#they're just goofy teenage boys
mihawkhugs · 3 months
night changes
haikyuu | iwaizumi x reader | soulmate au (colours)
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a/n : may make a part 2!
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Falling in love with Iwaizumi was easy. 
It was like watching the night change. You don't really notice how the night passes until dawn arrives, and the sun breaks through the inky hue of the night. But if you play close attention, there are signs that time passes through the night, with clouds floating lazily about as the night sky dances between its shades of midnight. 
One may think his gruff nature and blunt manner may be off-putting, and perhaps they once were at first glance, but now, you can read in-between the lines, and see his loud barks of advice for what they conveyed - his concern for you. 
You first met him in high school. It was hard not to notice him, often accompanied by his flamboyant companion, Oikawa, and his loving (and loud) fans. In a crowd of smiles and laughter and adoration, his serious face, shouting and angry cursing definitely stood out to you. Especially because of how loud he could get when dragging Oikawa away. They certainly made an iconic dynamic duo. 
It was his shouting that led the two of you to become friends. 
You were holding your file, spacing out in the hallway whilst going to your next class, when an roar caused you to shriek, drop your file, and jump like you've been electrocuted by Pikachu. You swear your heart almost stopped as you were jolted out of your daze. 
Iwaizumi was interrupted by your (embarrasing) reaction and the both of you had gaped at each other, like demented betta fishes before they fight. 
You were the first to snap out of your impromptu staring competition with Mr Spiky Loudmouth, scrambling to pick out your file amd all the papers that had scattered out, blushing in horror at your social faux pas. 
"I am so sorry ohmygod you just startled me and I just reacted instinctively jesus I'm a mess please ohmygod - " 
His chuckle halted your rambling and made you fumble, feeling mortified that one of the most popular guys in school had just watched you scream, drop your file like an atomic bomb and ramble like a 5 year old who had too much sugar. 
He knelt down, and you absentmindedly noted how large his hands were as they helped you pick up the remaining pieces of work, gently arranging them in a neat pile. 
"No, I'm sorry for startling you. I shouldn't have been shouting in the hallway like that." 
He had a nice voice, mellow and a little deep. He'd probably make a killing reading audiobooks or doing podcasts. 
He choked out a laughed as his eyes crinkled, handing you your papers as the tips of his ears turned a little darker, "Thank you? I think?"
As your hands brushed against each others, and before you could hit yourself for saying that out loud (like GOD he was gonna think you had a thing for voices which was NOT the impression you were trying to give) your world burst into colour, and the monochrome world you knew was replaced by so, so many colours, that you had only read about. 
Distantly, you heard Iwaizzumi inhale sharply, but you had long forgotten about him and your papers, standing up and looking out the window, entranced by how bright the world was, and how everything looked so different from the shades of grey that were all you knew. 
You turned to Iwaizumi, who was staring at you like it was his first time seeing you, and smacked him repeatedly in excitement, causing him to flinch in surprise. 
You pointed out the windown as you whacked him in glee, "Look!! Outside!! There are COLOURS!!!! Look!!" 
He followed your hand, laughing as he covered his mouth, eyes squinted shut with joy. 
"Yes soulmate, I see them too." 
You beamed at him before registering what he said. For the second time that day, you gaped at Iwaizumi Hajime like a dead goldfish, trying to say something but your words and brain failing you (again). 
He laughed again, a pretty shade of something painting his cheeks as he beamed at you, holding out his hand hesitantly. 
"Nice to meet you?" 
You reached out automatically to shake his hand (which were indeed much larger than yours), and gargled something gibberish in response. 
"Yo Iwa-chan~, it's lunch time! What's taking you so long -" 
Oikawa popped his head out from around the corner, before spotting the two of you, his best friend smiling like he had just seen a real life Godzilla, and a cute girl who was blushing like she had seen someone dance naked up a tree. 
His eyes gleamed with mischief and he opened his mouth, ready to shit on his best friend, when Iwazumi's head snapped towards him like a demented Annabelle doll, eyes promising revenge, pain and destruction if he so much as breathed in his direction. 
So Oikawa did what anyone would do. He screamed out, "Iwa-chan's got a girlfriend!" as he sprinted away, hauling ass.
Your soulmate went from cute happy babyboy to angry demon dog ghost child as he snarled in the direction of the other half of his duo, as you stared at him, brain not braining anymore. 
He turned towards you and flashed a small, shy smile.
"Wait for me after school?" 
You nodded mechanically. He could have told you to throw yourself out the window and you would have agreed anyways (God he had such a nice voice). 
He beamed at you, dimpling his cheeks, before he turned and scowled at the direction his friend had run of too. 
His voice trailed off as he sprinted down the hallway, yelling obsceneities and insults so creative he could write a book, leaving you staring after him, world completely overturned. 
Your hands came up to your cheeks, papers and file totally forgotten as you buried your face in your hands, letting out a silent scream. 
You had just met your soulmate. 
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amayalul · 3 months
prompt ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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dad!schlatt x reader
warnings: teen angst!! + fem reader
"HEY- no swearing around your little siblings. we'll discuss this matter later." you scold her for using such foul language at the dinner table. schlatt gives your daughter a pointed look.
"that's so fuckin unfair!?!? none of my friend's mom's care if they're out late." your teenage daughter exclaims.
ignoring his silent warning, she stands up, shoving her chair back in the process.
"you never let me do ANYTHING fun! I'm going out with them and I don't care what you say." she yells reminding you that she, without a doubt, inherited your fiery attitude. combined with the usual "teenage rebellious phase", it was lethal.
she constantly gave both schlatt and you a headache. challenging and pushing your buttons every single day.
"watch your tone with your mother."
"honey... we talked about this. you are still so young to be going out that late. it's dangerous, it's not safe, and you're NOT going out on my watch." you say with a mixture of sterness and exhaustion, having gone over this multiple times.
she rolls her eyes, blurting out words in a fit of anger, "oh you're fucking insufferable-"
her words hung in the air, shocking everyone sitting at the table. even your 3 year old fell silent, knowing something was up.
your eyes widen momentarily in disbelief as hurt flickered across your face at her words.
schlatt, who had quietly been eating, stood up abruptly. his chair scraping across the wooden floor.
"DO NOT disrespect MY wife like that, you hear me?"
your daughter recoiled slightly, stunned by her father's sudden intervention. it was rare for him to break away from the 'silly, goofy dad' image but when he did.... boy was it scary. his brooklyn accent even more prominent when he was mad.
she opens her mouth as if to argue but thought better of it. realizing she had gone too far this time around.
"you must be INSANE if you think I'll sit here and listen to you speak to my wife like you just did. and i sure as hell am NOT gonna tolerate the level of disrespect you just showed her when all she wants is your safety."
"thanks hun." you quietly say, giving him a smile and thanking him for always having your back.
"now apologize to her like you mean it." he huffs, sliding his chair back under him.
he sits back down and reaches across, placing a reassuring hand on top of yours.
he places a tender kiss on the back of your hand, smiling back at you.
"always and forever sweetheart."
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chrissdollie · 8 months
dad!matt or dad!chris u choose :)
let me tell youuu-- matt is a girl dad! i guesss i could see him with boys but i cant stop thinking of tough matt with little princesses who dress him up for tea parties 🥹
when they're babies, he's always taking pictures. especially when u dress them up in cute fits with matching head accessories :(
gets pissed off whenever nick or chris (more chris tho) swear infront of his kids !!! he does not give a shit, they could both be babies, but he'd worry about it being their first word lmaoo.
"shit, they're so cute." chris grins, tickling both girls gently. cut to matt smacking his arm aggressively
pretends to fight them LMAOO one of your girls is really tired but refuses to go to sleep, so you pull out the big guns-- your husband. u guys know how he always has beef with the camera? 😭😭 he swings (much more cautiously) at the chunky baby and when she jabs his shoulder, he winces dramatically in pain. this tires her out and she eventually falls asleep right next to her daddy
they won't stop crying one night, you're on the verge of breaking down with them and matt gets out of bed, walks over to the crib, picks both of them up (their sobbing winds down a bit), and kisses your lips. "i'll be back in a few. get some sleep sweetheart." and walks out of the room
you didnt wake up all night. and like your husband promised, he was right next to you in bed, snoring softly.
he has a hard time saying no for sure. its sunday and the kids have school tomorrow but they wanna go out. "daddy can we go to the park?" he shakes his head, "dinner's soon, baby, maybe next weekend" both of your girls pout and shrug without arguing, but still! he has to give in
pushes them to be social. he'll be at the store and ask one of them to ask someone where the tripods are or something. she does it without a problem because matt's teaching them that they don't have to be so nervous like he used to be
now in their pre-teens, they're starting to explore the world of beauty. "daddy." your oldest taps matt's shoulder who's on facetime with nick on the couch. "can you ask mommy if i can use some of her makeup?" she plays with her fingers impatiently. he raises a brow. "you don't wanna ask her?" to which she shakes her head. "she might say no to me, but she'll say yes to you."
he chuckles lightly, "baby, why would she say no to you?" and she just shrugs. "i dunno." her answer made herself realize that there's no reason not to ask. so with confidence, she nods to herself, and skips away to find you
one night, you're braiding their soft hair while humming a song the three of u like. the girls sing the lyrics aloud, causing you to giggle and start singing with them. it's a really girly song by the way, so when matt stumbles into the room and the girls plead him to sing along to 'call me maybe', he looks at you with a goofy look to which you grin. he mocks you dramatically before joining in hehehe
now you think your girls are very mature teenagers. they've both already had the sex and drugs/alcohol talk. anyhow one night, you and matt are getting it on in the bedroom (the door is locked!). you thought you were being quiet, but was proven wrong when you heard both of them giggling to themselves outside of your room. matt hears too and pauses his movements altogether. you whine quietly before he whispers a small "shh" and turns his head to stare at the door. "go to sleep!" he yells, hearing them run away laughing. and he gets right back to work when they're gone, pretending that never happened LMAO
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wednesdaynn · 6 months
NSFW alphabet
remus lupin x fem!reader
warnings: i mean it's in the title guys...
A/N:not edited as per usual, also am posting these on ao3 in a series format so... if you prefer that. i would like to start writing more about remus and such so this is an introduction to how i see him ig.
