#they will probably kill him just for living in the same house as MC
obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Spoilers for Obey Me NB lesson 12!!
I just realized that if the demon bros from the original time line would find out about the whole fountain of knowledge and MC going into a come stuff they would rip Solomon apart on the spot...
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skyeslittlecorner · 9 months
On the other side - Andrealphus
I have no idea who proposed it because sadly I can't find it (found you! Thanks for inspiration @\rae-pss!), but someone came up with an idea of what would happen if the characters from WHB started to realize that the MC was not us. That there is someone on the other side of the screen who takes care of them. I created a little silly fic loosely interpreting it.
Word count: 1284
Other parts: On the other side | Promised Land | Point to point | Love is blind (18+)
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Life is so repeatable. Work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, only with some little pleasures in between. You took off jacket, threw it away and plopped down at the chair. Old phone landed on a table as you were struggling with thoughts whether to eat instant noodles today or heat up yesterday's dinner.
"Come on, boys." You turn on game and tapped loading screen just from boredroom. "I don't have all evening."
You wanted to have a pet, you've considered it a lot. But with these earnings, the closest thing to an animal in this house were fish sticks. So all that had left to do was talk to fictional hot guys. At least they don't need to be feed.
When Andrea appeared on the display, you tapped on him with a smile.
"Hi, babygirl."
"Who’s there…?"
You've never seen this speech bubble before. Update? But nothing downloaded, and any additional files were in a queue. Well, maybe it was one of those little tweaks nobody notice. You tapped the screen about three hundred more times to see if there were any new voice lines, but this time everything was the same. Maybe it was just a combination of overactive imagination and tiredness. Yes. Instant noodles will be a better option, you will make them faster and go to bed faster.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
"…and then this stupid bitch said it was all my fault." 
Lying half on the chair, half on the desk, and half somewhere in between, you were chatting with a friend on Discord and doing tasks for nightmare pass.
"That sucks. What are you going to do about it?"
"No idea. But if they take my bonus because of her, I'll kill her, I swear."
"I hope everything will be fine, but I have to go. Sorry."
"Yeah… Have fun on a date."
Hearing the disconnection sound, you sighed. Obviously, you couldn't blame them, keeping fingers crossed that they had found their other half of orange, but now they didn't even have time to meet for coffee, and you lived three minutes' walk from each other. Talking together, joking together, everything faded into the background. In addition, work was getting worse...
"I also hope everything will work out"
The voice sounded different. Familiar. But they definitely weren't your friend. You quickly checked the screen to see if anyone had joined the voice chat, but the screen was blank.
"What… Who? How?" Of course, there was no one around the room. Is this the beginning of hallucinations?
"I'd like to ask this too."
The voice that came from the speakers. From the telephone. From...?
The phone screen showed only a familiar sprite turning its head from side to side.  You forgot about the strange update from a few days ago. Was that it again? Andrea's red braid was beautifully animated, and facial expressions changed, delicate movements of the eyebrows and lips showed new emotions. It really looked stunningly real.
"Gorgeous." You complimented in a whisper godly work of the animator. "I can't wait until you get L, since you already look so sexy as S..."
"What are S and L...?"
He answered without tapping. Moreover, he tilted his head as if listening. There's been a lot of talk about AI lately, but you didn't agree to use the microphone in game… Unless it's some stinky term of services. This needs to be turned off, it will probably be in the settings. But after checking options, there was nothing like that there.
"Trust me, I find it unnatural too." Andrea replied with an uncertain smile. "I hear you, but I don't feel anyone around me. But your voice… It’s nice. Can you keep talking? It feels good to be less... alone."
He sounded so much in character. Whoever programmed this, put a lot of work into it. It was a little weird... but you were so tired and done that chatting with the AI seemed like a nice change.
"Sure. It's weird talking to the screen, but well, I do it all the time anyway. Good thing it’s only an AI, because if anyone heard half the nonsense I moan, they'd probably send me to solitary confinement."
"You're calling grown man babygirl."
"Because you are!"
He chuckled, and it felt almost like a talking to an actual human. Muttering such nonsense, you felt ashamed for a moment. If the government suddenly started eavesdropping, the agent who was in charge was such a poor man.
"Tell me something else." He asked. "I've been hearing your voice for several days. I'd like to finally know who I'm having the pleasure of talking with."
He didn't have to ask twice. Of course, without providing any personal details, but you could give him your name. And told about that stupid bitch at work...
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
You checked tumblr, checked X, and checked the official website of the game. There was no word about an update anywhere, and after writing that this new option with talking to devils was great, all mutuals started to worry if everything was okay or asked how to unlock it. What were you supposed to tell them? That it just appeared?
What's worse, you started to treat Andrea like an ordinary person. A human being. Turning on the game during cleaning, cooking or making bed, talking to that little devil on the screen, and... listening to his stories. He spoke so beautifully. Talked about how he likes to spend his time (if not murdering angels), or what everyday life in Nilfheim is like. Sometimes he worried about the war, sometimes was happy when you stayed with him longer being off work.
"My blindness is truly a gift." He said one day with a dreamy smile.
"Why so?"
"In this daily hustle, if my eyes were still working properly, I certainly wouldn't be able to hear you, a small voice in my consciousness. I thought there was something wrong with me. But when I finally focused, you heard me too."
What he said was so similar to what you remembered about own feelings. Longing tightened your chest, longing for someone who didn't exist in this world, and that feeling turned into pain.
"I'm also glad we can hear from each other." Your voice changed noticeably. 
Andrea sensed it.
"Now that we've been able to talk, maybe one day we'll be able to touch each other?" He held his hand out in front of him, but you knew he couldn't pass through the screen. Still, you placed a finger where his hand was. Stupid mind was tricking you that you could feel his warmth. Tears came to your eyes.
"One day." You whispered with a trembling voice. "I don't know how, but one day we will."
"Do not cry, please. I don't want you to ever cry because of me.”
You tried to keep calm, but it was no use. Maybe one day, in another time, in another reality. Maybe it will work. No, it has to work. No matter how crazy others might think you were, this wasn't the world you were supposed to stay in. Your intended one waited patiently on the other side of the screen. You just didn't know how to do it. Not yet.
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blue-howlite · 1 month
Rambling about my new obsession because I'm the sole lord of this glorified trashcan and I can.
Sylus from Love and Deepspace.
Warnings: spoilers for his two story chapters, spoilers about Dawnbreaker, generic spoilers about the game, a lot of self indulgent thinking, error.404 coherence not found, we're hopping from one thought to the other like the sparrows on the window, inaccuracies are likely to happen I'm just a silly guy.
So, from the blurred scene we see as flashback when we're on the rooftop with him and stuff, someone made out the figure of a "Wanderer" Sylus on his knees, stabbed with a sword in the chest by the MC. I'll add the link to the Tumblr post with the video here. The video is from TikTok but it's easier to see here if you ask me and besides this is what triggered all my thinking.
Now, hear me out.
We know the other guys (well you guys probably know, I landed on the game for Sylus and saw almost nothing of the in-game lore of the guys, I only know spoilers from social media and something from the anecdotes) all sacrificed something for MC in her past lives. Faith, power, people... They had all to renounce to something to protect MC. Some people were wondering what Sylus sacrificed for her in her past life with him.
This would be the explanation.
He literally died for her.
Like in the flashback he tells MC to press on, so she didn't kill him as an enemy, but he LET her kill him. And for some reason she HAD to kill him too. We can see his clawed hand cradling hers and making her hold the hilt of the sword.
Now if we go down the wanderer theory, y'all are familiar with Dawnbreaker anecdotes right? How people started turning into wanderers and the alternative Zayne had to kill them even though they still had human looks for the most part.
So what if Sylus was, in another life, that kind of wanderer? A human turned into a monster, that MC had no choice but to kill?
The surroundings, for what little we could see in the blurry flashbacks, weren't of Linkon, or any place on the current in-game earth for that matter. A very post-apocalyptic vibe, right?
AND we know from Dawnbreaker that his world is going in a similarly dystopic direction: the government is hiding the fact that people are turning into wanderers, Linkon in ruins, normal wanderers roaming free and people forced inside their houses. We've seen suspicious wanderers in the new story chapters too, when we were at the club fighting the other faction of Onychinus. Just reminding y'all.
Now I won't reach THAT much by saying that Dawnbreaker is in the same timeline of wanderer Sylus and MC (though...) BUT what if in their timeline they found themselves in that similar situation, just way further ahead and way worse? MC as one of the few surviving humans with Sylus as her companion, both of them trying to "press on", with ultimately Sylus turning into a wanderer and getting killed by MC, then her dying later on.
This feels like a mashup of Doom Breaker and Eternal Afterlife but it's probably just me.
And all the possible simbolysm, as the person in the video noticed, like the claw gripping a heart on Sylus's necklace? Could it be symbolic of his wanderer self clinging to his humanity? Or maybe his wanderer self, still somehow conscious, offering his heart to MC to be killed, like he did in the flashback?
Also, just to mention the other necklace he has, with the heart being impaled; I don't know how strong vampire lore is in China, BUT a stake to the heart is what is traditionally believed to kill vampires. And vampires, traditionally, are represented as parasites, or rather humans that are possessed by a parasite, and killing them is putting the human soul at peace and saving it. So apply it to Sylus and the earlier reasonings about his past life with MC.
It's the theme of losing humanity and being saved through death before it's too late.
Also it would be such a good parallel with the scene from their first (not exactly first but you get it) interaction, when Sylus presses MC's gun to his chest and encourages her to shoot. Like MC killed him at the first chance she got.
Which would support the wanderer Sylus theory.
And that thing about not being killed by the same thing twice in Lost Oasis??? Hello???
Yes he didn't actually die and can use his energy manipulation to heal himself quickly but you get my point:
He coerced her into shooting at his heart. Where she likely stabbed him in the other timeline.
Okay now that we've talked about this (AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE LORE THE SYMBOLISM THE PARALLELS THE DEPTH I JUST CAN'T WITH THIS GAME) let's go to something lighter!
Like, did you know that crows are one of the smartest and most loyal birds out there?
They have a great memory and will remember you if you help them, becoming loyal to you (following you around, giving you trinkets...) and sort of adopting you as their god in a way (since they give you offerings and expect food in exchange so you are getting my point I hope). What does this say about Sylus? EVERYTHING.
He comes to MC when he needs help and always rewards her, he literally says that he adores her (not in the main story), has his "flock" (Luke and Kieran, and Mephisto if we want) looking out for her, not to mention the stalking...
He's that perfect mix between adorable crow husband and tormented gothic antagonist.
Alr thank you for coming to my LaD talk, have a cookie 🍪
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mybelovedwoo · 1 year
Tumblr media
where it all began
wooyoung x f!reader
fluff, friends to lovers / wc: 1.7k
warnings: a little bit of angst (fighting between the boys, but nothing with mc), injuries, kissing
wooyoung masterlist - main masterlist
You met Ateez before they even debuted when they were in LA for a month. You never imagined how close you would get to the boys, and a year later you would move to the other side of the world, and begin a whole new life. But you would never ask for anything more and better. 
It wasn't as hard to move out of LA, on the one hand, it wasn't really your home anyway, you only lived there for a couple of months, on the other hand in this little time you experienced that it may be the most toxic place ever to exist.
Living in Seoul has been a journey not gonna lie, but you are glad your friends are there for you. Especially your two best friends San and Wooyoung. Most of the time you feel like you are third wheeling if you are with them, because of how affectionate they are with each other, but you three have the same kind of energy so you immediately clicked.
It's been two years since then, and right now you are squeezed between the mentioned two smart eggs in a minibus. You are on your way to a vacation with all eight of the boys, but these two decided to fight the night before, so they are currently not talking to each other. You are the only one holding them back from a war.
You have no idea what possibly can cause such a fight between them, of course, non of them told you yet, but curiosity kills you. The tension is crazy in the car, you can't wait to get there already.
After what seemed like ages you finally got to your accommodation for the weekend. The sudden heat hit you when you got out of the car. It felt so good to finally stretch out a little.
"Hey San, could you help with the luggage?" Hongjoong asked, but San stormed into the house as if his life depended on it. It wasn't out of rudeness, he simply didn't hear it.
"I'll help you." You told him. At least you'll keep yourself busy until then, and you don't have to deal with this cold war between two of your best friends.
"There's no way! Seriously he can't even do that much, even for you. Don't worry Y/n, I'll do it. Just go inside." Wooyoung came up from behind you to help Hongjoong take out the bags from the trunk.
You just muttered a little "okay" under your breath, you thought his behavior was a bit strange, of course, all the boys have always been very respectful to you, but you thought maybe it was because of the fight, he wanted to show that he is better than him.
You entered the cool room, where the others already made themselves comfortable, some settled on the couch in the living room area, and some were trying to explore the kitchen. You decided to join the couch crew, it's just better if you stay away from the kitchen as far as possible.
"Y/n, come sit next to me. We're deciding on the rooms." San seems excited compared to his previous behavior. You know very well that San is not the way he is because of you, but you still feel a little awkward, probably because of the tension between the boys. 
"Shouldn't we wait for the others to decide on this?" You ask the four boys, while you hop down to the couch between Jongho and San. "No, I've already decided. You're gonna sleep with me." At that time the door opened too, revealing Hongjoong and Wooyoung packed full of bags, they looked like they could barely hold them anymore. 
Wooyoung stopped in his track and froze in his place, dropping the bags from his hands to the ground. "Are you kidding me? There's no freaking way!!" Wooyoung seemed so annoyed. You were kinda confused why, you have slept in the same bed as San before, it wasn't something strange since you were best friends.
"Why does it bother you that much, huh? Someone will need to sleep with her since we don't have enough room." Says San while standing up and walking in front of Wooyoung. Now they are standing face to face. If you didn't know them well enough, you would think they are about to fight. Wooyoung mutters under his breath. "You are so annoying."
"Have you thought about what I told you last night?" San asks Wooyoung, you can hear in his voice that his not actually mad at him as if he was pretending all this time.
"Shut up!" Wooyoung shouts a little too loud, even he was surprised with himself.
"Will you stop this? That's not why we came here, you can do this at home. We want to have a good time here, and not listen to your bickering!" Hongjoong steps in between them, he seems very annoyed already. "Now hug each other. Come on, make up guys!" He instructs them, just like a real leader.
They had no other choice, so they did so. The rest of the time was quite normal, after all, you ended up sharing a room with San because Wooyoung agreed to it. 
It's around four in the afternoon, and currently, you are hiding behind a tree with a slightly thicker trunk. Your heart is beating really fast from running so much, your clothes are soaked with water and your hands are shaking a bit with the water gun in your hands. It's been ten minutes since Mingi declared war, and you are determined to win. 
"Psst, Y/N." You hear a whispering voice coming from somewhere to your right. It takes a little time to spot Wooyoung from behind one of the bushes. "Are you okay? You are trembling." He seems a bit concerned. He crawls out of his hiding space as if he doesn't care about anything.
