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How would the ROs react to MC accidentally walking in on them while they’re changing?
(Sorry for the wait on asks everybody. Life has been... interesting.)
S: They have stripped down to their underwear, thumbs tucked into the waistbands, ready to bare all for a quick change before a mission. Nothing seems out of the ordinary... until the familiar sound of the old-fashioned door handle twisting with the usual struggle disrupts the silence, as the mechanism sticks at an odd angle. They sigh, anticipating Rain or Taj bursting in, their manners entirely disregarded. It's a routine they have come to expect, and they have had to set aside certain notions of decorum after working with them.
The self-conscious ideas of propriety seem to belong entirely to humans in their experience.
What they do not anticipate, with their hand half outstretched to still the turning of the handle, is coming face to face with your wide eyes when the door swings open.
A stunned silence hangs in the air... until both of you scramble for a way to salvage this greeting—you by covering your eyes with a hand, and they by hurriedly grabbing any material to cover themselves.
“I’m sorry!” you call, your eyes still firmly covered. “I think Rain just tricked me. They said you were waiting for me and that I should come straight in.”
They exhale sharply. Of course, they did. “It is quite all right; if you could give me a moment, I shall be with you shortly.” All the while ignoring their fluttering pulse and the fact that you are mere feet away from their bare skin. Would you dare look? Do they wish you would? When you don’t immediately leave, they cannot help but push. “Were you hoping for an invitation?”
“Right! Sorry!” The door slams shut behind you, and they already deeply regret your absence.
Rain: They hum a familiar tune of home as they pull off bright items of clothing, the door left ajar. They notice it, their leg half out of their trousers, and begin hopping over to close it properly. However, they only get partway before the door swings open, your voice trailing in soon after.
“Rain, there was something I meant to disc— Rain!”
Your shout startles them, their feet getting tangled in the legs of their trousers as they trip and fall to the ground. “Ouch!” they exclaim, landing elbow first. “What? What is it?” The note of surprise in your voice sends them into a panic.
“Y-You’re not dressed.”
Oh. Right. Yes, S did warn them about this. “Sorry! I forgot to close the door! I didn’t startle you too much?” they ask, slipping their pants back up their legs, feeling no real achievement since their chest remains bare. They finally notice how demurely you stare down at your feet, a hint of shyness that seems to emerge only when you are alone together, and their heart skips a beat. “Be out in a minute?”
You nod, darting out much quicker than you entered, and they smile. “Perhaps leaving the door open wasn’t such a terrible idea after all.”
Taj: They were meant to be alone. Rain informed them that everyone else had already left on their way out the door. It was quiet; there was no reason to doubt this. So, when Taj began shedding their clothes on the way to the bathroom, they thought little of it. The heating had been left on, and the place was sweltering due to the humidity. They leant forward, reaching to turn on the shower when they heard a voice.
“Taj, is that you leaving your clothes all over the floor?”
Your voice.
They swivel their heads towards the door, and there you stand, arms laden with various items of clothing, mouth agape, staring at their bare backside... until your eyes begin to trail of every scar.
“I didn’t know—”
Taj never gives you the chance to explain, slamming the door in your face with a resounding bang. They press their forehead against the wood, breathing harshly, their heart thundering in their chest as all the blood rushes to their… “Fuck.”
“Taj, are you alright?” They hear you through the door, and their breath shudders. Stop it. Stop talking. They need to calm down, and your voice… “I swear I didn’t realise you were, um, naked. Are you angry?”
Angry. It isn’t the first word that comes to mind; it would be easier if they were.
N: They are admiring every detail of their guise in the mirror. “The skin is so smooth,” they whisper, trailing their fingertips over the unblemished surface of their torso. So perfectly immaculate. That isn’t to say they are not also taken with their usual body; all the prongs and bumpy skin feel exquisite when in the throes of passion if you know how to use them, and they know. Well, they have never heard any complaints.
But there’s something about being human that is endlessly fascinating to them. The weightlessness of their head without their horns, the ease with which clothing can be slipped on and torn off without a tail… and the skin. So delicate, like the most exquisite silk. N would be lying if they claimed not to have thought about exploring each and every inch of yours.
As if summoned by fate, the bedroom door swings open, revealing you standing there, mouth agape, taking in the scene. “Now, which one of us is the mind reader, my dear?”
You shake off your surprise and swiftly squeeze your eyes shut. “I’m sorry! I d-didn’t know. I promise!”
“It’s quite all right. You can take a peek if you like.”
“N-No! Thank you!” you squeak, backing out the door, pulling the door with you.
“Are you sure? I certainly don’t mind—”
They sigh, a little wistful. “Oh, well… maybe next time.”
