#they're like '' oh i wanna be supportive of my sister so i'll look more into lgbt+ stuff. '' * opens pandora's gay ass box *
flowerakatsuka · 1 month
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some doodles based on the gender thoughts i've been having about kuroba the past few days, mostly on how their appearance changed between middle school and their final year of high school. i also thought it'd be funny if kuroba didn't get recognized by classmates while they were helping at the flower shop back then, ( foreshadowing ig. )
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artistic-gloopster · 1 month
🦇A Night You'll Tried To Forget🦇
After the Bot Prom Dance, Ulf talked with the other botbots how the lost bots always ruins everything along with everyone else's fun. Carameila heard exactly what Ulf said and in her head... she didn't think they actually ruined it, ever since they were accidentally caught by the night guard. The botbots didn't want to do anything with those guys and just completely shunned them, the only remaining ones who still wanted to hang out with them is Frostferatu and Carameila. With that, Carameila knew it would be a good timing to tell Ulf the truth.
"Look I know that everyone is upset about what happened earlier and how I heard you say that the lost bots ruined everything, but... I think it's best if we just let them redeem themselves. I understand that what they did to show themselves to the night guard was pretty bad. But we can't just stay mad at them anymore, and... w-we should... we should let them have a second chance."
Ulf looked... disgusted, she slowly turned around to face Carameila and tell her if she was serious. Carameila said yes, and before she could say anything else. That's when Ulf grabbed her arm as she drags her somewhere to talk privately about the lost bots, Carameila would tell Ulf that she's hurting her arm which Ulf continues to grab it more. When they got to the dark side of the mall, Ulf let her rage out on Carameila saying that the lost bots shouldn't be redeem as if it still didn't change the fact that they still got caught by the flesh being.
"But you don't understand, Burgertron told me that he and the others were trying to get to the party without getting caught-
"Well that's not very nice! You didn't need to talk rudely about them, neither should the botbots talk rudely about them either!"
"Oh! So you're telling me that you and your stupid flightless brother of yours are on the lost bot's side too?!"
"Leave Frostferatu out of this Ulf! He may have unintelligible flight skills, but I always let him know that I'll always be here to support him while he tries to turn into bat mode!"
"Oh come on! Isn't it that obvious that you can't even do those flight skills as well? I mean look at your left arm, if you're missing one then why can't you just make one yourself? Maybe then you won't be called a stupid armless cupcake."
"I'm sorry?"
"You heard what I said Carameila!"
*Sighs* "Look I really don't want to get into a fight with you right now, so we might as well get back to the others. I don't wanna come back with people saying that I'm some terrible person who looked like she said something unfortunate, seriously it'll ruined my reputation..."
"B-But... But you said that I'm a-
So, that was it.
Ulf finally showed her true nature to Carameila at the dark side of the mall, once she headed back to the Sugar Shocks. Frostferato gives Carameila a hug, he hadn't seen his sister since after the Bot Prom Dance.
"Carameila! My dear sister, where have you been this whole time? The rest of the Sugar Shocks gang were worried about you."
How is Carameila supposed to tell the rest of the gang what actually happened between her and Ulf? If she did, will they even believe her every speech about Ulf's true nature? What if they don't listen and just believe that Ulf is a nice person?
Carameila needed to bring up a lie.
"Oh um... me and Ulf were talking about the Bot Prom Dance that got ruined earlier, and how we were deciding on who's going to be in charge of the dance next time."
"Really? Are you sure you and Ulf weren't fighting over something?"
"Y-Yeah! I'm very sure that Ulf and I would never fight, we are friends after all"
"Well okay, I'm just glad that you got back safe and sound without any-
Before Frostferatu would finish his line he notices a little bit of bruises from her right arm, he started to panic.
"M-My goodness Carameila! What happened to your arm?"
"Huh? O-Oh this? Well I guess you could say a rat came by and try to bite me-
"It really doesn't matter right now, let's just go see Lady macroon if she can help you with that bruised arm of yours."
After a whole mintue of an arm recovery, the Sugar Shocks gang would get back to their positions into a normal food mode as the sun starts to rise. Carameila couldn't get the word "Stupid armless cupcake" out of her head. Is it tue? Did Ulf really think of Carameila flightless because of her missing left arm? She didn't know... she didn't know if maybe Ulf was only saying that as a joke, all she needed to know is that being friends with Ulf was over. Carameila wanted nothing to do with Ulf anymore.
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frogizz · 1 year
The Untamed Episode 32ish spoilers
I've been real quiet about my thoughts watching The Untamed. I haven't read the novel yet but I've been looking at the fan wiki so I know how different things kinda are. Anyways, I'ma list how I feel about the characters and what not. I am at episode 32 or 33 btw.
Yanli is a sweetheart, an angel, a gift to this Earth AND HOW SHE DIES IS HEART WRENCHING! She just gave birth a month ago, she just lost her husband to some stupid fight, her injury and death is blamed on her kinda innocent brother, IM FURIOUS. She deserved so much more than she got, I knew she died young but not like this!
I never trusted Jin Guangyao from the start, I don't like his face (It's the character, not the actor, the actor is fine). He is shady and from the looks of his wiki page, I was right about my gut feeling.
Jin Zixuan has been a tough guy for me to like, but honestly, as long as he made Jiang Yanli happy, he was decent in my book.
THE HYPOCRATES THE JIN CLAN ARE. Explain to me how they think they can do whatever they want just because they aren't the Wen Clan? Their mentality is that they can do what they want because they believe they're already incapable of doing or being bad, when they should really be having the mentality of avoiding doing bad actions and reflect. Jin Zixun annoyed the hell out of me because he was the main culprit of acting just like he was all high and mighty.
Jin Zixun and the other smaller clans just HAD to point fingers and antagonize somebody, didn't they? Like of course, the Wen clan did terrible things, but you don't kill innocent people! Wei Wuxian didn't need to play the hero, but honestly, who would've stepped up to save them? Everything would've been fine if jin Zixun didn't assume Wei Wuxian cast that spell on him and went for the violent route.
I know Wen Qing doesn't show up as much in the novel, which I'll be sad reading through scenes I expected her to be in after watching The Untamed, but she is one of my favorites. She is innocent, or at least mostly, in my eyes. Her actions were those of "I don't want to exactly get involved, and I also kinda think that my clan is doing some bullsh*t but I can't exactly rebel now can I?". I could be wrong, but she deserved a better fate.
Wen Ning, oh my gosh, he deserved better too, he was such a good kid, SUCH A GOOD KID, and he got abused and basically tortured. He deserves more than to be a ghost puppet.
WEI WUXIAN YOU IDIOT, YOU MADE A PROMISE TO YOUR SISTER, YOU TOLD HER THE THREE OF YOU WOULD BE TOGETHER FOREVER YET YOU RUN OFF SO EASILY TO SAVE THE WEN REMNANTS?! Of course, who would've saved them if not Wei Wuxian, that's not necessarily bad. But he just didn't think twice about the promise he made to Jiang Yanli when he just left like that. Not cool dude. Not. Cool.
I don't hate Jiang Cheng, and I don't love him either. I like him, his actions are valid and especially his thoughts are too. To me he is reasonable and makes judgement based on what the audience sees, so I think he is sometimes portrayed as some angry guy when really, he is reacting to things without knowing the full story.
OOH I JUST KNOW THAT MOFO WHO WAS MAKING THE SPIRITS GO OUT OF CONTROL AT THE NIGHTLESS CITY WAS JIN GUANGYAO. Now, I have no evidence, but hear me out, where TF did he go after all the fighting broke out?
I really wanna write some fanfics of 2-5 chapters of different "What if" scenarios regarding Wei Wuxian's decisions in his life and how things could've been better.
Wen Yuan is so adorable and I will protect him with my life. I don't know too much about how he is as Lan Sizhui (btw, I think he's only an adult in The Untamed because he's around 3 when he was Wen Yuan and 16 passed so he's older compared to the novel which makes him 16 years old as Lan Sizhui. Fact check me please).
The music has me in a choke hold.
I have no opinion on Lan Wangji besides he's cool and Wei Wuxian's biggest supporter.
I care a lot more for Wen Ning, Wen Qing, and Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli, and Wei Wuxian relationships being fine and healthy than I do for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangi. Mostly because we don't get to see the romance in The Untamed but I hope to see that connection and care for their relationship more when I read the novel. Until then, the siblings are all I care about because they're family and they could've been so happy together.
The way I sobbed when the Jiang clan was attacked and the previous Jiang clan leader and his wife died. The way the Jiang siblings were now orphaned and Wei Wuxian was orphaned a second time. (I call all three of them the Jiang siblings, is there another thing I can call them that would make more sense? I know Wei Wuxian was a part of the Jiang clan but he doesn't have the family name nor is he part of the clan anymore.)
Lan Xichen is another one of my favorites. Never hated any of his actions or words for one second. He is so agreeable and likeable for me. Reminds me of how I felt towards Yue Qingyuan when reading SVSSS. 10/10 character, mwah.
Where TF are my Nie Huaisang scenes, he barely shows up and I kinda wanna see him more.
Jin Ling is so adorable as a baby but damn does he take after his uncle.
I find it sweet that even after leaving the clan, Wei Wuxian was still allowed to see Jiang Yanli's wedding dress and even name his nephew. So sweet, I cried at that scene. She was so pretty, she was so generous to give a portion of the soup to Wen Ning and I love her generosity and kindness to the heavens.
I'm not gunna lie, I wasn't expecting Jin Zixun's death to be like how it was but it was kind of deserved? I was a little sad when Jin Zixuan died though, only because Jiang Yanli would be a widow with a newborn. Can't hurt my girl emotionally like that, just can't.
Last but not least, I can't remember his name and that one chick, but that Young Master Wen, I hated his face, his smug look, I think his death was deserved. And that lady he had with him all of the time, so annoying, so pitiful, they did a great job acting because they made me hate their faces.
Oh yeah, and, Wei Wuxian is an idiot, but a thoughtful idiot. I say that affectionally and I don't think he's actually full of himself (my interpretation can be so wrong and I'll realize that later). He does things for others not to look good (or at least that isn't the main concern), but to actually do something that no one else does. He plays the hero because no one else will help. Although, yeah, he does take on big challenges to look cool but at the end of the day, It's not really all for his own gain.
Okay, that's it. See another post like this when I finish Ep. 50 and I can't wait to find access to the animated MDZS!
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novelmonger · 1 year
imaginary brother idea
This is a story idea I'd love to turn into a visual novel someday, and I hope to work in collaboration with my sister to make that happen eventually (she would do the programming and artwork, I would do the writing and maybe help with finding music/sound effects).
I don't have a solid grasp of the plot yet, just a basic premise. The main character is a ten-year-old boy named David who lives with his mom, who has to work long hours to support them. David is something of a loner and doesn't really have any friends, but he does have an older brother named Jonathan, who is fourteen and David's best friend. Jonathan is basically the ideal older brother - he's smart, fun, cool, always seems to know what to do or what to say, and never complains about having to spend time with his kid brother. He genuinely likes hanging out with David, and David looks up to him so much.
There's just one catch: Jonathan is imaginary.
Excerpt below the cut (from a thing I wrote in a burst of inspiration before we got the idea to make this a visual novel).
“What are you talking about?” Jonathan got to his feet and headed for the door. “You have to have supper.”
“No. I'm fat enough already.”
Complete silence fell over the room. Jonathan stood frozen, his hand on the doorknob. Slowly, he turned back to face David. His expression was inscrutable in the dim light. “What did you say?”
David felt tears welling up, burning at the backs of his eyes, and he quickly rolled over to face the wall again. “You heard me,” he whispered.
“Who told you that?” Jonathan's voice was hard. “David, who said that to you?”
David shrugged. “Nobody has to say. Isn't it obvious already? I'm just a...a fat...l-lazy...pathetic....”
The mattress sagged with Jonathan's weight again. This time, he sat right next to the pillow, and David wondered if he could see the tears beginning to leak out again. He wondered if he was going to give him another hug, or rub his back like Mom probably would in such a situation.
To his surprise, Jonathan did neither. Instead, he grabbed David's chin and turned his head a little roughly to face him. “Hey—listen to me, dude. Don't let anybody get away with talking to you like that. Especially not yourself. Hear me?”
David wrenched out of Jonathan's grip, turning his head away again in shame. “Easy for you to say,” he muttered. “You're strong...fast...good at everything.... You don't get picked on every day. You don't...prove how...how uncool you are...every d-day....”
Jonathan snorted. “So just because I don't have to try as hard, that means I'm better than you? Sheesh, you've got a lot to learn about this life if you think that's how it works.”
David peeked over his shoulder at Jonathan, too confused for the moment to continue feeling sorry for himself.
Jonathan was nothing but a silhouette against the orange light streaming in through the window. “So you wanna be cool, huh? Well, why the heck are you listening to those bozos who talk to you like that, then? Why do you want their approval anyway? Sounds to me like all they do is put people down to make themselves feel better. That doesn't sound like a cool person to me. Just sounds like a loser.”
Slowly, David rolled over to a more comfortable position to watch Jonathan's silhouette. “You think so?”
“Hey, I can prove they don't know what they're talking about. Remember Lord of the Rings?”
David nodded. Jonathan had read it to him last year, and then they'd borrowed the movies from the library. He'd watched them over and over until they had to go back. Maybe they should check them out again....
“Okay. Then think about Samwise Gamgee. He's a chubby little Hobbit. A gardener. Not a graceful Elf like Legolas, not a cool sword-wielding warrior like Aragorn. He doesn't have magic like Gandalf. But you know what? If it wasn't for him, the Ring would never have made it to Mordor. Some people say he's the true hero of the story. And did he ever stop to say, 'Oh well, I'm fat, guess I'll give up now'?”
Despite himself, David giggled at the thought. Already, his heart felt lighter. Somehow, Jonathan always seemed able to make anything bearable. He swiped his hand across his eyes again. “So...are you saying that...I'm not fat?”
Jonathan shrugged. “I'm saying, who cares if you're fat or not? Some lame guys at school think you're fat? So what? That's like the oldest insult in the book. Just goes to show you've got more creativity in your little toe than they could ever hope to have.” He could hear a wry smile in Jonathan's voice. “Of all people, I should know that.”
Smiling, David sat up. “Okay. Pot roast?”
With a laugh, Jonathan ruffled his hair. “Sure, pal. Pot roast.”
David beamed. He loved it when Jonathan called him pal. More than anything else Jonathan had said, that was what convinced him: He was cool. He was cool to Jonathan, and that was the only opinion that truly mattered in the end.
WIP ask game
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lackadaisicalnereid · 2 years
I don't even know where my wips have gotten lost to atm bc everything has been swallowed up by book stuff/short story collection stuff/general original Stuff™ but I am SOOO here to bully you about yours. Please tell me about luci/cass(/laura) & the famous DC girl band fic that I think about in my dreams always
OK, so as we all know, I've been working on a band AU for @bohemicns for years now. If I haven't shared this with you yet, I've decided on some bands the girls like.
Babs: the Shaggs, Bangles, Bananarama, Salt-n-Pepa, the Supremes
Steph: Aly & AJ, Destiny's Child, En Vogue, Spice Girls
Dinah: Dixie Chicks, Danity Kane, Neon Jungle, the Pointer Sisters
I feel strongly about a surprising number of these. Also how can I say 'I don't listen to contemporary music' without saying 'I don't listen to contemporary music'.
(Babs lives for Florence, Steph likes their lighter, more upbeat stuff, Dinah pretends she's never listened to Florence but we all know she's lying)
This is the first and probably the best paragraph of it, which is Steph meeting Babs, or seeing Babs, or something.
Barbara and Stephanie meet when Barbara's a senior in Gotham High. This is when, as far as the world at large is concerned, Barbara is still only Barbara and never Babs, and when Stephanie is already sometimes Steph, but not to Barbara, because she doesn't know Barbara yet. This is when Barbara is new to the school - a transfer from somewhere, but Steph forgets from where. Barbara has hair like she's on fire, she rolls around the school in her wheelchair and she has a death stare Stephanie would love to perfect herself, only she's not actually sure it's something you can train, because it looks so surreal and baby I was born this way on Barbara. Stephanie likes her, despite or because of the death glare, it's hard to say. It definitely helps that she has this cool vibe that oozes off her even more than it oozes off of other seniors. Like she's very wise, very determined and just slightly untouchable. Steph's sure Barbara's read Gender trouble and probably even something by bell hooks, she can tell just by looking at her.
This is a dialogue excerpt from one of Steph and Babs' library study sessions:
"Le Tigre?"
"Yeah what's wrong with Le Tigre?"
"Well first of all, I cannot believe you'd prefer Le Tigre to, like, TLC or the fucking Bangles, the Bangles were terrific."
"Le Tigre're the hill I'll die on"
There is a point later on in which Steph rambles on about supporting "the invisible sisterhood of female drummers".
And Dinah basically immediately demands they change their name, cause Dinah's like that.
"We're gonna have to something about that name now."
It's definitely Dinah, though, that comes up with the new and improved band name. Babs is reluctant at first, but she never admits to that later on, when it turns out that everyone likes Birds of Prey. Babs likes it too, likes how it doesn't quite roll off the tongue easily, how all the consonants feel harsh and not mellowed down by all the vowel sounds, so she's a music geek and a math geek and a linguistics geek, so what.
ALSO, the luci/cass/laura thing. oh if only i could decipher this triangle thing between them, i might be able to even finish this fic.
