#this is a New Experience i was not prepared for AND now i have to go buy a pill splitter!!!!!
ophernelia · 1 day
If you’re switching over to DX11, then you may need to update your cc. Check out a tutorial here. Be prepared to have to update cc whenever you put it in your game. Sometimes even recently made cc has needed an update. Whenever I cc shop now I put all the stuff I downloaded into a new folder, run in through the patcher, and then add it into my game. In my experience, the game wouldn’t load with unpatched cc in the game. I spoke about the process of switching over in this post.
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redroomreflections · 3 days
Behind Closed Doors: A New Chapter of Natasha Romanoff and Y/N Y/LN on Love, Family, and Redemption
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Time Magazine Exclusive Interview
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!reader
The Loud House Universe | Masterlist
Summary: Natasha and R sit for their first ever interview with Time Magazine
Note: This has spoilers so if you don't like those don't read. In my free time I world build. So if this sucks just know it was for me lol
w/c: 3.7k
Nestled in a nondescript town, hidden from the public eye for safety reasons, Time Magazine is granted an exclusive and rare glimpse into the lives of two individuals whose personal journeys have both inspired and intrigued. Natasha Romanoff, once known as the enigmatic Black Widow, and her partner Y/n —a woman whose own story of resilience and love complements Natasha’s—welcome us into their private sanctuary.
This unassuming town, chosen for its calmness and discretion, is a stark contrast to the high-profile lives these two have led. Here, amidst the quiet, Natasha and y/n are building a life together, raising six children, and embracing the everyday joys and challenges of having such a big family.
In this intimate conversation, Natasha and Reader open up about their journey of love and marriage, sharing the evolution of their bond as they navigate the complexities of a large family. They candidly discuss one of their children’s recent diagnosis, a profound experience that has tested their strength and deepened their connection
Join us as we delve into the personal and poignant, revealing the human stories behind the headlines and the remarkable journey of Natasha and Reader in their serene, hidden haven
As I step into the living room of Natasha Romanoff and y/n, I’m immediately struck by the serene atmosphere that contrasts sharply with their high-profile pasts and celebrity. The space is meticulously curated, with soft hues and tasteful decor creating an environment that feels both intimate and inviting. All around us, there are subtle hints of their life with children, including the American Girl doll seated directly in front of me.
Natasha and y/n are seated on a large, comfortable sectional sofa, their closeness evident yet subtly restrained. They are dressed in coordinating outfits—Natasha in a sleek navy blouse and dark jeans, y/n in a navy dress that complements Natasha’s attire without matching exactly. It’s an understated coordination that feels more like an effortless choice rather than a deliberate statement.
They sit close enough to show their connection but maintain just enough space to breathe. Natasha’s posture is upright, her demeanor calm but attentive, while y/n exudes a quiet, steady presence beside her. There’s a natural ease in their interaction, a palpable mutual respect.
I take my seat across from them, feeling the gentle shift in the room’s energy as I prepare to dive into the questions. With a quick glance at my notes and a brief check of my recorder, I open the conversation. "First of all, I want to start off by saying thank you for accepting Time Magazine's interview request. It's a pleasure being able to be in your presence and get to know you a little more. Can I ask what made you think this was finally the time to do a sit-down interview?"
"Thank you. You're welcome. It's critical that we show our children how important the truth is and the importance of telling it," Natasha says, her gaze unwavering. "We felt that, now, after everything, it was the right time. I am being honored for my transformation and redemption so of course I wanted everything to be in my words."
Y/n smiles, nodding her head as she turns to face me. "We've always been open and honest with our kids about who we are. We didn't want to have some magazine or journalist telling them something about us that was untrue, so we figured why not do it ourselves."
"The last few years have been... a lot," Natasha adds, her voice softening slightly. "We've had some ups and downs, and we thought it would be a good way to tell our side of the story."
"That's wonderful and I definitely agree with getting your side of things out there," I say. "How did you two first meet, and what drew you to each other despite your very different backgrounds?"
"We met in a coffee shop actually," Y/n begins with a subtle smile. "It was about thirteen years ago give or take a year. I was sitting and studying for a law exam. I was in law school at the time. Natasha frequented the coffee shop but I never noticed her until one day I decided to look up and there she was. She caught my attention immediately. We didn't speak until the next time she'd come in and sat at my table. I was her cover."
Natasha nodded her head with a smirk. "I was on a mission and I had to use her. I was supposed to be subtle but I wasn't and I got made. So I sat with her to pretend to study and the rest is history."
"What do you mean by 'the rest is history'?"
"After she'd realized I wasn't going to hurt her, which was obvious because she was a civilian, we began to talk and we just hit it off," Natasha explained.
"She was the most interesting person I'd ever spoken to. She was different, a breath of fresh air," Y/n said. "It was an immediate connection."
"So you've always felt this instant connection between you?" I asked.
"Yes," Natasha responded. "From the moment we met, there was something special between us."
"We both knew it was more than just a physical attraction. There was an instant emotional connection as well," Y/n added.
"What would you say is the biggest challenge of being married to someone who's faced the kinds of hardships and challenges you've faced, y/n? You're a lawyer. How has it affected you both to be on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to the law?"