Umbra: They never liked taking their clothes off. Each layer gets peeled back like they are being forced to peel off their own skin, grimacing as if in pain. They at least have the good sense to do it in complete darkness, with curtains shut and mirrors covered by whatever dark material they can get their hands on, so they don’t accidentally catch their reflection in the mirror.
It isn’t the scars or stitches that denote their marred limbs, nor their ghostly paleness that causes them pain, but the fact that, even stripped bare, they feel no colder. All of this is repulsive, and each inch of exposed skin serves as a reminder of the monster that lies within.
Most of their skin is bare when the door handle turns, and in you walk, nonchalant, without fear despite the wretch that they are. It is they who show fear. “MC! I-I’m not… I was getting changed—”
Only now do you realise what you have walked into. “Oh, Umbra! I’m sorry!” You squeeze your eyes shut, and Umbra feels as though they can breathe again. That’s right, MC. Close your eyes. Save your stomach from churning. They anticipate you heaving with disgust or running away as you retch… but you do none of those things. Instead, you turn, lashes fluttering demurely. Not ashamed, but embarrassed. Your fingers flex against your thigh before tugging at the hem of your shirt, as if shy.
You like what you see.
An impossible sensation seizes their chest, a tingling and heat they thought themselves incapable of feeling. They can live with being a monster if they are not monstrous to you.
#ask answer#taj#umbra knight#nazu raumon#naera raumon#simon selby#rain#simone selby#interactive fiction
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So I finished playing the update, and I enjoyed it. I went with Bakery just because I'm like, my Mc needs a pick me up with all the shit going on. Lol, so she was surprised to see Taj and she a shy flirt, so it was great seeing how she acts around him. But gosh, he is going to frustrate my girl 🤦🏻♀️. Also, it doesn't help she a people pleasure lol so she felt bad and everything for him. Also what the heck is N doing 👀 like sir I got questions but I really enjoy it. You are making it very hard for me to stick with Taj as my romance because gosh they are all great in their own ways.
Also, make sure you take care of yourself! 🖤
Thank you 🥺 Taj can be very hard work 😂 and the more they realise they might actually like MC, the more aggravating they will become. But there's going to come a point where their harsh words turn to playful teases... I can't wait to write the moment Taj notices the difference.
N has their own agenda... you might learn more in ch4 😉
And thank you. This update took it out of me emotionally, haha. But I'm looking forward to what comes next. Thanks again for your lovely message. They really motivate me to keep trying my best ❤️
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I know you mentioned there will be edits, but with this update does the demo now include all of chapter 3?
Unfortunately not 😅 It can be played as if it is, but there's an entirely different route for spending time with Selby that I haven't finished yet. My brain was getting a little overwhelmed with finishing chapter 3. I thought it best to move on to chapter 4 for a while before working on the final branch for 3, so I didn't burn out 😔
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Loved the update!!! I personally didn't run into any problems. All the RO's have me whipped 🥺🥺 I'd do anything for Umbra and loved teasing Taj lol
Thank you :') I'm glad you didn't run into any issues, haha. I'm excited to work on chapter 4 because it's going to be a fun one... :D
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Rip Taj and Umbra, born too early to listen to Linkin Park on a long drive while staring out the window into the rain (T^T)
This is true... Numb and In the End would be blasted on repeat while they stare pensively at nothing, really selling the mysterious anime protag, haha.
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For a while, I'm going to answer asks pertinent to the new update under a cut so people don't get spoiled before they get the chance to play :) So, if you've sent an ask in about the update, the answer is probably under the cut.
Honestly, I think this problem stems from a poorly worded question on my part. I have now reframed the question to "were you assigned another gender at birth?" I tend to overthink these things, and it can muddy the waters, haha. The problem with being a scatterbrain on a solo project, I guess. Hopefully, it should be more obvious that the first question of 'are you okay there, miss?' is relevant to the present day, while the character creator question is to assert whether your identity has changed since childhood.
TL;DR Answer no to the second gender identity question if you are cis.
I don't even have an excuse for this one. I really think my brain must have been going bzzzzzzzzzzt beep beep boop boop when coding this section. Anyway, the repeated text should be fixed now. As for the typos... if anyone sees any and can provide screenshots, it would be really helpful. This is the most I've added in an update, and I'm unlikely to catch all of these on my own.
Thank you so much for these kind words <3 They are exactly what I needed. Since a lot of this update was about getting to know the main cast rather than moving along the plot, I was a bit nervous about it. But I also enjoy writing these little moments with the characters that will eventually build into a bigger bond. And I like that Taj is such a little shit that even the most people pleasing MC's still get into little spats with them.
You're right; this was a rather large oversight on my part. This update has been a massive learning curve for me, and I'm already coming up with new ways to keep track of branches. But the whole process has been a learning experience. Anyway, it should be fixed now so that you can choose N's gender at the start of that scene if you haven't already. Thanks for bringing this to my attention so I could fix it :)
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I haven't read the new update i am going to literally rn but this is me opening up the link honestly honestly! I need to be chill because I'm still at work... but like...
