#this changes my view of the entire trilogy
shinyyrabbit · 7 months
So I'm currently reading The Golden Enclaves and I just got to the part of the revelation about what Ophelia did to Orion and... What am I supposed to do with my life now? How do I just keep going after reading this? What do I do???
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5ummit · 1 year
Stucky used to be my comfort ship.
I used to think Steve and Bucky cared for each other so deeply and tragically that their love – even if only viewed as platonic – could not be denied by anyone. Not after Steve spent THREE whole movies, the entire Cap trilogy, proving how much Bucky meant to him over and over and over. Steve was willing to fight for him and die for him in every single movie. I used to think that even if Marvel gave Steve another love interest, even if he died in Endgame, it wouldn’t change or negate how devoted they were to each other. That they would still be friends “til the end of the line.”
Little did I know what awaited me in Endgame was a fate worse than death.
Steve left and in doing so rewrote everything we thought we knew about him and his relationship with Bucky. About who Steve is as a character entirely. It wasn’t just that he abandoned his supposed best friend, who he had been chasing and obsessing over for years. Who was there for him and looked after him ever since they were children. If Steve had left the Bucky he used to know in the 1940s for some love interest and a life without him, it would still be pretty out of character, but I would eventually get over it. 1940s!Bucky was confident, happy, and had family and friends who cared about him. Endgame!Bucky is not that Bucky.
Endgame!Bucky is broken and lost and just now learning how to be a person again. Endgame!Bucky has no friends and no family. Endgame!Bucky just spent the last 70 years of his life going from one fight to another, being brainwashed and tortured and manipulated and abused. Endgame!Bucky is clinging by a thread to the one and only thing he knows and values in this world: Steve.
This is the Bucky that Steve chose to leave.
If Steve was any kind of friend at all – if Steve was truly a hero and the morally upstanding person he’s portrayed as, a person worthy of wielding Mjolnir – he would know these things about Bucky, his best friend since childhood, and at the very least, would refuse to leave his side until Bucky had some sort of support network and seemed well-adjusted enough to handle it. But he doesn’t. Even in their farewell scene when Bucky (looking like a kicked puppy) says to him “I’m gonna miss you” Steve won’t even echo the sentiment. He just says “it’s gonna be okay,” as if he’s aware of the pain Bucky must be in and essentially tells him, “don’t worry, you’ll get over it.” And I’m not even going to get into the terrible way Steve treated his other best friend, Sam, by keeping him completely in the dark about his plans for absolutely no reason and abandoning him as well.
Marvel didn’t just make Steve act out of character in Endgame in an effort to no-homo him and create a ~surprise twist~. They didn’t just make him a bit selfish and a bad friend. They straight up made him a villain, and I will never ever forgive them for it.
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candywife333 · 7 months
F*** The Pyramid
Genre : Historical
PAIRING : yandere-ish Duke Jungkook x spinster social pariah chubby y/n
Inspired loosely by the Pyramid Games (kdrama which you guys should totally check out) and a novel called ,"The Captain's Wallflower"
Warning: This fic has minimal to no proofreading and the usual blend of outlandish comedy , crude jokes with expletives, smut, and angst (because I can't do without it). This is purely fiction and not a representation of the real Jungkook's true character or that of any other member of BTS.
Currently a trilogy ( thinking of making it a series with all other characters of BTS)
Summary: Duke Jung kook remained the quintessential peer of the realm, born with a platinum spoon in his mouth from the day he arrived into the world. He grew up playing a massive role in determining the structure of the social hierarchy----who gets to be the diamond of the water, the most eligible bachelor (other than himself of course), and.....who gets to be at the bottom of the pyramid ;the very dregs of society, the spinsters and ruined women who would never have a chance at a better life.
His bevy of associates all wealthy and powerful comprised of ; Marquess Taehyung, Baron Jimin, Viscount Yoongi, Viscount Hoseok, and Duke Namjoon (close advisor of the king)--formed the Pantheon (a group of wealthy and powerful men that ruled England). He lived the ideal life, the envy of all others..... or so he had thought. Till he met, Spinster Y/N--- the illegitimate daughter of Baron Stanton. They say, if she looks like a spinster, smells like a spinster (of lavender and epsom salt) , and tastes like a spinster ( though who would ever choose to taste one?) ----then she must be one. But something about Y/N was peculiar. She definitely seemed to be a spinster in name and mannerism. But was she truly one? And what was she hiding?
Cameos: Hwasa (my queen), Chungha, and many others
Part 2
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I yawned again. And again. And again. Munched on a croissant. And then proceeded to...yawn again. So boring. I would never deign to come down to London for a Season ever again. That was the only modicum of comfort I was looking forward to. Never showing up here again. The scene would never change, so what was the point? Aunt Alyssa, my mother's older sister, had insisted that I accompany Solji to her debutante season----where she would be introduced to all the other pompous, rich, uninteresting, vapid members of the ton. So she could find an uninteresting, rich husband to marry who would inevitably cheat on her with a mistress and she could pretend to be happy and have his ugly nonsensical big headed babies pushed out of her vagina and die....eventually. I know, my view of the ton and life amongst them is anything other than comforting. Yet after watching so many seasons go by, sitting on my bench (I called it my PERCH) like a cockatoo at the rotten old age of 26, my views were firmly engraved into stone. Nobody could convince me otherwise.
The entire point of the ton's existence was enforcing social hierarchy. There was no other point. True friendships are meager and rare, sanctity of marriage has no meaning ( with affairs flourishing abundantly in dark corners of Vauxhall ) , and love is nonexistent. Love, a concept I had pondered for ages as I watched naive gullible debutantes waltz around with their chosen well-to-do suitors. Suitors that proclaimed sonnets of love initially, yet inevitably lost interest in their gullible little guppy fish wives and relegated those same foolish wives to country estates never to be seen again, so they could priggishly jaunt across London with mistresses on their arms---to operas and **gasp*** decorated bedrooms. Showering attention on mistresses and maids and any other women of relatively low standing --- to suck at their grotesque, syphilitic cucumbers.
Abhorrent. Men never made sense to me, and I was convinced that love was a construct they came up with, to fool women to do their bidding. I mean, at this point, having seen what I have seen, I wonder if they even believe in the hoax called love themselves. My concern after sitting here on my perch for the last 7 seasons since I had come out, is that not once had I been asked to dance. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, I guess it made sense? Chubby , wearing spectacles, and unappealing dresses with colors and designs of years gone by, definitely would not make me the toast of the season by any chance.
Yet, even when I had been a bit more fashionable, and when father had been alive and still holding the position of Baron--I would've expected few offers of marriage by fortune hunters merely seeking my dowry. But alas... that was not be. One girl, that debuted the same year as I did, daughter of Duke Asbury, Lady Seulgi had tripped on her feet while dancing the waltz, into the arms of Baron Jimin , bowling both of them over to the cold marble floors of the ballroom rather unceremoniously. She had bemoaned to the rest of the debuting girls (including little old me) that day, languishing on a chaise as she gesticulated nervously, " I am a miserable dancer. How will I ever survive this wretched Season"?
I had quietly tried to suppress my giggles at her ridiculous tirade. What could she even mean? She was proclaimed the diamond of the first water instantaneously after being presented at court that Season 7 years ago, earning the attentions of all the members of the Pantheon and many other wealthy peers of the realm. Her life was easy. All she had to do was do nothing. Yes, I said it. Merely, NOTHING. Her fate was decided from her birth. Not like the rest of us, who were not conventionally attractive and now.......financially destitute. She had earned the good grace of everyone from birth due to her wealth and strong connections. Even if she had farted, everyone would have applauded her flatulence.