"Woo, what are you doing? You are giving out both of our hiding places like this!" But it looks like you can't stop him with anything you say. 
"Here, put my hoodie on." He puts the black hoodie into your hands, the same one that kept him warm just moments ago. When you slip into it you feel that it's still warm from his body. "Thank you." You don't know what else to say.
The moment is ruined when Jongho is firing water right into your faces. You try to shoot back, but you're kinda out of water. You murmur a little "shit" when you notice it. Wooyoung grabs your hands and pulls you with him. You don't know where are you running, but you have no other choice but to follow him. You hear someone running after you, and Wooyoung is looking back and forth, trying to shoot back with his own weapon. 
Everything turns bad in an instant. Wooyoung slips on something and can't keep his balance, he holds your hand so tightly that he pulls you along with him. Thank god he can react quickly and manage to fall in such a way that you fall on him and don't get hurt.
You are a bit shocked by the sudden happenings, and you don't even know how to move. "Are you okay?" Wooyoung asks you underneath you. That's the moment you realize what is happening and you quickly sit aside. Just when you were about to answer him, Jongho arrives. "Omg, are you guys okay?" He helps you get up.
"Yeah." You try to dust off the dirt from your clothes. When you don't hear Wooyoung answer, you look at him and see that both of his hands are scratched, and slightly bleeding.
"Ugh, that doesn't look too good." Jongho remarked.
"It's nothing really, I'm fine." Wooyoung tries to convince you, and in the meantime, he also tries to stand up, he supported himself with his hands, and you see the wound gets dirty.
"Woo, you can't do this!" You shout at him. "It's gonna get infected. Come with me, I'll get it treated." He does so, and he's following you all the way to the bathroom, where you already unpacked your things earlier, luckily you thought of everything.
"I can't take care of the wound if you'll stand there the whole time. Come inside!" As if he was waiting for your permission, he came in. While you were searching through your things, he stood behind you, leaning against the sink. "Ahh, there it is." You pulled out a white ointment from one of your bags.
"Let me see it." You turned towards him, but you didn't look up at him, you were looking for his hands, and when he gave it to you, you immediately got to work. Little did you know he wasn't interested in that stupid injuries, but rather in you, all he could watch how focused you were, and how gentle you hold his hands in yours.
He couldn't help it, he tucked that one strand of hair that got into your face behind your ears, but his hands didn't leave your face afterward. He very gently stroke your cheeks, you couldn't concentrate anymore so you looked up at him.
"Y/N..." He called out your name as if it was a prayer, his eyes held stars as if you were the most beautiful scenery he ever saw. You don't know what got into you, but something draw you in, and your lips landed on his. You both were surprised by your sudden action, but Wooyoung hugged you closer to him, it felt like he never ever wants you to be any farther than this to him. The kiss lasted a couple of minutes, but it wasn't anything dirty, it was more intimate.
When you parted away, you didn't know what to say, a choked on your own words. "I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that." You were fidgeting with your hands.
He grabbed your hands and with that, he stopped you. "I think I like you. Like more than a friend. I think about you so often, that I can't even sleep at night. San made me realize it, I didn't want to admit it, but I can't hide. No, I don't want to hide it." You were speechless, your head was everywhere.
"You don't have to say anything right now, I know it's a bit much. At least give me a chance. I'll take you on a date when we go back. You'll see, I'll make you fall for me." You couldn't wait for him to stop.
"I'm already falling for you, you dumbass." 
taglist* @laylasbunbunny @yeow6n (you can message me if you want to be added or removed)
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mdhwrites · 6 months
thoughts on camila?
So I've talked about how she is just as a character before. I think as a character, she's as sweet as a saint and I like her in isolation. However, and this is what I want to focus on more because of an element I'll get to, she's a bad character in the context of The Owl House for the same reason King and Eda are: What is she doing in this story? How does she add to it?
Camila makes Luz look a fucking terrible as a human being. Almost EVERYTHING we see in the human frankly makes Luz like a terrible human being because that's the genre that The Owl House is a part of: Modern Isekai. Like most Modern Isekai, it's a story about a nerdy person who has no real prospects in real life and would rather live in their fantasies getting to go do that. Luz has a power that no one else has, gets to be with the prettiest, most popular, richest girl in the new world. She gets to stand up to a corrupt system but it never actually bothers her so she can just have fun shenanigans for the vast majority of the run time. She even fights an Evil Emperor which is almost as generic as a Demonic Lord as far as fantasy villains go. Honestly, TOH being isekai is probably a large part of why it was green lit (and frankly, same goes for Amphibia) since while it's not critically acclaimed, isekai is still one of the most popular genres of anime out there and the popular ones have made money hand over fist.
For most stories in this genre, they A: stay in the fantasy realm, TOH isn't fucking special people but also B: have a terrible home life in part to justify that desire and decision. There's also elements of wish fulfillment to its target demographic which is actually kind of important here. That your life sucks so you deserve to escape from it, just like this person. That terrible homelife in turn turns into a payoff for the audience because it can be used to highlight just how much better this world is and how much better off for everyone the MC is in this new world.
Camila doesn't really work for that though, does she? Something the show itself acknowledges with Yesterday's Lie. "You had it good." Hell, in that episode we have Camila wanting Vee to keep Luz's stuff because she knows those things are important to her daughter. Even in the first episode, Camila just wants Luz to make friends. She could fail to learn ANY life skills and stay just as weird at the camp (which she presumably needed to go to to not be EXPELLED for what she did) and Camila would happy if she was in a new Discord group with some friends. That is how low the fucking bar is for Camila's expectations of Luz and somehow THAT was too much. That was, as Camila will apologize for, multiple times, pushing her daughter away or repressing her.
That doesn't function for a Modern Isekai story... It functions for an old school isekai like Amphibia is. Old school isekai after all featured a lot more character growth, a lot more of the other world being an abstraction of problems the person was facing in the real world and had to learn how to deal with. As such, they usually ended with the main character going home a better person and putting their fantasies behind them. Not admonishing them but recognizing that staying there isn't what's best for them.
Camila's character for one of those is AMAZING. Like it could genuinely have led to one of the best deconstructions of the modern isekai protagonist. It's like the ass hat protag from Far Cry 3 (not saying this is handled well btw in that) who still wants to be bigger and more cool and seen as strong by those around him while he already has a smoking hot fiance, lives his life doing dangerous stunts, is really attractive himself and could just coast for the rest of his life. It doesn't fulfill his image and fantasy of what a 'man' is so fuck all of that, I need to go kill people and take over this native tribe! Which hurk, again, it's not done well, but it was trying to deconstruct this sort of fantasy. This sort of escapism that says the image in your mind is ALWAYS more important than those actually around you.
It could have highlighted how things are never as bad as they seem and wanting to escape always hurts someone and always is selfish... But for that, the show would have had to be willing to say one needs to learn to respect reality over fantasy. This could either be done by Luz learning that treating everything like one of japanese animu is a bad thing or they could do it through doubling down and showcasing after Yesterday's Lie that Luz is a genuinely terrible, selfish person who only views the promise she made to her mom as requiring her to give up the world she likes, not the damage she did to her mom.
Which I phrase because they literally did that. They changed the ending promise scene of Yesterday's Lie from being about their complex relationship to just being a summary of the stakes. "Come home, never come back." It's a narrative cheat to welcome anyone back from the mid season hiatus and that is frankly the BEST way to read it for Luz's character because otherwise she changed a conflict mostly about the pain she inflicted on her mom purely to the consequences and that's not really a thing a good person does.
But then the series ends with her having both worlds, getting to literally be Azura finally, quoting the damn book and just ENTIRELY admitting that it's not an OC, it's her replacing Azura, and it's all just fucking awful. In part because, like with the Liar Reveal stuff I talked about with TOH, it's a subversion without a new payoff. They try VERY HARD to give a new payoff but it's not earned. People adore the "I just want to be understood" moment but it ONLY functions in that moment from a meta perspective of it being a neurodivergent girl seeking understanding because who, especially of the people Luz cares about, hasn't shown her understanding in the past SEASON? SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND WHO IS WAY BETTER AT IT THEN HER!
And so Camila is just this contradictory sore spot that goes right back around to "Man, our target audience would really love it if their parents would tell them explicitly that they don't need to grow as people or even try to understand others or how they may hurt them, literally but instead that their comfort is all that matters." It goes right back to being all about modern isekai's worst element: Wish fulfillment. Bland, obvious, pandering wish fulfillment.
And I COULD end the blog right there... But I said I had a reason to wanted to answer it like this. Admittedly, it expanded from what I expected so sorry for the long blog but here's the real tragedy: The moment of Luz recontextualizing Yesterday's Lie's promise should have been AMAZING to me. After all... It's the part of Luz I loved writing the most.
Yep, more of that celebrating ten years of writing stuff to talk about one of the elements of my TOH writing that I genuinely am very proud of: Luz being a scared, anxious teenager who doesn't read the world correctly. One who is held back because she thinks if she isn't scared, she'll be hurt or, more importantly, hurt others.
I know a lot of people will tell me that TOH didn't do that and like... gestures at everything above and SO many other elements like how Luz has two token moments implying she's been traumatized from bullying that doesn't read with how she was for the entirety of the first season, or up to those points in the second for that matter, AT ALL. She doesn't actually have that sort of fear or anxiety. She's too selfish and self serving for it. Her needs always come above others and that's not the compelling part of this to me, nor is the self protection element.
No, it comes from the fact that you have to actually care what others think for it to torture you, like most teenagers do. That disappointing someone would be essentially the same as stabbing them. In The Power of Love, I got a lot of people to go from "This is cute" to "Okay, you have my attention" with chapter 3: Ru-Luz (which reading back... Some of my transition lines are not working there. Why did I think they did? Brain moving too fast I suspect like usual or trying too hard). Despite the pun, it's not a fun chapter. It ends with her listed rules that are actually nice, like telling her to be herself, but a final rule that, so as to keep the voices in her head, the things others have told her, quiet she must follow. "Treat Amity like anyone else, even if that means breaking other rules." And one of those voices is said to be Camila's.
I don't leave it there though. Through complications, it's very explicitly revealed that, well... Luz is a teen. Everything is world ending for her. That she's taken small comments or momentary frustrations, or just straight up misread things, so as to have them attack her and form her view of how others perceive her (along with having been genuinely bullied). That her mom does adore her and would accept any part of her but she can't believe that, not with how she is now. And that leads to really highlighting an element of Lumischa that I've always loved: Boscha as Amity and Luz's rock. Someone who is honest enough that neither worry about if she's holding back on her opinion. And you know what happens?
Luz and Boscha get multiple chapters of Boscha providing the wake up call she needs. Of her chipping away at those fears that others may be secretly hating her because here is bad bitch Boscha telling her to shut up because she's better than she thinks she is. It's blunt enough to actually make an impact, harsh enough that it still addresses the fuck up, and is something no else would do. Not even Amity because Amity is her own ball of anxieties who's worried about the wrong move upsetting people. I would have ADORED this element actually being a thing for Luz and you know, maybe leading to a Power of Friendship moment with all of them backing her up and giving her the confidence she needs for something. Instead we get her ignoring what she's claiming to be worried about (making mistakes) and then getting a power up when her mom tells her that she should have quite literally never criticized anything about her daughter which is not what a good parent does. Even my Boscha will still call out that Luz did make a mistake if she did, just then also point that she's being over dramatic about it because no one hates her because of it.
I also want to give a shout out to this essentially being an element of my Luz for Ruff Secret as well (original version too) as an essentially tragic element to the majority of the story. Camila clearly accepts parts of her daughter in that story that their wider community doesn't but Camila is also critically still a part of that community which is Christian. She's very devout even, going every week to church. There is nothing except coming out to Camila that will ever make Luz not just assume that being gay will not get her disowned because of the fears in her head and because of those same fears, she'll never come out of the closet. She has clearly never even been willing to approach the topic with her mom about it. It does payoff in the end though with Camila freaking out WAY harder about Amity being a werewolf and the danger that puts her daughter in than of Luz being gay because why would you judge something as incredible as love?
It's not new, I've seen some other things take similar approaches, but it uses the age of the character and society to actually amplify the emotions and make the angst more justified. Make what normally just be "I can't confess, what if she says no?" more dramatic while also managing to tie the two romantic leads together in their conflicts since Amity is dealing with something she sees as a curse, as a primal sin that could only ever hurt others, just like Luz is. And just like Luz, it's actually in repressing and rejecting that side of her that Amity does end up hurting someone but that someone is herself.
All while still managing to be one of the funniest stories I've ever written. I ADORE Ruff Secrets. Crises Girlfriends may be my most personal story but I still think Ruff Secrets is my best story. Period. Which is frankly a miracle since it was a snap start based on a joke a someone made.
So yeah, I like Camila conceptually. I think there was a lot you could do with her. Any direction though would have required TOH to be at least as grounded as Amphibia, let alone ANYWHERE near as grounded as the fandom thinks it is. As is, she's a subversion that doesn't add anything and actively hurts what is a very normal fantasy story.
As such, she's a bad character because what you add to a narrative does matter to that metric unless you are actively ignoring that part of a character's purpose for existing. That's just less useful to a writer though because it means you add a tool to your toolbox without understanding how to use that tool which is always dangerous as any professional mechanic or engineer may tell you.
I will admit that I fidget at praising myself so much like this. I know I've used my own works as examples in the past but it always makes me feel awkward. It especially never helps that it likely comes across as, justifiably, saying I could have done X better. There's a big difference though between "In this context I DID X better" and "If I had made X, I WOULD have done it better." Situation, context, and just the creative process can always muddie things and doesn't even mean the same writer will always tackle the same subjects as well every time. It's just a part of the process.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
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TITLE: fall from grace | part of the INFERNO event
PAIRING: seraphim!taeyong x succubus!oc/reader
GENRE: smut, angel/demon, light angst, (kinda) enemies to lovers
SUMMARY: after consuming many human souls, there’s one thing you want to do. Corrupt an angel. But not any angel, God’s favorite angel.
WARNINGS: religious themes, religious trauma, religious guilt, mentions of God, blasphemy, mentions of homicide, mentions of death, smut, corruption kink, loss of virginity, worshipping, praise kink, God kink, some blood, dubcon (consent is explicit but the whole circumstances and the mc nature make it hard to draw a clear line), oral sex (m receiving), suspended sex (flying), anal (m receiving), vaginal sex (f receiving), mindbreak, sub!taeyong, dom!mc (not really bdsm sub/dom dynamics)
WORD COUNT: 9.338k
More info before you read: starting from saying that succubi and incubi are technically middle age demons and are nowhere to be found in the bible, in the folklore they are shapeshifters; the succubus has sex with a man, ‘takes’ his sperm and then, turning into an incubus, has sex with a woman and get her pregnant. I know in fiction you usually don’t find this aspect but I liked it and thought it worked in this, so the mc first has a vulva and then a penis, obviously is not written with the original purpose, I just thought it was ridiculous to make a demon pull out a strap-on from under the bed in hell. If you’re religious I advise you don’t read but if you really want to do it, please, I’M BEGGING, keep in mind that she’s a demon, a demon WOULD NEVER praise God. So PLEASE don’t come at me if a succubus makes comments against God. Also, keep in mind her story when she was alive and how she died, the religious trauma is big as a house.
