#implied and one sided
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xreaderwrites · 8 months ago
Where Is She?
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Pairing: Thirteenth Doctor & Reader, Implied Thirteenth Doctor x Yasmin Khan, Missy & Reader
Summary: You’re on the hunt for Missy and the Doctor was the last to see her.
Tags: Reader is a Time Lord, Jealous Reader, Humor, messing with the Doctor, someone give Yaz a break
Authors Note: Writing Yasmin instead of Yaz is so strange.
You saunter into the Doctor’s TARDIS with your hands in your pockets and an easy smile. Your gaze wanders over the place. You haven’t seen this iteration before, or the Doctor’s new face, and find it quite amusing. It’s pretty, in a way, but Missy would have a few choice words about the spider legs and what they’re squatting over.
The Doctor and one of her companions are bent over the console, shoulder to shoulder with their backs to the door. Your search for any stragglers but it’s just the two of them. You can’t see the companions face but you guess she’s pretty like all the rest. You imagine Missy’s response but that image is crushed by the realisation that eyebrows is probably trying get her to ‘work on her jealousy’. Boring.
You whistle a sharp note.
The Doctor spins around, always on her toes, while her companion turns with wide eyes.
“Oh,” the Doctor’s gaze flickers around you but there is no Mistress to be found, “Hello,” she says with false cheer, “Been a while.”
“Sure has,” your eyes slide over to her companion, “fresh meat?”
The Doctor’s smile turns tight. The girl, sensing the Doctor’s tension, decides to step in.
“Officer Yasmin Khan. And you are?”
You raise both eyebrows, “Officer? My, my, how times have changed.”
“Doctor, who is this?” Yasmin Khan asks.
“Oh, Doctor,” you grin at her, “you and your humans.” Yasmin inches closer to her Doctor, who you never take your gaze off, “Miss me?”
“Yaz, this is
an old acquaintance of mine,” The Doctor says, her gaze calculating. Her arm is stuck out to keep Yaz behind her and you’re pretty sure she’s inching towards the console behind her. 
“Acquaintance? Doctor, you wound me,” you put a hand to your heart as you step closer. “What happened to all the good times together? All the running and dancing and blowing things up?”
“I think you’re confusing me with someone else,” she says. You click your tongue.
“The Master doesn’t sound familiar to you?”
“Mistress,” you hiss, “And you know full well the Mistress doesn’t run. She’s much too elegant.”
“So you haven’t seen her new face then,” The Doctor’s eyes scan you like she can see the answer but you don’t feel any poking around in your head.
“No,” you frown, “She went AWOL,” you eyes slide to her, “and I’m not talking about when you trapped her in that little dungeon of yours.”
“Dungeon?” Yasmin breaks in. You ignore her.
“She went on one of your little trips and never came back,” the smile is long gone from your face, “Where did she go?”
The Doctor tries to look casual but utterly fails, “How do you know she never did? You know how fickle the Mistress can be.”
“Not with this,” you bare your teeth and take two steps closer, they’ve already hit the console, “Not with me.” You hate the way your voice cracks. “She was getting better, whatever human thing you were doing to her was working. And then she disappeared.”
“It wasn’t.”
“Excuse me?”
“It wasn’t working. She made the same choice she’s been making for thousands of years.”
You choke on a laugh, “You have got to be kidding, Doctor. That game ended years ago. She wanted you by her side. Was everything with Clara not enough to show you that?” You ignore the look on the Doctors face at that name, but not Yasmins, “She chose you. You and that stupid box. I sucked it up because she wanted to be happy, for once. Actually happy.” You take a deep breathe that absolutely does not help, “You know she got a human companion?”
The Doctor blinks.
“I was right there and she got one of your favourite fragile species to care for.”
“And where are they now?”
You wave a dismissive hand, “Where are yours?” The Doctor’s mouth tightens. You grin.
“It didn’t work out, as I’m sure you’ve guessed. But that was before your whole,” you waggle your fingers at her, “million step plan for getting the Mistress back on track.”
