I write sometimes for fun :) My writings mainly center's around König as of now. Everything will be gender neutral, & SFW ♡
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strawb3rry-acid · 1 year ago
I absolutely adore how you talk about König. Your post about his social anxiety made me feel really seen so thank you for giving your take on how you thinknit effcts him <3
Thank you so much for the kind word's, they're very much appreciated! It truly does means a lot, and you're very welcome. Social anxiety is a real pain in the ass, and I'm glad I could help. I'm wishing you nothing but the best. I hope today is treating you well hunny! 🥰 ♡
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strawb3rry-acid · 1 year ago
More König Headcanons
Just some more König headcanons I wanted to throw out there while I finish working on an analysis of his personality. It's taking longer than I first expected lol.
More of these are fairly random, but there's some involving relationships, his personality, and other things. Just random, and fairly soft stuff ♡
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❍ Admittedly, I don't think this man is the type too be considered "attractive" by the majority of people(I know there's some debate on whether or not the glitch showing his face is truly his face or not. Personally, I'm on the fence here, so I wanna add my little twist to it since it's mentioned that it's rumored what's under his mask is even scarier than his intimidating presence.)
❍ The type too hide things up high if someone pisses him off just out of petty spite. He'll gladly watch them struggle till they will, probably, have too ask him for help. It gives him that "ha, I win" rush. Spiteful, cheeky bastard.
❍ I've mentioned this before, but I think he's got a soft spot for women. Having been in the military, and having rescued victims of human trafficking (it was mentioned in his bio at one point, but I think it's been removed for some reason) he's seen the violence, and bigotry women face, and can be pretty protective. He may have severe social anxiety, but he won't hesitate too step in if he senses some jackass is harassing a woman.
❍ Speaking of which, I do think he's the type too step in, and shut shit down if someone's being mistreated, and has issues speaking up for themselves. It's in his own quiet, subtle way of course(Death glares, firm grabs if needed, etc), but he'll still likely step in if he feels it's necessary. (It just makes sense to me considering his past with bullying, him specializing in hostage rescue, as we'll as some of his voice lines expressing deep loyalty, and his likely enjoyment of being helpful. I don't think he takes too kindly to disrespect. Specifically if it's someone who's innocent, and who's been respectful/kind too him. If it's someone he enjoys being around, then he'll definitely step in).
❍ Neither a dog, nor a cat person. I think he's fairly indifferent too both, but if he had too chose, he'd chose dog's. He likes cats as he relates too their typically solitary behavior, but enjoys the fact that dog's tend too be very affectionate, and loving animals.
❍ I feel like he's a very competitive person. He enjoys a good challenge as it gives him a chance too show off his skills, specifically in combat. I wouldn't recommend trying to compete with him though. He can become pretty ruthless depending on the situation, especially if he feels he's losing, and will seek to out do them. Trust me, with his determination, the other person will lose.
❍ He's used to his height by now, and is very cautious of it, but he'll still bump his head, and knock things over sometimes(I know a man how's 7ft, and he's always doing that lol.)
❍ On another note, I think he has mixed feeling's about his height. On one hand, he loves the fear it brings to enemies out on the field. On the other hand, he despises the attention it draws too him off of the field. He's a very private man who likes to slip by unnoticed, and his height makes it difficult for him too do so. The fact that he intimidates innocent people tends to make him feel pretty disheartened as well.
❍ In a partner, I don't think he cares about looks. The fact that their accepting of him, and love him is all he needs, and wants. He'd love a plus sized partner, a muscular partner, a thin partner, a tall partner, a short partner, and everything in between. As long as their healthy, and happy he doesn't give a rat's ass.
❍ He definitely has plenty of stretch marks. He's a tall guy after all, and he probably grew tall very quickly.
❍ I don't think he's the most touchy person in the world, but he doesn't mind it either. While he doesn't like being touched by strangers in the slightest, he has no issues with loved ones touching him. It's just probably something he won't really initiate himself very often unless it's more subtle touches(think pats on the back, or gently squeezing shoulders). Instead of touch, he more so just let's people he cares for linger in his space, and will keep them closer too him.
❍ I've mentioned this before as well, but I think he's a gamer, especially when it comes to games involving some form of combat. Video game wise, I think he'd enjoy what most consider too be "dad" games. Video games, and board games would be one of his favorite ways too bond with loved one's. He can get really riled up to an amusing degree.