A = After care (what they're like after sex)
I’d like to pretend that Remus is a sweet boy, who will rub your back and run a bath, but in all honesty the guy is probably fast asleep and fighting to keep his eyes open. but maybe that’s just what you both need. quick clean up and soft, tender kisses until both of you fall asleep. 
B = body part (their favorite body part)
His favorite body part of himself is his thighs. with the least amount of scars and where he isn’t too thin, he prefers that part. He loves when you ride his thighs, leaving your cum all over him. grabbing you by the waist and guiding you back and forth, rubbing your clit all over the muscles there.
his favorite part of your body has to be your hands. when you grab his face and wipe away his tears, how you squeeze his cheeks affectionately, grabbing his jaw and pulling him close to kiss, when you pull on his hair when he’s going down on you, the way your hand wraps around his dick. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Remus is kind of a clean freak, during the moment it’s not something he thinks about much, only when he has to pull out when he knows you haven’t taken your potion. But if he comes all over you, he wants to wipe it off immediately after you’re done. finding the stickiness gross. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Remus is honestly kind of possessive. Even though he doesn’t show it much, he hates it when other people try to flirt with you, or when your friends make a cheap joke about you. He loves marking you up for this reason. Although he makes sure the marks are at all times covered, it does mask his jealousy and possessiveness up by a lot.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Remus isn’t that experienced. He lost his virginity once and that’s all the experience he has. He finds out all about sexual endeavors from you.
F = favorite position
you riding him, obviously. The man is a sucker for seeing you on top of him, who wouldn’t be. Not only is it perfect around the full moon when his body aches the most, the strenuous activity of sex is often too much, so letting you take the lead and set the pace makes it much easier on him, both mentally and physically. Plus, the view is a bonus. the fact alone that he has the ability to grab you wherever and whenever, run his hands along your hips and stomach and tits. It makes him wild. 
G = Goofy? (are they more serious at the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Remus isn’t that goofy anymore, he used to be at the beginning though. When he was still figuring out what he even liked during sex and what sex was like with you, he was a lot more goofy, seeing as he was quite shy. In turn lots of small accidents happened, like butting your head against the board, or being unable to unhook your bras which would then send him into a frenzy, making you laugh at him. 
but over time he developed a sense of harmony with you and it’s all just romance and passion. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
this dude just doesn’t care about grooming at all, neither for you nor him. He finds it irritates his skin more than it already does, and it’s all just too much of a hassle. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
nowadays he is a lot more romantic, he’s someone who’s sole focus is making you feel good and loved. flustering you and making you melt. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I feel like this one speaks for itself, but he’s a teenage boy. Of course he’s beating his meat. And as a muggleborn, of course he has a small collection of suggestive magazines, his collection for his spank bank is quite small. But ever since he got with you he does less and less and doesn’t pay attention to anyone else anymore. he doesn’t get the satisfaction he needs anymore if it isn’t with you. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
dual masturbation. although he prefers nothing more than to be the one to touch you and make you feel good, and he loves how your hands and mouth feel around his cock more than anything. There is something so intimate and hot about him seeing you masturbate in front of him, showing him what you like, and getting to completely have his head in the game and his soul focus being on what you look like is everything to him. (he also secretly enjoys the slight humiliation it gets out of you, the way you get all embarrassed at him seeing you so vulnerable and seeing him get off on you makes you all shy and him just 10x harder)
L = location (favorite places to do the do)
boring, but just in bed or the shower. He likes the intimacy the bed brings him. getting to take you apart slowly while making sure you are the most comfortable. resting your body on the soft mattress, putting a pillow under your hips, laying under the blankets in the winter as the fireplace barely suffices. And the shower is a little guilty pleasure location for him. if it’s going for a second round, or doing it there because the boys are in the dorm room, he loves the tight space where he gets to be close to you, the steam of the hot water filling up the room.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly everything gets this man going, but a big part of him just likes to be taken care of, he views sex more as an intimacy thing, he finds it a romantic and healthy part of a relationship. so when you shower him with affection, take care of his needs and make sure he’s feeling alright, especially during that time of the month, it makes him feel all domestic. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything remotely violent. this man does not get off on hurting you, physically or verbally. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
receiving a hundred percent. although he likes giving and he’s adept at making you feel good, he likes when you get on your knees for him
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
slow and sensual is definitely his vibe, taking his time with making you feel good, focusing on every little detail, the sounds you let out, the way your cunt clenched around his dick, how you grab onto the sheets when he hits just the spot. he likes taking his time, because it allows him to be more present in the moment and drag it out as long as he can.  
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not a fan, as explained before, he likes to take his time with you. There is never a moment where he thinks doing a quickie is better than waiting until nightfall to make sure you are properly taken care of, both during and afterwards. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
not too much, he likes to try something new if you suggest it, but when it comes down to risky business, he prefers not to. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man can’t last that many rounds to be honest, but his strength at prolonging an orgasm on both your ends needs to be studied. This man can wait and wait and hold off for a while. taking frequent breaks in between to collect himself. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
talking about remus in the sense of hogwarts, no, they live in the seventies and toys aren’t that common. Are we talking modern!au, absolutely. This man is all game for toys both on himself and his partner. the more toys the better. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
In general not so much, but as explained before, if he senses it will be over soon he will edge you all night long, belittling you on your inability to take it, and begging him to fasten his pace. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
this man isn’t necessarily loud, he just makes a lot of noises, this man whines at every whim and puts his head in your neck and groans, smiling. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
The first time you guys discussed the idea of bringing toys into your sex life, you bought everything on the internet that money could buy. and you guys waited, and waited, until everything had arrived to go over them with each other. what you are comfortable with, what is a hard no, etc. later that night he blindfolded you and tried out every toy on your body until you barely kept from passing out. 
X = X-ray ****(let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
this is a tall man, i don't need to tell you any further. but Remus is a bit chubby with the amount of food this man needs to settle his appetite because of his predisposition. scars litter his body and a big silver one right down his sternum. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
the average of a teenage boy. This guy could go almost every day if possible, except around the time of the full moon, he’s usually a bit more moody and doesn’t feel well, making him less inclined to want to participate in sex. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
quickly, although he makes sure both of you are taken care of properly afterwards, this man would probably fall asleep in minutes after finishing. 
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daandyli0n · 2 months
(warnings: blood/mild gore, implied child death (and murder in Cassidy's case), eye contact. maybe also bright colors/eyestrain)
Some Updated Refs For The Afton Family In The Rewrite
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(you know the drill, click the images to see details better and whatnot)
hooo boy. give me a minute to ramble about the designs and stuff below -
so. tried to give him both "Eccentric, Goofy Restaurant Owner" and "REALLY Off-Putting" Vibes. hope i succeeded
yes he's hiding a knife behind his back.
bunny features. i Love William with bunny features. if you draw William with Bunny Features ily (platonically)
this man has not gotten a good night's sleep in Years.
now...you may be wondering: Why Do His Kids Get Refs For When They're Older, But Not Him? well...that's because, physically, he doesn't change much besides getting some more gray hairs and worse eye bags in the over a decade between his original murders and his death. and i've already done a ref for what O'Hare/Springtrap looks like in my design
yes, the Unhinged look in his eyes is intentional.
gave his younger self a pose that was meant to give off "rebellious teenager" vibes, and his older self a pose that gives off "bitter and anxious" vibes.
gave him long hair. because Yes.
tallest of his siblings.
looks like his father, but with a few minor changes: skin is mildly more tanned than his father, hair is a lighter shade of brown, etc.
William based the 1987 uniforms for the guards/employees off of his own usual outfit (Purple. which Backfired).
Mike tried to change his hair a bit to distinguish himself from his father, mostly by dying it a bright red and trying to cut the Bunny Ear-Shaped parts on the top of his hair to be more jagged and less Bunny-Like.
scars on his arm are from where Springtrap grabbed onto him.
not much to say. bookworm, sad guy, probably needs to go to therapy for what happened in his childhood.
Bunny Features :]
she's basically somewhere between blonde and ginger hair color wise. i'd describe her as a strawberry blonde.
constantly has a wide-eyed look. like a hare.
mismatched socks, just because she could.
ghosts are typically either desaturated or transparent, with the only bright colors on them are usually their eyes or the bloody wounds from their death.
so while it's not shown here, "fun" fact! Liz died from where Harriet (Circus Baby) hugged her hard enough to break not just her spine, but her neck as well. (the hug was so strong due to Harriet malfunctioning that day)
all ghosts who have their souls tied to an animatronic have a mask of that animatronic that they can wear if they wish. Liz's mask is of Harriet.
my baby boy. my beloved <3
those pants are pajama pants. he wore them everywhere.
while not visible, Cassidy also wears mismatched socks like Liz.
the Fredbear plush was a gift from Henry, given to Cassidy by Charlie.
was blind in one eye after The Bite.
The Bite wasn't as horrible as people think it was. what basically happened was that the teeth bit slightly into his head, which caused the bleeding, as well as some cracking in the skull and brain damage in his frontal lobe. due to the mechanisms in Fredbear being Very hot as well, it caused some burns. nothing that couldn't heal, but...it Was still pretty serious.
while The Bite itself didn't kill Cassidy, he still, as a ghost, appears to have a bleeding section of his head.
the strangulation marks on his neck are more visible as a ghost.
Cassidy, as a spirit, can occasionally leak a mysterious black fluid from his eyes and mouth, which is reflected on his Mask.
Cassidy is transparent as a ghost.
anyway!! here's the guys!!
@that-darn-clown @hello-there-world
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carlplsrailme · 2 years
can you do a carl grimes nsfw alphabet?🤭
𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭
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Carl Grimes x Fem!Reader
everyone is 18+ <3
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A = Aftercare (What They're Like After Sex)
Carl is so sweet. he'd get you water if needed, cuddle you, kiss you, clean you up, just everything ugh he is so adorable <3 he'd just wants to make you feel loved and safe after sex
B = Body Part (Their Body Of Theirs and Their Partner's that they like)
He likes his hands, seeing them pump in and out of your gushy cunt, and having his arms around you, keeping you safe, and making you cum basically.
He loves your eyes, as sappy as this man is he is in love with them, Siren or Doe he is obsessed. (especially when you're focused, like when you're killing walkers)
C = Cum (Anything to Do with Cum; because yum.)
