#this can honestly be platonic or romantic
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venuslarkspur · 12 hours ago
Okay y’all are right I’ve prolonged this series too long <3 (so here you go 💚)
Link to Part 1 - Robin Vs Wonder Girl
Teen Trinity Meet Up
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Pairing: Damian Wayne x Wonder Girl!Reader (romantic), Jon Kent x Wonder Girl!Reader (platonic or romantic, but was written to be romantic)
Summary: After you finally return home after a long 3 year stay in the island of Themyscira, where you trained with the Amazons, you leave behind an old friend and once reunited are invited to join a new Superhero team consisting of You, Him and someone else, very much love triangle but not really.
Warning: Teenage flirting idk, Mild Misandry from the amazons.
The fog was thick today, it made you miss Themyscira. It’s taking some getting used too, especially seeing boys again, you never told any of the Amazons about Damian. It was a bad idea, you could barely contain yourself being around him. You had a childish crush on him, but it’s been 3 years now and you hadn’t ended on the best note. But you were 13 then and couldn’t understand your feelings properly, your last meeting ended with you screaming at Damian to stop toying with your feelings; you thought you had something, turns out he was just like the mean boys at school.
Looking back you had overreacted, like seriously overreacted. You felt awkward seeing him again, but it was thanks to the Amazons you had this crush educated out of you; you even met some cute girls back on Themyscira, they were a bit older than you, you could tell since you were the only kid there but that didn’t stop you. What actually stopped you was the fact they weren’t Damian. The last thing you needed was a distraction, you were the future Wonder Woman god damn it!
But anyway enough bitching for today, you were ready to meet your new teammates today; sort of, you already met Damian of course. But you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Jon yet, you heard some mixed things from Damian a few years back; but that was it. You were curious to say the least.
You were now planted on one of the rooftops of Gotham, my god, you hated it here. It was awful, the air pollution, the smell, even the people. It wasn’t your go to place that’s for sure. You winced slightly at the bruises from the yesterday’s sparring session with Damian, turns out he had approved too. You dropped him on his ass eventually of course; but he still had some moves you weren’t expecting.
“Don’t jump off.” You heard a voice from behind and a swoosh of a cape, it was Damian. He’s so much chilled than before, what changed? Honestly you expected him to be taller, yeah you had some crazy Amazon genes but he was originally taller. You didn’t mind though, just wasn’t expecting it. You played with your tiara slightly and turned your head to face him, still sitting on the ledge. “Would you come after me?” You asked, tucking your hair behind your ear slightly. He grinned in amusement and sat down next to you. “You can fly now, remember? But yeah of course I would.” He said whilst pulling his gloves up. “Jon?” You asked. “He’ll be here soon.” And with that you directed your attention downwards.
Eventually he spoke again but let out a chuckle before speaking, “It’s funny, Themyscira has made you grow quite beautiful.” He said directing his attention towards you, your heart fluttered, you were finally getting the treatment you wanted. Just took 3 years to get there, it wasn’t as fulfilling as you thought though. Maybe it was because you had slowly fallen out of love with him, you couldn’t tell. But it didn’t make this any less sweet. And you had the urge to flirt back, if you could call it that. “What about you? You’re not looking so bad yourself.” You declared, with your tongue dragged across your front teeth. He looked away with a smirk, this made you question a LOT.
Jon had arrived slightly later, as the three of you looked out from the rooftop, the tension from your previous conversation still held true. Jon frantically kept looking in between you two, feeling like he’d interrupted something…
Damian stayed nonchalant, you tried to desperately look the other way, praying, hoping Jon wouldn’t notice your blushing face. but Jon was dumbfounded. Had this meet up he arranged turned into him third wheeling you two? Gosh..
“So I spoke to my father.” Damian spoke up first, his stoic voice remained at its average pitch. You and Jon both peered your heads to look at him, your eyes wide. “He’s going to look into finding us a headquarters.” He smiled and you and Jon exchanged smiles whilst you muttered words of excitement. Finally having something to take your mind off Damian.