These were the women I didn't understand. The ones who had everything, yet bemoaned their lot in life----frivolous ninnies in my opinion. All the women of the higher echelons of society remained there --marrying similarly wealthy lords and preserving their lineage and wealth. You may ask---is there no social mobility? And I would say, of course bloody not---you simpering little sot. What did this look like? A fairy tale? Cinderella? Princes of good moral standing don't exist. Rich men have options. And they always avail them. Why would a rich man marry a poor woman? Lust. That would be the only real answer.
I know I sounded jaded, and I definitely was. You can only be a trampled on flowerbed for so long, till you start festering and molding with bitterness. I do not profess to be better than anyone else. At times over the years I had wished to feel beautiful, marry a good match, and have a family. But that destiny clearly was not in store for me. The complicated reasoning being that I simply was not conventionally attractive and did not inspire lust in men, and that my father's rather paltry dowry did not inspire even mere greed in men . I am socially inept and quiet by nature. These were all valid reasons.
But, the simple reason I chose to believe---is that one man merely found no utility in me. Who you may ask? Duke Jungkook I would say, without even flinching or stuttering. Others thought "society at large" did not care for them, hence they were mowed over to the corner to become rotten spinsters and outcasts. You know who society was? Duke Jungkook and the members of his Pantheon. But he was still the mastermind. Slickly manipulative, handsome, and wealthy.
He was born sitting on a golden throne, and over the years proved that he was an intellectual. Silently accruing further wealth for his estate through trade and industry---something the Ton usually looked down upon. But since it was Duke Jungkook, it was permissible. Everything was in his case. He was the exception to every rule. If his character description stopped at this, we would have all been fine. But one thing Duke Jungkook seemed to crave is control. He was hyper competitive because he lusted after control---and it's close comrade, power. Power over even the pitiful members of society, he had no business trying to control. He played God for years, and always got away with it.
How do I know he's the one running the show you ask? Well, I had time to observe. And I would say, that is my only true talent. I notice things others don't because I am invisible. A mousy little mite relegated to my pitiful perch. And I noticed everything, from his wagers which either demoted or elevated people's social standings---to the way he manipulated people with misinformation and rumors. He decided who was popular. And he decided who wasn't. And if anyone was to blame for my social standing, I would say it was him. What he had done 7 years ago had reduced me to my position now. It wasn't even anything all that dramatic. He cut me down without even a fight.
I remember it as clear as if it were yesterday, even now.....
"I am so sorry, Lord Jungkook, I wasn't watching my step, please forgive me", I had stuttered in an overly fuchsia dress akin to a little sausage as I sweat incessantly in the stuffy ballroom. Hadn't meant to spill a chalice of lemonade on his coat.
His dark eyes gleamed with amusement and something that I identified as calculation later on in my life , as he brushed it off with a wave of his hand, "Tis' of no import, Lady Y/N. Don't worry". I nodded and curtsied towards him, "Thank you for overlooking my clumsiness, Lord Jungkook. I am sorry to disturb your evening".
I had thought he had truly forgiven me. It wouldn't ruin his reputation, our encounter. It was the mistake of a newly debuted girl, more akin to a child than a woman.
I had believed in the kindness of men and humanity till then. Till he chuckled and slyly condescended in a rather loud and cloyingly sweet tone of voice, "Of course, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. At least you are not as clumsy as your mother in concealing her relations or as clumsy as your father in the way of estate management". He sauntered away lazily as he left me to deal with the fall, whistling a merry tone juxtaposing the social demise he had just inflicted upon an innocently naive girl.
Casually cruel in the name of being honest. Everyone in the ballroom had heard, their eyes and ears peeled towards any interaction involving him as they do generally, as moths do towards a flame. Only Lord Jungkook would know my dad's poor financial status even as a Baron, or about my mother's affairs which had wrung him dry emotionally. Father had resorted to ruining our meager wealth by letting the estate go to spoil. He soon after died of heartbreak at my mother's affairs a year after this horrendous moment.
He had borrowed a massive amount of money from Duke Jungkook, money he would never be able to repay. When he died, the Baron's estate and debt was inherited by cousin, leaving me and my two older sisters with nothing. Thankfully, my sisters were already married off to decent, financially stable men---though they were mere vicars. Not men with titles, but reliable nevertheless. And I was left an orphan. Looked down upon and pitied by my beautifully polished sisters, and members of society as I was unmarried and ineligible according to my looks and lack of dowry--and Duke Jungkook's honorable estimation of my worth (or lack thereof).
Duke Jungkook had ruined my life long before dad had died, and the mere sight of him would remind me of my downfall to this day.
I hated the man to his day, teeth gritting unconsciously. If I ever came across the man in need, I wouldn't hesitate to ruin him. As he had ruined me. He had opened up to the mockery and disdain of the ton. I didn't get invitations to most balls and events by then. The only few I did get invited to were due to my Aunt Alyssa, or shall I say Viscountess Alyssa. I was unmarriageable nevertheless. And I had only stuck around to earn some money by being companion and chaperone for Solji.
The plan was to leave this horrendous place of twinkling lights and crushed dreams for a family--for a baby (a dream I had cherished in my heart of hearts for quite some time). I just wanted to be left alone now. Away from Duke Jungkook's paralyzing serpentine glances that decried me of my humanity and value, and the snickers from other wealthy men at my nunnish appearance. I would go live in a 3 bedroom cottage on the countryside, the only thing that had been entailed to my name in father's will which had not been of any value to debt collectors.
It was a beautiful cottage, tucked away near the edge of a meadow in a quaint little town called Chestershire. We had family vacations in my childhood there. It just required some repair and warm touches, to become a lovely house. I had earned money as companion to Aunt Alyssa so that I could retire there without worrying about money for at least the next 2 years. I would probably start selling garments I had knitted and sewed over the years as well, once those funds ran out.
Just thinking about the cottage and the quiet life awaiting me, filled with baby chicks and piglets and a warm hearth devoid of judging glares filled me with happiness....something I had not been acquainted with for a long time, as a soft smile brightened up my face .
Couldn't wait to leave the bloody pyramid. Every dog has its day. And mine would arrive tomorrow.
Only , if I had known that destiny always knows how to kick a girl in the arse, just when she believes the worst is over.
I arrived around the evening of the next day after a garrulous carriage ride had tossed me up like a well done egg salad 30 times. The travel was terrible and yet the journey was definitely worth it. Meadows filled with various flowers and fruits stretched up and over sprawling green hills in the weak light of the setting sun , all cresting into a peak at the top of the hill---my home, my cottage. It was just as I remembered it, a homely cottage wrapped around by rose bushes and creeping stalks of bouginvillea and tulips.
The main village center was just a 3 minute walk away, but felt much further away from everyone else, with the way it was situated upon a tiny hill surrounded by an expanse of trees giving plenty of shade to the cottage. I paid the coach man and walked up the hill, sweating and dusty from the ride. As I came up to the door, I could smell the fragrance of a hearty stew wafting out of the window.
Who was in there already?I knocked on the door and was met with a swinging door that gave view to an overgrown golden retriever jostling me to the grassy ground with enthusiastic licks. A buxom lady with sparkling green eyes, and thick brown hair in two plaits exclaimed happily, "Oh, darling Y/N, tis' been a long while since I saw you. Must've been when we were kids, still digging worms from the pond and making little houses for them".
I remembered who it was. Sunny, my old maid's daughter-- who I had played with in my childhood. I patted the dog on its head as I got up, brushing grass from my skirts, enveloping her in a rambunctious hug with a wide grin, "So good to see you sweetheart!!!! Where is your mother? Is she in good health?"
