. BD is the first to launch into a lengthy explanation about… something. Merrin still does not understand him. Cal translates.
“The people here kept telling me to ‘mind my droid’ as they tend to be unreliable and prone to malfunctions on this world,” he says. BD blurts out something else. “I know, buddy, you’re fine. No malfunctions detected.”
“Malfunction how?” Cere asks.
“Unreliable memories, a tendency to lie, that kind of thing,” Cal says. “It’s probably why most of the droids we came across in the stores we went in didn’t have vocalisers.”
“Eh, wouldn’t be the first world we’ve been on that doesn’t like or trust droids,” Greez says. “Anyway, enough about that. What’s next on the agenda, and please tell me it’s chilling out and having a good day.”
Cal immediately talks about the ice rink, raving about how it’s actually a large lake on top of the cliff outside the town hall and the river its connected to runs all the way through the mountain and down to the sea. He’s so excited, Merrin feels like she’s talking to someone much younger. She wonders for a moment if this was what he was like as a child, happy and excitable. If he is, no wonder he and BD get on so well.
“…heard anything I said, Merrin?”
She blinks, stirring her drink with the straw. “We will go to this ice lake rink you speak of. I would like to see you skate.”
BD giggles and tells Cal something that makes Cal roll his eyes and jab BD’s chassis. “I’d like to see you do any better!”
They go back and forth, teasing each other, although Merrin can only pick up one side of the conversation.
“We’ll drop everything off on the ship, then come back to watch Cal go flailing across the ice,” Greez says.
“Merrin too unless she’s too scared,” Cal says, sing-song, teasing. BD provides backing vocals. “We can race, see who can get from one side of the rink to the other the fastest.”
Merrin is never one to turn down a challenge.
When they head up to the top of the cliff later, Merrin is amazed at the sights. The town hall is as immense and sturdy as the ground it looks as though it has grown out of. Beyond, Merrin can see the entrances to the mines, the hovertrain lines busy with cargo and passenger vehicles.
“Don’t get any ideas about taking a ride on one of those,” Greez tells Cal. “One train rescue is enough for an entire lifetime.”
“You didn’t exactly rescue me from the train,” Cal says.
“Almost,” Greez says. “We almost rescued you from that train.”
“Wish you had.” Cal’s hand rubs his chest. “I wouldn’t have broken so many bones.”
“Wait, you broke bones?”
The ice rink stands at the heart of the town square, a space easily as large as the swamps of Dathomir. Cal pays for tickets and skate rental. He only pays for himself and Merrin, and he leads her into a small, benched area where people are changing in and out of skates.
“Here you go!” Cal hands her the skates.
Dubious, Merrin stares at the boots in her hand, boots with thin blades bolted to the soles. She stares at Cal, who has already switched his regular boots for these skates. "You have ice-skated before?" she asks.
"Nope! Not like this. I’m not sure I can count sliding down frozen rivers on Zeffo as skating."
BD beeps. Cal scoffs. "No, you haven't! It doesn't count if you're not the one actually touching the ice."
In response, BD hops down and onto the ice. Merrin watches him slip and slide in the ice rink, barely avoiding the skaters. People dressed in warm clothes zip by, some with skill and confidence, others poised like they're terrified they might fall through into the water below.
"I'll have some hot drinks waiting for you when you're finished," Greez says.
"You do not have so far to fall," Merrin says. "Would it not be better for you to go skating?"
He laughs so hard he nearly crashed into the people walking by. "No, no way. This is a young person's sport."
An elderly couple whizz by. Merrin raises an eyebrow.
"They're Human! Totally different." Greez waves her away. "Go on, go! Have fun!"
Merrin looks to Cere.
“Not a chance,” Cere says. “I’ve got the med kit on standby.”
Accepting she has lost this argument, Merrin removes her boots and tugs on the skates, lacing them as tight as she can stand. Cal waits for her on the lake edge, BD back in his usual place. Apparently, he also decided against skating.
“Ready?” Cal asks her, hand held out to her.
She takes it. “If I go down, you are coming with me.”
He laughs and slides onto the ice, tugging her along with him. She keeps her balance, as does he, and she watches the more confident skaters, how they keep their heads held up and move with confidence. She can do that. How hard can it even be?
She releases Cal’s hand and pushes off, movement steady and confident. Her speed picks up, the cold air whistling by. She moves past slower skaters, eyes locked on the path ahead. She can do it. She’s doing it!
A small child whizzes in front of her, oblivious to the oncoming danger. Merrin’s instinct is to teleport out of the way. She resists, instead accepting the inevitable crash. The child, however, is faster than expected, and launches into a twirling leap, trailing glee and pride in her wake. Merrin is impressed, and she skates on.
“You gonna try that?”
Cal’s sudden presence behind her nearly sends Merrin failing to the ice. She saves her balance just in time. Cal cackles. She turns (it is not graceful) and gives him a hefty shove. He slides backward, with more grace than she mustered.
It’s times like she is reminded why she did not like him when she first set eyes on him on Dathomir.
“Go,” she tells him. “Show off. I will practice here and beat you at our race.”
“Didja hear that, BD? Merrin’s still up for the race!”
BD does his own twirl across Cal’s shoulders.
“Let us know when you’re ready!” Cal calls as he glides away.
He even does a little spin.
“The child’s was better.”
He sticks out his tongue as he skates away with the confidence of a pro.
By the time Merrin feels ready to race Cal, the ice rink has quietened down. She meets him on the far end. “I will race you,” she says. “No powers.”
He nods. “No powers.”
“BD? No help from you either.”
Whatever BD says in response causes Cal to laugh. She ignores them both. “On three.”
“One – ”
Merrin crouches, ready for launch. “Two…”
Cal takes off, BD squealing. Merrin digs deep and pushes hard, ignoring the voice in her head reminding her she doesn’t know how to stop. Cal is far ahead, weaving around people with obnoxious ease.
If only she could teleport. Then he’d lose. But she already knows Cere and Greez (especially Greez) would prefer if they kept their heads down unless they really needed to –
The lake quakes. The mood changes from joy to confusion. Merrin slows without stopping. People slow to a stop, looking at each other.
From somewhere off to the side of the ice rink, a voice shouts. “Get off the ice!”
Another quake, worse this time. Several people are thrown off their feet.
The ice cracks with strange twangs and pops Merrin has never heard before.
Cries go out, people no longer skating smoothly and instead flailing, trying to keep from falling off the chunks of ice and into the water.
Merrin falls to her knees, her balance lost. A man ahead of her skids to a stop, turns back and holds out his hand. “Let me help,” he says.
Thanking him, Merrin accepts his help. “What’s happening?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t know. We need to get off the lake.”
They move, hopping from ice floe to ice floe. Merrin catches sight of Cal and BD, Cal on his knees and reaching into the water. Merrin doesn’t have time to see what he’s doing, not when she and the man have to jump over a chunk of ice that has rolled onto its side. Turning to look again, she sees Cal dive into the water. Pulling her hand free from the man’s, she tells him to keep going.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“I have to help my friend,” Merrin says. “He’s in the water!”
A look of unfathomable terror goes across the man’s face. “It’s too late.”
He flees without another word.
Confused now, Merrin no longer holds back. She teleports to where she last saw Cal, a terrible chill emanating from the water.
A chill and something else.
Something worse.
A presence.
Cal resurfaces, BD on his back and a child in his arms. It’s the same child who’d leapt and twirled across the ice wish such ease earlier, only now they are limp and unconscious. Cal looks, spots Merrin, and thrusts the child at her. “Hurry,” he says, eyes narrowed with a particular focus Merrin recognises so well now. “There’s something in the water.”
Merrin grabs the child. She isn’t moving. She might not be breathing. Knowing Cal and BD can take care of themselves, Merrin teleports herself and the girl off the lake and onto dry land. People stare in shock.
“Help me!” Merrin shouts at them. “The girl needs you!”
A cry goes out and a woman rushes forward. Merrin senses the bond between woman and girl. Mother and daughter. “She’s not breathing!” the mother cries.
Merrin leans over, begins compressions. She senses Cere and Greez approach, but she doesn’t look up, not until the child coughs and stirs. Her mother wails with relief, scooping the child up.
“Thank you,” she says to Merrin. “Thank you so much.”
She dashes off, heading for local emergency workers racing their way. Merrin doesn’t see any stormtroopers. She sees Greez, puffed up, proud, and carrying Merrin’s boots. The sight almost makes her laugh. He hands them over. “You’re gonna need ‘em. Hurry.”
Grabbing them, Merrin wastes no time changing into them. Cere has already moved beyond them, blaster in her hand, headed to the edge of the lake. The water churns, waves slapping the banks.
Neither Cal nor BD are anywhere in sight. Merrin can’t see anyone else in the water too. The rink has nearly emptied out, only a few stragglers hanging around to stand and stare. Something else rings in her mind. That energy she’d felt earlier. The world’s industrious energy. It’s gone, replaced by something new. Something strange.
Whatever it is, she doesn’t have time to dwell. The water’s currents change, all the water pulled into the centre of the lake.
“It’s coming,” Cere says. She looks to Merrin, devoid of emotion. “Be ready.”
“Greez, get these people out of here,” Merrin says.
While Greez does as he’s told, pushing back a crowd of onlookers, Merrin joins Cere. Cere’s hand tightens around her blaster, finger on the trigger as water explodes into the sky. Merrin watches, her mouth dropping open, as three things emerge from the spray.
And a creature out of a nightmare.
Grey and black, covered in thick scales, it resembles a snake, albeit one double the size of the Mantis with teeth as long as the ship is tall. Unlike a snake, it possesses four legs, each one bearing claws that could eviscerate any organic matter with a single swipe. It could probably grab the Mantis and eat it in one bite, and that thought clangs around Merrin’s mind when she watches a blue blade ignite. Cal flips around and lands on the monster’s back, scoring a lengthy wound in its scaly hide. The creature roars, its pain screaming through the Force.
Merrin can feel it, an untamed mind pushing at her own, pressing a sense of calm, of stillness, even as it shakes Cal off. He plummets again, BD’s boosters flaring as he tries to catch up. They’re going to hit the water, and the creature is already turning to go after them.
Merrin wonders if she should be more worried about that, but it all seems a bit far away now. She should just stand here. Stand here and enjoy the sights. She likes this world. It’s so pretty, and the sea is so vast, the mines so deep. What a lovely place this must be to live in.
Cere’s hands rise. She grabs Cal and BD with the Force, slowing their fall, but not enough. They both hit the water, because Cere’s pushing back against the creature, stopping it from diving into the lake.
“Get Cal and BD!” Cere shouts at Merrin, voice straining. “Hurry!”
“If you insist,” Merrin says, although she’s really not sure it’s necessary. She teleports from ice floe to ice floe, keeping her balance, reaching the spot where Cal and BD sank. BD appears first, shaking his head. Cal appears a moment later, looking dazed and frozen.
“We are going,” Merrin announces, grabbing both and teleporting back across the lake. She doesn’t hear either complain about their sudden movement. She doesn’t really hear much of anything except a song in her head that tells her peace, Merrin, be at peace. She reaches another patch of ice, right beside dry land where Cere’s shouting…
Merrin thinks she’s shouting. She can’t hear the words.
Peace, Merrin. Peace.
Something tugs on her arm. She pushes it off. Overhead, the creature resumes its fall, its mouth open wide, teeth splayed, its throat a blackhole.
It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay.
She closes her eyes.
Hands, cold and wet, ram against her. She hits the ground hard, a heavy weight falling on top of her. Water smacks into her, so cold she gasps with the shock of it.
The peace shatters.
The quiet too.
Footsteps. Fast.
Hands, grabbing.
“Merrin? Merrin!”
She blinks, looks up, sees the worry in Cere’s gaze. Why? What’s happening? Merrin looks around, finds herself on the ground beside the lake.
“What happened?” she asks.
Cere’s expression tells Merrin that was not the right thing to say. Heart sinking, worry mounting, Merrin tries to get up.
The heavy weight pins her down.
Cere leaves her line of sight. BD’s nearby – Merrin can hear him. He sounds worried. Why? What’s happening? Merrin’s head goes for a loop, pain seeping in. The weight moves, and she’s free to sit up. She does so, bracing herself as the vertigo keeps everything spinning. She breathes through the worst of it, and sees Cere leaning over Cal, fingers checking for a pulse, calling his name.
More footsteps approach, and this time it’s Greez with some locals dressed like medics.
Merrin decides she’s too tired to figure anything out. There’s an alarm sounding out in her head, but whatever’s causing it is lost behind the encroaching darkness. She falls back, only for four arms to catch her.
The last thing she sees is Greez leaning over her.