Before long, Damian had left you both together. You were getting ready to leave before something Jon said shocked you, “Are you and Damian a thing now or..” He said and smiled awkwardly; rubbing the back of his head. Your face turned out swiftly and you begun waving your arms in embarrassment
“No it’s nothing like that!” You blushed, and you both turned your gaze to nothing in particular, but just away from each other. Why is he asking that? Gosh did you two really look like that?! Will Jon gossip?! You haven’t exactly known him for long..
“Sorry I shouldn’t have assumed things..” He lets out a sigh, he made his way to edge of the rooftop, the faint stars in the sky made this all surreal. “I best be off.” He trailed, ready to fly off. But you had other plans. “Jon!” You exhaled, moving closer, almost running. He turned around and let out a “Hm? What’s wrong?” He asked, and you smiled at him. “It was just nice seeing you..” you muttered and he waved at you before turning again. “You too.” A blush on his face barely evident, at least not to you. And with a loud “whoosh!” He too was gone. But a question stayed on your mind..why did he care whether or not you were dating Damian?
Taglist: @waterwyne @girlmachia @spacegirlfromearth @riaaavm
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spizgany-lipejs · 19 hours ago
I think the romance between Hans and Henry gripped me so much not only because it's genuinely beautifully written and woven into the story. Because it is, in the end the romance between them feels like the most natural conclusion to the journey they were on since Hans first took offense to a bold peasant, and I can't remember the last time watching two people fall in love felt so genuine and real.
But what really sealed my fate when it comes to these two is that it feels like I waited for this romance to happen since I can remember. It might sound silly but this is the conclusion I was waiting for since I first saw an episode of Merlin when I was 11. The series ended at a less than satisfying note, and it was not a time when anyone would genuinely hope for any romantic conclusion to Arthur and Merlin's story. But Hans and Henry's relationship in KCD1 followed their trajectory to such an extent that I was prepared for another wholesome platonic male friendship moment even if honestly the signs were there. István and Erik's relationship was explicitly stated in the game and I never felt that it was a joke, something made up to humiliate the enemy or blame failure on sodomy. (Hello the Długosz entry of unknown origin blaming the lost battle at Varna on the King spending too much time fucking men). I cannot overstate my disbelief and delight at learning that finally this romance would get an official, canon conclusion. And for it to be so well handled, incorporated so nicely, feeling so raw and true and genuine. It's silly but these two are so important to me I'm never letting those two queer czechs go.
Often in games with multiple romance options that have any care put into them there's one or two that feel just a bit more canon. Be it more content, more (obvious, straightforward) connection to the main story, it doesn't make them canon and other options less important but it's there. I never expected Hans Capon to be this option for Kingdom Come damn Deliverance. And I'm delighted. Because warhorse didn't leave any substance for any argument that this romance is shoehorned in or less valid or out of the blue. Any argument against them is fueled by pure homophobia and bigotry. It would be anyway but they've got no tools to obfuscate. And if they cry about historical accuracy they can first bring me supporting material in Czech.
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2isted-chocol8-art · 2 days ago
question about time buddies cus im curious: 1) are they dating in the comics you make? they kiss and cuddle and be cute, but like are they together together? and 2) how did they get together, if so? like how did they confess? or did it just happen? basically im asking what are ur headcannons for how they start smooching? i lovelovelove all the time buds art youve made and the thought just came up that, well, theyve gotta start kissing somehow yknow?
Ohhh this is gonna be a very fun ask to answer where I'll pour a bunch of headcanons, so buckle up!!
I haven't yet settled on how I picture hearthian relationships, but I know that I want to make them kinda fluid. That is, relationships aren't strictly divided in platonic and romantic, it's normal and accepted to have crushes in friends, or to make out and sleep with people without romantic feelings involved. Each hearthian has their own preferences too, and since their population is quite small, there isn't a set standard. Some people choose to be exclusive, others don't. Some have many romantic experiences, others have none. For some, romance and sex are linked, while for others it is not. And since everyone is different in this regard there are not societal expectations on this, you can kinda go and try whatever works for you.
For hatchy, they are still figuring themself out and they were experimenting before the loop. They don't fully distinguish between romantic and platonic affection, the line is kinda blurred for them. Meanwhile, while Gabbro does make that distinction and they've have a few previous crushes, they're pretty open to making out with friends without the need for romantic feelings. Gabbro usually puts the focus on the other person's preferences, in that sense.