"Oh, she's fine Y/N, just back at home because of her rheumy joints. She finds it hard to keep up with maintaining the cottage, so I am doing the job as of now." I smiled warmly, my insides singing with joy at the jubilant welcome back home. I truly felt at home for once.
Chestershire still remained the quiet town I remembered it to be, idyllic and pasotral. It was a wonderful change of pace--fresh air and sprawling greenery so much the eye could not contain. She grabbed me by the shoulders and hustled me into the clean , well maintained cottage. It was a beautiful interior with leviathan bay windows and plenty of comfortable seating space. I inhaled the hearty potato stew into my mouth, discussing my plans with Sunny on how to make the cottage even more homely and regarding repairs to be done.
Apparently a tiny sum of money was provided by father's will to go for maintenance annually to the cottage. That is why the place hadn't fallen into complete disrepair. It just needed a few homely touches, some floral printed curtains and doilies and warm rugs and blankets. Along with some vases that could contain flowers which shrouded the cottage window-sills.
I had my work cut out for me for the next week. But this work was more welcome than anything else I had had to deal with uptil now.
--------------------BACK IN LONDON
Lord Jungkook was pondering something of the utmost importance at the moment as his valet stared at him, eyes agog with concern. The cravat he was to wear today to Lady Esterly's ball held much salience. It had to be something somber to indicate respect towards the end of her grieving period, yet not so outrageously dark in color that it would be utterly unfashionable. She had lost her gouty ill tempered 70 year old husband few months ago to sickness. And though she was clearly happy to lose him, it would be unbecoming to demonstrate those sentiments in public.
As Jungkook entered the ballroom , something in his subconscious pricked at him. What was this uneasy feeling? He hadn't felt this way since 7 years ago when he had found out that Lady Y/N's mother was having an affair with his father, who had been Duke of Somerset at the time.
His father had been a wealthy and powerful man who had always seemed to always adore Jungkook's mother, the Duchess Somerset. Yet, he had done the exact opposite and when she had least expected it, well into their marriage of 30 years, taken up a torrid relationship with Y/N's mother. Jungkook's mother had died of grief merely a year after his father had made his affections not so secret to society. And his father soon followed her in death due to his weak constitution, succumbing to infection in the winter. Y/N's mother had been left to grieve the passing of his father and her husband that same year. She stayed with one of Y/N's married elder sisters.
He had never noticed Y/N's existence till then, till he found out whose daughter she was as she had scurried around the edges of the ballroom like a nervous rodent since her debut in Society. She wasn't much of a beauty to look at with plain features, full cheeks and a plush frame that seemed more matronly and frumpy than anything else. Her only redeeming feature were her sparkling eyes and lush hair that served to hinder the expressions on her face.
Her attire had deteriorated as her father's estate fell to ruin, thanks to Jungkook availing Jimin's crafty ways of tricking money out of the hands of Y/N's gambling father who had gotten rather desperate for money. Jimin ran a gaming hell that had made many a gentleman penniless---something he took great pride in. According to Jimin, if they lost money to the gaming hell, it was a testament to their bad luck and his good luck.
Jungkook had decided to strip her of any remaining honor, not as though her mother had left his mother with any honor either-- even in her death. It would be comeuppance for what her mother had done. She would pay for her mother's sins. And so he thoroughly ruined her reputation, ensuring she would never have a good life therafter--a life lacking family and a chance at a socially and financially advantageous match.
That's when it hit Jungkook. Where was Y/N? She wasn't in her usual spot overlooking people dancing at her bench. That had been her occupation for the past 7 years, watching people have the life that she would never have--he had made it so.
Jungkook felt extremely uneasy now that he could not spot Y/N. Where the hell was she? She always came to the bigger events that Lady Alyssa and her daughter attended. He had denied her invitation to most smaller ,more intimate events with his social acumen, but not the big ones. She had to see what she was missing out on---life. That had been his revenge plan.
But now she was nowhere to be found. He blindly searched for her, till he came across Lady Alyssa and inquired in a drawling tone , schooling his features into a calm that he didn't mirror the panic he was actually feeling, "Hello, Lady Alyssa. Fine evening it is today, is it not"? Lady Alyssa graciously smiled at him, "Yes, of course it is Lord Jungkook. How are you faring today? Oh, this is my daughter Solji in case you have not met her". Solji gracefully curtsied in her periwinkle floaty dress that showed off her waifish frame in the best light.
He continued in an unaffected tone, "And where is your companion, Lady Solji? Y/N is it"? Solji nodded as she replied, "She has decided to retire to the countryside for a while. Her father left her a countryside residence and so she has chosen to depart early before the season ends so that she can celebrate Christmas over there". Lady Alyssa sighed, stating in a resigned tone, "Anyhow she has no prospects of marriage with how she looks and conducts herself, better she is away from polluting the rest of the ton with her incessant cynicism and gloom".
Jungkook nodded at these statements seeming calm as a cucumber on the outide, whereas he was internally rattled at the happenings imparted to him. She had left? After so many years, she had decided to just leave? Evidently she had gotten tired of not being enough for London. But how could she leave without telling him?Without even an announcement of her departure?
A little voice in Jungkook's head gave him the blatant answer--not like she had any friends to inform of her departure. And not like he was her husband/brother/legal guardian, who she would have to inform of her comings and goings. After his blasting statement 7 years ago, the few friends she did have, left her --frightened of being associated with her ill repute by merely even conversing with her, or being seen in her presence.
She was a free bird, and Jungkook was hating the fact.
She had left him to play his own game. The pyramid only remained so, when there were people at the bottom. Sure, there were others he could and had manipulated to stay at the bottom, but he wanted her to remain there. Not for her to exit the game altogether.
Y/N was not allowed to be happy or have a Christmas, after what his mother had been through---he would definitely ensure this.
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notgreengardens · 2 years
I love both the Southern Reach Trilogy and the Annihilation movie but only if I view them as completely separate things. The reason for this has nothing to do with the plot or any other character changes but with how that biology professor who teaches an entire college class and who has an affair with a colleague has nothing to do with my cryptid gremlin biologist who punched another kid in the lunch line as a child because they were talking to her and who lost all her jobs because she was too busy staring into tide pools to actually do field research.
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dianels · 1 year
Willow 2022 In Memoriam (for now)
Willow 2022 is no longer available for legal viewing in any format, anywhere. We hope it will be resurrected at some point, somehow, but TPTB at Disney have given us no concrete reason or timeline to expect its return. (Jon Kasdan, the show runner, has tweeted cryptic messages but is not in a position to make key decisions, nor to share details.)
First and foremost, I grieve for kids who now will not have the chance to stumble upon this wonderful show with a diverse/queer cast on a platform with the reach of Disney+. I can’t express in words how much I appreciated being able to watch this show with my enby 11-yo kid. Of course I also regret losing the opportunity to build the fandom over time with new viewers, as the Princess Bride did after a lackluster box-office opening in 1987, and I feel so angry on behalf of the creatives who poured their efforts and craft into this project. But I grieve even more the potentially life-saving representation that young people might have benefited from, and I fear for the chilling effect Disney’s decision might have on greenlighting queer/diverse projects aimed at younger audiences in the foreseeable future.
On a personal note: Actor Erin Kellyman has mentioned in interviews that playing the role of Jade Claymore helped her work on childhood issues, and I feel similarly about what watching the show has done for me. I was raised in central Kansas in the 1970s and 80s, a gender-non-normative “tomboy” lacking any mainstream queer representation. I don’t recall even learning the words “gay” and “lesbian” in the queer context until high school, and of course when I did, they were corrupted by ridicule and shame. Fortunately, I had a very strong sense of self and managed to survive and to thrive as a lesbian as soon as I went elsewhere for college.