The last thing she hears is him telling her to stay with him, stay with –
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shenanigans-and-imagines · 1 year ago
hey! hc questions for Astarion & ace! Tav (sorry if some of those have already been answered):
- Who picks flowers for the other?
- Who has a hobby only the other knows about?
- How do they hype each other up?
- How do they express their feelings?
- Who's more protective?
- Who gets jealous easier?
thank you for your work! I always get excited when I see you have posted something new about this ship ^^
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Who picks flowers for the other?
Tav does it for Astarion. I know there is some dialogue about him not liking flowers, but it’s different when they’re a gift from his love.
Tav never buy them. They just collect a small bundle as their walking. They then arrange them in a vase or spare cup, accompanied by a story; some local legend or tale about the flowers or just something they make up on the spot, Astarion can never be sure. Still he listens attentively as the story is just as much part of the gift as the flowers themselves.
Who has a hobby only the other knows about?
Tav knows about Astarion’s many tries at different hobbies.
Post game Astarion finally has the time to figure out what exactly he likes to do. Yes, there’s reading, but he figures out he genuinely enjoys embroidering and sewing. Making something with his own two hands and having something tangible at the end is extremely satisfying. Plus, it helps him clear his mind of anything besides the task in front of him. He’s since expanded this to jewelry making and knitting. Although he’ll die before he admits the knitting part.
How do they hype each other up?
Compliments. Compliments all around.
Astarion specifically goes on and on about Tav’s immense musical talent. Tav is already fairly secure in their abilities, but having somebody in the audience they know truly loves their work is heartening.
As for Tav, they know Astarion has his vanity and is willing to indulge him, complimenting him on his looks and choice of clothing. And if they throw an “I love you” at the end of it, he won’t say no.
How do they express their feelings?
I’m going to just assume you mean their feelings toward each other since if I went through all the emotions we’d be here all day.
Tav is actually a very physically affectionate person who has been denied it for years. Once they get permission to show their love that way, they don’t stop. Hugs for certain, leaning against him, hand kisses, cuddling, they’re all in. Quality time is next on the list. They don’t care what they’re doing so long as they’re doing it together.
Astarion is more verbal in his affections. He’ll just tell Tav how beautiful, talented, and amazing he finds them. He teases and tries to make them laugh. He can be quite the poet when he puts his mind to it. I’ll also add physical affection to the list. It takes him time, but once he understands he’s safe, he doesn’t want to loses the feeling of having them close.
Who’s more protective?
Not to say Tav isn’t, because they are, but it’s less visceral than Astarion. He spent so much of his life afraid that even when he does get together with Tav, it doesn’t lessen his fear. If anything his more afraid because he has somebody to lose for the first time in centuries. He considers ascending not just to keep himself safe, but to ensure he can protect Tav, forever. He’s never felt this way before about anyone. There’s no telling what he’d be willing to do for them.
Who gets jealous easier?
Hard to say. They both have their moments. I’d say Astarion is more vocal while Tav let’s it build up over time.
If somebody is flirting with Tav at a tavern, he’s by their side the next second with an arm around their waist and a smile that’s all fangs. He can also get real petty if he feels like they’re giving other people too much attention over him.
If somebody flirts with Astarion, Tav doesn’t say anything because they don’t want Astarion thinking he’s trying to control him or “too much”. But it hurts and if it happens too many times they’ll crack and ask if Astarion is getting bored of them. It would’ve be the first time. It’d take a lot for Tav to admit they’re jealous, but once they do, Astarion would have a field day.
They’re both working on getting better about it. It’s not a pretty thing.
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theladyfulcrum · 2 years ago
Come here children. Come here. Sit down. Take my hands. Listen.
Here’s what we are not going to do. We are not going to let them unravel us and leave us in a heap of bawling bodies. They want us to sob until our eyes fall out and we rupture our abdominal organs because they’re heartless and sadistic and part of STAR WARS—shhh, steady—but we are going to remain CALM. Call it denial, call it call it bargaining, call it what you will, but he’s not gone.
Deep breaths, all together now. Crying is cathartic and necessary for coping with the emotional abuse we endure at the hands of Filoni et al., but don’t cry from lost hope. I’m serious. Was it among the worst things we could have possibly been forced to watch? Has a good majority of the fandom been mulling where the hell we are supposed to find the will to go on after that? Of course. But they’ll be back. And Tech will be, too.
Hush, child. Listen to me.
There was a reason he fell into cloud-cover. He could have been falling into anything. Water can be lethal from that height, yes, but let’s all just remember what Hunter pulled in War-Mantle with falling OUT OF A SHIP and down a LITERAL MOUNTAIN and surviving that with JUST HIS KNIFE. HIS KNIFE, KIDS. Tech accepted what he was doing, and he was okay with dying if that was what this meant, but he’s Tech. Once he fell from view he did whatever he could to increase his odds of getting out of it alive. Trust.
Speaking of falling from view— we know the Clone Wars rules. No body, no confirmed death. Forget that— we know the STAR WARS rules. Even if someone gets SLICED IN HALF before your VERY EYES and FALLS AN INDETERMINABLE-BUT-DEFINITELY-NOT-SURVIVABLE DISTANCE, they STILL aren’t dead. Further still, if you had put the two scenes in front of me with no context, I would have said Echo’s death in an EXPLOSION of FIRE seemed more final and certain that Tech falling away from us. And no, I don’t care about the argument that it’s a kId’S ShOW so they wouldn’t show us the body. Go watch Colt’s death and get back to me. Or you know, pretty much any Clone Wars episode.
BUT THE GOGGLES, you wail. I know, dear heart, I know. I see the cracks in them every time I close my eyes. But Hemlock getting his hands on those isn’t confirmation of anything other than what we already know— no matter where he wound up, Tech is having a Very Bad Time™️. Whether he lost them on the extremely unpleasant way down or whether he’s being experimented on in critical condition is hardly a nicer thing to know, but we’ll take just about anything right now if it means we’ll see our boy again, won’t we?
Shhh, I’m not through. We also have that scene with Phee. If it had been a true goodbye, if Tech had shown an ounce of the development he had with Omega about differences in emotional processing and communication, you’d have seen my soul depart through the atmosphere. But no. That scene’s entire purpose was to be unresolved. Was it just to make us incurably sad in retrospect? Maybe. But my gut says no— there’s more he needs to say to her.
On that note, the same goes for Tech and Crosshair. I refuse to believe we’ll never see them together again. I don’t have anything stronger than my refusal, but my feelings on this are rock solid. There’s also the important issue of THE Bad Batch theme— you know how they’ve established a precedent of not using it unless the whole Batch is together? Collectively, we’re going to refuse to believe they’re going to break that now. And there’s too much love for that theme to never hear it again.
Finally, beloveds, we come to our old favorite: story analysis. You know I’m insufferable about this, but listen. If we look at screenwriting, if we look at story structure, if we look at BEATS, this is the old “DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL” for the Batch (and us obviously). It’s the ALL IS LOST. The EVERYTHING IS AWFUL AND THE HEROES ARE AT THEIR LOWEST LOW. It’s the classic “oh my god this second installment is EMOTIONAL TORTURE HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO ME” that we can point to in novels, shows, and film series again and again. It’s the ESB ending, it’s the Catching Fire ending, it’s the Rebels S2 AHSOKA IS D E A D AND ANAKIN KILLED HER ending. S3 will open as they enter Act III, where they use what they’ve learned to move upwards toward the finale of this particular story arc. Doesn’t that sound like something nice to cling to?
There now. If I’m wrong, I’ll give you all the choice of k!lling me first or tossing me alive out of a plane with no *hard swallow* parachute, jet pack, or functional grappling gun. But I truly believe you won’t have to.
In the year or two we have to wait, cry for his absence, cry for the Batch being more fractured and farther apart than they ever have been, cry for Hunter feeling like he’s failed everyone he loves, cry for all of it, but not because you’ve lost hope that all might not be lost.
Tech will be back.
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devirnis · 4 months ago
Okay, after having a few days to process, I am allowing myself one vent post to get it out of my system and then it’s back to ✨positive vibes✨ only
If I see one more goddamn smarmy post about how “the writing was on the wall the whole time” (with the undercurrent of “you were too stupid to see it, I have the only valid interpretation”) I’m going to lose it
Had we not had 8x05, the breakup still would have bummed me out, but I would have said, you know what, fair, we didn’t see a whole lot of their relationship, a lot of it was fanon and headcanons. We had a good run. But we did get 8x05, apparently some of it filmed out of order knowing a breakup was coming, and what was the point? To be cruel? It felt like a slap in the face to people who liked that relationship.
They could have laid some groundwork to show some cracks in the relationship, but no. Ignoring disingenuous interpretations from people who have been rooting for the ship to crash and burn since day one, 8x05 established Buck & Tommy as a solid couple. Tommy gets along with Eddie, the three of them had great chemistry together. Tommy takes care of Buck when he’s hurt. Tommy thinks the curse is a bunch of bs (as does Eddie) but still went with Buck to have a funeral for a mummy. It’s like I watched someone cook an elaborate, delicious dinner for me and then they immediately threw it in the trash, and other people around me made fun of me for being blindsided and upset because I should have seen that coming.
I won’t pretend the general audience is a monolith who all have the same opinions. I’m sure there are people who don’t care and just shrugged their shoulders that another relationship of Buck’s fizzled out. But I have 2 friends who watch the show and aren’t Fandom Fans, and they are always my barometer for how people who don’t have brain rot (affectionate) feel about the show. One really liked the relationship, the other was neutral to mildly negative on it, and both of them agreed that it felt like the breakup came out of nowhere and made no sense given the context of the previous episode. So please stop pretending that it’s only BT fandom fans who have their knickers in a twist about how it played out.
If this isn’t leading to buddie, then I don’t want to see another love interest for either Buck or Eddie for the rest of the show. Tommy had so much potential to break the cycle of Buck’s love interests (and interviews from last season seem to support that they were aware of this and planning on utilizing that) and throwing it away feels like such a waste.
So yeah, instead of being just bummed, I’m pissed. I do not know if there was BTS drama or if Tim got some other grand idea for Buck’s storyline this season — but given how plots are adopted and dropped at rapid fire pace this season (something I was willing to forgive last season because of the shortened production timeline and fewer episodes), I’m highly skeptical that there’s any sort of overarching plan here.
I’ve never thought buddie would actually happen on the show, but I also never thought either Buck or Eddie would ever be anything other than straight, so I’d be happy to be proven wrong. I’m just a little jaded by seeing people doing a victory lap convinced that buddie canon is imminent when I think that they are giving the writers a lot more credit than they deserve for supposedly crafting this epic love story for the last five or so years when a lot of that is also just generous fanon interpretation. I need explicit confirmation within the show by the end of this season that at least one of them has caught feelings or I’m over entertaining the possibility it will actually happen.
I know the joy will come back. But I really hope the same plot lines playing out ad nauseam for every character stops because I’m getting a little tired.
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thegreatcaptainusopp · 2 months ago
The Separation
Ao3 link
The Seer, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Zoro
It had all happened so fast.
They’d all been together, just the crew, finally, when Kuma had come in and taken everyone out in what felt like seconds.
And Zoro…Zoro had just watched. He’d run as fast as he could, trying to at least help someone, anyone, but it hadn’t worked. He might as well have been running through water, with how slow he was going, and how useless he ended up being.
His absolute limit hadn’t even been close to being enough. They’d vanished one by one by one, right before of his eyes, and he’d done nothing. Nothing.
So…when it came down to just him and his captain left, Luffy screaming at him to run, tears in his eyes and a crack in his voice, Zoro felt everything within him say, resoundingly clearly: No.
It hadn’t been right, not at all. He knows how it’s supposed to go, knows that the captain’s word is law, even knows that the call Luffy is making now is fully within his rights as captain: if it is the captain’s right to go down with his ship, it is also the captain’s right to tell his crewmates to run.
In that moment…in that moment, Zoro hadn’t been thinking about what was right and what was wrong. Instead, he’d been thinking about the look of fear on everyone’s faces before they vanished, and the sick feeling in his stomach at the knowledge that he’d failed every single one of them.
He’d been thinking: I can’t have this happen again.
And so: Zoro had hesitated. Luffy had screamed out the order again, and when Zoro finally followed it…
His hesitation had cost him. Again.
When Zoro comes to, he snaps upright in an instant, heart pounding alongside his head in a repeated pattern of No No No No.
He’s hit with a wave of pain that stops him in his tracks, mouth tightening as he tries to wrestle back control of his body. This isn’t the time to submit, he’s needed somewhere else and he can’t…
A shriek breaks through his concentration, and the resulting minute flinch brings new waves of pain into his body.
Grimacing, Zoro snaps his eyes up to the sound, and they widen as he catches sight of a familiar face.