I'd say his favorite place to cum is honestly on your tits (he is nasty nasty) it's hot when it dribbles on your nipples and makes him so fucking hard again
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty Self Explanatory, A Dirty Secret of Theirs)
remember back at the prison? with those flimsy curtains we tried to use as doors? yeah, he peeled them away when you were changing.
E = Experience (How Experience are They? Do They Know What They're Doing?)
he knew absolutely nothing at first. I mean..obviously, it's the apocalypse. but with trial and error, you guys found the perfect pace and perfect angles <3
F = Favorite Positions (This Goes Without Saying)
missionary. like I said he is sappy and loves to hold your hands above your head while he looks at your face when having sex with you
G = Goofy (Are They More Serious In The Moment? Are They Humorous? Etc.)
he is more serious, and emotional out of everything. when its just love making tho he can be more goofy
H = Hair (How Well Groomed Are They? Does The Carpet Match The Drapes? Etc.)
it's not on his mind to shave his pubic hair, I mean why would it? there are a million other things more important than that. but, he does grab scissors and to a trim every so often (don't worry, he's very skilled with his hands)
I = Intimacy (How Are They During the Moment? The Romantic Aspect)
bros a fucking rom-com. he is so sweet and so loving, buuuut when he's stressed it could get a little more freaky, he is just a switch with those things
J = Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
he doesn't jack off so much anymore now that he's with you, but he probably jerked off in the shower thinking about you as his daily routine before he got with you.
K = Kink (One or More of Their Kinks)
your innocent eyes looking up at him when his cock is down your throat (told you he had a thing for your eyes)
loooooves it when you're vocal, he wants to hear just how good he's fucking you
L = Location (Favorite Places to Do the Deed)
shower for sure. gotta live out those fantasies he had when he was fucking his fist now he has the real deal. but on a serious note, it's easier for you to be louder and it's easier to clean up.
M = Motivation (What Gets them Turn on, What Gets Them Going)
everything! he is a teenage boy, after all, bro is 18 and has a girlfriend what do you expect? but the top of his list is when your cleavage pops out, makes him wanna take you right then and there
N = No (Something They Wouldn't do, Turn Offs)
hurting you, or just making you feel bad is not something he'd like
O = Oral (Preferences in Giving and Receiving, Skill, Etc.)
I think as much as he likes receiving, giving you pleasure is so much more rewarding. ( he could be stuck in between your thighs allll day)
P = Pace (Are They Fast and Rough? Slow and Sensual? Etc.)
slow and sensual...unless he's had a rough day....then buckle up.
Q = Quickies (Their Opinion on Quickie, How Often, Etc.)
i think he likes them. the shower for example -easy cleanup and easy wake-up or wind down-
R = Risk (Are They Game to Experiment? Do They Like Taking Risks? Etc.)
if risks mean fucking you in "oh fuck are we gonna get caught?" places, then yes. (such as the kitchen, it's happened so many times, thank goodness you guys haven't gotten caught yet)
S = Stamina (How Many Rounds Can They Go For? How Long Do They Last?)
he can go on forever, 4 rounds if you can keep up, but 2-3 if you're tired.
T = Toys (Do They Own Any Toys? Do They Use Them? On A Partner or Themselves?)
where is he supposed to find toys!?!? but if he finds an unopened, new, clean vibe then I think he'd store it in his bag to ask you about it for later.
U = Unfair (How Much Do They Like To Tease?)
a good amount I think. he likes to tease you in the walls of Alexandria, just cuz for shits and giggles and seeing that pouty look he can kiss off, but outside the walls, he doesn't bother you too much. -doesn't wanna distract you-
V = Volume (How Loud They Are, What Sounds They Make. Etc.)
in bed, low grunt and praises in your ear. in the shower, full-on groaning and moaning as he pounds into you.
W = Wild Card (A Random Headcanon For The Character)
he once fingered you in the living room while someone was in the kitchen across from it, he'd had a blanket over your both, your head was limp on his shoulders as you let out little whimpers in his ear but to anyone else, it looked like you were having trouble waking up. the fear and excitement of getting caught rushing through your veins (tho he'd die if someone found out) was so thrilling as his fingers fucked into your pussy, and when you came he was daring enough to slip his fingers in his mouth to lap on your cream, then rick walked by and he turned his palm so it looked like he was yawning. he still looks back to that as the craziest thing you've guys done.
X = X-ray (Let's See What's Going Under Those Clothes)
6.2 inches. and he has a raging cock. veins all over with a deep red tip that oozes with pre-cum. it looks so fucking sore and all you wanna do is relieve that uncomfortable ache in his cock :(.. he has a nice pair of balls, they're heavy with the need to pump you full of babies and he loves it when you take one into your mouth <3
Y = Yearning (How High Is There Sex Drive?)
pretty high. he can get his fill with one quick rough fuck for a day or two but if it's like a week then you start to notice he can get a little snappy with people and more irritable so once you start to notice that you make sure to give a good sucking that night that has him whimpering and whining <3
Z = Zzz (How Quickly They Fall Asleep Afterwards)
after making sure you're safe and okay, he kinda watches you for a while then knocks out not too long after...making sure to kiss your lips or your nose if you are asleep and mumble 'love you' before drifting off himself <3
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an: omggg i loved writing this sm <3 I had kinda a weird day today and writing this made me feel so much better. lmao my writing kinda seems off to me but I just think it's because I'm writing like narration pov in this post, anyway, i hope you guys enjoyed it!! mwah! <3
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thesoftboiledegg · 11 months
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"Auto Erotic Assimilation" from season two is one of my least favorite episodes because it takes one of the queerest concepts in the series and makes it aggressively heterosexual. Aside from a blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene with one male alien and a joke about Rick possibly contracting STDs from coal miners, most of the episode is a straight male power fantasy.
"Look at all the hot women with big boobs throwing themselves at Rick! He's the man! Unity's avatar is another alien lady with big boobs! Don't worry, folks--even if Rick talks to a man, he's really talking to HER! Don't you wish you were him, straight male viewer? Sexy alien orgies everywhere!"
The episode does have poignant moments and famously culminates with Rick's suicide attempt after reading Unity's final message, but a third of the plot is just a goofy teenage boy's fantasy. I watch it when I rewatch the entire series, but that's the only time I expose myself to that one.
When I saw screenshots from this episode that featured Unity, I thought "Oh God, not this again." Just let it stay in season two!
Admittedly, "Air Force Wong" handled Unity with more maturity. If this episode aired in season two or three, a bunch of sexy women probably would've mobbed Rick as soon as he stepped foot in Virginia. Here, the writers focused solely on the characters' relationships--not just Rick and Unity but Rick, President Curtis and Dr. Wong and their web of interactions.
I liked how Rick referred to Unity as "them," although he starts using "she" pronouns when she disconnects from the hivemind. This highlights one of my issues from the original episode: Unity is a hivemind, but she's also a hot, sexy alien babe who controls everybody, which are two opposing concepts. This seems like a backdoor way to make Rick's interactions Certified Hetero (which is probably what it was, to be honest.)
I also thought the resolution was unsatisfying. Unity's note at the end of "Auto Erotic Assimilation" makes it clear that she and Rick just make each other worse, but "Air Force Wong" implies that they should have stayed in touch. I was hoping Rick would get closure by ending it for good, but it seems like they're maintaining their distant but toxic connection.
I did like how the end of "Air Force Wong" parallels "Auto Erotic Assimilation." Rick heads back to the garage to drink, but instead of attempting suicide again, he decides to visit the president and put aside some of their differences. Like Dr. Wong says: it's a slow process, but he's changing!
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Aside from that, I loved this episode. President Curtis was hilarious ("Civil war, baby!" is already one of my favorite season seven lines), and he's as petty as ever. In fact, he's so petty that he was willing to enslave the entire Earth just for a 100% approval rating. He makes Rick look calm and responsible!
As usual, Dr. Wong was the voice of reason. She could've been just a crowd-pleasing cameo, but she guided Rick through his interactions and helped him remain stable in the face of emotional turmoil. While she flirted with the president, she didn't lose herself in some unprofessional whirlwind romance.
After watching "Pickle Rick" in 2017, who would have thought that Rick would not only willingly see Dr. Wong every week but try to punch the president to protect her honor? I wondered if he had a crush on her, but nothing he said implied romantic feelings, so I think he just feels protective over her because he distrusts the president.
Likewise, we're getting glimpses of how Rick treats his family: apologizing to Summer, sticking up for Morty when President Curtis insults him (I half-expected Rick to ruin that by giving Morty shit, but he didn't.) Morty sticking up for himself was nice, although man, the writers are underusing him. I think the president had more lines in "Air Force Wong" than Morty's had in these entire three episodes. And Morty's name is in the title!
Otherwise, setting up Prime's return was great. We're probably going to have a slow drip as season seven builds to their next confrontation. It seems like most of the trailer scenes are from the first four episodes and maybe "Wet Kuat Amortican Summer," so who knows what's in store for the other five.
And I mean--the Unity scenes weren't bad. Most of my issues are holdovers from 2015, which the writers can't change now. I'd prefer not to revisit it again, though. That's like taking another trip to Gazorpazorp.
Then again, later seasons have been correcting earlier issues (Summer saying "Sorry, Rick, but your opinion means very little to me" is one of my favorites), so revisiting "Raising Gazorpazorp" with a feminist lens could be another middle finger to the dudebros who are crying for Roiland's return and howling as Ian Cardoni outpaces him.
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kiris-wife · 2 years
busted | ao'nung + sully brothers
summary: ao'nung and sully!reader have been in a secret relationship for a while, sneaking out late at night to see each other. when her siblings start to suspect something is going on between them, they put their sister in a little embarrassing situation. see the request here!
genre(s): humor ig, a lil bit of fluff
warnings: just siblings being nosy as always :p protective big bro teyam, lo'ak is really goofy in this, also reader is his twin bc why not
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when you first met ao'nung, you hated him. he was constantly bothering you and your siblings and getting you into trouble. but as the months passed, the metkayina was slowly becoming more and more tolerable; wich eventually led to you becoming friends, and later on, something more.
exchanging meaningful looks that only you and him seemed to notice, smiles between conversations and slight touches in front of your friends soon became something common between the two teenagers. but of course people were gonna find out sooner or later.
the first one to notice was you older brother, neteyam. at first the boy thought he was just imagining things — there was no way his baby sister was getting involved with him, out of all people. even if ao'nung has changed his manners towards your family, the omaticaya couldn't seem to let the grudge go.
then, lo'ak used to wake up in the middle of the night to you silently sneaking away to eywa-knows-where and staying until dawn, returning before your parents woke up. he didn't care at first, but when your escapades became more and more frequent, he knew something was up.
