#Yasmin Khan x reader
aboutcustardcreams · 14 days
Part two
part one
She sees right through me
Can't express how much I loved writing down this chapter. I got carried away, and here's the result. Hope you enjoy it :3
word count: 4000 ish
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A pregnant silence fell in the TARDIS right after those simple words slipped from your mouth. A small confession, merely the tip of the iceberg that still was able to cause quite a shock. 
The Doctor’s voice is barely above a whisper when she asks, “so you come from Gallifrey?” 
Of course you did, but she needed to be sure. From the moment she laid her hand upon your chest, she had known. A sound so very familiar to her echoed to her ears, against her palm. It was slightly accelerated, yet in perfect harmony with her own heartbeats. 
Thump Thump Thump 
You nodded your head, and glanced at her while her eyes were still fixed upon your chest. She swallowed hard and blinked a couple of times, as if to find the strength to pull away from you and come to terms with this unexpected revelation. All this time she thought she had lost her family, her people, and yet you stood there, very much alive, and like her. Like a bolt from the blue. She didn’t even know what she was feeling: relief, happiness, fear, confusion. Probably all the above.
You give her a glimpse of a smile, and bow your head just a bit so that you can meet her hazel eyes. “Are you alright?” 
Your voice kinda worked as a wake up call. She nodded quickly and pulled away. One single step back still felt like she had just put an entire ocean between you two. “Of course. I’m great, me. Over the moon.” 
Yaz lightly scoffed at that, clearly having none of it. 
She was lying and it was so obvious. You licked your lips and hummed in thought, suddenly having second thoughts. What were you thinking? Why were you doing this? She had her life sorted out now and was content with it. She wasn’t alone, you had to remember. She had Yaz. And they seemed happy. Complete. You couldn’t just burge in and then what? Disrupt her entire existence? Make her remember you? 
“Are you?” She later questioned, noticing your state of trance and sudden quietness. 
Blinking repeatedly, you waved your hand dismissively, “Sure thing. I’m always fine,” you blurted out. 
“You’re both terrible liars,” comes from Yaz in the background. Her tone is serious yet veiled with a layer of fondness. She found herself thinking that perhaps hiding and …lying was a Time Lord’s thing. 
You let out a sound between a huff and a chuckle. Brief and bitter. The Doctor stirred her lips in a grimace, “I mean, I’m quite shocked if I’m honest. But I’m happy to know you survived the war…” There was honesty in her voice, but also a veil of awkwardness in her movements. She was telling the truth. On one side, she was eager to get to know you, but on the other, she was terrified. 
A lump formed in your throat. “Only because I wasn’t there when it happened,” you stated, somehow a bit ashamed.  
The Doctor frowns at the sight of your features dimming. You’re suddenly wishing to have been there too, to help, maybe? To die? To do something that wasn’t lying in a jail’s cell for an insane amount of time. It wasn’t that easy to read what’s going on inside your head, but the Doctor was trying because you intrigued her. The funny thing was, she only needed a brief physical contact to know it all, a connection she could gain by touching your temple. But it wasn’t her place to pry. 
“Where were you?” asked Yaz cautiously. 
You licked your lips and swayed a bit, shifting your body weight from one foot to another, “Ah– you know,” you looked up at her, voluntarily avoiding meeting the Doctor’s eyes, afraid of what you might find in there. “Prison is not as bad as they think. It’s a tad boring, food isn’t great. It’s slimy, but all in all, it kept me alive.” 
The Doctor’s hearts ached for you. “I’ve been in prison,” her voice came out firm, despite the clear emotion in her eyes, “so no, I don’t believe you for a second. Prison is terrible. It’s lonely. Cramped and quite smelly. Days go by and you feel powerless, useless. You lose yourself in places like those.” 
You swallow at the firmness of her tone. A tear slides down your cheek. She was right. It had been Hell to you, but you managed, you had no other choice. Her eyes softened; drawing closer she reached out a hand to wipe your cheek. You shivered. Oh- how you had missed this. Was it embarrassing to admit you had been touch starved? That the last time you hugged someone was when the Doctor was still with you? “And you–” she trailed off, “something tells me you didn’t deserve to be locked up.”
You lifted your chin and met her eyes. Your smile didn’t reach your ears as you muttered, “what gives?” 
“Can’t explain,” she replied. “It’s a feeling. My gut is telling me there’s good in you.” 
You hummed softly. “Is it because I saved you and Yaz?” you mused, eternally grateful for the hint of a smile she was giving you. 
She chuckled lightly, “You got ten points for that by the way. Plus, you’re our friend now. Isn’t she, Yaz?”
Yaz smiles so genuinely, the dimples on her cheeks showed up. “Absolutely.”
Friend. That was something, wasn’t it? And it didn’t even take much to get there, having started as a total stranger. This version of the Doctor made her look like a cute and loyal golden retriever. Playful, friendly, a bit of a dummy sometimes and always ready to contribute. You never thought you could love the Doctor more than you already did. Perhaps it was a good idea to start over, build your friendship from scratch. Could you do that? Definitely. For her, you’d open up the galaxies. Staying in the shadow was pure bliss if that meant breathing the same air again. 
“But you still have to explain how you know our names,” she adds, arching an eyebrow at you. There’s playfulness in her eyes and in her tone. 
You chucked, “I s'pose I have to.” 
“The TARDIS let you in. And if she did, it means…”
You looked around you, a nostalgic light brimmed in your eyes. You still remember the day you and the Doctor stole this spaceship. The euphoria of having conquered something only yours to use, had been thrilling. Originally, the TARDIS belonged to the Division, but it was damaged, and for that reason, left in some kind of stock with other rubbish and mechanical supplies. But you and the Doctor fixed it, after a couple of months, or years, it didn’t even matter to you, because you bonded like nobody else. And when you two started traveling with it, nobody noticed the TARDIS’ missing, simply because it wasn’t one of the Division’s official spaceships. 
“She knows you,” Yaz continued. The lights of the TARDIS flickered from bright yellow to a warmer hue of orangish. It suited you, that light. You closed your eyes for a brief moment, and hummed softly, feeling the warmth of the TARDIS as a velvety caress on your skin. 
“You’re very perceptive, Yaz. I get why the Doctor likes you so much,” you teased, with your eyes still closed. The Doctor’s cheeks turned into a darker shade of pink. 
Yaz opened her mouth to reply, but her words died down in her throat before she could even think of what to say. Was it so obvious that the Doctor liked her? And that she liked her back? Even for someone that has just met them? Apparently so. 
The Doctor stared at you, all of the sudden a tad bit uncomfortable. To possess such a knowledge meant being exposed and vulnerable. And the Doctor hated to feel that way.
“You talk as if you’d been spying on us.”
You squint your eyes, as if all of the sudden, the Doctor started speaking another language. “Not spying,” you objected. It was frustrating to stand there and be treated like you couldn’t be fully trusted, whereas in the past, you had been the sole trustworthy one. You stiffened and took your hands out of your pockets. “My intention all along was to make sure you were okay. It’s all I ever wanted.” 
The Doctor thought for a second. A wave of guilt flashed through her eyes, as those softened, “can you tell us why?” 
You hesitated, looking back at her like a lost puppy. “I don’t think it’s right,” you muttered, voice broken. Your eyes mirrored the confusion of the Doctor. “This was a mistake, I shouldn’t have–” you felt dizzy, frantic. Your voice trembled as much as your form while you spoke. 
But the Doctor wasn’t having any of that. “No, hey, it’s okay–” she cooed, her hands coming resting upon your shoulders, in the genuine attempt to reassure you. She mentally scolded herself for having been so pushy, without giving you proper time to collect yourself. Your hearts were beating so fast she feared you were on the verge of a panic attack. “I’m sorry I made you feel like I didn’t trust you. I know I can. You helped us and I can’t simply brush that aside. It’s just…” she paused, briefly glancing at Yaz, whose gaze was encouraging. “Yaz and I have been through so much lately and I can’t help but worry about a new danger lurking in the shadows. Ready to catch us unprepared. But you’re nothing like that. Quite the opposite, I think.”
The TARDIS buzzed softly. Yaz couldn’t understand what she was saying, unlike you and the Doctor. She figured by the small giggle that slipped from your lips, that the TARDIS said something funny or accusing aimed at the Doctor. 
“She acts like she knows you well” she later reasoned, “And if she does, it means–” 
You inhaled sharply and hesitated, averting your eyes from her to the tip of your boots. How could you sum up everything in a few words? How could you look into her eyes and tell her you had missed her for entire lifetimes. 
“Tell me, please…” 
Yaz watched you nibbling on your bottom lip. The emotion veiling in your eyes was raw, as if spilling those words out would mean putting salt over a freshly open wound. “Can I tell you something, Sage?” She muttered kindly, reaching up to you. Feeling her standing by you, you turned your head and nodded wordlessly. 
“I learned my lesson the hard way. Hiding my feelings from the Doctor thinking it was the best choice,” she muttered, with a tight smile. “And even if we can’t have what we’d like to share, for all kinds of reasons, I don’t regret for one second having told her how I feel,” a tear slipped down her cheek at the confession. You blinked slowly, trying hard to swallow the lump that just formed in your throat. Her pain was very similar to yours; she was in love with the Doctor and even if she couldn’t have her the traditional way, she was willing to stay by her side for as long as time would grant her. And that was enough. 
The Doctor’s eyes turned glassy too. She pressed her lips in a thin line, nodding slowly, almost mechanically, “I can’t really tell my hearts what to feel, because they are so full of love for Yaz. I vowed to protect her and to stand by her for as long as I’m allowed to exist in this body, and even in the next if she will have me,” Yaz smiled at that. “I can’t give her what she wants, nor what she deserves in matters of human relationships simply because I’m not a human. Time will catch up on me, eventually. And when that moment comes, it will hurt.” 
Bravery is knowing something will hurt and doing it anyway. A wise person once told the Doctor. 
You thought for a moment. It made sense, in a way. Their relationship didn’t need any label, simply because it existed beyond any of those. That was, in your opinion, the most beautiful confession of love. The truest manifestation of it in its purest form. Yaz wasn’t ready to let go of the Doctor as much as the Doctor wasn’t ready to say goodbye any time soon. Never been good at goodbyes anyway. And Yaz, oh– she was brave. Probably the bravest human you’ve ever met. 
Does it still count if you said she is the first one? 
“That’s to say…” Yaz continued, placing a hand upon your shoulder. “That whatever you feel you can’t tell the Doctor, in truth you can. Plus you owe it to yourself. There’s nothing worse than living a life filled with regrets and what ifs.” 
“I know, I understand–” your lids fall shut for a second and when they reopen, the Doctor is met with a pair of puffy and red eyes. It only took you a second to crumble. But you allowed no tears to wet your cheeks. Not yet. Not ever if you could help with it. It was too soon anyway and if you started tearing up now, then it would be impossible to keep talking and make sense of everything. 
“But I think,” you blinked, and forced a tight smile, “I need a cuppa. Don’t you want a cuppa? My throat is dry,” you rambled while the Doctor and Yaz exchanged a curious glance. 
When you started moving towards one of the corridors, as if you knew every path like the back of your hand, the other two followed behind, calling out your name. “Do you even know where to go?”
You hummed in thought, “Should be here, right?” The Doctor realized you weren’t talking to any of them, but with the TARDIS. The blue box buzzed and lit up a series of lights to guide you over the kitchen. A grin curled up your lips, “I thought so, thanks,” you continued, “Second door to the left and then right and then– oh,” you come to a halt when instead of the kitchen you find a cozy library, “Is this new?” 
A pang of nostalgia hit the Doctor in the stomach at the sight of the room. She leaned against the doorframe and stared at the slouchy couch in the middle of the room. Everything smelled like paper and leather in there. 
“The TARDIS made this room for one of my friends, she was a teacher.” 
“Clara,” Yaz whispered, and she nodded her head. 
“Oh,” you gaped, in awe. “It’s beautiful. Love a good book, me. And there are plenty of them here,” you commented quietly. “The kitchen used to be here, so I presume it moved elsewhere. Maybe next door?” 
“Sage, wait, please,” the Doctor grasped you by your wrist, before you could flee away from her again. Her fingers curled around your skin, that felt warm and incredibly smooth underneath her fingertips. You sighed, but listened to her. You didn’t even like tea, to be honest. You were more of a coffee type of person. The Doctor would know if only she remembered you. “The TARDIS knows you, she let you in, and you act like you have known me forever, but I have no memories of you. Only recently I found out what the Division did to me, taking away from me a speck of a life I didn’t even know existed, nor how big that was. And when I look into your eyes, I feel drawn to you in a way that feels both terrifying and right. And I’m not saying that just because you’re a Time Lord. I kind of feel all my past regenerations, those I have no memory of, were there with you. Am I wrong?” 
You promptly shake your head. No, she was hardly ever wrong about a thing. It brought a small smile upon your face, that somehow eased the Doctor’s hearts. You sniffed and adhered your palm against the corridor of the TARDIS, “We fixed her together. It was challenging, but so much fun. You were still working for the Division at the time. I wasn’t. Never did. You couldn’t share much of the things you did for them and with them, despite wanting it so much. I think I asked everyday,” a watery chuckle escaped from both yours and her mouth. It felt like a sense of familiarity was coming back to her. You loved it. “You were always so patient with me. No matter how insistently I kept asking you what you were up to with the Division, you never let a single word slip out,” she hummed, still smiling softly at you. It did sound like something she would do. Especially to protect those she cared about. “Eventually I stopped asking and respected your privacy. And now, thinking back to it, I’m so glad you never told me anything” you bowed your head as the Doctor listened to you in reverent silence. Same did Yaz. You couldn’t hold yourself anymore, and tears started spilling down your cheeks at incredible speed. Your breath hitched. 
The Doctor’s hands came cupping your face, her fingers getting wet with your tears. “Sage, it’s okay…” She looked at you with a pair of eyes that held nothing but affection and comprehension. You sniffled. “If you had told me, they’d have wiped my memories too. They chose prison, instead. There, I had time to think. So much time. I erroneously used to believe you had been blessed with memory loss because at first I was suffering so much. You can’t miss someone if you don’t even know that they exist, right?” 
Yaz’s heart tightened in her chest at your words. She had thought the same thing once. She regretted it later on, but that thought still had crossed her mind once or twice. 
“Then it hit me. I couldn’t live a life, believing it was normal to think a person so special like you never existed. The thought of you kept me going. Doc.”
The Doctor’s chin quivered. She gasped helplessly, and blinked repeatedly to ward off the tears clouding her visions that kept streaming on her face. 
Her hand slid from your face to your shoulder, then reached out to your hand, hesitantly clasping it in hers. She took in a long breath, “for how long?” 
At first you didn’t understand, so you frowned. How long, what? 
Anguish dimmed her features. She started to question her own decisions of keeping her past in the past and you being there was one of those reasons. You suffered her absence, while she kept on living her life like you never existed, never mattered, never touched her hearts. And that was wrong. Cruel. Because you did. She could feel it. Maybe you had another face back then, surely she had too. But that didn’t matter. You were still you in your hearts. And so was she. It was exactly why you never stopped looking for her.  
“How long have you been in prison? How long have you missed me? How long have you suffered because of me? How long have you been searching for me? How long have we known each other? How–” The Doctor was frantic. And you were taken aback by her outburst. So was Yaz. She couldn’t stop talking. Rambling. Panicking. 