And so, are they dating? Honestly you can interpret them as you like, and I encourage people to see them as dating if they want, or not if they don't want to. You can even see them as strictly friends in some drawings and as dating in others, I don't really want you guys to follow my 'canon', in that sense.
For me personally though, I think that since they're in a time loop, they don't really bother with defining their relationship. They're the only conscious ones in the loop, they like to spend time together, they sometimes make out, but they arent technically dating, that label doesn't really make sense in the loop, right? From outside, I'd say it's close to a friends with benefits situation.
I also like to think that, in my post-loop comics, this relationship would start to get more defined with time, mostly because they're living back into a society and it kinda forces them to think about what they want regarding each other. I haven't thought much about the details, but I feel that although their dinamic doesn't change much compared to what they had in the loops, they do start having some 'dating' dynamics (they set limits regarding phisical affection with others, manage jelaousy situations, expect to spend more time together, etc,).
And in regards to your second question, how did they get together? I think that they become friends only after the loops starts (they never really hung out before) and they gradually become closer. Then, after the touch starvation and isolation starts becoming unbearable, they start smooching and making out mostly as a consequence of that absence, an attempt to search for that connection. This obviously makes it all the more intense and they end up kind of attached to the hip for a time (codependency my beloved). But again it's all kinda casual and very gradual, there is not a set moment where everything starts and they don't bother defining it either. It's mostly a matter of 'hey, this feels nice, let's keep doing it".
If I'm being honest I picture this starting as in "Next Time" or "Got Weird", thise fics perfectly capture the essence of how I think anything would start between these two in-loop sksksk.
And I think that's all? Thank you so much for this ask, it was a blast talking about all of this! I have a lot of headcanons for these two, and although I encourage you all to interpret my drawings as you like, I love talking about all of this!
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everydayyoulovemeless · 2 days ago
Day 1: Welcome Home ↠ Charon
➼ Word Count » 1.5k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Slice of Life, Platonic/Romantic
"Hey, Charon?" You called from the top floor in the Megaton house the two of you had somehow managed to snag. "Can you remind me to pay Moira for decorating the next time we visit her?"
His tired and monotone eyes trailed their way over to where you had begun to come down the stairs, "Sure." He croaked, moving to pocket a handful of caps.
Inevitably, when you went to see the shop owner, you'd forget to actually bring the caps you owed. You always did. Something about how growing up in a vault never required you to keep any kind of currency on you at all times, and it was a force of habit for you to forget. But it wouldn't matter because he would already have them on his person. An easy enough task for him to complete and a part of him found counting the aluminum fun in its own right.
You zigzagged around the house, grabbing at anything you might need before you left. You rummaged through drawers and snatched things off shelves until you finally felt ready enough to complete some of your errands around the town.
"Do you wanna come? It shouldn't take too long. I just need to visit a few people." You smoothed your hands down your shirt, peering up at the rugged man before you as you spoke.
You smiled when you saw him give you a small nod. You quickly holstered your gun to the side of your belt, and then the two of you were off, Dogmeat panting at your heels.
There were many times in the vault when you'd wonder about how the outside world looked compared to the steel of 101, but as you walked out into the blindly bright sun, you found yourself wishing to go back to those simpler days of artificial light.
You brought your hand up over your eyes, desperate to fend off the blaring rays that shot straight into your retinas. You felt yourself adjusting to the sudden change as you squinted your eyes at the environment around you.
"Hey, kid!" Jericho's painfully familiar voice rang out as he noticed you step out, "Keep your problems out of Megaton. We've already had a few Enclave members come askin' about you, and I don't like lying for you."
You let out an amused breath, "You? Not wanting to lie? Be serious, J."
You intended the words playfully, but you doubted he picked up on that. He never did. Everything had to be a fight with him.
"I am being serious." He sneered, clearly annoyed by your joking attitude, "Next time, I'm telling them to torch your house."
You saw Charon's lip twitch ever so slightly at the sound of his threat, but he never got the chance to say what he wanted to say as Jericho adjusted his gun to be in his hands, and left down toward the entrance of the city.
The only bad thing about your home that still rings true is your one neighbor. Not only is he one of the most overtly friendly people you've ever met, but his house is a dump.
