#third grade teacher
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noahsarchipelago · 1 year ago
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Today’s comic, in which Ursula is late to school and devoid of completed homework due to last night’s KISS show.
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johnnydany · 2 years ago
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Third Grade Dream Team Retro Back To School Teacher Student T-Shirt
Get yours styles: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/47746155-third-grade-dream-team-retro-back-to-school-teache
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quotesofmorons · 2 years ago
"You third grade teacher mother fucker."
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alchemistc · 3 months ago
You're an incredible fic writer and I wish I could write you something that you would enjoy.
Thank you!
Here's the thing. Write. Write write write, and then write some more. Every reader is going to enjoy different things. I will admit I'm a fucking snob when it comes to style, so even a lot of published stuff gets five paragraphs out of me before I decide whether to keep going. But writing is a muscle you can hone however you want. You wanna be verbose and dig into details? Lift some weight reading prose you enjoy. Are you aiming for brevity? Read some lyrics, some poetry, dig in there and really see what parts stand out to you that make 20 words feel like a novel.
Write shit that makes you so incandescently angry you title it GARBAGE HEAP DO NOT LOOK. (In five years go back to it and see how much is salvageable)
Write something that makes you weep, or laugh, or even just smile to yourself because you know, you KNOW it's gonna hit someone right in the solar plexus.
Use your own hobbies as jumping off points. Use your interests as heavy handed metaphor.
All I can say for sure is if you wanna write, you gotta... actually write. Sometimes I heed this advice myself, sometimes not. Sometimes I think something in particular is gonna hit and it doesn't. Sometimes I do something I don't even realize that has people pounding on my metaphorical door to yell at me.
Write for you, first and foremost, and then go from there.
tell me something on anon you'd never say off anon
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monards · 6 months ago
white haired characters whose motive is just being so incredibly gay i love you
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guplia · 8 months ago
I decided to redraw this on my laptop because I'm much better at digital art when it comes to legos
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solreefs · 1 year ago
early series Wolfe and students dynamic is insane. he wants them all to fuck off forever. he sees his younger self in them. he’d rather be doing anything else. he’ll throw hands with anyone who threatens them. he sent two of them home on the first day by random chance and didn’t care. they’re the future of the library. they’re just kids. he’ll take a bullet for any of them without hesitation. if he has to answer one more stupid question he’ll walk into the sea and never return.
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seilon · 7 months ago
love when this is referred to as the gifted kid website. shockingly my mental disorders made me mentally disordered and school never really vibed with that so. couldn’t be me
#ppl always talking about their whatever grade reading level and how many books they’d read as kids and im just over here like🧍🏽#I’ve never been actually bad at english or reading but I couldn’t focus on reading books to save my fucking life#I hated those sheets where you had to read like a certain number of books or whatever over the course of a semester or the year or whatever#my GATE test scores for english were super high but my math was bad enough that I never qualified#and adhd made me not even perform well in English half the time because I couldn’t pay attention I couldn’t read long books I couldn’t turn#in my assignments or if I did they were late and etc etc etc#don’t get me started with math#I was the worst in my class in third grade at minute math and never made it to the levels of minute math my classmates did#(they posted results on the wall for everyone to see)#and in 6th grade I was put into an additional remedial math class#throughout middle-high school I was at the level of most classmates in terms of the classes I took but that’s only because I was not allowe#to fail and was put through absolute fucking hell with a billion tutors and grueling hours of extra work from them and blah blah blah#like I remember how I felt in those tutoring sessions and half the time I actually wanted to cry.#I didn’t start doing solidly genuinely Good in school until senior year of high school.#not coincidentally around the same time I started taking adderall I think#I had accommodations by 9th grade but they didn’t do that much except for the function that let me turn in assignments up to 2 days late#without penalty. which i had teachers question sometimes and i had to pull the Yeah it’s Literally Against The Law to not allow me this car#anyway. point is. i was never in the gate program and most of my friends were and it was mostly adhd related#adhd is considered such a quirky nothing disorder nowadays that I don’t even like mentioning I have it really. because what people think of#when I say the term is Not what i actually dealt with and made school torturous and made my parents lash out at me for things and etc etc#depression and dysphoria did not help either. but I digress#I’m not sure why im making this post#kibumblabs
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borrelia · 26 days ago
wanted to doodle a shorter story to help me practice my writing but no time tonight 😔 movies call!