Perplexed and rather shocked, you opened your mouth to say something, but you couldn’t master a single word out of you. The Doctor kept asking you questions over questions. She was mad, not at you, but at herself, at the Division, at whoever did this to her and to you. It always ended up like this. In the end a life with her meant only pain and suffering. 
You stumbled backwards, a wave of dizziness at you. Yaz caught you, “Doctor, calm down…” 
“Calm down?” She almost laughed. “How can I calm down, Yaz?” 
You cleared your throat, and then advanced towards her again. “It doesn't matter anymore. I’m here now,” you lifted your hand, allowing it to cling to her coat. 
“Except that it does, Sage,” she insisted, eyes wide open. You held your breath. “Just tell me, how long have you been in prison because of me.”
You inhaled sharply. “Not because of you,” you argued, the determination in your eyes didn’t falter, despite your voice coming quite faint. “Never because of you, you hear me? I’ll not let you take the blame.”
“Please,” the Doctor wasn’t one to beg, yet here she was now. 
You dropped your hands over your hips. “About seventy years.”
Yaz’s face turned white, “Oh God-” she muttered under her breath. 
The Doctor’s mouth twisted into a painful grimace. It felt like she had been run over and over by a train. You didn’t come here for that. You didn’t mean to add to her sense of responsibility. 
“Doctor, that’s nothing for a Time Lord and you know it. We are immortal.”
She snapped, “doesn’t mean we can or should endure everything!” 
It had been unbearable for her to spend about thirty years in prison, but unlike you she had hope. If it hadn’t been for Jack rescuing her at some point, she would have lost her mind. The thought of her fam waiting for her, remembering her, kept her hoping. What hope did you have, instead? What kind of foothold did you have for yourself? 
“Doctor, it’s okay,” you insisted. 
“No, it’s not okay! Don’t tell me it’s okay when it’s not!” 
You gulped and moved your hand from her coat, up to her cheek, where another tear was slipping down, thick and warm. “Fine, it’s not. It was not. It was pure Hell. But I resisted. I never gave up because I knew sooner or later I’d have found you again. And I did. That’s the only hope I ever needed. It was enough for me.” 
Reluctantly, almost fearful, the Doctor eyed you through her wet lashes. “I’m so sorry I don’t remember you,” she pursed her lips and you smiled at her sympathetically. You took a step closer to her. It was your turn to be strong, your turn to reassure her, to tell her that it was okay, because truth be told, it really was. 
“Hey,” you lifted her chin by placing your finger underneath. She sniffled and closed her eyelids to get rid of those itchy tears that kept welling up in her eyes. “I said, hey,” you playfully nudged her arm,  and she chuckled. Yaz was chuckling too. 
“Hey,” she said back, smiling with her eyes. 
“I’m here now, am I not? If you’ll have me, I can help you remember who we were. No pressure at all. Or,” you rolled your tongue behind your teeth, “we can start over, I’ll become your friend from scratch. New me, new you.” The Doctor was considering it, motionless. It’s not that she didn’t want to be your friend, because she wanted to. more than anything she wanted to know you, but at the same time, she couldn’t deny the fact that you knew her deeper, and better than she would ever know herself. 
Maybe that’s what she wanted too. All in due time. You saw her silent request in her eyes, as a free pass to do your next move. Stretching out your arm, you smiled politely at her, still adding a hint of silliness in your tone, because that’s who you were, “Hiya. Nice to meet ya. I’m the Sage. And you are?”
The Doctor couldn’t help but chuckle heartily at that. She could accept that for now. Like Yaz had accepted traveling with her despite knowing it wouldn’t be forever. That’s what love was. Effort, sacrifice, every single day. 
“I’m the Doctor, and that over there is my friend, Yaz,” she smiled and squeezed your hand. 
You nodded your head, happily, “Nice to meet you too, Yaz.” 
“Likewise, Sage” she chuckled, wiping her tears with the back of her sleeve. 
“Can we have that cuppa now?” The Doctor asked, her voice still thick with emotion. “Isn’t it how we welcome the Fam?” 
“It is,” she agreed, walking past you. In the moment, she brushed your hand with your fingers. 
You grinned, and before she could disappear in the kitchen, you scrunched up your nose, “I actually hate tea. Can I have coffee instead?” 
The Doctor draped an arm over your shoulder, while Yaz nodded her head, wordlessly. 
The Time Lady scooped you a bit closer, her smile widening, as you let out a surprised giggle, “I’m glad you found me.” 
“Me too” your cheeks flushed with the colors of hope, the exact same colors she was proudly showing off on her tee. 
Hope, what a beautiful thing to hold on to.
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slurrmp · 2 years
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                  it’s hard finding the perfect present for an alien that                   seemingly has it all. christmas shopping is always                   hard but shopping for the doctor was harder.
here we go, day two, finally. that last week went so quickly i’m gonna cry. christmas is gonna come around so fast and this is gonna fall out from under me. this one is a little short and doesn't actually involve the doctor, but that’s only because i really didn’t have any other ideas. don’t forget, y’all can tag me in your christmas prompts as well! anyway listen to THIS if you want the ambience of a christmas market to set the mood x
words: 1326 warnings: none just wholesome bonding with yaz.
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“What the hell do you get someone that has everything already?” The question pulls a pout to your lips. You stood just on top of the steps, the awful feeling of sand between your toes made your brows furrow. Looking down at your feet, you tried your best to brush the sand away. You were at one end of the South Bank Christmas Markets. You were back in Australia. This was your home. It was hot, sticky hot. You and Yaz were wearing pretty much nothing but your bathers with your beach towels wrapped around your waists. You had just gotten out of the water and made the short walk to the markets, you were to meet up with Dan for dinner but it was hard to pin him down. He was supposed to stay with the Doctor, to make sure that she didn’t wander off anywhere too far. Make sure she didn’t bring any unwanted trouble.
The sun was just setting, lighting the sky with brilliant shades of pink and red. It would be even hotter tomorrow you could tell. A bunch of people were milling about, the low hum of people’s voices all blended together. You loved Christmas Markets, probably one of your favourite things to do around this time of year.
“I’m gonna be honest with you -” Yaz looked up at you, she stood a couple of steps below you - a slightly sympathetic look crossing her features. “I have no idea.” There’s a snort that leaves you. “I mean I’m having a hard time thinking of what to get Dan.” Her own lips pulled into a pout, as the pair of you took the steps down, and lingered at the start of the market walkway. A band was playing somewhere down the street and it distracted you enough that you weren’t looking where you were going and someone bumped into your shoulder. You frowned in annoyance but they had let a quick apology escape their lips as they continued to chase after their escaping toddler. Your brows softened and you hiked up the beach towel, before reaching over and grabbing onto Yaz’s hand. You didn’t really feel like losing each other in this crowd.
“How about we just walk down one side and see what we can find?” You suggested. The market went on for almost a kilometre. People of all ages were here, many young families. Kids screaming and laughing, a feeling that you sometimes missed. There was even a surplus of dogs, which instantly made your mood brighten. Yaz nodded her head before she squeezed your hand. She shifted her backpack onto her opposite shoulder. “For Dan, I think he’d enjoy something homemade.” You finally answered her statement as you began to make your way through the large crowd of people. You were walking past the food tents and the smell of buttery popcorn, street food and even wine filled your senses. It made your mouth water. You and Yaz had spent pretty much the entire day in the water, not once stopping to act. You were starving. 
“I know that he’s a big history nerd,” Yaz said as she pulled you to a sudden stop. You almost whacked into the back of her, when you spotted why she had stopped. You were standing in front of a tent that was selling hand-made boomerangs and dot paintings.
“Oh, he’d love one of those.” There’s a grin as you curled into her side, pointing over her shoulder. You loved Christmas Markets, but Christmas shopping was hard. Shopping for the Doctor was harder. You didn’t want your present to be too personal (you really weren’t ready for that conversation to come up yet) but you also didn’t want it to be too cheap either. You needed a present that said you cared but as a friend. You needed something that the Doctor didn’t have any of yet and that she would love. The small family that was working the tent consisted of a very beautiful Aboriginal mother and her two sons. She was delighted to sell Yaz the boomerang and even a painting. She wrapped it as well. “Oh, he’s gonna love these.” Yaz beamed as she turned on her heel, after thanking the family. She grinned at you. “Now, just for your present for the Doctor.”
She started tugging you along. You had to pull up your towel again, otherwise, you knew that you would surely trip over it and fall flat on your face. You walked in silence for a couple of minutes, just listening to people around and the soft jazzy Christmas music that filled the air. That was until you spotted it. “Yaz!” You called jerking the woman to a stop. The group of people behind you grumbled lightly as they just missed collecting you on the shoulder, stepping around you with heavy sighs. You ignored them though, your eyes not once leaving the tent. “Look!” You pointed to the vendor on the opposite side of the walkway. Displayed neatly on stands, stood what looked like hand-crafted photo albums.
“Oh!” Yaz exclaimed as you looked at each other. “A photo album?” She questioned as the pair of you shoved through the crowd, making it to the other side.
“A photo album!” Dan adored taking photos. No matter where you went, no matter when you went, you had to take at least one picture of your trip. Even if no one else could see it. “We can put all of the photos that Dan took. That we took.” Your fingers ran over an album that was painted in a strikingly familiar shade of blue.
“All handcrafted.” A new voice piped up. You looked up and spotted the man who was sitting in his camping chair, a beer in one hand and the other adjusting something on the table in front of him. “My wife loves making them. All with vegan leather too.” He finished and a grin crossed your lips.
“Oh, I love it.” You were afraid to even open it, not wanting to crack the spine just yet. The bow that held the book together was even a beautiful shade of dark blue as well. “How much?” The old man shifted, placing his beer in the stubby holder and stood up, a groan escaping him and you had to stop yourself from giggling into Yaz’s shoulder.
“About $100.” Your lips pursed at the price but you justified it to yourself. They were all handmade, they looked like they were hand-painted too. Vegan leather, and the absolute perfect shade of blue. You looked at Yaz, who had already pulled out her phone. Looking back at the old man, you grinned. “Okay - we’ll take it.” He cracked a grin in return.
“Fair dinkum.” He replied. “The misses is on her break at the moment but she will be over the moon when she returns. That was her favourite.” The man took the album off the table. “Is it for someone special? Shall I wrap it?” A blush spread across your cheeks and you stammered for a second.
“It most certainly is,” Yaz answered for you and you nudged her in the side with your elbow. The man laughed.
“Of course, of course.” He shuffled to the table that was at the back of the tent. “Can see it in your eyes, love.” Your blush deepened and Yaz laughed. “It will be a lovely Christmas gift.” There was silence for a couple of seconds, as you watched the old man wrap the book. Once he was finished, he turned around and handed it to you. Then Yaz tapped her phone against the EFTPOS machine. Saying your goodbyes, you turned around.
“Now can we go find Dan and the Doctor?” Yaz spoke up. A laugh left you as you placed the wrapped present into Yaz’s backpack. “I’m starving.” You nodded.
“Course, I’m fucking starving as well.”
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agent-barnes40 · 9 months
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Dhawan!Master x Reader (Romantic)
The Master figures out a secret, one that you wished you could've hidden for longer
2177 Words
The Master was particular, he planned everything down to the final little detail when it came to you. Perfect clothing options, food options, preferred snack options, preferred drinking options, he had things down to a meticulous science and practiced ease at this point. He just did things on autopilot now when it came to you. He didn't mind doing these things, he just fell into a routine with them and with you.
Today, you were sitting with The Fam at a little alien café, you had chosen to sit out the outward chair, as it was nearing that time for The Master to just up and grab you and then just drag you off. Graham looked over, a smile on his face. "How have you been doing after the last run in with The Master?"
You shrugged. "Good. He's not all that bad, to be honest. I don't know how he can be as callous and rude as you all say he is."
Yaz looked over at you, a shocked look on her face. "He tried to kill us!"
You turned to face her, an eyebrow raised. "And The Doctor had it covered. She kept you all alive. The Master's even started to stock up on my toothpaste too."
"So what you have a room and bathroom in that shack?" Ryan asked and you smiled softly.
"Its not much of a shack, its the same as The Doctor's TARDIS, just replace the sign with a placard that says "HA" over and over instead of the regular text on the little phone door." You said, smiling as the waiter brought over the drinks you all had ordered.
Luckily it was an alien café that had a human menu, for travelers like you guys. You grabbed the shake you had ordered and when you looked up again, you had to stop and just stare. You hadn't registered who the waiter was and you suspected the others just hadn't realized who he was either.
There was The Master, in the uniform and smiling directly at you and it was like he knew you had clicked it. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, thank you." You watched as The Master walked off, straight to the back and you were in shock.
The Fam watched as you just stared at the door, and then Yaz reached over and poked you. "Did you just get a thing for an alien?"
You looked over at her and then looked over to Graham, and then to Ryan before you shook your head. "Thought he looked familiar, that's all."
Yaz shook her head. "You have a thing for an alien!"
You groaned, your eyes drifting back over to look at the kitchen door again, and then looked over where The Doctor was. The Doctor was busy chatting with a local about some weird happenings in the area. The whole reason you all were here, you suspected The Master had done something.
Yaz bumped your leg with hers, a smirk on her face. "I'm sure The Doctor wouldn't mind it."
You rolled your eyes, smiling. "Yeah, yeah. I'll definitely start that conversation with her when she decides to sit down and join us."
It was like speaking The Doctor's name enacted some sort of homing beacon because The Doctor practically spawned back at the table. She reached out for the drink she got and got settled in her chair. "Soo, what are we talking about, fam?"
Yaz looked over at you and grinned. You started shaking your head. "Yasmin Khan, I swear!"
Yaz burst into laughter at you using her full name and so did you, causing the rest of the table to join the two of you. You felt good and then you noticed The Master watching you all and you waved a little at him, gaining one back.
"You totally have a thing for him!" Yaz said and you groaned again.
"I do not have a crush on him!" You said, trying to keep your voice down.
Yaz grinned and pointed. "Called it! You do have something for him. Go ask him out!"
The Doctor was turning in her chair and stilled, mid sip and just stared. "Yaz, describe him for me."
Yaz's face contorted into confusion and that's when you realized and your heart dropped. Yaz looked over at you and noticed your expression. "W-well he's got blue skin and.."
You had to hold in the groan and started to get up, catching The Doctor's attention as she turned to look at you, she called your name and you just kept staring at The Master. "Who do you see?"
"Doctor, I'm not feeling too well. I'm gonna head back to The TARDIS." You said, leaving your jacket behind, wanting to just get it all over with.
You barely got to the door before you felt that familiar hand grab the back of your shirt and had pulled you back. You quickly fell into the grip, stumbling a little. "Hey!"
The rest of the Fam got up, watching as you let the man pull you and then you were shoved to the ground and you winced, knowing your knees were going to be bruised. He usually didn't do the the whole kneeling thing unless he had a bigger plan in motion.
You looked up at him, knowing that all the Fam could see was that blue alien until you heard the sonic and you closed your eyes. You heard the aggravated groan leaving The Master and you reopened them.
"How is he here in place of that blue guy?" Graham asked.
"Perception filter, usually you all wouldn't notice him, but they saw through the filter. Is this the same one from London?" The Doctor was rambling.
The Master looked down at you and his signature deranged grin crossed his face. "Hello Dear."
"Hi. Fancy seeing you here."
You heard footsteps, instinctively turning to look when The Master's hand shot out and grabbed at your jaw, forcing you to keep looking at him. You knew it was probably the Doctor judging by how he was reacting.
"Let them go, Master." The Doctor said and The Master's eyes flicked up from you to her.