Every time you pass it, there's garbage littering the outskirts of the building. You'd complain if you weren't so afraid of him shooting you for it. Honestly, he couldn't make it look any worse if he tried.
Charon didn't seem to like him either. The one time you asked him about it you were met with a dry chuckle and a subtle roll of his eyes.
"He's... probably not being serious." You chuckled nervously, trying to lighten the ghoul's mood. He didn't answer you, though, keeping his gaze locked onto the former raider.
You had envisioned how your life would look a few times back in the vault, but never had you imagined that you'd be living with a ghoul in a dirty old house, directly outside 101. It almost felt taboo, especially knowing that everyone you grew up around only lived a few feet away.
An odd feeling, but an even odder way of life. You supposed it was for the best. Even though you were 100x more at risk of dying, you found yourself much happier than you would've ever imagined yourself being had you stayed.
And happy you were as you lounged on your couch with the ghoul. Your feet in his lap, not because you put them there, but because he moved them on top of him when he sat down.
You peeked over the top of your magazine at him in curiosity. He'd been getting more and more comfortable ever since he agreed to move in with you. Sure, a part of it was his job, but there had to be something else, right? Maybe he was finally allowing himself to be more relaxed?
"What?" He grunted, looking up from where he was tinkering with his gun to stare at you.
"Nothing, nothing." You waved dismissively, going back to reading Grognak on the couch.
"Have you ever gone sightseeing downtown?" You asked from where you stood in the kitchen.
"No." He answered, "There's nothing to see."
You hummed in thought for a moment, before speaking, "We should go some time. I bet we could find something worth looking at."
He only grunted, coming over from the couch to sit at the dinky dinner table that sat cramped in the corner of your impossibly small kitchen.
One of the biggest things you missed from the vault was that the kitchens actually worked. You didn't even want to think about how long it took you just to catch a flame on the stove.
"It's dangerous downtown," Charon muttered, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his chair.
"Since when has that ever been an issue for you?" You teased, stirring the mutfruit you had sprinkled in your pan around. "Maybe when we start heading back to the Citadel we can explore a few extra places."
You didn't know what it was, but you found the city to be one of the prettiest places in all of the Capital Wasteland. If nothing else, then how populated it must've been before the war.
So many people in one place must've been exciting to see and you only wished you could've been around to see it before it went away.
Your head turned at the flurry of quick knocks on the door. You turned the dial down to a lower setting and wiped your hands, as you followed Charon toward the front to answer it.
"Oh, uh, hey there." Gob rasped when he found himself face to face with the bodyguard.
"Gob!" You greeted, pushing past the massive ghoul to hug the other, "How are you? It's been so long since you've last visited!"
"Heh, yeah," He chuckled awkwardly, "Well, I'll probably have a lot more time on my hands now."
"Really?" You asked, "Why's that?"
"You didn't hear? Moriarity was found dead last night. Security's searching for the culprit right now, but I don't think they're trying too hard."
You feigned shock at the news, turning to stare into Charon's blank expression with slight mischief.
"I wonder who could've done that." You wondered out loud, knowing full well what you and you're roommate had been planning for a week prior. "So, you own the saloon now?"
"That's what I've been told." He replied, scratching the back of his head, "Well, I'll leave you alone now. Just wanted to try out this new freedom thing."
You hummed thoughtfully, grinning widely at the bartender who stood before you.
"Why don't you come inside for a little bit? We can celebrate!" You cheered, already pulling him inside your home before he could answer. You poured three drinks for all of you as you spoke, "I've almost finished making mutfruit omelets if you want one."
"Ah, no thanks, this drink is more than enough," Gob answered, sitting hunched over on the couch.
"Ah, hello!" Moira greeted excitedly, pulling you quickly into a tight embrace before pushing you back, hands still firmly planted on your shoulders as she spoke, "Did your gun break again? I've been thinking about it a lot and may have found a more reliable and permanent solution to the problem! All that's left is to test it!"
"Aw, thanks! But no, I'm here to finally pay you what I owe." You said, patting yourself down for caps, although, you paled when you didn't feel any. You felt yourself freeze in place as you tried to think up an excuse as to how you forgot to bring the amount needed. Charon's rough hand on your shoulder broke you out of that, however, as he dropped them into her open hand.
