#they're the moment ur honour
heyimboredtalktome · 10 months
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Hello, I love them and this specific bit of blocking more than anything.
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stacytea · 9 months
Ereinion & Elrond in Lindon and the ,,happily married, but on different sleep schedules'' theme like: Elrond who wakes up at 5 a.m. , eats breakfast, goes to the hospital, does a ward round and stays there for two hours or something, then comes back and still has time to sort out some papers or drink tea before the morning council and then there's Ereinion, who wakes up a quarter (half of an hour at best) before the council starts, barely has time to dress up and brush his hair, puts on shoes at a run in the hallway (sometimes forgets until he's already all the way down at the council room's door and then he has no more time to go get them, so he just goes about his day barefoot, rapunzel-style) also ,,wdym I should eat breakfast after waking up? *genuine confusion''; somehow he has only ever shown up late at a council something like twice in his whole life and it was 2-3 minutes late, no one knows how he manages (no one including Ereinion himself) Ereinion & Elrond who always eat a meal together sometime between the noon and 3 p.m. (depends if they eat during a break or after the morning council) , but for Elrond it's a dinner and for Ereinion it's a breakfast Elrond who's kinda sorta worried about his boyfriend's (unofficial husband's) eating & sleeping habits bonus: Ereinion & Elrond sitting somewhere in the gardens at night and looking at the stars and it's nice they finally get to spend some time together, not-working, but also Elrond is already so exhausted that he is falling asleep on his partner's shoulder.
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webdollzz · 3 months
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a/n: me n my best baby @earth222abi were talking about this on tiktok and I js had to form a post 🧘🏻‍♀️
warnings: none, headcanons rly
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this man can and will come home with random strays at any given moment. dogs, cats, you name it, hes brought it back to his canal boat. including a "hamster" (it was a fucking mouse)
cat distribution system LOVES him. "don' mind these, they jus' a couple o' squatters" and its 4 cats sleeping on his floor, table, bed and worktop living their best lives. if he doesn't see a "regular" as he calls them, on a boring patrol night he'll search for them in usual places because he's so worried.
I think he permanently adopted a stray blue staffy & he just annoys TF outta that poor dawg cuz he loves it. (like this)
can, will & does send you those tiktoks he gets on his fyp with 2 likes of some old tosser on their 2014 android and says "litch me". also sends those tiktoks where its like "you belong to me😈😈" and he fully is just an absolute dickhead with annoying you. (abi damn near killed me for sending those tiktoks)
BUT if you do it back n call this man kitten or sum fucking shit he WILL stare at you sooooo fed up. "only funny when I do it." alr double standards.
carves your initials into his guitar.
fully steals feminine hygiene products for you if you're afab, binders & chest tape if ur ftm, what u want, this man gets. fuck big businesses and that.
loves when you two wander around town at xmas time when theres all those little stalls up.
he pokes ur waist. everytime he sees an opportunity, done. snorts to himself when you yelp.
....he loves a good bubble bath I'm sorry. being spiderman means having achey muscles all the live long day so if you run him a nice bubble bath this man will love you for the rest of his damn life. (even though he would either way.)
on that subject, he too gangly for a shower, the shower doesn't go high enough so he either hunches or uses his webs to put it higher (and that pisses u off if ur shorter) and his knobbly ahh knees poke out the bath sometimes but he too busy in his world to gaf. (you're sat on the toilet watching him and just giggling ur ass off)
he loves sewing. his "nanny" definitely taught him when he was just a lil geezer which is how he has all his patches and badges on his clothes, he put them on himself! only sews in the way his grandmother showed him to honour her, and refuses point blank to do it any other way, even if they're easier/sturdier. trust in great mrs brown.
loves picking you literal weeds out the ground with some daisies and presenting them like they're a 10/10 bouquet with a FAT lopsided grin on his face.
if you yawn infront of him I feel like sometimes he'll just blow air into your mouth briefly before carrying on with his business. idk. he's just got such annoying older brother energy and I feel like that's js what he'd do.
thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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hisui-dreamer · 7 months
hiii, congratulations on hitting 2k followers!! im super happy that you hit a really big milestone 💕💕 your writing is just so heartfelt and tender i love seeing ur posts float across my dash aa!!
for your bloom event, can i request jamil + sampaguita (apparently the origin of the flower's name loosely translates into "i promise you" and sometimes, garlands of sampaguita flowers are given to bestow honor on the recipient)
please tag me @/diodellet too, thank you! i hope you have a wonderful dayy💕💕
feverish promises
Pairing: Jamil Viper x gn!reader
Synopsis: jamil may be busy, but he'll always have time to care for you
Tags: sickfic, fever caretaking, reader is sick, jamil has responsibilities, food, fluff
Word count: 1.3k+
Notes: thank you for requesting @diodellet!! im so so honoured you like my writing 🥹💕💕 i hope you'll enjoy the fic!!
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flower of choice: sampaguita
sampaguita gets its name from the Filipino words “sumpa” and “kita” which means “I promise you”
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Jamil couldn't help but feel a sense of worry gnawing at the edges of his mind as he made his way towards Ramshackle. He had heard from Grim how his “henchman got super sick and is stuck in bed” and how your forehead was “so scorching hot it burned his paws”. Even though he already had his hands full with taking care of Kalim, Jamil just couldn't shake the desire to check on you.
So, there he was, a small bouquet of flowers in one hand and a carefully prepared meal in the other, standing outside your room.
Knocking gently on the door, Jamil waited for your response, his heart pounding in anticipation. "It's me, Jamil," he called out softly, straining to hear your muffled reply from behind the door.
The door creaked open, revealing the slightly messy room, Jamil couldn't help but notice the scattered belongings and the disarray that hinted at your weakened state. He supposed that you wouldn't have the energy to keep everything clean in your condition.
Your pale face flushed with fever as you looked up at him with bleary eyes, a faint smile tugging at your lips. "Jamil, is that really you? I’m not dreaming or anything, right?" you murmured, your voice hoarse and weak. "I'm so glad you're here."