The girl shrieks again, zipping forward as she floats to the air towards him. “Stay down!” She says, with the scolding air of talking to a dog. “You’re hurt, you know! You’re going to make it worse!”
What am I doing here? floats in his mind for a second, but he waves it away. No time for that.
His fingers clench on the cold stone floor, getting ready to haul himself back up. “I need to leave,” He says, and it’s harder to choke the words out of his aching throat than usual. “Where’s the exit?”
The girl zips forward, wagging a finger in his face. “Didn’t you hear me? You’re hurt! If you try to get up you’re going to tear everything back up and you know who’s going to have to deal with it? Oh, that’s right. Me!”
Zoro glares at her. “No, you don’t,” He says through gritted teeth. “What do you care anyway? If you’re not going to show me the exit, then get out of my way.”
At this, he pushes up from the ground, getting to his feet in one burst of motion. It catches up to him instantly: the fiery pain spreads throughout his body in one vicious streak, and it almost takes him right back down to the ground.
A series of images flash through his mind: Nami’s scream, Usopp’s trembling chin of defiance, Robin’s determined grimace, Chopper’s desperation, and Luffy’s devastated face, arms reaching out towards him…
Zoro’s jaw clenches. He takes a step forward. “If you won’t tell me,” He says to the girl, whose shock is evident on her face. “Then I’ll find it myself.” He lurches forward again, ignoring the shooting pains that follow him with every step.
He takes another step, then another—
Zoro pauses, glaring at the hovering girl in front of him. “I told you,” He says gruffly. “Get out of my way.”
The girl hovers back slightly, but to his surprise surges forward again. “I said no!” She says, pointing a slightly trembling finger at him. “If you think I’m going to let you walk around there alone, then you’re crazy! I was put in charge of you so I’m going to make sure you don’t get yourself killed.”
Zoro sighs, chest pulling tightly along the pain. “Then come along, I don’t care—”
He swallows the rest of the sentence as a sudden realization hits him, so strongly that he almost drops to the ground again. His gaze sharpens on the girl in front of him. “Hey,” He says, urgency flooding into his voice. “You…you were sent here by Kuma, right? On Thriller Bark, you’re…”
The girl gives him a vaguely confused stare. “Perona,” She says slowly. “And yes, Kuma sent me here.”
Zoro nods, clenching his fists. “When you found me,” He says. “Was anyone else there? Because I got sent here by Kuma too, and so were some others I was with. Did you run across anyone else?”
Perona’s eyes widen. “You too?” She says. “Well. Okay, I guess I kind of knew that, with the paw print and all. But to answer your question: no. You’re the only one we found there.” She pauses, then sighs, cupping her chin with her hand. “Imagine, putting me in charge of more than one stubborn idiot? I wouldn’t have survived that.”
Zoro feels his jaw jump. Why does he always end up being surrounded by morons? “Okay then,” He says, pushing forward again. “Take me where you found me. We need to do a sweep of the place, find out if anyone else ended up around here. They could need help, so…”
“Nobody else is here,” Perone interrupts, flitting around to hover next to him instead of in front of him. “The second anyone lands here, we know right away. He said he only sensed you here.”
Dammit. It would’ve been so much easier if they’d ended up in the same place. Hell, if even one other person has been here too…not only would it have cut down the number of people he needed to find, but having any of the crew with him gave a jolt to his strength level that nothing else seemed to be able to replicate.
Well. Time to start finding them, then.
Zoro starts forward again, making his steps as fast as he can go. He glances around the place, slightly taken aback at the cold, drafty stone facade and dusty wall tapestries. “What is this place?” He asks, trying to stay focused on moving. “How far away are we from Sabaody?”
“Sabaody?” Perona says, eyes getting impossibly wider. “We’re in Kuraigana Island. You’re not getting to Sabaody anytime soon, I can tell you that much.”
Maybe that would’ve meant something to Zoro if he knew what the hell Kuraigana Island was. “Okay,” He says, unimpressed. “I’ll start my way there now, then. Bye.”
There’s a small whoosh of air by his side before Perona appears in front of him yet again, blocking his path. “Hey!” She snaps. “Look. Mihawk is out now, okay? He’s on his way back soon, so if you’ll just wait, then—”
Zoro cuts her off instantly. “What?” He asks, mouth dry. “Did you say Mihawk?”
“The warlord!” Perona says, puffing up proudly. “Yeah, he was on his way out when you landed, and now he’s heading back. You were out for a few days, you know.”
Days? Mihawk?
His mind flashes back to the confrontation at Sabaody. They’d met at the battlefield then, briefly. He’d thought back then that he’d found another opportunity, one that could finally allow him to claim his place and the title that he’d been chasing for so long.
It hadn’t lasted. There had just been too much to do back then, too many things he had to take care of, people he needed to protect. So he’d swallowed the urge and moved on, because he’d known that there would be a next time.
It seemed that the next time had arrived, much sooner than he’d thought.
Maybe…this could be his chance, if he could just try again, maybe this time he’d be able to beat—
Zoro raises a hand, slapping it to his forehead. The sting pulls him back into focus. “Okay,” He says, pushing down firmly on his forehead. “Take me to whatever you use to leave this place. I’m heading out.”
“Um,” Perona says, floating back to his side. “Well, you’ll probably need to go to the—hey, it’s this way, you moron!”
“Well,” Mihawk says, arms crossed, expression vacant. “What will you do now, then?”
Zoro glances in front, behind the towering figure of Mihawk, behind the giant sword strapped to his back. The small boat sits there, undisturbed but for the pack of Humandrils that eye him wearily, challenging him to approach.
He clenches his jaw. “Okay,” He says. “I’ll fight through them.”
Mihawk flicks his gaze across him, and Zoro is transported for a second back to the Baratie, full of hopes and confident of victory. “I see,” He says. “Am I expected to deal with the aftermath when you fail?”
Zoro takes a shaky breath. “I won’t fail.”
“You will,” Mihawk says, gaze piercing, assessing. “You’ve improved from the last time, but not enough. Even when you heal, it won’t be enough.”
“I won’t fail,” Zoro repeats. It echoes in his head: I won’t fail. I won’t fail. “It will be enough.”
Mihawk raises an eyebrow. “How are you sure of this?”
“It’s always worked before,” Zoro says, feeling a grim smirk spread across his face. “So it’s going to work now.”
“Has it?” Mihawk says flatly. “Is that why you’re here? Did it work then?”
Zoro’s mouth closes with a snap. “Yes,” He says firmly, stubbornly. “I’m alive. My crew is alive. That’s enough. Once we reunite, we can—”
“Are they? Alive?”
“Yes,” Zoro says instantly, without even thinking about it. “If they weren’t, if even one of them wasn’t, I’d know.”
He hadn’t known what he’d say until the words leave his mouth, but he knows in his bones that he’s telling the truth. If something had happened, he’d know it. He’d know it right away.
Mihawk’s eyes narrow slightly. “I see,” He says. “So. Your plan is to fight through these,” He inclines his head to the side, gaze darting momentarily at the hunandrils. “Then, if you survive that, inevitably wounded, you will sail out following your Vivre Card, and single-handedly find your crew. Is that correct?”
“Yes,” Zoro says, “And—wait, Vivre Card?”
“You didn’t even know about that? So you were going to go—”
“Vivre Card?” Zoro repeats, head spinning. “What?”
“You didn’t know,” Mihawk says, flatly unimpressed. “Well. No matter. So, you were planning to return as you were. And then what? Make the same mistakes? End up somewhere else? Then repeat?”
Zoro takes a breath, reaching into his mind to grab onto his will, holding on tight. “No,” He says through clenched teeth. “This won’t happen again. This will never happen again. I won’t let it.”
Luffy’s horrified expression tugs at his memories, and he banishes it with a shake of his head.
“How?” Mihawk says, doggedly apathetic. “You’ve learned nothing. You haven’t gotten any stronger. How can you guarantee this?”
Zoro’s back stiffens. “I—”
“No matter,” Mihawk interrupts, his unnatural stillness coming to a sudden ends as he uncrosses his arms and steps aside. “It’s your choice to make. Take a little longer to recover, then do whatever you wish. If you survive, of course.”
Mihawk turns from him and walks his way up the beach. Zoro watches as he goes, head aching, will wavering, still uncertain.
“Have you seen this?”
Zoro glares up mid push up. “Seen what?”
The crinkled page of a newspaper blocks his vision. “This!” Perona says triumphantly, shaking it. “You didn’t read it this morning?”
“You think I read the newspaper?” Zoro asks gruffly. He pauses, arms perfectly steady as he keeps his body from losing the fight against gravity. “What does it say?”
Perona sighs, like he’s ruining the joke. “I mean,” She says, drawing out the word. “I could tell you. But I think you’d prefer if I showed you.”
Zoro’s fingers flex on the cold cobblestone. His arms still don’t shake. “Show me, then.”
Perona flings open the newspaper with a snap, then meticulously starts smoothing out the wrinkles. She glances downward, and Zoro realizes that she’s waiting him to fall before showing him what’s on the page.
Zoro’s jaw clenches. It’s on.
It’s only been a few weeks, but he feels so much more improved than he’s been since…Water 7, really. Something in his being is still screaming at him to leave, to go help, but he knows deep down that he can’t show himself in front do the crew before knowing that this time, he’ll be able to keep his promise. That he’ll be able to keep them safe.
So, this time, he’s not going to give up. If he gives up on the push up, he’s not ready to go back.
Zoro schools his features, trying not to let the strain show on his face. Instead, he just stares, waiting, controlling his arms so that not even a hint of a tremor begins…
Perona just sighs, then holds the newspaper in front of his face. “You’re so boring,” She complains. “It’s always funnier when you fall.”
But the words are lost on Zoro, because his eyes and attention are fully fixed on the newspaper, and on the image that…
Zoro suddenly springs up to his feet, causing Perona to shriek in surprise. “Where’s Mihawk?” He demands, heart thundering. “Where’s Mihawk?”
“Have you seen this?”
Zoro slams the newspaper on the large dining table, right next to the large bowls of fruit of vegetables that cover the surface.
Mihawk gives him his usual expressionless glance, but it looks kind of odd without the huge hat. “The newspaper? Yes, I have. What about it did you want to discuss?”
Zoro flips through the paper, thoughts whirring frantically in his head. “This one,” He says, pointing to the picture. “It won’t mean anything to you, but it does to me. I’m…I won’t be looking for my crew any time soon. For two years.”
Mihawk inclines his head, then leans back in his enormous, stiff-backed red velvet chair. “I see,” He says. “I suppose you’re asking to stay?”
“Yes,” Zoro says, battling through the pride that coats his tongue. “I am. Please, let me stay.”
Mihawk gives an almost imperceptible shrug. “I already informed you that you could do so,” He says. “Asking for permission is superfluous.”
Zoro takes a breath. “Yes,” He says. “Thank you. But, I also—”
Before he can talk himself out of it, he steps back, then sinks to his knees. “Please, can you—”
He’s interrupted, abruptly, by a yell in the distance. “Mihawk! Hey! Zoro’s looking for y—Ah! Hey! What’s going on here?”
“Perona,” Mihawk begins, then stops as Zoro lowers his head, heart beating fast.
“Please,” He says again. “Train me. You were right: as I am now, I am not enough. I will need to be stronger in order to move forward, and to have this never happen again. I…” and this part is always the hardest. “I need your help to do this. Please.”
He hears Perona’s shocked exclamation behind him, but he doesn’t move. He doesn’t really have much of a plan beyond this: there are always ways to exchange work for favors. If need be, he can offer to take up bounties again. Anything that can help give him the smallest chance…
“Look up,” Mihawk says, a bite of tension entering his bored tone. “I don’t much fancy having this conversation with the back of your head”
Zoro lifts his head, meeting Mihawk’s assessing stare. He can feel his face twist, and, suddenly—
The dam breaks, and all his carefully controlled speeches and expressions and movements and deals shatter in an instant.
“Please,” He says again, and he can hear the desperation in his voice clear as day. “This is the only way I can get stronger. I will follow your lead, without question or complaint. Whatever you think will make me stronger, I’ll do it.”
He doesn’t know what he looks like, but it probably isn’t a very dignified sight. Especially compared to the man in front of him, who seems to never lose that icy exterior, nor the confidence of a warrior.
He can’t find it in him to care, though. Not when he can still hear the sounds and see the visions of his failures.
He doesn’t know how long he sits there, chest heaving, waiting for an answer, before Mihawk finally moves. The man leans back, crossing his arms and giving him a contemplative look. “Do you,” He asks calmly. “Still wish to defeat me? To be the world’s greatest swordsman?”