"Thank you!" She beamed, "I was about to start charging interest! So, you're lucky you brought it now!"
"Y-yeah, well, you know how I t-try to stay uh... reliable." You stuttered. You weren't even sure what you were saying. All you knew was that you were so incredibly relieved that you didn't have to make a fool of yourself.
You shot a grateful glance back at the ghoul, his emotionless gaze feeling more and more reassuring every time you met them, and you felt that they'd only continue to comfort you the longer you were around him.
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terresdebrume · 20 hours ago
I keep going back and forth on the topic of where I fall on the allo/aro spectrum, partially because I kind of like. Don't wanna be aro (I'm already trans, queer and autistic with depressive tendencies, I don't need to add another thing to the list)
But another part of it is that even if I am capable of romantic love I probably just wouldn't know, because I already don't really know what platonic love feels like? And I'm not saying I can't love anything or anything like that it's just. Like many other emotions, I kind of have to retroingeneer it, sort of
I know I love my cats, not because I feel a surge of Something when I look at them, but because it makes me smile when they do something cute—my face knows what I'm feeling in those moments, I'm not sure I do. I know I love them because when Pouet died I cried every day for a month and I still cry sometimes, when I think about her. I know I love my cats because my brain keeps lighting up with fear signals when they're sleeping and I don't immediately see their chest move as they breathe.
I know what anxiety feels like, I know what anger feels like (when it explodes), I know what depression feels like because I dealt with them for so long I learned to recognize their physical symptoms! If these emotions didn't leave specific signals in my body then I'm not sure I'd know what they are.
And the thing is... I don't really like. Know what love or affection feels like, I think. Yes I can feel myself smile when I speak to certain people, but I also habitually smile at everybody because it makes things easier socially. I know I like people because if they ask me if I want to do an activity I either say yes or I have regrets about saying no.
My point is: I feel like I don't know my emotions so much as I know the buttons they push in my body, so to speak, but the problem about platonic/romantic love is that I can't imagine they make that different a shame, so who's to say which one it is?
It's funny, in a way, that I don't know something like that at my age. It's also really inconvenient, tbh. There's not really a reason for me to think about this rn except sometimes if I meet a cool dude whom I know is gay I wonder for a minute or two what a relationship with him would be like (which I'm going to assume is not that weird a thing to do) and the last time that happened led to, well. Ponderings about romance I guess
Anyway, the tl;Dr is that it took me decades to figure out the emotions I can recognize now, and I've largely approached social interactions with the inner spirit of a wet Chihuahua for most of that time, so how the fuck do I know if I can't identify those because I'm shit at self understanding or because I don't feel them???
Idk, it's complicated
(Tho honestly it would also be a little bit hilarious if after all this shit I landed on nah just aro. Not my preferred option right now but eh xD)
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potionorchard · 3 months ago
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I'm sure partnering with the two most petty, jealous, and obsessive men in hell for business totally doesn't affect Velvette's social life in the slightest. 😊
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 12 days ago
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Okay 3 things
1. I was thinking about an aroace Sonic who says things that can be taken as wildly flirty/romantic but he just means them genuinely. “You have beautiful eyes, I keep getting distracted while looking at them,” not cause he’s interested romantically in them but because eyes can be really cool and pretty man I dunno what to tell you he likes looking at cool things and he thinks his friends are neat. “You’re the most beautiful person here,” because he really thinks that, he loves his friends
2. Sonic randomly dropping heartfelt genuine comments on his friends out of the blue completely blindsiding them and then moves on like nothing happened while they’re left going ?????? Bonus points if he does something immensely stupid or jerkish just before or immediately afterwards and they can’t tell if he was serious or not with the compliment (yes he was)
3. Sonic usually being so allergic to truly vulnerable moments that when he expresses something heartfelt randomly Tails thinks he’s been stabbed or something and does not believe him when he reassures him that he’s fine he’s fine he’s not dying yeesh