I might have shared this part with you before, but I'm still in love with Luci's line here:
They're lying down later, on the ugly yellow carpet, Luci digging through the drawers to find her cigarettes, her white button down still buttoned up, the last remaining article of clothing on her and yet in a pristine state, somehow, and traces of Laura's purple lipstick on her neck, but not on the collar of her shirt, don't you fucking dare, Laura, goddess of lies, not chaos - if you wanna ruin shit, go fuck Sakhmet.
Also, Luci's chaotic, no matter what she says.
"Laura's sleeping" Luci says. She gives Cass a good once-over, slow and indulgent, because sleeping with Laura more than once a week does not preclude her from having eyes, and for some reason it's important that Cass knows this. And anyway, she's worried she might be getting rusty. Seducing someone like Cass, well, a rusty goddess couldn't do that.
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saintlexii · 3 years
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- I just wanted to do a little off track betting. 
- I have a family, I can't afford to be a hero!
- This thing still better run!
- You better have insurance!
- Do I look like some poor person you can just hit?
- You think you're a big man, don't you?
- To sit in sullen silence on a dull dark dock.
- China Town is a poor substitute for the real thing.
- I'm going to Rico's club tonight, it's not like I we him money.
- How much do you cost?
- I can't believe that bastard had the balls to hold the door open for me.
- I can't believe my nephew joined up with those Westside - whatever they're calleds.
- Why those mother fuckers keep asking me what time it is?
- Ain't no way around it, my crew's gonna fuck you up!
- Men like you make me sick.
- I don't wanna lower myself by speaking with you.
- People like you turn the Barrio into a warzone.
- I've heard all about you, so don't think you're getting any of this!
- You wanna head on back to my trailer, baby?
- I'm pressing charges!
- I'm surprised Julius would get mixed up with someone like you.
- My people don't really know your people.
- I wanna read about this stuff, not live it!
- Oh wow, she's gotta be a hooker!
- The police will take care of you soon enough!
- Thanks for checking if I'm okay, asshole!
- Can't believe my parents still give me a curfew.
- Get lost drop out.
- Maybe Tanya will hire me back.
- My grandpa says Julius ain't nothing but a bitch, that true?
- Trust me, you don't know who you're dealing with.
- You hear what they sell under the counter at Brown Baggers?
- I hope I have better luck tomorrow.
- I don't know what people are talking about, you don't seem like a bitch.
- You bottom feeders only make things worse.
- Wow, that's so big... Really, I mean it.
- Why are you strapping that on?
- You're prettier than that last girl I had.
- Is this your first time or something?
- Use the cigarette lighter.
- I thought you said I could keep the panties.
- Don't be shy, use as many fingers as you want.
- You deserve a uh ticket!
- I gotta hit the showers, I smell like a whore.
- You woman hating jackass!
- It'll wash out of your hair eventually.
- Sorry about your handbag.
- I got some pills if you wanna party!
- You missed me, asshole!
- I swear, the next person to call me twinkie gets their nose broken.
- I wander what happened to Luz. I haven't seen her since she started dating Angelo.
- Hey, are you a pimp?
- Have you ever thought about getting a real job?
- Why don't you ditch those skanky hoes and be with a real woman?
- It's not all about material possessions, man.
- I wish my parents would let me shave.
- You look familiar... Did I defend you once?
- When Hughes is elected, all of your ghetto friends are gonna be history.
- You tell that scrub, Dex, that I'm on to him.
- It takes more than running the Row to impress us here.
- You got something you wanna say to me, bitch?
- Up to no good, son?
- You got your work cut out for you, Playa.
- Any good clubs in Saints Row?
- You don't think being in a gang is a turn on, do ya?
- How the fuck did they make child support mandatory?
-It breaks my heart seeing a sister disrespecting herself by turning tricks.
- You lookin' lonely, honey.
- You know a guy named Troy? That asshole never called me back.
- When are men gonna get that talking about cars is a bigger turn off than syphilis. 
- I think all the rap music is making kids violent.
- Fur is murder!
- So what is 3rd Street? A modeling agency?
- Those Rollerz are a blight on the suburbs.
- I have seen you friend Johnny in court. He has quite the temper.
- So you hang out with that Johnny guy, right?
- Oh darn, I forgot to wear those panties he likes.
- Since I'm a gentleman, I'll let you pick the hoe.
- Be careful, flashy clothes don't stop a bullet.
- We need to save the trees!
- Look, I don't want any trouble... homie.
- How am I supposed to pay for a hooker when I keep getting held up?
- Are you one of those awful gang boys?
- Could you give Johnny my number?
- Stay away from the drugs, you hear me?
- Shit, my baby sister's more gangster than you.
-I wander where I can meet some Asian chicks.
- If you want some high grade dick, just let me know.
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topsytervy · 4 years
Dad Mob Rafe
Warnings: uhhh swearing, not proofread, probably misspellings cause I wrote this on my phone in the car with my sister.
If you wanna be added to the taglist, just comment a 'I'd like to be on the taglist' and I'll add ya :)
Okay so like Dad Mob Rafe
You'd all have a son and daughter and he'd be so scared of the littlest thing
A thump in their room cause you stubbed your toe, he's there in a flash with his gun
He goes to check on one of them and they're not in bed, he's freaking the fuck out forgetting that they crawled into your bed cause of a nightmare
Zeke would be your daughter's godfather and she has him wrapped around her finger
"Uhhh, heya Zeke. Whatcha got on?" "A dress." "I see that. Why?" "It makes my eyes pop."
Sarah being your sons godmother and taking him shopping
"Are you sure mom and dad said it was okay?" "Yeah. Totally." "The toys I want are kind of expensive." "Eh, it's fine. Your dad can't hate me forever...I think."
You know Rafe is protective as hell of his kids
One time a guy told his son to beat it and Rafe wasn't happy about that
"Mommy, daddy's swearing and yelling again."
You had to go down stairs and telling him to put a 10 in the swear jar cause his swears were so bad
He put in a 20 so he could continue swearing
Him babying his kids well beyond the age of babying
"Dad...im 15. I can cut my own food."
You asked your kids to do the shut up trend thing and Rafe shot them a look
"Don't get your ass grounded now."
He would make sure his kids would know how proud he is of them. No matter what.
"You can't just be decking people honey." "Well, maybe they shouldn't have talked shit about my brother mom." "I saw that kids nose though. Got a great right hook on you. Just like your pops." "Rafe!"
"How'd that test go?" "I got a B." "Thats my boy." "Dad...it's a B." "And it's math. You killed it."
He would NEVER lay a hand on his kids in a threatening way
If he felt himself start to get angry, he'd turn around and count to 10
"Okay. Lets negotiate." "Oh god." "Get your chem or social studies grade up, you can go to the party. Get you chem grade AND social studies grade up, I'll give you money for new clothes to wear to said party. If you get neither up, you're at home studying." "Fine."
Rafe holding his kids at meetings and whispering to them about how boring it is or how someone needs to shut up
"My daddy said that your hair is dumb and you need to shut up."
Okay back to godfather Zeke real quick
He's more protective of your daughter than Rafe which is hard to believe
"So Y/D/N has a date on Saturday." "Yeah, I know. I met (insert pronoun). Real sweet. Real respectful. I approve. (Insert pronoun) brought homemade muffins." "Well, I'm going to go and supervise from a distance." "No you're not." "Im gonna do it, boss. This is my own independent decision." "You better not fuck this up for my daughter or you'll be in a ditch." "Noted."
And godmother Sarah
She's always asking your son on who's the apple of his eye
"So tell me. Any cute people at school." "I guess." "Oop. Tell me. Who's caught your attention?" "There's one person." "Tell me everything."
Okay, now imagine one of your kids having a nightmare when they're like 4 and Rafe laying with them in the little toddler bed
He definitely broke a couple before saying 'fuck it. mattress on the floor so I can comfort my kids without breaking their bed.'
The amount of pictures you have of Rafe asleep with your kids is insane
He'd be so supportive of his kids because he doesn't want his kids to feel like he did growing up
In conclusion, 10/10 father right here
@prejudic3 @oleariaux @outerbanx96 @void-sadie @popcrone818
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karls-writing-space · 3 years
『 Backstory 』
➵ Any TWs? :
➵ Subtle Mentions of Transphobia.
➵ Beau Romano - his deadname being Bianca - was born a year after his older sister, Faye. He lived with his semi-wealthy parents, Camilia and Dylan Romano in Manitoba.
When he was in second grade, Beau began to have a big sprout of creativity. He had drawn pictures of people and anthropomorphic animals, and create small little tales about these people/animals he has drawn. He Drew more and more of these as time slowly passed, and he enjoyed telling stories about these drawings. This had grown into a hobby, and something he enjoyed thoroughly.
His older sister came out when she was nine that she felt like a girl and that she was attracted to girls. Now, their parents are very accepting people and proceeded to assist and support Faye - who was formerly known as Lovino - get what she needed to transition.
Beau happily cheered on his big sister on, supporting her and showering her with love. He celebrated her transitions and her relationships happily, happy that he had such a prideful older sister.
By the time Beau was ten, he had begun to experiment with his sexuality by feeling some weird way towards a guy in music class. He talked with this guy more and more, and these feelings continued to grow.
After a couple of weeks, he felt the same way towards a girl in music class too. The feeling for the boy stayed, but now he had feelings for a boy and a girl.
One day, while walking to school with his mom, he heard two girls behind him talking about the people they liked. One of the girls had said that she was Bisexual, to which little Beau tugged on his mother's sleeve and asked what "Bisexual" meant. The woman explained that it was when someone liked two or more genders.
Beau put that into thought, and not even a minute later, he exclaimed "I'm Bisexual!"
His mom smiles and ruffled her son's - then daughter's - head. While Beau was still a kid, and she thought that Beau didn't know what he was talking about, the boy knew exactly what he was talking about.
Those feelings of the boy and girl faded over time. When Beau was twelve, he had fallen for another person. There had been this really cute girl in class who enjoyed drawing, and boy, what a talented artist she is.
Slowly, but surely, Beau began to fall in love with this girl, and spent time with her. Months went by, and the two had fallen in love.
The girl had confessed to Beau, which he accepted.
These two were a great, healthy Lesbian couple at the time. They were both very happy and loving. Beau had welcomed his girlfriend into the family, to which they welcomed with open arms.
The relationship lasted for two years until they fell out of love. The spark was gone. Their breakup wasn't nasty - they awkwardly stated that they lost that romantic spark on both sides. Beau had turned thirteen at the time. Beau and his ex-lover are on good terms to this day.
Once puberty hit, Beau looked at the body he had at the moment. He didn't quite fit with how it was. It made him feel like he didn't fit in a girl's body. He wanted to cut off his developing melons. So, he decided to talk to Faye later that evening, whom had fully transitioned. She was a beautiful woman. As he talked to her about what had been up, Faye stated that Beau could be Transgender, and even gave him a few articles on Gender Dysphoria.
Weeks of looking into gender identities later, Beau took the label "Trans Male" and used it to describe himself. With encouragement from Faye, he came out to his parents, who accepted him. He didn't want to transition as quickly as Faye, and wanted to take it slow. Testosterone and binding first.
As he grew older, Beau got bullied for being a Transgender Bisexual man. He was experiencing Transphobia from a few of his fellow peers. He knew that not everyone would accept him for being who he was, but this hurt quite a bit. Being bullied for this wasn't fair - he had every right to express himself! - but nooo, people were idiots.
His love for writing had grown more and more over the years. He began to write little stories that he presented in school and posted online. People loved his little stories. Whether they were fanfiction or characters and universes he had created in his head, they received a lot of positive feedback. Sure, there were haters, bullies, trolls, and rude people in general, but Beau didn't pay attention to them too much.
Beau had gotten top surgery when he was fifteen. He had been on testosterone for a year, and he had been binding for that time being. He loved his new, flat chest. Sure, he would have a scar on his chest from the surgery, but it didn't really bother him. He was happy that his tibbies were deleted. Now he could feel like a guy somewhat.
During the time passed from fourteen and fifteen years old, Beau had been watching a show known as "Total Drama" with Faye. The show was appealing to the young teen. The risky challenges were entertaining, most of the cast was likable, and it was really entertaining for the young boy. He'd talk about joining the show every now and then and would think about what his label or cliche would be on the show.
Timeskip to now, Beau and Faye are sixteen and seventeen respectively. After watching an ad to audition for the next season of Total Drama, Faye looked over at her little brother.
"Hey... You should audition to be on there!"
Beau, liking the idea, auditioned for the show. Once his audition was seen, Beau was invited to be on a season of Total Drama.
『 Voice Claim 』
『 Miscellaneous Facts』
➵ Theme Song
➵ Quotes
"O-Oh, hello...!"
"I'm Beau. It's nice to meet you!"
"It's too people-y in there. I-I'd like to stay right here."
"He's... Kinda pretty."
"Are you lonely? I could hang out with you if you'd like."
"I-It's not a diary! It's just a journal that I put my writing and ideas in."
"Sorry, I'd rather be by myself. I-It's nothing personal -- I j-just don't like large groups of people."
"Sorry... I'm rambling again, aren't I? Sorry about that..."
"He's a... He's a man. And I'm just a boy."
"Ciao, bello..!" (Hello, handsome..!)
"Aren't you guys a little too old for a bedtime story?"
"Fine, fine. Once upon a time, there were a few guys on an island who needed to go the fuck to sleep. G'night, guys."
"What do you mean that 'isn't a good bedtime story? I think it's a brilliant story."
"Fine... There was once this God named Fóllame de lado-"
"Hey - do you wanna fuck around with the others?"
"H-Hey! I apologize for interrupting what you were doing, but... I'd like to confess something if that's o-okay? Look, I'll cut to the chase. I... love you, dude. And not in some bromance way. Like... I have romantic feelings for you. I love you so much I could scream it to the world..! I hope you f-feel the same way. And if you don't? That's p-perfectly fine."
"Good morning, mio amore."
"Sorry, but could you like, shut up for five seconds? Thanks..."
➵ Ship Names (OC X Crush or OC X OC)
Duncan x Beau = BeauDun/ BeauCan
DJ x Beau = BJ / BeauJ
Alejandro x Beau = AleBeau
Mike x Beau = Meau/Bike
Lightning x Beau = Blightning/BeauLight
Topher x Beau = Beaupher / Beaupher
Shawn x Beau = Sheau / Bawn
➵ Random Facts
• If they're comfortable, Beau calls his male friends "Bello" (Handsome), and his female friends "Bella" (Beautiful).
For Nonbinary folk, it depends on what they prefer.
•Beau has learned how to play the ukelele from Faye.
•He would actually like to go windsurfing sometime!
• Speaking of his sister, she's a well-known acrobat/performer for her age. He admires her for being so talented in such a thing..
• His sister is an extrovert, and more outgoing than Beau. The two are opposites,,but yknow, opposites attract!
•Beau prefers to write stories that are/include horror, action, and supernatural/fantasy. He can write romantic stories, but he doesn't prefer writing things like that.
•He has written some shitty fanfictions when he was younger. He will share them among his friends and laugh at what he wrote.
•The languages he speaks are:
• English
• (Some) Spanish. [Italian and Spanish are similar language-wise in a few ways. That, and Beau just wanted to learn Spanish.]
• Respectful boi when it comes to Pronouns, Names, People's likes and dislikes, etc.
•Beau has some family members that live in Italy. He has gone to Italy to visit them numerous times.
• Beau doesn't believe in soulmates. He thinks that it's just some fairytale thing that people believe in. He wants to love someone on his own accord - not someone who the universe was like "Oh, let's put these people together.".
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
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muilkyu · 4 years
𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀
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🐷 Hyunsuk
"What if she doesn't like my outfit? Should I change? I should add a necklace, maybe the rings aren't enou-" you ramble on fiddling with your clothes. Hyunsuk is laughing at you from the corner. "Why are you laughing? This is important, she has to like me."
"She's gonna love you. You look fine, I dressed you so of course you look amazing."
You turn back towards the bed plopping down skulking, "I'm still nervous. Your mom is a big part of your life and I really need her to like me."
Hyunsuk makes his way over to the bed pulling you back up into a hug, "My mom will love anyone that I love. Now let's go."
🐼 Jihoon
"Stop, frowning so much you're gonna give yourself wrinkles," Jihoon says.
You scoff flicking him on the head, "I'm nervous. You're my boyfriend, you're supposed to comfort me."
"Nah, you'll be fine," Jihoon concludes, "Also you hit hard I think I have a bump now."
"Oh come on Hoonie. Do you think they will like me?"
"Honestly, I don't know," He replies and you reach out and flick him again, "Oww, okay I'll be serious. I think they will like you. They might ask you a lot of questions, but they just want to get to know you."
"This going to be a long dinner isn't it?" You question.
"Yep, they are going to find out every single detail about your life. I'm going to tell embarrassing stories to them because I love you oh so much."
🐨 Junkyu
"Why are you sweating too? It's not like this is the first time you have met your parents," you complain. Junkyu looks more nervous than you which is ironic.
He rubs his sweaty hands on his jeans, "I know but they are very straightforward. If they don't like you they will tell you."
You nod looking down, "Do you think they won't like me then?"
"I honestly have no idea but regardless of what they think I still want to be with you." Junkyu's sweaty hands grasp yours and he leaves a small kiss on your index finger.
🐯 Yoshi
"You know what I should have brought a gift we should turn around. Don't you bring a card or something to the first meeting?"
"I don't think that's a thing," Yoshi answered.
"I should have gotten a plant or something. People like plants. Is your mom a plant person?" Asking all these questions is actually helping your nerves.
"No, my sister might be though." He ponders.
"That doesn't help me at all. You know what let's just get this over with."