"It's been difficult," Y/n started, her hand sliding closer to Natasha's. "I've had to watch her go through a lot. The media portrayed her as this monster, but they don't know her. Of course, I don't make excuses or ignore what's in her past. I'm not a person that can simply weigh in on someone's life when it was basically laid out for her."
"There were times that I thought I wouldn't come home to her, but I was lucky enough that she's seen past all of that," Natasha explained.
"She's done a lot of work on herself, and she's changed so much."
"Which brings me to our next question, In what ways has your relationship evolved since you first started dating?"
"We're still best friends," Y/n replied, looking over at Natasha with a soft smile. "Our relationship is stronger than ever. I'd like to think that we've grown up together, and that's been a great gift."
"I agree," Natasha said, returning her smile. "Our relationship is still growing and changing, but I think that's normal and healthy. We've gone through a lot, and we've grown together."
"What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced together, and how have you overcome them? Within reason of course," I assured them there was no need to get too personal if it wasn't necessary to the conversation.
"Well, we've lost a child, my best friend too," Y/n said.
"It's been a lot of trial and error," Natasha stated.
"There are ups and downs with every relationship. It's a journey, and it's about figuring out how to grow and evolve together," y/n explained. "So in the beginning we were both these strong women who didn't really understand the magnitude of what our love meant. So we struggled a lot. I'd like to think we figured things out."
"We're working on it," Natasha laughed. "We've come a long way. It hasn't been easy, but we're working on it."
As the conversation delves into their relationship's evolution and the challenges they've faced, a lighthearted interruption brings a touch of domestic warmth to the interview. The soft chime of a phone ringing cuts through the room’s calm. Natasha glances at the screen, a tender smile spreading across her face as she sees the caller ID.
“Excuse me for a moment,” Natasha says, her voice gentle as she answers the call. "Paige, what's up baby?"
On the other end, a small voice can be heard, clear and earnest. “Mama, can we have ice cream?”
Natasha’s smile broadens, and she exchanges a quick, knowing glance with Y/n before responding with a playful, “We’ll see, sweetheart. What kind of ice cream are you thinking about? Chocolate chip cookie dough. Don't you think three scoops is a lot?”
The response of the child must be one aligned with their personality as Y/n chuckles softly beside her, the sound rich with affection. The brief call, though mundane, offers a glimpse into their everyday life—a moment that underscores the balance they’ve struck between their public personas and their private family world.
As Natasha hangs up and returns her focus to the interview, the atmosphere in the room shifts slightly. The interruption, though brief, adds a layer of intimacy to the conversation.
“It’s these small moments, like a child’s call for ice cream, that remind us of the everyday joys of family life. How have your relationship and your experiences influenced your approach to parenting and managing your family? Especially given your background in the Red Room, Natasha. Has that affected it at all?”
Natasha and y/n exchanged looks, a silent communication passing between them. Y/n reached for Natasha's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "My experiences have definitely shaped me and helped me grow as a parent. I think for a while, I was afraid to be stern. I was afraid to be anything but gentle. That was an issue, and we had to work through it," Natasha began. "I had to understand what each of my children needs and listen to them. I had to stop walking on eggshells and set boundaries. We had to find our flow."
"But once we did, we were able to find our balance and our rhythm as parents. We're very much a team," Y/n continued.
"You've said you're a team. What do you mean by that? What is the dynamic like between the two of you?"
"We support each other, and we communicate. We're both involved in all aspects of our children's lives. We're both present and involved, and we make decisions together. That's the most important thing to us."
"Do you agree with that, Y/n? Do you feel like the two of you work well together as parents?"
"Yes, I think we work really well together. We're both invested in our children, and we're both committed to giving them the best life possible. We've worked through a lot, and I think that's made us stronger as parents and as a couple." Y/n said. "As for being working parents, it's easy for us to feel guilty when we have to be away. I work corporate now and the hours are much more lax than being ADA in New York but they still keep me busy. I try to be home every night for dinner. We trade off on pickups and drop-offs. We help with extracurriculars. It was important to us to not have nannies in their first few years of life. Natasha's parents help us out a lot. With four adults tackling six kids, it's been a pretty successful journey."
"It sounds like you've both been through a lot, but that you've managed to find strength and comfort in each other. What do you think has enabled you to endure these challenges, and what advice would you give other couples facing similar situations?"
Natasha's expression is thoughtful, her voice warm as she speaks. "I think we are the wrong couple. We would give the advice not to have six kids. I'm only half joking. Truthfully, don't bite off more than you can chew. Laugh sometimes. Understand that your children have their own personalities and lives. "
"We would advise you to communicate. Find ways to laugh and find balance. It's important to spend quality time together, and it's also important to prioritize individuality and personal space," Y/n advised.
"One of your children was recently diagnosed with autism. How has this affected your family, and what steps are you taking to support them?"
"Our youngest son was around two when he was diagnosed as level 1." Y/n began. "We've had a lot of support from the community, and we've found that having a network of people who understand has been invaluable. Our older children are incredibly supportive and understanding. They're doing their best to adapt, and they're learning about autism and how to support their brother."