I grew up as a fan of all the Lucasfilm franchises (including the original movie Willow, released in 1988). While I identified with both Leia and Han to a degree (and shipped them), something always felt off. There was something lacking in that magical Lucasfilm world. It was not just overt queer and diverse representation; it’s also the case, for example, that the entire original Star Wars trilogy does not pass the Bechdel-Wallace test. The original Indiana Jones trilogy barely does. (Criteria: there must be at least two named women who talk to each another about something besides a man.) Willow 1988 is the rare exception in early Lucasfilm that satisfies the Bechdel-Wallace test without our having to squint. As a fan of the original Willow, I found that Willow 2022 matched its spirit brilliantly and expanded its potential in such interesting directions.
I can’t begin to say how much it would have meant to me growing up to have had Willow 2022 within the Lucasfilm universe, for all these reasons. I really believe that a series like this would have changed the whole trajectory of my life - I am turning 50 soon - even when I count myself so very lucky to have had a supportive family and a strong sense of self. I am grateful that the first season of Willow 2022 exists at all, and it truly has propelled me to do a lot of important healing work around the childhood trauma of growing up queer at a time and place that was totally lacking in positive mainstream representation.
But it’s not enough: Willow 2022 should be made available for legal viewing in some form as soon as possible to keep saving lives and changing lives for the better.
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hithertoundreamtof23 · 2 months
Acolyte Finale Thoughts
Spoilers ahead!!!!!
you've been warned.
3, 2, 1
My brother said everyone needs an inhaler because of their heavy breathing. 😂
Qimir helping her. Ffhihgvbcdstujbkkg 
Not even twins??? Because they weren't created biologically, I'm assuming. 
I can't tell if I'm rooting for Sol or Mae. 
Qimir and Osha are giving such Reylo vibes. 
Love the choreography!! Better than the entire sequel trilogy put together. 
As Finn said, "They fly now?" Just kidding- I love the slo-mo. 
I love how their outfits changed just like their views. Osha is accepting her negative emotions while Mae is learning to cope with them. 
Oh so the vision was Osha killing Sol, not Mae. 
Is nobody going to stop her? 
The lightsaber transition was soooo good!! The blue to red because of the inner turmoil! 
Is Qimir her padawan? 
Ugh the force echo. Sol's body. 😭
I can't handle all this. 
They're doing a Spider-Man memory wipe. 😭
She's blaming Sol?????? That's actually kind of smart. Still messed up though. 
Mae is so confused 🥺
More Qimir/ Osha 
I'm actually happy with how it ended. I'm ready for Season 2!! 
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tagedeszorns · 11 months
May contain spoilers of both "Genefather" and the Fabius-trilogy
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Guy Haley - Genefather
Since @robot-roadtrip-rants asked for my live-opinion while reading the book, I'll try my best to be a totally unbiased literature-critic!
I'll avoid reading other people's posts about the book to go into this experience as unbiased as possible.
So, let's begin!
Current status is about 15% in the book. Maybe 20. I haven't yet figured out how to turn on, toggle or turn off any features on ReadEra. it's not the most intuitive e-reader app imaginable. But it's free and it tries its best.
Anyway. The book!
So far I've been very pleasantly surprised! I never read the Cawl books as he bored me in the Heresy. But here he is downright amazingly amusing. Apparently ten thousand years with himself has done him quite good. Maybe I'll give his novels another chance later?
Fabius also comes across as quite fresh. Of course, Haley has to cope with the abrupt and not very nice end of the trilogy, which leaves Fabius in quite a bad state and in a completely new set-up. Without his consortium, I feel a bit alienated by him. It's strange - before and during the Heresy I always perceived him as very much a solitary figure, but after the trilogy I find it hard to warm to him as a lone wolf. Especially since Haley has also so far omitted characters like Saqqara and Igori/Melusine that would make the gap easier for me to bridge (quick text search through the book: not even a mention of my Word Bearer. Not good. Not good AT ALL). Fabius has always worked best for me in the mirror of his environment. Through the eyes of his primarch, his brothers and later his pupils or creatures. Without that angle of view, he feels very naked to me.
Haley deviates somewhat from Reynolds' interpretation of the New Men, but I can live with that. A lot of time has passed, maybe Fabius has changed his mind.
In general, it's little things (except for the absence of Saqqara, that's no little thing!) that bother me. The big picture works for me.
Haley is doing a good job with the Clonelord's character so far. You can tell he cares more about Cawl and his characterisation, but he's also trying his best to do Fabius justice. He gives him self-irony (not as much as Reynolds, mind you. But that's next to impossible to top) and the healthy distance from everything that is politically scurrying around in the galaxy that Fabius needs to be credible as a character.
I'm still not entirely comfortable with his motivation. It doesn't fit my image of the Chief Apothecary. But maybe later I'll get enough details and plot twists to put it into a framework where it fits again.
So far: I like it! You can tell that Haley likes Cawl better than Fabius, but he tries not to make it too obvious and I can live with that!
Let's see what happens next.
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luna-rainbow · 5 months
Thoughts about this quote from AM about how Sam doesn't trust Bucky and will probably never completely forgive him for being the Winter Soldier?
Here's the link to the tweet I saw (I don't know how to include screenshots sorry 😭😭):
It's apparently from the official Marvel Studios' collector special TFATWS book.
Why is it so hard for people at Marvel to acknowledge that Bucky is a victim not some reformed villain?
(Also please feel free to ignore this ask, I know people have been dogpiled in the past for being slightly critical of AM and the last thing I want is for you to get hate because of me.)
It’s okay I think I’ve blocked most of them, or they’ve gotten tired of dogpiling me and blocked me. If I’ve missed anyone feel free to announce yourselves to get a block 😌
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Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
I’ve said in other asks about AM’s comments on Bucky, I never blame an actor for not understanding the nuances of another character. That’s not his job. Understanding Bucky is the job of Sebastian Stan and the writers.
However, I know it’s tempting to compare him to CEvans, who had always spoken so affectionately of Bucky. Remember that Bucky’s story in the movies was complementary to Steve’s, meaning that CEvans had to understand Bucky's tragedy in order to understand Steve’s pain and guilt. To CEvans/Steve, it was important that Bucky was a wronged hero, because it rationalises why Steve would go such lengths to help him. For the entire trilogy, Bucky, and particularly Bucky's suffering, was very much impetus for Steve’s personal journey and growth. I've talked about the narrative motifs in other meta and I want to emphasise I don't mean this from a shipping lens - I mean that thematically, events that happen to Bucky have always been a major driver for Steve to make important narrative choices, and it is true even if you see their relationship as platonic.
Which…I guess brings us to the crux of the disk horse that brought about this tweet. No, Bucky is in no way important personally or narratively to Sam. Sam doesn’t grow or change because he cares about Bucky, although fortunately at least Bucky’s TFATWS arc involves him growing because he cares about Sam. We know Bucky is not personally or narratively important to Sam because of what AM has just said — Sam will always see Bucky as the guy who tore off his wings and kicked him off a helicarrier. Not a WW2 war hero, not a prisoner of war tortured into blank amnesia, not a survivor who had to rebuild most of his identity ground up, not a veteran living with PTSD without any social supports. These same views are echoed by his fans, who will scoff at everything I’ve said above and say we’re trying to “woobify a white fave” without knowing what woobify means. Sam does not care about what Bucky has been through, we know because the writing of the story has told AM that it is not important to understand who Bucky is or what Bucky has been through. All AM needs to do is to banter with this guy like he’s still annoyed at him over an incident 10 years ago when he had amnesia.