Zoro nods firmly. “Yes,” He says. He will never deny it, ever. “I do. And I will.”
“What if,” Mihawk says, eyes glinting strangely. “I tell you that I’ll train you if you give that up? If you use it to return stronger, but in return, to never challenge me again?”
Zoro feels his chest sink. Everything has a price, he knows this well. But this…what can he do about this?
There’s only one answer. There always has been.
He takes a breath to center himself. “I will agree,” He says. “Then, I’ll do it another way. I will become the world’s strongest swordsman, even if I never fight you again. If I go back to my crew, that’s what will happen. That is what has to happen.”
It all goes together. He can’t go back in all his honesty if he doesn’t have this anymore: the crew is the crew of dreamers, and their shared promise is to make them come true. In order to go back, he has to keep his word and help them all achieve their dreams. In return, he has to allow them to keep their promises too, and help him achieve his.
To go back means accepting this. There is no way around it.
Mihawk’s mouth quirks, so suddenly and quickly that Zoro thinks he may have imagined it. “Very well,” He says, sitting back. “Two years. Then…after that, we will meet again. At that time, you must show me that my efforts were not in vain.”
All of the tension seems to leave Zoro’s body in an instant, and he nearly falls on his face then and there. “Thank you,” He says, and now his arms have finally started trembling. “Thank you.”
When they start their training, it’s not what Zoro expects at all.
He’s spent his entire childhood doing this. Honing his skill with his swords, going over drills under his arms ached and fingers bled, lifting weights until he physically couldn’t go on…hours and days and years of practice, all to get him to this moment.
He’d continued, of course. He had never stopped training, not for a moment. Not even in the time between leaving the dojo and joining up with Luffy: he had to get stronger, after all.
But it’s different this time. Now, he has a mentor again. He hasn’t had one since he left his dojo, and it’s left a mix of excitement, confusion, and nerves in his stomach.
Well. Mostly excitement, if he’s being honest.
And so, Zoro had expected to jump right into some drills, some advanced footwork and strength training, something like that. Something that would be solely focused on his skills as a swordsman.
Zoro blinks in confusion. “Put away my swords? Why?”
Mihawk just stands there, arms crossed. His sword remains strapped to his back, looming over his head. “We’re not working on your swords today,” He says. “We’re going to work on something else.”
Zoro frowns. He keeps his swords in his hands. “Why? I need to get stronger, right? So…what are we doing? Conditioning? Strength?”
“Neither,” Mihawk says. He stares Zoro down, unperturbed. “We’re working on Haki.”
Zoro’s hands freeze on his sword handles. “Haki?”
Mihawk nods. “Yes,” He replies. “To explain, Haki is—”
“I know what Haki is,” Zoro interrupts. “I…I understand it’s a great power. But…I’m a swordsman. Shouldn’t we prioritize swordsmanship instead?”
Mihawk uncrosses his arms, reaching back to grasp his sword. “We are doing so,” He says simply. “In order to become the world’s greatest swordsman, you must master Haki. Without it, you will never catch up.”
“But,” Zoro objects, keeping a tight grip on his swords. “We have a limited time to do this, and without focusing on swordplay training, how could I possibly protect my—”
The words die in his throat as Mihawk suddenly moves, a small dagger in his hand, heading straight to Zoro’s face. Zoro throws himself back, just in time for the dagger to just miss his left cheek, the metal just barely missing scrapping his skin.
Swearing internally, he jolts forward again, aiming towards Mihawk’s back. He hasn’t had time to put Wado in his mouth, but even with two swords he should be…
Without even turning around, Mihawk gives a small step to the side, and Zoro can’t stop the momentum that carries him over to complete the movement. Stumbling, he whirls back around, swords at the ready and panting heavily. The stinging of his injuries and his pride poke at the back of his mind.
“That,” Mihawk says plainly, not even winded. “Was observation Haki. I can predict where you will go, and what you’ll do. Even the most talented swordsman will have trouble getting around the advantage of foresight.”
Zoro draws a deep breath, but says nothing.
Mihawk grasps at the large sword strapped to his back, pulling it out and brandishing the huge blade towards Zoro. “Watch carefully,” He says.
Zoro frowns, but fixes his eyes on the sword and waits. It doesn’t take long before a black substances slowly starts emerging, coating the sword in a shiny, opaque shield that looks familiar.
The Vance crew member, Zoro thinks, examining the sword furiously. He covered his arm with this.
“Armament Haki,” Mihawk says, snapping Zoro out of his thoughts. “With this, you can increase the strength of your sword in ways that any natural or mechanical means cannot achieve.”
Zoro’s jaw tightens. “I get it,” He says.
“Do you?” Mihawk asks, as his sword slowly dissolves back into its normal color. “Listen well. Where you are going, swordsmanship as you know it will not be enough.”
“I’m a swordsman,” Zoro objects. “That’s my job.”
Mihawk nods, resheathing his sword. “So it is,” He says. “But in the New World, that means something different. You cannot survive without Haki. You cannot play the role of protector without Haki. You cannot defeat me without Haki. This is the reality of the situation. Will you learn it, or will you go there to die?”
Zoro knows, deep in his soul, that there is only one answer to that question. It’s what he asked Mihawk for, after all. But…
He thinks of Vance, of his crew, of their confidence in this power that failed them in the end. “I can’t rely on it,” He says. “My swordsmanship must carry be through on its own.”
“It still is,” Mihawk says. “This is swordsmanship. There is no difference. These skills will be imbued into your swords, they are simply a tool to strength you. Or…do you perhaps wish to lose to Kuma for a third time? Because if you don’t learn this, that is what will happen.”
A wave of fury fills Zoro at the name. “No,” He says, through gritted teeth.
“Haki is more widespread than you know,” Mihawk continues. “Many have been using it already without your knowledge. Are you really accepting for your skill set to be left incomplete for no reason at all?”
Vance may have given him a distaste for Haki, but…
Usopp’s face flashes into his mind, all grin determination and concentration and achievements that should be impossible. If this power belongs to him too, then…
Well. Power is power, and Zoro can take on the challenge with his crewmate and friend. They’ll need all the help they can get, and Zoro still has some promises to keep.
Zoro nods grimly. “Okay,” He says. “What do I do first?”
“Observation,” Mihawk begins, but it is interrupted by a now familiar excited shout.
“Mihawk!” Perona says, zipping into the room. “You got a reply! From Crocodile, he’s saying that—oh. Sorry. I didn’t know you were busy.”
“We’re training!” Zoro snaps. “Stay out of it!”
“No need to be rude!” Perona huffs, crossing her arms. “Mihawk, make him fall on his face.”
Mihawk gives the faintest of grins, and it sends a chill down Zoro’s spine. “I’m sure we’ll get there,” He says. “Quite soon.”
It happens on a very unmemorable day.
It wasn’t even like they had been doing anything new. Instead, they’d been working on perfecting combining both observation and armament Haki into Zoro’s attacks.
He’d actually taken to Haki pretty easily. Once he’d gotten started, he’d realized that, well…he actually had used this before. The slowing down of his senses, the extending of his awareness of his surroundings…he’d been doing that for a while now. He’d noticed it slowly getting stronger, but he’d thought it was just because his skills had been improving.
The fight against Mr. 1 had been a turning point, as it happened. He’d apparently unlocked his observation Haki at a pretty high degree already, and it was just a matter of putting a name to something he’d been doing for a while now.
That had suited Zoro just fine. He hadn’t particularly cared what this thing of his was called, all that mattered now was being able to hone it to the best possible extent. Finding the limits of this ability was going to be fun.
Armament, though? That had been completely new to him. It was more of a struggle to figure out how to…extend that ability of his, to wrap it around a physical object rather than maintain his own senses.
It did help that his swords were also him, to an extent. Less an extension of his own body and more companions on his quest, but still part of his personal space and more likely to accept the Haki he bestowed upon them.
Once he’d figured that out, it was pretty easy. All he needed to do know was put everything in practice, and use both versions of Haki at the same time, intentionally. It had been that that had been giving him trouble.
It was that trouble that was his undoing. It wasn’t even during the first time he tried this, nor the second, nor the third. It had just when he’d gotten comfortable, and had shifted too far in his comfort into complacency.
“Do it again,” Mihawk says, for the fifth time, sword drawn. “Attack and defend, remember?”
Zoro grits his teeth, saying nothing. He adjusts his stance slightly, breathing into his Haki techniques, grasping at the strands of it curling around through his head.
He uses one strand to extend his senses, and another to wrap around his sword, feeling it grow warm in his hand. So far, so good, so going as expected.
Mihawk leaps forward, large sword drawn, almost breaking Zoro’s concentration. He grunts, quickly reacting to the warning pulse in his brain and quickly lifting a coated Wado to absorb the other sword’s impact.
Mihawk gives a soft grunt, which Zoro knows now means good, and steps back. Zoro nods, keeping Wado at the ready, until—
The signal flashes in his head again, and Zoro swiftly turns his head, and then—
Zoro knows he’s made a mistake. He knows instantly.
He’d misread something, gone right instead of left, gotten wires crossed somewhere, and all he sees is the black blade descending upon his face and, behind it, Mihawk’s eyes actually widening in horror, and—
In that second, something flashes through his memory. Because he’d known about this before, he remembers—
It had been at the very beginning. Before the Grand Line, before Arlong, before the Baratie even.
There were just four of them: the dreamer, the bounty hunter, the thief in disguise, and the recently acquired liar, their current newbie. Zoro still hadn’t known what to make of him, just that he belonged with them. What would come next was up to him.
He hadn’t known yet then, of course. He hadn’t known about Usopp
At that time, Usopp stood on the Merry’s deck, a makeshift cape fluttering in the wind behind him, twisted up in an exaggerated pose. “Adventure!” He’d cried, tossing his arms up in the air. “Comes with danger. It is always so!”
Luffy, his only captive audience at the time, clapped his hands together. “Like what?” He asked. “Danger, how?”
“A true warrior’s life is always at risk,” Usopp boomed. Or tried to, at least, in a voice that was still too young, still squeaky with inexperience. “But sometimes, it’s not his life he loses. It’s something else.”
“Like what?”
It hadn’t been Luffy asking the question that time. It had been Zoro instead, one eye cracked open, irritated at the noise.
“What else could he lose,” Zoro grumbled, longing for peace and quiet. “Besides sleep in this place?”
Luffy booed him for interrupting the story, but Usopp just stood there, looking at him thoughtfully. His makeshift cape was still billowing out, but more softly now. Less violently.
“Have I ever told you,” Usopp began, “What happened to the distracted warrior?”
Luffy’s eyes lit up. “What?” He asked, scooting closer. “What happened?”
“Yeah,” Zoro sighed, thinking of his escaped sleep. “What?”
Usopp, fully facing Zoro now, drew a hand out flattening it and pointing it towards him.
“This,” Usopp said, slicing his hand in a quick motion, towards his left eye—
—a searing pain shoots across his left eye, worse than anything he’d ever felt, and his world darkens as the weight of another failure presses down against his chest.
Zoro doesn’t get out of bed for three days after he loses his left eye.
At least, he thinks he does. He can’t really tell. He’s to distracted by other things in the meantime: the way his hand keeps missing the table to grab a glass of water, the constant, distracting stinging behind the bandage, the way the world looks titled, off its axis.
It seems like Perona never leaves him alone, though. “It’ll get better,” She keeps chanting to him, almost like a spell. “You just…you just need to get used to it. You’ll even yourself out. You just need to wait.”
Waiting is the last thing he needs. He’s already forced to wait, and at least he could’ve used it to improve. But now…
Now, he’s back to where he started. No: he’s back further than that. He can’t even point his sword in the right direction. How can he—how—
He understands Usopp now. He understands more than he ever thought he could the feeling of loss that must have followed him after being saved from Vance’s ship. At least Zoro can still…he can still see, while Usopp…
Zoro shudders, taking a deep breath and trying his best to recover.
Shortly after that, Zoro gets angry.
Mihawk had avoided him at the start. He hadn’t seen him during his initial recovery period, and Zoro hadn’t given him much thought either.
So seeing him march into the small bedroom without a care in the world one day had shocked Zoro’s system slightly, and he’d sat straight up in bed in response.
“I see you’re up,” Mihawk says blandly. “Good. Once you’re cleared to move, we can start you on basic exercises again. You’re familiar with post injury training, you can do that with your Haki too.”
“I know,” Zoro says, something simmering in his chest. “Now go away.”
Mihawk pauses, giving him a piercing look. “Your observation Haki will help your depth perception,” He says. “You should learn to trust it more, if you had—”
“I know,” Zoro repeats, teeth clenched. “I wasn’t fast enough. I didn’t do enough. I know. I know.”