A/N: this was a wild ride but I loved writing it, I never imagined it would get so deep and intense but I shouldn’t be surprised by myself anymore. If you hop on the train to hell and decide to read this it would mean a lot to know your opinion with a comment, a reblog or even an ask! Enjoy!!
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if you click 'read more' you agree you have read the warnings and take responsibility for the media you consume.
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“You can’t corrupt an angel,” Johnny snickered, watching his friend try to pick something to wear for her ‘mission’. 
“You’re forgetting who you’re talking to, Johnny,” she replied, a confident smirk on her face and eyes lighting up in anticipation. 
The incubus sighed, shaking his head, and then walked closer to her. She was right. She was known in hell and heaven — and even on earth if humans could only talk about being fucked by a succubus — for her abilities. 
She was good, a tease, an expert manipulator. A dammed angel, that’s what other angels and demons loved to call her. Because she knew exactly how to give doe eyes and then put her victim on the ground. 
And her victim this time wasn’t a human that dumbly called for her, or sold their soul, but Taeyong; probably the purest angel heaven had ever seen. 
And as much as Johnny trusted the ability of his friend, he had seen her in action, even sucked the soul out of people with her, he wasn’t so sure she could make him fall apart. 
“I know you, but I also know him,” he replied. Well, for what was possible. Demons and angels didn’t share the same places. They were forced to live in the darkness of the underworld while the others flew in the blinding light of paradise. Even if there was a grey zone, most of the angels despised them to their core — they were so full of themselves, Johnny couldn’t stand them — and demons avoided meeting them anyway, there was no denying that angels could kill them with ease, the powers of some species had nothing on what the demons had.
But voices ran anyway, and getting to Taeyong was impossible. He was a Seraphim, the closest angel to God. Their whole existence was for worshipping Him and everything He did. And it was true that out of all the other Seraphim he was one of the few God let out on missions, his pure heart too precious to don’t be used to bring humans on the right track again, but there was no way he was going to be corrupted. 
“He’s the only one dumb enough to don’t be afraid to come close to us,” she replied, finally picking the bold fit she was going to wear, looking in the mirror, and watching her long, black tail swing behind her. 
Well, it was true. He did try to talk with some of them sometimes, no matter how visibly disgusted by their needs he was. But in the end, he was pure, curious, and fascinated by what the other side of the medal offered. 
“He won’t come close to you.” 
“Are you sure?” She asked, extracting a dagger from her thigh, watching his face contort in disbelief, and curling her lips into a smirk. 
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Her scream pierced through the woods, loud and clear to be heard for miles. Heaven’s gates were far away from where she was laying, partially covered in blood, panting, and crying, but he wasn’t. 
She knew Taeyong had a mission. Haechan, her dearest messenger angel, let her know. And to get to heaven he had to pass there, in the woods of the middle ground. And he couldn’t ignore a suffering soul — as damned as she was, she was still a soul, right? 
After what felt like ages, she heard the bushes rustle and a light breeze on her skin followed by a bright golden light.  
“Are you alright?” Taeyong’s voice was light and delicate, it sounded like a melody and she usually detested that sound on other angels, but other angels weren’t him. As much as he was the purest being in heaven — second to God, but she couldn’t care much about Him — he was one of the few that didn’t look at them up and down. 
“No,” she cried, eyes looking at the ground, hands clasping at her scarred thigh to stop the blood from flowing freely. 
Taeyong looked around; he hated that place. It wasn’t Hell and it wasn’t Heaven, it was a scary ground where anything could happen. And he knew the figure in front of him was a demon, but he couldn’t just leave her alone at anyone’s mercy. Demons were different, some only craved sex, some craved blood, and some only pushed people toward sin, and he knew when they got bored they weren’t afraid to use each other for fun. 
“We need to go somewhere safe,” he said, looking down at the covered demon. She seemed to be a succubus, nothing further from his beliefs and ideals, but he couldn’t leave her there. “You’re bleeding,” he whispered, noticing her cut flesh as he lifted her from the ground, feeling a rush when they touched. 
“I know a place.” 
“Guide me.” 
She smirked under the cap, He was going to be so easy to win. 
“I can’t enter Hell,” he said as soon as they reached the board, the black and purple doors standing big and gloomy at the frontier. 
“Please, I’m hurt, I can’t walk.” 
Taeyong sighed and with one swift look around he passed the gate. It wasn’t forbidden, it just wasn’t a smart move. And God wasn’t waiting for him to come back just yet, technically he wasn’t disobeying Him. 
After a few minutes, that to him felt like an eternity, they reached what looked like a castle. 
“Is this the place?” 
She nodded, trying to still keep her head low and then grunted, she wasn’t even faking the pain, she actually stabbed herself for this. But it seemed to be working, he was walking straight into the trap, he was going to fall. 
And Taeyong suspected nothing, he surely didn’t like this, and this wasn’t the night he had imagined, he wanted to arrive back to God’s side as soon as possible and worship Him after yet another mission that succeeded, but he couldn’t don’t help someone in need. He was an angel, he was good. 
So he didn’t stop and thought much when she guided him to a bedroom, expensive silk, velvet and ruby stones adorning the place. 
“I can cure your cut,” he said, laying her against the mattress. 
“Oh, I know you can,” she replied, exposing the skin of her thigh. 
He gulped when his eyes fell on the red flesh. “Are you a succubus?” 
“Is that a problem? I’m literally bleeding, I’m not trying to seduce you, but well, if a small portion of exposed skin has that effect on you…” It was going to be easier than expected. Maybe Taeyong being just too pure was a good thing. 
“I won’t fall from grace, I just know your nature,” he replied, sitting on the bed next to her. “I can help you, and I will.” He moved the long cloak and pulled the cut fabric of her skin-tight pants away. “It will burn… a lot, our nature goes against each other and it will probably leave a scar, but it will stop the bleeding.” 
“Are you going to use Holy Water on me?” She asked, snapping her eyes. That wasn’t something she considered. “That will kill me.” 
“It won’t. But no, I won’t use it. Just, trust me.” 
Trusting an angel, absurd. They were more invidious than they looked. So good and kindhearted and then if a demon was dying at their feet they would’ve walked past them. But he didn’t. He was the closest to God and he walked all the way there to her bedroom, kind or dumb, he was there. So maybe the rumours were true. He was the purest angel Heaven had ever seen. 
And she was going to stain him with sin. 
But he was still an angel, and unfortunately for her, angels were amongst the most powerful beings walking in Heaven. Especially Seraphim, probably the only ones more powerful were Archangels. 
She nodded, and then closed her eyes, waiting for him to heal her cut. His hands felt soft at the touch but as soon as a blinding light started coming from his fingers she felt a piercing pain run through her. 
“It’s over,” he said after a few seconds. “It’s healed.” 
She looked over at her thigh, a small wound replaced the cut and no more blood covered her skin. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I should give you a favour back.” 
Taeyong shook his head. “No, no, I’ll leave. I can’t stay here.” 
She rolled her eyes and then walked off the bed to stand between him and the door. “Scared of me? So, it’s true that angels hate other species so much. Thought you were supposed to be kind to everybody.” 
Taeyong coughed and tried to look behind the cape, but it still covered half of her face, crimson red lips the only things he could see. “I don’t hate you, but I don’t sin and don’t associate myself with souls that do it. I’m a Seraphim, my job is to praise God in all His almighty and I shouldn’t be here.” 
“Boo, that’s so boring, doing so much for your boss that sends you on earth to save silly humans from the fucked up things they chose to do,” she teased, twirling around a string of her coat.
The angel rolled his eyes. “Don’t use those words. And He’s not my boss, it’s different. Humans need help, finding the light in that world can be hard, and I’m glad I can help.” 
“I also help them find the light,” she smirked, tail swinging behind her.  
“You help them find sin and fall into temptations.” 
“They summon me, I’m their favourite,” she bragged. How much light she had sucked… eternity was by now a sure thing for her. “You and I will outlive everybody here with my soul count.” 
“We won’t meet again. I respect you, but I need to go, probably to help the humans you and your kind pushed into sin.” 
“You know you can’t save the soul of a sinner that sold their soul to the devil. Not everything is under your control or the one of your boss.” 
“My boss recognizes the ones that are truly redeemed of their mistakes and will save them.”
“Yes, and then sends the others down here. How kind.” 
Taeyong huffed and glared at her. “I have to go.” 
“You can’t leave me like this.” 
“I won’t spend a moment more here,” he retorted but his voice was shaking. Was he losing his powers? Was the underworld weakening him? 
She rolled her eyes and then walked to the door, body stopping him from walking past it. 
“It’s so rude to decline an invitation,” she cooed. 
The angel gulped, feeling his body getting weaker around her. He had been around succubi and incubi before, but nobody ever made him feel like this. 
“Fine,” he gave up. “But be quick.” 
A smile of victory curled her full lips as she got up from the door and reached her hand out for him to take. “Perfect,” she smiled. “There’s something I want you to try.” 
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Taeyong knew he should’ve gotten up and left. He wasn’t sure to be weakened by these creatures’ powers, but with the devil, you can never be sure enough. Yet, he felt stuck there. 
There was something about her that seemed nice. A characteristic that should’ve made him stay on his toes even more. 
He didn’t judge them. 
Angels and demons have different natures. And perdition is such an easy road to get lost in. So he couldn’t blame them if they fell down that road.
“Are you listening to me?” She asked, shaking him out of his thoughts. 
“I, mmh, no, I wasn’t, sorry,” he replied, looking at her, studying her features attentively. 
“I was asking about your job,” she said, sitting in front of him and filling his cup with a liquid, he had no idea what it was, it was red, and smelled nice. 
Taeyong fought back the urge to roll his eyes again, and only answered, “It’s not a job, it’s something that goes deeper than that.” 
“Yeah,” she replied, rolling her eyes, “whatever. You care about filling heaven with poor souls that redeemed themselves, I care about fucking them and becoming immortal, I don’t care about the details,” she stopped, lips lifting in a smirk. “Unless you want to know the details.” 
He blushed, choking on the drink. 
“The unholy things you do should never be heard by a Seraphim ear.” 
She smirked, cocking her head to the side and he had no idea when she shifted closer to him, he only felt her fingers graze his shoulder and jolted. 
“Please, don’t drag others into damnation.” 
“Damnation,” she huffed with a move of the hand to dismiss the heaviness of the accusation, “why is pleasure a sin in the first place?” 
“It’s carnal pleasure. It’s something you don’t need. Superficial. There are many other joys in life, and even after death if you follow the light of God during your trip to earth.” 
She wanted to gag, but to have some decency, she didn’t. Yes, their same old tales. The same tales that she heard when she was a teenager in 1779 and was considered a witch because — along with many other reasons — she enjoyed sex. She always found it so infuriating how women didn’t have to enjoy it, but just suffer; a sick, sick concept. So being there, ‘burning’ in the pits of hell and seeking lust to survive wasn’t a punishment for her. 
“So, I also guess that your Almighty and most Merciful God sends already built babies on earth,” she pouted, a mocking edge in her voice while her gaze dared him.  
Taeyong sighed, taking a deep breath. “That’s not sex, that’s procreation.” 
“Yeah, that’s funny,” she laughed loudly, shaking her head before adding, “got a girl pregnant once.” 
“You can’t,” he whispered, blushing at her lustful words, his confidence faltering against hers.   
“You have no idea of the things I can do,” she smirked. “And by the way, there’s nothing worse than mechanic sex done just to procreate.” 
“It’s two people loving each other bringing another light of God on earth but I don’t expect you to understand,” he retorted promptly, shaking his head to wipe away the effect she was having on him.  
“I don’t expect you to care either,” she said, and he quirked a brow. “I was murdered by my arranged husband because I didn’t want to give him a child. I was murdered because the rumours running in town saying I was a wicked witch manipulating ladies’ husbands to fuck with me got in my husband’s head. Well, keep in mind I did all that before being forced to marry him. And also keep in mind that those husbands crawled to me. So why should I cry now? Why should I don’t find joy in people calling me just to feel something?” 
Taeyong didn’t say a word. He didn’t know. He knew that most incubi and succubi were created by Satan Himself, but he had no idea normal people could turn into one. 
“Why was I sent here and not up there?” She asked. “Why did your God turn his back on me and left me here? My husband’s hands stained with blood are not rotting in hell. He begged for forgiveness. He stuck a knife into my chest while I was sleeping and couldn’t even try to defend myself, but he begged, and he pleaded, and he…” she had to stop, this wasn’t where she wanted the conversation to go. Her past was in the past, far back in the timeline, and she still couldn’t let that have a hold on her. But it hurt nonetheless when she thought how unfair it had been.  
“I’m sorry,” Taeyong whispered, swearing that for a split second, he could see vulnerability in her eyes. 
“Nothing to be sorry about,” she said, gulping. 
“But why you didn’t ask for forgiveness too? God is generous, He would’ve let you in.” 
“I don’t care about going to Heaven, I just wanted him to be here too. I mean, I had my fair amount of fun haunting him at night, but it still wasn’t enough to make him pay for all he did to me. But as I said, I don’t want to talk about him. I want to talk about you.” 
“About me?” 
“Yeah, the most devoted God’s angel. How does it feel?” 
“You wouldn’t get it,” he replied, eyeing the clock, wondering if in Hell time moved slower, standing up to leave. 
“Stay,” she said, and he could feel a shift in the air around him, but he had no idea what it was. “Please,” her eyes turned softer. “It gets lonely down here.” 
The Seraphim swallowed hard, feeling a vibration in his bones as he locked his eyes into hers. There was something about her that was calling him, but he couldn’t answer. “Can’t you go on earth and have some fun?” 
“If they don’t summon me, I rarely can. And I don’t want that kind of fun… not with them at least,” she whispered the last words. 
Taeyong sighed, rubbing two fingers on his temples and sitting again, making her smirk. “Don’t you feel guilty?” 
“When you spend your nights with them and hear their screams of pain and you know you’re taking a bit of light from them, their sweet time coming away with you.” 
“Trust me, their screams are of everything but pain,” she replied, sipping on her glass again. “But how could you know, right? I bet you never felt something like that in life.” 
“You bring pain and perdition.” 
“I bring pleasure and perdition,” she replied, winking and clicking her tongue. “Never wondered why I’m the best?” 
Taeyong wanted to answer that it wasn’t his business, he did what he could, but he had no control over the underground, that was the rule if they wanted Heaven and Hell to get along. So even if he heard voices about her, he didn’t dwell on them.
And he knew he shouldn’t have had those thoughts, but he couldn’t help it. He wasn’t so surprised that she was so famous and good at what she did. Her black siren eyes with long lashes that fluttered so nicely every time she blinked. Her full lips lightly curled in a teasing smirk. Her long black hair falling in waves on her shoulders. The burgundy horns that peeked from her head, standing straight before curling just at the tip. And lastly, her long tail, curving so perfectly he couldn’t even find it gross. 