He stepped into the room, closing the door behind him as he approached your bedside. "Yes, it's me. I brought you something," Jamil said gently.
With a tender smile, he arranged the bouquet of flowers and the neatly prepared meal on the bedside table, ensuring they were within your reach. "I thought you might like these," he said softly, his eyes warm with affection as he observed your reaction.
"These are so pretty!" you exclaimed, sitting up slightly to appreciate the delicate blooms. "And they smell lovely too."
"They're sampaguita," he explained, his tone gentle. "I heard its scent can be relaxing."
"That's so sweet of you, Jamil! Thank you," you replied as you reached out to touch the delicate petals.
“So, how are you feeling?" Jamil asked, his concern evident in his voice.
You let out a tired sigh at the reminder of your condition. "Terrible," you admitted, your words slurring slightly. "My body aches, my head is pounding, and I can't seem to gather my thoughts... But having you here makes me feel a bit better."
He frowned, feeling a pang of guilt at your words. "I'm sorry you're feeling this way," Jamil said softly.
The food container at the bedside table caught your gaze. "What's this?"
Jamil found himself flustered by your question, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks as he awkwardly explained, "I made some chicken soup for you… It's what I always have when I'm feeling sick."
Unable to wait a moment longer, you lifted the lid of the container, the aroma of the steaming chicken soup wafted through the air. It carried hints of savory chicken broth, rich and aromatic, mingling with the subtle notes of fresh herbs and spices. Jamil watched anxiously as you took a hesitant sip, his heart pounding in anticipation of your reaction.
To his relief, a bright smile spread across your lips as you savored the soup. The broth was warm and comforting, infused with the earthy flavors of carrots, celery, and onions. Each mouthful was a burst of savory goodness, the chicken tender and succulent, its juices mingling with the fragrant broth to create a symphony of flavors on your palate. "This is delicious, Jamil!" you exclaimed, your eyes shining with appreciation. "It’s the most delicious thing I’ve ever had!"
He chuckled at your enthusiasm, a warmth blooming in his chest at your praise. "I'm glad you liked it."
You sighed contentedly, murmuring, “It’d be so nice if I could have your cooking for the rest of my life…”
Jamil couldn't help but be taken aback by your sudden proclamation. This was... unusual. You were always so calm and considerate towards him, never pushing his boundaries or reluctant to bother him. Is the fever messing with your brain-to-mouth filter? He couldn't deny he had always hoped you would be more vocal and honest with your feelings.
Unable to resist the urge to probe further, Jamil ventured cautiously, "You really mean that?"
You nodded earnestly, your eyes locking with his in a rare moment of unguarded honesty. "Absolutely! Your cooking is incredible, Jamil. I can't imagine ever getting tired of it."
A small smile tugged at the corners of Jamil's lips as he absorbed your words. The idea of spending the rest of his life with you... It wasn’t bad at all.
"Thank you," he said softly, a hint of gratitude in his voice. "I'll make sure to cook for you whenever you need it."
As you slowly finished the last spoonfuls of the delicious soup, the conversation between you and Jamil flowed effortlessly. He shared snippets of his day, recounting the various tasks and events he had attended to. But as the evening wore on and the weariness of the day began to take its toll, you felt a heavy weight settling over your eyelids. Despite your efforts to stay awake, a yawn escaped your lips, betraying your exhaustion.
Jamil watched you with a gentle expression, his heart feeling strangely full at the sight of you finding comfort in his presence. He reached out a hand to gently brush a stray lock of hair from your forehead, a tender gesture that sent a shiver of comfort down your spine.
Sensing that it was time to leave you to rest, Jamil started to rise from his chair. But before he could take a step, you reached out and caught his hand in yours, your grip surprisingly strong despite your weakened state.
"Don't go yet," you murmured, your voice soft and pleading. "Stay with me a little longer."
Turning back to you, he was met with the sight of your earnest gaze, filled with a vulnerability that tugged at his soul. Your eyes, shimmering with unshed tears, held a silent plea, begging for his presence to chase away the shadows that clouded your weary mind.
"I’ll be back as soon as you’re awake," he reassured you, trying to pry his sleeve free from your grasp. "You can text me anytime, right?"
But you wouldn't let go, your grip tightening as you pulled him closer. "Don't leave me," you whispered, your voice filled with a mixture of fear and longing. "I'll miss you."
Jamil's heart clenched at your words, torn between the pressing weight of his unfinished tasks and the overwhelming desire to fulfill your heartfelt request. In that moment, you looked so utterly lovable, with your tousled hair framing your face and your lips forming a hopeful curve. He knew he couldn't stay by your side forever, but in this moment, all he wanted was to ease your suffering and soothe your fears.
You pulled his hand towards your cheek, nuzzling into it's warmth as if seeking solace. Your touch sent a shiver down his spine, stirring emotions he had long suppressed.  "You need to promise me," you said softly, your breath dancing across his skin. "Promise you'll never leave me."
Jamil hesitated, feeling the weight of your words pressing down on him. How could Jamil make such a promise when he was bound by his duty? And yet, as he looked into your eyes, filled with unspoken longing and hope, he knew he couldn't deny you anything.
"Alright. I promise," Jamil said finally, his voice barely a whisper.
A sense of resignation washed over him as he uttered those words, giving in to the depths of his feelings for you. And as you smiled up at him, a sense of peace settled over him, knowing deep down that he would do anything to keep you safe and by his side, for now and for all eternity.
"Forever and ever?"
He smiled. “Forever and ever.”