Mihawk nods at him blankly. “Then you’ll know what needs to be done,” He says. “This happened once. It can’t happen again. Not if you want to continue on to the New World.”
Zoro’s head hurts. “Yeah,” He says. “Well, it happening once was enough. I messed up again. And now…where am I starting now? From the beginning? Before that?”
“You have Haki—” Mihawk begins, but Zoro doesn’t want to hear it. There’s a buzzing in his head now, growing louder and louder and louder, and he can’t…he can’t…
“And so what if I do?” Zoro spits out. A burst of energy seems to take over like him, almost like he’s being possessed. He throws the blanket off his legs, rising to his feet. His legs don’t shake. “Fuck that. I’m continuing like before. This isn’t stopping me. Let’s go.”
“You—” Mihawk begins again, but Zoro is beyond that. He can’t listen, won’t listen, anymore.
“Let’s go,” Zoro says, and the ringing in his ears feels like it’s coming out in his voice. “I’m going back. I’m going to get better. I will make myself better. I will fight again. I will.”
He’s breathing heavily now, and…and there’s something happening. His brain is shuddering, like when his Haki space gets activated but he’s not using it, so how can anything be happening?
But it is. It is, and it’s pouring out of him, and all he knows is that he’s going to get better. He’s going to get his crew. He’s going to become the world’s greatest swordsman.
It’s everything he’s done all his life, and it’s all pouring out of him like an explosion.
He looks up, and the sight almost stops him in his tracks.
Mihawk is staring at him, and it’s a sight he’s experienced hundreds of times now, but there’s something different this time. The stare isn’t pointed, or placid, or cynical. It’s…weary, almost suspicious.
Almost afraid.
“I see,” Mihawk says, voice breaking the Haki-space Zoro had burrowed in. “I…I see. You have it, then.”
Zoro blinks, feeling the sting under the bandage again as he struggles to regain his center. “What?”
“Conqueror’s Haki,” Mihawk says. “I’d suspected…well. We’ll add this, too. This will be a powerful element of your arsenal.”
“Conqueror’s?” Zoro asks. His head starts pounding again. “Do you have it too?”
There’s a short silence. “No,” Mihawk says. “It’s quite rare. But…well. The principles are the same, anyway.”
I have Conqueror’s Haki. Zoro turns the idea around in his mind. “Okay,” He says. “I’ll…I’m ready. Let’s go.”
“Yes,” Mihawk says. “And. Well. And—”
Mihawk is not one to be unsure with his words. “What?” Zoro asks. “What is it?”
Mihawk opens his mouth, then closes it again. He shakes his head.
“Nothing,” He says, whirling back around. “Let’s go. You have work to do.”
After that, things start to settle down.
Zoro isn’t exactly sure how long it’s been since he arrived. Losing an eye seems to have thrown his sense of time into whack, but as he slowly reintegrates himself into a training schedule, he wakes up one day to realize that he only had about six months left before it’s time to reunite with his crew.
“There’s so much more to learn,” He tells Perona one night, staring into a beer with a newfound sort of melancholy. “But I also think I’m ready now, you know? There’s too much time left and too little all at once.”
Perona just laughs. “Don’t worry your little green head about it,” She tells him. “Whatever happens, you have six moths to go, right? Just learn everything you can in that time and then you can head on back. Easy.”
Zoro grimaces, carefully taking a swig. His retrained depth perception is improving slowly, but surely. “You’re more annoying than the cook sometimes.”
Even more so because, yeah. She’s right.
Perona rolls her eyes. “I know you don’t mean that,” She says (true). “You’re just lucky I’m here to set you straight,” She looks up, giving Mihawk a knowing glare. “Both of you.”
Mihawk shifts slightly, leaning over the arm rest of his large, ornate chair. His beer sits on the table, untouched. “I am going to ignore the pointed intention in that statement.”
“Come on,” Perona sighs, putting down her own drink with a thunk on the wooden table. “You’ve been at it with Crocodile for months. Almost years even. Just make your decision already.”
Zoro’s right eye narrows. He knows that there’s…something there, something that’s been brewing the entire time he’s been here, definitely even before that.
He knows, he knows that the communication between Mihawk and Crocodile is beyond normal warlord business. The secretive nature of it, the snatches of conversation he’s caught between Perona and Mihawk, the silent preparations going on behind the scenes…he’s noticed it.
For the most part, he wouldn’t care. It’s none of his business, really. If there’s some grand plan going on, it’s unlikely to directly affect him or his crew, so it shouldn’t really be any of his business.
But now…
Now…it’s not like it was anymore. A warlord of the sea had put him in this predicament in the first place, and another one was putting him back on track. Like it or not, gaining the power he needs to achieve his dream puts him at odds and directly in contact with people like this. If he’s ever going to make it through, and pull the rest of his crew along with him, he’s going to have to know what’s going on. Even if just a little bit.
What happened with Kuma is never going to happen again. And this…this is how he makes sure of it.
Zoro clears his throat. “Your decision,” He says carefully. “Is it to do with helping Crocodile with something?”
A tense silence descends on the room. He glances up to see Perona’s shocked face, then shifts his head slightly to see Mihawk’s deliberately stony one. “I don’t care,” He reminds them. “Just, you know. It’s annoying, having to deal with the back and forth about this.”
Mihawk leans forward, pushing his drink to the side. He pins Zoro with a knowing stare. “If you had to take part something,” He says. “A movement. A change, let’s say. How would you do it?”
Zoro frowns. “What kind of movement?”
“The subject is irrelevant,” Mihawk says. “What would move you to take action? No matter what it was?”
The answer is far too easy, really.
“Someone to believe in,” Zoro says. Luffy’s face flashes into his mind. “Someone that you know you can trust.”
“And what quality is that?” Mihawk asks. There’s a tense clip to his tone. “What makes that someone trustworthy?”
Zoro thinks for a moment, sees Luffy’s smile clearly in his mind. “It’s nothing specific, I don’t think” He says. “Just…someone that inspires belief, I guess. Power, personality. I don’t think it can be taught.”
Mihawk nods, leaning back in his chair. The tension flickers, then slowly fades. “Inspiration,” He repeats. “I see. Yes. Inspiration.”
Zoro nods, taking another sip of beer. A strange sense of foreboding fills his chest, and he chases it down with a swallow.
Two years after the first time he did this, Zoro finds himself in front of a group of humandrils.
They don’t seem as intimidating as they had been, back then. Instead, they’re more irritating than worrisome, like a group of flies buzzing around his head than any kind of genuine threat.
The idea brings a wave of satisfaction in his heart. If anything, he’s gotten better. And that has been the most important thing of all.
“You’ll be going, then?”
Zoro glances to the side. Mihawk, in another echo of two years ago, stands near the humandrils, arms crossed. But instead of being in front of him, he’s to the side. The path forward is clear, and Mihawk is no longer blocking it.
“Yes,” Zoro replies, glancing back towards the ship behind the humandrils. “It’s time to head back. I’ve accomplished what I’ve aimed to, anyway.”
He can sense Mihawk give a slight nod, but nothing further.
Zoro nods back, then moves a hand towards a sword, about to draw it out—
The voice breaks his concentration, and he drops his hand back away. “What?” He barks back. “I’m busy!”
“I can’t believe you!” The voice rapidly approaches, and then Perona zips into his line of sight, incandescent. “You were gonna leave without even saying goodbye? Really?”
Zoro blows out an exasperated breath. “I did.”
“Saying ‘bye’ this morning without any explanation doesn’t count!” Perona says, wagging a finger in his face. “You’re such an idiot!”
“You’re the idiot,” Zoro responds hotly. “What other explanation could there be for that? You knew the time limit.”
Perona leans back, crossing her arms in an exaggerated huff. “Well,” She says. “I’m coming with you!”
“What?” Zoro says. “Why?”
“Because!” Perona says, and Zoro notices her toss a quick glance at Mihawk. “There’s stuff I wanna do over there! And you’re gonna need someone to help you use the Vivre Card anyway. So…I’ll go with you!”
Zoro sighs, then shrugs internally. Whatever it is she’s planning with Mihawk has nothing to do with him. “Fine. Whatever. Just don’t get in my way.”
Perona’s face turns cheery. “Of course I won’t!” She says, then turns to Mihawk, waving giddily. “See you soon!”
Zoro takes a step forward, then pauses. Following an instinct, he turns back to Mihawk. “Thank you,” He says. “Next time we meet, I hope to show you exactly how much I’ve improved under your guidance, when I beat you.”
Mihawk’s face remains impassive, but Zoro can see, through years of practice, the expression hiding within the corners of his mouth. “I look forward to it,” He says.
Zoro nods again, then unsheathes his swords. “Here I come,” He says, to the humandrils and to the crew beyond them. “Wait for me.”
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wooahaeruby · 9 months ago
Chapter 16: Into The Thick Of It
Chapter Word Count: 5,469 (nice)
Anything in Bold Italics are Korean/Another language.
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“It’s late, Mimi,” you whined into the phone, pulling the blankets over your head, Jihoon giving a scoff beside you, tapping away on his ipad in bed. Pulling the phone away from your ear, you frowned. “It’s midnight here in the Philippines.” 
“ And it’s one in the afternoon here.” She huffed, “ Anyways, I need to know what you are doing after Christmas.” 
“ After Christmas? I don’t even know what I’m doing tomorrow. We fly to Singapore tomorrow.” 
“ Well ask Jihoon, he is there, isn’t he?” 
“Mimi-” You groaned, throwing the blankets back and looking at Jihoon. “ What are we doing after Christmas?” 
He dropped the ipad to his chest, patting around the blankets for his phone and opening his calendar. “ Indonesia on the 28th then the New Years event, then we would be home until we get work done for the comeback.” 
“So busy?” He only nodded. "We are busy until after new years.” 
“ So if we come for a week or two after new years, would that be an issue?”
“Yeah that shouldn’t be a- Wait- '' You pouted your lips in confusion. “Did you save that fast?” 
“ Well-” 
“Oh just tell her, they will tell ‘em anyways!” Papa’s voice was heard in the back. 
You heard Mimi hush him and a small sound of a hit with a quiet ‘ hey!” from Papa. “ Jamie and Kazuki, such lovely boys by the way, I’m so glad you met them. They were so sweet when I went over to your place to get everything finalized with the packing and said they’d lend your grandfather and I the last bit of money to help us fly out.” 
“Mimi- I could have done that, all you had to do was ask.” 
“ Don’t worry about it, sweetheart, it was only a few hundred bucks and we agreed to use their new frequent flier card to give them miles so they can come see you next.” 
“ Of course you all made a deal.” You laughed quietly. Jihoon reached over you, pulling the blankets back over the two of you, tossing his phone, watch, and ipad on the nightstand and curling up. “How about the second week of January?” 
“ Sounds perfect, I’ll book it tonight. And everything should be shipped out to your apartment within the week.” 
“Okay, I’ll make sure the staff know. Thank you, Mimi, I can’t wait to see you. Love you, tell Papa too.” 
Hanging up and tossing your phone aside, you attempted to get comfortable, back to the other. You tug on the blanket that Jihoon was attempting to hog for the fourth night in a row. 
“Come on.” You grumbled, looking over your shoulder only to see the back of his head and back. “Give it up.” 
“ Just move closer .” He shot back. Something playful was thrumming through the bond. 
“And you say I’m annoying.” Tugging the blanket again, he didn’t budge in the slightest. 
“ You won’t win this.”
Your shoulders sagged. Maybe you should start working out to try and win this battle of the blankets… He was a human heater…And you will use that to your advantage if he was going to take the majority of the comforter. 
In the dark and quiet of the hotel room, you scooted backwards until your back met his and the buzz under your skin began to lull you. 
There was a warmth at your back and a weight was around your middle. When you cracked your eyes open to look around, it was still dark outside, no light in the sky that peeked through the curtains. The blankets were snuggly wrapped around you which you appreciated, knowing Jihoon didn’t steal them, but when you shifted, your brain finally processed that it was an arm that was wrapped around your middle. You heard a short intake of air from behind you then Jihoon shifting as he tugged you closer to his chest. 
You were still tired, the warmth he was emitting and the rumbling soulbond was weighing your eyelids down. Being the little spoon was also comforting, bringing a feeling of protection, it was calming overall. In your drowsy state, you didn’t think it was that important, really it was bound to happen eventually. Step one was Jihoon sleeping next to you, step two was him cuddling up to you (then him vehemently denying it if you brought it in any capacity). The third step? You didn’t know what that even was at this point, but you will enjoy sapping body heat and the comfort any given day of the week from him. 
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Sitting on the sidelines of the In the Soop filming was interesting to say the least. While the members were technically on ‘vacation’ with this mini getaway, there was a lot of stress they’d still be going home to. 