Yoshi places his hands on your shoulders slowly rubbing them. He looks you in the eyes, "I get that you're scared, but I promise my mom is probably more scared or meet you than you are. Look we don't have to do this yet if you are nervous."
You contemplate the odds of pushing back the date. While extremely tempting it also means so much to Yoshi that you get along with his family. Instead of opting out you just shake your head, "This means a lot to you. Plus your mom sounds lovely. Let's do this."
🐹 Mashiho
"Do you even know how this is going to go?" You ask picking at a piece of lint on Mashiho's shirt.
"I think it will be fine," Mashiho replies, "My parents have always supported me. I don't see why this would be any different."
"Well you have never introduced a girlfriend this is different. If they think I have a bad influence on you or I am not to their standard they won't approve."
"My parents aren't like that. Also you aren't the type of person that someone wouldn't fall in love with. The more they talk and get to know you the more they will see why I love you."
🦁 Jaehyuk
"This is the dress you should wear," Jaehyuk concludes pulling out the yellow sun dress from your closet.
You shake your head, "No, I wore that one last week I got a black stain on the end of it. I can't get it out."
"Oh," he puts the dress back in the closet reaching for another, "What about this one?" He's holding up a white romper that you got last summer.
"That one makes my ankles look fat." You complain.
"I don't think my parents will care about your ankles," Jaehyuk points out.
"Well I care about my ankles. I don't have anything to wear guys we can't go then. Let's just order some food and watch a movie." You suggest already reaching for your phone to order.
Jaehyuk walks over to you grabbing your phone before you can, "No, you're going we promised to eat dinner with them months ago."
You whine, falling back dramatically onto the sofa, "I don't wanna go. They probably don't like me for pushing the dinner off for so long."
"Just one more reason we have to go tonight. Eventually they are going to be mad that you don't wanna meet them. Look, my parents just want to make sure you're not going to hurt me or something. Your parents would do the exact same thing"
"Okay you have a point. Just don't baby me the whole dinner."
"I will not be making any promises."
🤖 Asahi
You and Asahi had decided to have a weekend in rather than going out. Seoul is currently going through the 3rd hottest summer it has ever had and the idea of walking around in the warm weather is not tempting.
"What should we eat tonight?" You question. Your current lying down on the couch dressed in sweatpants and a tank top. Asahi is sitting in front of the couch trying to find something to watch on TV.
Asahi shrugs pushing his hair back with his hand, "I don't know. We could cook what do you have?"
"I think I have enough for pasta." You respond sitting up on the couch.
"That sounds good," his phone vibrates as you start to stand up. He looks conflicted at the name across the phone. It's in Japanese so you can't read it. Asahi looks at you and to the phone as if he silently is asking for permission.
"You can answer the call, that's fine. I'll start the pasta," as you start to walk away he grabs your hand pulling you back.
"It's my mom she is going to want to say hi." He says. Picking up the phone ready to answer.
"Oh, well then no I should just leave. I don't know any Japanese."
"That's fine. I'll translate for you." He answers the call with an excited shout of hi.
That's how you end up face timing your boyfriend's mom with him translating for you. The nerves of course don't go anyway the entire call but at least you have met one of the parents now. Only one more to go.
🦊 Yedam
"Why do we have to meet at a karaoke place. I can't sing to save my life."
"You know my parents like to sing. They don't care if you can. They just want the first meeting to be fun." Yedam explains.
"This is not my definition of fun. I'm going to embarrass myself."
"You won't. I already told them you don't want to sing." Yedam reassures.
"What if they make me? I can't say no to your parents. I'll look like a bad girlfriend."
"Then I'll have to sing with you. We can sing a duet. I'll hold you hand the whole time."
"I promise."
🐰 Doyoung
"My mom wants to meet you." Doyoung states. You both just woke up and as always he closed you to say good morning.
"Okay, when?" You question.
"Today at lunch. She wants to meet at Onion." He explains.
"Today? Isn't that a little bit early,"
"We have been together for a while and she thinks it time to meet you," Doyoung says.
You sigh before responding, "I don't know if I can do that. I am going to have to make a good impression."
"I don't think any of that matters. It's just brunch."
"Okay as long as you are there I should be fine."
"Oh I won't be there. I have to go to the store with my dad. You should be ready by 11 though my mom will be at the cafe waiting for you."
I have to go by myself.
"Kim Doyoung, did you just set me up to have a date without your mom without asking me?"
"I might have. You'll be fine. I have to go so you won't kill me. I love you bye." He hangs up before you have the chance to debate with him.
"Love you too. I guess." You mumble burying your head in your hands. I don't have the time for this you think.
🐏 Haruto
"I have a surprise for you." Haruto tells you.
"Sounds fun. What is it?"
Haruto pulls out two prices of paper from his back pocket and places them on the table, "Ticket to Japan for next weekend. Ta-da!"
"Oh my gosh really?" You exclaimed grabbing onto the tickets, "This is amazing, but do I have enough time to book an hotel?"
"You won't need a hotel. You can just stay with my family." Haruto replies.
"Is that such a good idea? I haven't even met your parents yet."
"Exactly this is the best time to meet them. Plus these tickets aren't refundable so you have to go."
"As long as it's okay with your parents I guess we are going to Japan."
🐺 Jeongwoo
"What do you mean your parents are on their way?"
"I mean my parents are joining us tonight for tteokbokki." Jeongwoo causally answers.
"You're just now telling me this. How long have you known?"
Jeongwoo looks up at the ceiling to ponder, "I don't know maybe the entire week."
"You have known the entire week! Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I knew you would react like this. They're just my parents. They won't kill you."
"They're not going to like me, I can already tell. I don't even have on nice clothes. I am in jeans and a t-shirt. I know I should have dressed up today." I pointed out. I am not even remotely ready to meet Jeongwoo's parents.
"You look fine. You don't have to dress up, you're already pretty. Looks aren't everything. You have a beautiful personality. That's why I like you. If I like you my parents will have to as well."
🐮 Junghwan
"This was really fun. We should have gone to a carnival a long time ago," you smile holding tightly onto a small blue bunny Junghwan won you.
Junghwan blushes a bit looking down, "I am glad you had fun. Next time we have to go to Lotte World."
"That would be so much fu-" you start to say before you hear a loud voice over the crowd yelling 'So Junghwan'.
Junghwan looks up looking around for the voice calling out his name. He pales and then looks at you. He barely can whisper out, "It's my parents."
As soon as the words leave his lips your stomach churns. Junghwan mentioned his parents being super strict when it came to even just letting him come out tonight.
"Are they coming over here? Do I look okay?"
"You look fine. Just turn around, smile and introduce yourself. I'll think of an escape plan."
"Junghwan-ah here you are. Are you going to introduce us to your friend?"
This was probably the worst way to meet your boyfriend's parents but at least they deemed you okay. You could live with that.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed~!
Requested By : @imajigglypuff3
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OHSHC Rewrite: Episode 3a
Beware the Physical Exam!
Host Club x reader
Summary: Y/n has to deal with Maria's nephew coming for a visit right before the physical exams.
Word Count: 5k
Episode Masterlist
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"Welcome ladies!"
You were outside talking to some of your clients, and they were excited that you wore a kimono for cosplay. In the middle of talking to them Kyoya appeared smoothly, trying to sell picture books of the host club. It made you wonder, how did he get those pictures?
A little later you didn't have any clients so you asked Honey and Mori if you could sit with them, and they agreed. You and the girls became quiet once Honey tried to make some tea. He was mixing too hard and almost everything had spilled out, but none of you knew what to say. You bit your lip and looked from the girls to Mori, who understood. He leaned over to Honey, saying, "You overdid it."
Honey looked at the almost empty bowl and looked very sad. "It's okay Honey-senpai! I'll drink it." One girl exclaimed.
"Yeah, if it was anything more it would be too much!" The other one chimed in.
He then beamed again. "Really?" He looked at you. "What do you think y/n-chan?"
You smiled. "I think you made enough for the ladies to not have to drink too much. It's very modest and considerate of you Honey-senpai. It shows how good your heart is."
He jumped into a hug with you. "Thanks y/n-chan!"
Once the Host Club closed for the day, you wandered around looking at the cherry blossom trees. Tamaki saw you and decided to try to work his charm again.
"Hello y/n."
"Oh, hey senpai." You gave him a small smile.
"The flower viewing reception went quite well. What do you think? Aren't the flowers today captivating?"
"Yeah, they're really pretty."
He took this as his chance. "Even so, it's rather daunting being admired than doing the admiring."
You sighed. "Wow senpai, I can really see how much you're blooming today." You said sarcastically.
"You noticed! Yes, today my beauty is in full bloom." He then flicked a heart with his fingers to you. "I bet you'll fall you me soon."
"I'll take that bet." You joked.
Tamaki smiled and was about to say something back when the twins interrupted. "So y/n, what are you gonna take for next term?"
You paid no mind to Hikaru's arm around your shoulder. "I haven't really thought about it yet."
"Why don't you take conversational French with us?" Kaoru suggested.
"Yeah, it does make sense," Hikaru added.
They then turned back to Tamaki, evily smiling as they said, "Since we're in the same class."
Tamaki sat near a tree and hugged his knees into his chest. "Say, mommy dear?"
Kyoya smiled. "What is it now, daddy?"
"It might just be my imagination, but it seems like the twins get to spend more time with my little girl."
"Tamaki, you're just now realizing that?" It was like Tamaki was struck by lightning. "If you look at these two charts, you'll see that the twins spend roughly 8 hours a day with y/n, which is a third of her day. You, on the other hand, spend a mere 3 hours with her, meaning about 12% of her day—"
"I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!!" Tamaki quickly grabbed your shoulders. "Listen to me y/n, daddy wants you to stop hanging around those two shady twins!"
"Who you calling shady boss?" Hikaru asked.
"Yeah, take a good look at yourself!" Kaoru added.
"Tamaki-senpai, please calm down. It's just a class together." You took his hands off your shoulders. "You know what? If I need any help in French then I'll most likely go to you."
"Really?!" His eyes shown, only to go to confusion. "Wait, what do you mean most likely?"
"If I need help in the moment, I'll ask the twins." He began crying again. "Senpai, calm down—"
"All daddy wants is for you live a wholesome life!"
You sighed. "Why do you call yourself that?"
"Y'know y/n," Kyoya said. "It's pretty impressive that you're taking a class to learn a fourth language."
"Thank you senpai." You smiled at him.
"What does he mean by fourth?" Kaoru asked.
"Oh, Maria's latina so she taught me Spanish."
"A hispanic mother huh?" Hikaru said.
Kaoru then added, "You're very exotic."
You looked at them with an annoyed expression. "Sure." You then remembered something. "By the way, do you guys have anything you're doing this weekend?"
The twins looked at each other and then back at you. "No, why?"
You grinned. "Then let's do something! Anything."
They were taken back by your sudden forwardness. "What's got you so excited?" Hikaru asked.
"Yeah, where did this come from?" Kaoru added.
"Maria's sisters are coming over and one of them hates me."
"Why?" Hikaru asked.
"Cause I'm not Maria's biological kid. It's stupid. But it's not her I'm worried about." Your face then turned to a grimace. "It's her son, Satan."
"Geez, what's with the name calling?" Hikaru asked again.
"He gets his annoying personality from his mother, and he loves to go out of my way to try and get me mad. It makes him feel better or something. One time he cut the head off of my stuffed dinosaur my first mother had bought for me." You pouted.
Kaoru asked, "Just because Maria's not your mom?"
"Yeah, he feels like I'm at a lower class than him, and that I need to learn to stay like that. Maria tried to fix my stuffed dino, and God bless her tomboy heart, her sewing skills are terrible. It looks like a voodoo doll now." You sighed, shrugging. "Anyways, I wanna see his face as less as possible. So, you do two wanna hang out over the weekend?"
"Why are you so weird about Hikaru and Kaoru?" You asked. "They aren't even doing anything."
"I'd hate to break up this little chat," Kyoya said. "But do you recognize the name Alarico Gonzalez?"
You whipped your head over to Kyoya's direction. "Why?"
"Because he's from y/c and just booked each host towards the end of host hours for tomorrow."
"It's him." You grumbled. "I'm gonna go clean up."
Tamaki then spoke up. "It's not to fret about. This is obviously a romantic comedy fic, and me and y/n the main cast! That means that in the end I'll swoop in and make her feel better."
"Yeah, then what are we?" Hikaru asked, referring to the rest of the hosts.
"You boys are the homosexual supporting cast!" He then drew a line on the ground with a stick. "So please make sure that you don't step over this line."
"This is ridiculous." The twins said.
"And boss, I don't think you get it." Hikaru said as he smiled.
"Y/n-chan values friendship very much." Honey said.
"And she considers all of us her friends." Kaoru said.
Kyoya chimed in. "If you were to take her away from the rest of her friends, she would probably become quite unhappy and limit her contact with you."
"That means that the rest of us get to spend more time with her, while she ignores you." Honey said.
"Especially more time with us," Kaoru said. "Since we're in the same class."
You walked up to them. "Okay guys, I'm done—"
"Tamaki grabbed you again." Don't worry y/n! I'll let you go with the twins this weekend."
"I mean, that's nice of you to say, but I wasn't asking for your permi—"
"As long as the rest of us go as well!" He then turned to everyone else. "Listen up gentlemen. We are all going to hang out with y/n this weekend."
"Sure, I guess. If you wanted to come senpai, why didn't you just ask?"
"Nevermind that!" He panicked. "Make sure you choose where you want to go."
You smiled sweetly. "Okay!"
The next day you felt irritated, knowing it was only a matter of time before you see Alarico and his stupid face. Kyoya reminded you that during host hours you had to be on your best behavior, which meant that you couldn't defend himself.
The twins were staring at you all day. They made in incredibly noticable when you were setting up the tea sets. "Can I help you two?"
"You haven't smiled at all today." Kaoru said.
"Yeah, this isn't normal."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to smile when the guests come." You went around them and kept working, setting everything up.
"Why do you look sad y/n-chan?" Honey asked, trying to guilt trip you. "I don't like it. You're not like that because of me, right?"
"Of course not senpai. You're a sweet person." You said with a straight face. "Now excuse me." You continued and eventually finished up everything. You then walked to your place to welcome the girls. Sucking in a breath, you put on a smile.
"Welcome ladies."
You greeted your clients and they talked to you about what was going on with their lives. You threw out compliments and encouragements, and you hoped your smile would pay off. The stress was slowly coming off of you and your smile was becoming real. You did enjoy talking to all of your clients after all.
Your smile eventually became forced when Kyoya told you that someone requested for you to greet them at the door. You walked over to the door and opened it, smiling as best as you could. "Welcome sir."
He slapped your back hard. "Hey nickel. Long time no see."
You remained calm. "I didn't know we were using our nicknames Lucifer."
"Nickel?" Kaoru asked.
"Y/n would play the guitar and sing in the streets to save up some money. That's how she could afford to move. She would come home with bucket full of change. It's hilarious. So I call her nickel." He said, breaking out into a laugh. Though he was two years older than you, he was the about the same height as the twins. He then tossed his coat to you. "Show me where I go."
"Your first appointment is with the King. Right this way."
He looked you up and down. "This suits you nickel."
You ignored his comment. "Have a nice time."
You went back to your couch and talked to your clients. Meanwhile, Tamaki smiled warmly. "It's nice to meet you. The only person I've heard of from y/n is your aunt."
"Yeah, well, that's because she doesn't like what my mom and I have to say." You could feel his smug smile staring at the back of your head. You kept talking to your girls, trying to ignore him. "She just needs to accept who she is."
"And that is?" Tamaki smiled.
He smirked at Tamaki. "You know what they say, you can take the girl out of the streets but you can't take the streets out of the girl." Tamaki frowned. "Hey, what do you think of her? She was very keen on starting over, so I was wondering if she would be willing to share her past."
Tamaki tried to keep his princely self in tact. He smiled and sat up straighter. "I think she's a bright and smart person to be around. I enjoy her company, as do the rest of us here. And yes, she has shared some information with us regarding her past. We are her friends, after all."
"Trust me man, you don't wanna be too deep in her friend group. She had some really weird friends in y/c, and it's cause she's weird herself. She's got a lot of issues, and I wouldn't blame you if it sent you running." You knew what he was trying to do. Tamaki knew it. The rest of the hosts listening in knew it too. He was trying to isolate you, just to mess with you. "Well, gotta go to my next appointment."
He then got up and walked over to the twins' table. They hesitated to speak, but knew they had to be nice. "Nice to meet you." They said.
He quietly laughed. "Do you guys like to answer questions at the same time?"
They shrugged. "Sometimes."
"That's... strange." He grinned. They looked at him, offended and annoyed. "That's also the opposite from y/n, which is even stranger to me."
"Shit." You mumbled. You began to breath a little unsteadily.
"What do you mean?" Hikaru asked.
He laughed again. "You guys don't know?" They stared blankly at him. "Y/n has a twin brother. He up and ran away before their mom died. Apparently all three were supposed to leave together, but her brother left them high and dry."
You were starting to panic. Other people were turning their heads. Exposed. You felt so exposed.
"Excuse me for a minute." You quickly left the room and sat down on the floor, trying to catch your breath. You couldn't breathe, and your eyes began to sting from tears forming. You just couldn't breathe.
Tamaki and the twins shot up and ran to the door, but we're stopped by Kyoya. "Go back to your seats. There are guests waiting for you."
"Are you kidding?!" Hikaru barked.
"We need to see if she's okay!" Kaoru added.
"Kyoya, step aside!" Tamaki exclaimed.
