#thirteenth doctor x yaz x reader
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aboutcustardcreams · 6 months ago
About the beach day
Nothing, just pure fluff. Written in an hour-ish or so. Sometimes it is nice to take a day off. The Doctor finally manages to keep her promise to give both you and Yaz a day to the beach.
Word count: 2288
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“I can’t believe you’re finally keeping your promise to take us to the beach. A real beach,” you say, shooting an amusing glance at the Doctor, who snorts in return, probably believing you’re overreacting. Yaz chuckles, then mutters under her breath. Something about not rejoicing too early. 
“Oh, come on—” The Doc groans, flapping her hands in the air. You cock your head and so does Yaz, as she darts her eyes from you to her. “It’s not that I haven’t tried to bring you there. It’s the TARDIS that enjoys messing up with the coordinates to find somewhere else to be.” 
The Time machine, being sentient, chirps, probably in protest, sending a buzz to the Doctor’s fingers. 
“Oi! Do not be like that.”
Yaz turns towards you, “What do you think she told her?”
“I can’t be 100 percent sure, but I do believe, knowing their dynamics, that she’s just called her big head or something,” you mused, a grin curling up your lips, “oh and, she probably electrocuted her too,” you add, looking at the Doc sucking her thumb. 
Yaz can hardly stifle a laugh. “Like a proper married couple,” she drapes arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer so she can talk in your ear. Something regarding the Doctor and how cute she is when she acts like a little child. 
“Hey— Stop speaking behind my back!” The Doc chastises, a finger pointed at the two of you. 
You both sealed your mouths at once, by pressing your lips in a thin line. Your eyes, though, kept brimming in amusement. When the TARDIS finally landed, electricity cracked and the floor vibrated for a second. 
“Alright, fam!” The Doc exclaims, taking a rapid look at the screens. “Are ya ready?” Excitement rising through her. Her beautiful hazel eyes, as always, glimmer with sheer delight in the prospect of a new adventure. You can quite never grasp their true color if you’re honest. Sometimes they are hazel, some other times lighter than that, almost green, whereas in the golden lights of the TARDIS, they turn into the same shade of the stars. 
You stalled for a moment, when the TARDIS’s door opened. You give a peek from afar, while Yaz catapults herself outside. It’s not that you don’t trust the Doctor, because you did on a percentage of 90%. Nah, maybe 75%, that turned into a solid 80% on a good day. 
The Doc is standing outside, hands in her pockets and eyes on you. “Do you wanna come out or not?” She asks rather impatiently, eager to show you around. 
You scrunch up your nose. Yaz could almost read your mind as you carefully looked at the screens to figure out where exactly you landed, however it was quite complicated to decipher those maps that for all you knew could portray anywhere and nowhere in the world… universe. “Shouldn’t we double check? You know, last time there were sea devils,” you say, your tone not accusing at all. Almost. Not quite. 
The Doc merely rolls her eyes. “I apologized for that, didn’t I?” You loved how despite her being a hundred years old, she always managed to sound like a cute little child who didn’t like being said no. It warmed your heart, making you feel all tingly inside. She didn’t know, or perhaps you hoped you weren’t that obvious, but you’d do very much anything for her. And that includes facing the sea devils again if that was really necessary. 
“Plus, we had quite an adventure.” 
“We nearly became fish food,” Yaz argued.
“But we didn’t!”, she grinned from ear to ear as if that had been the greatest achievement. “How many people can put the check on that?” There’s mischievousness in her tone and you can’t help the slow shake of your head. Time Lords.
You three had a unique bond, something you never thought you’d achieve in your life. Not in your late 20s anyway. And even if the price to pay was facing few dangers on a daily basis, you were content with that. The gift of having both Yaz and the Doctor was worth any battle in space, or monster for the matter. You wouldn’t trade your life for anything else. Neither would your best friend Yaz. 
“Those who don’t, can’t understand their luck…” a grin finds your lips. 
Yaz smiles inwardly. “My grandma always tells me to not begrudge other people. Yet at that particular moment it was hard for me to keep the green monster at bay.” 
“I feel ya,” you take a step towards the TARDIS’s door, hands on your hips as you gently, and carefully sway a leg in and out. Tongue peeping through your teeth as you do so. You see the Doctor tapping her foot rather impatiently on the other side. Now she knows you’re only teasing her. But two can play this game. You flash her a daring grin, she immediately reciprocates. 
She reaches out a hand for you to take, wiggling her fingers while doing so. The Doctor emanates light, you think. Or maybe she is light herself. You can’t resist, you give her your hand, but she doesn’t pull yet, she only intertwines your fingers together. So soft. So gentle. 
“Is it safe?”, you inquired one more time. “No monsters of any kind?” You don’t really think it’s dangerous out there. Honestly, looking around you, all you see is a beautiful landscape. Like a natural reserve far from all evils of the universe. 
“Seems like it,” Yaz interferes, moving away towards the sea. 
The Doc takes both your hands now, encouraging you with a soft smile. “Don’t make me carry ya,” it was supposed to sound like a threat, however the possibility didn’t scare you in the slightest. 
She pulls and you stumble to her front, crashing not so elegantly against her, and you yelp, eyes wide open, welcomed by the brightest smile. Hers. When she laughs, you feel her all over you, her hearts echoing against your chest. 
Her fingers brush like feathers against your hips, as she steadies you. “Gotcha, stardust,” nobody looks at you the way she does. 
“Sorry,” you crack a small smile. “Caught me by surprise.”
Her lips twitched in a soft smile. “It’s fine. You’re as light as a feather. But clumsy. Very much so.” 
Your eyebrows shot up at that admission, “is that so?” 
“It’s not a bad thing,” she is ready to clarify, probably concerned you had taken offense. Truthfully you didn’t. “Unless we find ourselves in a life or death situation, that requires no clumsiness whatsoever. But no worries, even if that’s the case, I’ll have your back. Always. Can’t have a universe without you in it now, can I?” 
You blush and croak out. “You’re rambling, Doctor.” 
“Am I? Sorry. You’re easy to chat with. Feels nice. You’re nice.” 
“Thanks,” you say genuinely in awe of her. “I love talking to you as well.” 
It’s her turn to blush, you spot the hue of pink heating up her cheekbones. “Brilliant.” 
You finally step out of the TARDIS, with one of your hands still intertwined with hers. It wasn’t unusual for the three of you to hold hands, while strolling around. A routine you hoped would last forever. 
The doctor keeps looking at you with the corner of her eye to grasp and memorize your reaction to the place. Yaz has already taken off her shoes, eager to feel the sandy ground under her feet. 
“This place is absolutely breathtaking,” you breathe out. 
The Doctor beams at you, “Told ya,” her thumb brushes delicately over the back of your hand, causing your eyes to flee there for a second. 
“Where are we?” Yaz squealed when the soft waves of the sea, crashing against the shore, wet her toes. It’s cold, but a good kind of cold. Refreshing and inviting. 
You chuckle and kick off your shoes as well. 
At that moment, the blonde took the sonic out of her coat to scan the area. Her brows are knitted in a frown as she does that, with the tip of her tongue gently tapping over her upper lip. When your feet touch the water, you feel regenerated at once. The sea is crystal clear, perfect for swimming, you think. 
“Oh, interesting,” your thoughts are interrupted by the Doc’s humming. “Very,” she insists. “Didn’t think we would end up in this timeline, but ah well, you never know with a stubborn time machine as my TARDIS.” 
“You mean we aren’t where you thought we would be?” Yaz inquired. 
“No, no… I don’t think so,” The Time Lady bends down to dip her finger in the sand. You know what’s coming. These unusual things she does remind you she isn’t human, but an alien. A beautiful and silly alien, to be precise, with weird culinary habits. When she puts that same finger in her mouth, Yaz winces. Clicking her tongue, she concludes, “Right place, wrong timeline. Greece, 12th century… No villages nearby. There are living forms though, but luckily for us, no aliens. Probably animals.” 
“So it’s really safe,” you feel yourself relaxing. 
Yaz clung to your arm, rather excitedly, “Unbelievable. We should mark the date” 
The Doc rolls her eyes, while taking off her boots. Humans, really. Always so dramatic, she thought. 
“We are going to spend a normal day at the beach without aliens running after us,” you keep teasing. 
“Oi! Rude!” The Doc pretends to be offended. Her expression is priceless. 
When she tackles you, you walk backwards, ending in Yaz’s arms and let out a giggle. “Who’s rude now?” you raise an eyebrow, in challenge. 
As you and the Doc keep eye contact, Yaz places her chin above your shoulder, “can we swim now?”, with her bottom lip wobbling, it’s hard to deny her anything. 
“I suppose so,” comes the Doc’s reply. 
Yaz squeals and pumps a fist in the air. She later proceeds on taking off her leather jacket, then shirt, dropping those on the shore, remaining only in pants and bra. 
You and the Doc share an amused glance, “She absolutely loves the beach.”
The Time Lady hums and tilts her head towards you, “Don’t you?” Her voice is soft and curious. 
“Oh, I do. Very much.” The Doctor grins at the excitement you’re trying to keep at bay. Your toes wriggles in contact with the water that's now reaching your calf. 
“So, what are you waiting for? Go on!”
Yaz, in the meantime, is calling out for the two of you, calling you snails. The water has reached her shoulders now, and her smile goes from ear to ear. 
You furrow your eyebrows. “Aren’t you coming?”
She smiles and nods, “In a minute.” The Doctor wished to savor the moment for a little longer. She never thought that seeing both you and Yaz so happy could make her feel that way. Nothing compared to that. Not even the space, the galaxies and their colors mingling together in the most incredible shades. 
You lean forward and without a warning, you press a kiss to the Doctor’s cheek. She blinked, partially frozen, but melted right away as you muttered, “Thank you for this.” 
You don’t give her the time to reply, that you start running towards the sea, squealing and laughing at how cold the water feels against your exposed skin. You too are only in bras and shorts. In a second you’re right next to your best friend, and with a mischievous glint in her eyes, she starts splashing water at you, giving you barely time to respond to the attack. 
The Doctor laughs fondly at that. “My fam,” she mutters under her breath. 
To flee from her attack, you dive underwater, swimming behind her. Yaz frowns, not expecting you to pull her by the ankle. Your grip is strong enough to pull her own figure underwater for a second. When she reemergers, she gasps and comes face to face with your mischievous grin. Next thing you feel are her strong arms wrapped around you. Sometimes you forget that she is a policewoman. 
“Let go!”
“I don’t think so.”
She ignores your plea, and dives the two of you underwater. 
Both yours and Yaz’s laughter was music to the Doctor’s ears. She doesn’t even notice the single tear sliding down her cheek, until it tickles and wets her lips. She’s quick to wipe it away, not wanting to ruin the moment in case you two spotted it. She was both happy and sad, she couldn’t explain it. One heart was happy, and the other sad, but she couldn’t quite understand why, not completely at least. 
“Doc!” you called out for her, “Come on in now!”
The Time Lady smiled, “I’m coming!” She drops her coat next to yours and Yaz’s clothes, then removes the suspenders, not wanting to have those in the way. The rainbow shirt goes too, leaving her in sporty bras. Pants fell to her feet, revealing to the two of you the cutest pair of boxers ever seen. 
“No splashing,” she chastises softly. 
You hummed in thought, still admiring her beauty, and hoping to not be too obvious. 
“Can’t promise you that,” Yaz smirks, eyebrows waggling. 
“She’s savage,” you splash Yaz in the face once again. Blinking off droplets of water from her eyes, she darts her eyes from the Doctor to you, humming slowly, “I’ll show you just how much.” Was it a threat, or a promise? Maybe both. 
“Yaz, wait–”
The Doctor huffed in amusement, the moment she pounced on you. 
Humans, she thought, poking her tongue between her teeth and reaching up the two of you, are the most brilliant species of them all. 
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noforkingclue · 5 months ago
Finding You (Thirteenth Doctor x reader)
Summary: you've been taken by the Master and, for the first time in a very long time, the Doctor panics.
Author's note: whoop, whoop! Whumptober beings today!
Warnings: panic attack
It was an unfortunate fact that, on occasion, the Doctor lost companions. Not the type of losing where someone got lost in a market place and struggled to find their way back to the TARDIS but the permanent kind. The kind where all that was left of the was wonderful, joyous, painful memories. Memories of what once was and the sickening reality that the future would never be.
The Doctor made a promise to herself that she would never lose another companion again.
Not after Bill.
Not to the Master.
“Doc, hey calm down.”
“No, no. Y/n missing.”
“We’ll find her.”
“Yeah, she can’t have gone far.”
The voices of her other companions blurring into one. How could she have let this happen? She shouldn’t have let this happen. She should’ve warned you. You were still new to the team you didn’t know about the Master. She should’ve-
She snapped out her thoughts as Yaz gripped her shoulders. The Doctor glared at her and pulled her shoulders free from Yaz’s grip. Yaz’s hands hung awkwardly in the air as the Doctor marched over to the TARDIS console. She put her hands on the console and took a deep breath.
Her hearts hurt. They ached not knowing where you are. That you could be hurt because of her. Because she didn’t warn you about the Master, at least not suitably enough. And now she couldn’t find you. And you were trapped and lost. You could’ve died, shrunken down like some sick, twisted doll. Or maybe, and this was almost worse, she could’ve lost you in a different sense. Seeing you travelling with him. Wrapped in his arms. Being his-
Her chest was getting tighter. She couldn’t breathe. The TARDIS was suffocating. The fam was suffocating. Everything was just too claustrophobic. You were gone and it was all her-
“Doc, we’ll find her.”
It was Graham.
“Focus on me. We’ll get her back.”
“I-” the Doctor started, then shook her head snapping herself out of it, “we will. We’re not going to be abandoning her.”
“I never said-”
“I’m going to find her,” the Doctor turned her attention back to the TARDIS console, “I’m going to follow the Master’s TARDIS’s energy. If I manage to do that we can find her. We’ve got to find her. I’ve got to find her.”
Graham moved back to Ryan and Yaz and the three of them shared a look.
“You think we’ll find her?” asked Ryan
The Doctor visibly tensed at his words and Graham replied quietly,
“Yes we will. We better. I’m not sure how she’ll cope if we don’t.”
“How any of us will.” said Yaz
The three of them looked over, slightly nervously, at the Doctor who was focusing intently on a screen. It was as though she had forgotten they were in the TARDIS with her. She still looked pale and shaky, not quite recovered from her near panic attack earlier, but a determined look was coming over her.
She was going to find you again.
One way or another.
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worfs-glorious-hair · 1 year ago
Greetings beloved people!
Io and behold, my first time writing smut!
Thirteenth Doctor x (Genderneutral) Reader: Sex Pollen on a beautiful moon - shameless smut edition!
Reader is AFAB and body parts are referred to by name but I did not use any pronouns to refer to the reader themselves!
No beta, we die like men! I wrote this instead of sleeping! Enjoy!
********* Smut is way under the cut!*************
Bouquet (13 x Reader)
“This is the best day to go exploring with Y/N!”, the Doctor exclaimed excitedly while grabbing your hand to pull you with her towards a glittering field of flowers with an equally vibrant forest shimmering on the horizon.
You laughed, thrilled to be chosen by her to spend a day with her. To be close to her and to see her contagious, a billion galaxies erupting in light, smile.
Travelling with the Doctor was like a fever dream, in the best and worst meaning. At times so dangerous and scary that you were afraid to take just one more step. Usually the Doctor would then turn around to you and would encourage you to go on.
“Come on, Y/N,”, she would say with her beautiful eyes full of stars and her scrunched nose and deliciously curved lips, “I need your help here, I can’t do it without you!”
And at other times it was so unbelievable and beautiful that you feared you would wake up and find it all not to be real.
Today you had landed on a small moon of a busy planet.
Yaz, Graham and Ryan had decided to go shopping and sightseeing on the planet below and you and the Doctor had dropped them off and then she had told you about the rich nature and brilliant, crystal clear flowers and and jewel-like singing tress on the moon that she knew you would love to see.
And now you were here, running with your Doctor through the field, feeling the buzzing life around you in the air, trying to keep up with her, even though she was still holding your hand.
“Isn’t it brilliant?”, she screamed and you nodded, a little out of breath.
You reached a little island of colorful bushes and some small trees on the field and you motioned towards them.
Something urged you to take a closer look.
“Can we take a break there? I need to see these colours up close!”, you asked-yelled and the Doctor just grinned and changed the direction towards the closest tree.
It looked just like an earth-birch, but instead of being white and black was this one light-blue with specks of gold and purple.
You inspected the tree closer and found some tiny red glowing mushrooms growing on it.
“Adorable”, you mused to yourself as you smelled the sweetest, fullest fragrance you have ever smelled.
You looked to find the source and it turned out to be coming from the purple, nearly black flowers that were blooming on a nearby bush. Leaning closer you breathed in deeply.
The scent was flowery, surprisingly heavy for such fine, delicate flowers and with a spicy depth that reminded you maybe of musk, or maybe of naturally scented woods like cedar or sandalwood. Something earthy, rich and dark. Something warm that heightened your senses, with a hot burning flame beneath.
“Doctor…”, you turned to look for her, when you heard your name being called at the same time.
“You have to smell these flowers!”, you continued to say unison and you both laughed when you realised it.
“You found the flowers as well?”, you asked and stepped aside to let the Doctor smell your flowers.
She breathed in deeply and smiled contentedly.
“It reminds me of you”, she said and you froze in your movements.