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storybookstr4nge · 2 years
I will defend Jason Grace with my whole heart forever. oh he's boring? well somebody has to be the boring one--somebody has to be the 'stick in the mud' group leader who is just trying so unbelievably hard to keep everybody safe. not everybody can be making witty sarcastic jokes with every fight :( not everybody is a Percy or a Leo--if we had a team of just Percys and Leos, what would ever get done around here!! he was raised in a military camp all his life, he didn't just get to cultivate a sense of humour and a carefree attitude :(
all Jason has ever tried to do is help people by truly listening to them. he didn't just fight the minor gods, he talked to them, he figured out what they wanted, and he fucking followed through with his promises to honour them!! (or... he was going to.) he wasn't just going to make false promises as a scheme, he was really going to change things and ensure it didn't happen again :(
after everyone shat so hard on Jason for suggesting they not detour to save Nico (which, by the way, yes it could have seemed insensitive to us bc we know and love Nico, Jason doesn't know who this bitch is!! he was trying to be strategical) none of them really seemed to make an effort to figure out... what his deal was? it was Jason who stuck around to put in the effort to really push Nico out of his shell and not just placate his behaviour, which would go on to be such an important catalyst for Nico's recovery and development going forwards :( it was Jason that Nico stayed for :( there are so many moments where Jason is shown so clearly listening to and acting upon other peoples problems throughout the series, and he never really gets that treatment back until its too late,,
and maybe it's just personal. as an older sibling I am so used to getting called boring and being told to let loose or stop being so bossy... Jason is showing his love the only way he knows how... by putting himself second, and by just trying to keep order. it just must really suck. imagine putting your whole heart and soul into protecting your found family only for them to dismiss you as stoic and detached and unfunny. and then to see the whole fandom just degrade his character for it :( I get that maybe his chapters just aren't everyones cup of tea, but I never got where all of this animosity stemmed from.
he's trying his best. he's just a kid, like the rest of them... it seems that when any of the other make stupid decisions, they're forgiven for their age and naïveté, but when Jason does, he's penalized as an adult... which I think is so shameful :( he's allowed to have stupid mistakes :(
he is.... my favourite of the seven.. and I just want to give him a hug. I love u Jason Grace I got ur back always
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seypia · 3 months
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erm they're having a bonding moment ur honour
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 year
take 2
nico hischier x actress!f!reader
fc: sophie turner
warnings: swearing
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liked by treaclychild, landonorris and 840,971 others
ynofficial: i heart nj
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claudiasulewski: first
maya_henry: mother is mothering
ynofficial: you mean you haven't heard 'cowboy like me'?
user2: what of nico?????
taylorswift: i heart u
liked by ynofficial
user4: POV you came from deuxmoi's blind item 👀
user5: oui
ayoedebiri: ur pretty
jackhughes: yo
user6: no
user7: this is the wrong nj player commenting, i forbit it
user8: jack baby snap out of it
user9: only y/n could get the captain to wink at her and the social media heartthrob to comment on her ig
liked by ynoffocial
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liked by user11 and 78,186 others
deuxmoi: there were a few blind items submitted relating to the same A lister and athlete, and others also hinted at said sports star's respected status in the city, and his private nature, thus the lack of photos from the night
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user12: no bc i ship it so hard
user13: there's absolutely zero way that they're not talking about y/n and nico 😭
user14: in y/n's recent post she was wearing a sparkly star dress too
user15: me bc nico won't be protected from all the y/n girlies anymore: 😢😢
user17: okay but my thinking is that they knew each other prior to the hockey game???
user18: RIGHT???
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nicohischier posted to their story...
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liked by 138,017 others
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liked by nicohischier, joejonas and 1,004,013 others
ynofficial: because the first launch failed ☺️
📸: nicohischier ❤️
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user22: [tyres screech] [distant crash] [sirens] [crying] [heartbeat monitor]
user23: AHHHAH AHHAA HAHA *faints*
user24: he's taking a photo of her 😭
user25: the way she's looking at him and his concentration 😭
user26: your honour they're in love
ynofficial: ...yes
jackhughes: this is cute
nicohischier: can i get your number?
ynofficial: sure, it's #13
nicohischier: 😲😲
user29: you know it's SERIOUS bc she's never been ig official before
user30: fr she didn't even post callum mf turner, if i was her i'd have been yelling from the rooftops
user33: 'he's patient, kind, intelligent, calm, and just a really beautiful soul' I BELIEVED IN YOU NICO ALL THIS TIME
user34: nico fans are really winning here
user36: but that pap photo from instagram? the way they were looking at each other has me in my own puddle of tears in a nest of already used tissues bc they're adorable
user37: that photo single-handedly instilled in me the belief that love does exist
user38: they're my 'don't take risks on dangerous roads' couple now
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liked by ynofficial, jesperbratt and 519,195 others
nicohischier: it's come to my attention that there's been a lot of talk about my relationship lately, and i just wanted to come on here and confirm that i am batshit crazy for this woman, and pathetically in love with her. so, yes, the rumours are true 😊
ps i have the dad seal of approval
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jackhughes: first
john.marino97: whipped
nicohischier: yep 💪
jackhughes: why are you ignoring me
nicohischier: because you haven't said anything worth commenting on
ynofficial: i'm a sports watcher for you
nicohischier: appreciate it, thanks
ynofficial: you're welcome
user39: i think i love this awkward conversing
user40: it's my aspiration in life to have that
lhughes_06: happy for you, cap 😁
jackhughes: *cough* suck up *cough*
tmeier96: ABOUT DAMN TIME 👏👏
ynofficial: you can rip that NDA up now
tmeier96: i might frame it for sentimental purposes
ynofficial: really?
nicohischier: that's suspicious
siegenthaler34: in my defence i did try my best with the jumbotron incident
nicohischier: and we're very thankful for that
ynofficial: if anything it helped thicken the plot 😂
siegenthaler34: it was pretty funny
user41: THE y/n l/n being the captain's wag wasn't on my bingo card for this year
nicohischier: you and me both
ynofficial: please, i was a goner from the very SECOND you smiled
nicohischier: the very second? 😏
ynofficial: stfu and bring the coffee
nicohischier: as you wish
+ BONUS: Spittin Chiclets Podcast
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atticollateral · 2 months
Autism Assessment Update (bc it's been almost 3 months since I mentioned it haha oops) (it's a novel. you've been warned.)
tagging @examishbookwyrm bc they did comment on my autism assessment post I made in MARCH!! n i didn't respond...(adhd moment) get honourable mention'd.