"For you what were the signs you'd noticed in the beginning?"
"We noticed his lack of speech and the fact that he wouldn't make eye contact sometimes," Y/n answered. "A lot of his story is his to tell when he's old enough. We simply noticed that the way he sees the world and how he navigates it was different than what we had encountered previously. The speech was a big indicator for us. He wasn't necessarily delayed. He did have words later than we've seen but he started talking a little after his first birthday. Then the progress was stagnant for a while."
"It was an uphill battle to get him diagnosed," Natasha added. "A doctor we had seen referred us for an evaluation but then there was a process of everyone denying services simply because he seemed "normal". Their words, not mine. So we had to push for second and even third opinions."
"Once he was finally diagnosed we had to wait and then get a referral. So it was a long journey. But we are happy with his care and happy that we got it." Y/n explained. "He's such a happy kid. His favorite thing to do now is drive. So we got him a little electric car."
"We're lucky. He's been given a diagnosis at such a young age. It's given us a lot of time to prepare and get him the help he needs. There are still some struggles, and we're learning how to best support him, but he's a happy and healthy kid. That's the most important thing."
As they both pause, reflecting on their son’s progress, a quiet sense of gratitude fills the room. I notice the subtle shift in their expressions—while the joy they share in their child’s growth is evident, there’s also a deeper awareness lingering beneath their words.
“It sounds like you’ve worked hard to get him the care he deserves. But I imagine not every family can navigate that journey as successfully. Have your personal experiences influenced your involvement in advocating for children who aren’t able to receive such services as easily?”
Natasha speaks first. “Absolutely. We know that not every family has access to the resources we’ve been fortunate enough to find. And we’re deeply aware of how broken the system can be—how difficult it can be to get a diagnosis, let alone services.”
“That’s a huge part of why we’ve become so involved in local charities and programs. We wanted to find ways to give back and support those who might not have the same opportunities we’ve had. Some so many children go undiagnosed or whose families can’t afford the therapy or services they need. It’s heartbreaking.” Y/n added. “We’ve partnered with a few organizations that focus on providing evaluations and therapy to kids from low-income families. No child should be left behind because of a lack of resources.”
“It’s about creating equity in care. We’ve also started working with a program that connects families with community support, helping them navigate the same bureaucratic challenges we faced. It’s so important that families don’t feel isolated in these experiences.”
"I imagine there are times when it can be difficult to balance your activism and advocacy work with your responsibilities as parents. How do you strike a balance between being hands-on and present for your children and the work you do for children who aren't yours?"
Natasha nods, her eyes softening. "I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of amazing people over the years, and I've learned a lot from the mothers I've met."
The interview continues for a while after this, they are willing to offer more than we thought at this point.
"Natasha, you’ve made a significant transition from being a covert operative to becoming a beloved public figure. How has this shift impacted your personal identity and daily life? Are there any changes you feel are still needed to create a more balanced world?"
"I'd say I'm more grounded. My priorities are my family, and I've made peace with who I was," Natasha said.
"What has been the most challenging aspect of your reformation, and what have you learned about yourself through this process?"
"Honestly, learning to be comfortable in my own skin," Natasha replied, her tone thoughtful. "I spent so many years trying to run away from who I was, and now I'm learning how to accept myself for who I am. It's a process, and it's not always easy, but it's worth it."
"Do you see yourself as a different person today than you were a few years ago? It's really a task to go from Avenger and spy to mother and housewife. If so, how would you describe those changes, and what role have your personal experiences played in shaping them?"
“Absolutely, I’m a different person now,” Natasha said, her gaze thoughtful. “The shift from a life of constant action and secrecy to one focused on family and personal growth has been profound. I’ve gone from being a figure in the shadows to someone who finds joy in the simplicity of daily life. The experiences I’ve had, both the triumphs and the struggles, have shaped me into someone who values authenticity and connection over secrecy and solitude.”
“It’s been a journey of rediscovering who Natasha is beyond her past roles. I’ve seen her grow into someone who truly cherishes family life and finds purpose in being present. The transformation hasn’t been easy, but it’s been incredibly rewarding.”
As Natasha finishes her thought, there’s a brief silence, the weight of her words hanging in the air. Her transformation has clearly been a deeply personal journey, but it's one that also impacts the life she and Y/n have built together.
“Your personal growth is so evident, and it's clear that family plays a huge role in that. Speaking of family, you’ve chosen to live in a nondescript town for safety reasons. How has this decision affected your family life and your sense of community?”
Natasha and Y/n exchange a quick look, both understanding the unique circumstances that brought them to this quiet, unassuming place.
“It’s been a big adjustment, honestly. We chose this town because it offers us a level of privacy and security that’s hard to come by, given Natasha’s past and our family’s unique needs.”
Natasha: “At first, it was difficult. I mean, going from the world we knew—constantly on the move, always in high-pressure situations—to a quiet, suburban life was a huge shift,” she admitted, her expression softening. “But it’s given us a chance to just... breathe. To focus on our kids and our life together without the constant worry of the spotlight or danger.”