Almost exactly when you all would return to Seoul, Vernon would be recording and filming for his solo Black Eye. When having the after concert dinner in Singapore not too long ago, Vernon mentioned he had the melody down, all that was left with the lyrics which he wanted to work on while here. You had asked about his solo out of curiosity and got really excited when he said it was going to be more punk pop than rap heavy. When he saw your excitement, he did play a bit of the instrumental that was done, saying that you’d have to have patience to hear the rest of it (which made you pout like a child). 
“ They’ve been working out for almost an hour and two of them are striping.” Hyeji snorted, sitting in the house just off the main property, looking at the live camera feeds that the staff was monitoring. 
You had curled up on a mattress pad on the floor reading a book Wonwoo had lent you from his little collection. Since you were staff, you didn’t need to monitor anything or do much if you didn’t want to. “ And they’ve worked out for longer back at home. Who is in there?” 
“Jihoon-ah, Soonyoung-ah, Jisoo-ah, and Chanie. Soonyoung-ah took off his shirt and Chanie followed not long after.” 
“ Not even surprised.” Snorting out a laugh, you closed the book, using your finger as a bookmark. You focused on the hum of the shared bond, smiling and shaking your head. “ Jihoon feels happy. Stupid gym rat.” 
Hyeji and the man monitoring alongside her gave quiet chuckles. “ Happy they made the Soop team build them a larger gym than last year.” 
“You’ve given into the Seventeen Effect. They get what they want.” 
Turning back to the book, you continued to read, letting the murmurs and idle chatter of the staff blend into the background. This was the first time you’ve been properly away from Jihoon for longer than a couple hours. Since the morning when everyone left, he did text you here and there, but he fell asleep on the ride (he apologized), then your phone died once you arrived (you apologized), and now he was off with the guys. It felt weird, maybe you were a little antsy but you were going to make the best of the situation. 
While you were still tired from the constant travel and your depression was lingering, it was a literal breath of fresh air being back in South Korea and in the gorgeous landscape. For the days you’d be here, the head of production did say that no cameras were in this general area. If you wished to explore you could, just let them know in case you are seen on any cameras close to the Soop sight and they’d edit or blur you out as they did with staff. 
To your delight, the Soop team stocked the kitchens just as full as the kitchen Seventeen was using. When staff started to get hungry, you offered to help the crew members make the prepackaged meals and side dishes to pick at and share. Though you didn’t know much of the staff well, Hyeji was more than happy to help with introductions when the majority sat to eat.  
“ Oh oh! Chaeyoung’s soulmate was an intern at Hybe just before Covid! They had drawing soulmarks. They could draw on their skin and it would appear on the other. ” One of the older women on the sound team, Ji-yu, laughed. “ And now they are off on their late honeymoon, they got married not that long ago, right before the tour started.” 
“Wah, I almost forgot the wedding was back in June.” Hayoon, another woman from the social media and PR crew with Hyeji, looked blown away. “ I’m just over here married to this hunk.” She motioned to the man beside her, Dae-Seong, a man from the video team; tall, well built, kinda reminded you of when Wonwoo stood tall, sleeper build.
“ Ya, you begged me to marry you two months after our bond settled.” His low rumble of  a voice held no bite, but Hayoon leaned against him, smiling wide and kissing his cheek. 
“ Yeah, I did do that, didn’t I?” 
Conversation continued to ebb and flow between your small group at the table. Outside of the bubble of your companions, many others of the staff gathered and ate, some staying to enjoy the meal while others took a plate of food to return to whatever job position that they were in before. It was nice hearing voices that weren’t coworkers or members of Seventeen, not that any of them were annoying to listen to, it was just nice to hear voices outside of them.
“Ruby-ah,” Ji-yu called your nickname and your attention was drawn up to her, continuing to bring chopsticks full of food to your mouth.” Have you and Jihoon-ah talked about anything like that? Marriage? The future?” 
You choked on the rice you just shoved into your mouth. The harsh coughing you let out was helped by Hyeji handing you a water bottle and patting you on the back. From both the choking on food and embarrassment you waved them off, catching your breath. 
“ I- Listen- We have barely talked about the stuff we have going on now- Plus it’s only been two months- And with his career-” You rambled, stumbling over your words, face flushing brighter with each passing moment.
Hyeji snorted, trying to hold in the cackling you knew she was ready to let out. “ Ruby-ah, do you wanna know a secret?” 
Deflating in your seat, the pout that spread on your lips had Hayoon, Dae-Seong, and Ji-yu snickering. “ You are going to tell me anyway.” 
“A little bird in the travel team told me that Jihoon asked if both of you could just share a room during the Japan leg of the tour to,” She made air quotes, “ ‘lessen expenses’.” 
“I’m going for a walk-” Standing up quickly as the table erupted into laughter, you pull your (read: Jihoon’s) sweatshirt hood over your head and scurry out of the backdoor where you left your shoes. 
The cool evening air was welcoming against your heated face. Looking off into the distance, you could see the lights of the buildings from Seventeen’s accommodations, even a few people you couldn’t make out wandering around (but you did manage to spot Mingyu’s tall ass). 
You walked towards the edge of the river, letting the light in the distance and the gentle shine of the moon guide you. Listening to the sound of the water rolling over the rocks, the quiet swishing of wind, and the rustling of the crisp autumn leaves took your mind off the…previous and definitely should be a private conversation between you and Jihoon instead of being asked by practically strangers. Marriage wasn’t something out of the question, the conversation was too early to have. On top of that his mother still doesn’t like you and Jihoon hasn't met your family yet. 
“Ahhh, this is stupid.” Pushing the hood back and running your hands through your hair, you sighed.. “Snap out of it, idiot. It’s not that serious.” 
Finding a larger rock just off the water, you leaned yourself against it, sliding the hood back up and slipping your hands into your sweatshirt pockets, resting atop your phone. You drummed your fingers against your phone case, breathing in the refreshing air that was untainted by the industry surrounding the city. Though it was relatively dark outside, you could faintly see the colors of the autumn woods over the green mountains, loving the ever changing leaves until they all eventually fall to the ground when the time came. 
A shiver shot down your spine, the crunching of rocks and pebbles underfoot caught your attention but you didn’t need to turn to see who approached you. A hand was placed on your back, sliding up around your shoulder as he rounded the rock you leaned against. When Jihoon came into your peripheral view, you let yourself sink into his side, thunking your head against his shoulder. Letting your eyes slide closed, you reached around him and held his waist, scoffing softly as he was only in a t-shirt and joggers.
“ It’s cold out here.”  
“ Mmm, maybe if you wore warm clothes, you wouldn’t be cold.” 
“Can’t do that when you take all my sweatshirts.” 
Faking a dramatic gasp, you shrugged your shoulders up until your chin went into the collar of the very much stolen sweatshirt. “ You keep leaving them at my place or giving them to me so technically it is your fault.” 
Jihoon pinched your arm, making you whine and hit him on the chest. Jihoon mocked your whine before he spoke up. “Don’t turn this on me like you don’t complain that you are cold all the time.”
“Rude but I’ll accept my actions.” 
“ Why did you feel startled earlier?” 
“Oh- it was nothing,” You brushed it off, tightening your hold on his waist. “ I was having dinner with some of the staff I was making friends with and they brought up something and I choked on my food.” 
You knew he didn't believe you fully but he chose not to respond, instead of continuing, you took comfort in basking in the bond's warmth and the tranquil feeling Jihoon was embracing at that moment. The subtle rise and fall of his shoulder with each breath was familiar and just as you did previously on your phone, you drummed your fingers against the side of his waist you held. Feeling his cheek bump against the top of your head, Jihoon yawned, definitely trying to keep it quiet but failed horribly. 
Lifting your head and resting your chin on his shoulder, you could see him look down at you tiredly from the corner of his eyes. “ If you are tired, go back to everyone. You can stop by between things you got going on tomorrow. Enjoy the vacation.” 
Jihoon gave a gruff grunt, the tired pout he typically likes to sport evident on his face. “ I should…I sleep better with you though.” 
“Go, Jihoon-ah. I’m not going anywhere.” 
With much reluctance and a teeny bit of whining (which he denies he wasn’t whining), Jihoon finally placed a kiss to your forehead, muttering a goodnight against your skin. He kept you wrapped in his arms for a much longer hug than he probably intended and you didn’t want to let him go, but he was tired and needed sleep. Giving the final push, Jihoon kissed your forehead once more before he took the trek back to the main houses.
Watching him leave, you chuckled silently. For the first time in at least two weeks, you’d be sleeping on your own away from him. You got used to the bond being so close, to his rhythmic breathing that lulled you to sleep. It made you feel secure, knowing that both you and Jihoon were safe, comfortable, and able to sleep through the night. Hopefully you both could sleep through the night without an issue, him more than you if his small comments and the outwardly denying love for curling up in bed beside you, holding you to his chest. Maybe you’d be a little cold tonight, maybe you were glad you had stolen a sweatshirt that definitely smelled like his cologne.
You stood tall and stretched your limbs, yawning and grunting out in the pleasant feeling of tension leaving your body. With Jihoon gone, a cold shiver went down your spine and the chill of the night started to settle in your bones. Shuffling your feet over the rocks carefully, you made your way back to the staff house, slipping in through the backdoor that you left through earlier. Much of the house has settled down but Hyeji and Ji-yu were at the table, passing phones back and forth, laughing at something they saw occasionally. When they heard the door close, both turned to look at you and both of their expressions were soft and inviting.
“ Ruby-ah, come sit with us again.” Hyeji motioned over and you lazily shuffled over, sliding into the seat adjacent to the both of them. 
Ji-yu hummed, “ Sorry for the teasing earlier. Seemed a little too easy.” She gave a wink and you shrugged. 
“ I plan to just go with the flow with Jihoon. If the conversation comes up, it comes up. If it doesn’t, we can sit down together and talk about it when the time feels right.” 
“ Very mature of you,” She placed her phone face down, focusing all her attention on you. “ When we were told that Jihoon-ah had found his soulmate and you’d be joining us, many of the crew from Pledis were a little protective. Bringing other staff in is fine but a soulmate? We’ve been working with them for years, they are a part of our little family.” 
“ At least you guys were nice about it. Don’t even get me started on when I met his mother.” You dropped your head against the table, laughing at yourself. Hyeji snickered and covered it up with a slap of her hand to her mouth. Ji-yu raised a brow, not fully understanding and you took the time to explain exactly how that horrible lunch went. 
“ So you are a well accomplished person and she still thinks you aren’t worthy? Typical mother-in-laws.” Ji-yu rolled her eyes. “ My mother-in-law wanted me to be a housewife and have a bunch of kids. My soulmate and I didn’t plan on having kids and she did not like that one. She holds it against me and it’s been ten years.” 
Hyeji chimed in, “ I hope my soulmate’s parents are never like that because if they are, I’ll scream.” 
“And like I told Jihoon, she should be lucky I’m caring for his ass. He can barely cook and I’m finally getting him on a proper sleep schedule most days. Maybe I’ll teach him how to bake for fun.” 
“That’s what you get when he spent his teen years in a dorm with other teenage boys. We should be happy some of them can cook now.” 
“ Amen.” Ji-yu leaned back in her chair. “ Vernon-ah can barely follow directions in a package. He’d live off toast and beans if no one fed him.” 
“ Do you know how many times the maknae line has shown up at my apartment just wanting food?” You were exasperated, huffing and shaking your head in no particular direction. “ I started to have them buy the groceries because they eat out my fridge.” 
“What about Jihoon? He has a bottomless pit for a stomach.” 
“Don’t remind me.” Groaning, you rested your chin on your hand, “ I told him that he is also eating everything in my fridge. He just smugly handed me his black card and said food shopping was on him now.” 
“Already sounding like a married couple.” Hyeji added.
Ji-yu pouted, “You are making me feel old.” 
“I feel like I've aged ten years since I’ve settled here because of Seventeen.” 
“ Join the party, Ruby-ah.” 
It didn’t take long for the three of you to branch off for the night. You took the mattress pad from your haphazard spot on the floor and found a corner of the main room that was free to curl up in for the night. Pulling to the collar of the sweatshirt up to your chin, you tucked into the comforter provided, closing your eyes and letting your breathing slow. Soon you were twisting and turning to get comfortable. The mattress wasn’t uncomfortable…you simply got used to a certain body heat resting beside you until you passed out. Pouting, you turned flat on your back, staring up at the ceiling. 
Most of the crew had settled in for the night, the house was quiet. You didn’t know how long you were just lying there, staring. Hyeji was knocked out on the couch, you could hear her quiet breathing and the quiet snoring. Under your pillow, you felt your phone buzz, and fished it out. You hissed out in pain at the blinding brightness and quickly lowered it to protect some of your sight. 