--- SOOOO. BIG ASS PERSONAL LIFE UPDATE!!! I have... literally the worst news? Like the worst-worst news I think I will ever share. So imma start from the beginning :> [I detail everything about the assessment in this post. The process, the assessment itself, and the after.]
So. This is part of the NS Pilot Program for assessing people who were going to age out of the early-childhood-assessment waitlist (because hey! it is a 5 year long wait! haha!) which was led by NS Health and the Gov. of Canada (who paid for all the assessments.) It's safe to say that NOBODY is happy! (if you look it up you will find articles on how... awful it's been. Also if you look up articles I might have left out details bc my brain is VERY SPOTTY bc i am enraged) but anyway,
The first part of this is they had been calling my mom during the day; my mother had been working days. So she wasn't picking up. And they weren't answering her calls back or her messages! Already a big red flag. Because they can't get ahold of her they call me. Me! The person they're going to assess, who, at the time, was 18, and perfectly capable of consenting, as an adult, and taking care of their own medical records and appointments and such. They go "Hello, is this (deadname's) mom?" And I go "This is (deadname); and my name is [Chosen]" and they go "Oh, Well. Can you get your mother to call us?" And I said in a tone I believe was very clearly annoyed bc wtf? "Oh, no, you can tell me whatever you're going to tell her!" They tell me "Well we're looking to get you into the NS pilot program for autism assessments" yada yada "is that something you'd be interested in?" And me being me (poor and reasons to think I'm autistic and being on the waitlist) go "yeah!" AND THIS FUCKING WOMAN GOES "ok then get your mom to call us. this is the date. we need her to confirm." and I go "...why?" and they go "we just need to talk to her." and I go "...why can't you just talk to me?" and she just repeats herself so I go "um. ok. well. you have a good day? bye?" and hang up. So i'm simmering; bc I am literally an adult. I don't need my mom. I should be treated like an adult and I'm getting infantilized. I got the woman's name and # so I give it to my mom. It takes another month to get a date for the assessment approved bc they STILL WONT ANSWER HER CALLS OR MESSAGES.
My mother was required to do two prerequisite assessments a week or two before my in-person one. One over the phone and one over zoom. I am above the age of 16 (as stated) and perfectly capable of consent and being an informant. (you are legally allowed to consent to a majority of medical assessments in NS when you turn 16 w/o alerting ur parents, and clearly allowed to do that over the age of 18 as that is age of majority.) So i'm just miffed. They tell her not to tell me anything. She says fuck that (thank the gods) and so she tells me things they tell her. So the night before the assessment I help her with the form they MAKE HER FILL OUT before the assessment like "when did your child start walking/running" "when did they learn to ride a bike" "when did they start talking/writing" stuff like that. and I go ok. sure. autism can show in early childhood, it's a neurological developmental disorder. I get it. Even though autistic individuals can have average, slowed, or accelerated development (IT'S ALMOST LIKE ITS LITERALLY CALLED AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER) There's a question that catches me off guard. "what is your child's dominant hand" ...i'm sorry. back it up. *Yes.* There are studies that say many people who have ASD are left handed or ambidextrous. But oh. My. Gods. Above. THAT IS NOT GROUNDS FOR DIAGNOSIS; and you can also ASK THE KID during the assessment! What kind of question?! [I am right-hand predominant but I am ambidextrous.]
I move on.
I go into the assessment. On the table; the dr's introductory sheet in a photo frame. His title sits atop the document with a head, MADE OF BLUE PUZZLE PIECES alarm bells alarm bells alarm bells oh my fucking god help me jesus christ please help me i promise i'll believe in you if you help me right now please please plea "Hi!" A woman greets us, sitting in an office with the door open. I don't know her name. She doesn't stand from her desk. "I'll be with you in a moment." I laugh awkwardly. My mom says ok as the woman shuts her door. I tell my mom "I hate it here; can we go home?" Because I genuinely feel unsafe; I'm shaking. She laughs softly and goes "It'll be okay." So I put a brave face on bc I love my mom and she's nice and wait for the lady. She calls us in a few minutes later. I don't remember her introducing herself. I don't remember her offering a handshake or any other "polite" gesture. That would be something important to do, and I would have remembered it. She tells us how long it will be and a lay down of what's gonna happen and asks MY MOTHER FOR CONSENT TO FILM ME. Not ME for consent to film ME, an 18 year old. My mom turns to me confused and asks me if I'm okay with it instead. I go "yeah." (I was not okay with it); the woman told us the assessment would not happen if they could not film it. So I agreed; giving *assent* rather than *consent* was something I was pissed off about then and there. The woman asks HER if she'd like to stay so my mom asks ME if she wants me to stay, I hug my mom after I ask her to leave because I'm an adult and can handle myself. I don't need my mom to be there. I sit down. I have my pompompurin stuffed animal with me and a messenger bag with pens and stuff in it because I know there are things to write and don't like using other people's things. She doesn't ask about the bag. She sets up the camera and such, explaining that she'll have to occasionally turn to her laptop to make sure the recording is still going. I have pompom in my lap along with a fidget while she talks. She says something along the lines of "um, you'll want to put that away, you'll need your hands." And I go, rather firmly, something along the lines of; "I'll put it away when I need to use my hands. I am focusing on you right now." To which she seems surprised and goes "um... okay, that's fine." And continues on. (Was she not expecting an adult to have clear boundaries and be able to state their needs?) She offhandedly mentions something about [Dr] perhaps coming in to see me at some point during the assessment. My heart drops. She's not the doctor? She isn't the psychiatrist? What the hell?
