#they're suffering your honour
witchering10123 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hakoda & Sokka (Avatar) Characters: Hakoda (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar) Additional Tags: Insomnia, forcing oneself to stay awake is NOT a good idea, do as hakoda says, not as he does, Protective Hakoda (Avatar), Hurt Sokka (Avatar), Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, the symptoms are still going strong for poor sokka, Sokka Needs a Hug (Avatar), Hakoda Needs a Hug (Avatar), Water Tribe(s) (Avatar), Water Tribe Politics (Avatar), Prisoners, Day Two: Insomnia (Whumptober 2023), Whumptober 2023, Good Parent Hakoda (Avatar) Series: Part 2 of a witchering's whumptober 2023 Summary:
It’s been hours. It’s been hours, and the guards haven’t been back, and Sokka is still fast asleep against his chest, and he can’t even close his eyes for fear that when he opens them… When he opens them, Sokka won’t be safely in his arms anymore.
Locked away in their cell, Hakoda lets Sokka sleep off the worst of the drugs while he watches over him, and wonders how they ended up in here.
Day Two: Insomnia - can be read as a standalone
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sandinthepipes · 6 months
I want him whimpering, covered in blood and within 2 minutes from death.
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texancommie07 · 8 months
Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable
Heavy Metal Valentines Day Three: Roses
March 29th, 1985
Billy would say it's too early for this, but considering the way the sun was shining directly into his bedroom window, that would be a lie.
Give him a break, he was hungover and frankly, extra cranky given the date. He heard the knocking again, groaned, and pulled himself out of his warm, comfy enough bed.
He should have seen it coming, all things considered. Eddie had called him yesterday, bestowing him early birthday wishes, and, more importantly, asking him if he would be home alone on said day. Billy honestly assumed it was a joke, Eddie's little mention of a "special birthday surprise" for him if he was, can ya blame him, that's just Eddie's bit.
But all of that foreshadowing clearly went right over Billy's head, as he found himself opening the door to a very excited Eddie, and a very large, and frankly itchy, object being shoved into his arms.
He had barely even processed Eddie's presence, ending up staring at their face for a few seconds after the shove. They looked far too pleased with themselves. Billy looked down to see...a bouquet?
He saw the roses first, they were kind of hard to miss, their deep red petals contrasting against the light green of the... carnations? Green carnations? He looked over just enought to see the bunches of lavender poking out from underneath the other flowers, most of them unknown to him.
Eddie got him a bouquet for gay love. Billy could feel his face heating up. Out of embarrassment, anger, or adoration, he couldn't tell. Eddie got him a bunch of flowers to say "I'm gay and I love you."
God Billy had been quiet for too long, he needed to say something. He couldn't just stand there and scowl at the bunch of flowers his boyfriend got him as a birthday gift, he'd look like a total
Or, ya know, instead of saving face, he could just insult Eddie right to their face, sure, much better plan. God damnit all.
Billy looked back up at the sound of fabric rustling, just standing their watching Eddie flail and backtrack on their gift, saying they could take it back and get him something actually wanted, staring, like a moron. God somdays he really thinks Neil is right. God, just fucking do something!
"Shut up, would you?"
Not that.
Billy watched Eddie's eyes grow misty in a way that made him both horrified and violently jealous. God he sucks at this.
"Okay, no, Eddie look. I'm not mad, I promise, you just...caught me off guard."
"I called you, I told you I was coming over with my surprise.."
"No, No, Not like That. When you said surprise, I thought you meant like, I don't know, some silly little trinket or somthing, not a floral love letter. This is way to thoughtful, and now my gifts will look properly shit by comparison."
"So, you..like it?"
This was another one of those things Billy was getting used too. Eddie never specified with any medical terminology, but they had mentioned to Billy that they were... different. In ways that other people didn't like, in ways that got them held back their senior year. Whatever Eddie had or was, it made it a lot harder for them to navigate social situations, due to a "lack of understanding cues" they said. Having that with a boyfriend who spoke in nothing but sarcasm made conversations...interesting, to say the least.
"Yes Eddie, I like it, but you know Neil will flip his shit if he sees this, right?"
"Oh, yeah, I had kinda hoped you had a place to put them that would be, like, private, I can take them back if you don't!"
"No. I'm keeping these."
And keep them he did. Kept in an old Cali shoe box at the back of his closet. Over the next three months he would bring them out every now and then, looking at them made him feel nice. He was planning on pressing them soon so he could keep them for longer. He never got to.
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dandelionsresilience · 3 months
Good News - June 8-14
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $Kaybarr1735! And if you tip me and give me a way to contact you, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week!
1. Rare foal born on estate for first time in 100 years
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“The Food Museum at Abbot's Hall in Stowmarket, Suffolk, is home to a small number of Suffolk Punch horses - a breed considered critically endangered by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. A female foal was born on Saturday and has been named Abbots Juno to honour the last horse born at the museum in 1924. [...] Juno is just one of 12 fillies born so far this year in the country and she could potentially help produce more of the breed in the future.”
2. The cement that could turn your house into a giant battery
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“[Scientists] at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have found a way of creating an energy storage device known as a supercapacitor from three basic, cheap materials – water, cement and a soot-like substance called carbon black. [... Supercapacitators] can charge much more quickly than a lithium ion battery and don't suffer from the same levels of degradation in performance. [... Future applications of this concrete might include] roads that store solar energy and then release it to recharge electric cars wirelessly as they drive along a road [... and] energy-storing foundations of houses.”
3. New road lights, fewer dead insects—insect-friendly lighting successfully tested
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“Tailored and shielded road lights make the light source almost invisible outside the illuminated area and significantly reduces the lethal attraction for flying insects in different environments. [...] The new LED luminaires deliver more focused light, reduce spill light, and are shielded above and to the side to minimize light pollution. [... In contrast,] dimming the conventional lights by a factor of 5 had no significant effect on insect attraction.”