❍ Cannot tolerate spicy foods to save his life, but will eat them too seem tough.
❍ Very bad when it comes to expressing affection through words, and touches. He tries, but he's just so damn awkward, and is worried about doing/saying something that'll make them uncomfortable. Much more prefers too show affection through act's of service.
❍ However, he does have his moments of being very physically, and verbally affection. This will likely happen when he's comfortable being around the person, he's been away from them for a long time, and/or has seen some really horrible things that remind him of the fact he could lose them at any moment. If it's the case that he's seen something horrendous, then he's lingering around them all the time, and it can be hard to pry him off of them.
❍ Always checking in with people he's close to. He has a very deep understanding of what it's like to be alone, and never wants them too feel that way.
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strawb3rry-acid · 1 year ago
A lover's devine devotion
No warnings, just König's admiration for his lover, and a bit of a dive into him as a character. Like always, this is fairly long lol. I try to keep things short, but can never seem to stop once I get going.
This is my second time writing something other than headcanons, so I apologize if it's not the best thing in the world. Like always, this is all gender neutral! ♡
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◂ ◌༺𓃠༻◌ ▸
The message that König had been meant too wander through life alone was something he came to understand long ago, the lesson sticking to him like thorn shrouded hands that had kept his eye's covered as they so callously hid the beauty of companionship from him. He had come to believe that he was meant to experience the sights of peachy colored morning sky's, and the sights of star's that covered nightfall with no other presence besides his own. It was a lonely life, yet he had become acquired with the bittersweet taste of loneliness as it made itself at home in him.
Overtime he stopped trying to pick out the thorns that had kept his eye's pierced shut. His heart was simply unable to withstand anymore harsh reminders that he was "different" from peers, and others alike. One can only find so many ways to piece their heart back together before they find themselves growing tired after all. As much as he loathed to admit it too himself, the torturous years of being ostracized, and teased by those around him had left him scarred in ways that couldn't be fixed like the healed wounds on his body he had collected like badges, and wore with pride throughout his time in war. Unlike those wounds, the others couldn't be fixed with some stitches, gauze, and bandages.
Then, you came around, and just like most charming things in life, you seemed to come out of nowhere. For once, he felt grateful that he hasn't seen this coming as it made it all the more meaningful too him. For once, he was couldn't have been more grateful too be proven wrong about something. It was almost as if some form of divine intervention he'd lost faith in long ago had sent an angel that was made just for him. An angel that would guide him on the path to heaven, and help him travel through the abandoned graveyard in his heart that kept many hidden secrets, and pains that he'd left too rott rather than look them in the eye because it felt easier to do so. For the first time in his life, he had company that wouldn't him bleed alone.
The term that seemed to stick best when it came to his feelings towards your affections would be greedy. Greedy too finally taste what he'd been craving all his life. It was a flavor that he'd been cruelly deprived of, and he was more starved for it than he was willing to admit. It was the taste of acceptance, and it was near shameful for him really, to be a grown man desperate for acceptance, and love so much so that it never failed to leave him awestruck. He wouldn't have to keep searching for something he never could seem to find anymore, as he'd finally found it by your side, and had anchored himself down next to you.
Like most thing's with König, his greed swam silently under the surface he put on display for the rest of the world's eye's. It was the kind of greed that would be expressed through his lingering presence, gentle touches, kind gestures, and gifts. Actions, and behaviours that screamed not necessarily "look at me", but more so "acknowledge me." It was a silent confession of his desires for your attention, and affection that you'd accepted, and nourished long ago, yet even after so long he never stopped adoring you just as much as he did the moment he realized he was in love with you.
There were times where he wished desperately that he was better with words. That he could speak all that he had too say when it came to his adoration, devotion, and affection towards you, yet they never seemed too come to him as naturally as he'd like them too. However, words held no value when compared to all he showed.  He didn't need to say a damn thing because the way he looked at you with gentle eye's that held nothing but warmth, and the way he always seemed to remember every little about you, said it all. From the way you tap your finger's on the table when excitement was coursing through your veins while you anxiously waited to speak, down to that single hair that never cooperates, it was something he all took note of even if he never expressed it in words.