“And as for the sense of community, it’s been surprisingly strong. People here don’t pry. They respect our privacy, but they’ve been incredibly supportive. Our children are growing up with a sense of normalcy that we never really had back in New York."
“It sounds like this decision has given you a lot—both the space to focus on your family and a deeper connection to your community. Looking ahead, what are your goals and aspirations for your family and your individual careers?” I commented.
“For our family, I think the biggest goal is to continue creating a stable, loving environment for our kids. We want them to grow up feeling safe, supported, and like they can be whoever they want to be. We’ve faced so many challenges together, but our focus is on moving forward as a unit.”
“Yeah, it’s all about giving them the opportunities we didn’t have growing up. Whether that’s through education, or just being there for them every day. As for careers, I’m still figuring it out, honestly,” Natasha added with a laugh. “I’ve spent most of my life doing one thing, and now that chapter’s closed. But I’m not in a rush. I’m more focused on being present for the kids, supporting Y/n, and maybe finding ways to give back—whether through advocacy or community work.”
“I’m continuing with my legal work, but the focus is more on balancing that with family. We’ve talked about doing more together, maybe starting a foundation to support families with children who need additional services, like our son. That’s something we’re both passionate about.”
Natasha: “We’ve both changed so much over the years, and I think our goals have evolved too. Right now, it’s about keeping our family grounded and finding meaningful ways to contribute to the world.”
As our conversation wound down, Natasha and Y/n shared a look that spoke volumes—an unspoken understanding that their lives, once dominated by secrecy and survival, had shifted into something more tender, more hopeful. They thanked me for the thoughtful questions, and I couldn't help but admire the quiet strength that radiated between them. It was clear that their bond had weathered many storms and that their family was the center of everything they did.
As I left their nondescript home, nestled safely away from the chaos that defined much of Natasha’s earlier years, I couldn’t help but think of the millions of fans who’ve followed her journey from mysterious spy to dedicated mother and advocate. Online, the love for Natasha and Y/n is as strong as it is in person, with fans showing unwavering support for their family.
On Twitter, the response to their candidness in interviews like this one is overwhelming:
@MarvelFanGirl99: “Natasha Romanoff’s transformation is so inspiring. From Avenger to mom of six? She’s proof you can rebuild your life no matter where you start. #RoleModel”*
@JusticeForNatasha: “Hearing Natasha talk about her family is everything. She deserves all the happiness in the world after everything she’s been through. So proud of her! ❤️ #StrongMom”*
@YNatasha4Life: “Y/n and Natasha are the definition of power couple goals. The way they’ve built a life together and support each other? I’m emotional. #LoveWins”*
@AutismAdvocates: *“Kudos to Natasha and Y/n for speaking openly about their son’s autism diagnosis. Representation matters, and their advocacy for services is so important. #Awareness”*
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belladonnadawn · 2 days
Point Of No Return
After finding out about your infidelity, Xanthus hatched a plan to make sure that you will not do such thing again. Xanthus x Reader Content Warning: Mentions of torture and violence. (I don't know if I should put yandere since he's just like that apparently.)
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Xanthus is inconsolable. After the revelation of your affair came to him, he was left bewildered. You tricked him, you deceived him, you took him for a fool. He knew that the signs were there, but he disregarded it, thinking that his trust in you is bigger than those doubts– a regret that he'll always hate himself for.
A part of him is in disbelief that you managed to cheat on him. He wondered how long this has been going on. Days? Weeks? Months? Either way, the fact that you managed to conceal it was impressive– especially when both of you are tethered by the bond.
He watched as you kissed him goodbye. The kiss lasted too long for his liking. Betrayal swelled in his heart. Xanthus observed you, wanting to know if you feel what he's feeling. Then, you paused. His eyes widened slightly, maybe you will come around. But instead you gave him another kiss before parting.
His fist was clenched tight as he witnessed it. It felt like an insult– a blatant display of mockery. The urge to confront you and let all his burdens out was strong, but he resisted. He's better than that. A cheap confrontation does not cut it. He knew he needed to do more. Something that will assure him that you won't commit this sin anymore for as long as he lives.
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Xanthus was known for his swiftness and precision in battlefield and in confrontation. After all, he was a warrior before he was a vampire. The skills that he had were honed by centuries of experience.
He witnessed war, famine, and destruction in his own eyes. But seeing you with that man opened a new kind of pain in his heart. Despite anger and betrayal dominating him, he knew that he can't hide the fact that witnessing your adultery broke something in him.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Your voice drifted him away from his thoughts. “You seem preoccupied,” Sitting beside him, you can almost feel the tension. You don't have to ask why, since you felt like you already know the answer.
Xanthus gave you a weak smile, “Nothing, I've just been exhausted.” He held his card close, not wanting to let you in. Today is not the day where he should reveal his cards. He has a lesson prepared for you and he'll make sure it is something that you won't forget.
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You were beyond anxious when Sam stopped answering your calls. He wasn't in his apartment, his office, or a friend's. Searching far and wide, there are no traces of him. You tried to calm yourself down to minimize Xanthus’ suspicion, but it was ineffective.
“What's wrong? Your heart seems to beat out of your chest.” Xanthus pulled you close, “Did something bad happen? I can feel how restless and nervous you are.”