“Are you still with me?” She asked. And once again she was standing so close to him, too close to him, her fingers under his chin. When their eyes met, Taeyong felt all his certainty fall to the ground. 
This was wrong. 
This was so wrong. 
This was a sin. 
The worst sin he could ever commit. 
The biggest pain he could’ve brought to His God. 
And yet he closed his eyes and leaned in. 
And when their lips met, a bolt resonated through Hell, as the storm started racing outside. 
And that made him pull away, falling on the floor, shaking his head, feeling too dizzy. 
“I should — I should really leave.” 
“It’s raining,” she pointed out, walking toward him, and towering over him. 
“I can shield myself from rain, there’s nothing wrong with it.” 
“I think you should stay,” she said before her wings spread from her back, wide and black with crimson red dripping down. “You’re safe here. My wings will shield you.” 
“God can’t reach here anyway,” he whispered, and it was more of a personal realization. God was absent from Hell. Hell was submersed in perdition, He wasn’t there. He couldn’t see him, and He couldn’t save him. 
And he, Taeyong, his dearest angel, was starting to think about Him less and less. 
“Scream it,” she said, lifting his chin again, watching as a drop of tear fell from his eyes. “Beg for Him to save you. Beg for Him to open his arms and forgive you. Say it, loud and clear, and see yourself if He cares about broken souls.” 
“He does,” Taeyong replied, but his voice was shaking like a leaf, hanging from a branch on the last day of fall, fighting against the harsh winter that wanted to leave no traces behind of the warm season that had been. “This is just the wrong place.” 
“Is it? But if I begged nicely enough, He would’ve let me in, right?” She reminded him of his words, a bitter edge in her tone. “Beg Him to save you.” 
And Taeyong thought about it. Thoughts that never would’ve crossed his brain were filling it, fogging his sanity, drowning his morality. 
“What if I don’t want to be saved?” 
She furrowed, tilting her head to the side. 
“You don’t want to be saved?” 
He nodded, feeling a weird, new sensation creep into his bones. He was feeling hotter, and he was sure it got nothing to do with being in Hell, his chest was raising up and down faster and his pupils were dilated. 
“Well, I don’t mind, I don’t like forcing things out of people, so you would make it all so much easier.” 
Taeyong didn’t reply, he felt stuck, ass still against the floor. 
She smirked, leaning closer, moving his face side to side with her fingers, studying his expression. How ethereal he looked even right now. “You are terrified. Playing with fire?” 
“He won’t find out, right?” 
“You should know Him better than me,” she chuckled, “but no. This is not his playground.” 
She wanted to add that God finding out should’ve been the last of his worries, that his biggest problem right now was her, but she wanted to see him fall deeper and deeper without thinking about the consequences. It was working. Her aura was working on him, just like it worked on every other people she stained before. 
And she never felt more powerful than this. 
“I could tell you wanted to feel good,” she whispered, kissing his neck, making his head fall backwards. “A pretty face like you shouldn’t be deprived of pleasure.” 
When she sat on his lap, Taeyong’s heart faltered and his hands unconsciously moved to wrap around her waist. 
“Oh, angel, learning faster than I expected,” she commented, making her fingers run in his hair and tugging his head back to have more access to his neck. Her teeth grazed the soft white skin, causing him to buck his hips up and let out a soft moan. 
“I — I feel weird,” he whispered, eyes squeezing shut and hands tightening around her body. 
“You feel good,” she reassured him, sucking the skin on his neck, smirking against it when a louder moan rolled out of his lips. “You like it when I suck here?” She asked, doing it again on the same spot. 
“Ye-yes,” he replied, voice airy and weak. “Where are you going?” He asked when she flew away from him, floating in the air. She looked so powerful, and so… captivatingly beautiful. He truly shouldn’t have thought that but it was too late by now and he might’ve as well let himself get lost in her beauty. 
She chuckled, finding it so cute how he was already afraid she would leave him behind. “Come with me,” she said. “You deserve to be fucked in a soft bed, not on the floor.” 
“My — my wings will blind you.” 
She smiled before flying to him and lifting him in her arms, “I’ll carry you then.” 
When Taeyong rested against the bed his brain completely shut down. He had no idea if she was using some sick powers over him, or if he truly had slipped down a treacherous path and was enjoying this more than he should’ve. But whatever it was, it didn’t matter. 
There was something… something he couldn’t describe with words. It was in the way her lips were kissing every inch of his skin while her slim, soft fingers traced his body to get him out of his immaculate, white clothes, leaving him bare and exposed before he could register. 
There was something in the way she was looking at him. Her eyes were intense, but oddly enough, not scary.  
“You truly are God’s most beautiful creation,” she whispered, sharp nails trailing his skin, enough to make him hiss but without leaving scars on him. “God’s most precious, and purest creature.” 
Hearing His name again made Taeyong realize what he was doing. He was still in time, he could’ve left, he was a Seraphim, he had powers that could’ve destroyed her and turned her into ashes to the ground. But he didn’t want to. 
Taeyong didn’t want to leave. 
Taeyong didn’t want to leave her. 
“What a shame I will stain you with sin,” she whispered, leaning close to him again, kissing his lips roughly, teeth sinking into his soft, plump flesh, hard enough to make a droplet of blood roll down his chin.
She smirked, looking at the first draft of the mess she was going to turn him into. Long tongue rolling out to lick the blood. “Holy,” she noted, his blood tasting like God’s wine more than iron. “But it won’t last for long. You look beautiful in red, maybe I should drain more out of you.” 
“No, no, it will kill you.” 
“Worried about me?” 
He only nodded, trying to keep her focus on her and not on the movements her hips were making against his lap. 
She didn’t answer, only another smirk curled up her lips before she was flying on top of him again. Black wings spread open, shielding him and enveloping him with darkness, while her hands moved sensually on her body to get rid of her clothes. 
And once she was uncovered, Taeyong’s mouth parted open. His eyes were stuck on her, following her hands that slowly moved from her round hips to her waist before cupping her breasts, and throwing her head back while her fingers circled her hardening nipples. 
“I’m the Devil’s best creation, aren’t I?” 
“Yeah, yeah,” he mindlessly replied, thinking that for how perfect she was, she also could’ve been God’s creation. But when she sat once again on his chest all his thoughts fogged again. 
“I can’t wait to ruin you,” she whispered in his ear, hands moving down to touch him in a place he never even imagined grazing. And yet, here he was, laying in the bed of a Succubus, no, worse, of the most powerful Succubus that walked Hell and earth, with her hands wrapped around his cock, making him feel new sensations. 
“Why — why do I feel like this?” He barely breathed out, eyes wide open, pupils dilated, chest panting as his lungs struggled for air. 
“Why do you feel good?” She asked, the movement of her hand rhythmic and slow, pumping him with no pressure. After all, they had eternity. 
“I — I feel hot. Are you burning me? This is our nature, we can’t — we shouldn’t,” he had no time to complain more because her lips shushed him. Another kiss that not only left him speechless but breathless.  
“We look so good together, Taeyong,” she whispered, hand moving faster, and his head unconsciously rolled back, while out of his lips only moans came out. No more fights or complaints. “And I will show you how well we fit in each other.” 
Taeyong wanted to ask how they could fit when they were so different. Two different poles of two different realities. But all the need for an answer disappeared when her lips started kissing his neck. “Beautiful.” Her voice was sultry, low, and reached him deeply, shaking him to the core, making him smile, loving being called that. Beautiful. Such a human thing to be. In Paradise beauty didn’t matter, it was all about the inside, about the soul. But somehow, he loved being beautiful for her. 
He loved being stripped of his higher entity. Of his immaculate being. Of his non-human being. Of his non-flesh being.
“I’m so glad God created you,” she said, looking into his eyes, seeing their purity and composure dim with each passing second. “I’m so happy you exist.”
“Mhh,” he whimpered, closing his eyes, biting his lips when he felt he couldn’t control those filthy sounds to come out from his lips anymore. 
“Don’t, angel,” she said, fingers freeing his lower lip from between his teeth. “Only I can bite them, only I can make them bleed.” 
So Taeyong let go of himself, face contorting as pleasure seeped into his veins, staining his holy blood.
“That’s right, angel. Don’t think, there are no judgements here. You are safe,” she whispered, lips trailing on his chest, licking his nipples before moving down, wetting his stomach, and reaching the soft layer of hair at the base of his cock. “Safe from anger and cruelty cast upon those who don’t follow Him. You’re safe with me.” 
A groan rolled out of his lips when her mouth wrapped around his cock, not expecting her to do that, not expecting it would… feel so good. 
“What are — what are you doing?” He mumbled, lifting his neck to meet her eyes, stomach twitching when it happened because nobody ever looked at him that way. Both as if they wanted to destroy him and worshipped him at the same time. 
She pulled away with a loud, lewd pop, and then replied, “taking care of you. Making you feel what you deserve to feel.” 
“Ye — yes but this… this looks so dirty and…” 
“And does it matter?” She stopped him, raising a brow, her hand replacing her warm mouth on his hard cock, moving swiftly up and down. “I’m the one that knows what she’s doing, here. Trust me, and don’t think.” 
The Seraphim hummed, letting his body relax against the bed, skin crawling in anticipation as he waited for her to do what she was doing before again. He couldn’t deny how good it felt, it was just weird because he didn’t know what was going on. And ignorance wasn’t something reserved for them. 
Her movements were slow but intense, and her hands caressed his thigh as if she was creating him from scratch, and probably she was. He wasn’t going to be the same Taeyong that crossed the doors of Hell after that night. 
Her lips, her fingers, and herself were changing him, crafting him into something he wasn’t. And yet, for how delicate she was being, he felt like he wasn’t being stripped away of his holiness. 
Right at that moment, he felt like he could be both, damned and holy. 
“You taste so good, angel,” she hummed, warm mouth pulling away from him, hand replacing it swiftly, moving up and down with a steady rhythm. 
“My angel,” she whispered again, moving her lips on the soft skin of his thighs, kissing and brushing, marking him of a faint memory. 
And when her lips were back on him, Taeyong felt religion. 
Her tongue like a remedy for all the ages spent loving in devotion to something intangible. 
Bringing him to a Heaven that had no absolutes. 
Bringing him to a death that brought along a new life. 
But that required a sacrifice, and he still wasn’t aware of what it was. 
She didn’t tell him, she wasn’t going to be the one telling what the price of it was going to be. He was going to find it out, eventually. But right there, with his hips moving quickly against her to meet her midway, hands scratching the sheets and angelic moans slipping past his lips, it didn’t matter. 
Maybe that was the sacrifice. 
Maybe they were the sacrifice.
“Please,” Taeyong pleaded, not even knowing for what, shy hands daring to touch her body, wrapping around her hips, feeling himself get even warmer, unexpected shivers of pleasure running all over his body, shaking him from head to toe. 
“What – what was that?” He asked, eyes wide, looking at her. He was no stranger to extreme powers and abilities but those of demons weren’t his field and he had no idea what she had just done to him. 
A sweet chuckle rolled out of her mouth, “that was your first orgasm. Felt good?” 
He blinked repeatedly, swallowing saliva trying to wet his throat, and hummed. 
“I’m not done with you,” she said, floating once again. And seeing her stand so big over him, shielding him, even protecting him, made him feel something. Once again, he couldn’t name it, but he liked it. Because all his life nobody ever shielded him or praised him. That was his job, and the faith he felt for Him was blind, was natural, but this? What trick was this? What spell was she casting on him to make him feel so devoted to her, so drawn to those attentions he never, ever, felt the need to receive?
Those thoughts flew away when he couldn’t believe his eyes when her body transformed. “You — you can do that?” 
She snickered, coming down again, big cock laying on top of his tummy, right next to his, making him shiver. 
“Afraid?” Her hands caressed his hips, circling gently to soothe his anxiety. 
“Is that your real form? Are you lying to me?” 
“Calm down, angel. Your powers are not the only cool things that deserve to exist, right?” He hummed, not totally convinced, not about her abilities, but about how this could work. “And I am me, it’s just a cool trick to have whomever I want, however, I want.” 
“And what… what are you going to do with it?” 
She laughed lowly, shaking her head at his innocence. “What do you think I’ll do with it?” 
His head fell back when her fingers tapped against his rim. 
“I will never do anything to hurt you,” she whispered, giving a tug to her cock to collect precum on her fingers before they were once again pressed against him. “But I need you to relax. Will you relax for me? Will you let me make you feel good?” 
“Yes,” he replied with no hesitation. A low grunt ripped past his throat when she pushed inside. “W-weird.” 
“No, no,” she reassured, looking for his hand to hold it in hers. “It’s new. It’s the pleasure you’ve been deprived of all your life. Something that had been taken from you but you deserve this. You deserve every touch. Every kiss. Everything I will give you.” 
And Taeyong believed. He couldn’t tell lie in her words. Because they sounded so true. And they rolled so nicely from her tongue. And her voice was the most celestial sound he had ever heard even if it was the furthest thing from the lauds he would sing to God. 
And God, where was He now? Not in his mind. Not in his wings that were pulsing to come out in their glory, to shine and worship something that was the creation of Lucifer. 
“I need you,” he cried out, having no idea where this need was coming from. But he knew that her fingers weren’t enough anymore. He knew that he needed to feel her all over him. 
“Say it again,” she ordered, getting lost in the contorted expression on his face. She had fucked countless of damned souls, but this, this was incomparable. Having an angel, seraphim, looking like a mess under her was a feeling nothing else could come close to. The rush of power she was feeling had no equal. 
“I need you, please. I need to feel — mmph — everything you have to give me.” 
“Careful, now, you might get burned,” she laughed, pulling her fingers out, hand wrapping around her cock to lube it more before the thick tip pushed against his hole, making his eyes snap open. 
“It’s too big, it will never fit,” he said, voice worried and full of fear, his fingers clenching tighter around hers to find a support he knew wouldn’t have been enough anyway to prepare him for what was coming. 
But she smiled, moving the hand that was wrapped at the base of her cock to cup his cheek, thumb caressing the soft skin. “I’ll make it fit.” 
He was about to complain, tell her that there was no way. He wasn’t made for it. 
And Taeyong was right. 
He wasn’t made for it. 
But he was made for her. 
And when her thick dick slid into his hole with ease, he could only stare at her with open eyes and mouth, a bit for the astonishment of it, and also because it felt good. It felt good and he never imagined it could feel this good. 
“Told you,” she winked before she kissed him, a long, passionate kiss, while her hand reached the back of his thigh and pulled it against his chest, caressing him slowly. “God might have created you for Himself, but I’m going to craft you just for me.”
No answer formed in his brain because when she dragged out and then pushed in again his eyes fell shut, his head rolled back and his hips rolled up to seek for more. 