#KNOX ART (me)#Sonic the Hedgehog#Aroace Sonic#Rouge the Bat#miles tails prower#amy rose#knuckles the echidna#Shadow the Hedgehog#how to explain the fact that I think Amy crushing on aroace sonic is lovely. I love you but not like that and you liking me doesn’t make me#uncomfortable so you can keep doing it its okay i won’t’ ask you to get over it quickly no ones as fast as me#dysfunctional in the sense of Sonic says stuff like that without meaning it in that way and it feeds into Amy’s crush even though she knows#he’s not going to return her feelings#ALSO I DREW ROUGE!! SHE’S LOVELY!! OUGH!! I LOVE DRAWING WOMEN!!!!!#sonic dropping the fact that he views shadow in a very positive light after they’ve been at each others throats arguing for thirty minutes#multi-ship but make it mostly one-sided who isn’t’ a little bit in love with sonic romantically or platonically or anything else in between#look at him#then he scarfs down a chili dog and no one can take him seriously#drives them all absolutely insane with his nonsense#imagine hearing this dude say something genuinely heartfelt and for a second it flips your perspective of him#and then he’s telling you your eyeliner is crooked or pointing and laughing at you cause you stumbled or doing a handstand and bragging#about it and nope he’s exactly the same except IS HE?#hyper-competent sonic that leaves everyone wary of him#heartfelt sonic that makes so no one can ever quite hate him#jerk sonic so that no one can ever quite worry for him#I’m mentally ill over the hedgehog can you tell CAN YOU TELL????#HAPPY AROMANTIC AWARENESS WEEK IG THIS IS NICELY TIMED HGLKJSDLFAKS;LDJ#are we getting into ooc territory? I honestly couldn’t begin to tell you I’ve seen 3 clips of of rouge and Amy between the two of them HGLK#i forgot i wanted to do one of sonic asking shadow ‘can i hold your hand now’ and shadow looking at him like he’s insane
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amlugon · 2 months ago
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quakiebaka · 5 months ago
// II2 Ep17 spoilers!!!
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To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die 🔪💼
so glad I have Monday off because i need this weekend to recover from this episode. anyway! more dramatic redraw of one of my favorite frames! I saw clouds and purple and I love them both! it was love at first sight
Speedpaint and non-glitched version under the cut!
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you can't really tell in the glitched version, but bonus note!
I gave Knife mainly bruises since in the fight scene, suitcase mainly beat the shit out of him. veeeeery small detail: there's a bite mark on his wrist from when suitcase closed herself on his hand also, but we went with a bite mark for the gijinka haha.
and Suitcase has mainly slashes because Knife is a knife so it felt fitting. he would bring a knife to a fist fight haha
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beetlerings · 1 year ago
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I think men should kiss each other and women should have as many boyfriends as they want
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arthursfuckinghat · 5 months ago
Take!!! A gamble!!!! That love exists!!!! And do!!!! A loving!!!!!! Act!!!!!!!!
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pokimoko · 9 months ago
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Why fight people when your time can be better spent bantering?
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fllayvor · 6 months ago
best friend Tomura who demands you stay in his bed, by his side, for a little while longer after you both unceremoniously fall asleep together after a long night of gaming,,, his voice firm yet gentle…
legs interlocked, his hands wrapped around your abdomen as he lays his head against the nape of your neck, burying his face and resisting the urge to press his chapped lips up against your skin,,,
even though this event is an accident, he relishes in having you so close. he doesn’t need to be your lover, it’s superfluous. no matter your status, you’ll always be the most important to him. platonic or otherwise.
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tfshouldidohere · 2 years ago
Mammon in every timeline:
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hiddenmoonbeam · 11 months ago
Thinking about teenage Sirius, wickedly smart with top grades, a rich heir to an old pureblood house, tall and handsome and haugty, drawing many admiring and envious looks that he appears to be above acknowledging. Popular, yet sticks to his small and close circle of friends, not really allowing anyone else close.
But even with them he's guarded about his own physical space; the old uncease is hard to shake, and it twists the want into knots. No matter how much he craves this intimicy, he struggles to accept it when it's given, and initiating it himself is even more difficult.
Padfoot makes everything simple, though. And so Sirius starts turning into him whenever he needs to be close - because asking for cuddles is so much easier for the dog than it is for the boy.
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janetcage · 11 months ago
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I’m titling this, Syzoth and Ashrah go to Walmart. Now accept the shenaniganary.
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