You had just turned to smell the flowers the Doctor had found, which were the same ones as you had seen and you stopped dead in your tracks.
“Oh I wanted to say the same thing”, you said cheerfully, only rarely registering that you had said that out loud what you would usually had only thought.
Mentally you shrugged and couldn’t care less.
The Doctor’s eyes lit up and the stars in them shone brighter than ever before.
She smiled her happy, toothy smile and you beamed back at her.
Smelling the flowers again, inhaling deeply, you decided to pick one.
“Here”, you offered the flower to the Doctor.
“It’s for you, you should wear it in your hair. I love it when you wear pretty things, it makes you even more beautiful…”
And another thing you would usually never had said out loud. How odd.
The Doctor’s eyes grew even bigger with joy as she took the flower from you and carefully pushed the stem behind her ear and arranged her hair around the flower.
“You should have one, too”, she said and picked one for you.
You placed your flower just like she had done and when she rose her hand to help you secure it, she stepped closer to you than it would have been necessary.
You gulped and felt oddly brave, so you grabbed her hand, when it was close to your face and kept it in place.
Something was burning inside of you, flooding your nerves and senses, rushing through your veins in your blood, making you feel the air tingling on your skin. You were suddenly very aware of your body in your clothes, feeling very hot and very bothered.
You felt your nipples stroke against the fabric of your bra and you felt your panties over your tingling and pulsating vulva. Of course they weren’t providing any friction.
But you wanted friction. Badly.
You felt how the Doctor’s usually cool hand close to your face, that you were holding got hotter as well. Maybe her skin burned as much as yours. Maybe her core felt just as yours did. All tingly and wet.
This thought sent even more heat through your body, tangling into a ball of arousal deep in your lower abdomen.
Your eyes were locked into each other, standing there, you felt your heart beat as you were unable to blink.
The Doctor made a step towards you and it made your eyes flicker to her lips, parted and wet, she must have been licking them.
The thought of her tongue flicking made the ball inside of you coil even closer together.
You were relatively the same height as her, so it did not take much to kiss her.
And so you did.
Using your free arm to pull her the remaining centimetres towards you, keeping your grab on your hand, you kissed her.
She responded immediately, opening her mouth for you, strangled sounds coming from her as you kissed her with everything that you’ve got.
It was an open mouth, very wet kiss, an all-consuming, senses overflowing kiss, it was her and her lips and body and nothing else.
She used her other hand to really get a hold of your face, pulling it closer to her, while pushing her knee and thigh between your legs.
You yelped into her mouth, as she pushed a sturdy seam on the inside of your jeans between your labia, exactly where you wanted some friction to be.
You started grinding on her knee and thigh, rather subconsciously, while you tried to remove her coat, kind of blindly, eyes half-way closed and mind filled with her kiss.
She had broken away from you, as the need for air took over and had opted to kiss, suckle and nibble at your jaw and neck instead.
She was working on opening the buttons of your blouse, while you tried to push down her suspenders after having successfully took off her coat from her, when she jumped back, as if she was hit with an electric shock.
“No!”, she gasped for air, making a big step back from you.
“Ohhh, Y/N, I am so, so sorry!”, she panted, a pained expression all over her face.
Your mind barely registered her words, you felt the emptiness, you felt rejected and betrayed and still so, so hot!
You were burning from the inside out!
You still felt your nipples, your tingling core and now warm and very wet underwear. You only wanted her lips back on your skin, so you made a few, shaky steps towards her.
“Ohhh”, she groaned, hands running over her face and through her tousled hair, which was your work, a proud part inside of you pointed out.
“Stupid, stupid Doctor!”, she muttered to herself, while hitting herself on the forehead.
“I should have recognised them… I should have… Think! Think! Think! Concentrate! Concentrate! You have to bring your Y/N out of here! No kissing, kissing is bad!”
You had only listened to her with half an ear, your body and soul hurting from her rejection. Why else should she have pushed you away, if she did not want it as bad as you did?
Maybe you were the only one with burning skin and a desperate pussy.
You rarely considered the whole oddity of the whole situation, how you had acted on your desires so suddenly, how your desires had manifested themselves so quickly on a physical level, when you usually sucked them up and stored them away somewhere deep inside your heart, never even considering to act on them in real life.
So you missed the pained expression on the Doctor’s face, how her chest heaved and how she fought for control over the danger she had put you two into unknowingly. And how she fought down her desire.
You only felt rejected and your soul cried in bitter pain. But your body had it way worse. Had it been a sweet pleasurable desire before, an exciting ache while you had kissed the Doctor was it now an actual pain.
Your body felt as if it was on fire, your skin felt open and irritated and the pressure in between your legs was more than you could bare.
“Y/N. Y/N! Look at me!”, you suddenly saw how the Doctor’s face came into your field of view, kind of blurry, so you tried to blink to get her image clear.
“We were drugged. You need to concentrate. Y/N!”
The word ‘drugged’ had enough effect on you that you managed to finally see her clearly, you tried to focus on her words and the information she wanted to give you.
No, not her lips! Not her soft flushed skin! Not the lips. Not her sparkling eyes! Her words! Her words! Important words!
“Listen to me! Those pretty flowers contain pollen that are toxic to most humanoids…”
“Toxic?”, you managed to blur out. “Are we going to die?”
The Doctor looked at you with her continuous worried, pained expression.
“How — how — how are they toxic? I don’t feel poisoned. But my body hurts!”, you started crying.
“Please make it stop! It hurts so much!”
Hot tears streamed down your face and you desperately tried to rub yourself over your panties inside of your jeans but it did not do much.
You fell to the ground, legs spread wide and you still tried to find release by fervently rubbing over and through your now soaking wet clit and slit.
But it was too wet, your fingers couldn’t do anything, they were unsuccessfully slipping over your skin and you groaned and cried in frustration and pain.
“This is what the pollen do”, the Doctor tried to explain the situation as easy as possible. Also as quick as possible.
“They arouse most humanoids sexually and if they don’t get to climax within three hours the nervous system and the brain could get severe damage. I am so sorry!”
The Doctor had crouched next to you and was biting her lips and pressing together her own legs. If you would have been able to read her body more closely, you would have seen the sweat on her forehead and neck and chest, her panting and her dilated pupils. She was in as much pain as you and her hearts burned with the same desire for you as your heart did for her.
“I will get us out of here and find a solution, I won’t let anything happen to you! I promise!”
She helped you to sit up and to close your jeans again and you saw everything clear as day.
“You don’t want me!”, the thought sobered you up enough to look at her properly and to think like a human being again.
“You don’t want me!”, you repeated, now with an aching heart that nearly lessened the ache in your core.
“Can I do it myself?”, you asked and stood up on shaky legs, pushing yourself up from the ground in a very ungracious way.
The Doctor stood there and watched you with furrowed brows and lips a thin line.
“Do what yourself?”
“Climaxing…”, you answered and stomped towards the TARDIS, not being waiting for her answer.
Legs feeling wobbly and every step was a sensory hell.
Your still felt your hardened nipples against the fabric of your bra, the tightness and the coiling of your insides, your throbbing clit and the seam of your jeans against your slit with every second step.
But now you were also angry.
Angry at the Doctor, angry at yourself that you had let it come so far and angry that you were still so incredible aroused that you just wanted to hump the nearest tree to find release.
“Please Y/N…”, a soft hand on your arm stopped you right in your tracks and you found yourself face to face with the Doctor. Still your Doctor with the beautiful eyes and deliciously curved lips and the soft blond hair, that now looked very dishevelled, still the woman you wanted to kiss, taking all of her in, tasting her everywhere, the woman you wanted to hear scream out in pleasure as a result to your fingers, your tongue on her, inside of her …
“Wait please, don’t go like this!“, the Doctor pleaded with big, desperate eyes, pupils huge.
She sighed heavily and bowed her head in defeat.
“It is not that I don’t want you, on the contrary. I want you so much and I know I shouldn’t. I promise I’ll find a cure for you. Just kiss me again, please! I promise I’ll— “
The sound you let out was a high-pitched moan of relief and eagerness as you pressed your lips to hers again.
And immediately the pain subsided, leaving the pleasurable ache once again behind.
The Doctor’s kiss was eager, eager to please you, taste you, feel you.
Her fingers finished unbuttoning your blouse and impatiently helped you out of the sleeves.
Your burning skin was immediately met with a cool breeze that made you shiver in the most stimulating way.
The Doctor kissed your neck, right at the juncture to your shoulder at the soft hollow above your collarbone and you sighed and sighed and sighed out loud.
The Doctor’s lips and tongue, wet and warm, were working on your shoulder while her skilled and quick fingers opened your bra. She only stopped kissing your shoulder for a second to pull the straps of the bra down your arms and the moment your sensitive nipples were hit with the gently blowing breeze around you, you threw back your head and screamed out in pleasure.
This was what you had wanted all the time, since this madness began.
So the Doctor went immediately towards your left nipple, she licked across it, once, twice, thrice and then very gently grazed it with her teeth.
She held you stable with one arm and used her other hand to pinch and stroke your right nipple.
You arched yourself towards her and tried once again to remove her suspenders, this time you succeeded as far as it was possible to the point, where she held you tight.
She unlatched from your breast and you let out an involuntary sound of disappointment.
“Shhh”, the Doctor quickly kissed you
“One second, my love!”, she murmured close to your lips and and finished taking off her suspenders, while you tried to kiss her again.
“I just want to lay out my coat for you. I don’t want you to come while standing up, I want you to feel as comfortable and good as possible. I’ll be quick!”, she purred and quickly took her coat from the ground, gave it a shake and laid it flat out.
While she had worked with the coat you had opened your jeans and were just about to pull them down as her hand stopped you.
“Let me help you with that!”
And the Doctor pulled down your jeans, helped you to step out of them and then kissed the hemline of your panties.
“We do not need them anymore, do we?” Her voice was like melted butter and you squirmed.
Everything inside of you was throbbing in painful anticipation, your nipples hard, begging to be touched again and you just wanted to ride the Doctor’s face until you came.
Laying down was overrated!
“Ple-please, ge’em off…”, your voice was slurred but the Doctor understood anyways.
She kneeled down in front of you and pulled your underwear down.
She sighed excitedly at the sight of your now fully exposed body.
“I have dreamed of this moment!, she admitted, while looking up to you through her lashes.
“Likewise!”, you answered with a slurry voice and she grinned happily.
And it was a sight for the gods — the Doctor on her knees for you, her hands tightly on your thighs, admiring every inch of your body with endless hunger in her eyes.
She looked at every jiggly curve and soft, dimpled patch of skin, every warm and oh so human part of you and looked as if she was offered every answer to every question in this universe.
“Lay down!”, the Doctor commanded as you tried to throw one of your legs over her shoulder, to get her face where you wanted it the most!
You eagerly complied, laying down on your back on her coat.
The ground beneath it was surprisingly lush, soft and plush, nothing like hard, uncomfortable grounds you knew from home on Earth. You had slept on beds that were not even half as perfect and snuggly as this random meadow on a random moon.
‘Sex moon’ your cloudy mind corrected.
It was like the moon wanted people to be comfortable after they inhaled the flower’s pollen.
You opened your legs for the Doctor and she crawled between them, but not before taking everything of your exposed sex in.
The still gently blowing breeze danced over your slick, wet bare core and provided you with a delicious tickle of sensual cold, that made your whole body tingle in lust.
You bucked your hips aimlessly into the wind, as if it could provide you with some friction.
While the wind was cool, you were getting hotter and bothered by the second.
The Doctor’s eyes glittered and she beamed at you.
“You are even more beautiful than I imagined you would be! So wet, so hot, so ready for me…”
Normally you would have been ashamed, self-conscious or shy at words or even looks like hers but the untameable desire in you burned all of your fear or shame down to dust. What was left was your lust, your passion and your love for the Doctor.
And your need for the Doctor to finally, finally touch you.
But after the Doctor was done with her admiring, she crawled on top of you, kneeling between your legs and took once again your nipple in her mouth. You groaned in frustration and pleasure.
This was not were you wanted her tongue to go.
You were still bucking your hips, this time towards her, as she pushed two fingers into your vagina.
You yelped and moaned out loud as her thumb started to stroke your clit.
“More, more, more”, you pleaded with each thrust as you still bucked, now at her hand.
And she added a third finger. She pushed knuckle-deep inside you, curled her fingers upwards and also sucked and nibbled on your nipple with even more force.
You cried out, pleasure and lust washing over you and yet it was not enough.
“Ahhh, MORE!”
She let go of your nipple and smiled at you, you looked at her a little confused and questioning but her fingers still pumping inside of you and massaging your clit kept you occupied.
“I have something for you, let me get it…”
She slowed down her pace and reached around into the pocket of her trousers and took out her screwdriver.
You watched her every move and as she put it to a low vibrating setting you were starting to be intrigued. You even forgot your disappointment about her slower movements.
“Lift your bottom, please, my love”, she urged you and you raised your butt even higher into the air, you had it partially there anyways to meet her hands and movements.
She removed her fingers from you and you looked at her angrily, you were too weak, to lust-stridden to express your disappointment vocally.
She shook her head.
“Don’t be angry at me, you asked for more and I will give you more!”
And she carefully parted your buttocks and placed her buzzing screwdriver right between them.
The screwdriver’s vibration went over your anus as well partly towards your vagina.
You bit your lips, this was going to be very good!
And the Doctor returned to insert three fingers inside you, immediately starting pumping and massaging your clit with her thumb and biting and pulling on your nipples.
She varied the directions of her tongue on your nipple, drew numbers and letters and all kind of patterns onto you clit with her thumb and took all the time in the world to fill you out with her fingers, stroking, massaging your insides and curling her fingers, finding out which directions got you to scream the loudest…
The vibrating screwdriver on your ass added extra pleasure and you were not holding back.
You bucked your hips, rode along the screwdriver, as much as you could, took her fingers in and screamed out your pleasure into the world around you.
Your moans and screams echoed around you in the forest and it just turned you on even more.
And what you did not know was that the Doctor was a mess, hearing you, hearing the echoes of your screams, feeling you, your wetness all over her hand and your beautiful breast in her mouth made her insides burn just as much.
And then you came. You bucked your hips against her one last time and screamed louder than before. It just came over you.
An orgasm so intense like you never experienced it before.
You think you blacked out for a moment, overcome with your hot, intense relief.
You panted and slowly came back into your body.
And the Doctor?
Her body ached and ached and ached, her desire just as hot as yours, she could not wait to come herself. To be touched by you, to be held by you…
She had carefully continued to pump her fingers inside of you through your orgasm, now she took them out again, stroke over your clit one last time and kissed the nipple she had last worked on.
You laid back, panting.
You slowly came back into your body and took the Doctor in, how she sat between your legs, and grinned.
Your aching, burning pain had subsided but was not gone completely, it had turned down enough that you knew that this had been incredible but that your Doctor was there and still unpleasured. Still unsatisfied.
She rocked back and forth, pushing her legs together.
“Hmm…” You sat up and cocked your head to the side.
“Looks like it’s my turn now to be good to you. Don’t you think?”
“You do not have to do it. I can take care of it myself, you do not have to do anything…”
You sighed, sometimes (very often) you wondered what was going on inside this woman’s head. Did she still think that you did not want her, did not want to touch her?
“Ohhh, no… I want to… desperately”, you darted forwards and kissed her neck, sucking on her skin, her hands immediately grabbed your waist and she sighed, laying her head back to give you more space to kiss her and you smiled against her skin.
“And I also want to make you scream, like you did to me…”, you whispered into her ear, after you sucked on her earlobe.
The Doctor shivered at your words and groaned softly at your soft lips on her ear.
She wanted your lips everywhere!
“But first we need to remove that”, your finger tips graced the neckline of her shirt and she nodded, eyes glued to you.
She raised her arms and you helped her out of her shirt and the tank top with the broad straps underneath and you found that she was also wearing a simple bra.
You removed it and immediately kissed her shoulders, upper chest, breast and nipples like she had done to yours.
She moaned, it was a high-pitched surprised sound that made you smile proudly and that also made your insides tighten again.
You stroke down the sides of her body with soft, determined fingers and stopped at her trousers. You looked up at her and she nodded wordlessly, her eyes still big and in awe.
So you opened her trousers and pushed them down, while she laid back and lifted her cute bottom to the air to assist you.
When she laid there, bare and open, you admired her, just like she had done when you had laid there before her.
But she pushed her legs together and also crossed her arms over her chest.
“Are you uncomfortable? Should I stop?”, you looked at her with a worried expression, you were confused by her actions, but yet she was visible aroused and wanted you. Were the pollen affecting her differently than you?
“I never slept with anyone in this body!”, she admitted, the words tumbling out of her as if she was afraid that she would never say them if she was not quick enough.
“I do not really know how. I want you to feel good and safe and… I don’t know what to do…”, she added with big, worried puppy eye.
“I have a few ideas”, you grinned and laid down next to her on your side.
“You don’t have to do anything and if you don’t like it or I am bad at it we stop and try something else…”
The Doctor looked at you with pure desire in her eyes and you felt her squirm next to you.
“Now…”, you carefully swung a leg over her and straddled her, “I’ll start kissing your neck, we know you enjoy that!”
And with that you were back at sucking, nibbling, softly biting and marking her neck, wandering down to her chest, to her stomach and then finally to her pelvic area.
While you had been working on her, she became first finally relaxed and had then slowly started to open up to you and your touches.
“Ohhh Y/N!”, she had moaned and her legs had opened and her hips bucked and you could not hide a pleasant shit-eating grin, while you kissed her down her stomach.