And she gave it to him, “I will ruin you, I will sink so deep inside of you that nothing and nobody else will fill your brain,” she whispered before she sat straight and started moving her hips at a steady, intense rythm. Her body pressed against his hips as their skins met with loud sounds, resonating in the room. Hips moving skillfully back and forth against him, pushing his smaller frame deep into the soft mattress. 
A broken groan escaped from his lips when her sharp nails grazed his skin, leaving red trails on his thighs, chest, and neck as the pressure made blood come up on the surface. She wanted to sink them in his flesh so bad, to see him bleed, and drink his blood, and cut herself too, to mix with each other, truly staining him with something that he couldn’t wash off. 
But she didn’t. It would’ve been too much. It would’ve been a pain Taeyong didn’t deserve to feel. And she didn’t want to hurt him, but Him. 
“He was so stupid for making you so beautiful, how can he — Hell — expect nobody would want you? You should be grateful I was the one taking you, ruining you, other demons or even humans wouldn’t have been so gentle with you.” 
Taeyong’s eyes squeezed closed as his hips moved to meet her halfway, chasing down the pleasure. It was addicting, but he believed it wouldn’t have been as addictive if it didn’t come from her. At this point he didn’t even care if she was using some of her powers to make it feel better, as long as it felt this way, as long as it was with her, he would’ve taken everything. 
And when his hips started meeting her halfway, she threw her head back, nails unconsciously sinking further into his skin, drawing out some droplets of blood, but the bliss was spreading trough his body with so much strength, blinding his senses, that Taeyong didn’t feel pain at all. 
“Feels good.” The angel’s eyes blinked away a lonely tear, locking into her black pools, her eyes were like voids, deep and scary, he was sure that if he could walk in them, he’d get lost. There was no light. There was no salvation. There was sin. So much sin. In the way her eyes were digging deep into his —once— pure soul. In the way her lips were leaving marks behind. In the way her hands were grazing his skin. In her words, praises and mocks, rolling from her tongue like a mantra, like a hymn. 
And Taeyong was lost in them. 
He was lost in her. 
In every wrong turn, deep down with the tide of perdition he swore he was never going to let himself get drowned into. 
Demons were fascinating, but far away from him, far away from poor human’s that were struggling to find the right path to eternal salvation. 
And now, the poor soul that needed saving was him. Pressed under a succubus’s body, or better, The succubus’s body, rocking her dick deep inside him, pushing his body into the mattress with so much strength he was sure the lines of himself were going to stay there for years to come. 
And he was letting her. 
Taeyong wasn’t even thinking of complaining or fighting the feeling back. He wasn’t crying because he knew she was staining him with red. He was crying because she wasn’t staining him enough. Was it a trick? Was it power? Was it a need he had buried deep inside his soul that had to resurface sooner or later? He had no idea. 
He had no idea. 
“You’re so beautiful, Taeyong,” she whispered, caressing his burning, wet cheek. His blood staining his pearly white skin. “I’m so blessed to have you here.” Her eyes were teary, and Taeyong didn’t get why. He was sure this was simply a rather sick fantasy, something she had to check off her bucket list. Eternity is long, and it gets boring. But right there, as her hips faltered, and her wings sheltered him more, and a damned tear rolled down and met his on his face, he wondered if maybe there was more. If under that strong, confident shell, she was hiding some insecurities. If after all, she was human still somewhere in her soul. 
And he wondered if it was the same for him. If after all, after all the years spent on earth, his humans’ weakness didn’t seep into his bones and led him there. 
Maybe truly nobody was perfect, except the Lord. Not even His creations. Not even His Children. 
Of one thing, he was sure. He wasn’t worthy anymore, of His love, of His grace, of His protection.
But the worst part of it all, wasn’t that. 
He didn’t want it anymore. 
“I need you,” the seraphim cried, this time being the one scratching the other, nails doing nothing compared to hers. 
“I will fill you with me, I will stain every single inch of you with sin. You will feel me for days.” 
Taeyong had fallen from grace. 
Crumbling apart in her arms as she filled him with her cum, touching him, grazing him, burning his skin up with invisible flames. 
Taeyong had fallen from grace. 
Begging, squirming, screaming her name, chanting it in the same way he chanted His name. 
Taeyong had fallen from grace. 
When nothing but her crossed his mind. When he moved from the bed to kiss her, to hold her close, to feel their skins burn together. 
Taeyong had fallen from grace. 
When his three pairs of wings spread open from behind his back, blinding white light shining through the whole place before disappearing, washed away by the storm that was still raging outside. 
“They’re not blinding me,” she pointed out when she opened her eyes and saw them, beautiful and golden, beating as he kept them up, floating away from the bed. Chest panting, coming down from the afterglow and the surprise of how their natures could combine. 
“I’m not blinding you,” he replied, kissing her again, holding her hips tighter. 
Their wings started beating together, darkness mixing with light, creating a current that was keeping them afloat as they were still tangled with each other. Fitting perfectly.
Made for each other. 
“You’re not blinding me,” she repeated, lips against his, as her heart crushed in her chest, a twinge so hard that it shook her breath away. The pain starting to get to her brain, and before she could let that fragile, vulnerable, human-like part take over her, she pulled out, making him whine at the emptiness and the cold as she flew a few meters away from him. 
Only for a split second, she thought of stopping, fearing that this was going to leave them both burned and scarred, more than she anticipated when she started playing this game. But when her eyes flickered on his again, shining of a light only he had, begging her silently, she realized it was too late, they were too far down into this to withdraw now. 
Taeyong was about to ask why she was hesitating, but his thoughts stopped when she twirled again in the air and her body went back to its original form. 
“I want to feel you now,” she whispered, flying on top of him again, their wings beating against each other, the feathers brushing and tingling. “I want you to be inside of me.” 
“I don’t know how to do it,” the angel replied, gulping as he stared at her; he felt like something shifted, but he couldn’t grasp it. 
“You only have to follow my lead, angel. I’ll show you the way,” she said, sinking on his, once again, hard cock. “I will always show you the way if you let me.” 
And he would’ve. Maybe not always. Maybe once this spell exploded, he would’ve cried all his tears and damned himself for what he was letting happen, killing himself for how blasphemous he was acting in the land of the enemy while he was supposed to be serving his One and Only God. 
Later, maybe. 
Not now, not now for sure. 
This felt different, her hips grinding on him, lifting up and down, hands laying flat on his chest, strands of hair framing her beautiful face. The light coming out of her was dark, gloomy, a mix of silver and black and red, but he still found it enchanting. He found it hauntingly beautiful how their lights would mix together, his gold, and her silver. Sin and holy coming together to create this. 
A mess of fleshes that technically fleshes weren’t. A mess of bones, and veins, and skin, getting along as if they were something they were not; humans. 
That was why sex was forbidden in Heaven. Because it was so human, even if it was done for His right reasons, he was still dirty, vulnerable… raw. It scratched the wildest and deepest and darkest desires. Sex made creatures human. And in Heaven, there was nothing worst than being human. 
But if that meant being human, Taeyong couldn’t complain. He loved that vulnerability, he loved that feeling, that intimacy. He loved feeling that they were becoming one with every single thrust on him. 
He now got why humans suffered so much for love, why they did crazy things for it, crossed traced lines, and chased treacherous paths. Because love makes you crazy. Carnal. Romantic. Familiar. Religious. Love makes people crazy. It turns them blind and devoted. 
And that was what Taeyong was right now, blind and devoted. 
Blinded by her. 
Devoted to her. 
So his head rolled back again, harmonious moans coming out of his mouth as his hands wrapped around her thighs. He could feel her inside twitch around his lenght, wetness dripping down, surely creating a pool of white on the bed underneath them. And his hips moved again, it was as if he knew exactly what to do, mimicking her. 
“You’re doing so good, angel,” she moaned, biting her lips, head falling forward because she had no intention of missing a second of the vision he was. She knew she wasn’t going to have him again, God forbid if they were even going to cross in the middle ground again. So she impressed the image of him in her mind, white hair framing his perfectly sculpted face, some sticking to his skin, some falling around him, golden halo glowing over it, eyes half lidded, and pink lips parted to let out the most beautiful moans she had ever heard. 
“Keep singing for me,” she ordered. “Sing for me like you sing for your Lord.” 
And Taeyong did. Moans came out of his mouths like the prayers and canticles he would sing high up in the Sky to his one and only Lord. To his God. The One that created him. The One that gave him life. The One that made him his subject. And now Taeyong was ripping all the trust apart, the faith, the loyalty. Taeyong was singing for his God, but his God now wasn’t the same one that created him, gave him life and made him slave. 
He was singing for a God that set him free of his limits, of his fears, of the firm rules he had set himself to follow strictly everyday without even thinking of questioning them. 
She was his God now. She was worth of worshipping, and blind believing, and mindless following. 
So he kept chanting her name, praising it, singing it with joy and tears flooding from his eyes as he stared into her eyes, heart beating loudly in his chest as she made him feel lighter than he ever felt. 
And she felt a peculiar feeling, mixed between feeling as light as him and also feeling heavy.
She had watched Taeyong from afar. Studied him for ages because he seemed so different from everybody. She couldn’t blame God for picking him as his favorite even when He shouldn’t have done it. 
She had been jealous of Taeyong. And she wasn’t even sure why. She didn’t want his life, she didn’t want to be washed over by the blinding lights of Heaven. But then one day it hit her. She wasn’t jealous of Taeyong, she was jealous of God. Because God had him, every day, every night, singing for him, praying for him, worshipping him. 
She had fallen for him. 
She had fallen for an angel and she couldn’t understand how that could’ve happened. 
And now that she was there, filled by him, as he sang to her, prayed to her, worshipped her, she realized she couldn’t care why it happened, because this felt better than all the other sex she ever had, in her life and her death. 
And when tears stained her face, Taeyong brought his hand up, wiping the liquid away and encouraging her to lean in, and kissed her, healing the pain. 
“Don’t cry,” he whispered, lips meeting hers again. “Heaven doesn’t like to see tears.” 
She chuckled, sniffling before sinking into the crook of his neck. She wanted to answer that they were in Hell, and Hell loved seeing cries and hearing screams, that Hell loved pain and broken souls, but she liked to pretend that for a second, in that small patch of Hell, there was a small patch of Paradise. 
A limbo. A holy ground. A safe place where they could exist and don’t feel the weight of their existence. 
Because eternity might seem like a good thing but it’s a tragedy. 
It’s long, and exhausting, and after all, it’s lonely. 
And always takes away from you what you want the most. 
“Beg for me,” she screamed, hips moving faster on him and fingers intertwining with his. “Beg for me as you will beg for forgiveness. Beg so loud that your God might hear you and shame you. Beg to show him whose your God truly is.” 
Taeyong cried harder, harshly stripped away of everything he had been believing in for decades, ages, millenniums. His whole existence falling apart into her hands and he had no thought in his mind that wanted to retort her words. No matter how painful they were, how deep they cut, opening his chest in two and ripping his heart out of his ribcage, making it bleed with lust and disgrace. 
“Please, don’t stop,” he begged, blinking the tears away. “Don’t stop. It feels too good. I— I,” he stopped, heart clenching as if his true nature knew how wrong his next words were. “I love this. I love you.”
The purest angel, crafted by God, to be immaculate and pure, made human by a succubus. 
Feeling an emotion that wasn’t made for him to feel, in particular to feel for a Satan’s creations. 
The purest angel that ever crossed Heaven and earth had fallen in a trap he couldn’t get out from. 
He had fallen in her. 
“You… you don’t think that,” she cried, hips faltering as those words made her mad. She wasn’t new to hearing people scream it when they were close to the high, surely a defensive reaction to try to beg for forgiveness as the thought of what they put themselves into meant. But this… this fake love was painful and it left her breathless. It hurt. It was God revenge for her crimes. 
“I do,” he blurted. “I need you. I never… never felt better than this. Never felt more real.”
“Say you want me,” she said, cupping his chin. “Say you want me. Say it until Heaven falls and Hell crumbles. Say it until God will get mad and punish us for our crimes. Say it until His anger will strike upon us.”
“I want you. I only want you. I would spend eternity getting lost in the creeks of your body,” he sang, leaning closer to her, kissing her. “I’d spend eternity to show the beautiful creature you are. The monster you are not.” 
“You can’t change who I am,” she breathed out, pleasure making it hard to talk or think, pain making it hard to talk or think. But as usual, she was trying to drown that feeling with sex, doing what she was the best at. 
“I don’t want to change you,” he wept. “I will never want to change you.” 
His head rolled back when he felt her tighten around him, cum dripping down, creating a mess between their bodies. 
“Beli-believe me.” 
“I do,” she moaned, wings spreading and stopping their movements to keep them afloat for a moment. “You’re the only one I’ve ever believed in my entire life." Taeyong didn’t know, he couldn’t know how secretly devoted she was to him. He didn’t know that if she could choose her religion, she would’ve picked him. Him over everything. She would’ve turned human again as a punishment if only that meant she could have him. 
“Oh, God…” he moaned when her hips got faster and he felt the same sensation of before run in his bones. 
“Call him all you want,” she whispered, “you know he won’t answer.” 
“I know,” Taeyong replied, tears streaking his cheek. “I’m not calling him, I’m calling you.” 
And as the last drop that falls and makes water erupt down, his words brought them to their high. Bodies freezing against each other as the wave of pleasure ran through them and their moans mixed before muffling as their lips met in a desperate kiss.
When the feeling dimmed, they were panting chest to chest. Wings flapping slower as they started flying down, and finally felt the soft mattress again. 
“Stay,” she whispered, voice shaking, hands caressing his chest. “Only for a while, long enough I can fool myself this can be real.”
“This is real,” Taeyong replied. Surprised that guilt didn’t assault him yet. Caressing her hair and touching the horns. 
“This is wrong.”
He chuckled, burying his head against her hair for a moment. “This is a fall from grace.” A lonely tear marked his cheek, falling on the sheets. “A fall from grace.” 
She hummed and then a bittersweet but satisfied, smile crept on her lips as she hid her face in the crook of his neck.
She couldn’t have him, but God didn’t have him either. 
Taeyong was marked, stained, and ripped at the edges. He wasn’t the same anymore. 
God had deprived her of her happy ending, so she stole his dearest angel.
Taeyong had fallen from grace. 
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TAGLIST: @kpopgirl124127 @kwnshi @auroraichimaru @kundann | let me know if you want to be added by commenting under the INFERNO masterlist
A/N: hope you liked it! let me know with comments, reblogs or even asks ♡
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sugar-omi · 1 year
okay, so i've been doing some thinking. i've been scrolling through your blog and i stepped upon these "cheating on cove with Baxter and the other way around" scenarios. (i'm sorry, i wasn't able to read them, my heart couldn't take it ;-;) but!
what if mc was like, in a normal relationship with Baxter. you know, a couple, maybe married later and stuff, while of course still being besties with Cove. later mc and Baxter have a kid together, maybe still a small baby but! plot twist! Baxter gets into an accident or something and dies. (i'm sorry, he's my favourite man but i had to kill him for that scenario:'))
mc is completely devastated and also a little panicked, because what about the baby? and then Cove stepps in, deciding to help his best friend take care of the little one and basically becomes its father. i recently watched a video of a dog "helping" a cat take care of her kittens, and there you have it.
this one may be boring, so feel free to ignore, but i can't stop thinking about it.