"You wish I'd stop stealing your precious little pet, they are spending more time with me than you." The Master said, his hand letting go of your jaw as he stared down The Doctor.
"I was wondering why you always took them, but with everything that has happened in the last hour we've been here, its become obvious." The Doctor shot back.
You turned to look at her and noticed the thumbs up Ryan was giving you and you took a deep breath, sending a subtle one back. It was something you as a group came up with if one of you needed to jump in to distract.
Ryan nudged Graham and then Graham nodded, getting the idea. The two of them quickly came up with a plan, one that you wished you knew sooner because in hindsight, it was kind of dumb but it worked.
Graham turned and grabbed your shake while Ryan grabbed your jacket. The two, as confidently as they could, held up the stuff. "Your forgetting something."
You quickly got up, dodging The Master's hands as you bolted for the Fam, sending a little smirk toward The Master. The Time Lord sent you an amused look and you smiled.
The Doctor looked between the two of you and you would've recognized the look on her face if you hadn't been celebrating your little victory over getting out of his clutches. You grabbed the shake from Graham and took a sip.
'Oh, love, it wouldn't be that easy to rid yourself of me.'
"I thought I told you not call me that." You said, not even thinking that the other's couldn't hear what he said. He spent a lot of time in your head and you groaned at the look Graham sent you.
"What have you done to them?" Yaz demanded.
The Master's deranged smile only grew wider at her question and his eyes flicked from you to Yaz. "Didn't you say, Yaz, that they had crush on me?"
Your heart dropped and you slammed the glass down. "Your teetering."
"Oh its a line you let me cross all the time, pet."
"Not to my friends, never my friends." You gave him a pointed look and yet he still pushed.
"Now, was that crush on me or the face I was using?" The Master pushed, the question aimed at you and you shook your head.
The Doctor was looking in your direction as well. You looked between her and The Master. "It was on the perception filter."
The Doctor's face relaxed and turned to fully face The Master. She had already made an escape plan for all of you. She quickly aimed her sonic up at the ceiling, cutting the lights. "Scatter!"
You quickly took off for the door you were already heading for, knowing you were in enough light from outside to be illuminated as you shot through it. Graham and Ryan following behind you as Yaz took off with The Doctor.
You all bolted toward where The Doctor left the TARDIS and you yelped when someone grabbed you, it was softer than before and you barely heard Graham and Ryan yelling as you were pulled through a blue door. You recognized the interior of The Master's TARDIS. He kept the inside the same as the shack but with large and vast hallways, you headed over to your chair. You had always left a new book on the stand next to it, to start reading it when you rejoined The Master.
You yelped as you were pushed to the ground, lightly knocking over a pile of books as The Master stood over you. "What is my name?"
"Master, what's going on?" You asked, you usually didn't feel fear when looking at him, but this time, this time you did. He had that look on his face, that cold calculating look he only gave to The Doctor or to whoever's kingdom he was overthrowing that day.
"Say it again!" The Master demanded, bending a small bit, looking down at you.
The Master grinned. "Once more pet."
You met his stare and realized he wasn't actually going to hurt you, he was just pissed off that you managed to get a good run away from him in. "Your name is The Master."
"Don't be cheeky. Get up." The Master ordered.
You started to get up, pushing your face close to his as he was still leaned over you. "Can't get up with you being like this, Master. One of us is going to have to move."
"Or you can tell my why you ran away."
Oh so thats what this was really about. You reached up and rested your hand on his face. "I like making things difficult, Master. You like it though."
"Oh do I?"
"You like a challenge. I like to be challenging. Now where are we going?"
The Master straightened up, sliding an arm around you to pull you up with him, making the two of you chest to chest. You barely noticed the position as he scanned your face. You were focused on him fully. "I know you we're lying earlier, love."
"Was I?"
"You have a silly human crush on me. You crave the days I steal you away from her." The Master's words had an air of superiority to them, like he knew the truth of the words he was putting on you.
"You don't understand what your talking about, Master. Lets put a pin in this conversation, please."
"OOOH, you used your manners, love. I'll relent this time but later, we are talking about this." The Master stepped away, your hand falling from his face. He had his answer, you all but confirmed it today and he'd push even more.
The Master's new favorite thing was to make you realize just how hard you had fallen for him.
(Little Bonus because I couldn't help it.) You ran up beside Yaz, waving to the Fam as you got readjusted to life back with The Doctor. The Doctor looked over at you and grinned. "So how was your date?"
"It was fantastic! He.." You stopped mid reply when you realized.
The blond shot her arms up in the air, cheering and certainly drawing the eyes of everyone in the vicinity. "Yaz you owe me!"
You watched the reactions of everyone and relaxed as they all groaned about losing the bet. Yaz looked over at The Doctor, pulling a few pounds out of her wallet. "How'd ya know it was gonna be that easy?"
"Because they've got this whole new relationship glow to them." The Doctor pointed out and you groaned.
"Among other things." Ryan pointed out, his eyes trained on the jacket you were wearing.
You hadn't even noticed you had grabbed The Master's coat. He must've placed his over yours after you had hung it up. "Of course I had to grab his jacket."
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xreaderwrites · 3 months
Where Is She?
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Pairing: Thirteenth Doctor & Reader, Implied Thirteenth Doctor x Yasmin Khan, Missy & Reader
Summary: You’re on the hunt for Missy and the Doctor was the last to see her.
Tags: Reader is a Time Lord, Jealous Reader, Humor, messing with the Doctor, someone give Yaz a break
Authors Note: Writing Yasmin instead of Yaz is so strange.
You saunter into the Doctor’s TARDIS with your hands in your pockets and an easy smile. Your gaze wanders over the place. You haven’t seen this iteration before, or the Doctor’s new face, and find it quite amusing. It’s pretty, in a way, but Missy would have a few choice words about the spider legs and what they’re squatting over.
The Doctor and one of her companions are bent over the console, shoulder to shoulder with their backs to the door. Your search for any stragglers but it’s just the two of them. You can’t see the companions face but you guess she’s pretty like all the rest. You imagine Missy’s response but that image is crushed by the realisation that eyebrows is probably trying get her to ‘work on her jealousy’. Boring.
You whistle a sharp note.
The Doctor spins around, always on her toes, while her companion turns with wide eyes.
“Oh,” the Doctor’s gaze flickers around you but there is no Mistress to be found, “Hello,” she says with false cheer, “Been a while.”
“Sure has,” your eyes slide over to her companion, “fresh meat?”
The Doctor’s smile turns tight. The girl, sensing the Doctor’s tension, decides to step in.
“Officer Yasmin Khan. And you are?”
You raise both eyebrows, “Officer? My, my, how times have changed.”
“Doctor, who is this?” Yasmin Khan asks.
“Oh, Doctor,” you grin at her, “you and your humans.” Yasmin inches closer to her Doctor, who you never take your gaze off, “Miss me?”
“Yaz, this is…an old acquaintance of mine,” The Doctor says, her gaze calculating. Her arm is stuck out to keep Yaz behind her and you’re pretty sure she’s inching towards the console behind her. 
“Acquaintance? Doctor, you wound me,” you put a hand to your heart as you step closer. “What happened to all the good times together? All the running and dancing and blowing things up?”
“I think you’re confusing me with someone else,” she says. You click your tongue.
“The Master doesn’t sound familiar to you?”
“Mistress,” you hiss, “And you know full well the Mistress doesn’t run. She’s much too elegant.”
“So you haven’t seen her new face then,” The Doctor’s eyes scan you like she can see the answer but you don’t feel any poking around in your head.
“No,” you frown, “She went AWOL,” you eyes slide to her, “and I’m not talking about when you trapped her in that little dungeon of yours.”
“Dungeon?” Yasmin breaks in. You ignore her.
“She went on one of your little trips and never came back,” the smile is long gone from your face, “Where did she go?”
The Doctor tries to look casual but utterly fails, “How do you know she never did? You know how fickle the Mistress can be.”
“Not with this,” you bare your teeth and take two steps closer, they’ve already hit the console, “Not with me.” You hate the way your voice cracks. “She was getting better, whatever human thing you were doing to her was working. And then she disappeared.”
“It wasn’t.”
“Excuse me?”
“It wasn’t working. She made the same choice she’s been making for thousands of years.”
You choke on a laugh, “You have got to be kidding, Doctor. That game ended years ago. She wanted you by her side. Was everything with Clara not enough to show you that?” You ignore the look on the Doctors face at that name, but not Yasmins, “She chose you. You and that stupid box. I sucked it up because she wanted to be happy, for once. Actually happy.” You take a deep breathe that absolutely does not help, “You know she got a human companion?”
The Doctor blinks.
“I was right there and she got one of your favourite fragile species to care for.”
“And where are they now?”
You wave a dismissive hand, “Where are yours?” The Doctor’s mouth tightens. You grin.
“It didn’t work out, as I’m sure you’ve guessed. But that was before your whole,” you waggle your fingers at her, “million step plan for getting the Mistress back on track.”
“I don’t know what happened,” her jaw is doing that clenched thing that Missy oh so loved. You kind of get it in this face. “I didn’t see her regenerate. He just turned up with a new face, like he always does.” Her hand is reaching towards a lever that will be wildly annoying and mildly inconveniencing, but you notice Yasmin isn’t holding on to anything.
“I don’t remember asking about her regenerating,” that sharp smile is back in place, “In fact, I never want to think about it. Answer me, or,” your eyes slide deliberately to Yasmin, “things are about to get ugly.”
The Doctor’s hand slams on a level and the TARDIS tilts sharply to one side. You try to balance on your toes but you’ve never quite been able to beat mavity and you slide down towards the TARDIS doors. You were able to steady yourself enough not to fall into an ungracefull heap. In fact, you did it so well that you managed to snag Yasmin, who was neither hanging on to something nor prepared and therefore falling rapidly, on your way down.
The Doctor, dangling from the TARDIS console in that comical way of hers, slams her hand on a shiny button and the TARDIS doors swing shut seconds before you both fall out of them.
You grin up at her as you wrestle Yasmin into your arms. She was stunned by the sudden fall but starts to struggle the moment her slow human brain makes the connection arms equals trapped. 
You kick the doors back open and bring Yasmin to the edge to stop the Doctor shutting them again. Yasmin freezes as she sees just how high up the TARDIS is. The Doctor immediately evens out the TARDIS.
A background thought wonders if Yasmin realises the drop would kill you or if she just assumes the Doctor would make it a liveable height for your species. Or maybe she knows about regeneration and doesn’t realise it’s seriousness. 
You don’t want to regenerate right now. It hurts like a bitch. You don’t have many in you left. And Missy has said quite often how sad she’d be to ruin your pretty face.
Luckily, your forefront thoughts are focused entirely on finding Missy and those questions are easily filed for later.
You quirk a teasing eyebrow at the Doctor as you slowly lean Yasmin over the edge, whose gone from trying to shove you away to clinging to you.
“Tell me the last place you saw Missy. Not the face before or after,” you demand. You see why Missy does this. It’s fun. And the Doctor’s face. You can literally see her doing the calculations in her head, thinking and dismissing plans as rapidly as swiping a tablet. 
The Doctor’s gaze turns to Yasmin, “If what you say is true, that Missy was-is getting better, then you won’t hurt Yaz. It’ll set Missy back by miles if her closest…” You scrunch your noise at the chosen measurement while she hesitates on what word to choose, “friend kills. Especially if it’s one of my fam.” 
“Oh Doctor,” you smile at her, razor sharp, “You were always her closest friend.” You shove Yasmin Khan out of the TARDIS door. 
The Doctor gasps and reaches out but Yasmin is gone before she takes a step.
You flash her the vortex manipulator strapped to your wrist, tap two fingers to your head and salute her as she gapes at you before swan diving out of the TARDIS doors. 
One button later and you’re safely on the ground. Cheap and nasty is right. The vortex leaves a bad taste in your mouth and colours aren’t quite computing right but your genetics saves you from the worst side effects. And one does not simply throw away a gift from the Mistress, second hand or no.
You hum as you brush yourself off. A job well done you’d say. Mission accomplished and you’d given at least one of the Doctor’s hearts an attack. Which means a funny story for your Mistress.
You type in the date and coordinates into the vortex manipulator. The TARDIS had exchanged them for delaying Yasmin’s fall. Whether it was to get closer to the ground or to have time to set up a way to save her you don’t know. But it’s interesting that she’s taken such an interest in a companion. Usually, she lets the bodies drop as they will. 
The possibilities make your head hurt after burning yourself through the vortex so you put that away as an interesting tidbit for Missy to mull over when she no doubt toddles back into the Doctor’s Vault. An annoying want she’s developed that you’ve decided to suffer through. Hopefully, you’ll be able to see her more often now that the Doctor, the angry eyebrows one, seems to be coming around. Although, her being let out more means less opportunities to sneak in.
Oh well, you’ll be seeing her soon anyway and there’ll be time to sneak a few stops on the way back to him.
You tap the screen, happily ignore the warning it gives you, and disappear with a flash.  
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Fic Mondays #1 - Sep/24 week 1
ok, so this is a thing I'm trying to make where every week I do a compilation of fics I've read. Since this is the first one I'm doing like a favorite fics kind of thing
How Two Become Three - Chapter 1 - nikonic - Criminal Minds (US TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Fandom: Criminal Minds Ship: Jemily/Reader (poly) Why I rec it: This is the first work in a LONG series (like, really long. Don't know how the author does it). The series varies a lot from angst, to smut, to fluff. I think this author does a really good job portraying and talking about triggering topics. And I absolutely love the consent and kink conversations throughout the stories. I recommend subscribing to the series or the author to get updates, since it's still being updated regularly.
Love Comes Quietly - Chapter 1 - Kattwyllie - Criminal Minds (US TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Fandom: Criminal Minds Ship: Alex Blake/Reader Why I rec it: This is a very sweet roommates turned lovers. I like the writing, and I love the pacing of this fic.
Safety - Chapter 1 - DemonOfPuns - Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) [Archive of Our Own]
Fandom: Resident Evil Village Ship: Alcina Dimitrescu/Reader (at some point reader becomes an original character) Why I rec it: The smut is 10/10, but the development of the relationship both between Sasha and Alcina; but also Sasha and the daughters is one of the cutest things I've read. I think this is one of my favorite fanfics of all time. It's long, it's got a good amount of angst; a good amount of fluff and the smut is sensational.
show me where it hurts - Chapter 1 - andromedusia - The Morning Show (TV 2019) [Archive of Our Own]
Fandom: The Morning Show Ship: Alex Levy/Maggie Brener Why I rec it: This is a masterpiece. It changed the chemistry of my brain and it changed me forever. Not only that, but I feel like there's a scene in this one that if it was canon it would've been an award winning scene.
far from broken - gleamin - The Morning Show (TV 2019) [Archive of Our Own]
Fandom: The Morning Show Ship: LAMB Why I rec it: This is so soft, and so cute. And a beautiful portrait of LAMB as a poly ship. This one changed my brain too, because you know what it made me see Bradley and Maggie differently.
com letras douradas, num papel bonito - jenhardings - The Morning Show (TV 2019) [Archive of Our Own]
Fandom: The Morning Show Ship: Alex Levy/Maggie Brener Why I rec it: The song this fic is based gives the perfect prompt. It's angsty and also kind of sweet at the same time.