Your hand carefully parted her legs a little wider and palmed her vulva, she bucked against it immediately.
You grinned again.
You could not believe your luck, the Doctor moaning your name in pleasure, bucking and rutting against you, asking for more from you��
You went on to kiss over her stomach and her lower abdomen and stopped right before you reached the insides of her thighs.
“Hnnnghhh, Y/N… Please!”
Oh how you wanted to hear that, to hear her moan and beg for more from you.
And you happily obliged.
You opened her folds with one hand and kissed directly onto her hot, wet core.
She jolted up, as your lips reached her and moaned.
“So this is what it feels like…”, she said and you licked directly through her slick folds and the Doctor gasped.
And you went all in. Sucking on her clit, pushing a finger inside of her, feeling her walls around it, pumping a little and then exchanging your finger with your tongue, drawing patterns all over her.
Pushing your tongue inside of her, licking as much as you could reach…
“Ohhhhhhhh, plea-please! Don’t stop, don’t ever stop!”, the Doctor begged, clawing at the floor beneath her, pushing herself into your face.
“Deeper, deeper!”, she screamed as you used your fingers and tongue simultaneously on her, pushing deep inside her, licking and lapping all of her overflowing wetness…
“Y/N, I’m gonna… I’m gonna…” and she came and screamed and nearly squirted and bucked her hips and you suckled on her clit throughout her orgasm, letting her ride it out.
The Doctor breathed out and laid back, her chest was heaving and you admired your work.
The Doctor all loose, satisfied and torn apart.
The Oncoming Storm stilled at your hands and tongue. At your love.
She propped herself up on her elbows so that she could look at you and breathed out.
“Whew, this was something, wasn’t it?”
You nodded.
“Oh yes!”
“We should try to get back to the TARDIS as long as we still can”, she said while sitting up and reaching for her clothes.
You followed her movements and your shoulders slumped.
Was she done with you, was this an one time thing due to dangerous pollen and an immediate threat?
You sighed and breathed in deeply, your arms and legs felt like jelly and you just wanted to rest for a awhile on this beautiful lush planet with the sweet, flowery air and the Doctor between your thighs.
You felt yourself getting all tingly and aroused again, apparently you were not done yet…
“Doctor can we please stay for a moment? If this was the last time that this happened I want to take it all in…”
The Doctor was already pulling up her trousers again and tucking her shirt in as she turned towards you, smiling brightly and bending down to you.
“Listen, YN, listen very closely now”, she took your face in her hands and you just wanted to melt into her eyes full of stars. Her beautiful lips, swollen and pink and perfect…
“Y/N, I love you, I love you very much but we have to get off this planet! The wind has turned, don’t you smell it? The pollen are everywhere now and while I feel like I have never felt before, thanks to you and I hope, and think I know,”, she smiled proudly at these words, “you feel like I do, too, we have to get away from here NOW!
The more pollen we breathe in, the more dangerous they become to our nervous system and right now we are in the strongest place to fight them off. We both climaxed very nicely and our bodies are happy and relaxed, so please, get off the ground now!”
She was right. Your orgasm had helped to think more clearly again and while your skin and nipples and pussy and overall your whole body was sensitive and excited about being touched again, you still felt like yourself.
And maybe she was down to continue once you were safely in the TARDIS…
“Okay”, you sighed and pushed yourself up.
You quickly put on your panties, blouse and pants, there you had to grab her arm for stability and stuffed your bra into the pocket of your pants. You definitely did not feel like wearing it, too tight and unpleasant and putting it on just took too much time.
The Doctor grabbed your hand but instead of starting to walk she pulled you closer to her.
“You know we can continue again as soon as we are in the TARDIS… You know that, right?”, she quickly purred into your ear and a warm shiver ran down your spine and you giggled excitedly.
“Yes please!”
And the two of you ran towards the TARDIS, laughing, giggling like school girls.
Once inside you collapsed to the ground, trying to catch your breath while the Doctor was working on the console.
“Hey”, she turned to you, “I know a beautiful nebula, there are no flowers and definitely no people around, we can be just on our own…”
She came closer, while the TARDIS was wheezing and huffing around you, squatting down next to you.
“There I can make you scream even louder than on the moon…
I could kiss you and nib you and taste you and I promise you will forget your own name…”
“Is that so?”, you whispered, voice low and breathy and you slowly, tantalisingly so, opened the buttons on your blouse, one by one, the Doctor’s eyes glued to your every move.
She gulped and you smiled.
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xreaderwrites · 8 months ago
Where Is She?
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Pairing: Thirteenth Doctor & Reader, Implied Thirteenth Doctor x Yasmin Khan, Missy & Reader
Summary: You’re on the hunt for Missy and the Doctor was the last to see her.
Tags: Reader is a Time Lord, Jealous Reader, Humor, messing with the Doctor, someone give Yaz a break
Authors Note: Writing Yasmin instead of Yaz is so strange.
You saunter into the Doctor’s TARDIS with your hands in your pockets and an easy smile. Your gaze wanders over the place. You haven’t seen this iteration before, or the Doctor’s new face, and find it quite amusing. It’s pretty, in a way, but Missy would have a few choice words about the spider legs and what they’re squatting over.
The Doctor and one of her companions are bent over the console, shoulder to shoulder with their backs to the door. Your search for any stragglers but it’s just the two of them. You can’t see the companions face but you guess she’s pretty like all the rest. You imagine Missy’s response but that image is crushed by the realisation that eyebrows is probably trying get her to ‘work on her jealousy’. Boring.
You whistle a sharp note.
The Doctor spins around, always on her toes, while her companion turns with wide eyes.
“Oh,” the Doctor’s gaze flickers around you but there is no Mistress to be found, “Hello,” she says with false cheer, “Been a while.”
“Sure has,” your eyes slide over to her companion, “fresh meat?”
The Doctor’s smile turns tight. The girl, sensing the Doctor’s tension, decides to step in.
“Officer Yasmin Khan. And you are?”
You raise both eyebrows, “Officer? My, my, how times have changed.”
“Doctor, who is this?” Yasmin Khan asks.
“Oh, Doctor,” you grin at her, “you and your humans.” Yasmin inches closer to her Doctor, who you never take your gaze off, “Miss me?”
“Yaz, this is…an old acquaintance of mine,” The Doctor says, her gaze calculating. Her arm is stuck out to keep Yaz behind her and you’re pretty sure she’s inching towards the console behind her. 
“Acquaintance? Doctor, you wound me,” you put a hand to your heart as you step closer. “What happened to all the good times together? All the running and dancing and blowing things up?”
“I think you’re confusing me with someone else,” she says. You click your tongue.
“The Master doesn’t sound familiar to you?”
“Mistress,” you hiss, “And you know full well the Mistress doesn’t run. She’s much too elegant.”
“So you haven’t seen her new face then,” The Doctor’s eyes scan you like she can see the answer but you don’t feel any poking around in your head.
“No,” you frown, “She went AWOL,” you eyes slide to her, “and I’m not talking about when you trapped her in that little dungeon of yours.”
“Dungeon?” Yasmin breaks in. You ignore her.
“She went on one of your little trips and never came back,” the smile is long gone from your face, “Where did she go?”
The Doctor tries to look casual but utterly fails, “How do you know she never did? You know how fickle the Mistress can be.”
“Not with this,” you bare your teeth and take two steps closer, they’ve already hit the console, “Not with me.” You hate the way your voice cracks. “She was getting better, whatever human thing you were doing to her was working. And then she disappeared.”
“It wasn’t.”
“Excuse me?”
“It wasn’t working. She made the same choice she’s been making for thousands of years.”
You choke on a laugh, “You have got to be kidding, Doctor. That game ended years ago. She wanted you by her side. Was everything with Clara not enough to show you that?” You ignore the look on the Doctors face at that name, but not Yasmins, “She chose you. You and that stupid box. I sucked it up because she wanted to be happy, for once. Actually happy.” You take a deep breathe that absolutely does not help, “You know she got a human companion?”
The Doctor blinks.
“I was right there and she got one of your favourite fragile species to care for.”
“And where are they now?”
You wave a dismissive hand, “Where are yours?” The Doctor’s mouth tightens. You grin.
“It didn’t work out, as I’m sure you’ve guessed. But that was before your whole,” you waggle your fingers at her, “million step plan for getting the Mistress back on track.”
“I don’t know what happened,” her jaw is doing that clenched thing that Missy oh so loved. You kind of get it in this face. “I didn’t see her regenerate. He just turned up with a new face, like he always does.” Her hand is reaching towards a lever that will be wildly annoying and mildly inconveniencing, but you notice Yasmin isn’t holding on to anything.
“I don’t remember asking about her regenerating,” that sharp smile is back in place, “In fact, I never want to think about it. Answer me, or,” your eyes slide deliberately to Yasmin, “things are about to get ugly.”
The Doctor’s hand slams on a level and the TARDIS tilts sharply to one side. You try to balance on your toes but you’ve never quite been able to beat mavity and you slide down towards the TARDIS doors. You were able to steady yourself enough not to fall into an ungracefull heap. In fact, you did it so well that you managed to snag Yasmin, who was neither hanging on to something nor prepared and therefore falling rapidly, on your way down.
The Doctor, dangling from the TARDIS console in that comical way of hers, slams her hand on a shiny button and the TARDIS doors swing shut seconds before you both fall out of them.
You grin up at her as you wrestle Yasmin into your arms. She was stunned by the sudden fall but starts to struggle the moment her slow human brain makes the connection arms equals trapped. 
You kick the doors back open and bring Yasmin to the edge to stop the Doctor shutting them again. Yasmin freezes as she sees just how high up the TARDIS is. The Doctor immediately evens out the TARDIS.
A background thought wonders if Yasmin realises the drop would kill you or if she just assumes the Doctor would make it a liveable height for your species. Or maybe she knows about regeneration and doesn’t realise it’s seriousness. 
You don’t want to regenerate right now. It hurts like a bitch. You don’t have many in you left. And Missy has said quite often how sad she’d be to ruin your pretty face.
Luckily, your forefront thoughts are focused entirely on finding Missy and those questions are easily filed for later.
You quirk a teasing eyebrow at the Doctor as you slowly lean Yasmin over the edge, whose gone from trying to shove you away to clinging to you.
“Tell me the last place you saw Missy. Not the face before or after,” you demand. You see why Missy does this. It’s fun. And the Doctor’s face. You can literally see her doing the calculations in her head, thinking and dismissing plans as rapidly as swiping a tablet. 
The Doctor’s gaze turns to Yasmin, “If what you say is true, that Missy was-is getting better, then you won’t hurt Yaz. It’ll set Missy back by miles if her closest…” You scrunch your noise at the chosen measurement while she hesitates on what word to choose, “friend kills. Especially if it’s one of my fam.” 
“Oh Doctor,” you smile at her, razor sharp, “You were always her closest friend.” You shove Yasmin Khan out of the TARDIS door. 
The Doctor gasps and reaches out but Yasmin is gone before she takes a step.
You flash her the vortex manipulator strapped to your wrist, tap two fingers to your head and salute her as she gapes at you before swan diving out of the TARDIS doors. 
One button later and you’re safely on the ground. Cheap and nasty is right. The vortex leaves a bad taste in your mouth and colours aren’t quite computing right but your genetics saves you from the worst side effects. And one does not simply throw away a gift from the Mistress, second hand or no.
You hum as you brush yourself off. A job well done you’d say. Mission accomplished and you’d given at least one of the Doctor’s hearts an attack. Which means a funny story for your Mistress.
You type in the date and coordinates into the vortex manipulator. The TARDIS had exchanged them for delaying Yasmin’s fall. Whether it was to get closer to the ground or to have time to set up a way to save her you don’t know. But it’s interesting that she’s taken such an interest in a companion. Usually, she lets the bodies drop as they will. 
The possibilities make your head hurt after burning yourself through the vortex so you put that away as an interesting tidbit for Missy to mull over when she no doubt toddles back into the Doctor’s Vault. An annoying want she’s developed that you’ve decided to suffer through. Hopefully, you’ll be able to see her more often now that the Doctor, the angry eyebrows one, seems to be coming around. Although, her being let out more means less opportunities to sneak in.
Oh well, you’ll be seeing her soon anyway and there’ll be time to sneak a few stops on the way back to him.
You tap the screen, happily ignore the warning it gives you, and disappear with a flash.  
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bestshipsmackdown · 2 years ago
With Nine Submissions: (1)
Kim Dokja x Yoo Joonghuyk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
With Eight Submissions: (4)
Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase from The Percy Jackson Series
Gideon Nav x Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb Series
Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna from RWBY
Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz from 911
With Seven Submissions: (2)
Adora x Catra from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
@bracket-bracket x @thecompetitionshowdowntournament x @ultimate-poll-tournament from tumblr.com
With Six Submissions: (4)
Fred Jones x Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley x Norville “Shaggy” Rogers from Scooby-Doo
Luz Noceda x Amity Blight from The Owl House
Lance x Keith from Voltron: Legendary Defender
Hiyori Suzumi x Yujiro Someya x Aizo Shibasaki from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee]
With Five Submissions: (3)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng[Ladybug] x Adrien Agreste[Chat Noir] from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa from Buddy Daddies
Akira Kurusu[Ren Amamiya/Joker]x Goro Akechi from Persona 5[Persona 5 Royal]
With Four Submissions: (10)
Jack Harkness x Rose Tyler x The Ninth Doctor from Doctor Who
Link x Zelda from The Legend of Zelda
Eda Clawthorne x Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney
Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
Nomi Marks x Amanita Caplan from Sense8
Mike Wheeler x Will Byers from Stranger Things
Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley from Stranger Things
Yasmin “Yaz” Khan x The Thirteenth Doctor from Doctor Who
Merlin x Arthur Pendragon from Merlin
With Three Submissions: (32)
Laura Moon x Mad Sweeney from American Gods
Caitlyn Kiramann x Vi from Arcane
Troy Barnes x Abed Nadir from Community
Imogen Temult x Laudna from Critical Role
Edward Nygma x Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham
Will Solace x Nico Di Angelo from Heroes of Olympus
Hikaru Indou x Yoshiki Tsukajinaka from Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
Will Parry x Lyra Silvertongue from His Dark Materials
Rose Lalonde x Kanaya Maryam from Homestuck
Gon Freecss x Killua Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter
Dustfinger x Resa from Inkheart
Gimli x Legolas from Lord of the Rings
Bakugou Katsuki x Todoroki Shouto from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Todoroki Touya[Dabi] x Takami Keigo[Hawks] from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
KJ Brandman x Mac Coyle from Paper Girls
Perfuma x Scorpia from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Reki Kyan x Langa Hasegawa from Sk8 the Infinity
Korra x Asami from The Legend of Korra
Dream x Hob from The Sandman
Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams from Wednesday
Buffy Summers x Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Caleb Widowgast x Essek Thelyss from Critical Role
Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier from It
Bugs Bunny x Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes
Magnus Chase x Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishima Eijirou from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Dean Winchester x Castiel from Supernatural
Death[El Lobo de la Muerte] x Puss in Boots x Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Tara Maclay x Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Shibasaki Aizo x Someya Yujiro from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee]
Michael “Mike” Wazowski x James P. Sullivan “Sulley” from Monsters, Inc.
Nana Osaki x Nana “Hachi” “Hachiko” Komatsu from Nana
These are the ones that have to go through a prequalifying round:
With Two Submissions: (137)
Carlos Reyes x TK Strand from 911: Lonestar
Kazuma Asougi x Ryunosuke Naruhodo from The Great Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice x Klavier Gavin from Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice
Marceline x Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time
Salim x The Djinn from American Gods
Sam Black Crow x Shadow Moon from American Gods
Zuko x Sokka x Suki from Avatar the Last Airbender
Zuko x Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender
Aang x Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender
Barbapapa x Barbamama from Barbapapa
Erika x Annaliese from Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Faith Lehane x Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Chuuya Nakahara x Osamu Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs
Carmen Sandiego x Julia Argent from Carmen Sandiego
Ulrich Stern x Yumi Ishiyama from Code Lyoko
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III x Vex'ahlia from Critical Role
Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy from DC
Hal Jordan x Bruce Wayne from DCU[Justice League]
Lena Luthor x Kara Zor-El[Kara Danvers] from DC[Supergirl]
Tinkerbell x Vidia from Disney Fairies
The Doctor x The Master from Doctor Who
Jonathan Harker x Mina Murray from Dracula
Jalil x Christopher from Everworld
Nessie97[Vannie] x Luis Cabrera from Five Nights at Freddy's[AR Emails]
Edward Elric x Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Anathema x Newt from Good Omens
Crowley x Aziraphale from Good Omens
Orpheus x Eurydice from Greek Mythology
Amelia x Link from Grey's Anatomy
Bailey x Ben from Grey's Anatomy
Bokuto Koutarou x Akaashi Keiji from Haikyuu!!
Charlie Morningstar x Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel
Elle Argent x Tao Xu from Heartstopper
Millie x Moxxie from Helluva Boss
Stolas Goetia x Blitzø from Helluva Boss
Lord Asriel x Marisa Coulter from His Dark Materials
Dave Strider x Karkat Vantas from Homestuck
Dr. Gregory House x Dr. James Wilson from House M.D.