ITS OK<333 I figured some ppl didn't read it bc angst n pain</3 trust me I skip over angst all the time
(I even have the tag blocked😬 sorry angst writers but I will read it and not be the same for months, I read a kiribaku angst fic years ago, and was devesated for 4 months afterwards LMAO)
okay i... I cannot expand too much on this bc OUCH
(eta now that I've finished. who am I fooling? I rlly said that like I haven't wrote a whole novel 💀 anyway <3 this clearly made me pop off more than I thought I would bc I read this at first n was devastated!!! I had no words!!!! well clearly I found them LOL)
n im gonna fix the format later but for now here is the bare minimum. I'm going to bed rn so nini everyone enjoy a bit of angst I promise its fluffy as well<333
tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
p/n = parental name, since I wanted to leave flexibility for all the readers here <3
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but anyway yeah cove would so step up for you
will follow you to the end of the earth and do whatever you need to help you work through this and to adapt to this sudden and unfortunate change
if/when your relationship starts becoming something romantic, cove would absolutely put the brakes on everything and you'd go so slow...
I imagine he'd probably move in with you or you with him, and he'd stay somewhere else (if you're living in his house he will leave anyway, he's a gentleman like that fr) so that way you can figure out if it's not just bc he's doing all these things n you're mistaking admiration for love
you'd spend the first year going super slow, as if you've never known each other before
which technically you haven't, since you've never dated before. but cove would go so far as to find out your favorite color, song, animal, food.. all over again, even though he has it memorized and knows your likes better than his own.
once cove is sure you're ready for this (after much talk between the two of you and even with your therapist that yes you've made enough progress and are emotionally ready for this) does he finally put a label on it
now if you get married...
I imagine cove won't propose at all
like I think you'd have to talk n almost beg him...
in that case he would do a small but grande gesture to propose. or he'd propose to you before you've even left the bed for the day... no inbetween
but like 8 times outta 10, you're gonna have to propose to him
he'd cry and hug you n say yes of course.
and unless you want to keep this outta your wedding, I think cove would include baxter in your wedding.
first, ofc you'd have the picture to honor his memory
but I think he'd even go so far as to have smth in his vows. but to start, he'd say smth like:
"I know the reason we became closer was unfortunate, but I'm so happy to be able to call you and [Child] my family. and I hope I can be a good father and husband"
and "baxter will always have a place in our hearts. even though he and I didn't get along at first (watery chuckle)... I'm glad he got to love you, and I hope he trusts me to love and cherish you the same way as well.."
also if you don't want to give up your wedding ring from baxter, I think cove would even go so far as to suggest combining it with his.
!!! omg I was gonna say your and baxter's wedding bands would be black, but I have another idea
okay now, for YOUR bands, I imagine they're either black or silver and yk those infinity(?) bands? that has the 2 types of metal or whatever
that's what cove would suggest doing. and if you are worried abt people asking why your bands are different, he'd get the same twisted band but silver with say a black diamond or smth. just smth to make it look like it's intentionally different colors but same design or smth
(im overthinking a bit but it's an idea right?! I'm not crazy??<////3)
or if you don't wanna do that, I imagine you can just slip it on a necklace or leave it as is, whatever you want. he wouldn't mind even if you kept wearing it, cove would never ask you to get rid of baxter's image or memory in any way, not unless it was a real problem and your attachment to him/his things was unhealthy anyway.
now for baxter's band... well if you didn't bury it with him, I imagine you'd give it to your child
another thing I think you could do w your wedding band as well, and give them both your bands to do whatever they want with. or if they don't want it of course you're not forcing them to keep it
even though they didn't get to know baxter, the way you and cove still cherish baxter's memory does help them feel something of a connection.
I also imagine baxter would take lots of photo n video w the kid, even though they're young n just a babe, theres so many videos of baxter looking n acting so loving w them
and even a couple where he's teary-eyed n all "imma do you right by you. I love you so much.."
of course, if the kid doesn't feel that connected to baxter since they were too young to know or rmbr anything, and they don't feel anything much other than sympathy and the occasional sting when they see how much baxter loved them, you don't force it.
you both know that baxter was basically a stranger to them and even though they still respect baxter and he has a place in their heart, they don't feel like they're lacking anything.
"I don't really know what to say.. or how to feel... I see how much [P/N] misses you sometimes, and we have pictures of you, and they talk about you and stuff...
but I don't feel like im missing a dad. I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings, I wish I knew you too. sometimes I wish you were still here, so I got to know you as well, even though I'm still happy to have dad cove for my dad.
I just wanna know what you were like. I wanna experience what you were like. I... I wanna miss you like everyone else misses you too...
anyway, just know that dad is great! he takes care of me and [P/N] really well! he makes breakfast in bed, and he does/used to do this thing where he lifts me in the air before bed! he's so cool. I see how he makes [P/N] happy as well, so don't worry. although, [P/N] said you always thought cove was reliable and a good guy so maybe you aren't worrying anyway.
well... that's it I guess. i hope ill get to know you one day, and maybe you can tell me you're glad to see dad took good care of us. goodbye,
cove happily listens to anything they have to say on how they feel abt baxter btw. he accepts any of their feelings, be it that they don't feel anything at all, sympathy for others, or they feel sad abt losing him.
if they do say smth like how even though it's unfortunate and they feel bad for everyone who mourns baxter (for example/especially you), they see cove as their dad and don't feel like they're missing anything and they're happy to have cove for their dad.
ofc he cries n hugs them n tells them he loves em and he's happy n he comforts them if needed of course
I also think cove is very scared abt being a father
especially in this way... even if the kiddo doesn't remember anything, or it's hazy at best, he worries about replacing baxter.
he'd probably worry abt not living up to baxter
baxter was always much more mature, at least it seemed that way most times. cove just worries about if he has the backbone and the ability to parent the child well and be someone they can look up to and/or appreciate for being a good father
cries if they call him dad btw
if they do it before you start dating, I imagine it's one of the catalyst that cause you to talk abt your feelings for each other. or if it's in the early stage..
cove prbly freezes and runs away to the other room n freaks out, definitely cries. if you don't talk to him like right after he calls his dad n cries n shares his worries n fear
either way, when you do talk he's biting his nails n trying not to pace around the room and he's like "if you wanna distance yourselves so that they don't call me dad any more I totally understand, I mean idk it's prbly weird for you-"
n he just rambles. like none of it makes sense n u have to physically shut him up. kiss him, yell, throw a pillow, hit him w the child's stuffed animal, throw a single lego brick at his back and watch him fall to the floor like he just got a nuke thrown at him
if it's later on n theres nothing to worry abt bc youve talked abt this or saw it coming or its just the otherwise most natural step, he cries of course
but he doesn't fall apart from being his in the back w a single fucking Lego as if it hurt 🙄🙄🙄🙄 (I hate this man he's DRAMATIC)
well... actually no he does
hit him, kiss him, hug him, run him over w a hotel wheels truck.... he just cries harder
adopts them like immediately basically
I imagine you do it soon, like maybe before the wedding just so that way you can have a private moment (just to save him some embarrassment from ugly crying in front of your families. in fact he just might faint fr)
n you + the kiddo surprise him w adoption papers (depending on how old the babe is at this point, they have like no idea what's going on but they know that cove is now officially recognized by the whole world (even by the unicorns n wizards n warlocks) as their daddy))
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imagine laying in bed w cove n the kid in between you two
and when you wake up, cove is alrdy awake and was watching you two. he was petting the kids wild hair and he had pulled the two of you in and kept you under his arm..
and the sunlight is coming in, the day is just perfect. n the look on cove's face is full of so much love but also a bit somber this time
(cove feels awkward being here like this sometimes. during times like this you have to remind him it's okay, and you pull him back in. of course he does the same for you on those days.)
"I love you two. so much..." he whispers, tears sticking to his lashes
the kid flips over, curling into cove and they stop their sleepy mumbling now that they're tucked into cove's chest, feeling warm, happy, and safe.
you whisper equally as tender. "we were meant to be like this too."
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also!! smth I just thought of...
imagine the kid looks mostly/very much like baxter. they act very much like cove's kid
like you would think cove n baxter had a kid together LOL
(if the resemblance is too much, they ask if you're the step parent </3 pls Ik it may not make sm sense but I just think it'd be so fuckin funny)
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blues824 · 2 years
I saw the Douma mc with the dateables so I can request a Douma Mc with the brothers? Like being this cheery person who happens to be a demon is actually just apathetic?
Sure thing! I cut them a bit short tho because it’s a few more characters to write for. Also, I got this request on my birthday- August 24th (which is the same as Riddle Rosehearts, I’m aware0
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He knew something was up with you, but he couldn’t quite tell what it was. But seriously, ain’t nobody this happy on a Monday, Y/N! Especially when you live with all of the brothers in the House of Lamentation. Could be a tad more discrete.
He got a notification on his DDD that Asmo was doing a livestream session on Devilgram, so he thought he’d take a small break and check it out. That’s when he noticed that this wasn’t a typical stream… Asmo was recording you beating the absolute shit out of another demon with a fan, but he noticed that the other demon had your eye in his hand. Eye for an eye?
When you got back, he noticed that you weren’t smiling, but not exactly angry either. Your facial expression was actually difficult to read. You admitted that you didn’t feel remorseful for killing the other demon. Neither grief nor regret were in your emotional register, and you had to explain this to Lucifer.
He’s seen the student reports, but nowhere did it say you had a cult following. You ‘accidentally’ let it slip out of nowhere that your cult was made up of mostly men, whom you would consume for sustenance. He is exceedingly concerned for Solomon’s life all of a sudden.
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Mans is too dumb to see any suspicious behavior. You can NOT tell me that he is totally ignorant to any red flags. You were always smiling, which is not something you see very often with demons in Hell. It was a nice change of pace for him.
Now, imagine his surprise when he, some of his brothers, and you all go shopping, and a demon reaches out and drags you into a nearby alleyway. Once the brothers caught up, the demon had your eye in its hand, but you had your deadly fan out and already began beating him to death. He was so scared.
After, you didn’t even seem like you regretted killing someone. The scariest thing of all was that you weren’t smiling either. You seemed irritated. You had to explain that you were never happy, and that you lost the ability to feel emotions a long time ago. Instead, you tricked everyone into thinking you were normal. 
Mammon then went to consult Solomon about you because even though you were a demon, you spent a lot of time in the human world. The sorcerer told him that you had a massive cult that worshiped you, but it was rumored that you would eat your followers because they were mostly men. He didn’t sleep for a few nights in a row.
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He probably knows what you’re like because he’s seen the anime “Help! Rip-off Michael Jackson turned my sister into a demon and now I’m trying to find a cure for her!” However, that was an anime! There was no way it could be true… right?
Apparently so, because all over his Deviltube page he saw livestreams of some demon that looked like you, but missing an eye, who was beating up another demon with a gold fan. He clicked on one of them, and he saw that it was you. There was blood everywhere. You were… smiling. Levi dropped his phone and ran to the trash can to throw up.
When you got back to the House of Lamentation, you weren’t smiling anymore. Your eye was restored somehow, but you didn’t seem remorseful for anything that just happened. You didn’t seem to feel any emotion. You confess that you haven’t felt emotions in centuries.
Leviathan then decided to see if your name popped up when looking you up, and he saw a whole ass website dedicated to worshiping you. There was even a tab called ‘sacrifice for the deity’, and he definitely asked you about it. You smiled and told him that this was your cult’s way of sacrificing a young man for you to eat. He passed out right then and there.
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He knows you’re acting very suspiciously as well. No one is happy about receiving a huge group project. You’re very mysterious, Y/N. Luckily, Satan is obsessed with solving mysteries, but he knew that this one would be very hard to solve.
You and him were headed to a bookstore when you got into a fight with another demon. The demon was kicking and scratching, and eventually scratched your eye out. The 4th-born was definitely concerned and was about to rush in to help when he saw you whip out your fan and start beating the absolute hell out of your assailant. Satan had only read of something like this, but the book was wrong about the amount of blood that would be present.
After, he asked you about what just happened and you said that it was nothing special. That’s when he noticed that you weren’t smiling anymore. You had no emotion at all on your face, actually. You told him that you didn’t feel emotions and haven’t felt any in a while. Plus, it would be bad if you felt emotion when judging your worshippers.
That’s when Satan ran to his room. He started going through each of his books, seeing if he could find your name or the name of your cult. That’s when he saw a group called Eternal Paradise. He read through the pages and with the more he read, the more he was growing unnerved. He found out that your cult was made up of mostly men, and you would eat them as a way of “releasing them” from the Hell that is Earth.
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He doesn’t see any suspicious behavior, either. He’s focused on your beauty and your cheery attitude, which is something he appreciates a lot. Your eyes are so pretty, and your clothing style is very traditional and formal!
You both were going to the town center to go shopping, and all of a sudden a demon decided that he had a bone to pick with you. And by bone, I mean eye. Asmo shrieked as he saw your eye in the demon’s hand rather than in your eye socket. Your smile disappeared and you whipped out a golden fan, then you proceeded to beat your assailant to death. You smiled at his last wails for mercy.
Asmo just stared at you in pure shock as you walked away with blood on your hands and fan and a new eyeball in your eye socket. Then he ran to the nearest trash bin to throw up. It was not a pretty sight to see. You explained that you didn’t feel emotion and therefore didn’t feel anything towards what happened. 
Asmo went to Solomon immediately, where he found out that you were the leader of a cult. He’s only seen this in twisted horror movies, but as he listened to the sorcerer he grew more and more terrified. You had a cult that was made up mostly of men, and you would eat them as a way of releasing them from the cruelties of the world?? He feels light-headed all of a sudden…
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Again, not suspicious at all. For all he knows you are just naturally happy, and there’s nothing wrong with that! Why be negative when you can always see the bright side of life? Don’t you know the power behind a smile?
Obviously, he didn’t. Because at his Fangol game he saw that the game was canceled because someone apparently died at the stadium. He was ushered off the field as well as his team members when he heard that you had killed someone with a sharp golden fan. He caught a glimpse of you, and you had blood all over your face as well as an eye socket that looked like it was growing a new eye.
When he got back home, he waited for you. When you did get back, you explained that you didn’t feel sorry about anything because you can’t feel anything. In fact, it’s been a while since you were able to kill anyone, and it was nice to get back into doing what you do best. Beel’s jaw dropped in just pure shock and fear.
He went all over the place to see if he could find anything written about you. He went to Solomon, Satan, the library, every bookstore around, scrolled through the internet, and he saw that you ran a cult that was made up mostly of male humans who you would eat to “release” them from the troubles that life brought. Apparently he didn’t know you as well as he thought you did.
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He knew something was up. He might be sleeping all the time, but he ain’t sleeping on your smiling facade. Nobody can ever be this happy. Always one day that is absolute crap and you just want to sit on the couch with a carton of ice cream while watching Titanic.