Golden Cuffs - Chapter 1 - Kelyon - Once Upon a Time (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Fandom: Once Upon a Time Ship: Rumpelstiltskin/Belle Why I rec it: This is a heavy-BDSM story. It's been a while since I've read it, to be honest with you. But I remember liking it a lot. And yes, this is probably the only fic with a f/m ship. I'm really not a fan of straight ships, I don't read fanfiction of them cause we usually have a lot of canon stuff. But rumbelle had some of the most amazing writers in a fandom, and to be honest, I'm sure there will be more fics of this ship in later editions of fic mondays.
the wine, the women, the bedroom hymns - asexualizing (Specialcookies) - Abbott Elementary (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Fandom: Abbott Elementary Ship: Ava/Melissa/Barbara Why I rec it: This is the best use of a soulmate au scenario in a fic. By far; it's absolutely genius. Just go read it, do yourself that favor. (It's a bit angsty though, be warned.)
what will the signal be for your eyes to see me - TechnicolorRevel - Doctor Who (2005) [Archive of Our Own]
Fandom: Doctor Who Ship: Thirteen Doctor/Yasmin Khan Why I rec it: This is another BDSM story, although not heavy. This one is beautiful, the characters are so well written in this.
a taste of infinity - Linnea_Ancalime - Doctor Who (2005) [Archive of Our Own]
Fandom: Doctor Who Ship: Thirteen Doctor/Reader Why I rec it: One of the few x reader with non binary reader. It's smut, very soft. Delicious stuff.
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bestshipsmackdown · 1 year
Round One Masterlist
Side One
Side One: Group One: Round One
Mike Wheeler x Will Byers from Stranger Things vs. Caitlyn Kiramann x Vi from Arcane
Side One: Group Two: Round One
Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz from 911 vs. Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
Side One: Group Three: Round One
Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson & the Olympians vs. Buffy Summers x Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Side One: Group Four: Round One
Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa from Buddy Daddies vs. Shibasaki Aizo x Someya Yujiro from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee]
Side One: Group Five: Round One
Gimli x Legolas from Lord of the Rings vs. Reki Kyan x Langa Hasegawa from Sk8 the Infinity
Side One: Group Six: Round One
Perfuma x Scorpia from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Caleb Widowgast x Essek Thelyss from Critical Role
Side One: Group Seven: Round One
Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney vs. Jonathan Harker x Mina Murray from Dracula
Side One: Group Eight: Round One
Will Solace x Nico Di Angelo from Heroes of Olympus vs. Bakugou Katsuki x Todoroki Shouto from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Side One: Group Nine: Round One
Gon Freecss x Killua Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter vs. KJ Brandman x Mac Coyle from Paper Girls
Side One: Group Ten: Round One
Adora x Catra from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Howl Jenkins Pendragon x Sophie Hatter from Howl's Moving Castle
Side One: Group Eleven: Round One
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker x Goro Akechi from Persona 5[Persona 5 Royal] vs. Crowley x Aziraphale from Good Omens
Side One: Group Twelve: Round One
Kim Dokja x Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint vs. Dustfinger x Resa from Inkheart
Side One: Group Thirteen: Round One
Edward Nygma x Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham vs. Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams from Wednesday
Side One: Group Fourteen: Round One
Korra x Asami from The Legend of Korra vs. Magnus Chase x Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Side One: Group Fifteen: Round One
Hiyori Suzumi x Yujiro Someya x Aizo Shibasaki from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee] vs. Eda Clawthorne x Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Side One: Group Sixteen: Round One
Lance x Keith from Voltron: Legendary Defender vs. Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley from Stranger Things
Side Two
Side Two: Group One: Round One
Rose Lalonde x Kanaya Maryam from Homestuck vs. Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa from Six of Crows
Side Two: Group Two: Round One
Jack Harkness x Rose Tyler x The Ninth Doctor from Doctor Who vs. Will Parry x Lyra Silvertongue from His Dark Materials
Side Two: Group Three: Round One
Dean Winchester x Castiel from Supernatural vs. Wylan Hendricks x Jesper Fahey from Six of Crows
Side Two: Group Four: Round One
Luz Noceda x Amity Blight from The Owl House vs. Dream x Hob from The Sandman
Side Two: Group Five: Round One
Hikaru Indou x Yoshiki Tsukajinaka from Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu vs. Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishima Eijirou from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Side Two: Group Six: Round One
Troy Barnes x Abed Nadir from Community vs. Tara Maclay x Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Side Two: Group Seven: Round One
Yasmin “Yaz” Khan x The Thirteenth Doctor from Doctor Who vs. Merlin x Arthur Pendragon from Merlin
Side Two: Group Eight: Round One
Fred Jones x Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley x Norville “Shaggy” Rogers from Scooby-Doo vs. Nomi Marks x Amanita Caplan from Sense8
Side Two: Group Nine: Round One
Imogen Temult x Laudna from Critical Role vs. Nana Osaki x Nana “Hachi” “Hachiko” Komatsu from Nana
Side Two: Group Ten: Round One
Michael “Mike” Wazowski x James P. Sullivan “Sulley” from Monsters, Inc. vs. Rapunzel x Eugene “Flynn Rider” Flitzherbert from Tangled
Side Two: Group Eleven: Round One
Link x Zelda from The Legend of Zelda vs. Captain Kirk x Spock from Star Trek
Side Two: Group Twelve: Round One
Gideon Nav x Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb Series vs. Laura Moon x Mad Sweeney from American Gods
Side Two: Group Thirteen: Round One
Marinette Dupain-Cheng[Ladybug] x Adrien Agreste[Chat Noir] from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug] vs. Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier from It
Side Two: Group Fourteen: Round One
Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna from RWBY vs. Bugs Bunny x Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes
Side Two: Group Fifteen: Round One
@bracket-bracket x @thecompetitionshowdowntournament x @ultimate-poll-tournament from tumblr.com vs. Death[El Lobo de la Muerte] x Puss in Boots x Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Side Two: Group Sixteen: Round One
Todoroki Touya[Dabi] x Takami Keigo[Hawks] from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia] vs. Morticia Addams x Gomez Addams from The Addams Family
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ao3feed-torchwood · 7 months
The Teas (12 x Reader)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/53902150 by noodleleg They were called the Troublesome Trio. The Doctor, Bill Potts and Reader... They would gas a planet with laughs and save people by the dozen. They would conquer monsters and be hailed as heroes. But what really set them apart was their personalities. A very British orphaned lesbian with a deep love for the Doctor and adventure, A beautiful minded reader from a broken home who also loves the Doctor and the kindness he brings to all.. and then there's the Doctor himself... in love with a past companion he refuses to accept that it wasn't. his. fault. All have their flaws, let's see if they can fix eachother with lovely smiles and the fun they deserve. Words: 34390, Chapters: 9/20, Language: English Fandoms: Doctor Who, Torchwood Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Other Characters: Twelfth Doctor, Bill Potts, Reader, Thirteenth Doctor, Missy (Doctor Who), The Master (Dhawan), The Master (Doctor Who), River Song, Jack Harkness, Yasmin Khan, Ryan Sinclair, Graham O'Brien Relationships: The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader, Twelfth Doctor & Bill Potts, Twelfth Doctor/Clara Oswin Oswald, Twelfth Doctor/Reader, Missy (Doctor Who)/Reader, Bill Potts & Reader, Thirteenth Doctor/Reader, Eighth Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader, Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader
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praxeus-13 · 3 years
A Cold Truth
Pairing: Yaz x Reader
Word Count: 2200
Summary: After pining for Yaz since you met her, an adventure to an alien planet takes a turn for the worst and your feelings for her revealed
Warnings: injury (not described in detail)
A/N: I was going to finish another request, but after the latest episode I needed some Yaz fluff. Also, requests are closed for a short while so I can get round to answering the ones sat in my inbox 🙃
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Life on the TARDIS was great, and a large part of you definitely preferred it to life on Earth. Since you had started travelling with The Doctor you not only had the opportunities to see sights that most others couldn’t even dream of, or to meet people that most people wouldn’t ever get the chance to, but you had also managed to find a second family.
Graham, of course, was a grandfather to all of you - not just Ryan - constantly checking up on the four of you, and giving his seasoned advice when needed. Ryan had become one of your best friends, and was practically a brother to you at this point, the two of you would often spend time together playing games or talking about comic books that you had both read. Obviously The Doctor was your unofficial tour guide to the universe, but she was also a very good friend, sticking by your side and always being there for you whenever you needed - even if she didn’t have any words of wisdom like Graham, you all found her presence a comfort.
But then there was Yaz, and you couldn’t deny that she was definitely your favourite from your new family, or that you had definitely developed a crush on her. Truly, she was amazing. She always found it within herself to be kind to people, even when they probably didn’t deserve it; and she had a love for the thrill that your adventures were often filled with; not to mention that you could never stop yourself from staring at her when she used her authoritative voice.
However, you hadn’t even tried to make a move, due to a combination of believing that there was no possible way she was into you, and being way too nervous to ask her out anyway. You were fine with just being friends with her if it meant you got to have her in your life.
Unfortunately, the rest of your friendship group had started to catch on. It had been Graham who first figured it out, which had resulted in a plethora of knowing looks being cast your way whenever you were unable to be subtle about your crush. Then Ryan had caught on, and you had been subjected to an almost relentless amount of teasing whenever Yaz was out of earshot - which had caused you to loose many rounds of Splatoon and Mario Kart to him. Finally, most recently, The Doctor had caught on and joined in with both Ryan and Graham.
Due to The Doctor’s lack of human social skills, you had taken her finally catching onto your crush on Yaz as a definite sign that you were not being anywhere near subtle enough. Honestly, you couldn’t really help it, you loved every little thing she did, how confident she was even when she was scared, and how she always looked out for you.
However, the rest of the fam would probably agree that it was starting to become a problem. You were a bit of a mess around her these days, and it was starting to put you in danger. At first you hadn’t minded much, since it had often led to Yaz saving you from whatever situation you had ended up in. Now though, you were starting to worry that Yaz would realise that you weren’t just clumsy.
The last thing you wanted was to ruin your friendship with her, so despite Graham, Ryan and The Doctor all encouraging you to tell Yaz how you felt about her, you refused. Opting to go about your life desperately trying to ignore these feelings seemed like a much better option than potentially ruining a great friendship.
In your current situation you were struggling with wether to finally tell Yaz your feelings. While you had always known that life or death situations were much more likely when you started travelling with The Doctor, you hadn’t properly considered what that might mean until now.
The Doctor had decided for a surprise trip, letting the TARDIS chose where to go (as though she didn’t already). The five of you had ended up on a very cold planet that The Doctor identified as Idilles. At first you had all been in awe of the wintery landscape, though that soon changed. The people of the planet seemed rather hostile to visitors, which you soon learnt was due to an invasion of quadruped aliens that reminded you a bit of horses (if horses had scales and very sharp teeth).
The natives had kicked you all out of their settlement, leaving you to fend for yourselves in the bitter cold. Unfortunately the strange horses - you couldn’t remember their actual name - had caught your scents quickly. The Doctor had yelled for you to all get back to the TARDIS, though given the conditions you found that rather difficult. You and Yaz had been split from the group. Just as the two of you had spotted a cave to hide in, one of the creatures had bitten down on your leg, causing you to let out a painful yell. Yaz had immediately turned round, throwing a large stick at the creature forcing it to release your leg from its grip. She had then half-dragged you to the cave.
The two of you were still huddled together in that cave, Yaz’s arms around you in a protective manner. In any other situation you would be a blushing mess right now, but right now you were bleeding out, still in immeasurable pain and freezing cold. Yaz had taken off her jacket and wrapped it around your leg to try and stop the bleeding, though it hadn’t been that effective.
You had no clue how long it had been, but you weren’t sure how much longer you were going to be able to stay awake, the edges of your vision becoming darker. If The Doctor didn’t find the two of you soon, you weren’t sure if you would survive, and despite your reluctance to tell her usually you didn’t want to die without her knowing.
“Yaz?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, but she still heard you.
“Are you alright?” Her voice gave away how scared she was for you, and you felt your heart twinge in response.
“I just- I need-“ You were cut off when a violent shiver rippled through your body, causing Yaz to tighten her hold on you. “I need to tell you…”
The world around you was getting darker and less focused, and you were struggling not to slip into unconsciousness.
“Y/N?” Yaz’s voice sounded far away, and you tried to move closer to where you could feel her warmth but it only caused you more pain.
“I love you, Yaz.”
And then you let the darkness take you.
When you next woke up, you were significantly warmer than you had been in that cave, and in a lot less pain. It took you a while to get your eyes open, but once they were you recognised that you were in one of the beds in the TARDIS medbay. Luckily, you had only been here a few times before for minor injuries.
Your memories of what had happened before you ended up in the medbay were hazy, though you remembered distinct feelings of coldness, fear and pain. Looking around more, you noticed that you weren’t alone in the room.
At your side Yaz was asleep, her head resting on your stomach while her hand was clasped around yours. The sight of her warmed your heart, an affectionate smile formed on your face. Part of you didn’t want to wake her, but you were confused and no one else was there.
“Yaz?” You gave her a small shake with the arm that wasn’t under her grip.
“Hmm?” She didn’t move, but seemed at least a little bit awake.
You found her sleepy disposition adorable.
“What happened to me?”
That question pushed Yaz to wake up fully, sitting up and immediately causing you to miss her warmth.
“You’re awake!” She beamed at you, though her eyes held a deep concern that worried you slightly, still you couldn’t help the small giggle that left your mouth at her reaction.
“Yeah, how long have I been asleep?”
“Nearly two days, I’ll go get The Doctor so she can check on you.”
She was gone before you could get another word in, and you were left to wonder how you had ended up in the medbay.
A few minutes later, Yaz returned with The Doctor, Ryan and Graham in tow.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” The Doctor asked you, walking over to a screen that seemed to be monitoring your vitals.
“Alright, not quite sure what happened but I feel okay.” You shrugged at The Doctor, though you were paying more attention to Yaz, who was standing next to you again.
“Do you remember going to Idilles?” The Doctor asked.
“Yeah, did one of those creatures attack me?” You could remember the vague details up until that point, but then it all got very hazy.
You could remember that Yaz was with you, but not anything beyond the alien’s painful bite.
“Yep, nasty things they are, the creature’s venom got into your bloodstream - luckily it’s not deadly to humans as long as it’s treated. Unfortunately it is known to cause memory issues.” The Doctor pulled a face as she told you. “Yaz managed to get the creature off you and keep you warm while I looked for you.”
Immediately you turned to smile at Yaz, your feelings for her probably increasing your gratefulness tenfold.
“Thank you Yaz.”
You really hoped you weren’t imagining the darker shade her face had turned at her thanks.
“Of course.” Her smile reflected yours, and for a moment you forgot there were others in the room.
Ryan let out a not-so-subtle cough, and you forced yourself to tear your eyes away from Yaz’s.
“You just need a few days rest, then you should be completely healed.” The Doctor told you, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the room.
“Best leave you to it then.” Graham nodded to you knowingly, already herding The Doctor and Ryan out of the room.
“Glad you’re okay y/n!” Ryan managed to tell you before he was pushed into the TARDIS corridor.
Though you were pleased with Graham’s intervention, you couldn’t help but be nervous left alone with Yaz.
“I’m glad you’re okay too, I were really worried.” Yaz admitted.
As you looked at her you realised that her usual confident demeanour had disappeared, replaced with a level of vulnerability that you hadn’t ever expected from her. You felt honoured that she chose to show you this side of her, and it made your heart beat a little faster.
“Sorry, I really didn’t mean to worry you.”
“It’s not your fault y/n.” She smiled at you, shaking her head a little as she took in your form.