"I don't have any appointments right now. I'll check on her. Go back to your seats." He then quickly left.
He saw you on the floor and sat down right to you. He put his arms around your upper arms and began to squeeze you tight in a hug. You tried to push him off, but he wouldn't budge. Soon you stopped moving and your breath stilled.
"Thank you." You weakly said.
"Of course."
"How did you do that?"
"It's a pressure point that calms a person's nerves." You weakly smiled at him. "How long have you been having anxiety attacks?"
You looked down. "I don't know. Years. It's been a while since I've had one up until now."
"Have you been medically diagnosed?"
You frowned and shook your head. "Let's go back in." You patted his thigh and got up. You stuck your hand out and he took it, having you hoist him up. You brought back your smile. "Thanks again senpai."
He nodded, though he also felt like the conversation needed be revisited, and would have to make sure of it. He opened the door for you. "Y/n!" Tamaki and the twins zoomed over to you.
"Sorry if I worried any of you. I just needed some air." You then sat back down on your couch. "Momo, let's resume our conversation."
"O–okay." She said, unsure whether she should ask if you were okay. "Is it okay if we take a walk in the maze? It's wonderful weather."
You grinned. "If you want to, I want to. Let's go."
When you two left, Alarico scoffed. "Still a damn baby." He then checked his watch. "Oh, switching time."
He walked over to Honey and Mori. Honey smiled at him. "You made y/n-chan really sad, so I think you should say sorry to make up for it. Kay?"
He shrugged. "I don't have to make up for anything. Like I said, she just doesn't like what I have to say. She doesn't want to face her reality, and I'm just trying to help her see it."
"So," Momoka asked you with your arms interlocked. "I was wondering if you would like to talk about what that boy you knew said."
"And here I thought I was host." You teased.
"Well, as a host it's your job to make the customers happy." She quietly stammered. "It would please me so if you had someone to talk to."
You scrunched up your nose. "You are way too nice Momo. It's grossing me out." You then looked straight ahead. "But it's much appreciated." You felt her eagerly stare at you. "Okay, we can talk."
"Really?" You nodded, and she hugged you.
"Out of the people I talk to everyday, and those who make an impression on me, I'm glad you're the one to want to talk to me like this." She smiled brightly. "Now, lead the way to that nice sitting stop first. I have no idea where to go." She nodded and took your hand, rushing to the spot.
Honey's face became darker. "Don't say mean things about y/n-chan, or I won't forgive you."
"No offense kid, but how old are you?"
"He's the same age as you." Hikaru angrily said as he sipped tea.
"Even so, some may argue that he's twice a man as you." Kaoru said as he also angrily sipped on his tea.
"Who knew important people would actually care about some rando girl from the nowhere."
"Don't talk about her like that." Mori said, standing up to hover over him.
"Stop talking about her like that, now." Honey warned.
Alarico scoffed. "Sorry little man, we're out of time." He then walked over to Kyoya, who was writing in his notebook. Honey was about to attack, but Tamaki quietly assured everyone that he knows Kyoya would handle things. "You seem to be the only who isn't phased by anything I say. That's good, since everyone's being weird about y/n."
"I assume it's due to the impression she's left on everyone here. It seems like the hardships she's had to endure has shaped her into a hard working and ambitious person."
"More like audacious." Kyoya just kept writing. "Not much gets to you, huh? That's pretty uninteresting."
"Well, I don't have a lot to worry about considering the position I'm in. You see, my family owns the largest police force in Japan. Just one phone call away and I could have over a hundred men in less than five minutes. So you see, I in fact do not have anything to worry about in this particular moment."
He frowned as you and Momoka came back in. "We're back." You happily announced.
"Did you ladies enjoy your walk?" Tamaki asked as he greeted you two at the door.
You and Momoka looked at each other and smiled. "We did." You said. "I had the pleasure of learning a few new things about Momo."
"Y/n! Those are secrets!" She blushed heavily.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna say anything. Anyways, have a safe way home."
"You as well." She said, leaving.
You closed the door and saw that Alarico was the last person there. "Okay Lucifer, let's get on with this. Shall we?"
He said nothing but smirked at you as he bumped your shoulder walking to your couch. Everyone watched. You sat on opposite ends. "So, your friends don't know about Christian."
You calmly smiled. "He's not in my life, so there's not much to say about him. How've you been doing back in y/c?"
"You mean back home?" He asked tauntingly.
"This is my home now. A step up, don't you think?"
"For now, yeah. How's money been? You still singing in the streets?"
"Nope. Don't have to. Maria got a management position at this club. She got the job from a friend she made at a store. His name is Ryoji, and he's awesome. We've had dinner at his house a few times. His daughter's pretty chill."
"Look at you making little friends. Just like at the liquor store." You grinned, and he scooched closer to you. "Y'know, I just don't get the hype for you. There's something about you that I don't like."
"I'm well aware."
"I don't know where to put my finger on it." He looked you over. "Maybe it's because I've seen those nasty scars on your legs. It a pretty big turn off."
You grinned and shrugged. "Maybe that's it. Maybe it's because you don't like what I have to say about you. Just maybe."
He didn't like that. He grabbed your jaw, holding it tight. "Or maybe it's your face. I've seen the pictures of your parents, and you have your dad's looks." He roughly took away his hand. "Get me some tea."
"Of course." You calmly got up and went over to pour the tea.
"Hey, who was that Momoka chick? She was hot. You think she's easy to bed?" He then laughed.
"Hikaru, what time is it?" You asked as you stared straight ahead.
"Uh, 5:02?"
You nodded, setting down the tea pot. You calmly wrapped your arms around Alarico's shoulders, leaning in as if you were about to whisper him something. Instead you kneed his dick. He yelped and fell to the ground. "You bitch!"
"It's after hours now so I can say whatever I want." You looked down at him. "I don't give a shit about what you think of me, I never have. You know it, and you hate it. But when you talk about sleeping with a sweet girl just to spite me, that's when I get pissed."
"Fuck you!" He rolled to his side.
"Never talk about her in that way, ever, and stay away from her. Don't even try to fight me on this. It wouldn't be the first time I've kicked your ass. Now it's time for you to leave. Go." He got up and stumbled away.
You turned and saw everybody looking at you. "Well," Kyoya said. "I believe it's time to clean up."
You all began to clean up in silence. It was almost unbearable for the twins, as well as Tamaki. Hikaru and Kaoru had finally snapped when you accidentally bumped into them. "Excuse me—"
"Oh, that's what was bugging you?"
"Among other things." Tamaki said. "But that is a good question."
You remembered the fond memory you had of that night and giggled. "It happened one time, and it was totally his fault."
"Well, what happened?" The twins asked.
"He thought that it would be funny to scare me so he could hold it over me. But his plan for it failed miserably. He made a plan to come through our window in the middle of the night with a ski mask on and act like he was robbing us."
"But if it was in the middle of the night, wouldn't you be asleep?" Honey asked.
"Yup. He's not the smartest person around. Anyways, right when he climbs in he trips over our shoes and was unintentionally makes a lot of noice. I woke up and assumed there was a robber in the house, so naturally I grabbed the bat from under my bed and—"
"Why on Earth would you have a bat under your bed?" Tamaki asked.
"In case some idiot decided to put on a ski mask and climb through our window." You giggled, and everybody smiled in response. "Anyways, I ran up to him and swung to his stomach. He fell, and broke a flower pot in the process. When he got up, I swung again. He once again fell, but this time when he tried to get up he slipped and landed on our table, breaking it. He fumbled around and tried to grab onto this shelf, but the house was old and the shelf came down on him."
The twins bursted into laughter. "Where was Maria during all this?" Kaoru asked.
"Sleeping! I swear, I don't know what she'd do without me. There was so many crashing sounds!" The twins laughed again, and this time Tamaki chuckled as Honey giggled. "So I'm about to swing again, but he takes off the mask and yells at me. We're yelling at each other, and I drop the bat on the floor. That's when Maria finally comes in, by hearing the bat, and just asks if I'm okay. Super relaxed and half asleep."
The laughter erupted again. "What happened after that?" Hikaru asked.
"I told her that Alarico was trying to rob us, and she says hands down the most 'I don't care' question ever: So, like, I can go back to sleep then right?" More laughter. "I told her no, and she called her sister who came there dead silent. She wrote us a check for the damage and they left. One of the most satisfying experiences of my life."
Everybody was smiling at the story. It was no wonder why you became a host. You were very interesting. "Do you think you'll be in trouble when you get home?" Kaoru asked.
You shrugged. "I mean, Maria's sister will yell at me, but that's kinda it. Maria thinks that I should only be punished if I'm in the wrong. He was being a creep to another girl and I defended her honor. Not in the wrong, and I'll probably just get a smack to the back of the head."
"Seriously?" Hikaru asked.
You shrugged. "She is Latina. And don't worry, since she's not the wealthiest person here, Maria's sister won't try to fight the school or anything."
"Not the wealthiest? What does that mean?" Tamaki asked.
"They're high middle class so they flaunt their money at people who don't make as much. She's a Karen."
"A Karen?" The twins asked.
"I don't believe I'm familiar with the term." Kyoya said.
"It's when someone makes a not bad situation so much worse for no reason. Like, let me speak to your manager for something dumb or my child would never do that when their kid is horrible. Stuff like that."
"Geez, you have to go home to that?" Hikaru asked.
You pursed your lips. "I really don't want to go home right now. Maybe I'll visit Ryoji's house. Or maybe I'll just stay at a fast food place for a bit."
"We'll come with you." Hikaru offered.
"Yeah, it'll be fun." Kaoru added.
"Thanks guys. Let's go then." You began walking towards the door, but stopped and turned around. "And thank you, all of you. I'm really happy that you guys still like me."
"Wait y/n!" Tamaki zoomed over to you, invading your personal space. "I want you to be careful around those shady twins, okay?! Daddy just wants the best for you!"
You ruffled his hair and smiled. "I'll be fine senpai. You trust that I'll take care of myself, right?"
He looked at you, almost in a daze, and smiled. "Of course. Have fun." You nodded and left with the twins. "Well Kyoya, it seems like our little y/n is very capable of handling her problems."
Kyoya put on a smile and said nothing. On the outside, it could easily be seen as that. But that wasn't the case. You should see someone about your anxiety. You should accept help. That meant that he would have to tell Tamaki.
After having a fun time with the twins and getting chewed out by Linda, you went to bed hoping that the club wasn't actually upset with you.
The next day you got up and quickly left early before anyone else woke up. Unfortunately, you skipped breakfast in order to do so. So there you were, eating a breakfast burrito from WacDonald's on the steps of Ouran, way too early for anyone to be there yet.
The silence was pretty nice. It was peaceful, and the school was beautiful. You did notice someone though. A man in a lab coat. He looked lost, but you decided not to think anything of it. It was probably just a school doctor, since it is physical exam day.
Later on you threw away your wrapper and bought some coffee at a gas station. That's when some people began arriving. "Hey, you're the honor student, right?" One person walked over and asked you.
"Um, yeah. I'm sorry, I don't think I know you."
"I'm in the same year, though we're in different classes." He said.
A few minutes later the twins arrived to school, though they were peeved to see you talking to another guy. They ran over to you and began dragging you away.
"It was nice to meet you!" You called out. They then put you down, hearing you huff. "What was that for? I almost dropped my coffee."
"Who was that?" Kaoru asked.
You shrugged. "Some guy. He just came up to me and started talking."
"More like flirting." Hikaru grumbled.
"No he wasn't." You took a sip of your coffee. "Do you guys want some?"
Hikaru hesitated before shrugging. "Sure." He took a swig.
"Kaoru?" You offered.
"Are you sure that's Kaoru?" Hikaru asked, trying to trick you.
"Yes, I am." You said, taking back your coffee. "I'm not stupid."
Before they could say anything, you all heard. "Y/n~!"
A gush of wind passed you three as Tamaki ran over to you. "Morning senpai."
"Did those two shady twins hurt you last night?! I knew I should have gone with you!" He took your hands.
"No, they didn't. Calm down senpai. It was actually nice." You smiled at them.
"Oh, right." Hikaru took out an old phone. "Here."
You just stared up at him confusedly. "You don't have a phone, and this is my old one." Kaoru explained. "I don't use it anymore, so you could have it."
"Um, that's kind of a big thing to give someone." You nervously smiled. "You could turn it in to a phone company and get some money for it. Or maybe some store credit, depending on the company."
"We don't need money or credit stuff." Hikaru said. "Just take it."
You hesitated before taking it. You then smiled and wrapped your arms around each of their necks. "Thanks guys!"
"You're welcome." They smiled before looking darkly at Tamaki. Before Tamaki could say anything, the twins then pulled away. "Well, let's go to class!"
They rushed you off. "Bye Tamaki-senpai!" You called out.
Tamaki got angry. "But what about the plan?!" He barked.
"What did he say?" You turned as they carried you.
"Nothing!" They said.
Instead of going to your class though, you ended up going to the Music Room. "What's going on? Why are we in the host club class?"
Tamaki then stormed into the room. "You two could have waited for me!" He barked out again.
Kyoya then came out. "Y/n, we've come here today to talk about a problem regarding you."
Author's Note: I hit the limit for the paragraphs I can write (since there's a lot of dialogue), so I had to cut it short.
I guess I have to split it up into 2 parts and put the fast food part in my own filler .—.
Tag List: @krustykrabbspizza @animefan7420 @strangerthingsholland @the-dead-fucking-sea @blue-eyez-7
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aresrl · 3 years
I hihi I am!!! A little nervous w/ doing this bc I've never done this b4 so please bear🐻 w// me💦 May I request a match up? A vision, a romantic partner and maybe a friend and/or enemy? If that's too much feel free to just assign me a vision + partner, ehe/// Preferably male for a romantic match-up, but either gender is fine with a friend and enemy match-up^^ I tried to be as detailed as possible but I think I ended up just ranting, so im v v sorry if it's long! I sort of fluctuate when it comes to being an introvert/extroverted. W// strangers and irl, I'm very introverted and shy!! Rarely speak and if I do it's just the usual "Hi how are you? That's good. I'm good too, thank you for asking:)" yeayea I'm not too. Keen on social interaction irl. But I always do my best to be very nice!! I never wanna come off as mean bc wow what a bad first impression that would be. But with friends / ppl ik online?? Whew I am very very friendly n chatty ^^ Either very high energy or very chill, there's rarely any inbetween. Sometimes I like to jokingly tease my friends but I'd never go too far / make them uncomfortable!! And if I do I always apologize right away!! I like to say that I'm affectionate?? My strongest love language is def physical affection, if not quality time. Idk man there's just something about vibing with someone or hugging them that just aaaaa/// Although I usually display affection w// words of affection bc. Literally most of my friends are online friends so I can't actually hug them, sad times. Idk if this is needed/important info but I just remembered: I'm 5'6 around??? Need glasses bc. Whew i am blind (near sighted), I'm poc (specifically black) anndd, hm. Actually I think thats it for this section, aha. As you can see I'm, not really all that organized. Also I don't have the best attention span - while writing this I'm circling between 4 different apps - and I'm a bit of a mess. And also a little stupid. Just a smidge dumb. But I have my moments - I solved like. 2 puzzles in Inazuma by myself so I think that counts for something. I also find that I tend to talk a whole lot when I have an idea or smthn to say abt a thing I'm super interested in!! That's info-dumping. I info dump. Yes. I also really like to listen to other people talk abt things they like!!!! Its so nice :) I'm protective over people I care about!! I've never done it but 100% would bark at someone who messed with someone close to be. Arf arf yaknow. I tend to he impulsive. I'll do something, and be all "YEAH>:D" and then regret it later. And then I'll do it all over again in a fun little cycle :) I consider myself an optimist, but quickly turn into a pessimist whenever it concerns myself. Fun funfun. Should probably mention that I am. A very insecure person w/ dangerously low self esteem, which is super fun esp when you mix that with the fact that I'm rarely ever motivated to improve. Yayayay Also sort of a pushover?? Like most often than not I'll be convinced to do something, even if I'm not too keen on doing it. Also afraid of confrontation when it comes to my friends and strangers (that is, if it's concerning me!! I'll order smthn for my friend but if I need to order for myself?? uhh stutter time aha). I'm also a mega simp ahah! Srsly though if I fall for someone/get infatuated with someone I. Will be so obvious abt it even though I try very hard not to be. Would gush over that person probably. I don't really like mean people tbh. Like yes I'll be nice and civil with them but!!! I cannot stand!!! Rude people!!! Esp when they're mean for no reason like sir??? maam??? homie??? chill pls ty<3 People who aren't necessarily mean, but moreso have bastard energy and are just really "hehe>:D" but playfully are p poggers tho!!! I think I get along with kids!! I have a little sister,, around like. Nine? And we get along really well!! I also try and match a kid's energy whenever I'm tasked with looking after them. I take pride in the fact that kids like me >:].... even if they sometimes scare me-- Ok, interest time!!