4. When LGBTQ health is at stake, patient navigators are ready to help
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“[S]ome health care systems have begun to offer guides, or navigators, to get people the help they need. [... W]hether they're just looking for a new doctor or taking the first step toward getting gender-affirming care, "a lot of our patients really benefit from having someone like me who is there to make sure that they are getting connected with a person who is immediately going to provide a safe environment for them." [... A navigator] also connects people with LGBTQ community organizations, social groups and peer support groups.”
5. Tech company to help tackle invasive plant species
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“Himalayan balsam has very sugary nectar which tempts bees and other pollinators away from native plants, thereby preventing them from producing seed. It outcompetes native plant species for resources such as sunlight, space and nutrients. [...] The volunteer scheme is open to all GWT WilderGlos users who have a smartphone and can download the Crowdorsa app, where they can then earn up to 25p per square meter of Balsam removed.”
6. [Fish & Wildlife] Service Provides Over $14 Million to Benefit Local Communities, Clean Waterways and Recreational Boaters
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“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is distributing more than $14 million in Clean Vessel Act grants to improve water quality and increase opportunities for fishing, shellfish harvests and safe swimming in the nation’s waterways. By helping recreational boaters properly dispose of sewage, this year’s grants will improve conditions for local communities, wildlife and recreational boaters in 18 states and Guam.”
7. Bornean clouded leopard family filmed in wild for first time ever
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“Camera traps in Tanjung Puting National Park in Indonesian Borneo have captured a Bornean clouded leopard mother and her two cubs wandering through a forest. It's the first time a family of these endangered leopards has been caught on camera in the wild, according [to] staff from the Orangutan Foundation who placed camera traps throughout the forest to learn more about the elusive species.”
8. Toy library helps parents save money 'and the planet'
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“Started in 2015 by Annie Berry, South Bristol's toy library aims to reduce waste and allow more children access to more - and sometimes expensive - toys. [...] Ms Berry partnered with the St Philips recycling centre on a pilot project to rescue items back from landfill, bringing more toys into the library. [...] [P]eople use it to support the environment, take out toys that they might not have the space for at home or be able to afford, and allow children to pick non-gender specific toys.”
9. Chicago Receives $3M Grant to Inventory Its Trees and Create Plan to Manage City’s Urban Forest
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“The Chicago Park District received a $1.48 million grant [“made available through the federal Inflation Reduction Act”] to complete a 100% inventory of its estimated 250,000 trees, develop an urban forestry management plan and plant 200 trees in disadvantaged areas with the highest need. As with the city, development of the management plan is expected to involve significant community input.”
10. Strong Public Support for Indigenous Co-Stewardship Plan for Bears Ears National Monument
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“[The NFW has a] plan to collaboratively steward Bears Ears National Monument to safeguard wildlife, protect cultural resources, and better manage outdoor recreation. The plan was the result of a two-year collaboration among the five Tribes of the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition and upholds Tribal sovereignty, incorporates Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and responsibly manages the monument for hunting, fishing, and other outdoor recreation while ensuring the continued health of the ecosystem.”
June 1-7 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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defaultnaming · 10 months
The doctors so far from my perspective (Not rtd2 inclusive, I don't know them yet):
Fugitive- Are you really 'resisting arrest' if you didn't know you were doing it?
1- Diversity win! Your kidnapper is a trans man from another planet!
2- Scots are sexy, Kilts are sexy, Recorders are sexy, time lords are not sexy
3- Millitary interventionism is a stupid policy, but it's either this or karate so...
4- I was in a silly, goofy mood your honour... what do you mean I'm on trial I thought I was the witness?!
5- Orange cat energy. Like where are they? Not here!
6- Homophobic gay does crime
7- Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss = Atrocities
8- Sorry! I forgot everything you said a minute ago, I was looking at my shoes
War- Cute but also suffering
9- Cute but also suffering, this time in northern though so it's different
10- Gets away with war crimes because he plays truama cards like Yugio
Tentoo- A proud war criminal. Seriously lock this man away
10 Again- Disasterous, like watching someone repeatedly walk into a wall that they're convinced isn't there.
11- Gets away with war crimes by killing everyone else
12- I will create an environment that is so character development.... With an electric guitar
13- Is it trauma if I just hide away from the problem and never, ever speak about it ever?
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ilminnestrone · 2 days
Angeal Hewley.
Angeal Hewley, the child who learnt too early that things like money, toys and food are scarce commodities. That if you buy that fabulous wooden sword from the carpenter, you might not have the money to buy bread. That if you eat more than one slice of said bread with your dinner, you might have to skip breakfast tomorrow. Whose father taught him that values like loyalty, respectability and honour are also scarce commodities that you can't afford to diminish or lose, because they're not easily earned back.
Angeal Hewley, the boy who soon learnt that health and time are scarce commodities too, when the same father fell ill in order to buy something beautiful, powerful and ultimately superfluous to make him happy: an equal exchange, a life for a life-taker, a death for an instrument of death. Happiness, however, was not part of the deal. Tears, however, he used all of them, and never cried again.
So Angeal Hewley, the young man, began to think that everything around him was a scarce commodity. Opportunities and failures. Victories and losses. Friends and foes. Leaving for Midgar meant holding on to the scarce commodity that was Genesis; joining the army, not losing the privilege of his time. Missions were a way out of poverty. Returning victorious was a way out of dishonour.
But he couldn't afford to waste even his days off sleeping in and lazing around. Every free minute was hoarded for the lean times. Every hobby was a way of saving for later: cooking a meal in advance for the bad days when even chewing seemed an insurmountable obstacle; growing plants so that when the time came for them to bloom, there would be something pretty to look at; taking a photograph to remember happy moments when in times of misery.
He couldn't waste kisses on people he'd never see again. Pleasure was a scarse commodity too, lovers just another beautiful thing not to be overused for fear of rusting or scratching them: the rare times, their satisfaction came first, and he was happy with the leftovers, as if it were impossible to enjoy both equally. “Live a little,” someone told him, while he was still buried inside them; but what if he had wasted a little life in doing so?