You probably didn’t look the best at the moment due to the two days you had spent sleeping. Though it didn’t seem that Yaz minded much. In this moment you couldn’t help but wish that you could gather the confidence you needed to tell her about your feelings. Hoping that she would share them, simply so you could have her hold you and kiss you while you were hurting.
“You really don’t remember anything after you got bitten?” Strangely, she sounded almost nervous when she asked.
“No, I just remember being cold and hurting a lot. Why?”
Yaz took a deep breath, “You told me you love me.”
Oh shit.
Your mind started racing at a hundred miles an hour, trying to figure out what to say, how to go about this without completely destroying your friendship with Yaz. As you were still going over everything in your mind, working yourself up as you struggled with what to say, Yaz called your name and you looked up at her. You wanted to say something - anything - yet no words left your mouth.
Luckily Yaz stopped you from flailing around for too long, instead shocking you into silence as she leant down. Her face was barely millimetres from your own, and you weren’t quite sure what was happening due to your frazzled state. Then Yaz’s lips were pressed to yours and your brain just froze, completely forgetting how to respond to this situation - or any situation at all. Luckily it seemed to reboot quickly, and you were soon reciprocating the kiss.
Somehow, kissing Yaz was everything you had imagined and more. Her lips were softer than you had thought possible, though you weren’t surprised by the way she seemed to dominate the kiss, easily pushing you further back into the pillows and mattress. When the two of you broke the kiss she didn’t move away from where she was leaning over you, her forehead pressed to yours. The both of you were breathing heavily, but there were wide grins on your faces. You were still processing exactly what had just happened, though you could feel your entire being buzzing with happiness. Even if Yaz never kissed you again, you knew you would remember exactly what she felt like for the rest of your life.
Pulling back slightly after having regained her breath, Yaz looked down at you, a lazy yet very pleased grin on her face.
“I love you too, y/n.”
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sattlersquarry · 3 years
memory wipe (doctor who, post-flux fanfic)
A/N: this is part one of ???
Summary: You wake up on a dark planet in the middle of nowhere, no memories except your name.
Word Count: 1379
Pairings: Essentially 13th Doctor x Platonic!Reader, Yaz Khan x Platonic! Reader, Dan Lewis x Platonic!Reader. (aka I'm not in the mood to make this romantic lol)
Warnings: Mention of electric shocks and memory loss.
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Wherever you are, it's dark and it's cold.
You open your eyes. You feel like you've been sleeping for so, so long.
You shoot to your feet, an unfamiliar landscape looming around you.
You're lying in a desert in the middle of nowhere. The stark expanse is only lit by a smattering of twinkling stars and a bright full moon. A purple moon?
You pull your jean jacket closer around you, hunching down for warmth.
How did you get here?
More importantly, how do you leave?
You hear a rustle behind you. You turn, seeing something in the near distance.
For a few moments, it wheezes and fades in and out of view. You back away, falling backward over a loose rock and landing on your ass as gracefully as you can.
So, not gracefully at all.
The mysterious thing (a big blue box) freezes, before it opens. You aren't sure what to expect, but a cheery blonde in a long blue coat was not high on that list.
"Found her!" she says, calling over her shoulder to someone(s) you cannot see. "I know the TARDIS would. She's Miss Reliable. Mrs. Reliable? Let's go with Ms."
The woman knock, knocks on the door frame of the box before exiting, two others close behind.
You stand on shaky legs, unsure of what to think of this trio of strange strangers.
"Y/N!" a tall man with a strong Scouser accent says. How did he know your name? "We're glad to see you."
"So, so glad," the third person says—a woman with a kind smile and a Northern accent. "Hopefully you weren't waiting too long?"
The trio look to you expectantly, waiting for you to say something—anything.
You clear your throat.
"Uhhh...hello," you say, waving awkwardly. "I think there's been some sort of misunderstanding."
"I know, I know," the blonde says. "The teleportation pads on the planet Parr-Gonn are all out of alignment."
She gestures to the purple moon—erm, planet—you noticed before.
"Thankfully it only knocked you to their nearest moon," she continues. "Let's get a look at you, yeah?"
She holds out a humming yellow device, stepping closer to you. You instinctively step back once more. A look of confusion passes over her features.
"Y/N?" she asks gently. "May I scan you with the sonic? Just to be sure you're all right."
"Who are you?" you blurt out.
The other two strangers share a glance, eyes wide.
"Who are we?" the blonde says. She forces out an awkward laugh. "Good joke, Y/N."
"I'm not joking," you say. "I don't know you. Any of you!"
"Impossible!" the man says. "It's us! You know us."
"I really don't," you say. "I'm sorry."
The blonde looks a bit shell-shocked, mouth agape and unsure what to do or say. You get the inkling she isn't used to not knowing what to say.
The other woman steps forward in her stead.
"My name is Yasmin Khan, but you all call me Yaz," she says. "That's Dan Lewis, and this...this is the Doctor. We travel together, through time and space, in that spaceship."
She gestures to the blue box that had appeared out of nowhere before.
"We were visiting that purple planet," Yaz continues, pointing up to the sky. "An earthquake hit as we were exploring an abandoned citadel. We couldn't get to our TARDIS from there, so the Doctor rigged up an abandoned teleportation pad to take us out. Do you remember any of that?"
You shake your head.
Yaz frowns, but continues.
"Dan and I were first out," Yaz says. "You went next, but the Doctor says an aftershock came along mid-teleport. It shot you here instead, to their nearby moon."
"And evidently wiped your memory!" Dan adds. "You really don't remember us, not even a little?"
You thought about lying to them to save their feelings, but you knew it wouldn't do any good.
"I'm so, so sorry," you say. "But no."
"No, I'm sorry," the Doctor says. She can't even look you in the eye. "This is all my fault!"
"It's not," Yaz says. "How would you know that would happen?"
"I should've known," the Doctor grumbles, shaking her head. "Stupid Parr-Gonn and their stupid earthquakes, and faulty teleportation travel systems."
"We should get them back to the TARDIS," Yaz says, nodding in your direction. "Maybe it's reversible."
"I hope so," you pipe up. "If I have been traveling through time and space and don't even remember, that's a damn shame. Wonderful memories, wasted."
The Doctor musters up a grin.
"That just means we'd have to take you back to all those amazing places," she says. "A victory lap. Come on, let's go."
She waves you forward, and you follow the trio to their mysterious appearing and disappearing box.
Inside, it's not what you expect. A console filled with switches and toggles is bathed in golden glow. The light makes it almost seem homey.
"Wow!" you say. "It's bigger on the inside!"
"So I've heard," the Doctor says. "Now sit."
You sit in a chair near the console. She pulls a helmet of wires from a hidden compartment and sticks it on your head.
"This device will monitor brain activity,” she explains, talking fast. “We should be able to locate the missing memories deep in your subconscious, and jumpstart them.”
“How?” you ask.
“I haven’t thought of it yet,” the Doctor says. “This is step 1 of a probably 37-step plan.”
37 steps?! Geez.
“Yaz, set a course for Earth,” the Doctor says. “I’ll begin collecting the readings from Y/N’s brain.”
Yaz begins to pilot the spaceship. It makes the whining sound you heard before.
The Doctor pulls a screen close to her face. She watches wavelengths zip across the screen over and over again. Dan looks curiously over her shoulder.
“Is that my brain?!” you ask, intrigued.
“It’s your thoughts,” the Doctor says. “Moving fast. Very fast. Good sign! There’s no brain damage.”
You open your mouth to protest—she hadn’t said that was a possibility!—but before you can retort, you feel a painful sting in your skull.
You wince. The brainwaves on the screen go faster.
“Now, what does that mean?” Dan asks, pointing to the screen.
“It means external stimuli,” the Doctor says. “Which should be limited right now…that’s rather odd. Hmm, I love a mystery!”
Zap! You feel the sting again.
“Doctor,” you say.
“Let’s run some diagnostics,” the Doctor says, not hearing you. She begins to flip switches, causing a longer, sharper sting.
“Ouch!” you shout.
“Doctor, STOP!” Yaz shouts from her position across the TARDIS console. “Look!”
Unbeknownst to you, the stings are caused by popping and fizzing sparks flying off the wire helmet.
“Oi!” Dan shouts. “Turn it off!”
“Oops!” the Doctor says. She powers down the device before gingerly lifting the helmet off your head. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“I gathered,” you say dryly. You rub your pounding head.
“Sorry about that,” the Doctor says. She glances at the screen, now popping with white noise. “Bad news: I couldn’t get a clear reading. Good news: I know some place to go to get help. Yaz! Let’s change the flight path.”
“Where are we off to, then?” Yaz asks.
“New New York, on planet New Earth!” the Doctor says. “We’re visiting the New New York Hospital 2.”
“Where’re we going first?” Dan asks, clueless.
“Nowhere!” the Doctor says, pulling levers alongside Yaz.
“But you said we’re going to New New York Hospital, too,” Dan says. “So, where else are we going?”
The Doctor laughs.
“Homophones!” she says. “Confusing little buggers. I mean, it’s the second New New York Hospital, so it’s number 2. The first one got into a bit of trouble…it’s a long story. Would take about 42 minutes to tell, not including commercial breaks.”
The TARDIS shudders to a stop.
“We’ve arrived!” the Doctor says. She yanks open the door. “As I used to say last time I visited, Allons-y! Let’s go get Y/N’s memories back!”
You aren’t sure what to think of the bright, glimmering Utopia you’ve landed in, but if the hospital here will help you, you’ll take a chance. You step into the sunlight, following your friends toward a skyscraper nearby.
A/N lmk if you want to be tagged in this lil series :)
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aboutcustardcreams · 21 days
There can't be a Universe without the Doctor
summary: The Doctor should know better than shutting the people she loves out, thinking they would do nothing about it.
word count: 3200 ish
Nothing but pure fluff, again. Sorry not sorry. Also, did I reread? Course not throws custard creams as apology
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The Doctor was one of the best persons you’ve ever met. Kind, courageous and incredibly funny. She was everything you’ve always dreamed to be. The way she responded to the distress calls, without ever holding back, inspired you to be the best version of yourself. You hadn’t always been so brave, nor curious about life. That’s probably one of the best gifts she could give you. Bring out the best of you, the curiosity and the will to help those in need. 
The Doctor was the universe, the galaxies and the stars. The very essence of life. She showed you the impossible, and you fell in love with it. With her. How could you not? At first you thought it was the things she showed you. The wonders of a lifetime, that otherwise you’d have never seen by yourself nor ever known about. A part of you knew you could never go back to the life you had, after seeing and experiencing so much. After getting to know her, the Time Lady who held all the stars in the universe like a bouquet of flowers to you. Who could ever top that? 
With time, you realized the real thing you couldn’t do without. It wasn’t the journeys, the views nor the variety of species from all over the universe. It was her, the Doctor. Your Doctor. When her fingers casually clasped with yours and her eyes shone with their own light, your smile reached up your ears, to her enthusiasm and optimism, to her way to love life. To (hopefully) love you. 
You were nineteen when you first joined her on the TARDIS, now twenty four. You had changed so much after that and the Doctor saw all of it. Yaz did too. She was so incredibly proud of the woman you had become,  no longer a shy little girl, too afraid to stand up for herself or for anyone else (not that it was bad, mind). Now– oh now, there was a fire in your eyes. Warm, welcoming, and so beautiful. The Doctor couldn’t help but feel lured in. 
You had the Doctor wrapped around your little finger. Yaz was good at reading her best friend, she knew her more than anyone else. The Doctor could deny it to herself, to Yaz, to you, it didn’t matter, neither did it change the fact that she loved you in a way that went beyond the concept of friendship and family. Maybe it was the reason why lately she had been more cautious, both with you and Yaz. 
“I’ll be back in a jiffy, you stay right here,” she didn’t even wait for you to answer, probably sure both of you would have something to say about it. You always had. 
You merely rolled your eyes at her behavior, really struggling to understand what all this sudden fuss was about. 
“We should come with you. You need back up,” Yaz insisted, arms crossed over her chest. 
The Doctor sighed, turned briefly towards her and shook her head. “There’s no need, truly. I got this. You should rest, have something to eat maybe. When was the last time you two had a proper meal?” She was rambling again, flying her hands in mid air to give emphasis to her speech. You didn’t want to eat, and neither did Yaz. Not when she was throwing herself to one of her impossible missions, playing the hero by herself.
“We can eat, after answering this distress call together,” you objected. 
It had become unbearable, the way she was shutting you out and so easily. You couldn’t hide the hurt in your eyes, despite the bitterness behind which you masked it quite well. Your voice always sounding firm and confident. You wanted her to see, to feel, that her behavior was hurting you, hurting Yaz. When her eyes landed on you, you spotted a hint of hesitation, mouth parting briefly only to close again and press in a firm line. Thinking. Overthinking. The frown on her forehead said so too. 
“We answered one together a couple of hours ago. Aren’t you tired? Last time I checked, humans needed to sleep ten hours per day, and you two are barely making three per night,” she reasoned, voice trembling a bit out of nervousness. Yaz gave you a worried glance, you briefly reciprocated. 
“First of all, it’s advisable to sleep between seven and eight hours per night, not ten,” she groaned, and you gave her a little grin, knowing way too well how she disliked being contradicted or corrected. “Secondly, we can’t really rest anyway knowing you wander off by yourself in search of trouble. So it’s not gonna work.”
The Doctor scoffed, indignant. “I don’t look for trouble myself,” she whined. “It’s not my fault the Universe basks in chaos on a daily basis.”
“Of course not,” Yaz muttered softly. “Look, we respect this is your life, answering distress calls, helping around. But we want to be part of it. We have been part of it for years now, and we want to continue on this path, with you. Not just every now and then.” 
You couldn’t agree more with Yaz’s words, even if you tried. Deep down you knew the Doctor agreed to. That’s all she ever wanted, to keep you with her, all over the Universe, but sometimes the Doctor was also scared. Most of the time, she simply hid it well. The Universe was as beautiful as dangerous. And the thought of something happening, something irreversible, cruel and very much likely to happen paralyzed her with fear. 
She sighed and nibbled on her bottom lip, leaning against the panel of the TARDIS. Your features softened; she looked tired, and she probably was. She hardly took care of herself, even less let others do that for her. And it was unnerving, because you wanted your relationship to be between equals. You wanted to help, protect her, be there for her as much as she was there for you, both you and Yaz. 
You take a step forward, reaching up to her. Tilting your head to the side, you run up a hand to her face. You hesitate a second before allowing yourself to brush aside a lock of blond hair behind her ear. The Doctor felt her cheeks heating up. Closed her eyes for a second, counted to three, before muttering your name softly. 
You smiled, “we are not letting you go by yourself. Last time I checked Yaz and I moved here to stay,” you spoke with unwavering conviction. “I don’t care how dangerous it is. That never stopped us before and it certainly won’t start now.”
The Doctor exhaled, and slowly looked up at you, with pleading eyes. Those  hazel orbs were so beautiful, so expressive, each and every time you found yourself diving in so easily.
“You don’t understand,” the Doctor muttered. 
When you frowned, she let out a groan and her features dimmed in thought. 
“Except that we do,” Yaz insisted, reaching up to the two of you.
“We’ve been traveling with you for how long now?” You questioned. “Five years for me, and eight for Yaz. Maybe nine?”
She mouthed eight and a half. The Doctor groaned again, slightly pinching the root of her nose and withdrawing from the panel of a couple of steps. She knew you were right, that both you and Yaz were perfectly capable of taking care of each other, (maybe too much), but the Doctor was still terrified. She couldn’t help the nagging feeling in the back of her mind telling her she was pushing her luck. Perhaps it was because it had been that long, that she feared something was doomed to happen any moment now. 