I like art!! Quite a bit!! Less of a realistic artist and more of a cartoonist!! Idk there's just something fun abt drawing cartoons, hehe. I also like self ships - I have quite a bit of them, actually ! Idk its comforting drawings your fictional crushes loving you idkidk. I like writing too! Both original stories, and one-shots or personal fics that are associated with already created media!! Writing character backstories and personalities and stuff is also fun too! I've even made my own fictional world with a full fledged backstory n everything! It's very fun to think about. I'm a day dreamer!!! Yea remember when I said I write stories? I day dream abt potential stories even more. Mmm daydream world so nice so warm so fun I read aswell!! Mostly fantasy books, or stories where animals are the protagonists. Think Warrior Cats. But my favorite book series has got to be Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Fantasy owl books, anyway! X Readers are also things I enjoy reading :) Again, s I m p Also gaming!!! Is something fun I do sometimes!!! Although it's usually Genshin Impact, or Wii Sports/Resort w// my little sister. Oh, also pokemon! I rlly like Primarina, Vaporeon, Sylveon and Vulpix/Ninetails! I absolutely adore sweet foods, and baking is smthn I'm def interested in! Don't like foods w// weird textures though, like beans or mashed potatoes. Also I. Love spice so much. Mmm love it when my mouth burns so bad. Don't have a favorite animal but I've had three cats in my lifetime (btw not important but my current cat is named Sylvester and. He's my baby boy) so I am. A very big cat fan. Probably not needed but I really like sword and claymore characters. Literally all of the characters I main are either sword or claymore users. Although I did get Diona, so I miiight start forcing myself to learn how to aimmm. I see that I tend to like people/characters that are a little more extroverted than me. Upbeat, happy type beat!!! Nice sunshine babies, :) I think thats it! I hope this was good enough? Again, first time doing this (at 2am nonetheless) so forgive me if I got too rambly or did anything wrong ^^ Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this! And I hope your day is good / you had a good day, depending on when you read this, ehe!
Hey! Sorry if the wait has been long! I also love Warrior Cats (I promise myself, one day I'll finish it.)
You received... A Pyro vision! Optimistic, enthusiastic, impulsive, reckless, and a lot of energy are the general characteristics held by the Pyro vision. • I hesitated between the Pyro and Hydro vision, but your energy distinguishes you from the Hydro vision. • You said you were impulsive, always doing something you might regret later but still doing it. • You react quickly: as you said, if somebody hurt someone you love, you won't think twice before barking. Your partner would be... Xingqiu! “This feeling was unexpected.” • At first, you were just friends, and Xingqiu really loved to tease you. Actually, you both teased each other. But eventually, a feeling of love towards you grew into Xingqiu. And that was reciprocated. • Your relationship is filled with teases, jokes, and good/funny moments where you mostly share what you commonly appreciate. • He also knows when to get serious: for example, he does everything to support you during your moments of struggle concerning your self-esteem. Your friend would be... Childe! “Luckily, I'm here!” • You two also share funny moments, especially during situations where your “stupidity” is overtaken by his insight. • Sometimes, he finds you cute. • He likes the fact that you get along well with kids. It leads you to great moments with him and his siblings. • You're quite the opposite in terms of self-esteem. I think it's a good thing because it makes you complementary. Your enemy would be... Albedo! A misunderstanding. • You wouldn't hate each other, but I think Albedo wouldn't like the way you use your energy, and when you're more in a chill mood (meaning you're more available for him to talk), he could get pissed at how much times he'd have to repeat himself for you to understand something. • He's very patient, but he understood quickly that his interests would maybe not be within your reach. • You would just be too different. Worth to mention • You and Venti are like drama queens in Mondstadt. You are good friends. But you both know that you can't be more, as it would eventually both drag you down (because of similar problems). • Klee is also your best friend: both of you share decisions that you definitely will regret later. Or maybe not. • Hu tao and you are kinds of silently competing over who's the best tease, and she beats you. My goal is definitely not achieved. I hope I can catch up tomorrow. And don't worry, it was surprisingly good for a first description!
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The Salem House or The Scottish Cottage
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage Contains Potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and smutty content.
Summary: Rod and Kirby move in to their new cottage home in Salem, Oregon.
Kirby's POV:
Rod blindfolded me with one of his ties and drove our rented van out to the property, taking off my blindfold in front of the house.
"There it is, our new home," he twirled the keys around his index finger, "all ours now, Kirbs."
There it was, white panel exterior with fancy windows and lights along both sides of the gravel path towards the house. Without thinking I pulled Rod into a hug and kissed him, tears of happiness rolling down my cheek.
"Woah, baby, are ya alright sweetheart?"
"I love it, and I love you and-" Upon hearing that, Rod hoisted me over his shoulder, "Woah, Roddy, what are you doing?"
"Taking you inside and carrying you to the one room I know you're gonna love."
He carried me through the front double doors, through the foyer and then the kitchen, before carrying me past the television and sofa, past what I believe is the ground floor bathroom and up the stairs, letting me get a glance at the basement staircase as we went up to the top floor of our new home.
He then put me down in front of a pale green door with a childish or childlike, chalk or pastel drawing on the front.
I turned the handle slowly, not knowing what to expect.
Then I saw it.
The lone white bassinet.
Surrounded by soft toys and things you'd assume would be in a nursery.
"The former owners said that they're daughter was gonna move in before she moved to L.A. They knew she had a baby and set this room up. I'm gonna be honest with ya and tell ya that I let a couple tears slip when I saw this room ma-self, so I completely understand if you need a moment alone."
"Rod, Roddy, as much as I hate the weird wallpaper in the foyer, this room is," I took a second to compose myself, "It's perfect."
"Do ya wanna see our bedroom?"
Rod showed me around the rest of the house before going into the basement.
"There's no attic, so the basement will have to do if we want to store anything anywhere."
The basement was large, the only room separated off from the rest of the basement was another bathroom. I walked to the opposite side of the basement and stopped in my tracks.
"What's wrong babe?"
"They have a hot tub?!"
Rod walked over to me, also stopping upon seeing the hot tub in it's own corner of the basement, separate from the gym equipment and rugs and the very empty basement.
"What d'ya reckon they use that for?" Rod asked, teasing me slightly.
"No, Rod, eww, that's gross, you wouldn't dare suggest that!"
"Hot tub sex, babe, it's a thing."
"We are not doing that. Ever!"
"We are alone in the house, you know." He started unbuckling his belt, chucking it as well as his sporran down at his feet, "I know we've gotta fly back to the other side of the country later, but, right now, we're home, honey," He started walking towards me, whipping his jacket and shirt off, leaving him in his kilt and boots as he ran his hand through his hair, letting out a deep guttural sigh.
"I guess we could test out the new bed, Roddy." I started unbuttoning my shirt, exposing the peach toned tank top underneath.
"Or, We could have sex right here and now," He suggested, whipping his kilt off and in true Scottish fashion, revealing nothing but his bare body below.
Tumblr media
He unclenched his hand, showing off the fact that he had brought a condom with him.
By the time we got to Taunton, Massachusetts on the first of March, Roddy had set aside some time for us to redecorate the house, and by the time we actually got around to redecorating, Roddy had recruited the rest of the D.O.D as well a Schultz, Orton and Orndorff to help us. We had met back at the house on the Eleventh (of March) and unbeknownst to me, Piper had made a couple calls to his friends from back in his NWA and Mid Atlantic days.
"He didn't." Schultz grunted out, partly worried and partly surprised.
"He didn't do what … David?"
Schultz guided me outside to meet the guys.
"Piper! introduce ya wife to the boys, I'll go grab us some beer."
"I'm not his wife," I called after him as he walked back inside, "So, Roddy, who are these guys."
Rod leant up to kiss me, he would have backed me into the nearest wall if I didn't pull away immediately after, concern taking over any hint of a flirtatious mood in me.
"Who's this fine female?"
I recognised the voice from the yell earlier.
"Ric, this is my girlfriend, Kirby. Kirby, this is Ric Flair. Over there," he gestured to the other four, "Are Tully Blanchard, with the black hair, JJ Dillon, the other blonde looking one and Ole and Arn Anderson."
"Are they here to help or are they here to distract you?"
"The only thing distracting me is the idea of seeing you na-"
I covered Rod's mouth with my hand and gave Ric a sheepish smile, "I apologise for my hus, I mean boyfriend's attitude Ric."
"You almost said husband, Kirbs." Rod whispered to me as we led the boys inside, before he took me aside.
"It was a slip of the tongue."
"I'm sorry, about the kiss, I got a bit jealous because I know what Ric can be like, with women in particular."
"Rod, you shouldn't have to apologise for that, I love ya. I was going to start looking for you anyway, what d'ya want for lunch?"
"Don't you worry about that, I'll go grill those hamburgers we have in the fridge and … hey look, beer."
"Thank you, David."
"Anytime, Tall-ass."
"Look, babe, I'll deal with it alright, you stop worrying and I'll deal with it. I'm the man of the house so I'll deal with it."
I came up behind Roddy, putting my head on his shoulder and wrapping my arms around his waist, kissing his neck.
"I'm gonna go rest for a bit Rod, my head feels funny."
"Baby, baby come here."
Rod helped me upstairs, making sure I didn't fall over and letting me lay on the bed.
"We have today and tomorrow here baby, relax."
"Rod, you know me, you know I wind myself up with worry."
"I know," He brushed his thumbs over my knuckles, "I'm gonna get you some hand wraps or something, stop punching things until ya knuckles bleed."
"I thought you were gonna go cook."
"I am, but, right now, I'm taking in every little detail of the woman I love."
"You softie."
"Oh really? I'm soft. You worry way more than me baby."
"I love you, Roddy."
"I love you too, Kirby."
I slept for a short while until I was woken up by Piper and Schultz yelling obscenities at each other. I ran down the stairs and outside the house to see the two grown men squabbling like children.
Without saying anything I picked Roddy up by his midsection and took him back inside, chucking him down on the sofa.
"I'm gonna fuckin-"
"Yes, baby."
"You are drunk, and shut up."
"Yes, Sweetheart."
I helped Roddy up, almost gagging at how strong the smell of alcohol was coming from him, swiftly avoiding his attempts at kissing me and placing my hand over his mouth.
By the Thirteenth we were back working and Rod had started to get fidgety around me until things came to a head on the Thirtieth.
"Rod, are you alright, you've been awfully quiet today."
"I'm fine baby, actually, Kirby?"
"Would you like to be on Piper's Pit?"
"Sunday, Yes or No?"
"This Sunday?"
"Well, there's your answer."
"Wait, you'll do it."
"Of fucking course I'll do it. I don't give a fuck what Damien says."
He let out a chuckle as I pulled into the hotel parking lot.
"How's the Visa status going?"
"It's good, I'll hopefully be a US citizen before the end of May."
"So, May, you'll be a citizen, so," He mumbled to himself for a short while, "Alright, cool."
Before long it was time for me to be on Piper's Pit, fully expecting Roddy to do something and cause a ruckus to occur.
"Well, I'd just like you to know, it's a pleasure to have our first, female, guest on Piper's Pit. I want you to know that I asked every single female in the entire WWF if they would be on the Pit and only one of them said 'yes' to me. The only woman with enough guts to face me with 'Gluttony' herself, Kirby Lucifarian. Kirby, I would like to thank you for being brave enough to come out here and face me. I had Captain Lou on here last week and he said something vague about you and your sisters protecting Lauper. Why would a woman like you, someone who doesn't smoke, doesn't swear, doesn't drink, or shack up with skinny little idiots like Dave Wolff, Why would a great and accomplished female wrestler like you offer her protection to Lauper?"
"First of all, Piper, thank you for having me on here."
"My pleasure."
"Secondly, I was going to let you unmask me, but you showed support of Big John Studd, A man I greatly despise for his disrespect of both me and André."
"I am sorry for going back on that unspoken promise, Miss Lucifarian."
"Thank you for the apology, Roddy, Thirdly, may I say that I did not offer my services of protection to Miss Lauper, instead that was my father who told, Miss Lauper, that the D.O.D would protect her. Why on earth would a woman with an intelligence that rivals, yours for example, protect a girl like Cyndi Lauper?"
"I don't admire a lot of women, but you, I like you. I admire your intelligence, your ability to strike fear into the hearts of men with your words alone. I know that you have been searching for your next challenging opponent, and I for one don't wanna offer myself up, I just want to know how difficult it has been for the past few weeks going without a challenging enough opponent for your skill level?"
"Well, Piper, it's been tough, honestly, I think I may have scared everyone off. As someone who has previously been banned from women's competition, I find getting any support in the ring quite hard at times. I find your lack of fear quite charming, honest to the Lord above, you charm me, boyo."
"Thank you, you're a real sweetheart. Quick question, why do you call me 'boyo'?"
"Don't you call men 'lad' in Glasgow?"
"Oh, I see, anyway, before you go, one last thing."
I wasn't expecting this, the rest me and Rod had planned in advance, but not that line, he said he wasn't going to pull anything, he gave me his word.
Then, before I knew what was going on, he unbuckled my mask, pulling it down for a moment and kissed me square on the lips, in front of the cameras and the fans.
I tried to stand up and he dipped me down into the kiss, much to the enjoyment of the fans, who were hooting and hollering, obviously this doesn't happen much in the WWF.
Roddy kept his right hand intertwined with my ponytail and had his left arm around my back, supporting most of my waist as he brought me back up and helped me re-fix my mask into it's rightful spot.
After the show I tried to avoid Roddy for a couple minutes, trying to make sense of why he would do such a thing knowing full well we were not an 'out' couple or even an 'in' couple with the fans, sure the fans enjoying the moment was nice, but we were both heels, we were not supposed to do that off-screen, let alone on-screen and in front of a full crowd of fans.
I came to the decision to drop it for now and wait for Rod to hopefully explain his actions or somehow work it into a programme.
My mind started to wonder, maybe he would try to use that as blackmail against Damien, or even against me.
The D200's door opening and slamming shut caught me off guard, making me jump a little.
"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to scare ya."
"I'm fine, Roddy, just caught up in my thoughts, that's all."
"What were ya thinking about?"
"Nothing important, mainly just what happened earlier."
"Ya mean, me, Orndorff and Schultz winning the match?"
"No, Roderick, the kiss, we didn't plan that."
"Oh, yeah. I forgot to clear that with ya, but Orndorff and Schultz said that it would get the fans interested."
"Next time, please clear everything we do in a promo or interview with me first, so I don't start wondering if you'll blackmail me."
"I would never blackmail ya, maybe Damien, but never you."
"I love you, ya hot-headed, kilt wearing idiot."
"I love you to, ya blonde, gothic, tattooed Ivory tower."
"Did you call me an 'Ivory tower'?"
"You're tall and pale, what d'ya want me to say?"
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ripspaghet · 4 years
BFF | 06 sneak peek
a/n: Hey everyone, Aya here👋 Recently I've had trouble writing due to my sister moving in with me (we don't exactly get along). Her being around has put a lot of stress on me and I haven't been in the right headspace to write. I'm sorry for the long wait for the next part of BFF.🙇‍♀️ You'll have to wait a little longer, but I decided to give you all a sneak peek as a thank you for being so patient. I appreciate all of my readers so much. I can't thank you enough for all the support and encouragement you all give me!!💞
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The smell of birthday cake tickles your nose, the sound of soft pop music lulling the small crowd of people in the apartment space.
"God, this is boring."
"Beyond boring."
The two guys have been continuously mopping since the three of you arrived, although you haven't paid them all that much attention. You're more concerned with how you're going to avoid eating cake later on. You hate overly sweet things with a passion and Mina's cake is sure to taste like a sugar rush.
"We should liven it up a bit."
"Sounds like a plan to me."
"How about it ____?"
You drag your gaze away from a frowning Mina to glance over at Jimin, who's holding a plate full of crumbs that was previously covered in chips. Jungkook stands next to him, bordly munching on some handmade snack you couldn't remember the name of.
"Can you two behave until the candles are blown out? I don't wanna hear Mina yelling until I've already told her my excuse to leave."
Jungkook nods, "Understandable,"
"I suppose I'll wait."
You just want to go home and get some more sleep, you couldn't care less what these two goons had up their sleeves. Yes, you want Mina to have a good birthday, but you can only maintain your act for so long while around her. Faking isn't your strong suit.
"Oh, God,"
You glance back over at the two of them to see that they're staring across the room. Jimin is frowning, while Jungkook looks as if his whole life is flashing before his eyes. You turn to see what it is, only to find yourself wishing you never did.
"____! There you are! You sly fox, you. I've been looking for you everywhere."
Your stomach drops, "Who told him?"
Jimin scowls as his friend makes his way over to you, "It definitely wasn't me."
"Sorry, ____. He promised me he wouldn't come." Jungkook scoots away from you out of fear of your rath.
The guy approaching you is quick to move to your side, placing an arm around your waist. You're sure to send Jungkook the deadliest of glares that as him cowering behind a now, rather aggravated Jimin.
"Tae, what are you doing here?" You almost choke as you force a smile onto your face.
He pulls you closer to him, a smirk playing on his lips, "I heard from a little birdy that you'd be here." As a strong urge to knee Jungkook in the crouch starts to settle in, you grit your teeth, forcing yourself to bear it and not cause a scene.
"Yah, Taehyung, who do you think you are, clinging to my best friend like that?" Jimin's brows have shot up in question as he stares Taehyung down with accusing eyes.
His arm doesn't leave you, though you can feel him stiffen under Jimin intimidating gaze, "I-"
"If you want your dick sucked find some other girl to do it."
Taehyung frowns, "Jimin, I'm not-"
"Taehyung, " You pat his shoulder, gaining the attention of all three boys' in the process, "how about you go get me a drink from the kitchen?"
He looks back and forth between you and Jimin, slightly suspicious before nodding, and heading off to the kitchen.
Jimin scoffs, "The nerve of him."
"I'm going to get some fresh air. Tell him I went to the restroom or something. Also, try to keep from fighting. Like I said earlier-"
"Yeah, yeah, you don't want to ruin Mina's birthday party. Blah, blah, blah."
"Jimin," You glare, "I'm serious."
"Alright, " He groans, rolling his eyes, "I'll stop. Just go before that horny baboon gets back and tries humping your leg."