"shes gotta be with him, bro. there's no way this is a coincidence! we have to do something." your twin has been annoying neteyam all morning with this since he mentioned that you and ao'nung seemed closer than normal, remembering lo'ak of your outings in the dead of night. soon they realized: their sister was in a relationship.
"what do you me want to do? this is none of our business, lo'ak. she'll tell us when she's ready."
"come on. stop pretending you're not dying to know if they're really dating!" he smiled mid sentence. the thought of you getting a partner before him and neteyam was really funny to lo'ak. "i can see it in your eyes! you're jealous!"
"fine. we'll follow her next time to see if she's really meeting him. and for the record, i'm not jealous. just worried."
and then, they waited. lo'ak kept himself awake until late at night, pretending to be asleep, to see if you were going to leave — he was really invested in this. but for a few days, you stayed in the family's house. it was almost like you were suspecting them. but of course your brothers weren't going to give up so easily: lo’ak was always so nosy when it came to your personal life, and even though neteyam wouldn't admit, he really wanted to know if you really were dating, maybe even more than your twin.
but one night, it happened. trying to be as quiet as possible, you get up and direct yourself to the entrance, sneaking out without anyone noticing — at least that's what you thought. but as soon as you closed the marui, lo'ak quickly sat down and woke up the older boy.
"bro. wake up. wake up! she's leaving." he said violently shaking neteyam, not even worrying with the volume of his voice.
"what the- be quiet! you will end up getting us all into trouble."
"sorry. let's follow her before she goes too far, let's go!"
meanwhile, you made your way to the rocks near the sea, your boyfriend already waiting for you; he always got out of home first so he didn't have to make you wait. arriving earlier than you expected, you couldn't shake this terrible feeling that you were being watched, making you walk faster than you normally do. the taller one noticed the change in your movements from far away and the worried expression on your face, pulling you closer to him once you got where he was.
ao'nung gave a gentle kiss on your lips before asking: "is everything ok, my love? you look bothered.”
you felt you heart melt with the nickname — he always knew how to make you flustered without even trying. that's what you loved the most about your boyfriend: he was always so caring and sweet with you, completely destroying the view you had from him months ago. hiding your face in the crook of his neck, you shake you head in response. there was no need to worry him with this, after all, you must've been imagining things. "are you sure? you seem pretty tense."
"i just have this odd feeling that i'm being watched. but it's nothing, really. my mind must be playing tricks on me."
he looked around for a moment before turning his attention back to you. "it must be. let's sit down?"
“they just kissed! gross!” lo’ak said in a whisper. “imagine when dad finds out! he's gonna throw a tantrum. his precious little girl is finally dating!”
“shut up, skxawng. they're going to hear us. we need to get closer, i can barely see or hear anything.”
“oh? what did you say a few days ago again? ‘she's going to tell us when she's ready! what do you want me to do?’ you're such a bad liar, brother.”
giving lo’ak a playful smack on the shoulder, neteyam got a few steps closer to you, being careful to not be seen.
laying your head on his lap while he gently caressed your hair, you were telling ao’nung everything about the forest and how you used to love ikran racing, going out with your sisters to collect different plants and fruits, climbing trees and and how beautiful the hallelujah montains were. but there was something your brothers couldn't see — the way he looked at you. like you were the most beautiful na’vi in pandora; ao’nung was absolutely smitten with you, from the way you talked to the way you smiled. he surely was in love, his softer side reserved only for you.
he leaned in closer to your face to give you a peck on the lips. but a peck turned into two, and two turned into three. soon, you were passionately kissing under the moonlight, butterflies taking over your stomach.
“ew. should we confront them? this is getting awkward. they're eating each other's faces.”
abruptly getting up, your older brother made his way to you without thinking twice. lo’ak far behind him, trying to contain the laughter that was begging to be let out. there was no way in hell he would let you forget this moment.
“hey! what do you think you're doing with my sister, fish lips?”
oh eywa.
“neteyam? lo’ak- what are you doing here?” you couldn't believe your eyes; did your brothers seriously follow you all this way here just to spy on you? “i can't believe this. i'm going to murder you! for how long have you been here?”
“long enough to know there's something between you and fish lips! and you didn't even tell us, y/n… i thought we told each other everything. i'm hurt!” now lo’ak was just making fun of you. feeling your cheeks heat up you gave ao’nung a quick “im sorry” glance, wich he responded with an awkward smile.
“hey, pretty boy. i was talking to you. what are your intentions with her?”
“neteyam. no. you're not doing this right now! leave!”
everything was a chaos. you couldn't contain your frustration anymore, your brother asking a million questions to ao’nung while you tried to make him stop, lo’aks laugher echoing in the back of your mind. “stop! stop, all of you!”
the raise of your voice was unexpected, the boys getting quiet all at once. “you two. come with me. we're going home before we wake up the whole village. or even worse: our parents notice our absence. wait for me right there.” you said pointing to the place they were before.
“you don't-"
“neteyam. now. you don't want us to get in trouble, do you?” he grumbled something you didn't quite catch and left, pulling a very entertained lo’ak by the arm.
you lowered your voice just in case they could hear you. “baby… i'm sorry about them. eywa, i can't decide if i want to kill myself or those two!”
“it's fine. your family was always a little crazy. i guess you took after them.”
“what? i'm the most normal one there!” you laughed. at least he wasn't mad about this. giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, you left. “i’ll see you when the sun rises i guess.”
“see you later.”
now your attention was aimed towards the two idiots that you called your brothers. getting closer to them with each step you took, your anger only got bigger. “what is wrong with you guys? spying on me, embarrassing me in front of my boyfriend, sneaking out! if dad finds out we're dead! all of us!”
“so you admit that he is your boyfriend!” you gave lo’ak a flick on the head. “skxawng. i could kill you both right now!”
the walk back home was silent for the most part — you were fuming with anger. only when you were getting closer to home, neteyam broke the ice:
“i don't like him.”
“good thing i'm the one dating him, not you.”
silence again.
“guys.” you turned your head to lo’ak. “i'm y/n’s twin. do you think he's attracted to me too? since we have the same face and all.” you wanted to smack away the mischievous smile on his face.
“that's gross. please don't ever say this again!” now you couldn't help but laugh. how could he be such an idiot?
of course you couldn't be mad at them forever — they might be nosy and annoying, but you were still family. and the sullys always stick together.
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authors note: ok so this is not ao'nung centered at all oops! i don't know if i managed to do exactly what the anon asked but i swear i tried my best with this one... also him and lo'ak are a pain in the ass to write.
likes + reblogs are appreciated ♡
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Franken/Kyle Spencer NSFW A-Z
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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
•Kyle loves taking care of you, he thinks it's his job
•No matter what or how much you do he will hold you tight, borderline too tight just trying to keep you close and make sure you're alright
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
•Kyle doesn't have a favorite body part of his, he actually has quite a few issues with the body he lives in, considering most of it isn't his
•Kyle loves every single inch of you, he adores holding your hands, lives for kissing your lips and would kill just to squeeze your ass one last time before death
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I'm a disgusting person)
•Kyle loves finishing on you, he's practically hard wired (even post death) as a frat boy not to finish inside of you, even if he loves that too
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
•He tries to hide how much he wants to throw you around
•Kyle has had problems with his strength and he's afraid to hurt you, however he wants more than anything to pin you down and have his way with you
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
•As a frat boy he had enough experience, though he also had quite a bit of trauma
•He has to relearn quite a lot and while he knows what he's doing he has to relearn how to be gentle, slow, careful, or whatever you need from him, though he's entirely worth it
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
•Kyles favorite position is missionary, he wants to see your face and gage your reactions, he loves knowing that he's making you feel as good as he does, it makes him feel accomplished, that he's done his job taking care of you
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
•Once he gets comfortable with you he can have moments of goofy, borderline childishness when trying to make you laugh or smile
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
•He's trimmed but he doesn't do anything more than that
•The hair on his head however is messy and adorable at all times
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
•It takes him a while to get romance, he wasn't bad at it before he died but relearning that took a bit of time for him
•Once he gets the hang of it, he thrives at giving you the romantic nights and making you feel special
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
•Loves It
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
•Anal-is a big one that Kyle begs to try for a while before you give in
•Switch-Kyle loves being in charge with you but he also enjoys it when you take control and tell him what to do
L = Location (Favorite places to do the deed)
•Kyle prefers a bed, your bed
•He doesn't like others looking at you so being anywhere but your room doesn't happen a lot at all
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
•Kyle almost seems like a teenager discovering sex for the first time every day
•He doesn't need motivation, he's always ready and waiting for you
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
•Anything that causes you pain
•Kyle already has trouble when it comes to hurting people and animals, his strength is a major issue and hurting you is something he's terrified of doing so please don't ask him to
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
•Kyle loves hearing the sounds you make when he goes down on you, it may be his favorite thing in the world
•If you allowed him to he would do it for hours and never stop for air, listening to your whimpers and squeals, holding down your twitching hips
•God he loves the taste of your pussy
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
•He was very fast at first, feeling the need to rut into you frantically until you slowed him
•He actually quite enjoys slow, passionate sex, watching the expressions on your face change is fascinating to him learning what movements make you scrunch up your nose adorably or make you moan like an overzealous porn star
•Fast, slow, rough, sensual, whatever you need that day is what Kyle will give you, he wants to please you however you need, he has a need to make you happy after everything you’ve done to take care of him…and he loves your pussy with a passion
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
•All the time
•Sometimes living in a school for witches you only have 5 minutes here and there and Kyle is determined to always make the most of them
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
•He enjoys trying new things with you and he'll try just about anything you want
•You only ever risked doing it anywhere but your room once though, Kyle hates the idea of people seeing your body
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
•He has a crazy amount of stamina
•Kyle can last for several hours before he even needs a break let alone has to call it quits
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
•He's not a huge fan of toys but he'll give them a try if you want him to
•He likes your vibrator, placing it against your clit while he fucks you gives you both an ungodly amount of pleasure
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
•Every once in a while Kyle will tease you but he's more of a dive straight into it sort of guy
•His foreplay was abysmal in the beginning but he got much better at it knowing how happy it made you
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
•Kyle is definitely a grunter
•He's not usually all that loud but if he gets lost in the moment he can really get there
W = Wild Card (Get a random Headcanon for the character of your choice)
•Kyle surprised you with how snuggly he is, especially with how angry and growly he is all the time
•He loves resting his head on your belly and wrapping his arms around you, curling up and loving the feel of you playing with his hair
•Your personal Frankenstein is adorable
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
•6 1/2 inches
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
•Kyle has a high sex drive, he's always desperate for you and you don't make it easy on him
•Every time you wear those cute shorts that can’t even be called pants he's so hard it hurts and so needy for you
Z = ZZZ (... how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
•It's rare that he falls asleep before you considering his stamina however when he does you enjoy just watching him for a bit
•Usually you fall asleep before him and Kyle is quick to snuggle you against his chest and nuzzle his face into your hair
•He takes these kinds of moments to thank whatever deity exists in the world for letting him come back and experience true happiness with you
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misterier · 1 year
Hi! Can I request enemies to lovers relationship with Jack Marston and tall Male reader? (Or at least taller than him). It doesn't have to be long, head cannons are fine :)
oo yeah ofc!! I went for head cannons in storyish form so it hope it's not too goofy, also my dyslexic ass read john at first so sorry it took a bit
high honor jack marston is my pookie the idea of him with low honor hurts me so high honor it is
also sorry for pushing the charthur agenda but it's burned deep within my soul, I must release it
also spoilers ig for the first & second game but if your requesting jack you prolly already know all that
i grew up lovin' the marstons and they mean the world to me sorry if i get rambly and long with his hcs</3
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Jack Marston<3
-With Jack, it's more rivels than actual enemies, and it likely starts when the two of you are teens; maybe you live in some ranch across from his.
