#this is a /genq and everything
Hey does anyone know how to tell if you’re otherkin
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detentiontrack · 20 days
Every day I get closer to making my own tiktok video warning people about the person who groomed and psychologically abused and manipulated me when I was 13-15. I’m just worried that my situation isn’t “bad enough” or people won’t believe me because this person is a beloved part of DID/system/mental health tiktok and everyone loves them, and I’m just a nobody on that app. I’m just scared though and feel like I should warn people because I know for a fact that they did it to at least one other person after we stopped being friends (the new person was 13) (they are currently 23 I believe) (I was 13 and they were 18/19 when we met and things became inappropriate) and I know they will continue to do it again to other minors. People love them so much and they constantly have videos get a lot of views and overwhelming support and praise, and I feel like I can’t stay silent and let them continue to have this platform to groom minors again. Idk. Maybe I’m just being dramatic and no one will believe me. Worse things have happened to other people. But it just doesn’t sit right with me…..
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reduceduranium · 2 months
Dude I'm kinda panicking and am not sure what to do.
Tw(?): might be delusional? Idk what to think of this and am just looking for advice.
Okay, so I don't know what to do.
People have been harder for me to trust, when logically, I have no reason to not trust them.
But on the other hand, people I know have been kinda telling me info that I keep to just specific friends or even just stuff that I keep to myself.
Ex: talking to my mom, and she told me something THAT I JUST told to a friend. Like haven't told to anyone before then. Like my stuff was being monitored.
The issue is I KNIW that's not possible cause my mom barely knows how to use a computer.
Also I've really been wanting to wreck my image and how I'm viewed, as well as getting a bunch of intrusive thoughts based around that, manipulating ppl, or just straight up them hurting me or me hurting them. It's weird and it sucks.
Partially unrelated to this a server I was in was recently deleted. (which is sad. Cause I absolutely loved the server, not saying what the server was for, for privacy reasons, close friends and/or ppl who were on it might know.) And it turns out they kinda didn't trust me, which really sucks cause I loved them. But I do understand and don't blame them, there was a lot going on. The issue is, cause of this ig paranoia I've been dealing with around reality or w/e is that I've been trying to go out of my way to act more real, and even I notice how cringe and fake that attempt to act normal/real is. So idk that may be part of the reason they didn't fully trust me.
And once again, this also kinda contributes to the whole idea of everything (reality and stuff) exists only in my head. Maybe everything's just crashing like sensory overload, or not having any storage left, lmao. I dunno I just need help
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can some people actually not reach certain parts of their back or is that just a trope?
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Anti-Bullying tape!
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cquackity · 1 year
did tntduo behave this stream
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astral-catastrophe · 1 year
Apparently chocolate’s on the list of foods that can mess with a kid/teen’s adhd, so maybe buying two bags of m&ms was a poor choice
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vypridae · 2 years
i need to start making content that i actually wanna make HDJKSGHDKS i always make what others wanna see bc i feel bad otherwise tumblr do u have advice for me
also /unr i have just made the realisation that on computer u can move tags around and my entire world has turned upside down
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productofaritual · 6 months
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also who puts a gigantic ice ORB in their whiskey glass,,
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azamonvoid · 2 years
So, yeah-
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HCs of AvM Characters' Typing Styles
(Alan not included despite the misleading photo used lmao)
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Oh, MOST DEFINITELY uses emoticons the most. He's the type to use the most insane ones like╭( ๐_๐)╮and is not above using OwO unironically. Uses all-caps the most, overall VERY expressive in text.
Definitely the one to have the most typos and uses shorthand a lot, but WILL correct when someone else makes a typing error.
Example - "HEYY GUYS hru?? :D" and "NOOO rEuebn in MCSM DIEDDD (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞"
They're a ghoster in chat/J
Types pretty normally, but also uses shorthand a lot. Only uses punctuation and caps when it REALLY counts. Rarely uses emoticons, and uses tone indicators more. Lazy at typing, lmao
Example - "hey what's up?" and "oh dang, rlly? that sucks/gen"
Everything he types is in perfect grammar, punctuation, and spelling. This, of course, leads to him being a bit of a slow typer.
He almost-never uses shorthand, same goes for emoticons. He uses tone indicators, though! And not above using multiple letters like "Helloooo!"
When he makes a single typo, everyone goes crazy and is quick to joke about it. Always quick to correct any typing mistakes.