Angeal Hewley, the man who wondered if love was a scarce commodity when he discovered there were two men he wanted by his side. Who wondered again as he became more father than teacher to a boy too young to play in the war. That he was certain that innocence surely is, when he saw him kill for the first time and saw him realise that it was anything but a game.
Angeal Hewley, who would discover that unspoken words cannot be saved for later. Who  hoped to the last that even pain was a scarce commodity, as he watched the man he had grown up with rotting before his eyes, and the mind of the only other companion he had ever had fading day by day: the day he realised that his body and mind were degrading, he hoped that his suffering might lessen that of Genesis and Sephiroth. Who prayed that death itself was a scarce commodity, when he asked Zack to kill him, and that his sacrifice might spare that of others.
It turns out that if there is one thing that is by no means a scarce commodity, it is the greed of the masters.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
now i need to know how miguel and battinson would interact. there's so much potential for all types of scenarios
My favorite one at the moment is Miles somehow stumbling in Gotham. He's running from Miguel, from Gwen, from himself.
if there's one thing Gotham can give you, it's a chance. For greatness or disaster both. The Batfamily often picks both.
"Is he, uh, one of ours?"
Dick carefully takes In this guy, -- this boy, this 15 year old. Panting and scared and strong, and way too familiar with being put in the corner. "Call dad, Duke."
Bruce knows too much about scared children.
Miles is handed a cup of steaming tea by a big guy named Jason. There's a discreet smell of cold blood on him, gunpowder, bullet smoke. It clashes with how...Gentle he's being.
" Uh...Thanks."
"Yeah, don't get used to it,'' He said, ignoring the fond, sly smiles of Bruce and Dick. " You two definetly don't get used to it."
Cass sits next to Miles on the couch, " Jay. Small brain. Big heart. Mushy."
"I graduated with honours,"
"English degree.''
"Damian, hold me back. Or I'll get my ass kicked again."
"So when you say multiverse,--"
"Tim," Bruce's voice is soft silk but nonetheless very effective. "We should let Miles breathe a little. Come. We'll talk in the cave.''
Damian regards Miles with a look. Not a bad or good one, but just a look. " Danger favours you. Use that."
"Uh... Okay?"
"I only had you for a day and a half. Should something happen to you, I'll annihilate everyone on the planet, and then myself."
He tells Bruce what happened, with every terrifying, every nerve wrecking detail. He remembers the rush, the adrenaline, the dread that bled into him. The sour betrayal.
"I know that the real Spider-Man wouldn't complain, but he's,'' There's something about Bruce, that puts an ease on him. He looks at Miles like Rio looks at Miles. " He's my dad."
"Suffering isn't an accomplishment, " Bruce tells him gently, hand on his shoulder, " And tragedy isn't a reward. Anyone would do the same in your position."
"...Would you change YOUR destiny?"
"I already am."
As for Miguel and Battinson? You can't tell me it's not fighting on sight.
Miguel knows he pushed too hard, and he was too harsh, and he didn't take the time to explain WHY this needs to be done. The motive behind it. The reason.
"You can't explain the reason because there's no reason."
"Listen, trust fund. You can give me back my kid, or I can take him from you. "
Bruce doesn't miss a beat, meeting rich, sharp, ruby red eyes with a calm glare. " You're welcome to try."
"You want me to mess up that pretty face? Is that what you want? If you want to fight, then-"
"I'm not a 15 year old, so are you sure?"
Dick and Jason give eachother tired looks. " They're totally gonna get married."
" Totally."
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aoioozora · 3 months
Not you supporting literal murderers, why tf should anyone care about people who cause nothing but suffering/destruction, murdering and raping innocent civilians for a living?? Someone using "barracks bunny" isn't the end of the world, it isn't that deep who tf cares if we want to be barracks bunnies. If mfs don't want to be called that frfr then they shouldn't enlist in the first place, people like her deserve everything they get coming to them
[The post in question]
Anon, I get where you're coming from, and I admire your sense of justice towards innocents.
But please, don't generalise all soldiers as people who WANT to cause suffering. I do not condone or support any of these things you've mentioned, and people who enlist in the army, I'm sure, do not join to murder and cause suffering. They just want to serve the country. And it just so happens that when it's time, they are called to fight simply for defending the honour of their country and the safety of their citizens. I can't speak for all soldiers, but I'm sure a lot of them wish peace and safety was not brought about through strife.
And oftentimes, the ones who enlist are the ones who suffer under the oppressive hand of their government by being forced to kill. Sure, no doubt there are soldiers who revel in causing destruction out of their hatred, but can you say it's the same for all soldiers? Besides, not all the jobs in the military mean they get to kill people. My aunt is a retd. Major and she was an education officer. And when she enlisted, I'm 100% sure she didn't enlist because she wanted to kill and murder and rape.
I'm sure you're smart enough to understand this much.
Look, this is the sad reality of the world. Death, destruction, and suffering are commonplace, and it's something we have to sadly come to accept. That doesn't mean it's right. But remember, what we see around us is out of our control. We cannot control what laws governments pass, what they order their soldiers to do, etc. And sometimes, soldiers can be brainwashed by propaganda and be ignorant of facts too.
I know, the injustice sucks, and I completely get it. But you can't be unjust and blame soldiers for all the misery in the world when you don't know what they're going through. Ultimately, it's not right to judge because we don't know their thoughts, their background, their beliefs, mental state etc.
And yes, I agree with you to some extent that calling someone a "barracks bunny" isn't the end of the world. I've been called a whore and the world didn't end. We just gotta take it in our stride and move on because we have better things to do. But does it mean it's still not severely hurtful? It hurts, and for some sensitive people, the anxiety of being perceived that way can live with them for a long time. Nobody deserves to be called such hurtful things, whether you like them or not.