-Your mothers or dads are friends, so they're a little concerned. As far as they know, two teenagers forced to hang out should be great friends.
-Jack is 100% a little mama's boy, so when he's not hiding out reading, he's helping her do housework and complaining about you. It's not like he's got a good reason to hate you either; he just doesn't like you.
-Abigail's heard, John's heard, Uncles heard, and even the dog has heard.
-The entire dinner table is tired of his constant whining about hating your 'annoying' ass.
-Hell, even his aunts have heard whenever they ask about his nonexistent social life, Mary-Beth seems to think it's a crush the way he gets so flustered, rambling on about how much he hates you, but he denies it in an instant.
-Equally, you hate him as well, bragging about your height difference. Every time you're forced over to his house to hang out with him in his room (despite his pleading to not leave him alone with you), you'll put his books on the highest shelves.
-His father was once given permission, and assuming some quality time together would fix your relationship, he takes the two of you fishing. (Jack, of course, complains, asking why he was stuck doing the two things he hates most, fishing and spending time with you.)
-During that trip, John warns you to look out for branches so you don't bash your head in. Jack prays you would so you'd shut up and stop looking at him like that.
-Whenever Charles is able to visit them, sometimes Jack will find him and his mother talking outside in the dead of night, speaking of a man he can only just barely remember the silhouette of--Jack sometimes is glad he can't remember those days when he sees how frustrated his father gets about his past—mostly when his mother mentions the man who had apparently been like his father's brother. It's a painful name to speak in their house, and he refuses to even ask anymore now that they hardly mention him anymore.
-The gist of you and Jack's fighting is just petty arguments and insults. His mother warns him about things like that, saying it's not healthy for a boy his age to be so bitter towards another who's done nothing to him, insisting he tries to make friends.
-He tries to listen to his mother; as much as he teases her, just like his father, he respects her greatly and looks up to her, and if she told him to do something, he'd do his very best to listen to her wishes.
-Jack does a bit better at keeping his insults to a minimum. The two of you are nothing near friends, but y'all slowly stop it with actual hurtful comments.
-Just like annoying ol' uncle grew on his father, he was beginning to tolerate your presence until he and his mother were taken by the government while his father hunted down his old 'family'.
-Once they're home, you're not around anymore, and neither are your parents. You moved due to fear of being caught up in all that, and he's bitter about it.
-The day John and Uncle die, your family sends their condolences.
-For as long as his mother is alive, he does his damnedest to keep the ranch alive and working despite her deteriorating health. Tilly visits a bit more when Abigail gets worse, and her husband tries to help—a respectable man even with his high class—though Jack refuses, wanting to take care of it all himself.
-The day his mother dies breaks him--the only blood family he had left.
-He enhatrets all his fathers' things, nobody to stop him from looking through it, he finds journals, and he reads the older one first confused by the handwriting that he was sure wasn't his fathers chicken scratch, but he reads it anyway, admiring each drawing and word, some even speaking about the writers conflicted feelings about still longing for a woman but beginning to feel himself crave a man, willing to let go of her if it means he has the chance to be happy again--queerness had never been something shamed upon or uncommon in his house, he'd heard of it from hangings and his parents speaking about it being wrong that they'd be hung for love--telling Jack that he shouldn't be afraid to love who he wants and to fight for it.
-The fancy writing nearly seems to abruptly stop when things begin to get dark. Switching to his father's writing gives him an appreciation for his father and what he's been through, but even through that, he can't help but crave revenge. He always was an angry young man.
-He wants to put Edgar Ross' death behind him, trying to be a functioning man of society as his mother wanted for him, though his hand still itched for his gun.
-The land was becoming too dry; there wasn't much he could keep alive, and he needed money, so he decided to try and find work. Not many would take him due to his father's name, so he usually hangs around the blackwater bar to sleep in the rooms above it, only visiting his home on weekends to take care of the house and the graves.
-Eventually he finds work, by some old fella speakin' about how desperate this man was for a ranch hand and how it was nearly sad how much they needed it.
-Late at night, he shows up on your doorstep, looking for work after all these years. You would have laughed in his face if it wasn't obvious how much both of you needed this.
-Similar to Bonnie and John's situation He lived on your property for a while, though there was enough room in your house for him, so he worked for you and slept in the guest room.
-There's no room to argue like you did as children. though only nineteen, the two of you are much more grown than you'd like to be with both of your families gone. Now it's only a few quips and jabs.
-There's no women working for your ranch, so you have to trade 'womanly' chores. Jack used to help his mother with hers, so he doesn't mind, but he forces you to help as well.
-You two become friends, despite still bullying each other a little. Him joking about you hitting your head when walking into the barn (you're tall, but not THAT tall), and you telling him his eyes will go bad from staring at those small print books all day.
-The closer friends you two become, the more possible your relationship is to become romantic. Neither of you are sure when you figured out you were in love with each other; it sort of just happened.
-You kissed his cheek goodnight once before you parted ways with him in the living room to return to your bedroom eary and it became tradition. For months, that was how the two of you parted. The next day, before he left to go back to his family's ranch to clean it up, he called you over to his horse—taller than you—for once and kissed your forehead before turning quickly and spurring his horse off.
-As socially awkward as he is, he's very open, flirting with you, not very romantic, but then again, you two aren't exactly romantic; if anything, your relationship is more of a mean friends with benefits kind of situation.
-If you genuinely want to call it a relationship, you'll have to bring it up to him, or he won't really notice or care.
-If you want to be lovers, he'll accept it. You two still have separate rooms, and yet you fall asleep in his most of the time.
-Even if you can read, he likes reading you, with his back against the headboard and your head on his shoulder. he likes feeling taller than you, though he obviously isn't.
-This man tried nailing broken boot heels to his to make him taller and ended up twisting his ankle and falling flat on his face.
-Learns to deal with and accept the fact your taller, though hes unnaturally bitter.
-Everytime he heads home, times becoming less frequent now. He sits at the foot of his mother's grave and talks about you and his life; he brought you once but never did it again, he prefers his visits to his family's graves to be private.
-Even years into your relationship, he won't stop praying you'll bash your head on the doorframe. The day you do, he marks it on his callender and calls it the day he became a happy man, ignoring your unofficial anniversary and calling it a close second.
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cavennmalore · 2 months
tagging @myfairkatiecat because it is only fair after you requested this word vomit lol
The thing about Keefe not being a good person is a little complicated. Full disclaimer, I don’t really believe in the whole good/bad person dichotomy, and definitely not for KIDS. Nevertheless, I don’t disagree with the people who say that Keefe isn’t the awesome person Sophie’s (biased) opinion makes him out to be. Not for the manipulative reasons -- which, Keefe is a teenage boy and I don't know about anyone else but that is like THE demographic for being a little messy in relationships lmao -- but for a lot of his planning. Joining the Neverseen without telling anyone what his plan was? Proposing himself as Mercadir without giving anyone a chance to refute him? Lying at the end of Legacy and showing up to the confrontation even though it was explicitly agreed he'd stay back? Basically, everything he did in Lodestar? Not great.
It's not Certified Good Guy Behavior. But that's his role. Keefe was literally designed to occupy this grey, questionable space, both in the narrative and outside of it. He's Sophie's character foil. Lady Gisela's plan revolves around pushing Keefe to become a worse and worse person; that involves raising him in a way that cultivates bad behavior and forcing him into increasingly extreme situations that are designed to make Keefe "ready" when the time comes. That is a huge part of the plots of Nightfall and Legacy.
Admittedly, I don't think Shannon has made him evil/grey enough, which I know isn't a popular take. There was real potential to make Keefe a wild card in Lodestar and make it so that the question isn't what stupid scheme is he planning? but to what extent have Lady Gisela's machinations worked? It's an interesting plotline to me. It's why I'm so excited for Unraveled; it's a chance to see this push-pull in action without Keefe's "north star" (AKA Sophie) guiding his decisions.
But a lot of people don't feel this way. A ton of the complaints I see around the book have to do with Keefe getting too much page time, the plotline taking up too much space in the story, etc. Which is fair! If you don't like Keefe, I'm sure a lot of this is grueling. However, a point I see connected to this line of thought is a wish for the books to return to a more ensemble vibe. That there should be more Dex, more Biana, more Stina, more Tam, etc. the way that it used to be.