He was scrolling on his phone one day when he saw that Asmo was live streaming. Belphie usually just ignored it, but he saw different emojis and messages than usual. He clicked on it and he saw that you were beating a demon who looked like he had your eye in his hand?? He thought he was dreaming until he realized that this was indeed very real.
When you got back home, your eye was being reformed in your socket and you had blood all over you and your clothes. Now, this isn’t Belphie’s first rodeo, but he has never seen the whole eye thing. He asks you if you’re okay, and you tell him that you don’t feel anything and haven’t really felt anything for a long while now.
He’s scared to find more about you, so he won’t do any research. Instead, he would listen to his brothers’ secret conversations about you. That way he could say that he didn’t see anything if he was confronted by you.
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obae-me · 2 years
I randomly thought of this but now I can't get rid of it and I NEED TO TELL SOMEONE (and who better than youuuu who actually takes the time to read the long ass stuff I send <3) . The sassiest Mc who is sweet as sugar but also cold as ice spitting straight facts if her buttons are pushed. Like it would be soooo satisfying to shut the brothers up and put em in their place >.<
Mammon: Oi stupid huma-
Mc: Me? Stupid? Oh really now- That's rich coming from someone who would still be hanging from the ceiling if I hadn't come and saved their ass.
Diavolo: We can't thank you enough mc for making the exchange program such a success an-
Mc: Honestly I couldn't care less, I didn't even consent to any to this? You just plopped me here with 7 demons who have issues even therapy can't solve... if it wasn't for the free rent I would have ran away long ago.
Lucifer: You have to obey the rules I have set-
Mc: Why?
Lucifer: Because this is my house and what I say is fina-
Mc: No but literally why :/ You are not my dad also if I want to, I can easily ask diavolo to let me stay somewhere else.
Mc: Sure go ahead , not like you haven't tried that before. Also, for someone who wants diavolo's plan to succeed you sure are doing a bad job at it.
Like plsss PLSSSS I just want the mc to DESTROY them ;like not in the roasting them kinda way but just like saying the plain truth so bluntly that you can't really argue against that logic.
I just want them to set the record straight like- I was brought here without my choice and any warning. Threatened and STRAIGHT UP KILLED and then forced to play therapist for these same ppl who gave a shit about me only when they knew I was a descendent of their dead sister :] (Ik that's not exactly it but you get the point)
Ooo this kind of MC is great, I love thinking about them! They'd manage to probably snap most of the brothers into better behavior after pushing MC one too many times.
The only one that would constantly struggle would probably be Lucifer, who appreciates their boldness and honesty but if it doesn't drive him absolutely mad sometimes.
And oo yeah I think about that nice tasty bit of angst often. In my own head I have it mapped out differently but the thought of MC always wondering if they'd still be dead if it weren't for luckily being connected by blood to someone who lived centuries ago. I've been meaning to write about that eventually, the aftermath of lesson 16 and my personal opinion of why everyone seemed to ignore what happened.
But yes, thanks for sharing! I love just talking things like this out with people!
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ladyelizabethraven · 2 years
Hogwarts Legacy Ideas posted on Reddit & my shower thoughts that can be used as interesting writing prompts:
Ominis' blindness was not seen as an imperfection by his family. Rather, for them, it was seen as a sign that Ominis was the perfect heir of Slytherin to open the Chamber of Secrets and purge the school of mudbloods. His blindness meant that he would be immune to the Basilisk's petrification gaze. And they spend the rest of Ominis' school years pressuring him to do it.
Sebastian would fit well in Gryffindor. And to see a Gryffindor be allured to the promises of the Dark Arts to cure his sister is peak drama.
Ominis, despite accepting his fate that he would be sorted into Slytherin, has no love for the house and chosen to mingle with the other houses instead. That is why he became best friends with Sebastian and Anne.
Sebastian's parents were actually Squibs but were still active in the wizarding world as magical researchers thanks to Solomon.
Speaking of Solomon, he would not actively try to kill the MC immediately. Rather, his behaviour would depend on the past decisions MC had made regarding the Dark Arts, whether MC had encouraged Sebastian to pursue the Dark Side, or if MC had sided with Ominis during the arguments. (IDK, I just wanted him to become more morally complex so people would at least hesitate at that final scene of the quest)
There is a connection between Solomon getting fired from being an Auror and Aesop Sharp's accident that's got his partner killed. (?)
Sebastian and Anne were considered to be muggle born since they came from non magical parents (IIRC Squibs were not actually registered and often ostracised in the magical community).
Seb and Anne were often discriminated against by the pure blood supremacists (Including the headmaster) in the school behind Ominis' back. That is why Seb, who was naturally adventurous, was considered as a delinquent trouble maker.
Anne, before she was cursed, has set up a support group for muggle born students and was actively fighting against the subtle bullying and discrimination happening in Hogwarts.
Anne's curse came from Marvolo Gaunt (who was threatening Ominis into opening the Chamber of Secrets). It was secretly approved by Headmaster Black since he hated the formation of the support group.
Amit may have the most stable in the group of main cast, but his conflict comes from measuring up to his family (who had done great feats in their school years).
His conflict would also be in the form of not wanting to fight vs consider fighting to preserve the knowledge and wisdom of the past from those who try to Bury it.
Professor Fig would be the if the MC's primary antagonist. But he would not be the "mwahahaha" villain but rather the "man who flew too close to the sun and got his wings burned off" kind of a tragic hero.
Blinded by grief and guilt over his wife's death, Fig decided to seek the powers of the Ancient Magic to bring his wife back to life. But he also wanted to use the MC to take revenge on Ranrok and the goblins for killing his wife.
The Keepers were the BBEG of the story because they want to monopolise the use of the Ancient Magic through Isidora. It's because they think that the Ancient Magic was too powerful to be used by the younger generation. They don't want her to act on her own accord and use the magic as they see fit. When Isidora rebelled, they killed her and tarnished her name as the most evil witch ever lived and basically launched a smear campaign on her. But when they found out that they could not use the Ancient Magic on their own, the Keepers decided to seal it away, preparing it for the next person who would be able to use and sense the Ancient Magic, and probably possess that person.
While Isidora's motives are still the same, it would be like the old argument in the HP fandom on "Whether Hermionie was right in meddling her parents' mind without their knowledge or consent even though it was said to be for their own safety". (CAN also be an alternate BBEG).
MC's quest now involves learning the truth and deciding on how to use the Ancient Magic.
Hogwarts legacy story will be more about the students (MC, Sebastian, Ominis, Natsai, Poppy, Amit) choosing what "destiny" has laid out for them vs forging their own path and make their own story
The friends MC has made along the way appears in the final repository run to support the MC. I know the professors appearing there was epic, but it's just to show the strength of the bonds you've made in this journey.
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
OC infodumping time again:
This time is one of my dnd characters:
She's a blind half-elf ranger/druid named Denalla
Originally she was just a ranger but I figured out quickly playing her that I suck at ranger so I multi-classed her into druid
Don't have a backstory for her, but she lives in a tree, as in like how characters like Whinney the Poo or other such characters might live in trees
This girl, she's more of a bard than the actual bard lol(iykyk)
🤔now I'm wondering how the bois would react to her, especially since she has relatively a lot of exposed skin, and is barefoot all the time
Outfit is all black:
Crop top with those crisscrossy straps around the neck
And then a skirt that is like higher in the front and longer in the back, not sure if that makes sense for description
She has red hair and pink eyes
Her hair is long, like never been cut long, probably down somewhere near her knees or something, who knows
She is part of the polycule that my main oc Mystery is in
- 🦊
Okay now there's something I hadn't previously considered... the OM peeps meeting my DnD character lol!
When I'm not DMing, I play a half-elf bard. He's an absolute menace and I love him. He has a habit of collecting fancy clothing items throughout our adventures that he then adds to his ensemble. So far he has obtained a top hat, a pair of glasses with pink lenses, and a rapier with a fancy pink stone in the handle. (Also randomly took a deck of cards from someone's house, though I'm not sure what he does with them. Probably fancy shuffle tricks.) He also has a habit of using Vicious Mockery at every given chance and has killed several big bad enemies by delivering the final blow with it.
Don't even get me started on his backstory.
Anyway, I like your ranger druid! I played a druid for a short session once and it was so much fun being able to turn into different animals! I should totally play a druid again sometime I wanna be able to turn my character into a bear.
I suspect that the OM characters would be confused at first. I mean, do they even know what a half elf is? I know we got fairies, which are kinda close but not really the same??
But if we're just considering how they react to her lifestyle, I suspect some of them would think it's really neat that she lives in a tree while others might be like hmmmm concerning.
I think they'd be able to overlook the revealing clothes if they figure she spends most of her time outside and like... adventuring and such. I don't know, I think in a general sense revealing clothing probably doesn't bother them. But when MC wears clothes that are more revealing than normal, they all freak out lol!
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ifievertoldyou · 2 years
silly little thaw and atol character comparisons post bc this has been on my mind for Quite some time now
atol!soot and thaw!quackity
sky gods' favorites
speak two languages (common & ancient + common & the language of the archipelagos)
have chronic pain from an injury (back + eye) and there's the possibility that their younger selves will suffer a little less than they did when they get it (massaging newly formed scar tissue + more potions instead of vinegar)
tortured people that are or have to do with dream
have a country that they love a lot, and use the thought of to distract from their other thoughts
father (even if quackity is in denial)
brother(figure) to tommy.
distrust anything relating to the gods, and doesn't follow them
are the first ones to beat the sky gods (in their fucked up games + in a gambling match against them)
Trust Issues(TM)
wear masks in front of people, hiding all of their vulnerabilities
thoughts about making their younger-selves match (soot to a higher extent)
minds have been fucked with by the sky gods (darkness from their Games + madness from the broken vow to them)
despise the ram and fantasize about getting revenge on him (also, wants to hang his head over the white house + mounts his horns and others' horns in his office)
and probably more that i'm forgetting
--------younger-selves section--------
atol!wil and thaw!q
MCs both slowly losing their sense of identity from before the events of their stories
Dissociation(TM) after realizing just How Much harm their storytelling inadvertently caused (not only for his older-self, but just in general, since so many people died in a war that was supposed to be fictional and only a few people + for his older-self after q realized the implications of all his remarks)
their first kills are mobs that were very high in magic (a Fresh fresh zombie + phantom), and they were both to protect other people (tommy + tntduo). and they had literally no idea what they were doing (accidentally ripped open the thing + made it choke on a poker chip without meaning to)
fit in almost seamlessly with the world, especially in comparison to the other people sent there
their older-selves being weirdly comfortable with them on their first day (soot thinking that wilbur not shrugging off his constant physical affection meant that he was ok with the closeness + quackity making those "suggestive" quips at q)
flirted with quackity or soot, though not really meaning it.
both "from" very dark times in their older-selves' lives. coincidentally, both either from a war, or else right before one (if you count like. 3 years before as Right before but)
older-selves threatened to kill them and made them answer questions when they first arrived (simone + ace of spades). (also the injuries the older-selves caused both nod to trauma that they have and that their younger-selves will experience eventually: wilbur's back scrape against the wall nodding as well as foreshadowing to the acid tears that scarred his back + q's bruised wrists nodding to what happened in manberg and foreshadowing to the burgundy cosmos and serenity park...)
their older-selves are very used to violence, and expect them to be the same way
^ they have to get used to violence quicker than anyone else sent here as a result of that, just so they won't get immediately found out.
got very violent against dream and regretted it after they realized just what they had done, and who they had become
progressively become more and more like their older-selves over the course of their stories
+more that technically haven't happened in thaw yet, but i can practically smell them off in the horizon...
atol!phil and thaw!charlie
have to come to terms with no longer having human features (wings and talons + Literally Everything.)
must figure out how to work their non-human features without being too suspicious to people (phil knocking things and people over with his wings + charlie needing to figure out how to keep himself solid and not drip slime everywhere)
their horror over seeing their non-human traits being mistaken as something else by others ("philza must have made him ashamed of his talons" + "he's sad my skeleton gift to him is melting :(")
are absolutely horrified by the violence and disregard for life being displayed in this world. and how desensitized everyone is to it.
very worried for the people in this world, Especially the MCs.
have been taken away from their partners when they were sent to the shattered!verse
still have some hope of returning home
the first character they meet is someone who caused loads of trauma to the MC's older-selves. they get very bad vibes from them, even though they aren't sure why exactly at first
atol!dream and thaw!wilbur (youngerbur)
been in the shattered!verse just as long, if not longer than the MC.
becomes very much like their older-selves
MC immediately distrusts them and hurts them (watches him get tortured and punches his face + bruises wrists)
their older-selves aren't trusted by the MCs' older-selves, so that tends to translate to the MCs also not trusting them
they meet the MC for the first time once the MC is acting almost indistinguishably from their older-self
terrified of, and feels betrayed by, the MC
has the memories of their older-selves (currently unsure if this is due to godly interference or not, but if it is, that's another similarity.)
actively go to where the MC is (pogtopia + las nevadas), which just causes suspicion, since they aren't supposed to be able to find the place/get in. and are considered enemies of the place (maybe not #1 enemies, as that would be the ram for both, but they're still pretty close on that list)
i'm using "younger/older-self" for everyone, since youngerbur's identity has not yet been officially confirmed as of writing this, so it might not be accurate to say cc for him. plus, so many ccs have changed that they're hardly the ccs at all anymore yk
MC is referring to the person that the first chapter is about and whom the story mostly centers around.
thank you for reading ^_^
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delphi-dreamin · 2 years
For OTP asks for Belphie and Asmo
4, 6, 18
You just had to ask the difficult questions, didn't you Panda? 🤣 *cracks my knuckles* Let's do this.
4. How did they first meet?
Asmo: How did Delphi and Asmo first meet? Y'know, it's something I hadn't thought about before. But I think a fitting meeting for Delphi and Asmo would be on her first night, before dinner. She's gotten settled, gotten unpacked, and desperately needs to wash off the interdimensional travel. So she goes to take a shower (bathroom's located on the second floor, where most of the bedrooms are) but forgets to bring clothes. So she's trying to make her way back to her room in nothing but a towel, when who does she run into but the Avatar of Lust himself? Like, bodily. Crashes to the floor. Limbs everywhere. She's only mildly embarrassed, and he's only mildly annoyed because hello. But they don't really get close until they've made their pact.
Belphie: Now, Belphie...Belphie I think would be a bit curious about the human exchange student living in his house with his brothers. So before he even tries to call out to her, I think Belphie visits her in her dreams. Maybe a bit like a Sleeping Beauty situation? Y'know, "I know you, I've danced with you once upon a dream~" (love that song, lol.) Maybe they chat in the dreams and she only has a vague recollection of the stranger with the white-tipped hair, but she knows he seems familiar when she meets the "human" named Belphegor who's being held hostage in the attic.