Closing your eyes, you relished in his comfort despite the situation. “I was just thinking about my loved ones in my hometown,” You stated giving a small hint of truth.
He nodded understandingly, “Ah, yes. The fear of the unknown. Do you want to talk to them? I can accompany you.” A sweet smile plastered on his face. Instead of feeling comforted, your anxiety spiked higher.
You shook your head, “Thank you, Xanthus. But I'm fine.” A small smile flashed in your lips as he kissed your forehead.
He is comforting, like a warm blanket on a rainy day. A hint of guilt crept in; you tried to bury it, but before you could a subtle hint of satisfaction filled you. It was strange, but welcome.
“I can appease your mind,” He caressed your cheeks.
“Yes, you should know by now that I'll do anything for you.” He presented his hand out, “Let me guide you, my love.” Warmth spread on your cheeks as you gently took it.
You watched as he gently guided you deeper in his mansion. As you went deeper, you felt his eagerness and excitement. Curiosity filled you as you both halted in front of a door.
Your heart dropped as Xanthus opened the door. No one could've prepared you for what lies ahead.
You felt suffocated as your eyes landed on him. His arms chained to the wall, feet barely standing up, and his face almost unrecognizable. If it wasn't for the subtle rise on his chest, you'd believe that he's dead.
You finally found Sam.
Xanthus stood beside you, “You don't have to search for him. Did I appease you?” He tilted his head, almost wearing a grin.
It felt as if the ground was going to swallow you whole. A mix of shame, shock, and fear coursed through your body. Your secret spilled with a big mess, everything that you did to cover it up broke down.
“Xanthus…” You turned to him, face filled with horror. “I wasn't– it wasn't supposed to end like this.” Your voice falters as he gazed at you with an unreadable expression. But you don't have to know what he feels, you can feel it yourself. The burning and ever consuming rage consumed you too.
“How is this supposed to end?”
“I…” Words die before they can formulate. You weren't prepared for a confrontation, let alone when your affair partner is chained up with your lover's wall. All you know in this situation is lying will dig your grave deeper.
“It was just supposed to be a one time thing–”
“But?” He tilted his head, held back tension evident in his face. “Was he that good?”
His question made you flinch. You bit the inside of your cheek, “He's… enough.”
You spoke the truth. The more you think about it, the more unclear why you got caught up in this affair. Maybe it's the thrill? Maybe it was the normalcy that he brought? After all, being with a vampire is different from being with a human.
“For how long?”
“Four days.”
Xanthus nodded, satisfied at your answer. “I have had him for two days now. Maybe I can let him escape after two more days.” He hummed. “If he can make it out after tomorrow.”
You grimaced at the thought, immensely apologetic on Sam's situation. Sending a man to a grave for lustful nights is something that you never expected to happen.
“Do you want to know what I did?”
Before you could answer, he interjected.
“I took his nails off one by one, bust his kneecaps, broke his fingers, removed some of his teeth–”
“Stop. Please, stop.”
He spoke with such nonchalance, as if recalling his grocery list. It was sick. You feel sick.
Xanthus walked towards you, tilting your head so you can look him in the eyes. “I held back for you. Don't you know that? Even in my rage, I thought about what you would feel. I am considerate towards you. Did you even gave me the same grace?”
You tried to back away, but he only pulled you close. His presence is domineering– overwhelming. Xanthus is inescapable, and you're a fool to try and do so.
“You and I are bonded, until I die– until you die. I don't want any imbeciles trying to take my place. This is the last time that this will happen, understand?”
Leaving you no choice, you nodded. His words engraved in your mind noting the thinly veiled threat. The thought of spending your night with someone other than him now feels unimaginable.
You close your eyes, promising to fully give yourself to him. A devotion and a prayer to avoid such tragedy again. After all, he always has a history to back it up.
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Divider: Cafekitsune
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Also 5 paragraph rant coming, so be prepared
I just finished ep 30 an OMG WTFFF????
First of all, the groundskeeper dude that gave his statement was iconic bc I would also see bloodstains and still do the job if they added 10k to my salary
In one of the behind the scenes episodes on the magnus archives, they talked about how if you have a good twist at least a couple of people will guess what it is exactly, and I literally saw someone guess that Celia was from the tma universe, but I went "Noooo, there's no way she would actually be from the tma universe" and THEN THEY PULL OUT THE DAMN RIP IN THE UNIVERSE. I'm actually floored like omg
Sam was a very Jon-coded character, and now I see that they made those parallels on purpose to further conceal the twist that we were just delivered. I specifically found his childhood experience with the fears and his general curiosity to be very similar to Jons, as well as Sam appearing to be the protagonist of the series, as much as it has a protagonist. This harkens back to yet another post that I saw where instead of comparing Sam to Jon, they instead compared Sam to Sasha, with Alice filling a Jon-adjacent role.
I can see how the poster of this theory came to this conclusion, given Sam's immediate acceptance of the supernatural and his tendency to poke his nose into places where he does not belong. It is also a massive coincidence that they both were killed early on in their respective series, as well as for unknown reasons/reasons that were irrelevant to them. I can already tell that Alice will parallel Jon in the sense that they both blame themselves for the deaths of Sam and Sasha respectively.