The assessment begins. They're giving me tests for children, she said she made it harder. I disagree. I find the tasks easy. Simple games/puzzles. I tell her I like puzzles. She keeps throwing positive affirmation at me; I become annoyed with it after awhile because I know she's only doing it to make me continue doing the activity. It's common for people who work with children. She is infantilizing me. I know I was thinking it subconsciously.
The tests are not geared towards my age range, I notice immediately. I become miffed, going "these are too easy for me so far" or something to that effect. She laughs at me. I become upset. We start the reading part of the test. I read to show reading speed and comprehension. I read out loud to show my pronunciation. I read words that don't exist to show my reasoning skills when it comes to language. I am in my 5th year of high school (I struggle with school). This task is mundane and annoying. I feel like I am in third grade. I feel infantilized. I feel like the tests aren't going to be accurate. I am annoyed. I do it fast as I can to get it over with. Some of the reading pieces she makes me do multiple times.
We begin the mathematics part. I am not good at mathematics. She has upped the difficulty for the mathematics, she tells me. I begin; The first test is a Working Memory test; listing numbers she reads to me in a specific order. I am bad at it after the more convoluted ones. Some of the work is recognizing shapes and patterns. There is addition, fractions, multiplication and division questions. She points out I'm 'doing the test wrong' multiple times. I tell her that this test is stupid (or something to that effect) due to the structure. She laughs at me. There are a few tests I can't do or become quickly annoyed with (naming mean, median, and mode, prime numbers, fractions.) As I haven't done them since 11th grade level (I took a different math course and haven't done math since I finished my credits 2 school years ago.) We break for lunch after doing half of the mathematics.
I return to continue with the mathematics. I am still annoyed even after eating lunch. I had complained to my mother how it felt like torture: No eraser, No Calculator, no Tools, and no asking for help (She is not allowed to give me help, even if I don't know something.) I am on the brink of actual tears in frustration because I cannot receive help. I understand the potential why, but I think it's idiotic.
We begin the writing and listening comprehension. I am made to write an essay on a game I like and why I like it, I am given 10 minutes. I write it about Minecraft and it's offshoots. For listening comprehension, there are a few tests. I tell her about certain parts of what i've heard. Most of them are ads, so telling her what they say is easy for me, because it feels like slush and I have trained my ears to pick up more important information because of APD (Auditory Processing Disorder). She repeats them a few times to get me to tell her more. There are more working memory tests. Something with shapes, form, and colours. One about things she's listed. There's a test where I tell her a story in a picture book based on photos only. I am becoming tired. There's a test where I need to copy a picture. I am not allowed to trace the picture. I am not allowed to hold the picture. I am not allowed to use a tool. She says something about how I should like it because I told her I am an artist. I start going on while begrudgingly doing the test that this is horrible, this isn't what art is, and i'd like to not be doing it this way because it is impractical. She laughs at me again. I am annoyed. I get to take another short break after that.
There is another test when I come back with shapes. I see there are 8 pieces and a grid I must put them in; observing the grid, I go "I need all 8 pieces." She gives me 4 pieces. I frown. I say "I need all 8 of them, can I have them please?" as I put the 4 she gave me into the grid. She hands me 2. I put them in. I repeat myself. "I know I need all 8 of them. Can you give them to me please?" She gives me 1. I become insanely frustrated at that point. "What is this?" I go, "Can I have the last piece?" I ask her annoyedly, and she gives it to me. She's smiling. She thinks this is funny? I put it in the place. I rearrange the pieces into a nicer pattern in the grid because she annoyingly gave me the pieces while she takes her notes.
There is an activity where I have to tell her a story using 5 random pieces of garbage. She shows me how to do it first when I already understand the premise and was going to do it after the verbal instruction and presentation of the items. I know it is to assess my imaginative play. I am an 18 year old artist. This is easier than breathing to me. I do it begrudgingly because I am embarrassed to do it. She laughs at me again. I am so annoyed at this point I am thinking the most angry thoughts. What is her issue??? I don't say anything while I wait for the other tests.
I am presented with a test with over 100 questions. I say out loud multiple times "I don't have OCD" to multiple questions I've been asked before to assess me for OCD. She says something about 'Don't think about it. just answer.' and I say something along the lines of "I've been to therapy since I was about 12. I do therapy speak. I know what the questions are asking me. I can't not think about it." She scoffs at me. I am so irritated. Many of the questions ask me if I am suicidal. Many of the questions ask me if I am paranoid. There are questions about ego, and questions about self-worth, questions about poverty, questions about things that don't pertain (to see if I'm paying attention.) I finish the test. She asks if I answered honestly. I say "I think so." But I my answers will be different tomorrow. They're always different later. That's how surveys work.
One of the last tests is asking me questions and having me answer. Things like "do you have friends?" "how do you feel about relationships?"; I ask her "Well, how do you define relationships? Are you in any? Are you asking me about friendship or dating?" She tells me she has a partner; a husband if I recall. I say something about marriage and romance. She asks me more questions about feelings, boundaries, relationships, and experiences in my life. It is the last test.
We leave the room to talk to my mother in the waiting room. I have not seen [Dr] once. Girl asks me what my pronouns are. I tell her it/its. She complains. I tell her too bad flat out. We leave.
I only learn upon getting home that her name is Alison.
I wait a month for my draft results. I had to get my teacher to fill out a form. I had to sign a consent form for them to do that which they made me do digitally after the assessment and CLEARLY wanted my mother to sign. She gets me to sign it because I'm an adult. She understands.
My mom sits me down. She goes "You aren't going to like this." I frown. "I'm not autistic?" She nods. "You aren't. But they said you have 3 or 4 other things."
Alarm bells again. I get her to bring up my draft assessment on the computer for me to read. I am enraged. They refer to me as "transgendered". They misgendered me. There were numerous, insane typos that would be easy to catch on the first pass.