Astrid Hofferson x Hiccup Haddock from How To Train Your Dragon
Howl Jenkins Pendragon x Sophie Hatter from Howl's Moving Castle
Leorio Paradinight x Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter
Sid the Sloth x Manny the Mammoth x Diego the Saber Tooth Tiger from Ice Age
The Black Prince x Violante from Inkheart
Dustfinger x The Black Prince from Inkheart
Beverly Marsh x Ben Hanscom from It
Gojo Satoru x Geto Suguru from Jujutsu Kaisen
Luke Patterson x Julie Molina from Julie and the Phantoms
Hutch x Chloe from Jupiter's Legacy
Yukari Kotozome[Cure Macaron] x Akira Kenjou[Cure Chocolat] from Kirakira Pretty Cure A La Mode
Meta Knight x King Dedede from Kirby
Joacquim Morray x Forever Carlyle from Lazarus
Wendy Pleakley x Jumba Jookiba from Lilo & Stitch
Arwen x Aragorn from Lord of the Rings
Lucifer x Chloe Decker from Lucifer
Eve x Mazikeen from Lucifer
Homura Akemi x Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magica
Jonathan Sims x Martin Blackwood from The Magnus Archives
Steve Rogers[Captain America] x Anthony “Tony” Stark[Ironman] from Marvel
Wanda x Vision from Marvel
James “Bucky” Barnes x Steve Rogers[Captain America] from Marvel
Sam Wilson x James “Bucky” Barnes from Marvel
Charles Xavier[Professor X] x Erik Lehnsherr[Magneto] from X-Men[Marvel]
Noemi x Francis from Mexican Gothic
Adrien Agreste[Chat Noir] x Luka Couffaine[Viperion] from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Nathalie Sancoeur x Émilie Agreste from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Phryne Fisher x Jack Robinson from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Bakugou Katsuki x Todoroki Shouto x Midoriya Izuku from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Yaoyorozu Momo x Jirou Kyouka from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Todoroki Shouto x Midoriya Izuku from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Uraraka Ochako x Midoriya Izuku from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Kate Whistler x Lucy Tara from NCIS Hawai'i
Richard Mayhew x Lady Door from Neverwhere
Jack Kelly x David Jacobs from Newsies
Regina Mills[Evil Queen] x Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time
Killian Jones[Captain Hook] x Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time
Elizabeth Swann x Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth Bennet x Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice
Charlotte “Lottie” La Bouff x Tiana from Princess and the Frog
Dani Powell x Malcolm Bright from Prodigal Son
Gil Arroyo x Jessica Whitly from Prodigal Son
Sasha Nein x Milla Vodello from Psychonauts
Utena Tenjou x Anthy HImemiya from Revolutionary Girl Utena
Lie Ren x Nora Valkyrie from RWBY
Ruby Rose x Penny Polendina from RWBY
Mamoru Chiba[Tuxedo Mask] x Usagi Tsukino[Sailor Moon] from Sailor Moon
Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley from Scooby-Doo
Magnus x Alec from Shadowhunters
Glimmer x Bow from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Mermista x Sea Hawk from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Spinnerella x Netossa from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
John Watson x Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock Holmes
Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa from Six of Crows
Wylan Hendricks x Jesper Fahey from Six of Crows
Nina Zenik x Matthias Helvas from Six of Crows
Sonic the Hedgehog x Shadow the Hedgehog from Sonic the Hedgehog
Eric Cartman x Kyle Brofloski from South Park
Loid Forger x Yor Briar from Spy x Family
Captain Kirk x Spock from Star Trek
Connie Maheswaran x Steven Universe from Steven Universe
Ruby x Sapphire from Steven Universe
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson from Stranger Things
El Hopper x Max Mayfield x Lucas Sinclair from Stranger Things
Rapunzel x Eugene “Flynn Rider” Flitzherbert
Scott McCall x Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf
Morticia Addams x Gomez Addams from The Addams Family
Chidi Anagonye x Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place
Ellie Williams x Dina from The Last of Us 2
Ashby x Pei from The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Sissix x Rosemary Harper from The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Jenks x Lovey from The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Marco x Celia from The Night Circus
Willow Park x Hunter from The Owl House
Gus Porter x Mattholomule from The Owl House
Westley x Buttercup from The Princess Bride
Chel x Miguel x Tulio from The Road to El Dorado
Barbie x Wanda from The Sandman
Foxglove x Hazel from The Sandman
Hector x Lyta from The Sandman
Will Herondale x Tessa Gray x Jem Carstairs from The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Zachary x Dorian from The Starless Sea
Cassandra x Laura from The Wicked + The Divine
Vasya x Morozko from The Winternight Trilogy
Jaskier[Dandelion] x Geralt of Rivia x Yennefer from The Witcher
Fox Mulder x Dana Scully from The X-files
Jack x Rose from Titanic
Kou Minamoto x Mistuba Sousuke from Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Ken Kaneki x Hideyoshi Nagachika from Tokyo Ghoul
Ianto Jones x Jack Harkness from Torchwood
Toshiko Sato x Owen Harper from Torchwood
Agnieszka x Sarkan from Uprooted
Cornelia Hale x Irma Lair from W.I.T.C.H.
Bloom x Stella from Winx Club
Flora x Mirta from Winx Club
Xena x Gabrielle from Xena: Warrior Princess
Agent 355 x Allison Mann from Y : The Last Man
Hero Brown x Beth Deville from Y : The Last Man
Katsuki Yuuri x Viktor Nikiforov from Yuri!!! on Ice
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analieninabox · 3 years ago
Can we please have a companion who just tries to gaslight their way out of dangerous situations while The Doctor figures out a plan? Like:
Dalek: You are a friend of The Doctor!
Companion: *standing next to The Doctor* what? Who’s that? I don’t know any Doctor. Probably not even a real thing. You’re making things up. You’re crazy.
Doctor: wtf r u doing
Companion: shush. This? *points at doctor* this is my friend… Dave.
Dalek: that is the doctor
Cpmpanion: I bet your friends told you that. They’re lying. They’re jealous of what we have. We have a deep connection.
Dalek: What are you talking about weve only just met-
Companion: you’re lying we both know it. You’re just confused.
Dalek: wth-
Comapnion: babe it’s okay just let us go and prove you’re not crazy. I know you’re not crazy. Just let us go.
Dalek: Yk what idgaf just gtf out of here
Doctor: 👁 👄 👁
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slurrmp · 2 years ago
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                  it’s hard finding the perfect present for an alien that                   seemingly has it all. christmas shopping is always                   hard but shopping for the doctor was harder.
here we go, day two, finally. that last week went so quickly i’m gonna cry. christmas is gonna come around so fast and this is gonna fall out from under me. this one is a little short and doesn't actually involve the doctor, but that’s only because i really didn’t have any other ideas. don’t forget, y’all can tag me in your christmas prompts as well! anyway listen to THIS if you want the ambience of a christmas market to set the mood x
words: 1326 warnings: none just wholesome bonding with yaz.
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“What the hell do you get someone that has everything already?” The question pulls a pout to your lips. You stood just on top of the steps, the awful feeling of sand between your toes made your brows furrow. Looking down at your feet, you tried your best to brush the sand away. You were at one end of the South Bank Christmas Markets. You were back in Australia. This was your home. It was hot, sticky hot. You and Yaz were wearing pretty much nothing but your bathers with your beach towels wrapped around your waists. You had just gotten out of the water and made the short walk to the markets, you were to meet up with Dan for dinner but it was hard to pin him down. He was supposed to stay with the Doctor, to make sure that she didn’t wander off anywhere too far. Make sure she didn’t bring any unwanted trouble.
The sun was just setting, lighting the sky with brilliant shades of pink and red. It would be even hotter tomorrow you could tell. A bunch of people were milling about, the low hum of people’s voices all blended together. You loved Christmas Markets, probably one of your favourite things to do around this time of year.
“I’m gonna be honest with you -” Yaz looked up at you, she stood a couple of steps below you - a slightly sympathetic look crossing her features. “I have no idea.” There’s a snort that leaves you. “I mean I’m having a hard time thinking of what to get Dan.” Her own lips pulled into a pout, as the pair of you took the steps down, and lingered at the start of the market walkway. A band was playing somewhere down the street and it distracted you enough that you weren’t looking where you were going and someone bumped into your shoulder. You frowned in annoyance but they had let a quick apology escape their lips as they continued to chase after their escaping toddler. Your brows softened and you hiked up the beach towel, before reaching over and grabbing onto Yaz’s hand. You didn’t really feel like losing each other in this crowd.
“How about we just walk down one side and see what we can find?” You suggested. The market went on for almost a kilometre. People of all ages were here, many young families. Kids screaming and laughing, a feeling that you sometimes missed. There was even a surplus of dogs, which instantly made your mood brighten. Yaz nodded her head before she squeezed your hand. She shifted her backpack onto her opposite shoulder. “For Dan, I think he’d enjoy something homemade.” You finally answered her statement as you began to make your way through the large crowd of people. You were walking past the food tents and the smell of buttery popcorn, street food and even wine filled your senses. It made your mouth water. You and Yaz had spent pretty much the entire day in the water, not once stopping to act. You were starving. 
“I know that he’s a big history nerd,” Yaz said as she pulled you to a sudden stop. You almost whacked into the back of her, when you spotted why she had stopped. You were standing in front of a tent that was selling hand-made boomerangs and dot paintings.
“Oh, he’d love one of those.” There’s a grin as you curled into her side, pointing over her shoulder. You loved Christmas Markets, but Christmas shopping was hard. Shopping for the Doctor was harder. You didn’t want your present to be too personal (you really weren’t ready for that conversation to come up yet) but you also didn’t want it to be too cheap either. You needed a present that said you cared but as a friend. You needed something that the Doctor didn’t have any of yet and that she would love. The small family that was working the tent consisted of a very beautiful Aboriginal mother and her two sons. She was delighted to sell Yaz the boomerang and even a painting. She wrapped it as well. “Oh, he’s gonna love these.” Yaz beamed as she turned on her heel, after thanking the family. She grinned at you. “Now, just for your present for the Doctor.”
She started tugging you along. You had to pull up your towel again, otherwise, you knew that you would surely trip over it and fall flat on your face. You walked in silence for a couple of minutes, just listening to people around and the soft jazzy Christmas music that filled the air. That was until you spotted it. “Yaz!” You called jerking the woman to a stop. The group of people behind you grumbled lightly as they just missed collecting you on the shoulder, stepping around you with heavy sighs. You ignored them though, your eyes not once leaving the tent. “Look!” You pointed to the vendor on the opposite side of the walkway. Displayed neatly on stands, stood what looked like hand-crafted photo albums.
“Oh!” Yaz exclaimed as you looked at each other. “A photo album?” She questioned as the pair of you shoved through the crowd, making it to the other side.
“A photo album!” Dan adored taking photos. No matter where you went, no matter when you went, you had to take at least one picture of your trip. Even if no one else could see it. “We can put all of the photos that Dan took. That we took.” Your fingers ran over an album that was painted in a strikingly familiar shade of blue.
“All handcrafted.” A new voice piped up. You looked up and spotted the man who was sitting in his camping chair, a beer in one hand and the other adjusting something on the table in front of him. “My wife loves making them. All with vegan leather too.” He finished and a grin crossed your lips.
“Oh, I love it.” You were afraid to even open it, not wanting to crack the spine just yet. The bow that held the book together was even a beautiful shade of dark blue as well. “How much?” The old man shifted, placing his beer in the stubby holder and stood up, a groan escaping him and you had to stop yourself from giggling into Yaz’s shoulder.
“About $100.” Your lips pursed at the price but you justified it to yourself. They were all handmade, they looked like they were hand-painted too. Vegan leather, and the absolute perfect shade of blue. You looked at Yaz, who had already pulled out her phone. Looking back at the old man, you grinned. “Okay - we’ll take it.” He cracked a grin in return.
“Fair dinkum.” He replied. “The misses is on her break at the moment but she will be over the moon when she returns. That was her favourite.” The man took the album off the table. “Is it for someone special? Shall I wrap it?” A blush spread across your cheeks and you stammered for a second.
“It most certainly is,” Yaz answered for you and you nudged her in the side with your elbow. The man laughed.
“Of course, of course.” He shuffled to the table that was at the back of the tent. “Can see it in your eyes, love.” Your blush deepened and Yaz laughed. “It will be a lovely Christmas gift.” There was silence for a couple of seconds, as you watched the old man wrap the book. Once he was finished, he turned around and handed it to you. Then Yaz tapped her phone against the EFTPOS machine. Saying your goodbyes, you turned around.
“Now can we go find Dan and the Doctor?” Yaz spoke up. A laugh left you as you placed the wrapped present into Yaz’s backpack. “I’m starving.” You nodded.
“Course, I’m fucking starving as well.”
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kinglivv · 3 years ago
Lights Are On
13th Doctor x Yasmin Khan, 13th Doctor x Reader
Summary: The Flux is only just beginning, but already you and the Doctor know how it will end. Your death is set in stone.
Warnings: Death mentions, implied attachment issues
A/N: Bit of a depressing one for you all but I had to write it! Is written about Yaz, but from her perspective so also can be read as Y/N. Title comes from Tom Rosenthal's song "Light's Are On".
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You were lying in bed, the TARDIS thrumming around you.
The Doctor was tucked into your side, where she should be. Her head was resting on your breast bone, her arm wrapped around your middle, her leg tangled with one of yours. You could feel her chest rise and fall, her hair tickling your chin. She felt unbelievabley small in a way she hadn't before prison. She felt human. The soft huffs of her breathing fill the room as you stare up that the ceiling.
There was a strange new man in your TARDIS, and Ryan and Graham were gone.
Not gone, gone, but gone enough for your heart to ache and your stomach to crawl. It had been months, but you still missed them terribly. You knew the Doctor did too. You'd refused to leave her alone on the TARDIS after your reunion, too scared to be away from her after waiting ten long months for her to come back. That was the first time she'd stayed the full night with you - you'd gone to bed, and half an hour later the Doctor had snuck in silently, cuddling up next to you.
And that was the way it stayed for the next two weeks.
Once her nightmares started, you'd moved the mattress into the console room. When they got too much, she could get up and move to the console and tinker however she liked. Meanwhile, you could watch her and know she was safe - it was the perfect arrangements. Sometimes the clinks and the chuffs of the TARDIS engine kept you awake but you just reminded yourself: anything for her.
Besides - the mattress also came in useful on days like this, when the Flux flings you through open TARDIS doors and right into blankets and pillows.
Ah, the Flux.
"You really don't know what it is, do you?" You murmer into the darkness. You know she's not asleep, and you know she's thinking about it.
"No," She sighs into your collarbone. "We're safe behind the shield for now - so's Earth. Rassilon knows what we'll do in the morning."
"Well... I like Dan." You offer instead.
The strange man now napping three rooms down the corridor. He seemed like a safe subject.
"So do I," the Doctor replies, "I can tell he's got a good heart. Good sense of humour too. He didn't freak when he saw the TARDIS."
"He was cheeky about Sheffield when I was disabling that cage." You counter.
"As he should be,"
You feel her grin and you smile too.
"Should we ask him to come along with us?" You ask, hesitantly.
"I think he's gonna have to whether he likes it or not," She snorts, and you chuckle.
The silence settles again.
"You miss them, don't you?" You murmer into her blonde hair, because you both know Dan reminds you of Graham. And Graham makes you think about Ryan.
"Yeah. Definitely." She replies. Her thumb rubs nonsense patterns into your side.
"We can visit them," you reason, "they're only in Sheffield. Ryan's got a job and all now."
The TARDIS groans.
"I don't..." the Doctor says into your chest, "I don't really now what that's like. Visiting people after all this, I mean."
"What do you mean?"
"There's never anyone to go back to."
"Why not?"
She sighs. "They all die, Y/N."
"No they don't. You told me about Donna, and about Amy."
"Yeah, but they're not the same as what they were. Dan'll die too, you watch, whether it takes years or a matter of days."
"Don't be so bloody cynical." You sit up and say it more sharply than you meant to. "Because that means... that means that I'm going to die, aren't I?"
"Oh no, I didn't mean it like that sweetheart." She sits up too and pulls you into her. Her tone is shakey, a fake comfort to soften the reality.
"But I am," you swallow, stiff in her arms, staring blankly at the TARDIS console, because really that was easier to look at than her. "I will. Have you thought about that? I think about it sometimes."
She tucks a strand of her behind her ear, hands twitching nervously.
"I try not to," she whispers, "it hurts."
You nod forlornly, finally looking at her. Her face is close, the soft of her sleep shirt pressed against your arm.
"This thing," you tell her, "this Flux. You feel it too. It's not going to end well."
"Y/N -"
"But it isn't. I just know it. I don't... I don't think I'm seeing this one out."
Tears well in her eyes, and a part of you wished you'd never said it, but you both know it's true. You'd survived longer than any other companion. You'd had so many near misses, so many close calls. You were a cat with nine lives, and you knew there was only one left. You couldn't even place your finger on the exact feeling, not properly, but a universe-eating monster was coming your way and you were going to die.
"I'm going to die."
Her hand tangles with yours, squeezing hard as to stop tears falling. You stare at each other. The console blinks, the TARDIS thrums, in the distance a strange man is snoring.
This was the Flux.
Taglist: @truthbehindthemysteries @queerconfusionthings @xenteaart @actuallyanita @ateliefloresdaprimavera @persephonehemingway @fabulous-jj-style @anteroom-of-death @thewinterpoet2
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theimpossiblehologramtree · 4 years ago
Dunk the witch!
Pairing: The 13th Doctor x reader
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: drowning, description of injuries, some making out at the end, that’s it i think
A/N: Again, I tried adding “read more” but I’m not sure it works on moblie because this site is hell. Have a nice day, because it is Wednesday, my dudes.