He'd seen life through newborn eye's once you came along, and he became a king who no longer watched over his barren kingdom alone. The once lonely streets suddenly felt much brighter, and near angelic in a manner that left him captivated for he knew that even when he had to walk through them alone, there would always be someone waiting for him with a lantern in hand too show him back home. His day's of coming back to an unforgiving silence which had collected layers of dust in his absence that only served too prick him like a dull needle as it echoed his loneliness back to him had been long replaced. Now, the sound of your voice singing so terribly along with whatever tune you'd put on served as his greeting home.
He'd ever tell you just how terrible it sounded of course. He knew that, if he had, then he wouldn't be able to experience the joy of hearing it anymore. It felt beautifully human too hear the unmistakable cracks, and random changes in pitches of your voice. It was breathtaking, and proved too be one of the many reminders as too why his heart had your name etched into it, with it being so full of you that he couldn't tell where his heart started, and you ended.
The agonizingly lonely night's he'd spent that had gnawed at his soul all the while to he stayed up trying to convince himself that he was fine with being alone as all the opportunities for companionship he'd let slip through his finger's due to losing the ongoing battle with his fear played on repeat had now come to a rest. Now, he had the warmth of your body curled up in his arm's to keep him company, the same body that he'd undoubtedly wake up to see sprawled out on the other side of the bed no matter how tightly he held you close in his loving grasp that served too keep you out of harm's way. Just like he got to see this morning.
It healed a part of him that he'd long forgotten too see such an enchanting sight, and he soaked it at any chance he could selfishly take. His soft eye's slowly roamed your figure, the tenderness in them unmissable while they took in every detail down too that small freckle behind your ear that not even you knew about with a soft sigh, and a light smile tugging at the corners of his chapped, torn lips that he could never seem to stop picking at no matter how much effort he put into it. He layed in a peaceful silence, his eye's travelling up to your hair that remained every which way on the pillows below your head as you slept blissfully aware of his attentive gaze just like most mornings.
They stopped in their journey too meet your's as they slowly fluttered open to stare into his own, and his smile grew just that bit wider as a sleepy, faint grunt rumbled from your throat. Mornings had rarely been a favorite thing of yours. Despite his playful nagging for you to get out of bed, it was never something he truthfully minded as he enjoyed seeing you so comfortable, and at ease. It soothed him too know that you were safe, and sleeping by his side, so he always gave into your pleas for five more minutes.
His hand reached out towards you, gently pushing a strand of stray hair behind your ear, then he placed a gentle kiss to the crown of your head while his arm slide too your shoulder. He pulled you closer to him till there were no remaining gaps between the too of you, and you mindlessly wrapped yourself around him just like you always had. It had become a precious routine that only the two of you know about, and he angled his head down to place a tender kiss on your lips.
Calm moments like this where it felt as though only the two of you exsisted are moments that made his life make sense. These moments are what made him love life so much. Just like usual he kissed the tip of your ear, his warm breath hitting the cartilage, and skin as he moved to whisper softly in your ear. "Good morning sweetheart. How did you sleep?"
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strawb3rry-acid · 1 year ago
König attending one of his child's school event's.
Hopecore melts my heart, and I seen a video of people surprising their kid's by showing up too their school event's, and I, admittedly, cried because their reactions are absolutely heart warming.
It gave me an idea to write something about König surprising his little one by showing up to one of their school concerts (Did anyone else use to have those? I hated them as a kid).
I've already written a bit about how König would be as a father, and wanted to write a bit more about it. The trope of a man who's fairly awkward, and distant with other's, but is a loving father is one of my favorites. It's like chicken soup for my soul lol ♡
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König felt his heart pounding with every step he took, trying to keep his breathing under control with methods he'd learned long ago, and ignore the gawking of other parents, and school staff members as he roamed the halls that seemed to be never ending with ever corner he turned. It wasn't like he hasn't stepped foot in this school building before. In fact, he wished he'd been able to walk these halls more often with every event he ended up missing on his days spent deployed overseas.
It never seemed to get easier being away from his little one. Instead, the hole in his heart only seemed to grow bigger with every milestone he missed, and couldn't be apart of in real time. After all, videos, and pictures could never capture the feeling of warmth that would engulft his chest upon witnessing his child tripping over their own two feet to make their way over to him for the very first time, and fall into his waiting, loving arms.
Despite all of the difficulties that came along with his field of work, the way their eye's seemed to light up, and sparkle when they seen him, and the way they reached their little hand's out towards him as a silent plea to be held in his arm's after being unwillingly seperated from him for months at a time had always seemed to make all of the internal struggles he battled with during the time he spent away in order to provide for his little family worth it in the end.