You roll your eyes but nod never the less. Jungkook whispers another sorry to you as you walk past them towards the apartment door. You only wave him off, not caring enough to bother with his inability to keep a secret. You're too tired and honestly just wish you could go home. You mean, you could go home with the excuse of, "I started feeling sick." Which wouldn't be a complete lie - thanks to Taehyung. You know Mina wouldn't fall for it though.
Luckily, her apartment is on the bottom floor and it doesn't take you long to make your way outside. The warmth from the buildings heater almost seems to melt off you skin in the chilled air. It's only around dinner time, but you suspect the sun has begun to set behind the rain clouds, due to the darkness that has started settling over the city. Your steps are small as you watch your breath puff out into a cold cloud passed your chapped lips. Fiddling with the sucker that still rests in your pocket, you shut your eyes and listen to the downpour that assaults the sidewalk. You hadn't planned on being so weak, so vulnerable. After all these years you'd hoped that maybe you would've grown stronger by now - but you feel weaker than ever.
An exaggerated sigh startles you and you gasp, eyes snapping open.
His back is to you as rain showers down onto the awning above, black shoes resting in a puddle on the curb of the street as he stares at cars zipping by. You've never noticed before, but the rainy weather compliments his skin. You find your eye lingering on the pads of his fingers and blue veins below red knuckles - the perfect contrast of colors.
Really, you know better than to approach him. You know better than to go anywhere near him - but, knowing better doesn't stop you from making your way over to him with a misplaced sense of determination as he reaches into his pocket, nor does it keep you from plopping down next to him as he places the retrieved object between his velvety lips.
He pauses his actions to glance over at you curiously.
You frown at him before reaching up and plucking a purple lighter from his left hand. 
"What are you-"
You shove the lighter into your pocket, exchanging it with your sucker. You know you'll never eat it, might as well put it to good use. You hold it out to him, "You should replace bad habits with healthy habits."
He turns away with a scoff, nibbling on his lower lip - an obvious attempt to keep himself from smiling, "That isn't particularly healthy."
You glance at the sucker, "No, but it's better than what you had before." Nudging the candy into his now empty hand you purse your lips.
Reluctantly, he takes the cigarette away from his mouth and slides it back into its pack, "So, you're talking to me now?"
"No," You stare at him as his long fingers unwrap the yellow sucker and plop it into his mouth.
"Then what do you call this?"
You look away, opting to stare at the wet asphalt and listen to the constant pitter-patter of the rain, "Why were you and Mina fighting?"
Silence falls over the two of you for a moment before he sighs and rolls the stick of the sucker along his tongue, "She wants me here while I need to be elsewhere."
"It's her birthday party."
"Yeah," He snaps, eye sharpening as they flicker over to you, "I told her a month before she planned it what days I'd have work. She did this on purpose."
"Why would she-"
"Because she thinks I'm cheating with my coworker." The words are spat bitterly, the sound of the sucker cracking between the tension of his teeth.
Your lips clamps shut and you look away from him. Why are you getting involved? You're only making things messier for yourself.
"She's not all that wrong, though. I guess I deserve this."
Your head whips back over to him, "W-what? Are you cheating with a coworker?"
He turns to look at you, brows furrowed, "What? No, I-" He pauses then shakes his head, deciding against it and laughs, "Why are you here ____?"
You glance around, "I-Uh-Mina said I had to come and I-"
His head falls forward, "No, why are you here, with me."
@team-work-made-the-dream-work @seokchella @crackhead1-800 @chogiyeol-utopia @thatchampagnebitch @ghoularaki
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youremeimyou · 4 years
The Lesser Gods of Bangtanis(pt.3)
Introduction - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
pairings: Kim Taehyung x reader, Jeon Jungkook x reader, OT7(this fic is about all of the boys’ characters, not just ‘Y/Nxsomeone’ focused) genre: angst, fluff, comedy, adventure.. -fantasy au, medieval au, magic au, royal au word count: 3.9k warnings: psychic episode?(trance-like state)
Description: Princess Y/N, who holds the fate of her people on her shoulders arrives at the kingdom of Bangtanis, that is the home of our mighty heroes. What will the destiny of our heroes be, when she brings along a threat called dark magic and a little bit of love with her?
A/N: Back with pt3 after a long time.. I don’t wanna quit on this fic cuz I really like the story so I’ll try really hard to get motivated for the next parts as well(feedback really helps) Anyways, this part is actually just Y/N and Tae going on a fancy royal date. But of course with a little twist at the end. Enjoy!
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Prince Taehyung arrived at the cottage and saw that there were two horses outside the door. He pet the horses and went in. As soon as he was inside, Y/N and Jungkook -who had obviously been discussing something, sitting closely on the sofa- immediately stopped talking and whipped their heads towards the door.
"You're back!" the princess mused. She didn't know why his return made her feel giddy inside.
"Seems like I'm interrupting." Taehyung replied coldly as he stared at Jungkook, who had already gotten up in order to leave.
"Of course not, my lord. In fact I was just leaving." The younger boy respectfully stated before walking to the door. "Have a good night, my lord. Sleep well, Y/N." And with that he went out, rendering the prince dumbfounded with the way he adressed the princess. That shy village boy just bid her goodnight in a very sincere way.
"So what are the news from the castle?" Y/N went closer to Taehyung and sat on a chair. But he was busy noticing the bread crumbs on the table. "Did you eat with Jungkook?" he asked without looking at her.
"Oh, Guk said his sister prepared something for him. He shared it with me."
"Guk, is it?" The prince was even more bothered than before. Since when were those two such good friends?
"Hm?" Y/N acted like she didn't catch the annoyed tone in his voice.
"Well I hope you enjoyed your little picnic. I'll have this lovely meal by myself, then." He took the food he brought from the castle out of his bag and placed them on plates. Y/N's eyes grew big, it looked delicious. "It's been a long while since we ate, though." she said while staring at the food Taehyung was enjoying. After a while, he pushed some of the plates in front of her, silently offering her to join. She smiled excitedly in return.
"So did you talk to the king? What did he say?" Y/N asked, her voice muffled because of the food.
"Yes. He said he'll announce his final decision tomorrow at the feast."
Y/N gulped down her last bite in shock. "Feast?!" She got up from her seat before continuing. "What feast?" Taehyung knew she'd protest to such an idea.
"The traditional welcoming feast. They're really strict about these things. It's in order to help the people feel as though things are okay, I guess." Taehyung also stood up and started cleaning the table from food crumbs. He was very calm, in contrast to Y/N.
"But things aren't okay! I want to know if-"
"Namjoon hyung is most likely to announce good news, like that he'll send reinforcements." Taehyung added as he organized the chairs around the table back in place.
Y/N's protests stopped immediately and her eyes started sparkling. "Really?"
"Yeah. After our last talk, he seemed to have finally made his mind that he'll help."
Hearing this made Y/N so happy that in a moment of excitement she leaped towards Taehyung, capturing him in a tight hug. He was surprised at first but then he wrapped his arms around her, too. After staying like that for some time, Y/N realized what she was doing and quickly retreated back.
"Sorry, I-" the princess cursed on the inside for blushing over something so simple. "I'm just really glad to hear that." And Taehyung understood her excitement. He too was glad. Almost like it was his own kingdom that would be saved. He gave her a warm smile.
"You have to appear at the feast tomorrow, though. Hyung wants to talk to you."
Even though the idea of a feast at a time like this felt absurd, Y/N knew kingdoms had to maintain traditions at rough times for their people's sake. So she nodded without any more complaints.
"But you can't make an appearance wearing these boy trousers of yours." Taehyung teased. She was wearing the same shirt and pants she wore the day she arrived in the city. Instead of the daily robes the prince had borrowed for her from Duchess Minji.
"Hey, I washed these yesterday. They're clean and presentable." Y/N never really was comfortable wearing dresses in daily life because she'd always be running around, sparring or horse riding.
"But they don't exactly match the dress code for a fancy event, do they?"
The princess rolled her eyes. "I don't have my luggage here-" she was interrupted by Taehyung clearing his throat and pointing at the side of the door where he put her luggage after carrying it here on his way back.
"You brought it.." Everytime he'd act thoughtful like this, it caught Y/N off guard.
"Still, you probably don't have anything fancy in there. So I also brought this." He handed her the fancy gown he bought from the royal tailor. A dark red night dress with delicate embroidery stitched around the neck cleavage. Even Y/N who didn't really like dresses thought it was beautiful. "I think this will fit you perfectly." Taehyung's mouth curved up to form his signiture smirk.
"Whatever, Prince Smug."
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The next day Y/N woke up to find Taehyung already gone. He had left a note on the table that read,
"Be ready before sundown and don't go running off to Jungkook or anything. I'll come pick you up and take you to the castle."
She was planning to spar with Jungkook again, today. But after all the effort the prince seemed to be making for her and her cause, she decided to do as he said.
Sundown came by fast. Y/N had done her best to look her most presentable self but there was no sign of the prince. The princess couldn't wait to talk with King Namjoon, to thank him and discuss details. Her impatience growing every minute, she decided to wait outside. So that when he arrives, she could scold the prince immediately for being late. But.. Then he showed up, running down the forest path on his beautiful, radiant white horse.
He stopped in front of Y/N, wearing a confused look. "Why are you outside?" It took a moment for Y/N to register his words. Nobody could deny the prince's natural attractiveness. But in this graceful formal attire, he was a sight for sore eyes to say the least.
"I- you were-"
"Late, I know. I'm sorry. I was trying to look more presentable." He had to take a quick breath once he took in the way Y/N looked. "But- I would've tried harder if I knew you'd be looking like this."
The princess nervously blinked. Where were her words? Why couldn't she mutter them out? She hoped the darkness of the evening was hiding the slight red of her cheeks.
"I was definetely spot on again with your body measurements." Prince Smug was back with his endless teasing, which brought Y/N out of the daze she was in. "Well, you almost look like an actual prince like this." Taehyung lifted an eyebrow but Y/N added quickly. "I'm pretty sure it's the horse, though."
He rolled his eyes and held out his hand to help her get on the horse. Being always eager to prove her skills, she wouldn't have normally taken his hand. But since tonight was a special occasion, she decided to play the lady role a little better.
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The royal ballroom was bigger than the one at the princess' castle. Decorations for the feast were wonderful and if it wasn't for the chaos that was going on back at her home, she could really enjoy attending this event.
Taehyung stopped her suddenly and pulled her to a corner outside of the hall. "I forgot- if anyone asks, you are a duchess that came with the princess. We should come up with a name, too." He kept listing female names he knew. It was quite a long list.
"I won't remember any of those. My double's name is Yuna. I can use that."
"Okay, Yuna it is. Just stay close to me, no one would be suspicious of someone I brought with me." He said and took Y/N's hand to place it softly on his arm. Then they entered the hall once again but this time the prince seemed even more graceful as they strolled inside.
Everyone expected him to sit beside the king and his advisors as he usually does. But instead, he pulled a seat away from where all the high ranking people were, helped the princess sit down and took the seat next to her for himself. All the attention in the room was focused on the two. Until Jung Hoseok started speaking.
"Thank you all for coming. Despite the unfortunate events that are occuring, we are grateful to have Princess Y/N and her company here with us. Let us all come together and support each other through these hard times."
A round of applause came from the crowd and then the king started talking. "Times are indeed hard for the curse of dark magic has returned." People gasped in terror. "But, it cannot be as strong as it used to be. And we as a kingdom that won't stand for cruelty, shall help our friends in overcoming this threat." Some people were surprised, some were afraid and some seemed to support the idea. But the princess was the happiest of all. Taehyung could see it all over her face.
Meals and drinks were served and there was music in the background. But after a while the music stopped. Only a drum roll could be heard. Y/N saw everyone turning their heads to the door in excitement. Then, the jester made an entrance. A man was throwing knives at him from the other side and he dodged every single one while elegantly dancing and twirling around. The princess was shocked. Was he crazy? One wrong move and he could easily be killed.
When he was done, the crowd gave him a standing ovation. But the jester kept the show going with more amazing moves, magic tricks and dance numbers. Y/N had never seen such an entertainment from a jester before, or from anyone.
The show finished and the jester took a seat next to Taehyung and Y/N after reciving another round of applause. Y/N turned to him. "That was.. How did you do all of those? Your performance was incredable!" Jimin smiled and blushed shyly, as if he didn't just make everyone in the room fall in love with him.
"We thank our jester who never ceases to impress us with new and unbelievable shows." Kim Seokjin said as he gathered the people's attention. "It is time however, for another type of entertainment. Princess Y/N, would you mind joining us for a rather fun tradition of ours?"
Taehyung had to hold Y/N's arm to stop her from getting up after the mention of her name. "Having a double is new for you, isn't it?" He was right. It was kind of hard getting used to it for Y/N. Her double on the other hand got up at once and walked towards the center of the hall. "Of course, it would be an honour." Thank god Yuna was a good actress.
"We usually have representitives of both kingdoms participate in something as an icebreaker and even cultural bonding. I thought you might represent yours and for us it could be.." Seokjin trailed off, searching around the room for a candidate. "Well, a prince would suit best for a princess so it shall be Prince Kim Taehyung."
Taehyung had been selected to put on a quick show like this many times, in many feasts with many princesses. Unsurprised, he went next to Yuna, Y/N’s double. But on the inside he wished he could be doing this with the actual princess, somehow.
“Excellent! As our guest of honour, you should choose what you’ll show the good people here, princess. Would you like to sing? Or dance?” Kim Seokjin asked excitedly while Yuna looked around, unsurely. “You can even throw some knives at him like earlier with the jester if you’d like.” Seokjin joked in a teasing tone and everyone laughed at his suggestion.
“I heard you were an actor, Prince Taehyung. I also love theatre, so.. perhaps a quick scene?”
Taehyung was surprised. Normally most would choose to have a dance with the tall, handsome prince. But it made sense as he thought more about it, since Yuna was already acting, even in that very moment. So he politely nodded and went next to Kim Seokjin who was still standing near his seat.
“Who is that lady standing over there by her lonesome?” he asked Seokjin, clearly in character. And Seokjin -another theatre artist- caught up quickly. “I know not, sir.”
Taehyung started walking slowly towards Yuna again. “Oh, she teaches torches how to burn bright. She stands out against the night. Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear. Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear. Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw true beauty till this night.”
While he said his lines, every women was shooting jealous stares at who they thought was the princess. But Taehyung’s attention was focused on the actual one, who was sitting behind her double. Which had left Y/N baffled. She quickly blamed the little vine she had, convincing herself the eye contact with the prince was an illusion of her mind.
Even Yuna, who happened to be a great actress was left speechless at Taehyung's performance and couldn't come up with a response. So the show ended quickly with the crowd applauding. Yuna and Taehyung went back to their seats after bowing to each other and the feast went on.
"I told you I was an actor, princess. How did you like my performance?" Taehyung asked Y/N in a low voice.
She responded as quietly. "You're lucky you were up there with Yuna. I would've chosen to throw knives." Taehyung faked a dramatic gasp and they both giggled. "Tell me Prince Romantic, which one of these lovely duchesses have you borrowed this dress from? I thought I'd be able to tell from the way she'd look at me but more than just one are sending me death stares." Y/N asked as she searched the hall with her eyes.
"I didn't borrow it. I had seen this dress in the royal tailor's chambers, once. He never sold it to any of the duchesses, claiming that it was a speacial piece of art."
"How did you get your hands on it, then?"
"I convinced him that this piece of art would be worn by someone no less than art, herself."
Y/N wasn't expecting such a compliment and therefore she was once more baffled and very much embarresed at her blushing cheeks. She wanted to not be speechless at his words but her mind couldn't come up with anything. Thankfully, King Namjoon interrupted.
“I don’t think I’ve met this fair lady you’re accompanying tonight, Taehyung?”
“Oh, my lord I’m sorry. This is Duchess Yuna who came with Princess Y/N.” the two played along, making sure people nearby would hear and not get suspicious. Then the king took a seat next to Y/N and began talking in a low voice. “My lady, I’m sorry for the inconvinience. You hide yourself while this whole feast was organized primarely for you.” The king seemed somehow intimidating to Y/N at first but now she could see the kind side of him.
“It’s alright, really. I’m just glad to have the chance to talk to you, my lord.”
“As I’ve said earlier, we are willing to help you. But I need to prepare my men before sending them out to fight the creatures of the night. They might be the best warriors in the realm but even they don’t know the terrors of dark magic.”
“Of course, I agree. And I have to add that I’m very thankful for your support.”
The king sincerely smiled and continued. “I’m still not sure if my reinforcements will be enough. What about your army?”
“They’re all locked in the dungeons. At least.. they were when I left.” The princess could feel sorrow bulding up inside her again at the thought of leaving. But there was no other choice. “If we can free them, they’ll be ready to fight.” And of course, if they’re not dead.
“I don’t think creatures of the night would kill them. Instead they’d want to use them to enhance their army. So, they’d be trying to break them.” The king said as if he read Y/N’s mind. But Y/N knew her people were strong minded. She could feel that there was still hope. “I know they’ll hold on until their last breath.” She said confidently.
“Then, we shall free them once we’re there.”
After discussing all of the details the king went back to his throne and a short while later, the feast came to an end. People one by one started to leave.
“I think we should also be heading back.” Taehyung whispered in Y/N’s ear. She nodded but before they could leave, Min Yoongi showed up, requesting to talk to the princess. Taehyung could tell he wanted to speak only with her so he went to find Jimin, leaving them alone.
“I hope the cottage is alright for you, princess. I know it’s not much but-”
“No! It’s more then enough Lord Yoongi. Thank you for allowing me to stay there.” Y/N really didn’t care for comfort in her situation. She was in fact glad to be out of sight.