The Universe had been kind to her. It allowed her to meet the best persons ever. Having someone like you and Yaz by her side for so long, determined not to let go meant more than any star in the Universe. That’s why she needed to preserve it, for as long as possible. Nothing with her lasted forever. And the idea of losing you to one of her reckless travels saving the universe, was way too painful, too unfair to accept. The Doctor felt something change within her hearts the moment she started believing she would disrupt the balance of space and time if that meant keeping both you and Yaz with her. 
“Y/n, please–”, her voice sounded like a plea. “Just this once. Let me do this my way.”
You hushed her softly, with a gentleness she thought she didn’t deserve. She closed her eyes as you took another step closer to her, reducing the gap she had put between you and her. Her nostrils filled up with your smell, and she found herself inhaling deeply, and closing her eyes while doing so.
You slowly blinked at her, to keep your own emotion at bay, as much as possible. “I know you want to protect us from whatever it is out there, but can’t you see we want to do the exact same?” Your voice came out in a faint whisper. 
She nodded quietly, but still objected, “I can take care of myself, though.”
You tilted your head to the side, snorting playfully, “Sometimes, I guess that’s true. But you tend to be reckless, way too much for my liking.”
If that was a confession of love, and it was, the Doctor wouldn’t know. Or perhaps she would pretend she didn’t, however it was crystal clear. There were many ways to say I love yous to someone and that was definitely one of them. 
“Or mine,” Yaz added, a playful smirk curving her lips.
She puffed up her cheeks childishly, “I can be reckless, thank you very much. Little tougher than you, me. Different biology. Haven’t decided that myself.” 
You can’t help but laugh at that. It’s a soft, small laugh that for a moment helps ease the tension in the TARDIS. She was right about that, yet it didn’t mean you were willing to risk her life more than you’d risk yours or Yaz’s. 
“So sweet of you, laughing at me,” she teased. 
You promptly shook your head as your giggles died down. “I wouldn’t dare. You know that.” 
Yaz glanced at her, while her eyes were still fondly locked with yours. She placed a hand upon the Doctor’s shoulder, squeezing it a bit. “Remember when you once said to me, we are capable of the most incredible change, that we can inspire people, make the difference, no matter what we are, humans, Time Lords, whatever,” Yaz trailed off, and the Doctor blinked off some tears that were glistening in her eyes, “I clung to that. Made it my mission. So did she,” she eyed you and you promptly nodded. 
You interjected before she could protest any further. 
“I found a purpose in life, ya know,” her eyes turned back to you. You spotted her nose scrunching up a bit, as a veil of nostalgia flashed through your eyes. “And that’s thanks to you. I was nobody before I met you…” you add, making the Doctor immediately frown at your words. Ready to interject, you raise your hand in the air, begging her with your eyes to listen before saying anything else. You laid that same hand upon her chest, smiling at the sound of her heartbeats thumping against your palm. Soothing, yet electrifying. 
You take in a soft breath, then smiled, “I was nobody the Universe could rely on. But now I am. I may be just a human, but I’m giving my life a purpose by helping those in distress. Helping you, helping them. And that’s… priceless.”   
“And you’re both doing an incredible job, alright,” the Doctor reaches out to cup your cheek tenderly, voice shaking a bit, fingers too. She was proud of you, and she wished both of you knew just how much. If only you could see yourself through her eyes, you’d know all the things, all the rules, she would break to always guarantee the two of you your deserved happiness. 
“But that doesn’t mean that’s all you have to do, all the time," she breathed out. "Look, I appreciate you wanting to help, but I value your lives too much. So when I can do something about it, I will not endanger you. There can’t be a universe without you. Under no circumstances.” 
You nodded and took a step back, as if her words had somehow affected you. Or so she thought. She frowned, concerning veiling her features, when you fell quiet, thinking about the fact that there couldn’t be a Universe without the Doctor. It was more like it.  She was hope, she was life. What’s the point of everything without such things? Without someone ready to give herself to guarantee that? 
“Are you alright?” She asked you, eyes squinting a bit in concern. You nodded your head, however, still thinking. 
Maybe that was your real purpose. Always making sure the Doctor could help those in need, by protecting her, having her back, for as long as possible. 
You gave her a reassuring smile, when the Doctor's features didn't relax at your non verbal response. She didn't like those, you knew that. “I’m fine, Doc. Just thinking. Got that from you," you teased lightly. 
The Time lady seemed to relax at your playful tone. She shook her head in amusement, then turned to Yaz as she spoke, “can you tell us at least what you will be facing?” 
The Doctor winced. “Ah, you know–” she hid her hands in her pockets, swinging a bit, trying to master a response that would not freak out the two of you. “A tribe of… wild humans. Let’s put it like that. Still on Earth, though. Papua New Guinea, it should be. Funny name, isn’t it? Always struggled to pronounce it for some reason.”
She and her diversions.
“Wild humans?”
Both you and Yaz scrunched up your face almost simultaneously. 
The Doctor nodded.  “Also known as – flesh eaters.”
“Oh God–” Yaz muttered, eyes widening at the idea passing through her mind, “are you talking about zombies?” She half yelled. 
The Doctor looked at her as if she was going mad. “What? Nooo. Although they look like them,” a nervous chuckle came out of her. Despite the small reassurance of those not being zombies, the alternative didn’t seem much better. “There’s not such a thing as zombies. That's a plain fantasy of the human’s mind.”
“You can’t really blame us, considering what we have seen during these years. I could very well believe unicorns are a thing,” you said. 
“Well, you’d be right. They are real. Super real,” she glanced at you with the most serious expression she could master. Now it was your turn to open your mouth in disbelief. “Very feisty, I must say. Encountered one once, tried to ride it. Didn’t go well. Almost got stabbed in the side,” she winced at the memory and so did you. 
Yaz mouthed a fleebile ‘sorry’ in response to that, but she waved her hand as if it was nothing. 
“Just so to be clear, are we talking about cannibals?”
"Yep!" The doctor nodded with a hesitant smile upon her face. She nudged at your arm, noticing how nervous and stiff you’d become. Always worrying about her. “They aren’t very smart, though, so it’s gonna be a piece of cake. All I need to do is enter their camp, save those that had been captured, and go back, easy peasy.” 
“Doesn’t look easy peasy,” you quickly retorted. “Not without a proper backup or a plan...”
The Doctor started nibbling on her bottom lip, as clear sign that no, she didn't have one. A plan. She hardly ever had one. 
“What if they capture you too?” Yaz insisted. 
“Well, that would be inconvenient, wouldn’t it?” She half joked. That was a possibility you were not willing to take. You shook your head and snorted, then moved towards the panel of the TARDIS, taking a look at the surrounding area. The Doctor followed you with her gaze, frowning as she tried to understand what you were thinking about. You learned how to use the spaceship, both you and Yaz did. So you pushed a couple of buttons to figure how many cannibals were out there and how close to the TARDIS. 
You scrunched up your face at all the red dots appearing over the screen, one by one, eyes widening at the sight. “You gotta be kidding me,” you muttered under your breath. When you turn around to face the Doctor, she can tell you're not exactly pleased with her. “You wanted to face all of these beasts by yourself?” You almost yelled in disbelief. 
"I... er.. I mean," her hearts rate picked up. 
In the meantime, Yaz drew closer to check the screens herself. "Doctor, are you suicidal?"
“Of course I am not,” she argued back. You wish you could shorten the distance between you and her and smooch that adorable crease on her forehead that formed every time the Doctor would whine like a baby. "I love this body!" 
You arched an eyebrow at that, mockingly just for the fun of it, "You don’t say.” 
She stuck her tongue out at you, making you giggle. 
“We are doing this together, or we are not doing this at all,” Yaz announced categorically, hands on her hips. 
The Doctor lolled her head backwards and let out a grunt. “Fine,” she hissed, refusing to look at you, nor Yaz, “Fine,” she repeated it more calmly, softly and faking a smile. 
You took a sigh of relief and so did Yaz. She draped an arm over your shoulder with a satisfied grin. 
“But if you two end up in trouble, I’ll be very cross.” 
“Fair enough,” said Yaz. 
“We have a duty of care, you know.”
The Time Lady’s hearts hammered in her chest when you said that.
“You said there can’t be a universe without me and Yaz, well, I think there can’t be a universe without the Doctor.”
The Time Lady felt overwhelmed. She stared at the two of you with nothing but pure gratitude and love. When you playfully nudged at her, in the hope to help her soothe her nerves, her lips twitched in an amused smile, despite everything. She rolled her eyes at you, “Oi! You can’t steal my lines. Pretty sure it’s cheating.” 
You chuckled, moving towards the TARDIS’ door, along with Yaz by your side. 
“I’ll make up with you,” you promised, walking backwards so that you could still take in her features.
“Are ya coming or not?”
She sighed, slightly shaking her head. “Course I am,” she grumbled. 
“You two stay close,” she warned, voice firm, eyes soft. 
“Always,” Yaz promised. 
“Cross my heart,” you echoed, vowing to never lose sight of her.
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thirtccnthdoctor · 4 years
send me some requests guys. I am now starting write again. I remind that I write for:
Dean Winchester (Platonic, daughter or sister)
Sam Winchester (Platonic, daughter or sister)
Castiel (Platonic)
Jack Kline (platonic)
Doctor Who:
Thirteenth Doctor (Romantic, platonic, daughter or sister)
Yasmin Khan (Romantic, platonic, or sister)
Ryan Sinclair (Platonic or sister)
Graham O'Brien (Platonic or sister)
18 notes · View notes
griffxnnage · 4 years
Hi can I get a ship please for marvel Harry Potter and doctor who if you are I’m a cancer I’m a Cosplayer 5ft 4 with sort black hair I love photography and I wanna be a voice actor I’m plus size, and a massive dork also a lover of the supernatural also love video games, anime, rock/emo/screamo/alternative music and animals also I’m pansexual and gender fluid I have bad depression, with an eating disorder and anxiety and I’m socially awkward I’m sorry if that’s a lot of info
of course!
i ship you with cedric diggory!!
is very fascinated by cosplay; quite boggled, actually.
supports you, no matter what. he’s always there for you.
finds you and your dorkiness absolutely adorable.
i ship you with peter parker!!
totally cosplays with you; couple cosplay, anyone?
helps you any way he can with your mental health; he’s had to deal with some issues too, so he knows what he’s doing.
loves to play video games with you, all the time.
i ship you with yasmin khan!!
respects you and checks in with you regularly about how you’re doing and how you’re feeling.
loves to rock out with you to any music you choose.
always asks to be in the photos you take on different planets; you two keep a really cute photo album of where you’ve been with the doc.
join my 100 followers celebration!
10 notes · View notes
ranxiaolong · 5 years
The Woman who fell in Love with the Stars - Chapter 4 - Wish Upon a Falling Star
Chapters: [1] [2] [3] 4 [5]
Sneak Peek: Myths about shooting stars granting wishes were thoroughly untrue; shooting stars were as unreal as the wishes they were supposed to grant. A shooting star implies the star continues its trajectory. Yet those brilliant streaks of light in the sky are falling towards earth, burning up in the atmosphere before (often) disintegrating completely.
Wishes to stars were meaningless, you learned that a long time ago, but you supposed the ritual of it all still kept that slowly-dying hopeful fragment of your mind alive. If a star would grant your wishes, that would truly be a miracle. You paused, hands clasped, eyebrows furrowed and eyes screwed tightly shut.
You pondered, searching for something you could ask of the stars that they might grant you. If the stars felt kind—if they would give you just one thing…
Notes: Hi everyone, thank you so much for bearing with my wacky update schedule! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! (Did I really have the audacity to update this chapter on Valentine's day? You bet your pretty face I did.) ❤️
You sighed, contemplating the stars. You lay in a grassy field, a small hill not far from your flat. Whenever you wanted a few minutes of peace outside at night, that was your go-to spot. The grass was soft and the view pleasing. It was the place with the clearest vision of the night sky—your equivalent of a secret hideout.
As a light breeze passed, you pondered your love of the stars. It really was an odd choice. There were so many other things you could have fallen for, so many interesting things right there on Earth, yet what you were most fascinated by were the celestial beings in the sky. 
Was this what Icarus felt when he fell in love with the Sun?
The Sun was the brightest star from your perspective, purely through close proximity, yet your fascination lay with the stars light-years away. It would have been less ridiculous to fall in love with the Sun. The Sun could be relied on, it would always appear. You should have fallen for the Sun.
Another sigh fell from your lips.
The pull of starlight was always too great for you to resist. Soft, distant, mysterious. The light of the stars always lured you into chasing more.
But the light from the stars was cold. The Sun was warm, it’s rays holding you, guiding you. The stars were distant. The light of the stars could guide only if the sky was clear. If there was anything to obscure the stars, you would be plunged into darkness. However, even on cloudy days, the Sun’s brilliant light managed to penetrate through the coverage. Even on gloomy days, the Sun would force its way through to let you see.
A bright burst of light shot across the black canvas, bringing your mind back to the stars before your eyes. 
A falling star.
You brought your hands together to make a silent wish. Wishes to stars were meaningless, you learned that a long time ago, but you supposed the ritual of it all still kept that slowly-dying hopeful fragment of your mind alive. If a star would grant your wishes, that would truly be a miracle. You paused, hands clasped, eyebrows furrowed and eyes screwed tightly shut.
What were you to wish for?
There was only one streak of light, so you could only wish once. 
What would you wish for?
Wishing for the Doctor was unreasonable. Wishes were unreasonable by definition, but to wish for that felt like an utter extreme—like you were tempting the universe to unleash something upon you that you could not yet even imagine. It would be tempting fate.
How were you to wish upon a star that the stars would return your love? 
You pondered, searching for something you could ask of the stars that they might grant you. If the stars felt kind—if they would give you just one thing… 
You breathed in deeply, your wish made on the exhale leaving your lips.
You wished for the hurt to stop. It almost didn’t matter how. You just wished desperately for the pain to stop.
Yaz’s mother held out a drink for you to take, a fresh cup of tea in the white mug. You accepted it gratefully from your chair at her dining table.
“Thank you, Mrs. Khan.” You smiled.
“I told you, Najia is fine. You’ve been Yaz’s friend since the both of you were below my waist!”
You laughed softly, “Sorry, I’m just so used to calling you that, I’m not sure I can call you anything different.”
Najia smiled warmly at you before turning to Yasmin, a slight crease in her brow. “And Yasmin, I told you to bring your friends around more often.”
Yaz rolled her eyes.
Najia sighed, sitting next to Yaz on the couch. 
“Are you seeing anyone?“
“Mum, stop.”
“What? You never tell me anything. The only way I seem to get answers is by asking people you know or pressuring you in front of them.”
Your gaze is on Yaz, whose eyes look up to yours, connecting for a moment.
There’s a strange lightness in your chest that lasts for a fleeting second.
That was odd.
Najia casts a glance between you and Yaz. “Are you two together?”
Yaz choked on her drink, sputtering.
While Yaz had her coughing fit, your hand waved the thought away, a light smile on your lips, “No we aren’t together, Mrs. Khan.”
Yaz’s mother deflated slightly in disappointment for a brief moment before smiling again. “Well, regardless, feel free to stop by anytime, we don’t see you come by as often as we’d like. I feel like you don’t pop on by as often anymore. Yaz never brings her friends around much.”