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noahsarchipelago · 1 year ago
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Today’s comic, in which Miss Fardemar and Ursula disagree on how Ursula’s homework should be marked.
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johnnydany · 2 years ago
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Third Grade Vibes For Girls Boys 3rd Grade Teacher T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/47216153-third-grade-vibes-for-girls-boys-3rd-grade-teacher
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pleasecatchforusthefoxes · 6 days ago
i read my christian warrior cats post and i felt a bubble in my abdomen rise and it cured my ailments
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torchickentacos · 1 year ago
I've developed a new strategy to countering unhelpful urges to self sabotage out of spite- This approach is 'Would my friends* yell at me** for this?'
So, currently I'm dealing with the ordeal of 'if one more person tells me to drink more water for my chronic illness, as if I don't know my own chronic illness better than they do, then I'm going to intentionally drink as little water as I can for a week in response'. Unfortunately, 1.) I live with people who tell me this often, usually in spats they started, so I'd be drinking... not much water, and 2.) self sabotage is fine and great and fun (not really) until it's at the expense of your own health (really) so I've had to figure out ways to get my brain to back down from this. Because I have gone through with it before to bad results with frustratingly little satisfaction at the end of the spiteful road. Mostly, it just makes me black out more.
The current working strategy for...not-doing-this is 'would my friends yell at me for intentionally dehydrating myself', or 'would my friends yell at me for calling ritz crackers an adequate lunch' or 'would my friends yell at me for telling my parents I'm going on a walk, only to go sit on the curb a block over in January for an hour'? The answer tends to be yes.
Because here's the thing. Will I do health/wellbeing things out of compliance to authority? No. I actively want to do them less every time I'm told to, at this point. It makes me want to become the problem people think I am. HOWEVER, I will do these things for myself, my own future and wellbeing, and for my friends who care about said future and wellbeing. SO FAR this approach of stopping and asking, 'would [friend's name(s)] appreciate this?' actually works really well, because no, they'd absolutely not appreciate me doing that, and I currently value their opinion far more than other people's.
So congrats to my friends for getting me to drink water (or gatorade, or liquid IV or whatever else) by existing!
*This includes mutuals. Feel free to substitute with 'would I get a concerned anon about this?'.
**Note that my friends are lovely and would not actually yell at me <3 Some of them might give me some negative discord react emojis about it though lmfao :drew: :deadash6: :imnotmadimjustdisappointed:
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gaybd1 · 9 months ago
You ever sub for a class and you’re like who tf is your normal teacher
Show and tell in kindergarten, one girl brings like her nail painting set and so some girls are playing with some of the nail stickers. They want to share with me too so I take them. Some of the boys are looking on from across the room and one of them is like “boys can do that??” and I’m like “well I think people should do whatever makes them happy, don’t you?” and suddenly they all go rushing over
like I’m so sorry your normal teacher doesn’t seem to let you explore life outside of rigid gender roles?? At a school that is supposed to be super progressive about all that??
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uozlulu · 1 month ago
Thinking back to the time in elementary school when I was reading a book about World War II and one of the teachers was VERY CONCERNED it was too old for me and asked me why I was reading it, and I knew if I said, "Because my dad was watching a show last night and changed the channel and I want to know what I missed," I might get in trouble, so I said, "Because I might need to know this later."
And it's like man I wish I did not need to know it for later. Why are we where we are? I mean I know why on an intellectual level but just you know on a more spiritual, emotional level WHY are we here?
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maebymine · 11 months ago
why must i suffer in ways that can't be turned into poetry
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