After what had felt like an eternity, the faint sounds of a piano playing, and children singing filled his ears. Naturally, it sounded horrendous of course, like nails scrapping slowly down a chalkboard, but then again, anyone who would expect musical concerts performed by young children to sound like the next big thing would be sorely disappointed. He wasn't sure what sound was worse, what was most likely the music teacher playing the piano, or the small, high pitched voice's trying to remember the lyrics that went along with that awful tune. Either way, it drew a faint, amused chuckle from him. It was quite cute too listen to say the least.
He wandered his way over towards where he could only assume his child was, and mentally prepared himself for what would undoubtedly be the onslaught of various individuals, loud noises, and cameras. At least, that's what he hoped to see despite his nervousness to face it all at once. It was important for children's loved one's to show up for them after all. It wasn't going to be his favorite thing to endure, but he was looking forward to seeing his pride and joy's surprised expression of utter excitement once they noticed him standing there.
Stepping into the room, he stationed himself in a corner, leaning up against the wall too get himself as out of view as he could, while still being close enough to where his child could see him. Not that he'd be hard to miss anyway, much to his displeasure. Sharp eye's scanned the room, and it didn't take long for him to notice them trying to hide behind classmates in the backrow. If he ever had doubts before that they were his child, then they were completely washed away as he took note of their lost, nervous expression while they messed with their finger's in front of them, and tried to catch up with long forgotten lyrics.
It was clear they'd found comfort in the wooden floorboards in front of them, their eye's locked on them as they tried to ignore the gaze of the sea of people in front of them. Well, they had definitely got their anxiousness from him. König stood still as he silently thought of ways he could steal their attention, and keep their eye's on him in order to block out all the other stares in the room. He worked through the crowd to move closer to the side of the room where his child was, before moving up further ahead.
Thankfully, this was enough to grab their attention as they recognized those run down black boots they knew all too well. Their widened eye's met this, then a big grin began to tug at their chubby cheeks as they stared over at him. A little hand was pointed out towards him as it frantically waved in the air, and he could've sworn they were practically vibrating with happiness as a rush of excitement, and pure, unmatchable joy rushed through them at the mere sight of his towering presence alone.
With a soft smile, he subtly waved back, and gave a slight nod of acknowledgement as his own silent way of saying "I see you." Now, all he could only see, and hear was the apple of his eye standing in front of him as everything, and everyone else in the background seemed to fall nonexistent. The nervous energy that had built up felt like it had been drained from his body in an instant, and he found himself feeling at ease. Nothing else mattered to him in this moment. In his eyes, moments as precious, and as simple as this one is what made life worth living.
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strawb3rry-acid · 1 year ago
König and Social Anxiety
I just wanted too ramble a little bit about how I personally believe that König's social anxiety affects him, coming from someone who struggles with severe social anxiety. I've seen a bit of misconceptions in the past (though it seems to have died down now thankfully) about social anxiety, so I just wanted to give my own opinion. Per usual, this is fairly long lol ♡
This post is purely meant to analyse his social anxiety instead of his personality, and just talk a bit about social anxiety in general. If you hold different opinions that's completely okay. These are just my thoughts.
If you're struggling/have struggled mentally in any way, shape, or form please know that you are not alone. You're loved, accepted, heard, appreciated, and cared for. Keep going, you've got this. It'll all be okay, I promise 🫂
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─ 𓆡𓆝𓆞𓆟𓆜𓆛 ─
So, for starters let me just get it out of the way that we, unfortunately, know practically nothing about König, or anything about the ways in which his social anxiety makes an impact on his life. The most when know when it comes to the latter would be the mentions that it's severe, likely developed due to his experiences with being bullied as a child, and that he likes to go unnoticed. Sure, we have voicelines, but I don't personally feel it captures clues as too how his social anxiety affects him. It eludes to his personality sure, but not so much his symptoms. I feel it's also important to mention that his disorder isn't his personality. It may have an affect on it of course, but it's not his personality.
Coming from someone who struggles with the same mental health condition I can be a completely different person in a place I feel I'm at my best in. Hell, sometimes it can seem nonexistent, but put me in a different situation, and it's nearly impossible too miss. In a military setting, König is definitely in his element. Not only is he in his element, but the military also provides structure, and consistency, which is very important when it comes to coping with any form of anxiety disorder, or any mental health condition in general.