That version of the books, though? It only really exists in the first book. Keefe is a prominent character in Exile and a huge driver of its plot. It's only in Book One where he only exists on the margins and isn't super involved. The ensemble cast has grown exponentially since then, to the point where there are frankly too many characters to keep track of in a scene without straight-up listing them all (which did happen but I'm forgetting which book). The decreased page time of supporting characters isn't solely because Keefe is eating the narrative, but because there are way too many characters for everyone to get a subplot; rather than have pre-existing characters solve issues, Shannon tends to just pull new ones in, and then leave them to hang out for the following books. If the series was for a more adult audience, I would say that it was time to start killing people off (like the popular critique of The Boys) but because this is a kids series, they're going to just hang around and not do much.
A lot of the nostalgia for this old version of KOTLC presents itself in fandom discussions of Dex. Full transparency: I didn't really like Dex that much in the early books when I did my reread. I found him unbearably rude to Fitz and Biana. His crush on Sophie felt invasive at times as if she was catering to a boy that was projecting his feelings and making her accommodate him. It's very similar stuff to the current criticism of Keefe! But I have yet to see any discussions around Dex that don't characterize him as kind, goofy, or sweet. Maybe there is some discussion of him being snarky or sarcastic. The most criticism I've seen of him is about how he treated Stina in his introduction, which was taken largely in isolation.
But that sweet, goofy version of Dex that people talk about missing? He doesn't exist. Sure, Dex mellowed out a ton in the later books, but he didn't become a whole new character. And I don't believe that he disappeared from the books in the way that some people claim. He just... doesn't have a subplot anymore. His crush on Sophie was resolved. It was a sticking point in his and Sophie's friendship which made him part of her character arc, and that arc is done. If that went on for any longer, it would be a drag on the pace of the series. Like I said before, the presence of so many side characters, each with their own needs and motivations, makes it difficult to introduce him into new stuff. It's why he gets so much more page time in Unlocked. With the presence of so many other characters, Shannon tends to handwave a lot of the background group dynamics. Dex ended up becoming close to Keefe and was able to shine there, away from Sophie's perspective and their finished arc.
All of this is to say, it's not wrong to dislike Keefe or like Dex. But I think a lot of the conversations surrounding these guys can get muddled in nostalgia and what people think the books should be rather than what they are. I'm (severely) guilty of it too. It's part of a broader trend in fandoms as "fandom" as a concept becomes more popular. That is a whole other post, though, and frankly, this one is long enough lol
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 months
Oh I'm sorry did I hear you're taking requests again? 🤭
Cute and fluffy high school Evanstan dating, please.
Imagine teenage Chris being all goofy yet charming and Sebastian's just smitten. He laughs at everything coming out of Chris' mouth. Then he's internally like "Jesus, calm down, you're being real desperate right now" but Chris is not thinking about that at all. Because he's so smitten with Sebastian himself, and he's like giving himself a pat on the shoulder in his mind, feeling real proud for being able to make someone actually laugh this much, and, it's Sebastian of all people too. But anyway, even though they're dating, they're still crushing real hard on each other, and try to hide the majority of it (and fail miserably, whether they realize that or not). But they're just so goddamn cute.
And then bonus point: imagine them marrying each other years later. They're each other's high school sweethearts. Aw maaan (in Anthony Mackie's voice)
Ugh, that doesn't count as anon's writing okay? That was a prompt. (Only If you're interested in it, of course) I would appreciate every single word you would write about this. Thank you!
This SO easily could be made much more fantastical and movie, a-la Not Another Teen Movie with jock Chris and popular boy Sebastian
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But, just like you said, I love the thought of two dorky fucking theater kids giggling together and blushing so hard when their hands brush in the hallway or having awful all-tongue kisses before either of them knows how to kiss--it makes both of them cringe, it's so bad, but that's okay, they're bad together.
Too fucking sweet!
I can think of so many different scenarios for ✨them✨
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When they're crushing hard on each other but have yet to admit it because Seb is a new student in Chris' school and they have yet to really meet--they've only seen each other's faces in the hall. Then, with butterflies, Sebastian always finds himself turning around sharply, spinning on his heel in a tight circle in the hallways. He would rather be caught dead than have to face his crush and stumble through an awkward conversation or get teased by his crush.
So, Seb practically runs through crowds of students to get away from Chris with that bright, shining smile and habit of making friends with anyone and everyone--jocks, theater kids, whoever. And because of Seb's bashfulness, Chris is convinced that that shy, sweet kid who doesn't talk so much in class because the other students make fun of his softened accent doesn't like him. Chris is a little heartbroken about it, too. He tells his older sister, Carly, and his Ma about it and they brush it off lovingly, surely, he's just shy and he'll come around, you'll have a class with him eventually and learn his name and talk to him. It'll work out.
It does work out.
After a first semester of evasion on Sebastian's part and hopeful intrigue on Chris', they end up in the same theater class together, same period, same teacher despite being in different years. Huh, Sebastian is a year younger than him. Chris didn't suspect that, but, hey, now the baby face makes more sense. Either way, suddenly, not only are they in the same class, now they're also playing silly theater games together, breaking the ice and laughing and bonding over the arts.
Chris learns, captivated by the other boy as he speaks, his voice soft and sweet with a lilt that flows over the syllables in a way that Chris has never heard before but is immediately obsessed with, that Sebastian is from Romania, lived in Germany for a short time, for an even shorter time was in New York City, and then came with his Mom (and probable, soon-to-be step-father) to Massachusetts. He's here. And, when Chris eggs him on and gets his mouth running, Chris also learns that for a while, Sebastian thought he should find a new name. An American name. He considered the name Chris.
Chris laughs because what are the odds? But he wishes he didn't because in an instant, Sebastian's smile dims and he grows quiet, unsure of his welcome. To apologize, Chris reaches out, setting his hand on his shoulder, and says so, "I'm sorry," he fumbles, "I just thought it was funny because then we'd have the same name. How funny would that be, dude? Hi, what's you're name? Chris. Oh, well, me too. Nice to meet you, Chris, I'm Chris." Chris finds his heart beating a little too fast, rambunctious as he does a voice for himself and for Sebastian, trying to cheer him up.
It works.
Sebastian laughs and, oh my god, Chris' whole world frickin' lights up. He's pretty sure he's in love. He's only ever felt so light and entranced the first time he saw a movie with Sandra Bullock or, god, Elisabeth Shue.
Keep it together, my guy, Chris shouts at himself in his head, his mind's eye suddenly awash with the incredibly uncool posters he has on his bedroom walls. A big, like, huge poster of Sandy and a smaller one of Elisabeth push a few run-of-the-mill posters of surfers and snowboarders that were too boyish for Carly to want out of her teen magazines. He needs to do something about those. He needs to be cooler. He needs Sebastian to like him. Ugh! not to mention the stuffed animals he still has. Some of them even sit on the side of his bed, their backs against the wall. He doesn't sleep with a teddy bear (technically), but they do sit there when he sleeps and sometimes he rolls over on top of them and crushes them in his sleep which makes him feel bad later even though he knows they can't feel it, they're not sentient, and--
Tighten up, c'mon, Chris urges himself, talking to himself in his head once more. He can't be spiraling out with this guy in front of him! He's trying to make conversation. He's trying to be cool.
Or... nevermind because their teacher interrupts any other chance of conversation with the next exercise.
After that first quick conversation, the boys are paired together more. Each time, they learn more about each other and, unbeknownst to the other, they hold tightly onto the information, willing themselves not to forget it so the next time they talk they don't stumble quite so hard.
Once, Chris is out with his Ma and siblings grocery shopping and he's interrupted in a not-so-serious argument with Scott about something that he can't even be bothered to remember when he hears--
"Uh, hi?"
Chris spins around and finds his face breaking into a surely dorky grin because Sebastian, it's Sebastian calling his name, unsure of himself, clearly, but confident enough to approach him and say hello and Chris might almost clobber him going in for a hug when Sebastian reaches for a handshake.
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"Dude!" Chris says, pulling back to admire see his smile. He's wearing basketball shorts and a NASA sweatshirt, both bigger than he is, hanging off of him like hand-me-downs but Sebastian doesn't have any siblings so Chris wonders if they're his or his soon-to-be step-father's. Maybe. Maybe his mom still buys his clothes and insists that he can grow into them.
It's only when they're staring at each other, unsure of what to say, that Chris notices Sebastian's hair is wet and curling messily like he took a shower before spontaneously appearing in this grocery store on a Wednesday evening.
Sebastian is the one to break their silence, he also is the first one to get out of Chris' Evans'-typical-octopus-hold--what can he say, he's a hugger like his Ma--stepping back and going, "y'know, I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing so many bananas."
Chris is red.
Chris is thinking about bananas in a very, very inappropriate way. What could he possibly be talking about?
Sebastian, he notices, is turning red, too, but probably for very different reasons. Maybe. But he is definitely doing that thing he does when he's unsure of his place and his mouth is suddenly running away from him, talking about how in Romania and even to some extent in Vienna, there were never any bananas and little to no fresh fruit of any kind because of... of, y'know, he makes sure to look around before whispering communism.
Chris doesn't know much of anything about communism, just what they talked about in history with the Cold War so he just nods and tells Sebastian that he better buy a whole bunch then. Miracle of miracle, that makes Sebastian laugh. He confesses, turning his head and putting a hand over the side of his mouth so it's just the two of them--just Sebastian's warm breath on Chris' face, he's actually kind of sick of bananas now because of how many he ate when he first arrived in the U.S. Chris isn't sure if he's supposed to laugh or not, it doesn't seem super funny, it's a little more sad, but he laughs because Sebastian is telling him so theatrically that it must be a joke to him.
Sebastian gives him a secret smile, his hand still up to his mouth, and then scurries away to a disembodied voice just a few isles over, someone calling his name, heavily accented and musical, See-bass-tea-an. Chris lets it echo in his head and then tries it on his tongue, pronouncing the other's name the way it was intended, quiet, just to himself. See-bass-tea-an. That must be his Mom, calling for him, wondering where he wandered off to. And... right.
Chris should go back to his family, too, despite the stars circling his head like a cartoon character that's been hit with a mallet and is now wandering around in circles. Maybe it isn't love because Chris doesn't feel like this when he sees his favorite actresses on screen, this is... different. More intense. Definitely different. Maybe love. He stumbles back to Scott to half-heartedly, playfully shove him as the argument starts again.
They keep bumping into each other, talking in class but also in the hallways and at lunch. Sebastian starts sitting with Chris and his friends and it's great, the school year starts to fly by, until...