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
☕buy me a Ko-fi!☕
Gif’s not mine. Credit to the owner.
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Cold metal chains dug into your fragile skin, as the guard tied your hands to the tree. You didn't fight this anymore. Your eyes quickly scanned the folk that assembled to see yet another public execution of a witch.
Except for this time, there was no witch.
Just you. 
"Willa, get behind me!" you yelled at the girl. You raised the sonic that the Doctor gave you for protection and scanned the bodies that were rising from the mud like life-size puppet dolls. But who was in control? Who was the puppeteer?
"It's her!" King James shrieked, pointing his finger at you. "She is the one summoning Satan's army! She's the witch!"
You looked around with fear and surprise. You weren't a witch, and in fact, you were as human as one could be. Just like your twin brother Ryan, you suffered from dyspraxia and often regarded it as a weakness rather than something completely normal. Frequently, it was the cause of your disagreements with Ryan and Graham, because they thought you didn't value yourself enough. Yet you still couldn't help but feel less around brilliant people like the Doctor. Every time she moved around quickly, coordinating her chaotic moves swiftly while saving the world, you felt a sting in your heart. She was the best person you have ever met, so it didn't come as a surprise when you started developing feelings for a certain blonde alien.
"Seize this creature of Satan!" the King bellowed and shot you a look of disgust. You felt Becka Savage's arms wrap around your torso, as she took the sonic out of your hands. You tried to fight her and wriggle out of her grasp, but she was significantly bigger than you. Other witchfinders joined in, ordered by King James, and tied your hands together. You kicked one of them in the shin, your heartbeat rising and breathing speeding up.
"I am not a witch, sire! Let me go!" you screamed, looking around for any kind of help. Unfortunately for you, your friends went the other way, trying to figure out where the creatures were going. The Doctor entrusted you with her own sonic ("Take it, (Y/N), in case of an emergency. Try to figure out what the mud is doing, okay?" she said right before leaving you with the King himself.) You closed your eyes, hoping that someone would help you before it was too late.
And that's how you ended up being tied up to a trunk or an old tree. Any moment now Becka Savage would give a small speech in front of the people and signal to dunk you into the murky water. You felt your eyes fill with tears at the thought of your friends finding your dead body discarded somewhere on the river bank. You hoped to see your brother one last time, hug Graham ("I never got a chance to call him 'Granddad'", you thought), and share a laugh with Yaz. And the Doctor. Oh, how much you wanted to see her face right now. Just touch her soft skin, and look deep into her gorgeous hazel eyes. More than anything in the world, you wanted to see her one last time before that evil woman decided to execute you for trying to help.
"I am not a witch, Becka," you gritted through your teeth, shooting a death glare at her. "I was just trying to help, and you know that."
"Quiet!" she shouted loudly. "I will not be deceived by your clever banter, devil!"
She slapped your face, her metal rings cutting your fragile skin. Well, that's surely gonna leave a mark, you winced. The folk that gathered across the river stood on tiptoes to have a better look at you. When your eyes met the King's, he turned his head away, clearly ashamed and unsure of his actions. It was him who wanted to test you for witchcraft in the first place, but now he didn't seem so sure anymore. You were a girl from afar, a traveller who only arrived in Bilehurst Cragg a couple of hours ago and "the devil's work" seemed to be happening for a longer time. He became quite fond of your brother (though he would never admit that) and wouldn't believe Ryan could have something to do with witchcraft. Despite that, his cowardice and pride didn't allow him to admit to his mistake, even though it meant your death. He tried to avoid looking into your eyes.
You huffed and turned around to evaluate the chances of escaping the sticky situation. Your hands, torso and legs were tied together by thick metal chains, the Doctor's sonic in Becka's hand and your friends were nowhere to be seen. And the fact that you couldn't swim wasn't helpful either. Not expecting any result, you tried to wriggle your hands out of the chains, pulling harshly. The metal only dug into your skin deeper, cutting right through it. You pulled again. It sent painful shocks trough your body, blood trickling down your wrists as you continued wriggling your hands out.
"We have gathered here once again today, to claim victory over the devil's creatures!" Becka spoke, gesturing towards you. "We must weed out all abnormalities, all things of Satan, whatever form he shall take. And here in front of us is another witch-"
"'m not a witch, I told yo-"
"-that came to Bilehurst Cragg to spread doubt and hate in the name of love and mercy!" the woman continued. You kept pulling your hands out in hope that you will succeed before they dunk you into the river. It hurt. A lot. Blood spurted out of the cuts, staining your clothes. But you couldn't give up now, not when your wrists were almost out. Then maybe, just maybe, you would be able to untie your feet and chest from the chains and run away from the executioners.
"And hereby, I sentence you to death by dunking! And if you survive, you shall be considered a witch and beheaded," Becka finished her speech and looked at you viciously.
"Well, that's fun," you joked under your breath. "Is there any way I do not end up dying in the 17th century? Cause if I'm to never return home, I forgot to tell my neighbour to water my plants occasionally," you gritted through your teeth boldly. If that's how I'm gonna go, then I might as well annoy her in my last moments, you thought. You didn't want to let her know, that deep inside you were scared. She gave out an animalistic snarl and leaned over to you.
"You will die, devil," she whispered slowly, her eyes not leaving yours. You shrugged and tried to kick her (as much as it were possible while being chained up to a tree). She let out a yelp and lost her balance, her hand accidentally brushing the tree. She hissed, a spark forming where her hand touched the tree. Your eyes widened in realisation. It was her all the time! She was connected to the mud creatures somehow, and by executing others, she was able to distract everyone by averting the unwanted attention to someone else!
"It's you!" you whispered, wishing that the Doctor were here to see this. But Becka only turned around and waved her hand at the guard. You felt your heart stop, and the next thing you knew, you were surrounded by the dark water.
Meanwhile, the Doctor, Graham, Ryan and Yaz were following the mud creatures to the manor. Hiding from the unknown aliens, they heard the bell ring.
"The bell?" Yaz whispered, her brows furrowed in puzzlement.
"But it only rings when there's a witch execution," Ryan looked at the Doctor in surprise.
They looked at the Doctor, patiently waiting for her answer. She bit her lip, trying to focus and piece new information together. It just didn't make sense. The creatures were seeking revenge and, no doubt were trying to kill Becka. But why did she kill Mother Twiston? And who was being executed now? And why? All the villagers weren't suspicious enough to be taken as "the creatures of the devil", so why would she want to dunk them? Unless someone new came to town. Someone who appeared to be magic, with any sort of equipment or technology complex enough to be taken as a witch by Becka. But wh-
The rest of her friends watched as the Doctor’s expression changed into realisation and then terror.
"What is it, Doc?" Graham asked, seeing her breath quicken and muscles stiffen.
"(Y/N)!" she breathed out before running out of the manor and hurrying to the river, her friends following. The Doctor dashed to save you, using all the Time Lord strength she could gather in her legs. She cursed herself in her head for leaving you alone. She knew she shouldn't have done it, she cared too much about you. And all you had for protection was merely a sonic, a scientific instrument, not even a proper weapon. Yes, it did come in handy while disabling robots or scanning other life forms (like you were doing), but against a tree and water, it was hopeless! I really should get an app for wood, the Doctor made a mental note, while sprinting through the grim forest. But that wasn't important right now, because you, you of all people, were in danger, with no way to escape.
"Excuse me, can you let me through?" she made her way through the crowd, that gathered for the execution. Your execution. She pushed people apart, not caring about polite courtesies anymore. All she cared about was getting you to safety. She leapt in front of the crowd, her eyes scanning for your figure.
That's when she saw it. The tree has already been dunked.
She felt her hearts stop at the sight. You were there under the murky water, chained to the tree, without any air supply. She stripped out of her coat and dived into the river yet again today. Oh, how history likes to repeat itself. When for the first time today she jumped to rescue Mother Twiston, she wasn't able to save her, but you, you, she had to rescue. You were too dear to her, to close to her heart, well, hearts. She swam to you, pulling on your chains. She saw you open your eyes, so she quickly signalled you not to panic (as much as you can not panic when you are chained to a tree underwater). Her hearts were beating fast in her chest when she tried to unlock and release you from the chains.
But she couldn't do it. She didn't have the strength to untie you from the tree, not without her sonic. With every passing second, she knew that you were slowly running out of air. Squeezing your arm reassuringly, she let you go and swam to the surface. She noticed that her friends just got here, panting out of breath.
"Bring the tree up, Becka!" Yaz and Graham yelled at the women, while Ryan was frantically trying to convince the King to give an order to release you.
"Becka, stop this!" the Doctor shouted, getting out of the water. She quickly plunged to the guard, that was holding her dear sonic, and yanked the screwdriver out of their hands. The mand caught her by the waist, not allowing her to jump back and save (Y/N). She tried to release herself from the man's grip but to no avail. If only I were a man now, she thought, gritting her teeth. With every passing second, you had less and less oxygen, and she knew you couldn't last long. Her hearts were hammering against her chest, as she looked around, still trying to wriggle out of the guard's grasp.
"I-I think that's enough now," the King stammered. "It's been long enough, Becka.
"No, sire! W must make sure the witch is dead! The creatures of Satan shall be defeated!"
The Doctor kicked the guard and fell on the ground, as he let go of her figure. Quickly she raised her sonic and pointed it at the water, where you were chained up to the tree. There was a distinctive clang when the chains were unlocked. However, the Doctor could not see you anywhere on the surface. Did you drown? She swiftly hopped to the river bank, avoiding the guards' strong hands.
"Doctor, she can't swim!" she heard Ryan yell in desperation. That was all she needed to hear. She jumped into the unappealing waters and swam to your body, that already started to fall to the bottom of the river. She gripped your figure strongly and swam to the surface, pulling you with her with all her strength. You clung onto her when you resurfaced, gripping her shirt tightly and gasping for fresh air. The sweet cold air burned your lungs with every delicious breath you took, spluttering water around you. Your heart pounded in your chest, and your ears were ringing loudly from the lack of oxygen. The Doctor's strong arms were wrapped around your torso, and her touch was the only thing you could focus on. She swam with you through the dark waters.
When you felt the miry ground under your feet, you scrambled out of the river, the Doctor's grip not loosening. You coughed, trying to breathe in.
"It's alright, I'm here now," you heard a familiar soothing voice in your ear. A pair of warm arms wrapped around you protectively, bringing you closer. Your face collided with the Doctor's warm chest (you would have blushed if you weren't already red from holding your breath for so long). She kissed the top of your head (again, you were too tired and shocked to react) and cradled your shivering figure. The reality started to sink in, and you let a couple of shaky sobs escape your lips. You were too shaken to notice, but two lonely tears fell in your already soaked hair, and the Doctor's embrace tightened around you. It was so close to losing you.
Ryan, Yaz and Graham managed to get to the other side of the river, running through a nearby foot-bridge. Passing the guards and furious Becka Savage, Ryan held the Doctor's coat out, wrapping it around the both of you. You nodded gratefully, still clinging onto the astonishing Time Lord. Your brother only smiled at you, knowing you needed some space after such a shock. Graham kneeled next to your trembling figure, patting your back lightly. He murmured jokingly something about "being glad that you didn't die because your nan would never forgive him" and thanked the Doctor for saving your life.
"Come on, (Y/N/N), tell me what happened," you heard the Doctor whisper into your hear after a while when you settled down. You sighed, not wanting to let go of your favourite alien, and told her everything that happened since you parted.
Blue and orange beams reflected from the Tardis' control panel as you drifted across space. Your eyes were absentmindedly fixated on the leavers and buttons, that the Doctor so often touched to take you to the extraordinary places all across time and space. You were sitting on the floor, leaning on one of the pillars and thinking about what happened today. You thought about Willa and what would happen to her after her cousin Becka is gone. Pictures of ugly Morax and how you defeated their king appeared in your mind, and you flinched slightly at that thought.
"You okay, (Y/N)?" you felt a hand on your shoulder and heard a familiar voice. The Doctor. You smiled, slowly turning around to face her. She sent you a worried look and sat on the floor next to you, squeezing your arm reassuringly.
"Yeah, I think so," you replied softly, your voice barely audible. You put your head on the Doctor's shoulder, taking her hand in yours. Your fingers gently traced circles on her smooth skin, making her hearts beat faster and her breath hitch in her throat. Her eyes studied you cautiously, as she tried to restrain herself from blushing. She thought about today. She was so close to losing yet another person she loved. The Time Lord's muscles tensed at the thought.
You sensed your friend stiffen. You raised your head from her shoulder and looked her directly in the eyes, trying to decipher her behaviour. You let your eyes fall on her cheeks and nose, counting every freckle, and you admired the small wrinkles that have formed around her hazel eyes from laughing, admiring her beauty. Looking at the blonde, you didn't realise how close you have gotten to her, your noses almost touching each other. Your heartbeat quickened, as you noticed her glance at your lips, as she licked hers.
"(Y/N), I-" the Doctor stuttered, not being able to focus with you so close. She could smell your floral perfumes which smell surely soaked through her coat that you were still wearing. Not that she minded though, she loved seeing you wear her clothes. Her eyes fixated on your plump lips, your close presence dulling her senses and mind.
Feeling a sudden onrush of courage, you leaned in, connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. The Doctor's free hand wandered on your waist, gripping you tightly as if she wanted to make sure you weren't going anywhere. Your fingers traced along her sharp jaw, dancing on her soft skin.
Before you knew it, the kiss turned into a more heated one, as she licked your bottom lip, making you moan softly in response. She smiled into the kiss, slipping her tongue into your mouth and pushing you gently against the Tardis' pillar. The kiss signalled so many emotions, making you melt into her touch. You wrapped your arms around her neck while her tongue explored your mouth. She broke it off only to attach her lips to your neck, nipping at your skin. You sighed loudly, glad that you were the only ones in the control room. Her arms wandered around your body, squeezing your buttcheeks and massaging your thighs. Your fingers crept in her silky hair, tugging at it gently. A deep-throated groan escaped the woman's lips when you pulled her hair again, disheveling it.
"Doctor..." you breathed out when she sucked a hickey at your neck. Your voice was like honey to her ears, only making her speed up her movements. Suddenly, your breath hitched as the Doctors knee found its way between your thighs, delicious warmth spreading though your body.
"Ahem" you jumped back at the sound, standing up in the nick of time. In the doorway stood Yaz, Graham and Ryan, their arms crossed and brows raised questioningly. You felt a blush creep up your neck, knowing that there was no way you could come up with a plausible explanation. Both you and the Doctor were panting, your chests rising and falling heavily. Your neck was adorned with red hickeys, and the Doctor's hair stuck out in all directions. Both of you had your lips swollen from all the kissing.
"Well, finally" Yaz broke the awkward silence, smirking at you. To your dismay, you noticed both Ryan and Graham hand her 50-pound notes. You scooted closer to the Doctor, taking your hand in hers. She gladly accepted it and squeezed it comfortingly. With fear in your eyes, you glanced at your brother, who, to your surprise, smiled at you and winked. Yaz was smirking, fanning herself with two notes, clearly happy. You looked at Graham, studying his expression carefully.
"Graham?" the Doctor asked.
"Just don't break her heart, Doc," he sighed and grinned, seeing your cheerful face. He turned around, muttering something about "playing snap", and pulled Yaz and Ryan with him.
"Never" the Doctor whispered, turning herself back to you. You giggled, as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and licked her lips. "So, where were we?" she murmured before crashing her lips on yours once again that night.
215 notes · View notes
aboutcustardcreams · 6 months ago
There can't be a Universe without the Doctor
summary: The Doctor should know better than shutting the people she loves out, thinking they would do nothing about it.
word count: 3200 ish
Nothing but pure fluff, again. Sorry not sorry. Also, did I reread? Course not throws custard creams as apology
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The Doctor was one of the best persons you’ve ever met. Kind, courageous and incredibly funny. She was everything you’ve always dreamed to be. The way she responded to the distress calls, without ever holding back, inspired you to be the best version of yourself. You hadn’t always been so brave, nor curious about life. That’s probably one of the best gifts she could give you. Bring out the best of you, the curiosity and the will to help those in need. 
The Doctor was the universe, the galaxies and the stars. The very essence of life. She showed you the impossible, and you fell in love with it. With her. How could you not? At first you thought it was the things she showed you. The wonders of a lifetime, that otherwise you’d have never seen by yourself nor ever known about. A part of you knew you could never go back to the life you had, after seeing and experiencing so much. After getting to know her, the Time Lady who held all the stars in the universe like a bouquet of flowers to you. Who could ever top that? 
With time, you realized the real thing you couldn’t do without. It wasn’t the journeys, the views nor the variety of species from all over the universe. It was her, the Doctor. Your Doctor. When her fingers casually clasped with yours and her eyes shone with their own light, your smile reached up your ears, to her enthusiasm and optimism, to her way to love life. To (hopefully) love you. 
You were nineteen when you first joined her on the TARDIS, now twenty four. You had changed so much after that and the Doctor saw all of it. Yaz did too. She was so incredibly proud of the woman you had become,  no longer a shy little girl, too afraid to stand up for herself or for anyone else (not that it was bad, mind). Now– oh now, there was a fire in your eyes. Warm, welcoming, and so beautiful. The Doctor couldn’t help but feel lured in. 