Sorry if this is rude i apologize... but fuck that voice in your head that tells you to doubt yourself because HELLLLLOOOO!!!! i am so inlove with your writing it's insane. I can't deal I'm so excited and nervous and alil scared. 👀💀😫
Okay bye.
I fear I am running out of ways to express my gratitude to you 🥲 You always know exactly what to say, haha. And by all means, I tell myself to fuck off all the time 😂 jk. Or, well, I should more. I hope you enjoy the update anyway.
In your playthrough, I'm not sure which banter is going to be more spectacular... MC x Taj or MC x Nazu, haha. You'll need a timeout spot just for some peace.
Again, thank you for being so wonderful :') I hope the update doesn't disappoint. I'm going to take a short social media break after today so I can get this anxiety under control, but I'll still be working on this in the meantime <33
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I think i found a bug,? after The conversation with Alek during chap 3, and the POV switch to Nazu i got the line:
chapter3 line 4884: Non-existent variable 'mchm'
And this is what happens when I edit things last minute. Thank you so much! I've simply missed a letter in the code there. One day I will learn my lesson with these things, haha. It should be fixed now!
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Demo Update - 10/03/2025
Finally! I have a working update ready for you guys. To be honest, I had this ready a few days ago, but then my old friend, the inner voice, decided to pay me a visit, and that voice is only ever critical. So, I held off for a couple of days so the voice could quieten and I could share what I have done without belittling myself.
It's not the final version of this update. I've already marked a few things for rewrites and edits, but it should be a decent amount to sink your teeth into.
Also, as always, I would recommend starting with fresh saves.
Demo link here (Over 82,000 words)
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So, combining the sleeping on the couch ask with the having a key to Alek's place one... how would Alek react to finding the MC asleep on his couch due to nightmares and not wanting to be alone at their own place, so they went to his in the middle of the night to not be alone entirely while they slept?
(I probably should have answered a long number of asks before getting to this one since I have some really old ones in my backlog, but this is precisely the kind of ask I needed to get me out of a slump I've been experiencing. So, thank you :))
Alek doesn't sleep much. He hasn't for a long fucking time. Most would assume his penchant for working through the night is the cause, but his work is a symptom, not the cause. Truthfully, he brings his work home to keep his mind occupied because the alternative is lying awake, staring at the ceiling, picturing a life unlived and the cold, empty space beside him.
But exhaustion always catches up with him eventually. A blink turns into slumber, and he slips into oblivion for a desperately needed rest, only to startle awake a couple of hours later. Alek groans, rubbing his eyes before turning to look at the alarm clock beside his bed. 2:03 am. He sighs, unsurprised by the early hour, and kicks off the blanket to quench his parched throat.
He pauses at the threshold of his bedroom door. Something feels off, and his hackles rise. All five senses go into overdrive as he tries to make sense of his instincts. Then, he sees you.
He finds you curled up, hugging a threadbare cushion, as you squeeze yourself onto his couch. The ache he has carried in his chest since the moment of James's death twinges at the sight, and once more, he is reminded of how hopelessly out of his depth he remains. James was always the softer one—ever with his quick wit and practised patience, the first to offer a comforting shoulder or a playful distraction.
"You're an impossible figure to live up to," he whispers, knowing he will be met with nothing but silence.
Alek squares their shoulders in preparation, then bends down to hook a hand beneath your knees and neck before lifting you into his arms. It's been a long time since he has done this, and he must take extra care not to jostle you awake, but you're as light to him now as you were when you were seven years old.
Despite his care, he isn’t sure whether you've woken, but if you have, you say nothing; your eyes remain shut as he navigates his small apartment, cradling you gently in his arms, fearing you might vanish like the visions of those he has lost when he daringly reaches for them.
"It's okay, kid," he says gently as he lowers you down on the side of his bed, still made. "I've got you." He peels back his covers, bringing the blankets to your chin and tucks you in tight. It doesn't matter how much older you get, how you mature, or how brave you become... It's in the moments of quiet, of vulnerability and serenity, that Alek peers at you and still sees that same child tugging at his shirt sleeves, hoping the world they wake up to tomorrow will be better than the one they fell asleep in.
"Tomorrow, kid. We'll fix it tomorrow."
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Huh, I don't love NOR loathe Hunter.
I think he's a very interesting character, but not to the point of "loving" him, and I don't trust him one bit, but I couldn't "loathe" him when I know so little about him.
So I'm in a "he's interesting - wait and see" mindset
This is absolutely fair, too, and there are probably a lot of people who feel the same way. My perspective may be skewed since it's typically only those strong opinions people share. This tends to be the case with all things, haha. I'm just along for the ride on this one.