I think it's important too mention as well that social anxiety isn't the same thing as being introverted, and/or shy. Does having it make it more likely for individuals too be introverted, and/or shy? Absolutely, but it doesn't always mean they will be. Social anxiety also doesn't mean that you don't like people. For many people it tends to mean that you're frightened about the negative possibilities when it comes to interacting with people. (For example, I love people, and I love getting to know people, but I'm often way to scared about humiliating myself/being judged to actually do it, so I usually I won't, and will avoid social events like the plague.)
I have no doubt in my mind that König feels like everyone has their eyes on him 24/7, and that they're somehow judging him in some way. Going off of his bio, I personally think the mentions that he was often bullied, and that he only found acceptance in fighting indicates that the bullying was likely on more of a severe scale. I doubt he found confidence in others very often, if at all, and really lacks skills in the socializing department.
He picks and chooses his words very carefully, and spends quite sometime practicing what he wants to say. He likely plans for every way the interaction could turn out, especially the worst case scenario. After the event, it'll be on his mind for quite some time as he replays it over and over again in his head, searching for any clues that he made them uncomfortable/embarrassed himself all while beating himself up for not saying/doing something better.
When he's not a blood thirsty, loud, human battering ram on the field I think he's very quiet, and is the type of person to stick to a wall, or the corner of a room. He's very observant of the people around him, and will try to be alone as much as possible to avoid any stress. When coworker's try to approach him, especially if it's unprompted, then he's very short with them. Of course, this makes him come off as rude, which I don't think he's trying to be most of the time. He's just nervous, and wants to be left alone so it doesn't show to other people. Plus he's very awkward, and doesn't want too risk saying the "wrong" thing that could result in him being judged/humiliated. Especially if he hasn't had the time to plan what he wants to say.
I do think he does feel bad when he behaves that way towards someone with genuinely good intentions, and who just wants to get to know him better, but he isn't too sure how to handle it if it comes out of nowhere. He tries, but he's not very good at it most of the times. He's polite enough, he's just very awkward which tends to come off as him being standoffish, and his discomfort tends to get misinterpreted as him being an ass. He's usually bad with words, and people overall which results in him being probably a fairly isolated man.
I think that when he's on leave, and out living the average civilian life is when it presents itself. He's expected to act a fairly different way when compared to how he acts on the job, and is completely out of his element. I think he's very different with civilians than he is with the people he works with. He knows that he really intimidates them, especially women and children, and tries his best to make himself appear as less frightening as possible. His tone is likely more hushed, his face is more soft, and he tries not too be as short as he is with coworkers. Kinda backfires though in some ways as he can come off as sounding very serious unintentionally, which makes him feel like a dick.
I think it's important to mention again that his social anxiety is specified as being severe which means it heavily impacts his life. Does that mean that he doesn't know how to cope with it, or live a fairly normal life? Of course not, but it still majorly effects him even if it doesn't show outwardly. There's likely some things he simply can't/won't do often, or at all due to his social anxiety. These thing's probably involve big social events, and instances where all focus is soely on him. Combine those two together, and you have a situation he'd never willingly put himself in.
He probably does have panic attacks. He probably will sweat, blush, stutter, and show other physical symptoms of anxiety in high stress situations that he can't escape from. I don't think this happens often (At least not in front of people. The last thing he'd want people to know is that he struggles with social anxiety in case it makes him a target.), but it most likely does happen. I want to mention this because I think it's important to talk about, but I've seen some people bring down other's for including symptoms of König's anxiety in their writing, and it's really disheartening.
He may be an intimidating, middle aged mountain of a military man, but he still had feelings. He's still a human being, not a complete monster. He's not going to start a random verbal/physical altercation with a random person that hasn't started anything with him to try to bring them down. I personally think, just like most of the other characters, he's a normal guy when not on the job.
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strawb3rry-acid · 1 year ago
König as a father
I love the hardened, brutal middle aged man who's fairly awkward with affection, but has got a soft spot for kids, and is a loving father trope. It's so cute ♡
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✧ König is very devoted to anything he puts his efforts towards, and he's no different in that aspect when it comes to his duties as a father. He takes his job of raising his child very serious. To him, their an angel, and the apple of his eye. Nothing, nor no one, will ever come close to holding the amount of love he has towards them.