“I don’t know what happened,” her jaw is doing that clenched thing that Missy oh so loved. You kind of get it in this face. “I didn’t see her regenerate. He just turned up with a new face, like he always does.” Her hand is reaching towards a lever that will be wildly annoying and mildly inconveniencing, but you notice Yasmin isn’t holding on to anything.
“I don’t remember asking about her regenerating,” that sharp smile is back in place, “In fact, I never want to think about it. Answer me, or,” your eyes slide deliberately to Yasmin, “things are about to get ugly.”
The Doctor’s hand slams on a level and the TARDIS tilts sharply to one side. You try to balance on your toes but you’ve never quite been able to beat mavity and you slide down towards the TARDIS doors. You were able to steady yourself enough not to fall into an ungracefull heap. In fact, you did it so well that you managed to snag Yasmin, who was neither hanging on to something nor prepared and therefore falling rapidly, on your way down.
The Doctor, dangling from the TARDIS console in that comical way of hers, slams her hand on a shiny button and the TARDIS doors swing shut seconds before you both fall out of them.
You grin up at her as you wrestle Yasmin into your arms. She was stunned by the sudden fall but starts to struggle the moment her slow human brain makes the connection arms equals trapped. 
You kick the doors back open and bring Yasmin to the edge to stop the Doctor shutting them again. Yasmin freezes as she sees just how high up the TARDIS is. The Doctor immediately evens out the TARDIS.
A background thought wonders if Yasmin realises the drop would kill you or if she just assumes the Doctor would make it a liveable height for your species. Or maybe she knows about regeneration and doesn’t realise it’s seriousness. 
You don’t want to regenerate right now. It hurts like a bitch. You don’t have many in you left. And Missy has said quite often how sad she’d be to ruin your pretty face.
Luckily, your forefront thoughts are focused entirely on finding Missy and those questions are easily filed for later.
You quirk a teasing eyebrow at the Doctor as you slowly lean Yasmin over the edge, whose gone from trying to shove you away to clinging to you.
“Tell me the last place you saw Missy. Not the face before or after,” you demand. You see why Missy does this. It’s fun. And the Doctor’s face. You can literally see her doing the calculations in her head, thinking and dismissing plans as rapidly as swiping a tablet. 
The Doctor’s gaze turns to Yasmin, “If what you say is true, that Missy was-is getting better, then you won’t hurt Yaz. It’ll set Missy back by miles if her closest
” You scrunch your noise at the chosen measurement while she hesitates on what word to choose, “friend kills. Especially if it’s one of my fam.” 
“Oh Doctor,” you smile at her, razor sharp, “You were always her closest friend.” You shove Yasmin Khan out of the TARDIS door. 
The Doctor gasps and reaches out but Yasmin is gone before she takes a step.
You flash her the vortex manipulator strapped to your wrist, tap two fingers to your head and salute her as she gapes at you before swan diving out of the TARDIS doors. 
One button later and you’re safely on the ground. Cheap and nasty is right. The vortex leaves a bad taste in your mouth and colours aren’t quite computing right but your genetics saves you from the worst side effects. And one does not simply throw away a gift from the Mistress, second hand or no.
You hum as you brush yourself off. A job well done you’d say. Mission accomplished and you’d given at least one of the Doctor’s hearts an attack. Which means a funny story for your Mistress.
You type in the date and coordinates into the vortex manipulator. The TARDIS had exchanged them for delaying Yasmin’s fall. Whether it was to get closer to the ground or to have time to set up a way to save her you don’t know. But it’s interesting that she’s taken such an interest in a companion. Usually, she lets the bodies drop as they will. 
The possibilities make your head hurt after burning yourself through the vortex so you put that away as an interesting tidbit for Missy to mull over when she no doubt toddles back into the Doctor’s Vault. An annoying want she’s developed that you’ve decided to suffer through. Hopefully, you’ll be able to see her more often now that the Doctor, the angry eyebrows one, seems to be coming around. Although, her being let out more means less opportunities to sneak in.
Oh well, you’ll be seeing her soon anyway and there’ll be time to sneak a few stops on the way back to him.