If you want to be called one and be one, then sure, go ahead and knock yourself out. I don't support promiscuity but I support your freedom to choose. But don't go around saying that female soldiers deserve it because they're "murderers". I don't know if you're a woman, but if you are, I feel like you're not really being a girl's girl here. A real girl's girl would support freedom of choice, whether you like that choice or not. A real girl's girl would understand that there's more to it than what meets the eye. Hell, it even goes even if you're not a woman.
Also, it's not about "if they don't want to be called that, they shouldn't enlist". They SHOULDN'T be called that, period. You hear similar shit in corporate too like "she slept her way to the top". Iterations of it are everywhere! It's disrespectful, rude, discouraging, and degrading. Women go through enough already, this is too much. No woman deserves this nonsense, especially if they're hardworking and sincere, no matter the industry. Forget about them being women for a moment; can we just treat them as human beings? With feelings, aspirations, dreams? Hell, even dignity?
In our passionate rants, are we forgetting that other people are human just like us?
Anon, you are free to have your opinions, but please don't be rude about it. Consider that not everyone is out here trying to actively hurt people. And maybe consider being brave and bringing up your concern to the OP instead of me, since she's a soldier and I'm just a civvy. I'm sure you'll get insight better than mine.
And in conclusion, I suggest you read my favourite poem No Men Are Foreign by James Falconer Kirkup. I hope it's relevant to your concern and gives you a fresh new perspective.
Thanks for reading this Anon, and whoever comes across this. Forgive me if I've been rude or inconsistent anywhere. And if I've missed anything, let me know. I'm open to a civil discussion.
I rest my case. Good day/night.
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midnight-bay-if · 3 months
So, what would ROs do if suddenly someone arrived and started yelling at them, saying stupid things or something like that. But when they are about to do something, Mc steps in and defends the ROs.
S: S is typically the problem solver, and more often than not, they're stepping in to defend Taj after a "impolite" comment or a blunt remark. So, when a particularly belligerent person turns on them, they're equipped with a sharp comment they hope will be enough to put the situation to bed.
But then, you jump in. You place yourself in the firing line, and S is in awe. With no fear, you're shouting back at the stranger. Still, their instinct doesn't go away, and S readies themselves to pull you away.
"You're braver than most, MC, but please do not put yourself in harm's way on my behalf. I can suffer a million cutting words to keep you safe."
Rain: Rain has extensive experience keeping the peace, but rarely is a person's temper directed at them. Rain's training kicks in as they desperately try to placate the individual, but when their ire doesn't wane, they begin to panic. Then, you're there, standing between them and the person, making yourself look as big as possible as you fervently defend their honour.
Rain could kiss you. "You're a warrior, MC, and I'm awed by your strength."
Taj: Taj is used to being the hot head. They've suffered enough of S's lectures because of it. So, when someone gets in their face, they're getting right back in theirs. So, it takes them by surprise when you step between them and their current nuisance. But don't expect to be in the fight alone for long. Suddenly, they're riffing off your energy as you work together to put down the person's stupidity.
You work surprisingly well together when your goals are aligned.
Once you've successfully demoralised the individual in question, there's an awkward moment of silence. Until... "Erm... you didn't have to do that, but... thanks, I guess."
You can't help but tease them. "Wow, I'm impressed, Taj. You finally learned basic manners."
"Fuck you. I'm never saying it again." Then, together, you laugh.
N: N learned to dismiss the thoughts and opinions of angry people a long time ago. How many times have they pointedly ignored an angry tirade? In their youth, if someone gave them a long list of things they absolutely shouldn't be doing, you better believe they would do every single one of them.
So, the person screaming in their face might as well be a chihuahua; N has faced their parent's anger undaunted after all. This... this is nothing. Yet, suddenly, it becomes much more interesting when you jump into their fray, attempting to defend their honour. They can't believe it. They don't deserve it. Still, they want to remember it.
"You're a vision, my dear. A demon with a knight in shining armour. What has the world come to, hm? It's so sugary it makes me want to do something naughty."
Umbra: Umbra is stubborn; there's no denying it. Try to get past them at your own peril because there's no way they're going to let the MC stand between them and danger. That's Umbra's job. You're much too precious, much too important, far more important than them. They would never forgive themselves if something happened to you for the sake of them.
"Please, MC, I'm nobody. Their words can't hurt me. Their disdain doesn't touch me. I can take the brunt of it all. Baring your bruises for you is what keeps me alive."
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lyramundana · 1 year
Just listened to "Want it so BAD", the new song by Han and Lee Know and, after reading the lyrics twice, let me tell you:
If there's still people who claim they're just friends, I'll lose my faith in humanity. Those guys are the real delulu here because what the fuck? With this song they basically confirmed everything we've heard since debut and screamed to the world they're, in fact, very much in love and not in a platonic way. They're married, your honour. This song basically confirms it, it states firmly and without a shadow of doubt that MINSUNG is fucking REAL and it has been since the survival show.
So for all those who don't agree with it, go argue with the wall. Us, the minsung whores and defenders, are going to fucking celebrate this gift to humanity.
Now lets focus on the parts where they specifically mention their first meeting, something we've heard from both of them in skz episodes, but now the uncensored version.
Minho: "I fell in love with you unexpectedly, couldn't get any work done, so many thoughts in my head keep me awake at night, spring snuck into my heart and left me frozen with excitement, i'm not used to it i know it's pain but i really want it so BAD" 😭😭😭😭😭 this is so minsung pre-debut coded omg, he's so fucking cute in the early states of love. knowing he was going to suffer but he loved him so much he just kept going.