You had the Doctor wrapped around your little finger. Yaz was good at reading her best friend, she knew her more than anyone else. The Doctor could deny it to herself, to Yaz, to you, it didn’t matter, neither did it change the fact that she loved you in a way that went beyond the concept of friendship and family. Maybe it was the reason why lately she had been more cautious, both with you and Yaz. 
“I’ll be back in a jiffy, you stay right here,” she didn’t even wait for you to answer, probably sure both of you would have something to say about it. You always had. 
You merely rolled your eyes at her behavior, really struggling to understand what all this sudden fuss was about. 
“We should come with you. You need back up,” Yaz insisted, arms crossed over her chest. 
The Doctor sighed, turned briefly towards her and shook her head. “There’s no need, truly. I got this. You should rest, have something to eat maybe. When was the last time you two had a proper meal?” She was rambling again, flying her hands in mid air to give emphasis to her speech. You didn’t want to eat, and neither did Yaz. Not when she was throwing herself to one of her impossible missions, playing the hero by herself.
“We can eat, after answering this distress call together,” you objected. 
It had become unbearable, the way she was shutting you out and so easily. You couldn’t hide the hurt in your eyes, despite the bitterness behind which you masked it quite well. Your voice always sounding firm and confident. You wanted her to see, to feel, that her behavior was hurting you, hurting Yaz. When her eyes landed on you, you spotted a hint of hesitation, mouth parting briefly only to close again and press in a firm line. Thinking. Overthinking. The frown on her forehead said so too. 
“We answered one together a couple of hours ago. Aren’t you tired? Last time I checked, humans needed to sleep ten hours per day, and you two are barely making three per night,” she reasoned, voice trembling a bit out of nervousness. Yaz gave you a worried glance, you briefly reciprocated. 
“First of all, it’s advisable to sleep between seven and eight hours per night, not ten,” she groaned, and you gave her a little grin, knowing way too well how she disliked being contradicted or corrected. “Secondly, we can’t really rest anyway knowing you wander off by yourself in search of trouble. So it’s not gonna work.”
The Doctor scoffed, indignant. “I don’t look for trouble myself,” she whined. “It’s not my fault the Universe basks in chaos on a daily basis.”
“Of course not,” Yaz muttered softly. “Look, we respect this is your life, answering distress calls, helping around. But we want to be part of it. We have been part of it for years now, and we want to continue on this path, with you. Not just every now and then.” 
You couldn’t agree more with Yaz’s words, even if you tried. Deep down you knew the Doctor agreed to. That’s all she ever wanted, to keep you with her, all over the Universe, but sometimes the Doctor was also scared. Most of the time, she simply hid it well. The Universe was as beautiful as dangerous. And the thought of something happening, something irreversible, cruel and very much likely to happen paralyzed her with fear. 
She sighed and nibbled on her bottom lip, leaning against the panel of the TARDIS. Your features softened; she looked tired, and she probably was. She hardly took care of herself, even less let others do that for her. And it was unnerving, because you wanted your relationship to be between equals. You wanted to help, protect her, be there for her as much as she was there for you, both you and Yaz. 
You take a step forward, reaching up to her. Tilting your head to the side, you run up a hand to her face. You hesitate a second before allowing yourself to brush aside a lock of blond hair behind her ear. The Doctor felt her cheeks heating up. Closed her eyes for a second, counted to three, before muttering your name softly. 
You smiled, “we are not letting you go by yourself. Last time I checked Yaz and I moved here to stay,” you spoke with unwavering conviction. “I don’t care how dangerous it is. That never stopped us before and it certainly won’t start now.”
The Doctor exhaled, and slowly looked up at you, with pleading eyes. Those  hazel orbs were so beautiful, so expressive, each and every time you found yourself diving in so easily.
“You don’t understand,” the Doctor muttered. 
When you frowned, she let out a groan and her features dimmed in thought. 
“Except that we do,” Yaz insisted, reaching up to the two of you.
“We’ve been traveling with you for how long now?” You questioned. “Five years for me, and eight for Yaz. Maybe nine?”
She mouthed eight and a half. The Doctor groaned again, slightly pinching the root of her nose and withdrawing from the panel of a couple of steps. She knew you were right, that both you and Yaz were perfectly capable of taking care of each other, (maybe too much), but the Doctor was still terrified. She couldn’t help the nagging feeling in the back of her mind telling her she was pushing her luck. Perhaps it was because it had been that long, that she feared something was doomed to happen any moment now. 
The Universe had been kind to her. It allowed her to meet the best persons ever. Having someone like you and Yaz by her side for so long, determined not to let go meant more than any star in the Universe. That’s why she needed to preserve it, for as long as possible. Nothing with her lasted forever. And the idea of losing you to one of her reckless travels saving the universe, was way too painful, too unfair to accept. The Doctor felt something change within her hearts the moment she started believing she would disrupt the balance of space and time if that meant keeping both you and Yaz with her. 
“Y/n, please–”, her voice sounded like a plea. “Just this once. Let me do this my way.”
You hushed her softly, with a gentleness she thought she didn’t deserve. She closed her eyes as you took another step closer to her, reducing the gap she had put between you and her. Her nostrils filled up with your smell, and she found herself inhaling deeply, and closing her eyes while doing so.
You slowly blinked at her, to keep your own emotion at bay, as much as possible. “I know you want to protect us from whatever it is out there, but can’t you see we want to do the exact same?” Your voice came out in a faint whisper. 
She nodded quietly, but still objected, “I can take care of myself, though.”
You tilted your head to the side, snorting playfully, “Sometimes, I guess that’s true. But you tend to be reckless, way too much for my liking.”
If that was a confession of love, and it was, the Doctor wouldn’t know. Or perhaps she would pretend she didn’t, however it was crystal clear. There were many ways to say I love yous to someone and that was definitely one of them. 
“Or mine,” Yaz added, a playful smirk curving her lips.
She puffed up her cheeks childishly, “I can be reckless, thank you very much. Little tougher than you, me. Different biology. Haven’t decided that myself.” 
You can’t help but laugh at that. It’s a soft, small laugh that for a moment helps ease the tension in the TARDIS. She was right about that, yet it didn’t mean you were willing to risk her life more than you’d risk yours or Yaz’s. 
“So sweet of you, laughing at me,” she teased. 
You promptly shook your head as your giggles died down. “I wouldn’t dare. You know that.” 
Yaz glanced at her, while her eyes were still fondly locked with yours. She placed a hand upon the Doctor’s shoulder, squeezing it a bit. “Remember when you once said to me, we are capable of the most incredible change, that we can inspire people, make the difference, no matter what we are, humans, Time Lords, whatever,” Yaz trailed off, and the Doctor blinked off some tears that were glistening in her eyes, “I clung to that. Made it my mission. So did she,” she eyed you and you promptly nodded. 
You interjected before she could protest any further. 
“I found a purpose in life, ya know,” her eyes turned back to you. You spotted her nose scrunching up a bit, as a veil of nostalgia flashed through your eyes. “And that’s thanks to you. I was nobody before I met you…” you add, making the Doctor immediately frown at your words. Ready to interject, you raise your hand in the air, begging her with your eyes to listen before saying anything else. You laid that same hand upon her chest, smiling at the sound of her heartbeats thumping against your palm. Soothing, yet electrifying. 
You take in a soft breath, then smiled, “I was nobody the Universe could rely on. But now I am. I may be just a human, but I’m giving my life a purpose by helping those in distress. Helping you, helping them. And that’s… priceless.”   
“And you’re both doing an incredible job, alright,” the Doctor reaches out to cup your cheek tenderly, voice shaking a bit, fingers too. She was proud of you, and she wished both of you knew just how much. If only you could see yourself through her eyes, you’d know all the things, all the rules, she would break to always guarantee the two of you your deserved happiness. 
“But that doesn’t mean that’s all you have to do, all the time," she breathed out. "Look, I appreciate you wanting to help, but I value your lives too much. So when I can do something about it, I will not endanger you. There can’t be a universe without you. Under no circumstances.” 
You nodded and took a step back, as if her words had somehow affected you. Or so she thought. She frowned, concerning veiling her features, when you fell quiet, thinking about the fact that there couldn’t be a Universe without the Doctor. It was more like it.  She was hope, she was life. What’s the point of everything without such things? Without someone ready to give herself to guarantee that? 
“Are you alright?” She asked you, eyes squinting a bit in concern. You nodded your head, however, still thinking. 
Maybe that was your real purpose. Always making sure the Doctor could help those in need, by protecting her, having her back, for as long as possible. 
You gave her a reassuring smile, when the Doctor's features didn't relax at your non verbal response. She didn't like those, you knew that. “I’m fine, Doc. Just thinking. Got that from you," you teased lightly. 
The Time lady seemed to relax at your playful tone. She shook her head in amusement, then turned to Yaz as she spoke, “can you tell us at least what you will be facing?” 
The Doctor winced. “Ah, you know–” she hid her hands in her pockets, swinging a bit, trying to master a response that would not freak out the two of you. “A tribe of… wild humans. Let’s put it like that. Still on Earth, though. Papua New Guinea, it should be. Funny name, isn’t it? Always struggled to pronounce it for some reason.”
She and her diversions.
“Wild humans?”
Both you and Yaz scrunched up your face almost simultaneously. 
The Doctor nodded.  “Also known as – flesh eaters.”
“Oh God–” Yaz muttered, eyes widening at the idea passing through her mind, “are you talking about zombies?” She half yelled. 
The Doctor looked at her as if she was going mad. “What? Nooo. Although they look like them,” a nervous chuckle came out of her. Despite the small reassurance of those not being zombies, the alternative didn’t seem much better. “There’s not such a thing as zombies. That's a plain fantasy of the human’s mind.”
“You can’t really blame us, considering what we have seen during these years. I could very well believe unicorns are a thing,” you said. 
“Well, you’d be right. They are real. Super real,” she glanced at you with the most serious expression she could master. Now it was your turn to open your mouth in disbelief. “Very feisty, I must say. Encountered one once, tried to ride it. Didn’t go well. Almost got stabbed in the side,” she winced at the memory and so did you. 
Yaz mouthed a fleebile ‘sorry’ in response to that, but she waved her hand as if it was nothing. 
“Just so to be clear, are we talking about cannibals?”
"Yep!" The doctor nodded with a hesitant smile upon her face. She nudged at your arm, noticing how nervous and stiff you’d become. Always worrying about her. “They aren’t very smart, though, so it’s gonna be a piece of cake. All I need to do is enter their camp, save those that had been captured, and go back, easy peasy.” 
“Doesn’t look easy peasy,” you quickly retorted. “Not without a proper backup or a plan...”
The Doctor started nibbling on her bottom lip, as clear sign that no, she didn't have one. A plan. She hardly ever had one. 
“What if they capture you too?” Yaz insisted. 
“Well, that would be inconvenient, wouldn’t it?” She half joked. That was a possibility you were not willing to take. You shook your head and snorted, then moved towards the panel of the TARDIS, taking a look at the surrounding area. The Doctor followed you with her gaze, frowning as she tried to understand what you were thinking about. You learned how to use the spaceship, both you and Yaz did. So you pushed a couple of buttons to figure how many cannibals were out there and how close to the TARDIS. 
You scrunched up your face at all the red dots appearing over the screen, one by one, eyes widening at the sight. “You gotta be kidding me,” you muttered under your breath. When you turn around to face the Doctor, she can tell you're not exactly pleased with her. “You wanted to face all of these beasts by yourself?” You almost yelled in disbelief. 
"I... er.. I mean," her hearts rate picked up. 
In the meantime, Yaz drew closer to check the screens herself. "Doctor, are you suicidal?"
“Of course I am not,” she argued back. You wish you could shorten the distance between you and her and smooch that adorable crease on her forehead that formed every time the Doctor would whine like a baby. "I love this body!" 
You arched an eyebrow at that, mockingly just for the fun of it, "You don’t say.” 
She stuck her tongue out at you, making you giggle. 
“We are doing this together, or we are not doing this at all,” Yaz announced categorically, hands on her hips. 
The Doctor lolled her head backwards and let out a grunt. “Fine,” she hissed, refusing to look at you, nor Yaz, “Fine,” she repeated it more calmly, softly and faking a smile. 
You took a sigh of relief and so did Yaz. She draped an arm over your shoulder with a satisfied grin. 
“But if you two end up in trouble, I’ll be very cross.” 
“Fair enough,” said Yaz. 
“We have a duty of care, you know.”
The Time Lady’s hearts hammered in her chest when you said that.
“You said there can’t be a universe without me and Yaz, well, I think there can’t be a universe without the Doctor.”
The Time Lady felt overwhelmed. She stared at the two of you with nothing but pure gratitude and love. When you playfully nudged at her, in the hope to help her soothe her nerves, her lips twitched in an amused smile, despite everything. She rolled her eyes at you, “Oi! You can’t steal my lines. Pretty sure it’s cheating.” 
You chuckled, moving towards the TARDIS’ door, along with Yaz by your side. 
“I’ll make up with you,” you promised, walking backwards so that you could still take in her features.
“Are ya coming or not?”
She sighed, slightly shaking her head. “Course I am,” she grumbled. 
“You two stay close,” she warned, voice firm, eyes soft. 
“Always,” Yaz promised. 
“Cross my heart,” you echoed, vowing to never lose sight of her.
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Home | Part Three
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Pairing: 13!Doctor x Daughter!Reader, Master x Reader
Summary: The Master introduces you to his new creation 
Word Count: 2000 and something 
Warning: angsty stuff 
A/N: so this is basically the plot of The Timeless Child minus the whole Cyberman stuff that happened before they were on Gallifrey... hopefully it will make sense when you read it! As always spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :)
Part Two | Masterlist
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“Y/N, the fam are awake so we need to be getting ready-” the Doctor stops taking when she steps out the TARDIS and realises you're no longer there. “Y/N? Y/N?!”
She walks around the outside of the TARDIS looking for you, but you're nowhere to be seen.
“Y/N!” She shouts louder “What do I always say? My number one rule? Don't wonder off! And what do they always do?” She huffs and goes back into the TARDIS. She turns on the screen and does a search of the planet. 
“Mornin’ Doc” Graham greets her cheerfully as he enters the control room, shortly followed by Ryan and Yaz.
“Come on, she has to be here somewhere” The Doc mutters under her breath, impatiently tapping her fingers on the desk “You know one of these days one of you will wonder off and I’ll just leave you.”
“What’s she talking about?” Ryan says to Graham who just shrugs. Yaz stands beside the Doctor and watches the monitor.
“What are you doing?” She asks
“Looking for Y/N. I left her outside on her own for a few minutes and she’s gone”
“Well then let’s get out there and look for her” Graham says, walking over to the door.
“No wait!” The Doctor rushes over and stands in front of the door. “Outside those doors is a planet I never wanted you to see. Any of you. Everyone who lived there is now dead and the planet is on fire”
“Then what are we waiting for, she could get hurt!” Graham protests
“The planet is huge, she could be anywhere. It would take us hours to find her which is why we need to wait for the scanner to pick her up and we’ll know exactly where she is.”
“Uh, Doctor? You said everyone on this planet is dead, right?” Yaz says, not taking her eyes off the screen.
“Yeah, they were all killed” 
“Then why is the scanner picking up on two life forms…”
The Doctor runs back to the control and stares at the screen, eyes wide. She watches the two dots on the screen, both in the Citadel. One completely still while the other paces around. 
“There can’t be. He killed them all. Unless…” she rushes to the door again and the others go to follow. She turns to look at them.
“You lot stay here”
“No way, we’re coming with you!” Yaz argues
“It’s not safe”
“Then you definitely shouldn’t be alone” Ryan says
“I’ll be fine. I know my way around this planet”
“But-” Yaz tries to protest but the Doctor cuts in
“Please, for once just stay in the TARDIS. Don't follow me.”
They reluctantly nod and she gives them one last look before leaving and shutting the door.
Yaz goes back to the monitor and watches as a new dot appears on the screen and begins travelling toward the Citadel.
“At least we can track her on here”
“I wonder what planet this is” Ryan joins Yaz at the screen
“I don't know but The Doc says she knows it well so I guess we have to trust her on this one” Graham says, taking a seat on the steps. 
— — — — 
Your eyes slowly flicker open and you find yourself lying on cold hard floor in the centre of a large dimly lit room. You sit up and wince as instantly pain rushes to your head. You bring your hand up to clutch where the pain throbs.
“Ouch, sorry about that” a male voice draws your attention, and the Master steps out from the darkness.
“Where am I?” You ask weakly
“Still on Gallifrey. Welcome to the Citadel” he extends his arms out and spins excitedly “This room was once filled with the most powerful and important Time Lords in the whole universe. Do you know where they are now? Cold storage” he lets out a loud maniacal laugh and you just observe him horrified.
“You killed them? They’re… they’re dead?” 
“For now”
“Oh of course it would be you wouldn’t it” a familiar voice fills you with relief and you turn to see The Doctor stood in the doorway at the top of the stairs. She looks to you, concern in her eyes “are you okay?” She asks you and you nod. She flashes you a brief small smile then turns her attention back to The Master as she descends the stairs. “What do you want this time? Hm? Was destroying this planet not enough for you?”
“That was just the beginning. The next part, well this is where it gets really good” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a device. Instantly The Doctor is frozen in place within a white glowing cage, paralysed so she cant even move her head.
“NO!” You jump up and try to get to her but he points a device at you.
“I wouldn’t, if I were you” 
“Leave her out of this, you’ve got me you don't need to hurt her” The Doctor almost begs.