You tap the screen, happily ignore the warning it gives you, and disappear with a flash.  
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voidwelt · 2 months ago
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welt acquires a charmony dove-shaped shadow (I find it amusing that Sunday seems to trail after Welt like a lost duckling post-2.7)
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hinamie · 7 months ago
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I don't want to regret the way I lived
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hg-aneh · 10 months ago
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how embarrassing
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moon--kit · 10 months ago
RadioStatic Week Day 7 (Protecting the other)
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12neonlit-stage · 1 year ago
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STH//: because you're my hero
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kittykatninja321 · 7 months ago
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Baby Jason is never beating the 3 apples tall allegations I fear
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kristybluebird · 6 months ago
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A flash and it's born, a flash and it fades.
A flash and it's born, a flash and it fades.
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edorazzi · 9 months ago
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Page 15 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! With a fleeting glance at some previous Miraculous holders... 👀
Index | Start | Prev | Next
Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon (which is getting THREE brand new pages tonight!), and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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outerfeathers-creates · 4 months ago
redrew some frames from tender lovin cannibal as @zleepysnails Opposite AU these were fun and time consuming to draw
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unrelated thing, these are the frames I based em off of I love them both
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eggcats · 10 months ago
I've decided a funny interaction would be Vox seeing Alastor and Lucifer on his spy cameras together (they're literally not even doing anything they're just in the general vicinity) and doing the exact thing he told Valentino not to do by rushing over to confront them.
Vox, bursting in the doors: "YOU'RE WITH LUCIFER?!?!"
Alastor, not dealing with this: *disappears into his shadows*
Lucifer, confused: "Uhhhh....who are you?"
Vox, infuriated: "DOES HE LET YOU SEE HIS TAIL?!?"
Lucifer, even more confused. Lives with Alastor, does NOT realize that "Does the Radio Demon have a tail?" is of furious debate amongst much of the public (nor that Vox runs a reward service for anyone who can get proof of said tail). Has seen Alastor half-asleep on the couch during forced movie night without his jacket, has seen him drunk, has seen him chase Angel out of his room half-dressed, amongst other things: "Yes?"
Vox becomes so overheated that he shuts down. Charlie comes home to see Vox, passed out on the couch, with her dad anxiously standing nearby like, "Okay, I KNOW this looks bad, but this was NOT me!"
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onesidedradiostatic · 8 months ago
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this was originally just intended as a gag comic but then the mimzy-vox parallels came to me in a vision so it became whatever this is
sir pentious is seen reading a tv guide with vox's face on it in episode 5, I don't think alastor would like that
also while I'm at it, I've decided to let this be the first art I try crossposting to an alt on twitter, check it there if you want!
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moon--kit · 10 months ago
RadioStatic Week Day 5 (Rain (and one gets sick))
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Instant karma
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doctorsiren · 6 months ago
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he’s mad she ratted him out
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festeringrian · 2 months ago
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Sunday's doing well on the Astral Express...probably
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unriding · 2 months ago
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❀ MOEVIE : đ“œđ“±đ“ź đ“±đ“Ÿđ“·đ“œ àż . + in game voicelines! because i’ve been inspired to add lines after seeing layla’s from a while ago, as well as coco’s, vana’s, and nick’s for ppgear of course ( ➝➝ â—ĄÌ€ ᮗ â—ĄÌ)à©­ ✧
Moze: About Evie
Evie was the one to carry me on her back when I had gotten hurt. Had I known she was coming, I would have done everything I could to avoid worrying her. As of now 
 I often pay her visits in my free time. It seems to make her face “light up.” That’s what Jiaoqiu said, and I agree.
Added to a team with: Evie
Don’t worry about me and focus on keeping your distance. I’ll handle the rest of it.
Evie: About Moze
You’d think someone like Moze would be easy to spot because of the purple, but I actually haven’t caught him a single time — yet. I find that I have a better chance if I abruptly jerk my head to stare down a random shadow. You can really catch him off guard, even if just for a second!
Added to a team with: Moze
Oh, here you are! I’ll support you from over here! Don’t be hasty.
comm from puri24a on twt!
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