Yaz groaned, cheeks still red from her lack of air, “That’s because you embarrass me every time I do bring anyone.”
You chuckled into your cup.
Yasmin’s mother waved her off, “I just get worried about you. I want to make sure you’re making friends.”
A long-suffering sigh exited Yaz’s chest. “Mum, I’m not twelve.”
“I just want to see you happy, darling.”
Sonya snorted as she walked into the room, sitting down at the table with a mug in hand, “She’s married to her work, don’t expect her to come home with anybody anytime soon.”
Yaz shot her sister a glare.
Yaz’s mother hummed, “But I would be happy if you find somebody nice to settle down with, If you want that sort of thing. I just want the best for you.”
“Mum, stop it.”
“What? I want grandkids to spoil.”
Yaz moaned into her hands, face flushed.
You laughed cheerfully at Yaz’s expense, a warm smile splitting your face, eyes crescenting with your grin.
“And you never tell me anything, for all I know, you could have been dating her.” Yasmin’s mother nodded your way.
The odd lightness bubbles forth within your breast, quickly dying out again.
Yaz’s eyes flitted to you momentarily, a darker blush settling across her cheeks as she goes back to berating her mother for always being so invested in her love life. “Mum, I told you to stop sticking your nose in my life like that. And don’t bring her into it. She has to deal with enough.”
Your giggles slowly died out in your cup as you took another sip of tea. You look up from the rim of the ceramic, catching Sonya’s gaze.
Sonya studied you with squinted eyes.
Your brows furrowed in confusion, “What?”
Sonya leaned forward from across the table, “I don’t understand why she doesn't just tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
Sonya sighed exasperatedly, “You two are absolutely hopeless.”
“Hey!” You cried indignantly, ”What’s that supposed to mean?”
Yaz walked over, stopping a few paces away from your chair, arms loosely crossed. “What’s going on over here?” Her eyebrow raised, glancing between the two of you.
“Your sister is being cryptic and I can’t tell if I’ve just been insulted or not.” You groaned.
Yaz sighed, exasperation laid into her tone, “Sonya...”
“It’s all right,” you chuckled, “can’t imagine it was that important. Just something about some secret you are apparently keeping from me.”
Yaz’s eyes widened in alarm, glaring at Sonya, “Don’t you dare.”
Sonya rolled her eyes, “I didn’t tell her anything. But you probably should. If for no other reason, it’s almost painful to watch you drool over—”
Yaz’s hand slapped over her sister’s mouth.
“I don’t drool over—” Yaz turned her head slightly, biting her tongue. Her eyes closed as she exhaled heavily through her nose.
“Gaze longingly after? Stare after like a lovesick puppy?” Sonya all but batted her eyelids mockingly.
“Stop.” Yaz’s tone was sharp, her eyes furious.
Sonya shut her mouth.
“Hey,” you interjected warily, “I’m sure it’s all good, yeah? Nobody told anybody anything. Not even sure what this is even about, but we can all be civil here.”
Yaz looked back, her chocolate irises connecting with yours, a kind of urgency and desperation in her eyes you didn’t remember seeing before.
“She really didn’t?”
You shook your head.
“Whatever it is, I can tell it’s important to you, so I won’t push. But do tell me if I can help. You’re my best friend, Yaz.”
Sonya glanced between the two of you.
Yaz let out a resigned sigh. 
“Thanks.” She says your name with a strange tint in her tone. You don’t quite know how to place it, so you tuck it away in the back of your head, something to think about later.
You smiled brightly. “Always.”
You were running. Your heart pounded in your ears as you lept over a branch that obstructed your path, the forest dark, moonlight casting random splotches of much-needed light through the leaves. You continued to run, not turning your back. Every second you didn’t spend running…
You gasped as something ice-cold wrapped around your wrist, short spikes digging into your arm. You struggled against the firm grasp, the freezing appendage refusing to let go. You turned in the creature’s hold, face pailing. 
The face of the creature was bug-like, hexagonal compartments glinting disturbingly in the faint light of the moon. Its long greyish-blue body towered a good two feet over you, head bobbing up and down slightly. The pincers of the creature’s mouth clicked together rapidly in a menacing fashion. You gulped, looking down, the praying mantis-esque arm biting down into your forearm. 
The creature raised its other arm, moonlight flashing across the tough exoskeleton. Your eyes snapped shut as it sliced downwards, a cry for help leaving your lips.
You bolt up from your pillow, heart thundering in your chest. Your pulse roared beneath your skin as your eyes rapidly scanned your surroundings. Without thinking, you unlocked your phone and clicked on Yaz’s number, bringing the phone to your ear, still breathing heavily.
As the phone rang, your heart rate slowly began to return to normal. 
This was stupid.
Your mind began to process the situation. 
What were you doing?
You kicked yourself mentally.
It was just a bad dream and you weren’t six.
You sighed, continuing to harshly berate yourself internally.
You were a grown woman, you didn’t need to call somebody. It was pathetic. It was just a bad dream. It was stupid to call Yaz. It’s not like she could do anything about it—not like you actually wanted her to—but—
Just as you were about to bring your phone down to end the call, Yaz picked up.
You stuttered into the speaker, struggling to come up with an excuse for waking her up at the ungodly hour. “Ahh, sorry. Sorry. I was about to hang up the phone.”
“‘S okay,” Yaz mumbled groggily, “‘S it ‘n emergency? Do ‘ou need an’thing?”
You could hear faint rustling on the other end of the line between Yaz’s sleepy words.
“No. I’m sorry for calling you in the middle of the night. It’s just that I had a nightmare and I woke up, and I don’t know why but I called you and I’m so sorry for waking you up for something as stupid as this and—”
Yaz cut your increasing ramble off, “Shhh-shhh-shhh. ‘S all right. I don’t mind.”
Yaz waited patiently on the other end of the line for you to calm your nerves.
“Do you want t’ talk ’bout it?”
You shook your head, then realizing she couldn’t see you, verbalized your response. “I don’t want to keep you up, but—”
Yaz’s voice was soft, “You’re not a bother. You can tell me.”
You felt tears well up in your eyes. A slight hiccup left your trembling lips.
Yaz called your name out softly. “Are you crying?”
“I’m sorry,” you immediately respond, “Sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize.”
You couldn’t help the last few apologies that slipped past your lips between your shaky breaths.
“Thank you.” You replied faintly, a slight crack in your hoarse voice.
Yaz hummed tenderly into her phone. “Always.”
The nightmare had faded, but your heart was still rapid within your breast. 
It was just a lack of sleep. That must be it.
The soft smell of grass brushed over you, your eyes roaming the night sky. It was nice out; the stars unobscured. 
The slow pulses of light shone, your focus floating amongst the constellations.
Your gaze drifted across the sky, eventually dropping, finding the constellation of Scorpius. So obsessed with the nebula residing just south of the belt of Orion, you hardly paid attention to the main antagonist of the old myth. You followed the curl of the scorpion’s tail. It was fascinating how people came up with shapes from the placement of the stars to tell stories to better understand the world around them.
Your brief thoughts fell to the mythical man that was pasted in the stars. Zeus admired him so much that his image was immortalized in the glittering sky. You wondered if Zeus plastered the Doctor’s image in the stars as well, every thought of the stars becoming thoughts of the Doctor.
The Doctor’s constellation was the entirety of the endless drops of light in the night sky. 
If Icarus was doomed to love the Sun, would you forever be doomed to love the stars only to crash back to Earth? The stars had lured you in. You had been drawn in by the stars’ tempting glow. The twinkling lights fanned dreams filled with wonder, dreams of fascination and of love. Your wings were forged from your affections and you flapped towards the heavens, eager to greet the iridescent lights.
With wings tipped in space filled dreams, you flew up towards the stars. But dreams were fragile, crafted from wax and string as the mold to pour your accomplishments into—wings made of feathers and wax do not last. You had flown too close to the sun. The brightest star in the sky burned your wings and let you fall. You were naïve to believe the stars would catch you.
The sun never caught Icarus, and the stars would never catch you.
You laughed with glee at the adventure Yaz was relaying to you. The Doctor had taken the gang to a planet that, to instill a sense of contentment amongst its citizens, had a kind of gaseous substance that tricked the brain. If inhaled or eaten, the substance caused people to hallucinate the things they desired the most (or at least in that moment).
The culture of the planet was to treat guests to a banquet, and their culture believed it was a kindness to show people what they desired to see. In theory, it sounded fantastic. In practice, however...
Ryan had apparently started to hallucinate about a large tub of fried chicken following him. You had found the image hilarious, the man swatting at an imaginary container and his outrage that every time he tried to pick up a piece his hand would pass straight through or he picked up some other food that tasted exactly nothing like what he saw. The Doctor had finally deduced that the acceleration of the effect was a chemical most likely contained in the food, so despite the starving fam, none of them were allowed to eat the banquet set before them. 
“I was just sitting there, starving for nearly three hours.” Yaz groaned, head falling back, back against your dining room chair. Her eyes had flickered to yours, a small smile of contentment blooming on her features at your elated expression.
You giggled, “Was food the only thing you guys saw?”
Yaz shook her head, sighing. “No. I think for a world like that, those aliens didn’t process the chemical the same as us. They went on with their lives in a generally happy mood, but some of the things we saw after a lot of it got into our system…” Yaz trailed off, her expression dropping, eyes intent upon a spot on the table despite her forlorn features.
You sat forward, prompting Yaz to continue.
Yaz sat, looking intently at her hands, “It started getting really hard to just be there. Graham and Ryan kept on seeing people passing by as Grace. It started not just being objects that we saw or things that made us happy, but things we missed or lost as well. We started seeing people. I felt like I was about to go mad.”
Your brows furrowed. 
“You would also see situations… they wouldn’t exactly be hallucinations, but they became so clear in your head that—” Yaz bit her lip. “You thought they would happen, it was so believable, you became almost certain that they would happen. Even if you knew they wouldn’t.”
You wavered, not sure if you wanted to sate your burning curiosity that bubbled at her words. “Did you see anybody?”
Yaz hesitantly nodded.
“Can I ask who?”
Yaz paused.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” you added quickly, “From what you were telling me, it’s probably a touchy topic.”
Yaz looked up before her eyes dropped back to her clasped hands. “It’s alright. It was just a silly wish.”
“Water, water everywhere?” You offered.
Yaz’s gaze fell on your face again, something unreadable in her eyes.
There was most definitely something that came more to mind than just some food she couldn’t eat on the alien planet. There was something she desired that she couldn’t have. 
Whatever it was, Yaz deserved to have it.
The thought immediately passed through your head. Yaz had helped you through so much. She deserved any wish she could possibly have.
“Nevermind.” A blush rose to Yaz’s cheeks, her face turning away quickly.
You let it go, though your mind still resting on the rosy hue that adorned Yaz’s cheeks, wondering what—who—she saw.
Your eyes meandered across the sky, grass brushing the back of your neck softly. Silver dots across the bluish-black backdrop had you plunged into an internal debate. The past few months had been rough, the sense of abandonment probably the worst of everything you felt. The feeling of being cast aside by the woman you loved still fresh despite the start of the whole ordeal being nearing four months ago.
Had it been already?
It felt like so much longer.
Your eyelids slid closed. Time seemed to pass by so much more slowly when you weren’t always traveling in the blue box. 
Yet, despite such thoughts, you were glad for the slow pace. You weren’t sure how well you would have handled it all if you were forced to move through your emotions and faster than you already were. 
Gratitude towards Yasmin bubbled in your chest. If it weren’t for your best friend, who knew where you would be. Losing the Doctor was a lot more than just losing a woman you fancied: it was losing the night sky as a whole. It was having to lose the stars. 
If you could think of some way to properly repay Yaz, you would do it in a heartbeat. Nothing seemed great enough to repay the woman who helped you through your love with the stars.
When you opened your eyes, a flash of light darted across the velvet sky. 
There had been quite a lot of falling stars as of late. You must be passing through the residual line of rocks and ice left from another object orbiting the sun. Thoughts of falling stars filled your mind. Another wish nagged at the back of your head. 
You begged the stars to listen to your request. Even if they could do nothing about your own plights, you hoped they would at least listen to this one. 
Please grant Yaz’s wish. Please let Yaz be happy.
As you sat on the stairs leading up to your apartment next to Yaz, two steaming mugs of cocoa in hand. You offered one to your best friend, who thanked you softly. Your baggy sweater drooped over your body, doing a decent job of protecting your frame from the cool air nipping at your skin. Your cheeks were slightly rosy due to the night air. 
“I’m not sure if it’s incredibly bad luck or if this is just some big cosmic joke that the universe is playing for laughs.” You nursed your cup close to your breast, a sigh leaving your chest.
Yaz raised an eyebrow, “What’d you mean?”
You shrugged, “The whole situation, really. Seven and a half billion people on the planet and I fall in love with an alien.”
Recognition lights in Yasmin’s eyes, her gaze quickly averting to her cup, fingers tightening around the handle. “Oh, that. Yeah. Odd how that works out.”
Your dry laugh was mirthless, self-pity in your eyes. “Maybe I’m just not cut out for love.” 
You miss how Yaz’s eyes dart across your crestfallen form.
“I mean, there’s an entire world of people I went and fell in love with a star.”
Yaz barely managed to bite her tongue, words nearly tumbling out from between her lips that would be hard for her to take back.
What if you were looking at the wrong stars?
Yaz wasn’t sure if they were words she would want to take back.
“I’m sure there’s a star that would fall for you.”
Your mouth went dry as your eyes connected with Yaz’s, her irises intently on yours.
You quickly shook your head, praying your chuckle didn’t reflect the sudden skittishness you felt well up inside of you, “No, no. I—I’m not worthy of a star.”
A frown tugged at your best friend’s lips. “You’re worth all of the stars. Just because she doesn’t think you’re worth it, definitely doesn’t mean that you’re not.”
Your heart raced in your chest, your palms damp.
Why were you suddenly so nervous?
You quickly turned your head, resting your mouth in your palm to partially cover your face indiscreetly, hoping Yaz hadn’t noticed the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Thank you.” You mumbled into your hand.
Yasmin’s eyes were soft, her kind smile caused your stomach to become impossibly light when you turned back. “You deserve all the stars in the universe.”
You fought the fluttering in your chest.
Your eyes turned to the stars. There was no sadness when you looked at them. For the first time in nearly four months, no melancholy.
The lightness in your breast was just due to looking at the stars.
Your cheeks burned.
It was the same lightness you had when you looked at the stars.
You gazed longingly up at the night sky while laying on the grassy hill, dots of light twinkling back. A quick dash of light zoomed past, quickly being swallowed by the darkness as it fizzed out of existence. 
A falling star.
You breathed in deeply, the crisp cool night air and the smell of damp grass filling your nostrils. 
To you, Yaz was like a falling star. She was there to give you a blazing glimmer when your eyes were glued to the cold glow of the dewy drops in the sky. 
Yaz was able to bring the light and gently place it into your hands.
In a world where the stars were trapped above like a spiderweb in the sky, Yaz managed to pluck their rays and set them in your palms.
Myths about shooting stars granting wishes were thoroughly untrue; shooting stars were as unreal as the wishes they were supposed to grant. A shooting star implies the star continues its trajectory. Yet those brilliant streaks of light in the sky are falling towards earth, burning up in the atmosphere before (often) disintegrating completely. 
But despite the resolute answer of the myth, Yaz somehow managed to grant nearly everything you could have ever wished for. She cared for you when you were down, she provided company on lonely nights, and she was a shoulder to cry on when the pressure became too much. Yaz was always there, a falling star that landed in your arms. You held out your palms and she landed in an explosion of fireworks.