Again, I don't blame AM for this, because he can only work with what the writers have told him about the intended relationship between Sam and Bucky. And to be fair, he plays it like it is. At no point does it feel like Sam values or trusts Bucky beyond "annoying guy I put up with for work". I know some fans like to point to the Louisiana scene as proof that Sam trusts Bucky and has him as part of the family -- which would be great fanon if 1) AM didn't just contradict that and b) Sam spends most of the deleted scenes calling Bucky "the Winter Soldier" like the guy had any say in the moniker. And no, Bucky confessing his deeds to Yori is not Bucky reclaiming his identity as the Winter Soldier.
This is not an indictment on the ship, by the way, because you can wrangle canon to make it work, and shipping has been built on far less. I've got nearly 50k words on AO3 proving I've tried. But TFATWS canon is full of things happening off camera and the truth is...we never saw mutual trust and affection on camera between the two men. We saw two guys perpetually annoyed at and annoying to each other, and AM just gave the reason why.
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nevesmose · 5 months
Bandages on Broken Souls: A Nostramo Culture/Lore Post
Sometimes I think about the wee lower-deck people that were all covered in bandages in the Night Lords Trilogy. Why so bandagey? (Bandagepilled wrapmaxxers, not beating the bandage allegations, etc)
She glanced at the wretch, who was unhealthily tall and sexless in its overcloak, keeping its face behind stained bandages. Several others lurked close to the door, whispering amongst themselves. It was impossible not to smell their sweat, their stinking, bloodstained bandages, and the rancid oil-blood of their bionics.
Those ones. The attendants providing for Octavia's needs as a Navigator. Octavia's attendants.
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It turns out ADB does tell us a bit later on:
The chlorine reek of them offended his senses, the way it rose in a miasma from their antiseptic-soaked bandages, as if such trivial protections could ward against the changes of the warp.
This is very interesting to me for a few reasons since it can lead to various interpretations about Nostraman culture, even though it's important to bear in mind that what we're seeing is the degraded situation after however-many thousand subjective years of dicking about in the Warp, Eye of Terror etc.
They believe, or at least Ruven the POV character here thinks they believe, that warp mutation can be defended against with purely physical items i.e. bandages and disinfectant. While it's easy to point to examples of people from all kinds of cultures in the setting using spiritual or metaphysical ways to protect themselves from the warp, I find it interesting that this doesn't seem to occur to the Nostramans.
In fact, unless I'm remembering it wrong (always a possibility tbh) other than a small mention in one of the Gendor Skraivok short stories about there being a secret Lectitio Divinitatus cult among the serfs, there seems to be very little spiritual/religious belief organic to Nostramo itself.
That makes some sense, I think. It is after all Space Gotham, a world of armoured groundcars and looming starscrapers where everyone is living under some form or another of very high pressure just to survive whether that means getting their next meal or keeping their position in high level gang politics. Whatever beliefs the original settlers brought with them to the Sunless World were, I imagine, ground away over time as generations passed and people had other, more visceral concerns.
There are a few scenes in the 1984 nuclear war TV movie Threads that take place in the period about 10-20 years after the bombs have fallen. It's clear that the by now rapidly deteriorating survivors of the pre-war world are trying as best they can to provide some kind of education for their post-war descendants, but this is extremely limited and relies on what they can gather together from whatever books, VHS tapes etc happened to survive the war:
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"The skeleton of a cat! A cat's skeleton!"
And we can see that it simply means nothing to the children and young adults whose entire existence revolves around basic survival - mostly food and the things they have to do in order to get it.
This, in a way, is what I think happened to whatever beliefs in anything beyond the material that may have ever existed on Nostramo by the time we see it in the Crusade/Heresy era. It's a sad, stunted little world and I feel immensely sorry for the nasty, skeevy people it produced.
Another factor affecting this would of course be the Night Haunter. You don't really need to have a spiritual/metaphorical figure or system dispensing rules and justice when Konrad is actually real and inside your home making it brutally clear what his views on law-breaking are.
So, in my usual roundabout way, we come back to the bandages again. My view, as I've expressed before in my ramblings, is that Konrad didn't truly eradicate crime on Nostramo so much as eradicate the appearance of it.
There's a legend from Ancient Greece about a Spartan boy training to be a warrior which I'll post as a screenshot below since I think we could all do with a break from my writing style for a bit:
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"He could steal and suffer and die rather than be found out" is the relevant part here I think. Much like the idea that snitches get stitches or the mafia code of omertà where one's value in society and life itself hinge on a mutual keeping of silence against any and all authority figures.
We know that even before Konrad arrived, Nostraman society functioned on a gang allegiance basis, so already fertile ground for a very insular and secretive type of culture. But then we add the Night Haunter to the mix and the numbers spell disaster for you at Sacrifice the social pressure in this direction ramps up massively.
It's also made very clear pretty much everywhere that Nostramo is a vicious, predatory society. There's a description in one of the Skraivok stories of Phy Orlon, the canonical smallest saddest uwu-iest Night Lord:
It astounded Skraivok how such a vulpine little thing had made it through the selection process. Even bulked by legionary gifts, Orlon still managed to convey the impression of feebleness. Towards the end, Nostramo had been providing only the dregs of the dregs. No wonder Curze had levelled the place.
Weakness was like the scent of blood in the water to the Night Lords. Legionaries like Orlon would always attach themselves to those they deemed powerful, for protection. That explained the ridiculous batwings welded to the top of his helm in emulation of Sevatar, and why he had appointed himself as Skraivok’s adjutant.
It's like prison or high school. Even the transhuman supersoldier Nostramans still function this way. What hope do ordinary people have?
Not much at all, I think. Just in order to survive day to day it'd be necessary to conceal any injury, weakness or deformity at the risk of having it being ruthlessly used against you by just about everyone.
So we come back to the bandages again. Told you I'd get there eventually. We see that the attendants are in fact completely covered in bandages Joshua Graham style:
‘Lord,’ they hissed through slits in their faces that were once lips. Their bloodstained bandages rustled as they shifted and lowered their weapons.
She raised a bandaged hand, as if she could possibly bar the warrior’s passage with a demand, let alone with her physical presence.
I can imagine the impulse to cover up and conceal any weakness applies very strongly to warp mutations of any sort. Curdled and degraded over millennia roaming the immaterium in the bowels of a ship with the changes becoming worse and worse the longer they go on, it would be plausible for this to develop into a need to cover up and disinfect every inch of oneself in order to maintain some pretence, however flimsy, of being a capable human being.
The saddest part of it for me, though, is that all of the attendants are like this. It's a situation where everyone is quite literally in the same boat, undergoing the same suffering, and yet they still retain this deeply-ingrained need to hide and conceal themselves from each other. It feels like even here, ten thousand years after its destruction, Nostramo's poison is still influencing them, still flowing through their veins to keep them separated, afraid, and deeply alone.
Oh wow, a few paragraphs from ADB somehow led to a great long wall of text. Congratulations if you've made it this far!
PS: This being ADB I feel obliged to consider the possibility of Ruven either lying or being mistaken. I don't think this is likely since he is a) also Nostraman and b) a sorcerer meaning that if there was any spiritual aspect going on he would more than likely have the requisite cultural/magical knowledge or experience to be aware of it or otherwise detect it. Ruven is a conniving goth thot but he has no reason to lie in that particular bit of his own thoughts.