“Oh that’s sweet. You actually do care about her don't you” the Master slowly walks over to you, getting his face uncomfortably close to the side of yours. You keep your eyes fixed on the Doc, you don't dare turn to look at him. “Get on your knees” 
“Don’t-” The Doctor says but he just points his machine at you and repeats.
“Get. On. Your. Knees.” he growls in your ear and you obey.
“What’s my name?” He asks as he brings the device to your forehead.
“I cant hear you!” He shouts” What’s my name?”
“Master” you say louder, your voice shaking. You close your eyes tightly, attempting to stop the tears from escaping as you wait to see what he’s going to do.
“You're obedient. That’s good. Now, stay!” He removes the device from your forehead and takes a step back, giving you a warning glance before he turns his attention to The Doctor. “I want to show you something Doctor, something I’ve been working on. You see, I like to experiment and I didn’t know what to do with all these bodies I had lying around so… I upgraded them. Formed an alliance with an old friend of yours to create a new hybrid species. In fact, they should be here any minute now”
In the distance you hear the sound of heavy footsteps getting closer. You look at The Doctor and for once she looks terrified. She mouths to you ‘I’m sorry’ and you feel panic rising in your chest. As the stomping gets closer and closer, filling the room with noise you turn your attention to the entrance in time to see metal men marching into the room in formation. They spread around the sides, completely trapping you in with them. They come to a stop and suddenly the room is silent. Your eyes dart around the room, taking them all in. The identical silver soldiers stand motionless watching you. 
“Welcome my friends! I have been waiting for this day for so long.  Do you like them Doctor? Y/N? What do you think? Shall we test it out?” He turns and addresses one of the men “shoot him” he points at another. The metal man turns his head to look at the Master, and even though his face is expressionless you can tell he’s questioning him. This angers the Master. “SHOOT HIM!” He erupts and the metal man obeys, turning and shooting the one stood next to him. 
“Good dog!” The Master laughs as the now dead man falls to the floor. “Dead. Wait, could it be…” 
The dead metal man is suddenly enveloped in golden light as the Master laughs “yes it could!”
The once dead man gets up off the floor and rejoins his place in the line up.
“Behold your new Cybermasters Doctor. All born from you, but led by me! How does that feel? Huh?” He glances over to you then back to her “How does it feel that your precious daughter is about to become one of them?” He clicks his fingers and two Cybermasters march to you and grab you by the arms, pulling you up off the floor.
“NO!” You scream.
“DON’T YOU DARE!” The Doctor yells and the Master walks over, coming face to face with you.
“I know you're scared” he wipes a tear from under your eye and strokes his hand over your cheek in an almost affectionate way “But they’ll take that all away”
“Please-” you beg
“I’m doing this for you Y/N, you're going to be invincible” he grins and waves his hand. The Cybermasters start walking, dragging you out kicking and screaming. The last thing you see as your carried out the room is The Doctor begging and pleading with The Master, who just smiles and waves at you. 
— — — — 
The Cybermasters lead you down long corridor after long corridor, ignoring your pleas for them to let you go. No matter how much you fight you cant free yourself from their iron grip. Eventually you arrive at a set of doors. One Cybermaster lets go of you and opens the door, while the other pushes you through in front of him into a freezing cold room. 
“You will wait here to be upgraded” one of them says before shutting the door, leaving you alone in the dimly lit cold room.
You look around and your heart sinks as you realise you're surrounded by bodies. These must be the leftover Time Lords that haven’t been “upgraded” yet. 
“Let me out!! Please!! Someone!!” You frantically try to open the door and when you fail you search the room for another way out. But it’s useless. You're trapped. With your back against the wall you slide down to the floor hugging your knees tightly trying to keep warm as you wait. You wander what the Master is doing, what the Doctor is going through. Will either of you be able to get out of this alive? Then your mind wanders to the fam? Where are they? Are they safe? Will you ever see them again? 
After some time you hear the dreaded sound of metal footsteps approaching and the door unlocking. A group of Cybermasters enter the room and start collecting some of the bodies. You stay completely still, frozen in place until one of them marches over to you and pulls you up from your seated position.
“You will be upgraded” 
“NO! Please-”
The Cybermaster ignores you and escorts you out of the room, following behind the procession of other Cybermasters. They lead you to another room where the first Cybermaster places a Time Lord body on the table. You watch in horror as they perform the upgrading process, knowing soon it will be your turn. With each successful upgrade your panic grows more and more until finally its your turn. 
The Cybermaster holding you pulls you forward toward the table as you kick, scream, beg, do anything you can to try to get away but its no use. You're laid on the table and restrained. You shut your eyes tight and focus on the happy memories you’ve made with The Doctor and the fam as you wait for the process to begin. 
Suddenly you hear gunfire and the grip on you is released. You open your eyes in shock and sit up to see all the Cybermasters lying on the floor, “dead”. Looking over to the door you see Ryan and Yaz stood holding guns. They smile at you as Graham pushes past them and runs to you, helping you down off the table. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, deeply concerned as he puts an arm around your shoulder and leads you away.
“Yeah” you reply, shaken up and very confused about what is happening “where did you get guns? Never mind, we need to move before they regenerate”
“Before they what?” Ryan says, looking over your shoulder as the golden light begins shining from them.
“I’ll explain later- we need to save The Doctor”
Part Four
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bestshipsmackdown · 2 years ago
Round One Masterlist
Side One
Side One: Group One: Round One
Mike Wheeler x Will Byers from Stranger Things vs. Caitlyn Kiramann x Vi from Arcane
Side One: Group Two: Round One
Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz from 911 vs. Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
Side One: Group Three: Round One
Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson & the Olympians vs. Buffy Summers x Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Side One: Group Four: Round One
Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa from Buddy Daddies vs. Shibasaki Aizo x Someya Yujiro from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee]
Side One: Group Five: Round One
Gimli x Legolas from Lord of the Rings vs. Reki Kyan x Langa Hasegawa from Sk8 the Infinity
Side One: Group Six: Round One
Perfuma x Scorpia from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Caleb Widowgast x Essek Thelyss from Critical Role
Side One: Group Seven: Round One
Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney vs. Jonathan Harker x Mina Murray from Dracula
Side One: Group Eight: Round One
Will Solace x Nico Di Angelo from Heroes of Olympus vs. Bakugou Katsuki x Todoroki Shouto from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Side One: Group Nine: Round One
Gon Freecss x Killua Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter vs. KJ Brandman x Mac Coyle from Paper Girls
Side One: Group Ten: Round One
Adora x Catra from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Howl Jenkins Pendragon x Sophie Hatter from Howl's Moving Castle
Side One: Group Eleven: Round One
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker x Goro Akechi from Persona 5[Persona 5 Royal] vs. Crowley x Aziraphale from Good Omens
Side One: Group Twelve: Round One
Kim Dokja x Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint vs. Dustfinger x Resa from Inkheart
Side One: Group Thirteen: Round One
Edward Nygma x Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham vs. Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams from Wednesday
Side One: Group Fourteen: Round One
Korra x Asami from The Legend of Korra vs. Magnus Chase x Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Side One: Group Fifteen: Round One
Hiyori Suzumi x Yujiro Someya x Aizo Shibasaki from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee] vs. Eda Clawthorne x Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Side One: Group Sixteen: Round One
Lance x Keith from Voltron: Legendary Defender vs. Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley from Stranger Things
Side Two
Side Two: Group One: Round One
Rose Lalonde x Kanaya Maryam from Homestuck vs. Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa from Six of Crows
Side Two: Group Two: Round One
Jack Harkness x Rose Tyler x The Ninth Doctor from Doctor Who vs. Will Parry x Lyra Silvertongue from His Dark Materials
Side Two: Group Three: Round One
Dean Winchester x Castiel from Supernatural vs. Wylan Hendricks x Jesper Fahey from Six of Crows
Side Two: Group Four: Round One
Luz Noceda x Amity Blight from The Owl House vs. Dream x Hob from The Sandman
Side Two: Group Five: Round One
Hikaru Indou x Yoshiki Tsukajinaka from Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu vs. Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishima Eijirou from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Side Two: Group Six: Round One
Troy Barnes x Abed Nadir from Community vs. Tara Maclay x Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Side Two: Group Seven: Round One
Yasmin “Yaz” Khan x The Thirteenth Doctor from Doctor Who vs. Merlin x Arthur Pendragon from Merlin
Side Two: Group Eight: Round One
Fred Jones x Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley x Norville “Shaggy” Rogers from Scooby-Doo vs. Nomi Marks x Amanita Caplan from Sense8
Side Two: Group Nine: Round One
Imogen Temult x Laudna from Critical Role vs. Nana Osaki x Nana “Hachi” “Hachiko” Komatsu from Nana
Side Two: Group Ten: Round One
Michael “Mike” Wazowski x James P. Sullivan “Sulley” from Monsters, Inc. vs. Rapunzel x Eugene “Flynn Rider” Flitzherbert from Tangled
Side Two: Group Eleven: Round One
Link x Zelda from The Legend of Zelda vs. Captain Kirk x Spock from Star Trek
Side Two: Group Twelve: Round One
Gideon Nav x Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb Series vs. Laura Moon x Mad Sweeney from American Gods
Side Two: Group Thirteen: Round One
Marinette Dupain-Cheng[Ladybug] x Adrien Agreste[Chat Noir] from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug] vs. Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier from It
Side Two: Group Fourteen: Round One
Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna from RWBY vs. Bugs Bunny x Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes
Side Two: Group Fifteen: Round One
@bracket-bracket x @thecompetitionshowdowntournament x @ultimate-poll-tournament from tumblr.com vs. Death[El Lobo de la Muerte] x Puss in Boots x Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Side Two: Group Sixteen: Round One
Todoroki Touya[Dabi] x Takami Keigo[Hawks] from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia] vs. Morticia Addams x Gomez Addams from The Addams Family
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daisychainsandsunrays · 5 years ago
If I see one more thirteenth doctor fanfic refer to a custard cream as a ‘crumbly treat’ I am going to absolutely flip my shit
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analieninabox · 3 years ago
Headcanon that the reason the doctor hates mental connection with the master is because the master blasts rickrolls at her at full speed.
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ranxiaolong · 5 years ago
The Woman who fell in Love with the Stars - Chapter 1 - And to You, the Stars
Chapters: 1 [2] [3] [4] [5]
Summary: You stared wistfully towards the night sky. You had loved the stars ever since you were small. They held all sorts of secrets and wonderful mysteries you could not even begin to fathom. At least, until the Doctor had whisked you away to see them. You still could hardly articulate how much the stars intrigued you, their glow blurred through the Earth's atmosphere. The Doctor showed you the wonders of the universe, gave you a taste of magnificent splendor.
The Doctor was many things. She was a traveler, a Time Lord, and a keeper of secrets. To some, she was like a flame, warm and inviting. To others, she cut like ice. And to you? To you, she was the stars.
A/n: this one’s got angst!
The Doctor stood frozen as your lips were pressed against hers. This was something she hadn’t been expecting. She supposed a lot of your recent actions had begun to make sense now, all the stolen glances, the lingering touches, rosy cheeks. She was an idiot for not connecting the dots sooner. As you pulled away your eyelids fluttered open, anxious orbs searching her face, teeth pulling fitfully at your bottom lip. She recalled how you had been the past few weeks: always a touch closer than usual, a bit more nervous in her presence. 
Maybe Donna had been right all those years ago. She really was thick.
The Doctor felt her hearts race—but she remembered all the people before. This was how she felt when she was with Rose. How she felt when she was with River. Could she really accept these feelings? Accept the heartbreak that was going to come with them? Accept that as long as she cared for you and let you travel with her, you would be in the most danger you could possibly be in?
The Doctor became scared. Scared of her emotions, scared of her past, scared of the future. 
So, she did the only thing she knew how to do. 
She ran.
You found yourself dumped at your flat, a promise to pick you up later given only from Yaz. The Doctor had remained silent. The TARDIS doors slammed shut.
It had been three weeks since you had last seen the Time Lord.
You had started cooping yourself up since the end of the first week. You had most definitely seen Yaz and Ryan around in passing but had never managed to catch either for a quick exchange to see if they had seen the Doctor. It became unnecessary once you saw them out your window late one night running towards the fantastic blue box, the telltale sound of the TARDIS starting as soon as the door slammed shut behind them. The Doctor had not been waiting for you.
You padded over to your bed, falling across the mattress and face-planting onto your pillow. You laid nearly motionless, a few blinks away from passing out. You only rose from the bed two hours later, peeling your face away from a damp pillow.
You spent countless hours staring at the posters in your room. Foreign planets, solar systems, stars, and galaxies lined your walls. Some you had ever since you were a child, others were definitely newer as more were discovered. You glanced at the telescope you kept stored in the corner of your room. Ever since you were a child, you were completely obsessed with the stars. Your parents would tell you and the guests you brought over (much to your embarrassment and sometimes abject horror in your later years) the fantastical stories you would come up with as a child about being a space traveler—able to jump between the stars.
A humorless chuckle parted your lips as you reminisced. 
Jump between the stars, indeed.
A sigh swelled and deflated your chest. Your eyes traced over the celestial figures taped to your wall, one poster, in particular, standing out. A mass of reds and blues and greens. The gaseous form had never failed to catch your eye. The Orion Nebula. Out of all of the extraterrestrial forms that grabbed your attention, nothing did it more than the Orion Nebula. You had no idea why, but the nebulous cocoon fascinated you.
Maybe it was how the stars were unattainable. You had always believed that you could only reach them through a telescope until the Doctor gathered you in her arms and let you walk amongst the stars. She let you touch what was only to be looked at through glass and hundreds of light-years away. An invisible barrier that was not meant to be breached.
The Doctor was many things. She was a traveler, a Time Lord, and a keeper of secrets. To some, she was like a flame, warm and inviting. To others, she cut like ice. But to you? To you, she was the stars.
You fell backward onto your bed, softly bouncing upon impact. 
What you wouldn’t give to jump between the stars again. What you wouldn’t give to be with the woman who was the stars.
Was the woman you thought to be the stars to be as unattainable as you thought the stars were as well?
The TARDIS let you reach out to the stars. 
But would the stars ever reach out to you?
Around the second week of solitude, Yaz had stopped by. She had hesitated in front of your door before knocking, unsure of what to say. You had a stagnant conversation over tea.
You sipped your tea quietly, waiting for your best friend to speak.
“So...” Yaz hesitated, “How have you been?”
Your eyes never left Yasmin. She was obviously uncomfortable. 
“Fine. You?” You tersely replied.
“Good. I’m good.”
Silence engulfed the room.
“How has work been?”
“The same. Exactly the same as always.”
“I see.”
Another pause.
“Have anything going on this weekend?”
Yaz’s eyes flicked between her cooling beverage and your eyes, nervousness intertwined with an unreadable expression on her face.
“See anything good on telly?”
Yaz spoke carefully, like stepping over broken glass. You could tell she was purposefully avoiding talking about the Time Lord. You insisted there was no need for her to check up on you, you were fine, and most certainly weren’t broken. You had shown her out the door with a clipped tone.
After Yasmin departed you sat back down at your dining table, staring at your now cold, half-filled cup of tea. Your mind raced with the quick glances Yaz cast between her cup and your face, eyebrows scrunched and a hesitant tongue. 
You let out a shaky breath as you planted your elbows on the table, head rested in your hands. You were fine.
The Doctor had not been waiting for you. The Doctor wasn’t going to wait for you.
The stars never reached out to others. The stars were to be admired from afar.
A lone droplet made its way down your cheek.
You were fine.
Nearly three days passed after Yaz visited your flat that it really hit you. You supposed before was just a numb sort of denial, but Yaz sitting in front of you must have slapped whatever part of your brain that was responsible for the numbness awake. Why had the Doctor left you? Why did she drop you in front of your doorstep without so much as a goodbye? You thought that you had calculated correctly. Even if the Doctor didn’t return your feelings, you thought she would at worst graciously let you down then continue on as if it never happened.
The stars were many things, but they were never intentionally cruel. 
They just were. Higher than anything else, conflict was beneath them.
You set the kettle on the stove as you turned up the flame, racking your brain for the potential cause of your exile from the Doctor’s presence. Your mind flitted to a planet you had visited months ago. 
You had saved the royalty from a plot to scandalize them. As thanks, they threw a ball and insisted on extending your stay another night. There had been a large banquet. The amazing visual spectacle of otherworldly food, customs, dances, and clothes enamored you. The princess has insisted on dancing a few songs with the Doctor and you had thought the Doctor’s rapidly filling dance card was merely a show of thanks in the customs of the alien race. 
The sharp whistle of the kettle broke you out of your thoughts temporarily, removing the boiling water from the stove to pour yourself a cup of tea. Your mind was once again with the thought of the ball. A frown tugged at your lips once you remembered stepping out onto the terrace for a quick breath of fresh air. 
You had seen the back of the Doctor’s head across a few potted bushes and had eagerly stepped towards her in hopes of asking for a dance before you left. Just as you opened your mouth to call out to the Time Lord you heard the voice of the princess, causing your mouth to quickly snap shut as you hid behind a wall. You vividly remembered the twist in your stomach as the princess started flirting with the Doctor, coy phrases thrown her way. You still felt the clench of your gut when the princess had out-right declared her affections towards the Doctor, asking for her to stay and permission to court her. 
The stars are never asked to be wooed. They are chased after with no hope of ever catching them in your arms.
You had quietly slipped away, hearing a soft murmur of an answer from the blonde alien. You couldn’t make out the words but the tone of voice led you to believe (along with the lack of the princess traveling with you when you left) that the Doctor had rejected her politely. Despite the rivalry for the Time Lord’s affections, your heart ached for the princess. 