✧ He's neither a strict, or laid back parent. I think he's a healthy mix of both. Strict on some thing's, and more lenient on other's. He recognizes the freedom's children should have depending on this personality, actions, and age. He encourages his kid to have freedom, but he is very protective. Having been serving in the military for likely a long time, he has seen a lot of the worst humanity has to offer, and is more than willing to lay down his life rather than have his child be exposed to that.
✧ Probably more of a push over when it comes to his little one. If they wants something, they've learned the puppy dog eyes can go a long way depending on the situation. He likely make's bank, and will sure as hell spoil them.
✧ Makes sure that his kid knows that they can call him whenever they so much as sense danger, and that they won't get in trouble even if they're doing something they know their not supposed to be doing. He knows his kid is going to make mistakes, and do thing's they aren't supposed to because, well, their a kid, and he is going to be there when they need him. That's something what will never change.
✧ Family game nights and movies? Family game nights and movies. He's likely away from home for long periods of time, so when he's home all his energy is focused on making sure the bond between him and his child remains strong. He feels guilty for being away from so long at times, and there's nothing more that he wishes than to be with his little one 24/7, but he knows he can't. To combat this, he plans as much time with them as he can.
✧ Video calls, phone calls, and texting are an absolute must while he's away. He's constantly asking for updates on his kid's life, and will make sure they never forget that, even if he's not there with them, he's still there. He's going to be in on the know when it comes to most thing's in his kid's life. Not because he forces his way in their business, but because they know they can tell him.
✧ It eats him up inside when he can't be there for a life stone's in their life, and tries to work his way around holidays, birthdays, graduations, school events, and other things of similar nature whenever possible. If he's out in public with a lot of strangers for an event, he's the type of dad to stay near a wall with a smile on his face while watching his kid.
✧ Lives for the drama his child tells him about. He will remember every word of it, and randomly bring it up to ask for updates.
✧ He's very keen on respect, and doesn't tolerate disrespect towards himself, or other's from his kid (unless the other person deserves it. He's an eye for an eye man, and is loving every moment of seeing his kid give some smart words to some assrat.) I don't want too necessarily say he'll chew them out for disrespect (depending on the severity of course), but they will receive side eyes, and very firm words later on in private that leave no room for arguments. That's when his "military tone" will come out, which will usually stop any push back because his kid doesn't see that side of him often.
✧ No matter how pissed he may get, he'd never lay a hand on his kid. I think it'd take a lot for him to raise his voice at them as well. He knows he looks scary, and the last thing he ever wants to do is too make them scared of him.
✧ Holds education too a high degree, and will do whatever possible too make sure that his child does well in school. If any bullying happens to them he's down right furious, and he'll make damn sure everyone knows it. Especially considering his background. It completely breaks his heart knowing that his child is going through what he did as he knows how traumatic it is. By the end of everything, there will be no more bullying. He'll make sure of that.
✧ He's a "walk it off" parent. As long as there's no blood, broken bones, or anything of that nature, then he doesn't panic all to much. It'll be cured with a pat on the back, and a kiss to the head. It's a more serious inquiry, then he'll be freaking out on the inside, but holds it together for his child.
✧ Overall, I think he's a very loving, and dedicated father. He may not be able to be around all the time, but he's very involved in his little one's life, but they will never doubt how much he loves them. They'll always come first before anyone else, including himself. Their his whole word, and that's something that will always remain the same.
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strawb3rry-acid · 1 year ago
König Headcannon's
Just my own two sense, and personal opinions here. I apologize that some of this is quite long at times. Once I get going it's hard for me too shut up lol ♡
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✿ This man is a absolute nerd (lovingly), and that's a hill I'm willing to die on. Nerdy video games, card games, board games, topics, and roleplay games are all things I can see him being into. He may be a man of few words, but he'll ramble on about his nerdy hobbies, and knowledge till he feels he's being annoying. I think he's the type of person that most would see as a bit "strange" in general.
✿ I think he's very different off the job. On the field he's loud, boisterous, arrogant, unnecessarily excited, dramatic, etc. Off the field he's more quiet, kinda standoffish, and only speaks when required too. Despite that, I don't think he's an asshat, just kinda seems like one sometimes. I see him as still being fairly cordial, and I don't think he'd start anything unless someone is relentlessly pushing. He'll try to intimidate them sure, but starting a full-blown argument would draw attention too himself which is a last resort.