Jisung: "Ride, come closer, just the two of us"🥺🥺 "together we make a whole romantic comedy movie" "let's get is started, getting anxious, can't think straight" "love you, i wanna place mysef in a spot next to you" "i'll hold you tight and say i've always been waiting for this moment" "the moment I first saw you, it was meant to be. For me, it's you"💀💀💀💀💀my man wasn't even being subtle here, he didn't try
In conclusion: Minsung is more real and solid that my parents' marriage and anyone who disagrees please come and kiss my ass. thank you❤
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stem-sister-scuffle · 5 months
Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus) vs Winry Rockbell (Full Metal Alchemist)
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Ms. Frizzle is a Science Teacher!
Winry Rockbell is an Automail Mechanic!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Ms. Frizzle:
"*gestures at entire magic school bus series*"
"Embodies the true spirit of scientific discovery: barely-contained chaos."
"She is very knowledgeable about a wide variety of sciences, and uses that knowledge to further the educations of many people. Teachers deserve the world; they do so much for so little in return. (shout out to Mrs. Goates)"
"She loves science and loves teaching kids about science. I love her. Idk I saw she only had one submission and that made me sad so now im here submitting her"
"She is an icon and has cool earrings"
"SHE'S SO COOL!!! She's so smart and so fun and genuinely just an icon. ALSO she has a little lizard on her shoulder. I saw an ask abt the submissions for Ms. Frizzle and the sender was the only person who submitted her.. I couldn't let this go. ALSO one of my professors irl called herself the irl Frizzle and she's a doctor of biology so make of that what you will"
Winry Rockbell:
"The best automail mechanic in the whole of Amestris: need I say more? She’s also the only person who can really get Edward Elric to listen / scare him"
"She's super smart and is crazy about mechanics, but she's also so kind and compassionate! She helped deliver a baby, she cares really deeply for her friends and family! She truly rocks!"
"i’m a biomedical engineer so she is the best women in stem"
"she’s extremely skilled and dedicated to her craft, her work is very high quality (she’s also the personal mechanic for one of the protagonists) and she has a dedication to improving the lives of the people around her in any way she can (and she has so much autism swag about automail, it’s a joy to watch). i love her your honour"
"She's so good and so fun and she's trying her best. She makes sure the prosthetics work and they're super plot important!!!!!"
"She can build and repair robot limbs AND attach them to human nerves"
"She’s only 15 and is repairing magic-infused heavy machinery for fun"
"Spunky, kind, and smart as hell... one of the shounen manga girls of all time."
"At age fifteen she could build a whole metal arm in 3 days (pulling all nighters)! She geeks out over the work of other prosthetics engineers and earned herself an apprenticeship where the shop's costumers began to prefer her after only a few months! She's kind but takes no shit and narratively symbolizes the goodness of humanity. also she read medical textbooks as a kid (her parents were both doctors) and was able to apply that knowledge for successful impromptu midwifery years later!"
"She is practically a child engineering Genius! Designs and makes prosthetics. She takes her work very seriously and geeks out over other people's designs. She is such a beautifully written strong female character that holds her own in a fandom full of amazing strong female characters and a great role model. She's Hella cute"
"She is considered a prodigy in her field, and is known as the “Automail Otaku” because of her unending interest of any machines and tools in the building and repairing of automail. She is incredibly smart, sincere, and passionate. She works hard for what she wants, is full of optimism despite what she has suffered, and is very loyal to her friends."
"built a fully functioning prosthetic arm for her friend when she was TWELVE basically by herself and has been his regular mechanic since. also heavily dabbles in the medical side as well as the mechanical side (for example: she successfully delivered a baby single-handedly at fifteen having only ever read about the subject before). she is so skrunkly she’s an icon a legend and she is the moment"
"Listen any girl who can master mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and biology in order to build prosthetic limbs by the age of 12 is Impressive. She’s the one that got me onto an engineering career path I’m very biased"
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Thank you for the tag, @mosiva! ♡♡♡
"Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free to pass on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗"
Four of these were easy choices and one was trickier, but in no particular order...
thrown into the nest (T, 10,565 words, WIP)
This fic possessed me. The first chapter took over my entire life for ten hours during which I came up with and wrote the whole thing -- I couldn't stop until it was done and posted. Two or three days later, the same thing happened with the second chapter. It's like I was exorcising demons into a doc file. It's also notable because maybe a week or two before I wrote it, I told a friend I would never write ABO fic. More fool me.
I love this fic because it drew together so many ace people -- I've never felt a greater sense of community than I did in the hours after this fic was posted, seeing the comments of people who saw themselves in Harry and Tom's experiences. It blew me away, and I felt so happy to have done justice to some small part of the ace experience. It was a different type of joy, and a bit more cathartic, to write compared to other fics of mine.
VII (M, 2,609 words)
I think I've said it before, but I honestly thought this would be one of those weird little fics that I wrote for myself and maybe five other people would like. It's grown beyond what I originally meant it to be, and while I really, really love the sequel too, this one holds my heart. It's disjointed and dark (for me), and it's one of the few that I've written that actually has Harry and Voldemort start out hating each other and move through it. (What can I say, I mainly write crack and fluff.) They're both feral and damaged and violent and cling to each other all the tighter for it by the end. I also like making the Unspeakables ethically (and morally) dubious and research-obsessed, and this was my first foray into that.
naïve melody (G, 2,904 words)
The Ferris wheel fic; another fic that I thought maybe five other people would enjoy. I'm still proud of the wistful tone it has, and some of the turns of phrase, despite the crack-tastic premise. It's sweet and silly and it makes me feel warm to re-read it. It might also be my favourite Voldemort characterisation of all the fics I've written.
engrave the silhouette of you (M, 10,480 words, WIP)
Look... I just like hurting them, okay? I used the "angst with a happy ending" tag because I need everyone (myself included) to know it's gonna be alright in the end. I have made myself a crying mess multiple times in the course of writing or plotting out this fic. This is very much a "how would the characters react in this situation if X happened?" fic that has grown legs. It's fun (and painful) to put myself in Harry and Voldemort's headspaces and then put us all through the emotional meat-grinder. But it's going to be fine. Eventually.