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bakedbananners · 2 years
i think what i love most about alex fierro is how she explicitly loves shape shifting and considers it a part of her identity, but also pretty explicitly doesn’t use it to change her physical appearance to aid her gender presentation. like, she has the perfect power for making her body magically cis-normative, but she doesn’t use it that way, she doesn’t use it to “pass” more. rick could’ve easily written the “genderfluid shapeshifter changes their secondary sex characteristics as they change their gender” trope but he didn’t. alex has a transgender body and is proud of that. i think that’s so so cool
Anon it’s like you read my mind because I had something about this in my drafts brewing anyways AGSGDJDBSJ
My Big Ol’ Rant about Alex’s Genderfluidity and Shapeshifting lol
I agree! Firstly, one of the first points she makes to Magnus is that yeah, she could look any way she wanted, but her gender identity is the one thing she can’t change at will. She’s come to terms with it, and doesn’t ever try to fight it. She embraces it, and if anything divorcing her gender from her shapeshifting is so important.
A HUGE BIG MASSIVE part of her character is that SHE IS NOT WHITE. SHE IS MEXICAN WITH INDIGENOUS HERITAGE. She takes a lot of pride specifically about her genderfluidity from an ancient Mesoamerican (Tlatilco) belief system that is inherently Latino/Mexican! NOT from her Norse parentage! To make her conform to not only cisheternornativity, but Eurocentric gender concepts, is such a blatant disregard and frankly colonialist way of thinking and perceiving her character. Alex Fierro is a person who is makes a conscious effort to decolonize her entire self. You could even tie in the way Loki attempts to exert power of her and Samirah as a form of Viking colonization/appropriation. Alas, essay for another day I guess LOL.
And lastly, canon evidence points to the contrary. When Magnus first meets Alex, he uses an inkblot metaphor, a simple inversion of perception. Reality-warping and changing one’s perspective is a big theme throughout the trilogy. Minds either bend and adjust, or they break entirely. The way it is written, it is Magnus’ perception that changes as he learns what gender she is, not Alex herself. She’s the same as always, just contains more facets. To write her like Alex is the one who adjusts and changes to fit into others’ world views is such a misunderstanding of the whole point of her character and many major themes in the series entirely. (Also to have transgenderism explained in such a simple and magic way… Rick what were you ON LMAO /pos)
Continuing: In HoT, when Alex is masc, Magnus notices that his hair seems to have gotten a bit longer. It indicates to me that even if he were to shapeshift minutely in appearance, it wouldn’t be in a Eurocentric cishet manner. Also, in the study, Magnus notes that while she is fem she reminds him of his mom- who is blatantly gender non-conforming (as Magnus also is). In Nine from the Nine Worlds, during Alex’s POV when he experiences a gender shift, he explains that it just simply happens. There is absolutely no change in appearance from him. That should blatantly indicate that there literally is no physical shapeshifting or dysphoria involved, at least a majority of the time for Alex.
Ok end of rant. I love Alex Fierro. 😭
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theophan-o · 5 months
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Today “Dom Bohuna / Дім Богуна” celebrates its 4th anniversary
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Perhaps, it is a proper moment for some summing-up reflections. I admit that I have created this blog 15.04.2020 only for fun. It was during the COVID-pandemic times, I was closed at home, recovering from a long illness. In such circumstances, some people return to their childhood fairy-tales. So I have returned to Bohun and “Ogniem i mieczem”. I was searching on the Internet for all possible groups of H. Sienkiewicz’s “Trilogy” fans, just to make friends with them, and I have found such a group here, on Tumblr and at the same time – some breathtakingly beautiful English stories about Helena, Jurko & Jan on AO3. For me, as a non-heterosexual person, their greatest value (for which I will be eternally grateful to their Authors!) was adding to my beloved “Trilogy” universe the motif of same-sex love and relationship. I wanted to contribute to it, so I have created my own Tumblr blog and an account on AO3, where I have published some from my own stories.
To be honest, the encounter with the Western “Ogniem i mieczem” fandom, seeing, how some people there perceive “Trilogy” characters, was a VERY shocking experience for me. One of these events, that are leaving you for years with a question circulating in your mind: “WHY??? What is wrong with this content, that people react to it (and to you, its admirer) in SUCH a way?” It is obvious, that H. Sienkiewicz’ “Trilogy”, created in the 19th century and telling about the historical events in the Eastern Europe from the mid-17th century, for contemporary readers can be in many aspects at least problematic (or difficult to accept). In general, it shouldn’t be, it can’t be taken uncritically now. But on the other side, it is not something worthless. Or “dirty”. Its characters (in their majority based on the real people from the past) can commit deeds viewed now as crimes, but they are still HUMANS. What is more, H. Sienkiewicz’ “Trilogy” is part of many people’s cultural heritage, entangled with countless events, heroes, myths, motifs from the Polish history (and in its first part, “Ogniem i mieczem” – also from the Ukrainian history). It is a part of MY OWN heritage and history. And I have felt uncomfortable with a thought, that in such an international community with a world-wide scope like Tumblr, someone, not having any basic knowledge about my culture/s, can think that this heritage is a “sluttish trash”. It is a reason why my blog has become “Dom Bohuna”, “Bohun’s Home”. I believe that the best way to solve such misunderstandings is spreading Knowledge and telling the Truth, so I try to show Bohun in his “natural environment”, on the one side: within H. Sienkiewicz’s “Trilogy” universe (with diverse masterpieces from the Polish culture related to it), on the other: within the Ukrainian tradition of Cossack Heroes (with various treasures of the Ukrainian culture related to it), with the Polish Romantic Cossack myth somewhere between them. I know that for a Western eye, they are all rather “distant islands”, but many parts of them are really worthy to have a closer look.
The next turning point was the February 2022. Here, no further explanation is required, I think. It was a time, when the whole our World has changed unimaginably and abruptly. And in these new circumstances, I realized one day, that I had a blog thematically related not only to the Polish literature/culture, but above all – to the Ukrainian Cossack Hero. I am deeply grateful to all my Ukrainian and Polish Friends for encouraging me to put here more content about the real Bohun and the history of the Cossack State (Hetmanate). You have given me courage. Because I hesitated, for two reasons. First: I know that I don’t have such in-depth knowledge about the Ukrainian culture, I have about the Polish one (so I can always make some hurtful mistakes). Second: I think that my blog, created for fun/fandom reasons, is not an entirely proper place for such an important content. But after all: it is a place, where one can just talk about the Ukrainian cultural heritage and turn some people's attention to it. That is why I try, as much as my limited skills and knowledge let me, to sing here about the Ukrainian Cossacks Glory. Just as Bohun himself used to do a long time ago.
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jade-kyo · 5 months
So much to unpack-
Caboose chose to bring Tex back instead of Church… that goes so fucking hard holy shit. Genuinely love that actually.
Church and Tex spent a long time together in the unit… actually crying. I love them.
IT COULDVE BEEN A TRILOGY. Absolutely devastated.
I don’t like Restoration and will continue to view it as a simulation but… some of the ideas genuinely go hard. And I know most of it wasn’t the crews fault, the circumstances were shitty.
As I’ve said I’ll still bitch and complain because some of the shit in the movie legitimately made no sense but- yeah I like the idea behind some of it….
I know I should probably rewatch it now that I know what to expect and see if any of my views change on it but I am entirely still way too emotional over the series ending to do that just yet (haven’t had a single day go by since the ending where I haven’t cried at least once over it)
W E L P *opens up doc* guess it’s my canon now
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Sméagol and Frodo Music Video - Meet Me in the Woods
I made this as a tribute of Sméagol and Frodo's relationship. A lot of the time I am showing the similarities between them, how they went from living happy peaceful lives to being tormented by the Ring, having to leave their homes, seeing horrors, being overtaken by darkness.
Then they come together, and there is beauty and shared hurts and understanding... but they end up betraying each other.
Here it is on YouTube:
(More descriptive below if you want to know the meaning behind everything, I was very deliberate with the making of this music video:)
The intro: Frodo and Sméagol living peaceful lives. It's sad because this is what they lost. This shows ways they relate, part of what creates their understanding of one another.