Example - "I think you mean *Reuben, @/Red, and wasn't there an option to save him? /genq"
Green, Mr. Everything-must-be-perfect Green? He tries to NEVER make a typo, and is quite fast at typing. Manages to maintain perfect typing even in a fast pace.
(The same outcome from Yellow happens to him if he makes a typing mistake, but gets clowned on a lot less since he'd definitely make more typos than Yellow ever would)
Similar to Yellow, he tries to maintain perfect everything for typing, but he DOES use emoticons and shorthands! Also drags on some words with extra letters, of course.
Example - "Yeaah, I think so?? But the scene where he turns into a porkchop is hilarious lmaooo" and "Oh heyy @/Blue and @/Purple are both online! Hey, guys <3"
Has a typing style similar to Orange’s, but uses caps and emoticons a lot more! Doesn't quite care about typing errors unless it's something important. Nothing much to add to this, to be honest.
Example - "Heyyy! ^^" and "The cutsecene was actually pretty funny ngl, it made teh sad moment less sad tho :P"
Their typing style used to be extremely perfect, but as time went on, they stopped caring too much. Of course, they use proper spelling and doesn't use shorthand too often, but they do allow themselves to be imperfect!
They use tone indicators more than shorthand, but they do use stuff like "lmaoo" and "wtf" sometimes!
Example - "Wait tf who's Reuben? /genq" and "@/Red I am so sorry for your loss.."
King Orange/King Mango:
Perfect typing, doesn't even try. Doesn't use emoticons, doesn't use shorthand, doesn't use tone indicators. Uses emojis.
Doesn't understand what "lol" means. His typing style reflects his speaking style.
Example - "@/Purple, I do believe that @/Red is referring to the show he's been watching." and "You all must go to sleep, it's late! You kids need more time to grow."
Purple: "Dad we're all young adults-"
KM: "Oh, that's right 🫢. Indeed, you are.."
Red: "o l d XD"
KM: "What does 'XD' mean?"
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narcissism-positivity · 5 months
I've heard that someone can have NPD while also not being grandiose, and while having social anxiety. How does that work? /genq
Great question!
So, there are two main ways that narcissistic personality disorder can present. The first type that most people are familiar with is known as "grandiose" or "overt" narcissism. We feel very talented, more special than other people, flawless or perfect. The second type is known as "vulnerable" or "covert" narcissism. This feels the opposite way: like you're the worst person in the world, like you're unskilled at everything, like even if you are talented, no one will recognize it, or even like everything wrong with the world, every terrible issue is caused by you somehow actively choosing not to fix it. Like everyone is staring at you all the time and knows about all the awful things you (think) you've done.
Both forms of npd ultimately revolve around you and what you need to do, as they're actually not that different at all. People with npd tend to worry excessively about what other people think of them, and hold extremely high standards for themselves... So, no matter if you're covert or overt, npd often comes with social anxiety!
The alters in my system swing both ways, and this is pretty common (Revised Criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder, @/kindnessoverperfection), even for singlets.
An alter like me (Adrian here~) is definitely rather grandiose, cuz' I know I'm a fancy bitch. But when I, say, try out a new painting style and I realize I'm not good at it yet, I'll crash, and suddenly I feel like I'm the worst person in the world. Absolute bottom of the trash pile. Some people are always covert, some always overt, but most narcs tend to slide between the two rather frequently.
If you want some medical literature on covert narcissism, here's an article from Medical News Today which isn't terrible, but please keep in mind it still suffers from being written from a highly biased neurotypical perspective, and conveys some frequent misconceptions (5 Things You Got Wrong About Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Everyday Feminism) about npd.
Hope this helps, lmk if you have any other questions!
~Fancy Bitch Adrian
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sysmedsaresexist · 4 months
As someone with OSDD (if I’m right) what’s the worst misinfo about DID that us endos discuss in our spaces? /genq
JCYDJFCYS I love this question, I want my mods to jump in, too, but I'm going to spice it up with the worst misinformation from both sides.
For me, Dude, the worst I've seen in endo circles... is that DID is the same thing as mediumship. This is going to seem like I'm vagueing one of two people, but it's not you two (you'll know who you are). There's actually someone from before them that gave me the worst taste for that discourse, and probably made me a lot more angry about it.
In anti circles, it's got to be that dissociation is solely trauma-based. It's the most fundamental misunderstanding that leaks into everything else
I think those are my two biggest peeves.
Mod Quill here to say FFFFFF I HATE MISINFO. Gosh it really is in all the communities, too.