I am very excited for the new episode to come out tomorrow, both to see who the new protagonist figure will be, as well as to see what will happen to Celia and Alice with the Eye/Jon-aligned creature still in the vicinity. Apologies for the rant!
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Could I request X-Men 97 Kurt Wagner x Fem Mutant Reader.
Reader has dragon like abilities (wings, tail, patches of scales, horns, fire breath). She gets captured and taken to a mutant testing facility and Kurt rescues her and defends her. He confesses he loves her and they kiss. Just some good old fashioned hurt/comfort.
Flames of Devotion
The cold metal of the testing facility bit into your skin as you struggled against the restraints. It had been days since you’d been captured — days since they had taken you from your home, your friends, and Kurt. You had no idea where you were, only that it was some hidden lab used for mutant experimentation. You had been poked, prodded, and studied like an animal, and each passing hour made it harder to keep hope alive.
Your wings, once a source of pride and freedom, hung limply behind you, bruised from the restraints and exhaustion. Your tail lay still, useless in the confines of the metal table, while your horns and patches of scales were scrutinized under bright lights. They were interested in your fire breath too, but every time you tried to summon it, your body felt too weak.
All you wanted was to escape. To see Kurt again. His kind smile, the warmth of his presence, the safety he brought — you clung to the memory of him, hoping it would be enough to get you through.
Suddenly, the sound of distant alarms broke the eerie silence of the lab. You tensed, your heart racing. Was this some new experiment, or—
The familiar scent of sulfur filled the air, and your heart leapt in your chest. A flash of blue appeared before you, materializing in a swirl of smoke. Kurt.
His golden eyes met yours, wide with panic and relief as he rushed to your side. "Liebchen!" he gasped, his voice thick with emotion. His hands moved quickly to undo the restraints holding you down.
"Kurt," you breathed, the tension in your body releasing all at once. You could hardly believe he was real, that he had come for you. "I— They—"
He shook his head, his brow furrowed in concern as he gently freed your wings and helped you sit up. "Shh, you’re safe now. I’m getting you out of here. I’m so sorry it took me this long… I should have—"
Before he could finish, the doors to the lab burst open, and a group of guards flooded the room, their weapons aimed at Kurt. He stepped in front of you without hesitation, his body acting as a shield as they barked orders.
"Step away from the mutant, or we will open fire!"
Kurt’s tail lashed behind him, his eyes narrowing as he readied himself. But before the guards could make their move, you felt a familiar warmth rise in your chest. Anger surged through you, and with it, your fire. You pushed yourself to your feet, your body trembling but resolute.
"No," you growled, the heat building in your throat.
In one swift motion, you unleashed a torrent of flames toward the guards, forcing them to scatter. The intense heat singed the air, and Kurt turned back to look at you, awe and concern filling his eyes.
"That’s my girl," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration.
Once the guards were gone, Kurt reached for your hand, his touch gentle despite the urgency. "We need to leave before more come," he said softly, his tail curling protectively around your waist as he prepared to teleport.
But before he could, you stumbled slightly, your exhaustion catching up with you. Kurt’s arm wrapped around you, supporting your weight as he looked at you with deep worry.
"I… I don’t know if I can…," you whispered, your voice cracking as the reality of everything hit you. The fear, the pain, the isolation — it all came crashing down at once.
Kurt’s expression softened, and he cupped your face in his hands, his thumb brushing gently over your cheek. "You don’t have to do anything. I’m here now, and I won’t let anything happen to you."
Tears welled in your eyes, and you leaned into his touch, the overwhelming relief of being safe with him settling into your bones. "Kurt, I was so scared," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
"I know, mein Schatz. I’m so sorry," he murmured, his forehead resting against yours. "I failed you. But I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you again."
You looked up at him, seeing the raw emotion in his eyes — the love, the protectiveness, the guilt. And in that moment, you realized just how much he meant to you, how much you needed him.
"Kurt…" you started, but before you could say anything else, he gently pulled you closer, his breath warm against your skin as he spoke softly.
"I love you," he confessed, his voice steady and sure, despite the chaos around you. "I’ve loved you for so long, but I was too afraid to say it. I can’t lose you — not now, not ever."
Your heart fluttered at his words, and despite the pain, despite the fear, you felt warmth spreading through your chest — not the fire you could summon, but something far deeper.
"I love you too," you whispered, your voice thick with emotion.
Kurt’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, but the relief and joy that followed was unmistakable. He smiled, the kind of smile that made your heart ache with its sincerity.
Without another word, he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a soft, tender kiss. It was gentle at first, almost hesitant, as though he was afraid you might break. But as you returned the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck, the kiss deepened, becoming something full of need and desperation — the kind of kiss that said everything words couldn’t.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other’s as you stood in the middle of the lab, the world fading around you.
"We need to go," Kurt whispered, though neither of you made a move to leave just yet.
You nodded, your strength returning little by little with him by your side. "Yeah… let’s go."