Everyone has been cast for the theatre department's third production of the year. Auditions are over, lines are being memorized, and rehearsals are underway. Chris was lucky enough to get the lead boy role and, on top of that luck, Sebastian was cast, too! So, now, they get to spend even more time together and it's great. Again, until...
The lead girl is out sick.
Nothing serious, just an unseasonal bout of the flu. It's nearly spring and it doesn't make sense but Chris would rather she stay home and rest rather than run herself into the ground before opening night is even here. Plus, this way, they don't have to practice kissing in rehearsals (which will never not be nerve-wracking) and Chris doesn't have to get sick himself, swapping spit. The only bad thing is that it means Chris is running lines by himself, making stupid, big gestures alone on stage (the teacher is running emergency runner-up auditions, just in case the lead girl misses more practice), pretending to grab a non-existent girl's waist and dip her to kiss her.
*Non-existent* and a *girl's waist* until someone shoves Sebastian out of the dark backstage where he had been waiting for his next cue as they do the run-through.
There he is, stumbling out into the light on colt-ish legs and suddenly Chris is bold enough, heart racing in his chest--encouraged by the voices of his Ma and sister and friends--to grab Sebastian and do the scene with him. Sebastian doesn't know his lines, and he's giggling because of it, but it doesn't matter. He's watched Chris do it enough to know when to react and how to move, swaying with him, gasping when he needs to. And Chris, just, does it.
Chris kisses Sebastian.
In the middle of the stage, standing in a blinding, sweltering spotlight, just as himself and not as his character, Chris kisses Sebastian's soft lips and, holy fuck, Sebastian is kissing him back.
Chris doesn't know what to do. He didn't think this far. He... he dips Sebastian like he was supposed to dip the girl but he doesn't kiss him as he dips him, feeling Sebastian scramble to hold onto him, afraid of falling. Instead, Chris whispers, their lips still brushing, "there's a spring dance in a few weeks, would you come with me?"
Sebastian's eyes flutter open and stretch wide, processing his question. Chris has never seen such a pretty, glittering color as what's entrapped in his eyes--they're blue, grey, almost green in the stage lighting. Absolutely mesmerizing.
His fingers dig tighter into his shoulders as Chris lifts them both back up to standing, "r-really?" Sebastian asks, his voice soft. The words are just for them. Not the characters they're playing. "Like, as your date? Not just because we're friends?"
Chris nods, confirming, "as a date."
Sebastian's verifiably soft lips split into a dazzling grin, kittenish and heart-stopping, "okay."
"Okay," Chris echoes, stuck in the magic of the moment. This feels like a movie, standing center stage where the boy gets the g--boy.
The boy gets the boy.
"Gentleman," their teacher claps her hands together once from the auditorium seating, shocking them both, leaving them to slide apart, a scant few inches between them, "that's enough goofing around." She twirls her finger in a circle, her voice gentle but without room for argument, "let's run it from the top."
Before Seb is whisked off the stage by a few of their mutual friends laughing and mostly quietly hollering, oooohing like middle schoolers rather than the high schoolers they are, he shoots Chris another one of those secret smiles and, god, Chris has forgotten every single one of his lines.
Do NOT get me started on the sheer amount of teasing that would happen if they did get married eventually, or just were long, long-term boyfriends and then were in Marvel and met Mackie. The jokes. Too much. I would love that.
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Could you tell us your favorite iteration of raph and why
Oh that's an easy one! That would have to be 2003 Raph!
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I mean, look at this boy! Do you see him? Do you see this boy? Do you?
I mean, yes, all of the other versions of Raph are nice too, don't get me wrong. 87 Raph is a funny little dude, who can have a short temper here and there, but is mostly there for the sarcasm and I love it. 12 Raph does have some anger issues, but he also can be very caring and to me is just trying to find a way to balance all the parts of himself out. Rise Raph is a sweetheart and a teddy bear and took on so much. 90s Movie Raph loved life and just wanted his brothers safe and alright and wanted more for all of them. 07 Raph still wanted to do good, and was able to realize and learn from mistakes. Bayverse Raph would die for his family, and was upset when he was left for dead, because he felt like he'd failed them. Even Next Mutation Raph, as goofy as that show was, was still good, sticking up for Venus a couple of times, if I remember correctly. And Mutant Mayhem Raph is passionate and clearly cares about his brothers, he just covers how much with some tough-guy attitude.
But 2003 Raph? Oh, he's top tier to me! I mean, look at this guy!
He's protective.
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Like, how many times have we seen him jump in the way to protect a brother, or be outraged on a brother's behalf? There are so many gifsets of him being protective to Don, and that's just one brother. There's so many other instances of him being protective towards Mikey and Leo too! Like when Mikey runs into that other prisoner when they're in the Triceriton prison, and Raph gets in front of Mikey--of all of them--and is ready to fight the dude.
He's got his brother's backs.
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I mean, this ties in with being caring, but the dude is constantly backing up his family, and getting upset when things aren't fair or right for them. Look at how upset he got in season four, when Mikey had to face Kluh down again, and the magic was messed with. Yeah, he was ready for Mikey to get taken down a peg or two, because of Mikey's bragging, but the minute it was clear something was wrong, that Mikey was getting hurt, Raph's first words were "That's not right!" And in the City at War arc, even when he didn't agree with Leo's decision to involve them, he still ended up getting Splinter and going back to fight alongside his family.
He obviously loves his family.
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Have you seen the affection this boy pours out? Worrying about Don when he's overworking in Return to the Underground. Clearly worried out of his mind when he thought Mikey was seriously injured in The Shredder Strikes. Helping Leo reforge his swords after the Shredder broke them. How upset he was that they couldn't find Splinter after they took out Foot HQ. And there's no way we can forget Tales of Leo. And that's not counting all the little physical things, like touches, helping brothers with things, and just so many small ways.
He's respectful.
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Just go watch Touch and Go. Like seriously. Random old lady mistakes him for someone else, and he's all just like "yes ma'am" and "sorry ma'am" and helps her move boxes. Like, he is just the most respectful and I am so, so, so here for it. And it's not just with her. He's respectful with April, with Splinter, with anyone, unless he thinks they don't deserve it, and even then, he'll not go out of his way to be intentionally rude to him, although he's definitely not one to let opportunities slide.
He's caring.
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Again, this ties in heavily with most of the above, but he genuinely cares about others. Helping Mrs. Morrison, trying to get Tyler to safety and then helping him get his mom back, being kind to the cat, Lucy, looking after April and Casey, trying to protect Cody, and, again, all of the moments with his brothers.
And yet he's still a goofy teenage boy.
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I mean, looking all of this. Noogies, silly faces, pranking Casey with his brothers--he's just having fun! He's still a teenager, still just a kid, but he's got such a complex character and is just so, so, so good!
And we can't forget the SAINW hug. Like, that's a must.
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Like this boy is just so well written--I think all of the characters in 2003 are, tbh--and I just absolutely love how complex and deep they make them. This Raph, to me, has layers that the other Raphs either don't have, or were executed not as well. Even with 2003 Raph's hot-headedness, we can clearly see how it effects him, and how he eventually learns to use it, even if it still does get him in trouble sometimes.
Like, 2003 Raph is my favorite Raph, and so far no other Raph has come close, and if I wasn't about to run off to church I'm sure I could articulate why better. But hopefully this'll be enough!
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findafight · 1 year
Okay but. Now I am thinking of transfem Evie Harrington starbara canon au where Barb is like. Preeetty sure she only likes girls. Possibly. But she's willing to give Steve a try. He's charming and goofy and listens when she says to cut out all that mean talk and is also, shockingly, very interested in her.
So she thinks sure, she'll try dating a boy. Feel like a normal teenage girl for a bit. It's fun and Steve listens when she tells him to back off. And she really does like him. So maybe she just likes mostly girls usually, and sometimes a boy. Mostly Steve, though.
But then she gets taken by the demogorgon and survives the Upside Down and everything is awful. Steve is still there, and he's worried and protective and so so glad she's back mostly safe. She thinks she might be a little in love with him.
They date, and it's nice and good and normal and Steve lets her set the pace with how to talk about the Upside Down. She does talk about it, and he talks about what happened in the right side up, and they both cry. Barb knows she loves him, and that he loves her. It's nice and comfortable, they kiss and have sex and saying it's love is probably fast but they've survived monsters apart, so now they want to stick together.
One day, maybe the spring or summer after round one, Barb convinces him to lay back and let her get him dolled up. They've got a free afternoon and she wants to practice doing someone else's makeup just in case. Also, it's fun. It's silly and they deserve a little silly. She doesn't really wear a lot of make up but she's got mascara, a couple colours of lipstick, rouge, and a whopping four different eyeshaddows. While Barb prefers the dark red lipstick, she thinks the lighter, cherry shade would be better for Steve. She curls his lashes (borrowed the curler from Nancy and forgot to give it back) and adds just a little pink eyeshadow, then blush around his cheeks. She's admittedly not very skilled or practiced, but it's definitely passable application. The finishing touch, though, is that Steve lets her style his hair, parting it to the side because of all the cowlicks, and letting its waves curl slightly around his face. She climbs off him and stands, looking down at him.
"oh. You make a very pretty girl, Stevie. Or. Hm... Evie, maybe? Wanna see?"
He pauses for a moment before crawling off his bed to the bathroom, and when he faces the mirror Barb can hear him stop breathing. It's just a moment, before he turns to her and smiles. Kisses her cheek and likely smears lipstick on it (which does give Barb a bit of a thrill, and little jolt of pleasure and longing and she doesn't want to think about that because she loves Steve. She knows she does. If people can be a little gay sometimes Barb can be a little Straight with Steve. She doesn't need lipstick on her cheek or to watch a skirt brush the ground or anything else like that when Steve is beside her.)
It isn't until after the tunnels that Steve brings it up. A week after, he's barely gotten the go ahead to slowly get back to school (he's able to do half days until the headaches get too much), they're laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, holding hands and just breathing together.
"Barbie?" He starts, and stops.
She hums, encouraging.
He sighs. "Do you remember when you...when you did my makeup?"
"yeah, I do."
"you called me Evie. Like my great Aunt, my favourite Aunt, I would've been named after if I was a girl instead of my great Uncle."