In endogenic spaces, it’s hard for me to decide, but I think it’s the idea that the ToSD is ableist because “it supports final fusion” (which is its own can of worms, which I think Mod Robo might touch on, if my guess is correct). The ToSD doesn’t even fucking mention final fusion get off it. I hear about the ToSD being ableist constantly, and genuinely, it seems like just being medical at all in any way is considered ableist…
Meanwhile, anti-endos? Good lord. The worst misinfo I see is the gatekeeping of trauma. “You can’t develop DID from XYZ” — congrats! You’re a fakeclaimer who doesn’t understand how trauma works. I pray no newly discovered systems find you.
Mod Robo here! Oh gosh, what misinfo haven't I seen? I swear I've seen the wildest shit!
Some of the worst stuff from pro-endos was them claiming or implying that CDDs are just the "broken" versions of endogenic plurality. I've seen people claim that DID doesn't require trauma, that the DID diagnosis only exists to stigmatize endogenic plurals, and that CDD systems who use terms like "parts" or "alters" just want to dehumanize ourselves and others.
Around 2019, a pro-endo started spreading a rumor that MPD was renamed to DID in order to stigmatize plurals which is just so horribly incorrect. Multiple dissociative disorders were renamed at the same time to have the word 'dissociation' in them, and it was done by a team of researchers. The pro-endo used the previous DSM chairman's ableism to spread lies and drag innocent DID systems into discourse.
Like mod Quill said, there's been a ton of misinfo from pro-endos over ToSD (theory of structural dissociation). I've seen people claim that it's completely bunk because one of the researchers who worked on it (there were multiple) lost his medical license for abusing a patient. I've also seen pro-endos try to apply ToSD to endogenic plurality and conclude that ToSD must be bunk because it doesn't fit? It just makes no sense to me because the theory was created to explain trauma-related dissociation caused by disorders like PTSD and DID, etc... It has nothing to do with plurality.
I've also seen tooons of horrible shit from pro-endos AND anti-endos about final fusion and fused alters/systems. I've seen people say it's comparable to grooming or suicide, or that these systems are just secretly "pluralphobic" and trying to become singlets. Honestly, the hatred and misinfo I've seen people say about fused systems is some of the worst.
As for anti-endos, I've seen lots of bad misinfo too... One of the worst things is gatekeeping common CDD things based on trauma type. For example, saying that nonhuman alters are only possible in systems who experienced ritual abuse. Other common CDD things I've seen anti-endos say can only happen due to ritual abuse: gatekeeper alters, subsystems, polyfragmentation, alters with number names or color names, switching due to triggers, alters who feel loyal to their abusers, alters that other alters can front through, certain headspace stuff like checkered floor tiles, having a headspace in general, etc.
I could say more but my reply is already longer than both Dude's and Quill's combined. I'll just leave it off here!
Mod Signal: I like this ask a lot lol. It shows genuine curiosity and a desire to improve spaces. Misinfo collects like dirt around syscourse. We all have to sweep regularly to make sure that shit gets thrown out.
On the pro-endo side, the worst I've seen is endo systems attempting to lean into the fantasy model of CDDs to support their own plurality. That model has been debunked for quite a while, and it has hurt so many goddamn people. CDDs are trauma-based, we don't have to reverse scientific progress or fakeclaim some of the first cases of recorded CDDs to support endo systems.
On the anti-endo side, my least favorite bit of misinformation is the idea that the TOSD shows how different people's trauma ranks in the trauma Olympics. The idea that someone with polyfragmented DID must have had things worse than an OSDD 1B system who must have had things worse than someone with BPD, etc. The level of dissociation required for each label in the DSM relies on so many more factors than just "who had it worse". There are biological dispositions to dissociation to take into account, there's the reminder that what's traumatic to a child isn't always considered traumatic to an adult, there's attachment styles to take into play. There is so much more to the science than "I had it worse than you and I have the diagnosis to prove it".
Everyone is welcome to reblog and add their own. This could be a good learning opportunity for people to go, "wait, that's not true??"