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
Asmo: Canonically it takes Asmo until MC is getting ready to leave before he realizes that what he feels for them is actually love. And I think that's the same with Delphi. But I think she realizes it a lot sooner. I've told y'all about her getting her pact mark from him. After that, they definitely have a more physical relationship for a while, but I think that Delphi starts to realize "Oh, this is real" when they actually start having heart-to-heart talks. And he starts treating her as an actual person, and not just a dress-up doll. He becomes her best friend, someone she can talk to about anything. And she realizes she's kind of in love with him. (That doesn't give a timeline, I know. But I can't really pinpoint it. It's definitely before Lesson 16, though. So between Lesson 8 and Lesson 16.
Belphie: Now, Belphie is a bit more complicated. Because the timeline is fucked up. And I hate that I STILL don't quite understand it. Like. Ugh. I think, the way I have their story written, Belphie realizes he's in love with Delphi the night they make their pact. I think it probably takes Delphi a bit longer (sometime during that "days turn to weeks turn to months" cut after the ball). I mean. This fuck did kill her.
18. What song fits them perfectly?
Asmo: Rhythm of Love by Plan White T's
Belphie: Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Holy shit that took forever to write. But I loved every minute of it!! Thank you for asking, darling! 😘
OTP Relationship Asks
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mach-speed-spin · 2 years
oh yeah, i'm curious- throughout all 3 series, what would you consider some of the most impactful moments? like, something you just kinda think about occasionally like "oh yeah. that sure happened!" but like in a good way y'know? that or it just kinda sticks around in your mind for whatever reason.
i've only really seen bakuten shoot as of now (god i need to get back to metal fight but that's a whole tangent right there), but i think probably the biggest one that comes to mind for me is. unsurprisingly The Yuya Incident, genuinely i did not expect v-force to deliver a gut punch like that EVER, especially when earlier in the same episode i was just joking around with no idea how fucked up things were gonna get. aside from that there's a few things to pick from, but i can't really say any of them hit Quite as hard
Metal Fusion finale: body horror, beys go to space, and Gingka rides Pegasus's spirit (I think that's the only time a blader did that)
Metal Masters: before the finale, Ziggurat unveils the spiral core, which he advertises as solving the energy crisis with a beyblade-powered reactor. He turns it on and turns part of New York State into a desert. In the finale, the spiral core has a meltdown after crash landing (the reactor was in a flying city) and the only way to stop it is to launch it into space
The Tower of Babel tournament: not only does the Tower of Babel canonically exist in this universe, but they host a tournament in it
Shogun Steel finale: [spoiler] straight up kills themselves
Reiji vs Hyoma and Reiji vs Kenta: Reiji sacrifices efficiency to make his opponents suffer for longer in battle. He also breaks down at the idea that his opponent isn't scared of him (not fearing him also causes him physical pain)
Captain Arrow's reveal: the circumstances around his debut were very similar to Reiji's. Unlike Reiji, Arrow isn't a sadistic villain. He introdices himself as "a soldier of love and friendship" and says he has "the power of justice." Everyone else knows he's a villain (he's part of the very obvious villain group), except himself
Hades Gate: special move that send people to hell
[Spoiler's] death in Metal Fury
The Destroyer Dome tournament uses a giant hamster ball of a stadium. It breaks off from the supports and starts rollling through the city
Beyblade Atlantis
English dub Ashindra speaking for the first time: so you know how Seiryu speaking was a big deal? Ashindra's first word was "yo." He calls his blader a "good dude"
Ghasem trying to drop kick Sisco: forget blading. Ghasem is ready to throw hands
The fact that in Burst, there is a gang of clows that live in the sewers and this is never questioned
The Beywheelz finale: the villain tried opening a portal to conquer other universes. He's defeated but the portal opens anyways. Rather than the portal fitting the 6-9 people he thought it did, it accidentally transports the entire city
Multiple burst characters have no eyebrows. This is never brought up
Phi's eyes casually turn black during battle
Tumblr media
Burst's mc in season 6 is just a theater kid who turned his mansion into a haunted house and calls himself the Demon King
Brainwash tank where you are forced to (mentally) fight holy beasts yourself. The character that does this summons an oversized axe
Several beast designs in Burst (Deep Chaos is a floating mass of flesh, Orb Egis is a hydra with necks made out of rainbows, Twin Nemesis wields a hammer made of dlesh and teeth, etc)
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devildomcrybaby · 2 years
The only time I can think of Barbatos showing genuine attraction to MC is in one of the most recent lessons, when (IIRC) MC tells him to pull himself together during a difficult situation.
Having no interest from him otherwise makes me uncomfortable reading his side content because it is so incongruous and blatantly false. Starting the game, he was equal with Lucifer for me, but feeling like he was lying to my face after every successful Surprised Guest interaction kinda killed it for me.
If the Devilgrams and what not had maintained his emotional distance, I would still like him because he would feel like a *potential* love interest, not a demon speaking sweet nothings to seduce a meaningless human into giving up their soul.
Lucifer became my fixation because his romantic lines can be a little cringe and over-the-top but they feel genuine.
I don’t think I got there yet. Now that I think about it I felt the same way with the surprise guest interactions until I played his birthday event. From there it felt like it made sense because I thought they were gonna make him another romantic interest at some point in the plot, but if they didn't I totally agree with you. All the Devilgrams and extras would be inconstent with the plot if they made Barbatos act like he's into MC while they're not gonna deepen their relationship later in the story. Unless their idea is to make him act as he would act with just anyone to trick them into selling their soul as you said, but that wouldn't make sense either since he doesn't want MC's soul as they're needed for Diavolo's project of creating peace between the three worlds. In the lesson where they kiss (if you choose to) and he says he kinda gets why everyone likes MC it feels out of nowhere, because the moment before he said he didn't feel anything for them but curiosity and the moment after he might begin to like them just because they kissed him mmh. Unless he was lying and just being polite:/
And Lucifer is so down bad, like a 1800s poet in love with a married woman down bad. Or dude hopelessly in love with a gangster's partner down bad. He's so dramatic, I love him. I get Gomez Addams vibes from him. His relationship development with MC definitely makes sense, kinda like a one sided enemies to lovers where he couldn’t stand MC and saw them as a possible threat, while MC was just like “I live in his dude’s house and he gives me the evil eye if we happen to make eye contact...he also threatened to poison me with tea but it’s pretty cool otherwise”. Also considering that while he was threatening MC’s life and acting like they were nothing but an annoying chore he was probably bothered by the fact that he was developing feelings for them. With Barbatos it’s not really like that because he’s pretty indifferent to MC except for some rare little moments where he appreaciates them. I would assume they’re going to develop their relationship later as they did with Diavolo or I hope so because I’m really interested in his character. If they do, the Devilgrams would make sense as well. Like if we read Lucifer’s before we went on with the plot they would have felt inconsistent as well because the story didn’t go that way yet for what we knew. I don’t know if this makes sense, that’s just my understanding of it all ‘till lesson 60, but I could be wrong.
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nc-vb · 6 months
ik you have a list of recommended manga and stuff, but what are your top favourites??? like your personal faves
I think I've read way too many in my life to make a sane list of them, but imma do my best LMAO (pls I have 1000 tabs open between my phone browser and private browser and my tablet ;-;). I'll give you both bl and straight manga/manhwa ok??
Sign (18+, bl)
This was one of my first bl manhwa I ever read (before I spiralled down the rabbit hole). IT'S SO SWEET, the mc Soohwa gets a job at the ml's cafe, and the ml Yohan is deaf-- Yohan loves when Soohwa signs at him, and Soohwa loves when Yohan talks, and they're both just so so cute, I love this manhwa with all my heart.
The manhwa is completed!!
2. Paljae, Child of Winter (shounen ai)
Where do I even begin with this one, holy shit... the art style would be gripping me by the balls if I had some. It gives a little of tcgf AND mdzs vibes tbh??? the mc Munryeong starts to take care of this tiny "child" he names Paljae but there's a couple of plot twists and surprises that I don't want to spoil, it's SO GOOD.
It's currently ongoing BUT it's on a break before it starts its third season!!!!
3. Pink Heart Jam (18+, bl)
Probably one of my favourite manga; I don't remember much of it so I'm going to reread it-- it's short, about 11 chapters? and it has to do with a band, but the mc and ml are *chef's kiss* wonderful
4. Payback (18+, bl)
I... have many words I could use to express my love for Payback. Jay and Yoohan are skskhsks I NEED A CERTAIN PLOT THING TO HAPPEN BUT IT'S KILLING ME THAT'S IT'S SLOW BURN. Lots of angst and unraveling of truths and facts and it's kind of a revenge story but GOD, those two are so hot, I blush, I blush.
5. Cherry Magic (18+ish, bl)
6. One Summer Day (18+, bl)
I just recently started this and it has 50+ chapters so far, but it's by the same artist etc. as Sign!!! it's really good. The mc died and then undied because of an accident he and a Grim Reaper cause, so he's in limbo, alive but is scheduled to re-die once his name gets re-added to a death list or something, but he had a lasting regret because he never had a relationship or anything further, so the Grim Reaper has to give him "organic energy" to calm down those "regrets"... hehehe.
7. The Guild Member Next Door (18+, bl)
I'm putting 18+ for now because I believe the novel for this has smut/sex scenes, but it just hasn't been drawn into the manhwa yet. It's super cute!!! mc plays an online game and meets the ml there, but they don't know who they are irl yet (there's 30 chapters), but the mc ends up moving next door to the ml and the ml thinks the mc is stalking him bc of some previous incidents due to this game-- it's cute. Just read it.
8. Dear Door (18+, bl)
EXTREMELY 18+ SHFSLKLS the ml has to engage in sexual frivolities with the mc in order to open a "door" to hell. This is a completed manhwa with 150+ chapters, a side story (iirc), and some really interesting plot twists. WARNING: this does also contain some dubcon/noncon stuff with certain characters (not including the mc and ml, but also kind of, it's weird). But the story ends on a good note, it's one of my favourites EVER.
9. A House for Samsami (18+, bl)
If you're a fan of hybrid, golden retriever-like characters, this one's for you! A veterinarian finds a stray hybrid on the street and takes him in, and I should reread this because I don't remember the details, but I love the characters, and I really recommend this one for its cuteness. Only 13 chapters so far, I believe; it's slow uploads.
10. Our Sunny Days (18+, bl)
The mc is a single father after a woman he'd been with leaves him with a baby and leaves, and he moves into a small village town where he meets the ml who's like, the village chief, and they both start crushing on each other and sjhfsks d'aww it's just so sweet, I love them. The first season is done at 25 chapters!
11. Bailin and Li Yun & Fathoms of Atonement (bl)
Both of these are by the same artist and are both on Webtoon. They have shorter chapters and one of them just became a Webtoon Original (finally!!!). I won't spoil these ones much; both have to do with merman... enjoy~
12. Mimori's Naughty Mouth (18+, bl)
AHHHH SUPER HOT AND THE MC AND ML ARE HOT TOOOOO, ml is a dentist and mc has a sensitive mouth, like insanely sensitive, so going to the dentist is a nightmare for him... until he gets this dentist. Hehe.
Now for the straights *cracks fingers*
Do Androids Dream of Love? (18+)
After mc's father dies (or someone dies, idr), she's left an android to take care of her, and she's against it at first, but he's very sincere and kind and is programmed to want to take care of her, but he finds himself going against his coding a bit and starts falling in love with her and vice versa... vewy cute. Slow uploads, but long chapters; there's currently 16.
2. I Thought My Time Was Up!
Lariette, my cutie patootie, gets with another cutie patootie Duke, Asrahan, that happens to be cursed, and she happens to have the power to heal the curse, but she's not so strong that she can do it in one shot-- but she thinks she's dying in three months' time and makes a contract to date him for that time because she has a mini bucket list she'd like to complete with him. There's another character, Doha, who slowly falls for her as he heals her and helps train her in her magic. So so good, and Asrahan's blushing moments? oh my god. There's smutty themes, but nothing explicit since it's on Webtoon.
3. Iseop's Romance
Fuck me, reading this hurts my heart because the slow burn is reaaaaaaaal. The mc is the titular Iseop Tae's executive secretary and she's amazing at her job, something he has a complex about because they completed the same program together. The complex slowly turns into a crush and his internal monologues about it are the absolute funniest shit ever. It's on Webtoon at almost 40 chapters.
4. My In-Laws Are Obsessed with Me
SLOW BURN AS HELL I don't even think they've kissed in their almost 100 chapters?? The Lapileon family has a blood curse that kills anyone who touches the blood-- except the mc, Pereshati. I forget exactly why they agree to contract in marriage, I think it's to spite her own House or something, but all of the Lapileon's love Perry, and they start to investigate different things and Perry goes on a business venture-- it's so good, and I adore the art. Webtoon!
5. When Jasy Whistles
I remember crying when this went on its first break after the one season ended, like this story is so fucking good, I WEPT. Jasy Jatare is a rumoured "god" that steals people/children (for whatever reason), and Hela, the mc, has a friend (Rodrigo I think...) who is "taken" by him into a different world, one full of dangers and other tribes of people that either live beneath the thumb of the other gods there or are protected by some (very rare). Hela wants to get her friend back and works with Jasy on a certain condition-- at 100 chapters, a lot happens between them. Sexual themes but not explicit; again, this is on Webtoon.
6. Harem of Luu-Anh (18+, poly)
Ughhhh I love this series. The one on Webtoon is sfw BUT the artist has a Patreon where they post the 18+ series... It's worth it to become their Patron to see it all. The story is well over 100 chapters by now (I believe), plus the Patreon has additional stories having to do with Luu-Anh and her FOUR HUSBANDS, YEAH FOUR HUSBANDS AND THEY'RE ALL FUCKING HOT it's worth it whew.
7. Trapped
I have to catch up in this series... There's about 200 chapters to it, but Chae-A was dealt a shit hand through life and again when she runs into the ml who is a VAMPIREEEEE he's hot though, it's fine, and she's fiery, and it makes for a good enemy to lover story, I SWEAR BY IT.
8. Selina ~ Moon Bride ~
Whyever the fuck Webtoon hasn't turned this into an Original, I'll never get. It is so beautiful, the lore and the characters are so amazing, like... I can't even put into words how much I love and recommend this. Please go read it; it has 228 CHAPTERS Y'ALL AND IT IS A DELICIOUS READ, it's been going on since 2016 but the artist had taken a huge break in between; it updates a few times a month-- PLEASE GO READ AND SUPPORT IT!!! on Webtoon.
9. Tonari no Seki no Hen na Senpai~ (18+, yandere)
Guilty pleasure. Had to pop this in. WAITING FOR THAT EIGHTH FUCKING CHAPTER IS AS PAINFUL AS WAITING FOR A RAMEN CUP TO FINISH HEATING. The ml is obsessed and in love with the mc, and she's put off by it quite a bit because he goes overboard when she finds out, but he's a puppy dog yandere-- imma go read this again tn, tbh. Ahhhh I love it. Want it for myself. Sigh.
All of my other recommendeds is in this list!!
I hope you enjoy all of them; if you want to talk and squeal about them with me, my dms are always open~
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