I begin work on an Essay/Paper telling them why their assessment is bullshit and how I meet the criteria for autism spectrum disorder. (I READ THE DSM-5 AND DSM-5-TR FOR THIS CRAP.) I also berate them the whole time for their behaviour, the nature of the assessment, and lack of care. A week or so later I get the final draft. They still misgendered me; and there are still typos. I get my mom to email it to me and I send it to multiple of my friends, my Therapist, and give her my consent to share it with my Psychiatrist and anyone else she sees fit with her discretion with the password for the protected document, along with a screenshot pointing out the most glaring typo (being misgendered.) My therapist and psychiatrist show it to the Autism Lead in their district with my consent.
I receive an overwhelmingly positive onslaught of "this assessment is bullshit! You SHOULD be angry." The autism lead tells my therapist I do likely have autism based on what was shown and told to her, and to get a second opinion (as she can't diagnose me without assessing me herself). I tell my therapist more about the assessment. She does some research.
The Psychometrist (someone who administers psychological tests/assessments) is underqualified during time of assessment.
Medical Negligence.
[Dr.] Is clearly on grounds to be tried for Medical Malpractice.
I am now working on submitting a complaint and finishing my paper.
I may potentially be involved in legal trouble against the psychologist I never even got to see or speak to.
Fuck that guy.
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des-no9 · 29 days
still thinking about the gentle moment of Vanquish cleaning and tending to Voss' wounded ear in the bath. hwahhhhhhhhhhh
voss being so vulnerable with her, an istik (even though he's starting to really see her so beyond an istik now. his adilshar his toz jala githyanki toz dov’shtil z’varni (you are more githyanki than you know).
his feelings bleeding between her being the answer to free Orpheus, his life his love his everything, and that he just wants and needs Vanquish for her for her.
he's her answer in more ways than one and its making him unravel.
at first, she was a tool to get someone back. but she became someone who brought a part of him back too. the joy the laughter he'd long lost and forgotten in his duty and own imposed prison of servitude.
and she will not break. she is someone who understands the heart of a githyanki. the blood that bleeds between their teeth and that spells love.
they're in love ur honour
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basic-bitch-alkali · 7 months
the pandava quintet! it's a little similar to percy jackson? but it's hindu mythology instead of greek! and it's so good.. found family!! (the reincarnations of the pandavas) and the sisterly bond!! there's romance too but like the familial bond >>>> it's middle grade but still so fun
you probably might have read this already but and then there were none by agatha christie I love it sm
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo. I love them your honour
a good girl's guide to murder trilogy (ik that these are considered "booktok books" but trust me they're good and they di not deserve to be insulted that way)
the lunar chronicles! (4 books) the first book is cinder which is basically cinderella in beijing who is a cyborg! the whole series is based on these 4 girls who are like the fairy tale characters but so so good in like a sci fi ish setting?
a series of unfortunate events (13 books) the Netflix tv show is amazing, neil patrick carris as count olaf was the best decision ever
miss peregrines home for peculiar children
the land of stories (again middle grade but it's good)
the inheritance games (there's a love triangle unfortunately but the mystery is good)
lockwood and co (netflix cancelled the show after 1 season I'm so angry) actually even I've only read the first book but I will be continuing the series!
sorry ik it's a lot and you might have read some of these already😭 but these are some of my favorites! if you want you can check out my goodreads which is linked in my intro post and see my 'want to read' shelf (I would recommend six of crows too but it's popular so I think you must have read it)
I'll check it out!!
yess i have heard of it, have the book too but my frnd is borrowing it for the moment but when she's done with it, imma read it
ohh i wanna buy that so badly but my mom will KILL me after reading the title lmao, maybe after a few years i can buy it
i've read them already and god do i love those books, i read the first one in like a day? and i was at my hometown, and i originally brought that book for my frnd, but being the bookworm i am, i read it myself, and the very next day i went and brought the next two cuz i couldnt wait to read the next parts
ohh yess my frnd told me its really good
the series is just 🤌🏼 perfection
ohh i loved the movie! gotta check out the book
that is in my list<33
ohhhhhh @demigoddess-of-ghosts really loves it too, imma check it out
its ok<33 im really glad u took ur time and wrote this ask srsly, ily<3 (SOC is in my list currently)
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eyesontheskyline · 1 month
hello 😊 I just got done rereading no such thing, and idk i just really wanted to commend u. (Bear with me though I often have a hard time expressing my thoughts)😅
When i watch s7 i always felt like Emily's trauma is so downplayed, (her ability to 'compartmentalize better than most' just doesnt cut it for me here) so i was really excited to read your work and explore a more realistic look at all that. also Hotchniss is one of my fave ships.. on the show they felt like 'right people, wrong time' and in your work they just felt so right! The progression of their relationship felt so natural, like it was building off of all those lil Hotchniss moments in the show. Its so clear to me that you have such a deep understanding of both of these characters, and im so delighted and honoured that you share your talent with us 🫶
Also the way you wrote the BAU team in general was just really well done! Their voices and actions in your work felt so true to them on the show. In particular the scenes you wrote with Penelope had me tearing up at times. (I have such a soft spot for the Penemily friendship) Like when she tells Emily not to apologize for being alive?? Urgh my heart! OR Emily confronting Derek about his response to her past? It was so satisfying to read. Your story made me feel like we were robbed of so many good potential moments on the show.
Anyways im gonna cut myself off because otherwise i would ramble for eternity about your wonderful writing!! This was such a beautiful story and i appreciate u!! p.s. im really looking forward to ur Emily/Jordan fic :•)
Omg thank you so much! (no such thing as over this is here, just in case.)
I definitely agree with you about the show ignoring Emily's trauma, and the right people wrong time vibes. I think the showrunner even said that their final dance was kind of supposed to be an acknowledgement of what might have been between them if they'd met in different circumstances, and the fun thing about fic is that we get to just put aside the fact that neither one of these people would date someone they work with and be like but what if they would, though? I love them both and all their potential together. I'm so glad they felt right to you.