✿ Out in a civilian setting is when I think that the biggest change in his personality comes to light. In a military setting he's in his element. There's predictability, structure, a clear goal, etc. Thing's are very different off a military base however, especially since he can't his face behind a raggedy old t-shirt. The outside world is unpredictable, he's not in his element, is expected to behave in a certain way, and he faces consistent uneasy, judgemental stares from strangers. He watches children who are frightened from his appearance alone go to their mother's while in a grocery store, and feels horrible. His anxiety is far more noticeable then, and it tends to show in his body language (it was mentioned that he's fairly fidgety at some point), even if it's hard to pick up on in every other area.
✿ I think he relishes in the air of intimidation he gives off in a work setting, but not so much when on leave. Instead of making him feel powerful, and respected it make's him want to claw his damn eye's out. The way that people look at him makes him feel judged, paranoid, and like an outcast. In a way, he is an outcast. He can't hide behind fighting when on leave, an activity that he only finds the acceptance he craves in. He doesn't like scaring ordinary people who mean no harm, especially women and children. The fact that he scares women, and children especially eats him up inside.
✿ Speaking of that, I imagine he has a soft spot for women and children.
✿ I think he compensates for his intimidating appearance around civilians by being as polite as possible, and doing whatever he can too make himself appear less frightening as possible, while still keeping his distance. He's still pretty damn scary upon first glance though not only because of his appearance, but also because he sounds very serious even if he doesn't mean to be.
✿ He may gleefully break an enemies back over his knee, but he'll be damned if he let's a server know that his order has been mixed up. As long as it's edible, he'll eat it.
✿ "A man's heart is through his stomach." Feed this man, and he'll love you for life.
✿ I know there's been debate in the past about whether or not König's a colonel, and I'm personally on the fence about it. I like the idea of it, and find it interesting, but I'm not personally sure whether I believe it or not.
✿ Despite that, he's still an "old man" in my eye's, and I put his age around 37-42. I more so lean towards 38. I know that his VA has mentioned that's what age range he's in, and that age range feels about right to me. (though I don't think his VA is a reliable source considering his inconsistency with information regarding König. His VA is also just a shithead as a person so there's that.)
✿ As for his height as far I know nothing has been confirmed, and the only information we have to go off of is he's "a mountain of a man", so I personally put him at 6'7-6'8ish.
✿ He says the funniest things unintentionally, but has more of a dry sense of humor. Probably too scared to make jokes most of the time in case people don't laugh, and he makes himself look like a dumbass. He will crack a few dark joke's here and there though, and is a big smart ass. Nothing beats his slight, snarky comments when he thinks no one can hear.
✿ It's particularly funny when he's insisting he's right in something, and grumbles frustrations underneath his breath when proven wrong. Take him lightly "arguing" with a partner about being right when it comes to using ingredients in a dinner recipe, then grumbling when he's proven wrong while working to fix it for example. He'll just defeatedly mumble for them to get out of the kitchen, and wait for him to finishing cooking dinner alone, or be silently a bit embarrassed now that his egos been "bruised" while his partner beams with a small pride because König's, admittedly, usually right. They just give him a quick kiss, and he's fine again.
✿ He has some good intuition. He's a very observant man, and can pick up on what type of person someone is very fast more often than not.
✿ Loyal as all hell to whatever/whoever he puts his energy towards. If it's some form of mission, he's not stopping till he feels it's handled, and thoroughly completed. If it's a person, he's throwing all his energy into maintaining a relationship with them, and making them know that they're loved. He's a very devoted man, and his loved one's will know they always have him to fall back on.
✿ Speaking of loved one's, I doubt König would fight very much with them. He's been an outcast all his life, and once he's formed a bond he's desperate too not let it slip through his finger's. He may distance himself for a moment to clear his head, but he prefers to come back, and talk thing's through. He's the type of person where you'll have him for life no matter what. He's a very loving, loyal, protective, and helpful man when it comes to those he's close to.
✿ I think he lives a fairly isolated lifestyle though not entirely intentionally. Sometimes, he likes to be alone because he doesn't have to worry about saying/doing the wrong thing, being judged, making thing's awkward, and making a fool of himself. It's just easier. Other times it's very lonely. During those times he wishes he had someone to come home to. Someone to shower with the love he has to give, and too be able to feel that same love in return. I think deep down he wants to be liked, and wishes he wasn't so damn awkward all the time.
✿ Probably fairly blunt even when he doesn't mean to be. He'll try to word thing's gently when he feels they need to be, but struggles with finding the right word's because he doesn't want to say the wrong thing's.