With quick tapping to find the notification, you smiled to yourself at the text you received. 
[Jihoonie 11:49PM] I can’t sleep. [To Jihoonie 11:50 PM]  Yeah, me too.  [Jihoonie 11:50 PM] Come here. 
You scoffed quietly at that.
[To Jihoonie 11:51 PM] I’m not gonna walk all the way over there to sleep then trudge my ass back here in the morning, idiot. We can go a few days without sleeping next to each other.   [Jihoonie 11:51 PM] You suck. →_→ [To Jihoonie 11:52 PM] No u ←_← Goodnight, Jihoon-ah. [Jihoonie 11:52 PM] →_→ Fine.  Goodnight.  Not like I need my sleep or anything.  Totally don’t. 
Taking a deep breath, you pinched the bridge of your nose but still managed a silent laugh, shaking your shoulders. Part of you wished to post this on instagram to expose the childish behaviors of your soulmate as a joke. If only Carats knew all the silly, childish things Jihoon subjects you to on a daily basis. Just this morning before you were to head out to Hybe, he wanted to make a blanket fort with the couch cushions and watch a movie. An absolute dork.
[To Jihoonie 11:53 PM] ←_← I’m changing your name in my contacts.  You changed Jihoonie to Twerp #1  There we go.  [Jihoonie 11:54 PM]  ̄へ ̄  Jihoon changed Ruby to Rude
You could feel he was tired through the bond, you could also feel that he was happy. Shaking your head, you typed out one final message. 
[To Jihoonie 11:55 PM] Goodnight, Jihoonie. Sleep as well as you can.  [Jihoonie 11:55 PM] ( ̄o ̄) . z Z Goodnight, Ruby-ah 
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By the third day, you had finished the book Wonwoo gave you since it wasn’t a long read and moved onto one that Minghao suggested. It was another short read, this one on the importance of inner peace and it sounded like a nice thing to find with the depression you’re coming down from. You had curled up on a seat outside, dressed in another hoodie of Jihoon’s (You brought three) and a blanket that was in the closet you peeked in earlier. 
When you raised your head, hearing Soonyoung and Seokmin in the distance, you tried to hold in the laughter that followed. There they were, standing on a rock in the middle of the river, with one of the other members standing on the edge of the water. 
“ Just jump!” You heard Jeonghan and you instantly knew this was all his idea… 
Standing up and closing your book, you left it and your phone in the seat, walking over to stand just off camera to watch the chaos ensue. You nearly fell over cackling when the two jumped in and scrambled to get out. You did squat down and hugged your knees laughing, covering your mouth to keep quiet when the oar floated off and Soonyoung swam to shore. Jeonghan tossed a towel over Soonyoung, walking off further from shore to wait for Seokmin. 
“ Ya! Ruby-ah! I lost a bet!” Seokmin called from the canoe, noticing you off to the side. 
“ Ahh~ Ruby-ah, come here!” Jeonghan called out, waving you over when he and Soonyoung moved towards the camping tent. 
Jeonghan waved the cameraman off that was filming in the distance and once more motioned for you to come over. Catching your breath finally, you stood back up from crouching and hurried your way over. When Seokmin managed to get off the canoe and onto dry land, he sprinted over, ready to take a towel. On your trek over, you could see Soonyoung and Jeonghan talking to Seokmin who’s back was turned to you. As you got within a few feet of the trio, the three of them were looking at you with the most evil glint in their eyes. 
“What?” You questioned, tilting your head to the side before Seokmin and Soonyoung were charging at you with wide, mischievous grins spread on their faces. 
The panicking fight or flight response had you running as fast as you psychically could away from them. Sadly, you weren’t close to being fast enough from getting away from whatever their plan was. 
Seokmin halted your fleeing, wrapping his arms under your armpits while Soonyoung joined in grabbing your legs to pick you up. You yelled out in protest, trying to kick your feet and wrangle yourself away. These assholes were laughing and moving as quickly as they could towards the fucking river . 
“Don’t you dare!” You yelled, screamed , and they didn’t stop. “ Stop it! Assholes!” 
“We are going for a dip, Ruby-ah!” Soonyoung cackled . 
They were high knees running in the water at this point and when it was deep enough, you went under with them. They instantly released you once you hit the water and you thrashed for a few moments before you surfaced and your feet found the rocky river floor below. Panting for air, you stood with scrunched up shoulders and murder in your eyes. 
“ You have…two seconds to run…before I kill you…” You took a forced breath of air in. “One…” 
And they bolted. 
Soonyoung, while agile on land, couldn’t get away fast enough in the water. You tackled him into the water, placing him into a sloppy chokehold to not hurt him but ended up giving him a noogie when he was back above water. You tossed him aside and waded your way through the water towards Seokmin who was catching his breath, standing knee deep in water. 
“ Lee Seokmin!” You yelled out, grabbing Seokmin by the arm and pulling him back. He lost his footing and fell back with a gasp, cushioned by the water behind him (and you making sure he didn’t actually get hurt). 
He whined so you knew he was fine, and ignored any complaining from either of them as you exited the water. Jeonghan, probably the mastermind behind all of this, was waiting for you with a wide smile, his phone in hand recording, and a towel. 
“ Ruby-ah?!” Jihoon’s panicked voice sounded out of breath in the distance. You could feel the bond warming but it only added to the boiling anger that pulsed in your veins. 
“By the river! They’re fine, Jihoonie.” Jeonghan scoffed, yelling over his shoulder. “ Just wet and very very angry.” 
“ Do you want to join them in the water?” You asked, pulling the sweatshirt over your head and sighing at your shirt clinging to your body uncomfortably. 
Jihoon closed in on the two of you (four but dumb and dumber in your opinion were still in the water), panting to catch his breath and groaning in frustration. His clothes were disheveled, same with his hair, and he took the towel from Jeonghan, dropping it over your head and helping you dry your hair. 
“ You need to stop scaring the shit out of me.” He spoke flatly, sighing when a shiver ripped through you. 
Your teeth started to chatter together causing you to huddle closer to Jihoon. “ Blame those three. Seokminie and Soonyoung-ah chased me down and threw me in.” 
“ Sorry~” Jeonghan snickered, tossing towels over to Seokmin and Soonyoung as they started towards the main houses to change. 
“ Sorry, Ruby-ah~!” Seokmin said in a sing-song tone, but there was a shake in his voice from the cold. 
“ Let’s get you back to the staff house.” Jihoon wrapped you up in the towel, took the soaked sweatshirt and walked back with you. “ I’ll deal with them later.” 
“ ‘m sorry.” You managed to get out albeit shaky. “ Jeonghanie called me over after I saw Seok-Soon jump into the river. I thought it would just say hello but they had other plans.” 
“Never trust when Jeonghan-hyung and Seokminie are together.” 
Laughing now, you took Jihoon’s hand to warm your freezing ones.  He flinched at the feeling but didn’t pull back from the touch. “Noted. Seokminie is Jeonghan’s prodigy after all.”
When you walked to the backdoor, Hyeji was already standing there with a fresh towel and a sympathetic smile. “ They got you good.” 
“ Shut up.” You huffed, taking the new towel and shuffled inside to find your suitcase. 
“ Don’t just stand there, come on in, Jihoon-ah.” The door closed not long after that. “ Go take a shower, Ruby-ah, I’ll keep your soulmate company~” 
“Why am I friends with you?” You threw a glare over your shoulder, grabbing a fresh pair of clothes from your bag. 
“ Because you’d only have thirteen idiots as friends here in Korea.” 
“Hey-” Jihoon furrowed his brow, dropping himself on the couch. 
You did end up taking a short shower, happy for the hot water running over your skin and hair, quick to warm up the numbness in your limbs. You tossed on the third sweatshirt of Jihoon’s that you brought along and a pair of sweatpants before making your way back to the living room. Hyeji was sitting at the table on her phone and Jihoon…Well he was asleep again, only now on your mattress pad. It was kinda early for him, he did stay up all night with the guys from what one of the camera guys said this morning. 
“ It’s kind of funny,” Hyeji caught your attention, side-eyeing you as you shuffled over towards him. “ I’ve known Jihoon-ah for a while, he isn’t outwardly affectionate with words or physically, but when he talks about you, looks at you…He is definitely in love with you.”
You blinked once, twice. She just said the L word. You hadn’t even thought about that word because everything has been moving a million miles a minute.
“ Don’t think about it too hard. Maybe take a nap with him, both of you look like you need it.” She stood up and shoved her hands and phone into her back pockets. “ I’ll wake you up later if you sleep too long.” Hyeji walked out the front door of the house, humming to herself.
You graced her with a hum and scrambled out the door to grab your book and phone before returning to lie down beside Jihoon. Unlike the typical arrangement you’ve fallen into, you had the perfect opportunity to be the big spoon in this cuddle session. When you pulled the comforter back, Jihoon was curled up on his side, facing the wall and corner you picked last night. 
You slid in behind him and dropped the blanket over the both of you, slinging an arm gently over his waist to get comfortable. He stirred in his sleep but the slow sounds of breathing didn’t change. Pressing your front to his back, you rested your forehead against the back of his neck, snuggling up close. It didn’t take long for your own breathing to fully even out and fall into the same, slow rhythm that Jihoon had. 
With your eyes closed, you basked in the peace you’ve surrounded yourself in. Things were difficult, you’d worry about Jihoon, he’d worry about you, but being able to hold him (or be held) like this, all the worries went away. In moments like this, it was just you and Jihoon, two souls bound together by the strings of fate. You reminded yourself that if Jihoon was beside you, you could face anything together. It was soulmates against the world, and if you were being honest, you’d like to think you were kicking ass.
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borzoilover69 · 2 years ago
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“Ok Borzoi so why don’t you like Dirkjohn” - somebody, who didn’t ask, but I want to ramble. 
I guess it’s funny as a crack ship but in actuality, i feel it would fall incredibly flat and only be viable in an unhealthy way. Canonically, they've got little to nothing to do with each other, and their relationship branches on bullshit in the epilogues and HS2 which just isn't a good judge of Dirk and Johns character so much as a butcher of it.
First, lets get their characters down. Dirk, very introspective to the point of destruction, who’s prone to rambling, overcomplicating and accentuating things in a way to keep up his aura of coolness, of being “totally in control and all knowing”, and sort of socially awkward, failing quite a few times to read jokes as jokes. 
John, upfront, more likely to push forward without really thinking, keeps things simple and asks not much, and very much a protagonist figure. He’s blunt, he’s teasing in his humour, and he likes to take the mic out of people and make his own fun. 
Dirk is very active. He's willing to go through many hoops and talk around himself, and he needs a conversational partner willing to spar him on it, however, John is anything but that. He's upfront, he brings a hypothetical hammer down into the bush that dirk is walking around. Jake will indulge, so will a lot of the alpha kids, but the beta kids by far are more blunt and straight forward. John would see whatever bullshit Dirk is pulling and think it's stupid and ornery, and shut him down..Dirk would go "okay" and then either try to counterpoint to be shut down, or walk away.This conversation is a relaly good point of reference for how it would go. Note how roxy is going through the general alpha kids bullshit theatrics and ornery, and john instead of getting it, cuts it down with "no thats stupid", and doesnt get the joke.
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This conversation is a really good point of reference for how it would go. Note how roxy is going through the general alpha kids bullshit theatrics and ornery, and john instead of getting it, cuts it down with "no thats stupid", and doesnt get the joke.
dirk wouldn't know how to handle someone actually being completely straight up and refusing to humor him, being open about not giving a shit about whatever tangent dirk is on.  it might humble him which he definitely needs sometimes but most of the time itd just make him go "ok. whatever man im going to jake's"
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(art by my boyfriend) 
Nobody puts up with dirk and jakes bullshit as much as dirk and jake do each other
DIRK: "I'll get this blue gumball son of a bitch this time. He's gonna be so perplexed by the bullshit im about to spew he's got no idea the storm that's wafting in on the wind."
 and then john says ratio and dirk is reduced to ash. 
John and Jake also have a bad habit of comparison in a negative sense, like how he did with davesprite. Jake does it out loud with no regard for others, and John is the type to drop a single “x has already made this joke” because his preference of Dave is so much stronger than Dirk. Dirk wouldn’t be able to beat Dave to the ironic punchline because most likely, Dave has already said it in a language John understands, and John has made fun of him for it already. John doesn’t have patience for long winded games, if he’s not in the mood he’ll just fuck off. 
Personally feel like John would be acutely aware that Dirk hates when he shuts him down, but he just genuinely cannot sit here and listen to a “worse version of dave talk like hes pretending to be rose. I just cant.i don’t have it in me.” 