You quickly gulped down your tea. 
You were an idiot. A massive, colossal, monumental idiot. Fresh tears spilled over your cheeks. She had the entire universe at her feet, all of space and time to choose from. She was the stars.
Why would she choose you?
You spent the following four days locked inside your flat when you weren’t at work. Yaz had stopped by regularly, knocking at your door the same time every day after her shift, like clockwork. You explicitly ignored the door. You couldn’t figure out if Yaz had felt bad about the Doctor’s actions or if it was something else. You didn’t particularly care to know, and you much preferred to wallow in peace.
On the fifth day of your self-insured solitude, the anger came. 
You slammed the door behind you harshly when you returned from work that night, nearly missing the bowl you stored your keys in as you stomp towards the kitchen, the sharp metallic notes bouncing off the walls of your flat. Your teeth grit as you yanked the fridge door open, looking for ingredients to make dinner. You growled in frustration at the lack of food, kicking the door, fridge door banging shut. You pulled a takeaway menu from a drawer, your corse movements causing a pen to clatter noisily to the floor. You dialed up your usual Chinese restaurant, the phone static and long dial tone grated on your nerves. As the man on the other end picked up the phone you plastered a false smile to your face, scraping up enough civility to refrain from shouting over the phone. Once the bag was delivered you plopped down on the couch in front of the television screen, eating noodles straight out of the container.
After you finished your meal you threw the paper takeaway box and disposable chopsticks into the bin. You headed directly to the shower, cranking the temperature up to a nearly scalding degree. Stepping out of the washroom you pulled a small towel with you to rub at your hair. Mood slightly tempered, you run the towel over your hair as you padded into your bedroom. Your eyes flitted to a scrape on your wall, the scratch caused by the alien when she was running about your room looking for something to use as part of some sort of complex device she was throwing together. Some sort of “timey-wimey detector” by her definition. The scratch was etched into the wall just beneath one of your many posters of the Orion Nebula.
The anger rushed back.
You glared intently at the spot, stepping closer. 
The bottled-up resentment exploded, physically manifesting in a violent punch to the wall. The loud thud was followed shortly by a loud string of curses. You cradled your bleeding fist. It hurt—you thought numbly. 
You exited your room to find your first aid kit to clean and wrap your hand.
The following day you gave into Yaz’s insistent knocking, opening the door to find Yasmin’s eyes wide with surprise, her arms and legs in a position indicating she was about to forcefully ram the door open. You sighed, leaving the door open behind you as you turned around to walk back into the kitchen, turning on the gas to boil a kettle of water.
“Ah, if you’ve got the kettle on then please.” Yaz shifted nervously at the mouth of the kitchen. 
The two of you stood in silence as you waited for the whistle of the kettle. Once the shrill noise started you turned off the gas and poured out two cups. You offered a ceramic cup to Yaz who took it gratefully, a soft “thanks” leaving her lips. You led her to the table and sat down, waiting for her explanation.
Yaz sucked in a breath, “I want to start off by apologizing,” the Pakistani woman fiddled with her fingers. “I know it won’t be enough for what happened, but I’d like to anyway. I didn’t think that the Doc would just leave you here and not explain anything. I thought she had talked with you or something had happened. I couldn’t imagine the Doc wanted you to leave.” 
You slammed your mug down, the harsh sound of ceramic on wood made Yaz flinch. “Wanted? The Doctor kicked me out without so much as a goodbye!”
Yaz held her hands up attempting to backtrack, “I just meant that before she seemed pretty attached to you. I honestly thought that if you weren’t coming it would have had to have been your own decision—which I found odd since you love traveling with the Doc. I tried asking her about it but...” Yaz bit her lip, “I guess when I pieced it all together was her total avoidance of the topic.”
You fell back against the backing of the chair. The Doctor refused to even talk about you. A sigh passed your lips. Well, if the message wasn’t clear enough from the Doctor shunning you like you were some personified form of the plague, her refusal of admitting to your existence did the job quite nicely.
“I don’t know what happened, but if there’s been some sort of misunderstanding between you two, at least let me help,” Yaz’s worried eyes flickered across your face, “You’re my best friend, I don’t want to see you upset because of this.”
A dry chuckle left your lips, “Trust me, the only misunderstanding was entirely my fault. I made a miscalculated decision. I obviously read the signs wrong.”
Yaz’s eyebrows scrunched in confusion, “What’d you mean?”
You bit at the inside of your cheek, “Nothing. It’s unimportant.”
A frown made its way onto Yaz’s lips, “Unimportant? My best friend locks herself away for days on end and you say it’s unimportant?” Yaz suddenly stood up, chair legs scraping harshly against the floor, “I don’t care what anybody says—I don’t care if the bloody Queen says it’s unimportant—but if you’re feeling so upset that you won’t even let me into your flat for nearly three and a half bloody weeks then nothing regarding it is unimportant!” Yasmin breathed heavily, her arms trembling now on the table from where she slammed her hands down. “Nothing about you is unimportant,” she added softly.
You sat in shock at the forcefulness of Yaz’s words. You knew she cared deeply for you, as you did her, but that was on a different level. You grimaced as you mulled over your actions over the past few weeks. True, you were mad, but it was no justification for shutting your best friend out entirely.
You sighed as you pinched the crease between your eyebrows with your hand. You were acting like a total twat to Yaz when this wasn’t even her fault.
“What happened to your hand?”
You looked up, your confused irises making a connection with Yasmin’s concerned-slash-alarmed ones. You glanced down at your hand, realizing it was the one you did a poor job wrapping up the past night.
You waved it off, “It’s fine, just a scratch. Really. It’s—” you cut yourself off, the word ‘unimportant’ on the tip of your tongue, “fine. I’m good.”
The frown on Yaz’s lips returned as she walked around the side of the table and kneeled in front of you, taking your injured hand gingerly between her’s. She carefully unwrapped the haphazardly applied bandaging, causing a low hiss to escape your clenched teeth.
“Not fine,” Yaz mumbled.
“Trust me, the wall had it worse.” You attempted to joke, wincing as she turned the joint of your wrist in her hand. 
“That doesn’t make it any better.” Yaz glanced up to your face, grimace present, before going back to inspect the wound. “The joint doesn’t seem too damaged but it needs ice. I’ll help you clean up and wrap the scrape.”
“Yaz, really, I’m good,” you fumbled as she stood up, “you don’t need to—“
“I want to. Now let me help or I’m going to tie you down if I have to and properly wrap it.” Yaz squinted, challenging you to retaliate.
You let out a squeak but shut your mouth, conceding. You watched Yaz leave the room to fetch the first aid kit you kept in the bathroom cupboard. You could hear the shuffling and the muffled “ah-ha” once Yaz must have found it.
Her head swung out from around the corner, raising an expectant eyebrow at you. You nearly raised one back in question, earning you a long-suffering sigh.
Yaz pulled you by the arm towards the bathroom, rolled up your sleeve and turned on the tap. She felt the running water until it was at a suitable temperature then brought your hand to rest beneath it. You hissed at the warm water, the wound still open and stinging.
Your eyes flitted towards Yaz’s face, her concentrated yet soft expression catching you by surprise. You felt her thumbs carefully brush over the skin of your knuckles. 
“You need to be more careful, I don’t want to see you get hurt.” Yaz opened a bottle of antibiotic cream and rubbed it gently over the torn skin. 
You bit your tongue to prevent another long hiss from escaping your mouth. “A bit late for that.” Not quite enough to bite back a remark, however.
Yaz’s eyes flicked up to your eyes momentarily, quickly going back to dressing your hand, pulling out the gauze. “Then tell me what happened. If there’s anything I can do to help I’ll do it.” You opened your mouth and before you got a single word out Yaz cut in, “Not about the wall. You know what I was talking about.”
You couldn’t prevent the lopsided half-grin that edged its way into your face for an instant. Yaz always knew when you were about to dodge a question. She was always so keen at picking things up when she was around you. “Well, I suppose that attempt has been thwarted.” Your smile fell as you remembered what landed you in this situation in the first place. “Ahhh, how to start this… I guess I should start at the beginning. So you remember when we went to the Orion Nebula? That was—”
“When you first realized you fancied the Doctor?” Yaz finished your sentence. 
Your eyes widened in alarm, your surprise quickly brushing off how her voice, for a split second, sounded rather forced.
“How did…”
“Trust me, everybody else noticed it except for her.” Yasmin didn’t look up at your eyes that time, hers glued to the bandage she was slowly wrapping.
You let out the breath you were holding. “Then I guess I don’t need to explain that bit.” You bit your lip as you carefully chose which words to proceed with. “I sort of confessed to her.”
The bandage abruptly tightened around your wrist, causing a sharp cuss to be drawn from your lips.
“Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean to do that! That caught me by surprise.” Yaz loosened the fabric before going back to tie it properly. “So you confessed,” her voice rose a pitch at the first syllable before dropping to her usual octave, “That’s exciting. How did she respond?”
A forceful smile that more closely resembled a grimace pulled tightly on your lips. “I was thrown out of the TARDIS.”
Yaz’s hands stopped moving. 
Yasmin was completely still. “I’m sorry, she what?”
You hesitated, not sure what the tone Yaz was using meant. “She threw me out of the TARDIS.” You annunciated each word carefully.
Yaz resumed wrapping your bandage, securing the loose end so it wouldn’t unwind. As soon as she tugged a few times to make sure it was properly on, Yasmin stood up and turned to walk out the door. “Right, then if you’ll excuse me I have some business to take care of.”
Your eyes widened in alarm, “Yaz it’s fine, you don’t need to talk to her about it!”
“It’s not fine!” Yaz wheeled around, anger and something you couldn’t quite place reflected back in her eyes, “You’ve been depressed and angry and I don’t know what else, but this is not fine! She can’t just kick you out because you happen to like her! You’re worth more than that!” Yaz’s fists tightened, “You aren’t just some person she can brush aside.”
“Yaz, really, please don’t talk to her about this. I’m sure she just wants a bit of space and it’ll be alright.” You forced a smile on your face. “It’ll be alright in the end. I’m sure she just wants a bit of space.” 
You weren’t sure who you were trying to convince.
Your best friend worried at her lip. She eventually sighed, giving in, “If it’s what you want, then I’ll listen.” Yaz’s eyes flicked over your face, “Would it make you feel better if I stopped traveling with her too?”
Yaz let out a huff, “I just thought that you must be feeling left out from everything she takes us to do. If it would make you feel better I could sit out of the next few and stay with you.”
You shook your head quickly, “No! Please don’t on my account.”
Yaz inspected your face.
“Really, Yaz. Actually…” you paused, “if you could just tell me what adventures you’ve gone on while I wasn’t with you would be good. I miss it.” You fiddled with your fingers. “Just describing it and all that would be enough.”
Tell me about the stars.
Yasmin eyed you critically before relenting, “Alright then. But if you have second thoughts, I won’t hesitate to give the Doc a piece of my mind on the matter.”
A small smile made its way onto your mouth, “I don’t doubt it. Our tea has gone cold, let me pour out a new cup and you tell me what you’ve been up to.”
Yaz shook her head as a small grin etched its way onto her face, following you into the kitchen. “You win. So the first place we went to was this weird planet with an enormous bird that looked like a dodo that tried dressing up for some sort of alien disco…”
And for the first time in nearly four weeks, everything was unequivocally, indisputably, incontrovertibly fine.
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specialagentlokitty · 5 years ago
13th Doctor x reader - In my blood
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You, Ryan and Graham all crept into the ballroom, eyes searching. All of you alert, while they spoke you stayed quiet.
“(Y/N), did you check the ceiling.” Graham asked.
“Neither did it..” Ryan whispered.
All of you slowly turned to the ceiling, and a spider screeched. It was a mixture of agony and anger, and a hint of confusion.
You don’t remember what happened but you all ran back to the kitchen, and the other all turned up, but the wailing was still filling your head.
While the two groups filled each other in, you stayed zoned out. Sitting in the hotel kitchen, you clutched your head. The little pain sounds, confused talking was making your head hurt.
The doctor, Ryan, Yaz and Graham all crowded around you, worry etched on their faces.
“Are you alright (Y/N)?” Yaz asked.
“Yeah.. yeah... just headache...” you muttered.
“You still get them?” Ryan asked next.
You nodded and took a deep breath, standing up, you knew what was causing this. They didn’t, they didn’t have a clue.
“These are normal for you?”
Yaz turned to the doctor to answer on your behalf.
“She’s had them ever since we were kids.”
“It’s fine, really.”
No one seemed convinced, but they all put it aside. They had to worry about other things, like the massive spiders crawling around the hotel.
“Help me...” a voice wheezed.
You snapped your head towards the doors and bit your lip in thought. That place was crawling with spiders, confused spiders.
“I can try help you.” You replied.
You couldn’t ignore the pleas of her anymore, it hurt your heart. You couldn’t take hearing her cry out for help, you had to do something.
Standing up abruptly, all eyes turned to you and you turned to everyone, offering them all a small smile as you shook your head, backing up towards the door. Instantly they all noticed this and the Doctor reached out her hand.
“Stop, (Y/N) you can’t go out there. It’s dangerous.”
“I have to help her doctor.. she’s hurting...”
You reached the door and placed your hand on the handle, everyone looked panicked.
“You’ll get eaten if you go out there man!” Ryan yelled.
“It’s not safe, just stay here.” Graham pleaded.
“I say let her go.” Robertson huffed.
“You don’t get a say!” Yaz, Najia and Ryan all yelled.
“She’s in pain...”
“Who? Who’s in pain (Y/N)?” The doctor pressed walking closer.
“The mother.”
With that, you spun around and ran out into the dark halls. You heard them all shouting your name but you ignored them all.
Spiders started to crawl near you but they stopped, some inched a little closer, but they all relaxed immediately.
“Where is she?” You asked softly.
As if knowing what you were talking about, the scurried past you, and you followed, jogging after them to match their fast pace.
Soon enough they lead you to the ballroom, you pushed the door open and you were met with the sight of a large spider, she dropped down from the roof and stared at you. It was the same one from earlier.
“You’re the mother? You’re hurting..”
You walked closer and the giant spider met you halfway. She let you place your hand on her head and rub it slightly.
“Hurts... breath...”
“It hurts to breathe? I’m guessing it would, your too big.”
“I.. die...?”
You sighed sadly and nodded your head slowly.
“Probably... I’m.. I’m so sorry I can’t help...”
She scuttled away and you followed her, holding your hand out, you shot a web out from your palm at one side of the ceiling then did the same to the other, creating a small like chair for you to sit on to be eye level.
“You... Stay...?”
Smiling warmly, you nodded your head and she eased herself to be next to you. Both of you basked in the silence until the overwhelming sound of music filled your ears.
“No, no, no, what are they doing?!”
You turned to the mother and stared at her before turning to the door, the smell of different products filling your nose making your cringe.
The door burst open and the doctor, Yaz, Ryan, Najia, Jade and Graham all came in. Instantly they froze, seeing you safe and happily sat on a web swing next to a huge spider.
“You’re alive!” Yaz yelled.
You said nothing, turning to the doctor, you placed your hand on the spiders head in sadness.
“She’s dying.. she’s too big...”
The doctor crept a little closer, you jumped froze your swing, landing with ease. They all looked at the mother in sadness.
“There’s not enough oxygen for her, (Y/N)s right. How did you know?”
“I can hear her, all of them.”
“That’s impossible!” Jade protested.
You opened your mouth to speak, but the door opened again. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as Robertson entered, immediately bringing the sense of danger in with him.
In slow motion he pulled out a gun, all talking faced from you. It was agonisingly slow, you reached out your palm.
“Stop! She deserves a good death!”
You stood protectively in front of the mother spider and Robertson laughed, he didn’t see any danger in you at all.
“She’s a spider! It doesn’t matter!”
“She’s a living, breathing being! She has feelings!”
Before you could stop him, Robertson pulled the trigger. The mother spider screamed in pain and you screamed with her, squeezing your eyes shut you shot Roberston with a web, pinning him to a wall.
“You asshole! You absolute selfish bastard!”
You ignored the world around you and dropped beside the huge spider, placing your hand on her.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help...” you whispered.
“Free now...”
“Yea... your free.. I’ll help your children... don’t worry...”
The mother spiders life faded from her and you sniffled a little bit, feeling a few tears streaming down your face. You couldn’t feel her pain anymore, but you wished you could.
Standing up, you furiously sided your tears and turned to Roberston, and furious expression on your face.
No one dared to move, so, the doctor did. She ran in front of you and placed her hand on your chest, stopping you dead in your tracks.
She could feel the sadness, pain and anger radiating off you like a solar storm.
“Leave it.” The doctor said softly.
Pushing her out of the way, she went stumbling back, amazed at your strength.
You jumped, sticking to the wall with ease as you glared.
“What the hell are you?! You’re a freak!”
“(Y/N) don’t hurt him!” The doctor yelled, “I know you’re angry, but don’t hurt him!”
Your reached out, everyone was calling your name, pleading you to stop. You grabbed the web, and yanked it, letting the man fall to the floor before dropping next to him.
“If you EVER hurt a spider again I will hunt you down.” You hissed.
Heading towards the door, you sniffled and turned back to the people you considered your friends.
“I’m sorry... I’ll look after the others...” you sighed
Before they could stop you, you were gone, leaving them in pure shock, and slight fear. The doctor though, she was more curious. What exactly were you?
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