Capsized (M, 948 words)
Fun, not-previously-shared fact: this fic started out as a way for me to process my maladaptive daydreams and suicidal ideations through Harry. All of the things he imagines or considers are things that I have, as well. (This makes the one comment that says "MAKE HIM SUFFER YASSSS" really, really funny to me.) I wasn't sure if I would ever post it -- it took me five months to decide to do it, because it's extremely personal. But it felt good to put it all into words and make it... "pretty," I guess? It's probably as raw as I can make it while also trying to fit it into the HP world and have it be enjoyable to read.
(Honourable mention goes to Prompt-ober 2023, because it almost killed me to do it, but it was so much fun to write everyday for a month and have the same folks comment each day and chat with them throughout the month (I love you all ♡♡♡). However, that's like twenty-five different fics in one, so it doesn't count.)
Tagging @liquidluckandstuff, @i-dream-of-libraries, @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger, @aglassroseneverfades, and @hikarimeroperiddle
No pressure, do it if it will be a fun distraction! ♡♡♡
(Note: I recently locked my account to registered users only because of an AI scraper targetting Ao3. If you don't have an account and would like to read any of the above, just send me a message and I'll provide a file ♡)
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call-me-rucy · 2 months
Beginning by the beginning (1)
I guess this is the start of my "The Vor Game" live blog! Full disclosure, I'm already 15% into the book so I'll be using this post (and maybe some others) to quickly recap my thoughts up to date.
The story so far:
Shards of Honor
The Warrior’s Apprentice
The Vor Game (I am here!)
Ethan of Athos
Borders of Infinity
Brothers of Arms
Mirror Dance
Warning: I'm reading the Spanish 2019 edition, and I'm a translation nerd so I'll be commenting a lot of that.
For starters, the title in spanish "El juego de los Vor", already lets us know something that the original doesn't explicitely: the "Vor" in the title is plural. Looking forward to those class dramas.
This edition, although very recent, is a reedition of the first one there was so it's fun to read the prologue: "Barrayar, coming soon in the year way way before you were born even". Man, I've already done and loved Barrayar. The world needs more characters like Cordelia.
Anyway, onto the story.
I love books that reward you for remembering specific details. For example, by remembering from passing comments that Kyril Island is somewhere that no one, no one ever wanted to be asigned to. In fact, wasn't someone sent there as punishment? My boy, what are they gonna do to you this time?
"Very good. But your most insidious chronic problem is in the area of... how shall I put this precisely... subordination. You argue too much." "No, I don't."
So fun, I adore him, your honour. I didn't know the notorious "you see your superiors as cattle" conversation was in this book, it was a nice surprise. They're not wrong lol
Miles not ten minutes into the island, already lying by ommision, pretending he doesn't know barrayaran greek: it's a surprise tool that will help us later.
Also, the sentence about barrayaran greek is the first instance so far of the word "barrayaran", which I looked forward to, since sometimes they translate as "barrayarano" and others as "barrayarés". I prefer the first one, so I'm in luck with this book :D
Overall enjoying the Miles suffering so far, I'm very pleased with the evolution of the character, he doesn't seem as wild and desperate as in The Warrior's Apprentice but he's still him.
(To be continued...)
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rpmemes-galore · 3 months
Cult of the Lamb follower thoughts ... sentence starters
"Must… obey…"
"My poor head!"
"That was divine!"
"How disgusting!"
"This is horrifying!"
"It comes for us all."
"I was magnificent."
"I had so much fun!"
"I ate a decent meal."
"I made a new friend!"
"I am cleansed of sin."
"They were innocent!"
"Better than starving…"
"I will never love, again…"
"I don't know about this…"
"This shouldn't be allowed!"
"This is the one, I can feel it!"
"I need somewhere to sleep."
"I will work harder, I promise!"
"None are above punishment."
"Our city grows more glorious!"
"I felt like a king upon a throne."
"They deserved a proper burial!"
"A thrilling fight! But the death…"
"Wow! I am so happy to be here!"
"Seeing that gave me the creeps."
"Their sacrifice makes us stronger!"
"Death is not the end, I am not sad."
"I see it every time I close my eyes…"
"I know I will be much happier here."
"You're rescuing me must be a sign!"
"Their suffering is a just punishment."
"If I am not sent to bed rest, I will die."
"They finally locked that heretic away."
"I will prove myself through discipline."
"I was rudely awoken during the night."
"Lock up the heretics! Show no mercy!"
"I am blessed to witness such a miracle."
"Boring! I must avoid them in the future."
"Such nauseating, putrid mess… I love it."
"What an honour to partake in their flesh."
"I don't feel good, but I don't feel too bad!"
"My faith is shaken, I see through your lies."
"You converted me by force, I had no choice."
"Maybe they're right? I don't know anymore…"
"That was scary… I hope I said the right thing!"
"I know our leader has their reasons, but still…"
"An inspiring sermon from our glorious leader..."
"I have never been so sure of anything in my life."
"I am honoured to confess! I have nothing to hide."
"I need something to eat or I could starve to death."
"I have lived a good life of service, but now I grow weary."
"The outside world is terrifying! I never want to leave again!"
"Gross! Someone should clean that up before someone gets ill."
"I wish I had gotten to know them better, may they rest in peace."
"How beautiful! Why would anyone want to leave such a paradise?"
"Things are different out there… are we really doing the right thing?"
"I thought I heard something in the night.... and when I woke up, the body was gone."
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi again bro. More thoughts came to me.
May I request another idea, this time more platonic. Mixing up the Jing Yuan's kid and Yanqing's twin, Reader is a Stellaron Hunter, who betrayed the whole Xianzhou Alliance for exchange for the safety of their dad and sibling (JY and Y don't know this). They're part of whatever Kafka and Blade did in the Xianzhou, more like a short reunion for them.