And the team! The whole Lauren arc created such a complex situation that could've been used to explore the characters and then just. . . did not lol. And I'm also obsessed with Penemily friendship - I've never been the same since I saw that post that goes around here soemtimes of the bat cuddling the pink bunny toy lol. They're so different but both so deeply empathetic and have so much respect for each other and I loooove themmmm. And I'm so glad you appreciated her fighting with Derek. That's what made me write it, in the end, so I'm really glad it landed.
This is so so kind. (And just to be clear, I'm sure any writer would happily listen to you ramble for eternity about how much you loved their thing lol.) I appreciate you too! Thank you so much!
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fivveweeks · 1 year
YOU GET ME YOU GET ME TWIRLING YOU AROUND !!! WORKAHOLIC DANTEEEEEEEEEEE {corrodes} im so sorry i keep coming in here
they're giving out of touch out of time i hate them i hate them im obsessed wit them </3
Sure they might want e/o, but are they what they need???? in time, yes but ironically enough I don't think time is a luxury verdante has. for as much as Dante can manipulate time that doesn't stop the fact that its still moving forward. They're not the only people who want the boughs it's a race and they're both too professional for feelings anywy
they're stuck in "I'm sorry I'm not/can't be what you need" "I know, it's okay. I didn't expect you to be anyway," DO YOU SEE DO YOU S E E
im morose imd espodent
Verdante isn't an end i think, it's a bus stop (hah!) in a very very long journey of fulfilling their very different goals. A blink once and you'll miss it kind of opportunity.
i have normal feelings abt verdante oki thats all ill stop making a mess in ur ask box im a bit embarrassed now lol
- 🎭
clutching onto ur leg and cryinhhhhh fellow verdante soldier i get it i get u god these two drives me insane too
the inevitable hourglass of running time and getting swept up in the flow of the city. "i did not come to care for and love you expecting a reward." the unspoken kinship and wordless understanding. two similar souls meeting in that single, coincidental moment and getting the chance to at least find out each other's existence even if nothing comes out from it. the love is still there despite despite DESPITE. screaming and crying
never be embarrassed about going unhinged i swear i've lost and gained like 50 followers in my insane tweets of verdante n i wouldn't have it another way. sometimes ur brain has words and u need to get them out or u will fall sick. honoured to share thoughts with you tonight i need to go explode rn
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ghs-imagines · 1 year
HI AGAIN! <3 So I had an idea,( I have syndactlyly, it's a deformity in one of my hands that makes the fingers small and deformed, it's not THAT bad looking, just real short and a bit crooked, they were also stuck together at birth, needed surgery.) WITH THE BG OUT OF THE WAY-
Maybe the Wii PO guys with an S/O that has a birth defect of some kind or noticeable birthmark they're self-conscious about? TY! Again, love ur stuff
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Doc Louis: Oh honey you don’t got to worry nothing about you as he will hype you as much and as often as he can. If you don’t like major attention brought to it then he will try to be more subtle in his affection towards it.
Glass Joe: Within more intimate moments with the Frenchman he will bring extra attention to the area where your self conscious with plenty of kisses. He wants to love every inch of you and your soul as well as have you love yourself with every ounce that he does.
Von Kaiser: He understands where you are coming from as he himself has some unsightly marks on himself that he will willingly show you if it makes you feel any better about your own. He’ll even go into how he got each mark whether it came from his youth or when he was a part of the armed forces.
Disco Kid: Pretty much a combination of of Doc and Joe as whenever he sees you you better be ready for the affection shower he about to give with all his kisses and hugging. He is also the king of hyping you up whenever you feel bad about yourself as he will make you smile eventually.
King Hippo: Is honestly confused about why you are hung up on such a little mark, it’s not like he’s gonna love you any less. So just sit down with him and have some comfort food that will cheer you up.
Piston Hondo: When it comes to giving affection in public places he is quite subtle but if it’s truly bothering you then he will give you the most heartfelt speech he can muster. He loves everything about you and if he has to get out of his comfort zone to express that then he’ll do it.
Bear Hugger: Gives so many kisses to your mark that even he has lost count on how many he has given. He tells you to not be self conscious about it as he also has a couple scars here and there from Miss Bears coaching and you don’t think any less of him for them do ya.
Great Tiger: With his many magical clones you are going to be so pampered with affection that you will almost never feel self conscious about your mark ever again. But on your more lower days he’ll make sure it’s just you and him while he comforts you with his words and actions.
Don Flamenco: Another one that is going to be hyping you up as much as he possibly can with affection and some good retail therapy. As he comes from birth place of passion and love he offended that you don’t love your full self as much as him.
Aran Ryan: This man will show you all his little oddities and scars from when he was a boy up to now. He thinks you should wear your mark like a permanent badge of honour that the world has given you.
Soda Popinski: Much like Aran he very much views your mark as something you should celebrate and not hide away. He will regularly give you many kisses to it and your face to give you some positive associations with it.
Bald Bull: He does his best to keep you out of the paparazzi’s eyes as he knows how much the media loves to over exaggerate thing’s especially little things about people. He will still give you plenty of affection towards it as he thinks you’re imperfections make even more beautiful.
Super Macho Man: He will find so many creative ways to cover up your mark if you don’t want it on his camera. He will also confide in you about his own personal insecurities about aging so you don’t feel as alone in your feelings about yourself.
Mr Sandman: He does his best to not bring too much attention to your mark in public as he knows that he has to be strong in front of the cameras. The moment you both are alone he will be letting you know how amazing and special you are to him and how lucky he is to have you in his life, mark and all.
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lizmindpalace · 11 months
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The party of death
Ok, but do you remember these stunning cards Obey me! gave us last year? They're so pretty and well I had to write something about them, even if it's short.
(Who knows, maybe I'll write something for Belphie's too?)
Summary: A drabble based on the UR card "Wish upon a soul flower".
Warnings: Comfort, a bit of angst.