Your heart fluttered within your breast.
Yaz fell into your reach, she fell from the sky into the mud to bring you back up to look towards the stars. Yaz shone brilliantly, brightly, breathtakingly, beautifully. 
Yaz shone like the stars.
As Yaz recalled her latest adventure enthusiastically, you could see all the stars of the sky shine in her eyes, all the planets untold, all of the excitement you wished you shared. Your gaze fell slightly, trailing down her face, ultimately landing on her lips. You forced your gaze upwards, berating yourself internally. Yaz was just a friend—your best friend—looking at her like that was inappropriate. Your mind briefly flickered to the Doctor. You had thought that about her, too. Suddenly your mouth tasted bitter.
You didn’t notice the frown that began to tug at your lips. Yasmin’s ramblings halted, noticing your expression.
“Is something wrong?”
You jumped. “What? Nothing, nothing. It’s just,” you weren’t quite sure of how to finish your sentence, “I was remembering something unpleasant.”
Yaz frowned. “Nothing to do with me, I hope?”
You shake your head quickly, “No! Not at all. Of course not. I was just reminded of—I was thinking about—“
“The Doctor?”
Your eyes widened in alarm.
“I’m not an idiot. I can tell.” Yaz smiled sadly at you. “If me talking about my adventures with her makes you uncomfortable I can stop.”
You shake your head vehemently. “God no, I don’t want you to stop. I love hearing about all the things you get to do—get to see. I just wish I could be there with you.” You fiddled with your fingers, eyes glued to your hands in your lap. “I love watching you tell me everything, you always look so excited and happy and—the stars you’ve seen seem to be reflected in your eyes. I feel like I’m there with you, but it makes me wish I could actually have been there too.”
You glanced up from your hands to Yasmin’s face, and you were startled at how intently she was looking at you. You couldn’t quite identify it, but the look of awe and wonder in her eyes made your body tingle. You felt like you were swimming in her dark eyes.
Yaz leaned forward slightly, her eyes still locked with yours. You felt your pulse quicken, breath becoming slightly more erratic. You hoped she didn’t notice. The woman’s eyes briefly fell lower on your face before flickering back up. Your breath caught in your throat.
“I’ve been waiting for so long,” Yaz’s eyes seemed to be searching yours. What she’s looking for you didn’t know—what you were denying to know—refusing to hope. “I thought that it would only be her.” Yaz let out a breath, “I thought that she would be the only one who could match up to the stars in your eyes. The one who you would look at like you looked at that nebula.”
The look of awe Yaz gave you was soft, the emotion in her eyes everything but spoken aloud.
“I never thought I’d ever see you look at me the way you look at the stars.”
You faced her fully, unable to tear your eyes away from her chocolate pools. Yasmin leaned closer, her eyes flickering down again briefly and you lick your lips, her breath lightly fanning against your mouth.
“You need to tell me if you want me to stop because I don’t think I can otherwise.”
You could only swallow thickly in response. Yaz’s chest brushed your shoulder, faces centimeters apart, lips a hair’s breadth away from one another. She slowed, waiting, giving you enough time to decide to pull away before your lips collided.
You didn’t.
Notes: Ah, Yes. Metaphors have a way of taking this story by the throat, don't they? I bet a lot of you are getting pretty sick of my stringing-you-along-at-the-pace-of-an-iceberg shit, aren't you? I try to act badass yet I'm all blushes and giggles and this soft crap is what I post. What a blow to my reputation.
Ahhhh, but if nothing else, the rest of you like the show for its commitment to the stars, the fascination to the heavens and all its endless splendor? Right? Right? Let me and my cheesiness live.
Aaaaaaanyways, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! And I love hearing your guys' feedback! I want to know what you loved, what you didn't, what would you possibly shout at anybody in this story as your emotions are put on edge! Please tell me! Until next time, ciao!
Tag List: @oster-hagen , @creativefangirling123  , @wonders-of-the-multiverse , @skittle479 , @actuallyanita​ 
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bestshipsmackdown · 1 year
With Nine Submissions: (1)
Kim Dokja x Yoo Joonghuyk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
With Eight Submissions: (4)
Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase from The Percy Jackson Series
Gideon Nav x Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb Series
Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna from RWBY
Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz from 911
With Seven Submissions: (2)
Adora x Catra from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
@bracket-bracket x @thecompetitionshowdowntournament x @ultimate-poll-tournament from tumblr.com
With Six Submissions: (4)
Fred Jones x Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley x Norville “Shaggy” Rogers from Scooby-Doo
Luz Noceda x Amity Blight from The Owl House
Lance x Keith from Voltron: Legendary Defender
Hiyori Suzumi x Yujiro Someya x Aizo Shibasaki from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee]
With Five Submissions: (3)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng[Ladybug] x Adrien Agreste[Chat Noir] from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa from Buddy Daddies
Akira Kurusu[Ren Amamiya/Joker]x Goro Akechi from Persona 5[Persona 5 Royal]
With Four Submissions: (10)
Jack Harkness x Rose Tyler x The Ninth Doctor from Doctor Who
Link x Zelda from The Legend of Zelda
Eda Clawthorne x Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney
Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
Nomi Marks x Amanita Caplan from Sense8
Mike Wheeler x Will Byers from Stranger Things
Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley from Stranger Things
Yasmin “Yaz” Khan x The Thirteenth Doctor from Doctor Who
Merlin x Arthur Pendragon from Merlin
With Three Submissions: (32)
Laura Moon x Mad Sweeney from American Gods
Caitlyn Kiramann x Vi from Arcane
Troy Barnes x Abed Nadir from Community
Imogen Temult x Laudna from Critical Role
Edward Nygma x Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham
Will Solace x Nico Di Angelo from Heroes of Olympus
Hikaru Indou x Yoshiki Tsukajinaka from Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
Will Parry x Lyra Silvertongue from His Dark Materials
Rose Lalonde x Kanaya Maryam from Homestuck
Gon Freecss x Killua Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter
Dustfinger x Resa from Inkheart
Gimli x Legolas from Lord of the Rings
Bakugou Katsuki x Todoroki Shouto from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Todoroki Touya[Dabi] x Takami Keigo[Hawks] from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
KJ Brandman x Mac Coyle from Paper Girls
Perfuma x Scorpia from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Reki Kyan x Langa Hasegawa from Sk8 the Infinity
Korra x Asami from The Legend of Korra
Dream x Hob from The Sandman
Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams from Wednesday
Buffy Summers x Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Caleb Widowgast x Essek Thelyss from Critical Role
Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier from It
Bugs Bunny x Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes
Magnus Chase x Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishima Eijirou from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Dean Winchester x Castiel from Supernatural
Death[El Lobo de la Muerte] x Puss in Boots x Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Tara Maclay x Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Shibasaki Aizo x Someya Yujiro from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee]
Michael “Mike” Wazowski x James P. Sullivan “Sulley” from Monsters, Inc.
Nana Osaki x Nana “Hachi” “Hachiko” Komatsu from Nana
These are the ones that have to go through a prequalifying round:
With Two Submissions: (137)
Carlos Reyes x TK Strand from 911: Lonestar
Kazuma Asougi x Ryunosuke Naruhodo from The Great Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice x Klavier Gavin from Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice
Marceline x Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time
Salim x The Djinn from American Gods
Sam Black Crow x Shadow Moon from American Gods
Zuko x Sokka x Suki from Avatar the Last Airbender
Zuko x Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender
Aang x Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender
Barbapapa x Barbamama from Barbapapa
Erika x Annaliese from Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Faith Lehane x Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Chuuya Nakahara x Osamu Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs
Carmen Sandiego x Julia Argent from Carmen Sandiego
Ulrich Stern x Yumi Ishiyama from Code Lyoko
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III x Vex'ahlia from Critical Role
Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy from DC
Hal Jordan x Bruce Wayne from DCU[Justice League]
Lena Luthor x Kara Zor-El[Kara Danvers] from DC[Supergirl]
Tinkerbell x Vidia from Disney Fairies
The Doctor x The Master from Doctor Who
Jonathan Harker x Mina Murray from Dracula
Jalil x Christopher from Everworld
Nessie97[Vannie] x Luis Cabrera from Five Nights at Freddy's[AR Emails]
Edward Elric x Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Anathema x Newt from Good Omens
Crowley x Aziraphale from Good Omens
Orpheus x Eurydice from Greek Mythology
Amelia x Link from Grey's Anatomy
Bailey x Ben from Grey's Anatomy
Bokuto Koutarou x Akaashi Keiji from Haikyuu!!
Charlie Morningstar x Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel
Elle Argent x Tao Xu from Heartstopper
Millie x Moxxie from Helluva Boss
Stolas Goetia x Blitzø from Helluva Boss
Lord Asriel x Marisa Coulter from His Dark Materials
Dave Strider x Karkat Vantas from Homestuck
Dr. Gregory House x Dr. James Wilson from House M.D.
Astrid Hofferson x Hiccup Haddock from How To Train Your Dragon
Howl Jenkins Pendragon x Sophie Hatter from Howl's Moving Castle
Leorio Paradinight x Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter
Sid the Sloth x Manny the Mammoth x Diego the Saber Tooth Tiger from Ice Age
The Black Prince x Violante from Inkheart
Dustfinger x The Black Prince from Inkheart
Beverly Marsh x Ben Hanscom from It
Gojo Satoru x Geto Suguru from Jujutsu Kaisen
Luke Patterson x Julie Molina from Julie and the Phantoms
Hutch x Chloe from Jupiter's Legacy
Yukari Kotozome[Cure Macaron] x Akira Kenjou[Cure Chocolat] from Kirakira Pretty Cure A La Mode
Meta Knight x King Dedede from Kirby
Joacquim Morray x Forever Carlyle from Lazarus
Wendy Pleakley x Jumba Jookiba from Lilo & Stitch
Arwen x Aragorn from Lord of the Rings
Lucifer x Chloe Decker from Lucifer
Eve x Mazikeen from Lucifer
Homura Akemi x Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magica
Jonathan Sims x Martin Blackwood from The Magnus Archives
Steve Rogers[Captain America] x Anthony “Tony” Stark[Ironman] from Marvel
Wanda x Vision from Marvel
James “Bucky” Barnes x Steve Rogers[Captain America] from Marvel
Sam Wilson x James “Bucky” Barnes from Marvel
Charles Xavier[Professor X] x Erik Lehnsherr[Magneto] from X-Men[Marvel]
Noemi x Francis from Mexican Gothic
Adrien Agreste[Chat Noir] x Luka Couffaine[Viperion] from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Nathalie Sancoeur x Émilie Agreste from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Phryne Fisher x Jack Robinson from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Bakugou Katsuki x Todoroki Shouto x Midoriya Izuku from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Yaoyorozu Momo x Jirou Kyouka from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Todoroki Shouto x Midoriya Izuku from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Uraraka Ochako x Midoriya Izuku from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Kate Whistler x Lucy Tara from NCIS Hawai'i
Richard Mayhew x Lady Door from Neverwhere
Jack Kelly x David Jacobs from Newsies
Regina Mills[Evil Queen] x Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time
Killian Jones[Captain Hook] x Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time
Elizabeth Swann x Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth Bennet x Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice
Charlotte “Lottie” La Bouff x Tiana from Princess and the Frog
Dani Powell x Malcolm Bright from Prodigal Son
Gil Arroyo x Jessica Whitly from Prodigal Son
Sasha Nein x Milla Vodello from Psychonauts
Utena Tenjou x Anthy HImemiya from Revolutionary Girl Utena
Lie Ren x Nora Valkyrie from RWBY
Ruby Rose x Penny Polendina from RWBY
Mamoru Chiba[Tuxedo Mask] x Usagi Tsukino[Sailor Moon] from Sailor Moon
Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley from Scooby-Doo
Magnus x Alec from Shadowhunters
Glimmer x Bow from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Mermista x Sea Hawk from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Spinnerella x Netossa from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
John Watson x Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock Holmes
Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa from Six of Crows
Wylan Hendricks x Jesper Fahey from Six of Crows
Nina Zenik x Matthias Helvas from Six of Crows
Sonic the Hedgehog x Shadow the Hedgehog from Sonic the Hedgehog
Eric Cartman x Kyle Brofloski from South Park
Loid Forger x Yor Briar from Spy x Family
Captain Kirk x Spock from Star Trek
Connie Maheswaran x Steven Universe from Steven Universe
Ruby x Sapphire from Steven Universe
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson from Stranger Things
El Hopper x Max Mayfield x Lucas Sinclair from Stranger Things
Rapunzel x Eugene “Flynn Rider” Flitzherbert
Scott McCall x Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf
Morticia Addams x Gomez Addams from The Addams Family
Chidi Anagonye x Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place
Ellie Williams x Dina from The Last of Us 2
Ashby x Pei from The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Sissix x Rosemary Harper from The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Jenks x Lovey from The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Marco x Celia from The Night Circus
Willow Park x Hunter from The Owl House
Gus Porter x Mattholomule from The Owl House
Westley x Buttercup from The Princess Bride
Chel x Miguel x Tulio from The Road to El Dorado
Barbie x Wanda from The Sandman
Foxglove x Hazel from The Sandman
Hector x Lyta from The Sandman
Will Herondale x Tessa Gray x Jem Carstairs from The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Zachary x Dorian from The Starless Sea
Cassandra x Laura from The Wicked + The Divine
Vasya x Morozko from The Winternight Trilogy
Jaskier[Dandelion] x Geralt of Rivia x Yennefer from The Witcher
Fox Mulder x Dana Scully from The X-files
Jack x Rose from Titanic
Kou Minamoto x Mistuba Sousuke from Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Ken Kaneki x Hideyoshi Nagachika from Tokyo Ghoul
Ianto Jones x Jack Harkness from Torchwood
Toshiko Sato x Owen Harper from Torchwood
Agnieszka x Sarkan from Uprooted
Cornelia Hale x Irma Lair from W.I.T.C.H.
Bloom x Stella from Winx Club
Flora x Mirta from Winx Club
Xena x Gabrielle from Xena: Warrior Princess
Agent 355 x Allison Mann from Y : The Last Man
Hero Brown x Beth Deville from Y : The Last Man
Katsuki Yuuri x Viktor Nikiforov from Yuri!!! on Ice
52 notes · View notes
whittakerjodie · 4 years
if I start implementing hints of yaz/13/reader into my fic it just be like that 
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dragon-kazansky · 5 years
Yasmin Khan things
Tumblr media
You’ve known each other a long time.
You’re like a power couple.
She’s got your back.
You have hers.
You’re always making sure the other is OK.
The Doctor makes you to partner you both up if the group needs to separate.
Lots of inside jokes.
Ryan is always left confused.
You support everything she does.
In her career and when travelling with the Doctor.
She’s the same with you.
Her family love you.
You got on well with her parents.
You even hang out with her sister once in a while.
She loves how you get on with her family.
You both think alike, so you make a good team. The Doctor will often praise you both for that.
You share a room on the TARDIS.
Often the others can hear you both chatting and laughing from there.
Sometimes you’ll invite the Doctor in and have a girl’s night.
Gives the boys a chance to hang out or whatever they do when you girls are busy.
Yaz doesn’t know where she would be without you.
Travelling the stars with you at her side, she couldn’t ask for more than that.
@ourfracturedomens @awyr @fandombeehive  @charmed-asylum @sigynbandraoi-blog  @procrastinatingmurder  @sitkafay​
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