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opashoo · 26 days
staring so kindly at your sluglang post,, as someone working on a language as well this looks fantastic (and is also. super organized compared to mine BHAHAH) Any tips for putting together a language? Like resources on how to go about it, or notes? /genq
You are staring kindly... (thank you)
As for tips... Wikipedia is actually one of my biggest, most useful tools, because I love to read articles about grammatical concepts, and they will usually have a varaiety of examples of use if you can figure out how to parse the academic language. There are some core ideas that pop up all over the place crosslinguistically, like case marking or converbs, and you can get a lot from learning how other languages might parse the same idea, both how they handle the idea grammatically and what kind of metaphorical language might be involved; like how in Scottish Gaelic, to say you have something, you say it's 'at' you, or how it doesn't have an exact equivalent of English's infinitive, or how Mongolian has so many word endings that convey meaning, and a bunch of them are literally endings stacked on top of other endings.
There's also really good conlang youtubers, like David Peterson, the one who made Dothraki and other pop media conlangs, Artifexian, Biblaridion. They have videos on both interesting grammatical concepts that don't exist in english AND how to integrate them into conlangs. Davide Peterson especially has interesting videos on things like sound changes, vowel harmony, phonological concepts that can really help shape your language and bring a degree of naturalism if that's what you're looking for.
Etymology can be extremely informative though, and really help you to understand exactly how creative people have gotten with language over the past thousands of years. Etymonline is a great website for that. Did you know that the word "next" was originally literally "nearest"? Or that that the suffix "be-" was originally "by", so words like "before" actually meant "by the fore", and very often these meanings are metaphorically extended to the way we use them today. It's great for helping to develop very important words that can be structural to your language, so that you're not just trying to raw make up a new word with no basis every time.
Aside from that, there's no single source I go to for making conlangs. Everything is on a case by case basis. Something that has been really helpful for me is constantly writing example sentences and finding things to write about, because similar to translating existing texts, it forces me to reckon with the way my conlang works, figure out how to convey certain ideas (or whether or not the language can convey the idea at all).
Usually I'll have a few languages that I keep in mind for inspiration for any given project and if I'm stumped or need an idea, I'll actually look up learning resources for those languages. My slugcat language has had me looking up a lot of "How to say..." in Korean, Arabic, Japanese Filipino, a little bit of Indonesian? Some Russian for verb stuff. Once I find resources, I spend a bit of time dissecting how it works in those languages and figure out how that can fit in the existing framework of my own project, or if it's something I'd even want in the project at all.
Once I have an idea, I'll just start iterating on it, usually on paper, basically brainstorming how the sentence structure and sounds might work until I find something that is both sonically satisfying and logically sound within the existing framework. If I'm feeling extra spicy, I might try to consider how the culture and priorities of the speakers might shape the development of the language. The important thing while doing this is, just like brainstorming, to be unafraid to keep throwing ideas onto the page no matter how unviable or nonsensical it may seem in your head. You NEED to experiment and find what doesn't work or else your brain will be too clogged to find out what does. Exercising your pen will help you get into the mindset of someone using the language (because you are), it'll help you form connections to other parts of the language you've already developed, and once you've developed enough, the language will almost start writing itself.
I've actually had some really interesting interactions happen my scuglang between the archaic system of suffixes, the position word system, and the triconsonantal root system, which actually gave rise to an entire system of metaphorical extension, letting speakers use phrases like "at a crossing of" or "at a leaving of" to mean across or away and also talk about concurrent events like "He talked while eating noodles" (He, at an eating of noodles, talked).
Anyway, I know I got kind of scattered but these are some of the big parts of how I approach conlanging! If I have questions or needs, I look to other languages, find learning resources, apply it, and then ask more questions. Spend time with your language and get familiar with it. There's the time I read "Ergativity" by Robert Dixon, but reading literal textbooks is not a requirement for conlanging. You just need to chip away at it and keep asking question.
Here's some photos of my own conlanging notes so you can see how serious I am when I say iterating and brainstorming are extremely helpful. You need to be throwing shit on the paper. I will handwrite three pages just to contradict myself on the next because those three pages were important for forming the final idea.
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funnier-as-a-system · 11 months
is this ok for anti-endos to interact? /genq
No. Anti-endos have repeatedly told me they want me dead. Some of them have gone so far as to threaten to maim and/or kill me themselves. I have received everything from petty insults to threats of violence to pictures of gore and literal shit in my DMs from anti-endos. And aside from that, anti-endos are hateful exclusionists who are against a group of people minding their own business and not harming them in any way just for an innate characteristic that they have, and their ways often harm other systems that they supposedly "accept". They are practically indistinguishable from all the other bigots I've had to interact with (not by my choice) on this site. I do not want them here. They can go be hateful in their own corner of the internet – they have plenty of copycat versions of this blog that will accept them.
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