I took a little journey to the unknown: Frodo's journey with the Ring. Traveling across Middle-Earth, to Mordor. Sméagol going to the Misty Mountains after being banished from family. Both leaving their peace and happiness because of the Ring. More showing why they understand one another.
I come back changed, I can feel it in my bones: Frodo returns to the Shire unable to fully heal. Sméagol begins his transformation. (If there was footage, I would have showed Sméagol returning home to his family, changed, but we didn't get that)
I fucked with forces that our eyes can't see: Sauron is the unseen force that they both are tormented by.
And now the darkness got a hold on me: Both succumbing to the power of the Ring.
Ooohh, ladadada: Sméagol chokes Déagol/Frodo puts a knife to Sam's throat.
Ooohh, ladadada: Frodo is tempted to put on the Ring/Sméagol puts on the Ring.
Similar experiences.
How long, baby, have I been away?: Sméagol at the edge of the mountains, having been banished from home.
It feels like ages, though you say it's only days: It's not been that long since Frodo left the Shire, but it feels so much longer.
There ain't language for the things I've seen, yeah: SméaGollum being violently tortured by orcs, by Sauron's Black Hand. Frodo witnessing the true forms of the Nazgul.
And the truth is stranger than my own worst dreams: Frodo sees the eye of Sauron once wearing the Ring. I'm sure that's stranger than any dream he's had, can't even think that sort of horrific thing up.
The truth is stranger than all my dreams: Same as above, they've faced horrors in the real life that are worse than I'm sure they could have imagined prior to the Ring. I showed both Frodo and Sméagol waking up from nightmares because I love the mirroring. That mirroring is peppered throughout the entire trilogy.
Oh, the darkness got a hold on me: The first time Frodo snaps at Sam, the darkness of the Ring beginning to poison him. Then the transition from Gollum to Sméagol.
They have practically the same exact experience.
I put the first chorus from Frodo's point of view.
I have seen what the darkness does: Frodo has indeed seen. Sméagollum is living proof. And he's experiencing it himself.
Say goodbye to who I was: Frodo is no longer that smiley Hobbit he once was.
I ain't never been away so long, don't look back them days are gone: Frodo weeps for his old life, weeps over the burden he now has. And he says don't look back, those days are gone. He has to let it go and move forward and destroy the Ring.
Follow me into the endless night: Frodo manipulatively leads Sméagol out of the Forbidden Pool...
I can bring your fears to life: ... resulting in Sméagol being captured by the men, to be beaten mercilessly. This was one of Sméagollum's biggest fears-- he needed protection, he trusted Frodo. Frodo said he'd look after him, and Frodo broke that promise. Betrayed by the only person he thought he could trust. The fear doesn't come just from being hurt, but from being betrayed by the only other person he had feelings for in over 500 years.
Show me yours, and I'll show you mine: A fear they both share -- the Ring.
Meet me in the woods tonight: I look at these particular lyrics as metaphorical more than literal, basically saying that all the lyrics that came before, is what he is offering. It's an invitation. "let us come together, meet me eye to eye. Let me see you, I'll let you see me, even if it will hurt us." So I used the footage of Frodo questioning Sméagol, Sméagol lowering his walls for Frodo. That very moment is THE MOMENT of their relationship. They were already bound, but that moment there is what sealed the deal. Frodo reminding Sméagol of who he is... Sméagol says his name for the first time in over 500 years...
Oooh, ladadada: ... and then Gollum speaks the name for the first time. Sssmmméagooolll.... He takes it over, and that moment Sméagol and Frodo shared is corrupted. All triggered by Frodo's betrayal.
Yeah, the truth is stranger than my own worst dreams: Frodo being sucked into Minas Morgal. Strange, horrific.
Oh, the darkness got a hold on me: The Ring takes Frodo over completely/Gollum is taken over and reaches for it.
The second chorus is from Sméagol's point of view.
I have seen what the darkness does, say goodbye to who I was: Sméagol knows what the darkness of the Ring did to him, what it turned him into, what it took from him.
I ain't never been away so long, don't look back them days are gone: been away from his home for so long, he looks back one more time, knowing he can never get back what he had, and then crawls into the cave, where he forgets.
Follow me into the endless night: Like Frodo lead him to get taken by the men, Sméagol leads Frodo to get taken by Shelob. It's a reciprocal act
I can bring your fears to life: Frodo's fear, being killed, unable to complete his mission, having the Ring stolen from him.
Show me yours, and I'll show you mine: Another of Frodo's fears -- being taken over by the Ring. Killing in the name of the Ring. That's why I showed Frodo choking Sméagol then stopping. And Sméagol's fear, the Ring being destroyed.
Meet me in the woods tonight: the same as how Frodo meant it. It's an offering, an invitation of coming together, whether it'll hurt them or not. And indeed it did.
Oooh, ladadada: Sméagol is taken over by Gollum. He can't allow the Ring to be destroyed.
Oooh, ladadada: Gollum attacks Frodo. Frodo chokes Gollum/Gollum chokes Frodo. Reciprocal, mirrored. Gollum's snarling face turns into Frodo's snarling face.
Oooh: They fight over the Ring, both their darkest selves. The last fight they'll have, the end to their relationship.
Meet me in the woods tonight, oooh: Flashbacks. Their offering, the invitation, their coming together, their bond, didn't only result in pain. Sméagol brings Frodo rabbits. They smile, they're happy together. Their was hope
Meet me in the woods tonight: And then it goes downhill. Frodo's perceived betrayal sets in motion a sequence of events that leads up to the end of their relationship. The rest of the song is "meet me in the woods tonight" repeated over and over. And I look at it as saying, "now the pain comes, it was in the offering"
Oh, meet me in the woods tonight: Sméagol's pain from the betrayal...
Oh, meet me in the woods tonight: Sméagol deciding to betray Frodo...
Oh, meet me in the woods tonight: Sméagol manipulating Frodo.
Then as the instrumentals fade out, we head back to Mordor, back to the present, where the two fall, and thus ends their relationship. Because, of course, poor Sméagollum fell. :(
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So you're just gonna flat out ignore any evidence that doesn't suit your narrative. Such as the painfully obvious fact that the older videos had more time to accumulate views, such as the season 1 premier that has twice as many views as the season 2 premier because it was around for TWICE as long? Or that Exes and Oohs and Unhappy campers are quickly catching up to the Circus in terms of views?
Okay cool, thanks for letting me know that you're just a stubborn contrarian who's got their head crammed so far up their own ass that they're completely disconnected from reality.
What evidence? You pulled a bunch of fake statistics out of your ass and acted like that was the ultimate "gotcha."
Also, I'm the one who's disconnected from reality? That's funny coming from someone who is going out of their way to rabidly defend an internet show from online strangers.
Let me let you in on a little secret, I don't give a shit if you're a fan of Viv and her shows, you can yell at me all you want, my opinions aren't changing.
It's funny, I've seen so many people talk shit about popular shows online (I mean let's face it, that's pretty much 99% of the internet these days.) but none of those people come close to getting as much hate as Viv's critics.
I swear, I can write an entire book that details my frustrations with the Star Wars sequel trilogy, and everyone would just shrug that off. But the second I criticize Viv and her shows, the fans will come out of the woodwork in droves to send me hate.
Don't you ever get tired? I mean, if you enjoy Helluva Boss, then why should it matter what I think?
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nczaversnick · 1 month
Writblr Interview
Thanks for the tag @willtheweaver
Short stories, novels or poems?
I’m definitely a novel guy, both for reading and writing.
What genre do you prefer reading?
Definitely fantasy and mythology. But I often cross into sci fi and dystopians
What genre do you prefer writing?