With a final glance around the room, Kurt held you close, and with a familiar BAMF, the two of you disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving the nightmare behind.
And as you reappeared back at the mansion, safe and sound, you knew that as long as you had Kurt, you’d never face your demons alone again.
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entropy-game-dev · 3 days
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Demo date announcement!
The most important information up front: The demo's release date will be the 27th of September, 2024!!
I don't think Steam notifies you even if you have followed/wishlisted the page, but still, every single follow and wishlist helps immensely. You can check the game out here, and this is also where you can grab the demo from once it's out.
The lore of the demo
A few months back, in late June, I had just come back from housesitting. One of my friends, Lucinius, mentioned that Steam was holding a space exploration festival on the 2nd of September, and suggested I get the demo ready for then. I thought this was a great idea and feverishly started working to finalize everything.
It took 6 days total to get my steam developer account up and running, including paying for the ability to put a game on Steam, getting the OK regarding tax details, etc. It takes 30 days from initial payment to when you are able to actually make the store page live. The process was quite overwhelming but this amazing guide here helped me through basically all of the process, and it was super accurate!!
About a week before the festival, I had everything ready and went to do the store pages and upload the game build. I thought uploading the build using the provided command line tool would be the hard part, and the store page would be the easy part. However, there are so many assets and variations thereof that Steam asks for that I had not prepared (about 20 in total with very specific size and design requirements), and so it took several days to complete this in a manner I was happy with.
It then also took about 5 days for the content to undergo review and for it to be approved (or not). The game page and demo build got approved, but the demo page did not as I didn't have "demo" on my assets that I had submitted for it, so it took another 5 days after correcting the page for it to be approved. This ended up being approved a few days after the space exploration fest had started, and so I thought I'd push the demo back for the next relevant festival - luckily a turn based rpg one - on the 1st of October.
However, a few days ago, I was sadly informed that my game (turn-based RPG, by the way) was not suitable for Steam's turn-based RPG festival after applying to enter it. I wasn't given a reason, even after reaching out to support, except a generic one that stated my game may not have been a good fit for it.
I honestly thought it would be a given I could take part, but that is obviously not the case! It was a bit disappointing hearing the news and the lack of feedback from Steam regarding the decision, but I'm not too fussed overall. That's because now I actually get to announce to you guys, and much earlier than I otherwise would have been able to, that the demo will be available the weekend before the festival starts!!
The date was strategically chosen, of course, to ensure I have enough time to finish polishing it, and that it wouldn't be lost among the sea of other RPG demos potentially (or not, I'm not sure) releasing during the festival!
In any case, the whole experience was seriously eye-opening. Probably not too interesting reading about it, but that's where my life has gone the past few months, and I'm actually super excited I'm finally finally allowed to mention the context surrounding my recent posts! Thanks for reading!
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dollsorwhatever · 4 hours
(reroot) Chara Talk Eternal Sailor Moon
Saved the best for last! This is one of my most beloved SM dolls and I have wanted to reroot her for years, mostly because her bangs (like most Bandai Japan SM dolls made after the third season) were annoying but also because I felt she would benefit from having longer hair and a less crooked, lumpy parting lol. She's also one of the hardest SM dolls to find so I didn't want to attempt to reroot her myself until I had more experience, and I'm glad I waited because she required an entirely new rooting pattern, from a relocated parting to a new hairline. I used basically none of the original holes for this reroot. Before/After:
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I'm pretty proud of her! Her thatching is excellent, hairline could have been better but I'm happy with her nonetheless. In LOVE with the bangs, probably my favorite bangs I've ever curled on an SM doll.
I also prepared a new outfit for her, using a combination of pieces from multiple Eternal Sailor Moon dolls and then dressed her up!
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The base fuku is from the Sailor Moon World DX set doll (whom I rerooted here) but with the bow, brooch and wings from the Excellent Pose ESM doll. I think the boots are also from Excellent Pose but I can't remember lol Super in love with her and happy to finally have my own version of the perfect ESM doll completed for my collection. I do have some other SM dolls in my reroot queue (including one that is on the way to me right now) but this was the final doll in my collection that absolutely NEEDED a reroot so I'm probably going to take a break from doing SM reroots for the time being.