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Ouh god the Hunter-mancer are taking over. Noooooo... But joke aside are you surprised that Hunter is getting this much attention and love from some readers or was this your plan all along and they have fall victim to your evil scheme 👀😂
Hm, I wouldn't say it was my plan, but I'm also not surprised, lol. People either love or loathe him, and it's fun for me either way. I like writing Hunter because the friction between MC and Hunter is amusing to me, and they pose an interesting challenge. But I'm also more than willing to write moments for MC to verbally annihilate him every chance they get for those who hate him.
See? Fun either way, haha.
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A unique route... for Umbra, my Beloved? Please, I need more details...
As you wish, Anon :)
Well, I was considering adding a route for a throuple between Umbra, N, and MC. It would start as a sort of love triangle since N and Umbra do not get off on the best foot, lol. But eventually… they may realise they have more in common than they think… and… Anyway, it’s just an idea. I don’t want to promise anything and overextend myself, but if there is enough interest, it’s something I may add. But with the consideration that there will be a vote on whether people want a Hunter romance route after Book One, as well as a new character route in Book 2 (which I haven’t shared many details about yet but have hinted about in previous asks).
Hopefully this helped :)
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Hey! Hope you're having a great day! Absolutely LLLOOOOVVVVEEEDD the IF! Like, oh my GOD! The immersion was *chef's kiss*. If its this good now, I can't wait to see how good it'll be as it progresses! Just a quick question, if I like, flirt with everyone, will it come to bite me in the butt later? Hypothetically, of course! I would absolutely never do that, of course not, haha, of course not.
I'm starting to think you readers have psychic powers; I always get lovely messages like this on days when I could really do with the boost. So, thank you. It's nice to hear that my painstaking need to rewrite dialogue based on the different personalities is hitting the immersion factor, which makes me feel so much better, haha. There's much more of it in the second half of chapter 3, too.
And no, absolutely flirt away, haha. I did consider adding consequences, but it would end up overwhelming me, and it is better for me to know my limits so I don't burn out. I have considered a unique route for N and Umbra, though... If that sounds like something people might be interested in, I would consider it. But I'll decide that later when the whole gang is together.
Thank you again for this lovely message. It's exactly what I needed :)
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A Tentative Update
Tentative because I don't want to jinx anything. I'm hoping very soon I will have a workable update for the second half of chapter 3. It won't include everything that I wanted, which is all three possible routes for one-on-one scenes with team members, but over 30,000 words later, and it is still a sizeable update. This will also give me time to work on the third route in conjunction with chapter 4.
I'm not going to give a definitive date since I wouldn't want to let anyone down should things go wrong, but it would be fair to say 'very soon' will be as soon as I can make it... I will still try to answer asks where I can, but much of my attention will be on jumping these final hurdles.
I have also been planning potential tiers for a patreon... I would love to hear your thoughts.
A monthly Q&A for general questions, explicit NSFW questions, and a spoiler Q&A (the only question I wouldn't answer is 'who is the bay slasher?' because the short-lived quick gratification of the answer wouldn't be as satisfying as figuring it out on your own.)
NSFW short stories with a voted character.
Fluff mini-series with characters of your choice (from characters' POV) (I would perhaps learn twine so people can personalise their MC's for these.)
Short stories written from characters' POV similar to asks on tumblr, but longer and much more in-depth.
Any and all artwork I actually complete myself or commission.
(In the future; potentially?) I saw this idea on Tumblr, but I can't remember who the original idea belongs to. There would have to be a limited number of places, but a personalised letter from a character of your choice? You could use it like a penpal service, replying to the letter or just having a one-off letter from your RO addressed to you or your MC.
(In the future) Early access to new updates of the demo, as well as continued access after the public demo finishes.
If there is anything else you would like to see, send in your ideas.
It's my dream to be able to work on The Midnight Bay full-time one day. The project means a lot to me, as do these characters. Being able to share them with you in any capacity is a privilege. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to engage with this story and its characters. It really means the world to me.
P.S. Everytime I get close to a new update, my anxiety begins kicking me in the teeth again, so it's another reason for me to step away from social media while I finish. Otherwise, I fear I will never get it done.
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For potential ask purposes, does the Mc have access to Alek’s office/desk area and to his home if he isn’t at either?
His home? Absolutely. MC has a spare key Alek gave them a long time ago. But his office? Not when he's not in there.
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OMG SELBY AFTER THAT LAST ASK WITH THE ROSES HAS ME SWOONING! Fantastic writing! 10/10! I have been on the fence on who to romance first and he just won me over XD
Selby is very romantic and that's why I love writing them. I wanted at least one romance where the MC could feel completely safe because the rest... well... they try 😂
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