I am honestly not sure how to answer this, given that I’ve done almost nothing but work on one project for over a decade
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
I start out with an outline but when I get down to the scenes I like to wait and see what happens then adjust my plans accordingly
What music do you listen to while writing?
I have playlists for some characters but on the whole I pretty much just have one playlist with all of my music on it that I hit shuffle on every time.
Favorite books/movies?
Oh cmon we’ll be here all day. I grew up on pretty much everything made by Jim Henson or Mel Brooks and I listen to audiobooks 40 hours a week at my factory job. I burn through a lot of material XD8 to summarize my favorite movie is The Princess Bride, and my favorite book is The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Any current WIPs?
For the most part just Project Gemini.
Fandomverse is an rp chain, and I mostly do art for this not so much writing snippets
Elemental High is an idea I’ve been toying with. it’s basically Project Gemini, if it were a Disney Channel series. I think it’d be super interesting to see how I as a writer could tell the same story through a completely different lense/ how would the story change if I changed its intended audience?
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you what would your standard outfit be?
Lucky for all of you, I did make a cartoon me. The color would change based on what color my hair is
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Create a character description of yourself:
If I thought anybody in an orthodontics factory was about to be isekaied or find a weird portal into another dimension it was this guy. He was at least 20 years younger than everyone else in the building and, in a lot of cases, twice that. But despite being super easy to spot in a crowd, he never really says much without prompting. Still, as loud as he is in a visual sense, he never seems entirely here. Like the voices in his head are more interesting than anything going on around him. Dude fucking lights up if you mention pizza though.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Not consciously no. People will say Quinn is based off my enby stoner best friend but from my point of view, I don’t know many enby stoners who aren’t like Quinn. But as a whole I like to let the characters tell me who they are. Any resemblance to someone real or imagined is purely coincidental.
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Rachelle, my partner for Project Gemini, would say yes. I have elected not to comment
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Hate to be the odd one out here but an ice cold Dr. Pepper is what I go for
Slow or fast writer?
If I can get a glove going I can write badly pretty fast. But overall, I’m 13 years into the only real project I’ve ever had and I’m still not done with book 1
Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from?
It helps for me to keep consuming new stories but honestly, the best inspiration comes from the interactions about my work from all of you out there. Unmatched. (Shoutout to @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet and @the-letterbox-archives for giving me so much)
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Probably a librarian of some kind, just like I’m trying to do in real life. But I’m way to exhausted and disabled for that adventuring crap XD8
Most fav book cliche:
Oh I don’t know how to describe it. When the protagonist is a young boy without a father and they find a father figure/mentor/bodyguard. I eat that shit up and I don’t see it very often. [examples would be Sage and Mott from the Ascendance Trilogy/series by Jennifer A Nielsen and Matt and Tam Lin in The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
Least favorite cliche:
I really hate it when a main character (regardless of gender) is passive. It’s just so not fun to read about someone who never takes action in their situations.
Fav scene to write?
Almost any of Cas and Adrian’s interactions. I adore their dynamics
Reason for writing?
Because I’ve got shit inside my head and it’s not doing any good in there so I might as well get it out here.
Tagging: @honeybewrites @wyked-ao3 @kittrrrr @zackprincebooks @theverumproject @the-golden-comet @fractured-shield @poppycat-writes @illarian-rambling @finickyfelix @kuebiko-writing @yourpenpaldee @the-letterbox-archives @moltenwrites @davycoquette @drchenquill @leahnardo-da-veggie +open tag
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antianakin · 8 months
Hi! I hope you're having a great day or night :)
Theres a question I've been wanting to ask for a few days now so I might aswell ask you now.
What's your thoughts on the Clone Wars (2003) 2D Micro-Series and the Clone Wars Multimedia Project?
I heard some Star-Wars Fans say that they prefer the Multi-Media Project and Clone Wars 2003 over the 2008 Clone Wars and think that it fits better in the Prequel Trilogy Continuity than Clone Wars 2008, so I'm curious on what's your take?
So I only ever watched like half of the 2003 Clone Wars show, which I think is what you're calling the 2D Micro-Series that aired between AOTC and ROTS in very short like 2-3 minute installments, so my opinion of it is obviously somewhat limited since I never saw the entire thing. I was watching it on YouTube I think very shortly before it got put onto Disney+ and the last half ended up unavailable before I could go see it and I haven't gone back to finish it because I figure I've kind-of gotten the gist.
Which I guess tells you something of my opinion on it on its own.
I don't dislike it by any means, but I think that the 2003 Clone Wars show is, by its nature, VERY different from the 2008 show. It doesn't take itself even HALF as seriously as the 2008 show does, which means that the stakes are very low and I as the audience can give it a lot more leniency on a lot of things. I'm not EXPECTING these big epic storylines in the 2003 show because that just, quite simply, isn't what it's made for. The 2008 show on the other hand clearly WANTS to be taken seriously most of the time and definitely takes ITSELF more seriously, especially in later seasons where it definitely hits on some heavier topics. So as a viewer, especially an adult one, I tend to sort-of analyze it with the perspective that it's a show that does WANT to be taken seriously to some degree and it wants me to feel things more than a slight thrill at the cool visuals.
So I had some good fun watching some of those early 2003 episodes, like the Mace Windu one and the original Kit Fisto on Mon Cala episode, etc. It's a silly show with some silly little storylines in a fun 2D art style.
But, while there are a LOT of things I think the 2008 show did badly and missed the mark on, there's also a lot of things they ADDED to the worldbuilding that I really love and some genuinely emotional storylines that have stayed with me. In particular, the clones. I don't think anything truly gave the clones the real character and pathos that the 2008 show did, I LOVE the way they were written in 2008, I love how much they want the AUDIENCE to care about them and the nuances added to the characters in how they view themselves and the galaxy and their place in it, I love their relationships with the Jedi, and I love the addition of the chips in the sense that I really like the way it changes Order 66 into this additional tragedy for the clones and the way their fate parallels the Jedi's. They would always mean each other's doom, but it also meant that their people were intertwined from the beginning and this was actually something all of them really cared a lot about and genuinely loved and appreciated, which just makes Order 66 THAT MUCH MORE TRAGIC (and I'm an angst ho so I love that shit). And I am of the firm opinion that the Umbara arc is the best-written storyline in the entire show, hands down, I would rather have the Umbara arc even if it means having the rest of TCW along with it than not have the Umbara arc at all, that's how much I love it. It's heart-wrenching and difficult and visually stunning and complicated and one of the very few storylines that allows the clones to truly shine.
And I like that the 2008 show was able to give a little more depth to some of the Jedi side characters in a way the 2003 show just couldn't (I recognize comics often did more with these characters, but we're not talking about those right now lol). In particular I'm thinking of Shaak Ti and Aayla and Ki-Adi-Mundi and Mace and Luminara and Adi and Eeth and Kit. Barriss of course got treated better in 2003 than in 2008, sadly, but GENERALLY the Jedi characters who got even one or two episodes of focus in the 2008 show got treated kindly and given some additional personality that I found really nice and gave me more Jedi characters to love. In 2003, we get to see them do some action-y stuff that's fun, but from what I saw, they don't necessarily get given super distinct personalities.
So, I guess, TL;DR, the 2008 show is able to do a lot more things regarding the Jedi and clone characters who had up until then remained pretty sidelined that the 2003 show did not, but the more in-depth storylines of the 2008 show invite a deeper analysis of it sometimes that it doesn't always live up to for me while the 2003 show remains a fun, light-hearted, silly romp that can be enjoyed for what it is.
If there's more to the "Clone Wars Multimedia Project" just assume I don't know what it is and haven't seen it so I have no real opinions on it.
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