Yanqing being very angry at them, not understanding the whole story behind the betrayal- (blade taking care of them in place of JY)
A/N: I finally found time to write and I really love this idea! Thank you once more for the great request, Anon!<33
Content: Angst, betrayal, hurt/no comfort, Jing Yuan is Yanqing's and Reader’s dad, just more Yanqing suffering honestly
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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You had no choice. Or at least that's what you told yourself over and over again, as you quickly ran through the long path to the center of the divination commission. You panted softly, eyes wide in focus and realisation at what you were doing. You were running away from your family. From your friends. From your honourable life on the Xianzhou Luofu. But for what? What was worth all this pain and agony?
The safety of everything you loved, was the answer. You exchanged your existence to the Stellaron hunters for the safety of your family. It was a simple deal to make, but one so painful, that it ripped apart your soul in the process. You never thought that you'd go this far. You hoped, that you never would have, but life was never that simple.
You dodged a couple flying swords trying to halt your movements, stumbling lightly as you continued running with tears burning in your eyes. You knew who those swords belonged to, but you couldn't stop now. You had to reach your goal. Kafka and Blade were so close. You just had to get to them and escape for good. That would ensure the safety of everyone, even if they didn't understand. Like your twin brother Yanqing, who was chasing after you.
He didn't understand why you were running away from him. He didn't understand why you were betraying him. He didn't understand why you were leaving him. "(Y/N)! STOP!-" He yelled, tripping lightly with a huff over the uneven floorboards. He was panting heavily, having chased you for so long, that he was nearly at his limit. But he couldn't give up now.
You didn't stop however, in fact, you somehow found it in you to speed up even faster, before dodging a couple guards and a surprised Fu Xuan. You didn't pay attention to the Trailblazers, your eyes only focused on the smiling, burgundy haired woman infront of you.
Your head turned to look at Yanqing, tears pooling in your eyes at how close he was getting. You didn't want to face him. Not like this. He could never understand why you've done this. You were just happy that your father wasn't here to also witness the shameful act of your betrayal, even if he probably heard of it by now. You wondered how he must've reacted. How heartbroken he must've been.
Kafka hummed in satisfaction at your arrival, nodding to herself, as she grabbed you by the arm and began to casually walk to the edge of the divination platform. Your eyes glanced down at the abyss below and it seemed to stare back, taunting you for the failure you've become. But you had no choice, you once again reminded yourself, trying to desperately convince yourself of it too.
Just as Yanqing's was about to reach you, he had to quickly evade an attack by a certain man, making him land a couole meters away from you. Blade turned his head to you, a nod of acknowledgement. You could only stare, heart and head empty at everything that was going on. "Why are you doing this?! Tell me already, damnit!" Yanqing yelled, being only held back by a couple guards and Fu Xuan, who was equally as shocked by your betrayal. You couldn't answer him. You didn't want to either. He'd be safe, if he hated you. If they all hated you.
"Ah as much as I'd love to stay for the drama... we have better things to do." Kafka chuckled, giving you a knowing glance and turning to Blade who was obviously itching for a fight. "Come on, Bladie, let's go." She hummed, before letting herself fall off the edge. You watched her disappear in surprise, frozen. But you didn't have to do anything, as Blade quickly approached you, grabbing you by the waist, as he plunged down into the abyss with you.
A gasp left your lips, your eyes wide, as they met Yanqing's for the last time. You saw his tears, the way he ripped out of the guards arms, the way he reached out for you. And you found yourself reaching for him as well, a last ditch effort to save yourself from the selfless choices you've made, until you ultimately realised that it was for the better.
Yanqing and your father would be safe from now on. That thought alone made you smile bitterly, as you closed your eyes and accepted your fate.
A/N: I hope this is fine and coherent! And thank you again for the painful requests!<33
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onceuponapuffin · 4 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 14!!!
Happy Birthday to regular reader and commenter @ritz-writes !! :D
Here's the sculpture mentioned in the fic: https://noma.org/collection/history-of-the-conquest/
You'll notice that the poll at the bottom isn't anything suuuuper important. There's just some plot things that I want to get running in the next section, so I'm gonna be writing it up and posting it tomorrow. But I promise you that it's still an important choice to make (also idk what to pick so that means you all get to pick lol ).
Okay! Here we go! Back to New Orleans with The Anti-Apocalypse Crew!
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Now that you all were in the city, it only took Anathema the next morning to hone in on her signal. To Aziraphale's delight, it led you all to the sculpture garden at the New Orleans Museum of Art. To your delight, it led more specifically to a sculpture of a person riding a snail (to victory no doubt).
"I think this might be my favourite statue ever," You say aloud (because this author is assuming you would agree with her opinion). There is a person you don’t know standing in front of the statue. He gives a dissatisfied huff.
"It's called 'History of the Conquest,'" he tells you, despite not being asked, "The ever-slow and over-confident march of the entitled towards a future where they're in charge. Everyone else suffers while they promise glory and prosperity."
Your jaw drops open. This person looks like a 'surfer dude,' but is talking like someone who's spent most of their life in a cubicle changing 1s to 0s for 8 straight hours a day.
"WOW! That is BLEAK," is what finally comes out of your mouth. "Proper ray of sunshine, you are."
Okay, that sounded really British. You briefly wonder about the effect of spending so much time around Crowley and Aziraphale before Surfer Dude starts to laugh.
"I've seen a few things, human. Been 'round longer than you've been alive, will be long after you die. You're no more than a moth in my eyes."
"Wow," You can't help but repeat yourself, "Again, bleak." Also rude, but priorities.
"It is what it is," Surfer Dude replies. You shake your head and turn to Aziraphale and Crowley.
"You're up," You concede. You have no idea who this is, but he called you "human," and compared you to a moth. Whoever this person is, they’re probably the one Anathema’s had you looking for. He doesn’t look like Jesus, but maybe he will know where Jesus is. Either way, Anathema doesn’t get things wrong. If her work brought you to this person, then he’s the person you need to talk to.