“Listen, princess. I know the king has decided to send our men to help your kingdom. I want you to know I was against it.”
This came as a shock to Y/N.
“Not because I’m unsympathetic, but because I have exprience when it comes to dark magic.” His face became gloomy and his voice almost trembled as he spoke. “But the king would never go back on his word. We’ll face nightmares beyond your worst imaginations in order to save your land. So, I need to know if you're strong enough to make hard choices.”
What did he mean by that? Y/N couldn’t understand. But she knew one thing. “I don’t know what I’ll face but I assure you, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to save the people I love and care about. I hope that's a good enough answer for you.”
Min Yoongi nodded after staring her in the eyes for a while and left. Just as he was going, Taehyung came back with Jimin beside him. “Are you ready to go?”
Taehyung noticed the confusion on her face but decided to ask her about it when they get to the cottage, where they could speak freely. It was silent as him, Y/N and Jimin walked out of ballroom and into the hallway. Unable to bare the tension, Jimin decided to crack a couple of stupid jokes and comments about the night. Which eventually had Taehyung cackling and even the confused princess smiling. But then something happened.
Jimin suddenly collapsed to the ground. He was shaking and unconscious. There was no response as Taehyung and Y/N called out his name time after time, panic taking over them. His eyeballs had gone completely white and his pupils were gone. While Taehyung helplessly called for the guards, Jimin finally came out of it. Eyes going back to normal and his consciousness returning.
“Jimin! Are you alright? What happened? What-”
Y/N stopped Taehyung from yelling loudly. “Let’s just get him to the physician.”
With the guards’ help they carried him to the physician’s chambers quickly. After examining him carefully he shook his head from side to side in confusion. “There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with him. Not physically, at least.”
“Are you absolutely sure, physician?” Taehyung’s tone was deadly serious. Not that it wasn’t obvious before but the extreme concern on his features showed Y/N clearly how much he really cared for his best friend.
“Yes, my lord. As always, he’s very healthy.”
Jimin tried to stand up but Taehyung stopped him from moving. “Not so fast, jester.”
“Taehyung you heard the phys-”
“I saw you back there and you were not alright, Jimin.”
Jimin gave up with a sigh. “Okay, I’ll tell you what’s going on. But we have to get out of here first.”
They got out of the room and went to Jimin’s chambers, all the while the prince cautiously watched the jester. They sat Jimin down and he started explaining.
“This isn’t the first time. I thought they were just nightmares but now-” he stopped himself. But Taehyung was impatient. “What? What do you see?” he asked.
Jimin hesitantly answered. “It’s always the same thing. You on your knees. And a blade run through your chest.” Neither Taehyung nor Y/N was expecting that.
“And there’s a man in front of you, looking down at you. It feels like I know him in the dream. But I can’t make him out when I wake up.”
Both Y/N and Taehyung were looking at him in complete shock and utter confusion. Jimin faked a smile. “It’s just a recurring dream, guys-”
“A dream you suddenly start to have going in a trance when a moment ago you were wide awake?” Y/N cut him off. “Jimin, you’re having visions.”
He laughed in disbelief. “I’m not an oracle, princess.”
“But you do have magic. I could tell from the moment I met you. You’re always subtle but I’ve spent time with many wizards, it didn’t escape my attention.”
“Oh, come on. Do you deny always being able to tell when people lie? And you can tell exactly what people are thinking just by looking at them, can’t you? You’re a reader. It’s rare even amongst wizards but it’s obvious that’s what you are!”
It was silent for a moment. Y/N guessed Taehyung was trying to process all that new information.
“I always follow your hunches and you never turn out to be wrong. Thinking back to all of those moments, there literally isn’t a single time you weren’t right!” It looked like Taehyung was having a moment of clarity. But then he frowned. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“I never thought it was magic, I swear! I always thought I had strong senses. That’s probably all there is to it anyway-”
“That morning you brought me and Y/N breakfast, you just came storming in. But I know for a fact that I locked the door the night before.”
And Jimin’s moment of clarity hit him right then. “I know. It was locked. I just wished it wouldn’t be and.. it wasn’t anymore.” he admitted. Both to them and to himself.
“And these visions are proof that your skill are improving-” Y/N tried to explain more but Jimin snapped at her. “No! They can’t be visions of the future that would mean that Taehyung-” he lowered his volume before continuing. “that he’s going to get fatally wounded.”
As if they didn’t have enough troubles at hand everything had gotten ten times more complicated. Taehyung made them promise not to speak of this anywhere for the time being, in order to protect Jimin’s identity as an unregistered wizard. And they all swore to trying to figure all of this out together as a team.
A/N: Soo yeah.. things are probably about to go downhill from now on. Though idk when it'll come out, pt4 is in my plans if anyone follows the series. The theatre piece is from Romeo and Juliet(with a few adjustments of mine to make it fit the story) because no way could I write an actual improv, way out of my league. Thank you if you read my thing and hope you enjoyed it :) pls stay at home, wash your hands and take good care of yourself.
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 14
Warning: cussing, slight mention of the death of an asshole ex
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The sisters all went to get some rest after the long night, but Beetlejuice had other plans. He had so much built up energy that he terrorized the neighborhood 'till the late morning, then teleported back to the house, still wiping his happy-teary eyes.
He appeared in a green puff of smoke right behind Rei, who was clearly cooking something in the kitchen. Even though she dressed up properly in highwaisted denim shorts and a kawaii pastelpink tank top, and did her makeup, her baggy eyes showed that she haven't slept a minute. He peaked over her shoulder.
- HI THERE! - he shouted, which made Rei drop the ladle she was holding, spilling batter all over the counter.
- JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST!!! - she widened her eyes, held her chest and breathed out. - Crap dude, you scared the living shit outta me. - Beej flashed a wide smile at Rei while doing a little fist pump and hopped on the counter's clean part.
- What can I say, I'm a demon, get used to being jumpscared, doll. - he said with a theatrical shrug. Rei rolled her eyes, grabbed a dish towel and wiped off the counter. Beetlejuice watched excitedly as she opened up the waffle maker, slided the cooked waffles out onto a plate, then after yawning, loaded it back up. Beej tilted his head sideways. - I wouldn't mind if you'd throw one of those yummylooking thingies in my way, sugar.
Rei fixed her glasses and raised an eyebrow at BJ.
- Aren't ya... You know... Kind of undead? - the demon pulled one side of his upper lip up.
- Yeah, so?
- So you wouldn't have to eat? - Beej threw his head back and groaned.
- I don't HAVE to, but I LOVE to. - he looked back at Rei and shrugged with his hands held up. - I dunno, it makes me feel... - he sighed with a smile. - ...alive.
For a couple of minutes, Beetlejuice just watched as Rei made breakfast. He was pulled out of daydreaming by the sound of hissing. Sofía came into the kitchen, holding Minerva in her arms. The cat hissed and groaned at Beej, who, as a response, just put his stripey snakelike tongue out. He looked at Sofía who still seemed to be furious. He started to dangle his feet and flashed the cutest smile he could.
- Sofía, sugarpuffs, may I say you look absolutely stunning on this fine morning of...
- Cut it, demon. - she said with dead eyes. The smile on BJ's face froze off. - You'll achieve nothing with flattery. - she set the cat down on the floor, then got back up and pointed at the demon. - Plus. I don't like you. - Beej put his hands on his hips.
- Well then go and fuck yourself!
Sofía rolled her eyes and went to the refrigerator. Minerva sat down before Beetlejuice on the floor, watching him with hauntingly thin pupils and perked up ears. But at least she didn't hiss anymore. Rei looked at her sister's way.
- Hey I'm pretty thirsty, would ya, Miss Grumpy, check if we have any orange juice left? - Sof reached into the fridge, got the bottle out, shaked it, removed the cap, and drank every last drop of orange juice. After this, she put the bottle down and flashed a meaningful look at Rei.
- No, we’re all out.
- I have a lot of questions, first of all, how dare you? - Sofía didn't answer, just grabbed a yogurt out of the fridge and exited the kitchen. Beej looked after her with puckered up lips, then looked at Rei questionably.
- Is she always this abominable? - Rei shrugged.
- She's just pissed at the three of us now so no, not always... But a lot of times. You're gonna get used to it though.
Beetlejuice laid back, put his hands under his head and floated next to Rei.
- I'm getting bored, so be a doll and tell me, where's my favourite little baby rook? I wanna tell her how my daily hauntings went, she's gonna LOVE it. - Rei pointed to the back door without looking up from the waffles.
- Outside, in the conservatory. Since we couldn't sleep, we fixed the glass panel Matthias broke. Now she's talking with her mom on the phone. - Beetlejuice started to float towards the door but Rei grabbed his jacket. - Stopstopstop, bring her this. And make sure she eats it. - and handed him a plate full of waffles, and a bottle of Nutella.
- What, why? - Rei sighed, put down the Nutella on the middle counter and pulled her hair back.
- Look, Beetlejuice, that's your name, right? - the demon nodded with enthusiasm. It was SO NICE hearing his name from a breather's mouth, not his own. - Okay so, Beetlejuice, just so you know, Ari has a very bad habit. When she's feeling down, she just won't eat. And that makes her hangry. And that makes her insufferable. And you don't want that. - she shook her head. - You NEVER want that. But comfort food always makes her want to eat, so... - she raised her arms and shrugged. - Here I am! Being a best sister/bestie, making her fuckin comfort food for breakfast. - Beetlejuice put his legs on the ground and grabbed the plate out of Rei's hand.
- Okay, I'll bring it to her... - he snickered and reached for the Nutella. - ...you slavemaster you. - he headed out but in the archway, he turned back and looked at Rei with a light smile. His green hair turned glowy a bit and his tips got a shy white shade. - Hey Rei? - the girl stepped back from the waffle maker and looked at him. Beej pulled his shoulders up and bit his lower lip. - Thanks for letting me stay.
Rei smiled widely and looked at the ground, blushing.
- Well, am I a hero? Really can't say, but... yes. - BJ laughed then blew raspberries. Rei gestured with her hand in the winter garden's direction. - Besides, Ari doesn't make friends easily, and it was nice to see that there's someone who gets her and genuinely laughs with her... Even though they're not a human. - BJ was still smiling, biting down on his lower lips. And were those slight pinkish streaks? - So I didn't have a choice, really. But yeah, you're welcome. - she went back to making waffles but quickly stepped back to face the demon. - By the way, she will totally act like she's alright but, let's face it, she's a mess. - A hot mess, thought Beetlejuice. - So be a nice emotional support demon boy please. - BJ's smile turned into a frown.
- What? Most of the time I even suck at being a proper demon... and now you want me to be a nice demon? - Rei snapped with her tongue.
- Did I stutter? Be brave enough to suck at something new. - she made a shooing gesture. - Now shoo before the waffles get cold.
When Beej arrived at the conservatory, happily floating while munching on a bug he catched earlier, Ari was sitting on the stairs, facing the inside of the garden with a sleeping Sirius in her lap. She had a red dropped-shouldered top on, which had the image of a running cherry bomb on it. She also wore comfy black knee-high trousers and fluffy red slippers with devilhorns on it. She was having a call.
- Ay no me digas! - she exclaimed with a huge hand gesture. She sounded so enthusiastic. - Is that true? Ahhh I can't wait to see mis primos favoritos! I miss those little rascals so much already! - Beetlejuice stepped behind Ari, leaned closer to her ear and whispered in the raspiest voice he could produce:
- BOO. - Ari turned around with a smile to face the demon, and scruffed his hair. Beetlejuice's hair's tips turned into a light pink shade. Ari pulled it a bit towards herself to see it better but Beetlejuice snapped his teeth towards her hand. She let out a tiny laugh.
- Sorry Mom, I gotta go now. A friend came over. - she stopped for a second, listening to the answer while smiling. Beetlejuice crouched down to her level. Sirius stood up, sniffed around the demon and wrinkled up his nose. Beej petted his head. The dog lifted his head up, licked his hand, then turned around and headed towards his dogbed to sleep a bit more. Ari wrapped a lock of her hair on her index finger. - Yeah. - she all of a sudden shook her head. - No mamá! NO?! - she faceplamed herself, then made the impression of peeling her face off. Beetlejuice let out a loud laugh. - Yepp he's weird like me. - she laughed and held her phone away from her face. She gazed at the demon with a sarcastic look on her face. - My mom asks if you're handsome or not. - she held the phone closer to Beej and did the hand gesture of talking.
- I'm devilishly handsome, Miss Rodríguez. - Ari gasped. She mouthed "Did ya remember my family name?" to which Beej nodded happily. Ari put the phone back to her ear. Her mom said something that made her roll her eyes. Hard.
- Okay that's WAY too much Mamá I'M HANGING UUUUPPP. - she sighed. - Sí, sí, sí. Give abuelita mi besos y bendiciones, okay? I love ya. - she sent kisses. - Bye, bye, BYYYEEE. - she put her phone away. Then with glistening eyes, looked at her demon buddy. - How was your dawn of haunting? - she cupped his face in her hands which made him kind of melt. At least his eyes looked like that. - TELL. ME. EVERYTHING.
- The. BEST. - he took a deep breath (even though he didn't need to) as Ari released his cheeks and planted the biggest smile on his face. - You know the house down the road? With the pretty pond and shit? - Ari nodded as her eyes started to wander around BJ's figure. - Well, a couple lives there with their kids and...
- OH MY GOD MILLENNIUM FALCON WAFFLES!!! - interrupted Ari and snatched the plate out of the demon's hand. Beetlejuice blinked fast with annoyance in his golden eyes.
- I thought interrupting was my thing. - the girl rived the Nutella from Beetlejuice's hand. He gasped and held his chest in a theatrical way. - Wow. Ya rude.
- Shut up Beej and tell me what you did to those poor kids. - the demon lifted one of his eyebrows with a cheeky halfsmile. Ari gasped and held his mouth. - Shit can I call ya that? - she definitely started to panic based on the stuttering. - I'm sorry it just came out, it's okay if you don't like it, I mean if you don't like nicknames I understand just...
Beej interrupted her with a gurgling laugh which made his head fall back. His vertebrae were cracking like an old door. He held Ari's shoulder with one hand and squeezed her cheeks together with the other. He locked his gaze in the girl's.
- If I don't like something, I'll ring a bell. - he pulled the girl closer to him by her cheeks. He lowered his voice, tilted his head a bit, pulled a smirk and some hooded eye action. His face was only a few centimeters away from Ari's. - But I'd like the best if you'd call me... Daddy. - Did... Did she just stare at my lips?
- You wish. - she said in a cooky tone. BJ laughed and let her go.
During the next hour or so, Beetlejuice and Ari talked and laughed their asses off while the demon was floating around. Beej showed Ari what he did last night, for example how he took off his head and rolled it under one of the kids' bed. Or how he hid in the wardrobe of the other child, then when he was falling asleep, he pulled his lower jaw down and let his tongue wander out of the closet, making him scream out in a half-asleep delirium. Ari tried so hard not to think about the kinky uses of a tongue like that... But she failed so miserably. She turned red as a tomato. She stood up and went to one of her cupboards of herbs to distract Beej from her face. He quickly stood up as well and stepped behind her. He was still talking while Ari was looking around in the cupboard, searching for her herb-book. Gods he sounded so happy. Ari glanced sideways with a smile. The demon's golden eyes were full of life, of freed up energy and...
- WAIT, you wear eyeliner?! - asked Ari, interrupting BJ in discussing whether he should scare the old couple living down the road just a little, or whether he should scare them to death. He crossed his arms before his chest and his smile quickly turned sour.
- Well, I like it. - he sounded defensive all of a sudden. Like he got bullied because of this before, thought Ari. - I know it's a bit wobbly but I LIKE IT and that's...
- Bug, eyeliner makes every guy hot AF. - stated Ari, making BJ surprised. He shook his head in disbelief, which made Ari giggle. - Yeah it's wobbly a bit but it looks awesome anyways! - she put the herbs down and stepped closer to Beej. He almost stepped back but Ari held him by his suspenders and pulled him closer. Her eyes twinkled as she took stock of BJ's makeup. - I think slightly metallic purple or dark green would suit your face. - Beej had the biggest, horniest smile spread out on his face.
- So basically what you're saying is that you think I'm sexy? - Ari let go of the demon's suspenders go and shaked her blushing off with a laugh. Beetlejuice blew raspberries at her since he didn't get an answer.
Ari got back to dealing with her herbs. She took a big cleaver and a chopping board out of the cupboard. Beej stepped behind her and put his head on her shoulder.
- Whatchya doin'? - Ari shrugged.
- Boring mortal stuff. - BJ clicked his tongue and rolled his golden eyes.
- Come on now, I'm not usually interested in boring mortal stuff, but this involves a cleaver so it can't be THAT boring. - Ari looked sideways, spotting BJ's puppy eyes. She snorted. Beej pouted his lower lip. - Pleeeeeaaase.
Ari smiled lightly. Nearly nobody was interested in her home remedies, not counting her family from her mother's side and her sisters, of course. So hearing someone new genuinely being interested in what she was working on, made her feel warm and appreciated. She lifted up the big, leather covered black book, which had pretty golden cornflowers painted on the cover. It had a ton of bookmarks and notes sticking out of it; some were stained, time made some yellow, some were colorful and bright and fairly new.
- I haven't slept, only 2 hours since yesterday and my body can't function with that much. But, you see, my mind is still hectic, which keeps me up, but I NEED to sleep to work properly. - Beej nodded. - So I'm making myself a nice pot of sedative, nightmare-repelling tea. - the demon nodded again. Ari's eyes wandered around his hair: now it had a fairly light green shade, with light pink and yellow tips. What do these colors mean?!