Pairing: Lucifer x reader.
You can also find this work on Ao3
A quite peculiar flowery smell overflowed the streets of the Devildom, that were actually darker in that time of the year, since it was the time of the splendor of the autumn in that land, halloween celebrations were over and everybody was supposed to be coming back to their daily activities, yet, that smell encroached on the Devildom giving everyone a feeling of sweet melancholy that nobody was able to explain. No one knew much about it, but you did. Ever since the human exchange student had arrived to the Devildom, some traditions had been adopted, and this was one of them. 
The emptiness of the house of lamentation was left behind when your steps took you to the main square of the Devildom, the smells were so familiar your eyes glistened with tears. You soon noticed there were orange flowers everywhere, cempasúchitl, that in the Devildom, ghosts would call soul flowers, but you had first got to know them up in the human world; the flower that looked like the sun, the one with the link to life and death, and was used to honour those who had left; to guide their souls back home, for one night a year they would be allowed to spend time with their loved ones, the ones they had been forced to leave with broken hearts.
You walked down the path surrounded by the petals, the incense was burning, creating a misty environment, its smell mixed with the aroma of the flowers and of the bread that was being displayed in tables, and the hot chocolate that made the denizens bones get warm. You admired the surroundings; it was a beautiful landscape. There were many altars all around the place and even some alegrijes hanging from the buildings. 
"Do you fancy some chocolate and pan de muerto, young lady?" 
Someone spoke behind you, a huge smile lighted up your face when you noticed it was Lucifer dressed up as a skeleton, with a suit with a traditional flower pattern that also happened to resemble a butterfly, the kind of butterfly that reminded you to your homeplace in the human world; the monarch butterfly that you could see under the blue skies during winter, looking for shelter under the trees. And more orange flowers around his hat. 
"I take it you're fond of my attire". 
"It's wondrous". He beamed. "All of it".
"Is it as in the human world?" You nodded. "Diavolo asked me to do research on it, I should have asked you, but I wanted to surprise you, and by looking at your face, I can tell the hard work paid off".
You finally took the piece of bread he had offered you and drank from the cup he handed you. 
"Scrumptious". You approved; the flavours were on point. 
"I have to say this tradition while it's colourful and lively, it's very nostalgic; leaving the food and those things your loved ones enjoyed while they were alive and knowing they're going to stay with you for a whole night so you can be together again..." He stated, then sighed. "No wonder why Diavolo was thrilled by it". 
"When I pass away, I'll come to you this night, every year, so make sure to leave a path of flowers for me, so I can find my way home, to you". 
He nodded but his eyes glistened, he did not like to remember you were a fragile human who one day would depart, a lump in his throat cut his voice off for a second, so as only answer he wrapped you in his arms and kissed your lips, very softly as though that was your last kiss and he aimed to let you know how much he loved you. 
"Hey Lucifer! It's your turn, we want to hear that guitar!"
Diavolo broke your little intimacy moment and Lucifer blushed, reminding you he was flesh and the bones before you were only makeup. 
"Come on, we want to listen to you". You cheered and he finally smiled, avoiding the tears roll down his face and taking the guitar he had bought last year during the ghost festival. 
Lucifer was the love of your life but hearing him sing one of the traditional songs from your country in your native language in that attire just made you fall harder for him. 
A few songs later he returned back to you, and after spending some time with the crowds and eating all the dishes and sweets made of pumpkin and sweet potatoes and getting to paint your face as a skeleton too, he dragged you to a quiet spot where you could see the celebrations from afar and enjoy the environment and the light coming from the candles while your cold hands remained intertwined. The sky was clear and there was some kind of magic in the air.
"I love you, and I will love you forever, MC" he said as he placed his lips on yours once more, reminding you, life was a beautiful thing. "And I will love you beyond death, it won't be able to tear us apart for our hearts are melted into one and I will keep it always safe and you will always be alive in it".
You sheltered in his chest and breathed in, you were sure Lucifer would keep his promise, and so would you. 
¡Feliz día de muertos!
November 1st and 2nd
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loulooser · 4 months
so as the only tøp liker i know on tumblr atm, i have to ask abt ur opinions on clancy :D
fav songs/least favorite songs? any theories on the clancy/trench lore (based on my theories they're 100% connected)?
Im honoured
I think vignette is my favourite, but Midwest Indigo is soooo good and also the mv has Jim in it so that’s a win
My top five in no particular order:
Routines in the night
Midwest Indigo
At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb
I like how the music still has important messages, and also that the message along with the way they convey it has evolved with us. I’ve grown up with tøp and it’s nice to see that they’re so famous and doing well but at the core they’re still telling us to stay alive and push on through.
Less favoured
I’m going to keep this bit short because I don’t like shitting on their music
imo Clancy is a no skip album like the rest of them, but if I had to pick a least favourite it would be Oldies Station. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a really good song and I love the message but it’s kind of outshone by the rest of the record.
Clancy - Trench connection
There’s no doubt that they’re connected. (See what I did there. Doubt. I’m hilarious.) I think Clancy was definitely designed to kind of pick up where they left off pre-SAI, because the Banditos have finally gotten the opportunity to fight back again.
I also think that we should keep that lyric from Bandito in mind because they keep reminding us. I feel like it’s strange that they keep shoving one specific lyric back in our faces and not really doing anything with it. It could be that Tyler is reminding us that he could destroy it if he wants, and also that the story could take any turn from Paladin Strait.
As for some sort of secret connection between Clancy and Trench, I don’t think it’s very secret at all. Most of it is set in Trench, and also the repeated lyrics, the fact they brought Paul Meany back, the whole rebellion vibe is very Trench.
At the moment I don’t have any solid theories, but I’m keeping an eye out (or an ear out? I don’t know) for clues I missed while I’m listening. I’m also manifesting a double album and waiting for whatever happens during the tours, so there’s a lot left to unpack with Clancy. Nothing can be set in stone.
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