That being said, whoever this is, he's the Ineffable Husbands' department and not yours. Sometimes you just gotta tap out and let the celestials handle their own kind. Now, this doesn't mean that you're not going to sit back and watch. Oh no, you want to see how this plays out.
"Can I have some popcorn?" You stage-whisper to Crowley as you pass him.
"Piss off," Crowley stage-whispers back. Despite his complaint, you notice a tiny Michael-Sheen smile on Aziraphale's face, and you return to Anathema, who looks surprised and is holding two small cartons of popcorn. You gratefully take one and have a seat on a convenient bench that is located conveniently within earshot. This is gonna be good.
"Hello," Aziraphale begins as he approaches, "I'm Aziraphale."
"Right," Surfer Dude says with a roll of his eyes, "The Angel of the Eastern Gate. I'm so honoured."
"Here I thought manners were important to angels," Crowley replies, sidling up next to Aziraphale. Surfer-Dude-Who-Is-Apparently-An-Angel takes in Crowley and raises an eyebrow.
"And here I thought demons didn't make a habit of hanging off angels' arms," Surfer Dude scoffs in in return.
Crowley snarls.
"Yes, well, each of us seems to be an anomaly in our own right," Aziraphale says with an appeasing smile, "This is Crowley. Might we have the pleasure of knowing your name?"
"Ah, right. Well, that is to your own discretion I suppose."
"Rude is what it is," sneers Crowley.
"Regardless, we've come to this garden with the guidance of our friend here, hoping to find, well, Jesus as it happens."
Surfer-Dude-Angel-Person throws his head back and laughs outright.
"You're looking for who now? JESUS? HA! Bit of soul-searching for you, is it? Spiritual journey? Pilgrimage to the Holy Land? You're in the wrong place for that!" He keeps laughing.
I mean, you get the laughter. It definitely sounds weird to a third party. Crazy even. But if this guy is an angel, then shouldn't it sound perfectly reasonable?
"Oi," Crowley interrupts, clearly impatient, "We're trying to save the world here. And since angels don't normally take holiday time, I'd think helping us might be in your best interest."
"You think you can stop the Second Coming? Ha! There isn't another technicality that you can throw around this time. This one's it. Enjoy the giant snail statues while they last, because it won't be for much longer."
"You know an awful lot," You call from the bench, "And you like to talk. So just get to the part about Jesus so we can leave you to be miserable on your own." You popcorn is already almost finished, and you frown into your carton. If only you could do miracles. You'd refill it yourself.
Surfer-Dude-Angel-Person laughs again.
"Yeah, okay, I like this one," he says, nudging a thumb in your direction. He turns away from Crowley and Aziraphale and strides towards you. Suddenly your popcorn carton is full again, so you look up. Okay, maybe he's not so bad. He reaches out a hand to you.
"Call me Sardis, Little Moth."
After a moment of hesitation, you shake his hand. He turns back to Crowley and Aziraphale.
"I can see why you've adopted this one," he says, then turns his attention to Anathema, paying no mind to the garbled protests coming from Crowley. "And since we're doing introductions...?"
"Anathema Device," says Anathema with a nod. She would probably shake his hand, but between her equipment and her popcorn, her hands are full.
"Lovely to meet you, Miss Anathema," Sardis nods at her before finally looking back at Aziraphale and Crowley. "You won't find Jesus here. But meet me for drinks later and I'll tell you what you need to know to find him."
"You're unnecessarily cryptic, Sardis," You say with a raised eyebrow and a mouth full of popcorn. He laughs again.
"Well, Little Moth," his eyes have a sparkle in them now as he looks at you, "Gotta keep myself entertained somehow."
Sardis insists on giving you all a tour of the sculpture garden, but refuses to say anything more about Jesus, or how he knows about Armageddon, or why he isn't in Heaven, or anything else that you actually WANT to talk about. He insists that such talk isn't for a quiet garden full of art. It isn't until he lays a cryptic finger beside his nose and winks at you that something clicks in your memory.
Remember, back before JK Rowling turned out to be an awful person, back when everyone read Harry Potter? EVERYONE, RIGHT?? Perhaps, dear Reader, you remember the chapter in book 5 where Hermione calls a meeting at The Hog's Head because it’s less crowded. Hermione figures the sparse crowd means that there are fewer people to see them together. Perhaps you also remember when, later in the book, this action comes back to bite them, and they are told very sternly that they should have met at the Three Broomsticks precisely BECAUSE it was busier. A busy pub meant they would have been less likely to be overheard.
Suddenly you look around the garden and notice the sparse, but very much there, collection of people. Just the right number of people that could listen to your conversation if they wanted to without you being any the wiser. Oh.
Maybe the cryptic is a little bit necessary after all. He’s still overdoing it in your opinion, but whatever floats his goat.
You part ways after his tour, agreeing to meet at a local bar at 9pm. There’s enough time to go back to the hotel, freshen up, and get something to eat before you make your way there.
“Well,” Aziraphale says back at the hotel, “This Sardis certainly is a character.”
“I know the name from somewhere,” You trail off in thought. Where have you heard it before? Sardis…Tardis…Sardine….You’re not sure, but it rings a bell.
Anathema is already flipping through notebooks. Aziraphale has picked up his copy of the Bible, and Crowley is on his phone. You figure everyone else has it covered, and sure enough, it’s Crowley who finds it first. Google, no doubt.
“Ha! Found the sod! He’s in Revelation.”
“Oh!” You practically jump as recognition finally hits. “He’s one of the seven angels! The ones we didn’t think were here!”
“You didn’t think any of them were here?” Anathema asks, “Did you even check, or did you just assume?”
“Well Muriel said…” You go quiet, before clearing your throat and trying again. “We didn’t look into it far at all, no.”
“So exactly what work did you do before you called me?”
“Umm…….” You say.
“Nnngggh” Crowley adds.
“A great deal less than we thought at the time, apparently,” Aziraphale finally admits with a sigh.
“You are all really bad at saving the world.” Anathema shakes her head.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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