- And what do you need that for? - he pointed at the book Ari was still holding. She opened it up and started to turn the pages over.
- It's my family's herb book. It's easier to work from a recipe, I don't mess up anything like this. - she flipped a page and touched the next one. It had an extruded purple flower glued to the page. - Only a couple pages survived from the original book, but I can proudly say that some of our recipes date back to the 17th century, some are even older. - she sighed. - What I'd give to own the original copy... - she lifted the book up and hugged it. - It's nice to use the knowledge of my ancestors, it's like holding their hands. - her face turned foggy for a bit. - Even after what happened to them.
- What happened? - asked Beetlejuice while looking at the book.
- The Inquisition. Back in the 1600's in Cataluña, many of my family members were burnt at the stakes. They were thought to be witches, bringer of sickness and bad harvest. - she snorted. Loathing was audible while she talked. Beej pinched her cheek and flashed a toothy grin.
- So, you follow their path! - Ari let out a weird laugh, turned around, still holding the book, and leaned against the cupboard, smiling at the demon's slight remark. She flipped through some pages then pointed at a coffee-stained recipe.
- THAT'S IT! That's what I was looking for. - she pulled her hair back and smiled nostalgically. - Anise hyssop for defeating fear, bergamot for a good night's sleep, buckwheat because of high vitamin and mineral content, californian poppy for my anxiety, sage for basically everything, granadilla flower for calming nervousness and against bad dreams, chamomile and lavender for flavour and chillsies. - she hugged the book once again and breathed in heavily, with a smile on her face. - It's gonna be so good with honey. - Beej leaned against the cupboard as well and scratched his stubble.
- Just... Leave the sage out. - Ari raised an eyebrow.
- Why?
Beetlejuice let out a loud, aversive sigh and looked sideways at Ari while pushing his hair back.
- I bet ya know they say it repels demons. - Ari nodded slowly, disbelief in her eyes. - Yeah, shit works.
Beej made a face so disgusted it made Ari burst out with laughter. He put his palm on the top of her head and pushed her away. She elbowed his side in return.
- Okay, okay, then sage stays out of the mixture. - she said, still smiling like an idiot, and pointed at the other cupboard. - Wanna help me find my dried herbs? - Beej shrugged with a sarcastic face.
- Yeah, sure, ask the dyslexic demon to look for labeled magic herbs.
While Beej was searching through Ari's a hundred and twenty frickin tiny glass vials, for a slight second Ari checked her demon buddy out from the corner of her eye. She flashed an evil smile as a devilish thought planted itself into her mind.
- Hey, Beej, can I ask ya something? - Beetlejuice looked out from behind the other cabinet.
- Sure. - Ari's smile turned even more maleficent. Beetlejuice exactly knew what that naughty smile meant. Shit, he made that face at least a thousand times a day.
- Aren't you a little short to be a demon? - Beej gasped, held his chest, then when Ari started laughing at him sticking his stripey tongue out like a snake, he said in the most angelic tone he could produce:
- Says the oversized toddler! - Ari opened up her arms, mimicking something huge.
- But aren't you supposed to be a big, flaming entity? - Beej stepped before Ari with a similar smile on his face then lifted her up by her armpits... which she seemingly hated, based on the angry pre-schooler impression on her face. Although, the thought of "shit, he's strong... WAIT, NO, THAT'S NOT HOT, FUCK, BRAIN, NO... Okay act angry that should solve ya problem... You hoe." passed her mind.
- Aren't you supposed to be with your parents, my sweet, tiny, chubby cheeky child? - while talking, Beej summoned 2 more arms, pinched the girl's cheeks with them and did smooching sounds.
- Imma so punch you in the throat. - said Ari with the maddest tone she could. Beej raised an eyebrow and changed to a crooked, husky, even kind of horny tone.
- You had your chance when I kissed ya, but ya didn't. - Ari smirked.
- You call that a kiss?
Beetlejuice dropped Ari. He turned around, all 4 hands in the air, looking so irritated that even the tips of his hair turned into a slight reddish shade.
- EXCUSE ME?! - he pointed at Ari, who was still sitting on the ground, stroking her hurt bottom. - NO, EXCUSE YOU! HOW DARE YOU?!?!? - he popped his tongue, then went to the plate of waffles smothered in Nutella. - You know what? - he pointed at the girl again with one hand, put 2 on his hips, and grabbed a waffle with the fourth. - No more waffles for you. - he said as he bit into the Millennium Falcon. As he swallowed the bite, his eyes got wide and his additional 2 hands disappeared. An expression of wander and astonishment found its way to his face. - OHMYGOD THIS IS HEAVENLY!!! - he said in an amazed tone, then quickly changed back to his normal. I'm a badass demon, I shouldn't show emotions. - Ironically. - he stack his index finger into the bottle full of chocolatey nougaty hazelnut cream. - What is this shit?
Ari looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a weird little smile, not understanding her buddy's fuss about the delicacy. She shrugged.
- Nutella... Never heard of it? - Beej rolled his eyes and grunted.
- Babe, this house was uninhabited for at least 25 years. And the last people who lived here were between 90 and coffin-break years old. And that was in the late 80's. - he licked the paste off his finger and changed to a more seductive tone. - Lower your expectations about me. I might look young and devilishly handsome but I'm so new to these modern shits. - Ari rolled her eyes and stood up. Horny bastard.
- Okay, grandpa. - Beej stack his tongue out but Ari just pushed him in a childish way. - Gimme a bite too, I'm still starving. - she said as she reached for the plate Beej was now holding.
She took a bite out of a waffle, then put it back and started chopping up her dried herbs. She was almost done with the chopping and the piece of Millennium Falcon when she noticed that BJ was literally staring at her face with a cheeky halfsmile. His eyes were wandering around her lips.
- What are ya lookin' at? - she asked abruptly. Beej shrugged a bit and pointed at her canines as she took a last bite from the waffle.
- I like the teeth. - Ari smiled widely. She put down the cleaver and tapped her teeth with her long, black, spiderwebbed nail on her pointing finger.
- Thanks, they're fake porcelain caps. - she pointed at Beej's smile. - I like your double canines too! They look so badass. - Beej's hair turned into a weird mixture of light pink, shy white and bright green. He started to play with his fingers and looked down at his shoes. He bit his lower lip with a flattered smile. Ari leaned closer. - Am I crazy, or just like your hair and your eyes, those can change too? - Beej lifted his head up and pulled his hair back. He scratched his scrag as his teeth changed into a bear trap-esque, sharklike weirdness. Ari jumped back and screamed while covering her mouth in excitement. - OHMYGOD THAT'S SO HARDCORE! - she stepped back to Beej and tapped his teeth. - WOOOOOWZAH! - she grabbed the demon's shoulders and shaked him a bit. - You are the most awesome person I've ever seen. - she stepped back and crossed her heart with her nail. - Swear on my black gooey heart.
Beej changed his teeth back into "normal", but he was still scratching his scruff and was looking down. He was obviously taken aback. It looked liked he had never been genuinely complimented before.
- Well... Thanks... - he stuttered as he turned more pink. Ari looked at the ground too, blushing and smiling shyly as she said the next words:
- You know, I'm glad we winded up at your haunted house. If you wouldn't have been here, all three of us would be dead by now. Nobody else would have been able to stop my crazy ex. So... Yeah. - she sighed and bent down to peak at Beej's eyes. They found each other easily. They both smiled with bitten lips. - Thanks for killing him. - Beej cleared his throat to quickly regain his composure. He put his hands in his pockets.
- Ey, I got you. You know I do. That's what undead best friends are for.
After a couple minutes of awkward silence, Ari grabbed her chopped up herbs and pointed at the kitchen with her other hand.
- I'll boil these up quickly. Wanna watch The Nightmare Before Christmas in my room while I dose off to sleep? - Beetlejuice's eyes lit up as he nodded.
- Sure... Let me grab my snack. - he snapped and with that, the Nutella appeared in his hand. His devilish smile didn't tell nothing good about his intentions. Ari laughed lightly and reached for the bottle.
- Hey, come on, that's my Nutella! Give it back! - as soon as she almost reached the bottle, Beetlejuice started to float with a laugh, just out of Ari's reach. - HEY COME ON, THAT'S CHEATING!!! - she jumped up but Beej floated higher. - GIVE MY STUFF BACK!!! - Beej layed on his back while floating out of the winter garden, eating the paste with his fingers.
- If you don't pay your bio-exorcist, you will get repossessed! - Ari jumped after him one more time, then stomped angrily.
- This fuckin' demon, I swear to Ra... - she looked at her puppy, who was looking after the floating demon. - Hey, Sirius! - he peaked his ears up. - CATCH!
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truthisgoldenau · 4 years
for a moment there I accidentally had Pierce's photo under Marian's name oop
Time to officially confirm some AU canon LGBT stuff! Each character is their own pride flag but I'll add in other stuff that's canon in universe plus some bonus stuff at the bottom.
First up is Freddy Fazbear Jr! Gay all the way.
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He's definitely the "move I'm gay" type
Was honestly super freaked out to tell his dad but went with the bold approach of bringing home his first boyfriend and blatantly announcing their relationship as such as a challenge and was honestly surprised his dad wasn't bothered by it
He was around 13 at the time and so the twins and Fred were still in touch with Maddie's parents and brother. All three were incredibly supportive (and still would be)
He absolutely had a crush on Bonnie Burnette even though he had never talked to him. Since the twins and Bonnie went to the same high school he knew of Bonnie, thought he was a dreamboat, but because Bonnie was somehow in with the popular kids (it was the money 100%) Freddy didn't even bother
Frankie Fazbear! My ace son! (The ears are wrong blame the app lol)
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Honestly doesn't even know he's ace until much later
He's had crushes before but he's never been in a relationship (part of it is the attempt to communicate since he's mute sort of stops him)
He wasn't even sure it was worth mentioning to his dad so Fred never knew
This boy can hold so much love in his heart but he's not a very physical person that's all
Fred Fazbear Sr! YES. HE'S BI.
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Only Maddie even knew he was bi. That he knew of. Some people probably figured it out with his over the top always on personality.
Fred was constantly sure that Pierce picked up on it particularly after the Christmas mistletoe fiasco but if Pierce gave a shit he never said anything.
Frankly it was amazing that more people didn't pick up on it. He was over the top about everything until a point.
While he didn't overreact to his son very blatantly announcing he had a boyfriend, he was very proud of him. It was a very Fazbear family way to come out. Even though he got so distant, he was always proud of his boys.
Bonnie Burnette! Also bi!
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Being constantly surrounded by the popular crowd and always being the sort of stand out with purple hair and stupid purple bunny ears didn't do much to make Bonnie feel like he could even tell anyone he was bi.
Really the only reason he was even in the popular crowd was he was rich.
It made him less of a target for bullies at least cause the jocks wouldn't stand for anyone messing with him.
Knew Frankie from math class and honestly wished he could have talked to the quiet kid with bear ears as an alternative to the entirety of the popular group
Sort of in the background of the AU story very quietly develops a crush on Freddy and then thinks "oh God I like the troublemaker NO"
Chandler Cicily! Lesbian!
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Would absolutely describe her sexuality as "girls"
She's starting to discover it during the AU (even if it's not a topic that comes up but that's why there's this post about stuff lmao).
She's the baby of the group since she's 16 when the story starts and relationships aren't important to her yet
But the crew still support her when later she's like "maybe I just wanna bake things for a cute girl and let her put flowers in my hair is that too much to ask" (Marian always chimes in with "mood")
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Marian Mengele! An absolute bi icon!
Listen, her one goal in life may be to find her lost childhood friend, but that doesn't mean she's solely interested in this one Irish redhead
That said she's definitely only dated redheads
She's not afraid to be open about her orientation. It doesn't bother her. She's seen as weird already what can it hurt.
That said she falls for Finn so goddamn fast when she finds him that she questions herself and then is like "no wait I'm definitely not straight"
She's very upfront with Finn about it. There's no reason to hide this from him (or anyone) and if they're a thing she wants him to know.
Finn being the wonderful human being still loves her and it doesn't bother him. Why should it? He's just happy to be with someone who loves him.
Chetana might be Chandler's fake big sister but Marian is like fake mama when it comes to Chandler finally coming out.
God bless Finn for being the kind of person to sit and let Marian braid his hair with flowers because that's one of Marian's favorite things to do when her partner has longer hair and Finn's never really bothered with keeping his hair short THESE TWO ARE ICONIC I love them
Pierce Graves! A shitty pansexual icon
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First off he absolutely knew that Fred wasn't 100% straight he had no idea how it wasn't immediately obvious to everyone
That said Pierce literally did not give a shit who knew about his sexuality
As shitty as his whole personality was he could turn on the charm easily
His parents definitely knew but he was already a punk ass rebellious teen at the time so they have him the "be careful, don't get anyone pregnant" talk and worried from afar. If it bothered them, Pierce never knew because they made sure that he could still count on them (even though at the time Pierce didn't really talk to them much about anything)
Fred absolutely knew though I mean they were good friends
He's not a romantic. He's never really had a meaningful relationship because he's not that type of person. To be honest, there's a piece of him that saw relationships that worked and wondered how that would feel but he knew that wasn't for him. He figured that out way early on when he asked his granddad why he didn't have a grandma and Mortimer Graves didn't sugarcoat the answer. "She wasn't happy with me. I gave her the choice. She could stay and be miserable with my lack of a decent personality even though I was already struggling to not be such an ass or she could go and find someone who actually made her happy. She chose happiness, and while it sucks that she drifted out of my life and your dad's, she's better off."
Pierce could frankly always tell that he was more like his granddad and as much as he sometimes wanted to know if he could even out up with a meaningful relationship, he avoided it. Better to not hurt anyone and wonder than to become the catalyst for someone else to overcome, right?
Fritz Smith! Gay!
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The shy bumbling mechanic of the early 90s Freddy's ? Gay? It's more likely than you think
He was still far in the closet in the 90s He was young, living at home still because he had just gotten out of school, and while his parents weren't super conservative, he also didn't know how they'd take it
Found a friend in the day guard Mike Schmidt early on. Mike was looking for a roommate since his last one had moved out and Fritz jumped at the chance
They are like totally boyfriends by the time they cameo in the story though
Mike Schmidt! Another gay icon!
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Mostly invited Fritz to live at his apartment because he felt bad that this poor shy mechanic was getting constantly harangued about the animatronics having problems
Was glad to let Fritz complain about it and even cry it was very stressful but Fritz needed the money
Mike liked him. It would be hard not to really. Fritz was a sweetheart.
Mike didn't ask him out till much later though he wasn't quite sure that Fritz was gay and didn't want to ruin their friendship.
Luckily it didn't and as it turns out they worked well in a relationship.
Fritz's parents had to take some time to get used to it when finally Fritz got the nerve to tell them but as soon as they did there was no end of support from them
Mike's parents were the opposite which was mainly why he already lived by himself but oh well he got a cute boyfriend and cool parents-in-law later it was kind of a win
Daniel Hartford-Dunn! Gay!
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Presenting Maddie's older brother!
outside universe fact, he's loosely based in my actual cousin who lives in California with his husband.
He's 7 years older than Maddie was. Despite that, they were still close. Maddie's parents wanted more kids but struggled to get the two they had.
He's an accountant for a corporation and his boyfriend (and later his husband) is a pilot.
Last time he saw his nephews in person was at Maddie's funeral. He misses them terribly but over the years less and less contact came from his brother in law
Sometime in 2006 though he ends up getting a call from his nephews and there's this great reunion.
He's just. This chill older guy. Who loves his family. And doesn't care what people think.
Since I can't put anymore photos, here's the bonus content!
-as mentioned last night Dr. Phillip Guy is on the ace spectrum. I don't have anymore details about that at the moment unfortunately.
-Charlie Emily is a lesbian. The Emily twins were born in 1980. They haven't appeared in the AU yet even as cameos but they exist. Considering in AU canon the Emily family is alive and well in Hurricane, Utah without an Afton to be found, Charlie's dating her childhood friend Jessica at around the time the AU events are happening.
-Sammy Emily is trans and bi. Both Henry and his wife (who I know I at one point named but don't remember what it is anymore) love their two daughters to pieces.
That said I'll make a post at a later point introducing the Emily family because so far I've only officially given the design for Henry and not the rest.
In line with canon, Spring Bonnie/Springtrap can be counted as gay.
While Fred kept the shows at the diner pretty simple and straightforward, there was definitely this subtle underlying idea that Spring Bonnie and Fredbear were a content gay couple although if asked it was easy to present them as friends. At least, that was during '81-'82
Fred also had Henry help him program in a special one time only song called Springtime for his and Maddie's anniversary in 1983, which was of course a love song. Fred always thought of that as being mostly for his wife, and partially as a turning point thematically for the two characters.
Henry was on board with this. They still kept it subtle, but there were clear moments where it was pretty much certain that the only way to interpret Spring Bonnie and Fredbear was as a couple. It was either so subtle that no one was bothered or Spring Bonnie's chosen voice was so ambiguously non-binary that no one thought it was odd.
Fred had plans for it to become more "canon" but never got to implement them since Spring Bonnie got damaged before he could.
Springtrap, being sentient and able to later interpret his emotions, is very confused about how he as a machine was meant to feel about this character he knew but the more sentient he becomes the more aware he is that he misses Fredbear and that he loved him. It's the cause of a lot of internal conflict for him. But he can be counted in the category of LGBT characters in the AU.
Happy pride month ya'll! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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