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tapakah0 · 2 months
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Just curious what the average level of personal investment in these sorts of things is. Like, how much do people usually get into silly stuff like this their friends ask of them? etc. etc. Which I know, only surveying a small sample on a very specific website means I'm not getting an exact average idea lol, but.. curious nonetheless .. Maybe reblog for bigger sample size but also this is not very serious at all/not worth a call to action gbhjbhjb
#which I know this could be context dependent like.. maybe you'd normally dress up but on a week that#you feel sick you wouldn't or etc. etc. - but I mean.. GENERALLY. in the most general average scenario#where you have the average amount of health and free time that you always do. etc. just based on your personality#and level of investment in these things - what on AVERAGE are you most inclined to do#also of course assume they communicate with you ahead of time and are not like planning a part last minute#like 'throw together costume in 5 hours and show up tonight randomly' or etc. I would hope that if we're going with the#AVERAGE of things - most people's friends have better communication skills than springing entire parties#on people last minute lol#assume you have like.. a few days-a week or so to prepare. however ealrly people usually start talking about#birthdays. In my experience it's usually one or two weeks ahead of time. Like 'oh next weekend' or 'oh two weeks from now' etc.#ANYWAY.. feeling a little Sick again of course but still trying to get some photos or something posted#AGAIN i promise I am not going to exlcusively post polls and ntohing else forever hgkjgnekj#I just really really love the ability to post polls and have always my whole life been obsessed with surveying people#I used to think I wanted to do that as a career somehow like.. be one of the people that does psychological interviews#or produce interview asessments for a company or etc. etc. I am always the one friend in the group thats giving out custom made#surveys or asking for other simialr stuff (did you ever take an mbti quiz? how about enneagra#m?? oh yeah I know they're not really scientifically valid or antyhing but like... DID you take them?? huh?? did you??please?? ghjj)#I simply cannot resist.. posting a little poll every once in a while.. as a treat#whilst I still fall behind on like actual content and costumes and stuff gbjhbjh#New poll adventure should be not as much of a wait as the last one was though since I already have the writing#for it really. I just have to do the ms paint sketch. hopefully no unexpected other health issues will get in the way#*** *** ***#< (anytime I do these three star patterns it is an ocd compulsion not me bleeping out words or something just ignore it lol)#(it means something secret in my evil brain just pretend you do not see it. significant only to me)#BUT YEAH.. ... poll... what type of costume party atendee are you?#:0c
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ppapagei · 17 days
pray for me at work today 🧿🧿🧿 got dropped down to 16 hours & boss wants to call right when i get in 🥰 i have no idea how much I‘m making/hour & if they don’t tell me or give me more attitude the plan is to quit on the spot >:3c you need me more than i need you ;)
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orcelito · 6 days
Ok I'm going to start rereading ITNL today
This is part of my journey for continuing my great big beast of a project
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peterofthedrakes · 9 months
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okay so the context for this is that me and my friends have a Bad Anime Night where occasionally we get together and watch some Bad Anime. and in like??? early 2023 mayyyybe late 2022 we watched FAIRY RANMARU and it drove all of us UP THE FUCKING WALL. long story short if you have the patience for some nonsense i highly highly recommend giving it a try, if only because the show is so bonkers at points that watching it makes for a really fun group activity.
Anyways. the designs in the show are like. blatantly. so horny. which is fine and all nothing against that? but also most of the characters like. go to a highschool. which makes it feel Weird. so i thought id try my hand at redesigning them, to make them maybe Less Horny and also just as a fun challenge. I only ended up actually completing one of them, but.... maybe someday... i will return....
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999-roses · 5 months
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infizero · 2 months
im genuinely going to be INSUFFERABLE when chapters 3 and 4 come out like you have no idea.
#i cannot BELIEVE i've had the life-threatening deltarune illness for nearly 3 YEARS at this point. thats fucking insane#anyways im literally never gonna shut up about it. you have no idea. and *I* have no idea honestly. this will be the first time im#playing new deltarune content with ALLLLLLLL of this shit in mind. i played chp 2 as someone who was obsessed w chp 1 in middle school#on a very surface level. and ofc we had so much less then that the theory landscape was COMPLETELY different so even if i had#been aware of that side of things as a kid it wouldnt have made much of a difference probably. but these chapters will be an#ENTIRELY different experience that i am in NO way prepared for. like ive NEVER been invested in something like i am in deltarune#and ive never been SO deep in a theory community like i am in deltarune's. but that only rlly happened after chp 2#the sweepstakes was like a little taste of whats to come. but 3&4 will be a whole new experience that might genuinely kill me i think#im gonna take 80 years to get through them and even then im still gonna miss a billion things on my playthrough#me playing chp 2 like WAHHHH DELTARUNE THIS IS SO FUN vs me playing the new chapters completely locked in eyes 1 inch from the screen#scrutinizing every single pixel and reading into every word of dialogue for 30 minutes per line#im very scared about how my decision making's gonna go though. cuz these will be the first chapters where im playing them aware of#the player-kris distinction. before i could just chill and choose whatever i want but now i fear im just gonna get stunlocked#for sure im going to spend hours agonizing over which thing to choose trying to determine what i think kris would do. even tho#it probably doesnt matter. anyways i need to stop escaping to tumblr and finish this lets play#im doing the thing where i get too insane over the hyperfixation and have to stop interacting with it bcuz im going too crazy#serena.txt
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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I don't get it, is the first season 5 episode going to premiere today at the Anime Expo?
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figgyblossom · 5 months
When u make a really plan for the next couple days before bed and go to sleep feeling accomplished and like maybe you're capable enough to get through the next few days in a relatively "successful" way and then your eyes open the next morning and it's like the breaking of the damn at isengard and a river of emotions and thoughts that you do Not have neither the time nor space to fight thru crash into your brain and once you finally get through the initial deluge and pull yourself from bed determined to regroup so your whole day is not lost or weighed down by the weigh of it all you make yourself a cup of coffee and go to sit in the fresh air of the outside to consume it and spill the entire mug on the ground because sometimes your wrist and fingers Just Don't Work
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