She turns her head to look at him, still staring at the ceiling, squeezing her hand tighter now.
"I did..."
"I need you to know I love you. I do. I really, really do."
She almost sits up, but stops herself. Whatever Steve is talking about is important, he's clutching her hand tightly but not looking at her. Instead, she squeezes back. "I love you too."
Steve's breath hitches. "I really liked it when you called me Evie." It's a whisper, a breath.
Barb squeezes his hand again.
"Barbie. I really, really, liked it. I wish it was my name." Finally he turns to face her, and his eyes are glossy. She reaches up to brush her fingers against a yellowing bruise on his cheek. "I wish I was that little girl that was named after her Great Aunt Evelyn and I could wear makeup like you did for me whenever I wanted and that I was a pretty girl."
Barb leans in to kiss softly, a brush of lips. "Maybe you are?" She doesn't know. Just knows that Steve, Evie? Is upset. She doesn't want to see someone she loves upset, and it seems like saying that may help. She doesn't know.
Breath hitches. "You think I can be? Just like that?"
Combing her fingers through her...through her lover's hair, Barb shrugs as best she can lying on her side. "I've never wanted to be a boy. But you want to be a girl. I think. I think maybe that's what makes you one?"
"yeah?" It's a tiny, cracking, word and Barb wishes she could help fix whatever grief is causing it.
"well. I don't think any people who aren't girls want to be girls."
Her lover shifts, enough that their foreheads touch. "And...would that be okay? For you? For...for us?"
Barb leans closer, so their lips brush when she speaks. "Pretty sure you're it for me, Evelyn Harrington. Whoever you decide you are, I'll love."
"and if I want to be your girlfriend?"
She grins, can't help pressing into a kiss. "Then I guess I've got the prettiest girlfriend in town."
Evie presses in for another kiss. "Mmh. No. I think that's me." Barb can feel her smiling against her lips.
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happypotato48 · 5 months
GMMTV 2024 PART 2 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts (Only The Queers Though)
Ossan’s Love Thailand รักนี้ให้ "นาย": oh here we go again for the third times. i'm still skeptical about it and Chakrit Yamnam definitely is not an ossan yet but... damnnnnn my inner slut for older men sense is tingling, i know gmmtv just gonna keep doing this boring BL idol pairs nonsense, but like can we get more older gays/age gap BLs? i haven't seen Chakrit in ages and that man still so damn fine! he and our honorary uncle earth could've been something that thai BL is currently lacking, a sloppy hotmess Daddies. but alas that will remain a dream for now.
The ​Heart Killers เขาจ้างให้ผมจีบนักฆ่า: i haven't watch the Eclipse yet and really didn't liked both Star In My Mind and Hidden Agenda and definitely never gonna watch Only Friend (seen all the sex scenes though.) i loved the chaotic energy the trailer giving and i'm always a sucker for black comedy (don't know if this show gonna be that but fingercrossed) when it done correctly. also this show better serve us so many leather bad boy looks. i may have not be completely sold on this show yet, but i'm horny for it.
สายรหัสเทวดา Perfect10 Liners: "Too Many Cooks repeated for several minutes" i'm going to be there for forcebook and juniormark but like wtf in frash glee hell is this, most of these mofos are pushing 30. let them be adults god danm it, i know that the target demographic for gmmtv is young adults and teenagers and that they really love/good at??? school settings. but come on let's our peter pans and wendies fly free. they're probably bored out of their fucking minds by now.
Us รักของเรา | GMMTV 2024 PART 2: i'm gonna be a good little homo and let's all the great wlws do all the talking for this show. i'm not keen on the sibling's lover stealing trope but hey as the great Lucille Bluth one said, good for her.
Thame - Po (เธม-โป้): HEART THAT SKIPS A BEAT: hehehe, Est is so pretty, ok i'm sold i'm easy like that. i was never into any boy bands as a teen, but there like a lot of former thai boy bands members that came out as gay in recent years so maybe i shouda had. anywhoo i probably not gonna mind the singing and dancing in this show since most of them going to be done by singers/dancers and not actors turned idols.
REVAMP THE UNDEAD STORY: i'm really not into serious vempires so this show is kinda meh for me. the goofy ones though those i'd have eat up. this one probably a pass for me.
แฟนที่ทันตแพทย์ส่วนใหญ่แนะนำ Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist: all my blorbos are here we get mark, baby ohm, poon, and หมอjim. ahhhhhhh!! i need it now. i also don't mind dentists like most people especially when they're good looking guys, those handsome doctors can put anything in my mouth😉
เพราะแฟนเก่าเปลี่ยนแปลงบ่อย The Ex-Morning: is this going to be our second coming BL? idk i never there for first one 😝this show either going to be a good meta commentary about the whole business that gone down or its head going be so up it own ass that will take several bottles of lube to get the head out to see the sunlight. we'll see.
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vsyrworld · 10 months
get to know my favorite driver's ship
this was made by me and for me and i wrote fanfic about them!!!
(fyi; i started watching f1 in 2015 so ofc you guys KNOW what my FIRST and ULTIMATE ship)
(older f1 ships: )
Brocedes :D (childhood friends, teammates, rivals, anything but a lover - crofty 2021)
OH COME ON. I will write an essay about their history. BUT ANYWAY, despite their toxic year in 2015/2016, I still adore how young nico and lewis friendship or whatever they had in Greece back then and I still keep this ship alive until the 2021 season. Their battle on the track was BEYOND TOXIC, yet their battle off the track (media drama) is HILLAARIOUS. How come Lewis accidentally spills out, the name that shouldn't be spoken for Half of DECADE. God both of them are dramas king. NICO PODCAST omg the talk with Alain prost and they compared his vs Senna battle with HIS AND Lewis's battle PLUS when Nico's storytelling his "friendship" history in ITALY at the SPONSOR EVENTS *CRIED* and lewis always mentioned how he loves ice cream and do cheating day in imola and monza BECAUSE IT WAS NICO WHO INTRODUCE THE FOOD THERE. ugh I hate and love them at the same time. (I do include some Seb/NICO too because I like see Lewis getting rilled up)
2. Kimi and Seb (I ADORE THIS A LOT)
my calm and serenity wise iconic ferrari couple. I feel like Kimi was the rock ice and water for Seb to prevent him from burnout because of ferrari. during 2017-2018, Seb pushed hard (same like Charles) and yet the car reliability fuck his championship standing. and kimi (--kimi was the last ferrari champion hiks) kimi just so attentive to seb and I genuinely like both of them being rebels to whole ferrari tradition (like they don't do rollercoaster thingy, they DON'T master Italian, they just become their self and being so comfortable in their own bubble, fuck world). I had noticed also Seb (and Gio) is the only teammate that can make Kimi laugh. I just super super adore them!
ugh should I explain them? THE CHAOTIC GAYEST ENERGY IN WHOLEEE 2016 GRIDS COME ON. I love how Daniel basically took young rookie Max under his arm and just had fun on and off the track with It? The biggest flop was when Max was just so hotheaded and they crashed in Baku. I thought their relationship gonna be stranded but GUESS WHAT? MAXIEL IS STILL ALIVE UNTIL NOW HELLO? and their relationship is so real not only for the camera but also out the camera. The other highlight moment is when Max is already 'too big' daniel really steps down from RBR because he knows, Max will outshine him, and he knows (what he learned from brocedes too) that it's better to go the other way.
4. Dando (COMFORT SHIIP Not romantically also)
I thought daniel was max soulmate but LANDO excuse me? They can share daniel If they want. i just love how lando becomes so silly and blushes like school teenager around Daniel. i love how they INFLUENCE each other. I think because I feel nostalgic with them because they really similar with Maxiel in 2017 era, just one season before Daniel goes to renault, Maxiel was strained on thin paper. Dando other hands, well Daniel mostly, struggled in McLaren (with the papaya fans also still adore Carlos that time and refuse to let go him) plus Lando was shining bright just like Max 2016. Again, daniel he stepped OUT (this time). I guess, that similarity made me miss maxiel too.
5. last one C2 (Charlos) gosh, please!! ultimate!!!
loving and adoring them was expected though. It wasn't because they're both handsome (I already know Carlos was goofy ever since his Renault era so I never consider him as a handsome man) BUT DANG BOY, RED ON CARLOS WAS SOMETHING ELSE? RED ON CARLOS, BLACK ON CARLOS WAS SAKDAJSKDFHLKJSAFHKJAF.
-- okay back to the c2. It was a slow build okay? I realized that they are special during Carlos's first podium, Monaco 2021. Charles WAS LIKE ME. Blushing giggling, shy gazes toward Carlos. they are so endearing. Both of them are the victims of the Ferrari team. But I think they both understand each burden (Charles being the predestinated one, and Carlos had to prove his talent bcs he is a two times world champion son) plus, the way Ferrari screwed Charles in 2019. The team was cracked but with Carlos, I didn't expect this cursed team is heal :"D (Crying) and Charles become more relaxed, more enjoyed, even his coping mechanism is with laughter and Carlos just matches his energy. Idk , they gave me... a relationship through ups and downs.
and I realized there are so many people trying to pit them against each other, their fans are constantly arguing about who is the best and better driver, always dragging one of them down, but guess what is Carlos and Charles's response? it's completely differs from real life. They knew and fucking see it their fans tension. Carlos's anger to the Spanish media has already proven enough he had enough of these things. Charles also said in an interview that "what he saw about him and Carlos is nowhere true". they are the best PR relationship couple out there, but I also can see a genuine, how they know each other so weell. How Charles kept the football game updated just because of Carlos, how Carlos knows his favorite food, how they had their own internal jokes,
they are both soo lowkey on the camera during and outside the race. and I think that Is why people never hype them like carlando or everyone's favorite childhood rival to lovers lesttapen. And I thought they didn't really hang out with each other that much but WHAT WAS THAT SUMMER BREAK? HUH? YOU IN MALORCA AND WENT TO SOUTHERN FRENCH? What were the matching Instagram feeds color and aesthetic at New York? WHAT WAS THE THING ABOUT PASTA CARBONARA UN LUNGA NON PENNE? WHAT WAS THAT THING CHARLES SLEPT ON THE FLOOR just to accompany Carlos watching World Cup? The dolomites? The Sardinia?
there are soo many thing that they keep it so low-profile and under camera, and yet their conversation is so domestic.
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