✿ Very, very dramatic, and we love him for that.
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strawb3rry-acid · 1 year ago
Being König's S/O
Just my own personal takes here ♡
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◐ König definitely has a tough shell to crack. He's most likely a fairly isolated man, and has some pretty damn high walls due to his past with being bullied as a child. A relationship with him would require some form of deep rooted friendship at first, and a lot of patience. I wouldn't say he's rude too people not close to him, I think he's pretty cordial and fair, but he can unintentionally come off as standoffish due to his quietness, intimidating appearance, etc.
◐ It'd probably take him quite awhile too confess, and you might have too take the reins with that one. He wants to make sure he's absolutely certain of his feeling's beforehand. He's also terrified of you rejecting him, and possibly laughing at him though he logically knows that wouldn't happen. If he were to confess, it'd either be a thoroughly planned confession he's worked on for quite some time with carefully planned word's, or a mutter underneath his breath when he thought you were out of earshot.
◐ Even if you've dropped several hints before getting in a relationship with him, he'd be shocked if you confess. Probably gets fairly embarrassed, and locks up for a second. Of course he's not embarrassed because of you, he's just easily embarrassed in general. You'd get a hushed confession in return once it sinks in after a few moments of very awkward silence.
◐ Lot's of longing, affectionate stares. He most likely doesn't even realize he's doing it most of the time, and will beat himself up internally for coming off as a creep unless you've already been in a relationship for awhile. He just can't seem to take his eye's off of you, as you're the most precious thing in the world to him.
◐ He's a very attentive, good listener, and remember's even the most minor of details about you as well as the thing's you ramble about. Even the thing's that seem meaningless too you, mean the most to him.
◐ Likely struggles with communication, and properly expressing his feeling's because he feels embarrassed about them at times, specifically his social anxiety (which is a key factor in his difficulties communicating.) I think he's more likely to isolate himself for a bit (not for an absurd amount of time) to clear his head, then pretend everything is fine. He will talk about it if pushed in the right direction though, it just may take some time.
◐ He strikes me as someone who struggles to admit that they're wrong. He tends to be (lovingly) a stubborn ass at times.
◐ Some thing's are limited, or completely off limits due to his social anxiety. Give him a push, but not a shove that heavily crosses out of his comfort zone. Definitely prefers dates where it's just the two of you in your home, instead of venturing out. He'll do it if you truly want too, he'll make accommodations to your needs too of course, but it's not something he'd like to do often.
◐ Speaking of his social anxiety, there's time's where it'll get bad enough too the point where he'll need quite a bit of alone time to calm down, and will not be social with anyone as it'll only make it worse. This unfortunately includes you as well. I don't think his social anxiety would go away around the people he's close to, especially since it's mentioned as being severe(I speak as someone with severe social anxiety.) It won't chain him down like it does around stranger's, but it's still there, and will act up at times. Don't worry though, he'll come back after he's had time to calm down. He'll always come back to you after all.
◐ Not a big fan of PDA. Once again, nothing against you, it's just that he doesn't like to draw attention too himself. Simple displays of affection are fine in public most day's, but it's limited. An exception to this is when you're being harassed, then he doesn't mind PDA in the slightest as his protective instincts kick in. Despite this, he's all over you in private.
◐ You're likely the only other person that helps him cope with his social anxiety, which is something he's deeply grateful for.
◐ Prefers too express thing's through physical affection, act's of service, and quality time. He's never had many people in his life, and deeply cherishes not only you, but the time you two spend together like he'll never get it again.
◐ Congrats, you now have a designated driver, bag holder, lifter, and human ladder! He prefers to do most thing's, and take care of you. He's also a big show off when it comes to his strength, and will absolutely jump at any opportunity too help you when it comes to grabbing thing's high up, and carrying heavy thing's. That top shelf at the grocery store will no longer be a problem, yay! However, it's a bit of a double edged sword because he will purposely put thing's high up so you'll ask him for help.
◐ He's loyal too a fault, and is a very helpful, protective affectionate lover. He may have issue's putting his feeling's in word's most of the time, but you'll damn sure know that he loves you. This man will do absolutely anything for you, and he proves that any chance he gets. He may be distant, and intimidating at first glance, but once you take the time to dig deeper he's a very loving man who absolutely adores you. Once you've got him, you've got him. He's very appreciative that you've put in the time and effort too get to know him, accept him, and see who he is without even the slightest hint of judgement.
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