I mean I think they’d be funny somewhat, but they would not be happy together at all it would be awkward as hell. Dirk needs someone to pull him out of his bullshit but John just won’t do that. He won’t consider it really that much. They could have funny moments, but the toxicity of their potential relationship sours most of it for me. Dirk is pretty fucking intense in a lot of ways, and hes prone to being a lot. 
the alpha kids in general are just way intense due to their fucking isolation whatever thety smoked in those years made them volatile like fucking potent like a chili peppers but thats words for another ramble.
John just isn’t able to match Dirk. He doesn't think enough, he's just going with the flow and dirk needs someone who can either match him on an intellectual level or someone who can match him in an interest way. John just wouldn’t take the relationship seriously enough, which would lead to Dirk trying to figure out something that isn’t there to really figure out. John matches well with someone who has known him for a while and doesn’t have a specific way they want things to go. 
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astromechs · 1 year ago
a slightly late (but still within february, at least in my timezone, so it still counts!) fill for fluffbruary prompt 25: twilight | sweat; cassian is so incredibly stupid in this fic and i enjoyed writing every minute of it ❤️ also on ao3!
In sum: Plaorm, a jungle planet at the edge of the Kamdon system, is not a candidate for a new base.
That had been obvious from the moment they’d landed here nearly a standard week ago, when sheer luck, more than anything else, had just barely allowed Cassian to maneuver the ship away from crashing into a tree. While a near-constant cover of clouds would make it difficult to track anything, providing an admittedly significant advantage, it’s also not feasible to work with in practice; little visibility, at best, means no one can reliably take off or land, and those aren’t conditions under which to operate anything. More often than not, those clouds also bring heavy rain for days at a time, which is only a further complication.
All of this could be worked around — if not for the fact that the Empire had gotten there first.
Between the thick cover of clouds and jungle, no scanner could’ve picked up a settlement or life signs, but that’d been no excuse for his guard being down, for not hearing steps through brush until it had nearly been too late. Pain from his back, aggravated by the humidity, hadn’t been an excuse, either; he should’ve had his blaster aimed and ready, and the Imperial should’ve been dead before he’d even turned around. It should’ve never gotten to the point of actual blaster bolts in their direction, but it had, and as a result, Cassian had stepped in, shoving Jyn out of the line of fire before he’d been able to manage three decent shots.
That had happened more than half a day ago, and Jyn hasn’t spoken to him since.
He hasn’t seen her, either; even in the small space of the U-wing they had flown here in, she’s managed to keep her distance, to keep herself well-hidden. Considering that she has particular skill in disappearing when she doesn’t want to be found, that shouldn’t surprise him — and it doesn’t. It makes the oppressive air of the planet as a whole feel even more oppressive on his lungs, certainly, ties his chest in knots and has him so tense that any given muscle might snap, that his teeth might crack from how hard they’re grinding together, but surprise him? No.
By this point, Jyn’s behavior isn’t hard for him to predict, even when he can’t read the intent behind it.
Outside the viewport, through a still-constant curtain of rain (if their tracking is correct, it won’t clear enough for them to leave the planet for another two days), light is beginning to fade; night will fall soon. It won’t be long before he’ll have to push himself up out of the pilot’s seat and check that the ship’s systems, which have mostly been switched off for the day to preserve energy, will be operational while at least one of them sleeps.
Admittedly, he’s prolonging that inevitability, for a few reasons — the most obvious being that the combination of the humidity that’s seeped in from outside and the durasteel of the chair he’s been in for hours have been hell on his back, and he knows that any movement will aggravate it. But he knows what’s really keeping him here: if Jyn is insistent on this silent standoff, he’s not going to be the one to blink first, even if just by happening to encroach on her hiding space while moving around the ship, entirely without meaning to.
No, she can come to him when she’s ready for an actual conversation.
Folding his arms across his chest, he huffs out a sigh; it’s barely audible over the sound of rain clanking on durasteel above.
It’s a sound so loud, in fact, that he nearly misses the footsteps coming in from somewhere behind him.
Caught off guard for the second time in one day, Cassian nearly falls backward in his chair.
He manages to keep himself upright, though, turning slowly, breathing slowly, even as his heart jumps into his throat and won’t right itself again. Even as the tension that’s filled the space around him, in him, is pulled so taut that he might actually fracture. As it has since the moment they’d landed here, sweat beads on his forehead, drips down the side of his cheek. The air on this planet has never felt more oppressive to breathe than it does right now; not even trying to make it through the jungle at the height of the day’s heat, with all the humidity and the exertion of having to shove underbrush with every step, can compare.
Jyn, for her part, appears almost completely unaffected as her steps come to a pause a small distance away. Strands of hair are sticking to her forehead, but otherwise, he’d never know just by looking at her that she’s existing in the same conditions as he is. Her face is stone, inscrutable, and her jaw is set.
The gaze that meets his is cold; the voice that aims one word in his direction is even colder.
In the immediate aftermath of that one word, the first that has passed between them in well more than half a day, something in him, reflexive, snaps. His eyes narrow, a mirror, an equivalent exchange; his voice is the tip of a vibroblade. “You’ll have to be more specific than that.”
They both fight with the necessary weapons in their respective arsenals. That’s how they’re still alive.
Her jaw twitches, then; her mouth curls into something dangerous. His eyes don’t leave her face, but if he had to predict, at least one of her hands is curling into a fist, too. At least until —
“I could handle that.” Her arms cross over her chest as she takes another step forward, closer. “I had it handled.” He notes that her fingers lay flat; no need for fists when her words are doing enough. “I don’t need that from you.”
Cassian scoffs. “He was shooting —”
“Which I knew!” Her voice, raised for the first time, bounces off the walls of the ship, echoing to the point of being piercing. “Not the first fucking time I’ve ever been shot at.”
“So, what?” It’s then, finally, that he stands. He doesn’t take his time with the motion — and the agony that he’d been asking for with his carelessness sears down his spine — but he doesn’t care about that. His eyes, and the entirety of his attention, are locked on Jyn; she doesn’t blink as she’s locked on him, in turn, watching him step closer. The toes of his boots nearly bump into hers. “If someone’s shooting, I’m not supposed to cover you?”
What a stupid question, he thinks, folding his arms to match her, to even have to fucking ask. Ridiculous. This whole argument is ridiculous, and she’s the one who’s made it that way. He shakes his head, breathing out a quiet laugh with no humor.
Her fire had already been burning, noticeable and steady, but that seems to spark it to another level; with one more step, she practically collides into him, grabbing him by the shirt to force him to bend as she rises on her toes, until their faces are centimeters apart.
“I don’t need you to throw yourself in front of a blaster bolt for me when I’m more than capable of getting myself out of the fucking way!” There’s no distance between them, but she’s still on the verge of shouting. “Why would you do that?”
Without thinking, without breaking his gaze, he matches the volume. “Because I love you!”
Only then, only after the words explode out of him, and hang in the air between them, can Cassian truly absorb what, exactly, he’s just said. As if by recoil from a sniper rifle, he draws back, then freezes, breath caught halfway to inhale, heart firmly in his throat.
The last echoes of their voices reverberate, and then fade. Aside from the residual ringing in his ears, all he can hear is the pounding of his own heart as he drops his eyes to the floor.
It’s not as if he’s never orbited around the thought before; it’s not as if the thought hasn’t been as constant as the rain still falling outside, as constant as breathing. It’s hit him like a blow to the chest, knocking the wind out of him, every time she’s caught his eye across a room and allowed him to see a smile, soft and small and oh so achingly beautiful, tug on her mouth. With every brush of hands, of lips, he’s felt it, intrinsically, a lightness, an ache, and a terror all at once.
But it’s not a thought he’d planned to give voice to — and certainly not like this.
Whatever tentative thing that’s formed between them will only wilt now, and it’s all his fault; he’s pushed it, pushed her, too hard.
Nothing can be unsaid, but the least he can do is give her the grace of being the first to back away, of telling her, even if he can only manage just barely above a mutter, “Forget it.”
Somehow, though, he can’t bring his own feet to move. Out of all the things he’s done, this has be to be one of the worst, on account of its pure selfishness.
His head hangs, heavy, but —
Gentle fingers graze his cheek, and a thumb tips up his chin. In spite of himself, his shaking breaths ease, and his heart settles back to where it’s supposed to be. Under Jyn’s gravity, he’s back on his axis.
“No.” Her voice is as achingly soft as her touch, and the last of any resolve to try to step away crumbles; his eyes flick back up, searching her face. The hard lines and cold fury from just minutes before have completely vanished, leaving only the smile that he knows (that he loves), the light that’s steadily fading outside casting it in a glow that makes it something new.
He loses his breath.
When she kisses him with the same certainty that’s in everything she does, she gives it back to him.
It’s an answer, unequivocal, to an unspoken question that’d still lingered even as he’d tried to retract it, and far more than he’d ever deserve to have.
And yet — when their lungs are burning and they’re forced to break, she murmurs against his lips, “I love you, too.”
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moldypoff · 4 months ago
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Crack Mouthwashing AU where Jamboy gets sedated and we give him one of those procedures once Anya tells you instead of Cap’n abt being pregnant (still pre-crash). Or- idk, I mean you and Daisuke (because it’s a crack au and nobody gives a shit)
This is also an AU purely based on a conversation I had with @bananamaxpng
Anywho, this AU will be called
Is this original? No, technically @bananamaxpng made it but I would like to build on it! (Thank you so much for the idea dude, I dunno if you want to take it seriously and make it your thing but if you do I’ll gladly stop my thing!)
Random headcanons and OG convo I had with bananamaxpng under the cut
I wanna say it happens somewhere after the birthday party fiasco (I need to refresh my memory on the Mouthwashing timeline)
Things are tense, Curly dearest ain’t really doing much about the growing situation so Anya turns to someone else for help, you!
Good thing your a surgeon or whatever because, oh my gosh, your trained in this really fucking specific procedure
Anyways, you get Curly in on it, he gives you the greenlight, and you fucking get Japist into the Medbay and knock him tf out only to then knock him tf up (terrible wording I need to work on that)
You might be wondering, or not, because it’s pretty staightforward, “Is this legal?” HELL NO. Honestly though? What is he gonna do about it? Tell the police? Listen,
There’s no way he explain that the procedure wasn’t consensual, just like how we can’t prove Anya’s pregnancy wasn’t consensual/an accident
Jimmy can whine and complain all he wants but the company won’t do anything and the law can’t really nail anyone because there’s no concrete evidence to go off of.
For the rest of the trip though I THINK it can be somewhat smooth sailing
Everyone know’s Jimmy’s pregnant, yk what that means
A. He’s suffering, B. He’s bitching about it, C. He has to have a chaperone because he’s unstable and, well, with child, they’re not about to let him do much by himself
His routine is, as of now, consisting of eating, sleeping, bitching, getting checkups, minimal piloting, and- idk, leisure time
I know, it sounds like pampering, I get it, MUCH more than he deserves, but liiiiike, it seems like a fix no? He’s a burden, sure, but he
Can’t crash the ship because he has someone to accompany him all the time
Is kinda at the mercy of everyone because he’s tired, nauseous, ect.
a little dumber than usual (I saw a yt short about this from that one doctor guy, the brain shrinks a bit to help mama, or in this case dada, connect with baby once they’re born)
Will maybe be a better person because good soup (provided by Swansea, he know’s how to take care of someone when they’re pregnant he has kids), physically being at a disadvantage, and kinda being relieved of part of his duties might fix him.
But we know Jimmy, he literally craves power so you bet your ass at the very least he is going to try and tell everyone what to do because he’s WiTh cHilD (This is further down the line, at first he’s still going to try and do things himself but later I’d imagine he embraces it and tries to use it against everyone else)
His is renovating the ship because he is NESTING
Everything has to be cleaned, which is hard because the Tulpar has DECADES of grime to scrape away, if that feet were even plausible
He’s annoying, you can tell him to shut up but I think he’d cry, sorry (lots of stress isn’t good for this motherfather so like, you don’t need to appease him at every turn but try manipulating him into thinking you’re doing something for his sake and he’ll probably zip it then.)
Random note but he’s going to be fairly pretty in this state, something about everything inflating? (Pregnant glow, hair looking fab af, skin being clear af)
But yeah, that’s all I can think of at the moment. When the baby’s finally born- I dunno, chances are Jimama’s gonna give it up for adoption or get Anya to pay for child support/try to get her to take care of him and the kid because he’ll be hooked to pregnant princess treatment lmao (I swear if he becomes those people that keep making babies but can’t bother to take credit of them- we’re tying his tubes, on golly.)
Anywayssss, that’s all, it’s very late and I am very tired, this is poorly written please do not take this seriously.
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(Og convo, as promised!)
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